The Tioga County agitator. (Wellsboro, Tioga County, Pa.) 1865-1871, July 17, 1867, Image 4
EVENING BRINGS US ROME. 7 'Up tho die wind is sharp and cold, Tho sweet young grasses wither on the ivold, And we, 0 Lord, have wandered frtint,thy ,fold; . • But evening_brings _ • :;:i • Amongst the mist weidiunble, and The rocks Where the brown lichen whitens, and the fox Watches the straggler from the scattered flocks; But evening bangs us home. The sharp thorns prick us, and our tender feet Are but, and bleeding, and the lambs repeat Their pitiful complaints-0, rest is sweet,. When evening•brings us home. We have been wounded by the hunter'l darts, Our eyes are eery heavy, and oar hearts Search for thy ooming.--When the light departs, At evening bring us home The darknesii - gathers. Through the glooom no star Rises to guide us. Wo have wandered far, Without Thy lamp wo know not whore we era— At evening bring us home:. Tho clouds arc .ronnd us, and the snow-drifts thioken,- 0 Thou, dear shepherd, leave us not to sicken .1 . 11 the wasto tight—our tardy footsteps t quioken `-` • 'At evening bring us home. ' A Terrible Bedfellow- loolcedmt my neighbor with consid erable curiosity.; His face indicated a man of not over: thirty years---a period at which men are still youn; but his hair was as .white tu3 fresh fallen: snow. OneLteldont sees, even on the heads of the drabo men, hair of such • immacu- late _whiteness, He sat by Illy side in a car of the Great Western Railroad,. in Canada, and was j looking out of the windew. Suddenly turniniiis head he canghtme in the act of staring at him—a rudeness of TY bleb wagnOam ed. 1 was about to say words of. 'apol ogvwhen he quietly remarked r , `Dlop't mention it, sir ; I . am used to OM The frankness (if this observation . 'pleased me and in a . very little .while we were conversing on the terms of fa miliar acquaintanceship ; • and . before long he told me the - whole story. I was a-soldier, in the army of In- dia, " said he, "and as is Often the case with soldiers, I was a little too fond of liquor. - One day I got drunk and was shut up irrthe black hole for it. I dumped down on the floor of the dun geon, and I was just dropping off to sleep when I felt a cold, slimy shape crawling across my'right hand as it lay stretched out above my lead on the flew I-knew at once what it was—a snalie ! Of course, my first impulse was o draw -away my hand, but kmiw ing that if I did so, the poisonous rep tile would probably strike its fangs 'in ' to me, I lay still with my heart beating in my breast like .a trip hammer. Of course my, fright sobered me instantly. • I realized all my peril in its fullest ex tent. 0, how I lamented the hour that Lhad touched limier. They say there is a serpent in it •, but it does not come to everybody as it Came to me. With a slow, _undulating motion, -the reptile - dragged its - carcass 'across my face, inch by inch, and crept down over my breast, and thrust its head inside my jacket.— As I felt the hidetus scraping of the slimy body over my cheeks, it was only by the most tremendous effort that • I suceeedeci in restraining Myself -from yelling 1 Ninth mingled distriaY and disgust. • "At:last I felt the tail wriggling down towards my chin ; but imagine what I felt at heart, if you barn imagine it, as I realized that the dreadful creature had coiled itself up under my jacket as I lay, and had seemingly gone to sleep, for it was still as death. Evidently it had . no idea that I was a human crea ture ; if it had it would never have act -cd in ,this manner. All snakes are cow ardly;and they will not approach a man nnless to strike him in self defense. Three hours I lay with that dreadful, weigit on-my bosom, and each minute was li - e an hour to me—like a year.— I seemed to have lived a life time in that brief space.. Every incident of my life pa4sed,across my memory in r apid ~succession, us they say is the case with t droiVaing man. I thought of m 3 , w,.S• _ irr 0: I Englandi my ;cane by the 41:11'un ; my Mary the uiel that I iov- - d. and never expect ,;ee them more. ,",::er OJ matte.. iow long I bore this fyit'rhat it would 4nd in death at last. lay a-; rigid as a cOpse. scae.cely dar ,lig even to breathe and all The time my iroo•ie was growing colder. where the - r.iiake was lying agttjust it, with noth i»g,but a thin cotton shirtbetween me and it. I knew if I stirred it would • .istrike ; but I felt4hat I could not bear 'thig Much lo:iger„ Even if I succeeded in lying still unritthe guard came, I ex pected his opening - thedoor and coming in would be my death warrant all the same ; for no doubt the reptile would 'see I was a man' as soon as the light was let in at z the door: At la.-4,4 heard footsteps approaching. There was a rattling at the leek. It was the guard. He opened the door. The snake—a • cobra di capellol now saW—darting up its huge hooded head, with the hideous rings around its eyes as if about to strike. I shut my eyes and murmured a prayer. Then it glided away with • a swift motion and disappeared in( the darkness. I staggered to my feet and fell - swooning into the arms of the guard. For weeks after I was very sick ; .and when I was ablecto be about -I found my . hair as white as you now see it. I have not touched a drop of liquor since. • How HE WA3 SOLD.—About .0 forty years ago there . lived in Western Penn sylv.ania two farmers named Wood and Osborne, respectively. They, Were near neighbors, but inveterate enethies ; and it is said lived almost. in sight of eaoh other for fourteen years without speak ing to each other. Wood went out one day with " a mattock to dig up half a dozen of stumps that had ever yet been removed from his meadow, but fin ing . it pretty hard work, he gave it up and returned to the house. On thew ,y, It occurred to him that by cunning device ho might induce his unfriendly neigh bor to uproot the little annoyances.— Acting on a bright idea that occurred to him;_he entered pis house, got his wri ting Materials, and in a disguised hand wrote: . Mr. Wood,—lnm an old man, fast ap proaching my end, and I: cannot go to 'my grave without revealing to you a secret. When I 'Was a young man I helped to rpb your grandfather of a large amouht of money. I rind my partner in crime buried flire thousand dollars of it under the root of a tree in the meadows that now belongs to you. No doubt those large trees have been cid down iv this time, but the stumps may still remain. . He was soon after hanged lona murder he committed, and I was sent to prison for highway rob bery. I was but lately released, and I wish to do all I can, to atone for past valtsdeeds. I send this letter by a per Son will) says he ,blows where you live, and ho will throw }'t into your house. - A REPENTANT CRIAIINA/0. Mr. 'Wood sealed his bit of fictioni'ad dressed it fo himself, and when night came crept stealthily to Osbarne's door, opened it a little way, tossed it in, and ran away as'- though Satan -were after him. On reaching homd he retired to rest, and reposed sweetly till morning. When hp gs,rosethe east a glance toward . his ineado‘v. and to his satisfaction'he discovered that every stump in his meadow' had .beeri dug up during the night and pulled out by the roots, A successful worker was asked the other day how he had risen in .ius.tiess so railmilY: "Wnv," said he, "It was very Hiniple. Whatever I had to do, however humhle the work, I went at h :si,if - I titoagiit the wo,r1•1 would come to an end tt I didn't do it well - and result was that tny em i\loyer,ilbeg,an to think they couldn't do viv Limit and so gave me a promo tion. NI% WP -EIItIL 1, TO BUY t k SELL IS eSINESS ! • WE will buy at the highest market I the following arkielea:- ; SHEEP PELTS, DEACON SK I DEER SKINS, FURS, HIDES,I AND VEAV SKINS, for which we will pay cash. We will manufacture to order, French or tanned CALF or RIP BOOTS, in the best nor and at fair rates, and pay especial att to REPAIRING. ALSO, first-rib;k stoek-ot, ~ , • tE ItEADVMADE WORK on which we will not be undersold, and from *his time we shall make it a point to keep up the beet stock of LADIES' GAIPERS,- to be found in the county, which we willi lower prof , than such_artioles.have eve offered in this region. f We shall likewise keep up a good asso of . LADIES' BALMOR;AtS, T BOOTEES, CHILDREN'S MISSES WORK dy VA RIOUS, _ , • • 3 - 1 • 1 and all styles of MEN'S WOEK. LEATHER 6. FINDIN pan be bought of As - as cheap as any wire, side of New. York', arid ivo'sbalf keep a fa; of FRENCH CALF, FRENCH Kt ' . PER, SOLE. LININGS,. AN' BINDING. Our stock of PEGS. NAILS, THREAD, WLS, RASPS, 'GLOVERS' NEEDLES, .LASTS, TREES, R I HP'S, with SNOEMAKE.R'S TOOLS cpt9l mv.privcs, will be/o=4 414 lar gest in the eounty,:attdlios, tell for ein t ita profits: No talk business and wo mcb business, We have been in this region long enough to be well known—let those who know us try us. Corner of Main end Grafton streets, oppesito W. Rob erts' Hardware Store,. 1 C. W. 'SEARS, , GEO. J. DE BY, Wellsbciro,' April 24 1 18137—if; ; • - ci I. Stoves & Ti# , W FOR THE MILLION. '~{: ~_ WI . xt 0 D. P. ROBERTS, OPPOSITE ROY'S BUILDING, Is now prepared to furnish the public with anything in his lino of business; in quantity as large, in quality, as good, and as cheap in'price 'as any dealers in Northern Pennsylvania. e pays particular attention to the STOVE4ND TIN WARE BUS anci intend to i kon!, a lull assortment of e in that line. TIN WARE MADE TO OR 1 1 , promptly, and warranted to give satisfae REPAIRING , executed in tho beet manner and with C ILL AND SEE 'ME 0 D. P. ROB Weilsborouih, March 7, 1866. THE PLACE TO BUY DRUGS. A T the Lawrenceville Drug Store. inhere you ti will find every thing properly belonging to -I. ue Drug Trade CHEAP, CHEAPER, CHEAPEST, .and of the best quality for Cash Alse, Paints, Oils, Varnishes. Lamps, Fancy Nothing. Violin itrings, Fishing Tackle, Window plow /co. Cash paid for Flux 84d. C. P. LiONAID. , Lawrenceville. May 8.1867. F 0 WY' I'S ' Ran !apt Patois. TER, HEAVE; COUGHS; DIS TEMPER, Ft. VERS, FOUNDEI LOSS QP APPr ME AND VITA ENERGY, Jtze. i use improves ti wind, illereagi the a amooth a glosxy skin--n transforms t li riserablo skelel . To keepers of Cows hi; Preparation is Invaluable. ' " Troyes thh quality of the 1324.. It has been proven by sic; tat expetiment to icreasesie gnaw .7 of ilk and ream ttwenty per tnt. and make the 'utterjirra and lea In flattening tile, It veil them appothie,lociiens lei' , hide, and pates them thrive 0 1 7 s; • ich .Is z aS Ciongts, Meets In the Lungs, Liver • this article sets as a specific. By putting from one-half a paper • to a paper in a a . ....._ btiml or swill the bbove diseases will be eradicated of entirely preventod. if given in Brae, a certain preventive and cute for the Hog Cholera. • Price 25 Cents per Paper, or 5 Papers for St PILEPAIIED BY 4 0 • Air Tr Air,' L' WIIOLESALE DEUG AND MEDICINE DEPOT. No. 116 Franklin P..; - Baltimo e, Md, For Sale by TbliK.zi•ts; 4tol z'tnraceeper ,out the United Stows. For ealoby John A. Roy, WelloborO B. B. B ORDE TIOOA, PA., HAS just returned from the City w th a largo and desirablo stook of goods consisting of DRUGS AND MEDICINES, Yankee Notions, of ovety description, Glass and ,Ploted-Ware, Walt Paper, Paints and Oils, Dye Stuffs, School Books, Groceries, and finally every `thing that is ever kept in a Drug and Notion Store I would also cal) the attention of the public to our Stick of GERNAN 1,4111P5, nne. quitted in the wide world, and nlso that I am Lunt for the " Morton" Gold Pun, and - shall al vas's keep a large assortment. Timm. May 8. lBl7—tf, B. B. BORDEN. Dlt. FITCH'S ATIDO INAL SUPPORT is'HS fi.r gala at Roy's Drug Storo. tB I.,VORK, IN' TUB BEST STYLE, and witb denpatch,at THE AGITATOR. Omce. I ; AMERICAN WATCHES in Hunting Silver caae B from $27.60 up at FOLEY'S. • N , 311111 0 lOU =1 AT, TEM RE9I ) I4E'S. STORE MI I vE ARE NO , NV . RECE ,Iylpt,G, A. oute mnir. FRESH STOCK ,OF GOODS iV.. t. i N 0 ,-) TRADE,. and are prepared 'enpfdy the eritrits of the sell at been tmen 1 ER D this stook ON give the hest satisfaction, and those accustomed to &uow,.that.we• I-• 1•• , ' ;f • • hat are to h'c r for" . o4 - bc'thte,,ecoVisin, • ittnil•those who are not our patrons are "the losera quite ae much as we are. . CIA MADE UP 40 ORbEte ' , AI6 WAR ' 1 ! ,t. OUR STOCK WILL BE KEPT FULL, Warranted to give Sitisfaction, Sold as Low lishm We invite an es , amination of our stook and Prices, pledgiugturselves to SHOW Gpops' FREELY AND: TAKE NO NESS, erg thins 81ATIt & WAITE. Corning, N. Y., Apr. 10, 1867. ,ER, lon. NEW " ARRANGEMENT it !match ME Wilson & Van Valkenburg NO. 2, UNION BLQOK, This preparation, long and favorably known, will thor oughly reWrigarate broken-do n and low-spiri horses, by stren Melting and clean ng the stomach d antes , finer. . It is a taro pre ffentive of all dis eases incident to DRY GOODS, Cloths,. Cassimeres, Vestings, Ladies' • Cloths,; am) ;01/age ilriOtplof 1 1.fiediOS' lir6ss Goods.' .0` 311 MERCHANT TAILORING t' DEE We are Agents for Singer's Sewing Bittehines, the hest and cheapest Machine for family use, l ess get out of repair, and more durable t adapted to tine or coarse sewing. Cal and see them. - • , • • The Senior partner has had a large experienoe in Merchant Tailoring. and it is the intention of the new Aral to pul l this branch of their business beyond suarsful impend+ , Wellsboro,Feb.2o, 1867—tf. ' IN CO.RNI-NG, LEE IEIEI MEI Adapted to the =III people lu NORTIFERINT - PE NIML VAINTIA, • . WITH,. , DRY' G*o-DS. OUR" LONG pX.EWENOE , has taugiit us that GOOD GoolDs '• t t v KEEP THE BEST dOODS We i keap as usual a 'LARGE syocK'oF CLOTHS • A - to sell by the yard or RANTED TO 'FIT - nnd ail Goode - sold by ue AND 'as at any other Estab nt. 'Mind that. i OFFENCE who no sale is mach. 1111 Have established themselves at .gy m .. z4.~ h~ . 'tea .~ ~ i ,~; lately accepted Bunnell They are now receiving allare stock of En SPRING) In part, iniph,as j MEE GROCERIES, ; ;: =IRE AND FITIVNIStfING GOODS DOWT FORGET THE PLACE To bay cheap, and a obofiii lot of . SPRING GO,ODS. Ci - , THE < 53MPAT .r CENTRE OF ATTRACTION IS AT LAwßENeyivu,rip ,1 C. S. AXATIIER & CO. Would announce to, the good people of T[ogs County that they, hare jut ,iretnnied \from New . York with their second full stook pt ElI FALL & WINTER - GOODS, embracing all the novelties as well as the sub etantiale required. DRESS'Goops 51 1 4P4 & kw,lO,T; GOOD% HOOP AKIETS;; & BEST FRENCH WOVE COR• . . SETS, GLOVES i AND HO SIERY, YANKEE NO , &c..` FURS 2 F 1 RS I I NINE, CONY, and St'Oerian Squirm!. • The largest Stotts of CLOTHS & CASSIMERI;ii the county, . READY, - - MAIM ...An THING, .and CLOTHING made to order super , intended by first class wor.kmed. SiloP ,IkaDE- HOOTS end - lesetaricty,. HATS & CAPS • • •to Suit all taste, • GROPKATF4S, 4 a., &c. Our goodchave beim bought lasing . the last panio in 14ew'Yolii and will 'hs sold at, : panic prices. Pflods are doiln, monopoly broken up. No other store oan or dare compete with us in qual ity and price. For further partionlars eallat the store of - O. S. MATHRII, it CO. LawreAPYMPAI.4.IO.IB66**!" 1867. WRIGHT & BAILEY., .1867. WE commencO this jar with an exclusively CASH busineso: • ' A LARGE sTodie OF . FLOUR FOR A LARGE STOOK OF FEED FOR A - LARGE' STOCK tOF PORK FO e kt. - CASH Call and sae us. WRIGHT & BAILEY Wellsloro, Jan. 9, 1887-17. 411 persons indebted to tui by note or book account trust call and settle or pay costa, • Jan. 8,186 T. WRIGHT ZS BAILEY. Stoves: Stoves: MINE AND HARDWARE! MR. WILLIAM' RORNRTB bege to announce to the oltisenset, Tloga County, that in addition to his 'excellent stock 614toves, Tin-Ware, Brittania, and Sheet-Iron Ware, he has, at a great outlay, stocked his store on PV Y: 1 ; '1; ritth a complete assortment:of Shelf llardwaro, 'of which We enumerate AM fellowlag • • NAILS, SPINES, 'CROWBARS, X CUT, 41114 HAND AND BUCK SAWS, BUTTS, STRAP , -,II.INGES, CARPENTER'S TOOLS, PUMPS, AXES, AUGERS, '-\---_, BITTS, , . ._, . , . ' . 1 ~ 1 . BITT-STOCKS, tIATCHETS,' CHISELS, SHOVELS, SPADES, MKS, BENCH-SCREWS, - WOOD SCREWS, CARRIAGE BOLTS, BURRS,' SKEINS, WASHERS, PIPE BOXES, AXLE TREES, ELLIP TIC, ,; . SPRINGS, HORSE SHOES, HOOP, BAR, & BAND IRON! GRINDSTONE HANGINGS, CORN , POPPERS, SAUSAGE CUTTERS AND STUFFERS Mill PATENT HARNIPOOR HANGINGS 4. new thing, and mad* for use. are but it.; few of the many articles composing our stook, of Hardware. We invite the public to call and examine for themselves. We aim to keep the beat spolity o f goods in our line ; and all Work to order done promptly and well. WILLIAM ROBERTS. r'elleboro, Sept. 1,1866—tt VAIL BROOK 00AL.--4he underaigned 1 . 7 baying make arrangements to furnish Coal by the TON or CAR LOAD, coarse or fine, solic its the patronage of the public. ALSO—bas constnntly on hand, a large stock of OARRIAGB BOLTS, ho., at wholesale and retail. Mgr BLAOKSMITIIING of all kinds done in the beat manner. S. M. GEER. Tioga, Deo. 1,,1866-tf. • /FRB Subscriberla agent for the above celebra ted Flee. Also a fine assortmight of Lead ers, Kinsey Hooks, Snells, Braided Silk, Sea Grass & Linen Lines, Trout Baskets, Ply Books; Gut, Ply Rods, Reels, Am, ke. Shop in rear of Wm. Reberts's Tin Shop. • ••, r. LORAN A. SEARS. • Wellsboro, May. 29, 1807. ' • • - rr - : CASH: PAID FOR i WHEAT I CASK PAID FOR OATS &Asa_ EOM: PO N 1 CASH FOR : EVERYTHING I 1 CASH 1 O.A.SH: I ISM MAIN STREET, WELLSBORO, Ell COMBESTIDD. 'PISTOLS, PITOt bARTRIDGES, POWDER- AND • . .OAPS(/ Rochester Trout Flies. 44,1iD . PAIOE§ iv. ,/-•Y ti T ;: A.;`,W.lpiiitAaini;) TIO GA, PA: - ,-,- ~ ,i ci k '',' )f, 0 ,'„' sj , '.l ;il "i": 1, 1 r.l,q, VO -.,” li e.,' lIAVINii PIS retunied , frour New York with Now and carefully Waded, • •-• ;- • All thole in want of GoOde wtil ftud it to choir interest to call and '•''. = find learn Prices before buyingtelsenttera. Kept constantly on liand, a doles lot of DRIED, FRui.T, (fijtg9gAre,s, FLOUR, All the above Goode are bought at the lowes Odeh Prices and will be cold • -' •‘, ONLY' CASII OitREADY PAY: v t , : z in' i t i L3 s tict a thaj; j 3e ili t : the el, stand of Tfoift; ' • MI To the Public of Wellsboro SURROUNWNG COUNTRY 1 t. N. 'A SME R , TA notifying ho people ZlliterEa.tork. f' SPRING CLOTHING is on hand, and offe it er than before The Store le won stook d with the moat fatal ionablo • • COATS, PANTS AND VESTS, :also, a largo assortment of . GENT'S FtIRNISHING GOODS, WHITE AND CASSIMERE SHIRTS, COLLARS, NECKTIES, SVS ?ENDERS, SOCKS, and a good large lot of the most fashionable HATS ' AND CAPS, over bronertto this market. Also , TRUNKS, BAGS, AND UMBRELLAS, which you can buy low for cael), at - ,the Cheap Clothing store of 11. AMIE% under the Agita. for Moe. Welleharo, April 10, 1887. Popular Dry Goods Tiade T HE Blibsoribor is now, raosivips his SPRIN.G 4S O'c,k ItlerchandiSe, ; Among whjob wsll bo.found many 9f the mos popular Style's 4:4' , . . • Nan SCDOZAD SHAWLS, .'cr,oAKitres & SAOKRTGS, PRINTS, GINGHAms. BROWN AND BLEACta , D MuS.L4NS, TIMINGS, DENIMS, 'STRIPE 'SHIRT tING% TABLE LINENS, :il4tWzi4ls.44oitED, . NAPEINS, ToWELINGs, LAOE arm EMBROIDERED WINDOW OUR TAININGS, EMBOSSED AND PRINTED TABLE AND f NANO SPREADS, PAL - - , • HOSIERY, GLOVES, fpc. CLOTHING & TAILORING DE. "PARTMENT, Where a phricet Ails tins:Santo:4 or no s4e.-' It A share of the public patronage is rospeotfully solicited. • i , 'THOMAS HARDEN. We :bozo; May 16,1887. ' PA` ?v 'F.1141 04,2 - ii :.• ...,.:E.,, H o. - ~, - (Patented Sept. 11,1860.) r , I Oahe for It . . • lat. The cheapest, most convenient, and moat durable Parm Gate in use.l 2d. Any farmer tau mate it with tbe nsoof a eaw and hammer. d. It does not sag the poste, and cannot be blown open or shut. • .4th,' It ie not obstrnetedS, leer seem. • 'bth. It is stroneer than any other gate, and Is equally so when open or shut, and cannot be blobrn open or shut, nor does the, hardest wind, affect It when open. On the above claims and capeci' ay its regard to its clitoris:we, : dim4dtity, and convenienctf, wild/AY compition.' - It, le a now gate and has been brit a short time before the public), but In all caeca it -has taken the preference over all other gates. It costs; Including poste, only $1.25 to $1.50, and farmers can make them at oven lees than this—they do not coirntore than an ordinary pair of bars. ovrnship rights for sale on terms very piotita ble o the purchaser. :Farm rigbth for sale for $3. 0 Melt. ' I bate put them domiri to this low ilguie so that none need be, without theta; only' be sure and, examine this before purchasing of any. other. , .• - : . • , . , . . Any one wishing further particulars will please address the subscriber, ail orders will: receive prompt attention,. Address, •.. Apr. „! , 0. S. KIMBALL, A 24, '67-tf. Ooeola,'TiogaVo., Pa. MUTED WARE—Cake baskets, 'e. rd biuk ets, castors, sugar bowls, eta., at • • • • FOLEY'S. r a fillE largest assortment of Watobes, Cloaks, m Jewelry and Plated Ware in Tio;ga inty ft9deell6j - A Pours. LADIES' BETS from $1.50 to $80; at doil9 /001.EY'S. •11.1 2 f U STOCK, OF, GOODS, . 'll EXAMINE OUR STOOK PORK, &,0., &O. - I :1 AND consisting of at prices that aru worthy of attention. . 1 •,. ' r • Also, a full line of - Special attention is callod to his PUFFER'S Don Bce. ' "• lA ' 41' ' it 4116 ft E • 'I3LOSSBIAte, A. J • • .-t : tr.) . , 1P i 17, 11E113 constantly iSkt hand a fine stook of Pore Mk. Mum Biedloines, Chentioals, WINES AND -tIQUQRS, . for Medicinal and Sacramental Lupo; also all the popular Patent Medicines, Paints, Varnishes, Oils, do, ailkinds of btuahes, Dye (Weis, Dye Woods and Stuffs, fine Toilet Soaps, -:Peifumery,Pom ades, Cosmetic% &a., `4. , STATIONERY_ RENO PENCILS, _ PAPER AD EN VELOPES, Moralortaulam Books, F*ll Ilookt,'Att., Potaih in - st`lll - 4ent, - tier pound, geroieno OH, Lamp Oil, Tarpontltte, Betake, 8,4).1 11,ioish Oateieukand Pearl Barley at 10 cis per Pound.. I am, sole, agent in Blossburg for Dr. N. Virdnorer's Ext., Fireweed, and warrant it to cure Scrofula, Salt Rheum, Scurvy, Pimples on the face, and all .dbmases arising from impure Mate of Blood if used According to directions. paitigular „attention given .: to °compounding l'hycicicoi and , otber Prescriptions. I guaran tee satisfiction, both In quillity and price. • Remember the' Store, opposite the now Coal Co'a Store, Blossburg, Pa ', 1868.4 f. Mtithet 'Sr Hort°.l4" D , 411. , 0• GROCERIES t :PROVISJON.S q./?99K.rqtr:H . iimivA4, WOOD yokpucur,: wormo. , "-•• • LAWEENOEVILLE,c f:PENN'A " Cash, raifiliT7o4cpi2 g; l3 .i. %AZT Nov. 21, 1868-1 y: i •"" /866. FCR - SALE. 1866. B. 0.,. WICHITA 0; . ;'. • .;• ; Y 'q ik 'X HIS NUREIERY OF Fiktrit-Vivoii4 21L, VAMENTAD `TRERS, - 60,0007,Appl6ljtireeki 10,00 ft Fettir , llo l / 4 61644;q 7 -,i:.;:. Aood supply of PLUM, PEACH, CHERRY, andORNAMENTAL TREES dr. SHRUBBERY. The Fruit trees are 'Composed of the choicest varieties, good, healthy, some of them largo and in bearing. Any one wishing to` got a supply , will do well to call And coo ru3r stook before •pur: ()basing elsewhere. OP' Delivered at the ,depot free of charge. ' , Ti0ga,,Peb.28,113:60-Iye , IiAARAH'S NATIONAL GATE. [PaiOnted SopteTabor , 20th, 1864,) • ITS CLAIMS 'ARE: • 1. The most-common workman or a farmer can build it. 2. It is made of all sizes, and is perfectly adapted to all Elate purposes, whether for cattle yard, farm, door-yard or garden. 3. It requires no hinges, and cannot be blown open nor shut. • 4. It does not swag the post, and the (late itself .cannot sag., 6. -13reachy stook cannot open It. 6. It cannot be driven against when open. 7. It is not obstructed by either rain, sleet or snow. 8. Being built without mortise or tenon, it costs but little more than a pair of good bare. 9. It is stronger than any other gate built of an equal amount of lumber, and its strength is equal upon both aides.' 10. It is the cheapest, neatest, and most con venient and durable Gate in use. During the fall of 1865, the National Gate has received the highest award at SEVEN STATE and some SEVENTY COUNTY FAIRS, and •in competition with other Gates, it has takenltho FIRST PREMIUM in every instance. It challenges the whole list of Gates to a prac tical test, throughout all „The National Gate , has received the un.quall dill approbation of all who have used it. These, Gates, including :Flubs, are built at a cost of sit to $B, according to Workmanship and material used. Their manufacture insures a profitable investment of 'elpital, as they com mand a ready sale at from 60 to 100 per cent. profit; lad it Is perfectly safer put them up at all times under a warrant, as they have in no ease failed ta - Vive the fullest satitfaction. J. P. BILKS, • • ' , D. ANGELL, — A. ALBA. ,11124F•Townahip and Farm Rights for sale in Tioga and Bradford Counties. Or -Applicants for purchase of Territory, send for Circular oentainiug partlcnlars. Righte for average Farms are uniformly sold for $lO each, including printed drafts anti spat& floationv for building all sizes of both Farm and sntrance Gate, by the aid of which anyone can canstruct them. On receipt of $lO, in all cases accompanied by a. particular description of the land for which the right is :desired, the appropriate Conveyance, drafts, An., will be pratortlyforvriuled." Address, with stamp, ' • , NATIONAL GATE CO., March 27' 1807-4. Knoxville, Pa. m. GOLDSMITH, GROOM & RESTAURANT, One doot above Itnen,Drut Store, *ELIJSI3 OR o g . P We take pleasure in announeing to the public( ihat'wn egniirtencie.the Nett "gear with enlarged aegonimedating enetomera withlho loioost law*. of . • ... _ OR 0 OERIZsg , Wooti4l,..,l l :ZzoW WARP, offirfil to this Public. ;IlottselLeeiters tii ~oritt BEST SUGARS, SPICES, CHERRIES, (sconed - j - PavES, BQX RAISINS, CITRON, SEEDLESS RAISINS, comma' 'dtiAttilds, ' . PICKLES; SAUGES,' - CANNED POTTS. anci the fintat ; - • Merit Oysters; • • •• • •. ar. Panned, Oysters; right from '}be BALTIMOit.',Iq4iI:O:T.S! on oaks at 'our eouater. • •.• - „ - Tif:E. ,r(Pott ! .,./? ;'.. A I).OO,O2MdZA TB Will find•our, RESTA RANT open' at all' sea. soaable hem; Wltetol .0(6111 fit °rimy style, pre tt.ilOtta.bp' Oa iioived up to delight c i the palate and. gladden the heart. WE AIM TO PLEASE ! Always glad tp sep oui 'friends, heeause wo in tend to give; them their money!ti worth, and if they call once they will , be sure to call again. MASSBNA BULLARD, C. IL GOLDSMITH. - Jan. 2,1867. MAfIKET. TIONAiItD GILLETT, baying recently pur chased Mr. Andrew a. Tipple's interest in the MEAT MARKET, would'say to the citizens of We'labor° and vi cinity that he will, continue the bvtairwas at the old Borst stand*-giving hie entire attention in supplying the wants of all who may favor him with their patronage. Constantly on band 'FRESH BOATS OF ALL ICINIfB. ), Shop one Door South of Derby's Shoo Shop. , ,WellsbOro, April 10, 1867 -tf. FLOUR PROW CHOTOE WHITE WHEAT, buckwheat !lour, corn meal and feed, always .on hand. Call at the Charleston /11111befote buy. inEl o .ur dour and feed. I coamake. It nu object hum to buy. • „ REFA. , X9:4313ELL.. r May /0,18011-tf WHOLBUIR DUG STORE. BELpEN. MEI= lIM CORNING, N.• Y. =ll DRUGS 'AND' MEDICINES, PAINTS AND MST TiIADDEIJS DAVIDS' INKS, CONCEN TRATED ' MEDICINES, CJN- CINNATI WINES AND BRANDY, WHITE- WASH LIME, KEROSENE LAMPS, PATENT MEDI 4. LINES, PETROLEUM OIL, R9OPsTR PER- FUMERY AND FLAVORING EXTRACTS, WALL PAPER; WINDOW GLASS, AND DYE COLORS, . . „ Sold at Wholesale prices.. Sayers_ ore requested tt(vall and get quotations before going further • a D. TERBELL - i CO Emit, . .• , Corning, N. Y., Jan. I, 188.7-1 Y PH O( RA'I?HIC. E.. & IL T. XNTIIONT '8; CO., Manprfaeturere Photopraphie Materials 55110LEBALE ,4!!7D 501 , BtOAD:gtiir,4.Y, N. T in telditlezi.t,o •our.tnain bxlsiness,ef Photographic Materials we, are Eleaftearters for the following, viz: ,jitereoscopes & Stefeoscopic Views Of Atriericau' ittid Foraign atid Landecapen, Ordure, Statuary, etc. Storooscopic VieWs of tho War, From negatives made in the various campaigns and forming a complete Photographic history of the greit contest. Stereoscopic Views on, Glass: Adapted for eltberlaglo Lanterns or the Strescope. Our Catalogue will be sent. to any aildres4 o receipt of Stamp. I Photographic Albums. Wo Manufacture more largely than any other house, about 200 varieties from /50 cents to $llO eaeh. Dor ALBUMS hive the reputation of being superior in beauty and durability to all others. Casa Photographs of Generals,, States- men, Actors. etc., ate. Our Catalogue embraces over FIVE THOUSAND dltleropt'subJects, including reproductions of the most 'celebrated Engravings, Paintings, Statues, etc. Cata logues sent on receipt of statnp. Photographers and others ordering gdods C. 0.D., Will please remit 26 per cent!. of the amount with their &der. The prices and finality ,of our goods cannot fail to satisfy. 'Jan. 2,1867-9 m. • Tioga Martile Works THE undersigned are now prepared to exe cute all orders for Tomb Stones and Monu ments of either ITALIANIV RUTLAND MARBLE, of the latest styland approved workmanship. and with dispatch. Wo keep constantly on hand both kinds of Marble and will be able to suit nil who may fa vor us with their orders, on as reasonable terms as can be obtained in the country. Stones discolored with rust and dirt cleaned and made to look as good as new. WILCOX & WIIITNEY. Tioga, May 22, 1861—tf. To the Farmers of Tioga County. lAli now building at my manufactory, in Lawrence vine. a superior FANNING MILL, which possesses the following advantage B over another mills: 1. It separates oats, rat•litter. and foul seeds, and chess and cockle, from wheat. 2. It cleans flax seed, takes out yellow seed, and all other seeds, perfectly. 3, It cleans timothy seed. 4. It does all other separating required of a mill. ' This Will is built of the best and most durable tim ber, in good style, and is sold cheap for cash, or prl. duce. Iwill tit a patent 'sieve, for separating oats troth wheet,to other mills, ma reasonable terms. .7. II hiATIIER. Lawrentorille,October 10, 1808-tf WALKER & LATHROP, DEALEII3 IN HARDWARE, IRON, STEE L , NAILS • STOVES, TIN: ARE, DUPING., SIIVS, WATER LIME, AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, Carriage and Etarnesi Trimmings, HARNEtSES, SADDLES, Ac. I Corning, N. Y., Jan. 2, 1.86Z-ly. nMIUM ' SIMFMNrIFIM Atg 'OLD BY TETE TRADE GENBRALLY LIBERAL DISCOUNT TO DEALERS 200,000 VIIIINIBIIED THE U. S. GOVERNMENT. Army Revolver, 44-100 in. Calibre Hairy Revolver,., , 36-100 in. Calibre Blab Revolver, Navy size Calibre Pollee Revolver ? Navy size C3librc Nev Poker Revolver, 31 •100 in. Calibre Pocket Revolver, (Rider's pt,) 31-100 in. Calibre Repeating Pistol, (Elliott pt.) No 224 t. 32 Carege Vest Peeket Pistol, No 22, 30, 32 4k, 41 - Cartridge Gun Cane No 22 16 32 Cartridge Breech Loading Rillo,(Beala') N 0•32 do 3S " - Revolving Rifle, 30 & 44-100 in Calibre • E. REMINGTON & SONS. • " PUINCIPAL ACCEIIT.9. • • • 1: Moore & 'Nichols. New York; Wm Road & Son, Boston; Jos C GAEbb & Co, Philadelphia; Pool- . they & Trimble, Baltimore; Henry Folsom & Co, New Orleans; Johnson, Spencer & Co, Chicago; L M Rnmsey & Co, St. Louis- Albert E Grano, San Francisco. Feb' 20, 1867.-Im`- 'NEWELL, DENTIST, MANSFIELD, Pa., • grateful for the very liberal patronage heretofore reoeived, will continue so as to per form all dental operations, as to merit the rapidly increasing professional demands now engaged. All operations in 'all "departments of the profes sion executed Itetho best possible manner. All new, useful invoiations and improvements adopt ed. Tho highest good of his patrons the ultima. turn of his ambition. Dcc. 5, '66—tf ROY'S CHOLERA DROPS MII , CURES COLIC, CURES DYSETERY,• WRIT CHOLERA MORE US, CURES CHRONIC DIARRHEA, CURES all Bowel Complaints , but does not cure anything else. This medicine is no cure-all: it has the confidence of every body, for It is never known to fall : it should be. kept on band by every family. Bold by dealers in medicine at fifty cents per bottle. For sale in Wellaborough - al Roy's Drug Store, OTICE.--Sotice is hereby given that Rob. .11 art Castard,rSenior, ' has been placed in charge of tract No'. 1590, and those ,parts of true ! No. 1589,1 u the vicinity of Babb's creek, belong. log to'the heirs of Luke W. Morris - ; and all per. sons are forbid trespassing thereon, under pen. Mt) , of prosecution ELLISTON P. 'MORRIS, 865 Market Street, Philadelphia. Fdb. 27. 1887-6a* • ItirUSICALINBTRUMENTS.—J. B: Shake pear, dealer in Docker do Brother and Raines Brothers pianos, Mason A ilamlin oal:- Inet organs, Trent, Linsey Co. melodeons, and ,tlin B. filioningor melodeons. Room over J. R. 1 r won's stole. . Sept. 12, 1866. 61 1 TRAVit.' " _ _ " LII UI ;HALLWAY. da ti tipril,29,lBo7, trains 1r ifli e „, o n bourn: 1 In ' On awl after 810 Cori:ling at thefol lIVESTIARD sa Man. Sundays excepted. for lintla. nd DiDkirk, aannecting with trakt 12:28 a.m., Farr 10, Salamanca, for the West. 6:44 m Night R Salamanca, an. with trains of • Shore, and Ora 7:07 a. m.,Night Dunkirk and t 7:15 a. m.,Nlglit 'ester and kill I I 10:32 a. in., Mall ter and Baal , 2:16 p. m. Balt!. Rochester and 7:08 p. in.. Day connecting wi Railways for . 7;10 p in Day - .I 5:40 p. In., Emig. 12:28 a. M. Expr° Salamanca tin tho West. 12.60 p m Way E press; Sundays excepted, for Buffalo Dunkirk, making direct connecticc Ibe Atlantic di Oreut Western, L a k e dTrutik Railways, for all peltilfeit, )pros, Dally, for Butfalo.S.alarounca e West, connecting us above. • Express; Sundays excepted, fur Rea, :)0, via Avon 'min, Sundays exceptod, for , via Avon. !. °se Bxpteas, Sundays excepted, to 'Buffalo, vitt Aron. Sundays eicepted, for Buffalo, b the Lake Shore end Oland Trunk ,• tuts west. and south. 'prose, Indaye excepted. for ituct,eet et ant tel n, Daily, for the Vireet. :se Mail, Bundayioexcepted, for Buffalo, Dunkirk, connecting with tralas Icr refight, Sundays excepted ZASIVARD BOUND. t Express, Daily, connecting at gray. wick. nud at New York with afterti3On °mars, for laostonand New England 12:18 . tn., NW cou ':for Wa • _ , ..I'• and a ' ides. 4:01 a: to,, Clod nail Express. Mondays excepted, Cell 'tooting at .iii Ira for 4 urrieburg, Philadelphia but Mo . South ;t Owego for Ithaca; at Dlnglinintot for Syracuse; at Great Demi fort Scranton, kiiiladel. da, aud Tre ton; at Lackawasen for Utits toy, and at Orapcourt fa .Notetarg and Warwick. , .1 5 10.06 ato Acco Modation Train dolly, connecting at at Elmira fo ,Oanntidalgna.' 10:48 a . m., Da Ertl:rens, 3 nadays excepted, cOnnectiot at Elmira for Cauatidalgus, ar.l3ingliatitton for lyre cued, at Oren bond for Scrautim, at Inckairtixen fcr 11awley, and' t Jersey City with. iniabiglit Esiista Train of Now Jersey 14.11 road forlhiladalabla, Pal' 'more and Wa r hipgton. 8:12 p, 4:35 p cept dolp 7.07 p nett New and Dot 12:30 *M. . - .rasa, Sundays exmpted. PaTamara Moll, Sithdetniez• Icahn for liorrlebtirk,il,hui„.. !ream, Snadays excepted, coi.. ; with itorninierpresr train of or littltimoro and Washfugtpn, ,M l :9lning AXPrt's.l..trilDiffor Supdaytioxcepted. f - ' • RIDDLR; , • . Gonnup't _ Central FOR THE NORTH'. , laleave Elminite iolfvws: 7 004 a) • m road] .11. 45 a 0, • s'••••• Olbpm 5r toachattachadj.../..... 7 /0 a 911, - 1601', trains will arrive and ' Trail ACCOTV Es. Oil Watt. Way On depny i movrsalxorm Express —.O 45 p m Expros 10 - 00 ael Elmira Nail :00 am Elmira Mall ..... ...0 0.5 e s , Local irreight.l i ... lo 50 a mLocal Fr0igh1......3 35 Err ,gli Throe Er,/ I It oiso pea Through kreiglr4 2 00 T. Is l:. E. B. MOWN, Dir.:talk Illoosbnr. &' Corning, & Tioga R. R, Taiius Witt Im us follows until further notice: Accouunodatio —Leaves Illossinirg at 0,50 n. ut., clans t 4 field at 1,3 b Tioga at 8,28 Lawt, twesille at p,4•_ arriving at I orniug at , 10,20 a. in. Mail—Leaves t lossburg nt 2,35 D. in., Mantneld ti Tioga at 4 10, Lawrenceville at4sT—araittngo: Corning at p. nt. Mail—Leaves rating at Bn. m., Lawrenceville at Tioga nt 10 2, Mansfield at 10,40—arriving at The... litirg at 11,' 0 a. ra: Accotumodat • n—Leaven 'pinning at 4,50 p. m i Lay: roncOVille t 5,85, Tioga at 7.02; Mansfield at 7,44-. arriving at Illossburg at 8,25 p. L. li. SHATTUCK, Sap't. iadelplii f a & Erie R. R. arr. and ddpart At Williamsport at fuilv,i tward Westward 'Wu 10 1.0 p m I Erie Moil Trair....4 30a r. ruin.A 25 ain Erin Ex'se Train-3 45 p a Trains 35 u mhuaulti Express 10 ?.0 e. a 'turn 320 p I m ElmiraMail Train II 35 p 1., are rnn through on the Erie Mail mid Er i without cbauge !Atli ways lAA a son Plata 'FRI. NEW YOltK CONNECTION. .0 Trains wil Ea Erie Mall T E. Express Elmira Mail L. H. Acc6 Passenger press Trains delphia and orl at 9 a ra, arrive at Erie 10.00 a. in Leave New Leave New Leave Erie Leace Erie( ork at 0,00 p m, arrive at Eriu 4 Oi pin. 6.10 p ta, atrivo at 'New York 3.15 p m 't 10 25 a tn, arrive at Vow York 10 10 a in ?- A. L. TYLY-11,0eng Sept. is and great Western fl. W Atlan SALAMANCA STATION. IlYB011:6. EAsrwmin BOND. ~ 5 SO I Express 5 ls ion 6,3 S Mail :, ll 12.19 Accommodation, —.ALE li.oo I Express Ole 'ere is a junction with the Plillodelplos & y Creolt Rail Roads. - filo with the Franitiht and Ott City nod rich. t3tm- WETTIVA; Mall ' I Accouiruods Express ..... Expreils At Cory t Erie, and Ci At 31aadv9 Pithylo Thin ..Intrgo tlio Mabonlity Dr4neh rnnkes Cleveland. At Itavenna connects d Pittsburgh Railroad. puttee through Akron, Ashland, Gallon ana and Dayton, Intortectlug varinua rail. rnainated at Cincinnati. D. McLiREN, Gen. Supt., Meadville, Pa. At Leavitt' reel route t Cleveland ar The Road, Marlon, Ur roads, and t, CLAIM AGENCY, Li For the Collection of 4,.. 4 . 11 . 1 ,. / :NAVY ClaiEns and Pensions Anal i. ' BOUNTY LAW, passed July 213,1366, gii ia , 1 thrre years' soldiers extra bounty. seed barges. ,PPFICERS' EXTRA PA.Y. %utile' extra pay proper to volouteer cams . service March 3,1365. PENSIONS INCREASE), have lost a 11mb and %rho have beenserms , totally 'disabled, \ . . 00,0ml:cleat claims prom:entail. ? * 41ROME B. NILES. I.,Ortober 10, 1300-tt MITE NE two an l in your ilia Three m• who wore t. To all who nently an. All othe Wellsbo Pla ing & Turning. . T: VAN HORN, 'I 6 goi • hie now Factory in °Oration , ow prepared to 1111 orddrs for -cubicet ..ptly and in the beet style of workman• ving procured-a laAll .UL, is ‘l' aro pro ship. IL OODWORTII PLANER, • \ ho is road to uress hoards or plank with dispatch, SCE LL-WORK & BRACR.ETS furnished est and m o order. Me machines aloof the new• at improved patterns. rner of boar! and Wain Sts, WELLS •t 1888—tf. Shop 8011,0, P Oct. 31, WE SBORO PETROLEUM' CO.— N nice is hereby given that the Board (.4 Dlrectore of this Company at a mooting held De- Camber 1., by resolution decided, to close up the affairs . cif the Company'and distribute the balance id the ha. ds of the Treasurer; prorattt among the holders q paid-in stock. This property of the .Company will be sold and_tho proceeds divided in like manner. Stockholders will present their receipts °AO-Treasurer. "" By order, .Doc t 1 , 1866. M. B. COBB. Clerk. I )EMIIREST'S MONTH L,Y MAGAZINE; 1,1 mai orsally acknowledged' the Model Parlor Magazin of America ; devoted to Original Sto ries, Poo S', Sketches, Architeeture and Model Cottages Household Matters, Gems of Thought, Personal and Literary Gossip (including Epccol departm nts on Fashions), Instruotiens on Health, Gy tunas it:, Equestrian Exorcise,, Music, Amuse` moats, c c.: all by.the best authors, and profane ly and rtistically Illustrated with costly Engra vings ( 11 size), useful and reliable Patterns , Etnbroid ries, Jewelry, and a constant saves!. Sion of a tistio novelties, with other useful and outertai ing literature. No pe son of refinement, economical bouts tt) wife, or I dy of taste can afford to do without d: Model nthly.• Single copies, 30 cents; back numbers as specimens, 10 cents; etthor mailed free. ' Y only, $3, with a valuable premium; tw° copies, '44 50; three copies, $7 50; (five cop!, Sl2, an splendid premiums for clubs 0.13 each, with the first. premiums to each subscriber. W.Ad dress,ii, JENNINGS DEMO EST, , . No. 473 Broadway, ' w York..-, ea's Monthly and Young uerica, to- . -I, with the premiums for each 20,'87—0m, _ Demo' gethor Marc 1 BISURANOE AGENCY. .SRS. NICHOLS MITCHELL Would speotfolly itifortit tho poople of this ri• hat tboy have the agency of some of the Fre °kitty, beat Life In the reason Mr. Fir& Insurance Companies Itatos, and are now prepared to insure st .blo rates. s MITCHELL ;Hiving boon appointed .NO-TAI?Y PUBLIC, :nd promptly to business relatinc to e, which may be entrusted to him. li will be found at tho office formerly eau , r oL eau- Lowrey e y and Wilson, hl oroliill 3 Main 7 i Street;y will Mt; offi,! The pied b Wellsb! • Hey ti unty and Pension Agency.' NO received definite instructions in regard R e, extra bounty allowed by the act approst d 1866, and baying ou hand a large supPlY of 111 k• blanks, I amprepared to proaecute all Pea* bounty claims which may be placed in 10' 'arsons living at a distanco'can commuolc oo by leitor,and their communications 1011 be • 111:118WRI ed • Nlll, 11, 8/ 1 1 1111. oro.October 24,1860. . July 28, neceesar. elan rum halide. I with mo prompt!, Wells • H B. T. VAN HORN