HOME :. 'MATTER S. IVEDNi.4).iT7J'6 " L - 1. 2 :31, 1867. • Nrfcc A,d • firtisoinonte: • Wanted—Jr. E. Reeling. . . Lost—C. Miller; .• • Tax Payers—C: F. Miller. Application in. Divorce—Sheriff Tabor. The Queen's Cephalic • - • • Property i'or S'Llt--C. litunpbrey. Beyond the Mississippi—National" Publishing Company. Salo of Personal BeerfCti... Auditoiss Notice—. 7. Harrieon,,Auditor. konounceminit, for Astembly,—B. B. 'Strang. C> ;ESE-Bogs.—Mr. S.• $. -Spencer reciUssts us to s inferri:L.Proprietihsof; Cheese keel toriestbat tie will be ready tofillarderafor Cheese Boxes iu a very few dayi; • • • ' M. E. S. , SoliooL.- . -The Month y Ses 7 - Eton of• the Methodtat.Puinciai School:wilt ,be held at the Chnrehi on Sunday evening. Thu •exerei . ees will be conducted bythe•seholare.' - • ADDISON ACA:T>EistY.-:-We notice that our,young friend James 11. Ifosarj, late of beet)la; has tal6a charge of the Addison Academy as Principal. Wo send. him • good lack and God WREELEIR HILL' CHEESE FACTOItY;. —Mi.l.O. I v . Jones, Secretary, writes ,us thatt - this factory takes the milkjrom 120 cows,and receives a b m it ,Ii tons of milk per day , . 'the - average l n 1063 is abOriVs,o lb ._of 'cheese, per, day. ' We have tested the chee , e, produced and find it ei ceileiit. : ' : _: ' " ' .., ' - 1 . 8p311:1E5§ , C441.1.7Gr.: E.mf: D: ,Bun nell' has purchased;pro; *oat . Saiket, and- nfter thorolagbly renovating the same ready - to -sup ply customers. In our opinion Ur. turmoil knows low to run "a twilit shop, and if he. fate it will be s n exception :to th 4 Tale -*Lich appears to govern his operations."' SUccess to tarn. . CONCERT.—Mr. J. Parry -gave con cert at Cherry Flats Inst: Thursday 'evening which was well attended and gavo . oxcOlentsatisfactiork. Dr. Webb, of this village, who t was present„in forms us that Mr. P'arO,is sings vocalist he has heard this region . . Tie sings musie.c7i' his own composition With inimitable expression.* After Mr. Perry olosotl,•00 Weleh,GSeq Clith sang several pieces is fine style: • . The Elmira Gazotte thus refers to the Glass Factory, at Blossburg : , ~ , , ~_:,.,,i , i .‘ It has nowbeon running about a wool . ; ano at it 'aro manufactured all silos of 'tvi ildw coaoh,'ear and Sheet: - singlo and. double thicer glass. Tho•businesais carried on under the name of the Blossburg Glass: Company, -the :firm' being llirsoh, "Ely do Co., whose - address • is Bitissbitg. Tioga County, Pa. Some dozen of the.'best nd most experienced - glass workers- in- the ' country, aro employed hero. Tho glass is inside' from 'rock , sand gottenont'of 'the 'adjoining hills, in. part the property of the company." TEE COUNTY IHOUSE.—The Commis- EiODOTB have contracted for the oreetion of the County Tromso trittillfr. S. bi. Brokcman, Elmira. The building is to:tio• of brick, 40x60, and three_ stories. Tho contract price is $4.350, the builder furnishing time, doors, windorrs, door and window taps and sills Of irop, paints, oils, cave gutters and conductors. Mr. Brokeman is under a bond for 18000 to darer the Premises,' com plete, on or before the Jet day' of December next. He is a skillful and energetic builder and will, without doubt, fulfil his cozaract to the /otter. PROaßESS.—Opposite our window is a sort of depot for-Agricultural Machinery. - 'Du ring a month last past several Ivagan loads of Mowing Machines hilvebeen t deposited there, not, however, to remain for long, Every hour or so NV6 aro roused by the click of the toothed genr.lig as a machine is 'Miamd into the wagon of some enterprising farmer. We confeet: to a liking for that sort of music, whether ii be in the hay field or out of it; and the fact. that the " old fashion of cutting grass and grain is going to the dogs in-Tioga county, affords ns enjoymont. It is time that machinely wait made to do the work which muscle has been overta'sked to do.— Bring on your:paxLinos, ,GRASSITOPPERS.—Arr. Helem writing us .. Middleburg, Nebraska, says Or the Grasshopper Piave . "The grasshoppereconmeneud •learing abotit three weeks ago., (June p 0); and are all gone at present writing. They went:with the-wind, after doing some damage. Some fields 'of wbecit, : anW 'corn, and some gardens have been destroyed. But there Will be kriore-Corn raised this ymir than last, after all. 'Winter/ wheat is a good orop4-- about 40 lathey to the nerf. It is all 'harvested, cod spring wheat eilt this week." Mr. Clans - writes - under date -of .July 14; find' promises to write fttrtiter of the! country soon.— We shall he glad to hear from ) him, and others who have left noia county for the West. THE Clto . ps.- 2 `l ie hay crop, now be ing harvested, is remarkable. ' Tho growth , is thick, and 1 eiy tall. We 116,n0t imagine, hoW ever, that there wbei , much hay- exported 'fro#l Tioga County.' Very. little hay was kept over, and tho increase of enw-keeping is so consider:; bl at raostfatmers wjl.l feed what . would i..ave otherwise, a surplus;, Winter wheat is a reen, great orup x )faroi as - elaeithero; • and inueli mile was soared hist yeah 111 usual. Spring wheat looks well - ntsp.. Oats, if not .too dry will be a full crop, Cornitt" bun) 11111.7 - j'atateea noyar looked better, but they iir now setting and it is very dry. Six hours' rai ,:now would ensure l a fine crop in qUantity; tthe stalk growth dogs not indicate rot yet. Prim the best sources of infiirmation the new is that dopi on:the grUtind arc now less than six,days behind ,tho .growth 4f ,last year. , ' , _ ',,, , - .4- lt ICE. Cl..YlacElt ASTIAT.T, Y a I ativle of Mr. Chauncey Dimmick, whoge sudden death was noted last week, gives us additional:•partie4- lars of ,the circumstance attending the accident, eraeisrilat modifying the aceoiinegiven List weelt. Dimmick's body was found about eight feet from the stub 'which .ho, .was foiling. _lt seems that ho had nearly half severed the stub, which was a largo one, and had left his axe in the gad. • lie lay with his head toward' the stub, with the left teg doubled ander the , body. - There•war no Contusion found on the body Whatever; and - •oloso examination' does not Warrant the supinisition that ho was hit by a piece - of bark, or l by' any falling T.ho neck was encircled b r y, a-dark discoloration, and much swollen, yet. there •is no evidence of dislocation; If the day had been very .hot stvistroke 'tronld hi - ie explained the matter as svalll as anything. An it is, the cauhti of his death is wrapt in mystery. , I3ITTERe& BOSH,—Messrs. Hostetter a Smith, of Pittsburg, and Proprietors of djoqet ter's Stomach Bitters, have a column in the N. V. Tribune of• July 24, in Which they consider and dismiss the various Schools of Medical Practice with little ceremony: Theii. • objeci of 'course, is , to show the green ones that - nothing is Cdrtairt but the 13tomacIt Bitters. -.All else is , ,guses v,•orl< add humbug. They take occasion to say that the Swedish , Movement Cure is " an extravagant ap plibutionf.the principle that exercise is. health ful." N W wo have passed through :a course of treathre by-this process, nrailean say that so far from tiler ' lacing a grain pf tenth* (la their id isik lion it, its ho very, reverse of what is stated. The "Movem i : b ine is a system of fliassiva. gym nastics" np to the period of renewed vigor ;tbe . 'operator doing all the work, while the p.it lent re esains.passive. Nov' is it iT avpiteatittn ,rif tile principle that exercise is healthful. Qn the cod trary; it is an -. application of the principle .thit health is nature in cquilibrium, and by systematic nlovetnents,'n-hich t bring ,eyery voluntary muscle iutoiplay, proposes to restore the equilibrium .if, the vital forces. Per instance: If there be for-' pidity otthe •liver, action is induced by gentle qneussion by the operator's•httrici. If there be stony of the boviels, the peristaltic mount, is „in duced by_hmehanital means outwardly applied,;- If here Jm-,a; 5, nsitiveness of the digestive organs, and non-assimilation of food, action is induced in the remoter nauselee, and, thence to the' Partesif fseted by natetial process. : If the blood beam perfeelly.Okygenlied, ‘deep' breathing" is prac tice& and the chest ntniptilated. -Ail in all, there is . uo greiter or more eflieictit aid to l'e Cll ' , ~ ,- , peration than the Swedish,Movement Citric. / sm-wv - PigiVmtiV " , 00laiteloriwiti:uminiiLeffai '44rti esdptm , tions for diseases of the eye, by Dr. E. Smith, of Mansfield, last Saturday afternoon, The first was• for cataract, upOii Mrs: Maiishalle of l tast Charles; 'ton, an aged lady who has been nearly blind for several years. The case was very difficult, owlet; to the unusual depression of the eye within the socket, making it almost impossible to perforat the work with the usual appliances. The opera; tion was successful and the Doctor entertains a favorable oti.ctiqn of the. 0544- -* •!'li. i f "4 •The other case was that of ,a,littlo.doughtet of Mr. J.H. Do l an, of Charleston, who is blind from infancy, the,l l eyes having been subjected to a strong light 'at four ,clays from birth . , ~ .71,,, , ,y, s "were iribitfuetand - piotrreding, and' the"lciilffi 'wail unable,to donsom:thrtn;llisting m , ttsh, light fro 1 darkness wit the right eye. The operation wait performed with, the nati fl ent under the influence , , • , .. ..." • c of chloroforid, ia much s tiile - g ra .; ti fi cat io u et the Doctor•tlimapicity,kltided.hiOasurably nede Maniptdatimi; so much.so, that there is a strong probability that thelinfattutiate child will be abli, to see well enough tq distinguish objects. Dr. Smith is young,l•but a devoted surgeon, and operates with great ease and rapidity. He de; JsorOsr, amicannoit; wo think, fail. to. wilwa -;bril i - Rant future. , l_ , We 'Am that the DOetoi' successfully operated l for Strabismus, ot cross-eyes, upon a little son off' • , ,..c •,. tc of Tioga . • •-, Mr. Henry Fish, l , fait weelc.. t . . ._ MARTIN CHUZZLEWIT.—MessrB. Tick nor Sc -Fields, Boston, Mass., hake just issued this, as the fifth voluttro.of, ,thrtir, edition" of Diofrosts' Works : We have - hlwads iegtirded '"llftrtin Chuzzlo wit" as ono of qmyory , ,hest of, ;Dickens's books., When it first appeared there was a groat howl sat up by the pOor fools who toadied the author wheh ho visited the country, and were served up in "Mattiti,Chunlervit" in'filait 'lts severe, rtithice than elegant, Vol it hiM'ladie-11rit one over the knuckles than it does Atnericans. Fecksnifir,sfaircy (latnp,, Jonas Chuzzlowlt;Mad Mon ; takuo r Tifie fiiir`ly Offset ' 'NO th Pogram; Mis tress, Ilontihy,,C,oltariel Diver, and, Jefferson Brick ..—the fern+ being British,Rnd latter,,Anter can caricatures.,.-Jho creation of „Mark Tapley should entitle Di s ekeits to Tama.;',:inii as for any prejudice aptst : the Book, in America, none W4l avow not feel hit. The illustratioris• are capital, i thatiglevrhY Eytingo 43houicelitiv'e 'ptft in Horace ifireelai for:Jeffersori Brick passes our comprehensmn. , The illusi4ted edition is Ind $1.50 per volnmt, the plain, $1.25. ' Wo rag aril it as the fincit ularkilitit+of - Dialiehe'cidr r tiffaieti 'to the putf lie. Tho pliblisherS by' mail' prepaitl'ort .: receipt of thesoprice:s, or it may, Im , .ordered tit the Bookstores. , BASE ;BALL.—A- match was •ictlayeti: Thursday - ;.1 ( ,Duly 25,''.1.867; Bn'tlie!'Agile'-Groun4, - betAveon the Monitor 'Club: of Tiogn; and. Vie' Agile of Mansfield. Belc4 is the score? ~ AGILE I . 0- „..,,.,...1)19NITon. 0. 11. Smith, c 2 7 -Wickl ! ?ina, : e 5 5 Kelley, p ! 5 ii Mitchell, p 4 . 4 Faller, Es ! 2 .7 , Do Poi, •se 3 5 McGill, lb' 4 ! 6 • !Van-Osten; 1b...: -2 ' :7 -..:3,.63 , .11 r Mnerod.cm, ; ...2b..w. 4. S Davis, 3b ~: .... ....• 4 ,5- .A. , V5:tr,,31)...,..-... 3' ;5 Et 'elan , in, 1' • 1 6 E. Yair, 1f....4..... 4 4 Denjamin,'et ' , t 5. Sly, cf ' 5 2 Wilson, r 4 ...... .. 2 . 6 Johnston, rf ' 6. ,6 ..• IziNuios.l 1 2 : 3•4 S 6 7 . ' 8 , 9 ' 4 • • : 1,0 :7. '0 :li, .11i ' 0-53 MONkTOR.4... 4 3- •6 • 1 •7: 2„ • . 511—•1,6 , S.!. E. Wilcox, of Agile Club: Eleorere.H—C. E. Alk L. H. Tuttle ten, Tuttle. l;tes.—Agllo',.lVlonitor . foul bull.—Agile 0. Monitor. 7. ns.--- - MoCroden Of .the'Moitttoi•-2. 1 Game three Vours. ,••' ' E. W. AD.Aus, Fly Cal Outs on Route R Tithe of . .—So - depeilth lipan 'the sions•tine tit.ee.ives or men and nder sometimes why there is not thorp Goss! . that we .W Lid to outward appoaranCes. ' Prince attention Tour firsti.ll9siness transaction with a, ratuil'clii figured by ,u..t.Fcimn of teibacco-juico, running down from each-earner of his mOothl How well We reeblltct our sensations .as,.sitling _upnn 'l4 roof of tbr. Vint-olc_ye-entereutne ruing in Rlay thlitcou yenrs, ago . ,; - Pir ffine. The tall, graceful elms, which . their arms and playfidly sit uncovo Kea in r the' PO:fence of their eminded rid of- bonny New England, • is th% s weed, of :unspoken -welcomes., Jrig,o-er flu clank road toward' Wells-. ad leisurolo mark tho signs of rift oil ,4ther ' band. , "'mitering Main, were rejoiced to noth, that - strombody hair there,itoo, though 24 that it. , . l i ke' an liftertheught: • - 'Stir, they werlo I the , world .befoili, them and full of But We sliW no sideWailiSllien, and tlfp laces were dingy , and anti. ItiS IVP gLi one 910 tiro first reached d MIME majesty, it and gom tit Rolling ti Lord, tat abl'e \ Street no , planted, t deemed 1 trees, v. i t promise. business at Cleaver's, and receiyed'his cheer itf thought struck us - that Wellsbofp stepped wdeotne; „ ,nongli' from being ” whitewashed and Wever, Art) did net-Oblllf!,.a4a:etitie, I,Cas fat feneed in out soup in pence , listening to tit l e -fellow-diners,nmong whom were ,some and sipp gossip of longbeeril fait filien(lo.' AOll-4611 . 7 6- ial4it fourtee'n, , , years liaVe:rolled:riivory• ti,:aintoui village hi literillY erilboivircr!l . the', itore;frohts Will compare favorably this side o s • tkie -th9 whb 'day i .A since the; in shade, with mil walks- ell—they are much butter than non, but not good enough; A stranger pasting along before some of our ;'‘ solid nicri" Might .li-under i t little-,wh ther lenest pride ha rul d 'not e • tt41104"- ging; a d should he be reminded of a splendid , . carriage" without,. Ft, ~ step, we• should not - „inuell ','.. I I blame h ni:' ' ''''' " .... - .... , , , 1..'' _ ( —We address ourself 'tr : lliii & 4lififilacs - wii. o survive. th'e awfulheat.., , Of a lai*4direW, Did youl'veiL see such a. 4.urtmot breathe Atuii**irdatio. heat ?.'• Talk of theftropics ! One_wi'ii..l4 .. ,elit netr i t ./ de f the equate y for termity-four. hburs til sures u that dt was t refrigerator , edinPared-with Wodncsday: .• We w4iked up to; dltirier' - nrid:tete' forcted'll:),poCket our - , hands to j keep 'tlienk l .frolP blistering, ' The.heat rebounded from'qiie -gravil ' walk lilio the heat from the' roof:of di rever y or4- tors' ,fur c n e. co, Not Ass then LO ..:4e g i 9 p; ,in ill,O sun wo guess,, and possibly.inore. ..I.oo'dcgroc's in the ehadiest shade ! think of thi4L: Going intro the garden We found - thb - Micinnticrs prostrate,• the cabbages curled up, and the corn pale and lifelcss. But the tondate'vitie"e laughed and.greir fat, ;is did llio Loans, ,while ; the., ptdattms inutecy • I 1, '' • cried- for water. ~'' '.- - .!. ; • '.. .. . •', ....• , 'DR. I- 2 - Up Do Groff, yesterday. removed tam "the shoulderOf a Intik 9„sitling ih sn. It is as . of i the il . tiipiike7iir_fattS. '37.404i- liei g ,h A consiilerably o - ver tWo " vciu`pflt. s to this ho rotopvell, .ai catarttetqatOrts I. ',Woman's eyo.-'1 Alp Operated for stray or cross oyo4 upotiflitoothitt.:' , :i .z•. - : : IS, opois tiCifi4' .. kiSto: t . t3tiiip'ititt 4i' : 'by: . 111!ge if of :tb'e inqic, 9 l . oatFYßify, and x.tOtt;itititi.. ir,ithlo inr,overy_ respect. Dr.jttp, Do grafi' 1,14- eozliable• reputationlis a•skillful-Bat - 1 1 14 a tiwoessfol Oculist and Atirist.—Eitit‘- r.dl'i v elii!lri. :', • : : '.. ii '• 7 , ' Bns tarpnr Penn, Ey, awl Previo frotu Then' nntAloo I 41.1,n4t4' IP gain geon TA 11) ST Tho Magazines • itu g ust R, 4 erey rk very morr of - 3enn fueinn'fiod. For . young - people In their . teens - we imagine to ic perfection in alic • illionjwited rover is an, objectZtif ii•riever 'tile, 'On ite'ongras -aro-14- a 'rery - month, it n mop of tVe mop/11 5 ,5° elnif•-w/Mevc,F f . : faiq'si-l?livi?ttte iripiote•uiap of, flc etcie 04, the end, year • - •.52.61) oinglo • celiy 5 , eopiefolslo. The ty aid 'Hit 111 , .t-elf. Tr 1,. tor 11 ,t ~rillh ) of the -11ctrcl l• Houghton, -- New - Yorir. Youriffnikp:—:TfidAiiiOst'ito.'eorifairis a iu t alto e nf. "11,i_on rid tho')Vorid ••baty eioriei•:of 11§6- s.t take • boys by _storm. -,,For boysi- and om• 8 terlo years it has no .t ( quali:rits=va;t• NFry_ choice and its .engia'ringe 'l.ieadiffut. vear. ; 1'10169'r:4; Vields, Boston, Mass. Ois r fi (.11 • 1444 . . Pie 4 WI 'l l el - 04C I in.;2 l pei God 4 colebra ful, fin i , y'ar • Maya r zine.—Tho' August No. as usual, ten the uhion of the ueoful and the treautf. is iirperh fiiiihions` anti 'itsputtcin Hurl - refs s3.o(ta . icar. ragazinea irilty-im,•ll • ad,f4 - :tho, ! .lYefleViro torevand of •Mrsi EtvPostoffice,•Tlbgli.: •gehnyler Colfax Row I i 13o0c • lon Chas. A.AtMw,r l Aftt4l44 a4 ll -ibitt.PE, Thomas! Franekt Meagher,. N.' J.). Fairfield- 7 Portraits; Characters, and BiArraplies.' Queen Eliiiibeth'; TtioCSin efepOlrolo lii• ijtudy .c of 4,an uatOs - oCailNicyr PossesSions,luth map; Alma a and Netiaska; and inillttianxitltlriLges; ow t(i. :payti , ,Nppoy;, qtkegesp . in Llfoi . , HoT,,to .Get a 110 4 0 ; 5313, 1 1 .:40 ', 44 48 7.. §!./1 . ...iig . 4J 1 ..i114: 4 ';,E4, 11 1ar ,ted together; Theory_ of - man's , qganizakioni State Piide . i . %: Qh:laii : i tiOniVri f l s 4icint and thi, Presidency • Twelve MOdes of Committing Suit sido'j Ai(liilti4atiqq . 'of :Foiiii, an the Augusti4'4- her of the-atetiologic' al Journal. ;$.3 wyear; :30 bents-a,•nutabei: -Aildrass Eta. Wells, 389.13iositi way, New York': , '"iY , '-`."•• .:, .., --: .-. , . . . , 14 1 ,41tnflA0 = •' A 4 t::‘ Xeencyvilto,,,lnly•:•A•i, 11367,, by,t3t:•.D.,}feeney,4sq.,.Mr.zWil4atp,,Ckee, pf Farmington,,apd : , 114 kettcaropne Wfiktnen of Mid dlebury. • • VElNfilli:TP4S'hiA.V•idifajAC , ftife? beige of •li*ait • b y D. )31'•4inith'i : Ricluird = "Tenueit,,,.of,••l3l6 - aibnrg, „ and 'Mtn .kintt: . qtKitbri; • •"I...ri' • '. •4J4 r• - •.'cr;r_o •' . DEATHS „ -• , bo'rniug', , N. 'Y.; July 18669, Nyi)tialii - P.- TtutherfOrd',, aged ',413 ,, years; 2 mouths, duct 25 ''” ' ' The decensed has been a residen,i,of Knoxville, Tioga eotinty,l for the last eight'Yetira, Was an ea teemed and worthy hia..loss. will be d eeply , f9lY ) .Y;,a;laTgP •a!rala o S. Q. Naglec, L'sq l at Greenwood, Pa., July leS, 1814, Sophia the late Capt. matt Adams, of Tioga, Pa., aged 87 years. 'ritiiV*Lit . ulefiditir : i .the Pk@ Ai fori lverything her, was quiet and wish no pretensions. She was poq sessed of , wribbm&onl visorous:arul-pattiral poW,- ers bf te ,naeious, and being well storild with facts and A*o OciheiOill4nc Past; - ali° wa s 'lt l a4 t e r aa 4o - to - by seekers o ' ormatidn.. - She died, confidently retying upon the Lord Jesus Chilst ealviitiori? and ;bequeathed to her sorrowing childrenam unequivocal testimony to the stipfeuso importaace, of the, religion of Je sus, oh& Iv - personal ititertst itt his merits-and iri torcessions. 4= • .Coat. '§' L likeil L NOTXCh'S - '. . _ . COLGiATE Br - 00.?S ? GERIVIAN C) &CO r 6 , :ERASIVE SOAP mnoyfautur t ed ; from 2170,3, c - tr, r•Z`V. 10E 1 0AL% and finnyWool y '-'slileved the STANDARD OP-EX ' GELLENCR. - For sale by all „ • : serocefe. • HELlfßablira , - .4 -; . - ,TR A 671.., - .ATICTIU Stu-chitin enio • 'of 'We \ 11DA0DER, I KIDNEYS, GRAVEL, DROPSY, FEMALE COSI— :PLAINTS,I GENERAL DEBILITY,' and: all _diseases of thp , GRIN,ViN.DROANS, , whofhor exLsting-in Oa 11.131 AL, rim veliatovog,canoo'oliginatiug on4l no ter'of. 110 W LONG STANDING, Dlse4ses or these „organs Voquye Gal use or a,;(1lu• If - no tr9atment Ia aubmittod to, Conatimptiolflor sanity miffenßun. Our•Floe4 and Blood aro aapporto(l from these sourcea and the • - . HEALTH., AND ,HAPPINESS anal that of Posterity, depends upon prompt use Of' a rellabloaremedy. - 7 lIELAIBOLD'S -:EXTRACT BUCIIU, Establisbed nr wards of 18 years, pfepared by H. • T lIELMI3OLIN .DIII7OO/8T; 60,4 Broadway, Nowiroik, arid • , • fah27,-13".. , - 104 South• 10th at., Philatish:thin, Pa.; THE GREATEST .PAIN-RELIEVER • • IN TVCiRLD. j • • • Wartunted sunettor trtanrother,' or no pay ; for the cure of Chronic Rheumatism, Tootliache„ Headache, Sore Throat; . 21Incniitt, Brims; (ints,linicct stings, Pains in the Beck - , Chest,'• and thnbu; S.pidinb,:,ol(l . Sores, StveßUl'ol'l'6°, to take internally' for' Diarylicea, Ws en terry, : Colic, Snamins, , Sea Sickness,, frig; and Crimp. It js perfectly innocent ~ to talco . lnternally:if used i ttcporpitig to the directions, and never fails, as thousaudS ctirt attest .111 - 49411 i ,18 4 7 7 and now millions of bat tles . ai e annually sold. - -livery ono who has once used. R, eoutinues ,to so, taid rec. om mend icto their friends as the-moat, valuable' =dl ciao eXtUtit.. &union:a enough to,tlll n dezeu.nen/s 7 innerS bale neon run Ti•Fic-rnts "arnitiliTtl, wilt do, tnat 1a.. - etated,,and trying it., Tinieo,.rcsidiu:g at a distance from a pnysichtu, will 4nd iG n roliabla rudd . /chat to ha . reou hand in case of : Readouts): ; Ask fcr Dr Tobias' Venetian •Iditiment, and 'take no utter. Price , cents , and ' Sold ell. fieugghits.. P'Ont, Cort landt Street, N. Y. t July 17, ISB7 - -ISti.; • *,, -;:, , , —,,,,,,,,,,......-4..............—..„.....,--,--... t . -. HEIM 1.10.1)% FLUID XXVINPT. ntivipif is. pleasant 94 In test "and'Odor, free ttom Al infarions; properties, and ediateln its'actio'n. •L '= . -.l' ' fel)2l—ly. - • . . • IIIu,LNIBQI.Ii,'S E,.'PR.A.OT DlJOllU,gives imaith and vigor t 0 the frame And, bloom to:UM pallid cheek; Ilel Witty le" itcretnilanted -by many alarMing - symptoms, and if ino treatment is ' . stibmitted to, -conftuinpticin in sanity, or epileptic fiti 'entitle. - • • $- • • , feb2l.ly: : • :.1 TOR:ION-RETENTION or INCONTINENCE of Urirle, irritation, inflammation, or ulceration of the Mukha, or icido9ye, dlioaeots of_ the z proetrate.glande, stone in theldadder, calcillps, gavei.or breilt'dust deposits, and all diseases of the bladder;-kidno9s.and • dropeital . eel.' llnge;,Cee ilmarnotb's Ft.olD MS-TRACT MINIEU:' - feb2 o • .., ERRORS'_ OF _YOUTH. A aentleman \the suffered for years from 'Nervous Debility, Dronlature Decay, anitall the effects of youth ful indiscretion,' will, fbr the:take:of, suffering, human ity, send free to all who need it, tip recipe and. diree tiens for making the simple remedy by he whit cured: Sufferers wishing to profit by the adrertiserV expeil'ence, ckre dh.u'o' by' infdressing,liti perfect 'bonfl dunce • • 401 EN 41: 1313DEN4. , 22inay67-Iy. :„. 42Vd4r fitree.tkNew3turk.. 1 . _ ENFCDBL,EII AND atarrotku 6oNSTI3UTIONr. et poth,Bqx:osowejlEurnoiD , s vx.T.R.Acr .13(7cug. It.will giro brisk' add' ener g etic' feelingt, and enable you to vtipixAsikjirk: ''''' tfiSAIPE . REMEDIES for unpleasant and dangerous diseases. Use Ifelmbold's Extract Ductal and Improved Rose IP. t f 01 227..V TTtE.: • - . • .8 8. • .o.r,Q4Y ut. IS,,STONETlLfrsalutrUjore theyrreiVritt4 'A& debilitated aboutd - filintedititbbi - use 1:1ELUBOVIV8 EXTRACT linentr. fel}-271y.i "'/ 7- OOP'S U.I#P2 7 II r ES 4 . Thii - e.lvertiser gawp s. leaerr.t'estOred ,- to - health ima few weeks by a very "Slimilltd" rofnaly,after having Bar bered for several years with a severe lung affectton, add that dread (Molise Coniurhptiorz:As mextoue to , make' known to is follote.suffe•fevathe means of ,ctire: - : Tp all who- desire it, be .send a copy of the, pre-. scription used„(fiee of charge), With - thedireatiois for. preparing and using the same, whirl they 'will fliid a sure care for Consumption, Asthma,Nronchitls. Coughs, and all ThVoat'and.Lting Affecticm. Tlio •only object 13 f • tlie advertisprin•sendin tho P;escriptionia to benefit 'tlio attletel; and spr... info-Madan which , ho conceives to, ha' invaluable, :and ho hoDas every sufferer will try file remedy, as it will Cost them noth ing, and may prove a bleeping. Parties wishing the prescrip!lon; D j amf almail,m4ll lase add rli --, setla A.-WILSON,es 22rnay67-Iy. Williamsburg, Kings Co., N. Y. IIELI11101:1YE EICTItA " BIICHU and Imrnovrn Roan. W i tsn,eures secret, and deljeato disorders in, all their ttagoe, at II ttta expenee, - litt le or• ;no chin& in diely,tlo-ihcon