The Tioga County agitator. (Wellsboro, Tioga County, Pa.) 1865-1871, July 17, 1867, Image 3
Mil . , • _ ~,,,,,,,, ,iittArIVERS • Iv EDNE,sp4lr i AI.J.I t A I I7, 1867. • tfew Advet 4 t2Bett(e)itit. • Rail Road Neklee-7Commissioners. Ito es for HOtie ,Barker.. Stony Fork 13uteher-4ttjasjtu:4o? . lo l ;, Gas Light fur the Million- 2 -KshitilinA ituitkell; A n nouncement for ecampissi9net r ,4o? Atc4foxci f Tile Greatest Pain-Itelioterintite,Worltl.,-.,_:,„. A Card from the American Wateh Company— .' hhins k Appleton. 'k•••• • 0. • ..•, 1: , Elmira Book Bindery—Fairiatan k Coy- • Hon. Giro. nt his residence in Oct:AO. vu .I , niday, July 8.. wo,r 7.1 yw5,041.,, The " 11E4o" FruitJar l 'justreceivpd and tor sale'lt!t l it'6.rh.plig, SeOp , ultra poidditgtp fruit. „: mg ".. 1, . . . _ Lost—probAlAy• between HOTlthlyilfotel nrid reEidenee Piehn J. , Primo, it. br i ars Duo[- {,•y. The finder wilt confer it favor and loovivo utablo rtiwArd by lenling, it ai'ilu,Asfitaior . . . , . .... feo s imv has received tin elegant lot of Icaclry frozo : tho city, very. ,float AO r`OY 1 11 1 - ~tiollo.. Ho•lias a proptittion for olcanitig 811- • - c1 vilAAl'is j akiout dm folf:t.thilig 05"1.* iu.riti;;(l., , Alr. A. Russell requests US 't6 notify - . 11 persons indebted to bin) that prompt paygteikt will mace tbp !vas of his house and furniture u io's4 :,„ Ail persons lucleheell should forward at 6uce. • Filth: )p) ci-fAitlE.STcqq.7—' The holls . eof Mr. A. Ruesef r MiPer,.aheitit 'two and a half pailei that of tbis,viilago; took fire at 8 o'clock last Fri. day morning,' and }vas totally consumed togdther, with th . o 46146315: h9.Tono pratiol44':','.i l ‘.; Mr. M. Conway made ;nig uppearauco en Main Street with his street-4riiAli r just Thursday, causing, a decided sen siit en ierinise is most laudable, and wet :trust: the liberality of our citizens,Will reitsler weinduera - live. SELECT SCHOOL. —Miss Bunn a Church ill will open a Select School in Cone!e'Buililiug, Mein Street, Welleboro, Monday, July 22. irt ttructiou in Common and Hiihiir Engliehllyattch ei. Terms fl'om $2 to . s3 per'quattCr. W4llsboro, July,l7, 18167—1 t. ;FITE RA/LRoAr•:, Elsewhere 'we pub list the notice for,the '6:parting of the stoelc.-hooks of the Wellsboro b Lentreneeville It. IL Conipa., LF . We do not 41641 . re to eico.urage too. sanguine I . cpectationa, but it'seeins-not improbible that a survey of the ro,uto,u/aY be made during the sea"- 1.70 • The first Nd. - )t' the lith volume of the Philadelphia Medical & Surgical Reporter 2811 been received.: This is a weekly Magazine deroted',:to lebtninS by the abtc t Prof6ssora in the rations school's) tlitculkions, reports of hospital rue!, and transiiaign'of' Ned.ipai ,x , lSsociatpns: . The article on Cholerwoin; the current number is worth the subscription price—ss per year. .I)rs. Butler and Britton tire the edftoilf; A CAP AL 34.GAZIiNE.-7T116 Plyre— nological Magaziiao'comnaenced its volume July 1. It is uri, nittlip?dt.f in Alenfal, Physilai Physioguornical and Sooitil Sole/Nes, is one of the finest of illustrated Magatines, is not a onc-idea publioatiOti, and is an in. - aitiabln Family Journal. It iatlio sturdy advocato of the thaterluent of „liluratind, n fine educator,- and 'ought to be on very center tubln . Price S 3. per ytut. Address IS. R. Vella, 389 Broadway, New York. NEW MOTUVE I !9 \VER.-7.44. Osenr Sly, f Itoclte4txr, N. y.yihr had on exhipiitioi. for severs.l days at the Townsend Bonze, in this vil lage, a mile] of Fryatt hitluionds' new inetive Power for S. - A . lllg, or for any other huelneis a crank motion is xtml. In place of the crnnk there is a pitman working in a tt heel. slotted at right angles on its Outuf surface. Tito gulden :tee . tii...e c intise.9 the center, of motion roe other traverse•? the ritn of the wheel. It, is i.ri e of tile tousting4iious little panel : Linea that we have seen. WH AT IS IT ?—Mr:47l , am uel Doane,- of :kkrriF. has deßosite4._wigt - aran iit. fauna in that township, vvry Angular in imortictimi, ornamentation, and littrposi..— It :• a 110110W,4:9110 t f re,i,l'ritqne, about live inches inelii.‘s in diameter et the have and •1 of inch at the trip. At the bare is a'• ~utall hole .xhieh contained a stone ilopper when foiand:—z Pie nyrrrit_ with, ,v4rltigo oFwenting.the' hOlvvewly:hoittes, rtithi etching:4 , 1 the la of shrtihs,' ,nth ottZrli}ati:l3 evince}, „in their r. ni the •i.dcrawl lia; requerlio in:i4iit . it to the Cabinet of, 1 zIP tail Ilistnry at MA: , fiehl;"7l. - o.'oFia'which dtri. , 7l - IStr:"Dintne hem-. mid th.whiett led ka,urt. AMAYI..tN.-`ll.le %VcVly : Phild ,tdphia Pr eei• i d lasl'lCeek contains the first two •%t s pories of lettere , from the valley of the Anni written by. oar t6wi.Omati, Mr. G. W. Seartt: 1. I he letters are replete with infoFmaiitmtoaohing" th e South Americlen tropics, and one, devet iptie e bf the Brazinid..Gity of. Pi:La; hi+ the Mouth of the Amazon, reminds us of come of the letters of trivet written by Bayirti Taylor in his hest The Series proinisespobe : cxertllipOy intctefting, ad all who Criih'iii . sceure them in cheap form thiald atom° aubsoriho, for Ahe ;Weakly Press,' A slab ipinow being made. up ut tbu.Shon- Store of Scars 4" perl v ,•,i.n this:uillage.‘:Theso living out the range of 'the Postoflie4 can secure trio /1.-0., at $5. , Minle auhseriptiotn,, five eopiei foP ten copies s:“.Titli - twenty - copies 33. , ,Thu getter rip' of a pit) brteiv-.411 te'....c;ix:6' a' fyr trouble. THE r i I itFEN'NIAL As'sEssmENTl 7 This . Is the year of." thOrl'eniiial assessment, for t i ce e(l.tali7ation-of .propetry values for purposes of txFatinn. That some eeinAlization of Values. wate ..never snore necescayy thanttt present is; we :Ip p-ice. evident to nearly -every rational' Citizen: 7 - ,Tbe-work required to.he.tlone , -ismof—ver.y -great importance to the ematuoniCealth and_lo thein dividual taxpayer. It is a itynde melting for slit I , twilr - jUdgrit'ent, striet Imptatiality, and undet'i.' sting honesty; and. we presume tlle peep - le of • C4uuty selected their Itssegsors last spring wall especial reference to these qualifications. The law requires assessors to return property ni market value; or at the probable cash value at 3 public sale. Eve?y - Assessor ; takes an oath de this when he receives ,his book -iron/ the vortialioners. • -'Thett few, or ho 'asteSSOrs. cote- . with the stipulation of their official oat ha fa these:in'onuilieswbieh must q'stonillt et cry refiecting.oititen. And were an assesgor to make • return according to law the Commissioners Juld he obliged to retlice it to the false stand . - .q 1 of values which long ne::lcel. has L. , talAivlickluu'ot, er this great Communal:4llh. : At present -'only every Assessor . ' takes tlfe value of property t was established by the triennial as:r..client test before, es he is eXpeelell to It : nod there _ r,r.• me make ~,no attack upon the Alocri, hut Haloes- eyigctli whielefe, l ,anins every where. sad tpull?irrnumberleps iivOltialary per r It i 4 time tilat 'this public outrage wive. vtng,,i4 • e%d us univergallc4ku.knowlodgtal. and t-iortl.l 1 ' ease, mut mid - Dr. It 1•:ot ted t iiroußboat _tits rt. !. ';, trim:lllv, ea lih 'inc 111 1 if mlythe i.rcizu . ja,:ph will trot lt '4ether. At prr!:.-tit 1I is a to thy. iitittr •ad j t t alinoytUrieelltl RIM:YI..r. • • The .. law,•ls recitittCrt 'turn }ttoperty at its probable. vallte lfut nP o=ff 'e6s.or complies with this rum mand of the law and if ho did, the C,,romi,Ann ets werild ho bound to 'aquatic hi- r. , 1 urn' with Ile returns of other townships. tithertyiie, one t " .o hilt lutist p 4 more than ite, proportion of - - I,tt it's look at gl/1 - 110 of the flictd 11l file case: Tale the ralnatiou "of Property in Wellshoro,— to torioasliCtfm highest. in the county in proper -1/°,ll to lye .a.;:tual cash value. , What are thi! ftvde: Thtsei • Itt , ntestate in Wolleboro returna go the twaessment ooka at just about ono=fourth of a t, %f4ifti iv die . f b eaX 'l6l faxt levy is not over S., 00. We know of property which sold-for $29 I 0 eighteen months ago, upon which the, tta*Ohlt value. , islodY'lf26(iLiir one eighth of itie mark eraged at about on t value. Bizt property.ia av -fourth of its market value. Now the method where, is to fix the and then to apport according to the v, about 11:pqr raise our quota„ one-quarter of ilie Now people arens of taxation is 11 p is - Only 'cloven p'ef valuation.L llad E' rate would : have about 2 per cent. of of reform muselmcil of taxation pursued every aggregate stun to be raised 'on it among the sub-districts, , luation. Last year it-required Ti upon itPa.::T 4l 4o9P. t° l nut thiS was 11.pri% 00 0. ul'on! value of the property returned. onished to learn that the rate ,er-eent. but theyferget that it tni..4in i hes:fonrtiriAkA4 44 fi lyip t s ! sp i prits ; lien leml e the n 2. per cent., laskyear, and, i s Aeff• . E A,n,4 llele the need wile appar'oneto'eVerf rational o to drop the subject here, by introdueto in time to time with -further eyialization of assessments. im:m Ice do not pnrp any weans. We H ry, and follqw it fr nrgutuents lora. ti youdcu writes usl ' LLF: ,- Iffit.g.-0.., CW'res-.. ur?lief paitietiliiii,iiiiii,ifi - iiv§:' oeit:un illepight:of:llle,, , lth of care lire oecuried in this vil ,d i ,rius rjyriy-,of Mr. M. C. Over the most the business ity,inglpprilarge_stores, a hotel ill asles. When firSt discov le bursting front the windows the store. In a very abort • : rverofenvelopesrin! f. 1 1 1 4 1 e14n4 ere promptly on the ground nil' wOrkoil stoldii4l , •rliefli re the number of them dropped down IliViren:.; a;" littlq _ revived, they in went to work. No company us firemen, more faithfully but for their indomitable ener we, the dev traction .of property, iti:'lirestarfkluiii"it 'Vag. ' ' Vitt' .nigh owir.thoirk. their Lwarmest. manly heart gives them its ' praise, and the same tribute o ladies of the place. ,- Their" 61!..iciiaoniiihreiii.ent contributed nerve the men with unwonted work. !Alta alibutfeuzlhours übdued. The losses were as Ir. Millbpirigli $l, - 500 - UO, - 111- i ''''Af. et;74snlK, 41400 00, in- A; P. bamon $1,500 00, no • r ,i.iro - ifori $4,000,00, insured rfithid sloo 00, not insuriiirce. 00.Q0, fully •insuxed. ,J f whip-; 'red .for $l,OOO 011. TlOrton & ,iiisruninee. J. Adams $1,900 00, 1 .1 - ,llnr7j§/9.(4orratson $3OO 00, in: Mather' $1;d00 Ob, insured IC in Seydsoo 0 , 00; no itrani;aricti.. 00, nd insiirtinee. 'Mrs. W. T.' neuranct.;` :IV na • Lowiti:s%oo .90, Sdespen,ss,oo 0 00; no insurance., 00, fully insured.. Xiils.• IPa f $32,10Q-00. Total insurance is h ii . ,& 1 3" . b10w for'ehr'small About eleyen Slily inst., a desire Inge. It commepel Turner, and swept part of the place— anp other building ered the flames cat in the back part al time. other bnildinl The fire company . 1 with their'engitib:4 Ore was subdued, from exhaustion. sprang up and agr ever did their dut.3 than they did, and gy and pres6rverai tvoultl'htivc'bdln f citizens bfAlyrbor4 thanks, and every . warmest tribute every warmest tendered to t , sympathy aidisii! most essentially 't strength for theitl the flames were follows, viz Dies Sure& for $7llO slued fora $B,llOO insullance. Math' for $2,000 00; 1 1 C. F, Leonord.s2; pdn $5OO 00; bast Harris $lOO 00, no, Insured for - $5OO oe no insurance. C fotssoo 00. Sant R. - Wheeler 'slso Butts $6OO 00, - n,q, ILO insurance. 1. F. Rusting SSI king a total loss $14,750 Ob. ' Tht village. OUND TOP C EEBE FAC- Tiit month= eiulibt7 - ITu'ite 30, REPORT OF TORY, Of Churl st 1867: • Rig.' - c. of - • '" - "0111c7 - ' Cheese. f• • • . i/Q3A. • • ' • ~, 8074 • 607. s tS3,.SS ; • '"51565,••••' 1,71 -- - - • 515' . - ...-.11 a ..•. - 0 . 6 2 6.;,7_ 2 62 • • 5950 '395 • , • • 412;5 . '412.5 271:3 • •„ 271.3 „IP2s ; , . -3147 a. :115.7 • : 21951 • 1:315.1 741 -74.1 • o 3293 329.3 ; ,,7.63.trfq • ,• 769.5 "f r- i 9 6. - • 179.6 • . Ihoo i.. r u 430'71 1394 • •: 339,111 Patrons Tels'ol Clans, ' W. P. Shun.i .10111? Bliss, • Elijah Pcia Jril P..,:rertfilli! Josiah B. UrifiHi Chnrles johnsoii, Thomas Peake," dohnatban Morgi Mills, Archibald Walk° Willis Peaks; Alonzo Booltu., John Mat bora,- l'ea he, Amos Vailhor n I sers 1 • , ; 18(i.4. H • , r ;% 1 :4 1 i r ~./15 '...'13:2 ; ;r. •-•,., i; • ••• ;3?...:7• 1 . ' 13bl; . I . :! . 1.3 , ' ~, 1014 .‘ JO W 1 . I, , 907 VIM' 33.,.) • : : _ 4,; - :•:.) . 34 S. : . „ •, :IL: , '. - 1.1"i.i 1 .• . , ~,. :. 1,7.5 .1. W. Abraliatii M - alke; Sarah liryapt, Peter I). Leowart Andrew ecfolt&lg Ruqavoll George .lentiing:- Seth Clark, 1. g•gregato. t: The proportio' at present at. telt priii)9rtioueit at_i •91522 of mill: to, aIt.:PA: i..t:Stillti.ted j union end will be IL.N.eti and unit 'vettieinOlt in the fall. ' 56Cy. • • SrffmreAt.—D. the tinder jaw. 1 Ha ofYYm vestertla to of the jeAv i,rrosid, u 1 ul :Imp - tam ten. Tt r. )1 -De pc r oue or ge4ll,leinan . frinn Ling- .. patient re.ceived a frac - avaral years 110. Avliioh. yestilre(l aeration of ,tll9 honer—liettur j deficiency 'Nvil-I?b:snliplied rff x Uoilq 'Grrrttc. I• • ~c i acv suppose that t111',01•10; been tongtituted on the indiricl.;: i34,4e;14cd:, the nt,utnal depend-, nal il.nice machine it, Would have: 1 1,1 h, /Ileu m eci(thl, c , FA:111)11.44 1 , t no limn could, in that elniV, have b(antblaig . aliqp,..Fpak q °gene'," I I.,,x.tlei t le , ewthl hay. ; been to thy intli victual ltinlat; I ; • merpu•nees, .wotthl gave periAitl ter glirlf would .Intio tided. bell ittenttontinichle, joy bubble nishine fit! ' itript tot 11: ,t posSilil ' iib re find 'd .niiti.:),j - kivid.tiowi of I of; ;them as_ ditiottiti, have • been tave had as Tpany, and .4.4 here were indiridgnl. the Mars !—the . tVerltV 'was not e,r•eare it :over 'degenerate' into ) isintegrated IvheelF: - The We . cl,(l', ndant ,lt the of'-mankind had ttatint.kpppls - ol erma sy,tem • 'I been " stopoo to ;toy otlaq• wu lkmitait in its €ll ~titne, and its ci With its peyetrf contained and tligt t iji g 4di 'll lam 4.1" Ilia ti .) 311, is 'those, sympathy the Foal, or.sue , able cenierd, aa But t l blessed h so constituted; stich a chnoq of is , mutually dep universe,are444 evei k litttitlittg.:til ailtbe of inankin sat giinself to dt ever) , reasoning (iind.we 1150 the j e*.amplo and es lidquences.ot th initn.who uses 1 for bow." can 114 tlte ' eonycfluitcl tr'uth,i? that pi( 'to destroy s hod ytiung Men : do -erllteleo4l 'lh . .ltiiiic in a stilt grades 4inise/f, arid still worse men an e.;: e gzse i tutinh.ticil, aud, t milii wile) ititlue dr!iuks naLnam crime which on/ face him lit th ed 111., right to . life. Thu name for Borolo fortit soortrr limn put {ti troubi gii=ti ( bold the te}sibl • ; - ~ —rtnos um eit which intt strifig . :z its atcllr those 15 hi) lilac' harp of inure L 1 as: t !try' liip:Per'J deli, r than the !awl u • they n chi! -opertust„ giri , ----teutu. li.l l-t-t to 0 'ilk' tt'r, with totygott oitts nt the : , ,iiii the .tlisaldlit 1. , - h a t 4 It o ti (Cf:. in , out of tune. (Tel ally .clependeit„ . .41, pun, ho iv 141§'..41401&iicoP ,a11:0#1110 bal in somer'..j4444*-lipina! can a good wont iii being in some' deltic:..". NiZtiA word ginericakly) can,. rat ,iiyiko ape the responsibility for th4.opri," P ape the of moral ,duty.:. TIM` ,rofatie, and obscene IrdiguaA, be. I. , t hope to 43enpo le .chargeintid , 1 - .. Of . demoralizing ryonth, ,:The' ny, Otberwixe gidod htCul,clo muri.;, 1 and- soul, hundreds ..ok,lrosii i;i i ck. it thoughtle i ssly, bat :rib - it,.nOrT, 1 man • Ili& - cAibilii ;ii iiiiimlf" ;ill of intoxiFa4loh,;:st l OngS"tind Ad-t • iis fa ' ') . :1E" a l) iJ ' • TM ,) 11f than' that; hel afflords to young or excesses which mar and stain F ifa undeianitie :s.'oeflety.., For-the, / young Ten tii ,tr e f ii4e ) :i - riiii - le: has been, inirmated. ~That, is a I . lit to otetlaa , its perpetrator,-And position of ' Ono who" baß:thigeit i -', i i anent the walks of ... CiliiiizeAll I of Seerole has been a -e,, , ri0n0:m..- do andzfidelity for Centuries; ,bnt the enplo the lips of Idly triditar 1 .11 i ilifOt'iri?ii" - i6 . the 'lt &life s i ' an' ::i di.i.; r anti vii as 'lute it o Us.. l., - • . . 'line bits uf turaitu be wakened into oils as Btra\Oleiii&s , •„ . ' thorn. But everyl naplt; tree is a _ ._ . 4 elteate tneehttpistik. 4 n(1 the w 1 1 , 1.11 , 5, inong.tiri , li,tivAs'ait iiiiiihlei lillq ' filig,r, of tim.f.tirc• t , ,lp ‘ fly in,thoi .tilt (o‘er , ili.)„ , l4;:ory i. kcyboard of :i(siuwa3: ,(of.:qttie,N . 4,' , liiti.e. - Young iilay dui litli t un hut du I3l), ne,..t.- I(.1. the'n't(ll.l and lill your lungs tri I yoni—solils with th'i. isitt+ninJ tiler winds. i Nature's' iniriii:hath f h i eing . elieiii: LI it (.1.; plg'nl.,y,,hot it:" htlit ,11,:3 iloll - tintentri‘ !unr(ir . get' I le_ birds! are: doihg ul tan!iiit-!gr.rtindi uw_a-tifre!; ! ' lily, Curtain 'ilses'atsf , ig. and the I,6foiiiiance ei))iiiu- - l atcT: Mier, ' N roseis;:ect goat;;;tio ! . no tiektd6 at thi., door. You tiFe:, !ri Inatint4pOti trsek,.;tufl, - it r Inati. ther yon Wear nntv hognUtb or hot.' Lick, u)orui ces thirty Illit titivate 1)(1:KO• invited tereth not 'Mu Tn furnish tirst-e; dap front alit size they waal rxcrauf,s•—l. will be ptepated use Che&a:-.lnie.),yty'gr.ler in thirfy • artlefing"hist state the • Adtlie, till futthel• notice—. • S. S. SPExcmt, Welhboro,'Pa. July 'l7, 18 • 11. thes ccanvass,, hd rimy 'Airy • July , 10, 18 desiritit, Ttirther 436)2 i.efiebtion'T IntimtS as n cnilditliite roeStiptiff, " tl. WittAVlVlAVitibtit. egina Go to IV:V. SiNN 'b i ON ak S,'Addison, N. and buy your goods oheep..—They soil Fast Col or Prints,for ;.lets hard wida4heetinst„ I Pfitiliat'li 4 1 /1 1 4111,11 ItCPO B ed.rallesokeN, l Shirting 9c; yard wide, 0.i50 ; heavy- Ticking 250; heavy BM:IV:A 4 444titgUitratel . 200r, Clot tonades for Pants; 2s; all .wool Casaimere 8s tipmdsiime:Carpatit 40 mptirtkrga,rdtralrelat6:0 ills $1. 7 41 , r , I :CaSsitoimetPauttni , ll/Sidd.., anti I" NT made, $1; Linen Coats 125.,135, & 1683 Sugars 10, 13, .t ' dc'. • Go to the cheapest store in the Southern Tier fill% lair goods, d savmmonfay. L. i-labiL JiL T. •C o.ileaViSA Witt 446131e - ttiilaiffirge . : sappli of, Salo.atulEpubui r l 411.41":.: Ficga. July 10, I.Bs7lj)a-11141,J t ioim l iTik — U4R4P 3 -TrIP , PPvik99 ,, ,4VO4e. TlttirP , itli - • ITO% Arid ]B6 Marta 4. lEttfal tii rotitsairt , giliNt..„ fi . t - t 1100KER—MAbBETH—Ip Troy, N. Y., July B,:m. the 'fridge Of fPi.ill4s6.hri,blteq:)tryill'ey:•S. F. Volt; -of , trioy, cPml, l Attti;• ;Ai ! ,I<Ffoblrer,iotliti?..df. the' Northetit yTler Weiiatittild•Niss Mulgetlworillath.s,c,P. „ , •11.r:o Velirlio`tk attlia r iti" i. 1 :Jiff any oditow.tdoservFil'itt?' fut , tteko?'.* Ul6 : llcituicei. utT!‘" ' f ,iitsti44„lttrtk i r_tai,„Atilt4t4 A" May ho ho blevt ,11141k).4 PIIIIII!icall9N - Vit ‘ 11Vilial to beattify t “lmi i mist!? the same may 10 a larder ha fullwithout and tit 9 liic i wo44‘llifellyitkopte, ~i i i i 6M4lA,l4l .t5f;KiL ~ • DVAT#S. ' ririr • i , i, I it , -Abtie IV , ddd tf • 'ri s' . . a ii fat" - a e :Tie .1 ears, 11 . 7 w i ct,l tf a, and t, 22 das. , MATTitOIT9n4tAIe-t4llV,iti'e r t . .ki - y ) Bth, 867 of Who2ping cough t Le Blanche, daughter Tillfipi tiruldl444 c t treia, (Weßtillnf i - Pa.) aged 1 year, -,` antis, arid 22 - dayg. ,4 Corning plivhßlpio,c 0 117, - 0.."4 . 4 7 1 LOVELL- - In - Sullivan, .dune 6, i: 113 1- 6 Mine • D.; daughter of 0. It. Wild - Ann Lovell ! ag 14 i• ears li 1. nialit% im d leda3trii ~. : 2- k''•. t 1 1..\ .. igii' She had not made a public profession of reli on, but,-shei trrld, her aunt Suspn GitchekL.a few. Iva ; ketizrni,licr: ci;eath='tif ) Au Nriii ill:WEI - 6. - AT" - w die so e trust our loss is her gilln:•.;:i .11..,•':•. Wnsranted superior twany other, on no puiv,, tar the durelof Chronic. Allows:n:4lSM, Toothache, iltetidache, Sore Throat, Ititifim'e, &ibis, Cali; Insect Stint.s, Pritrift' in "tliii i Balt,. Chelit,' titia'•iiitthi, SrPining ' 0411$ - ore' i • Swellings ; also, to take intoy i nalty ; or PitirtliCcii,?+; , ' okiterry, Colic, Spasms ,' Sely'S,liiiiess; TOinikiti'g•; tit'd firouri. - Ir - fs - pefTecTfrinnocehr t o - talco in toen ally; •i r +q(iiiiieotAftig ,t,?:.4tiaiiiftiitiisanA'itiyer ' ta)( , ihol. - thou Sands can attest. It was first intrcidticcd in 1847, akid no w millions'of I bCittle7i'itr'danninthly'ilidd. / Every le who has once used it, eontinnes to do so, and rec ommend it to their irfoudi'4B the most iveltiable medi cine extant. Ceitiliarates enutigy ; to ill) a dern papore have been received by Dr. Tobias. His iinu, To Venetian Lini,mons, will (to, all rattled, and ore. No aneiwillyegret ty,ykng•it,.;', Those, residiuTat• ajdistance from a physician., ,w)11 find it a reliable med. istriettuf hove on inindOnsaso ‘ of accidents. Ask fEr Dr. Tobias' Venetian Liniment, and take no Other. ~ Erice; 14:1 cents and 41..•• Sold: by all. Drugglits. ' bolmt, ,66 dortlandt Street, N. Y. gely 17; . 1857-Im. . , -1/Efiliflifj.Lljis " E I4,VI - . EX" I :LRACT .k3UCI 117— • ,io ~ 1.k , -,f ::,. IS' a c;.Pnall'mii'i.. foi discuses or 6e YADDEIt, j . i i' i KIDNY.SB, GRAVEL; 'HROVSY, Ftli.Al, kl - COM= PLAINTS; GENI:ItA-Ir DEBILITY, 'and i ull 'diseabee•of the lIBINAMY OEGA.S3,:mliathor ex,istlrig in ibIALE.I O).t FEMALE, from whatever cause prit;itniting- ainikito d mateo,K.oil.p4Mr LONG SyANIM,NG. ,„; j . ; ,'lilkki,,e,l of these organs r afp A try - ..., 1 1 1 ,....ii.. , of: 4, l'iti. tote: , ',., ..; I f ini ti tut me ut is e.nbrilit tort t , t, ciffiatirlptiou,or,itt h p ity may .'ip•lf U. anc.Ell4l,i an d 11in?ii , !.r,... r,ttpp.9leil., 1 nitlicto ~nit,ices. au • I e •-, , - , • 1 - I . ', ;,. )111A-14C14 - :A. , ) • L PRI-1148g - ' • . and .if Posterity, lepentle . 41 :i:onint'in,,, Or'7l ' tittl, l'ililibillTclitelly. r , , ;, -. • 0;1; ~. -,. ,51: • : . t lIELNIBOLD'S: EX'iN .:OtaIUCHIP . *,tnhl4l;millpw'aro3 ':.,r1 . , yea, : s o u p: F 4 1 4,,„, , I,'P sl I • ..,./ . . . ME . t! :: II! T'.. IiELIVIVOLD;; 4apaaurro-c :. i , • -:_r• :, '• I: :r: I. :T. h 94 , ltriindivayrNeav York ,atia• , - 1fe1,27-1y.,, 104 :inch lgtir SS.;'f'biladolPhiaf, Pa.: , . , ' ~, -', I . 71: --. r . 1" -'• -, 0 -- * ' -- .13 .-4 , - . - , 77,7171 --- if, 0 ,-' i'!. -, 1 - i , ~.... •..,4' Ril ORS .Y.ol' • ,1110 UZIE..I 1: it 1 : 1 1'.; jA fientliqtraci iolib fintfercil , ftrs , S•enrir if rikrl"l4v r;vi - iks f Tit•bility. Preinaturli pectiy,ond a L the entetivor'sztaLs ful indiscretion, 1,411,,te f t tlte,trilia - pf,!iilrerlpg Itnitutii--( itt, seuilifreento,ell ,who deed it, the Yeelpe :urn dime lit ns o for it - oiling, tlit simple remedy by which to was rslred•:-'ftsiffeifiyrtrvii Ising to profit by the advertiser's eipericonuli'dahrdo -so by addressing, in perfect conii- NifOnce. 5, , :c "1.1. " - ijs tu - ':::"fdpkillojta,OtibsN; :::intiy4;7-ty. 44 Ptclar, titcfctt. Npw, 144..rk.,, ~ 111 I? bflioi.b' 6...1,11,ii) . tN'- '4 it - , k'bt f tici, L ti ivvii.i , iii; in taste stud odoe,teridcv from tilt 'is iiifons • p'roper scs ? and immediate in its action.,' • , ' •' 'f , '-' ' ' ISti•Xl-fy: 1„-T,-------- , ..- L. --- " -- 7 - ' 7---- ' l4 -- • .- 7-4-- , .. 7 , , ' •,, 11,14..Nlittil.It'S 1i,,,1.T1LA-l-f.k .1,-itiC/111,gives liealtli : ,u nd v i .ror to the frame and youtil ss, th e popi4.cheetc..4.l9 l , bi ity tiaixo'ilipiiitied Ty niahy'ill'arlaing lignikifincps 4 mid if no tresensent is submitted to, countiliiptiori; in.' sanily,:or; epileptic' tits ensn6 ‘: c i ..• ,'• • 1027.,ty. ) S - ...ii i , ---- - t-sr--:—.-' ---, ' -,--,---:4-c ~ ..,.:4......-..i.,-..L. li: ~ '.s ,! i • 'Filit_t,4ol%;,liliTENT.lciN,oFiliCONTlNKNOS,ief }Trine, 4r) itistion, inifeatnettiopA.PrtOcSres,'o94,.pf,•te .l.d!Uldey,.. ~c 1 kidneys, tilSbages Or tho prohtrate glands, stonp•in the bladder, calculus, gravel or brilkiluttedeposlfrs, - atol all diseasMitf the' bldildet, ItldneYn and dropsical swol llpgs, IlsE,liiiiitooWis FLUID Exrasor agartu, feb27. i' 2 1 6! p.'ll a aii 7 i/44fiea : ilacift9 aen‘. 4 recidi'egi kVit i e e nith for weeks by a very simple remedy, after having suf . - feted for several yeara with a severe lung affection, and titatTogilapi p e prum el e tl e —A a n n a xar Rip e : tIA 1 ftr flgyl MA* p t Vt. ll* o sonilYa c e4iption need (free of charge), with the directions for pparing and using the same, which they will find a sire cure for ConeurnpfioniApOltayk,_ gronspDia.Coughs, Colds, and all Throat mid Lung Affections. TIM' only object of the adveOkser Inpapdying ,gho .ttreeeriP4enl to benefit the afilk.ted, lurid alpfead'inforimittlon whio he conceives to be invalnablo and ho twine every atifferv L will, try ,Ida . srgluady,,qa ICwill cp*lt i liona,pofliz in nips - Prf4):6l4 „Dressing, pqr:tip,q,,vi,falung kho Iceecmption, rfire; .. by'retfirn mro;vill ASIVOo addreka i L • erErV. AID% ARV 3 ;9'It801 4 1,! 1 ' 122inayG7-Iy. IVilliamsburg;Kitigs;o3.4 tr: - ---- --_-----, " 1. ::.N . Fr i kpl.Ep AND iDELIqp* CONlppirmis 9filioa , 4e4:OI.4S4.IIEWBOLVirFAUtect But , 711 ANTI gite brisk:tuldvenergeeie Illeiliadel, and efi ItOyerit t. '11161) scull.,:, •;,.. .... •'.., , .„: \ , -, f027-I.y. •- I I , AKE NO MORE UNPLEASANT AND UNSAFE Ti. MEDIES fer...Unplmant., al_dailleplkncliteases. V • ilambotawAttiet.Mac Nortsottrotal Rose IVltsli. feb27-Iyr . r ----- THE OD)RY OF MAN 7 19 1311113NOT11.—Therefore the nervous and debilitated should immediately use IiaLUVW-P4 Mitl49 Bpcgt.t:rt;-,i•v15!,.,211y.- tlEliir7olai l ti .i.kitabi .isifaiiTA,d,,liiViaieti; Itdan Mont 'eti reallierg, And , ... delfiti:OlgiSofddy j th it atageS, at li le ,o;pr.pie l o, little..,op- AG ,qh go in di t, no ineonven enctatiOnd &pleat:4ol64 easaut fn taste and 0dc1.,:119194.1A3 tte, :1101 htl l :o4„and free fr m all ird orlon,' prow.; tea- : .., , .feb27-ly _ —.J.,.1, - .. 11.1..4:.1-;_ . .i.' ...t...1.) Rio You A filictodvairat cingh or a Cold? p r .. ARE tpiCr RE.,D15P9 . 9.1.P TO CONSOItIPTION 7 il g r iWt l iint;' " Alliii f rn :: fitJeblifrfly . ' Wont ii,ii. ' T den an Repeated Attacks of Croup t If 1 so, Purcliale* a' pqi of ! 71 1 l z - Blitlippri ALIPLI9Ni.tAfir i r '.:LTSijiiIdA:TORS2I T4e People's ?Ind 'Effeettitil 'Remedy for Vongtit . e,fiCoide Croup, Catarrit„.4qhna, tlthi ui Plitiabbiirii Disiaires. crllll ,tqadigknal poparatfon•lrt: the - for al, of 4:1.:p 6 0nge. , 41 , ph,p1,811, numkai a Op, and dcitideioi feta,' -Tliey*'coutiktn f hid fife 'tfttifdit 04 -R1 tea f Sq 1: ev . - ... e l n i' ie r r 6i th e e n w'eakest anditiont atitiklikto stortiheti. n Croup they give 111DIEDI&TE RELIEF. For Coughe and Littis they are tcony,lyAblai gutrea (0)1.11, Atjthtija. and Bronchitis tliey tare no equal in the market, (vide Cettiticates accompuyi»g., eacb box.) Dip that (I rilaniicl and dteititufhig 'diSehse, they 'handfed wonder, lull); raid alinoat r 0 Public butali.exJ Bingard cult Tairthuri;tboulil %be_ ••ithout, Ibetn.'ne goly fotiolVoj t toqrsauesa Mid etrength yoke., •• lif tilith, and if the Syuki)tonts aril Übe. yery-irrtWirs • • • - •• ' • 1 3 PAIPS 4r:CO•ator're, • - - • .11Inntaii• N. Y. • '" - (FO- Lt l 'UY 'At?ir'N4ll@o l 473-it,. - '4o'; I ** • rice ente , Ter' Box i!EIi3II2OI.D'S CONeEjiTRATE.I) fiXTRACTIII.7pIitT, -•'-' • " • On/CR Wane', , ; • ••• lisr,ms.oLD'o.CotiezzornatED,Extnarf.tiabillAVAlULLa I *. IS SHE ORLAT BLO6b.Pllllllriti:, the mu to '',Toth aro Pup/trod ithd CherniEtTiiPPtt nrPt. l ) )6 M. lo )!Ffflitt) that:s:2Elox made. . feb2T r iy. 3tANHOOD AND YOUTllFDDlnaon'tife r iOnineai ItswitoLD,Ex}"ltnr_itigitiL. /Ts A.Yrit,it l / 2 , 10 ft' s : ;ur...wrzativr IL:mkt/Dv cnt fev.,2l....iyik, 1 . 4:41 4tt 4‘. 'lV"utor 11111 W0101j EZCO •" " . • 11.4.:1.„: . „ ••• MAE :E & CO.'S VE SOAP .22u)ay6T1y. -;RELIEVER gttl - ND TIRIII4 ratonreltratork Alia% litint&dl4 Witit, treat* to that tittly havancrar'onlandiheir- SMM U E R .60.0-0 Which they will selfeheap for cash. The L ttio,their advans t mw Dolt tug: se splendid stock . ft) 2;TE;: . DRESS GOODS 712 , L 1 0 MOHAIR MELANGES, double AOKI4.BoP. ALPACAS, 'double fold, .cboaP, " single fold, cheap, :, ~-. L pRGANDIES, PERCALES, .WOOL ' LAIINES,c , ILkWNS , ,dCOMUON. DELAINES. t S - A• CfKAt N.G-S we cannot bo y beat. Also ;,S I A -44 i r 1 1 202)% +:43 .'041714i.V0l 'MINER r 8 lITA W, SKIRTS, 'We htiveit irleadldtifd,tittoinp.of WHITE GOOD,,- p.F . x5,,,... Mtr..M BOOK ,muntris; NA.ikt- 1 i-. ,,,, ,:v . iiiii ii . ' LINENS wo ' sißtst s`bn 00. TA) LINENS,IIt j j l A( 4 4:4l'' 1-* ! ei - , , •U i tta :E't .'OI.IIVI- i.A. i A;i4 l , - , c , , ' ..) .7715- - zind oW . _ s y nteo assorted stoe,lt el IC:'• ' t ;ata reeelved,,apkare prepsiett3o or , -, 'lts ttakte'dveritages ofi. aLitelo / r i ce -+.' line' of goods,.. ' ' l4l 1 r,tv, ~v.) 44.V r PT , Or , O TH 4 : e n _,,,,." - C " J A --t''' - - , 4 4 m i - ar. ,44 1 * - 4t 6 'e ar ''' 4 ,! , le tsi.t oß -,. or d e r *in—' Vge I, --,---- - “1,4 1 , 1 , w { 444. ..1„ suit* td#o,Tasyel!*itallty ;l l: cio z 2 .- . ; , ir ;. : - :. _ _, . , ....:"OUR _LIAT"STDCK ' 1 , 4•. klf.•l • • •=• . • • 7 ;I'l4 iv ,49 I Y, )1994ha Praticit'afplacilf.a tri to ! ifealr a. itppki 40) Atylo . priittEtp :t Otrii-`,SkeM''allOOK tve have,sained a,,reputition,in ' for. steeping boit In the,nnttla tnttil . i have all styles timallest,to,lsrgest. , . I : 4, -- OrJR IICARDIVARE — STOC: r a will soil off at coat as wo _ore . running o that line of goods: •- • ottOCIVAVY . " 1i . flailing off al:fiestA l / 4 4,illiator,rOning 94501 lino of gtioffe. ' • •• ; ; 'O , ',• ) tind see us before purehapLiagelylp,4l; We are convinced, and think we can con • Qua to mfrs. that wq .nre. selling. 'good cheap Call and soo our Goods. TA l plo9tb i 4r.yutt Any or not Wolltiboro, May.22/,1 887. TOE : :) , RAZAAJR: •*.• d'ANE Door . ; yttsp9llpri• Hard J Store, is the very ro PLAC'N YOU LON!: HAVE SOUG to ptii•ohtib gitirEftlti/TEB WA r • • Ag1A0P5, 4 4440-04Ei s 4 , BUTTER DISHES, CASTOR CAKE BASKETS, FRUIT 13ASICETS: 'NAPItIN' It CARD TRAYS, SILVER SPOO; - 2.r.ATEff PORKS, &c(.l Also , ;BRONZE Ci i .; -,, t! 4ti 1,, , i cf , • 4 Ici, _ii , ( 0 ffo ttiqAllfEgt .B , R.A. LAMPS I *ATOHES; 1 OLOO JEWELRY, & FANCY ' , ..; , •-•'' r - „• 00.0DS , ~ vjKz ,"" 9! . 41} cl j py4tiops jnolkit9ifl..sf4litsinoqo. l 1: - . 3 ` IMlst i oro, itily ii, 7 . 867—tf. • A. i'iDLEV. ; _... Dina iw"' H t.. '441 . 4114 !bpi . rr -Ntir4lqr , VA P.l AVING ronuitt thefir iCLV ptoI: re Keeently 1-11 de stroyed by. fire ' at ke'tinityitille;'it'buld any to • Ebeir friends, and the cop:01110W generally ~ tbnt tliajr.haireatined a nettanti , deditible'skoditicif Dry odds,Uif ! • •• . •.' • ir' which was bought for cash, and will ho t4o:yoy loweSt'llgureb. \ l _ l ' • '• .\._ ; El2l „ - o,q4ept4rAment keep a general ne- , sctrtment to suit all, and sell, as cheap aather , Xtoots c .. and - Shoes, f:s 1.• • " • f iAll styes, kinds, and from ; thp -best WL}Ch;will bot.o.oldAtt , ti I smail ad.: vinco from cost. f 7. ' , , • ,r..ct , • : if iardw ire, an 4 ee 0,141143,fie:; ') i . • a acl; 1 ' I rfacti 4 1'3,;6114 1 ',en4Av0r Fei e "kV4r904111, To r titld tn'a country store. , 2. I.‘ ' M•,_ . • • • • 1 . / 57 'ld' : BUTTE 4," 'EGGS kt, - PRODUCE; F.. - 1 of ,Olkindg, t#ktoiiti 4ilog ' ' S: bTA,Plafog eeneyville, Juno b, 1887• oilsliro pi'dr , 041dAnt. . / 4 t ./Pidifath, ..AATIN El leovered -ouri Machine - AR!) entire .:. Renk•flardei pre 4ire" noWireatlyl-1. - 63 'CAM qfill Wool without delay, and in the best pcissible `manner,: : A4V , Wool sent fron t n'Aittith'et; by' Stage. will .be re - turitV by the eginelf i•equlied.' • • - •,' !., . ,1 --' , 11;41 1 :- HILTBOLD'iI , I ~1.1 I. a' 4, :•" •• ' ' ORIN BLAIR. • ' Welleboro, lane :12,•1867. . ~,, , i '.• ,-,:'• N . ... ........_ .. me I oo,raTlic . 94o 7 ,Wiluetand at .1114 stabtAisf Tioga botqpgb,,fhpflugh l ,thp .sermon,,com ing l!d, 10 1 , 'Terms—Boson tiCkete, $5. May 8 1867-tf. -- - - E. A,-SMEAD. "Y 4 0 .• urill•ll44 'the latest-nrrivßt-nflftw-cloodry---,FELTX!Si tc , 4, 4 , • I:). .• . 4 '41114 ltpS7 • 4 fel IE J dicta li '1) S:? Y. 4" lii l 0 , f 32 I v,) OE , 23 El 1 t °Rd A' t of bar ea inco i l l at used You Anil bo 0. liIIMARD, A. A. TRUMAN! j . >'; TO 11M E, ZMI i/''•J'i S ; - ETS, 5, 1; /if " ME I '1 i NtAy ' tlitat 'INDS i '',Y_ '~ ( : s;tl , 112. L 11 . 0 awrikia lin • AT Mit 6ad `•-) t/T-1:- • • ' 11:`i ••Di I: STORE - .41%, !, 14f • 1. -•'- sA , it's 06 ' t .:Itltirszsr: Liao if fi) 3 , 4TC 0 •.); 1190 if ,Atto Affsll4l • 4 tl•Vi :•!; Pt at: tr .1, • :;.(p ,, 4t iat I,e4ovlT lic - t iv.stoo to bprini Me,ll4ldit i vki Mpar' -Ydipilet a law • R assor tm et& Te. 3 a oil ki;lt, i SVL;INO.I.ii :81'7i't 0 fr, :111:-IZAY ,Yri:ll2 BETTEKJBAXGAINS, ti chap,. ln,y2.ottler, counties,' t Our oxperieuer:oo taugkt u toibuy 411T0:1 . s+ , • - .0-0(:)Ii.1 - 0.(50)50(sAa;1 • • •,-,z .', ,•,2 ' : .- m, `. • -,•,=;',,,-.-,.‘' • \ ,•...., and no others,klrt:oby gain_ an 4 ,110143, ttle.ao4o-, della° ot olii : b4Abradta.',; A TlitiSi ako lia#4. Or , VAL ling G 0 0.9 la 0 (ADUtill for hi S' )5 1 ,&1113 NE Y than they loan get them ',olsoiykoro, and thid is , ... . ~, why tko , ,) •• ~ • - i •- ,{ vo , I. fo - . Is'obnittiptlYtlitinge,d*ltl4iitioitorayll q fittOT Illiniehitnti ory l it id din6 B . l -"" 40 ' i ,',., ~, ~•.: Wo keep co tlintly-on hand a largo stock of .-- =4.,1 . .--,,, d ;-; ,1-;•-ff,,f ~-.1;:c.,t, o-f,,.0:7. ::,...--..,:, ,1;: ~..:1 ,1 , mil: j'7l ci laiLi.::l-. :'i ..:, .1. , .1 ii ;LI, .t . .i, ', V., 4 . 11 1 ,fi..trl ..a . 1 3 ' '.i) ti , .,1 1)1r1•34 -- '' * 4314,01)5i ° ef ''' ( , ,va3l. 7`,111.451 53 TlVliinti ,l'i.T3 GROCERIES, CROCKERY, HARD— , WARE, WOODEN WARE, IRON, NAILS, NAIL ; " i, alb 1 ; 19 4 , T is lßPg ty +nd almciA•cryquffilde rokratzttfitrif orl.lifegtann los uso. IVet also Ifeop a lino assortment of R FURNITUE,.APT , CARNET 1 ' ' -' ,4 B OO S AND SHOEkII4TS AND CAPS, FLOUR AND '', PEED, L(CORrg A IftE kitt: u PORK AND FISH El 1 ; I 'At — fiat).'ktinsll.l`l ;I both Doers© and tine, by ttie•barrel, sack and box, oonstantlipn hand. 1n short almost everything usually kept inn country Store, may be found 4t 4b 9- : 4 `,0 LT_ $ • ' 4I COMPANY '-- STORE. stools i it'ew 'itiid aompldtd, jiii3t*batiihe people Want. We invltvtitt 'examination of °lir ,G-CtoDS i;PRICES:, —ili a v. before buying elsowbere..___We take pleasure in showing Goode, and still inoro in gg our pri rice.. or, vrithlthoifino StbolOtetrAnro'canablitd: to show, andiiriceaeo • •, 1i Jr 3 " : ; ,I:i*,f EXTREARLY" r • vg:-.•-b. , : c "-9 , 7 too .9 t 0 .. :lefeelsuro of success. Any i,geetthiCive:siiii th4t"arp not as repre sented:ea)* thoilnouoy will be re funded.- • . ' We :,intike,',liii„tti4iiessatediipji‘3 , ' 4.:Cf Goods tnioirthopideiwalki' 2 , our GOIAS Grit itt•Ahe. b Ol O O, ne,O;Asan: kliteito, - Otheip 4 We it upon. sill-whp wish tor See - ' - nr oh ip'' •*. ; 1 •. ' ; auP • 7 • •.•,-2 , m • - • B ss? lourgt, a y • -- - - RING OUT. THE 0141),,,-';' ,( - *lltiNo-, I The ",tlhiver.sal ; blgitiles .'tVlingor Is the beat, therefore the cheapest, in the world. Cog-wheola, and warranted to bo as good for service after ?roaring .9, i llogr as tien i first frit chtika..: ' .Too{" Stii,PrLt ErtediWA' tsi, 'Pit t" I c r State Ftaril, and t illiO %foridle Htfii•in L ..... in 18 0 32. . 1., iii 'II 'I rf. s , ..: - .ll'Mt TY:ASHI 01 111APY I : I VA'S Y. ~ • - -, -.... .1 , • • This is th e iity'itie,done. .•.,, 1 . DOTY'S CLOTHES WASHER is the only machine , which washes clean and does not wear out the clothes. Took the that premium at the Fair of the .American Institute, and is highly reeemmended by such papers, , a s. tiese ,binci the Ayricuituriert,-the intiOcittftatifitel 'all of the 'Agricultural papeill.tri I :.1 The undersigned is, agetk-for.,the i sale of the Wringer and Dety'S Via&herr..-.• DA ID' Y. ROBERTS • Wellsboro, May 29, 1867-2 m. IZE CLOTHED: : _) 2. ) TCiSEPR 0 . 1 ki E.0N04 ANTO east 0 of llnOxiile; Tioga 'Couhry,:ka., are pro pared to manufaetnici Wool . lid tthel Ideit or on sbares, as may bo desired, 1 - , FIFey Rake FLANNELS, FULL kfLOTHS, CASSI MEREP, DOESKINS, and can promiso tolsatisfy customers. They pay „ partioutar,attontion•to- • • / 11, , .e4.' • tf ROLL-CARDING & CLOTILDRESSING.' .Twenty years .experioneo, in war._ itintsAltem in eipeetiiag a sencrOUS patronage. No shoddy cloths made. •, • • Deerfield, Juno 12, 180-tf. YOUNG -.HARRY. CLAY:A • ItouNo...gAß - BotcL4Y:..i?.. 6 -YqP•rB PIA. in July, blood. bay., ;.fi hands high, an4v•eiglis •1050 peitii6. For bottom, speed, and action, he .lvis no superior in this region. He will stand at tho Blbsaburg, Monday—and'-Tueiday-of -each weelr-, 'athldtt;Wollshorp, u.A.AlkolAciftyls,) frem, W,ptln cks 'ziootilii r Sai,ttirdity night. .• , TT:l4lB—Sitiglo Mare SlA:o'pan :irv r ic,o, rabitif March with, Mares before foaling yvill,be held :At. the :sorvie? menoy. • ' "V' B. SATITA, ProPF100r•• • 16j . nne67. 611 A. "Ex . / f ort, Manager..i. - J. STICKTAN,- . 1 al h Ohattniaket 7.,uraffri,Eind • Furniture: Dealer;;, , :f • ALE p,owtoppogifq.,;DArtep, -Wagon ~Sbrep, MaimOtreet. FACJORY: .ft_i tamt,Foundry. second qiciry.7„. , • , •1 ' qrdere promptly filled and ,satisfaction gnaran l I& iffsoo9l44l ? iagADnCt to order. IVellsboro, Jnno 12, 1867.•:,•-• f flaViViatiliitifign 1 lieatikePlnci: htigell ( naireiist4 WaYl ; The season is bapkward, and oold, and wet, Bnt there's time for,ployrlng ejid sowing yet ! And there'll be Spring Si , and Summer, air and Fall— 7/ ' A -oonrse there will be a Spring and Sinn= 'kJ mor ; and there has been already a / / (f,FW FOR oey IA!. I. G R C j (I 11'41 ri L . , 7 • ¢nd-so•forth, yon may think tho soneon has oomo • wry i , occ: 4„r AT VIE 14 BED - 41 tVE Exoll AUE,), WS 6PIiPTE*LRI al pon tho customers who patronize mo ; and I did of keep over tou know, and therefore shall furnish articles as • :Ts. -..4 snEl FRESH AS - SUMNER ITSELF. 4ipm 0: 0 0 MY RPO.OL SALT 11)11.13(mitm,-;:. is - freplitat salt eilittee'rtitid ;,., .111 :Li • J.: who want to command best prices for butter must Use Liverpool Salt, Mild farther:pore listen, 0, 'ti9OiendliiiEt 11# dr - A olong, Bouohong, Sing-Song, Di g-Dong, Hy. eon, Byeon, Lo.Einn, No-Sub, Gree T. Mean T plea T. end •-•• •1, i • ••• • , T q . C 4 . PR:CU till of which iw pnirran i tedi tabloViti family 80 Crots at every T—par—T. _ i I ;E:i .1 • M A T . 1-1 1 .4 R. S . ' wilLoontinuo to buy FARMERS' .PRODUCE i.t c tho bV I pdarlfot fiverything Eatablei and Cookable, as cheap as can be done anti maintain a wife and namerctua fkmilq. will always bo glhtl'to See yotiff you have money rind if ,you havenl, hp, will toll you how to };e that article. - • / -V- Wellsboro, Pa., *ay ; 2; ISfi7. NEV. GOODS L NEW .§.IIODS,I! J. B. Bowen & Co., , I ~ : • 1 i• • 1• - • • .; . .! c ..:.4211.1(. , 1 li, 1, I 1 , , 1p 1 7i 011:-)11 . ! T_TAVE just returned from Now York with a I I large assortment of /- SPRING & SIMMER GOODS . - el"Dca t I VI 01 ,t .( • ,bought at Paulo Prices, and will bo sol‘accor dlngly. We tosxTtffillvjuvite o uttpnli9p,to our stock of • ' • LADIES' lIIIES,S GOODS, VERY Tv - 10E. _, A ND CHEAP, lr al 0 0 dASSIMERES, 9 1'%41Ejig, 1 L SUMIVIER CLOTHS, LADIES' CLOTHS, & LIMO' rIPKIN US' 3‘, 1 READY mikVi dormiNG, at greatly reduced prices. t),111-‘i I:P.1 al J •;1 BON-TON, SILVER SPRING, and other kinds :of ~H OAR 9KJR S, . YANKEE NOTIONS, HATS & CAPS HARDWAREO:LROCKERY, I . GROCERIES, ga4NA MAIM BOOTS4ANDi SHOES, Aid many other things which we will he pleased to Show to all Who WM call itrid- examin'o our SUCK) ififs 1M& Before purchasing elsewhere, ns wo believe it willpay,yqtrfoiyetir Halo and trouhlo,, t, 4 , , • -:••_17. EOM .0 - ALL PROFITS, QUICK SAVES, & READY PAY IS ODR MOTTO • • • ••; • 1 1 .•,-; 1/yl , l ttorAot to call at t hor STORE, NCi?TUNIbikl BTeObK Wallabori3, May 15, .104176 .1) r! MEI but I oxpb'o.46.'spring WIZ )t DIM INATEE-R S INIM =ERE =II :)'v'Tst~i also, a large line of ;find ,f,-,,,rfile-•.;.. Also, a large and new assortment of Here!they CrOilit ,: ,, ,zl.ll-; ;•':•i -, .i.:Vi ,;',\.i . i . ... . ! litciskiil :iiii:-)ste)-A§'Tbeis 0 0 0 D 1111. :`l./ ttl L 47.- Cr =MI Fr -a &1O; AVE, , JI39 Oriricb HA sSp ki large ) .;) SP ~smiKER • Go _.• dr • - ; .11 mbracing u generi4;zuld, pomplerto anDli DRY GOOD FANCY 'GOODS, LADIES',, ' GOODS, PROM A CALICO To $ Arm; , silac!; - , b. , CL OTH S : CAS, IMEE,EN, DOMESTICS, Y.A. N I K E E NOT `, HATS AND CAPS, CLOAK ' ' * SHAWLS, BOOTS & SHOES, 1 1 READY-MADE CLOTH HARDWARE, CROCKERY, P A • HANGINGS, CARPETS, • • OIL .CLOTHS, FLOUR, PORK, FiSll,. SALT, NAILS, FARMING TbOL „ ,STONE WARE, These Goode have been selected wi care. Since the decline, a large portion direct from the manufacturer. We p Sell them cheap forAtle Cineenbaoks. Al Produce taken in exchange for Goods. T. L. BALDWIN Tioga, Pa., May 1,1887. 'Oll%. gi' Stir I 02put puu oululuxa pas 44130 'Uolloodsui aueg met seapd,puu ep i liolmuunl3 , 44oam ui 04u.aippirf 2110004 0 elthiqoiolc spoof A"Ja auto eoSumuepu 6 t flaAp4Nozo osonpnq o.sompleH alp ul At •osn So(' Xnu epp qi!At } H Sup . 13 u! scuou g 04 t, u 304,4 auto 4auo' °Aug plump aoollua . Lion .I'o4 does! dm %ma 'plmo.qua Sq ' 1121Nrid NUB a i H of Patin:Ulu Jo uotittella ()TIT lluo Pin' *OUN MIN 09. til l h .. 1; .., 2 TT ' L L~_ -, t t L t 9b , :o? 5 `;;•-z' • •-•• e70.1063M/IWAti,3'lPr 13110illa 4,41)1 "3V `ILVM•NIi; 1311 Y `A 4,N M. • :siamsug inbA uo °As.- •!. :1 3*. - 1 f.,--Y ..1 vl. L.- obta' , OF ETA „,,l •,#1 • 1 A NE XlTlkipTq = 11111 IMEM=I Groceries, ANY THING YOU .IVA 74 - 4981. '8 413 P11 'PI° =I 14 !' • , 1 1' 4 , , 1 1 (1 taGS S' 4 " yLV . . •:.;(i)upt loaq),Cfigaj, — "NOIII 4 XOIII •aoH , ‘saciEf , 4 10 , e4p anti 4( SE , a7,2-LISAT lours oiotigjio4 uo aooTpalq BE Li° MI `s. j r4 4 ,,0 hL •' anoS 11u1Snq Sq oguptap.iod olrui ' :s,ylo-XG-- 8:1yLE; 1541k7 iei taulies' vial i k 41! .41 •-,• . . . - st.,. — ._ A ER'S ' . :1;;; •1• • (l atliartid" Pills '4•0 4. '• , . - , Atn , thiSolost perfOt pUr • ) lim :' tative We are- able to -- 7 - 7 - :, Mtir diek imio 13 , - VI produce, and as we thinkihas ei A 'ern' yet been made by any` body. •,Their effeeta have •abundantly &Own to the oominunitp , how much they excel the other in use: They are safe and pleasant to • take, but poul i erful to *cure. Their penetrating properties st imulate the vital activities of the. body, tonere , the obstructions of its org•ans,'Pu rify the blood, and expel disease. They purge out the foul humors which breed and gror,dip. temper, stimulate sluggish or disordered organs , r into their natural action, hnd'impart tone and strength. to. the. whole system{ , Not only do they' , cure the everY"daY complaints of everybody, but . formidable 'and- dangerous 'diseases .7 1 19 h tie' they . 41 lie,- powerful:i effeettr,- they are -at. the 'same me, 'n diminished doses . the, safels,t and beat hysi that can lie •employed for ' children.' Be (3' • / V 4 ZRACP a tSO , .# I 4YP p!#§9Ant t 1 4. ,t0,9;.1 1 4d,.. leing purely veget able , are entirely harmless. Cures have been, ret tult wsuld suFpritti belief,, wore thtoabirttab - ntlathd lily trietrOf irdbliWx alted.charatteri as to forbid the suspicion of tin .t.rutb.-:: Many emittant:plorgymatt and physicians • Certify to the pnblio the reliability of our Tome 'dice) while ethers hava• sent. us 'the „assurance of their conviction that odr Prepail!tion,s contribute • immensely to tho relief of ourlaffileted 'fellow men. NZ I=MEI 11. : 11" „.1 . The Agent below named is , picasad to tarnish , gratis our Ainerican Almanac, nontaining diree 'tions for'thellia of those medicines_ and _ cates of their curelof titelollowipg complaints : CostivenessiallioniComplaints, Jtheumatism, Dropsy, Heartburn, Headaohe arising from foul Pte{ soh, • Nausea; Indigestion, tforbitt)lnactien Of tan Bowels and Pain arising therefrom, .bletu teacy, 1.488 of Appetito, , q ; Diseases whieh re-. Eluire arieviteuent medicine._ ,Tbey One, by pu, rifying tb o 410,24 lend stimulating the systein,, cure many,cdtiplaii3tti whiohit woad hot he stik osect fhiy4otild suell itildnestfiTfedriilen • , andlNericitis' orengenients'Of - thb Liver' and Hiditeyb Gout, mut all' othsV disordelt .arcaing Atom a !edentate of the 13dr,,:0r ohstruetion'uf its lune 4118.; tock of Ali 02 ent of Do n,qtbo pit,off by,unprineip)eci.tigaJorn wjth propgatioxia . ,9pi -nuIP flrqfil. anditsl49ta Itte ick want ttio koit aid,f fi.a.71.41161: tb,rl4.stp.o. they, eboald bat , ett:""• . 'Prot:hired -'by Dr. C. AVEIttl LdwOll, !Ham, and sold by a ' Dyuggiale and dealerilin taodioines overywhe i t Bold in Wollaborl y'J, A. Roy. ' july:3-2m: EMBJ ORATION. RESS A PT all Diocases incident in Hornes;Vattle, tind the Humors Flheli, requiring the dee of ,an External Application. , _lt friliftil nor 4'ompounti. preparea py a practical Otiem j let, - liming,a full ktiowledge of nil the medical vir tues of each ingredient that enter4tinto its composition, hs warranted to exceed anything of the kind over yet offered to the_PAblic as an external application for the diseases for which it is recommended. WeJelled it that it will work its Ow m 'road into the con ' mice of all )r Who use it, and those ho try it once w never ho without it, and thereto' e wo rely on experience as the beet test of its ,usefulness. It is pronounced by Earr4 Ors, and all who have tried it, to• be the best applic - al 1 tion ever used. This Embrocation has been put up for over eight yea:* and it is only through' the increasing_ demand and urgent request of my friends and the Public tilt:Vl send it forth as the grand remedial agent for the various diseases to which that nohle and useful , animal, the horse, is subject. 1 Many remedies have been offered to the Public under different forms, some of these...aro injurious, others at best of little use, and many Wholly improper to an swer the'purpone for which they are recommended. A Judicrious and realty tinofill composition, fro; from those objel , tions,• has therefor() long been. desired by mommy gentlemen who have valuable horses. and are un willing to trust them to the - care of designing yid pre tended Farriers. Their wlsliee'are at length fully grat ified. by (Or. Deala), beingtravailed upon tonnes'? this m Ebrocation (which has 4 - Oveell so efficacious to...the ihriod, db:enees) to be prepared and brought out to - the pubncli } - I This Embrocation was e tensively need by the 00T.. erument during the war. i Address all Orders to DR. EDMOND BEALE, 602 South. Second Street, Vhiladelphia, Pa., vr coN6, .NG I P R IRON For sale . by storekeepers generally , . 17tiprcr7-0m? fall^ For sale at ROY'S Drug Store. • C - rr- H. RANI} ALL 6/OAI AND NEciiiANIVAL • DEA T I $ 'h great of them l opol‘e to l kinds of at his residence on Wellsboro , treet, Mg.], whore he may he found frAm the let until the 12th, and from the 19th until the 25th Of each month. Will be iii Blossburg nt the United States Betel, from thn 13th until the IStli, and in Lotwreneeville at Sloseon;s• Hotel, from - th . e - 2.§th until the lest dAy ent.h month. 1 9"11 J e.011.1.1 .8130jd .0f) Alin quail ru:riauo: Ml.operaio , tnh connected with the dental pra tes:ion, I , h,ther enrgienl or Illeclianiea), will re cut; e rvv,i.i I iLttun to, u. laving an improved 1i.01,1 and apparatus for benumbing the gums, ho is prepared to extract teeth without pain, and in a manner harmless to the patient, yet no stupefaction, drowhiness.. or nausea, followd the operation. Ether or Chloro form will be administered if advisable when de sired. ( ,'Artilier Teeth of all hinds inserted in the most sukstantial and beautiful monitor. Call a d see spetp,ituetts of mechanical dentistry. Tioga Pa., May I, ISG7. SITMIAIER • I'XILLLINER,Y 1121113 M il th S el i a lki tt l e r n C it li on EL of t h iv et c l'r i l d ond ri a rd a c n u d in tl Y e Public generally, to, call and gee-her new collealon of SUMMER - GOODS, .consistin g of the latest novelties of IONNE i rS & JOOK.EYB, EREN,CII. FLOWERS, RBI- aluacioloo I Si OM I. .BONS„, LACES, &c., + i • All seloted with great caro,„ Everything belong ing to tho 111iilipery Jrade of the • LATEST. IMPORTATIONS, can be found at her ROOlll3 on Broad Street, to which would invite an early all. -" _ Mrs. E. 'D. mitclisLu.' :I.—L-Parlielils . r-ittention paid to BleaOhing and Orietont Work. • ' ' 'nowt, Pa.. Tune .5 ; 1887-th - •i • I. ramag 141 0 9 IRA La STIM Mon's. Falls . Insurance Company, FARM RISKS, only, taketi,' , ' ,No Premium Noted reqillted: it is LIBEIIA.L., lt,pays damages by Light ninAt whotherFire ensues or not:. • It pays for live stock killed by Lightning, in barns or in the field, • Its ,rates aro lower iliani; other Compenies of equal - fesPonsibilitY. X. C.,PR ,ICE, Ag.91,,f„ Farinington - CcntrS; Tioga Co PI fay 29, 1867-4 yo ' Q.ULED,by ibe celebrated Stock iii*se, I'HND, owned, by H. N. Fi j sb, of Troy,,Brad lord e'taintY,,a.nd 'foaled I.)Y a Fiurcte and Bolivian, Mare. 'He tpbl the first proud - am as' as a roadster over first clnas horses at the la'st L•ounty Fair of Tido county, and has an 'enviable reputation, as a sure foal-getter and.stock - 1:12 - .114(} Biiß Ra,:IIT will stand the present season as follows: ! 1 !,, ft ' Moodays Tuesdays, and Wednesdays, at the stable of the subscriber in ,Mainsbutg. • Thurs day afternoons at Whitnerille;, I . 'rida t y Sore noons at Isaao , Wheeler's,, on the State,Road ; Friday afternoons et Cherry Flatcar'Saturdays at the stable of Thomas" Graves,' cpyington. - Pasture tor Mares fromdistandkoh reasona- - , ble terms. Owilers parting with morel 'before foaling will be • held• responsible' for the service money. ' , Terma , roationable: E. A, FISH. Meineburg, Pa., May 22, 1867-2m'' a . 9 ssvl Subscriber will sell or rout the following j." property, to wit: - One tavern stand in Lawron'edvillti. One farth e ,on which be now reside one-half mile, from i three - churches; two School - Muses, tl , ll. grog, qope, and ono railroad, and 'about the same di-dance from the lino of the IVellsboro and Lal'vreni•evi:lle Railroad.' The farm contaihs 160 nores of "good lend, 50 Here's timbered; well \Ta rered, and very Vodu l etiVe... It requires that the seed should bo sowed' and • planted. however, to ensure a harvest. One;tartn in Jackson Cpwnthip, 175 acres; ti tirk:rote place for fl ObtoEl3: factory., Also—for sale,-4 tuttlez, cheep; and: other stoet; •ehenp on reasonable terms. : M. S. BALDWIN.. La wrenco,; Aer. 17, 1567-tf. YH Iv> puu CHER.R.Y FL IT IS, I,lok, 4, CO. PA., OPERATES celebrated Spray Prodneel. Juno 19, 1967-9 w. OAVH Silve r Ding,-)lhis justly eelehra'tud Suitlion S- will stand the present season at th, ;guilt° of the proprietor iti Chatham, every forououn. Toms r,casonable. DANIEL 111L.L. Chatham; May 15,1567-2 m. r. 1, V. 11111111 B E E 'S (I.oo.rowhil's) -G4i l 4'Si ii N. Capital and SuTP/u55374,637,6!5 ; YOUNG BERTRA)ID. Real' Estate Sale B. bIEHRICH., . .;