I S 1 ;l1 ~.a, ,F • • BOtrIIDS —GE , . au l lit , EXt;4 l :- . -: 4,.. . ,. , , . : :i.,„ : -.,........ • s ~, ,!: • Solt winds• murmuring as they pass, , I , ~i ,•.' Lecitiqiiriging In the grass; '... •' ' : - ... ,* Itiyiqltlaiorigh the, meadowerhshing, : 'Pollutant fn the woodlands. gesbing,' ~ • Insects humming 'mid the flowers,'. _ , ~ • Suddeh falls "?f• sourry,showern, t„ ' •'• Cascades leaping frog the 'rcklis, ,, '' ‘- l • -`' Tinkling bells alien, the - floelks, Blookhirdliwhiitling in the glen, ,:. - .• r ' Sense! titerdy harvest rhen„• • ,:, . nestling ,ef the golden grain': , i Creaking of the loaded wain, ~•' ' Robins singing round. the porch,, . • Swallows twittering on. the church; Wild ducks Smalling In the lakes,' - - •I -' erOakingfrogs among tho'brakes,” , ' 1 Little children at their, play, . , Shoutb4 thiongh the livelong day, , "Echo seresining:-from the bills •' : ' , Every idle Bound it Willi,, '.'- ' • " . . Fluttering of the leafy vines, , Hollow sighing: of the pines, LOnr . sonnds irolli the porous earth, . - 'Where the instoc* have their birth, . ' Distant boomings from the rocks, - ). :Fad off :groans of thunder shocks, ... t Rush:lugs:of the sudden gale, - Loaded with the rattling hail; ; • , •Soft sabsidings of the rain, • ~ • ... , . These, and cenntlesi s iL Dripping over the pros rate•grain— • • . ands life these, . :, : Lond,tb:e langi/id Slimes : breze, ' 1 11 Coming from the cool ine sea's ; ` ,: . " Thele,,threughout the Owing year,• ~ . • With' their rich, aUirckling cheer; •-, • • • . Thrill the heart and'flood the ear. • ' ' Late Hours A 1441 T-who signs herself "A Martyr to Late Hours," offers the following sen sible suggestions teo . young men : Dear gentlemen bet - Ween the ages of "18 and 45," listen to a few words of gratuitous remarks." When you make' asocial call of an t evening, on a young' lady; go away; at a feasontible'honr.— , Say, you coment-eight o'clo k, an hour and a ileitis eerkainly-asi, le g,,,v • the most fasbinating of yotil.rt Co Yersittion 4k, 1\ can, or rather ought to esire use his charms. Two hours, i deed can be pleasantly spent with music, hess or other games, tojand variety ; put, kind sirs, by no- means stay' longer. Make shorter calls and come Oftener: - A girl 7 -that is, 'a sensible,.,ue tr-heart ed girl—will enjoy it better, i4‘4l , really, value your acquaintance more.• . Sust conceive the agony Of a girl - who, well knowing the feeling of father and moth er upon. the subject, • hears the clock strike tent and yet Must sit on the edge of her chair, in mortal terror lest papa should put his oft repeated threat into execution—that of inviting the gentle man to breakfast. And we girls under stand it all by experience, and know what it is to`dread the prognostic of dis pleasure. 1n such eases a sigh of relief generally aceompanies the closing door behind the gallant, and one don't get .over the feeling of trouble till safe In -the arms of:Morpheus. Even then the dreams are , sometimes troubled with some phantom of 'an angry father and distressed (for both parties) mother, and all because a your Man- will make a longey call 'than ' lie ought to. Now, young gentlemen friends, I'll tell you what we girls will do. For an hour and a half we will be most irresistibly charmed and fascinat ing. Then beware ; monosyllable re sponses will be all .you . need expect and if, when the limits shall have ,pasS ed, the startling query shall bp heard coming down stairs : "Isn't Mime ,to close up ?" you must consider it a right eous punishment, and, taking your hat, depart, a sadder and it is to be hoped a wiser man. Do not get angry, but the next time you come be careful to keep within just bounds. We want to rise early these pleasant mornings, and im prove the • shining hours ;" but • when forced to be up at such unseasonably hours'as a natural consequence, wi h the utmost speed in *dressing ? we an barely get down to hreakfast in ti to i escape a reprimand from papa who don't believe in beaux,—as the di he z never was young—and a mil , repro ving glance from matruna, w o , under stands a little , better poor ughter's beaux; as but must still ells prove out wardly, to keep up app, ranee. And now, young men, thin about these things, and; don ' t for p• y'a sake don't throw down your pap r with a "pshaw" it-- tnd ...amp L. __Jpe color add four pounds raw umber an twa pounds . .iampblack. This wash ma be applied with a common whitewas brush and will be found much superior, both in appearance and durability, to common "whitewash. efr AGE. OF 3514soNny.—From a . retent statement in a Moscow_paper,' - It Beane that St. John's Lodge No. 3, of that city, has reel ) ntly celebrated the 809th aunt versant of its existence, it having been erected y charter from ' King Malcolm, in 1057. lire Should like to see the mus ter atil of that Lodge, beginning more than eight centuries ago,i and running along with the ages to the ipresent time. What kings and kingdoms have risen • and fallen since the gavel was first ,soundedrin its East. How the world has changed, and what and ' has been made in science and art. Eight hundred years •in the lifetitne of a Lodge I There win wunzt a man who was in ebriated and that he Might present himselfln a state approximating sebri ety to the partner uv hie buzzute,- - he wus essayin to vomit, tryin thus to re lieve his stumick uv the cause uv" the onpleatantness, therein contained, but he coodent do it. He heaved and k heav ed there wuz no result. At this lobs period another man approach ed, who kindly remarked, that if he de allied to vomit the best thing be could do •was to turn his finger down his throat. The drunk individooal looked up indignant. "Blast youf eyea,, sir:" sect he. "are you_or me bossin this yore puke l" TUE Winstead, Conti., Herald tells of aniold landlord at, Woodbury, who was very sanctimonious, and would sit on a -calm summ /telling, on the 1.1 a a bench in front of vern, and sing "Sinners whose love cati ne'er . 'forget the wormwood and thegall," in ~"Coro nation," with a touchingly sisreevoice t and then step into his den and take the last sixpence from some Poverty strick en for rum. A clergyman' gave a toast that was not vets* gallant, at a late firemen's Celebration : !' Our fire engineh--may . they be like old maids—ever ready, but never wanted I" A. cross-grained old bachelor says that "tin" is the favorite " belle" metal now-a-days. ~,, *14§..... ~.._ ~.., , ,,•=4 4• 7l— i 'vot `(.10...,42,, a , , 7 1“0 0 41 , 0 ;10 'irl',.Utia •4 , , NE Y FIRM: T 4 5( 13Uir SEIL IS OUR ,5 1 USINES.S . ! . IIaTE will buy nt tho highest market price, ..V V the following articles,_ SHEEP PELTS, DEACON SKINS; •s , • :DEER SKINS, FUItS, HIDES, mix> VEAL SINS, for which we will pay cash We wilt Marinfactureto der, Fret:l:Or koreci tifineit CALF.or It:Ip10 T 4, irAhe bestym.srp nor and atS * air rat and pareapecla :attentiob to REPAIRING. slaw • We have a first-rate stook of REABYMMAUE WORK; on which we will not bo undcrakildfana from this time we shall make it a point: to keep up the beet stock of LADIES GAITERS, • I 1, .1 I [I, to be kound in Abe county, nirdeh w 0 Will sell' at . alasver profit than such articles, have ever bean offered in this region. *We shall likesviie keep .np L a good nseortment I 7 i l af , LADIES' , I3ALMORALS, LEATH ER' BOOTEES, CHILDREN'S AND , • MIMES.-WORK-or VA • IHOtTS` 'STYLES, and alt styles of MEN'S WORE LESTLIER-i .FINDINGS can be bought of us as cheap as any where this side of New York, and we shall keep a full stock of. FRENCH CALF, FRENCH KIP, UP PER,, Lonwas„ Afro • 13114 - Dflid. • " Our stook of PEGS, NAILS,€THREAD, AWLS, RASPS, GLOVERS' NEEDLES, LASTS, TREES, CRIMP S, with SHOE3fAKER'S TOOLS and FINDINGS, will be found the far gest in.the.county l iincl we sell for Taff profits. businesir,ftEM "w 4 rootat'businosst We hive been in this region long Onorigh - tio known—let those who ?know us try Corner of Main andfltnitetrootty opposite Wm. Hob- nits' Hardware Store, C. W. SEARS, • GEO. 0. DERRY. J B6 l—tf: Sovesilig, -Tin Ware , VOR • THE MILLION. OPPOS/TR' ROY'S_ BUILDtNG, Is now proparod to furnish, they iuthlidwi s : anythicig in / his lino of, busine.se t in quantity largo, in quality_ as good, ankas cheap iii prio as any deniers in Northern Ponneyliania. "-1 / . . i V 1 Ho eye particular aileation to the ST E AND TIN WARE •BUSINE 5 rt a d intend to ,Itoep a full assort*ent of everyth In that TIN WARE MADE TO ORDER, Promptly, and. •roarran tad to give pa digital on. RE PA IR iNO executed in 014 beat manner and nit!) diapat CALL AND SEE ME. * Wellsborough, March 7,186. 4' THE PLA9 TO BUY DRUGS A T the Lawrenceville Drug Store, where.,yo will find evei,y thing properly belongin the Drug Trade .1 CIMAP, CIiEAPF i R, CiIEAPES , ;tad of the best quality for Cash. Also, Pai t Oils, Varnishes, Lambs, Fancy Notions, Vi 11 Strings, Fishing Tackle, Window Glass, tree. fol?klax #Mis; :; • ; Lnwrencov~ile;~tfay 8; • ' • 90 I • . , .blu ap cay t. fen up 'h a luld F!- "Ir Z'S -2 cutnunr, Ruse? aai Cattle Powdo S. A.. Irc•itJ - Tz rmo., „ 411 1 ,..111.FFEL ' . AND MEDICINE DEPOT, No. 116 Franklin , Baltimore, AM. For Sale t- 1 thro.‘;;*.o Mkt tlio United Stated. For sale byjols,A. Roy, Wolleboro . :B B. BOBDE TlOO4, PA., Eir A$ snot returned froin the City and desirable', stock of goods co DRUGS AND MEDICIN: Vankoe Notions, of 'every: description! Plated. Ware, Wall Papori - Raints anc Stairs, School Books, Sirociries, and thing that is ever kept irl a Drug Store. I would also call- the atten public to our Stook of GgIIMAN L quaffed in the wide world, and also Agent For Cho' kibitonr ! Pen; at ways keep it large assortwent. TiogeOla t , i DR.. FITOIPS. ABDOMINAL: gRB, for saleat Roir'e Drug St TOB-WORK, IN THE BEST S el with despatoh,ELlTHE AGJTAT A MERMAN WATCHES in lin jOl 6 . Cocos from $27.50 up ut , • I . 1 '...• , / I This preparMion, long and laveraly known; - wulthmr oughly nthsvlgtirate bnjten-diwn and !Of - sPirl ted PMesi I)e:.e PILETA4ED .1:1Y El l ith a largo aiding of 0, • I Glass and I Oils, Dye ally every nd Notion on of the 11P8, tine , that I AM • il shall al- ORDEN. % UPPORT ,ie. 'I"I.R, and R Office. I t ting Silver rOLEY'I3. I. c . J33/1111fiA )11.111;:iian ' • - .• ,J, - EW SLIM GOODS , • , I: -4; ; AT - THE PEOPLE'S: STORE ELSE 7 . ;,.,.,.i.,:,, 4 E ARE - NOW RECEIVIIIG A --....•-: • ~. , 1 11,Epg !BPO a rcpF OQODS - Adapted to the SPRING ,TRADE, i • J par t ind are preed to supply t e people in NOMAIF,44, ,k)ENNSYVADAIA 7_!; D • • afior' . - • — eq .. : • • - WITS OUR has taught us that GOOD GOODS give the but eatletaetten, these ~seettetotaed to pattoolle pa 1919 w that we KEEP THE BEST GOODS • that are to' be found in this section, and those who are not our patrons are the losers ° quite as much as we are. Wei L k cn eep a;t7;l ,, a_ ay :f LARGE ',STOOIt: 0 ULISTBS to sell by the yard•or MADE UP . 4 1 0 pispER.AND :WAR RANTED TO FIT OUR STOCK WILL BE KEPT FULL, and an Goods sold by,aa Warranted lo give Satisfaction, AND Sold as . Low as at any other Estate lishalent. Mad that. We invite an examination of our Stock and Prices, pledging ourselves to SHOW GOODS FREELY AND TAKE NO OFFENCE • • wllen,no sale ie made. SMITH & WAITE. N. Corning, N. Y., Apr. 10, 1867. NEW .ARRANGEMENTI Wilson Van Valkenburg. 4 ,t oc x . EilOt 'r3 l 4" 4 . • ° Have established themselves at NO. 2, !InsTiON , .131,/ovico Ostoly aceutioe l by IP; D.44[41111 I 1 ;tt.AR":4-2, They arasaow receiving a lase stock of SPItING MEM DRY 0 ORS GEM In p art , iniob as 111,f- e i AI ti (Ili Cassitheres,'Vestixigs;Ladies' Cloths, *and a large variety of Ladies' Dress Goods. r.(ii :CA • \ GRO RIES, MERCHANT TAILORING MIL= AND FURNISHING ; GOODS. .D9P ,ORGEI' . :•TaE: PLACE 4 I T4,,b,tiy . , cheap, ands choice lot of : t 'SPRING El t',ll 'We - are Aputs for Binger% iletiribi Maohince # the heat and cheapest Machine for family nee, less liable to get out of repair, and more durable than any 'other, adapted to line of coarse searing. Call and sae them. The Seider partner has had a large experience in Merchant Tailoring; 'anti itis'tiM intention' of the new Arm to put this branch of -their business beyond successful competition. Wilieboro, Feb. 20, 1867,.tft ~~:~~ C>.; IMEEMEE EMS ,itIENOE 1111 =1 BS EMU 1 1/ GOODS. 1 1 1 'Adg?WA , oogalr - :a?Agadm. ( t .) : I - 411 E GREAT -) •yi ; ; • OgI!TRE OF ATTRACTION %t AT = • ~I.4w4E.I4FCEV , lIiLE.= " tit Si MATUIR & co. Would anrcounoth-to the good : people of 'flop poguty that they have fast returned from New Yolk With their second full !took of FALL a i v:lt/Tin, cojons ,tt rfloi: embracing all the tinveltleiaa r in the ea.: stantials required. • DRESS GOODS. in Vcifidiegs,STAPLE 41; FANCY GOODS; HOOP. SitiliTS,t BEST FRENCH WOVE COR ... SETS, GLOVES Arm. HO . " — SIERY, YANKEE' NO; TIONS, &G., &c. FURS 1 FURS ! ! MINX, CaNT;': • The largest Stook of CLOTHS & ()ASSUMES in Me county, READ VACW)4 ,:cl.4oTamg, cpui 4.,ordtr intended by first class workmen. SHOP MADEI:IO6TS - & ., I3HOES'in end, i„ to --1e54:004. suit 4,141,7 P, I . it all fastes; ? ::;,,i ';l3 ortodkitits', : Our goods have been bought during the last panic in New York and will be sold at panic prices. er - - - 7-; 00: t -- "" Prices are down, monopoly broken up. ' No other store caa or dare compete with us in qual ity and price. For further particulars call at the store of 0. S. MATHER & CO. " • F" l "rf i rrf ale t Dec: l l 4 1806 . - • 1867. WE commence thla year with' an czolasii , ety CASH busineso. CASH, RAID FOR ' *BRAT i '1 CASH tOA CASH PAID I FOR CORN CASH FOP 'EVERYTHING 11 A LARGE STOOK OFJLOUR-FOR CASHI A LARGE STOCK t OF FEED FOR CASH 1 IA LARGE STOCK OF PORK FOR CASH 1 ' Call and see us. WltitillT . & BAILEY Wellabor°, Jan. 9, 1887-IY. All persons indebted to us by note oor book account mutt call and settle or pay costs. datt..% 186 T. ' • WRIGHT-'J: BAILEY. stimMt i a Stoves z A N D A.llll-111V:A:ilit E . , • R. W YLLTAM 'POEP.,:tB begs to .4.s.....,itittonnoiitO the eitisene Tioga County, that la inklition to his excellent Stock offitoves, rus-Wain',,Bsittania,%)and aheet-Iron Ware, he has, at agret4 outlay, eteekeit his'ittore on • • .. 'ffELLSBO.RO; . , - - withet oozy aseerldnell t of , Sb Hardware, wkdigLwa.enataerMe,the { t 1, .1., \ ; NAILS, Skti , 0 - ,:dnoyelizats, 45uT, MILL, 'HAND 'Aivb"l3l7dK SAWS, BUTTS, STRAP lI.INGES, CARPENTER'S TOOLS, ' PUMPS, AUS, AUGERS, , ; BITTS,• BITT-STOCKS; HATOBETS,'OLUSELS, SHOVELS, SPADES, EORJs, BENOWSCRE,WS, MN ll=l WOOD; SOREWS„IIO4p.Lf.GE BOLTS, BURRS,WASIURS, PIPE BOXES, • TREES, • TIC -c SPRINGS, SOUR SHOES; IIOOP, BAR, Br, BAND IRON, GRINDSTONE , 9PRN t ', SAUSAGE * PUTTERS, AND &DIFFERS oS0101). P.lBlois, PikciebAßTittrsoEs, POWDER AND • PATENT flARNl ? 00~' aiuwatois a new thing, and made for use, These aro but a few of the many artiele . ooinliosing Our stook of Hardware. • . . , We invite the public t o, call and `examine for themeelves. We aim te keep the beat quality of •goods in oar line; and all work to ordep, done promptly and well. WILLIAM ROBERTS' Welhboro, Sept. 1,18 86-tL ALL;FBROOK .undersigned havfng make arrangements to farnish Coal by the.TON or OAR LOAD, coarse or Huesolic its the pitronageof the public. ALSO--has constantly on band, a laigistook of CrAfttlidOE BOLTS, dm, at wholesale and retail.., of,all kinds done in Ai t•eariiiateier., El, M. OBE& Tloga,.Dec. 1, pititl-tf. _ , • Roonester . wont ; 1 1 , 1 ,1100. ‘, i g etit for.the Apes oelebra 4, -0011 es: 'Abut ii. fine 'aisortinelt of Lead ers,`lGniey'Rooks; s 'Snell, Jl3raided ,, Silk, Bea Grass A. Linen Lines, Trout Baskets, Ply Books, .Gut, Ply Rods, Reels, Am, &o. Shop to rear of NOID. Reberts'a Tin Shop. LORAN A. SEARS. Whistler°, May 20, 1 . 1. R-z tkif:lll 11E1 • 4-e,t*Ai,i•k:_;, I NEW, GOODS AND MEI "r• .4,A10i4, ME IDITAVING JUL, New and carefully s, •t : • STOCK aF Ali those . % want of Good iritsiOot OW and ~" i EXAMINE "0 and learn Prices Wore Intl i Kept constantly on h DRIED FRUIT, CSR _JPe. .L. B. POWELL, Loa Avenue, Boianfon,,Pa. solicited. ,Address, , July 20. 118 P4'3, To' the Pu ss 'lto of We!Moro IMO • , 1 ,ING COUNTRY I od of notifying the people I of •• ripatEp this ms that' the Stook SPRIN t, offers it lower than before tacked. with the most (ash NTS AND VESTS, is oa hind, and The Store is troll ionable s" COATS, also, a age oportroont of 'WISHING GOODS, GENT'S F . onaistmg. of CASSIMERE SHIRTS, NECKTIES, SUS-. must,- SOCKS, WHITE AND COLLARS,' PEST and a good larl, lot of the most fashionable ~. HA TS AND CAPS, eves I4c 3 ngtieto TRUNKS; t ie'niarket Ala° GS, AND UMBRELLAS, which you can la, Clothing Store o tor,o6lco- WeUnborn, Apr law for cub, at the Cheap N. ASHER, under the Agita. ' !,, ry Goods Trade Popular OM ; ' 4 T HE Subsori or' is now receiving ,bis tl:l,t NO STOCK ? : f birt L 7/ meirehandise, Among which 3,1111t0 hood; , mOnY of gig- moat popnlorlltylem of -; f. - ,37:14 1 44ks e OAP; I PPA SHAWLS, oLomoNos 8a SAOKINGIS; t aet; orthi of attenticin.l.-`1 j tAlsio' a fall " 'i ' Pitiii i rep',V4(4llAMS. BROWN AND BLBAOR P MILSLINS, TIOKINGS, - DENIMS, STRIPE SHIRT . ' , was; TABLE 'LINENS, BROWN qt'ODEAcuso, , NAPEritle,. 20WkLINOK laMig AND EMBROIDERED MINIM , ' OUR 2/LININGS, EMBOSSED' AND RINTED ' ToLE XIANO SPREADs, HOSLERT; et,e*.E3lS, Special attention - la called to his Orirli 4 .4 7 4:edß,ZNO l 09- F' P.:42? 4 W 4 C IP,I ReMet, at c B 'g t , lart 9 teed or PP) share of the public patronage is respectfully . solicited... . THOMAS HARDEN. ' •Wolleboro,May 16, I$M • - • • -PAI"EATT FARM GATE. "(Patbided Sept. 11;1888.) I alibi for " . - IgOr The ehespest, moat convenient, acid moat AtiAble Farm ()Melia use; •• ' • . 2d. , • Artylti t itner eon make it with,the used a saw and hammer. , Bd. It does not sag the .posts, and - cannot be blown open or shut. • -- • 4th. It is not obstructed by Ice or snow. ' bth.. Is stronster.ollooo,tvator gate, and is • :quaky so, when , open or abut, and .cannot be blowh open 'or shut, nor dOes 'the' hardest' 'wind affeetjt when open. '• • 1 • On,the abeyaciainie end es i pt:Nlally . regard to ib cheapness, durabifity, and, convinten4, lOC defy competition. It is a new gate and has been but a short time before the public, but in all oases' it. has taken the preference over all alher. tater. It coats, including posts, only $1.26 to $1.49, and farriers can make' them at even less ttlittit' this—they , do not cost more Man an ordinary.tpair of bad. • Township i rights for safe oil teries'very protlta ble to the purchaser., Farm rights for sale for $3.00 each. I beve put them down to this low figure so that none' need be without them, only be sure and examine this • before purchasing of any other. Any one wishidg further particulars will please addressd the subscriber, orders - will- 'twelve prompt attention. •• Address, , O. 8. KIMBALL, . Oceola; Tioga Co., Pa., Agri 24, '67,-tf. 1104.7RDNA.V,S0ake basket', card balk 'etti,lsliatorit,irigittowlii,ltc4'at MEI mum largest ascortment of Vitafohnsi Clocks, Jewelry and Wetted Ware in Tioga county at POUT'S. LIMBS' SETS from SLSO to $BO, at 4010 FOLEY'S. , 1 1 ; - kr! , t, §f4' EW . PRICES =I icy)#-,1. :i PA. 0,1/• - -• foto , NOW York with acted aoopsi wtll find It to their . • y R'-'STOCK irig elsewhere. it .) d, a choice lot of OER:IES, FLOUR, CLOTHING =I = OLE 3 / 7 8,. Drub' 11144101nes ' • , ''•l 4l •th."-r•' LA f;3:; , „„ , J L E Litt:L:PNA' • Elikraititiittratittna *fins 'timbal p 64 -NIL Drill, 149a1 01 4 0 4 sta g • ' WINESUND dog [ e totp ' ai nd 130retnental • tale; alsa'all the p opt* Wait Madiohiegiraintly Oils, so., altitindabf braidAsiDie Colors, DyeWoodB and Bluffs'," fine Toilet Boalia,T Perfumery, Pain-. 4 :f • Abe; 06ameties, , ttm, • S ATIONERY;: EPBNO):: MCIUA '.,PAPER 'AND.,ENVELOPES;-.. ..; blentorandnmliooke, rase in bulk: at lb. cents per.,pound, ,ROl'O5OTlO . Oil, Atarnp.ol4 Turpentine, Beneine, , Wash, Ontmcai and Pearl Barley itt 10 cts per tim . soli' agent In Plossburg for Dr. N. Weine Exi t. Itireweid, 'and warrant it to cure pooda,..sate Menai; fidatiry,{ Pimples on the t face, end ' all dispases' arising :from Impure state of the Bfood If ;Used according to directions. Partiettlar attention- - given compounding Physioianiti and other Prescriptions. I guaran tee eatisfaetion, both in quality and prioe. Remember thel3tore, opposite - ,the new, Coal Co's tßore t Xl4.loarg..Pa.• 4tig.',1.6p18107tr, -, •r • L.C:-BELDEN:, '.• IX - • -- ' . • GROCHRIEIr,PROVISIONS eizOorkir, WOOD . Bi IVIIIOW-WAatt, • • ZAWREIearItLE, 161; A. t i Divraget Vast" Pal lox Preiaticto, C. D. j. gonv a R0v.21, .„. 1866. FOR • '1866. BY • O. WlollllAlif,' Tills NURSE TOF iduitr AND' on. .r.A,,:rifgrarp,AL linnEs, , • 60440,09; T.reeS, 11.0401 M Pear Trees: s ‘i • ,A. g apdau.pi t y of PLITIC:141,0111, CIIERRYI and ORNAILUNTAL TRIMS. & SIIRUBDIEBT. I The Fruit trees aro :composed of the ,choiciest varieties, good, healthy, some of them large an& ininiaring, Any one wishing to get a supply will do,ivell to call and son nay stook before par ohasiag elsewhere. Or Delivered at the'epot free of obarge. , Tioga, Feb. 28,1888-1 • HARRMPS NATIONAL GATE [PAtepte4 plopt . a7l.l?er 20th, 1864.) ITS CLAIMS ARE: 1. ,The Inept ammo* workman or a farmer can build it. ,4 ;j . 2. It Is made of all sixes, and is, pe eotly adapted to all Gate purposes, whether for attic yard, farm, door.yard or garden. 8. It requires no hfiages, and cannot bo down open nor shut. 4. It does noir swag the peat, and the Gate Itself cannot sag. 5. Breachy stook cannot open it. . 8. It cannot be driven against when open. 7. It is not obstructed by either rain, sleet or 'now. 8. Being built without mortise or tenon, it costs but little more than a pair of good bars. "9. It is stronger than any other gate built of an equal amount of lumber, and its strength , is equal upon both sides. 10. It is the cheapest, neatest, and 'most con venient and durable Gate in use. -- During the fall of 186 h, the National Gate has received the highest award at SEVEN STATE and some SEVENTY COUNTY FAIRS, and in competition with other Gates, it has taken the FIRST PREAUUJI in every induce. It challenges the whole Hat of Claw, to a prac thud test, throughout all seasons. The National Qata• has received the unquali fied apprcibatiou of all *ha have used it. These 'Oates, including Poste, are built at a cost of $4 to $B, according to workmanship and material used. Their manufacture insures a prof/table* investment of capita?, se they com mand a ready sale at from 80 to 100 per'eent. profit; and it is perfectly safe to put them up at all times under a warrant, as they have in - no ease failed to give the lupus eatilfaction. I , al, P. VIERS, , D. ANGELL, , • • , A. AL/3A. ,Township and par& Rights for 'sale in Tioga and Bradford Counties. • oar Aim/leant& . for - purifbatel of tort', send for Circular containing particulars. Rights for average 'Parma arts uniformly field for $lO each, including printed drafts and speci fications for building all sizes of ,both Farm and Entrsfece Gate, by the aid of which any one. can construct them. . On receipt 9f $lO in all cases accompanied by a partitiderdescripttori of;the'land for which the right is desired, the appropriate Conveyance, drafts,. will be promptly forwarded. Addrelor,;With stamp, ' '• ;l• • IIATIONAE GATE '00.,'•• • .*FT4I?,•I? 3887 r tt, 4 Knoxville, Pa. m. summit Gomeant, Gliopog'fz - ,lloSitplalNT One door abo+e .11°74 Drug Store, W E_A.c ( g BbR a, P FYe,take iilettenmin announcing to the pablio tluttlfe . ettvutiance,tlie Next :2;ear,•ulth enlarged 'facilities-for tootoatnedittig 'Onstoniers with the ehciicest stooktoV , • • • • • 9ROIf.R.RDIM .74 -E .NOTIONS, WOOD' '