4ttl øtf, THE DHUHK4RDI3 D&UGIkTEB. By O. W. D'UliGA,l";:' ... ~ . . —,.. Out in tho etr4 with naked felt ,: ; ,:•- :., s. I Paw the drtinkard'a littlediagliter; . ? ... • . Her tattered shawl was this tind small;' She little knew for no 'one taught her. Hor,i3kin vat fair, her . anherti hail-, Was bloArrk . about her pietty 'forehead, Her sad, face wore sorrow'a trace, - And want and woo that were not borrowed, Heart-broken, ehild;she seldom smiled, Hope promised her no bright to-rap-crow; Or if its light flashed on her night, 'Then up came darker eloirdii of sorrow. She sottly sold; "We have no bread, No wood to keep •the fire. burning The child was ill; thOtirtd so chili Iler thin cold blood tole') was tnining But men well fed and warmly clad, 'And ladiCs roherl in richest fashion, • Passed oti the aide where no one cried To them for pity or eonipission. Fled that long night, and then the light • • Of rosy day in beauty alining, ' Bet dome and spire and reof . ,or fire, And shone on one bey nd.repining. Asleep—alone—as cold atone, 0 Whore no dear•parent evtir sought her; In winding sheet ef snow and sleet, We found the drunkard's. lifeless daughter: About Dreams, • . Dreams - are thin which 'conies true • sometimes, and so etimes don't. There are three classes of ,dreams, -41amely,_ •Act-wit : ood dreams, bad arirea - ms, and &rad bad dreams. A good 'dream is; dream whet' you dream. you are to hung or married, and waken up and find ft all a mistake. • A bad dream is to dream you are sleeping with a baby, and waken up and find you are. A`darned bad dream is to dream you are hugging a Pretty girl, and' Waken up and find your arms around the pil low., A E man is apt to swear when he does that. We know aehap who . dreamt thusly, awoke thusly, and swore thuslr—the chap Was us: ' I had a dream the other night—a bad dream—a darned bad dream. • , I thought I was in bed and trying to go to sleep Whbn a large army of bed .bugs made their appearance and imme diately went to work to put me 'out of bed. I thought that four million three thousand six hundred and ninety-seven got me by each foot, and three million nine thousand hun d red and ninety-: nine• got me by each arm, and hoisted me out on the floor-just as easy as acorn elevator. Justat that moment I awoke and found my dream a fact. )' ' , When a fellow ilrear4 he d i es and i goes . to t e deuce, he is glad when he • gets awake that it isn't ki; but when a single Elan dreams he' has just been married, and the wedding supper is -over, and the guests are going home, he is dognation mad to awaken and ,find himself in bed with himself—he is, you bet. A married man don't see it in that light. , . Some people cant dream poetry, or at least I've heard say they, could; arid judging from the half I see in print, I don't doubt the factin the least. The worst dream I ever had in mil life was this : _1 _ I dreamt I was elected to Congress from New Jersey, put up.at i ,drank champagne, and had a servant to put on my boots, fell in love with the ,1 daughter of aU. S. S., and U. S. S. fell , in love with me. Proposed to the , daughter,. and daughter said "yes;" fought a duel with my rival and shot off his nose. Asked U. S. S. for his daughter, and U. S. S. said "God bless you," and forked over $50,000 to daugh , ter's account. Daughter afid I were .united,in prOlock, and daughter forked over MA/m4;n trio_ .Batt ~ fn.+. .1, 1 ".. 40 ,_ started a newspaper, and engaged tile Rev. Swear-Sweat-and-Preach to write for it.' Got tremendous rich, and, con cluded tO buy New York City. When I had reached this point, I felt somebody punching me In the ribs. I awoke and heard a tore. The voice said ; • "SnoOks•get upand make the fire, the baby's got the colic. Bless the 'sweetie, yittle•darlie summit dosy akie, yessey didy." . • • . It was my wife who, spoke-rand of - course I got up. THE 'num?' AND THE Hin doo thief was once 'convicted and con demned to die, but he hit upon the , fol lowing expedient to escape the penalty of the laws. He sent for the jailer, and told him he had a secret to disclose to .the king, and when he had done so he would be ready to die. The king sent to him to know what the sei3ret waS.— He told him he knew the art of pro ducing trees that would bear gold.— The king, accompanied by, the prime minister and thief, came to a Certain point, where he began his incantations: The thief at length produced a piece of gold, deelaring that if planted, it would produce a tree; every branch' of which should bear gold. " But," said he, this must be put in "the ground by a person perfectly hon est. I am, not so, and therefore pass it to *our majesty !" _ • r. , The King replied—" When . I was - a boy rremember taking something from my father, which, although , a trifle, prevents my being the proper person.— I pass it, therefore, to my , prime Minis ' • 'The latter said—" I receive the taxes from the people, and as I tun exposed to - many temptations, how can I be per fectly honest ?—I therefore give it, to the priest.r''' - ; ; The 'priest pleaded that he received • the st 'ter/flues, and was equally exposed. At length the thief exclaimed : " I know not why all four should not be hanged, since no one of us is honest'?" The king was so pleased with the in genuity of the thiet, that he granted him a pardon. • THE CHAMELEON AND PORCIIPME.— A FABLE.---A chameleon once' met a porcupine, and complained that he had taken great pains to make friends with everybody, but, strange to say, he had entirely failed, and coUld not now be sure that he had a friend in the world: " Afid by what means," said_ the par-,alpine, " have, you • sought to make friends Pi "By tlattery,",. said 'the Chameleon. " I have adapted myself to all I met ; humored the follies and foibles of every, one. In order to make people believe that I like them I - have imitated their manners, as if I considered' them mod els of perfeetion-. So , far have I gonein this that it has becomes habit with me, and now. my, very skin takes the hue and complexion of thethlixg_ that ..hap pens to be nearest.. Yet all this has been in vain, for everybody calls me a turn-coat, and I am generally, consid ered selfish, hypocritical, and base." " Arid no doubt you-deserve all this,", said the porcupine. " I have taken a different course, but I must 'eon. es that I have as few friends as you. I adopted the rule to resent every injury, nay, every encroachment urien.my dignity. I would allow no one.eveu to touch me without z icking into him one or more of my ehrp quills. I/determined to t.4t take care f number one„ and the result, has been, hat while I- have vindicated: . my righ ' t I have .created a universal' dislike. ,I mu called old Touch:Tae-not, and If I am not as much'despised, I am re an even =o disliked th' • Ch you, Sir a.7 meleon.' Gratitude for .kindness shown, ac knowledgement for favors received, are unerring marks of good broiling, and indicWons . of christian chartwwr, . 'j• 11.4 x , . ... WELLSBORO FOUNDRY AND HE subscribers liaving procured additional Xi machinery are now ready to furnish to order all sorts of PLOWS, CULTIVATORS, FIELD ROLLERS, MILL GEARING, "I SLEIGH.SHOES, W 0 0 - SAWING MAOHINES, ' &0., O. . . •z; Webavealsol a , • ' . 1 "i WOODWORTH PLANER for custom and fib work, We are also prepared to do SLITTING' & SCR . O.tL' 'SAWING Haying a Brat-class scrow-cutting Lathe, we arc prepared to :oak° CTLEES_E' t PRESS A SVRETV'S to order. Builders of Cheese Factories are re. quested to'examine oar work. Wo manufacture the , .;; Champion P10w; . .; • fz,. . one of the finest implements in the market. :• Cash 'Paid for b r LD'iRON CHARLES 'WILLIAMS, F. L. SEARS. `Telleboro,Ma7 yo; 1867—tf. • . Stov . es & Tin Ware 1-01 . • -().• QB-F..817„5. . ' t'f • . OPPOSITE BOY'S BUILDING, Is ij w,propared ta • furnish the pnhlio with anything in his Aine . 'or bitsines.S; in. quantity ' fl/5 lazgo, in quality 'as . gooti,••and'is'oheap in prioo as any dealers inlcorthern Pennsylvania. ',Ho pays particular iktention - to the lir4Rl. :BUSINESS and intend to keep a fnll assortment ofeverythin in that line. • - -WARP :MADE TO ORDER, - prom tly, and warranted to give satisfaction. I REPAIRING executed in tho beet manner and with diapato •,. D. ;P, : R pllras- 1 •. Wellsbonlugh,,Marai 7,18116. Buffalo Scales, . - ...: PLATFORM J: Co,ll.N . Oit'l 8 ALES, , co, j. atantly on hand at tnapufactu eee prices, • §MEAD'S' STOVE WARE I ROOMS. 1 -- 7 - 1 -- Jurtr,jii - st recePirell,lTEerie it - OeliW , 1 BA:R . R. D WARE, wbich I selected wig' care and am selling as 1 for .Cash•as can botught in any market. OCSMAION AND i;.cgow4 .TABL . F. ;.;;I:iOCSEPt.:CIITLKRY,ti S A WS, '(l2 kinds) C 4 AXES, ADZ, HATCHETS. HAMME LO,CKS, KNOBS, LATCHES, 1 1 HINGES, BUTTS, BITTS, SNOOKS,. Jit. PICKS, SPADES, pow FGRIM RAKEN Wraetv4e.4, COMMON', ING AND , CLINCH, 14 KiNns,,e' CARRIAGE BOLTS, ALL gazEs, PROM 1 X 1 1-2 TO 11.2 X 8 INCHES. For further particulars Oil and see. 4,,,1867—tf. B. A t ..BMEA I= gorse all Cattle limier YELLOW TER, H•EA 016 OHS, TEMPERi' VERS, FOUR' LOSS QV Al TUE AND 'V' ENERGY, &c. user Improves 'wind, Mem the appetite--/ ~ndmp'otl;i glassy; Akin: transform; miserable ski horse. To keepers of Cows this preparation is invalua .le. Improves the q. ity of the milk. It been proven by ac tual experim- to increase the quan tity of Wilti )e :id cream twenty r cent. and makeitho butter firm and sweet. In fattening 44410 ppelltre 10 ora 0010_, a,- their hide, ann. makes them thrive In all diseases of Swine, such as Coilghs,Poerr In the Lungs, Lire:, • •',": • '• • 7- r -. kc., this article ads as a Pptalric;;;" ,: By putting'irom', • 'one-half a paper '. -• " . - tog paper in n ..... • ballet or swill the _ .......-,-.7 : ,-. I ~...-....--.- -' 4'•.. 4 = -. . . , abort diseases -- '-' ' , 4 ,.„_. - -w•-•••*"; - -:•,,F4E 1- • ----_ trill be eradicated ' • •••••. -- - ".:,-. ---”- or entirely prerenteg. If. riven in time, a certain prerentiyeArn4 cure „for ti.. - :.: ling Cholera. i_., PAra 25:08,14 pox: 1 3,1 4:10 L. P.,41:043 for In. ' rß:ri.4i:Ltp IIY - P It A .S O. A-. . r ° 0115.7177 & 1 - 1111 4 0 r•li: • ' AT 'TFitilit WII.OLBSALE 1111110 AND: iiMiellq 114T0T,, No. 116 Franklin, SP., Baltitoore, ALL - For Sale.by Drugritis ns.l. :.' , ...,,....it,:cpera ti.rorh :: out the Ilidted.l3tatei. --' • ' • s ' . ' - ' :1 , , k;•...* - For.sale by John k. Roy, F.ellaboro. • PITCIII3 ABDO MthAL SUPP IR IRS, for sale at Roy's Wag Store= "Fpwwona int ng , 1.p.:T8/I,6llllAnt d• with despatoli, at THE AGITATOR OM; AMERIpA,N NA.TWIES l ip Minting 8 Clues fremos27.so up at 'IMARY'g =1 CASTINGS ; . s BUCH AB to• order FOR THE MILLION CALL AND SEE 'ME. SCREWS; - AUGURS; CHISELS, ' GOUGES, FOUTZ'S OELBIIZATE6 Title preparatibn, Plug and favorably known, will thor oughly reinvigorate broken-down and low-spirited hots, .. .1)9 strengthen ng and cleansing stomach and is fa:mg.. • It is 'a'aure pte yentire of ail dis eases inagent •to "LANDERS, E 21% fin IN CORNING, atp , -e a-,11 f:Ta AT THE PEOPLE'S STORE 11 • • WE ARE NOW REOErVING 4k. IfitniflttroM 01eadb§ SPRING TRADE', randref prepared to_ gr....ver 1 Y 4.11,P.,f9iPt:.° of -Alio t _o_ 1 NORTIIERN PENNSYLVANIA D ' R-Y GOODS.-i i UR LONO: EXPER,MOO F, i ..,..., , ( give be r best satisfaction , and those acoustomea to' patronize us know that we r f i KEEP. THE BEST GOOpS )'. . • d that are to be found in this section and thoso who are not our patrons aro the losers quite as much as we are. LARGE = STOCK. OF CLOTHS MADE UP • TO.ORER, AIVD WA* RANTED TO. *FIT OUR ! STOCK WILL BE KEPT FULLS and all Goods bold by us Warranted to give Satisfaction, AND Sold as Low as arimy, other, Estab. ; ;lia~iment 'blind fiat. , We invite an examination of .our Stock and Pricer,. pledging ourselves to „• • } SHOW , HOODS , PRBEL NH I TAKH NO OFFEN B SMITH & WAITE. Corning, IC Y., 1 . 147 f.. '' ' • ;-1 1.1 NEW A.RRANgE*ENTit. Wilsoik IC Nan Valkenburg. Have establitibed themselves at ,s. NO. tl3l -44P4* ME ME 111=11 lately occupied by F. D. Bunnell. 1 . , They are now receiving a lare stock of D: MY .(,; cr o 0 S 1,1 9 Cloths, Gusimeres,- Vestings, Ladies' Cleths; • and' a large:*aifeV' - . - Ladiee-Dre4siGoodit' " •11 1 =I "-. ~GROCERIES, TAILORING A 193 Vr i rlyztif34ll4,l'44 GO4M. Mir MEI DON ' T FORGET % I MP PLACE ,To bulr obeop, and,* oboloo lota G.99Dfi l We are Agents for Singer's Sewing Machines, the hest and cheapest gaefilna . for jfainlly: ; nee, Of ; repilt, Old raoie 4 'rattle than any tither, 1401,84 tcOlde. or coarse Call and see them. The Senior Fanner has had a helm experience in Merchant Tailoring. and i t is the inten t ion of d , the new ilrm to put this In.ancli of tilerriniiiileie beyend'ancepfel competltion, . •`: +s:l !.. 4 2i .r Wellebero,Feb.-20, 1887—tf: i.f', Adapted to the, _ WITH has taught na that We keep . as usual a to sell by the yard or nrhetr no eale ie made < ' IBM SPRING pyt,,sneh as MEI ME KM W OM . • ' ERE lEll=l 'TIE& GRFAT - : - ~:!*. , 1 bzwrii2 , or fI'ITRACTION IS' AT ii . A.WRENCEVILLE. Cil AttATI Would announce to the good people of .Tiois County thatthey,base just returned from New York wttle their second fall stOolOot • FALL & WINTER GOODS, embracing all the novelties as 911 as the sub stoutish required. ,DRESS.GOODS in , Ail varidiat STOLE PA.NOY :GOODS, HOOP ,SHIRTS, i 3 4t REST 'FRENCH Ways =001v• SETS, GLOVES AND - 11.11` SIERY, YANKEE NO TONS ,to ~; • ' FURS! FURS ! ! MINK, 09. NT, ,and Si:Peri= .S9tarref• The largest Stock of •", CLOTHS & OASSIMERESin the county, READY MADE CLOTHING, antV CLOTHING Marts id did & super; intended by first clan workmen. SHOP MADE BOOTS & SHOES imend— ,. 1 , less variii r if HATS, It p.a . . - Ps • .. to Attie au fiiiiei, 4,OOEARIES, &C., &C: 01g gmitin have been binght during the I . t Paulo; In lialw VO4 , and, will be 504 .at 4 le priess. =1 ' Pekes are' down, monopoly broken 'up, No other store can or dare compete with us in qual ity and price. For further particulars call at thp store ofo. O. MATHER. it CO. Lawrenceyille,,Oce. 19,1866. . ', ' ;.-' 1", 1867. WRIGHT It BAILEY. 1867. BIM WS aommenee,thle year with an laolusively CASH buelpeep, CASH PAID FOR WHEAT 1 DASH PAID FDA OATS I OiSH" 'PAID .FORL MORN CASH FOR ,EVER*TiIING 1 1 IA LARGE STOOK OF FLOUR FOR 'LARGE STOOK OF FEED' FOR CASH 1 A. LARGE STOCF. OF POSE FOR • CASH 1 Call and see us. WRIO3IIT /c BAILEY Wellsbcro, Jan. 9, 1867-Iy.' All personkin(lebted , to tut , by note or book account must call andlettlo or pay coots.' ." Jan. 8, 1807. WRIGHT it ,BAILEY. St4rvelia 'Sitive6 MR. I WALIAII, 33.0.8ERTA ;begs to announce to the adieus of Tioga County, that in addition to his excellent stock of Stoves, Tin-Ware, Brittania, and Sheet-Iron Ware, he SIB, at a great outlay, stocked his store on MAIN STREET, WELLSBOIIO, with a complete assortment of Shelf Hardware, of which we enumerate the following articles: NAILS, SPIKES; CROWBARS, X OUT, MILL, 11)1,111) 'AND BUCK SAWS; BUTTS, .STRAP HINGES, • CARPENTER'S TOOLS, -": PUMPS, AXES, „ „, .AUGERS, I BITT-STOCKS, 14A:ion:us, CHISELS, SHOVELS, SPADES; 'ORBS; . .BENCII-SQBEW,S;' ' " WOOD SCREWS; CARRIAGE DOLTS, PIIIIRS; SKEINS, IWASHERS,' PIPE BOXES, AXLE . , TREES,,ELLIP- . . . .TIO • . IN SPRINGS, HORSE SHOES, HOOP, BAR, & BAND IRON, GRINDSTONE i ,HANGINGS; CORN ; • • -; , •POPPERS, ' • • ME= SAUSAGE ;CUTTERS AND. STUFFERS COMBINED.. Also, •PISTOLS, • PISTOWOAItiIaDGES,' • • .POWDER:AND7 , 1 I I:tArgi, PATENT BARNDOOR HANGINGS a new thing, and made for use. These are4m4,l few 44 . , the man Isstioles,,oempoplog h our. Wok ilardwarMi''"- ) ' • ' ' ' Ire invite the put:fn.:lto call Atud (snatch& Pi ilunnseliear.? We nit tti keep &blest ''quellts oY bath iti ontolinti; atteau lifo'rk -to of e' done pronsipwand *fell.. • '•WILLY.A.M 7 ROBEIitS• ' • --- -44•• - , f ' , 4 ! .•• • ; .• •••• f. • • , 14 , w illebero Sept.l. 1860-tf. 347 ••• • ' ! ; -f-,‘l : •.; rJi S'ileltLllT, I i i. ; • ... /. . - - • Ohairmakerc Turner, and ; .Fusiltvire Dealer. •• i Oetit ROOM, oi,4iiie liaiiiii tisil ipn Aii o i 1h.,,,, Main Street., „FAO XOAY . IA §Sat 8, l ' t WO' HAM i FOnfidly;'second story. ,• , . Orders promptly filled and satist4atiOn go 4a4- testa., . Farley, Tarning done to Order. , efieberoi.innel 2i 181 r: '. .!:ITTOIC.I,,itt. s . .. ~ -0. LADIES' SETS tei 113 D; deol9 FOLEY'S. 11 tea Bohemtan Olase - Vates, at Xi; 86619 • ' - .' l PBI;EtfrEIL CIALENDRII !) Preach; -Ma Oita and ' ahareji glookr, at , ~, " 'idool9] PqLRIVEij BM 0 .01 1 I OM OM it i i =RI -__i !L; POZAV. , fit. 111. l'eqr „ TO BUY j SELL IS OUR 13USINES$ 'UTE will, bpy M. tibe highpat market price, e, , &KEEP'. .PALTS, DELON DEKit' StINS; FIIRS, itims, • • tap PEAL SKINS, • r ' for Which we will pay cash. • We will manufacture to order, French or, home.' tannett'OALV* IfliF.4oo?B, l i lu, the 'beat 0147/•; ., it' at'faiiliteg'ftuditly 00610 allenMent 111ll'AIRING: ' • t", i• • :1 We hive a drat-rate stock of —;1 • ; ' - ' , lllfatirfoMAllN WO4IQ. tiu which tre•will not be tindertold, and froth this time we shall puke it a point to keep - up the beet' stock of ,GAiT.E_RS, " to be found is 'the county, which we will sell at a lower profit %ban such articles have over been offered in this region. We shall likowlseisep,up good assortmeit of-. LADIES' BALMORALS, LE A T HER BOOTEES, .CHILDREN'S AND MISSES WORK or VA- - - RIOUS STYLES; • - and ail styles of MEN'S WDRK. LEATHER f j- FINDINGS oafs be bought kit us as she: Was any where lids side of Now apd we shall keep a full stook of , FRENCH 'C ALF, FRENCH KIP, Ult. PER; SOLE, LININGS, AND , - BINDING. -, • ' Our stock of 'PEGS, NAILS, THREAD, AWL,, RASPS, (atoms , . NEEDLES ? . LASTS, TREES, CRIMPS, with SHOEMAKER'S TOOLS and FINDINGS, will be found the lar. Seat in $ 1 4"0044 , Y. fila4 for proles. We talk business an we mean business. We have been ipthls.reßlon long„eneugh to be well known—let those. Who know us try us. Corner of Main and Grafton streets, opposite Wm. Rob ertsPliardware Store, P4.T. - W. SEARS, DERBY. Wellsboro, April 24,11167—tr. NEW °GOODS AND NEW PRICES T. A. WICKHAM'S - ?:, , A.` -. :.-L ,. i, , ,..ii''l'',`:,:','..t:'.' , t.'.": gAVING just returned from Now York with lbw and oarafaily eclat:dad STOOK, OF GOODS, 411 thosedn,want of Goods, wtil find it to their interest to coil and • , • EX4DIINR OUR STOCK atid loam Prtd a bolero buying 0I80sH0l0: Enfit constantly on band, a choice lot of bRIED FRUIT, s ai,toapps, 'LOUT , PORK, &0.., &O. All tho above Goods ash bought at the 'owes Cash Mires and will be sold .. . ONLY You CASH oft READY ( PAY. ,- . • j: .,,, Dim% f ... ___ . 'met, the . 4tabLai ttio al, stand of /Yoga, Pa., Feb. 20, 11367-tf. ~ , . . I Tit the Public of lAreilshorit SURItOUNDING C0,1.Y 1 N. AS ng gui frAEBS this method of notifying' the' people that the Stock of • • SPRING - le on hand, and o ' ff'ers• it lowei than before The Store 4o , rep etooked with the most lash lonable 00,428,. VESTS, alio, a largo astortment of Gr,NT'S FURNISHING GOODS, WHITE AND oApsnalus stun% ~NEcangs;• • .::_rENDBIts, - SOCKS, , • Mil and a good largo lot of thamont faablounble "fiATS . AND' CAPS; ever brought ta tbiB market.: Also aoi;. UMBRELLAS, which you can buy low for ea c h, at the Chap Clothing Store of 11:'41111 . 134, under the Agita tor Oftioe. - Washer°, April 10, 1867. FARNERS' P4XOIIANGE. 0. !TAN 11.441MBURG k BRO. 1111rA.VOIG • peroluitsea the .flitorely eon- JCL. pied by Townsend , ere ;reedy to supply oiteternets with . 11 • • • PORK, HAMS, SHOULDPRS, WHITE FISH MAOKERF,L,L ,CODF ISH `*En. vAtasuir, „ ' rioult,,,COßN: MEAL, 111:16iiii-MBAT FLOUR,. REED Atm' 411, 1111 HEAVY ..01i00..NR,ZES,' " i . NMQ.PPALP RETAIL, ‘,.4k4il 44 rea4c44410 priees.; ; . ,1, FARthili44 o;inEns IBM ~3•'! • ,•• Will find it to ihelr alivantaajp call and look a our Btock before gurobashVlßMihere.. , . 1 .1 ItemOiliber fhb race, ",' ; - , :e• ',• • " SI .ii... ToiVN NIYS OLD. STAND , ..„•.,. .:.•-1 - , i i.... 1. -, , •:, iJ pi t.. ... ;, , - •,,,,, _4 ; ; r„ 1 ...',,..' gArIC OREN ,' : TVELLSBOROi TEXIVIL Feb. 27, 1867-1, . ly ki lIBICI 2d II .IC.—TiteAlogn Cornet Band ; 'l9 now twipoodl4*Pid opler and' 70214 t to f bdi4ciod Naito 4Fnall'oc'easloni or a roil- . senabhi OrdponsaVini, ','; ' An totEntfabloation, should be addressed to Big ;eador an fl gteoreto,4 at Thigo,•Pa. P,l . , q(i. g; 4 - 4 , 440,1,0itdr. T.' Air WIOKIIAWBeey: Ap01 , 3;,1.1 . 3,6i, , ,' ......,-, '-;, . - MI TIOGA; P.A. contdet,lnrof ' I • ' =I =MIMI MI MORO 11211 ":Dtatei'llOtain'et; &c; L.. s glarlE , 9 • --LOSSWII44k ,I • ; -,, . Tj''• r: 4 • . EiPh 409 k ofA s sire • jx. !Drugs, hiedioinee, 01;• 1 4tait14' . 4 . 64.:"; - ; • ' VP NE9 .6.141Y-,14400119 for Medicinal and Sacramental - use; also all the poprdarPatent Medielnel Paints,. Varnishes, 011 a, Ito., all laude d bruehes, bye Wore, Dye Weeds , and Stuffs, Bno Totlat , soaps, Perfumery, Pont , , • 4 - vies, Cosmetics, dc., , STATIONERY;',' PENS, 'PENCILS, ''PAPEtt AND ENVELOPS, , Mentorandara Books, Pass , Books, Potash 41 : 61111t1 at 16 pants ,per pound, Koroseno 011, Limp'Oil, Turpentine, Semitic,. etc.. ,Fresh,Outmeal andiPearl- Barley at 14 ate per pound.— 1 I am solott agent in Blossithrg for Dr. N. Weaeb?e Bat. l'lrow.ood, and warrant it to 'sire Sardne, Salt Mania, 450iirvy, the hoe, and, all. diseases arising from impure tate of the Blood if died according to direeticale. Particular attention given to' compounding, Physician's and other, Proscriptions. I, guaran teirsiillstacthin; both in quality and price. Remember the Store, opposite the now Coalt. Oo's Store, Blassbarg. Pa. Ang4/5; 1866kf. ..11140er ..41. 1110004 i DEALBIII3 IN ' GROCERIES it PROVISIONS,. CROCKERY, ff 4 RE, w 001) Si WILLOW - 4 'W YA/0 1 EM LA WRENCE,Vatk, ,tRATlsij'A. Cash Paid ifi.lmnAornt Nov. 1866-Iy. • - • 1866. koicsALE. '1866. B. O..WICKHAM, A T NURSERY OF FRUIT AND OR NAMENTAL TREES, IN MBA 60000 Apple Trees. 10,000:-Pear Trees. • A4j4id entiPly of mg, PEACH, CHERRY, g and ORNAMENTA.I4 ,nt.gss 4. SHRUBBERY. The Fruit trees 'are composed of the choicest varieties, good, healthyy same tit them large and in bearing. Any one wishing to get a supply will do well to call and see my !tech before pur chasing elsewhere. la' Delivered at the depot free of charge. Toga, Feb. 28,1.888 -lye . LATEST FASHIONS DEMAND T. W. BRADLEY' Cele:44W Paten DUPLEX ELLIPTIC (OR DOTILE SPRING) S-K: I R. 'T 411ILET will not bend or break like tho single spring, but will preserve their _perfect and graceful shape Sr en three or four ordinary skirts will have been thrown aside as useless. The hoops Brocovered with double and twisted thread, and the bottom rods aro not only don. ble springs, but tflice (or Itouble) .coverasi; preventing them from wearing out when dragging down , stoops, stairs, fly. ~.k ._ The Wonderful fl exibility and great comfort and fileasure to any lady wearing the Duplex Elliptic Skirt, will be experienced particularly in all crowded assemblies, operas, carriages, railroad cars, church pews, armchairs, for promenade and house dress, as the skirt oan be folded when in use to occupy a small place as easily and conveniently as a silk or muslin dress, an in valuable quality in crinoline, not found in any au& stain skirt. A lady having enjoyed the pleasure, comfort and great convenience- of wearing the duplex elliptia steel strinsrskirt ibis 41zig19 day, will never afterwards will ingly dispense With their use. For children, Misses and young, ladies they are superior to all others. The Duplex Ht tic is a great favorite with all ladies, man universally irocommended ILtio fashion maga L IV 4911)11,11,1.1:14 To enjoy the following inestimable advantage' in crinoline, yin- superior quality, perfeet -manufacture, stylish shape; finish. flexibility, durability, comfort and economy, inquire for J. W- Bradley's Duplex fillip( ttc,or double spring skirt, and Wince you get the gen. nine ejffcle.• • • "CAUTION.—To guard agiinst itiposition, be particu lar Sol:KIM. that skirts Wend as •,*tinplex" have the red Ink stamp, els ; W. Bradley's Duplex Billpjlo Reel Springs," upon, the waltdband—nono others are genuine. Also notice that every hoop will admit a pin being 'paned through the center, thus revealing tho two (or double) spring' braided together therein, which is the secret of their flexibility and strength, and a com bination not babe found in any other skirt. Vor sale to all stores where nest class skirts are sold throughout the Ilnited Miami and elsewhere. Mann factfirixl by the sole owners of the patent, WitaTil, BRADLEY & CARY, 97 Chambers & 79 & 81 Reade am, N. T. ropOlar Dry GOods Trade ! 4 0 T HE fiat!seiiher is now receiving his SPRING STOCK Merchandise, rot nil, many of tho' woe popular Styles oR ' 1113agg ZOOZOOD SILAWO, 'CLOAKINGS do SACKINGS, at priota,tieVarikworthy attention. • 4b30, gi full line PRINTS, GINGRAMS. IBROWN AND ,BLEA,OWD,: BIUSLINS; ITIOKINGS, - ' DENIMS; *e STRIPE SHIRT- . IN7RS, TABLE LINENS, , DRowq * - ) 3Lweeiln NAPKIN LAor Alm EMB IDEREDr WINDOW OUR TAI EMBOSSED AND PRINTED, TABLE Asp • PIANO. SPREADS, ~ HOSTRB r," GLOVES, ifv. Sp'oolal attortion le ga lled to lite •- _r• CL 0 TtiLVO & TArzaras6l Ap- , ~.F,JI 2? .rAfßArri.: „ Whore a peqookftb gnin'antepOt On no. A share of the public patronage Is respectfully solleltad.lilNs4B 'BARDEN. Wellsboro, May 15, 1887. RAND POOR: . LOOK [Patented 18854 ALL introduction of AIL, practical, intOlgliery,ftitii . our Country, are requested to inteitigaio:the of MENDERS QM? ITAND-IP OMAR LOOM. ' *di loom . will do all tbuld'Of 4tardireaving. ; It will weave; jenaii,"bliwiliett, plain cloth, esti , . net, kersey, fianneL as3amless sack, double width blankets,- or. any. kind of cotton, wool .or flak Clotlf.,t It trtads the treadles, tbeows theithattle, lets Off the Webilind takes ttp tbe cloth. ; ', It Makes the ated.ati Oki. batten comeafOrward, and beats up the filling after. the cross ir made, mar king batter cloth and better selvage than can be Outdo 1,11 any other. Trap. • - Lomita midi to order and - warrittek ' Apply at . the shop , on Water Street, sign Loom Factory.", . LEWIS WETMORE. Wellsbero, March 20, 1887—tf. VAL!, BROOK , COAL. 7 —The tuadersigned 1 having make arrangements to furnish Coal by the TON or OAR LOAD, (morals or fine, eolid its the patrohage of the rano. • , eonstatitly, on hand, 'a large Stook' of CIARRLtOD BOLTS, ttr., at wholesale and retail. Or' BLACKSIIIITHING of all kind s done in the 'boat *lnner: 8. ORDR: • Vogl, Dec: 1866-tf. • LtIUR PROM O,IIOIOE WHITE WHHAT buckwheat flour, corn , mettles() food, always 0z..... Pill at tho Ch.-lostols -1 111 beforebuy_ lug your flour and feed., ,I can make It au object for you to bay.. , • A. RtIBBELL., 4 , May 18,1415C1-tf , 4 I', WHOLESALE MP MU. 'MUGS AND MEDICINES, PAINTS X , AND OILS, THADDEUS. DAVIDS' WKS, CONCEN TRATED MEDICINES,. Onsf''; k KEROSENE LAMPS , PATENT' Arpin-, .. OINEB,- PETROLEUM 01 H - . - . ROCHESTER.PER, J. , L. BELDEN AND FLAVORING EXTRIVSTS, WALL PAPER, WINDOW GLASS, Sold at 'Wholesale Prides. Boyers are requestad to call and get quotations before going farthor 13 El Manufacturers of Photogr4phic Materials, In addition to oar male business of Photographic Materials we ate Ileadginartera for tbe following, yid: Stereoscopes & Stereoscopic, Views! Of American and Foridgn Cities and Imidscalioa Groups, 6tatnary, etc. Stereoscopic 'Views of the War, From negative;made in the various campaign eland forming a compl o Photographic history of the Feat contest. ' Stereoscopic Views on Glass. Adapted for either Magic Lan torus or the 'Stereoscope. Our Catalogue will be sent to unr addreso on receipt of Stamp. • WO manufacture more largely than any other house, about 200 varieties from 60 cents to sso each. Onr ALBUMS have, the reputation of being Enperior in beauty and durability to all others: Gard Photographs of. Generals, Status• Our Catalogde embraces over PIVE . THOUSAND different subjects, including reproductions of the most celebrated Engrairings, Paintings, Statues, etc. Cata logues sent on receipt of stamp. Photographers and others ordotink goods 0. 0. D., will please remit 25 per cent. of tho amount with their order. The prices and quality of our goods cannot fall to satisfy. , Jan. 2;1867-om. . Tioga Zarble Works:. rplIE undersigned re now prepared to can j cute all'orders fo Tomb Stones arid Monn month of either, ITALIAN OR RUTLAND MARBLE, of tho latest style, and approved workmanship, and with dispatch. - We keep constantly on hand both kinds of Marble and will bo able to suit all who may fa vor us with their orders, On as reasonable terms as c4n be obtained in the country. • Stones discolored with rust and dirt cleaded and made to look as good as new. "WILCOX & WHITNEY.. Tioga, May 22, 180.11 f. - T.. fr.l-.. , : 1? IdM noorbuilding at my manufactory, in Lawrence vine. a superior PANNING- MILL, which pommies the following advantage° over allother mills: I. It eOparo4o4l QO4ll, TM litter, and foul seeds, and chess and cockle, from wheat. 2. It cleans flax sun], takes out yellow seed; and all other wade, perfectly. 3, It cleans timothy seed. .‘. It does all other separating required of a mill. • This mill is built of the best and most durable tim ber, In good'style. and Is sold cbeap for cash, or pro dune. I wlll fit patent sieve, for separating_ oats from wbeat, to o or mills, on reasonable terms. J. II MATHER. Lawrene illo,Octobor 10, 1866—tf DRALEII9 IN HARDWARE; IRON, STEEL, NAILS, BBLTING, SAWS, CUTLERY REJIZNOTONS' PIKE ABA S' 200,006: HHHHISHED THE U. S. GOVEENEENT. Army Revolver, 44-100 in. Calibre Navy' Revolver, 36-100 in. Calibre Belt Revolver,. Navy size Calibre Pollee Revolver, Navy Mae Calibre New Pocket Revolver, 31 100 in. Calibre Pocket Revolver, (Rider's pt.).31-100 - to. Calibre Repeatiro Pistol, (Elliott pt.) No 22 & 92 Cart'ge Vest Po o et Pistol,'No' 22, 30, 32 &41 Cartridge Oen Cane No 22 Jr. 32 Cartridge Breech Loading ititle,(Beals') o 82& 38 Revolving Me, 36 44-100 in Calibre E. REMIND- ON & SONS. Mo'ore & Nichols. NeW York; Win ReadA Son, Balton; Jos C Grubb a; Co, Phibulelpbia;' Pont. tnoy .t 'Trimble, Baltimore; Henry Folsom do Co, New Orloans; Johnson, Spencer Co, Chicago; L M Ramsey & Co, St. Louis; Albert E Crane, San" Francisco. ' Feb 20, 1867.-sin: NEWELL, DENTIST, MANSFIELD, Pa., r • grateful for the very liberal patronage heretofore received, will continue so as to per , form all dental operations, as to merittho rapidly increasing professional demands now engaged. 'All Operations in all ' departments of the profes sion executed in the best Vossible manner. All new, useful inventions and improvements adopt ed. The highest good of his patrons the ultima tum of his ambition. Dec.,5,'66-tf • • ROY'S CII . I4ERA DROPS CURES COLIC, • CURES DYSETERY, ",CURES UIItaLERA .01tORBUS,, , • CURES ORRONIO RIARRHA, ritTREI3 'all Bowel CoMplaints, but does not onro anything else. This medicine is no cute•all: it has the confidence of every body, for it is never known to fail : it should be kept on band hy every family . Sold byf dealers in medicine at fifty cents per bottle. 'o k' !lr sale in Wellsboreugh at Roy's Drug Store. XTOTlbiL—Notice hereby given that Rob -1111. mrt. Castro* Elenier;' has been placed in *barge of 'tract No. 1590, and those parts of tract No. 1589, in the vicinity of Babb'a creek, belong ing to'tho. heirs of .Luke W. Merlin and all per sons are forbid trespassing thereon, under pen alty of prosecution. BLLISTO'N' P. MOWS, ' 885 Market Street, Philadelphia. Feb. 27.1867-oi l • • • viusioAL INSTRUMBNTS.—J. B. 81mIca ..pear, dealer In ,Deeker & Brother and Haines k Brothers pianos, Mason & Hamlin cab— , bet organs, Trent, Linsey ,4 CO. melodoona, and the H. Shoninger analodoona. Room -over .3.; R. Bowel store. Beptol2, 1888.• • • CORNING, N. Y. CINNATI *INES AND BRANDY, WHITE• WASH LIME, FUMERY AND DYE COLORS, W. Z. TERBELL & CO. Corning, N. T., Jan.l, 1867-ly PHOTOGRAPHIC. E. & H. T. ANTHONY & CO., ItHoLUAIX /ND RITAU, 501' BROADWAY; N. Y Photographic .Alhums. 1111371, Actors. etc., etc: of Tioga County .ILLBI3R & LATHROP, STOVES, TIN-WAVE, 'WATER LIME, AGRIOELTURAL IMPLEMENTS, Carriage :and listraoss Trimmingt /14ENESSES, SADDLES, ac. Coining, N. Y., Jan. 2, 11307-Iy. ARP SOLD WY TUE TRADE GENERALLY 'LIBERAL DISCOUNT TO DEALERS PUINOIPAI. AGSR+I3 :g4,1411a8,,:011, TIAAVEL.' •• ' On owl otter Monday; Apr 11,179,1867. irelllS vv ill knlo Corning at tliefellowingbenrit: • WZBTWAALII SOUND, 12:28 a.m., Express i excepted.for Balk h), Salamanca, and Doak{ll,cOnoitcliug, with trains for the West. ; i 6:44, a m Night Express, Sandays excepted, for Sumo, . . Salamanca, and Dunkirk, making direct conneclAn with trains of the Atlantic & Great Western, ' A l e Sit oro,and Grand'fronk Eallways,corall points ' cm , .07 a. m.,111 lit Express, Daily, for Buffalo. Saiarnauca Dunkirk d the West, connecting as above. .5,40 ~: a .. m., ight Express, Sundays excepted, for Itccl,. ester and Dutralo, via Avon. . 10:32 a. st,'. Mall i r ki n , Sundays excepted, for hoc hei • tor and liniTalo, via Avon. ~ 2:16 p. in. Baltimore Express, Sundays excepted, t r I.; Nochester Iftidliairalo, via Aron. ; _,, p. m.. Day Express, Sundays excepted, for DuiTale, connecting with , the Lake Shore and Grand Trnelt Railways for points west and south. 7;10 p m Day Eipresti, Sundays txe6pted, tor 3od IMO p: in., Emigrant train, Dal ly, fOr the West. 1.126 a. in. Express Mall, Sundays excepted, for Buffo-, Salamanca and Dunkirk, connecting with trains 6 r the {Vest. 12 60 p m Way Freight, Sundays excepted. 12:16 a. ra., Night EXprostl, Daily, connecting at 0103. court for Warwick. and at New York with afterneen trains and steamers for Bostonand New England Cities. ' I m., Cincinnati Exp ress ; Mondays excepted,cen netting at Elmira for Harrisburg, Phi/tide/phis and the Borah ; at Owego for Ithaca; at Binghamton for Syracuse; at Great,Bend for Scranton, Ph iladel• piths, and Trenton; at Lackawaxen for lirwicy, no d of Cirttycourt for Newburg and Warwick'. 10.15 a m AcCommodation Train' daily, connecting et nt Elmira for Canandaigua, 10:48 a. as., Day Express,Sundaysexcepted,conneutint at Elmira for Canandaigua. at Binghamton for 41r cusp, at Great Bend for .SCrariton, at Lackawaxen lot H Hawley, and nt Jersey City with. midnight Expsoa Train of New Jersey Railroad for Philadelphia, Bait:. more arid Washington. 3:12 p. m., Baltimore Express, Sundays excepted. 4:35 p. in., Now York and Baltimore Mail, Sunday's e s . cepted, connecting at Elmira for Ilarrisburgh, Plifl3- dolphia, and South. 7.07 p in Lightning Itpretis, exeopted, con , netting at Jersey City with morning expose irate o f New Jersey Railroad for Baltimore and Washington, and at New Yolk with' morning express trains for Boston end the East. 12:30 p. in. way Freight, Sundays excepted. , • Wit. R.'BARB, e 11. RIDDLE, Gon'l Pass. Agent. ' Deng Sim't. . • • Northern Central U. R. TRAINS FOR THE NORTH. Transfer Cenandag - ula leave Elmira as follow Accomodation at 7 00 a to Express [thstost train on' road] 615 pm Way Freight, [passenger coach attached] -7 ao On and after April 26 h, 1867, trains will arrive and depart from Troy, as follows; MOVING 5011211. Express 6 45 p m Elmira Mall 660 am Local Freight 1050 a m Through . Freight , q 515 prn 810 Turns will run aifollowa until further notice: Accommodation4Leaves Biossburg at 6,60 a. gold at . 7,83, Tloga, at 8,20 Lawn ncoville at 9,a- , arriving at Corning at 10,204. m. Mail—Leavea Bloislntrg at 2,36 p. m., Mansfield at 3,24, Tiaga at 4,06 ii LaWrencoville at 4,s7—arriving at Corning at 6 p.im. _ Mail—Leaves Coenirig at 8 a tn., Lawrenceville at 9,e1, Tiogit atl.o;o2,illanafield at 10,413 L—arriving at Biot burg at 11,80 a. in. Accommodation—Leaves Corning at 4,50 p. m r Lo• rent:6ollo at 6,68, Tioga at 7.02, Matudield at 7,40 arriving at Blosaburg at 8,24 p. m. L. 11. MATT sup't • Phil2dt:4llll tie-Erio 12. i. Trains on the Philadelphia ti grip Rail Load w3ll run as follows : WESTWARD Mail Train leaves Philadelphia " •° " Williamsport.... 1„, arr. at Erie. Erie Explains leaves Philadelphia.. " *• " •,‘ arr. at Erie Elmira Mail Marco Philadelphia... " " •• " arr. at Lock Haven Buffalo Express leaves Baltimore.. " " arr. at Lock Haven Mall Trainleaves Erie, 10.25 a Di , " " " Williamsport 10.10 pLu " " arr. at Philadelphia 9.00 a. In Erie ExPress, leaves Erie .7. Co 00 p la ' `• Williamsport 425 A a a nrr. at Philadelphia 1.00 1, , la Elmira Mail leaves Lock Haven 7.15 a a '• , " " Williamsport. 8.3.5 e. m c' " . arr. at Philadelphia. ' 6.40 pto Lod: listen Ace'm leaves Loek i llaven 1.60 p a " " " leaves Williathsport 3,20 p a " ' arr. at Plilledelpbla 12.60 ati " A. L. Tviaa, Gen'l Supt. Litlantia and Great Western W SALAMANCA STATION. , --. wrvrwAnn nouns. . r. AirWARD 800 Mail 6180 Express 5.10 Accommodation 036 Mail Express 12.10 _Accolutnothition, 11.45 Express ..4 11.00 'Express ole At Cory thero is a function with the Philadelphia -- 4 -1 Erie, and Cil Creek Rail Roads. At lileadviille With the Frantlin'and Oil City and' Mamie Branch. At Leavittehurgo the Mahoniuy Brunch makes a di rut route to Cleveland. At Ravenna connects with Cleveland and Pittsbni 01 Railroad. The Road possos through Akron, Ashland, Oilion, Marion, Urbana and Dayton, intersecting various rail roads, and terminates at Cincinnati. L. 11. RUCKER, gen. Supt., Meadville, Pa. _IJ. 5...-01,AIM. AGENCY, • For the Collection of Army and Navy Violins and Pensions. WEB NEW BOUNTYLAW passed July 28, ISCO, 1;1‘ two and three years' soldiora extra bounty. ;And lu your discharges, • OPPIOVRS' EXTRA ,PA Y. - - Three months' extra pay proper to volunteer arm who were In service March 3,11305. PENSIONS INCREASED' To all who hal,o lost a limb and who have been perma nently and totally disabled. All other Government claims proseented. JEROME B. NILES. Wellsboro, October 10,1866-t1 Planing & Turning. AVINCI ,got his now Factory in operation. A is now propared to &it orders for Cubinet !Vitro promptly and in the best style of workman ship. Haying procured a , he is ready to &ifs& boards or plank with dispatch SCROLL-WORK & BRACKETS, furnished to order. Ills machines are of the new est and most improved patterns. ' Shop corner of Pearl and Waln Sti, WELLS BORO, PA., Oct. 31, 1866—tf. TIEMOREST'S M TELy MAGAZINE, _Li universally acknowledged the Model Parlor Magazine of America; -devoted to Original Sur ries, Poems, Sketches, Architecture and Model Cottage's ' household MatterS, Gems of Thought, Personal and Literary Gossip (including Epeeist departmenteon Fashions); Vastruotions on Health, Gymnastic, Equestrian Exercises, Music, AIIIIISE -01008, etc.: all by the best authors, and profuse ly and artistically ilinstrated with costly Engra vings (full size), useful \ and reliable Pattern!, Embroidering, Jewelry, and a constant soccer filen of artistic novelties, with other useful and entertaining literature, No - person of refinement, economical house. wifdOulady of bite can afford to do without the Model Monthly: Single copies; 80 cents; back numbers, as specimens, 10 cents; , either mailed free. Yearly, $3, with a valuable premium; two copies, $5 fto ; three copies, $7 50; titre motes/ $l2, and splendid premiums for clubs at $3 each, with the first premiums to each subscriber. Ad dress,- I IT. JENNINGS DEMOREST, No. 473 Broadway, Now Yor, ... Deinolioses Monthly and Young America, to' gather $4, with the premiums for each. March 20, ''67—Gm. , , XIIiSURANOE .AGENOY , MESSRS. NICHOLS 4t MITCHELL would t'esp'ectfttily inform. the people of° this vi cinity, that they have the a g ency of some of tbo beat - Life Sc Fire Insurance Companies In the States, and aro now prepared to insuro at reasonable rates. Mr. MITCHELL bring boon appointed *NO TAR Y P wilt attend promptly to any business relating to his °Mee, which May_be entrusted to him. They will bo fadnil at the office formerly pall pied by Lowrey and Wilson, on Mein Street, 1 - Vellsboro, Pa. ! • March 78,1807-Iy. . Bounty and Peill;ion Agency. JJAVING recelied definite bud ruCtlou a in regard 10 thn (atm bounty allowed by the laSt aPPrece d -July29, 180, and having on band a largo supply of all necessary blanlis, I am prepared ti) prosecute all pen• alon and bounty claims which may bo placed in MY b ads. Persdna firing at a thatauedmin ebananaleale 'CY th me. by lettor, and their tommentcations will to ,p 01:eptly answatcd. IV% IL 931.121 1 . Wollaboro,October 24,1866. nflia• VAILWAV .. BANIVAND BOUND MOVING NOM EXISVO3B `. 1050 ain Elmira Mail 955 p'm Local Freight 335 pm Through Yreighl 2 00 a in 8. BROWN, MT. Sop't. g,& R EASTAVAUD B. T. VAN HORN, WOODWORTH PLANER, B. T. VAN HORN 793pra ..4.30 a m 409 p m —12.00 noon 545 I. 111 .. 9.45 a ni 8.00 a ra 6.2 S pm ..... 7.45 p p Jai .....10.30 a m .....11.50 d tt