The Tioga County agitator. (Wellsboro, Tioga County, Pa.) 1865-1871, July 10, 1867, Image 3
11()11 11 E: -. :j1RAYT i E 17 .{$•. - WEDNESDAY. 3ULY..16.. 1867. Nekr Aavertieementki Announcement for COMM:4 rier- 7 . Imo° Plank I+l , ' Comte and Skirt Supporterel-C. B.' Kelley. I:2trity----Richard Ma4cs. Duplex Ellip . tic Skirt-LWests, Brady't Crtiy Application in Divorce—L. Tabor, Sheriff: . if Auditors' Notiec— r ß. B. Strang, Auditor; Rare Chance for Business Men—J. A. - Roy. Ertrny—E. P. • Deane. - For Sale—B. Monroe. _,Anditdr's Notice—lSfiromo B: Niles, Auditor Los T--pro ably between HolidnVs Hotel arul. the 'residence of Elislia J. Br** a brass Door-key. The finder will confer n tisio'r and receive - a suitable reward ,by letOng it at the Agitator Oftleo. _ . SOLDIER'S FIINERAL.—Rev. A, Chap preach tht funeral aormon of James . Mickle, ono of the dead of Andersonrille, tho Round Top Sctiool Huu . se, Charleston, Sunday, July.l4, 186,7, at, eleven A. M. . • WESTFIELD.—Mr. E. G. Hill iS about to put Itti alargo hotel r S7s.6o feet, in this enter prising village. Mr. A. CIObO do Co.; beim made aline addition to their storn. Messrs. 'Penny Lewis are about to put up a largo Blacksmith "Slat, and several dwellings are in course of erec tion. Qood for Westfield. . CHEE.S . E FAcToEY.-The Cheese Fac tory at:Prookftehl Hollow; this county, Ws:nuking about 666 'Pounds of theeie per day. .1dr:11. C. Bailey,.onr..Zhformant, who visited the Factory Eon° days ago, reports that the . . cheese present a fine api)eirimiCei.. Mr. W; M. Nuishn; of ,Cortiancl, county, N, Y., isAho ablo tend rkillfnl supUrin teudeut. To VHEhSE 'FACTORIES.--- . On receipt of orders for 2000 boxes, tho subsoriborvwill erect a Cheeso Box Factpyy for the accommodation of the Dairying luVrest of the county. 411 -'orders. should reach me within the next ten days, in order to afford time for zetting 014 the-timber and put ting up the machinery for "making' a'l , 7c3:'l 'hos. Address S. S.'Sivesoan,- Wollabbro o Pa. Jul) . - 10, 1867. SELECT CHOOL.--rMiS.9 Sallie Red ington wilt ,opon n Selectoliord. in the District School House, Monday, July 15. Miss Reding- ACM is the excellent friend of the :tittle folks, teacher by natutitis well as by venation, and 'de"- serves, ns we trust she may receive, a generous patronage. It would he well if papilla entered their names for the term at once, though in any case where it is not convenient to do so the pupil can enter litlisr.tim`o later. FAMINE RELIEF Finsuro.Tbe sub scriptions to the Southern FaminO Relief Fund in Wellsboro, reportdd at this (dike, amount—to about t. 55. We acklawloilge the receipt of $l. from M. A. .Elliott, of Cherry Platte t'eredlted to the same fund. As returns win bb mado to the Board of Trade, at Philadelphia, in a l 'folv dayt., persona desiring to contribute to this laudabla object should send in at once THE FAIR.—We bad prepared a notice of the Horse Fair'of the 3d and, 4th insts., rthieb, by some filatlver ten° e, Was iii , d ‘ i ‘ t laid; and its absence' from thit copy drawer only discovered when too late to prepare and / put in typo a substitute. The Fair was a failure us an exhibition of horses and as a pecuniry'venture. We regret it, but hardly looked for/u sucees.s. T — Tioga county has too low good horses at present, to make hitch a Fair what it ought to be. The official report will doubtless reach tta in time for next isime.. - - M A ~ o N Pc . grand / . Of f icers—Sir Kniglits KWam, 'McKean, Ck9riter, Creigh, and Keeler, on Frrula l atteineen and evening, sth inst., institu ted a Collikti of z ioyal and Select Mastels, and a Cinneauclely of 'Knights Ternylnni, in tin: , vil lage.l/ 'The ,titincil . 114 entitled " Tyega Council, No. 31;" di° Commandery, •• Tyagahton Cu. m - fiet;de No. 26." 'l',ll,e4oliervdnis officers or 'the commandery were ibtalled : . ~ ri. C. Simpshn, E. C. .J. A. Foley, (I. .. 1 . \V. Robort.z, C. 13 The San Francisco Ohitrelimait, of May 16, under the head of "Episcopal Acis," records a visit of the Bishop to Petaluma, and says : the evening, after service by the - Rector, Rsv. Geo. H. Jenks, the Bishop preached, con firmed 16 candidates and addressed them. This sopa the total number 19, and it is the second confirmation in s 4: months. They were .all 'por ous of mature.yeam, some of them heads of falni- Hes and persons ot r s k itanding in the community. Almost all theime hers or this class were .a few months ago, members ethe. different.sects. "Since Mr. Jenks' residence in this parish the Church edifice lies been doubled in side, and has not nor a vacant pew: It will bo soon necessary to make a farther enlargement of this building." A cur IEroI t thAYTOW N.—We lead, that ac Mr. Sainuel Maine, of- Chatiunii,_ ass eroesing the bridge over Crooked Creek on Las tray Immo from Humphroy's Grist Mill, on Tuebday, 2d inst., with an tix team and wag...a with a grist, the bridge gave away and precipita nd Mr. 14., with his team into the creek below. The arder was about ten feet, deep. Mr. Maine ~aught at some of the timbers or the bridge and ,med himself, though be was senseless when fund. Tito wagon up,et and spilled the grist into the Greek, and the oacn swam out. ( This, we, a narrow escsrpc.. The bridge, we learn, ha's bre', unsafe 'for some time. • ` FIRE 'AT LAWRENCEVILLF..—A des ttu,tivo, fire broke out in Lawrenceville at about II e n 'elock of the 4th instant,'resulting in the tauoing of ten building. The tiro took in the rear of Tatter's Dry Goods Store, and spreading up Main Street, caught and eotissime4 the Stores of Mather Zg,•, Horton, Leausr.l A. Phippen, Drugs, Adams's Shoe Store, and Wheoler'siWngo» Shop. From this point the wind carried the flames auro49 the street to Slosson's hotel which, with tholards, was totally consumed. In tho item. of Turner's Store was the meat shop and :grocery of U. BityncE, which was also destroyed: : • The loss is estimated at from $15,000 fo r $20,000. There ciras little 0/110 Insutanee.upoVho_pro,pert3 - degiroyed. This is II heavy 10.0 ti?AillirelleeVnip.- -- - The fire•is believed`* have 'eon kindled by a Oreersekor.. It caught -neat' Baync's Grocery, where a brisk trade in tire crat Lers .15"f1,? carried on durit% the day. Comaseut ears. lire are indebted to M the.,. pat t ieulars THE FOUTITII.—We have little report ehtke of the •Fourth, un accatint of . celebra nuns All detail haring Leon loceived this ni t ; Thu largest gathering IVOS at Tinge, con :ceiling which we hear much that is itopica.sani. : 4 ereral parzons who wero pricamt inform us that tar intlicriminate elrunloonaead they /levet saw its equal. liven boys of, tender years wero Been reel lug through the ati eon!, end two estimate:. place the number oft%rwaly 'intoxicated per...Adis at ,roe lee as high as 200. The ealeof • Tiogit n legalized, we balieve, and in so large ti elot , ,kt ere inevitable utilees very grete, chi'e is put it plain question : If the patriots cif 1776 could express tbeia views of the i oliservence et the Fourth Of July, do you suppn,eithey would recommend drinking rolgtit whisky 1)4 , 0 patri otism inhere' in brutal drunkenness., r in Au slow elevation of the people ?"' Fuithermoic, we alit m that a good eititen with cat show •liimeelf in public drank ; It is the pe culiar duty of the good eitixen to" set an 'example Ltore boys in general which he would 'like his own boys to imitaier If lie fails to tin it he de- Lerves censure, and .will receive it at the liands , of th e better 'regulated portly)) (If Community. Wdkl , oro, we ale glad to say, furnished few txsuiples of excessive drinking. We were little Ic, the streets, but we saw no maul offensively munk.- fif .colfrse liquor and beer were swilled ,41 J 1 (4aterit, but with one-third larger crowd than congregated last year the signs of drinking trete not more than half so frequent, and we ate 'not aware of any fights coming off. The boys.arc *ruined to thanks for burning their powder Chiefly npon the Public tElquaie. All in all they. are about as reasonable a set of boys as 'one can .llnd anywhere, • "` (ossip. tiwe have to' record one of those inverted; jelci, their in'aeiddris, and wiiikratter i t arnedttlie 'bles upon some of our respected fellow-citizens I nto affect to believe that the sale of, whiskey, is necessary to the salvation of 'seals.' Among our colored citizens is one William Elias familiarly knort as " Bill 'Lies." William is deaf, and neatly dumb, and is not averse to crooking the elbow at the bar occasionally. Sopa after the re fusal to grant license in thy borough, " Bill," was' one Morning 'Observed pointing toward a foriner station for, the sale of liquors. Quite crowd Of thirsty ikuliyiduals gathered near the bar' to • sea the fun. William approached, and 'partly' by broken sentences and partly by dumb show, asked tar' his bitters. "Can't have any, the temperance men hero stoppedlicensa,", was the reply. William was expected to perform some indignant profanity; but to the amusement I of the crowd William_ stiaitened himself up and ejaculated with great ' '" Glad of it ! glad of it! 'Pizen I pizen! Kill : you all! ,Kill you all! Save money! save money! go home and buy beef( buy beef! Goodmorning gentlemen !" And'away trudged William to his work, amid tho roars of • laughter which greeted the nnex pected retort. William was right. The whiskey sold in this town', audit' all ether towns, whether legally or illegally, is vile stuff, only on/ remove froin deadly poison. ' ' ' —Possibly there zany be,something in allitera tion. . Who can read ' the curious rhyme begin ning— ";Ati :Austrian At uiy4Wfully Arrayed, - Boldly Dy Battery Beideged Belgrade" —and not confess that 'monotony May Weenie . im pressive in the hands - of, a skilled man ? - We thought of this on the morning of tho Fourth, when the explosion of some old shot-gun in the . suburbs suggested Powder and Patriotism. It would nOtsbe difficult tolprovo that more powder Was burned on the. Fourth of July, 1867, than' ,wastuirned during the entire Revolution by the COntiinental army. ; Logically, we aro impelled to rate the patriotism of the tivo periods at an equal ity. Powder being the measure of patriotism, and the language of joy, the patriotism of Wells bore cannot be rated vary- high; for there. was never-less powder-burning hilre than on the occa sion !tion alluded to: -- This Was the universalremark, and we make no concealment of out; apprOval of this tnode'ef celebrating all days in the nature of holidays. The money ftioilihly" *ended on hiunkitm celebrations, could'it bb conari2andeclio day; Would pay dui national debt, and give every boy and girl in America a good Academie educa tion. Hitherto the Fourth bas'icen a day of ri-• otous ; execss, often disgraceful, always demorali sing. Tf, in the time to come, Independeneeltay shall becdme a day of genuine thanksgiving; the hopes of thopurest patriots of old time will inive been PRIZE G.l6iE B A:SE BALL.--The "Keystone,"/ Well,,buro, and "Covington," of Cdvingtom'B. B. Clubs, - played a matched game for the /Prime of $2O, offered by Mr. Bunnell on the last day of , the Fair, Uth inst. ' The gameWita played no the Fair ITirounda, the ground being .eptiirely new to both partiee. Thu acorn is as follows : • , . KursroNT. - O. 11. CoviNnToN. 0. It. Kress, c 4 5 Videfin, c 4 0 Williams, p 2 8 Hoagland, p 3• 1 Wilson, es 5 5 Snyd,er. ss ° 2 1 Kirkpatrick, lb 3 6 Hutchins, lb 4 0 Canvey, 2b 1 S Green, 2b 0 1 Buttorivoith, 31) . ....2 S Havens, 3b 3 2 Smith, If 2 6 Patterson, It"; 2 Dewey, cf • 7 • 1 Willoughby, cf... 3 2 Emery, rf 1 6 Johnson, rf. ...... .3 2 . - 2 Z 4 5 6 7 8 9 Keystone 5 9 7 3 1 16 1 9-53 Covington 0 2 0 0 5 0 2, -0 2-11 Fly-Catehes—Covington 10. 'Keystone 3. Fouls caught " " •5. " •10. Home Runs--Carney (Keystone) I. Scorers: Keystone—Walter' Sherwood, Covington—H. J. Elliott, Urepife—Charles Goldimith. Thu caLetunG - ca - tau A.,uving,tuit- Was superior • REPORT' OF EAST eII AR LESTON CHEESE FACTORY, for the• month commencing Juno 1, 1867, and ending Juno 30, 1867: Nelson Whitney V.'Bailey, George Parker, .I.„W. Bailey, Elias; Tipple, A. Eaton, SelarSatterly, C. II Stone. .T. Petrie, J. IC Bailey, D. Pc. ill,.nediet, G. r w.i Avery, Di win Pratt, Edivit Pratt A:."Co., 3. W. Fenn, :Bradt Collins, Collins J.; Jenning3, L. Keyes, J. G.' Darti, Cyruti Darn, M. D. Elea, Nathan Lester,- It. Gile, E. W. Calkins, - Geo. Mott, - ' 11. D. Nickerson, , Asa Bullock,' Wm. Speare, Wesley Pito, Cheney. Partridge, L. 11. Shumwyy, Harvey Adams, . 3. Thomas, E. Ingoriok, M. lienedia, . J. Neal. IL Petrie, M. Avery, J. Gouda% CLum Weeks, /Viotti() Whitney 7. Tngerick, 1. C.‘l3eneclict, C. W. Pitte, Davit] Wilcox, L. H. Bobbins, Henry Allen, R. Dinnaux, I Aggre Total in A ggrega rncrense may be inineves r. It. C. Bad)) , for TIM lar est amount of milk , rhceic;cd at this Factory, i one day; was 119G5 pounds;, number of cheese p'ressed 12: largest chedsc 114 lbs. The Factory is now working at, warty its full capaci ty, lrutithere loom to onne. This report biliOced to be correct. In Iltankruptor MrE , ItS, COBB t ykN 131:11 , ER : . . Partie4 have frequently enoltked efi me ejten the tteiti3ter and Courts would be ready to pt.ireed tir't cas.. , s of btethruptey. I have to-ti.ty let et,:.,d a letter hoot fit. C. Jleestlletts, 115 q., Clerk L. thitrict Omit, under date of a nly 4, baying that his llottor i , .1 mitt" Nlt Carollers, wo., then pa emcribing rules for on nl y in about ten dote. Thot nte,tota too. potitione might be tiled with ten, of l futon toy COrtl(l64l. that they r,o ro "i nec t i n form, that fho VA, hod been titpzitell with me, ail' order td rt lei epee nould be entered. Tito 14 scot-do .will bo kept of Pat:attire: Portie-t droll log to ntatto appli eittiOn mat thou.:10[01.10 co 111. out O. It WOOI4I ho minter an taoheated in (letter:Ll Order No. 4. to file duplicate comes of petition unit behe.hile, one for the d el 01. "ice and cute fer the ftegi,ter's. Yput n • .. Tinge, Jaly ti 1867 We. arc obliged to the publishers of the Atlantic for the Juju unitiber which failed to reach us in season fortoile,: last month. The July number the following table of conlents.: "A passage from Ilawt ‘ horae's English‘Note Books," "Mona's Mother," " At• Padua," " Doctor' Molke," "A struggle • for Life;" "Preedoin in Brazil," "My visit to Sybarts," " The Piano -in the united States," "Au Ember Picture," "An Artist's 'Dream," "The Religious Side of the Italian Question," and Reviews and Literay Notices. Dr. Hoinje's "Guardian ' Angel," and " Pool- Rich ard," are ontinued. The Review Department is a great fea are of this first class Magazine. Tick por &Fief s, Boston, Mass. _ .The Alur ery commences its second volume with July. In is adaptation to the comprehension of children, i its illustrations, and in its make up 4,27 53 I , +NINGS 1 is llf milk 15 858:; 15 - 10020 27 19080 10 119511 10 8030 12 8270 10 4838 , 1 350 8 5141 481-3 B — % - "' 7168 7 4310 10 5735 11 6960' 2 1109 5 3104 7 3969 3 . 2337 10 4635 5, . 3175 13 ,6095 10 16321 7 3510 8 4273 5 4060 4 7584 8 4868 4244 5 3228. 111 2794 6 3354 7 3.461 6 2253 9 • 4035 6 3127 5 1608 2 048 4 1.132 5 2313 1 307 1 596 2 584 of Cheese. 853.3 1002.6 1905.9 1195.6 333 327 483.8 35 514.1 181.3 716.8 -131 573.5 696 110.0 310.1 396.9 233.7 463.5 317.5 609.5 532.1 351 427.3 406.9 758.4 486.8 421.4 323.8 - 270.1 335.4 316.1 225.3 35 403.5 127 - .212.7 1606 . 169 . 8 948 , 94.8 1.132 143.2 2313 - 231.3 307 • 30.7 596 59.6 584 58.4 300.3 8 2882 288.2 6 1781 178.4 1 1310 131.6 1• 411 "41.1 • 2 i< 249 24.9 15/ ' 1440 144 gates, 0 205,106. 20570.6 .11.; in May as per Report, 52,704 ,‘ June .205,106 No. Pr Cows Patrons W. , v. BA ILE t ganatructore Vr:Lts Tipvr.u, j V., FL ISt!' lliat. Na The Magazines . altogether it must counted the great success Of the- year. Address "The Nursery," Boston, Mass. - $l. per year. - "The Children's Hour," intended for children of eight and upward, is another of the successes enjoyed by,4lr. T. 8. Arthur. entersupon, its second volume with the July Member. its illus trations aro very beautiful. T.-8., Arthur, Phila delphia. $l. per.year. The Rioeraide . Magazine, for young pebple in their 'teens, is the finest sgeeireen of printing ex tant.. Its cover is. a , Marvel of beauty, its letter press and illustrations incomparable. Ariy young gentleman who would compliment hie-sweetheart could not choose a .biitter gift than this Magazine. Hurd Houghton; Now York. dUver Optic's Mitgazine for Boys arid Girls,' is a weekly paper, oatavo;.children of ten And twelve. It is - a. facinating . "paper. Five cents a week,: All of the Magazines to be had at the Wdllsboro Book Store. i • ' The, Lady's Friedd opens with a fine. steel en graving, beautiful Fashion Plate, and fine 'fiat terns. Of all the Philadelphia Magazines this is our favorite. $2. per year. Deacon .4 Peterson, Philadelphia. WELLSRORO ACADEMY.-TEACHERS' REPORT FOR SPRING TERM, 1867. -,. ROLL OF HONOR. Emma Blair, Thomas Edwards; Gussie Bailey, ' Frank Emery, Rosin°. Boyden, Andiew Forsyth; Seth Bacon, Henry Fields, • • Rosa RONVCIL Albert Hart, Ella Crawl, William Herrington, Charles Culver, ' Milton Lounsbury, Ada Cone, Cicero Mills, Waaren Carsaw, Will Niles, William Dickinson, Charles Rouse, Luella Deane, Mary Robinson, Carrie Deane, • Estella Spencer, Mary Deane, Mary Swope, Allie Donaldson, George Sherwood, Eva Dartt, • Don Seely, 4 Martha English, Horace Williston. Cass LEADRILS , Seth Bacon• 3 - - . •Martha English 3, Rosins Boyden, Albert Hart 2, Thonias Edwards 3, • Allie Donaldson - 2, Mary Swope 4, Rosa. Bowen 3, Luella Deane 5, Mary Deane 2, i - Carrie Doane 2, , Andrew Forsythe 2, Estella Spencer 3, Milton Lounsbury 2, Ella Crowl 2, ' Ada Cone 2, Charles Rouse 2, 'William Dickinson 3, George Mathers 2, Gussie Bailey, Sam ilaxwell, Will Herrington 2, George Sherwood 2, . Horace Williston, George Bowen, Will Niles 2, • Owen, Swope, Emma Blair 2, Libbie Monroe 2, Eda Monroe, • Frank Emery 2, Mary Robinson 3. ' PRIZE STUDENTS. Carrie Williston, George Matbers, Frank Emery, A George Sherwood, Henry Fiel Mary Deane, •- -- db \._ Rosa :Bovre . ti e - - Estella.Splneer,•• • Mary'Swope; Albert part, Andrew•Forsyth, - Will Niles, Mary:Robinson, , Ella Crow], , Ada, Cone, ' 'Carrie Deane, Seth Bacon, Will Dickinson, Milton Lounsbury, Thomas EdWards; Charles Culver, Luella Deane. Martha English, 117 nm. D 074; !—Three men, who have been to tally blind for several years, were restored to sight yesterday at the, Eye and Ear Institute, by means of surgical operations, performed by Dr. Up Do Graff.—Elmiraly Advertierr. A CARTL—Not desiring further to complicate the canvass, upon reflection I have concluded to withdraw my name as a candidate for Sheriff. July 10, 1867. WALLACE M. MOORE. Sunosciti, —Dr. E. Smith, of Mansfield, opera ted last week for Hare Lip, on a little girl, daugh ter of Jethro Osborne, Esq., of the same place, with excellent success. He also removed a large flesh-like growth (Plorygium Crassum) from' the eyes of J. S. Smith, of Erie Co. N. Y., with per fect success. Dr, Smith a few weeks since re moved from the ankle joint of Mr. Edwin Meeker, of Covington, a large quantity of dead bone.— The' ankle has healed, and Mr. Meeker has 'good use of his foot. I T 4 IST OF UNCLAIiNIED LETTERS in Wells boro Postoffice, Tune 30, 1867: Mary Allen, Mrs. M. N. Allen, Mrs. Betsey Brooks, Charles Bartholomew, W. A. Bacon,los. Orleans, R L Dart, Agnes C Denniston, MrslMa ry M Edwards, Williams Gross, Mrs Bessie Har rington, W II Hinkhiy, C S Jones, J Jacoby,' Ed. Jenkins, Lorenzo Johnson, Hate Jobnsou,Wm Iteock, Thos McNeil, Amanda Madison, Albert Nichols, .1 . P 'Naylor, Patterf?on dt Lomlan, Jos Rhodes, S S Spalding. Eliza Stratton, Eleanor Follet, D E Warner, L t Smith, Fred Smith." Please say "adviTtised.'l 27 11 ALA T -liiidAGrEs. BATES—SEELEY—In WeUsher°, Jnly 2d, by Rev. A. IV. Staples, James K. Bates, of Owe go, N. Y., and Emma L. Seeley, of Wellsbore. [Another of the •`best girls of Wellsboro" gone. Long life and happiness to the parties. En; BAILEY—HILLIER—In Mansfield, Jul by Rev. N. L. Reynolds, Mr. Justus M. B and Miss Lydia M. Hillier, all of Mansfield. Tho Printer was bountifully remembered. JAI ES—RYAN-4n Morris Run, at the of Capt. R. C. Bailey, on the 26th ult., by E. B. Benedict, Mr. John James, Jr., of Run, and Miss Emma A. Ryan, of Nelson. HOTCHKISS—MARVIN—In Chariest°. the 3d inst., by Rev. C. A. Stone, Harris II kiss of Richmond, and Mrs. Mariah Mary Charleston. SHERMAN—PA K ER—I n Charleston, 3d, by Rev. Charles Weeks, Mr. George R. man, of Belfast, N. Y., and Miss Huldah Pa of Charleston. - DRADFORD—HAGAR—In Sullivan, Jo 1867,'at the residence of Prof. C. S. Hap Rev. L. D. Howe, Mr. S. C. Bradford of Sylv and Miss Nettie Hagar of Sullivan. PECK—ELTER—In Blossburg, Juno 10, by L.. 13. Smith, Esq., Mr. Thomas J. Peck Miss Mary E. Etter, all of Liberty, Pa. WALLACE—LOWNSBERY—AIso, July by L. 11. Smith, : Esq., Mr. J. W. Wallace Miss S. C. Lownsbary, all of Richmond, Pa. JONES—In Delmar, July 4, Mr. John J aged ,77 years. 31-a co 43 al Traclo . T. L. Baldwin Co. have just received supply or Salt and Plaster. 'Naga, July 10, 1867. DRY (loons.—Tako a look into Toles & ker's new Store, No. 5, Union Block, and se New Goods. They are constantly receiving ; tiOns to their stock, and will be undersol, none. See advertisement. Baum in youn BllMlNO.—Porsohs b. "Magazines, Family Bibles- or Pamphlets bound or rebound, will please bring :them i fore .Tu!y pecimens of styles may be at the Wellsbore Book Store. July 3,2 tr. • HUGH You SPECIAL NOTICE` 257,810 152,.102 COLGATE & CC (4\-G1 GERMAN C " ) ERASIVE SO 04- 1111 ERRORS OP YOUTH A tienttartan who suffered for years from Nervous Premature Decay, and all the effects of youth ful indiscretion, will, for the sake of suffering human ity, eond tree to all who ueod it, the recipe and Wren- Oslo for making the simple remedy by which l o was cured. Sufferers wishing to profit by the adve deer's experience, can do so by addressing, In perfect confi dence, ' JOHN B. 00 D ' 22inay67-Iy. 42 Cedar Street. New oils. Are You Afflicted with a Coughior a I ARE YOU PREDISPOSED TO CONSUMPfI Are the Lire.? gf Thor Children in Jeopardy fro den and Repeated Attacks of .Ceoup 7 so, Parchase> Box of BLADES' E lIPHONIAL LUBRICATORS The People's NosY Sure and Effec . tuat Reme Congas, Cobbs, Croup, Catarrh, Asthma, Diptheria, and all Pulmonary Die 4 Tll5 LUBRICATOR is a medicinal preparfil the form of a Lozenge, which, of all modes most pleasant and convenient, They contain terimis ibereditil, and are warranted to be safe, oven for the weakest and most sensitive at In Croup they give naltenwrz num. For Cong Colds they are invaluable. For Catarrh, Asth Bronchitis they have no equal in the mark° Certificates accompanying each box.) Diptheri dreaded and desolating disease, they control fully and almosteimmodiately. No Public Speaker, Singer or Teacher, should be without themes they remove hoarseness and strength en and clear.the voice. IFFIT Always use them in time, and if the symptoms are severe use cry freely. 3, 11. BLADES 00., Prop'rs, Elmira, N.Y. firirFOß SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS. Price 'l5 Cents Per Box. D0c.12,1861AY.- D. D. VAN ALLEN, Principal M. HART, P _ _ _ 11 .1) - E S Is manefactured from 1 MATERIALS; and may sidorod the STANDARD 0 CELLENCE. For sale Grocers. 22may0,1 BULI,OIRD & TREMIN 0 . TEA .E returned from NovM'ork and take ensure in announcing to the trading pub,. lie th they have now on hand their . . • , . . . . -. .., . 1 14 SUIT . M.ER GOODS, s. which they will sell cheap for oath. The. Ladles will find it to their advantage to call and see our splendid stook of DRESS GOODS & TRIMMINOSI MOHAIR MELANGES, double fold 48. pr yd. • ALPAOAS, double fold, cheap, " alngle fold, cheap, • ORGANDIES,, PERCALES, WOOL DE LAINES, LAWNS, COMMON DELAINES. SACKINGS we cannot be beat. Alpo SACK BUTTONS, in variety, SIITVIMER SHAWLS, BALMORAL SKIRTS; • We have a splendid assortment of WHIT} GOODS, SWISS MUSLINS, BOOK =SUNS, NAM . sooks, &0., &O. LINENS wo have in. abundance. TABLE LINENS ; IRISH LINENS, &0., &c. A beautiful assortment of LACE CURTAINS, and our usually nice s sorted stook of DOMES TICS, we have receiv and'are prepared to give our customers the advantages of a decline in priOes on that line of goods. OU CLQ7:.lif ',STOCK in in' gobdloydar and as atillatakil it oar aka to Bait our customers, as well in - quality as In fit of Clothing. OUR HAT STOCK we limy well be iiroud of, as we try to keep a good 'stock, both in quality, style and price. Z UR SHOE STOCK we have gain ed a -tiplittition in, for keeping the best iu the - e unty, am,l have all the styles from amollaat to argost. • 5. OU HARDWARE STOCK we will sell cost as we are running out of that line of goods. CROCKERY selling off at cost as we are running out of that lino of goods. Call and see us before purchasing elsewhere as we are convinced, and think we can convince customers, that we are selling good goods at cheap prices. Call and see our Gooc4. You shall be used well whether you buy or hot. 20. BULLARD, A. A. TRUMAN., - Wolleboro, May 22, 180. , THE BAZAAR ONE Door below Wm. Roborts' .11ardwaro Store, is the very PLACE YOU LONG RAVE SOUGHT" SILVER-PLATER WARE, ouso !Rev.R !orris TEA SETTS, TETE-4 - ,TETE SETTS, BUTTER DISHES, CASTORS; CAKE BASKETS, , on i tch n of (July I her- I kern FRUIT BASKETS, NAPKIN RINGS, CARD TRAYS, SILVER SPOONS, PLATED FORKS, &e. A &o. o by 867, and BRONZE ORNAMENTS, BRACKETS, LAMPS, WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY, & FANCY GOODS 3(1, and of all descriptions in his lino of business. Welleboro, May 8, 1887—tf., A. FOLEY. New Firm and New Goods, rage 1 S. STAPLES & S „ELAVING rebuilt their Store recently des troyed hy tiro at Ke noyville , would say to their friends an the com unity generally, that they have opene a now 41 desirable stook of :nr t tbo ddi by . ving o be . be- Been Dry - Gioods, which vine bought for cash, and will bo sold at tile berg loiiest figures, , rr'CoCerit)St. Iu this department we shall keep a general as sortment to suit all, and sell as cheap as tho cheapest. iURE 8 con- I? EX , y all Boots and Shoes, All styles, kinds, and (11:Milano, from the bes manufacturers, which will be sold at a small ad Vance from cost. Hardware, Yankee . Notions, &c., In fact, we shall endeavor to keep everything needed in a country store. old? IN? BUTTER, EGGS & PRODUCE, of all kinds, taken in exchange for :Goods .y for ron- Keenoyville, Juno 5, 1567. I ria mn " in Ile the Fadele twaye mach. a and and , (vide , that lender- Wellidioro Wool Carding Nachino. RAVING covered our Machine with entire _ new Cards, we are now ready to Card all Wool without delay, and in the best possible manner. All Wool sent from a distance by Stage will be returned by the same if required. S. A. HILTROLD, ORIN BLAIR. Wellsboro, June 12, 1867. NORMAN STRAIT, AGENT for the National Series of Standard School Rooks; published by A. S. Barnes & Co. 111 A 113 Wllltam„corner of John Street, N. Y., keeps constantly a full supply. All orders promptly filled. Call °nor address by mail, N. STRAIT. Osceola, Pa., Jnno 19,1867-Iy. to purchnso such as Also S. STAPLES & SON. spitiNc otions FIT E 'COMPANY ,STORE Q'S'S ffa ._/ W 1 ,„ vo Jost received a now and well se• od Block of Goodiyadapted t to! thn 0, and are prepared to offer aBETTER and - aprlng , aseortiz TTER BARGAIIIS4 .1 .- :: ', : k other Store i Tio g i l _or adjoining AS . :-. -;',.. ' erience hae tom ht . tdip'Oly . OOD OODS,' , than a , countio Our a 'here, thereby gain and hold the eon& oar customers. They are acre of get ',OD GOODS, and for LESS MONEY oan get them elei3Where, and this Is and to don at o ting 0 than t. why tic COMPANY STPI4-7 is corm tly thronged with,castomers while other Merchafs cry lutyd times. Wo kep constantly on hand a large stock of f)RY doODS, GRO4RIES, CROOKE R Y, HARD FARE, WOODEN WARE, IRON, NAILS, NAIL RODS, HORSE I . SHOES, . . and ablostevorything for Farmers, or Mechanics We, Tealso . koepAfine assortrhot of • • - FtrRITURE, CARPETS, ' ROOTS r • Axtl SH ES, HATS AND CAPS,' mot .IND FEED, CORN MEAL. PORK AND FISH OE All. KINDS. • , SALT; - th earse and 'fino;hy: the barrel, sack and box, eenetuatly on hand. lnhoil Mower everything enmity kept' , jr( a 'ooua try .Store, may ho found at. the • • COMP { 7 sii`Oß* Oar stook is now 'and comploto, just what the people want. We invito an examination of our COODS g. PRICES before buying elsewhere ; We talco_pletunne in showing Goods, and still more in giving our pri ces. For, with the fine Stock wo aro enabled to show, and prices so EXTREMELY LOW, Wo fool euro of emcees - Any goods that we sell that are not as repre seated can be returned and the money will be re funded. We make no unnecessary display of Goods upon tho sidewalks; our Goods are in the house, neat,.clean and tidy, and a plenty of help;wait upon all who wish to sea them. COMPAIKY STOPE, F. N. DRAKE, gp't Bloseburg, May.. 2 24 3.867 - KING OUT WRING IN The Uniitbrsal. Clothes Wringer Ts the best, therefore thacheapest;in the world. Cog.wheols; and warranted to bo as good for service after wearing' a-- year as when first pull chased. Took tho fist Thirteen State Fairs, and at the World's Fair in London, in 1862. „ WASHING MADE PAS V. This is tho way it is done.• is the only Machine *ashes clean and does not wear out tho clothe's._ Took the first premium at the, Fair of the American Institute, and is highly recommended - by such papers a st the Tri bune, the AgrieuttneYst,.the independent, and all of the Agricultural papers. Tho undersigned is agont for the sale of tho Wringer and Doty's-Washer, " - DAVID P. ROBERTS WeDebora, May 29,-)867-2m. BE CLOTHED • • JJOSEPHINOLTAWAt SONS; two miles , east of Knoxvile, Tioga County, Da., are pre pared to manufacture wool by the yard .or on shares, as maybe dosiied. They make FLANNELS, FULL CLOTHS,' CASSI MERES, DOESKINS, and can promise to satisfy customers. They pay particular attention to ROLL-CARDING & CLOTH-DRESSING. Twenty years experience in the business war rants them in expecting a generous patronage. No shoddy clothe made. Deerfield, Juno 12, 1867—tf. YOUNG HARRY CLAY. - I - YOUNG MARRY gLAY is 5 years old "in July, blood bay,l6 hands high;hud weighs 1050 pounds., For bottom,. speed, and action, be has no superior in this region. He will stand at the stable of the subscriber at Blossburg, Monday and _Tuesday of each week, and in Washer°, atOoliday's, from Wednesday noon to Saturday night,,, • , " Taiurs—Single Mare $10; Span $l6. • Service money duo March 1, 1869. Owners parting with Mares before foaling will be held for the service money. L. B..smrtn, Proprietor: 19june67. CHAS. V - ENTON, Manager J. STICKLIN, Ohairmaker, Turner, and Furni;ure Dealer., Alin ROOM, opposite Dartt'a Wagon' Shop; Main Street. FACTORY in Sears & Wil liams Foundry, second story. J Orders promptly filled and satisfaction gutiran 7 : teed. Fancy Turning done to order. •.,1 • W i ellsboro, Jnne 12, 1867. ' J. STIOXLIN. TOME F. nenriteAtein will be a 13Yring, atidfaual.: 4 • leer ; and there has been already a BIG , ec FALL " PRICES. %, 1(1 .i..r • -1 ' / • ' tind'-ao-fdrtu. 4 ‘ Borlspaion may tbitilethe Buffoon has come ' - " BEE-HIVE EXCHANGE;?. A MINE OF W.EALTI kij --_;) ~:,•?] upon the customers who patronize me ; and I did not !leap over you know, and therefore shall furnish articles as who want to command be pticeslof butter rurat , uso•Llverpool Salt. And furthermoro- listen, 0, Ife i T-=-11e'a I . I hay'', a tretnondons,lot HE OLD, HE NEW I In "'BERPffivg llion • , Beedtime and,harveit axe prprfliscoi to The season 'if babkwaid. and iota, arid Wet; But there's thee for plowing and sowing yet And therell l beffpring, and Hammer, and Fall— rOR GROCERIES, "TOTHER•END POREArasT AT TICE but I expect to:spring 'LAST sum,lxpAl3 FRESH AS SUMMER, ITSELF. Even `MY' LIVERPOOL ' SALT - =.' is Nal? as saltCOisit BUTTER MAKERS Oolong, Sonohong, Bing-Seng,l Ding - Doug, lly son, llytion, Lo-Suu, No-Sun, Groan T. Moon T Black T. and CraCk T. all of which is warranted to unlock family so croft at every T—par—T.l+ ; . ' AIATHRS will continue to buy FARMERS,' PRODUCE at the best Market Priaes, and sell Everything Eatable and Cool;rable as cheap as can be dono and mnintain a wife and numerous BI,A T H will always be glad to see you if you and if you haven't he will tell, you how to ge that article. t : • Wellshoio, Pa., May 22; i 8.67. NEW GOODS! New ,twoop J. R. Bo 101AVE'jnit returned froth Neiv Ytirk With a large assortment of SPRING l & gIIMMER GOODS ~ ? Bought at Panic Prices, and will be sold accor dingly. We respectfully invite attention to our stock of LADIES' DRESS GOMIS VERY 4.Y.Z:CE AND' CHEAP, 'also;. a largo lin'e of ' CASSIMERES, TWEEDS, SUMMER CLOTHS, LADIES' CLOTHS, & LADIBr SICKINCA, =MI Also, a large and new assortment of ,f;) REAbY MADE CLOTHING, at greatly reduced prices BON-TON, SILVER SPRING, and other kinds of HOOP SKIRTS, YANKEE NOTIONS, HATS & CAPS, HARDWARE, CROCKERY, GROCERIES, HAND I MADE BOOTS AND SHOES, And many other things which we will be pleased to show to all who will call and examine opt. =I STOCK tlk' G(ll3i Before purchatang elsewhere, as we believo i ,will pay you for your time and trouble. SMALL PROFITS, qUICK SALES,' 4 READY PAY IS OUR MOTTO. Don't forgot to otep tit tho ' ~r,• : - EMPIRE STOR E , NO. 1 lINION,BLOCK, Wellabor°, May 15, 1867. ======= 0- 0 0 I) S 11. ;4.,.. l i t4.plikxN, 4.,,c0.„ • E JUST "PUR,94OfiID a large stock_of • .• SPRING, & GOODS, embrticing, a general and noniiitte assortment of = OfflE FANCY - , -HOODS, LADIE S' DRE . SS . 1,30,0D5, num A I CALICO To A • SILK. CL THS AND CASSINI RES, ,• A - DOMESTICS, Y A N,K - E E NOTIONS, HATS AND CAPS; CLOAKS, SHAWLS, BOOTS & SHOES, READY-MADE CLOTHING, HARDWARE, CROCKERY, P E R HANGINGS; CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS, FLOUR, PORK, FISH, SALT, IRON NAILS, FARMING TOOLS, - STONE WARE, These Goods have been selected with great care.- Since the decline, a largo portion of them direct from the manufacturer. We propose to sell them cheap for the Greenbacks. All kinds of Produce taken in exchange for Goods. T. L. BALDWIN A CO. Tioga, Pa., May 1, 1867. .1! inn tuw ,Soq Slum 4 oußauit alga gum Sup te U. Reiou s. tool.; luvid ttxrD 1213111 V 'Otlo. °Art; pittoip ietu.xtra SJoAa •Grus 103 datni 10et tiomm cpitßolgta .0 1; IN poluoiud n & 'Co., lIM I=ll I= r / MEI Here, they Come TUNE OF - •" $776 Oics OF ES EVERY THING YOU WANT OEN IRE DRY GOODS, Groce*ies, ANY THING YO U , WANT. 13 - 4981 's slug 'Pl°Bl3Ell'l , l •01311 '4l •so.tpl3 artoS Jo; o2pnr putt cialattare pug us° onum •aolioaditit atteq IBA gaapd pug spout:l : mo sewpaisub looms al eatiapreri mai pau - ChM. Sleeluntore esoupaq elautpieg oqz alaullvou `llaiLNYla NllO3 poracioteo etn satualig Jo Tye ottnplo pinom `SIN 'alllllllll ONIMILI 1. ~ ~ 't., ... V: o 4bolit eansi ii.toe de ',cello ''f;* """ (pupl uleq) `sans 'gamma `smarm ua,ll,aa 'Rom aOli 'IIVII ;... `I , IOIII HORS asuon. `saoH *tints nos • 1 - Toaptinq aod sglvii 09 I 94 ' Of or atinizgs .7217 ■ • - 1 CPI-WI.-MTN i I lesuls osociellem. no zooa papi,T, lialunittv alAix EIS "9' 1 2 11111M-NII '3LWM-SSYI9 4 saAoms `a EvMaIIVIT anea 2nignti 4 q o9ouOulad44ani n 0A1321 pun ssogisug inor i uo et xrp eiveH SPRING STII at Kelly's. • Lathes'•walk in . Apr. . ER'S . Cathartic Pills. . AR El the ost perfect gative we "are able to k produce, aid as:we think, has - ever, yet been, made by any body. Their effects have _abliedantly shown to, the community how muolt they opted the other medicine in use. They aDe safe and pleasant to take, but powerful to- our • Their penetratin properties stimulate the vital activities of .1.14 body, remove, the. obstructions of its organs, pu rify the blood, and expel dltoa6o. . A They purge out tho foul humors which' breed ald grow dis temper, stimulate sluggish or disordered organs into their natural -.notion, and impart tone and strength : to the whole system. Not only do, they curelheiltery day Complaints of everybodY, but formidable and dangerous diseases: While they produce powerful effects, they are at the , same time, in diminished doses, the safest and best physic that can be employed for children. ,Do ing sugar-coated, they are pleasant to take; and, being purely vegetable, tiro entirely harmless. Cures have been madelhat would surpass belief, were they not substantiated by men of soh ex .alted character, 65 to forbid.** susploion ot. un-, tiruth. • Many eminent clergymen and physicians certify to the public the reliability of our reme dies; while others have sent us tho assurance of their conviction that our. Preparations contribute immensely •to •the relief •of our afflicted fellow- Men: IEN =I EMI - ENE MEI II =I IE EIS UM • The Agent below named is pkeased to furnish gratis, oar American. Almanac, containing three-, tions for the use of these meal' 'cites and certifi cates of 'their cures of the following compfaints': Cestisteness, Bilious Complaints, Rheumatism, Dropsy, :H arising from font stomachW Nabsea, Indigestion,,liforbid Inaction of the Bowels and Pain arising therefrom,Flatu lency, Loss of Appetite, all 'Diseases which re quire an evacuant medicine. They also, by , pu rifying the blood and stimulating the system, cure many complaints:which it would.not be sup tiosed they could teach, such as Deafness, Partial Blindness, Neuralgia,. and Nervous Derangements of the Liver and Kidneys, Gout, rind all other kindred disorders arising from a low state of.the.body, , or obstruction of its - dons. Do not .be put off by unprincipled dealer other preparatidns on Whieh theY mako profit. Demand Aran's and take no others, sick want the best aid there is for them.'ann they should have it. Prepared by Dr. J. C. AYER 11; CO.; Lowell, ' Mass:, and sold by all Druggists and dealers in medioines everywhere. ' Sold in Wellsboro by J. A. Roy.. july3-2m. BEALE'S (Late Powell's) 'EMBROCATION. , For all Diseases incident to Horses, Cattle, and :the Human Flesh, requiring the use of on External Application._ iTHIS tom Compound, prepared by a practical Chem- '''' 4 ist, having a full knoWledge of all the medical vir-, t es of each Ingredient that ini tors into Ito composition, warrantetl to exceed anytlitol, of the kind over yet offered to tub Public as an extiMal application for the diseasf.o for which it is recommended. 'We aro satisfied that it will A•ork its own road Into the confidence of all who use It, and thee° who try it once will never be without it, and therefore we rely en experience as the beat hist of its usefulness. It is:lironon need by Farri ers, and all who have tried it, to be the best applies- tion ever used. This.Enahrocation has been put up for over eight years, and It is only through the increasing demand and urgent request of my friends and the Publio that I Bend it forth as the gland remedial agent for the various diseases to which that noble and useful animal, the horse, is subject. ! Many remedies have been offered to the Public under different forms, some of these are injurious, others at best df little use, and many wholly improper to an swer the purpose for which they aro recommended. A judicious and really useful composition, free from those objections,• has therefore long been desired by many 'gentlemen who have valuable horses, and are un willing to trust them to the care of designing and pre tended 'Farriers. ' Their wishes are at length fully grate ifled. by (I)r.Beale).being prevailed upon to allow this Embrocation (Which has proved so efficacious to the various diseases) to be prepared and brought out to the public. This Embrocation was extensively-41SW by - the Go r x,„, ernment (luring the war. Address all s Orders to DR. EDMOND BEALE, 602 South Second Street Philadelphia, Pa. For sale by storekeepers generall'y. T7apr67-6m. -\ 71 - • For sale at ROY'S Drug .bkre. • J. H. 'RAND .* SUR GICA t L AND NEC DEN TlE' CIFFICE'at hie residence Tioga, where he may be until the 12th, and from the 1 of each month. Will be in United States Hotel, from the 13th until the 13th, and in Lawrenceville at Elossen'.s Hotel, from the 26th until the last day of each month. All operations connected trith the. - ,dental pro= fession, : wbsther surgical or mechanical, will re - — lla . Viiil4, 7 ftn itu pro vo add eiipara for benumbing the gums, he is prepared to' extract teeth without pain, and in a manner hai•rol sS, to the patient, yet no stupefaotion ss or nausea, , follows the operationt• Ether or blare form'will ho administered if advisable en de sired, i • . . Artificial Teeth of all kinds inserted in the most aubstantial and beautiful manner. Cail and see specimens of mechanical dentistry. Tioga, Pa., tiny - 1, 1867. SUMMER MILLINERY 1 MRS. MITCHELL would partioularly invite the attention .of her friends and the public generally, to call and see, her new collection of SUMMER GOODS; consisting of the latest novelties of BONNETS •&•JOCKEYS, -FRENCH FLOWERS, RIB BONS, -LACES, All seletod with great care. Everything belong ing to tho Millinery Tr.ido of tbo LATEST IMPORTATIONS, can be found at her Rooms on Broad Street, to , which 'would invito an early call. . • MO. E. D. MITCHELL. N. 8.-Particular a f t6ontion paid to Bleaching and Custom Work. 'Tioga, Pa.. Jane 6, 1887 tf. i _ Glenis Palle Insuranc6 OOmpany, • GJZN'S N. Y. Capital and 5aip1u55373,637,66- FARM RISKS, only, taken, • No Preniium Notesi•equired. It is LIBERAL. 'lt pays damages by Ligh ning, whether Tire ensues or not: • It pays for live stock killed by Lightning, i birns or in the field. - , Its rates, aro lower than other Compqni9s equal responsibility. LC. PRICE, Agent,. Farmington Centre„Titiga Co.' Pa May 29, • - YOUNG BERTRAND IRED by tho celebrated Stook Horse DER-. TB.N.Wow nod by .11. N. Fish, of 'Troy, Brad ford county, and foaled by a Duroc and Bolivian Mare. Ito took the first premium as a roadster over first class horses at the last county Fair of Tioga county, - and has an enviable ,reputation as a sure foal-getter and stock horse." YOUNG BERTRAND will stand .the present season 0 follows: . . , , Mondays TuoWays and' W'odneedaye; at the stable of thesubscriber in M'ainsburg. .Tbrtra day. . afternoons at Whitneyviiiii; Friday fore noons at , Isaac Wheeler's, on the State Road . ; Friday afternoons at Cherry. atts ; Saturdays at the stablo of Thomas Grave ,'Covingfort. Pasture for Maros from a , di tance on g ransono.- ble terms. Owners parting _ ,tth mares , before foaling will be held responsible for the service money. Terms reasonable. E. D. A, FISH. Mainsburg, Pa:, May 22, 18 17-2m* Real Estate Sale. TM Subscriber wOl sell or rent the following valuable'proper§*; to wit: ^nd m Lawrenceville. ' - ,ch Me now resides) one-half ihurehes, two school Houses, , I 1 f i one railroad, and .about the be lino of the Wellsboro and r ii, The farm. contains 160 0 acres timbered, well wai , 0 cave. Wreqpires that the rod and planted. however, to . - r, I , lkion tolvbstap '175 acres • a .r_ _ t cheeso factors i mulos, 75 sheep, ttnd other lonahle, terms: • - - M. S) BAtDIVIN. Lawrence, Apr. 11,,18131—tf. a. n. iyiErnuOtr. . SURGEON pENTIST, • CLPERATEIS 'with Chloroform, Ether, anti the eelebiated Storay, ' • July 19, 1967-43 m. ' . , • --. ri t oilvor Bing. —This justly celebtatO Will stand the present season at the Ftablo or the Chatham, every forenic‘tm; , Terms reascuabje. Chatham, May 15, 1367.72 m. t AVICAL laet, a 25th