HOME MATTERS. NV EDNESDAY, AUG. 414, 1867. - Now A.dvertisemenii. Imem,it Comes—Wright Ac Election—'.li. H. Cobb, Sco'y. B e e-Hivokxebange—W. T. lathers. Union Academy—Elias Horton, Prin,e,ipttl Horse Eililibition-0. The largest and ripest new pcitatos we bawl , seen this year were left at this 'office by Mr. J. Lockstador, on Finturday. May . he never I,e troubled with smalle2r ones. A glance at the,. July report t of the E. Charleston Cheese Factory .will •notivioce the skeptical that there is enterprise t. rprisc in that region. it is an exhibit to be proud of: We have never tested a Anne Lreea bly luscious cheese thim some we lately Procured from the Delmar FaBto . ry o(Corns & Francis. It is goidenVo the Palate'as well as to - The eye. HUCKLEBERRIES :—Mr. geo. Barker, of Gaines, lately sent ue 'a pail of tho fincirltuek loberrios yet brought to town. Ho may ogard to as his huckleberry from this time forward. , DANGEROUS COUNTERFEIT. - 7 - A , well executed counterfeit ten dollar note, on the Third National Bank ofPhiladelphia, is now circulating. The note is.a otos° imitation of the genuine, •and worked off so neatly that it is calculated to deceive all who are net well posted in the Matter olcoun terfoit money. Nics.—The Young's School House Sunday School will havo a pie-nio in thp grove near John Bollenger'e, Saturday, Aug. 17, at 10 The Stony Fork Lower District Sunday School will hate a pic-nic near the Osburn School House to morrow (Aug. 15.) at 10i . .A. h • - . TEMPERANCE.—We are.. pleased to announco,that Hon. John S. Mann, of Potter County, a life-long advocate of temperance, will deliver a public adclress_upon the cubjbot of tem: prance at the Court ,11 ous o, Tuesday evening Aug. 26, inst. Weloptieveiy man, woman and child in Welliboro and vicinity will bo present. Nkw MnsiC.—Messtt. 0. Ditson & co., 277 Washington- St. Boston, have recently published the following ehoico Sheet Music: "Soldier Songs" (waltzes); " Country" Life fOr me," song; "This world is full of Beauty," song .by Massey; "Sail on, Silv:or - Cloud," song; "We miss thee from our Cottago Home," song. .11lay be ordered at the Book Store. We observe, with Satisfaction the en largement of the Montrose Republican to an tl-column paper, the same site as The .Agitator. The Republican is, in some respects, the best country paper in Pennsylvania, has the largest circulation-4,200--and is among our most valued exchanges. As an enterprise, the paper isa grent business success, and lye hope it may double its übscriiition within twelve months. A NEAT INVENTION.—We have seen the model of a, fram'e for quilting bedclothing, or anything else, as for that niatterywhich strikes us us very ingenious. As it would not he proper to -describe the frame in detail, we can only say that it is easy of management, holds' the fabric se curely without sowing to the frame, and ,can be folded'and put away like a jack-knife, out of the way. It is the invention of Mrs. MArtnew . TOME, of Brown township, Lyconting County, .and the model was neatly ,made by Mr. John Wertendyke, of this ig„ to ha pat ented. • THE INDIAN Ft ELIC.— Some ilDe Qittcp we submitted a rough sketch of the Indian relic f.mnd in Morris township, (notheib of which we published some weeks ago,) to CunaLngli. Eeq., the accomplished Managing eihtor of Tim Pleas, Philadelphia. Mr. Leland is an ex pert in mch antiquities, having collected ft tine cabinet of various implements in aqc invng the Indians. Wo supposed the relic in quo://ion to I l e a pipe; but Mr. Leland informs us that it is - iota of those singular relies whose use is still a i•abject of conjecture. He suppocca that St may hare been a musical instrument, or possibly an amulet or charm. -Mr.Leland informs us further, that ho is very desirous of procuring specimens of Indian implements, such as may he found in Tioga county, and elsewhere; and persons having Each articles will confer ,a .favt;r upon him by .iending them to him at the Pr t i.9.o Office. BIG HAUL.—Mr. Eugene Lent writes us from Farmington on the Stb, of tho following big haul of rattlesnakes: "Walter Gee and Benjamin Clark, of Middle- Tion County, ran upi - Ui ft den of Rattle makes between _Keeneyyille and the coyered Bridge, and succeeded in killing tietre. They were each about four feet long,, and each had ten rattled' • • That is a pr4ty good haul. The boys plight to • - have a bounty for the catch. 3VORSE i Wm - tn.—Since receiving the'forega tag ea hate the following from O. D. tieeney,• E,c l ., dated Aug, 11, 1867; Death to Coppeihends One day last week 10;eph Gee's boys killed one hundred mid thirty- . two rattlesnakes within halt n mile of Keeney vine. Thero was twelve old snalfes and the rest were all young ones. They were all under and around ullO -atone." .41. kloor• PAPER..—Mhe Weekly—Phila. delphift Press is undoubtedly the best specimen of a family newspaper ever published in Penn sylvania: Upon a thorough survey of 'its columns We conclude that it has a ei s ijun for .every _mem ber of community and two columns of State news tieides.. The industry with which -the paper is editeilis wonderful. A great part of it is origi nal matter, andthe selection's arc mado with the greatest care. iNo ad?ertisconents are found in its columns—it being, literally, filled with reading matter. Its price to single subscribers is $2. and less to clubs. AU of Col.'Porney's letters 'hem Europe, a capital series of letters from . the Plains, and our fellow-townsman's (George Sears) letters 'from the Amazon, arc published in its columns. The. Laren letters are fci appear regularly here after. Let our reading people subscribe for this Lest of Weeklies and thank us for speaking about ° it. Mr. C. G. Leland is the editor, and is meet , : tag with unequaled success. DEERFALD WOOLEN FACTORY.-0110 of the proprietors of this paper paid 'a visit to this establishment last week, and brotight such good report of its operations, as 'reflects great credit upon Messrs. ,nghttin. & Co., the enterpri sing owners and opCrators of the mill. From a single Carding Machine ror custom. work, it has grown, under their enterprise . and management, to a Factory where every kind of Woolen Cloths and Cassimeres, from ordinary to the best fonutt , in market, is turned out. They run four loords, each loom , avera,ging yards per day, and tutn tng out 3200 yards of P.annti per 11/01101. They make blankets, Tu do this work they trn ploy fifteen experitneed workmen, whose work is don, under the direction of the proprietors, allot whom are skilled operative Manufacturci.. Both steam Lnd water-power are employed: The Cos illaercs turned out at,this Factory arc even in texture, firm and unsitrpus , :e.l and au- The satoo may be said their.tiauto Is and hill-cloths. We hope that th'ey mat I .—., encouraged as to be able to double the earte;ty of their Factory and work up all the tip ni Tioza County. - - THE' RAILROAIi.—The boillks of the ,Welfaboro • Lawrenceville Railroad Company rrcre opened for subscriptieri to the Capital Stock, by rho Commissioners named in the act, Thursday silciraion,.Btli inst. Merisrs. D. S. Magee, RIM (.tilers subscribed tor upward of $500,000 of the aock, and no further subsCriptions being offered the books were citified. As there is some vagueness of understanding 'among - the people touching the whole matter, we feel It a duty - to state the material fact‘eonneetecl > t 4 rawith,tlEl they have come to us. It is, we pre puree, generally known that the construction of this road depends upon the finding of coal in paying quantity and quality- in the Wiliam Creek; bains. NC man, and no company, of men,..with Capital, vtill be rash enough fia build a raliroal ff9Ul.alaivrPn•Pv# l s l ixl;-.. 0. 14 0Mac,',M9./AlA944tt: the local travel and freighting. It ought not to be eghtitdr wipectedi ti iivill it ho; Art:tip Mot co hafrUe friiiiroade ' 'till iitconlkolltite. ttitiritie, IA& for their own benefit rst, and incidentally for the connatehirenclly — : . , Vo say this that our peo ple may not expect imp esibilities. 4 ' ' • The franchises of thi road covert - 14 remain ing franchises of Tioga county. The arc vain 41e, because of the 1 oal, and other mineral il l w l ealth beneath the s rface,ind bqqause of the lumber yet to be Itikenl ' away. Such franchises were not to belting away. It *as considered 1 , proper to pass them. wi h conditions attached. : — : Mr. D. S. Megee,theref re, has agreed, in writirig,. to grade anti finish the •oad within six Scars, or, in default thereof, to as ign his stock to fife Com missionerepf Tioga colinty,at their request, tilt) , toreiinburso him for his outlay for surveys, gra ding, .te.,:and receive the 'franchise' back fortho briefly, This, .iefly, covers the contract be tween the Corporatop and Mr. Magee. , . W& may say, furthe' l afford to build this tied and if it should °cot. be. it, the road Ivill he Null, must . remain a backw B=l3 Matc.4 Game of the YOung America of Ilill of Delmar.' _Below HIFF'D HILL. SV, Derbyshire, c.'4' 4 F. Derbyshird, p.. 2 ,5 i A. Boyden, ss 4 3 L. Harden, lb 1 5 C. Boyden, 2b 1 4 Gifford, 31) .. . 2 4 D. Harden; If 2 5 Torpy, ef. 3 3 E. Harden, rf 2 • 2 T0ta1.... INNINGS HIM YOUNG AIIERICA..c..2 GIFFORD HILL UMPIRE—James Carp SCODERs--4as. 'Hazlet' Oat on Fly Catches—t' " Fotil Catches y -1 Home Runs—aynnx Time of GAnie'2 1'1)14 REPORT or. CHEESE FACTORY, -- toi July 1, 1867, Patrons Nels'on Whitney, W. V. Bailey, George Parker, J. W. ;Bailey, Elias Tipple, A. Eaton, Tipple, A. Satterly, 'C. H. Stone. J. Petrie, • , -J. M. Bailey, 'D.. P. Benedict, (I: W. Avery, Edwin Pratt, • Edwin Pratt & '5. W. Fenn;.. Bradt & Collins,. Collins & Jennings, L. Keyes, ' J. G. Dartt, • Cyrus Dartt, 'M. D. Rice, • , 1 Nathan Leste R. Gile, E. W. Calkin GO. Mott, • 11. Nickerson, Asa Bullock, Speare, Wesley Pitts, CE+ster Partridge, L. 11. Shumway, Harvey Adams, J. Thomas., C. W. Pitts •E. Ingbrick, M. Benedict, J. J. Neal, H. Petrie, •M. Avery, J. Goodall, • , • Chas. Weeks, Alonzo Whitney, J. Ingeriek, F. C.. Benedict. David Wileox, L. 11. Itobhing, Jae. Hoard, Henry Anon, B. Duniau.x, Fred. Benito., A ggregates, Total mills iu May n " .1 tutu •• July TkAal aggregate in tl.ll Largest amount of .i 9025 lbs. • Largest No. of ehees - The average arnoun , 8000 pounds. ; This report is holived NV. v. ELIAS TII F: ELMIRA EYE AS are over ono hundred d tntion under the . treats Rim ira buzette. ,hin than for people to distr.' all a mistahß, without d Uossirv.—No much hitcrelonyour 1,1141 a.s. your ancient anti implacable ,enemy. interested in your atTairs, is Ito tot desirtiof your Welfare and of your success? Not that - lye' Mean - •to affirm that he is desirou; of your welfare; 7 Ttie leave you to „Infer it, though, if you please. We have noticed that an enemy of anoliheralways regards that other as a fool, if not \torso.. If he accomplishes business transaction 1o? is enemy prophesies all canner of disaster toeilman of it. If ho under- ke anything for his wn, benefit his enemy in sts that ho did not go about it-in the right way ,tl . at.his metlab_d_i?, pure, ruin. He, the enemy,, would be glad to - sba him pros or, 1341 not in that way. In short any main Must be a fool -to try , to succeed in that way. In iiew, of the'so.elicum stances and facts, would it, not he well Ike each , political party to confer with the other-4thin planning a campaign? -Might not a man about to enter upon a new enterprise appropriately take the-enemy of that enterprise into his, confidence? —lt would not he hard to present cumu lative proof .that the sweettst sleep of man and boy is in hayin time; on tho shady side of a hay-dock, while( "waiting. for the wag on." Isn't it delicious, though ; a , sort of stolen pleasure, whitih money cannot buy.— The boy lies 'with 9 turned face, and watches the flying clouds us thtT sail over the pathless skies, until ho fancies 4iimself caught up among them, aitd loses sight and sense of his contact I , itit eaith. Recall the pungent aroma of the f esh-cured hay ; or, if you cannot do it, walk out Alto country, and sniff' the hayfields on 't e roadside. That will not refresh your _-.. only memory but. your sJul and body. But, Mal! Haying now anti ha;Lig twenty yours ago are : not tokcompared with' * elicit other. Then, it was Mninently a socia aVocation'; ;viten a dozen men, with glittering - leythcs' upon their shoitl der-, wended their we; (A to the meadow, and, hang ing their jackets npoi a tree, and taking an - 1 tr l a hitch in the Nl3iistlantis set to the stntalilig , , eass. What a hole they Made—sixty feet wide, pointed in and: pointe.: out ytiitlt an eyot eif,eks, af ter the giound = sliAiltlii-rak,O,Miell ever - tii::-:e . iii--lc-k:lc l.''''':-Vut nits inthe - man who tuts:..ed Sharpt;ning of the fleshly c yoli.e, which, thougli not ways laughed at. And so ,s Alma an !"—and the. pick: , put his own Ewa that stone, did sou it. Then' came , : the cround Pcjythe',3, and tl always skillful, were a nit, till the boy' cal Company deposit thei gre to keep them Cm " hunehmi" baskti a , shade. FUitinS iii thn Ftanding 1, Zllll.l 7lSSClllbiefiroinad the inTh friendly But now,—al), now Cliek-it-a-clielt-it-a-oliek.- Two horses before an iron tiong the standing horsennin r' acre by, aure, othy, prone 1 Not even the h-fork, to follow that lone'- •here, is 'OM boy who used 'a men and do it s well•LLin e is scribbling tfth tloleful i• the time 'when lie "raked aked clean "if it takes all mowing-maohinea as un- armed devil, rusbitig guided by " a solitary down goes the tall ti poor boy, 3yitb,ltig pit. ly moo! 'Where, 0, to "spread" after thr his own opinion ? screed, an'd sighing f after tho cart" and night;' 'We object to that if any man can hfrl Magee. it that man; onm Ui Interest to build Otherwise, Wellsbore otts town-for-earo to Brio 4111 Metweew P Wolisboro, and Gifford istho score:. < , YOUNCIAIkI'eA.. 0. R. llfaynnrd, o' 1 9 l'all, I ) I 8 liathliun 2 7- Forsyth, lb 3 6 oy, 2b 2 7 ;Packer,,3l) • - 2 7 Bowtii, If . 2 5 Chrietenat, of... - 4. 5 4 Truman, rf......... 3 5 Total 21 58 2 3 4 5 13 7 n 2 1 ll 1 7-58 0 .9 2 0 416-35 Center, of Keystone Clnb. 1. J. M. Robinson. -`l.". A.-5. G. ' -Y. A.-9. G. ' , a 1; Roy.l, Packer 4. .4 and 35 minutes. :T CTIA.k:LESToN 06 ilk kith commencing t July 31,1867: - lbs. ' lbs. milk 10121 9918 10977 12415 9282 7987 5947 288 :1887 4650 Cheese. 1012.1 491.8 1997.7 1241.5 928.2 798.7 5q3.7 25.8 358.7 465 57L4 402:5 772 7553, 73.0.1 387.24 - 5714 4025 7720 7.553 730 3874 3174 1-2305 6472 3975 7913 ' .7445 3792 4250 . - '4361 595 . 1 6425 4326 4714 3006 3399 4165 2319 5375 6078 1261 3619 120 S 1930 . 3587 351 1102 960 5113 -- 4901 2391 2201' 1438 9727 1803 IMBEI G 07.8 421i.1 3G 4 120.5 19S 251,8;43. 24 . .185.3 per Report, 52,704 "0%100 . ..... -251,853 el months 508,1363 ilk -received iu unis pressed in one day,l3. - of milk per day is over to bo cone°•t . 41"Y ' Contractors. , IPPP7, • EAR IN:ITITUTEL=TheFe Lily patients at this :inVi ent of Dr: Tip De Graff.— g more. 'corn mon ,st their enemies. This is loubt. No man fuels' „in A 0 044. 83 4 1 0: 1 E4vi' 5 g V917...1.0/rmer tb buy one and wear it out on his farm. That is the only way to get rid of them. • ' Horse-mowers, horse rakes, horSe-forks Cot out!. What is the world coming tel,, T -Corniug to grief, if the Adventists are to•be believed. "As true as you livo and breathe," good people, this is the year when the earth is to "bare as anuvela," according to'tho successor of Father Miller. By . a careful computation this year of grace, 1807, is the 999th of . the bral.en manl who was a composito construction. The multiplication table, rebid' some rogue put out of • tune in 1843, and so cruelly deceived Mr. Miller, is now lighted. Two times two is four, two times four is eight, and so on; as high as',you please.— You via 'always find a number doubled. after inultiplying,by two. So, look out. Harvektell your crops carefully, because you should be Oat cl at..your. posts always. • Don't make a fool of % Yourself, as does a man froth Windsor, Conn. Ho neither plowed nor sowed, ancl ho will not reap. Poor .fellowd b ilis arithmetic is out of joint.. .1 IST,OF iJNOLAIMED LETTERS in Wells. j _A boro Poetoßicu, Aug. 1, 1867: Mary E. Booth, Emmie E. Brooks, Jonathan Beale, Spencer 11. Brown, Jas. A. Clark, C. 11. Chapin, Sarah Christian, Catharine M. Dugan, Sand. D. Evans; Thomas Everett, James Farrell, Win. Frank, G. 11. Gardener, Thomas Herron, A. Rigby, Mrs. Camilla Jones, Hate E. Jackson, Mrs. - :Addio Manley, Amanda Morrison, John Manley, Allen Mead, .Watson Phelps, Simon Spencer, Wilber Spencer, 3. S. Sweet, Amos Trim ble, Mrs. B. E. - Westbrook, Messrs. Wells - Bros., Miss. Wateimktn. Please say "advertised." * ,191A:s4Raa . Tretcle. The Tioga County Agricultural Society will _hold its Annual Pair at Wellsboro, on Wednesday and Thursday, 2tl and of October, 1867. Premium List will be published next week. By order of the Executive Cop2mittee. 'Aug. 14, 1867. Jonx DrexixsoN, Seey. , FANNING MILL.—The J. H. Mather Fanning Mill, which took the premium at the Coanty Fair last Fall, is without doubt the best in use. Its separator, which wilPseparate wheat from any thing and everything with which it may be mixed, is its distinguishing feature. Mr. Mather is man ufacturing this Mill at Lawrenceville, Tioga Co., and we learn, has to work sharp to fill orders. Farmers should procure ono of these mills with out delay. 14aug6w. SiTAICS -ROAST - BEEF -IMLITTON-- LA.MII--• juicy and tender,—may be had early and - late, at the Wellsboro meat market. Also fresh vege tables, milk and cream. Mr. James Bunnell, and not Mr. F. D. Bunnell, being the proprietor, as 'stated last week. The subscribers will send samples.of goods when applied for, by letter, and will forward packages free of charge when the order exceeds $lO in amount, to all cuitomera in Tioga county who can be reached by cxpreee. Aug. 7, '67 .tf 4 J. A. PARSONS .&:Co. BENEriT BALL.—AVetinore's Band will give a Benefit Ball at the Fair Building, Friday evening Atig,.l6. The public are invited. Lnwss l Evnonr, Leader. MARRIAGES • SCHIMPP—KLEINUAU&—In Charleston, on the stli inst., by Rev. J. P. Calkins, Mr. Charles Schimpf, and Miss. Dora Kleinhans, both Charleston, Pa. LEASON—"SATTERLEE—August 11, by the same, M r. Charles Gleason and Miss Harriet Sat ter/et!, :Lll uC Delmar.. - WOODHOUSE—WILCOX—At the house of TivuWens Mitchell, by Rev. M. Rockwell, July 28, 1867, Mr. Orson Woodhouse,:to, Miss Saphro nu. Willcox, all of Jackson, Pu. DEATHS SOPER—In Rutlitnd, July 15th, 1867, Ida, yongest daughter of Parris Soper, deceased, aged 12 years. • ' Sleep in Jesus blessed sleep. GILLETTE—In !Cherry Mats, .July :31, after a short illne s, Mr. N a Hut n iel Avery 41illottv, son of Avery Gillette, Emi., aged 17 years. SPECIAL NOTICES. -0- - COLGATE & CO.'S - GERMAN ° &CO -T7., ERASIVE SOAP ` 4 ' 4 . In me unliminred from PURE 6 4:k. MATERIALS, and may be con. sidered the STANDARD OF EX CELLENCE. For sale by all Grocers. thlmay67-Iy. HELMBOLD'S FL UID EX TRACT B UCITU I S a certain mire for diseases oi l the BLADDER, KIDNEYS, GRAVEL, DROPSY,' FEMALE COM PLAINTS, GENERAL DEBILITY, and all diseases of tho URINARY ORGANS, whether existing in MALE OR FEMALE, from whatever cause originating and no matter of HOW LONG STANDING. Diseases of these organs require the use of a din. rutie. If no treatment is submitted to, Consumption or In sanity may ensue. Our Flesh and Blood aro supported front these sources, and the HEALTH' AND HAPPINESS nail that of Posterity, depends upon prompt use of a reliable remedy. • - HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU, Established upwards of 18 years, prepared by H. T. ELEMVIBOLD, Dituaomr, farßroadway, Now York, and feb27-13-.. 164 South 10th St., Philadelphia, I'a. GELMBOLD'S FLUID EXTRACT BIJOUX is pleasant in taste and odor, free trom all injurious properties, and immediate in Its action. feb27-Iy. ' iniamilows EXTRACT RUCIRT glees health and vigor to the frame and bloom to the pallid cheek. De bility is accompanied by many alarming symptoms, and It no treao2nent is submitted to, consumption, in sanity, or epileptiC fits ensue. feb27.ly. FOR NON-RETENTION or INCONTINIENCE Of Urine, irritation, inflammation, or ulceration bf tho bladder, or kidneys, diseases of the prostrate klands, stone in the bladder, calculus, gravel or brcik dist deposits, and . all diseases of the bladder, kidneys and dropsical swel kings, CA HELMUoLD'S FLUID EXTRACT Denv. feb27, t TS CONSUMPTIVES Thu advertiser having been restored to health In a tow Weeks by a very Elltriplo remedy, after having suf fered for ieverel years with a severe lung affectidh, and that dread ilieeaSo cousnmption—is anxious to make known to his fellow•sufferers the means of cure. To ell who desire it, ho will send a copy of.the pre scription used (free of charge), with We directions for preparing and using the same, which they will find a sure , curefor Consumption, Asthma,Bronchitis. Coughs, Colds, and all Throat and Lung Affections. The only object of the advertiser in sending the Prescription is to benefit the afflicted, and spread information which he conceives to he invaluable, and lie hopes every sufferer will try his remedy, as it will cost them noth ing, and may prpl r e a bletsing. Parties wishing the prescription, rare, by return mail, will please address REV. EDWARD A. WILSON, Williamsburg, Rings Co., N. Y. 22muyV-]y 'ENFEEBLED ANA DELICATE CONSTITUTIONS., of both sexes, nso Ernsinot,n's EXTRACT BDCDU. It will give brisk add 'energetic feelings, and enable yen to sleep %yell. feb27—ly TAKE NO MORE UNPLEASANT AND UNSAFE REMEDIES for unpleasant •nnd dangerous diseases. Use Ilelmbold's Extract Rnchu and Improved R O B O 1 1 7 Will. feb27-13*. TILE GLORY OF MAN IS STRENOTIL—Theraoro the nervous nod debilitated should Immediately use Ilet.HnoLo's EXTRACT EUCHO. feb-271y. ERRORS OF YOUTH. A Gentleman who suffered for years from Nervous Debility, Premature Decay, and all the effects of youth. fat indiscretion, will, for the sake of suffering human ityo-end free to all who need It, the recipe and direr tinna for making the simple remedy by which he was eared. Sufferers wishing to profit by the ipivOrtiser's experience, eau do so by addressing, in perfect cant'. hee, JOHN D. OGDEN. )22in nyti7-1 y. - 42 Cedar Street. New York. • _ _ _ TIELMTIOLD'S EXTRACT ISUCIiU nod IMPROVED WASTI Cures secret and delicate disorders iu u . ll their stages, at little expense, little or no change in diet, no - inconvenience and no exposure. It II pleasant in taste and odor, immediate in ita action, and tree from all injurious properties. feb27-ly - - mApiIOOD AND YOUTHFUL VIGOR are regained Lp ileuttota's I t srnact Ruc febf:7-Iy. SHATTERED CONSTITUTIONS RESTOR by ITELmnotn's EXITACT Decree. feb .lIIEEMBOLD'S CONCENTRATED EXTRACT DOCILE .Is TUE GREAT DIDRETCI. --11XLITBOLIN CONCENTRATED EXTRACT SARSAYARILLA •1d TRE'GREAT BLOOD PURIYIER. 110111 are prepared according to rules of Pharmacy awl Chemletry, and are the most active that can be. made. feb27-Iy. Farni for Sale. " subs:4:36l;er offers for sale his farm or "100 acre, situated in Charleston township, Ti o ica county, Tn. 'Said farm has on it an improve ment of 30 'tares, is well.w,atcred, finely timbrercl; is 'quite lovol, add - bas no waste ground. Th e WhitncyyDlo.Clieese Factory is but three miles off. The farm' is In the Ferry District. _Address • . •'-•• JAMES ROACH, Morris Rur,, Aug. 7, 1887, 4w.e 'HILLARD &' TULIN AVE returned from NoW York and take ploasure in announcing to tho trading pub lic that theylave now on band their SUMMER GOODS, which they will sell cheap for cash. The Ladies will find it to their advantage to call and see our splendid stook of DRESS GOODS & TRIMMINGS. MOHAIR MELANGES, double fold 48. pr.yd. ALPACAS, deublo fold, cheap, " single fold, cheap, ORGANbIES, PERCALES, WOOL D. M., HART, P. M SOMMER SHAWLS, BALMORAL , 1 1 Weihava splendid assortment oft i *SITE '+ 313, i.. uDS, SWI , SS• IVIUSLINS, BOCCI{' MUSLINS, NAIN— - _ . •ISOOKS, &C., &C. qY LINEN we .have in abundance. TABLE . 1 LINENS,, RIM LINENS, - &e., &o. -A' beautiful assortment of :LACZ-. CURTAINS, and our usualli:rilae unsorted stook of DOMES TICS, we have received, and are prepared to give our customers the advantages of a decline in prices on that line of goods. • OUR 'er.,ol,Er STOCK - • is in good order and we still make it our aim to suit our customers, as well in quality .as in fit of Clothing. we clay well be proud of, as we try to keep a good stock, both in quality, style jnd price. we have gained a reputed() in, for keeping the best in the county, and hav all tho styles from smallest to largest. we will Roll off abcost as wo aro running out of that line of goods. Bolling off at cost as wo aro running out of that lino of goods. Call and see us before parch/tiling elsewhere as we are convinced, and think' wo can• convince customors, that we aro selling 2gpod goods at cheap prices, - You" shall ho tied Call and see our Goods. well whether you buy or not WE have just received our new and very largo stock of SIM .'ING , SHIRTINGS, .PRINTS, CL HS CASSIMERES, VEST INGS, i READY MADE CLO TM G, TRAYS & CAPS, CROCKERY, lIARDWARK* WOODEN WARE, STONE WARE, KERO SENE OIL, PAINTS & OILS, • SUGARS, TEAS, COFFEES, • SYRUPS,- MOLASSES, ETC,. DTC., ETC. We are able to offer our customers the benefl of the the Now Yrirlf Market, our Stock 'having been purchased since the great decline in Goods. GROCERY ' AND PROVISION STOIU OL saying that a penny saved is a penny arced, justifies GARDNER in roaming his establ shment a Savingi Bank. Economy is 'i Werth, said s some old a chn H p w T h E ose .R name I-have forgot en ; and it is economy to trade where the of high prices is being prosecuted with vigor and without reprieve. I can sell Sugars, Teas, Mo lasses, Fish, Pork, Flour, Ctirn Meal, Coffees, Canned Fruits, Spices, and everything intended for family use, giving the buyer the benefit ' OF THE call of the markets, an advantage dul;lDpro elated by everybody, excepting only those verdant INNOCENTS who prefoi• PIMMINING TO PAY ono hun. , dred per cent. profits to the seller, to PAYING twenty-five per rent. cash on delivery of the goods. I shall offer my stock of goods at fair prices EVERY MOND4, EVERY TUESDAy, EVERY VVEDNOZVAY, EVERY THURSDAY, EVE,RY FRIDAY, • EVERY SATURDAY, and fill up as east as I sell out. MR S F OY'S Corsets and Skirt . Supporter'', all sizes, at C. B; KELLEY'S. at a, great bargain at April 1,18437. LAINES, LAWDIS,.'COMMON DELAINES. 01 SACKINGS we cermet be beat. Also SACK BUTTONS, in variety, SKIRTS, OUR BAT STOCK 0(11? SHOEISTOCK OUR lIAIDWARE STOCK CROCKERY Wellabor°, May 22, 1867 EW DRY 'GOODS STORE. TOLES & BARKEIL (NO. 5, UNION BLOCK.) DRY GOODS, such its BOOTS AND SHOES, also a liirge and well selected stock of LAST DECLINE OF PRICES TOLES da BARKER Wellsboro, July 3, 1867 SAVINGS BANK. OTHER WISE ~=ARINE.R'S 1 THE AND Weilsboro, Jm o 12,1867 01 , 00,110 NEW SPRINC GOODS T BLOSRBILRO; *PA. WE have just received a new find Well, se:: looted stook of Goods adapted to the spring trade, and are prepared to offer a BETTER assortment and A: 1. • ,BETTER - BAR AINS, tkan any other Storo in Tioga ors ; acVoining cantles. and no others, thereby gain and bold the oonfl. dance of our customers. They are sure of get ting GOOD GOODS, and for LESS AIiONEY than they can get them clserihere; and' . thie•le why the is constantly thronged with cutforners while other Merchants cry bard thins. We keep constantly on'hand a large stock of both coarse and fine, by the barrel, saok and box, constantly on hand._ In short almost everything usually kept In a country Store, may bo found at the • O. BULLARD, A. A. TRUMAN I= L. A. GARDNtR. CJ B. KELLY'S. AT ME COMPANY STORE Out exporionos has taught us to buy ' GOOD GOODS, COMPANY STORE -. DRY GI;)QDS, GROCERIES, CROCKERY, HARD WARE, WOODEN WARE, IRON, NAILS, NAIL RODS, HOME I SHOES, and almost everything for Farmers or Mechanic's use. We aleo • keep a fine assortment of FURNITURE, CARPETS, BOOTS AND SHOES, HATS AND CAPS, FLOUR AND FEED, CORN MEAL, PORK AND FISH OE ALL KINDS. SALT, COMPANY. STORE Our stock is now ,and complete, just what the pootilo want. Wo invite an examination of our (1001)S 4- !PRICES before buying• elsewhere. 7 We take pleasure in showing Goods, and still more in giving our pri ces. For"; with the fine Stiiick we are enabled to show, and prices so EXTREMELY LOW, we feel sure of success Any goods that we sell that are not , as repro minted can be returned and the money will bo re funded. . We make no, unnecessary display of floods upon the sidewalks; our Goods are in the house, neat, clean and tidy, and a plenty of help wait upon all who wish to see them. COMPANY STORE, ' Bloasburg, May 22, 1867 e, 1 I. PARSONS & CO„ C_L OASITINTO OUT 8.4..L13 SUMMER ' DRESS GOODS I N order to sell out the balance of Summer I Stook, to make room for NEW FALL GOODS, the subsoribors have made the following GREAT RECUCTIONS Best Crown Grenadines from.. 627 to 50 cts Figured White Alpacas from.. 09 to 56 " 11 It " from.. 44 to 311 " Best Buff Maiseilles from.. ' 871 to , 621. " Grenadine Shawls $8 00 to $5 00 500 to 400 ' 375 to 300 2'50 to 200 2 00 to 1 50 And many other articles sit equally great reduc• Sops.. Our Stock of Staple Goods wo are keep. hag fall of bargains, selling Prints, good fast colored, at 121 conts, Brown Shootings, good width, 12/ cents, Bleached Muslims, " 181 cents. Best Parasols lonitxts, Stripke, Cheeks, Cottonados, cheap. Our entire, Stock averages than.at any time during' the last five J. A. PARSONS Jc CO: .Y., July 24, 1887. Ticking, Fi oquall lower prices years. 4, Corning,,l 'RA BOOK , BINDERY. mn WE are now inereaeing our facilities for ex ecuting BINDING 0 - 1" ALL KINDS promptly and in the best manner, by the addition of NEW MACHINERY, AND TOOLS, and the employment of additional help. jsd We are prepared to manufact \ BLANK 800 8,. including the heaviest BANK LE GERS AND RECORD BOOKS, with or without tinted head ings, tilso Blanks Ruled or Ruled a 'Printed to any desired pattern. MUSIC, MAGAZINES; neatly and substantially bound Our. prices will bo as low as at any other Bin dery outside of New York City. Our Price List can be soon at tho Agitator Office, Wollsboro,• whore °Mora may be 'left for transmission to tit. FAIRMAN k CO: Elmira, N. Y., July 17, 18137. • Buy the Beet. , It is tho eheapo tin tho end T EARS Sc HATFIELD PATENT COMBINATION HARPOON HAY ELEVATOR, The beet and cheapest over invented now offered, by the undersigned to the farmers of Ponn'to Fork can bo seen at the office of Williams & Hat field, Main Street, Wollshoro.' All forks war rantgd to - give perfect satisfaction or no silo.= Alrbrders by mail promptly attended to. Far mers, in order to secnro a fork this season, send your order immodiately. TEARS d> HATFIELD, June 26, 1867.-2 m. Willsboro, Pa. Wanted AN experienced, tidy woman:kit Ini4a!o - age, as Cook. • A well recommended, experienced ralddlO aged woman, as nurse. Also, a skillful Seamstress. Taro or more good girls can find employinent here. Apply, by mail, to J. F. RIMING. Lawrenceville, July . 31,1967. '. ' . . Tux Payera: NOTICE le hereby given tothe TaxpaPorei of the sederal townships of 'Doge coiarity; that unless th - o taxes are paid to the - Collectors by the Brat of September,lheir bail will be Oes anted. C. F. MILLER; July 81, 1887. Treasuror Tioga:Co. 1211 F. N. DRAKE, 010 i re all k i inds of IVEW GOODS • ' - NEW 0014 - 1 - f 4 f; ) 1 4 ;4 J, I • R. Bowen ifiri.oo.9 lIAy #,Juot returned from , New '4ork , witp a large'aisortnienf of • " ~ SPRING SUMMER GOODN; - :.4 ::R, Bought at Panic Prices, and will be sold accor dingly. We respectfully invite attention to our stock of ~~ ~ ~ c LADIES' DRESS GOODS, VERY NICE AND CHEAP, also, a 'nig° lino of CASSIMERES, TWEEDS, SUMMER CLOTHS, LADIES' CLOTHS, ~: E LADIES' SACKINGS, Also; d large arid !low atfroltritoiat of READY MADE CLOTHING, IMO at greatly rellitaett priaeo BON-TON, SILVER 'SPRING, and o hey kinds of HOOP SKIRTS, YANKEE NOTIONS, JUTS & S, HARDWA.R.EeCROCKERYI - GROCERIES, J HAND MADE BOOTS AND SHOES, And many other things which we will be pleased to show to all whcr will call and examine our STOCK OF ,GOOBS Before purchasing elsowber,e, as we believe it will piiy you for your time and trouble. SMALL PROFITS, QUICK SALES, & READY PAY' IS OUR MOTTO. •14n't forget to call at the EMPIRE STORE, NO. 1 UNION BLOCK Wel'shoe°, May 15,- 1887 P. R. WILLIAMS & CrO SEMPER - IDEM, DRUGS, MEDICINES, PATENT MED WINES, PAINTS, OILS, WIN • r DOW GLASS: & PUTTY, Have come down to Old Prices atlas WE do not heidtate to my that wo have the Largest Stoat( of PURE ENGLLI&t DRUGS 4- MEDICINES, PATENT MEDICINES ; -YANKEE NOTIONS, PERFUMERY, FANCY ARTICLES,y TOILET . SOAP ;CLOTH,,,HAT,H,3, TOTH NAIL ; I'AFLUSHES;, MIRRORS,. , WINES & LIQUORS, &C„ EVER BROUGHT ,INTO THIS MARKET. We have also the Largest Stook of PAINTS. OILS, GLASS AND PUTTY, ' t - kaleh ae Pure White Lead, Pure' White Zirio, Linseed Oil. Conch Varnish, Furniture Varnish, Yel low Ochre, Venetian Red, Chrome Yel low, chrome Gyeen., - Prpssian Blue, Patent Dryer, Lackor, Japan, Spanish Whiting, Paris Whiter, Kalsomine, Resin, Tar, Log Wood, Fustiei Brazil Wood, Cam wood, Redwood, Potash, Putty, Aleov . cohol, Bonzele, Spirits Turpentine, and Kerosene Oil, Paint and ' • Varnish Brushes, Which we will sell 25 per cent. cheaper than any other establishment in the county. In short, .e have every thing ever kept in a first class DRUG ST() E • and all we ask is . for you to call And e mine our _stock and.priees bpforo buying elsow , ro.. , Re. mihiler we don't be underiold. ,„ Al goOds w'arianted or no e,.11;). I • 1 P. R. WILLIAMS, 1 P. R WILLIiMS - b., Co 3. L. WILLIAMS. J No. 3 Union Mock. Wollsboro, Juno 26, 1867 A FEW MORE RIECES of those enbstanthd :Shootings and Shirtings, at April 1, 1807. C. B. gELLY'S. Here - they Collie: =I 71:11954' STOCKS G O 0\ 1 ' t IBM T. L. BALDWIN & CO.; NAVE JUST PURCHASED a largo stock of • • J SPRING &' •SUMNM- GOODS, ombracing•a general and complete assortment i)f FANCY GOODS, LADIES' DRESS - GOODS, FROM A CALICO TO A SILK.. CLOTHS AND CASSIMERES, DOMESTICS, YANKEE NOTIONS, . HATS AND CAPS, CLOAKS, SHAWLS, BOOTS & SHOES, . READY-MADE CLOTHING, HARDWARE, CROCKERY, P A P I E R HANGINGS, _CARPETS, - OIL, CLOTHS, FLOUR; • PORK, FISH, SALT, IRON, NAILS, FARMING TOOLS, STONE WARE, These Goods have been selected with groat care. Since the decline, a large portion of them direct from the mantifacturer. Wo propose to sell thorn cheap for the Greenbacks. All kinds of Produce taken in exchange for Goods. T. L. BALDWIN & CO' Tioga, Pa., May 1, 1867. • OIDI 3,31 . 31 • ill . O -JnoS .10j oSpnc pan ouyurxe pun Hee save!, .q101)00d9U! lv eq mei gootad pun spoon .solmunnb !puns u! ore,upinll 2aplee4 (nom Euntninioll spoof) ,cla aoeo go9ulunApn envy qien!gnicre gsoulgnq einmpinn etp u! Sunve • .1l egn uno /Coq Sun 'emu° BIT; to!frt 6vp 13 „PI SOIOU q of y tuoij annld oval v .auo oAq pinoqg aomlng Linea - . e! aoj . (loon OA tioitok '!pippapq .0 •H Sq peludyt OM P 9 1 13 /9 4 1P 3 etu 11 : tecait.4 nopuelpl ijvo pinom °M ' 09 ' • ' (pall ploq) 'grin", ijaj,j, RI I i `em - nu:Ha tam. , fn. . • 'NOIII aOll 'II . 440 : i bioui awls an VI , a 3 `Bu•oH 3 1 111 /Rs VI Ot 9$ 'pe.iptinq led su _ , ' 1-~ ;. ~ . .? r _ ONE OF ; OF ` l . EVERY' THING YOU *ANT: • DRY GOODS, Grocierifs,, 42y - y: THING ,YOU WANT. 31 - 4981 '8 t:TINI `mosativi 10., Ilalrsirld NlllO3 9kl } lllilVii 1 • io aionreSatri Sage u 'claw DArnins .vry 3-41. • , ' Yd `crumusiv-T4it 4 4Gozis (moque& no aooff pllqj, `ll2lllOllO " .10 11 3 V, '3IIVM-5199 ‘SUAOLIS. , • I= An. TT V anoS 9 taping Sq o . 3nlnoolod Oaul u oa.u‘n p. sseuiting = zuoa uo a tre Eyt :SPRING STYLES • at Kalifs. Ladies' walk in ! • Apr. 1, ' V Cathartic Pills A , , RE the; most perfeet pin.- gativo we are able , to ' produce, and as we think, bas 1, -Ivor yet been made by any ;,'.., have) abmidantly shown to ' much they excel the other They 4rti safe and pleasant to . to cute, - ; Their penetrating o the ' , Vital activities of the ,„__ ibstructions of its organs, pu- .;, expel 'disease. They purge which breed and *grow die luggish or disordered organs action, and impart tone and hole system. Not only do they y c mplaints of everybody, but an erous diseases. - While they -e Octs, they aro at the same .ed doses. the safest and best o employed for children. • Be- ,-; they aro pleasant to take; and, !getable, are are - ontiroly harmless. made that — Auld __surpass belief, ,1 bstantiated by men of such ex- li Lir to forbid the suspicion ot, un- -6. anent clergymen and physicians • 'lie the reliability of our rem s have sent us the assurance of that our Pieparations contribute lo relief of our afflicted fellow- into their natty strength to the cure the every d. formidable and produce powerf time, in diminis .physic that Om ing sugar•coatod being purely v. Cdres have boon were they not s alted character, truth. Many certify to the pu dies, while oche I I their conviction immensely to t mon. .ow named is pleased to furnish can Almanac, fontaining direc lof, these medicines and certift ,res of the folio ing complaints ilious Complai ts, Rh e umati s m, !rn, Headache a hang from foul h indigestion, forbid Inaction I t 1 d Pain arising therefro , Flail:t lt ppetito, alt Diseases w ich re '. t medicine. They also, by pu -4 and stimulating the system, i . ;hunts which it would not be sup reach, such as Deafness, Partial •)gia and Nervous Irritability, the Liver and Kidneys, Gout, mired disorders arising from a body, or, obstruction of its fano The Agent be gratis out -Atria tions for the use cater of their z co., •Costiveness, til Dropsy, Deanh. stomach, liatls of the Bowels a . 1 lenoy, Loss of .1 quire an °vacua! rifying the blo. cure many corn .1 posed they coul.l Blindness, Nettrl Derangements o and all othor low state of the lions. Do not bo put other preparati. profit. Demand) sick want the he j should have it. tiff by unprincipled dealers with 'Be on which ther,make more AYER'S and take no. others. The aid there is for them. anci they r. J. C. AYER & CO., i e owell, •y all Druggists and dealers in •here. l'epared by Mass., and sold medieines every Sold in Wells oro by J. A. Roy. july3-2m E A I_, E ' S (Lute Powell'a) EMB °CATION. For all Disecte, fhe Hums; e incident to Horeee, Cattle, and Flesh, requiring the use of 'xternal Application. 1119 new Com! j_ let, having a Nei of each ingr.! is warranted to e! offered to the Pa diseases for witic .1 that It will Work who use it, and t! without it, and tl 'tound, prepared by a practical; 'Chem -1 till knowledge of all the mediiial vir idient that enters 'molts composition, reed anything of the kind ever yet lte as an external apfdication for the it is recommended. We areaatistled is own road into the confidence of all L ose who try it once will never ho refers we rely on experience as the fulness. It is pronounced by Fera -1 aro tried it, to be tho beet applica ihis Embrocation has been pat up for Ind it is only through the Increasing nt request of my friends and• the If forth us the grand remedial agent eases to which that noble and useful is subject: hest test of its us. ern, and all who Con over used.,' over eight years, demand and urg Public that I sum fur the various di animal, the horse Many remedies lave been offered to the Public under different forms, 11.1110 el these are injurious, others at beet of little u e„ and litany wholly Improper to an steer the purpose 'or which they are recommended. A judicious ant really nieftir composition, freo from those objections, has therefore long been desired by many gentlemen tiro have valuable horses, and aro tun willing to trust t mil to the care of designing and pre tended Farrier's. Their wishes aro at length fully grat li itied. by (hr. lien .) bring prevailed upon to allow this Embrocation (uli eh-has proved so eflicacious to the vitriolic di-eases) o be prepared and brought out to the patine. , The. Enda ,s at artinientduriag a.l tethivdyithetl by tho I.lov tie %vol. Address all Ordeie to tat. EDIIIOND BEALE, nth Second street, Philadelphia, Pa elit epors generally. 17aptC7=43tu I I) at ROY'S Drug Store. • For Nth , hto :la Wool Carding machine. ovored our Machine with entire 19, wo aro now/rendy to Curd all delay, and y'n rho best possible Vool runt from a di;,tarice by Stage d Masora(' if required. S. A. ItILTBOLD,, • ORIN BLAIR. Welisboro, 4nno 12, ISO. Wellsboro -H AVING new Cut Nyuvi wittuut manner. All 1V111.130 return, F;N!RMERS! HO, r HE 1:11,0 110103 E ukarket ; NLe fails to give 111 examine baler All orders s WEEKS, wi'f BELL, or 0. I Er THE B ESP. DOET PitErIUM HARPOON Folly. ahead of all others in tested with other Forke it never decided preference. Bo sure and o buying others. ould be addressed to either J. R. CHAMBERLAIN, J. H. CAMP . PECK, Nelson, Tiog July, 3. 1.86 MEM To the Farmers of Ti 1 —4-- WOOD'S PR 1 1.- MOWER .- 0031BINED MOWER & REAPER, 1 Tiff ANIIPACTUKED at Hoosie Palls, li. Y., .131 for sale to all tvho may want a good voila bld machine. i • . These machines aro well known throughotit the eonnly, as being the best in use, and has taken the premium Over' all other competitors. ( I We slittll keep an lissortment of JOINT D BAR MACHINES,' which have Int ly been put into use. Also of the stiff bar. A. good assortment of the guards and other fixtu es constantly on hand. Price of jointed bar machines, $llO. Cheaper than they , have ever before been offered to the public. • PURPLE Jr KIMBALL, Agents. WellshorAJinly 3, 1867-tf. , SS & HAR BOAT A D SHOE MAKERS, Oi-cr Wition. roottl 7at 1 . • Pa n I - a/ken burg's Store r in the ly occupied by Benj. Seelek„ - 110p,DOTS A order an. REPAIIIII\ good. pive , 1 D SHOES of all kinds made to in the best manner. G of all kinds done promptly and a call. JOHN HARIINSS, WM. RILEY. an. 2, 1887-Iy. Wellaburo 1-i TB*, FARMERS. ATIMOW Ah REAP BY HORSE POWER ! CAYTJGA CHIEF, REAPER, is undoubtedly the Chino in the world, about TWEN • USAND of these Machines being t always takes the first preftiuni shlbitions. MOVER . beet M , TY-ONE TH now in ueo. "at. 'Fairs and, I have - tho can till all or the eale of sole Agency for this region and I ers promptly. Inm also age . t for WOO'D'S' MOWER, famed for its light and even draft, and for doing fast atlti good work. This Machine will pay for itself in the roving of wages paid to mowers by any large farmer in one season. D. P. ROBERT Juno 26, 1867—ff. A, 8., EASTMAN, O SUR [UAL cG ha t CHAN ICA L E N TI S T ently located - at Wellsboro, Office t. Bowen' . 's Store, where ho is pro funto all work pertaining to his pro promptness and in a superior man: TS porton I over 1. pared to fax; Passion wall nQr. - "Tooth ox ractod without pain by the use of lately improved Spray Producer. Chloroform and Ether administered when desired. All work warranted. ! Satisfaction guaranteed or no char ges. July 3, 1867. OLL CARDING AT East Marleston, Tioga Co., Pa. )n gaged Afr. Goo. Wescott, of Caton man of forty years ox.peco.nce, to my toll-carding business this season. ty is in first-rate order, and I can td, suit us many customers as any IHAVE N. V., puportutem The Alach mfoly prow A. H. AVERY estdn, Juno 12, 1847—tf.. other mail. Ea.t. CArt !CHANCE FOR BUSINESS MEN.— no lnisttion for a store between the I own as Roy's Block, and Bullard's ow offered for sale on peculiar and .flus I. inquire at Boy's Drug Store. J. A. ROY. ARE Thu II building lt Sn n &crumble, t ASH 'PAT]) FOR 0 OLT O, Juno $6,'67. D. P. ROBERTS. WellBllo 1 County; Pa !ga Coun t y.