The Tioga County agitator. (Wellsboro, Tioga County, Pa.) 1865-1871, August 07, 1867, Image 4
I r trDIT,IIES OF COLD Vii*TER. - „ 1+ Ehall o'er Cola 'water be forg6t, When we sit down to Ph, no, my friends; fol. ie it . nat,, Poir'a 'out by hands Jdivitte?„i:: Pourid out by hands divine, irienaa; rour'd ontby hand% divine : Prom springs and welli it gush(); forth; Pemedortt by handidivine. ". , I've seen the bells of tulips To drink the drops that fell From summer blonds ther(why should not The two lips of a belle f's, The two lips of a belle, my frieml/3 A • The two lips of a belle; f- What sweetens more than water pure _ The two lips of a belle? I ' 'rho sturdy oak full many a cup' ' :Do'th hold up to tho sky, TO Catch tho'rain, and drinks it Up, I .lind thus tho oak gets high 'Tis thus the or& gets high, my friends, 'Tie thutithd oak gets high, , Byy e haring water in their cups; IThen why not you and I? Then let cold water armies givo Their banners to the air! So s shall the boys, like oaks, be strong, The girls, like tulips, fair; The girls, like tulips, fair, my friends 2`he girls, like tulips, fair 111 The boys shall-grow like st rdy oaks, . The girls, like tulips, faik Insects, ( All insects have six, legs, unl ss they have met with accidents. The ~ do not breathe through their months but by means of a great n uMber of lift e pipes wliTch run through I them len thwlse, having openings here and them, on the sides of the body where the freSh air is drawn in: These little openings are very curiously contrived-r-in some cases protected by tiny trap-doors opening on hinges, in others having a strong grat ing over thein of very course hairs.— Hence an insect when ea in two, as he does not use his mouth for breathing, and as his brain is not confined to his head but runs all though his body, will i. live for many hours in his niutilated state. In fact some insets never eat a mouthful after they are ill grown. . Insects have from, two to live eyes:— „ Two large eyes . called compound eyes because they are made upof many little eyes'united, like a bundle of six sided spy-glasses tied together, large at one end and very small at the other, anti looking under the microscope, like the meshes of a very line net. Then there Sire sometimes three little eyes in 'addl , tton,to theiarge ones, placed generall2 on the top of the head, although they, oceasidnally, vary their position. .All insects are provided with antert,i - e which. are those little, many-jointed t projections extendin from the .head near the eyes some , A hat like reindeer horns. These are pr bably used for feel-. ing, smelling., and hearing with, al though their uses have not been dell- nitely settled. They vary much in ap pearance; sometimes resembling Indian • clubs, sometimes fringed like a fir tree, • notched like.a saw, plumed like a feath er, or armed With teeth like a comb. A few insects have no wings, others have two, others four, but none have more than that number. Insects Pass through several•stages of existence before they become fully de ' veloped. Most of thein are hatched from eggs; then they pass into the larva state, in which they 'are- caterpillar, -maggot, or grub, according as they be- , come butterfly or beetle.. In course Of time they go into pupa, or mummy state,' from which they emerge ready for ac • tion-as perfect insects. In some classes these 'distinctions are not so`, strongly marked. On examining a fly with a mier scope, you will find six legs, armed each with two sharp little toes; two big comp° lid eyes covering nearly the whole of the head, and the three little eyes -arranged in a triangle ,• two transparent wine strengthened by ,a net work of veins, and covered with fine• hairs to protect them from Wear and tear; a pair of tiny winglets, and on each side of the body , a little knob which serves for unknown • purposes. On closer examination of his mouth you will find a proboscii or trunk, like an elephant's;, this is noth ing but the lOWer lip lengthened and armed with three lancets, with which it punctures its - .food, or exasperates bald-headed old gentlemen. The end of the lip is flattened and grooved like the bottom of a meat dish for gravy.— He is provided with a fluid g which run ring down little canals in his. trunk, dissolves soluble substances, so that they are easily sucked up through" the Same little cauids. j On examining the foot closely under , the microscope you will see that it is armed with two little claws, protected by fleshy pads, covered *with hairs. Each hair i'• enlarged at the end, mak ing a tittle disk, which is kept moist by a fluid continually exuding. The little claws catch ori the rough point. of any surface, and the inorneffe done': • the little disks take het 1 by their edges, leaving a vacuum, and ILhus creating an almospheric pressure which sustains the insect agamst the force of gravit'a.- tion. While one foot is raised, the -oth ers retain their hold, and the rapid mbve me.:t of the six legs along the ceiling, sho•A's how swift is . the instinctive ":ae tion of this complex-apparatus. . According to KirbP and Silence, 'the common house fly, ,when undisturbed, makes six , hundred strokes With - its wings in a second, and when _necessary can ~crease its velocity six-fold. - There is-one fact in the natural histo fy of flies that is generally very little understood, and what is true of flies, is equally trutotif all insects. I't is that flies hatched into the winged state nev er grow ante more, either • smaller or urger. If he is hatched a small fly, -.u-11-he - remains all the days of his life. Ills growing and most of his eating ink been done in the larva of maggot state. Then he, leads the life of I glutton, eat ing with apparent rel • all Most loath some things, revelh * in all sorts of im purities, waxing vex-. fat and alderman ' ic, as do most large • aters in the human tribe. ' An old w ter well observes, "How few of us ar aware that all these creatures now buzzing above our heads once crawled beneath our feet !"—.Riv erside Magazine. ' CONUNDRUMS.—Why is yoomtill of married folks like a room thatis empty.? Because there is - not a single person in it. Why are full-drown cats like unskill ed. surgeons? Because they mewtill late and kill the pationee. Wbat tree represents a_person who persists incurring debts ? Will-ow. , Why should an elderman wear aTar i tan waistcoat,? To keep a check on its stomach. Why is a bad physician 1119 an 11- tempered man ? 13eehuse ho is apt 'to lose his patients. Why does an. auctioneer like ugly customers at bissales? He likes those who are most forbidding. Why are people who go to church without paying for their seats not like ly •to be much benefitted ? Because they got good for nothing. When is a physician like a bad school boy and why ? At night, bectqlse he is likely to be called. up. A' • Which is the business that would _`.` soot" anybody ? Chimney s*Oping. A religious paper in Boston is respon sible for the following: An ld lady who was'about-to breathe he hist, re ceived -a call from an acquaintance ignorant of her mortal illness. I The an swer sent down from the chamber of the departing sufferer was memorably unique; "Madam—sends her compli ments to M adam ----,but begs to be ex cused, as Ole is engaged i,n dying." GENEItOITY during life is a very dif ferent tliitfg from generosity in the hour of-death ; 3e, our proeceds from genuine liberality and benevolenee—the. other from pride or fear. '; 2t.W , - TO BUY _t__,S'ELL IS - BUSINESS ! W.E. will buy at the highest market price, tbelellowing articles. SHEEP PELT. S , DEACON SAINO, DEER SKINS,' FURS RIDES, AND VEAL SKINS, for which wro will pay cash. • ! Wo will manufacturo to order,Frdiech tanned CALF or RIP BOOTS, in the -be' .ner and at fair rates, and pay i e.iptiCial to REPAIRING. A L S 61 1 , Welumi a first-rate ‘ist4k of, -READY-MADE WO on which wo will not be undersold, and time we shall make it a point to keep uP stock of . , LADIES', GAITER to be found in the county, which we a lower profit than such'articles have e offered in this region. •, • • We shall likewise keep up - a good as of LADIES' BALmotAts: LE A ROOTEES, CHILDREN'S j MISSES WORK OF VA RIOUS .STILE,- • - and all styles of MEN'S WORE LEA TITER FIND It S can be of -ns as cheap as any . ni era this •side of Ne4Yorli, and we shall keep allfull stock of II FRENCH 'CALF, FRENCH RIP, UP PER; SOLE. LININGS, A I ND BINDING. Our stock of PEGS, NAILS, THREAP, A WLS, RASPS, GLOVERS' .N EE'DL ES, !?:, A 87'8, TREES,' RI Ps, with Bfl 0 01,(AXER'S TOOLS pod FIND/NGS, will he found the Jar , i gest rt the county, and we sell for smog profits. We talk business and we mean business. have been in this region long enough known—let those who knori us try us of Main and Grafton streets, opposite I oats' Hardware Store„ C. W. SE j GEO. 0 • iVollsburo, April 24, 1867—tf." Stoves & Tin FOR THE MILLION D. P. ROBERTk' OPPOSITE ROY'S BUILDI Is now prepared to furnish the anything in his Lino of business, in largo; in quality, as good, and as ch , as any dealers in Northern Peunsylva 110 pap particular attention to . tho c STOVE AND ,TIN Wm ' B itnd intend to keep a lull assortment a in that line. , TIN WARE' MADE'TO O j promptly, and warranted to give satia REPAIRING ' executed in the best manner and wi CALL AND SEE ME D. P. R Wellsbcro‘ugh, March 7, i3a6. THE PLACE TO BUY VT the Lawreneoville Drug Store' will . find every thing properly the Drug Trade • • • CHEAP; CHEAPER, CITE, and of the lest quality for •Cash. • Oils, Varnis les, Lamps, Fancy Not Strings, Fishing Tnekle, 'Window 611 Cash paid for Flax Seed. • C. P. L Lawrenceville, May 8,1867. / F 013 11Z 'luso aurr i Ciiii Po TER, HEAVE COUGHS, Dl TEMPER. F VER6, FOUNDF LOSS OF APP ME AND V t IT-1 ENERGY, tee. use improve: w In d iocrea, the appetite-giv a smooth az glos3y 'skin—az tranJform3 t 1 mi3erable skelei hem. To Ileeprr; of It inerea,es 11112 In all diseacisi the Lungs, Li, &c., this :ink. arts at a sperif, By putting La, one•lialf rip to. a in barrel or aw i ll ti *Pore seas( trill be erivlicati or entlrzly preventive-and em•a f, r .ila 'Hog Chaf f Prieo 25 tents par Pai)e-; or 5Pa; PREPARED EY rxyloVz AT 'rutin WHOLESALE DRUU Stir lIETHCIN No. 116 Franklin Pt., Ealti , For Sale by ..,: I - 2 out the Unitc‘t For sale by John A. Roy l Welled). B. B. BO.RD TIOOA, PA AS. just returned front; the CitY l _ILL and desirable stock of goods 6 DRUGS AND MRDICp Yankee Notions, - of every desCriptio Plated-Ware, Wall Paper, Paiits ai Stuffs, School Books, Groceries, and thing that is over kept in.:a Drug Store. I would also ea)) the atte public to our Stock of GERMAN (Paled in the ' wide world, anti ain't Agent for the " Morto<q_9 l r ld,Peri,l ways keep a large assortnieti - - Tiogn, May 8,1867-if: trill. B. Dlt. FETCH'S AIIDOINUNAL ERS, for anlo nt Roy:Blpm 8 TOl3 -WORK, 4N THE TIEST BTYLE,I t? ".frith dovatO,at TIit4G.ITATOR OHi A . MEII.IONN WATCIIBS/irf ..ti Boa from - 427M Lp dt FOLE • -71 V' We Ntlf pri 'N.I 4111., Ds UR AT THE -PE.Q.pLE'S PTOTLE WE -ARE NOW RECEIVING A • e Il k homest man ttention STOM OP. GOOtiS SPRING TRADE, al rom thi the bee II aid are prepared to ;apply the wants of the 11 sell'at •er bee. NORTHERN PENNRYLVANIA. ortme 11 E 1 ND give the best satisfaction, and those accustomed to patronize us know that we to be well Corner that are to be found in this section, and those who are not our patrons are the losers 0 quite as much as we n a. Vm. R RS, ELT El ar MADE UP TO ORDER AND WAR RANTED 'TO FIT. OUR STOCK WILL BE KEPT FULL, Warranted to give Satisfaction, Sold as tow - as at any other Estab lishment. Mind that. rinbtio :uantity as i np in p ico Wo invite an examination of our Stock and Prices. pledging ourselves to SHOW GOODS yREELY AND TAKE NO OFFENCE SINE' overythin ' DER, faction. Corning, N. Y., Apr. 10, 1867.' NEW AItRANGEMENT I i h dispatch Wilsoif& Van Valkenburg BERTS.\ ,RUGS. whore .you &longing to PEST, lso, Palo , one, Viol 1 ,, as, &c. NO. .2, UNION I3LOOK, ONARD. Ws. This long a. known, oughl,y broken low-spi by et and el. Brom . 1 tines. It is I. d re t p a t i t ,o rti r Mi i. will dim , -invigoiate own Ond ited hories, engtbenlni§ rinsing )the and inteis- a sure ire• DRY . Cloths,i,Cassimeres, Vestiugs, Ladies.' Cloths, and a large , variety of Ladies' Dress Goods. buttt - r firm and ing om CO td re MERCHANT TAILORING ers fort 'E DEPO ore, 11l I.n. Ell ' with a argo , onsistitig of ES, ,n, pies and .d Oils Dye finally ver b! and Notion lion o the SPRING GOODS. We rd.° 'Agents for Singer's Sewing Machines, the,hrst.and cheapest Mao/lino for family use, less liable to get out of repair, and more durable than any other, adapted to fine or coarse sewing. Call and see them. AMPS o that !and sh nne- I am 11 al- IBORD surdtore. I The Senior partner has bad a large °aperient* in Merohant Tailoring. and it is the intention of the new firm to pat this branoh of their business beyondsmccossful competition. and co. :liver Is. Wellabor°, Feb. 20, 1862—tf um IN, COl2 .r.., , g•M1... ,,, • --------''''' Thi Adapted to t -e-, people in WITH DRY t OOD S. OUR LONG EXPERIENCE has taught - us that GOOD GOODS KEEP THE BEST GOODS We keep as usual a LARGE STOCK OF CLOTHS to sell by tlwoizard or and all ,d Goods dby ua AN It when no sale ie wad% SMITH & WAITE. Rave established themselves at lately occupied by F. D. Bunnell. They are now reoof lug a lure stock of SPRING GOODS, In part, such as 1 0i.00ERIESI . AND FURNISHING GOODS. DON'T FORGET THE PLACE To bay obeap, and a choice lot of • THEI !a#PAAT •,; j CENTRE OF ATTRACTION IS AT LAWRENCEVII,LE. . , • C. S. - MATHER & CO. Would announce to, the good people of, Vega County thitt•they hate just kitturned from New York with their second till steak of FALL k WAITE& (100118, embracing all the novoltiea as well as the sub stantials required. • . 1- DAM GOODS',in cal iariltip, SZA.PLE 4.FANOY .GOOBS,-.•HOOP SKIRTS, 4 BEST FRENCH WOVE COR SETS, GLOVES min HO SIERY, YANKEE NO • • .TIONS, (1(34 &a. o FURS ! FURS 1 ! MINK, CONY, and Siberian Srarril* 2 ' . The largest Stook of CLOTHS • & CASSIMERES in the county, READY MADE CLOTHING, and CLOTHING made- to order super intended by first class workmen, ' SHOP MADE Boon L^,SEONS in end— less variety, HATS & 'CAPS to suit an tastes, GROCERIES, &0., BcC. Our goods have been bought during the Jut panic In New York and will be sold at panic prices. Prices are down, monopoly broken up. No other store eau or dare compete with us in qual ity and price. For'further particulars call at the store of 0. B. MATHER & .CO. Lawfutiettyille, Dec.18,18681,` 1867. WRIGHT & BAILEY. 1867. IM;I E commence this year with an exeluelvely w CASH bnaineam. • CASH PAID FOR WHEAT 1 CASH PAID FOR OATS 1 CASH PAID FOR CORN I CASII • FOR EVERYTHING 1 1 A LARGE STOCK OF FLOUR FOR CASH I A LARGE STOCK OF FEED FOR OAS I A LARGE STOOK F PORK FOR CAS 1 Call and see us. WRIGHT tt WIRY Wellabors, Jan. 9, 1867-17. All persons Indebted to uis by not. or book account riust call and settle or pay costs. Jan. 3, 1887. WRIGHT & PAULI". Stoves!, Stoves 22 ' AND HAItDIitrAIRX! MR. WILLIAM ROBERT'S begs to announce to the eittestis of Ttoga County, that Iniaddttion to his. "Ugliest stock of Stoves, Tin-Ware, Brittania, and. Sheet-Iron Ware, ho has, at a great outlay, stocked hie store on MAIN STREET, WELLSBORO, with a complete assortment of Shelf Hardware, of which we enumerate the following artioles : NAILS, SPIKES, CROWBARS, X CUT, MILL, HAND AND BUCK SAWS, BUTTS, STRAP HINGES, CARPENTER'S TOOLS, PUMPS, AXES, AUGERS, • BITTS, BITT-STOCKS, HATCHETS, CHISELS, SHOVELS, SPADES, FORKS, . BENCH-SCREWS, WOOD SCREWS, CARRIAGE BOLTS, BURRS, SKEINS, WASHERS, PIPS BOXES,, AXLE TREES, ELLIP TIC • SPRINGS, HORSE SHOES, HOOP, BAR, & BAND IRON, GRINDSTONE HANGINGS, CORN P9PPERS, 1, - SAUSAGE CUTTERS AND STUFPERS COMBINED. Also, PISTOLS, PISTOL CARTRIDGES, POWDER AND CAPS. PATENT BARROOR HANGINGS a now thing, and made for Use. Those a 4 but a few of the many articles composing out stock of Hardware. We invite the public to call and examine for themeelvee. We aim to keep the best quality of goods in our line ; and all work to order dolts promptly and well. WILLIAM ROBERTS. I 1 - irellsbaro, Sept. 1111 J. STICKLIN, Ohairraaker, Turner, and Furniture Dealer. O_ ALE ROOM, opposite Dartt's Wagon Shop, LI Main Street. FACTORY in soars d; Wil liams Foundry, second story. Orders promptly filled and satisfaction guaran teed. Fancy Turning done to order. Wellsboro, June 12, 1887. J. STICKLIN. LAWES° EMU from $1.50 to $3O, ut dad% FOLEYI RICH Bohemian Glass Vases, at dp3l9 FOLEY'S CLENDER., French, latrine antl Church °locks, at [decl9] FOLEY'S. :NEW; AT • • A' =MI no OA , •., ~ i ~.i , ,-.. :,, , ;_j ' !=' . 'd - '-' T 1441134 'just riturued: jri 'No w and carefully ae. „ STOOK OF All thoae•in Want of Good iaterest to clan and !- • EXAMINE' 0 and loam Prices befoke Kept conattintly on bnl DRIBD riturr, 9R PORK, & All the above:Goode are Cub Prim and Will be go, ONLY FOR CASH o Don't forget, the place, VAN NAME' & Tioga, Pa., Peb. 20, 18 To the Public SURROUNDING COUNTRY I Ira it AC 1 1" thsn:e h to l lo t C 4 f 34 n° tajang tho pooplo SPRING C Co •, • ; is , ant - Strut' Vie Elisio is well itOoke tunable 'COATS, PANT • aiso,a large a GENT'S PURNI conaisti WHITE AND CA' COLLARS, NE PENDERS and a good largo Lot ofl HATS A over brought to this mar TRUNKS, BAGS, which you can buy low Clothing Store of N. A tor Office. Welleboro, April 10, 1 Popular Dry '1 T RH SaVseriber Is ,SI.RIN e ' . - Merch Among 'Which will be ie l popular Styles of 1111141100 SHAWLS, CLOAK at prices that are Also, a PRINTS, GINGHAMS. BROWN AND BLEACH'D MUSLINS, TICKINGS, DENIMS, STRIPE SKIRT INGS, TABLE LINENS, BROM BIGRAOIXED, NAPKINS, TOWELINGS, LA AE AND EMBROIDERED WINDOW CUR TAININGS, MBOSSED AND PRINTED TABLE AND PIANO PREADS, HOSIEBY GLOVWS, • • Eipecitil attention is called to his CLOTHING iSc TAILORING DR- P.A.RTAtENT, Where a perfect fit is guaranteed or no sale. A share of the public patronage is respectfully solicited. -THOMAS HARDEN. Wellsboro, May 15,1887. PUFFER'S / PATENT FARM GATE. (Patented Sept. 11, 1866.) I claim for it Ist. The cheapest ( most oonvenient, and most durable Farm Qate i , use. 2d. Any farmer o n make it with the nue of a saw and hammer 3d. It does not as the posts, and cannot be blown pen or shut. 4t14 It is not Ohs noted by ice or snow. btb. It is etronve than any other gate, and is equally so when o en or abut, and cannot be blown open or shut, or does the hardest wind affect it when open. , On the above clai a and especially in regard to its cheapness, durabi ity, and convenience, we defy competition. It is a nevr gate and has been bat a lja abort time before th public, but fit all cases ft has taben the prefer ce over all other gates. It costs, includin posts, only $1.25 to $1.60, and farmers can ma e them at even loss than this—they do not cot more than ten ordinary pair of bars. Township rights t i or sale on terms very pronto. rii ble to thoi purchaser Farm rights for sale for $3.00 oath. I have put them down •to this low figure so that none cad be without them, only be sure and exainl e this before purchasing of any other. Any one wishing further particulars Will please addoss the subsoriber, all orders will receive pro pt attention. Address, Apr. 24, 'B7-tr. HAND POWER LOOM. [Patented 1865.] ALL portion* interested in the introduction of practical machinery into our country, aro requested to investigate the merits of HENDERSON'S HAND PO WER LOOM. • This loom will do all kinds of hand weaving., It will weave jeans, blankets, plain cloth, sati net, heresy, flannel. seamless sack, double width blankets, or any kind of cotton, wool or flax cloth. It treads the treadles, throws the shuttle, lets off the web, and takes up the cloth. It makes the upper shed as the batten comes forward, and beats up the Ailing after the cross made, ma king better.cdoth and better selvage than can be madolu any other way. Looms made to order and warranted. Apply at the shop on Wet& Street, sign "Loom Factory." LEWIS WETMORE. Welisbero, March 20, 1887—tf. MUSIC MUSIC.—The Tioga Cornot Band is now in good blowing order and prepared to furnish good Music on all occasions for a rea sonable compensation. All communications should be addressed to the Leader and Secretary at Tioga, Pa. F. 11. ADAMS, Leader. T. A. 'WICKHAM, See'y. . April 3,1867-6 m. PLATED WARE—Cake baskets, card bask— sts, castors, sugar bowls, etc., at THE largest assortment of Watches, Weeks, Jewelry and Plated Ware in Tioga county [19de066) PA. !.• ,' i,..: '',' 1-) O 6-' ,3-_ roxa , JlJom York: with acted , , • GOODS, wtll find it to their STOOK lug, chow hpre. d, a choloo lot of r cIEWES,' FLOUR, , &C bought at the lowest ; READY ,PAY. at the old stand of BC BE of. Wellsboro s OTHING foliexi' than boforo with . tho 'retest Lash AND VESTS, saortmont of. HING GOODS, !MI SIMERE SHIRTS, STIES, SUS- . SOCKS, tho most fashionable 'D CAPS, ' et. Aiio ' ND UMBRELLAS, Ifor loath, at tho Cheap .lIVR, under the"Asiia- 1 oods Trade 1 ow "receiving his STOCK i andise, Cancl many of tho moot SCOMOp NOS & SACKINGS, ortby of attention till line 'of 0. B. KIMBALL, Oceola, Tioga Co. Pa. FOLEY'S FOLEY'S t '~ Dxag~ r fi~edipaee, &D. J. L. IS E L'D EN 9 I,IIIPBEIWAG, PA. Knib constantly on kand a fine stock of Pare Drags, Medicines, Chemicals, &0., WINES AND LIQUORS, for Medicinal and _flacremental use; also all the popular Patent Medialnes, Paints, Varnishes, Oils, Ito, all kinds of brashes, Dye Colors, Dyo Woods and Stuffs, One Toilet Soaps, Perfumery, Pom ades, Cosmetios, .kc., • .sTATIoNgt.y, PENCILS, PAnit Bromorandam Books, Pail 'Books ' &e., Potash in bulk at 15 cents per pound, Kerosene Oil, Lamp Oil, Turpentine, Benzine, 45z./k • . Fresh Oatmeal and Pearl Barley at 10 cts per pound. I am sole gent in Blossburg for Dr. Fir' N. Weaver's Ext. Fir' weed, . and warrant it to oure Scrofula, Salt Rh um, Scurvy, .Biutples on the face, and all d Imes • arising from impure state of the Blood if need according to directions. Partial)lay attoition i4Ten to compounding Physician's and other Prescriptions. I gitaran toe satisfaction both in quality and price. Remember the Store, opposite the now Coal Co's Store, Blosaburg, Pa. lApi.; 1 . 5, 186*- ti; '. "-; ;! , • ',`, '! 1 Mather & Ilorto , DEALVIR IN GROCBRIES - &-.PROVISIONS, CROCKERY, 14". AWARE, WOOD'l'Si.watibt-:WARE, ,Y,ANICEE NOTIONS. LAWRENCEVILLE, Cash Paid for Produce, C ..a..IIAOTRETEz, Nov. 21, 1866-Iy. • 1866. FOR . SALE. 1866. BY - B. C. WICKHAM, AT HIS NURSERY OF FRUIT AND OR NAMENTAL TREES; IN TIOGA 60,000 Apple Trees. 4.0,000 Pear Trees. A good supply ,of PLUM, PEACH, CHERRY, and ORNAMENTAL TREES Jo SHRUBBERY. The Bruit trees are composcd'of the choicest varieties, good, healthy, some of them large and in hoaxing. Any one wishing to *it a supply will do well to oall and see my stock before pur chasing elsewhere. 03 , Delivered at the depot free of charge. Time r Feb. 28,1866-1 y ILARRAIt'S NATIONAL GATE [Patented Septemb©r 20th, 1864.] ITS CLAIMS ARE 1. The most common ,workman or a farmer can build it. • • 2. It is made of all sizes, and is perfectly adapted to all Gate purposes, whether for cattle yard, farm, door-yard A)F garden. . - E. It requires no bingos, and cannot bo blown opon nor stint. 4. It does not swag the post, and the (late itself cannot sag, ,t. b. Breach) , stook cannot open it. 6. It cannot bo driven against when open. 7. It Is not obstructed by either rain, sleet or snow. 8. Being built without mortise or tenon, it costs but little more than 0. pair of good bars. 9. It is stronger than any other gate built of an equal amount of lumber, and its strength is equal upon both sides. 10. It is the choapest, Politest, and most con venient and ddrable (late in use. During tho<fall of 1865, tho National Onto has received the highest award at SEVEN STATE and same. SEVENTY COUNTY FAIRS, and in competition with other Gates, it has taken the FIRST PREMIUM in every instande. It:challenges the whole list of Gates to a prac tical teat, throughout all seasons. The National Gate has received the unquali lied approbation of all who have used it. These' Gates, including Posteyara built at a cost of $4 . to $B, according to Worhnianallip and material used. Their manufacture insures a profitable investment •of capital, as 0.39 y com mend a ready 'Bala at from 160 to 106/per cent. profit; and it is perfectly safe to put:them up at all times under a warrant, as they 14415ir in no case failed to give the fullest sat'sfactioti. P. BILES, /D. ANGELL, A. ALBA. pa- Township and Far Rights for solo in Tioga said Bradford o°lll4l s. J Applicants for ./ pu chase of Territory, send for Circular ()chaining particulars. Rights for average/Farms are uniformly sold for $lO each, including printed drafts and speci fications for building all sizes of both Farm and Entrance Gate, by the aid of which any one can construct them/ On reeelpt,df $lO, in all cases accompanied by a particular/description of the land for which the right is ;lashed, the appropriate Conveyance, drafts, &c., will be promptly forwarded. .Address, with stamp, , !NATIONAL GATE CO., arch 27, 1867—tf. Knoxville, Pa. //' LATEST FASHIONS DEMAND J. W. BRADLEY'S Celebrated, Paten - DUPLEX ELLIPTIC (OR. DOMILII SPBING) SKIR .., 1 HEY will not bend or break like the ' Ingle spring, but will preserve their perfect and graceful shove when three or four ordinary skirts will have been thrown aside as useless. The hoops are covered with double and twisted thread, end the bottom rods are not only dou ble springs, but twice (or double) covered; proven . ..ling them from wearing out when dragging down stoops, stairs, Ste. The werwlerfut flexibility and 1 great comfort and pleasure to any lady wearing & the Duplex Elliptic Skirt, will be experienced f articniarly in all crowded assemblies, operas, carriages, railroad cars, church pews, armchairs, for promenade and house dress, s the skirt can be folded when in use to occupy a small place as easily and conveniently as is silk or muslin dress, an in- Irikll/010 gnality,itiCrinolLtie, not foUtui in any single ... . r spring skirt. - - A lady hewing enjoyed the pleasure, comfort and great convenience of wearing the duplex elliptic steel spring skirt fora single day. will never afterwards will ingly dispense with their use. For children, Misses and young ladies they ara superior to all others. The Duplex Elliptic is a great favorite with all ladle and isuniversally rechnimandifil by the ' fashion Meg i nines, as the standard skirt of the fashicinable world. !lo enjoy the following inestimable ' advantages n orinelina, vie:. superior quality, perlbot manufec e, stylish shape and finish, flexibility, durability, comfort and economy, inquire for J.,iii- Ilradley'a Duplex Ellipr, tic ' or double spring skirt, and' be sure you get the gen aint) article. , cAI3TION.—To guard against imposition, be particu ler tq notice that skirts offered as "duplex" have the red ink stamp„vis ; "J. W. Bradley's Vapies Elliptic Steel Springs," upon the . tvaletbantlr-uenal others are genuine. Also notice that every htiop - will admit a pin being bused ehrOtigti the center , thus revealing the two -(or ilettble)eptingi-hraided together therein, which is the seers: of their Ilerdbflity and strength;and a com bination not to be found In-any other skirt. , For sale in all stores where first class skirts aro sold throughout the Vted .fltates and elsewhere. Mann. re factud.l4. tbeee otrnore of the patent, WUSTS, BRADLEY A CARY, jelyg s gru, 97 Clyynbern 479& 81 Reade ate. l N.Y. POT; ,111,601 C COAL.-- , The undersigned, - having make arrangements to furnish Coal by the TON or CAR LOAD, coarse or fine, solic its the patronageOf the public. ALSO—has constantly on hand, a large stook of CARRIAGE BOLTS, So., at wholesale and retail. frigir: BLACKSMITEING of all kinds done in the best manner. S. Id. GEER. Tioga, Dee. I, 1866-tf. Rochester ' Trout Flies. FMB fitailatiber is agent for, **above celebra ted 'Plies. Also a fine assortment of Lead. ere, Kinsey hooks, Snolla, Braided Sea ~ insas & Linen Linos, Trout Baskets, Fly Books, out, Ply Rods, Reels. &0., &o. Shop in roar of iP Roberts's Tin Shop. LORAN A. SEARS. ' ellsboro, May 29, 1867. kILOUR FROM CHOICE WHITE WHEAT, buckwheat flour, corn meal aad feed, always ori band. Call at the Charleston Mlll before buy. fig your dour and feed. I can make It an objeot for you to buy. A. RUSSELL. May 16,1866-tf New Spring Goods just received at C. B..KELLErs. April 1, 1867. 11 1 1101ABSALli DRUG STORE. DRUGS AND MEDICINES, PAINTS AND OILS, TIiAbDEUS DAVIDS' INKS, CONCEN- KEROSENE LAMPS, PATENT MEDI- L., BALDEN. CORNING, N. Y. 1 1 'RATED MEDICINES, CIN o . - CINNATI WINES AND BRANDY, WHITE- WASH LIME, CINES, PETROLEUM OIL, ROCHESTER PER- FUMERY AND FLAVORING EXTRACTS, WALL PAPER, WINDOW GLASS, AND DYE COLORS; Sold at Wbolosale Prices. Buyers are requested to call and got quotations before going further East W. D. TERBELII it- CO Corning, N. Y., Jan. 1, 1867-ly PIIOTOGRAPHI E. & IL T. ANTHONY & CO.; Manufacturers of Photographic Materials, WHOLVIALE AND RETAIL, 501 BROADWAY, N. Y In addition to our main business of Photographic Materials we arc Ilendunartere for the following, viz: Storeoacopos & Stereo copic VibVio Of American and Foreign Cities and LandfiCapba, Groups, Statuary, etc. Stereoscopic Views of the War, Froni &valves made in the various campaigns and foiming a complete Photographic history of the great contest. ,Storooscoisic Views on Glass; Adapted for either Magic Lanterns or tho Stereoscope. Our Catalogno will bo sent to any address on receipt of Stamp. Photographic Albums. We manufacture more largely than any other house, about 200 varieties from 60 cents to $6O mph. Our ALBUMS have the reputation of being superior Jo beauty and durability to all others. Card Phqtographs of Generals, States. taen,4ictors. otc., etc. Our Catalogue embraces ove'r FIVE THOUSAND different subjects, Including reAtoductions of the most oelebrated Engravings, Paintings, Statues, etc. Cata logues sent' on receipt of stamp Photographers and others ordering goods C.O. D., will please remit 26 per cent: of the amount with theft . order. Thu prices and quality of our goods cannot fail to satisfy. Jan. 2,1867-9 m. Tioga Marble Works, MILE undersigned. are now prepared, to exu I. cute all orders for Tomb Stones and Mona meats of either ITALIAN OR RUTLA A MARBLE of the latest style and mix.° ed workinanshi and with dispatch. We keep constantly on hid botto• i kinds of Marble and will bo able to suit all who! tuay fa vor us with their orders, on as reasonable terms as can be obtained in the country. Stones disooloreci with rust and dirt clean° and made to look as good as now. WILCOX & WHITNEY. Tioga, May 22, 1867-ti. ° T 6 the Farmers. of Tioga County T An now building at my manufactory, in Lawrence I vine. a superior FANNING MILL, which potmems tho following advantages over another mine: • I. It separates oats, rat litter, and foul seeds, and chess and cockle, from wheat. 2. It cleans flax seed, takes out yellow seed, and all otb i gr seeds, perfectly. 3,' It cleans timothy sea 4. It does all other separating required of a mill. This mill is built of the !best and most durable tim bar, In good style, and Is sold cheap for cash, or pro- duce. . . I will At a patont slovo, for separating oats from wheat, to other mulls, on reasonablo terms. Lawrenceville, October 10, 1806-tf WALKER & LATHROP, DEALERS IN HARDWARE, IRON, STEEL, NAILS STOVES, TIN-WARE, BELTING, SAWS, CUTLERY WATER LIME, AGRICULTURAL I6IPLEMENTP, Carriago and Harness Trimmuigs, HARNESSET,_SACDLES, Corning, N. Y., Jan. 2,1867-Iy. } RE111 : 11VG-TONS FIRE .ARIIIB. dUP 'OLD BY THE TRADE GrafE7Aer LIBERAL DISCOUNT - TO DEALERS 200,000 FURNISH ' S'' , THE U.S.GOVERNRENT Army Revolver, Navy Revolver, Belt Revolver, Pollee Revolver, ... New Pocket Revolver 31 100 inl'Galibre Pocket Revolver, (Rider's pt.) 31.100 iu.!Calibro Repeating Pistol, (Elliott pt.) No 22 & , 32 Cart* Vest Pocket Piptol, No 22, 30, 32 1 41 •Oariridge Gun Cane J No 22• Sc, 32 Cartridge Breech Loading Rifle,(Beals') No 32 & 33 Revolving Rifle, '36 lt, 44-100 ini Calibte E. REMINGTON ..t iIONNt., PRINCIPAL AGENTS. /!4TOOTO & Nichols. New York; Wm Road & Son, Boston; Jos C Grubb Jr., Co, Philodelphim Pool. they 14 Trimble, Baltimore; Henry Folsom tt, Co, Now Orleans; Johnson, Sponeer & Co, hicago; L M Ramsey & Co,. St. Louis; Albert • 3 Crane, San Francisco. Feb 20, 180 ..541. Tipb • NEWELL, DENTIST, MANSFIELD, Ye., • .grateful for the very, liberal patronage heretofore received, will continue so as to per form all dental operations, as to merit the pidly increasing professional demands now e gaged. All operations in P OI departments of the profes sion executed in the best possible MIMIC . All new, useful invontions'irtid improvement adopt ed.. The highest good Of his patrons the 11a-ma ture of his ambition. Dec. 5, ' )6--tf ROY'S CHOLERA DROPS • CURES COLIC, CURES DYSETEI?Y, CURES CHOLERA MORBUS, CURES CHRONIC DIARRHEA, S all Howol Complaints, hut does not care anything clan. This medicine -an° cure-aIL : it has the confidence of every body. for It is never known to fail : it should be kept on band by every family. Sold by &Mors in ,medieine at fift y cents per bottle. For ealo in 'Wellaboreugh. at Roy's Drug Store. . NOTlCE.—Notiee is hereby given hotßob ort 'Custard; Senior, has been placed in charge of tract No. 1590, and ; those pmts of *net N0.'1589, in. the vicinity of 13,abb's crk clf, belong. ing to the heirs of Luke W. !orris; .hriti all per sons aro forbid trespassing hereon, under pen alty of prosecution. BLLISTON P. ORR IS, fit!S Market Street, Philadelphia. Feb. 27. 1887—lime MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS.—J. B. Shako pear, dealer in Veeker & Brother! and Haines A. Brothers pianos, Mason & Rainlin cab— inet organic, Trent, Linsey & Co. melodeons. and the B. Shoninger melodeons. Room over J. R. Bowon'a etore. Sept 12, 1866. , RAILWZtV. • ' On and aftoibtondny, Apr 11,29,180, trains 11 in leaN Corning at tlitifollowingbotire: vaitaXwann tomb, • 12:28 a.m., Express Mail, SUI1.11‘) a excepted. for Buffa lo, Salamanca,and Dunkirk, con ecting with traits for the West. 1k44 a m Night Express, Stuldays exe pled, for Buffalo. Salamanca, and Dunkirk, making beet CODEnltfi4l with trains of the Atlantic it Great %stet n, isle Shore,and Grand Trunk Railways, forall points 7:07 a. m.,Nlght Express, Daily, for BUffetio, Ss la m r a , Dunkirk and the Wet, connecting ns above 7:11 a. tn.`, Night Express, SUndays excepted, ro, L oa , ester and Buffalo, via Avon. 10:32 a. m., 3fail Train, Sundays excepted, for Both.. ter and Buffalo, via Avoi, 2:15 p..m. Baltimore Express, Sundsysi excepted, Rochester and Buffalo, via Avon. 7;03 p. m.. Day Express, Sundays excepted, for Buffalo, connecting with the Lake Shwa and Grand Trunk • Railways for points west and south. 7;10 p m Dap ExpreesiStindays exceptec , tor Rochester 5:40 p. m., Emigfant train, Daily, fch the West. 12:25 a. m. Express Mail, Sundays excepted, fin nuffak , Salamanca and Du kirk, connecting with to f, r the West. 12.50 p m Way Frei t, Sundays excepted. ' EITRARD BOUND. 12:16 a. m., Night EX:Press, Daily, connecting at , Gr" . court for Warwick, and at New York with sittrlio,,r, trains and steamers for Bostonaud New Loglacd Citiefi. 4:01n. m., Cincinnati Express. Mondays excepted, cot, necting at Elmira for liarrieburg, Philadelphia and the South; at Owego for Ithaca; at Einghamt,t, for Syracuse; at Great Baud for Scranton, Thiliatl. phia, and Trenton; at Lanka waxen for Hawley, and a t Grayeourt for Newburg and Warwick . 10.15 ata Accommodation Train daily, connecting e ; at Elmira for Canandaigua. 10:48 R. tn., Day EXI}TCBO,BUladayS excepted,connectic i at Elmira for Caahmittigua, at Binghamton for But Buse, atGreat Bond for Scranton, at Laelrawaxet f;r Manley, and at Jersey City withmidnight Elpettt Train of Now Jersoy Railroad for Philadelpitia,Put.• more and Washington. 3:12 p. td., Baltimore Express, Sundays excepted 4:38 Om., New York and Baltimore Mail. Band a) . t , coptod, connecting at Elmira for Ilarrisburgh.Pinli delphia, and South., LOT p m Lightning Express, Sundays excepted, cc.c. necting at Jersey City with morning express trait: cd New Jersey Railroad for Baltimore and Washingtcc and at Now York "with morale, express trains i' Boston and the East. 12:30 p. in. way Freight, Sundays xcepted. don't Paae. Agent TRAINS FOR THE NORTH. Trains for Canandaguia leave Elmira as fell6wB: Accomodation at 7 G 4 ti Express (fastest train on r0ad].......... ........ ...II 45 Stall6ls p a , Way Freight, [passenga coach att . actic4] .... . 7hp t z On and after Apriligertrains will arm,. kni depart from Troy, as follows; . • MOVING BOUTII. 7iovixe sorra Express 11 45 pre Express .........lp;p alz Elmira Mail '550 a m Elmira Ma11.........t5 1 • t . Local Freight 10 50a Lbw] .. 335 Through Freight 0 55 p m I Through Freigbi 2 09, E. S. BROWN, Div. Sui , .t • - Ellossbiirg & Corning, & Tioga A. R Stains will run us follows until further notice Accommodation—Leaves Blusaburg at 6,50 a. m.. N 1.73 field , at 7,05, Tioga at 8,20 Later, ncevifia at , :,,,i,_ arri ing at*Corning at 10,26 a. in. Ma i l Loaves Blousburg afr2,35 Pratt.; Mansfieli at ;,... Tio at 4,06, Lawrmetaville at 4,67—arrniag ~ Corning at 6 p. In. Illttil—{Leaves Corning at 8 a.m., Lawrenceville at sq.., Tioga at 10,02, Mansfield at 10,40—arriving at i 5 ,;,.. Lurk at 11,30 . m tn. Accommodation—Leaves Corning at 4,50 p. m , L t a. macerate at 0,68, 'toga at 7,02, Mat/Mehl at 7,14 arriving at Blossbarg at 8,25 p. m. - L. M. STIATTtiCK, sap: Philadelphia Br, Erie R. R. Trains on tho Phlladolphla & Erie Rail Rad as follmcs : NvEsTWARp. Mail T leaves Philadelpril a Williamsport. " arr. at Erie Eua ExplaNS leaves Philallelplii4 •• illtainverr, au. at Laic. a Mall leaves Philath:WlLL— " " WillitunnyorC:. " " arr. at Lack Ilaven.•...' Buffalo Express loaves Baltlutoro.. " " WillLumport " arr. at Lock Haven ' EASTWARD Mall Tulin leaver , Eric • " Williamsport. 4, arr. nt I .l l iladelPhia ,6 Erie Express leavea Etta Williamsport. " arr. al Plailadelptaa Elmii a Mail loaves Lock Ilaven - . —A' •• Willlaruspoi l ~ t.", aa. " "arr. at Philadelphia i. ai 4 m Luck Haven Ac. Cm leaven Lock Unveil I.i.v 1, m 1- , " " lefty ea 'Williamsport 3,20 v m '•1 ' arr. at Philadelphia l'.11 1 „, ar. l" 1 A. L. 'Prix'', Gale! Fuld • t SALAMANCA STATION WEIMAR]) BOUND. Mail 5.30 Exidicas Accommodation 6,35 Mail • Express 12.19 Accommodation, Express 11.00 I Express ...... ... 11 At Cory there is a junciiou with the Brio, and Cil Creek Rail Roads. At Meadville with the Franklin 'and Oil , City art Pithuhr Branch. At Loaviltsburgo the Maboniny Branch makes rect route to Cleveland. At 'Ravenna connect. co. Cleveland anti Pittsburgh Railroad. The Road passes through Akron, Ashland, Gel Marion, Urbana and Dayton, intersecting ctinoi..,, roads, and terminates at Cincinnati. L. D. RUCKER, Gen, Supt., Moadville, re AGENCY For the Collection of • Army and Nat) , Claims and Fenolous. MEE, NEW BOUNTY LAW. passed July 28,18V.,;/.. - 1J two and three years' soldielli extra bounty seta In your discharges. OFFICERS' EXTRA PAY. Three months' extra pay proper to volunteer act: , who were In service March 3,1865. PENSIONS INCREASED To all who have lost a limb and who have been poiL , ncntly and totally disabled. All lther Government claims prosecuted. '• JEROME B. NILE: Wellsboro, October 10, 1860-tt J. II MATHER Planing & Turnipg. - Er AVIV G gOt his new Factory in operatkt II I_ is now pt t opured to fill orders, for Cabire Ware promptly and in the best style of workuist ship. Having procured a he is ready to drat. boards with ditzpat:i 44-100 in. Calibre ..36-100 in. palibio Navy oho ICalibre . Navy sista,Calibre furnished to order, His machines arc of the to , est and most improved patterns. Shop corner of Peail and Wain St:, WEIL 8011.0, PA.-, 0et..31, 1866-4. ii -- E2.1011 EST'S MONTHLY 51AGAZIt 1.1 universally acknowledged the Model Pa;',.: Magazine of America; devoted to Original cu ries, Poems, Sketches, Architecture and Model Cottages, Household Matters, Gems of Thougm , Personal and Literary Gossip (including sl , r" l departments oh Fashions), Instructions on Benin. Gymnastic, Equestrian Exorcises, Music, AM34. meats, etc.: all by the best authors, and ly and artistically illuwated with costly Engr:. wings (full size), usetut and reliable Patter• Embroideries, Jewelry, and a constant sew slim of artistic novelties, with' other useful so entertaining literature.- No person of refinement, economical tou , '• `wife, or lady of taste can afford to do without ite Model Monthly. Single copies, 30 cents; back numbers, as specimens, 10 cents; either mails= free. Yearly, $3, with a valuable premium. t" copies, $5l S); three copies, sl' 50; five "Pt e '' $l2, and ' splendid premiums for clubs at s:t east with the fit st premiums to each subscriber. Au dress, t W. JENNINGS DEMORF:ST , No. 473 Broadway, Now Yolk. Deuteron:a Monthly 'and Young Atuerteti,l' gether $4, with the premiums for each. March 20, '67-fim. • INSURANOE AGEN Y. MESSRS. NICHOLS d , l off lA, "act" respeutfully inform tls.• eoplo, of t6it c' einity; that they have the agency of woe of best Life & Fire insurance Compani es In the States, and ara'now prepared to into d reasonable rates. Mr. MITCHELL having been appointed - NOTARI 7- .)..PUALIC , will attend promptly to any business relatic; his office, which may be centrusted to Idw• Tile) , will he found at 'the offtcb formerly occu• pied by Lowrey and Wilson; tin Main Owtt• Wellsboro, Pa. • lifprchl 3 , 1567-1 Y Bounty an&Tension Agency .. ~,, , ..... TTAYLNG reetilved defluitelnstructions to ro;:° . , .„_,U1... the extra. bounty alicaod b.; tho 3 " 4111 : : : Jul., 28, 180, and huVing on baud a large iiuppl `t neciaBnr3' _.iiii-hi I: s, I ateprepared to prosecute Ali i r, isiou and bounty claimswhich may be PIIICe d "' 0 ,, (iambi. Pergon a ll•ing at a ithitake Call Lt" n " . l ' l i i t with inc by letter,and tboir cotnnitifticatiou• ' ill promptly num wm. ii. buj blvd. . Wollaboro.Octo ier 24,1866. ,- or TR: Northern Centr 1 R. R AtlaTitio and Croat Western it- W B. T. VAN HORN, IVOODWORTII PLANER, SCROLL-WORK & 'BRACKETS, IM Fi II EMI U. RIDDLE, (len'l . 4.0 p . . . i• 4 .1u:a~ 16`10., cf J MEE 1010, 1 .ilii , L o, 1 1 p 15 E A STVIARD Soo n 13. T. VAN 1101 n