TRYT4. wo4cioD. • BY JOHN ci. SAXE List ton tale wcll woTth tbo ear • Of nII Who wit anclieiatio adreire,-/- Invented.:2-it is soli • - saroo ages prior t 6 Matthew-P:10r. Sahel:toad and Truth 4 '43' allutep Otto dal?* suiierS 440 . us r WeatteF;,, CTITSS ip s 4114444, ,44 sistare: to , walk together: ..v1 • 1.: itn • • i - On, on eels. , merry Way, they took, ti - - Through Ikagiaiii wood and verdant meadow, To wherck a batch' beside a briiek lu~ltq~seet bgnesth _ i hadoa..:. • When;s ttia g in the pleasant shade Ltpon the m a rgin's' grassy, matting, - - . / • (A +retie, etiation readYmido) • '',••• The young cotaptttalotiti fell to abetting. Norr while the voluble dineotirsp: . On this:and that their tongues were running, As 'habit hide owl speaks,' perforce, the one in -frank; the other, cunning.' - Falsehood, at length, impatient grpwn With,icandele !tf hei7oyvn creation, : t, Said,. Since we tWo arc qUite alone, .•• •' 7 And nicely screened from oliservatietn— . . . , "Sulips's° in ibis delightful rill, While all around is so propitious, We take h I Wine— ' A bath, rm . suro, will bo delicious I" At this, her rolya.she east aside,' -• ' Aid in am stream that ran before het • Sho l plunged-- . lihe Ocean's happy bride As naked as her mother bore her I • Falsehood at leisure now undressed,' • Put off the robe.vherlimbs tlipt hamper, • And having donned truth's snotty vest, Ban off ae fast as she could scamper! Since ifien'the subtle maid, in sooth,, Export in lies and shrewd evasions, Has borne the honest name Of Truth, • And wears hOialothes on all occasions, While Truth, disdaining to appear In Falsehood's pettipoat and boddiee„ Still bravoiiall . isYes frbui yealwyear, As naked as a nusrble goddess! and How Made El!!! Steel is a variety of iron occupying position between wrought iron and 'Oast iron, having less- of carbon than east . iron.and more than wrought iron. Pure thalleable, or wrougbtiron, theoretically contains no carbon, but probably few ' specimens exist without containing some. Cast iron has fou or five per , cent, and - steel only fro one-half to one and a half' per cent. , As the pro f portion of carbon in stee 'increases so it becomes hard and brittle and increases N . in fusibility , as cast iron ~ but with di • minishing proportions of carbon it as sumes more and :more of the softness, malleability, and toughness of wrought iron. • Steel of the former character are called ."high" steels, and of the other "low" or "mild" steel. Steel is made . in Gerrriany direct from pig iron which contains four or five per cent of . carbon. By furnace manipulation aortion of this oarben is driven out and the pro ' duct is . German steel. • This is. not a pure,teteel and is generally .incapable of beingshardened and tempered. - The usual method of producing steel is ' by cementation or conversion ' bars of wrought iron being used. A. furnace . df suitable form contains boxes made of fire brick in which the bars of iron' are • packed in layers covered with charcoal powder., The bars do not toucheigila other, bzt each is enveloped with the •charcoal. - .When-filled the potaare coy ' eredsand cemented air tight. Heat is then applied by the proper furnace, and grates and the fire gradually increased in intensity for several days. A. test bar Is introduced at the beginning and is occasionally withdraWn to determine , the progress of the process. When the process is completed, the bars, if broken, will be found to have changed their fi brous for a crystalline structure. The surface of tha ham la onvciad with_ blisters as though 1111:1111393 of the Iron bad been raised by the expansion. of a gas under them, •from this it gets. the name of blistered steel. For some pur poses this steel is useful, but it .is unfit to be worked into tools for cutting wood or metals.' . The next process is flie tilting. The bars are cut into convenient length, pit ed together and heated in a furnace to a weld and placed under a trip hammer which welds the pieces together and , - draws them out into a bar. This pro cess improves the quality of the steel and fits it for some - purposes : but there ___--: - Ta another method of treating the blist ered steel ; that is to melt the steel in air-tight crucibles and east. it. The in - gots'are then . re-heated, - and • hammer ing and rolling is very important. In - fact, after the co elusion of the manu facture in the w rking of the steel bars - to form them into tools, good forgers al ways expect to refine and improve the steel by judicious heating and. hammer -= ing. . . . at makes the great difference be twee steel and wrought or cast iron is - . ..5ti1l puzzle to mechanics and Bolen title en. The Main differendeappears tj) be in the varying proportions of car bon hich each contains, and in the different chemical condition, in which. it exists) yet the - amount in those speci mens whieh contain the. most is so small that it is difficult to account for its so entirely changing the metal: It is not yet fully settled that iron and carbon isi chemically united in the best of steel, While it is certain that it is not so uni • ted iii — cast iron but that the union is a merely mechanical one. Thereis much yet to be learned 'about iron and steel before we arrive at the real facts.— Scientific American. '. • .. . . ILtatallY EXPLANATIONS TO ST. PETER. E. D. Illansfieldi in an article published by the Central Herald, _on the religion of public men, tells an. an ecdote respecting t the late - Governor Corwin : - i ; : ' "Corwin, I should like to know, if you have no objections, what are your religious views?" "Certainly, " said he, "I believe in the doctrine of what is called the orthodox churches. , I have no objection Ito them. I was • broughtup a Baptist, and so' far as they shave peculiar views, I am a - Baptist.— i e.° • But , B—, th re is one 'thin in which your church are wrong. You say too much 4nd do• little. Some o your members whe they go to the gate of heaven, and 9,sk St. Peter to let them in, will have to make a good many ex planatiops. • Now there are two mem bers of yOur church that will illustrate what I mean. There is old L—. He lain good standing; and orthodox; but .T..s--• lends money at twelve per cent. interest. Now, when L— goes to the 'gate of heaven, and St.. Peter &do who he is, and he says l,—,-; you may rde pend he will have _to m e agood many explanations. -I don't ay he won't be let In q .but'he will ha td, explain.— -- Now there; is anethe man in your chutth—you'know him Judge o—. The other day I saw - his team. in town with a good load of wood. Several per ' sods came around to buyit. ;No,' said the driver, 'it Is engaged.' A little while after, as I was going down street, ‘A at widow 'W's house I saw 'the same team unloading the wood. I thought `Tit strange, for - widow W.. is poor, and' • woo d .is high. So I etepped -in. and said, "Mrs. AV • how much do for wood ?' , ' 0 i Mr. 'Corwin, L donet pay anything for wood,- I can't -- affold to buy It. Jud e C. sent this *odd ; • and, whenever I am out of Wood, some how he sends me a load, anctsometlmea he sends a sack of flour.' Now, S r ." -- when C. goes up to the gate of beaveitlt - It will fly wide open. ' if.t.' P eter , wants -no explanations VI • •.. • • . _ _ Books Bite friendii, i3hduld be f ew and well chosen. Like friends too, 43 : should return to them again—} or; like tru e friends; they will het er fail us nov ,„ er cease to Iniltruct, neler cloy. .1, - - R ti ti ttitig AUL 43,19 e , beg leave to call the., qttemlon of the pub tie an entirely now quality of Wire known as White Wire, pessesking a coating which prevents it from ever corroding or turning from itt uniform whiteness during any number .01„ ,years, and on which Letters Patent bap %den Vaoared. ' It has hien felted to be the only. trrtiole suitable Mot clothes except the: old-fashioned rope or, cord. which alwayti 'giveit - 546"tamsh iroublite antioyanes by breaking, rotting ou‘srut - disool ',Oleg clothes, and by being obliged to put it up and take it down every time used. With thitl Wire. Olothes Line you have mine of these annoy inapt, and when it is once put up it gives you no more trouble until the stakoo,or posts rot down to which it is attached. After using it we are con. 7 lidera you will fully, corroborate the statements at thousands of others in its praise. Over 800,- 000 lines already sold; md every -family - A . ook and will have:ono4, It Will 'Jot change, yeti may keep - it undtrArater for any length of time; hence, you see, it cannot discolor clothes like a rope or cord. Bite of Wire, No, 9. =I I' r ,Six Reasons why every family ehotati Live one of these Patent- White -Wire clothes -• v...• .11_ Zines let Yo u never have:to take it in no matter ivitat the weathet may be; the weather cannot affeet it. • ' .2d. It will last from twenty-five to fifty years at least, and during that time you will wear out fifty ; ordinary lines, besideti -euffering aq untold Amount of *Onbleltnd ititsoi!ln4 ~ 1191 Wein, ; , 3d. It is the cboapest L ine - in the world, to Say - nothing of it great convenience. A good rope line costs about 2 cents per foot, and this only 4i cents. This will last a -life tin y% ,while that with good"Vire will test abetif a year. This Wire, at 25 cents per foot, would be cheaper than a rope line. 4th. You cannot load it heavy enough with clothes, and the wind never blows strong ono gh tb break it. - f ' '''' • 2 sth. It does not in any way discolor or i clothes that are hung upon it. 6th. It will save its price in saving you tro and annoyance every three, zuoptho you oiya • , .. The Wire in annealed before coating w m i kes- It vary soft and tough. It can neve' broken in the uno for whtoh it is intended. Price four and a half cents per foot. U . amount for a good line, 15 to 100 feet. Clothe.; aro fastened to it with tbo ,Qom clothes pin ; ••! r . 'ROM IRE PRESS. The following editorial notice from they bane, Independent arid Christian Advocate among the many newspaper testimonials we have received, but space will not allow a introduce more hero:, t , . : :if,), T I t o American' White Wire Clothes-lino,, sup tier article in its way.. It does not; in; clothhhhhhes, es, and is almost indeitittotahlo: 'R i f housewife should• use it. : -Weir& now using I N.Y. Tribune. The Patent White Wire .Clotlies-Rne, is-, purports to bo=a rooskinditiponSable article does not injure the clothes, and never wears Evety house wiliulcunately have . - rt.—N:` 1 dependent. • Tun WRITE WIRE CLOT 'S LINEe•--nDIOD the special annoyances of the I oohing day are i obe reckoned high. up. the,list the ill adaptatt rt of clothes lines. ?.The old ;cord oil lopto-tuie One much' good service; but what with its brea ing; rotting out, discoloring the clothes, and th an noyance of putting up , and taking down ach week is not quite a perfect'. article, .A sebs to is now offered in the ". P . a:teni WhiteWir4ol thee Line," for sale by t h e American With Com dy s , 149 Broadway. The peonlidriii , of Ibis wi o is in-its coating, which, it is said, never boo nies broken: We have seen it used, and find th tit gives entire satisfaction.—N. Y. Christiandna cafe. . 11. ,',,12. ,VISEI Age s Tioga, Penuta.. geb. 27, 1867-tf. Stoves 4r, Tin Wit FOR THE' 141HattON. • • D' ',"-- • - -• SUB ; F 416 1 4 s "' - . ,' '. • I OPPOITH 1{.4Y13 - 131:111DING • • I I . . , liO v .. _ s now prepared t 6 furnish the Pubith anything in his line 4f business, in quantity as large, in quality; as good, and as cheap in T ricei as any dealers in Northern Ponnsylyania. . :. .1 ~ 1 {at, c,-. 4 't, I,t : . lie pays particular atteution'to i the 1 STOVE AND i TIN WARE IBUSIN and intend to keep a full anortment °revery indent line. TIN WARE MADE TO ORDE promptly, and warranted to give eatiefaotio REPAIRING executed fib tlitOtiliquguityer 4M12 tlditt CALL AND BEE ME. Wellaborongh, March 7,_18513. Hartman's Safety Bridle and L I (Patonted Novomber 7,1865.) • .;..' : ,•-t1 A MOST 'valuable article for all who del jik. sea. See " Agriculturist" for March Recommended by' Wilkes; of- ho 4041 Times; Bonner, of the btesr 2 York- -Lidg tunny other celebrated horsemen. Thu subscriber owns the patent for Tiop quebanna and Bradford counties. Intlivid township rights for solo, on faiorable terms Earn* Makers who Arh to mak@ tk@lj their custornerit whit bhy individual tighl be dealt with liberally. i Sy a alight alteration, the safety lines m attichcd to almost any bridle. At persons tire cautioned against making or usi g the` ridlo or lines, in the counties aforesaid, Ni tit authority from the undersigned. t t i ellsboto, Sept. b + lB6B—t a f T II aiM l °ll. _ .. HARKNESS & RILEY, BOOLAND ,SJIDE - MAK_ Vi OVER 116 OR Iff NO'S, BOOR ' BTO BOOTS AND SHOES of all kinds m J.) order and in the best manner. REPAIRING of all kinds done prom good. Give us a call. RAU! 'WAV RtLET. *ollsboro,Jan. 2,1867-Iy. GARDEN SEEDS At Young's Book S FLOWER SEEDS , isAt ioring'‘'Book ORDEtT SEEDS • • At Young's Book S BLOWER SEEDS At Younies . Book S GARDEN SEEDS AND FLOWER , SE - •• At-Yoting'e Book'S Wellisboro,'Aprill.o,lBo7—tf. TM largest assortment of Watches, Jewelry and Plated Ware in Tioic at (t9dee66) . IroLp TILATIVIWAItt—ifike eta, otitorl,lssigar 4oVe, eta:, at • FOlrr II- . ',WE ARE 30Te NOW RE,9NY.INf?, v FRESH STOCK OF GOODS • ri and aro prepared to supply the wants o( the people in - E=l r. Trl aro blob 5 to , 4 a ijure very I out In = SS, =3 I tab. D. P. ROGER f://11 t e hor -18136. lof the ; , and Sue al oir I , elfin' ay by al ITO BM EIS I= •re. , DS .re. lolls, oanty, i• PO. ►~, ; ~... ; •f lIMIM IN COR'IVI,N-G, AT THE PEOPL.WSTORE:i Adapted to ;ie..' SPRING TRADE. ..1 I , .71. NORTHERN • PENNSYLVANIA • ''! l A ; t.-41 . , I. • vt A . El Di!tY GOODS.' R LONd EXPERIENCE has taught us that 00 P • t t.s rtx • give the boat satisfaction, and thosJ accustomed to patronize us know thatte KEEP THE BEST GdOES. EIEZ MBE that are to be found In this section, and those• who are not our patrons are the losers quite as much as we are. We keep as usual a LARGE STOCK OF CLOTHS . to 001 l by #io yard Of: MADE UP TO ORDER AND WAR RANTED TO FIT. r l it f 1; • Qpli 1'i)t . .91 WILL ; 11E' 'FLILL S • gad all `Goods sold by us 1 Warratited, to give Satifiketion, • AND Sold as Low ap,Aapy ; pth4 s or. liabment. Mind that: WO invite an examination of our Stock and Prices, pledging ourselves to . 1 SHOW GOODS FREELY AND TAKE NO OFFENCE ME r, • " •f , wkien :no sale is made. - . = • I sN, SMITH & Cloning, 11... Y., Apr. 10, 1807, ; 3 .- _NFW AllnAgGE,Mtb_JT-1-- •:'''-:',' ._ :1 ,:g: ,- -- , C.l; : , :g 41 i• e `,.' ;'s Wilson tt ,Van Valkenburg, I Have established themselves at , ,i' 1i ; ,-; •": ii .l ,tt,4, i'A . ; ' i ,i NO. 2, UNION BLOCK, lately occupied by F. D. BunnelL The7,are,zioa , recelyin a laTa at.ook of i-..e,_ .: SPRING ..::.`, PRY -QQQI),K, snob Cloths, Cassireerfs, ,Vestiup, Cloths,l la4atiai*ariefrldfi Ladies' Dress Goods. GROCERIES, :',,,, f 1-11' i', j ' - ) 1 lli . ; ] MERCHANT TAILORING AND virit*Ogjisi,,q ,gopbp. ' oo•IJ . •> .i ", DON'T FORGET THE PLACE To buy cheep, and a choice lot of s . yi • . ••:•,-.;,, • 4 SPRINSPRING„ GOODS:: G GOOD S: -, .:44.. .ii 'ii . til We ere Agents for Singer's. Sewing Machine*, the hest and cheapest jifeehine for fAnlity: nee less liable to get ont of repair, and more closable tban - atiy other, adapted to One or coarse sewing. Call and see them. 1 The Senior partner has had a large experience in Merchant Tailoring. and it is the intention of the nest Sim tq put this hrancb,of their himiness bilymtd successful competition. - Mil I= t" , ~,: =EI - MEI ~ ~ i S o ~.... .., :~:ti 11! =I ,~ T 111 j, - .r 'i J %;:, =I MEM .VENTEE'Vrj LAWRENCT.IVILLE, ' a a C : S MATII . . :Would announce to the gook 'of Vega • County that they have bet r t itureed from New "rink with thelrincANll eqc. „cif ;.; , . FAT. : ' 7 400I3;", gmbnwiug alfthe iktielties a *elk •as the deb- Otittale requhled. • iv . t• DRESS GOODS:in '• cad ,t) ride -STAPLE &FANCY GOODS, ItOOP SK RTS, 82,13Fi1i iFRENOS wovAion. , csti , ANL; qio. l SIERY; YANKEE NO ' TIONS, &c.;4.&c. FV.TT .4- , Amur, CONY,, -aita 'Cieriata Squir ts ' ~...,;, _ Thy la{geat 6 CLOTHS & CASSIME READY 'MADE CLOTHING made intended by first ct Prizater:2l to suit pit -GBOCERIE • Our goods UV° kaantbo panto in New York and Ptheat.l4 Pricei are down, - mono other store cart ar,darq co ity and price. Torlurtherl store of . • • 0. :1 Lawieniaville, Dec. 19, , WRIGHT & .a,=~.., •}~. WV. commence this y . CASH- business...; CASH PAID ' CASH PAID'. CABII PAID CABILFOR'g A LARGE STOCK CA' • £ LARGE STOO CA' •A • LARGE , STODI OA • Call and seo us. Wellaboro, Jan. 9, A 8 All persons indebted Tin-Ware, Brittiaia;,aad :beet ' ware; he has, at a great outlay', stacked , this store' on FS MAIN SrRE WiLLSBORO; with 'a complete auor of -Which wo enumera • ' t'A ' 4 1 1 NAILS; BPIIPS' MILLS' un . A AID BUTTS, S . OARPEN; PUM -.. A BITT-STOOKS, SHOVELS; BENO WOOD SCREWS BURRS, SK PIPE B THE SPRING'S, HORSR SHOES, HOOP; BAR, & BARD IRGN,,GRINDSTONE HANGINGS, CORN. , , POPPNRS, LEM SAUSAGE dettEßS':A.b,ll? STUFFERS - COMEINED , _AbIo, PISTOLS, ; PISTOt PARTRIDGES, ," , OAPS: - IMI PATENT BARNDOOR.HANGINGS ;r, it, r a new thing, arid nude, for nee. These are but 'a few of The matt; aitieles, composing our Stook Of Hardware. • ._ • - t • Wo liirlte . thiPtitbilo to call and exarsdne fpr themselves. ..We aim to keep the beat quality of goods is outline; !and all work to order' done promptly and 5341/11,1441lt,P,OpElt2iEfe,:i Wellitboro, pppt. ,1868—tf. 1 FALL BILOOS4 C0A,14..44he undersigned 1 having make nirangements to furnish Coal b3rthe TON'ot CAR LOAD, tioafse or fine, solle-' itsthe patronage of the public. ALSO—hi eonsdanily on hand;ri' large stools of CAIgtIAGB• DOLTS, Ao:, at wholesale and Watt' ' "Sr. BLA;ORBMITHINW , of all kinds done in the bast manner". • = 13.1(14 G Tiogn, Leo. 1, 18fie-tf. ‘• :.; • nrisros. - at , v , W.RBB'S DRUG 'STORE: T IVO AND T • BR ' OD . PHD. ' FR BAD. DOWN.—Thosn wso wish to seintre4 ilopy of this 9xcelleht work' oari do so at Ms office soon. . ' • August 29,r888. TOB-WORK; THt BEST mad ti ' with desiiratoh,t(t THE .401piT(M. ()Mae. pok of , ES in he county, OTHING; did o order super ihoilcmen. •-• &i, SHr 8 ti.n..eit& T , ka 8c k A 13,6 in . e zstes, i, &C., &O. tghiAurftii , t 3 last ill be sold at panic •.: , •- ; ,',-. I. ; -ss• .oly, broken up..'llii petevith us in.qual !parfr '‘eialara call at the . M TMP,R ; , fi op, ~ 866 BAILEY. 1867 : .1 3 =NI .ar with an exohnively • ; R OR OATS IL OR, CORN EitYTA.ING I -1 OF FLOUR " POR hi . h', OF ItEp H 1 OF, PORK FOR H 1 4E, BAILEY o us by note . or book went of Shelf Hardware, e Hie follewag articles': OROWBARS, S. CUT, It BUCK SAWS, I RAP HINGES, ~; .? r S, AXES, it GOERS, ITTS, 111 ATMETS; CHISELS, :PAVES, FORKS,' : -SCREWS, •' • . CARRIAGE BOLTS, INS, WASHERS, XES," AXLE• S, ELLIP TIC- , ~ LEE 11 , , =II MENEM IQ~li'~'''~,tii~E~S :. il i lV'~l' i iV~:~P"''`PltYL''L~? : ‘ s 1 . 1)P , 11 . " 1 —r• AT, T , ; - tt•a;=;WI,CKNIALR'O,, 'k- TIOGA, PA. .J ~~ ~ y , r 2 Y, BSI AM' AVING just returned from Now York with Now and carefully selected , /.•i 1 "61 O r Ebbit '‘ Ot ' ijObt l s ;" • - All those in want of Goods wtll find it to their interest to call and EXAMINE OUR STOORHcf, =I , - ,rid,leath 'Prices beToriibu'ying eisewhere. Rept constintly op hand, a chafe° lot - of . PRIED FRUIT, GROCERIES, FLOUR, , •, ,5r7“4,?: 7 , PORK,' .40:, MEE Ali tho . aboio Goods aro bought at the loWiSt; Cash,Ptioes and will bo sold ~" ONLY F01,CA.511,04. READY : .0 • • • a . , Don't forgot the place, at the — old ° stand or VAR, NAME & WICKHAM. i Tioga, Pa., Feb. 20, 1867—tf. ,9, G - PATENT PLATE PIANOS* niainifietured by DECKER BROS., CIIICKERING & SON'S PIANOS, ITAINES BRO'S PIANOS, MASON A HA-MLIN'S CABINET ORGANS, and Treat, Linsley, & co's Molodoonss Orders rpflui" dealers and Toaciiers' eopocially aollettoC, Address, L. B. ,P4DIVELL, Jnly - 20: 116 Ponna Avenue, Soranton,-Pa: To the Piihtie ; s of ikelleboro AND SURROUNDING COUNTRY N. ASHER', MAKES Allis . method of notifying the pooplo that the Sketch of • SPRING CLOTHING is on hand, - and 'oars it !Wei than 'heroic The Store is well stocked with the most faob ionable , , , COATS, PANTS AND VESTS, .olso,a large assortmolit of GENT'S FURNISHING GOGOS, ' . consisting of WHITE AND CASSIMERE SHIRTS COLT4ARS, - , -NECKTIES, SIIS-_ PENDERS, SOCKS, 'and a good largo lot of the most fasl4onal?le P. ;4 ;:"•:;:, A ever brovg,ht to46hismarket. Also '4• TRUNKS, BAGS, AND UMBRELLAS, . • which you can buy lost for cash, at the - Cheap glething Store of N. ASHER, under the Astieu. for' Office. ' ' - ' Wellsboro, April 10, 1867. DI. BULLARD lc GOLDSZITH, GROCERY & RESTAURANT Ono door above RertDrag , SOrei WELLSBORQ,-PA ;:Wo.tako pleasure in announoing to the publio that we commence the New Year with enlarged facilities for accommodating customers with the °hottest steak' of '; -1 • t • • ; GROCERIES, Y4NKEE NOTIONS, WOOD d WILLOW WARE, • yet offered to this public. IMIS Housekcepprs, can find Ire BEST SUGARS, SPICES, CHERRIES, • (Stined,) PRUNES, BOX RAISINS, CITRON, SEEDLESS RAISINS, .COOKING CURRANTS, PICKLES,. SAUCES, CANNED FRUITS; .1 and the finest Oeunt Oysters, lr ,Oanned Oysters right from the , • , pA.LTIkt:o . • on sale ,at:butbponnter.' t i.' —THE HUNGRY & DISOQNSILOI2'E ' our RESTAURANT open at all sea shourii;'*here Oysters in - ovary atyl9, pre= pared 43 , a skillful cook, are served up to delight the palate and gladden the heart. ' WE AI*,TO,;_PLEAS,I Always glad to aeo our frlendS, lukeause we in tend to give them their money's worth, and if they call once they will be sure to call again. MASSBNA BULLARD, O. H. GOLDSMITH. . . „ . MEAT , MA.RU PIN.' T EONARD OlLLETT,.'idving roe° CY par kJ chased Mr. Andrew J . :Tipple's interest in the •• MEAT MARKET, would Say to the citizens of Wellsboro , and vi cinity tbakbe continue ibusliiesi at old Borst stitridgiVing his hiitire• tittentiOn In Supplying the wants of all who may favor him with their patronage. Constantly on hand FRESH MEATS OF ALL KINDS. Shop one Door South of Derby's Shoe Shop. Welleboro, April 10, 1887-tf. f • NOTlCB.—Notice is hereby given thatrliob. ert Custard, Senior, has been plabid• in Charge of tract No. 1690, and those parts of tract N 0.1589 , in the sioinity of Babb's creek, beionir ing - te,the 13041 of ;Luke W4441.4E1; and all I.4elC etins are forbid trespassing: , thereon, under pen. alt Of Prosecution,- . ELLISTON P. MORRIS, ' • ii ' 805 Market Street, Philadelphia. Feb: 27. 1867-6ast What 4QI? • • , IS general debility troublesorae? fit your blood • impure ? is the whole body, disordered and weak? ' Then get a bottle of the great Blood Pa rifler—it is Depurative Syrup of raid° of Po tassium: follow the directions carefully and you will be 'matted. Sold at Roy's Drug Ste& MUSIOKE. 114STItilittinti-4. B. Shake pear, dialer in Beaker .41 Brother and Baines 4t Brothers pianos; Mason tilamlin cal)- inet,organs,Trone, Co. melodeons, and the B; Shoninger melodeons. Room over J. B. Bowen's store. Sept 'l2 1886. •-•k •! Druts' Medicines, tw. J. L. IiIjEL,D,EIII, . , Tr RSPB conataitly,int Wind aline 'stock 'of - Piixo liedioiragi r Chemicals, tto., = for Medioit►ai ,and Sacramental - one; also all the popular Patent Medicines, Paints, Varnishes, Oils, an., all kinds of brushes, Dye Colors, Dye Woods and Staffs; fine Toilet .2oaps, - „Perfumeryi , Pottir !--• 7 Ades, Closiacties, " ':TATIONBILY, PENS, 4.P.ENOILS;7 PAPER AND .ENVELOPES,` , . .•,,,„,„, , litetnerandtim Bocits,—Poes .Books t > - . Potash in bulk at 16 cents Per pound, ''/Cerosetio Oil, Lamp Oil, Turpontine, Benzine, &a. FreallOattnearanePatirl 'Bailey 01 - 0 Pfx. ' i pound. I am.soln agent in BlosibUit N. Weaver's Ext.' Fir(Sweed, and Ithiratit,p,Ao, lour., Scrofula, Salt4hanulf,PCurvYi4V ll 4, l4 o4 ll ; the• faca,rend.'ellldiiieales.,,arisitsfarefirtrap a, ,ptate of the MOO if used according giotiiid k epti i • Particular, attention: givens to aompouitaink. 'ottickpreictiptionic t toe satiffnotion, botlihk quality and price. L-.-,,, Rementbei the Store, Coal ..? opposite the now Co's Stored3lossbnrg, - .BELDUN. • =I h•\ . &:111ortotti , •:;.!:„"" U 4 ll- , IN : ; ,'" GROOMES ktROTISIO.NS, CROCKERY HAR.DIFARR' WOOD . WILLOW -WARE 2 YA ..IsTOTI •-• , : •1. • - I ' • TATFRE • CEiit LE, Cash Paid fot - riaaii4 - 0; itT ri n T E,d, Nov. 21, 1886-1 j+. " ' • ' 1866 . 1866 fd B. C. . , • , T HIS NURSERY OF FRUIT AND OR NAtiIENTAL TREES, IN TIOGA • 60,000 000 . -A pple .TreeS. 1.0,000' Pear Trees. - A good simply of PLUM, PEACH, CHERRY, and ORNAMENTAL TREES &SHRUBBERY. Tho Fruit trees are composed of tho choicest varieties, good, healthy, some of them large and in bearing. Aaron.; wishing to get a ,Supply will do well to call and see my stook before pur chasing elsewhere. ffigir=Deliverod at the depot free of charge.. Tioga, Fob. 28,•1886-1y. • ILARRAH'S . NATIONAL GA [Patentod September 20tb, 1884.7 1. Tho most common workmau or afa mar can build it. , 2. It is made of all sizes, and is perfectly adapted to alt Gate purposes, whether for cattle ytird, farm, door.yard or garden. 3. It requires no hinges, and cannot be blown open nor shut. 4. It does not swag the_ post, und . the pate itsolf cannot sag.' 5. Breachy stook cannot open it. 6. It cannot be driven against when open. 7. It is not obstruoted by either rain, sleet or mow. .8; Being built without mortise or tenon; it costs but little more than a pair of good bars. It is stronger than nny other • gate' built of amonnt of Igniberi - and . its strength is equal upon both aides. . 10. Rio the cheapest, neatest, and moat con venient and . durable Onto in use. Durlng.the fall of 1865, the National Gate has received the, highest award at SEVEN STATE and some, SEVENTY COUNTY PAIRS, and in competition with other Gates, it bas taken the - .roorearro-zzr-evi-evarrx.... , ...nvin - 7 It cnausngenesne whole list of Gates to a prso deal test, throughcvat all seasons. • The National Gate has received the 'unquali fied approbation of all who have used it. .Tbese Gates; ineluding Poets, dre built at a cost of $ t to $B, according 'to workmanship and material used. Their ttiMittradlite insures a Wiltable Inv/fitment of capital, as they com a:lo4d a ready sale- at from.6o to 100 per cent. prOilt; and it iii,perfectly safe to put thorn up at all times under a warrant, as tho have in no case faiitd to gitie';the fattest sok/anon. ' J. P. BILES, I , . • . D. ANGELL,. A. ALBA. • ,Plir,TownehiP and Fat Bights for sale in Tioga and Bradford Count es. Air Applicants for Pfirchase •et Territory, send for Circular containing particulars. • ights for:average Farms aro uniformly sold for $lO each; ineluding printed drafts and spool lkiitions for bitilding all edies of both Farm and Entrance Gate; by the aid of which any one can construct them. On receipt of $lO, in all cases accompanied by a particular description of the land for which the right is desired, the 'appkopriate Conveyitinos, drafts, &0., will be:proteptlyferwaraoll' • Address, with stamp, ' * ' • NATIONAL CO., Mach 27, 1887—tf, - : . : -•:11Cnoxv.1110, - - ROY'S CHOLERA DROPS . CURES COLIC, CURES DYSETER.Y, • ' CURES CHOLERA MORRO'S, UVRNS CHRONIC DIARRHEA, CIIRES all Dowel Complaints, but does not cure anything also. This medicine is no ouro-all: it has the confidence of every body, for it is never known it should ho kept 'on band by every,fatnily.,. Sold by deolors ,in medicine at fifty cents per bottle. 'or sale in Wellsborough at pey's Drug Store. OEM YELLOW TER H EA cottons, TEoaUPE•I2' , vrovir LORS Al 'I'VE *RD gNERGYotar nee tuiprovee wtnd, #tcrel the appesite9r a smooth glossr rm din; transfo, zahenstae drat - !mai. ; ' In all diseaaei . • the Lungs, Liver, dm., this article acts as a spec tile. By, putting. from one-halt a payer to a paper in r barrel dt ewlU tilt above diseases *AI be eradicated or entirely prey , preventive and Price $5, Gatos' S. A. M" ' WHOLESALE DRUG AND MEDICINE DEPOT. , No. 116 Franklin St.; laltimore,-.111 For Bale by Dritgaqs*s. awl 90:1. 4-cererA • t out the Malted Stator Foil'sle by lan A. Roy, Welliboro.. BLOSSBURG, PA. WINES AND .141QUQRS, ITS CLAIMS ARE: FOUN'Z'S 44 f L E!PA T SD - ;paratioa is invaluable. imprtutes 'the quality et the milk. It hes - been proven au ,. tuel,papertment ,to Increase the quan 4ity or inn and amain tirenty per cept. andmake the bu and sweet "In fattening cattlesit itivesibent .tut appetite, loosens that hide, and makes them .thrive ,1.7..-717. 1 . . Ci lima DREG :STORE. 'OORNING N.' "Y. f - i MEE RZT a ' 1 E1) OI . S 41148 AND OILS, , THADDEUS DAVIDS' INKS, CONCEN- TAATED jAIF;DIOiNgS,, . • • „ • r t orpni* i ti wiNEs AND 'BRAN*; W,141%. • I;AMPS, PATEO'r „MEDI PFTROLEUM =I ; MEM AND FLAVORING . h KT R A.O T WILL :PAPER; WINDOW GLASS, „ . Sold at WitnleaalyPri Inyors - aTo requoated to call and get Anot.iions - boforo going fnithor East. Corning, N. Y., San:l, 186771 y LATEST . FASHIONS DEMAND ,J. WL BRADLEY'S CEL EBRATED PATENT. DUPLEX. ELLIPTIO (DR ~DOUBLE SPRING) frir ,D wonderful flexibility and great comfort and pleasure to any lady wearing the Duplex , ElUntie Sk t, will be etperlonced particularly in all crowded assemblies, operas, carriages, railroad ears, church pews, arm chairs, for promenade and house dress, as the skirt can be folded when in use to occupy a small place as easily and conveniently as eellk or 'muslin dress,; an in • valuable quality crinolinej not found in any:slngio spring skirt. A lady having enjoyed the pleasure, comfort and great convonlenno of wearing the duplex elliptic steel spring skirt fora single day. will never afterwards Jnglp dispense with their use. For children,illiBßCB and young ladies they are superior to all others. They will not bond or break like the single Spring, but will preserve their perfeet and graceful shape when three or four ordinary skirts will' have been thrown aside as useless. Tho hoops are covered with double and twisted thread, end the bottom rods are mot oulY , don-- blo springs, but twice (or double) covered; prevehtleg thorn from wearing out when dragging down stoops,. stairs i tte. TWO uplex Elliptic is a great faverlto with all and it:Universally recommended by the fashion Maga. tines, as the standard skirt of_ the fashionable world. To enjoy the following inestimable advantages in crinoline, viz; superior quality, perfeet manufacture, stylish Shape and finish, flexibility, durability, comfort and economy, inquire for J. W. Bradley's Duplex tle,or double spring skirt, and be sure you got the gen tithe article. OAIITION.—To guard against imposition, ne pirticu lay to notice that skirts offered as "duplex" have the red ink stamp, viz: "J. W. Bradley's Duplex lftliptic Steel SPrings," upon the waistband—none others aro genuine. Also notice that emery hoop will admit a pin being passed through the cantor, thus revealing the two (or donelo) springs braided together thereto, which is tho aocret of their flexibility'and strength, and acorn hination not to be found in any other skirt. For sale in all stores whore first dais skirts are sold throughout the United States and elsewhere. Manu factured by the sole owners of the patent; WESTS, VRALDLEIt Aprl,3m 97 Chambers St 79 64 STReado ifs, N. Y. REMIAIGTONS" PlRA' iall& , . 200,000 Ponirisgprt_ TUE V. S. GOVERNMENT. Army Itevoiver, Tiacio In. Calibre' Navy AtiVolver, • 30-100 in. Calibre Belt Revolver, ' Navy else Callibre Peliee.Revolver, Navy else Calibre New Pocket, Revolver, 31,100 in. Clilibre rooket.Reviver, (Rider's pt.) 31-100 in. Cbre Repeating Mstel, (Elliott pt.) No 22 .2 32 Ciir kli ege Vest Pookot Piatol, Nif 22, 80, S 2 Sr, 41 Cartilage Dan Cane .... ... 22 .2 32 Cartridge Breech Loading Rifle,(Bealol-No -32 " Revolving Rifle, 36 Lb 44:100 in Calibre • N. REMINGTON SONS. Moore & Nio i rls. New York; Wra Read Son, Boston; Jos C rubb Co, Philadelphia; Pool tney &. Tomble, Baltimore; henry Folsom t Co, New Orleans; - Johnson, - Spencer l Co, Chicago; L M Rummy & Co, St. Louis; Albert B Crane, San Francisco. Feb 20, 1867:-5m. • E. & 'II. T. ;ANTHONY eo.; :- J Manufacturers of Photographic Materials, WEIOIVIALE AND DETAIL, 501& BROADWAY, N. Y. In addition to our main business of Photographic Matorials wo aro Headquarters for the following, viz: Stereoscopes & Stereoscopic Views Of American and Foreign Cities and Landscapes, Oroups, Statuary, etc, Steivoscopic Views of too War, Brom negatives made in the various campaigns and forming a completo Photographic history,of the groat contest. Stereoscopic Views on Glass, Adapted for eltbei ?angle Lanterns or the Stereoscope. Our Catalogue will be sent to any addreha on receipt of Stamp ; . _ Photograshie Albunie. ' We manufacture more largely than any other honae, about 200 'varieties' from 60 cents to $5O eaoh. Our ALBUMS have the ; reputation of being onperior in beauty and durability to alkotbera. Cart Photographs of Generals, States mon, Actors..otc.,"otc. Ottr Catalogue embraces over ME THOUSAND differente subjecte, including reproductions of the most celebrated Engravings, Paintings, Stittnes, etc. Cate. loves sent on receipt of stamp. • ' .21Leitographors and others ordering - goods - 0.0. D., will please remit 26 per cent. of the amount with their order. The prices and quality of , our goods cannot-fail to satisfy. Jan. 2,1867-9 m., wdors. preparatlop, id favorably will thor reinvigorate down and Ited horses, rengthening musing ,the . and hates- To the Farmers of Tioga County All noW building at minaannfaciory, in Lawrence I villa. a unpecioK • 'ANNIJ GI- MILL ) it WM PM I OS ail dig. Itant to which posieseos the following advantagailover another mills: 1 1. Xt separates date, rat litter. and foul seeds, and chum and cockle, from wheat. • 2..15 cleans flax seed, takes out yellow teed, and all other 'heeds - , perfectly. 3, It cleans timothy seed. 4. It does all other separating required of a mill. Thia mill is built of the beet and most durable tim ber, in good style, and is sold cheap to* cub., or pro. duce. 'I will tit- a patent sieve, for separatio g oats from wheat, te'etber mills, an reasonable terms. J. II MATURE. Lawrenceville, October % 1805-tf ; • WALSER .& LATI1110P.; DEALERS IN ' HARDWARE, IRON, ,STEEL, NAILS, STOVES, TIN- WARE, 116LTING,,'SAWS - CETLERY WATER LIME, , • AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, - _ Clarriaga' and Harness Trimmings, HARNESSES, SADDLES, Ac. • Coining, IT, Y., Jan. 2,1887-Iy. , PNEWEL., DENTIST, MANSPIELD,Pa., . grateful for. the very liberal patronage heretofore received, will continue so as to per formall dental operations, as to merit the rapidly inetellsing professional - demands now engaged. All operations in all- departments of the profes sion executed: in ihe hest possible manner.' An new, useful inventions and improvements adopt ed.. The highest good of Idepatrons the ultima tum of his ambition, 4 -„ „ Dee. 5, 'B6-tf:', LOUR FROM 04101.0 E WHITE WHEAT, ' buckwheat flour, Oven meal and feed, always on band. Call at tho,Oharleston Mlllboforobny. ing yourtlonr and food.. I can make it an object for you to buy. A. RUSSELL. May 1.6,1886-tf • 121 ~f< ~ ~.i IMEM ',WASII LIME, MEE AND. WO COLORS; W. D. TERWaL & CO. 1(1 ItT : - 113 S9LD DY 1 1 11 E TRADE GENERALLY LtBE RAT DISCOUNT TO, DALERS P4inicirAL AGENTS. PHOTOGRAPHIC. LEMS Nor WICAN EL. : • ERIE manai4v., - . d 'r" . " .... 1 On and after Monday, Aprlo9 4 lBo,', trams leave Oorningat thefollowing noon: - . , wriniViati sauttn: - 12;i8 Esprais Vail, =days excopted, for Sutra lo, iiiiiamanca, and Dun ith,s,connocting with 'Alaimo for tho West. '0:44 a in flighitxj)raii, Bunitais eiCopted, far . Eittlainancht, and Dunkirk, making direct cantle:WU; %vitt: trains of iisolitiantio & treat Western, Eiks i Ithoro, and Grand Trunk Railways', for sit points vest, 707 a. tn.,Night Express,Dally, for Buirsio;Pilatuanca, . _Dunkirk and the West, connecting u abovo. .Dunkirk a. in,, Night Express, Bandayasinptoil, for ' ester and Bu ff alo, via:Avon. .;- . • 1e:32 a. st.*.Atall Tsain..Buudanars,oput, for Rochcz, ter, and Buffalc., via Aron. 2:16 :p."in. Eitititaoro Express; kiniidaitr O4Cepied,' I'4 Rochester and Buitsio, via &Von. - vioa p. pp.. ihsy,Expresikannaaysegcepted, for Bitted° connecting irith the. Lako_ Shdte +end Cirsind Trud Rtslisroyelorpohite vierearal south. . I - - ••• 7;10 . 31) to Day.Expreas;Sundays exciptoditor Lichester - s:do Emigrant train, Dalin for the-West:- 12:28 a. in; Express Mali, SundaYe ozcontragor Bu ado; Salamanca and Dunkirk,..9.onnecting ,tralne•tcr the West. 12.50 p ia:Way Prolgbt, Bundap exceptod: lEEE rMIE . . ~ EASTWARD 301*E. . .. 1,2',11) a. pl., lifOt Exproso, Dallb-connorot ng at Graz ; ' court' for WattOoki aud at Ne*Yoik *lthattaraeort ;• trains and steamers for Bostonand • Now , Engla • • , .. cities: ,, ; ~ -•, ‘', ;1;01 a. r», Oinclunnif Expiiss,lidondayi eiOepted ;acid ' nectiu at Elmira for Harrisburg, Philadelphia' and • ~ the South; at Orrego• for Ithacw; at. -Binbaraton . •-phis, and Trenton; at Lackawaken Tor Haat° , abil Itt ' I : .., Graycohrt for Newburg:and Wartrick.; • • • - • . t i.' • -. . 10.16 a Accommodation Train clailivcourmotfol; ..t.,-; "--' .at El mira for Canandaigua. 10:48 a. tit:, Day Eiprees,Bundaysexceited,gozinectlitt atNinilra for Canandaigua, at Binghamton tor; Byrn-'- case, at Great Bend for Scranton, at Lactlawlaxen for • liewlOy, and at Jersey City with midnight- Ittpsese-i. • Train bf New jersey Railroad - foi Philadelphia, Balti: "more and Wtuthingtopt • • • - . , ~ • : -.-.. •.,• ,:. 8;12 p. m., Baltimore Expreat, Arindaye excepted. :' • 4:36 p. m., Now York and Baltimore Mail, linadays ex.. ' cepted, crtneoting at El mirqw• liarrisbnrgb, pbila dolphin, nd South. . . . . ._ ... ~,. 7.07 p m Lightning Expiiiiie;. Sundays exclpked, Con. • nectingiat Jersey City with Inc riling express Evan of • . Now Jersey Railroad for Hal tlnsore and Washington, and at Kew YOrk 'with morning ea tees. trains for Boston and the East: 12: p. in. way Freight, linudaye exc d, ' • ' . t i e WM. t.. PARR, , - . ' , •K. RIDDLE, • „ .eu'l Pass t Agent. _ Gen'l Bnpl, .. ISE ISE . , • .. ' . • _ TRAINS FOR TEIR,HORTI3. Trains for Canandagaik lesio Elialra as follower - , Accomodation at ,/ 7 00 arm Expresalfasteat train.Mr road) ..... ......„ .r. .. ;...4 ; 1,1 45 4 m Mail 1 - ' i.... ...... 615 pm Way Freight, [pa9biniger coach attached) • 710 a m On arid altar April 29th, 1867, *alio Nallfarrfre and depart from Troy, as follow'; aurftaa'souni._ I - - ..., /10 , 7116. NOTTEI Express ,••••6 45 P ii, Express ..-,.....,.,1,050'i m Elmira IE6II ' " 550 a nr Elmira 514,11 .. 955 era Local. Froight 10 50 aay I Local Freight 835 p m Through Freight 9 55 p V ThroUgh Vreighl 2 (g) a cu. ' " 2. S. 2200 N, Div , Supl. .•• • 1 ..... , ~, -A. . =1 Slossburg & Corning, & Tfoga R. R. ' 'Lulus will run =follows until furtbor notice: Accommodation-Leaves I .. ll2sitt i .rg= 41,60 . a. co, MIDS. Acid ut 7,85, Tioga at 8,20, Laiirenceville at' o,oB— at Corning at 10,2 a it. m. -, - Mail—Leaves Blosabtirg at 2,85 p. sr:, Mansfield at 3,25 0 • Tioga at ,4,06, 'Lawrenceville at 4,l;7=4lriving at Corning at 8 p.m. 1 . Mail—Leaves Corning fit 8 a. m,„ Lawrenceville at UM, i t r Tioga at 10,02; Mansfield at 10,48—arriving at Bltu,_ Mart; at 11.,85 a. trk. _ : -,, . ~ -9, kecommodation—Liatiras Corning t 4,50 p . M ..., Law. i rencevillo at 5,58, Tioga at 7.02, ansflelfl )11 ',48-. : L arrivi n g at Blossburg at 8,25 p. - . ~ L, U. 13 ATTCCII, Eupl,„ Trains will arr. and &par Eastward Eric, Mail Train 10 10 p E. Express Train.. 4 26 a m Einitia Mail Train 8 36 a m L. Ir.decoreod'n 8 2.0 p in Paisonger Cara run through an the Erie Mail and Ex , press Truirts without change both ways between Plat delphia and Erie. NEW YORK CONNEOTION. 4ave New York at 9 nr, arrive at Erie 10.00 a. in; Leave Now York at 5 pow m, arrive at Erie 4 03'plo. Leave Erie at 6.00 p rn, arrive at New York 3.15 poi. Leave Erie ut 10 26 are - - 104 tb Eupt. • w. BALA4IANCA STATION. WETTIVABD 80D:475. •' Mail - 6.20 i Express - 6.15 Accommodation ........6,35 Mall , 5.62 Express ' '" 12.19 AccommodeliA, 11.0 - Express At Cory there is a junction with the Phl(a.lelphia A:. Brie, and CR Creek Rail Roads. - - At Meadville with the Franklin and Oil City sad Pithole Branch. - At Leavittsburgo,the Mahonlny Branch makes a di rect route to Cleveland. At Ravenna conneeti with Cleveland and Flttstwu gli, Railroad. • The Road. passes through Akron, Ashland, Oaken, Marlon; Urbana and Dayton. intersecting yarions,toll - cu....ey.estt_ -. D. meLd u r4Sl . Gen. Supt., bleaov e, Pa. U. ;S.; CLAIM AGENCY, i • For.tho Collectioirof r• • .... ..._ • . „ - Army and Nays , Claims and.l en slops. Ton NEI BOUNTY LAW, passed Artily A 5,1864, gives, two an three years', eoldlere extra ' bounty, . Send In your discharges. , 1 1 - OFFICERS' EXTRA PAY... ' , Three months' extra pay proper to volunteer officers who ware in service Alarcb 8,1865. - • t • - -TENSIONS 'INCREASED - --,- - To all who alto lost a limb and who have been iperma nently and totally disabled. ' All other Government claims prosecuted. ' JEILOBIN B. NILES: Wellsboro, October 10, 1866-tf • ' - ^ - --- - : ' .t. Planing &. Ttirlillig• AVING got ' hia riow Factory in operation. is now' prepared to fill orders for Cabinet Ware promptly and in the best. stylo of g workman. ship.. Raving procured a • he is ready to dress boards or plank with dispatch SCROLL-WORK & BRACKIITS,I furnished to order. His machines are of tho now, est and moat improved patterns. Shop corner of Pearl and Wain Sta, WELLS BORO, PA., Oct. 31, 1866—tf. I T ELLSBORO" -, PETROLEIIM Notice is hereby given that the Board of Directors of this Company at a meeting hold De cember 15, by resolution decided - to - close up the affairs of the Company aruldistributo the balance in the hands of the Treasnror,prorata among the holders of paid-in stoek, _ The property of the Company will be sold and the proceeds divided in like manner. -Stockholders will 'present their receipts to tbo Treasuier! -By order, , Dee. 19, 8613. M. -H. COBB, Clerk. TNEMOREST'S 51ONT HI; Y MAGAZINE, jj universally acknowledged the Model Parlor Magazine of America; devoted to Original Stu ries,'Peems, Sketches, Architecture and Model Cottages, household Matters, Gems of Thought, Perional-and-LiterrnrOossiplincluding special dopprtm onto on Fashions), Instructions on Health, Gymnaetie r Equestrian 'Exercises, Motile, Amuse ments, ate .: all by the best authors , and profuse .ly and artistically illustrated with costly Engra vings (full size), Useful and reliable Patterns, Embroideries, Jewelry, and a constant succes sion of artistic - novelties, with- other mint .and entertaining literature. - • i No person :of refinement, eoonomioal house w fe; or lady of tastenan afford to do without the Model Monthly. Single copies, 30 cents; back numbers, as speoimens, 10 omits; - either ruched, free. Yearly, $3, with a valuable premium,; two copies, $5 50; throe copies,' $7 50; five coyish $l2, and splendid premiums for clubant $3 eaoh, with the first premiums to each Subscriber.. Ad dress, W. JENNINGI3 DEMOREST, No. 473 Broadway, New York. Ikunorest's Monthly and, Young America, to gether $4, with the premiums for each. March 20, 'O7-6M. !iNSVRANOE. AGENOV. SSSRS. NICHOLS a MITCHELL would • rospentfialli , inform the people of this vi cinity, that Ahoy b'aVe tho agoucy of some of the Life Fire Insurance Ciempanies In the States, and are now prepared to:! insure at reasonable rates.• l• • having been appbiOte4 - NOTARY ---e•• - • • • ,1•:, • Flll attena'promptly to any business 'relating to his ease, Ihich natty be entrusted to bim.l They will be found at the'offies formerly °eon 'Aid by i fforowrey and., Wilson,, on Jgain Street, Margit 13,18074 Y SORE THROAT AND QUINSY ARE CUR ed w th base and certainty by one or two op plioatione of MIXTURE on the iiiiiiide.'Sbta at • ROY'B. DO. PITCH'S ABDOMINAL , StrPPORT ERB, for.salcqkt Rors`Drui Stote. IDOLBY soteg moro of thoso fin° tiiiiri9an ".12. watches, at lit& 6 'Union Blook. • Northern (Mittel & Er o R. R Philadolphia at Williamsport aaloiloWd: Westward Erie Nail Trab....4 90 a ni Erie Ex'as Train..B 46 p m, Buffalo Expre4B . lo 30 a In Elmira Mail Train 8:45 p m IMBI B. T. VAN HORN, WOODWORTHI'LANER, B. T. VAN IfOllN MIZE