wiatazr, xdir AT ' BATTY ' YIOEB. BY 'ALIVE: OMIT .tho spider 'wears a plain brerin•dress, And else is a steady apinner; • To see her, quiet as a mouse Going about her Silver house,' •'. You would never, never, never guess The way she gets , her dinner. ' . She l l ooke as if no thought . of ill • • In all her life had stirred her, But while she moves with careful tread,' And while * ehe spins her silken thread; She is Planning, planning, planning still The way to do some murder ! - My child, who reads this eiraplo 14 • -With eyes down drooped and tender, Bernd:ober the old proverb says , That pretty is that pretty does,• , And that worth does not go or stay For poverty nor splendor. 'Tis not the house, and not the dress That makes the saint or sinner, To see the spider sit and spin, Shut with her webs of silver in, You would never, never, never guess The way she gets her dinner ! Nothing has Happened. We have a friend in this city, says the, - Lancaster (Pa.) E:noress,, who is very , fendof telling a joke. He has quite a number of real good ones, none of which we believe have ever appeared in print. ' We give one of them below, and if it "takes" well, we may -furnish others.— The story 'runs : • Some years ago, a farmer, living in a village bordering on Berks county furn-. ished one of his three sons with a sum of money and told him to go to the West and remain 'two years, .at the end of which time he should return to Lan caster stop at SCHORVELDIS, and one would be there to meet him. Theyoung man started on his travels, and at the end (.1* the specified time he rethrued.-- : •It should tie premised that telegraphs we.7e not then in exiketice, the postal sv. w:c- not so pereeet as it is to-day, ami literary Ittutaimeitts were not so hence no communication took piaee between the parties. He return ed. however, as we said. His brother wn- there to meet him, and they both pript.eded hOmeavardrin a buggy.' The wapderer, after relating some of his ad velltures, inquired whether anything' had happened since he left home. not a single thing," said the_ other'; ',everything is just the same, as when you left—except that The old crow died." "Indeed,"said the wanderer, "and is .the old craw dead? What killed him?" , "Why, he ate too Much meat when, the matched horses died. " "Good, & gracious ! are, the matched horses d—whatkilled them ?" ' a "Well, you see when the house and barn burned they overdid themselves in , hauling water. " "Good' gracious ! are the house and barn burned down—how -did it hap pen ?" ,"Well, you see when daddy died, they were carrying lights about and were careless. '' "Good gracious ! and is daddy dead —Whitt waa the matter with him ?" "Well', you see when our SAL ran away and got married against dad's wishes; he just pined away and died." "Good gracious! so nothing has hap pened since I've been away ?" "No t everything is just the-same?" AN AMUSING TUNNEL✓ INCIDENT.- Doubtless the tunnel op' the Eastern -Railroad, just east of theldepot in Sa lem,bas been the• scene of numerous amusing incidents but we doubt if any 'thing of a more ludicrous character has ever taken place in than the follow ing : It seems that a few days since a lady and hpr sister, and a grown up son of the latter, took the cars at Boston for the 'East, the sisters occupying a seat to- VictkiervAlg,tkaiiaMP.P. l 9/ePrW. tering the tunnel, the aunt, to have a little fun, rose up carefully, reached over to the seat the young man had been occupying, seized some one by the col- . lar, shook him soundly, and then re sumed her seat. The sister, surprised .at her vigorous movements, asked what she bad been doing, and was infovpaed by the other. that she had been attempting to fright e. n)her nephew. Her `Feelings can be .u4agined when the - mother made her acquainted with the fact that the young man left the train at Salem, and that she had been "shaking up the wrong Passenger." :When the train emerged from the tnel the person who had been mis tAen for the son was observed adjust ing his neck-tie and collar, and remark ed that he did not know hat the mat ter was with the ladies in front of him, but thought that one of them must kle insane, for shn had given him a severe shaking, torn 4off his neck-tie', scratched his face and disarranged his hair, and ho was at a loss to give any other ac count for the sudden attack that had been made upon him. A most original and eccentric charac ter was old Billy, Burch, father of :the celebrated "San Francisco Minstrel" of the same name. For many years he kept at Oswego a popular ale-house, and was much esteemed for the. peculiar mellowness of his mixtures and dryness of his jokes. He was a man of gener ous impulses and his proverbial liber-. ality made him the subject of many so-' lieitationlj and importunities. In the early 'days of the war for -the Union we all remember the . almost constant de mands that wereitnade upon the loyal people both for public and private Char ities. Of course Mr. Burch was never neglected. One day it happened that the calls for "material aid" came un ushally thick and fast. Thrice, aye, folir times was he asked, and four times dO he cheerfully respond. Late in the aiternoon a fifth applicant presented herself in the person of a fair damsel and agent of the local "Aid Society. " This was too mucheven for even Burch's patriotic spirit, and the maiden was re pulsed in a mosti:abrupt and heartless manner. After ho fair solicitor had departed a shock d and 'sympathizing bystanddr took occasion to remonstrate with Burch remarking that he enjoyed the reputation of being one of the most loyal and truehearted men in the com munity, and it was a pity thus to tarnish his fair fame. "My friend," answered Burch, giving a peculiar downward stroke to his san dy goatO and an emphatic gesture with his fore-linger, "I am loyal ; but do 4he people of Oswego suppose I can cagy on this war alone. 9" Stre.r.a, V.ToEs.—Most men are slaves to small viceeWe hold that by every evil habit—if it is nothing more than putting his hands in leis pockets—a man's .power and efficiency is so much weakened. A man is nbt physically perfect who has lost his little finger. It is no answer to say that such a man can do many things as well asefore his mutilation. Can he do ever , ) thing as well? So every bad habitc?pples in kind though not in degree, nd when they are numerous enough, such small vices deprive us of appreciative power. We remember that. Gulliver was effect ually bound and made helpless by the "Lilliputians, though every cable used = was but a thread. ' Cabbage, for feeding'stock, is a profit able crop. It is good all through the autumn -months and with little care and shelter may , biS kept good for stock, until the middle of winter. One acre of cabbage is worth four of meadow for feeding cattle: Cabbage-as well as tur nips may be profitably grown in the corn field here worms have taken the corn. The large flat Dutch, Drumhead and Marblehead Mammoth are excellent kinds, for feeding purposes. . One of the pimples on the face of the man in the moon, sEly the astronomers, has disappeared. = LW Mk TO BUY ft SELL IS BUSINESS ! • WE'vrill buy at the highost market the following articles,. - SHEEP PELTS, DEACON S DEER SKINS, FURS, HIDE ' AND TEAL SKINS, • for which we will pay cash. We will manufacture to order, Preach or tanned CALF or KIP BOOTS, in the best nor and at fair ratss, and pay especial at to REPAIRING. - , ALSO, We hp.ve 1 il. first-rate stook of , ! - -.i..i - t' .5 '' c - : -;.t, I , : REAIIY-1011E -. WO' on which we will hot be undersold, and fr. time wo shall make it a point to keep up t stock of LADIES' GAITERS, to be found in the county, which we wil a lower profit than such articles have ev , offered in this region. We shall likewise keep up a good ass. of LADIES! BALMOBALS; LE A 7 BOOTEES; 'OHILDREIVS, Az ) _MISSES WORK OF VA RIOUS STYLES, _ "*and all stylei"of rfrivaiss WORK. LEATHER d. FINDIIV can be bought of us as cheap as any wh side of ,New York, and we shall keep a fc of FRENCH CALF, FRENCH KI .PER, SOLE, LININGS, AN BINDING. Our stock of PEGS. NAILS, THREAD, RASPS, GLPVERS' NEEDLES, .L TREES, CRIMPS, with SHOEM TOOLS and FINDINGS, will be found. F,est in the!county, and we sell for smolt We fin business and we mearibusin) haVe been in this region long enough" t known—let thoso who know us try us. of Main and Grafton streets, opposite " arts' Hardware Store, C. W. SEA GEO. O. D t Wollsboro,,April 24,1807—if. :;) • Stoie Tin. - FOR THE MILLION IM =I CM - • • D. P. ROBERTS, ) OPPOSITE ROY'S BUILD.INI Is now prepared to - flirt:ash the p anything in' his line of business, in q largo, in quality, as good, 'and as chew as any dealers in Northern Pennsylvan. He payq,partioular attention to the STOV kND :TIN WARE BU 1 and intend to keep a . full as:sortment of in that lino. TIN WARE MADE TiO • REPAIRING executed in tho host manner and with CALL AND SEE ME D. P. RO kcileborough, March 7,1.866. ' THE PLACE TO BUY D : the Lawrenceville Drug Store, wlll~flndevery thing properly b, the: rag TTrade ' • :CHEAP, CHEAPER, 'IIE and of the best_qualityCas I. A Oils, Varnishes, Lamps, 'Fancy Noti, Strings, Fishing Tackle, Window Gl , Cash paid for Flax Seed, C. P. LE L awrencoville, 'May 8, 1967. FOUTZ'S CELSIIIIATtD Huse Cattlo Po YELLOW W. TER, REA.V El COUGHS, IM! TEMPER. Fl VERS, FOUNDE] LOSS OF APPI TITE AND VITA. ENERGY, Sc. use improves tl wind increase the appetite—give a smooth ar glossy skin—al transforms t• 11 miserable skelel horse. To keepers of, Cows this, preparation is improves of the been p tual Cal increas tit) , of cream i cent. an butted swee. p4 cattle, an a the! In all alseis( the Lungs, Li• &d., this art acts as a spec' By putting h one•half a, p.q ton paper barrel oT swill above d Ise a wilt be eratila or entirely pr proventive an Prlcq 25 Cei S. A. IVIIIIiESAI No. 116 P For Sale )w out tho Unit 4 I For sale by • . It R:"BOID .N 1 TiOGA, PA., "ETAS just returned from the City ' ith a large JUL and dalrable stook of goods co slating of .DRUGS AND MEDICINES, tankite N otions,sof eiesly description Glass and PlatAlli'are, ail Paper, Paints d Oils,-Dye Stuff s , School Books, Groceries, and malty every thing that is over kept in a Drug nd Notion al Storo. I would also call the atten ion of the' public to our Stock of GERMAN L MPS, une qualed in the wide world, and also that I am Agent for the " Morton" Gold Pen, 4nd shall al wayi keep a large assortment.' TiOga, May 8, iscr-tr: - B. B. DR. PITCH'S ABDOMINAL IMPORT. E. 143, for sale at Roy's Drug St re. TOB-WORK, IN 'THE BEST 'S wittidespatehowt THE AGITAT, MERIOAN WATCHUS in It AIL Cam from 07,60 up at NEYt 01'1111N01:011,0Ds UB AT THE PEOPLE'S STORE 1, price, MI WE ARE NOW RECEIVING A ome man- ntion .E.RgSH STOCK OF GOODS Ell (A • , SPICING TRAD • m this a best and are prepared to aupply the Ivanta of the people In sell been rtmerit NORTHERN „ PENNSYLVANIA ER DRY GOODS. I GS OUR LONO :EXPERIENOE re this II Stook , UP give the best satisfaction; and 'those accustomed to patronise ns know that wo WLS, STS, ERR'S the !or profits. es. We be well Corner m. Bob- that are to be found in tbia section ' and thoso who are no t our patrons are the losers quite as much as we are. RJ3Y. lare . .0 1 r, .1 Ill ' i r , ~~„ ~_ MADE UP, TO,. ORDER:AND WAR RANTED TO FIT. i' OUR STOCK WILL BE KEPT FULL, . v,„„. and all Goo4lB sold by us Wairanted to give Satisfaettp , Sold as Low as at any . other, Estab lishment. Mind that. blio with entity as p in price We invite an examination of (inr Stock and Prices, pledging ourselves to --A. SHOW GOODS FREELY AND TAKE NO MO vorything DER, N V Any 10. 1 R NEW _ARRANGEMENT ! dispatch & Van inburg. ERTS lIGS. • here you longing to PEST, so, Paints, .ne. Violin NO. UNION BLOCK, li NARD Bars. reparation, lavorabl, will thor ., Invigorate own and ted horses, 'De:hating using the and Inter This .! long an. known, I oughly broymn• low-snlr by st and els' stomach tines. DRY .GOODS, It Is yentlve cages i I MO pre• of all dia• lolsient _ to Cloths, Cassimeres, Vestiugs, Ladies' Cloths, - and a large variety of - -Ladies':Dress Goods: . Invaluable. the quality lk. It has ven by ac. • riment to the qune i j. ! ~1 milk and *tidy Per d make the firm midi a fattening' give., them tire, loaiena id e, and MERCHANT TAILORING- : FURNISHING GOODS. DON'I FORGET PLACE, §,P, - pi,x0.,,, •q9ops: We are Agents for Singer's Sowing Machines, the host and cheapest Machine for family use, less liable to get out of repair, and more durable than any other, adapted to fine or coarse sewing. Call and see them. . ; ORDEN. The Senior partner has had a large eiperienee in Merchint Tailoring. and it is the intention of the new firm to put this branch of their business beyond enciessful 'competition. ; Y Ll 3; " and R Office. Ong fTilver ()LEY'S. Wencher°, Feb. 20, 1807-tf. IN COBNING, =I = Adapted to the WITS ; has taught tie that GOOD GOODS KEEP THE BEST GOODS We koep as ttiaal a LARGE, STOCK OF CLOTHS to soil by the yard or AND A OFFENCE when no sale is made SMITH & WAITE. Have established themselves at lately occupied by V. D. Bunnell They are now receiving a lora stock of El SPRING In part, each as , GROCERIES, To buy cheap, and a choice lot If 1--' =Ng CENTIa OF ATTRAOTION IS tiT LAWRENCEVALE. :CR S. MA` ER & GO. . Would announce to the good! people of Tioga County that they hare het rSturned from Now York with their seeond full stook 'of FALL tr. WINTER GOODS, embracing Millie novelties as well as tho sub stantials required. DIMS GOODS, in all varieties, STAPLE /tc FANCY GOODS, HOOP SKIRTS, 4133 EST FRENCH WOVE COE. SETS, GLOVES Lip HO• SIERY, YANKEE NO• TIONS, oto, &c. , FURS FURS ! ! 111 .CONT; and Siberian Squirrel. CLOTHS & CASSIMERES in the county, READY MADE CLOTHING, and CLOTHING made to order super intended by first class workmen. • SHOP MADE BOOTS & SHOES in end— less variety, _ HATS & OAPS . . to suit all tastes, Ci-ROCERIES, &0., &O. Our goods have been bought 'luring the last panic in New York and will be sold at panic plcos. . . . • rioes are down, monopoly broken up. No other store cal or dare compete with us in pal- Rim:id price. For further particulars call at the store of Q. 0. lifAiliEß .t CO. f.awrencpville, pee. 19, 1866. 1867. WRIGHT & BAILEY. 1867. Wig commence als year,with an exclusively CASH business. i A LARGE SIOOK OF FLOUR FOR A LARGE STOCK OF FEED FOR CASH 1 A LARGE STOCK OF PORK FOR CASH 1 Call and see us. WRIGHT k BAILEY W911131;01.0, Jan. 9, 1807-Iy. AU persona indebted to na by note or book account must oall and settle or pay costa. Jan. 8, 1867. - WRICFRT la BAILEY. ME MR. WILLIAM ROBERTS begs to announce to the citizens of Tioga County, that in addition to his excellent stock of Stoves, Tin-Ware, Brittania, and Sheet-Iron Ware, he has, at a great outlay, stocked his atom on ilgSi with a complete assortment of Shelf hardware, of which wo onunaorato the following articles: NAILS, SPIKES, CROWBARS, X CUT MILL, HAND AND BUCK SAWS, BUTTS, STRAP HINGES, CARPENTER'S TOOLS, PUMPS, AXES, AUGERS, BITTS, 3 , BITT-STOOKS, HATCHETS, CHISELS, SHOVELS, SPADES, FORKS, ,WOOD SCREWS, CARRIAGE BOLTS, BURRS, SKEINS, WASHERS, . PIPE BOXES, AXLE TREES, ELLIP TIC SPRINGS, HORSE SHOES, HOOP, BAR, & BAND IRON, GRINDSTONE , HANGINGS, CORN POPPERS, SAUSAGE CUTTERS AND STUFFERS COMBINED. Also, PISTOLS, PISTOL CARTRIDGES, POWDER AND CAPS. PATENT BARNDOOR HANGINGS a new; thing, and made for use. These aro but a few of\ the many articles composing our stook of Hard Ware. • B We 'lnviti - the public to call and examine for theniseives. , We aim to keep the beat quality of goods in our line ; and all work to order done promptly and well. WILLIAM ROBERTIE3. Woßebore, Sept. 1,1866—tf. FALL BROOK COAL.—The undersigned having make arrangements to furnish Coal by the TON or CAR LOAD, coal° or fine, solia. its thapatronage of the public. ALSO—has constantly on hand, a largo stook of CARRIAGB BOLTS, to. , at wholesale and retail. _Mir BLACKSMITHING of all kinds done in the best manner. 8. M. GBBR. Tioga, Dec. 1, 1866—t f: , ~Rochoster Trout Flies. 1•11 MIFF Subscriber is agent for the above celebra ted Blies. Also a Ane assortment of Lend ers, Ifinsey .: Hooks, Snell's,' Braided Silk, Sea Grass & Linen Lines, Trout , Baskets, Fly, Books, Gut, Fly Rods, Reels, Ac., Ac. Shop in tear of Wm. Roberts's Tin Shop. lIIM LORAN A. 13RAIW. WeHabil°, May 29,1867. The largentiStook of CIASH PAID FOR WHEAT I CASH PAID FOR OATS I CASH' PAID FOR CORN I CASH FOR EVERYTILING e I I CASH I Stove's: ' StOves :: Allllll HARD-WARE: MAIN STREET, WELLSBORO, BENCH-SOREWS; NEW GOODS' .AN NEW II ~„W • P i ttlVEs '• f; V: . ' , • - Pi T. A. WICKHAM'S, $ • TIO GA, PA. e }:. . WVING just returned from New York with New nod ontefally 'Belated '• • STOOK OF GOODS, All those in want of Goods inn find it to their interest to coil and EXAMINE OUR STOOK and learn Priors before buylig elsewhere. • Kept emaciating CM hand, a choice lot of DRIED FRUIT, GROCERIES, FLOUR, PORK, &Z., &O. All the above Goods are bought at the lowed Cash Prices sad will be sold LCNLY .ron, CASH, o AM PAY. Don't forget the 'place, at the old etand of VAN NAME 4 WIOKIIAM. %loge, Rae, Yoh. 20, 1887—tf., , To the Public Of Welloboro AND SURROUNDING COUNTRY 1 • WAKES thle method 'of.notifying the people that the Stook of 1-' • .SP.RING , CLOTHING la on. bandi'.and offers it lower than bofore The St° e is :woll stocked with the matt fail iohable C ATS, PANTS AND VESTS, also, a large assortmeni,of GENT'S FURNISHING GOODS, 0012171 Sting of I • WHITE AND CASSIMERE SHIRTS, COLI,ARS,NECKTIES, SUS PENDERS, SOCKS, and a pd large lot of tho mod fashionable HATS AND CAPS, over brought to this market. Also TRUNKS, BAGS, AND UMBRELLAS, which you can buy low for cash, at the Cheap Clothing Store of N. ASHER, under the Agita tor Offloe. Wellabor°, Aprll 10,1887. Popular Dry Goods Tra T HE Subscriber is now receiving SPRING STOCK ~_, Merehandl6o, Among whioh will be fonnd many of the mos popular Styles of 11 421gg ' giCattgp SHAWLS, CLOAKINGS & SACKING S, 4 at prices that ara worthy of attention. Also, a fall line of PRINft, GINGHAM :. BROWN AND BLEAOH'D MIISLI 'B, TICKINGS, DENIMS, STRI B SHIRT INGS, TABLE LINENS, ' ' BROWN it BL • AMID, NAPKINS, .TOP.7I3LINGS, LACE AND EMBROIDERED - WINDOW CUR TAININGS, EMBOSSED AND PRINTED TABLE AND PIANO SPREADS, HOSIERY, GZOVES, &v. Speoial attention la called. to hit CLOTI?ING & TAILORING DR PARTMENT, Where a perfect St is guaranteed or no sale. A share of tho public patronage is respectfully solloited.THOMAS HARDEN. - Wellaboro, May 15,1867. PUFFER'S ,PATENT .FARM . GATE. (Patented Sept. 11, 1886.) I olaim for It Ist. The cheapest, moat convenient, and mos durable Barra - Gate in use. 2d.. Any farmer can make it with the moot a saw and hammer. 3d. It does not sag the posts, and cannot be blown open or shut. 4th. It is not obstructed by ice ore,now. sth. It is stronger than any other gate, and is equally so when open or shut, and cannot be blown open or shut, nor does the hardest wind affect it when open.' On the above claims and especially in regard to its cheapness, durability, and convenience, we defy competition. It is a new gate and has been but la short time before the public, butin all cases it has taken the preference over aft other gates. It costs, including posts, Only $1.25 to $1.60, and farmers can make them at even loss than this—they do not coat more than an ordinary pair of bars. Township rights for sale on terms very profita ble to the purchaser. Perm rights for sale for $3.00 each. I have put them down to this low figure so that none need bo without them, only be sure and examine this before purchasing of any other. Any one wishing further particulars will please address the enbsoriber, all orders will rooeive prompt attention. Address, Apr. 24, 437-tf. HAND POWER LOO [Patented 1865.] ALL persons interested is the introduction of practical machinery into our country, are requested to investigate the merits of HENDERSON'S HAND PO WER' LOOM. This loom will do all kinds of hand weaving. It will weave jeans, blankets, plain cloth ) sati net, kersey, flannel, seamless sack, double:width blankets, or any kind of cotton, wool or flax cloth. _lt treads the treadles, throws the shfattle, lets off the web, and takes'up the cloth. It makes the upper shed as the batten comes forward, gild begs up the filling after the cross is made, ma king better cloth and better selvage than" pan- be made in any other way. Looms made to order and warranted. Apply at the shop on Water Street, sign Factory." LEWIS. WET3IOEE. • Wellsbero, March 20, 1887-o,;' MUSIC oga Cornet .13ind is now in good blowing order and prepared to furnish good Musio On all occasions for am. sonablo compensation., ALL communications 'slfonld be addressed to tho Leader and Secretary at Tioga, Pa. F. H. ADAMS, Leader. T. A. WIOKIIAM, Sco'y. April 3,lB6T—Bin. • PLATED WARE—Cake baskets, • card bask— ets, misters, sugar bowls, eta., at • HE largest assortment of Watobes, (nooks, - Awe* and Platiid Wit° in Tioga county at [l9dao66] romws. r .r °''} .. ' : 0. 8. ICIMBAL , Ooeplo, 'Logo Co.,' FOLEY'S: - • • I nip, medicines, lco. •. BELDEN 9 4 BLOSSEURO, PA. Tr EEPS ootistaatly on hand a fine stook of Pure Jsll,,Dl:ugs, Medicines, Chemieabh WINES AND LIQUORS, for Medicinal and Sacramental use; alsoldl the popular Patent Medicines, Paints, Varnishes, Oils, ito., all kinds of brushes, Dye Colors, Dye Woods and Staffs, fine Toilet Soaps, Perfumery, Pom ades, Cosmetics, STATIONERY, .r,'ENS, PENCILS, PAPER AND ENVELOPES, Memorandum Books, Pass Books, are., Potash in bulk at 16 cents por .poond, Kerosene 011, Lamp Oil, Turpentine, Bonsine, Ito. • Fresh Oatmeal and Pearl Barley at 10 ots per p_ound. I am sole agent in Diopsburg for Dr. N.-Weetreite Elk rimmed, anti warrant it to onto Scrofula, Salt Rheum, Scurvy, Pimples on the face, and all diseases arising from impure state of the Blood if used according to directions. Particular attention given to compounding Physician's and other Prescriptions. I guaran tee satisfaction, both in quality and price. Remember the Store , _ opposite the new Coal oo'it Store, Blossburg, Pa. • Aug. 15, 1860-tf. J. L. °IIRLDEN. Mather & Horton , Dimatus re' GROCERIES •& PROVISIONS, CROCKERY, HARDWARE; • WOOD A WILLOW-WARE, YANKEE NOTIONS. LAWRENCEVILLE, PEN. A. Cash Paid for Produce, f l i, L . B 5 i . M 8 A 0 74 2 , 1 Nov. 21, 1866-Iy.t • 1866. '.' FOR SALE. 1866. BY • 0. WIOKIIAM; — , , •c' , A T HIS NURSERY OF FRUIT AND OR ti. NAMENTAL TREES, IN TIOGA 60,000 Apple Trees. 10,000 Pear Trees. A gcod supply of PLUM, PEACH, CHERRY, and ORNAMENTAL TREES .ft SHRUBBERY. The Fruit trees are composed of the choicest varieties, good, healthy, some of them large and in bearing. Any one wishing to get a supply will do well to - call and see my stock before pur chasing elsewhere. Off- Delivered at the depot free of charge. Tioga, Feb. 28,1886-Iy* HARRAH'S NATIONAL GATE [Patented September 20th, 1804.] ITS CLAIMS ARE 1. The moat common workman or a farmer can band it; 2. It is made of all sizes, and is' perfectly adapted to all Gate purposes, whetheer or cattle yard, farm, door-yard or garden. 3. It requires no hinges, and oanno be blown open nor shut. 4. It does not swag the post, and 'the Gate itself cannot sag., • 5. Breachy stook cannot open it. 6.. It cannot be driven against when open. 7. It is not obstructed by either rain, sleet or snow. 8. Being built without mortise or tenon, it costs but little more than a pair of good bars. 9. It Is stronger than any other gate built of an equal amount of lumber, and , its strength is equal upon both sides. 10. It is the cheapest; neatest, and most con venient and durable (late in use. re awatcW.fall of 1805, the NaHonal Gate bas and some 81RVENTY COUNTY FAIRS, and in'oompetition with other Gates, it has taken the FIRST, PRZMIUM in every instance. It challenges th&whole list of Gates to a prac tical test, throuzhont all scaeons. The National Gate has received the un.quali fied approbatiot of all who have used it. Those Gattii, including Posts, are built at a coat of $4 to $B, according to workmanship and material used. Their manufacture insures a profitable investment of capital, as they r oom. =and a ready sale at from 60 to 100 per, cent. profit.; and it is perfectly safe to put them fill st all times under a warrant, as they hove in no case failed to give the /rest satisfaction. • . • • -•• J. P. BILES, D. ANGELL, A. ALBA. 'Township and Farm Rights for sale in Tioga and Bradford Counties. Applicants for purchase of Territory, send for Circular containing particulars. Rights for average Farms are uniformly, sold for $lO eaoh, including printed drafts and speci fications for building all sizes of both Farm and Entrance Gate, by Abe aid of which any one can construct them. Ott receipt of $lO, in all oases aocompanied by a particular desoription of the land for whioh the right Si desired, the appropriate Conveyance, drafts, &0., will bo promptly forwarded. Address, with stamp, NATIONAL GATE CO., March 27, 1867—tf. Knoxvillo, Pa. M. BULLARD It GOLDSMITH, GROCERY & RESTAURANT One door above Roy'e Drug &oh), WEILLSBORO, PA Wt take pleatnire in announcing to the public that re commence the New Year with enlarged facilities for accommodating customers with the choicest stook of GROCERIES, YANKEE NOTIONS, WOOD '& WILLOW WARE, yet offered to this public. Housekeepers can find tho BEST SUGARS, SPICES, CHERRIES, (Stoned,) PRUNES, BOX RAISINS, CITRON, SEEDLESS RAISINS, - COOKING, CURRANTS, PICKLES, SAUCES, CANNED FRUITS. and the finest Count Oysters ; & Canned / Oysters, right from the , / BALTIMORE MARKET, on mile at our ofountor. THE HUNGRY (4- znscoNsoLATß Will find our RESTAURANT open at all ees 'enable hours, where Oysters in every style, pre pared by a &MEW cook, are carved up to delight the palate and gladden the heart. WE: AIM - ,TO PLEASE I Always glad to see our friends, because we .in tend to give, them their money's worth, and if they call once they will be sure to call again. MASS NA DIILLAILD, 0. 11. GOLDSMITH. • Jan. 24867. , MEAT MARKET. T EONARD GILLETT, having. raontly , ehased Mr: Andrew J. Tipple's Interest in the ;MEAT M.ABSET, would may to the (Athena of Wellaboro and vi• oinity Witt he will continua the business at the 71d Borst starid—giving his entire attention in supplylbg the wants of all who may favor him with their patronage. Constantly on band Rll4ll MEATS OF ALL KINDS. `11:hop ?me Door South of Derby's Shoe Bhop., Wellaboro April 10, 1807-tf. MlLO:trli PROM 0110108 WHITE WR,EAT, ,linelorbeat flour, corn meal and feed, always on band. ,Call!at the Charleston Ailllbefhrebuy. lug your floor and feed. I can make it an object for_ you bibuy. A. RUSSELL. Mby 16;1806.41 11 1 1101ALS4Lg DREG , STORE. ,CIORNING, N. Y. DRUGS AND: MEDICINES, PAINTS AND OILS, THADDEUS DAVIDE' INKS, CONOEN- TRATED MEDICINES, CIN- CINNATI WINES AND BRANDY, WHITE WASH LIME, KEROSENE LAMPS, PATENT MEDI• CMS, PETROLEUM OIL, ROCHESTER PER FUMERY AND FLAVORING EXTRACTS, WALL PAPER, WINDOW GLASS, - AND DYE COLORS, Sold at Wholesale Prices.. Buyers are requested to oall and get quotations before going further But. iib. D. TERBELL & CO. Corning, N. X., Jan. 1,1867-1 y PHOTOGRAPHIC. E. &-H. ANTHOIV & CO., Photographic Mate'Hats, 7461ZiALD AND RETAIL, 501 - -I)ROADWAY, N. Y. in addition to onr , main business of Photographic Materials wo arcilleadquarters for Ow followin4 viz : Stereoscopes & St,oreoscopic Vicars Of American arid- Foreign Cities and Landscapes Groupe, Statuary, etc. • Stereoscopic Views of the War, Fiom negatives !natio 1n the various campaign's and forlng a complete Photographic history of the great contest. Stereoscopic Views on Glass, Adaptod for either Magic Lanterns or the stereoscope. Our Catalogue will be sent to any address on receipt of Stamp. • Photograuhic Albums. We manufacture more largely than any other house, about 200 varieties from 50 cents to 00 eaeh. Our ALBUMS have the reputation of being superior in beauty and durability to all others. Gard Photographs of 'Generals, States. men, actors. etc., etc. Our Catalogue embraces over FIVE THOUSAND different subjects, including reproductions of the moat celebrated Engravings, Paintings, Statues, etc. Cata logues sent on receipt of stamp. Photographers and others ordering goods C.0.D., will please remit 25 per cent. of•the amount with their order. The prices argi l quality of our goods cannot fail to satisfy, Jan. 2,1867-9 m. Tiogi Marble Works. TILE undersigned are now prepared to out cute all orders for Tomb Stones and Menu meats of either ITALIAN OR: RUTLAND MARBLE, of the latest style and approved workmanship and with dispatch. • We keep constantly on hand both kinds of Marble and will be able to suit all who may fa vor us with their orders, on as reasonable terms as can be obtained in the country. Stones discolored with rust and dirt cleaned and made to look as good as noW. - WILCOX a WHITNEY. 00, 1424:11> •r To the Farmers of Tioga County lAM now building at toy mannfectory,in Lawrence Ville. a superior FANNING MILL, which possesses the following advantages over allother 1. It separates oats, rat litter, and foul seeds, and obessand cockle, from wheat. all otherlt cleans Sax seed, takes out yellow seed, and all other seeds, porfeotly. 4 a, It cleans timothy seed. • 4. It does all other separating required of a mill. - - This mill Is built of the best and most durable tim ber, luffood style, and Is sold cheap for cash, or fro duce. . . nail! fit a patont sieve, for separating oats from wheat, to other mills, on reasonable terms. J. MATHER, Ifrawrencevillo,Petoberilo, 186a-tf - WALKER & LATHROP, DEALERS IN HARDWARE, IRON, STEEL, NAILS STOVPS, TIN- WARE, - BHLTING, SAWS, CUTL.ERY WATER LIME, AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, Carriage and Harness Trinkmlnge, HARNESSES, SADDLES, Corning, N. Y., Jan. 2,18137-Iy. REMINGTON'S' FIRE ARMS. OLD DY TUE TRAD E GENERALLY LIBERAL DISCOUNT TO DEALERS 200,000 Formai= Ma U. B. GOVERNMENT. Army Revolver, 44-100 in. Calibre Navy Revolver, 36-100 in. Calibre Belt Revolver, Navy site Calibre Polico Revolver, ~ Navy size Calibre New Pocket Revolver, - 31 100 in. Calibre Pocket Revolver, (Rider's pt.) 31-100 in. Calibre Repeating Pistol f (Elltott pt.) No 22 do 32 Cart'ge Vest Pocket Pistol, No 22, 30, 32 & 41 Cartridge Gun Cane ~ No 22 & 32 Cartridge Breech Loading ititle,(Beals') No 32 44 38 " Revolving Rifle, 36 do 44-100 in Calibre E. REMINGTON & SONS. PRINCIPAL AGENTS Moore & Nichols. New York; Win Read & Son, Boston; Jos 0 Grubb do Co, Philadelphia; Poul tney c 4. Trimble, Baltimore; Binary Folsom & Co, New Orleans; Jobnson,.Sponcer &, Co, Chicago; L M Rumsey.l Co, St. Louis; Albert E Ctane, San Francisco. FFeb 20, 1867.-sw:': PNEWELL, DENTIST), MANSFIELD,Pa;., • grateful for the very liberal patronage heretofore received, will continuo eo as to. Per: form all dental operations, as to merit the rapidly increasing professional demands now engaged., All operations in all departments of the profes-1 eion executed in the boat possible manner. ' All new, useful inventions and improvements adopt-, ed. The highest good of his patrons the ultima tum of his ambition. j Deo. 6, '66-If ROY'S CHOLERA DROPS CURES COLIC, - • CURES DYSETEEY, CURES CHOLERA 111 - O.RBUS, CURES CHRONIC DIARRHEA, C n lIIIEB all Bowel Complaints, but- does not ours anything else. This.thedfue is no cure-all: it has the confidence of o ' ry bddy,, for it is never known to fail : it sbou ' be lliept on hand by every family.l Sold byxdoalers in medicine at fifty cents per bottle. For sal .in Wellsborough at Roy's Drug Store. 1 ) ljgr OTlCE.—Notice is beroby_given that ert Custard, Senior, has been • placek in charge of treat No. 1590, and those parts of tract No. 1589, in the vioinity of Babb's creek, belong ing to'the heirs of Luke W. Morris'; and all per sons are forbid trespassing thereon, under pen. alty of prosecution. ' • ELLIBTON P. MORRIS, 865 Market Street, nitridelON Fob. 27. 1867-6vo* MUSICAL INBTRUMENTS:r-J. B. Shahs pear, dealer ir Decker & Brother and Raines th Brothers pianos, Mason it Hamlin cab inet or Trent, Linsey dr Co. melodeons, and the B. Shoninger,melodeons. Ream , over J. R. Bowen's store. Sept. 12, 1866. iptlvEo, 4F . „TRAVEL. ERIE RAILWAY On and after Monday, April,29, 186 T; trains , till learn Corn! gat thefollewingbotas: , . - iIETWARD 201 MD, 12:28 a. m., Express Mall, Sundays excepted. fot Bunn. 10, Salamanca, and Dunkirk, connecting with trains . for the West. • 5:44 a m Night Express, Sundays excepted, for Buffalo. Salamanca, and Dunkirk, Making direct connection with trains othe Atian.ic * Great ,{ Western, lake Shore;iind Or nd Trunk Rallwaya,fotall points Wm to 7:07 a. ~Night, :sprees, Daily, for MAIM°. Waren:sea, --: ; B Dunkirk and the West, connecting as above 7:16 a. no., Night Express, Sundays excepted, for kerb. cater and 14114101 via Avon. . 10:32 a. in., MaitTrain, Sundays excepted, for Roxbet• ter and Iltiffalopvia Avon. 2:15 p. no. Baltimore Express, Sundays excepted, ter Rochester and Buffalo, via Avon. 7:03 p. m.. Day Express, Sundays excepted, for Buffalo, conueoting with the Lake Shore and Grand Trunk Railways for pointriveet and south. . 7;10 p m Day' Express, Sundays excepted, for Ito:beater 6:40 p. on., Emigrant train, Daily, for the West. 1228 a. in. Express Mail Sundays excepted, for Bahia, Salamanca and Dunkirk, connecting with trains for the West. I 12.60 p m Way Freight, Sundays excepted. .....,... , . iit Aiii 4 Wann BOUND. . , .12:113n. on., Night xpress, Daily, connecting at thaT\ [. 'Couti,f t.q ;Warw ck, acid at New York with afternoon ' trains. WI steamers forßostonand New En g l an d Cities. 4:01 a. in., Oinbinnntl Express, Mondaßevepted,w ak netting at Elmira for Harrisburg, Philadelphia and the South; at Owego for Ithaca; at ' Binghamtou - i for Syracuse.; at Great Bend for Scranton, Philadti. phia, and Trenton; at Leckawaxon for Ilawiey, and w Grayconrt tor Newburg and rerveicki'.. 10.15 a m Accommodation Traiii dallit;-Ortnecting at C . at Elmira for Canandaigua. 10:43 a. ni., Day Express, Sundays excepted, connectai et Elmira for Canandaigua, at Binghamton for Syn. cued, at Great Bend for Scranton, at Lackawaxon for Hawley, and at Jersey City with midnight , Exp., Trainor New Jersey Railroad for Philadelphia, Saki. more and Washington. i , , , S:l2-p . in., Baltimore Expreis, Sundays exceptid. 4:35 p. no., New Toxicant! Baltimore Mail, Sundays at. copied, connecting at Elmira for Harrisburgh, Hite deiphia, and South. 7.07 p on Lightning Express, Sundays excepted, coo. Deep:lg at Jersey City with morning express (rob of New Jersey Railroad for Baltimore Bridles:shingle°, 1 and at New York with morning express trains for ' Boston and the East., II 12:80 p. m. way Freight, Sun ys excepted, ICH. R. BABE, H. RIDDLE, Gin Pass. Agent. _ a - -- Gen'l llupt. Northers Contral 8. B. TRAINS FOR .THE NORTH. Trains for Canandagiiia leave Elmira as follows: Atcomodation at 7091 le Express [fastest train on road] 'II 45 am Mail 7015 pm Way Freight, [passenger coach attached]v. 3 '7lO a m On and after April 29th, 1867, trains Will arrlie Ind depart from Troy, as follows; MOPING souls: MOPING Norm Express 045 p m Exiiress ;Mau Elmira Mall 550 a m Elmira Mail 965 Vit Local Freight 10 50 aM I Local Freight...... 3 54 p Through Freight 9 55 p m I Tllough Freight 2 DO a E. S. BROWN, Div. &pl. _ _ _ • lillossburg & Corning,' & Tioga R . R. Stains will run aafollowa until further notle?, Accommodation—Leaves Bloasburg at 6,50 a. nt., Slut. field at 7,85, Tioga at 8,20, Lawn.ncoville pt PM-- arriving at Corning at 10,20 a. m. Mall—Leaves Blossburg at 2,85 p. m., Mansfield/0 Tioga at 4,90, Lawrenceville at 4,s7—aniline at Corning at 6 p. ni. Mail—Leaves Corning at 8 a. an., llawreneevlll at 9,W. Tioga at 10,02, Mansfield at 10,40 arriving t Blom burg at ti,ao a. m. Accommodation—Leaves Corning 'at 4,50 p.f i m., renceville at 5,58, Tioga at 7.02, Mansfield at 7,10.- arriving at Blossburg at 8,25 p. m. L. H. 1311ATTUCE,Sup't. Philadelphia & Dkie it R. Trains on the Philadelphia Erie Rail Road will it:, us follows : WESTWARD. Mall Train leaves 'Philadelphia. " 'Williamsport " err. at Erie Erie Express leaves Philadelphia.... ," Williamsport-- 4 ,j; arr. at Eric Elmira Mail leaves Philadelphia—. •i` " " Williamsport.... " 'arr. at Lock Haven.,.... Buffalo Express leaves Baltimore : - " Williamsport " " arr. at Lock Haven EASTWARD. Mall Train leaves Erie " " " 'Williamsport " " arr. at Philadelphia Erie Express leaven Erie " " Wlllleunaport..... arr. at Philadelphia. _Elmira Mail leaves Lock Haver'. " 0 WilllamtsporL .. arr. at Philadelphia Lock Ilaven Acc'm leaves Lock Haven " leaves WiniamapOrt— ,4 arr. at rblladelphla A. L. Tura, Cie .441 do and GrasttWetsrteern 1 1X7.,,44 ~.• SALAMANCA STATION. WE r rillD BOUND. EASTWAILD OUND, •:. Mall 5.30 Express ' ' 5.10 Accord °dation 6,35 Mall . i +5.51 Express . .12.19 Accommodation, 11.41 Express - 11.00 rf xpr e a s 610 At Cory there la a Junction with the Philudelphla Erie, and Cil Creek Ball Rondo. At Meadville with the Franklin and Oil City aryl Pith°lo Branch. At Leavitudiurgo the Mahonlay Branch makes a dr rect route to Cleveland, At Ravenna connects with Cleveland and Pittebutgh Railroad. The Road passes through Akron, Ashland, Gallon, Marlon, Urbana and Dayton, intersecting various rail. toads, and terminates at Cincinnati. D. IieLAREN, Cie Supt., Aloadville, Pa. . S. CLAIM AGENCY, For the Collection of .Ariny and Navy Claims and 'eutloos. TEE NEW BOUNTY LAW, passed July 28,186 , 40,s two and three years' soldiers extra bounty. .`:tlid In your discharges., OFFICERS' EXTRA PA Y. Three mouths' extra pay proper to Yoluntoer oaken rho wore In serviee March 3,180. PENSIONS INCREASED To all who have lost a limb apd who have been puma nantly and L totally disabled. All otherptiverument claims prosecuted. JEROME B. NILES. Wollsboro, October 10,188641 Planing & Turning• B. T. VA /V . BORN, IDTAVING got his Faotory in operation. ja is now prepared to Sll orders for Cabinet Ware promptly and in the boat style of workman ship. Haying procured a WOODWORTH PLANER, is roady to dross boards or plank with (1 1 ispatek SCROLL-WORK & BRACKETS, furnisbed to order. Ms machines aro of the new est and most improved patterns. Shop corner of Pearl and Web Ste, BORO, PA., Oct. 31, 1866—tf. D . EBIOREST'S M O liT II L Y MAGAZINE , universally acknowledged the Model Parlor Magazine of America; devoted to Original Sto ries, Poems,Sketches, Architecture and Model Cottagesotisehold Matters, Gems of Thought, Fersonal andiLiterary.filossip (including special departments on Fashions), Instructions or. Health, Gymnastic, Equestrian Exercises, Musid, AIDU±C• moats, etc.: ail by the best authors, and ptofwe ly and artistically illustrated with costly Engra vings (full size), useful and reliable IPatterw , Embroideries, Jewelry, and a constant succes sion of .artistio novelties, with .other useful and entertaining literature. No person of refinement, economical houc• wife, or lady of taste can afford to do without the Model Monthly. Single copies, 80 cents; back numbers, as specimens, 10 cents; either wailed free. , Yearly, $3, with a valdableiremium; two -copies, $5 60; three copies; $7-50; five copies, $l2, and splendid premiunis for clubs at $1 each, with the first premiums to each subsoriber. Ad- r. dress, W. JENNINGS DEMOB - ES-I, No. 473 Broadway, New Yolk. Demorost's Monthly and Young AIIIOO OII O O. gather $4, with the prensinme for each. . March 20,437-6 m. INSURANCE AGENO , MESSRS. NICHOLS & MIT ELLwould respectfully inform the pe ple cif We rt• otnity, that they have the agency of some of the beat Life tr. Fire insurance ilompaples In the States, and aro now prepared to three At reasonable rates. Mr. MITCHELL having been appointed • NOT.ARY PUBLIC will attend promptly L to any business relating' to his office, whiob may be entrusted to him. They will be found at the office formerly occu pied by Lowrey and Wily Main Street, Wellabero, "Pa. Ai. 13, 1867-19. IBounty and Pension Age/loy• • I jr AVING re oived dennitolnstructions In regard f ! I. A tho extra bounty allowed by tho act approve' Taly 28, 180, at d having on band a largo supply of all necessary Mans, I ant, prepared to prosecute all peo• sion and bount claims which way bo placed in illY . bands. Persons living at a distance can eoudUuni csle with we by letter, and their communications will be promptly answsied. - WM. IL ODlrrir• Welletwro.Ootobor 24,1880. iiiii:=ll 7.00 p ... 4.30 a r. 4.08 p e —.1200 mi.,. . 8.45 p m 9.45 a m 8 00 a m. 6 .? ,8 P 7.45 p m —10.30 p ...10.30 a ta • 1150. c -.1025 a la 1010 p c 7.00 a 5A p .. 423 a za .. 1.5 k) .. 7.15 a 13.Z..5 a 6.40 p Sn 1.60 p 20 p .14.60 u in litipt. ME B. T. VAN ORN