The Tioga County agitator. (Wellsboro, Tioga County, Pa.) 1865-1871, May 29, 1867, Image 1

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    ~•. r ~~•,.,_.......: sat::,
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ele Olg eV!
gnata • • 011111 g or
Pnblishiul orory Weiknoinitly Blorang; - `l;i'
ins - m . llolpin advance, by
Y. 11. hIBDjJ ;, 3 . • O .,TAN 9SPIR.
45,..z•Nrislxvviisici• [R.pLex-PL, 14. ;
Tot Lams or Manx , or., roar err. Scadtr.
lio. 0 11, r7_....._ / In_ 3 tnil4 tor. I S Slots. 13 Aloe .1 tear
ifirre, $l,OO $2,00 $2,60 - W:10 $7,00 $12,09
2, Squarer.-- 2,00 .3,00 4 r 8,00 -A2,00 .18,00
half 001...... - . 10,00 15,001'1.1; 0 22,00, 30.801 :' , 0,00
Oro Col- ' 1.8,00 :20,001 80,00 '40,001 90,00 1 90.00
imEnsinoss Cards inserted at the auto of One Doi
!sr a lirdi par.,* ponefor less Tam than $6,00.
.special notices, fifteen Cents per line; Editorial
or Local Notices, Twenty Cents per line.
• W. WirIBRBEILL 'eit. CO.,
141101,ESALE Dalit3GtS i TB, and dealers in
Wall Paper, Kerosene' Limps, Window Glass,
Perfumery, Paints and Oils, &c.,
Corning, 11. Y., Jan. 1,1866.—1 y. •
w. A. NICOLi
ritcnors , & nirroviELL,
OBlce formerly occupied by James Lowrey, Esq .
,Wellsboro, Jan. 1, 1865-Iy.
• insurance, Bounty and Pension Agoucy, Main
Street.Wellsbero, Pa., Jan. 1;1866. - •
S. F. Wn.sozr. J. B. NILES
(First door from Bigoney:e, on tho 'Avenue)—
Willoattend to business entrusted to their care
in tho counties of Tioga aid Potter.
Wollaboro, Jan. 4-136 .
D. - ANGELL & . CO.,
• 1
MANUFACTURE S'of; and Wholesale and-Be
tailll Dealer ipt Do re, Sash, and Blinds. .Also'
Planing and Tu! ing done to order.
Knoxville ' , Tltiga 0., Pa.,"Jan, 16: 1867-1y..0
Turing don° t.
rlogu 0.,
F. • CLARK, •
ATTORNEY AT Le.wr.-, Mansfield, Tioga co., Pa.
May , 9, 1.86671 y.
- -
TAILOR. Shop first door north 'of L. A. Seara's
Shoe Shop. jalif , ..Cattiag,Fitting, and Repair
ing dons promptly and well.
\Pelletier°, Pa., Jan.. 1, 1868.-Iy.
DRAPER AND TAILOR. Shop over John R.
13owtrik'e Store. ,:,,. 1 7.704.Cutting, Fitting, and
Repairing done promptly and in best style:
Weßsbore, Pa., Jan. 1, 18.66-ly
.301111 T I.MITCHELL.
'AGENT for thej collection of bounty, back pay
and ponsione•due soldiersfrom the Govern
ment. OlEao with Nichols and Mitchell, Wells
buro,-Pa. , m3O, 'GO .
Notary Public and Insurance Agent, Blass
burg, Pa., over Caldwell's Store.• • . •
Gaines, Tioga County, Pa.
H. C.. YERh:MYNA, PrtorntETort. This is a
now hotel located within ea'sy access if the
best flatting. liounde -In North
ern Pennsylvanick. Ng pains will be spared
. for theapoommodation df pleasure seekers and
the traMing public. [Jan. 1, 1886.]
Pennsylvania House.
• '
THlSpopular botel,b a s been lately renovated and re
furnished, and no pains will be spared to reniler its
hosPitalltlee acceptable to patrons.
Wellsboro, May 0,1866,
etor. A new Hotel eonalucted ou the principle
of live and lot live; for the accommodation of
the public.—Nov. 14, 1860.—1 y. -
3. 0. S =NG.
ATTORNEY AT LAW. Any business entrust—
ed to bis care will receive prompt attention.
Knoxville, Pa., N0v.14, 18613.—tf
reneevillo, Tioga Co., Pao Bounty, Pension,
and Insurance Agent. Collections promptly
nttendod to. Office 2d door below Ford Rome.
Deo. 12, 1886—ly
AGENT for Gm Lycoming County Insurance
Company, at Tioga, Pa.
Juno 5,18513.-3 mo
Good stabling, atiaetied,-and an attentive hos
tler always in attendance.
E. S. PARE, . . . * Proprietor.
' Hairdressing Sr, Shaving. is
Saloon over NVilicox Sc. Barker's Store, Wells
-Partettlar attention paid to Ladies ;
Hair-cutting, Sttampooing, Dyeing, etc. itrnids,
Pee, coils , and isarieheition hand and made to or
11. W. DORSI
GOLD recolved on deposit°, for which cortifl
eatea will be *lied, bearing interent in gold.
E. W. CLARK & CO, Bookers,
No 35 south Third at cot, Phila.
DBACON, M. 1:, late of the 1d Pa. Cavalry, after
„ nearly four years of at my service, with a large
experience in field and hospital practice, hue opeeed an
(Alice for the practice of medicine and surgery, in all
its branchei P•reons from a distance can find
. good
boarding at the Yenrisylvimpt Hotel when desired.—
uny part of .the `hate In consultation, of to
perform surgical, operationd. No 4, Union Block, up
stairs. Welisboro, Pa., May 2, ltifiCio—ly.
has the pleasure toroue the citizen,i ni
counts, that ho has oriSplataa his .
and is on hand to take all kinds of Sun Pictures,
such as Ambr . otypos, Ferrotypes, Vlt-riet tea, Cartes
io Visito, the Surprise and Eureka Pictu - ros; also
particular attention paid to copying and enlarg
ing Pictures. Instructions given in the Art on
rCiisonable terms. Elmira St., Mansfield, Oct. 1,
; ATTENTION .01.1131E)118.•. -
W m. 13. SMITH, Knoxville, Tioga Coun ty, Pa., (U. 8. Houma Agent, and Attorney
for soldiers and.thoir friends throngbeut all the
loyal States,) will prosecute and collect with un
rivalled success,
af all kinds. Also, any other kind of claim
against Clio Government before any of thq De
partments or in Congress. Terms moderate, All
comtOuniontions sent to the above address will re
ceivo prompt attention. Jan. 17. ISB6.
WOULD say to the public that he is perma
nentlY located in Wellabor°, Office at his
residenco, nears the Land (Moo and Episcopal
Church) where ho will continuo to do alt kinds of
work oonflded to his care; guaranteeing,eomplete
satisfaction where the skill of the Dentist can
avail in the Management °Erases peon for to the
calling. Ho gill furnish •
s"1 on any material ile.zired.
attended to; on shortest notice, and Anne in 'the
best and 4st 4 approved style.
lay the tbb use of Anaesthetics which 'lre per
fectly harmless. and will be datninistercfl in ever.)
e 3 . 50 when desired.
Wbilsboro. Jan. 1, 1/165
successfully - for Cataspet, Strri _
Ur - Mamas, (cross eye) Remora) of Tumors,
Hare Lip, Varicose Wins, Club Feel, Etsc-
Prirticalar attention paid to diseases, of the Eye
and General Surgery.
Consultation at office free;
References given to operations rel.ently per.
Office hours from - 12 M. to 3P. M. •
Officeat his residence, Mansfield, Tioga County,
P March 27. 1867-71 y..
VOLEY has some more of those fine American
itatches, lic No. 5 Union Block.
ONION SETTS and New Varieties of Seed
Potatoes for sale at Roy's Drug Store.
X Ct
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, John W. Gnertlsoq , -
"Jovial, returned to this county with a view Of
making it his permanent residence, solicits:a
sbare.of 4mblic ,patrotkage. .Alljniness en
truitod to his care will be attended to 'with
promPtnees and fidelity. Office 2d door goat
of E. S. Parr's' hotel.' Tioga, Tioga Co. t Pa. •
sopt. 26.'66.—tf.
• . (Copier Afai: , i Strc;et a Ild
the Avenu e.)
- .:•: ; ) r'.Wilitsiono, PP.t:; 3 - . ‘."?' . -
B. B. HOLIDAY, Proprietor.
. HIS is ono of the 'most popular Houses In
r(" the county. This Hotel is the principal
St go-house in Wellshoro. ; Stages leave daily
as follows :
• 1
For. Tioga, at 10 a: m.; For Troy, at 8 a... ni t ;
Foilersey• Shore every'Tnesday and , Friday: at
2 p. m.; For, every Monday and
hursday at 2 p. m. •
STAGES Annyva!--yrom Tioga , at 121 -2 o'clock
p. m.: From Troy, at 6 o'clock p. in. : *From Jet.
soy Shore,. Tuesday-and Friday 11 a. m..; ; From .
Coudersport, Monday and Thursday bra: m.
N, B.—Jimmy Cowlib:l;AD well-known host
ler, widl ho found on hand: '
lVellSboro, Jan. 1, 1866-Iy. i '
W. D. CAN-G,
,•: : . ? 3ALEIL IN
PATENT MEDICINES, Perfumery, Musical
nstrumentsan hlueical 3tecseolall
kinds, Fancy Goods of all kinds, &c.
Pllysician's Proscriptions carefullycompounded .
October 31, 1866.-6 m.
E. & H. T. ANTHONY. & CO.,
.Manufacturers of Photographic Materia4,
- -2, • Ntliol,EnALE AND RETAti,
• 501 BROADWAY, ' N. Y.,
t.rt, athchion to our main businees of Pliotograllllc
Materials we are Ileatiquarterefor the following, viz:
Stereoscopes & Stereoscopic Views
Of American and Foreign Cities awl Landscapes,
Groups. Statuary, etc.
Stereoscopic Views of the War,
From negatives made In the 'nylons campaigns and
forming a complete Photographic history of the great
contest. . ! •
Stereoscopic Views on Glass.
Adapted formitixer Magic Lanterns or the Stereoacope.
Our Catalogue will be sent to any addreHe ou receipt
of Stamp.
PhoiograDliic Albums. •
Wo manufacture more largely than any etliertouae,
about 200 varieties from 00 ceuta to $6O each. Our
ALBUMS, have the reputation of being anperior•lu
beauty and durability to all others .
Card Photographs of Generals, States
- men, Actors, etc., etc.
Our Catalogue embraces over FIVE THOUSAND
differeht subjects, including reproductions of the most
celebrated Ezigitivings, Paintings, Statues, etc. Ca ht
lognes senton receipt of stamp.
Photographers And 'others ordering; geode C. 0. A.,
will please remit 2b , per cent, of the amount with their
order. The prices and quality' of our goods cannot fail
to sq,tisfy, Jan. 2,1804 m.
To the Farmers of Tioga County.
I la2 i t irr n u b p u e il r d io in r g at my manufactory. in La7ranca-
which po r ssesses the following advantaged over allullier
1. It separates oats, rat litter. and foul seeds, and
clmss wad cockle. from wheat.
2 - It anang flax scea,.f.nes'ont yellow seed, and all
other seeMi, perfectly.
3, It cleans timothy seed.
4. ledges all. other separating required of a mill.
This'mill is built of the best and most durable tun
bor. In good style, and la' sold ,cheap for cash, or 1 , 11)
will fit a patent sieve, for separating, oa s ts from
wheat, to other mills, on reasonable terms.
Lawrenceville. October 10, ISGG-itf
\ ... •, .
, Nast & Auerbach's
Where you can always find the best assorted
etock of
Manufactured under their own supervision
Also Gents' iu. itinh fug goocles, tEc., 4170
In their merchant tailot lug ebfabllohnient they defy
tompetition 1 having the beet tnilors of New York I. ity,
and an experienced cutter,Mr. If. P. Erwin. [10)2166V
- -
E. R. IC.I.IIII3ALT- - •
Ono door above the Moat Market; -?
RESPECTFULLY' announces to the trading
public that ho has a dosirdblo stock of Oro
caries, comprising, Teas, Coffees, Spices, Sugars,
Molasses, Syrups, am 11 that constitutes a first
class ctoolc. OysteTs •ory style at all cea
sonable hours.
Weltsbnro, .fan. 2, 1987-tl.
TOULD announce to the citizens of Wellsho
ro and surrounding country, that be hits
opened a shop on the corner of Water and Craf
top streets, for the purpose of manufacturing all
kinds of
to orthm COFFINS of all liinds tarnished on
short notico. All work done promptly and war
ranted. ' Wollsboro,.Jono
' Patented, 18851
ALL persons interested in the introduotion'of
practical machinery into our country, ore
requested to inrWigate the merits of •
This loom will do an kinds of hand weaving.
'lt will u care johns, blankets,pbtin cloth,'esti
net. ketsey, flannel. searrtless.oack, double width
blankett,'• r any kind of cotton, wool or flax
cloth It tecads the trcttillet, throws the shilttlei
let= , •ff ilia web, and thkesup the cloth. It makot
th e upp e r ehed as the battert;oomcs forward,,and
beast , up the Oiling after the cross is turiderrna
tato,: Lett, r cloth and better selvage than can ,he in .itir other way
itt., to to order and "Whrianted. • MTV
at the ..e Water Street. sign "Loom
weit4l,cr March 20, 1807—if. - ":
MUSIC! MUSIC.—The TiOga Cornet, Tlitnd
IA now in good blowing order and prepared
to furnish good Music on all occasions fot a Yea
:con:lbl° compensation.
All communications bbould be addressed to
the - Leader and Secretary at Tiogn, Pa.
F. If. ADAMS, Leader.;
T. A. WICKHAM, Sec's.
April 4 3,1887—em. '
TO PARENTS—Nothing is so often wanted
as a good Medicine for the colds of children.
Now you have - It ; the 'Compound - Balsam, of
Hoarhound is just the thing for children, for it
cures not merely tho • cough but the cold alsci.
Sold at RI • 's Drug Siorkat 25 cents -per•bottle.
. .
RICH Bohemian Glass Vases, at
,deel9 FOLEY'S.
i ,
YOU difir FIND !if IJi si CL
1 - jsg, COIW ; 'RUCK
-1 rn I P4 :FL,9 67 .?, •
Cro.kery i 'faisi Jugs,-Lamps and Chimney,
anterns, 'Wooden-Ware of all kinds,
Bediords, Bops, Brooms, Brushes of ail
Kinds; Plng ifF Fine' Cut Tobacco,
&gars ; also a large variety of
Fancy Smoking Tobacco. , • '
In regard to the sale of these goods I have'a
wora to bay, in strict confidence, of course. These
gods were purchased 'fo s r . cash wind will be sold
fur cash at prik‘a which will make it an object
for housekeepers to purchase. I mean to do a
square and fair trading business.' Call and see
D. Jones' stand.
Doo. 12,1860—1 f, •
APING purchased th e Store lately occu-•
' -pied by . William Townsend, aro ready to
supply customers with
and at reosonabh pricot,.
%VW find it to their advantage to call and leak at
ourStoek,hefore purchasing elsewhere:
Rememlier the place
rob. 27; 1867-tf.
Popular Dry Goodsdrade!
T HE Subscriber is now receiving his
' Merchandise,
Among which found many of the natiet
popula.r Styles of
jg SO ®©Zap
at prices that are worthy' of attention
Alan, a full line of
HOSI#RI,S. g.T.,9 YES, (Sc
Special attention, is called to his
Witeru,p, perfect it ie guaranteed or no sale.
A shore oc the public patronage is respectfully
solicited. THOMAS HARDEN.
Wencher°, May 15,1867.
34 - . BENJAMIN SEELEY, shoe
maker, over Jerome Smith's Store
g a o l a ged on Main Street, would just say to
the Shoeless and Bootless-that is,
that portion of them who bavo the
dadads to change their condition—that he is
now ,pre'phrtid: to m'ainfatiinie :cairn' :genii°.
mon's fine Boots, or fine gentlenion's coarse Boots
in as bungling a manner, and at as dear rates as
any other establishnfent this side of Whitney's
Comore. Anything in the line of Shoemaking
or Cobbling will ho admirably botched .on the
shortest notice. Don't .examine my work ;it
won't boar inspection; but "go. it blind." Re
member the, ,place,. nowt_ door, to Shakspeare's
Tailor Shop. -,
Nov. 14,4886.—tf.
Of all the trades from East to West,
. The cobbler part contending ;
He's liko in time to prove the best,
Who every day is mending;
. how happy he, who can amend,
• The soles of all his neighbors ;
He's ever unmindful of his end,
Arid to his last still Tabors:
•• " SMITH • & SHAW, ,
ing Stock Cotofanies in the United States*
alsO Agents for the Lycoming County Mutual,
Columbia Mutual, and Farmers! Muted{ Insu
rance Companies.
Non-llazardous, llzizardons, and
wicitua Rieke takettat,reasonable rates; ' Ponnies
Tsinied; ilia all LOMB ddjilSttd et our ofnee . .
Welleboro'. Pa., Feb. 20, 1807..--tf.
AMERICAN WATCHES in Hunting Silver
Cases from $27.50 up at FOLEY'S.
_... _
QTZ:U. 4 ."VatlCT.illaizrailo - nk - i?"' , 1"4'1771.41...',.... - T",a - .-.Zi:-:,,,i k., ,, .:Z i1.',.44t-Lez.tia:::.4,C-ZA'Ali'iW --t‘t-F•NZt.t.'"_.-tre3i.,:=l,;:rewiza.,,i,74,--,i;Lrvi---,aoAgyiii-invelrEakt-„=axzzwa,me.v.,,,s.t...;,d,-iy...i,,,:04„,#„..„•Aiu,i.v,"......-,
. , ..
1 „ ~
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i 1 • "1411 4 111 - 1
_ti -' 4 ;- - $1 20:11;1•Y •
"P1: 1 1-0 46611441.Cpuk. .'Thought t112.43 3134630:tni...i1am5.'g • - icer
, . ,
'' . .„,
WELLSI3 ORO' 17 - PA' 'MALY 99 isl RR/
?i ~,5?
• (For The Agitator.]
,• , .
This world, a hundred years from now
Although the dame in size and' form
To Mighty nations l yet unborn'
Fame, wealth, and glory, will allow.. ,4
Those mortals now, who scepters wave,
Shall nll have passOd from earth away,
And only the in history;
Though each be saint, or bo ho knave._ ~
To opulence, why should we bow,
, In preforineo \ to real worth ?
Vain king, mid slave, shall lie itt earth
Alike, ono hundred years from nilw.
.Yet Fashion, half the world dothibind,
And loudly vindicate her causeL
says, morn essential afe her laws
Than cultivation of the mind.
Why,—Fashion, to such thoughts give birth,
When oft a dced, or e'en a word,
Mit rend in twain this little cord
That binds th' eternal soul to earth?
What will it 'natter, why, and how,
What flank wo fill, or fortune find
If we aim to benefirmankind,
But one short hundred years from now?
Iliad serw4for twenty-five Years on
board an%St Indiaman, and for the
last ten years had 'commanded the Belle,
one of the finestAcraft.that ever.floated.
I was an old sea-dog who had dwelt so
long on salt water that .I' had almost a
hatred of dry land.
On the 30th . of October, 1863, I receiv
ed orders to put myself in readiness to
sail for •Cayenne. I was to transport
'seventy-five soldiers and a convict. I
bad orders to treat this individual well,
and the letter I received .front the' Di
rectory enclosed another, with a huge,
red seal, which I was not to open until
between 27 and 28 deg. west longitude ;
that is, just before we were about to
cross the line.
The letter was a long packet, so well
closed upon every side that it was im
possible to catch the slightest glimpse of
its contents. lam not, naturally super
stitieus, but there was something in the
look of the latter that I did. ndt alto
gether like, though I could give no rea
son why. However, carried it into
the cabin, and stuck it under the glass
of a little shabby English clock, which
was fastened above my head.
I was busy fixing the letter under the
Clock, when who should come WO my
cabin but the convict - and his wife !
This was the first time I had seen either
of them, and may say that a more pre
possessing couple I never met. The
wonAlL:was scarcely more than fifteen,
and as haffilsome as a picture; while
thehusband was an intelligent, magnifl-.
cently formed man, on. - whose features
nature had 'levier written !• villain V' -
His crime, to be plain, Was the mis
fortune of being, a hundred years ahead
Of his age. He and others had attempt
ed something which our government
called treason, and whbth it punished
With donth It , thereToreoccael
me considerable woutiv-. Lniit ne should
be plabed under my charge. But more
of this afterwards.
He had as I said, his wife hanging.
upon his grin. She was as merry as a
bird; she looked indeed, like a turtle
dove, cooing and nestling beneath• his
great wing. t 1
Before a month; had passed over our
heads I looked upon them as my own
children. Every morning I used to
call them into my .cabin. The young,
fellow would sit writing at my table,
that is to say, at my chest, which was.
my bed. He wOuld often help me at
reckoning, and soon learned to do bet
ter than I could. I was amazed at his
ability. His yourig wife would sit up
on one of the round stools hi my cabin,
working at her needle. .
One day were all three sitting in
this way, when I said:
~ `Do you know my young ones, as it
seems to me, we make - a very pretty
family picture? Mind; I don't mean to
ask questions, but may be you have not
much money to spare,mid you arc,both
you, as I' think, too handsome o dig
in the burning sun of Cayenne, like
many a poor wretch of a convict before
you. Its' a bad country—a bad coun
try; take my word for it. : 1,, who have
roughed it thrOughtenipest, ',wind and
sunshine, till I've the :Eikin of a rhinoc
eros, might get along there but you—
Pm afraid for you. So, if you should
chance to have a bit of foolish friend
ship Tor your poor old captain, why, I'll•
tell you what I'll do. I'll get rid o' the
old brig ; she's not much better than an.
old tub, after all ; so Vll settle myself
down there with you,
livingif you like. You
l i n
see I have not a oul in the world
to care fp." or that-care for me. lwant
relations I want ala e, I want a fam
ily. I should Like to ake my home
with-you,' my pretty young ones!—
What say ye? _- - , ,-•
They nothing at all, but kept
looking first at each ether, and. then at
Me t 'as -if they' doubted' whether they
understood - what I said.".:
At last, the little bird threw her arms.
• around-my neck and criedlike a baby.
'But,' said she, ,suddenly pausing,
you havn't looked ; at the. letter with
that big red seal.' ~..! I .
I felt a queer creeliing come over my
flesh as she said this.
'Hang it! I exclaimed, 'it had slipped
my head entirely,'
'With _a cold, dreadful sensation, I
went to my chest-to see where we were.
I found that we had ,Several days re
maining. before we: abbuld reach the
proper iongitude for'opeiiing the letter.
Well, there we stood, - all three of a
looking up at the letter as if it could
have spoken to us.' , AS it• happened, the
sun was shining full upon, the glass of
the elock - -'ease and fell - upon the . great
staring red seal of- the'letter. I could
not helOaneying it 'looked .something
like a gteat king monster, an ogre's face,
grinning from the' Middle - of the fire;
it looked horrid! • •:' ', -' '' • ,
" Could not - one fancy," said I, to
make them laugh,'" its - great big eyes
were staring out of its head ?"
" Ati r my-love - ,"said the wife, it looks
like blood!' --------- I •
' Pooh, pooh I' iitrid lei husband, ta
king her arm under his, 4 oaks like a
'letter of invitation ton We ding. - Com -
come, leave the letter Mon ,if it troub
les you so. Let's go to our 'room and
prepare for bed.'
And off they went. 1 I
They went up
on deck and left me with this beast of a
letter. 'T remember that I kept looking
at it as I smoked my pipe ; it seemed to
fix its great red eye upon mine, fasbina-
Jilin like the eye of a serpent. ' It was
red, Wide, raw staring like the maw' -of
a fierce wolf. . .
I took my great coat and hung it over
both clock and letter, 'and went upon
deck to finish my pipe.
We were now in the latitude 'of the
Cape de Verde Islands—the Belle. was
runningbefore a fair wind at-the" rat©
of ten knots an hour. It was a splendid
tropical night—the stars large and
shining, the moos rising above the
, ,
herizoni aa urge as a sun of sillier,' the
line: Of, ocean patting it, ana ! 4,„long
stream of pale, simmering light, falling
upon the waves,,which, as ,they.broke,
sparkled: like. jewels. l sat upon the
deck, Smokinglny pipe, and .looking
them.: 'l , • : 7 1 •
All Was quite still; except the footfall
of the officer of the watch, as'he paced;'
the - deck—gazing, as I did; upon the
shadow of the vessel stealing over:, the
I lovesidenee and order—l hatWreise' l
and confusion. The lights should have
been extinguished. , 1)37 this time; but
when I looked upon'the deck I thought
I saw a little red hue of light Just be
neath my feet. 'At another time and
place this would have made me angry;
but knowing the light came from the
cabin'of my little deportes, determined
to see what they were about.
I had Only to look down—l could see
into the cabin through the t Aky-light.
The young girl was upon her knees; ,
she was saying her prayers. A lamp
swinging from the ceiling, lighted her
room. She had on a long white night,
dress, and. her fair,
golden; shining hair
floated over her shoulders, and almost
touched two little bare feet, which were
peeping from utSder her white dress,
pretty. I was turning away; but psha;
said I, I am an old soldier! What mat
ters it? So I stayed.
The husband was sitting upon 'a little
trunk, his bead resting between his
hands looking at her as she prayed.—
She raised her face to heaven, and then
I saw her large bhite eyes were tilled
with tears. She looked like a Magda
lene. As she arose, ihe said :
" AIR, my sweet "Jenrette, as we ap-
Proach America I ;cannot help being
anxious—l do not 'know why—but I
feel that this voyage has been the hap
piest part of our lives."
" So it seems to me," she answered,
` I only 'wish it could last forever.'
Suddenly clasping her hands in a
transport of love and affection lie
And yet, my little'angel, I' see you
always cry when you say your prayers,
and that I cannot stand, for I know
not what causes it, and then I fear you
must repent what you have done.'
` Repent,' she replied in a- sad, rebu
king tone; repent of having come with
you. 3)0 you think because I have
been pairs only such a very short time,
that I should not love you? Was I not
your'wife? How can you be sorry that
I should be With you, to live with you
if you are to' live, and to die with you if
yoalore to die.'
Tlfe young man began to sigh, stri
king the floor impatiently with his feet,
while he kissed repeatedly the little
hand and arm which she'was-hOiding
' Ali, Laurette, Laurette? IVllen r
think if;pur marriage had only b e 1, de
layed 13,1 , 0 days, only five days; t len I
should, have been arrested and trans
portedlildne, I cannot forgive ii. self.'
At this the little one stretched out her
. pretty White arms, 'clasped' his head,
pressed,his forehead, his hair, his eyes,
smiling like 'a cherub, aitd murmuring
all sortb 'of little woman's fond things.
I was quite affected, and' considered it
one elm :prettiest,' scenes , I had ever
'witnessed. '
' And besides: we are' so very ; rich—
look! said.ehe, bursting out laughing:
`Look Minp purse;'one gold
,louis d'op i
all my worldly wealth.' '.' . .
He begati to laugh, too. - '
' Yes, Oat, I have spent my last half-.
crclivn.' ` :•/ - ga,ve it to the fellow who car
•,xi , 40.--,....,_,:_i.- ~..14.L. • ~., -.• . - •
' Ally - Poor,' cried' she; What - - liffitters
it? Nobody so merry as those who have
nothing , at'all ; besides, I have my% two
diamond 'rings that. my• mother gave
.me; they are good for something all'the
world over; we can sell ''them when
you like, and besides, I am mire that the
captain meant kindly to us, qnd I sus
pect he knows very well what is in the
letter. It' is a recommendation to the
of Cayenne.' ' '
' Perhaps so,' said he, ' who knows.'
'To be sure it is,'
continued the
charming little wife, 'Yon are so good
I am sure the Government has ban
ished you only for a short time—l know
they have no feeling against you.?
It was high time that the lights
should be stricken out, and I now rap
ped on the , deck and called for them to
do so.
They instantly obeyed, and I heard
them laughing and chattering •like two
innocent school fellows.
One morning "when awoke, I was
surprised not to feel the slightest -mo
tion of the vessel., Hurrying on deck I
found we were becalmed. Latitude,
one degree north longitude, between
27 and 28 degrees •west. ' •
I waited until night, then I descend
ed into the cabin, I opened the letter
with a dull, awful feeling. I held my
breath while I broke the great red seal,
and read :
` Captain Fontainbleau : The conVict,
Antoine Hindselear, stands convicted
of high treason against the Republic.—
The Directory order that he be shot in
mid-ocean, and you are hereby instruct
ed to see that 7 these • orders. are carried
into effect.' ' • r
' I read the letter' 'backward and for-
Ward, I rubbed my eyes ; , I could not
believe it ; my knees smote together. I
rose up with a gasp as if I were choking. ,
I hated myself for mymeakness. Fore
ing down -my eniotion I Went on deck..
There they:were, she looking upon the'
ocean, and he, gazing at her with an ex-'
pression ' of, lu mitterable • fondness'.—
Catching, his !eye, I •Aiknpd to , him ,to
come into thecabin. %'Bidding her good
bye, he came downi his lace - all smiles.
I Was bathed in a oold sweat; I felt as'
if deadly sick; I handed lihnothe order,
and he read it together with the death
warrant, which was ‘ drawn up in due
form, and Attached. - I 'gathered voice
as he, finished. I '• - " :. : • ,
He colored slightly, and bowed. .
`I -ask nothing, - captain 1 he. said,- in,
the same gentloNbri ce that always charac
terized his speech ; ' no main can , be ex-
peeted to swerve', from his- duty - I only
wish to speak' a' few words:, to 'Laurie,
and to entrrut tolake:tare ' of. her,
if she sh tad' eurviVe- , hut•l: hardly
think she ilk' _ .-•
' All tha is fair, my good fellbw,'
said I. 'lf you request it, I.Will' carry
her back to France, to her family. • I
'will never leave her until. she wishes to
be rid of me; but I do 'not think : ,.he
will survive it.: , ',,
Ho took my hand and PresSed;it.,'-'
` ' Most kind captain;'• 1 see„ you ,suf fer more than I do in this husipess-c-but
there is no help for it,,., I trust you, ,will
preservewhat little property of mine is
left for my sake, and that you will take
care she gets what her poor old mother
may leave her. I put her, life 7 -her lion,
lr in your "hands. ‘ She is,!Aandl how.
ow his voice becatne), 'a delicate
or cheat is often affect
" worm. And if
-------- .A14 rings
Tittle crea
ed, she must keep
she could keep the two ai _
her mother gave her, I should be
but, of coarse if the money is needed,
they must go. My Poor Laurette-how
pretty she looks.'
It was getting . toe.mueb for me, and I
began to knit my brows.
One word is as good as thOuSand,'
said I. 'We two: -understand orie l an !
other. Gob her.',., , • •
I squeezed his hand; be ilooked-itist
fully at me; and .I added, stay a mo 7
mud, let me giye you a word' of advice.
Don't say a wrird to her; that's my busi
ness. It shall be managed in.tbe best
Ah 1' said he, I did not understand ;
4 ~
much 'better. • Besides' this leave
taking L this leave-taking!'. , • •
,said 1; don't .behaye -like a
'eliild-,much 'better, much - better. Xo
ICave-taking, if You can help" it,'or you
are lost.' '
II kept my seat. sawn them walking
.arm! In arm upon the deck for i about an
I called the butte tome;and 'when he
bad read the letter, I 0
'',(Taney, 'this is bad business—bad
buSiness. , I put it in '•Your hands. I
obey the 'orders,' but I remain in the
Cabin till it is over.' •
Ho* do you wish it to be done ?' he
'asked, in a; ridnehalant'inanner. _
Take him out in a boat; out of sight;
do it as quick as joossible; don'tsay any
thing of. this' till-the time comes.'
(barley sat five min utes . looking
straight at 'me without saying a word.
He was estrange fellow. I didn't know
whdt to make of him. He then went
out of the cabin without saying another
word. ,
Night came at last. I called. Gurley :
Man a boat ; go a quarter of a mile ;
be quick!'
To obey asliP of paper ! for it was but
a slip, after all. Something in the very
air must have driven me'on. I saw him.
I saw the young man kneel down before
his Laurie; kiss her knees! her feet!
her gown ! I cried out like a madman,
' Part them ! part them this instant !
Part them—,-curse the Republic—curse
the Directory! the Directors •! I quit the
service! curse the lawyers!
,you may
tell them if you
She was dragged into .her berth, and
the boat was rowed away in the
u dark-
LesS. .
7 Some 'time after •a chill volley 'crane
over the sea to the vessel: It was ,all
over., •
Fool, madman, how I paced the deck
and cursed mtself! All night long I
paced back and forth, and all night long
I heard•the.moaning ofi.the poor strick
en bird.,•
Often' I halted,, and 'was tempted, to
throw myself into the Sea, and so nd
this horrid torture or the brain and
Days passed. I saw nothing of Lau
rette. .I would hot see her. She avoid
ed me, and I was glad of it. I could
not bear the sight of that: woe-stricken
face. I ,
The mate, Galley, how I 'hated hiM !
Ho WAS as -Cool and unconcerned- as
though be had no remembrance of
'shooting the.poor wretch.
At Cayenne I resigned my Ship, bo 7 ,
ing to the city, I made all the arrange
ments, and took-the! steamer for New
York. I placed ample funds in the
hands of a trusty friend, and told him
to send Laurette to me at the e\r of six
months. I could not see heruntil her
grief had lost, its edge.
Weary, sick; careless of any fate, I
wandered into the interior of YorkSt ate,
and finally bought a little placelt, here
I hoped I should lay doWn and die. -
I sent for Laurette. Poor bird, I must
see her. I could wait no longer.
One summer night I sat in the porch
of Oly house, smoking my pipe, and
gazing down the road. Soon the rum
ble pf wheels was heard, and the stage
halted. a,
The next moment a pair of white
Arms were around my neck, and the
head of the sobbing Laurette was on
my bosom.
Oh ! you dear, excellent captain—'
• Heavens! who is that behind you?'
There stood the line, manly form of
Aptolne, Hindslear the convict !-
NN ma noes trus mean r I tly Iva,
hardly knowing whether I was dream
ing or awake, • _
• Are you glad to see me?'
' Thank. God ! thank God-!' was ill I
could ejaculate. ,
I soon understood it al . The mate
Garley had read my hear otter than I
did myself. After leavin the brig in
the boat he arranged the! vhole 'affair.
t l i.)
The volley was fired), but no bullet
touched Antoine Hindslear. He As
smuggled into his berth again, and took
care to avoid my sight. Tire whole
crew were in the plot, and, thank God,
I was duped.
I sent Carley a thousand dollars as a
reward. ' ,
I am an fold man, but.l am happy.—
My children and my grandchildren (I
call them nothing else) seem to think
old Captain Fontainbleau is not such a
wretch, after all.
,Knocked About.
It is a (rood thing for a young man to
be knot cell about in the world, though
his soft- warted parents may S not think
so. All ,youths, or if not all, certainly
nineteen-twentieths of the sum total,
enter lift with a surplusage of self-con
ceit. T 1 e sooner they are relieved of it
the better. If, in measuring thems"elves
with wiser and older men, they discov
er that it is unwarranted, and , get rid of
it gracefully, of their own accord, well
and good ; if not, it desirable, for
their own sakes, that knocked out
of them.
A boy who is sent to a large school
soon finds his level. His will may have
been paromount at home but school
boys are democratic in their ideas, and
if arrogant r he is sure-to liethraslied in
to a recognition of the golden rul i e.—
The word is a great school, and
it soon toadies a new pupil his proper
place. If he has the attributes that be
long to a leader, he will be, installed
into-the position of leader; if not what
ever his own opinion of his abilities
may be, he will bo compelled, to fall
back with the rank and file, If not
to greatness, the next best tliing
which he can aspire this reSpeetabillty ;
;but no man can be either truly great or
respectable who is vain, pompous,,_and
overbearing. .
ley the time the novice has found his_
legitiinate social position, be the same
high or 1:03,K, the probability is that the
disagreedWe traits of his - character Will
be Softened down or worn away. Ifost
likely the process of abrasion will be
rough, perhaps very rough ; init. when
it is all over, and he begins to see him
self as others see him, and not as reflect
ed in the mirror of self-conceit, he will
be thankful that he has run the gaunt
let,and arrived, though by arough Mad
at self-knowledge: • Upon the -4whole
Whatev4 loving mothers may think to
the cont ary, it is a gond thing for
youths be knocked about in the
world ; makes men of them. •
Judge 1., ex-M. CI, in the early part
of hiSpracticeyas'called upon ; tAY con
duct a cause for the' plaintiff •in a suit
before Squire W. The defendant hav
ing small hope of success, did not em
ploy , counseL The plaintiff's counsel
had it all his own way; and, after sum
ming up, submitted the case for the de=
cision of the Conrt. The. Squire arose
and said, " defendant had
no counsel, he would make some re
arks on that side of the question
hi "
I e
A good story is.. . rather Tertian t
agricultural laborer,, who by
hook or crook scraped, together fifty
dollars took it to his employer with the
request that he Would take charge of it
for him. A year after,.the laborerwent
.to, another friend to know 'what r wouid
he the interest on it. He was told three
dollars. ~"Well."said he 1.1 you
would lend me three dollartk7 for : iti day
or so. 'My bosa has been keeping. 00'
dollars for me a year, and I want to ply
him this interest for it."
I . •
' - 'I ow,,boys, 11 tell you, how Ns e i can
have soniklun," reale 1 B!--,Lto_
his companions, who had assembled on
a beautiful moonlight evening, for sll-
ding, snow-balling, and fun generally.
"How ?" "Where?" "What is it?"
asked several eager voices all at once.
"I heard widow: DL—tell a mail
'little while ago," replied Fieddie, "that
she would gO over, and 'sit up with a sick
child to-night. She said she would . be
over about eight o'clock. - Now . , as. soon
as she is gone, let's go and:make a big
show man,on per door step', so that when
she comes • back in the morning, she
cannot get into her house, without first
knocking hiM over."
"Capital," "First-rate,'" ' "Hooray"
shouted some pf the boys. -
"See bere,"lsaid Chariie.N—, "I'll
tell you the best fun."
"What is it?" again inquired several
voices at once.
"'Wait a while," said' Charlie. 'Who's
got a wood-saw?"
"I have," "So have I," "And I,"
answered three of the boys. "Butwhat
in the world do you want a wood-saw
"You shall see," replied Charlie. "It
is almost eight o'clock now, so go and
get your saws. You, Freddie find Na
than, get each an ax, and II get a
shovel. Let us all be back here in fif
teen minutes, and then I'llshowyou the
The boys separated to go on their
several.errands, each wondering what
the fun could be, and what possible use
could be made of wood-saws and axes
in their play. But Charlie was not only
a great favorite with them all, but also
an acknowledged leader, and they fully
believed in him and his premise. Their .
curiosity gave elasticity toi their steps;
and they were soon assembled.
"Now,",said Charlie, "Mrs. M—is
bone for I met her when I was coming
ack; so let's be off at once."
..Mit - what are you going to do?"
inquired several impatient members of
the party.
"You shall see directly," replied the
leader, as they approached the' humble
residence of Mrs. M—.
"Now, boys," said Charlie, "you " see
that pile of wood ; a man hauled it here
this afternoon, and I heard Mrs. M—
tell him that unless she got some one to
saw it to-night, she should have hardly
anything to make afire - of in the morn
ing. Now we can saw and slplit that
pile.of wood just about as.-erWy asj we
could build .a great snow man, and when
Alas. home from herwateli
ing, she will be full as much surprised
to find her wood sawed, as she would to
tied a snow man on her doorsteps, and
a great deal more pleasantly surprised,
too. What say you? Will you do it?"
One or two of the boys - rather- de
murred at first. The - didn't like to saw
wood, - they/said. But the majority
tvcre in favor of Charley's project, so
they finally joined in, and went to Work
with a will • , , , .
"I'll go around to the back of the
shed," said Charlie, "andcrawl through
the window, "and unfasten the door.
Then we'll take turns in sawing, Uplit
ting and carrying in the wood ; and I
want to pile it up real nice, and toshov
el all the snow away from thedoor rand
a good"wide path, too, from the door to
the streetwon!t it be fun, Filen she
comes home and sees it?"
The boys began to appieciate the fun,
for they felt thatthe were a doilng a good
rirled. and individually experienced that
seit-satistaetion and joy which atways
result from well doing.
It was not a long or wearisome job for
seven robust and healthy boys, to saW,
split and pile up the poor widow's half
cord of wood, and to shovel a good path.
And when it was done, so great Wfl'A
their pleasure and-satisfaction, that one
of the boys who objected to work at
first, proposed that they should go to a
neighboring carpenter's shop—where
plenty of shavings could be had for the
carrying away—and each being an arm
ful of kindling wood. The proposition
was readily acceded to, and this done,
they repaired to their several homes,
of them More than satisfied with the
"fun" of,the - eveniufr,. And next morn
ing, when the weary . widow returned
for watching by she
sick-bed, and saw
what was done, she was pleasantly sur
prised ; and afterwards, when a neigh
bor, who had unobserved witnessed the
labors of the hoys,_told how itwasdone,
her ferveht invocation - -" God bless the
boys," of itself, if they could ' but -have
heard it, was, an abundant reward for
their labors./
Ah, boy and girls, the best fun is al
ways found, in doing something that is
kind and useful. This is the deliberate
opinion.oc/ a gray-headed old man ; but
if you doubt it in the least, just try it
for yourselves, and be convinced.
In order to test what a spider could
do in the way of eating, we arose about
day-break one morning to supply his
tine web with a fly. At first, however,
the spider did not come from his retreat,
so we, peeped among the leaves, and
there discovered that an earwig had
been caught and was now being feasted
on. The spider left the earwig, rolled
up the fly, and at once returned to Ills
i!first course. " This was at half past live
A. M., in September. At Seven A.
the earwig had been deniolished, and the
spider„after resting awhile, and probab
ly enjoying a nap, came down for, the
y which he had finished at nine A. M.
A 'little after nine we supply him'w ith
daddy'long-legs, which was eaten by
noon. At ogiA'clock a blow-fly wai
greedily seized, and then immediately
with an appetite apparettly no worse
.for his Previous indulgence, he com
rpeneed on the blow-fly. During the day
and towards the evening, a great many
•small.crieert flies, or what are popularly
termed midges, had been caught in the
web ;:of these we counted one hundred
and twenty all dead and fast prisoners
in the spider'a net. Soon after dark, pro- -
vided with a lantern, we went to exam
ine whether the spider ,was suffering
front indigestion or in any other way
from his previous meals; instead, how
ever, of being thus affected he was em
ployed in rolling uptogether the vari
ous little green midgeS, he , toolto his retreat and ate. This pI •
'repeated, 'carrying up the Ipt in fltq'e
detachments, until the - web is eaten,
for the web and its contents were bun
dled up together. A slight rest of abont
an hour was-foll Owed by the most in
dustrious webmaking process, and be
fore clay-break another web was ready
to be used in the same way., Taking the
relative size of the spider and of the
creatures it ate, and 'applying this to a
man, it would be somewhat Us. follows
At day break a small alligator was eat
en; at seven A'. M., a lamb; at nine A'.
M. a yoling'camelopard ; atone o'clock
. a siteep; and dm big he night one bun
dred.andtwenty larks. This. we believe
would be a fair allowance fora man dur
ing twenty'-four hour:: ; and could we
• find one gifted with such an appetite
and such dige. , tion, we cart readily com
perhend how he might spin five mites
of -web without killing himself, provid
ed he pos'essed the necessary machine-'
sy.—Chantbetes Journal.
To drain lands: drink whiskey and
spend , all your time at a village tavern.
This will drain your land in a sbort
ti Me. - - - _
thollroirjetoiah6esicio;ROd theoetabl.shinsitwith
a large assortmentorni6dernitylgt "
and aro pr&pared to (aeon° neatlyi and prOMPUY
. .
. •
Deeds,. Mortgaged, Leases, and a fiitl adaortment of
Constables' and Jnettoes'lllanks,Constantly on band. '
, ,
Peoplellving at ' a dlstancocan depend onhaVlngtholr
work donepromptly,and sent back In return mall
airOi!rjer—ltOy 'iblosk,Socond Floor
A House at - Damascus. -
-' . traveler whk) has beenkisiting the
dWelling of'Assal, one of. the leading, .
' - Citizens of Damascus, gives the follow
ing description of the building :'
When we arrived at the front oC the
mansion 'we were surprised at the
meanness of its appearance—at tho
walls -of sunburnt bricks and the Jaw
miserable windows, stuck Are and -'I
there, without order or' arrangement,
posseSsing no glass, but covered in with
a thick lattice formed with cross-bars of
Wood. Great, however, was the con
trast between the exterior of the house
andthe scene that prekenteditselfwhen
we Passed through z a door opened by a
'slave. We saw', to our surprise andl
pleasure, a spacious and magnificent
court, paved with Dutch tiles - and mar-,
ble. In the centre of it was a large
fountain, bubbling over into a cool,
clear, circular reservoir .of water filled
with pet fish. Around this] court ex
tended a range of buildings one story '
high, of a pretty, fantastic stye. f archi
tecture, decorated with Moorih or -Sar
acenic ornaments. • At the upper end
of the court was' a grotto, pr alcdve,
floored with various colored -marbles,
opening on the spacious area,lbuteleva- -
ted three steps above it, A rich figured
divan extended around the ,alls, and
the little secluded spot presented a cool
and delightful smoking retreat, from '
whence the large court and murmuring
fountain were most agreeably surveyed. •
Seating ourselves on the soft, luxurious
divan, we were served with coffee.—
Some black slaves in scarlet dresses, ,
with long white wands, then came to
conduct us to see someofthe apartments :
of the mansion and of the harem, the
ladies of which were absent at a sum
mer villa in the garden.- The building
on the western side of the court con
tained a succession of detatched' hand
shine rooms ; the. floors were covered
with a thick matting, and the ceilings
were paintedlri a beautiful manner and
with great, taste. The walls were
adorned with rich carving and gilding, I
and all around them, raised about afoot
and a half from the floor, extended a
divan covered with rich-figured mixed •
silk and cotton stuff of:Damascus Man
ufacture. The grand saloon or reception
hall on the. ground doiir, on the north
ern side of the "court, ih which strangers
and visitors are received, was by far the
finest apartment of the place. .'We first . .
came on to a square floor 'paved with
different colored marbles, 'having a
fountain in the centre,nd overhead a
m •
handsoely painted an gilded' Ceiling. ,
i t ,
From thislicor we asce ded by steps to •
ether raised floors, paved With marble
and covered with a very handsome mat- •
ting. . Scrolls and different deviceswere ,
painted around the walls, something
in the'ehinesestyle, and divans exten
ded' around " the apartment, placed
against the wall. Gilded bowls of sher
bet were handed round, and 'slices of
lemon and chopped almonds floating in
.it; then , crime a black slave, who held. . •
in his hand an .embroidered handker
chief, which he just pressed tq our lips
wlien we had ceased drinkilng. She
presence of the slaves was eminnanded .
by clapping of hands, a's Mentioned in
the "Arabian Nights." Cups of coffee.
were then again •handed roun . .
Japanese Social Life.
.A family of the middle class general
ly live in a low house, with a - ,thatehed
roof. The houses are built in this way
for safety against earthquakes, which
are eornnw". About, a. ocaitur3
100,000 people lost their lives in :fetid°,
by an earthquake. The husband gen
erally has but one wile; polygamy is
allowed, and the wealthier men some
times marry several wives, to show
their independence of custom, or their
ability to support a large establishment.
The marriage bond is esteemed sacred
and is rarely broken. Where.his- mar
ital rights arc invaded, the husband
may kill his wife and her paramour to
gether, without, fear of 'punishment.—
Families generally' take their meals to- -
gether, th; husband sitting a little apart
from the rest, to show his superior dig
nity. At night the family always go
thr6ugh a from of worship, putting
their heads 'down and extending their'
hands in invocation of their deity. In
the mornling the father goes to the door,
opens it, claps his bands and invokes
the god of day. The morning meal is
soon ready and eaten, and the children -
are sent! oil' to school, where they all
learn reading, writing and calculating,
anq the girls sewing, besides. The W -
men are Avon treated, not being'. cont:
celled to do heavy out-door work,. and
eing admitted to many of the lighter
avocations, such 01.4 that of clerk, or
bookkeeper in a store. The wife and
older - daughter share also in the recrea
tions of the hetul of the family.
Matrimonial matelibs are generally
made ul\by the jparenis or friends of
the parties 'interested. After the pre
liminaries have been discussed the par
ties themselves are consulted. If ,they
object strongly, the match is not eon
summated, but filial obedience is made
'so imperative a duty that this does not
often happen. When the preliminaries
an fully agreed upon the parties are
openly betrothed, with the exchange of
presents, and this betrothal is rarely
broken. Among the upper classes a
Widow may not marry again, but in the
lower classes she may..i She follows her
first husband . to his grave with an iron
pot on her head, her second, if she out-:
lives him, with two iron pots, and so on.
Death is to the oriental mind the one
inevitable fate. Hence it is loolted'.up=
on with comparative inditlerenee,. and
in the funeral - - ceremonies there is no
solemnity; but often the greatest levity.
In the country all are buried ceme
teries, which are well cared for. In the'
cities both burial and cremation are
practiced. The people generally have
a strong desire to be buried in the an
cestral burial lot.
Suicides are frequent; both on account
of love affairs and of loft in business.
Hanging and drow mg a e the most,
common methods. Hari kari, or dis
emboweling one' self, is reserved fer
the higher. c 1" . es. This is considered
highly hono 'able, and it removes all
disgrace, no only from the man him
self but fro his family, in whose pres
ence the act is commonly committed.
An honorable way of selling, a family
feud is for one of the parties to kill his
enemy, and ,then terminate his own life
by hai-i kart: The last act removes the
di.graec of murder, and leates the fam
ily without reproach in society,.
A CALrFoRNIA story tells of a man
who resolved to quit drinking, itud went
to a notary. to get him to draw up f i n
atiidavit to that effect.' The document
was drawii, retid, and proved] the party
help up 'his hand and murmured the
usual "s'elp me." It was ,properly
sealed-And delivered. , "What's to:ply?"
asked the pledger. "Tn pay—to pay
exclaimed the party. " nothing of
covrt4?—this is a labor of love. " °up.
ing to pay ?" returned' the grat6ful c hit
very forgetful atliant, "You're fa brick.
laet take a drink !"
Babies resemble wheat in many re-
speets. Firstly—neither are 'good for
much till they arrive at maturity; e
ondly—botl,l are bred in the house, and
alSo the flower of the family; thirdly—
bothp,.il h. hive to beeradled; fourthly—both
are gen ally 'welrthrashed before -tbey
are d e with. • , . .