N , 77: "ITODIPW' :014.fikit3Mk.* • - . The Vop4erte.usliaTelliqt,ked a large 40ot:talent AthAetloll644a _ . , •,'•• • JOB: ,PREt4AEB-1* ,7`o • _ and are. ir!iethired sqa 44titeptii; tionias CIL AB3,VAIIV8.'11"711: _ 11EADS:ittlint , IMA:O;4TATAA!EkiIik.,; EMI TOWNfiRTP asDsßs lAc:s k 4 Deddl. Aottgate,fli teit4o*",txt4d'is I'o itellpiiment Constables'-a4d,lnsticos',"phipkp,,tbAstantly liantl;,:, POOPleliSql*at. Ad/0034teiliAtipeita 01116Tiligt trOrk4cloPXOMPPYgatoll4igatnC4,lo4,o2o,/ mail..L •: 11.... t r ter...lf , slrt 41 . 0 Ck d,P1901 BUSINESS bmaToirg,- . lvrioLtsAvE :DRUGGISTS; Ana• - cloalei.s' . iii Nall Paper; ReioseiltrLatitps, Window .q 1 4 64 l'orfurneryikaints nr 1 . Oils, be., , Ootning, 1; 1.8613.—jy. 1. . ATTORNEYS .4,IOTORP#I, I kin; COI7.&,§ELOREi AT LAW . . 9Alc*foirnsiii7, ogonpiea f;y4itine!ii.oist.reyi r Esq. x.. A. Nrcizoi.s. • JDRN I. liiirrpgELL. ',W.ellaboro, Jan: 1, - • WiLLII4III, , , • , .ATTUittl - EY AND" 00,1:MS11LO - it' Insurance, Bounty avid PepOon A M .Agency, ain jp*. 1; 8. F. VVILseeR., • AV" LSO* • • , ..ATToltNE'SfS:iit"COUNSitiOttS • AT = (First doorliont Eigoinses,." on the Avenue)-- Will attend to badness entrusted to , their'eere in the counties of Tioga and Totter; '•‘' Virolishciro, — jan:•l; - ,"' D. ANGELL 41 . 3 r. CO., MANUFACTURERS of, and Wholesale and lief tail Dealer in Doors, Bash, and Blinds. Also Planing. and l'araing 'done to oraer.. .„ /.; 'Knoxville, /plow. 16..1.13d774y,*1 GEORGE; - WAGNER,- • door ninth o 4 hod Shop: . 0Y -cutting, Fitting, uncl Repair=ing done prompily and yiellst!oro, Pa. 7 Jan, 1., 18,60.-Iy.. • B..SLIA*SIMEARE bRAP4II kg)) TAILOR.- :Shop over; John R. Bowen'a Store,. - Cutting; Fitting, :and ./ Repairing dono promptly and in host style.. 1::- :Wellabor°, Pa., Jan.-1, 18(16—y • . • , •, .• JOHN I. MITCITELL. • - fr.dENTIor the collection of bounty, back pay. ..a. ,- and pensions due soldiers from the Govora: Wilco with Nichols and Mitchell, Welts:. ' - - -. • - : in3o,-'6ll • • Wril. -GILIMETSOM • . • ATTORNEY . AND COUNSELOR, AT LAW, Notary Public and , Thatirabee. Agent,- Itloso- , burg, Pa.; over Oeldweil's Store.• -t - Z• i IL IVIV,NL,ToIII, 11101USI1;.. Glaitiosi iriogo •Connty., Pa. VERId ILYEA REXFORD' l'ao'riee.' This IS fa now. hOtot looked Within easy access of the" 'beat' grounds North. Pennsylvania—, No pains will 'be spared for the apeetainedatien;of pleas - ere scielters and the psn. 1,1:80.1' • PETROLEUM •110175E4 Ati!STPIRLD; PA:, OEORGE 'CLOSP, PrePri oter. A ne:ir Hotel concluCtetroit'the' pritietfile of live end, let live, for the eceolineochttiou of the puhlic+—flev. 14, 1866.-IY. ,1, --, S. C. STIZAINTG. ATTORNEY AT LAW. Any business entrust— ed to his oats will receive prompt attention. Knoxl , ille;l l a,.; Nov. 14, 1 136 o.—tt , , GEO. W. -RYON-, ATTOTtIiEY: aOUNSELCiIt' A 9 LAW, Law . , , reneeville, Tioga 'Co.; ,Pit. •Bonnty,,Ptingian, and Insurance 'Agent. ' Ceollentinna intimptly attende.l Co. Mee 2(1 (Vier below.l ord Dec.11,18664)- C. - F. SWAN . A GENT forlbeliyootning County ;Insurance Cowpony; at Tioga,-Pi!. Jobe 6,1866.4 me - TIOG Ai TX 0,6 A 0 ,- 1 " 2 / .1 . Good statilino,'nfiaohed,:4lii' an attentive boo, dor alwaysivrattolidanco. • ' • S. PARR,. Proprietor. Hairdi•essing •& Shaving. Saloon over Willcox ,t. Darker's Stere,lyett 4 - boro, - Pa. Partieuirir attention paid ,to • Ladies', "flair - cutting, Shampooing, Dyeing, utp. - .13raida, Puffs, coils, and ewiehus on hanttantl made to or., Ur- . , H. W, DORSET., . J. JO.Ij..NSON,, . . , . . ri__o4.D received bn deposit°, for which ciertin- Ur cates wilt ho lemma, bearing interext in gold: B. 7. , CLARK it il CO, Bankers, ~: 1 35,miuth Yhir street, Phita.• .. ree. . DnAcoN, M.D.,Lao of rho 2'd Pa'. Car lry,-ttiter . nearly four years eA t arzny service, Ivt 1,1 a hies pn exienco in field and .Isoapitat pr - ectido;haa ericncgli an ellico for the practico of &thole° and. eurg'isr, ,in all iti branches. Pomona from-a. iliatancu, cab tied goad boarding at tho Pennoylvama Hotel when dcayud.— Will visit any part of the Stine in consult° ion, or to I.erfurin BUrgietti operations. No' 4, Vinton Work, op naive. Weitaboro, Pa., May 2,1860.—1 y. • -- ' ••• . . \I - RAV PICTURE GALLERY.— ' .. - - * FRANK . SPENCER " t,.', ~ - • , , , ---• k -1- 0.{.. .. Las the pleasure to inform th e itikeito of 'flop . county that ha has eoinpf od 19. ;MY P4OTO.IIIA,VII, GA LEItY,. Ind is on hand to take nll kinds of . n , Piedures, tub as Ambrotppes; Ferrotypes; Vignettes, Cartes do Visite, tho Surprise and Eureka Pieturos; also ;Jai ular attention paid le - copying and enlarg- , - tig p eturos. Instructions given . in the - Art on e., BO able tonne.` , Elmira St., ManeGoid,'OOt: fi is6e.,l ATTENTION Urn. 11.. SMITH, Knoxville. Tiogn County, ITPa., (U. S. licensed .Agent,-and Attnrnoy f.r soldiers and their- Wends throngheut all the 1.;,,vd1 States,):will-proseento - and aolloct with un th ailed Alleol3BB, " • 'CLAIMS - AND DUES of all, kinds: — Alio, atirothisr% against the Govirntnent before any of the' be'--- partments or in'Oongi4se; Terms inodatate, eommuniefitiolls sent to the ebovpaddreiiivill .wive Prompt a tienlion..' qtt er Cl,C> N. _ A T 1 1 ; - ~• - ' 4 WOULD say to the public that he is' portnit.l neatly !opted in Wellsbore, (Oftitie at his rttolonee, near t e Land Oflicci 'and Hpivccipal CLurch) where he will continuo to do all hinds ut ecinlidoa to his cam guaranteeing complete tetisfaction•where the shill of the Doutiat can i‘ tit is tho management of oases peculiar to the c.iiting. Ho will furnish .ARTIFICIAL set on'any_materiel (leaked. - • FILLING tt EXTRAVIINQ TEET II ,": lotbded to on shortokt.potionianii,Aono in Int host and most npprpqoa st3;te. TEETI-1- Ex 4 rtiACIIID - W IN thitito usv of Aufosthetics which tore ppr-, Stetly harmless, and will Uo ndminialertii in Ott (ti n whim ilosired.'i Wtlisboro, Jan: I,: 38(15-ly . • " • , Bounty Ind Pension Agency, • • 11 AVINO retolved definite Instruelloeft in regard to extra boawly__allowed _by the net hy.oacea 180, and having nu, liana A lake, popply of. lattilke, we AM prormi ea to lit'oM:titit• all pelt. And Loonty claims wittelt - inny• in- Ild‘ Postin* living at n dietnnre inn c , inmonictite.' "Ts by letter, end their ectivinnoten /leo M ill be , ‘4 , Ilyntewraied. •- - EOLIT, SIIA 16 boro:Octolter 24, H 1806. . — 1 • • ' . . E. gaftli; bk SURGEON.- 1 1 " 0 1 1atilarS stineetefully for Cataract„Stra „ bismus, (cross eye ) Reinevat l'ainurp, ntTe Lip, Varicose Veins, Clith PPeet,, kb:• ' , Particular attention paid to disease's • the .. • 11 ' 4 General Surgery. ' " '• C antultation at office ft*. ' . R eference.; given to Op'erntienn recently per forme& Cleo hours front 12 M. to 3 P. Ill,' OWeeet his reaideriee,fdansileld,Tiog P a ,a county, March 27, 3987,-Iy.. TPARENTS:—Nothing is st;.kften• tranteri oat a good Medicine for the colds of children; Oe you haves-it-l• • the Compound 13tt at E 4 nuri, of. par hound iP lad the thing;for , o hibirt, for 41-1 cures W oi , l : l (4 merely the cough but the epid- itiso at Itoy'a Drug-Store at 26 conic per bottle. , • 4-' . . . . , . , • , ..,f-' I ';`, ~...46., '''''' . ,i; . .. . , , .. - ' , 1 4 , , W.4q.. - ; , , • ,' ,• ' 1 -1-. : . ' ''' t 4 ' - , .., , ~, . • -, . . . '' , • i t s- . •-.,-....---. ~...- . . 4 :: ~- . 4,,trei... 4 - - - r-- ' 'r r- r C'''''''''''' -'. -i''' . '''' - 44 L . -.. ' ~. . .. , . ~ ~ . -- , - - ..- .4-'-'1 -r- ' • r . - -,1 r'-' ";.'„ , • --.-- ' ",„-- , , ~ ~ ~; .'.',--- rr : . - '.- - ~',- ; ' ~ , „ ~.1 ...- ,',,,,- - ;. ,- - ;',. - 4 ',,,,.. ; ~,. ~; ;., „',.,i- , „,..„' .;;; ;; - r ,,," ,: -;;',_,._: r. ,,, ,. r ..- :, __„; ; . ; , ; ,_,: s r,;:r.rr,r: ; 7 ';' 7 :. 1. T - ,...,- - __;‘ , ..,. ~•-: ~q':., : •:-.,‘...- ; ,- ,, "•.7.- ` :•'4.'kt:,- , ,, . ,;.,-‘,,,..., : :r . ': '... -1 ',.:, •• ~ ".', i':; ~„ „ _ ..,---..„- , • ,-.. •_,_-: ,1, _•_.,,,,,-.-.'-•,.: :---, =,--.•,',. . • .- ', ...,...e.:•,.... •,-.., „.- ,:, .--,.-.-;..• ~ , ~- -: ..-,.. --', - ,..0 .. ,,- -,,.7. 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'-' 4 " .t i t ''' 4 '''' - ' ' ' '' - ' '-' '' ' . ' ' - ' \ - . i ' ;. - ' -.. . ~.. .';' *,.* ~.,;,..p: ,_; ~, 1: : ,i.:‘.. ' .:: , . ' ' * ''.-"J' . - .'"; ''-' ". ' ''-'' ' ' .. -1- tiogiwkii"re '..'s4tml - ~- 11 - iatti 511 II 41 '- , 1911.130 . -4 i • It, , 1i•-•,.r E or, ix.i -f;• -.7. t. <.' , -.. 1 .- •.. -.. - i s . --1- _,,,,,..f :14 4 ,,, k „,...,,,, 4 , , st . 4 . 41--L `: , 5 -: r‘ - 41, ' " : :' , -it : . itt4....:..0,_:- , .... , --7,- - , r.., .4-..i.:-„, , :-: , ),.. i f , ti -d-:, ..t. ul .-, - " . POA/Plttif.. - 41 i4ii t frit. , lii-:-' - -- \!. :‘ - ' -- P , r,) - 4'a.,14'1 4 .' '4' 114. 4 - Wi i .':'q -, i' -- Z !-s.;': 1.4-t, • 4 IT-'• ' ''P'r - ',' . :', - , --- - : 4:1 4-1 ' lopit.. Inn . it 101-for ---- -1 ' 01 , - --.:-". ,---- "" ." "...'..-,.'-....'''"' 4 '.-;. 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' .. 9°-- ,,::ll lr zt,f o rosl: l .,e , rd ,r6 i: : Tiitil_rt,74l7ii - eirts i " hoikit ni i :".: ivd it 11 - :7;frr. ..... , , , . , . " • . . i . • •i - --‘• ... 4 31. 7 . , : M. a ~ T . rAllk ,y_ itnno 41 , 1 ; 4 u; 16,00, --.., 4 '' - i-- r., , , i ii , - .1,;.:11 1 c 41-- - - r " - XIT - ; - - • , ..-• -- . 7 ' ', - ..,. . , ;:. , , 4' . ' ' - 0 '. . .r , ' : ,-, ‘,i 4,„- , -4 _ peoltilioticiejlitlsonVoiifipiiitio;•.P.ditrorial -' . - .• ' .-- 7 '-- '•- ' ' ''t-,:•:-....r.•;4-,-;;..i. , N- ` - '4 , ;, , :q• 3:44 et,',q,...1-,.1411 ,• • ' ~ _ 1,.--, , PI, -:' ,t•r t 1- , , „,.-1 1 ' -- - -.,,:' .' - ~,,„.„ ilk -,lti -,.,, .' '• - ~ --:, 'r . -.. 'i ' - (.• .i • '-; ' ' '' -- - - . ' or , Local NotteeeT 'ty Conte poillne,:f : 'i' , •. , ' 11., • t w it .•fifni.,..,.•.r_4,4i-,.:- 04-,;• 5 ....,7,,, - .,,, ~. „•,,,,,,-. „t-.,.„ 5.,.} ;!; 4 ;,-; iilow - 4 ; ;,.....,-;';-...(!;;..,"} I: ~,,ii,i,,,i , ~,i .1 ) ,} t r.,,,,, f; 7 ; ._, .. , . ;_ . , „. , ~; , .......,.. ; , :.. .. ; „..‘, , MIS ..-.,:..1....,-::.,-, -, -.-, .11.1.i:'9,'4 - -‘ 43 BE Tfq =EI 'VOL. Urn 7 - 77 X t e - C1,1,44.i.t ._r'; i'llz. , tkf.)k,lll . l4 '-' 11) t p!pl_,:ir4/9.,_,Y41; owv./Pitr4.44i.tki . . ME MiIIf , AVLNO purchased the Store lately occu ' Wii!jain \TOO/ 1 14 0 s 40 /1 34 0.7 * impplY . cue temp • vx - • PO'BK, HAMS, thIOULDFRS, WHIVE MACKEREL;' CODFISH; • FLotra > . CORN MEAL. BUCKWEIAT FLOUR FEED, AND ' 41 4 41..1a e, E.4,V1AA(1.000 , . . , 1 „ e 's4-'s,,A.. •AT- ~ - , let ~ - sl- , t 14 )3 . ) '. é 11 4'. •:' , i i..l ' 1,.1 ;'l,l '.;'l: j ; WI:IO,q4ALE , AND. -.RPMAIL, I 11.., LaSi laarzellregenliM Ph:RMERS -& ',OTHERS ,W , Will &milt to thalcadvantago to call anditiok at oar Stock befoul porobaping elsewhere.' TOWNSEND'S .OLD STAND, S . ERN' A , Vet).•,l;:e-r; 'alrA . `,`. we D, LANG% • • • - -•*1 - ,ftT RRUOrr,IMED-16.14t S, BOOKS' AND'STA.TIdIsTERY, PATENT MEDIOIN ES, l'orfuni cry , Alnoicid Instiumeniti and Musical Morehondirp 'ill all kinds, Finley G00,(14,91 all kiwis, tte, •- - 111ANSFIELD,IPAl'i,.f , n7 Physiol Ootolier 31,18613.-6 w. Q AV • YOUR GREENBAQ,KStI, -KJ f , -...' ~,, 4 ,4' ~., lAND CAL), OFTEN AT ast,l4,,,AmvilfachN, CHEAT: =.7 ,:):( 131,08SLIMIG. PA., - • ' • , .'?, Wlieroyq - u 0an.a174 .7 ys find the, beet aßdorted stock. of DOMESTIC • ADY: CLOTHING, Arannftretr iict 311. '..4"140 Gcho' ft' ithing ovocri,llT44 , In their merchant tailoring establisbment , they , defy competition haring tbe best tenon of New Yin k; city, and an ex erlenc'ed cutter, Mr. 11. P. Erwrin. I fe,b2lo6ly John W. GnernsoV, IA AND CO I DNSELOR AT LAW. etupioll.to this , C.imitty wjth t,iitovWf it residence, -solicits% public pntronage. All business en to his care wi l l' be attended to witl4 ees and Ralolity , . Office 2d door soula Burr's hotel. . Tiogn; Tiog&Oo.:;•Poi- 5 ; 26. '60.-tf. • j ATTORiN Making there trusted . prompt of E. S. sept.- MI GROCERY AND• RESTAURANT, - • is Owe 'dii . or'Jolt° the ISICat harket; W.EtiLSBORO, PENN RESP !WTI Ettax aIIIIOIIIICOR tothe trailing public that ho bag a desirable stock of Oro cers veva prittyast , , Tqtt, Molasses;=i3yriirs:g; gnd alVtlat C comititiitog a lirst class stock. Oysters in every style at all sea sonable hours. , ro, Jitn. 2, 18137—ti iVellBll .1) a nnoomo to , ll7riaizens of Wellebo lid /Intl:minding • elhintry,‘,l44,lia .11;51; on 'die etirnei'tifiWater'entt" t',r the purpose of thanufacturing nil WO 11.1 ru °pone() ti ton street kinds of lAING ANII COFFINS of all kinds furnished on !e. -All work done promptly and war .; ,4;,WaUslioro,,Enc42loBBll. tO l ordor. short not ranted. ND'' 'POWER LOOM. ■Z iPat9oo 1 885 -] - ramie Allt.4ro4toi,l ta . Atio. -intreduction of kaki' nia - chirftii.v > 'country t , ara iiivectigato the. nierita itscws AN t) 0 . 0 Al. wiWdo all , kindA, or • band metivitig,, care jortias,-MankaTai. pluiw , aloth; 6a v 't flannel, seamless sack, dopble- - ,wldt.lr r. an:4 , ,kind , of:: cotton, 'wool .orillax cads the treadle.% throort tho.shitttle, A7,T, p. prat ,rtiqueistea. IJ I:4l'D 1 'OW 100 It , w ill. t net,'lterse3 hicroliett4 cloth. Jets off' the the upper,. boats up tI king botto tondo, in RI wbb; and takeaup iconksa • liefrns the hatter' crimes torwardlind , htling.,a(ter •tliti cross is [ cloth and bettor solvoise -, than. - be v other,way.- • .., 4, ai • );,• l ade to order and , Cvarrnnted.•;.i Apply ,r) on -IVeitot-, Street, - "tooth . • • - I.isWYIS IV L'T*o .1, March 20, lfitl7-tf: Lows nj at ;the Fuettay,"' U t 1741 n 7, E . • ':;11'.1 88URZWCIIE „SOCIETY Is' 11 4 #4 3'-' ‘ ' 4 Y'ATE,S. j 'L'f 'rnsllo""*A i a t ge c - Wellt*ro, April ia=l( E, I LIFE FliD. Q Bo(Yit AND,„, c iIiQE" Sr s w ß i 1'2 1 %4 1 1 ,1 10 i HORN titi t ! (3 x i s i t t i S fls e , - 1" - C r w 11 0.1,8, preparel 1411111,01 orilors. in,t)l6 lino of r. • sto4ts. on tiot co, rind in a innnnor,surpooviiljy, wino- .14p• iriniT clot.e t protoptly Apr: - 24, 11367. vistp usic!l is no .1 to furnish g lopuble coat' (MUSIC: Ti - n g a Cornet nand • lin good blowing order-ond,proeitirea' od Mnsio on all oceolons fora tea: . 6 nEatinpc ni°l/104 1' ,811 9Pld't be,1 4 0.4*2.,t0 a Secretor Ts A: PAS§rITI - tiSr•ctn ) All ,entom the -teader,e, 17'dt. Aprit ;4:1: )lOU dcc CINWN-9 PRaWq 41pIESf deol Reinembertbo place; :JOHN SUHR; INET FURNITURE; G-31 YOuN • • • Akent'fiitz A .,. '4 ME BE t $ s) ----a-- era n ti taf . 4s rksesolt r - • • FQWEVS - un • OW - ttr tatit's 4 L.eac fdk , ale OA' Ytf 4 ^ m:Storor., : A 11 . 3 fS 9O ' $ I ' s° le s3°' 14 t ti.",-,, -.l' ,k; i IVIVilt..- Vi At - 414 - 4' . Po' it'ol, liitfo - 'pl'Oi l ifet;iiiii's- 3 '', , 01trix:13, ' , nt.. "tetiiiaticilil'ilbliancla-rlat OliArti i i .i; I i ii . ,",• i.. .1. i:),s ... rooorT',an : • ; r...; at Et I ,: "j 444211XX;141W11`1' C. 4. , r„ a} ~ `, WHOLESALS "ANIS.'IitETAIL DEADER it , lniall'Acinditot4i tiL --VROtRitiIISTROVISIONr' 9 ' 9 , - • _ P-z- 4 , 1 • ,•••••,• MB • ~ • •• ‘. 4 -4 s•Pi't= Wines,,ll6l4mirsilaini‘ t . , '" cigars.; . .. _ . - - - - 5 -.: , ....` , 1 Z,At ,- ,1 4 -, ,ii, t.;-_4;;; .1 A- 4.1 i id:?.. - ,d3...idzi. , . - :v t.,1J.:• ./,`,(,.,r cr3 , 4 ii.f, 'PORIG,I 4 T,PIr; : tiout#lo itattp4'e E4i* .v. O.Pg -, ~,, F k ....,, , ~ : t , , ~• ‘,:. :- „n „. . A..... ~.,, P ,x,.... i ,„,„! 0.,, , t , k .. e': •, ' DRIED 4, FRU TS, , .. s• :,.e,' i ,‘:1 :3 a{; ( Y : ;.:-: :s. • i'!l - .. , : i cifikii ..- .6. ' ItV,ilid iAl‘, - .1) ~ 1 . • - - . ~. .“ , t' t ' , BLEs, • , • . .. --,-,- 1:i. t ..., t- ,-. .‘ 4 -.• _il A ~. vi „1 'if woon-z& wi l Ltow wAItE, orris eo J • .2:1 $l.O T 9 o i litidiftiti *i it k:z . :lst.iii T.) CHILDREN'S CARRIAGES, OABS I 481 f t - PERAMBULA I S 4 ` TOYS, I TOYS &o Sico • I 04 , VA, ;1'.4 di: Vtif totttiiitnitizligolVde' , Of • .2; ; Partietilar f , st , tleutio4 .ptt4l,ts Fine , Groceries, Dealers nonConsanitTh wlll 13nd •-ii 'to • their in terest to e, ll xotoirte his stock before buying:. : ,: 'orti tltig '.,`"t7ADirith )27, ist 4. , •S' fiii4i...l.j . ty:" : !•':6 ,- 4iid - § - :,:TiM'Oli FEZ! T HE Subscriber. ; is -now,,remekying his t,• ' . • •-• „- „;. M=MI DEEM Merchandise, Among which W . iliiiVfo l u43,4oii t y .i 4C the roost popular Stiitis'Of •",- ' 4, ' , ; F • t t .7) IMMIEOO (1 la 041Tig SHAWLS, CLOAKINGS & SACKINGS, ut prieesililglitecloiiilitifiiittehtion. ;F. IL full lido-oe 'PRINTS, (II NGIIAM --BROWN 'f %Alit D BLEAP4 ' D,, e i4V§ I 4tNS):VOK/ NQ So tgOittd ' 3I I FI Ing ' ol , ING S ; 'TABLE TANENS, ti ( TA:I 3 t 1 1 4 .4 4Air EMT. n.O.wERED WINDOW y,r.T ,EntlltiSsEri 3 t PRI fiI7EAIILEI :A WE , PIANO SPREADS, 14 i 1 . _I I HOSIERY; GIJOYES;76''''" !CLOTITIAT,G' & T:' , 417;04Mq.. `PA 3 'PAR cfo;'l Where a perfect fit is iuttrahlktliiii'ko tl l - A sbaro,:of',the pubil L i , paliepage)Kipipaitirfuliy solicitod., THOMAS .lIAILDEN. 47611sbarr,; •`- aATE, - „ ~...,., , ,;(pa telited .-8 6 -1 , i,141 11 -1 866. ) ' i,...,4 P4*- i/St• elleariesr; most t, rid - most,. derahloYartn auto' teSer..lr. , Ft. i Any; faralerihn.iutilt sit with the uswitif. saw and„hatembei 'r/g1" 3d. It does not sag • tho-peete, Mid cannot be blownlopert ,or tltt.' IC iPtiotiNhfiu'ecea ,sth, ft:10 strour.mthan any, other gatdi'llniV* equally soa when: open ,or :stutt,isod, emin o t, blown epenlor shut, nor :does .:ths , , 'hardest' wind' itftoeVit .'r j On the ahovo,filaitns.and-esfiscidi/# il , l'e.eard to are sheftPstisti.llteability, and convenience, esesidpfst irmipetifie,m - I.ll,!ds,artiew gate and bus beenl 3 ut a short time before the public, but in?.all:.car bas 'taken the-preferenep -over all other-spice. t It e e tiiifjArtifiatnigkOtita7ol/11M2Slo $ 1,60, tind farniels lietii'ut even Tees ,hen thipriithc63cio.diat cost more thaifiThrorditiary pitie cif barn. - TOwnship rights for, sete - on terms iety pretf i ta. ble to tbe.punliors..., ; . t Farm, rights -Joit,sujit for Si3.o 0 omit 4 '11104 tin ti 'therm 4°lol l . /a figure so that none need "bb without them, hnly be "4l 6 i a ":4l/V,F a ßkPCl. b 4fltlgtkriiati.f.,..olosilitzd 'any other: . Atil'64 - 43 - wisbitteuttlfer'pttrachiltiltSivilijirtih%o ! address, - th - 13. , ,subserlbtritlt: aidetts't reelsly protnptitttention:4l'2,Addrfik(si . E , ' , -,lft t cat ).i-;! • • I .01-784t1C.IMIrAlAr Mq - .• 41 Pr r.... r f .:s t:;~;;;.s. fflrwi•-k; _e iDECOMINGA 3 446KceettIat t,th974iLnts of t h -ji j pcioplo of, t his and adjoining e„ounOga.,4var..., rant the -so ilbipi,-'1 aiixa,"idatrietiefla. 4 diebh • exPlea sii; "d*Q ~t)ll6.lSt'. niranaiAltet;', Ilim)41)41- :piopagatitifhhipe'Viiiii, PI ayiii4, ;ead,:i ll' Ones: of Groin' liouleiPliints.' 1 - "do v - Oml4.iiiiola link to the litailiAasa*Cl•n;oreirei foriiale;tNi`rpt a , Sri, 1 ., ing varie t ies " t ma r ,, •‘: 5 - i . L'''' ., : s. l . ' -:* GdiRA:VINER---Ioila; illen ; ;S:iiihrid', Israeila, he)iiware, .111irtfOrd Projine, a , F,f 4 fai?ikf.ithelletter2. k . n Odei OH h1 , i05,,,` `ni,li,feh x.. co s s _,,plp fi }, ! A t ; -oft , .4:,0iiii,t,ttc ! 1,1,4..:-,-,.. 4 : -/- -.-,. - .: _ - ~: -, ', ~, ,„ ~ 1 ItosVip-Vekni des li'aititill'4,:il.liii: , (gi.iil'Al,,,, put '!f 11$4,1iii#61i44ii-Isli,,,,Yiqt.§.=iymii.3..„ Ifetadiat S.ltironir"da, alapison, add Many . Rik% ei minifhliaik", Xliollhai i antVeliaal)itlif itibiep. IA (ding til I'll.lisaillaimon*7)Oft. %Kg o,elound, heliotropes Pansies, _Tibet6'4i "blikara:ria Pak adoTalla:Tp ! fienatiOna, .:Erarillia,. 'Aiitilaikoit:„. , "..kindeVarotact(l4,7rgos,:itreillijumr o `a kt:Va ctleo, rhiiiiiias di 'alt : aolOAT,e,,,Tuivk,patiiitoo,, Ivo fiat,- ka.-aip,',.:* 0100 Tartply.. . ~' „.:, i " flricinranit'Ve.4..nii:- 2 .13ar1t 41;:td.144Volwit 4:4/ 17 , ells. Cabbliges::—, Eool l intaigsfadt;'ox iiirt", - Largo :Toth tin - d:Suggr toaf, Draer's Late limn 'bead, liain' 3 Red - Druallietal and, Plat PRP(Jt!ert A trout and Ball'olcmpad_ToWero;l6eaqmprifrod calaiy; Round and ; hong E gg., . ?lants. Among many other varinticislbt Tomatiiiii,'Ticauld espe. iiilly. l eall.l atten.tio)i 40 ,th e; " Tilden". Torilatb,l4! ntirr..4tt *pica riety, very, Oriy..and 'llighly , rio9oneeded4y T allLkuperlanOod gardners and , 'sandmen. Bouquets of :s ehoiew,, it Ortmitor. ijak' All vjant t s ialaelystlelsOli4pop,p,npd l analearr ',lett, atiOidfattea ,with`,Saraty,i i„ ; -, •. t ,,,,,ii ~ ,-_, ' • rerVad 'a cordial I nv itation, . t.n . all fro -call AinsE ! sea tlo 40 7 141- ~.. .‘, - ,:.) in4V-X AIL! t. , , Taiva ad a; Pti.l 4 l,eith' 1 'ISQ7;• :4 La - 1 , 4 E 'II - • • •ctsVA y 41, „t. k. -14 ,-"APPY , ' , ""F° r A I N adooirigleattlol r,llFOlittLAt°fLeogliSicritc: q': v91 0 ,v-p.x.,),1 8 ri...11.r.i."; t 9-11 1 , ..;41"c 4 ? 47,4.11 , 4.4 t 43 4:Pf., 41.x./ 0 1ANS; tr - ic it urißir,ddts Bags S.t4*laah m p* i rgr. fak ettgarat _ . . LER ng aill .ireb c ataxia.°4t d t ch L. 01.40.0. calm Ed tal2).l.Fr vi3,011141r8j.1/21 ft ';',`;.k..*:'-:`r. - I.l":li,i,:iit'.`t ~~~,:~'f ~- .. MEM .;,1,, , .. , ..-z, - . 4: , j , •, f , !,.,4 rt.() t - ,~ . ~ .. OP , 5;3 tqJ 4 :s 4 4 - ' 1 trait 04itt 34:itcWri4P.#.1ri, - _ 11- • i.l.(463 , r6PzEiu'ic: l - 1 " You smooth the tangles from my hair A.nd eourit,itto years ere you shall mark 4 laredyinkAherthael t.,‘O hear;suo,ty, f f; dlrcraVjblri `so'na ;TT, '?/ /Voitielllo-" • .K's 1 4 , , I do ilot•sefru Oei p9Wer off 0 '.fin)e'l, Nor count on years oc.failelip, prime, . But no white gleams will'ever shine Among these heavy looks of mine; '" 1 " " - You'll think of thIS - itgain, some day, • Some day, ra:k.ti-i • ' Boma day I , I shall not feel, as now, FoursPft 11 ,P ( 1 4 L 11 L 1 ?!° 9• 1° .0t bi );. 13 ,'• '! f Ant draw the long braids through my hands; - . And you—you will notlinghlhato day 14i 7 •J i ni - Pi;: .0 0 , knoveli - owlonl'Aufloviit -1 1 . 4.,k*A Wheri/ou:phall weito - I:apast 2 1a4",/ittium • pely*f, tttielt fraiNngiloiikaAtrown ; .. L, d3ut you S,ee no touch of gray . _ :...o;osorne day,pltti • . tears hat " t r jE°I.A.tikeq3PIIINITYCji.I4I3rOt Mil)t,A It ;1* I t itiCiato4l tt ywoitd tieasureetrees;g: this again, some day; - fl fi Uf1 , 12 ki e at; ' 4 5 tll 11 t litS • ''•-• ;y - ~, A. tilltt' ATlttitia: til '.4 fl,":: ?',..:` , ; - ..1 Ih• 1-",.. 44 . 4-- k'fi.. c;'''.' . . ; 4 -, ',.'- • "' ,1 ;11: "Austin 1'!-said-my aunt; t!ltviish Yo xvould;go to - the station , and (itiebrilViss W,ynne.", , - . , ~, -1.- - iiiiiii44ll) fro* My book rather, dis-.', contentedly.'"' ) lt''_ivas.. Wilkie, Collint4„" "No Name,"juSe_miti'ailtti-11,i -, iiii i .deep . in the rianArtilsofbingipar,t,q e • i t e,..• l "Can'i'MiiieWylinte'' take ' the'''' on/ni ,„ tais-at..l the httitleif4,-,Tainitlei'llk•kL4_ ..4.#1 otherinieltal--T; I' ban'tleaVer'PEO'4olg_-*. dalen Banstone!here -, She' has just - gone ixttofktt at. the lOse:-.0 ,A?..” • AA , '3Let me go , aunt Sarahell--C , lt , watiio all tit"'t"'..adopted • , datighter'i - whqV.tai.OJ :494 natured - .3Attl'e-:Mink4fwe,pyeara ' i myvjunioi,.anil es sensible again:- ' , Atii34 ' 1 4: 1 -i*t's SO' fewll9,lidatpi . putt is lnewe'd Oplttlhat'sitlllifillateeio Much -.that :.it,seetns to bad, too.-4- 1 ] :, 2.:., : i : , _. ~ ' t' , " , ‘ 4 Nelly,- you're mt.:angel I" - erietli „ I' :lllMlltig up, "and I'm thereverse ! My ;heroine may goaulldiable,. arid -I'll go ;the stationand do the dutiftd;" te: tAttlit.% Saiiilt; and thels . olite - to - MiSS ;IY.;tiink.. ;134V 1 :Slialliitnovi.lbei , ; - thiritie';',Or z eliiilf I-collar-every. young-l-ladr $4,1 1 4.tr onit-'9 , : itTiittr,i/nd demand their nan2013.? P'::'',''',' I . ! - -Dicaisens,6;:AuStili, :You'll he surtilO' know Sher—she -is rather small, fair, with i blue . eyes , -and ~ : yellow ,cpxls. , A very pretty girl;'AUStiy:-",?' - ';' i '," - " '' .--.?, ' `','Take 'cafe; Of 'yetuf ' heart, , A nstin','-r ltlog'hed Nell,yr i rlopktnimpjfrom her iwork. ' '''''''--- • . `? 1 :f ' '-- . , ~ ._•1 , :. ,-, 'z„ 'liprN4JZ,___B2.lo4,l34 - 0 1 #. it lirrierriis:f . ,---'- • ~" ' '`-:-- 6 1 . Is 4 my PAR 6 .4,7V - erY: MUCK sidei i .ways,..and sauntered- off:: s , - ,- , ~ --- , -------: ..,..::_rt was a:delightful surnM r eixening,' . .tirrl's;;r" , )ll.,ell sa,leieUrellY illicVstopped :to chat so often-with alot'of: nice 'girls ,I-came across, that the - I,4ain was'stetitn.. - . ing into.thitilitaticiisßWlieff 41;glit' that far. . ~.. ~, - ~, ,•,; r • , ~,,. 1, t ' , ,,,,1: .',l i * '"lthtlier - tlitnall=--fair=Witli blue ,eyes *:1P 1- 7°W) . "' 1 1 . tf.:It"'.1'4 11 ' - .P!' .3 *‘s§oFt 'TP,O,cv , .IAfg,IY.L:iPPi,,, 9CYPIII49OA'ttiOJ danil, rekv,Lor,a,uueattill„ ~ -„,,1 flat ,•••:. ..1:: ..;:xfpi t:. , - , -, f/Vworiderrtil pretty iittielady - V,*1131 411 the alieVaiteirieelliti4teilied ,inner, bad - just stepped-on- the -platform; - and !stood there, irresahthtdSt. L U-' . ./."..) . I walked - up, , dropped my chapeau, itmOnadei.; a w s ,that few fellOyifi" of nineteen lea pould have,surpagsed, I Ontrer'ilvself. -- i "Misa•Wynte,t,l prestune;4 began: •I, *my - mostinsintatting tone. ~: ~,. .....,,,.• • *elgfillifit liejle.litteet 'tilagell iliii huei eyes fixed wistfully on my face. I "My tirtier_ is A n stint Peeripg, Miss Wynne, and'thave eonie to meet you." "' "Aunt Sarah's neplicw,'! ,in , pleased Surprise. "I am so - g,liitl: ' Will you be kind enough to see after my baggagei - Mr, pepying.? & tklV9lfir#, -Any..elleclM' i. Now, though Miss Wynne called aunt artih, "aunt Sarali,Aniilie 'was '• nothing , of the sort; but this Miss, Wynne had, kno.UM her for•arlong Airtte;-- an d , had promisted-this ,, viSit : ifoe the!" piuitiliree y e i v ih.-. i Iv H . : .; •:i :4 ,v :...,-,'• ~,, . 1 ..s,- , t ~:., • ~• , - Fteolt•her'elleekS;Airtil_ltUnted'Up the yoniig lady's :11dOngings - ' ),2 49'(_ _end:lot. trUnks' - ',U (I'd "`:- bon iiet-j4t„eil. - „ ;Th en ~J, Offered '' ber ''' 'MY - Rein ;--,, ;With,. sanotti e X ,killink.,! . .bow, and the, ,flpar little thing took it;-'l//lti l , iffir"wis 'itlr:ched,,,,togetixer_. i -Alis.§"Winiuitatked all-the way.- - She iv, as betterAtimits:WilklMetlltbs at 'his best; and I forgot all about Magdalen 4nd her tribulations;-, lotig before we reached thehouse'.;!-ll:coultitallerlcidiyl - rather , think; And' W/tA nOtatalthaShinl,, 4onsidering my nineteen, yearW'iin..m iikage,,O. t "4 7 )/ 4 . 1 4'.,.0040,"Ancr1, in,:ten,;*aiiititeki . ( . 11.11.'tengues were running -as ',it foe,t a = 1 Aunt_ Sarah 7 iinclA'ellyi t;wete , at the "fate waiting for u4 l -,: , = , and -MISS' liryiffie ' ew-into their arms;, and :the kisaltig lie: , gen': i I stood aulkily),alOr s pih,s;d:':::thliat my hands deeP`lfite - my'trewSeri' , ,p,eek, l' hin. 'ten e.iii.'s 0 1 40-01 P • W; bui tin • /tie/ I t -Of thing gives me, a, sense, of injury to • 7. 4/is day. And elfti Was/ so, pretty,-.t,oe---- so fiery pgetts , ,wthher',:,,ehgekti Bushed, atill 'ber yellow - curlsshining-among Nelly?s black , braids. -lAill.d!' not, :wait iiiifither „ .Minate—k-;felb..iin'ilove ~ r ight -there and then. ..„ , ,u g-, , ,:.,.: , ,:., .u.,:- C...... /.1 • I • .1 i Presently, the kissing was :over, and ' iss,Wy.nue was, z.borne i ofP.by. Auntie „..(lNally to taker otr , things: '' Ne. , :po3.- took the least notle&! - flif 'iiie,=:isf 'oo`iirSe.= It - ITrzettlellthltig; - - I. :'believe - :hot - ..-xo 'tAkPSiti4l94ool -14eiibl,bitatvei Erteriter ave made thenselvesuseful , slidtile 11 &td:tea , iiteciiO , Aotger kfe? I ' tired. , ,;„..,•„.. , -, •,, 1 1 g -had 't ,I t 00. 6. 1110 q4.olNarriePi iiTheiser-LI - had 1 'rown. it on the grass viten ylisttirb,ed, ORPJIO 4 I tei' . oi'vg",a cfrbdit 940' . :046 •.':, in - Mtikdateb: l l: l3l i( 4 •0 14: •Ac. , ti:4P4':”. •gaitellt 415ikten.iiii 4,tes..s.atd,Salntered i liltOlllBl3ittirlk-tiio ~3',Wria:waszleibti z aYA,Ol,_ 111),4,t,he,1Y, 4P Attlngtile.s 4 pp er .:, _jir*Vol4l.,/,%f .4m.KoiNt'as xiq t :ona else, .ir, ,::1 ~: < eiband tini dwelling ne longer, l kbilti -- 8 ) pzirelltS . or l'cliildeen. 'But“the' !iiienidie& 'lingering , 'around--the ' old' ...clock are,pleasaut•and too sacred. "'fo`ro it ,Vi b, allow.edte pass into', the, bahtlS .01 stra gere,'''NOW 'it .-. fittiod' Wherel'tbe 1 ityd Opens of the sons-reitiiporid it; i'ai ' .. ,the . kht of-each , . : Ainvi day ;dawns, and uiiku- it~i" tiek, tick'-tick,", RI the last _gonad in his - ears"- when - the' light liar faded into darkness and he is reminded that he is onepos -t nearer the end - of his Jeu rney. ' • - • ' ' Yee—it is the same old.; clock; issoei ated"with all the days or the past, its fingers steadily v ointingforward,'whila, It Is muxiting oft tile days of 'the chillr_ dreo, , as it - has =counted the - days of the . parents. s 'lttit;•whdri-its voice shall be *e Will :believe that the happy 'group of the' early 'thine wfil l ' all ba `gathered-hi the better and - thebeaven l 11y.—:Oongreciationatiat: A r~,1(~ ' e" Hklllu u tfOD.~ ` ' = -4 • ,.' i: ', " - .--+ 4. 77 Z. . : . - '' tTulPin mentions' a. paikter ' who be ,lieved that hit •the 'bones of his body - werneo soft andflexible that they might :easily be , cruShed•tcigether,- - .:Or • folded •Withit optianother; like pieeesrof Oa- • tie wai ;-. A - Lusitanian doctor had. a 13titieiit 'who insisted that he was 'per petually frozen; and ' would sit before a, grOnt fire even in dog ':days. 'The_"doe tor maple him ii: dress of rough • sheep skins,' Saturated - With aequa Nit.%yand set him oni nits: , He then 'said' he;, was quitniwarni, rather': 'too much eo' and - wag cured. , Galen inn d• Av inenta , in ake . Mention of -_ peeplo 'Who 'halm -fancied themselVeS earthen 'pots,' and therefore hai:e' carefully hvbided 'being touched,' for-fetn• they sholild -be:Timken. - Then thetela Iliet-ca.se 'Of- - th a -- insane Watch-. ' - maker: mentioned ' by '' Pipe}, ,;who in= • Sisted that he '.bad been- guilletined tend -.another • head ' had- afterward, by mistake, been - pia on his shoidders, in- • stead;of his oWn. `` - Loot;•at•these teeth,: he' would say'; "Mine were 'extremely handsomeHthese are - deehyed. '- MT _ mouth - was-sound:and healthy—thiS is • , foul. • • HoOrditibrent is the hale' from ,---" the my:own head.' :'Mr. Hashim, in , hisvO i k On -insanity, Mentions a case I of one whorinaisted he-10 no mouth, and when coin pelled byforce to swallow, declared a WbUnd had-been Made in his throati • through , • , Which the food had been •introduced.t , 'Hertyentuo COW, the celebrated - Florentine - artist, in: - his life:;,saya that the G-6einoref the-v.4de I, i n, in which the former tAi confined 'had hipeflodie.al disorder o itils.sort ; every year'hehad Some different - whim'. One time ha conceiveshimself changed into apitcher of oil ;:-at another be 'thotight lintiacif a - frog; and began to• leap as such;--hhother time again, he imagined Was dead; and itwas found necessa ry to:tanner , his conceit •by Making. a • sfi"titv- of bilryilig kiwi: 1 - - - - ' '': •"--• '• ?At length' lid thought : l:di:l3B6lf a' bat, and when he Went' to take, a' Walk he sometimes made , just such' a !noise as bath do'; lle ilk ovi§e'ttaed gestures with his hands and body, - 11.9 if he were going to fly% Noses have :been= known to be., particularly troublesome. to - hynoehona driaes. pile man fancied' hiss nose, was . of a'ludierous length - arid - consequently kept , briejting Was his friends'approaCh ' ed-to lifild , h • parley .ivith-hini, feeling • that he idlould put their eyes out. : It' is said that frequently this same deluded possessor` of to long - nose might - -have been seen going along the street;tguid- • ing his nose with his hand,- to, keep -it from breaking. the, shop •windews. 'A_ ' young Man . had -a !strong , inungiltatiot) that he , wits' dead, and earnestly Begged his friends to bury ?phitn. 'They,con sented by the advice "fir, the :oy-titian - He whglaid on 11 bierkand beingehirie 1 .on the shouldei•s of men to the church! , , when some pleasant fellol ; up to the' business. - met the pro'cessi n _and- in-t--,- guired'Who it was. They anawOred-:•' _ f And a very good job it ; te s _.4ilkid :•ielie - of them ; ''for the. workletsi; *I. Pr . hf of .. very a it& character; WlildkW. .., .W - - - offa", 3 ' must have had in due' , eolt:;,— - The young man, ntn`ile;lyiiii: dead, hearing Wis.,- phppe p ',his head and said they might • ashamed og them ,selveS -in tlijg• reducing 'his fair fame, ani.1..1-f-N - 'were' alive he would thrash . Al - i - em for their insolence. 'But they 'continued to utter the most. disgradeful languago.--,His•excited temper could no longer - ,betir it. lip he jumps • they, ran, he, after thein ' until he fell' !dovtn quite exhausted. - He was put in bed; - the violimt exertion lie had gone through promote i d perspiration and he got well. FIRM.I.I,AtIZOINE NEVER.'TO OWE A bkwr.--1t is the fundamental- mistake of most boys to- stippose, ;that they can get rich faster on money earned by oth ers• than that •earned , respectively by themselves. If every youth of - 18 to 25 years to 7 day mere offered $lO,OOO for ten years at seven per cent,.interest, tivo thirds Of them would eagerly accept it; whenthe probable consequence .is that hree-fourths' of them would , T die• bank rupts and paupers: Boys do not need money half so -much as, they need to knoW how to earn rand save it. The • boy who at the clOse of his first year of indepensleuee, has. earned,.,and -saved, one, innildred dollars and invested or loaned it•where it Will, pay. him six or seven; pqr .cent. war< certainly become ripli if. lives ;•while he who closes ins first year of responsibility in -debt, - will probably live and- die.•,m debt.— There is no., greater.; Mistake ,by• our. AnYekicaii TOuth..thain that of paying interest rather than:•receive. • Interest devours us while we sleep ; it absorbs ohr,profits and aggravates .our losses.-- LetayOung man at tvVenty-five have $l,OOO loaned- on -bond` and mortgage, or invested mliuhlic Securities, and :he will rarely want money thereafter; in fact, - ,that $l,OOO, invested at seven- per cent. will of itself make him rich be fore he is sixty. There is no rule more important- or Whblesortio, for our boys than fthat which teaches them• to go through ,life receiving ,interest rather thanpaYing it. Of the. torments which mortatspheire,,the first rank is lield,hy Crime, thOecond borate, Greeley. • •; • 'AND HER .liamatiaßTEn. traveling agent stopped _at a tavern, in• New Jersey while op a, tramp. s_ The landlady was :u widow, the 'mother of three u n comb:tinily : Plain daughters, Who 'tOok. a (al:l6y to. the agent , WliilOat dinner. one day he was re .citiestedlay the,WidoiVto carve the meat 'and•servelt,4l to ,the company at the,. '-' ••: • • ' - , • : " ; My dear inadani," said he,, really yo - u inust,..ekeits •e+ hie; tOr, I, do not„ un dekstand ',earring,;tun ti - eu,ste•aped, to being,SerVed, not doing 4ervic.P • - . :Not understand earvi7ag,ikleati— Meicy on us," - ejadulated r , the ,_lady., , a. woman , must, your. Mother' have:beeti?. must; • yoU to . sure.. .WhAP, if. you, vas'to coatel6, i lne and. Say, Widow. -;pity wife ?, 1 would 'say ; ,t.o ;. you can't till .you ie.ain, hop 1.1 ; carve "; .. ;k 1 ; Clive 'you ri:elf 116,.niieasinet.s, - - don't Want either Of them.'They look too much like their mother." - said he left ffiV)liiiise in a huryy, a 11(1 '