The Tioga County agitator. (Wellsboro, Tioga County, Pa.) 1865-1871, August 07, 1867, Image 3
'IIOI4E lATTERS NVEDN6I)A. - 'Y Etl: 7, 1867. Now, Advertisement's Farm for Sail—Jautea —J. Keefe Notice—J''. Donaldson, Proth'y. .‘ __, 4 , II • t ' ; - Register's Notice—D. - L. Deane, Reg'r Pay Up—Paulin4 SmAth. ' Boarding Frouse-L-M.M. Sears. Mill Wright-LJ. G. Putnam. Flour, Meal, &c—M. 11. Princes. Sewing Marlines—A: Foley, Agent, Tioga County Court. Proclamation. Sheriff - a Sales—Sheriff .Tabor: Pennsylvania State Normal SehoO. We are'obliged, to Mr. J. Poeketlider for a mess of new (potatoes, the largest wo have seen this soneon Dr. E. Smith_ef Mangfie:ll will be in Mellshoro Friday and Saturday Aug. 9 and 10, nt 13. B. Holliday's Hotel. Persons unable tq pay Will receive every - attention from the Doctor. BRICK-MARrivG.--We are glad to an nounce thin Iffe'ssrS. Frederick and Lewis Ma r, graft, of - this. village, have commeneed making brick at their brick-yard opposite the new Ceme tery grounds. All persons wanting a good article can be accommodated about the Middle. of this mouth. Wo can recommend the Atessrs. Mar giaff to the public as strictly honorable 'me In Win fulfil all the promises they make. . _ LIGHT! We have 'tried Andre .s" Ong Generator, advertised in another platO in this paper, and regard it as the safest and akeitn. est burner of kerosene Oil' yet introduced. 'Where a moderato volume of light only is required—'say what may he had from three or four- candlesit ;Pall ono could wish It to be. No tliiraney is used, and there seems to be no risk of explosion. Mr. Josiah Coolidge is the ugent for the sale of this article in Delmar, Charleston, and Weljiburo. HOOKER, of the Troy Gazette, says -Whenin,Wellshoro, we saw a bust of Lincoln by Master Charlea. Thompson,a youthful t.eulp tot, who out of a block of plaster of Paris,' had by the aid of a knife carved with nnaeh neenraey n representation-of the Martyr, President, which would hare done credit ,to an older bruit i =pod more practiced hand. If the young man's head not turned by the praises to think that he hit well done, whereas he has only begun well, and if he STUDIES art as well as practice: it we kel sure he will yet make his mark in marl le." CHEESE FACTORIES.—We learti . • 'Foal tho Troy Gazette that there ere two Cheese Foe; tories in Sullivan township—one upon the farm of S. Longwell. and one upon the farm of Mr. tirvis. Each Factory receives the milg of 200 cows. Tho proprietors would Adige us by giv ing us a monthly statement of their business, that the public may know what Sullivan farmers ,are doing. We charge nothing for publishing theie statements, and cannot afford to hire any one to forwa . rd them to us. With these two new factories in operation tho cheese-make for ,Julj , in Tioga County will reach 110,000 pounds. .* BASE BALL.—Covington - vs. Agiles, ( ~r Mansfieht.) A match - gittne for at Ball came utT on ;Saturday afternoon, on the grounds 'of the Co;ington Club, and resulted at, ndle.we : 0. R. Aunrs. G. K. .... 3 4 Smith, c....... E 1 1 5 Kulley, 4 1 ... 2 4 Fuller, 5 1 .... 4 3 McGill, 11i... 1 3 .... 3 , 2 'Wilcox, 26. 3 ... 1 1 Daviq. 3,1) COVINGTON. Hoagland, p.... `Snyder, c Havens, 1 b..... Green, 2h Hutchins 2b rf IlOughiy, 89 2` 4 Baldwin, 1f... 5 1 Paßerlion„ cf ... 3 3 Benjamin, cc. :; 1 Johnston,lf.... ..... 5 1 rr,..., EMI Totnl, Fly Catehes.—Covington Agile; Foul ball—Covington G. Agiles 7. Agiles : .Ellintt. Keystone Voapin!.—Abe - Parr, Nlonk.tors. BASE BALI..—A match game of 13: - 4e Bull came off in:this vilkge linirstlnv oftornoom, fired., I>TlNven 1130 " Young Ainerie,,t - Club, and the "Muffins," both -of Weib:norp. The " Young ,lmericny,•• no the name indiylues, are boyi in their early 'teens, hut " , guart .The " Muffins" are slow coach citin•n<, mostly carrying weight, and not addicted tocAoluniary exercise. Tho day.-was tine, the crowd large. and the parties took their places " with bleod in t{♦c e} e.'; The significant seore tells its own elinincnt story. Three innings were plu)cil, YouNo An'c.t. 0-11. AinFeiss. 0. R. Maynard, 0 7 Bunnell, F. D. c. 1 1 Rathbone. p 0 6 Holiday, D. 13. p. 0 2 Roy, as 2 5 Wright, a5.........1 3 Forsythe, lb 2:.,4 Webb, Dr. 1b..... 1 1 Tabor, 2b ,2 4 Spalding 2b 1 I Shakapeare, 0 0 Roberts, L F 3b. 1 1 Packer, if 1 5 Wovd, Emery, If. 0 0 Bowen, ef 1 5 Vantlelder,P Cof I I Truman. rf 1. 5 Goldsmith, f..... 1 2 - - 7 12 INNlNutif. . 2d. 3d. I,' I ,,' , utng America 2. 4 I 6 6 Maine / .2 3 7 Fly 13all caught—Y. A.-1. Mufilh , -4. Outs on Fouls— T.. 1.-0. Muiffin , ;---4. Umpire—W. Y. Emery. `corer--A. E. Mrhpatrieh. INCIDENTS oi , THE liAlll%—lhe 14118 tlllell4, and It lama police force had their ,tiunds hdl to pretu.rvc—Wilence. 'rho tir,d eateh ‘‘a, a "iqui," by Bunnell. Flu e.iuglit it stn Ii:- right e, and delivered a lecture upon 4100111)g oar,. SECOND 11.EAT.—Wright,' goo nui . de a niagnkt\i cent show of catching both 'sides' of tho pitehfr, In his endeavors to do doublc tluty he tt!eeiied 11 . 5• ball in his bread basket and shut irp like a jack-knife. SAME liEer.--Dr. Webb, lb, caught two which had Fettled on his nose to tellesh them solves with the saline extblatione. THIRD HEAT.—Pau fielder, et; f,di,•u• asleep on his post,"was waked from an acre lc nap by a fly hall ishieli alighted (ti hi vicinity. Ile sprang up, shouting, The ihes, ins( lord ! the flies! the flies MIIPFINS To DAT.-1311111101 struck out a Q 1 a,her rioni the left shoulder, nhlch was skillfully caught Holiday on the right shin. oldsmith struck ant from the 11s ht shoulder, -wading the hall over the Short stol. Beaching the let base he mounted it and cried— ( 'Come one, come all, the sand shall fly From this Ist have as scam as I:"' Roberts struck below the belt, but kuci.eked the ball over the pitcher's head. While watching its. progress he was relieved on the home hii3e by the obliging pitcher. The Muffins retiredceovered with dust and glo ry—equal parts. GOSSlP.—Gratitude is one of the an: gelic virtues. The highestt order of creation—. man—often fails to exemplify tlijs vl. toe, but 'in animate nature never. We were retainded of this fa4.t gassing along the streets the oth,s t evening, just after that generous shower which crowned the two weeilie'-drouth. The eartii tads parched with' summer heate, the grass and 'soilage_ crisp and dusty. The universal prayer wa, tut lain. All day liying seud and scat fering droi zvi rain aggravated Lao eituatinn. atiel Ilie universal invocation. A, the :on is. nt thin veil of niinhus cloud floated nit 1,4-11 the Southwest. On kt came, shedding, patterolg drops. Then a 41 1 4. 1 iiitui,nr s..taned let dawn suddenly; after that a deluge. P. -rig up the street the odor of grateful clvel an.' iu.4 pie ;I as stilling. The rain was sweet-iminpiihngtts well as saving, As we pessul the 3ards - dens, the incense el thou.and lit .1.4.4 s mu, 'led with Outer sivecttrand induced a dream of drine. SO we passed en. reflecting I:pen...the superior sensltiveneas of in antic:lli , nature 21, ca tape red with its highest order of being; and 'loping that, in settle of the days to cotta, MOO should he the est exemplar of gratitude.: as he is llt last MO best of ereate4 things. —From the garden of llesperides , ,,in the inland realm 411 Atlantis ; PHILO:I ANTllltol'osl writeth in manner and.oubstance full/ming: From the gardens of blerepi perennial, whose trees drop• iu,ney all the year long; whose dews are odorous of the spice:- uldeh perv i ado the sacred groves of Araby the Blest—l send . you greeting and good cheer. The struggle cf man in the outer uorld tuts - touched my soul. The fierce contendings anti the -3olemn battle -shock penetrate. even to this beautiful realm, and my heart is moved to pity and my ftglieveh giktgFeAglilt#) experiences were 0, that, as we were ar as we are ilvt l he ti height of the Quir King, VF. RITA Ju. der and evil doing ice, Jealousy, Hat coss, fresh from th, filled the sacred pins. • And, vexed should be Se, councilors togethe r for these-rapidly i and his councilors) tho work, and dee ished and virtio! , l stood, 'that the th liberty and kept . his wort; - should theft. The fnurt.l: from the Rock of I The corrupter of,. bound in the mar to give up his goof MI The slanderer wa the left check, a d to hay? his :tongue_ Mired. IthrougliaMl thro Oh' When these laWit become known the chiefs,of-tho nmrderers t thieves, slan derl.:3, aleerrupters of youth rebelled, and went up. to 04 palace f the :King in battle array fol-. lowed by it very gre,t,numnber of adherents. And the King ,ent iina 'brought them within the gates. When they had come before the King and,lli9 couticjletB,,t4x appointor the Chief of the Sion (lever,: to he ;pokestnanondie said': ' mighty King!' - lour deerelt3 tire 'grieVoo4 to,your faithful, subject, and ruinous to their vested rights. Wit, have well' coripidered this thing, 0, King! ' ?WV have seen that 't•ueiety cannot protect Itself, by force: thitt puilislunent is the natural aliment of crime; ill d we k ow that if your &creel are en 7 11.. forced who,st le a penny before will 'at mica' t:titen\retinies lie who killed tint father before, willxlauilliter th household: he who eurruiited a sing 4: youth 1,) , !lire will corrupt len r anti be whin lice shout his neighbor LefOre will per:jure himself '.evul4, therefoto, U, King, j.our unjust I t. (e , 1 A 1.1 the •tple L•oeint structure be utterly deCt .4,, Titl he had finished speaking the Jed t 4 110 "his executioner, Koltun :On eumt6taltaftho penalti. s of the pity iehted- : u l pin-the Chiefs- and their follow ever found, 111411. was done. , AtuLCrime en to tile eaves of the earth, and the )1v and " provered, and the good Bing tuAitia reigtis forever and ever. King cal ,en-t. an to he e‘. ere, .t 1 he ~,, a. drit , realm gi Verit.t.. ;RIEIL Term I arll Pattieon Middaugh. - I . nith F N 6 Chamberlin \Benson. ttimcr et al.. rs ,A. .11.-Foater. lof J. Mitchell vs Kelly & l'arkhurst & Wyckoff vs E. J.l3oswortli. et.a.l vs Charles Maxwell et al. ' Susaji rrizmt ral IL M. L Admr's Denison A. Hein Sela.r S• Denis Samuel -- Si Itterlee vs ;Noali Whepler. olleraml vs • Charles M. Rogers 0. al. 'ericlritk vs James 11. Glick. tnons vs L. Scranton tyori 1 :43 Daniel Clark. roller:1u vs Charles 31: Rogers et al. • y 4 ilislingi 'vs Rufus 'Parr., , I Cobb vs John Pierec. !,r Coburn vs IY. Y. Campbell. , field.. vl= Leroy Qleason.,, - ~. . ... 'i l i l i..l l . y ,s. Cy. , ~-s- • C.' Iltttlb.onr.. '" Samuel Dennis 119 Dial Noble fi M. D. Vr, est J. R. P llorati Se,:t ino Dais cl Imen S...evmo i r Ea rn Lot•el port v Georg. W. Ify Irrt. A. Novhal, t 2 :: ... r 1:. KS-B i juicy a td tend' the We Isboro tables. nick en not Ni" . F. D.I mated n,t. wee ° Thii; Luh.-4e - ri ichoti applied pactinoles free ' I ilin in unotint rho cot be rea. cornh,y, Alt! EME IT BA 11;11181 I. Tit( 11,.m'fi I'll ng I'll I row, gh, Plial LIN—, . Phal P li Irena 2 , ,.) ye is child has found ii 4 mother, mother finds the 001(4" . families arc giithered, scattered on the wild. or Inve`d ones meet and rest; l i le holy, and the blest." . Vbere t' here til l, 11 clear at %yen There tl ;PEeJ I'l AL. NOrrICES., 7 0Rl ; .17Eii P2III‘r:IFTI:LINVER Jr THE WORLD. , l'an tea 6 perior to any °Om., or no pay,Tor the I. • 1 Cht onto Ithetunatism, Toothache, Beittlaehe, itrnat. l a ti,i, Burns, Cute, Insect ktint;4, Pains ' Duck, teat, hurl Limbs, Fuming, Old Sates, I gs ; els ,to take futernAly for DiarritT,a, , flys- Colic, Srasnis, Sett.Bleknoea, Vomiting, and 1 , It 1.. 1 itifectlyAntiOdeni,to take internally, if , keordingl to the directlons;-atiCtiever fail., al <an 4ttes,t. lOcits -first 14f - raked in 'PAT, lw milltolis of hot flee are annually imp:, Every Lto lies once nce.l it, continues to ii 6 'BO, ;14 , ,r!": It to tioir ft ienlitt us the moat v.alt4le Meth ' tam. tam. 'oitill , ates enough -4,1,1111 a 1157.‘311 lIUW2I- jht,ave I.e.i ., tt i•eceiced by-Dr Telti,i7,7'llikntetlieitte. nctien finnectn7. Nrill do all t h at i; eiitetl,ntul No one wilt regret toing it. Those resitlintit Cc f[ on; .4 pby nieblLl, will il MI it II / . 0.1111)/13 wed it•l !rand in caw of niteitlenta. Ablz fcr Dr. t i Liniment, and take no other. Price 6. Sold by all Druggisks. Depot, 56 qt. N. Y. July lit, Ibti7-Im. ffrfil Sore V in th Steel( L ent .rr ( rehilpi u ,eal .1 thou.,, lEEE = ur this to Vern tia . an 4 dt ,tro. wine t, Tohi:,3 l .10 cen Cortlu TO 611,3 a ,r sclera load 0f.,! ItoLiefc I rho d n nod ( Jig and e f.r Co 1.1 . 1‘t wry tend 1, 1111 To ti ACT -4)64 prtpur 611 ft nd nil l' MEI (.I,:p•et f the a( t. , pa n dit the he vt , B t ill tr 11.d4 p Ple+ , •nprtna, rr 92111113 EMI Aro ou A youP L. FIE MI U 13 DTtl, t.U6i 11 fowl of r tli 7h.•l' (you G 1 111 , 1 4, 1.1 • (IS 1.11 . y ten nir .11t Ell , l t UL,u II; . II •1 ar 111 I INV . tyq 1.1 , 11 o /-ro Priv: RIM Ell INB B A ; in full aCtts, a , f 4 chy iff , yl,,A a lay. i n., ,oglq„ 04 A d q lotir. . I' rs; and from which we Itnow you now arc, so shall you he '" .I' i.A 47 1 0 ); 4113 1" . ':1ply, then, 1 G:-. I, that in the reign of our fleet :TITIA, there was much disor in this realm, and Lust, Aver- • ed, Slander, Malice and *- inexhaustible quiver of Hell; .roves with violence, and ra and grioyed that ,kkiFsr thini;e• g' V 144 'Tostitiii '640 his ert .. ~ and bade them suggest actire iereesing ills. And the King bent their united wisdom !to mid that crime:shoulp he pan . eivarded. So, by the law,:. it of should licVeind;rid of hke, I t labor until the income from be eoUtlold , ' the sum of his er was condemned to be flung [loom into the abyis of Deitb, I puth*as'icondernri‘ed to stqnd - ct-plqco for three days, Ittad• . Is for khe victims of his deeeita." condemned to be branded-on s C. C. - Merrill. • in: 'vs' JnEeph Yonitin lion vs • CI VS • s Sarah Short. .ys v 4 Ira A. Newhall. V. 3 Hymes ebnl oat T'X'l3bCl.o. T -pI:EF- M LITTON- LAIIII r,-1.11:ly be had, early aind late, at meat market. Also fresh vege cream. Arr..Tatnes Bunnell,. and Bunnell, being the proprietor, as ,era will send satnples of good for. by letter,. and, will forward of cluirge when the order'exere(lq te, rill caredomere cornay heel by expreBe. 7, 'C)7.(I J. A. PARSONS Co ILL--Wetinore's Band will - give n. thu Pair Building, Fridny evening puhlin atu invited. IVErmottn. Itetnltow. DEATH. 6. In 19les Foley, June 12, of whoop a Augusta, daughter of Alvin and in, aged. 1 year. Ilso June I ith, of consumption n; wife of Alvin Malin, ageduAiout -0- COL9ATF, & ?ERMAN , ERASIVE _SOAP Is Than tfa9titre , l- frts.s PURE mATEterAts; and may Lc con- Shlsred the STA \ AAltil Or EX. CELLENCII For sale by all G recent. I:*.tsis) 67-Iy. CONSUMPTIVES r•Laviug been rratored to health 1/1 very miaph; remedy, a fo-r having Kul -1 years ttith n severe lung llireC thin, and se COllSlllllption—i 'I all X ions ,tt , make It low•sutferers the means of cure. sire it, be will sew' a copy of the pro m+ of eharg,e),°wltli the directions for i cing the same, which they will Grid a emnption, Astlinta,33ronchitis. Coughs, wont and Lung Affections. The only %ertiser in sending the Prescription Is / allieted, and spread interniation which be invaluable. ujid lie hopes et cry his rented), as It will cost-then, 14 , 101- ", l) a blesnog. Parties Wishing Alai, :r., by return msil. will please ftddreed V. - EDWARD A. WILSON,' XVllliatushnrg, Kiugs Co., N. V., ictod with a Cough or a Cold ? EMSPOSEIY CONSIJMVIMick Four J✓l?arriy .from Sad ,•p r4rl .Ittarkg of (rorrp ? If Pft 1,44111 rc ht,:r 01!!,S' EUNIONIAL HICA.TORS!! okt Su;e out! Effectual Ilcmctly far 0111), atthir) A, al +ohms, ill! 011 I'l,l)Th.),o>N bißeltdcB. „ITO!t iv a medicinal prel.aration in t,,,zengc, which, of all modes, is tho. d,ontcuicut, They coo tabt dele ill, and are warrantol `l,l tilwaya mnqt moth( the otomaeli. Iv, AIEItZAT) i , rtsr;s: For Cough , and r ivulnablo. .Por Catarrh; Asthma and Dawn /no eplal iu tho market . - {tide kn) tog yacht•ux.) Dit4ltrtri. Van?' tTu'y control esker, Singer or Tonciler, alir»ttd b( • the) p.movelioli) . 4oll.oP. (Ma rvng,th •voir,., than iri N tilli , •,:trt.l if tlio mytli worn. f. n: C. 0., Prop'r,. Minh N SALT: BY ALI, bRIAB,IIKTS 25 Gents Per BM' We= , Y E OPTCY t YOUNWS BOOKSTORE P. It AV4 GO. ~-.-:, , J, 4t; i,.i2. EM .1;;J i' - ~;.;;•;:t - - "ProlNrs:irgTs: get§. J;1,17P DOW 'GLASS, & PETTY, . e Have come down isi;isfa'Priee's'atia' et. WE do Vot hesitate to say. (kart we bawl the ;Largest Stook of . - „ . P URE ENGLISH,DRUGS .311NAW:11Y:" PATENT. MEDICINES; ..-',?;' ... ;.; is ..' , 3 • .. - A .1,, - ... • t .:11.ati:Itil'i;tii ,Y - 1 . I YANKEEfirjAa NOTIONS l, Y` !T;filki?ft f• FANCY ARTICLES; TOILP SOAP, .TOOTH & NAII: 4, BRUSHES,' MIRROIS; WINES & LIQUORS, &C., EVER BROUGHT INTO THIS MARKET. We have also the Large 4 gtoek,of PAINTS. OILS', GLASS ANDS PAJ,TTX, Pure White Lead, Pure White Zinc, Linseed Oil. Cortel3:Vernistii, k'nutiterer..Verrqshi Ocizre, Venetian Red, Clirome Chrome Green, Prussian Blue, , A _ Patent, Pritr.:'Lagtferapaei:"' , . Spanish Whiting, Katie White, Kalsomine, Resin, Trir, tog Wood, Fustie: Brazil Wood, Oath . wood, Redwood,. Potash, Putty, Mec h . • 'robot, Benzoic, Spirits Ttirpetitine, ' and Kerosene Oil, Paittiod Varnish Braslossi Which we will cell a per cant. C wiper Ebel/ any other 6tablishident, in the "00,1013 y - In shell, we ha;vl3 every think iiver•lieptitt.o.first:ellitqC DRUG STORE, and nil we ask is for you to Call aruresamine our ,9 tock and prices before buying elsewhere. Re member we can't be undersold,. All goods warranted or no sale. P. Tt. WILLIAMS. 1 P. It WILLTAIP &Co T. L. WILLIAMS. 5 No. 3 Union Block. Wellsboro, June 26, 1667 ROLL CARDIN G 4T • East Charleston, Tioga Go., Pa. IHAVE engaged Mr. (eo. Wescott, of Caton N. Y., a man of forty yours experience, to superintend my roll-carding .business this season. The Machine : ls in• drat-rate order, ttrid I can safely promise to suit as many customets as any other luau. - ' A. IL AVERY. East Charleston, dune 12, 1867-4 f. 331L/r3r" t]a 3E3esst. It is the ch'eapest in the end. T EARS A- HATFIELD PATENT COMBINATION HARPOON HAY MI The best and cheapeSt over invented new offered by the undersigned to the farmers of Ponn'a. Fork can be secant the office of Williams It Hitt field, Main Street, Wellsboro. All forks war ranted to giie perfect satisfaction of no Salo.— ,All orders by mail promptly attended- to. For mats, in order to eccure a foik this season, send your order immediately. TEARS d lIATFIEtI), Juno 26, 1567.-2 m. WellBhoro, Pa. ATTENTION . FARMERS. MOW AND REAP BY HORSE POWER! THE - CAYUGA CHIEF, • • • moviTER • •16 REAPER, is undtlubtodly the best Machine in the world, about TWEN TY•ONE THOUSAND of (hello Machines being now hi use. It always takes the first premium at Fairs and Exhibitions. Flinve the solo Agency: for this region, and can fill all orders promptly. lam are"O agent for the sale of • ' • WOOD S IVO WEI?, • famed for its light and.even draft, and for doing fast and good work. This Machine will pay for itself in the saying of wagei3 paid to mowers by any large farmer in ono season. • - D. P. ROBERTS. Wellsboro, June 26, 1867—tf. HARKNESS & RILEY, ' BOOT AND SHOE MAKERS, Over IYilnun & Van VoThetd.ury'e Store . inthe ' room. /Wel l / occupied by Bcnj. Seeley. BOOTS AND SHOES of' all kinds wade to order and in the best manner. IttPAIRING of all kindi done promptly and good. Give us a call. • JOHN HARICNVSS,. WM. RILEY: Wellsboro, Jan. 2; 1867- A. E. EASTMAN, SUPOTC iL NECII:A247n-L '•• ; • , .. . _. . _ •. . . . DENTI*T - : 16 .•-.- ... I . , . , IS pertnauentlY "located at "t r ellithOre,• Office over J-It. liewen's Store, Where he is pro pared to execute ;all work pertaining to, bis pro tession with Promptness and in - a, superior wan ner. • , . . _ Teeth extraeted without pain by• theol use of lately improved Spray ProdpeeK. • Chloroform and Ether adrdinisterett whim' desired. :All work . warranted. Satisfaction' guaranteed or no'char ges. .-..,` • July 3, )867.. . .. • • CA.III . PAID FOR WollAoro, June 26,'G7. It' P. ROBERTS To the Farmqrs ofaioga,County; WOOD'S PRIZE MO litER 4C7- ,00:3141.NED . ,-; NEIL d AtEAPER,-, MANUFACTURED "at floosie Pella, N. for sale to all who may want a geed refill., ble machine. These tnachines are well knowtAhrong,hput the county; as'being the, hestAri rtsvang, has taken the premium 'over fill other e:otototititr4. We shall keep an nasorttrient of ; • •JONTED MACITOV, which have, lately been put into use. Also of the stiff bar. A good assortment of, the 'guards and other lixtureq constantly on hand. Price of jeiptQd barmanchinesi.o.lo. Cheaper:than they have aver luifore'binti Otleied 'to' the piblie. • 'PURPLE do •RIMBALL, Akonta. ,• Wellaboro, July 3, 1887—tf, , Iffi =MI I= f• I n ) MEM Sucili us MEE ELEVATOR, BILLIRVI TREMIN irEva pw YeTk and, take Twa= lll -Inii4P eftadingtiuh lie that they have novt on hand their . SS~i. t`.'l3'.;.~e ~1 SUMMER GOODS, whioh they will sell cheaplor cash. The Ladies to , thoiNadvirtttago to call and' o" splendid stehlrof.-, ;-3 . • •!.. .; DRESS GOODS & TRIMMINGS •f R " 4 : ' i 3 : •,t .1 I • MgIIAIR MELANGES, doublkold pg . ' yd. ALPACAS, 'double, fold, choap, .. 1 " lo fo d elm ORGANDIES, PERCALES, WOOL DE ' LAMES; I LAWNS, COMMON • DELAINES. lIMI -GK. 114 S eto cannot be beat. Aleo SA CT S BUTTONS',. in variety, SUMME . R,t,B 11,A. WL S BAUNIORA I L SKIRTS, 'We tiny° a ophitplicl'itsetittoent of , WHITE GOODS, SWISS MUSLINS, BOOK MUSLIN'S, NAIN--: SOOKS, &C., &O. . • 1: LINENS we have in abundance. LINENS, I,RISII-LINENS, &c., &e. A bea:liifni asioitment'of' LACE CURTAINS, • - and our usually nice assorted stock of DOMES TICS, we have received, and ite preParedi9 give our customers .the advantages of a decline in prices on that line of goods. OUR- CLOVIT,,',Obcic is in good order and we still make it our aim to suit our customers, as well in quality as in ISt of Clothing. OUR HAT STOCK wo may Well be proud of, as we try to keep a good stook,.butli is quality, style and price. OUR SHOE STOCK -We I lip.vo gained a reputatiod in, for keeping the bdst in the comity, and tolve all the styles from sandiest to largest. OUR . 11ARDIVARE STOCK wo will sell off dost as 'rvo aro running out of tb.134n0 of goods. , OOCK.Ekt „ . aelling off at coat fia we lire' running - out of thn Lino of, geode. Call and soo us before purchasing . elsewhere as we are convinced; and think we can convince customers, that we aro selling good goods at cheap prices. Call and see our Goods. well whether you buy or not MENEM Wellabor°, I% NEW DRY GOODS -STORE TOV, I S 0. _BAAKEL , . (NO, 5, UNION BLOCK.) ,), II haveltist racchred our new and very Y 7. is largo stock of. . , DRY GOODS, stich as SIIEETWGS, SEURTINGS, PRINTS CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, TEST , ' ,INOS, •• READY • MADE CLO THING, HATS•• , & CAPS, BOATS AND SHOES, • also t ir largo and woll sOlocted stock of enocitE'Ril, HARDWARE, WOi WARE, STONE WARE; KE SENE OIL, PAINTS & OIL' SUOARS, TEAS, COFFEES; SYRUPS, MOLASSES, . ETC,. DM, ETC. •We aro able to offer our curtoruore the of the LAST DECLINE OF PRICK in the Now York Market, our Stuck havi purchased since the groat decline in Good Wellsboro, July 3, 1861 SAVING§ BAN OTHERWISE GARDNER' GROCERY AND PROVISION S ' THE OLD saying that , a penny Saved is earned, justifies aARDN.ER na establishment a Savings Bank. in, t: Wealth, said some 'old chap whose neina! forgotten; and it , is g„con'tnny to trade 'w SLAIUrt of high prices is being ros.eouted with v without reprieve. Ic n sell Sugars, Tt lasses, Fish, Pork, Flotir,, Cora, Neal, Canni3d Fruits, Spice, and eieiything for family use, giving the buyer the berm Ord i THE fall of the raarkets,•an:. advantage doly elated by everybody,e4eopting only those' • • INNOCENTS who prefer P.ROMISI,VG To PAY o draper cent. profits to the oolloroo twenty-five per coat. cash on delivery goods. I shall offer my stock of goOdel prices EVERY MONDAY; EVERY TTIESDAY, EVERY IrVEDNEB.IS7 EVERY'VIIURSPAY ; :EVERY FRIDAY, • AND awl till up al; fast asi atoll out. - INlsboto, Ju'uo J 2, 1'867 ' MRS. FOY'S , Corsets and Skirt Sono ail Eizee,At t'. B.:10EL 411 000E3_, at a crept 11)argain'aT- C. B. K 401 1, 1887. . • - • t ••. i 114 6 '.-L17,0 kg-AN ••.-Ur 3(1- J=E 4 -4 TABLE You shall bo used 1 0. BULLARD; A. A.. TRUMAN. =I Ni 'benefit g been lilig TOLES '& BARI; COM p e nny .ing his !envy is is I have oro the Igor and as, MG- Coffees, ,titonded appre verdant 0 bun- YING of the at fair NElt. 13!Emlir, ors; ,EY'S. ME NEW ' SPRING' .6001 IS T. ~ ~ i '~ ~ eold ' ANY BORE tj 1 *-AA a, i iii: , ..:u.,. f_'.7 .... I ~... ~., _. qc.T . ll;l" Vir? .<1 :.1:-.4' TITE bavo just tecolvod a mow au I d se• lekted stook - Of - Goods 'idaptiid' tot tbe spring trade;undire 'pietnii6d td offer's fIEXTER , neOrtmorlCUlid , _ • •1. BETriEtt 13,k11,6MN5, tha l 4,/ any Other. Store in Tinga or adjoininip oentities: Our oxP4riopoo.fiaa tapeet,qB to buy ' GOOD -'GOODS; and no others, thereby gain and hold tho conk. dencei"of‘ori ouitomers: iTheY , 'are 6uroL6E, Hag , GOOD ~ , 999.7),1 9 , and. for. LA:,SS, if ON E I than they an ,gett tiviin elseish'ero, d ad this is why the ' - - 0011/PANV.-7.i9freike is'iion'stantly thronged with'entiptners while other Merchants cry hard times. ' ' ' t Wo keeF constantly on bandZge stock-of DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, CROCKERY, HARD WARE, WOODEN WARE, IRON, NAILS, NAIL RODS, HORSE.,.. SHOES,';:'. and almost overytintor; fordefirtopro or „Mechanics use. We also keep a tine assortment of # FURNITURE,' CARPETS, BOOTS AND SHOES, HATS AND CAPS, FLOUR AND FEED, ' ;CORN MEAL. PORK AND FISH . , , . ,op ALL KIND 4: • SALT,, • both oarse and tine, by the hai'rel, each and box,• const ntly on hand. In short almost everything usua y kept in a country Store, may bo found at th, • COMPANY STORE. Oar stock is new and,complote, just what the peovle Want ; We Wit° un examination of our 1.1 t GpO.DB before buying elsewhere. Wo take pleaiure in shoeing Uoods, and still more in giving our pri ces. For, with the fine Stock we are ' enabled to shoe, and prices so EXTREMELY,' LOW, , • NvO feel surd success , . • , , ._ Any gotob_tha..Nyto ?ell that are not as repro fle d ed a 9laa beiitarael ; t#4the money will bo re fs n e tb ra e ft ej k law no alka u ra c t e r a G na o l tat is r p o l i a- n y the uf title ' : pie ,nlean and , ' tidy ,, anti a plenty of help wait up all who wjelll4-Begsfllo#:A:'.' ' OO 'ltl4.yr STORE, i l ' i': ' •,- . . - ',.`, -`- A' `'tl DRAK% Supt. - IBliiitAnrg, May ,22(.143(371.:.?. , :!— : `r ,.- , - -11ING: . ,T3 . T' THEQ.LD, WRINer,:4O, - .T4.E, NEW I The. Universal. Clothes - Wringer Ts the boat, therefore the cheapest, in the World. Cog-wheels, and warranted to be as good for service after wearing a y.eur fis .when-first pur chased. Tonic' the drat - premium ht Thirteen State Fairs, and at the World's Fair ire London, in 1862. WA le EASY. uNt DOTY'S CLOTHES WASHER is the only machine which washes clean and does not wear out the clothes. Took the first premium at the Fair of the American Institute, and is highly recommended by such papers as the-Tri bune, the .A9friostturiet, the Independent, and all of the Agriculturdl papers. - The undersigned is agent for the sale of the Wringer and Doty's Washer DAVID P. ROBERTS. Wellsbiro, May 29, 1867-2 m. • FIAtIRA BOOK BINDERY WE aro now inereaming ourfaailities for ex eepting,BLATW.N:q OF A. 4./. KINDS promptly and 10 . 111oblis‘ manner, by the addition of NEW MACHINERY AND TOOLS, and the employment of additional help. , We are prepared to Manufacture all kinds of • BLATIVK BOQKS, including theteaviest BANK. EDGERS AND RECORD DOO'KS;ivith p without priiittni head ings, also Blanks Ruled or Ruled and Printed to any desired pattern. MUSIC, MAGAZINES, &c., neatly and substantially bound. Our prices will bo as low as at any other Bin dery outside of Now York City. , Outirrice List can bo seen at 'the .Agitator Office, Hellebore, whore orders may bo left for transmission to us. FAIRMAN. & CO. Elthira, N. Y., July 17,18671 AdminiAtrator's -Notieb . . LETTEItS of administration lyav,ing bean • granted t'o tbe-andorsigned uppn'tto estate of Albert Clark, late of Chatham;liedeased, all persbna indebted;t9.4abd Otatoralitl all haying claims , against. the same, are regaasted to call and settle •Itith• REUBEN •ItiORSE, Chatham, July 3,1867-6 w. A der. aa'oma vi‘ like hot oak Os at C. b. E.ELLY'S April.l, 1867. . • Vou the lateat arrival of New floods - KELLY'S 1, April 1, 1987. 1(- R OPEt3 FOR .RORSE FORKS, a [julyAl " TOLES' • II ?) i no s invik 2_ I curiq MEE ;_ ; Se and hitiYeeftireqrdatisettinisli; 'The season is thiellitiia; and cold, an - wet, But there's time for plowing and sow nil yet .0 And there'll bo Spring; and Summer, n 1 Fall— , fliF course there will - be a Spiing; Mum mer ; and there has been already - Plq "Nc 11 4-4") ,rItIpiES GROCERIES, I hnduito-forth. Pilrhaps - yon nial think the'sdason has C. 0,0„...4 'TOTHER-END FOREMOST `!I3EEr.IIIVE EXCHANGE," 4 MINE OF WEALTH c:z upon the customers who patronize ; and l'did not keep over' you know, and therefore shall.furnish articles as =II who want to command biesi prices for butter must use Liverpool Salt. And furthermore listen, 0, ye T . ----lio's I have a tremendous lot of Oolong; 139uchong, Sing-Song, Ding-Dongdly son, 13yeon, Lo•Sun,No-Sun, Green T. Meon'T. Black T. and , all of which is warr.inted to unlock family 80 crots at every, T—par--:-T. • Everything Eatable and Cookable, r , % , 1 as cheap, as can be clone and maintain a w fo end numerous family. will always be glad to 804 you if you have money, and if you haven't he will toll you how to get that artiele. Wellsbi,to, Pa., May 22, 1867.‘ ":114AYi just returned from ' New York with a largo assortment of SPRING & SIMMER GOODS, Bought at Panic Prices, and will be sold accor dingly. We respectfully invite attention to our stock of LADIES' DRESS GOODS, ki '1: g Vll\ 7 - rs-C : , • CASSIMERES, TWEEDS, SUMMER CLOTHS, LADIES' CLOTHS, & READY MADE CLOTHING, Fr -7-7. FOR AT THE but I expaet to spring LAST ' SUMMER'S GOODS, FRESH AS SUMMER ITSELF. Even MY LIVERPOOL SALT is fresh es Stilt cap bo; and BUTTER MAKERS DI rack T4' MATH E R S will continuo to buy FAI?ffIE_RS' PRODUCE at the b'est Mnrket Prices, and sell '-' .ra A - T itE R S NEW T I GOODS,,I NEW GOODS I J. R. Bowen & Co., VER Y NICE AND CHEAP, also., a largo lino of LADIES' SACKINGS, Also, a large and new assortment of GE • at greatly reduced prices. ‘ ? ' BON-TON, SILVER SPRING, and othe (If HOOP SKIRTS, . . YANKEE NOTIONS, HATS & CAPS, HARDWARE, CROCKERY, ( GROCERIES, 1.14 ND MADE FOOTS 'AND .SIIOES And many other things which we will be pleased to show - to all who will cull and examine our \ , gcrO, OF GOODS Before purebsising elsewhere. as we believe it will pay you for your time and trouble. SMALL PROFITS, .04UICIC 'SALES, & READY PAY IS OUR MOTTO. Don't fOrgetjo call at the EMPIRE STORE, NO.I. UNION .111,,0CK. We'labor°, May 15, 180; they Cluie • • - ,L.A.RefE 'sio6ks' OF • 0- 0 0 S . EVERY TIIING 'YOU WANT. T. L. BALDWIN & H AVE JUST 'PURCLIASED a largo i stook of SPRING k SUNSfER GOODS, embracing a general and complete assortment of DRY GOODS, FANCY GOODS, LADIE S' DRESS GOODS, rrioo A CALICO To A SILK. CLOTHS AND OASSIbIERES, ,_,,,s DOMESTICS,'"Y ANKE.E NOTIONS, HATS AND CAPS, CLOAKS, . SHAWLS, BOOTS. & SHOES, READY-MADE CLOTHING, HARDWARE, CROCKERY; PAPER ' CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS, FLOUR, PORK, FISH, SALT, IRON NAI • LS, FARMING TOOLS, STONE WARE, ANY THING YOU WANT. These Goods have been 'selected with great care. 'Since the deeline,,a large portii,o,of them direct from the manufacturer. We propose to sell them cheap for the Greenbacks. All kinds of Produce taken in exchange for Gootli. • ) T. L. BALDWIN - 4; CO. Tioga, Pa., May 1, 1867. 14-481 '8 I,:ek 'Nepal:tic •01 I' aaix . a .0 .sciAia3 -.mot pttr pug euluauxo pug Ivo oeuald KQuopoodsuilueq illa soap,' vie epoop ano .aelmulibp ifecae al eaumpacir Sup:knot (nog; pull slittupion topoop CiQ .zaeo soNquu.spu OAVLI 6.11 ‘Sive!lntove treocrfauq ontetpiell can 111 SCIIIIIII“ ~/1 yen 11174 Coq Saw 'oultpuw, aim 'rum! Sup u uf vOlOl3 s. of tllO4 luttid ay.) mit*B •orio ovull pinotpr/ottuug Stona .olua acrj doon oat pol i tint .0 •FI Cq ponolud pa4e4qopo GO o s.iewiog jo nopuom alp ilea mom om 11,NRINIMI I J 9 till I in 94 04.91 MM 11311,L1J1M lON ti *9 "3 1 2 '3IIOA-Nll IMP-SUB V AV Cia V H .[nod bat•Cnq 4',1 oliolucamd oitatti 'a FOALS pull . 1 i , 1 1 • • t . I • .... ' .... osouTeng zn A uo ;Ma uu aaJi . . SPRING STYLES at Kelly's. 'Ladies' walk in ! Apr. 1, 'O7, ONE OF El Groceries, I IigINVId NllO3 JO NOO4V OgLIII SIOA It ‘Oirie (PEIPi 7 10 4) `san.r. 2I:•I,LZnff ....... `SNIMULI lIHJ.III£I 'mour aon gIVN 'NQ)J.I aons asuon . 9210 H 7 1 1117 43 Pllos `P"Punq - 13 d S'IIVN 0N17735. amv frd - 4 .4aaiig oaocialloAt uo itoa piny 30 Ifil 6 s [ ms 44, • ' Oathartic Pills .., t ippo , " . • , ii e:L s . „ - .. :-...- . A R g E a t i the y 0 m w o e st I i i r e e r fe a e t y l p e u t r 0 - 1...„ \ An - -... t -L I-- ,-- : 77 vir \ • produce, and as we think, has 1 over yet been made• by any body.csTheir effects have ,abundrintly shown to the co m munity how much : they excel the other MOdicines it use. They aro safe and pleasant to take, but powerful .to cure. , Their, ponetrating ,ioropertice stimulate the vital activities of the body, remove the obstrictions of its organs, pu rify the l i ed, and expel disease.: They purge out the fo humors which breed and grow dis temper, stimulate sluggish or disordered organs into their natural action, and impart tone and . strength to the who system. Not only do they . cure the every da • mplaints IA everybody, but : formidable and dange us diseases. While they yess) ... educe Powerful effects, they are 'at the same time, in diminished doses. the safest and boat . physic that can be employed for children. Be- bag sugar-coated, they are pleasant ttalto; and, ' eing purely vegetable, aro entirely harmless. 'Cures have been made that would surpass belief, wore they not substantiated by men of such ex-' ' alted character, as to, forbid the suspicion pt un truth. Many eminent clergymen and physioians certify to the public - the reliability of ourirem dies, while others have sent us the , assurance cif their conviction that our Preparations contribute immensely to the relief of our afflicted fellovi men. .. ~ .. The Agent) Blow named is pleased to furnish '- gratis our Asuerican Almanac containing dire - dons for the use of these medicines and corti - -" •cates of their cures 01l the following complaint : 1 . Costiveness, Bilious Complaints, Rheumatic , Dropsy, Heartburn, Headache arising from foul stomach, Nausea, Indigestion, Morbid Inaction of the Bowels and Pain arising therefrom, Flatu ilency, Loss of Appetite, all Diseases which re ',quire an ovaeuant fflediciue. They also, by pu 4ifying the blood and stimulating . the system, pure many complaints which it would not be sup . Posed they could reach, nich as Deafness, Partial Blindness, Neuralgia and Nervous Irritability, Derangements of the Liver and Ki i dneys Gout, :inslatill other kindred disorders • aiising.from a . low state of the , body or .obstruction of its fustc . . • loons. ~ Do not be put off by unprincipled dealers with other preparations on which they polo more profit. Demand Area's and take no others. The 'sick want the best aid there is for them. anti they 'should have it. . . Prepared by Dr. J. C; AYER A CO. Lowell, 'Maim., and mold by all Druggists and CO., medicines everywhere. • Sold in Wollaboro by J. A. Roy. july3-2m. linEffil BBOCATION. For oil Ditieuses itteitleot to lloreee, Cattle, and the Human Meek t-ttioiring the time of "I f ,: tin EXt(111(11 Jirplication.. PHIS now Compound..prepared by a mutdical Chem ist, having u full know lodge of all tho modical vir toes of each log' ed len t that en tei s into its composition, is warranted to exceed anything of the kind over yet uttered to" the Public at an external application for the . dielMeee for which it is recommended. Wu are satisfied that it will nork its own road into the confidence of all nho use it, and those who try it once will never be without it, and therefore we rely on ex lenenco as the best test of its usefulness. It it pronounced by Farri ers, and all who have tried it, to be the best applica tion ever used. This Embrocation has bren put up for over eight years, and it is only thrOugh he increasing demand and urgent !request of my fr ends and the Public that I send it forth as the grand remedial agent , for the various diseases to which that noblo and useful animal, the horse, is subject. -I Many remedies have been offered to the Public under iffereut emit(' of these are injurious, othei a at eet of little nee, and irony wholly Improper to an• serer the purpose fur whittethey are recommended. A judicious and really Urful dumposition, tree from those objections, has tqilefore long been desired by many gentlemen who have valuable horses, and are no w Blink to truet them to the care of degigning and pre tended Farriers. Their a ishes arc at length fully grat ified. by IDr. Beale) being prevailed upon to allow this ElnbrOeillinD (which has proved en all:11(4011e to the vations diseases) to be prepared and brought .out to the public. 7.i+Eoll.l.ention scan extensively need Ly the Gqv eminent ourilig the war. Address all Orders to • DR. EDMOND BEALE, 02 South second Street, Philadelphia. Pa. For sale by storekeepers generally. rapria-6m. ,24:1 - 'Per eale . at ROY'S Drug Store. AT li.S. MITCHELL would particulirly invite , 1 thiPAttention 01 her friends lino. the public - .._ gonerall '. 'to caltfranid sec her now collection ei i - S JAI - A.1E13. GOODS, I I:eonsisttng of the y latest novelties et B 0 _l,\: NETS• .T OCKE 'ERENCII FLOWERS, RIB- 1 Allwith treat cure. Everythinglelong,- ing to the Millinery Trade of the LATE BT. , IMPORTATIONS, can bo found at her Rooms on Broad Street, to which would invite an early call. Mrs. 2.. D. MITCHELL. N. B.—Farticular attention paid to Bleaching and Custom Work. Tiogaj Pa.. Juno 5, IS67—t6 • , Real Estate Sale. TIIE Subscriber will scll-or of the following valuable property, to wit - :V • One tavern stand in Lawrenceville. One 'farm; on whiCh ho now. resides, ona-halt mile from :three churches, two School Rouses, two grog 6bnps, and one railroad, and about the game dietanbe from the line of the Welleboro and Lawrenceville Railroad. The farm contains DA) acres of good land, 50 acres timbered, well wa tered, and very productive! It 'requires that the. seed should be sowed aril planted. however, to ensure gg harvest: Ono larm iu Juokeon township, 175 acres , first-rat i o place for a cheese factory. Also l -for sale-4 mules, 75 sheep, and other stock, eleap ou reasonable terms. M. S. BALDWIN. Lawronde, Apr. 17, 1567-tf. , Wellsboro. Wobl Catding Diachtne. HAVING covered our Maclhin4 with entire nosy Cards, we are now road to Card all Wool without elay, Intl in 'the Ibest possible limmer. „Alt Wool sent from a diseanee by Stage will be returned by the same if regkiired. o S it . H B ILT I B R O . L , WellsVero, June 12, 1867 TILE IILODOET PREMIUM HARPOON HORSE PORK: ahead of, all others in Market ; when tested with other Forks=it never faits to give a decided kreferenee. Be sure and examine before bnying'others. . All 'actors Should ho addressed to either J. It. REEKS, WM. CH AAI ER I. A H. CA MP BELL, or C. L. PEON, Nelson, Tioga County, Pu. July, 3, BORG UGH O.ILD I kVA NCB, PASsED by the Burgess & Town Council of _L - the Borough of Lawrenceville, Pa., at a ineetinio hold at the office of O. W.-Ryon, Esq., on the 21st day of Jute, A. D. I,Sti7 It- is hereby ordained by the P f urgess and Town Connell of the Borough of Lawrenceville, Pa .. „ That 'on or after the tenth day of August, 1867, any person or personsorietlinror crying out and lounging about the stseeValleys, or public places in said Borough, in a - drunkenor disor derly manner, or insplaying atry, or in decency in a publieManner, - Or in any way dis turbing the peace and quiet.of the neighborhood, or cutting or defacipg,tho lockup or any public buildings belonging' to 'said Borough, or in any way interferingyrith any officer in the discharge of his duty, shtill be Tubjelet to arrest by the High.C.onstable or atfy•other proper officer of said Boron - ea to hei:t,aren to the Borough Lockup and there conOnethfOr a ,period not exceeding thirty-six lours, when ho,tshe,:mr. they shall be taken befOre the Burgess of esaid Borough to be fined in a sum not exceeding twenty-five dollars and costs, and be otherwise dealt with according to law. A. CIeOPSEY, Burgess. C. S:. AIATIIER, Lawrenceville, Jnly 24,°1867-3w. 1 l' XT °TICE is hereby given that Harris 'iota.- kits, Guardian of Mathew B. llotchlties, :t child of Luvisa' ifutehkies, deceased, will in pursUence of an urdor of the Orpli..‘,s' Court . of Tiogii County, sell to the highest and best bidder lor eazdi the following described lot of ground in Tioga Bum, Tioga Co. Pa.,. twunciod north by Wellsboro street, Cast by lands of Mar garet Goodrit,b„t•outh by land,. of A. C A: J. S. Bush, unil wort by laude of Lou ell S Co.: 'containing one...fifth of an a9re, on tlaturtlasy, the 3d day of August 1567, at 1, u'ulook P. M. HARRIS HOTCHKISS, Tioga, July 17, 1867,,3w: Guardian, <tc. ARE, CH ANCF FOR BUSINESS R The lino location for a store botteen the building known as Roy's Block, and Pullares Saloon is now offered for Anlo on peculiar and favorable' terms; inquire at Roy's Dro ,, ,'Store. . A. ROY. of those substantial Shootings and Shirting. :It 'April 1, 1867. C. B. KBIALY'S. 13 I- 0 , A' E ' S (Late Powell's) IqILLLNERY ! sl_J.l MER BONS,' LA.CES, HO, FARMERS! GET THE BEST. Orphans' Con.rt &tin A FIW, MORE •PIECES U