The Tioga County agitator. (Wellsboro, Tioga County, Pa.) 1865-1871, May 22, 1867, Image 2

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A:St. , Louis letter toil Chicago paperte ,
sates the following eireunietanees;vilach
are almost too marvelous for belief:,
, There is• now in this' city a - young
man who exhibits one of:the .most mar-
velour instances of the tenacity .of life
~that, I, at least, ever saw'recorded; and
which will not a little puzzle men 'of
selence and - surgical skill; The man's
,indarie is Win. H:. Brown. : He was a
private in the, 18th lowa Infantry; and
enlisted at Sigourney; in August 186;
L He was' in the memorable battle bf
, Springfield, MO., in which this - noble
regiment Was thrown. into the breach'
at a moment when the - fortunes of the
day *elle_ almost. lost, and nears the
marks. of the terrible fire which greeted
the bold charge of the bfave 18th. Here
he received a wound from h shell.
' Heee' next wounded ;at Poison
Spring* w , On the 18th of April, while the
regiment, which had been left alone
upon 'the field; cutting its way
through a force Six times its 'strength
His wound, at, this place was from a
ball in the side, which detained him
' frorkiluty 'for near a Month. Passing
throngh the battle of Prairie' de Anne,
- April, 1884, and of Jenkins,' Ferry, on
the 29th of April, unscathed, it was re
• 'served Tor the rebel guerilla and robber,
Quantrell, to put his Life-strength to the
test. Brown, with four - comrades,' was
captured by this human hyena, aqd
Brown was robbed of his clothing and
nearly nine h ndred dollars in money
arid a wateh. The four were then tied
tree, to a wit their hands raised above.
their heads, a rope around their bodies)
and another around their feet. Whefi
thus secured, the guerillas then - formed
in a, platoon Of fifteen men, and taking
position at a short distance, discharged
, their 'rifles and. revolvers.dat these de
• fenceless men, commencing at one and
• continuing to the next: Brown was
the last man left, and mind must fall'
utterly td realize his feelings as he lis
tened to the repeated' volleys, and heard
- the death groans of his comrades.
Awhile, hereworse than fiend's glut
_ ted •the venom on tliem. - Having
reached him at last, he 'was asked by
the leader of the gang if he had any
thing to say. He replied that they
_ might shoot away,• whereupon . they
took their station. A noise, a flash, a
-dropping head, and all war_dark with
pope Brown. .
"'Wing finished their• work, the de
mons left the place. Strange to say,
`those - fifteen balls failed•to do the work
o f the guerrillas. Brown survived. He
; was ,shot about ten-o'clock in the -fore
noon, • and was unconscious, till near
' • evening, When he fibmbis stupor,
84f - tering intense agony and pain, yet
bund .fast to the tree and his dead com
p nions; For three days and nights he
r mwined thus; Addeci s to all' this were
• the pangs of hunger and,thirst, and the
fierce yellsiof a pack of hungry wolves.
He was, on the fourth day, discovered
Jay a yoting lady named Mary Mill .4,
who at once brought him relief.. He
was removed to Fort Scott, where his
wounds were examined and the' fact
disclosed that the l entire 15 balls had
passed into his body. - One penetrated
the head over the right eye, destroying
that - organ, and is now lodged inside
the 'ikull : another entered the right
. eye, passed around the skull, and Is
now lodged under the right ear ; anoth
er entered the right temple, and was re
moved from under the lefteye ; another
entered the Left side of&the neck and
lodged near the windpipe, where it now
remains ; another clattered the body un
der the right arm, paged through both
lobes of, the lungs and out under the
, left arm ;
.two more }Mere lodged under
each' hip, .where ttey now are;. and
breaking the bones Of both; five balls
entered the right thigh above the knee,
shattering it badly, and destroying. -al
most the entire bone; two balls entered
the left thigh, breaking the bone, and
there remain. Tinis it will be seen that
eighteen bulletts and a fragment' of a
shell had' been shot' into his body, four
, teen of.which are still there, and he not
twentpthree yearslof age. His face is
not so badly disfigured as to make hire
. at all ugly ! while 'with the aid of a
crutch and cane he is able-to •go about,
yet in a crippled condition. He is in
deed the wreck of a fine-looking, noble
young man, an ornament of heroism to
his race, and an honor to his' country
,native State. He is cheerful, in
conversation . , and takes his fate like a
philosopher. •He is now vn -a visit here
with IVEI 'relatives. His record seems al
most too marvelous to' believe, yet there
is neat a queetiop as to the•facts as stated
, A F4fal Advent ' r©.
. . 4 I
A young man in 'lonia cokinty, Mich
igan last weektdescended a well to clean
out the sand a the bottom. While he
was thus engaged, the stones began to
fall, and his father, hearing - the rumb
ling, shouted to him "Jump upon the
bucket;" and immediately commenced
drawing him up with all possible speed-
The stillness of the next minute or two
was intense, and the scene awful. He
was kept hi advance of the falling mass
es of stones and dirt that -were filling
the cavernous depths below him, till
within about fifteen feet of the surface.
. The caving. in was too rapid, - and the
stones caught and instantly wedged
him in. As soon as phssible the neigh
' bora were amused,;and in a short time a,
hundred or two wee at the scene of the
diaaster. The young man was yet alive,
as theylearned from time to time, by
hearing his smothered groans and faint
answer 4 to their questions.
The work of rescuing him commenc
ed at once, great care being used; as
stone after stone was gently removed,.
leak the treacherous and sandy earth
• around should be disturbed and cave in
;anew, and thus fill up 'the interstices
- -which might otherwise afford air to sus
'tain life for some hours at least. The
anxiety of course, was most intense, and
the suspense of his parents and friends
fearfill, while, their hopes • alternately
rose pied fell, as now they could dis
tingUish a groan, or a feeble respOnse to
their huestioning, and anon all would
be still again.
' . Finally, after four hours laboiV they
reached the suffbrer, and found him sit
ting upon the sharp edges of thebueket,
with a large boulder in his lap;-sitting
erect, with his head thrown back against
a portion of the circular wall, and two
or three stones resting against his head,
and so Inclined as to rest, also against
the wall and each other, arid "wedge."
He was securely held
,'immovable in'his
, position, and fortunately the stones
were so arehedand keyed that they did
not again srart during all the time that
the men were engaged in digging' him
out. On being raised, to the open -air,
the young man swooned, but soon i•e
vivect No bones were broken, and his
bruises were so slig t that after two or
three days he was ;••,?, •, apparently in
his usual health, f
brass jewelry man has been• to Canton.
and plucked the innocents. Bills an
nounced' a rope-walking there, but no
funaMliulist appeared. Instead, "ye
man of brass" was there. with sonorous
voice and lying tongue, and gulled the
crowd into. buying,.some sixteen new
lockets at $5 each, " and if you can
find one like it in town for $lO I'll give
you one!"We thought after our men
tion of his doings at Troy he would
s - Winclle no one in this part of the coun
try again. They evidently ° need more
copies of the Gazette at Canton,, and if
they would inyest - in • reading matter
and let "confidence men" and Peter
Funks alone, doubtless they would in
the end be wiser as well as richer.— Troy
Gazette. .
The recent eq,ethquake in Missouri
was more severe-it Oregon t Holt cobrity,
than at any other place. Several chim
neys toppled over, goods fell from
r —sh elves, and plastering was jarred down.
The Circuit Court was in session, at the
time, but witnesses, jurymen, lawyers
and everybody became demoralized,
' and a stampede was the consequence.—
Some, fell down stairs, whilje others
• were unable tet get down at all. • Olpne
man jumped out of a Emendatory Vin
\ dow, but came off unhurt.
Stu agitaton.
WEDDIESDAT, ,MAY„ 22, 1867.
ex c:, C7Z ATxozr 1,7 40.
Says the Tribune:" Four men were
killo and twenty wounded in Mobile,
and for what reason ?"
We can• answer- t hat question, Mr.
Gre9ley, Judge Kelly, of this State, was
invited' to address the eitiZens of. Mobile..
He essayed to complY:With the invita
tion May, 14, evening, when, without
the slightest provocation, he was fired
upon,by persons in the crowd, and a
general melee ensued in which four per
soir were killed and twenty Wounded.
T e facti go to show, thab ,the i n,itirder
,was planned; and the only wonder is
how Judge, Illy escaped.
. Mr. Greeley answers his: own ques
tion by saying that the spirit of rebell
iOn In" Mobile is-still unconquered : Yes;
that is true. It IS also true that the spir
it of rebellion will not, be conquered by
any Such acts of folly as that committed
by 14i ,Greeley on the•l2th Qf May. - AVe
allUde to his becoming hailAr the arch
rebel himself,. Jefferson Davis.. No,
Mr. Greeley,.that is not the way to. con
quer the may s. spirit of rebellion. You may s
as well install a hog in your parlor, and
,expect it to EtA like a'•gentleirt, an, as •to
be magnanimous toward the" soutbern
rebels expecting • thent to appreciate it.
Remember, it *as but two 'days after
the release of Daitis that' Judge Kelly
was fired upon in rMobile, •
Ai3OIEIT L - 108, , I
Of lions there and several- varietie/s
The fierce, tawny :brpte from ' thy
woods, Aninidia," .called for by,the un,
happy Jugurtha, the very : 'creature
that figures history-book and sports
a tufted tail like a painter's brush 'with
a flexible handle,abirays filled our ide-
al of letinine theie is
brotimin'lion, with slim hody . and mod
erate mane ; and the South American
ljon, seemingly a cross - betiveen a jack
al and a cosset larah." Olen) are lions
not mentioned in Zoology proper, such
as Iltera lions ; scientific lions ; mili
tary lions ; and Saratoga lions. But
the latest lion, of pure American breed,
is Mr. Jefferson Davis, the great crim
inal lion of the age; the lion who tried
to capture a continent, and succeeded
in being himself captured by a squad
of cavalry while running away from
the defeat be had invited.
This lion was taken from his cage at
Fort Monroe on 'the 12th. instant, and
conducted to Richmond ;
trial, but really to be at liherty, on
No sooner ad the news of the lion's
release reach Abe country, than the
jackals who, aforetime, had waited on
his leonine majesty at his meals, made
a grand rush for Richmond. Chief of
these was one Franklin -Pierce, former
ly a President of-the United States, but
since forgotten, who seized his satchel,
and hurriedly thrusting therein a clean
shirt and a box of paper collars, hast
ened to grret the lion on his emergence
from the casemates of Fort Monroe.
Mi . . Wm. R. Reed, who disappeared
from public gaze on the surrender of Lee
and Johnston, was there with his green
bag; Charles o?Connbr., famed' for pro
ving Slavery necessary to a condition of
perfect freedom, was there likewise, as
co i n
ael for the illustrious traitor: Hor
ace Greeley was there, and' G errit h
l'ilf. wise, to offer bail for the lion. And
Au ustus Schell • was there, likewise D.
K. aclactan, anxiousjo sign the bond.
Not that the uncaging of this lion '; r o
Much matters;
,for the , likelihood of his
being tried has neviarbeen great; but It
is instructive to reflect that neither a
G., nor' G errit Smith went to Virginia
to bail old John Brown ; John Brovirn
who led fifteen . , men against Slavery,
was promptly tried and promptly huug
for treason. ' Jefferson Davis, l'ho led
eight millions against Freedom, has no
lack of friends, and is freed without the
forms of trial. 'We say that the ,com
parison is instructive ; •We predict that
a Just God will punish the American
people for this most contemptible-byp
ocrisY ; and we say•to Mr. Greeley' that
bad Mr. Davis succeeded, Horace Gree
ley would have followed John Brown,
the hero, Or suffered . expatriation. His
magnanimity i k wasted on soil unsuited
'to its growth: would have been bet
'tetto have kleft Mr. Davis in the hands
of his friends and admirers. However,
Should the lion fail to appear when ci
ted, both Greeley and , Smith Will be on
bhnd with their 'proportions of the for
feit. , .
But IWit t Davis Will not run away.
,There is ncathe slightest danger of his
conviction on the charge of treason and
he .knows it. The offence perished Out
of our criminal law With the banging
of John Brown, and the ,word will; be'
noted as obsolete in the next edition of
Webster's Unabridged; Mr. Davis bad
an idiosyneracy, which led him to leyy
war against, the Government. History
will doubtless decide whether he : was
actuated by pure or selfish motives.
We never heard of Jefferson Davis as a
philanthropist; we have seen him in
the role of a scoundrelly politician.
Still, like Brutus, he must be "an hon
orable man ;"—a neat phrase applied to
an ancient assassin.
Chiefly, these remarks are in condem
nation of the *bad practice of, lionizing
mere pen.. There is a morbid curiosi
ty relating to monsters. A two-headed
calf ; a man - without legs and arms ; the
slayer of an entire family ;—any one of
theie monsters is enough to set hund
reds of people running. Without in
tentional disrespect to Mr. Davis, we
are botind to say, that, the measure and
quality of in terest.excited by him, South
and North, is identical with that excit
ed by the exhibition of any of• the mon
sters named,:' He could not compete
with Torn Thumb or the Belgian giant.
He is'a,traitor (but the sight of traitors
was an every, Xtbur spectacle in every
village in the land during the war:
Let a menagerie lion dine off his kee
per some day, hundreds would rush to
to the, fore to get a gliaipse ef the beast
which devoured/a man ; and as time
would dull the edge'of such morbid cu
riosity, so .time will leave Jeff Davis in
company with Arnold and Burr, whose
united Crimes are to Davis's as 1 to 10.
Yet Arnold died fp, exile, .and Burr was
utterly despised. = Davis, released.-on
bail, travels by - way a great therongh
fares tii" , Cfikiiada, the reftige'oC so many
of - his synipathi9ifilti4,he daya,of eon-
ICOPPerlibad s 'ebiefs.yfill
patronize him, and ti(Y.afferil iiiitt#T'bv
idence of their entie sympathy with
the treason and the traitor. '
7t, is complimentary` tO the Northern
people that a man so obnoxious to Ahem
should make the _passage to . Canada
without being in anywise molested.
The Editof. ,Of. the„Lyc92nOwSta i ndo74
are publistifug letters, of sympathy ;
encouragement - from , their patrons,
Which `is all 'well ,ertough, !of 'cOurse.•
However,, we do not just see what, right
they. have 4 criticize the grammar of a
,Cerrespond'etnt who returns .his • paper
with a coriiii,Tairkarit of '"too much braes
and.coppeolin it," and to ilenounCe him
as-"a sneaking; .midnight desperado."
'Especially dd' we fail to, discover the
propriety, of suet, language in view of
a letter ,E.f praise ,in the same column,
in which the writer says of the" paper,
"may its enterprise be . the :inn of an
austerity in the new era;" or of another
.Who Says : "I improve in favor with
every succeeding issue of the . ',Sta7l: 7 •
uai to, infei' : that the
• Standard thinks 'more and. better of the'
subscriber from weekto' week'. The
'saw writer continues: "aaving as
een ded , t4e throne of Democracy in your.
early days," &c., &b.; by which we come
to a knowledge that Democtracy . has a
throne, and that its occupantsare Col
onel L. L: and A. B. Tate, son of his
father. We are glad to learn that be
mocracy lath a throne, and that its
throne is so ably and entirely filled:—
T4eir Majesties should at once 'send the
school-master among their patrons, with
instructions to teach the , villians polite
liteiature. • ' '
piarmArt piozopr*
To those whci have always lived amid
modern improvements ito may be inter
esting to hear_hOw we uSed to manage
tv grind'our bread stuff.
' Our hand-mill,
,alluded to in in* first
paper, was set up in AsTO , Furman's
stoop, five miles away. We used to take
two b ushels of corn, and two hands and
go to this mill. We could grind Such a
grist and get home the same day about'
dark. This lasted for a year or so, when
Elijah DePui, who had learned the Mill
wright trade, was engaged by father
and Mr. Furman to build them a mill
on Mill Run, near Furmantown. This
was a vast improvement, as' the mill
would grind 16 or 20 bushels a day. In
fact, we felt quite rich and Independent.
Furman's two oldestgiris soon learned
to tend the mill, and did so for 'several ,
years. .
Richard Ellis soon after' moved in,
' and put up a mill on Marsh Creek, We
sold our hand-mill to one Butt, who
took it to McKean County.
Of course everybody had adVenturei
in those days, and some of mine may
not be uninteresting. At fourteen- .1
was cow-boy. Sometime th themonth
of June I set off for the cows, taking
I my olslest sister, aged sixteen, with Me.
We had gone about one hundred rods
from the house when we saw a large
bear coming out of a swamp. I told her
to hide behind a tree until I could go
and get a gun. I had killed two deer
before this, and felt pretty brave. I was
soon back with a rifle, and when I
reached the tree where my sister was,
the bear. was not more than six or sev-i
en rods away. Resting the rifle on e
roots of the tree tired away. He
braWled like a calf and, after running
about eight rods, l'ell,dead in histracks.
The bullet tore his, heart all to pieces.—
His fur was Ipng and began to shed ; so
I took it off, And Mother carded it and
made me two, pairs of socks, and a pair
of mittemS, c all of which I ore out the
next winter. So you may tell the la
dies-that I wore furs When quite young.
On another occasion I had , a little
fight with a panther. He had got my ;
dog into his clutches and I toaitthawked
him with a hatchet. I had . a eussle with
a bear, also. He 'had one of the dogs
in his and L killed him ;with my
sheath knife.-.,0n another occasion the:
dogs hadpvertaken an Elk anutgothim
down on the ice. I killed the Elk with
a butcher knife. think I killed the
biggest bear ever killed in Tioga Conn
'ty. I was still-hunting on a ridge and
saw the bear in the valley below. I
stood and looked at, him for sometime,'
feeling shy for therst tLine in my life.'
At last said I, " ,Live or. die, I'll try
you at all hazards." So I took .
off nay
shoes and hung them at My belt, whieh,
held a tomahawk, and Made, for him.
He, was quietly eating, acorns. I got
within, eight rods of liins,and' after care=
ful aim fired.' He walked or about
seven or eight rods and fell dead. I
took a small rifle ball out of his pate, ,
where he had borne it five years ; for a
neighbor had had a fight with the Dane
bear years before, and left his dog to be
eaten up while he ran away, We stretch
ed the on one side of our tog house
and it measured 9 feet in length by sevr ,
en feet in width.
At another time I fired at an old buck
when li- - on-a fast .jump.. He fell
and yhtting my rifle dovin
ut ins throat. buck
id knocked me over and
I stuck up my feet to
catch his horns, when luckily my dog
came up and fastened him' , by the,gam
mon. I got my gun and ended that
fight. Three times I got into similar
trbuble, having my clothes torn olf and
.11:•s pounded black
,and•blue. ' . •
erne of these storieslna.s , Semi a lit
tle„to, ugh . tor those who live 'hi these
ti des, but'Sylvestef 'DaVy; who lives
;up,!in the Reedit Woods" Janie* Locke of
,and ' Sheriff ' Mathers,
Charleston, ,can 'tell' something about
'my shooting, and my Wein thewoods.
I am now nn old Man,' but no man 8 , .
Jog ever saw in& drunk, and'''• doubt if
any man ever heard me take the name
of God in vain. Yours truly,
[NoTE.,-:--We are much obliged to Mr.
Steele for his' interesting sketches, and'
regret that his stot:Y is so brief. Every
thing relating toinon,eer life' in Tioga
County 'will begladly published. En.]
' '
FATAL ArFnAV.—Henr,y Youngs of
Hector Tow ship was killed on Wed nes,
day, the Srt inst., by Charles Razy a
near neigh r. The , parties .had not
been on friendly terms, , for some time
previous, as appears from rumor. ‘ They
were alone, and we have only the state
ments' of Razy as to the facts in the
It appears Razy was passing along
the public road;'by the farm of Youngs,
when he says, he was • accosted by
Youngs, who was in his field, and some
angry words passed between them,—
Razy Went into Youngs' field with the
intention or Whipping hint. . When
they met, Razy alleges •that Youngs
cam at him'with a knife; and that he
struckYoungs under the ear and knock
ed h m down once or twice, then got
onto him and beat hint until dead.—
Razy then took the body and carried it
off about twenty-five rods, leaving it on
a piece of land claimed by him, but
which had been in dispute between the
partiel After it was ascertained by the
inquest, that the killing was done In
the field of
. Youngs, Razy admitted it;
and says the reason he,plabed. the body
where he did, was _that, he thought .
wofdd be more favorable for, him, to
have 4 . . appear that the affray occurred
on the disputed territory, Razy is now jail, and we 'forbear com
ments until a judicial—investigation. is
had.--Potter Journal.
BULLARD & 111114 N
if AVS
iiiiitee4 fin* 14eiw t Xorli std: ink.
pl etunire In ginoiWeing,to tiii'tniding ttiib
-1)43 that they have now On hated ilielr i , 1
, ~ . •
which they will sell ebeiptaiiiias: -
, The Ladias
will Sod it to ,theit advantage to call and seehar
sprendid street'
DRESS—ROODq , •;te
fifErstiNGEff,,4Otble f01i1.46. , yd.
'4,4P ACAS,' Aonble . fold, ; o*ap,
s 'A*46 K v IN-r:S
t'vo oantot lie l tAnt. Also
SACS EUTTO.NA , in - tiaritly,
SUMMER S AW I; 9,, 14ligwat f
I • ~• ~sKtlvrg, • ,
kaie's oi,
WHITE' GOOD% SWISS1111:161414%
' 'BOOK - •
SOOB% . IQ.; ,
LINENS we have In abrnAatee. ' TABLP
A beautiful assortment of
and Cur usually nice aisorted stock of DOMES
TICS, we have received, and are prepared to gfve
our .custeiners the advantagea of il,"thiolitse in
prices on'tliactine of goods.
fa in good "order and we still ulakelt our,alosp
dult our cnxstoniers, ea wellta quality as in lit.of
Clothing. • ,:it
we may *411;4r234 Ory ee *Ol4 to kOp'l g0ad 63 '444 9tlt ri,74 aid price.
' 44 OUR SiiraE STQCK'' '
lie bave gained a reputation In for *keeplig -the
best in the county, and have all tbb -styles from
'smallest to largest.
we will sell off at oost as we are running out of
that line of goods. ,
, .
ceiling off at coat* we are running out of that
line of geode.
' •
Call Una Wo a Id before purchasing elsewhere as
we are convinced, and think we van convince
elnstoutere, that we are selling, good good. at
cheap priceef ' . /
Call and flee onr Goode., "Eon 'shall be, Liked
well whether you buy of not,
We'Moro, MO 22, HOT.
Sedalia:le and Ilatv Asa are tiroadstid.te
The season is backward, and aoldyand wet,
Bid thetVs•titne for, plowing and sowing yet
And therelkbolipring l and Bummer, and Pall—
OP course tilde.° will be a Sfiring, cud Sum
mer; and there bus been already a' •' •
ond•so-fotth. Peihapo yoti.may think tho anon
has tome
bit te?rpsot,io spring
upon the customers whp, petronisemo ; unit I dill
not keep over
LAST STIMIMit'S 900 t e,
~ ~
-a !INA
FRihlt es , SUALUBB LiSEL.k.
. Sven
is fresh se salt eau be 'and
who want to command best prices for butter must
use Liverpool Balt. And furthermore, listen, 0,
ye T—He's t I havek tremendous lot of ;,,
;Oolong, Sonohong,. liing.§onv #7 .7 .
eon, )13319n, Lo•Snn, No-. n, Green T. Moira
!gliielc T. and
emelt T.
all or whioh is warranted to unlock family so,
ants at awry T—par-A 7 T.
' '
MAT ll'E R S
will continuo to buy
at the beet Market PFices, and sell
Everything Eatable and Cookable,
as nheap - sto eau le done and maintain a ;vita and
numerous family.
, - . . • .
will alwaya be glad to ties you le you have nieney,
and If. 'you haven't he will tell you how td get
that article.
Wellebevo, Pe., May 22,1887.
MIXECUTOR'S ZtOT/CE.—Letters testameti
j[24 tary - hiving been granted ti the undersigned
upon the last will and testament of James Saa
cord, late "of Westfield towiship;deeeased; all
persona indebted will intake immediato paptiont;
AZI4 Weise 411i - 112g-claims's:rill present them to
;:KATE A. SEA0011,1);I
-" - vitillgAßD KRITSEN,•r
vr Wilda; ilfiyl2i 1887—fito_ ,
fl(1 PP31151,13 PURR '4II49TAY 8)§:
-1; VW •
50 MUMMA etoy A ßa .4tll,
Much ?or:. WRIGHT' &DL Ei.
'ball fur,
:4 44
Nt.w, 4.PRINg- COODS
AT kw ! IINIAT:PANY etoug
B ' U'x ;S BU B
WE bare Jost received- a- new arid- welt ae
lepte4 iltot . sh. of , GoOd . e adapted to the
aprfaig trade:and dre.preparad to over a BETTER
assortment and -- • • • _ ' "
13FritA i .iiiii'd - i - 2 ' '
than any other: Store in 'Plop or adjoining
ionnties. ." '
Our oaperionon 4.8 to 1) 1 43'..„ _
9 00 D GOODS.
and no °them thereby gain and hold the oonfl
&moo of our customers. They are ours of get
ting GOOD GOODS, and for ZEWS . ROAPEY
than tbey oan get, them elsewhere, and lilts is,
why the
is constantly throngedidth tnitomers iaila other
Merchants Dry bard times.
We keep constantly on hind a large stook of
. SHOES,- .f , •
find alcood everything for Farmers. or Bieekenies
Ilse. We also keep 4fitto assortment of
. • OE • 44.1.
, .
. ..
SALT, .._.
1 .
both coarse and fine, by the barrel, sack and box,
c'onstantly on band. , In short almost everything
usually kept In a countr y Stoke, may be found
at the
Our stock is new. and complete, pet what the
people want. We invite an examination of our
GOODS 1' .
before buyipg elsewhere. ~ takg:Pioninrein
showing Goods, rind still Iliffrptn giving our,pri
'c'es. For , with the fine Stobit'Wo 'ave"eittibied to
td3ow, and prices so" c • • • •
- wo feel suirZet moms.
Any goods that we sell that are not as repre
sented can be returned and tie money will be re
funded. st 1 ' ,
Wo make to unnecessary display of Goode
. upon the aldewalke; our Goods are, in the house,
: nest, clean and, tidy, and a plenty of help Wait
,upon all who wish to eee•thete.
4 7, 9MfANY-STORE, ;
• PN. Dnmcp, &Vt.
Blossburg, May 22, 1867.
, .;,,•.,
UlifEß Y,
D j.. YE , : ST i isl'S
Paintsi and Oils)
P.' R. 'MiILiJA.IiIS & CO'S
~,~ ~,
~„ L
•,_ t itnti<
„ 's't.i ,
P. R. Wtx.x.tems, P. R WILLIAMS .4 Co. ,
J. L. WILMA/19. j NQ. 3 Union Block.
Wellitiorg; May 2211867..
irioga Zarble Worth',
4HE tinder:signed' ar e o now piepared to exit'
mite all Orders for Tomb Btonea ' and Moon
manta of oittibr'
of tbelatest style ' arid approved worlanarkehip,
and with .dispatoh.
We, keep'constantly on band. b,oth, Moan of
Marble, and will be' able to snit all who inagife l ,
vol. us Wits Oar, orders, on as reasonable terms
tuf aim be obtained in the country.' -
Stenos discolored.with rust and dirt oleanipi
and made 'to look as good as new.
• Tioga, May 22, 1887.4. '
TO PHYSICIANS.—A,feaF Saddle Bags and
,Stomaoh Pumps for sak - olteap at • •
22caoy. BOX I S D.R116F.5T0R5,...„
HOUSE.--,-, roi gale; q '
setvietAble horn
,Inquire At Itoy's Drug time.
Welleboto, May I, 1807.
Q . /11W Eing..—.Thin justly celebrated Stallion
will stand the present treason at *he etablo of
trip proprietor in. Cha)bara, every forenoon.
Terme,reasonable,_ DOPY
Chatham, May 15, 1857—.2ra.
G s,
Ii . i
IMIN 0 • Mi
TOY virtue of sue4.dri, Ifiifiirferi Facias, Le•
Al oari • Facia*, line iiittiliOnf Exponas, h
otted out, of the Court o iconintoti Pleas of TI-
..,..,.?3,0..,,,,,, tOrtri 'il iffrotadkrill be exposed
. .t 4 Wibueleal a' ln the. cotirrintiso; In Wellsboro,,
OunotONßAliri'',Hoitt37tn l e I]flip k ; 1867, at one
e•'etiltik f#tthin,,nftororoon, the : followingdescribed
• PT,9! ), Ti . S.e*rit:'' . -1 ' , --- „ .;', l .
Allot of laid lying in the; Borough of Knox
villo; bounded and described as follows: oe the
north by lands of J. Dearman, east by Clark
Beech; south by Mafeatreet; turd" trest - by ehateli
laireot----oontaining A of an acre moro or loss; one
&eine aviallitig'hdirse;';ono frame store, one froths
barnntrd - outtuildlnge, - andfruit• - treer-thenoon;
To be sold as the ptonerty of Abigail Seely,- I,
Harriet Seely, Mitivin Seely and Luke D. 8 ely,
heirs 'at law of iftry Seely.
, -41,,130- 7 4 , t lotof lendlyingla_the townshf inf. •
elyneentritt Wert' eld;` bourdednilitaiseilbod'es'
Bellows olonilie.B7, 'bY lands - of Bleier Heck-
ett, and Lewis II: imOrl, east by Vinuilookloy,
south by Frederic Swimlar, Vinus Aekley, and
Wm: Ladd, and West by' Thomas Streit-come
twining 81 acres Moro or lest, about 6 6 acres lm: I
proved, two frame hOOsese one'fratne barn, other
out buildings and fruit trees thereon. To be
Sold •toortho proporty,of ; Osial W, Kiog..., , --,
_ 4128,0-4- 2 41,,1bt oft land lying in the tow:ratio of
Biondi; botrhiledirtntrdeseribed as follovior lot'alii.
9, block No, 1, in the village of Blosiburg, lying
on the wept' side of .W,illiamson street, 50 foot
front and abont NO feet deep. ' To be Bold as`
the ',Alpert* of Alfred.T. James, Jas. 11. Gulick,
and Evan 3: Evarte,,Tinsteel of the -First Pres
byterian Church ofißloseharg, „ • - t. •
7, ALSO-A lot of: land in Knosvplo t. bounded
north by 3. Dearman, Oast 'by - Hiram F reeborn,
amd 0. H. Goldsmith) south by Maid ',Strata, and
west by Giles Roberts- 7 oontainitigabout I of an
ere, two frame houses, one, frame barn, 1 frame
along:bier house, and holm) fruit trees thereon.
TO be sold as. the property of Samuel May.
ita,s, o l- , A 10 - otAnd is the township of :DO-,
mar, houndo4 and dilseribid as !Arms: - en the
north by lands of Phelfti, Drodirli 4 0e;;:ealt
Tfaura L. Kennedy, eolith by Lams. L'. 14
. Kennedy,
and west by --- Kenyon-containing /3 4 , acres
ftiore or leso.abont .12 acres ittiPrn2re,do. one log
!house and freit'trehe thereon it 4 • .. '", i ..*,
ALSO-Another lot bounded north by
It enyotteast,': by lands of Joseph Willard, south
bY'EtliariAahloyinod nibs!: by Laneallo Roninet'•
dy-,.- - -e' x 44011114 Alii."•!nor.oe,,nbout 2b , ape, Ito -
mired, out) trauma . mars, and a. few fruitttrees
thereon. -To be sold no the poephity of H. P.
.Knottlton and Thomas Noith.
',ALIO-A lot of land in,., Union township, be-
gitinijord'*at' a hetulook, it %being', the- • South4sost
corner of lot No. 6, of warrant - Nei 8, of a body
of land surveyed in tho warrantee name of Wil
liam Wilson, and known locally as the Elk
mountain la nd;. thence along the diviiion line of
lots 'Nos. 0 ond• 7, north ;1 and one-toartor deg.
east 52 and eight-tenths perches' to to, himilock;
thence north 872 deg. west 87:2 perches to a
beech in the boundary line on the west 'side of
said lot No. 6; thence along said boundary line
sOuth li deg. west 62.8 perches to a post, it be
ing the I souti=iVist corner of• said lot Na .ft,
thence 'along ' the warrant , lino' on the south nf
the said Warrant No. 8, three dog. 'south '87.2
p,erobee' tolthe place Of beginning--containing
29 atm% more or less, about 18 aeres , improved,;
ohs frame house, one !Fame barn' and fruit trees
thereon. ; , To be sold as the yolirefty of Robert
Stratton.' '
ALSO-A lot of land in :Covington township";
beginning - at n post for a barrier, standing-in the
ekstern laohneery' l Ihre ' et i: the': said largora tract
thirty 'p r efohen eolith of a white pine; the_ north.-
west corner of the said larger tract; thence along
the said eastern boundary Hoe and by land of
Bartholomew a. Patton, warrantees, south ono
hundred and fifteen perches to a hemlock corner
standing in the said oroetern . lino; thence west
one hundred anditen Prirotiee 'ld a post: hornet;
thence north ont9•,undred and ten perches to the
place of beginning---containing seventy-five acres
and the usual allowance' ;for, roads ,ao.. ;To be
sold as , the property of ' Hiram Thomas, with nii- -
the to Mary Goodenough," widow, and Casey
Goodenough, George Goodenough, and Lydia
' Ilardlog,,beirs at law of Thomas Goodenough
and others, tenants. , ' ,:' • ,-. ! , . " : ~ . , • .
r"": ALSO.LA tat ''of land i 'in-; 'Blois township,
, bounded and described as foil l ows.: known as lot
• N 0.3, in block No. 7, of the village of Blossburg,
Stith one frame house thereon. To be sold as the
,property of Thomas Sample.
' ALSO-A lot bf land. in ;Lawrence township,.
bounded north by land of Daniel ealhoun; east
by Daniel Calhoun , south by Mutton lane, Sam
net Vangorder, school house lot, Irvin Bostwick
, 'and Charles Tremsin, and west by Tioga river
containing ninety acres more or loss, all im
proved, one frame house, ono frame barn, other
buildings and one apple orghard thereon. To be
sold as the property of Woodman Demarest.
• ALSO-A lot of land lying in the township' of
Ward, bounded and desciribbd as follows : on the
north by lands of James Brooks, on 'the east by
A. Yunnan, south by Rico, and on the want
by highway--containing 25 acres, more or lose,
about 12 acres improved, one log house thereon.
To be sold as the property of Rosetta Watts.
ALSO-.A lot of land in the Borough of Mans
field, bounced auto -m-ssomaa.s... e..u.' 7 ,, • . 1 .,
by birch - street; oast by P. M. (MAW 'and J. Pi
i t
tail leit iv h a o n in str do e d et : o a r n t d h b w y e ßr st ell by ab l ol
- ou A th no b t y he ß r
P. orris, and C. V. Elliott-oontaioning a acres,
tit e or less, one- frame house, one frame; barn,
all fruit trees thereon. •
re treotolast by Williamson road, south by Mur
dock, Pitts & Bros, and Weal by 'nude in pos
session of .1 A. Rose a Co., being 67`feet front
and 81 fact deep, one frame store house thereon ;
_ ALSO-Another lot bounded north by A. J. &
R. R. Webster and C. V. Ellioteteast by William
son road, south by Wellaboro street, and west by ,
Sassaflots street, being 90 feet front and 168 foot
deep, with one frame three-story building -partly
finished thereon. To be sold as the property-of
Lawton Cummings. -r. , , -
ALSO-=•A lot of land. in Delmar township,
bounded and described as follows: on! the north
by lands of Peter Brill, east by Thoraite Thomas,
south by highway, and west 'by /line E. Dale and
• William Robertson-'--conteining 50•aotes more or
• less, about 35 aoros,improverd, one frame - house,
one frime barn, and %nit' trees thereon. To be
• sold'an the propettik'of William Moyer et'al, with
notice' to Clark, roue tenant. •
ALSO-A hit'of land In Charlentoe township,
bounded on the north' by' land' In 'possession of
• the representatiree of B.S. Sayre, andland ton.'
olid to .7eotiriabillart, on the east bylarid Of
jeroniteh Vert; isnit lad& conveyed to WIIEIOII3
Thirviit'ort the south'by'huideonvoyed to-Thomas
Evans and land oonveyett•te Eliza''Krene; and
west by land 'convoyed to Waldo MaY„'and Itord
aortilyed 'te Caleb' Atietin-nontaining eighty
' tour 'mires and Coven-tenths of an acre, withall
loonmee of six per cent. for roads 'do,' and being
' No. 172 of the allotment-of-the Bingham lands
n Charleston; and part •of warrant No.• 1780,
• trith about forty-cores improved, aflame house,
• n'•-e sited, and othOr , out buildings, and an op.
pie orchard and , other fruit-trees- thereon. • To be
sold as the property of David D. Kelsol,land Ell
. lair S. Kelsey.' -• ;
. ALSO-A lot of land in Rutla n d, township,
bounded on the north by land conveyed to A. 0.
Bush, and Job ! C. Parke,- eatit i y said land, con
veyed to Paike,"south by' lot' No. 144; of - the al
lotment of the Bingham lands in Tingt, county,
contracted to be sold to' Truman Comfort, and
land of, said John G. Parke, and Vont bythetiome
land Midland of A. O. Multi--containing 110
acres and six-tanthi'ef an acre, with th'e usual
rdlotranee of ,bin :per cent. for -roads ito., be the
' same mere ,or less,; it being lots Npo.,S3 and , 34
of, th e allorprent of theßitiglosm /outlet in ' TWO'
teariaehirithdli.att , f * .vi'#ratitat numbered 10 7 4
and 42u0,,Othent zid scree iinp,raved',,One Nine
• /rouse, one feamebtiva and apple orolird - fheii*
To* sold as she ptoperlY of sp, tie !Hauthno. '
_ I ALSO--A lot of land in .elrodlestoia, townsh ip,
bonded and, described as follows pi on, the north,
• bY.flot No. 300 of the allotment ,of . the, ,Bingham
laud" in Charleston tows hip. Tioga, .county,,
Pelndeiivithia•Aloireasted , Act , thai
~, Pw*e,' ,o 4 .• the '
east.bydot No. 262, contracted too oho B. Ilordy,,
'on thonouth by the south line of Bingham lands,
in said township, and,on-eariviset.b,l 19%01,- 20. 3 ,.
:conveyed to Elijah _Peak°, Jr.;, t being lot No.
801 of tho , otment of the iorn lands in
'Charleston ' to wnship , Vega 'eatinßintygl,lPennsylva
nia, and ,part of warrants, numbered 1173, and
1777-containing forty-three; acres, and fll=
-tenths of an acro,.with the usual' a llowance "' ot
six per cent, for roads &0., aboutrtidenty-five
acres improved, frame house, barn add fruit trees
thereon.4:l`o , be sold as, the.propert 'y of David
'Parke and Silas May.
ALSOA lot ' of land in Galtins township,
'bounded on the west by the Stepheh Brace lot;
on the east by A. Pigeons, on the - 'forth . by the
north line of warrant - No. 1046, on the south by
the south line of Watnint No.' 1040,- and being
the middle,part of warrant N0f,1040, containing
sixty acres, With! , about forty acne improved,
!dwelling hogs°, been, and fruit treee thereon.-
To be, cold as the property of John Blue, .
ALSO-A lot of land situated in the county of
Tioga Pa., being lot No, 8,- of - warrant No. 5.
containing 145 acres and 73 pirehee, more or less,
it being the sandivisioto, interest and Share'which
Emily 3,lorgon,la entitled to, in, noVe,n tracts of
land in the. ttiotrinhipmel 'Onion rind Ward, ht the •
County of Tioga,
there being seven warrants in
all; in the name of Wm.Wiloontbontbining about
• one thousand ogres each, and adjoining each oth
er, and No. 1,2, 3;4; 5, 6,'7.' TO be sold' nil the;
property of John Morgan and Emily Morgan.' -'
ALSO--A lot of land lying in the borough 'of
Tioga, bounded and described as folklore: _Boun
ded north by Walnut street, east by Meeting
House Alloy, south by Wellaboro street, and west
by lands of E. A. Smead, containing one-third 'of
an acre piore or less, one frame tavern house, two
frame barns 'and one ice house thereon. To be
sold as tho property ; of Caleb 11. Bartlett. ,
• ALSO-A lot of. larkd in' Delmar township,
hatouled north by Vine H. Baldwin and Joseph'
Berrneanr, east by GoorgeWi Eahtman4ra %tit
erbee, Wm'. Stratton'and Wan Ebereutt, Bothell
John Chafes and Lewis Dexter, andoriatit by Miles
' erope and lands of ~TOIM Dibkinson, 'containing
about tied? pc e, AMA,375 'iores'irnpreved,`•twe
frame dwelling houses,
,torsobartl;one frame
' barn and sheds attaehed,' . corn hoireti and'Other
outbuildings, two apple orchards, •and other fruit
trees thereon; t •••
ALSO—AnCtlierliOneillikin .14elmar and'E}
townships, containing:la:chi goo acres, about 2
acres Improve4t r ono frame sawitoill and dwolling
lioUle betheiP4rt of Warrant No. 4429.
$o b hold as,tho propinrtyi et:itezekiab Stowell.
41400....,4clet.ofiapdly;ng,i,it the township of
MI ;beind'edi 'end deterlbed as follows:
130tinded•Atorth by ands orWaldo White, east by
Daniel White south by , highway. and west by
W. K. Mitchell, containing one half acre more-or
less, one frame tavern house, one frame barn and
fl uit - trOes thereon: . To-be sold as the property of
E. C. Westbrook and John Kyle.
ALSO—A lot of land. lying in the townehip of
-Om?leeten f bounded•audlipsorib4fte -- foilows`t—
Bounded north by land of Gibson Elliott, east by
highway,;oath by s tater ad, and weal' by lends
of Cyrus Webster, contain,tig 26 acres' tuorel or
less, all impro v ed. To he the property of
•Nealtz:Wheeleri 7 -
, aLEROY 'TABOR, Sheriff.
Welleb9ro,,,Misy 8.4887, ,
.B. Is,' BURDEN,`
AS just returned from the City with a largo .
Ala and desirable stock of goods consisting of
Yankee Notions ' of every detteription, Glass and
Plated-Ware, Wall Paper, Palate and Oils, Dye
Stuffs, School Books, Groceries, and finally every
thing that is ever kept in a Drug. and ;Ilotlon
Store. I would also call the- attontien of the
pnblie to our' Stock' of, GERMAN LAMPSe cI
qualed in the wide world, and algo hat I am
Agent for the " Morton" Gold Pen, an shall al
amyl veep a large assortment. • , •
! Tina, MayS, 1867-tf. , B. B. B ADEN.
et NE Door_ below Roborto' 4rdworo
•ky Store, is the very ,
to purchase
such as
of nil descriptions in his line of business.
Welleboro, May 8, 1867—tf. A. FOLEY.
'air' 2110ANTILE APPRAISE/KENT of Tioia County
In. for the A.V., 1867; '
Claim. Tax
• • ItLo• ia " n
0 , , Btoss. •
Jaunts Kelley 14 $7 00 8 L /latices 14
Blois Coal Alining Nast& Auerb'h 11
&RB Co 9 .25 00' Henry Goff, 13
LB Smith 14 700 5 L Bolden 14
M L Bacon : 14 TOO rush & Pecbn erl4
J Vanorzior, rect'f'r 26 00 811 Caldwell 14
Jones & Taylor U W Iloldon 14
brewor 10 .5 00 13 II thompson 14
05' Taylor . 4 14 700 G A Smith, bik
Jacob Miller 13 10 60 linrd salooz'
Morrie Run CI Co 7 40 00 It C Bailey 14
3 0 Evans 12 5 1 4 . 2 60 James Morgan 3.
linoogini.o. .
Wood .4 Mcßride 14 700 B A Seeley 14-
Goodell k Tooker 14 700 Wm 0 Bristol 14
• CUATELtir. •
BNY Love kCo lsk 700 V 7 C Stsibbli 14
J Bhort t Eon 14 700
CovroroN Bono.
/3 a Packard 14 TOO J Q Bernriett 14
B C Bulldog 14 .7 00 P L Clark 14
T 14 700
Onn t ninetoN. '
B Stone 14 700 L O Bennett 14
Boltnan Morgan 14 700 L E Rockwell 14
DnansiD. •
V Purple 14 700 A Lee
OR Rowland 14 700
Job Willcox BCo 14 700 DI Coles kCo 14
J 0 Widttakor 14 700 James Reed 14
Parlchnre! Jr. Co . 13 ao oo .
• PALL Davos Bow
Fall Brook C'i Co I 40 00 .
Hiram Mo?ltt 14 700
Clantte. •
Silas X Billings 14 700 Goo Barker 14
OLiver Hamilton 14 7,00 J J *ll el 14
U K Retan 14 700 Nelson an 14
Lefler & Rockwell 14 700 W H Faros= 14
' ' ' Eztosrusx.
John Goodspeed 14 700 A Dearman 14
TRearmikn o : • 14 7OW .dies Roberta 14
LB Reynolds 14 700 Woo4&Cbrleta ll
Sorkin dt Case 14 700 T Gilbert 14
" LIATILINarirttLE ,
Oilmen & Brown 14 700 0 Parkhurst 1.1
Mather & Borten 13 10 00 61 0 Turner 12
P Leonard 'l4 700 E D Wells 14
Joseph Phippen, 14 700 Joel Adams 14
0B Mather di Co 11 16 00
Josepb 13 Childs 14 700 B ileeletnan 14
,pox4tWeseman 18 10 00 GIL Sheffer 'l4
s "erlinelt Bartsitihl4 700 Narbortal2orol3
Irwin Broa k Veil •14 700 Moses Nenmanl3
iiikttraßUßG. I
btldirOM clerk 13 10-00 R Rand 14
G.D ' • 14; 700 ;13 Parkbarat 13
W Willholm 1$ 10 do OW Brown 14
R N Holden 14 700 1) Webster 14
0 V Elliott 14 700 E W t lidame 14
E W-Pbelpe, bil- D C Holden 13
Herd table . 30 00 W Phelps 14
G.ll Riff & Oro 14 TOO 61 L Clark 14
N J 'Wheeler 14 700 W D Len 14
Maregh Plttaßre 12 12 60 Olart Kirks 13
Al 0 Potter 14
Visober,Dlmon &
Randall 14 700 Ben; Doane 14
B Staples & Son
,14 - 700 V B - Rollday 14
" MO/1111s.
Geo W /Note /4 700 Job Doane . 14
:War 131Isokwell Jr 24 7 00; •••
v!448 'ir'oo A Howell 14
Oftiatiboll' 14 700 ' ,
Seeley, °rondo • • ./1 0 Bosworth 14
Co 13 .1)5 oo henry Seeley 13
Ih'st &t a & H
B eo alkiey 13 10 . 00 ripy OFk Kimball , 34
Elinor Backer 13 10 00 Wm Benson 14
II 11 Watkins& Co 13 10 00 . '
14 i 700 Thos WOod 14
Vzooe Bono.
B A Smead 14 700 "BB Borden 14
T Breit - • 14 700 F 8 Tuttle 13
Philo Taller 14 700 Smith & Son 'l4
- Joseph Fish 13 10 00 T L Baldwin 11
John Van Oatin • 14 - 700 8 0 Alford • 14
Jphn Van Oatin bit. Lewis Daggett 13
Hard tablb 30 00 C W Johnson 8
T A Wickham • 12 12 50
J L Pitts
James Kelley 13 400
Irwin dc'eleison 14, 700 White & Tabor'l4 700
Willcox & Crandall 14 700 A& N P Close 14 700
JB &SO Murdock 14 7 00 DMcNanghtonl4 700
J Bartls & Son 14 700 E Stanton 14 700
It Farman k Simi 13 10 00 N Gardner 14 -7 00
Bowen & 11urlbUt 14 700 J 0 Thomption 14 yi 00
Sandors k Cologrovel4 700
' WELtssorto.
Buriai:4 Ci 01 drinitlll4, 't 00 J A Roy 13 10 04
do billiard saloon '4O 00 L A Oirdner 14'i7 00
Bullard & Taman 18 70 00 W T Mailers 14 700
Plt Williams &'Co 13 10 00 J R Bowen&Cro 12 12 60
Willson & Vanvalk- •0 B Kelley ' 13 10 00
enharg • , 13 10 00 Tacos Harden 11 It. oo
C 0 Van Valk'hurg 14 700 1) B Carvoy 14 700
Webb & Hastings 14 700 (I BastingasCol4 700
813 Kimball 14 7 00 , • Sears &, Derby 14 700
Wright & 13,a110y I 13 10 00 ' Wni Boborts 14 700
1) P Roberta ;4 0 7 00 M 151 Conners 13 10 00
H ugh Young. 700 Poloy, 14 700
Shoffor, brewery 600 N Asher 14 700
Tho too In each moo le 75 cents.. '
Notice is hereby given that an appeal will be held at
the Commissionetis Office in lirellsboro, on the twenty
fotirth day of May, A.. D. 1887, between the hours of
10 A.M. and 4 P. M., at which limo and place all tisk
sotts aggrieved .* the foregoing appraisernent will be
hoardi and such ab_a tem en ts made as are doomed prp •
per and Just , and all Venom; falling to appear at said
time and place will be barred from makingany defence
*foto Me. li. 3. PIMPLE, Mercantile MO' r
WelliboreiMay 8, 1887. ter Tioga Coudt y.
"Vi l tlf# l 4, YAP WS, 1
ttdaTZ t aggeco e st
'IIIEAD'S:,3STOTE,. W4R /601118.
• 4o,justroooived, a torgoelock of
H.' A.-Ith WARE
whtelk I ticketed wlth care and run -eel}ing n a l ow
for - Cash ae can be bought; in: any izaark et.
COMiVICW Aid; C119.10.E.• TABLE' AD
• .-; .POPKET... OUTWIT, -
,5,4 : W,A,, (lg : _ ki:niN
cHISEI , s, •
14 KINDS, .
' JC. 1. 1-2 • 8 men - Es. .
For further particulars call and see.- .
Tiogti, May 15, 1867-tf. B. A: BMBAD.
:N. B.—MI "persoriaTudebted to:roe'itie tiquest-
Oa to califiziii pay up wit s hirt 3G days. , -••-• .
• I • A. -OMBAI:i
, - • • .1 •
THE subscribers having procured additional
J. madam are npw ready to furnish to order
all sorts of
PLOWS, 0 lILTI V '.A.7 olt FIELD
110 LLE S ; GE&RING,
• ' 4b:; &c: • •
woonwarrix PLANER,
for custom and jobcorork, ~. Wa are also prepared
to do " .
Having a. first-elan +writer-caging Lathe, ere
are prepared to make.....
. .
to order : ' • Duiidere of Cheese Faotories 'ate re
quested toviausine our work. . We madursctere
the 'l.,
Champion Plow,
ono of the fineat implements in the market.
Cash paid for OLD IRON. f '
Wollsboro, May 15, 1587—tf.
$7; 00
10 00
7 00
7 00
7 00
A T. e Drug Store, where S GI
/ - 1_ v 11 find every thing properly belonging to
the Dr k Trade • '
i -
and of tho best qtzality for Cash. * Also, Paints,
Oils, Varnishes, Lam s; Panay Notions. Violin
Strings r -Fishing -Tunklai. _Window_ Glass,
Cash paid for Flax a g ed, •
a 0 arsityn
1.• - 4 1
1 .
Lawrenceville, May 8,1867. . '
40 00
7 00
6 00
7 00
IA 'E. 'Baldwin, Frances M. Wright,,... It.
Smith, and others, have applied to the Court of
Common Pleas of Tioga county for a charter of
i 1 .
corporation for, literary purposes, under the
n me of the "Normal Literary Society:of Maos
-8 ld," and that the charter will bo granted next
term if' no objection be made.
-May 8, 1887. J: F. DONALDSON, Prot.
7 00
7 00
7 00
TBubscriber will sell or rent the following
valuablo property, to wit: , • .
Ono tavern stand in Lawrenceville. - •
One farm, on which ho now resides, one-half
mile ' from throb Ohnrehes/two School Roue s,
two grog.ahops, an'cl one railroad, and about the
same distance 'from the lins of the IYolleboro a I
Lawrencovillo Railroad, She farm contains'l6o
aeres of good land, 0 saoree timbertd, well l
tored, and very produotiyo. It requires that e
seed should ha sowod pad planted. hoWever, ltd
• i
ensure a harvest. • 1t:
Z 00
7 00
7 00
7 00
One farm in Jackson township, 175 acres '4
first-rate place for a cheaso factory.
Also—for sale-4 Inules ' 75 sheep, anq other
stock, cheap on reasonable terms.
. . ..
10 00
7 00
M, s. .13ALD 7 IN
Lawrence Ape.l7 1867-If.
Fr' Sale: , I
TOSIRING} to ay old the care and;; ichible of
1.1 -attending to frty . present business .I will sell
on reasonable terms, all or any part of my farm
ing and timber lands,;_sitliated in the tOwnsbip of
Tioga, Tioga county, Pa., and consisting of the
following property, to wit: •
12 50
T 00,
t 00
10 00
The farm on which I live l 'at• Mitchell's Creek,
containing about, 300 acres, BO acres of the rams
river fiat land, and about 100 acres improved,
with 3 dwelling houses, 3 barns, a post dike or
stone building, 2 corn ,houses, and other oat
bui.dinge, and 2 orchards, and a steam saw mill.
/deb, about 1000 acres of oah, hemlock, and
ether timber lands on which there aro 2 or 3
ehettollvellingt 'houses, and about 20 acres of im
proved land. •W6l. K.
Mitchell's Creek, May 1, 1867.
10 00
7 00
7 00,
7 00
10 00
. 1 J. H. RANDALL,
.• .
D jg r N „IS T .
C l FFldEstit his reside co on I *debar°. street,
N. 7 'rev, where ho ms be fort d' from .the lit
until the 12th, and kern the 144 , until tbo 25th
of each mouth. Willi oin B ossburg 6,0 0
United'fltates Hotal,TroM , the 23t until the lt - Iti,
and,in Lawrenceville JO. &loose !,3 Hotel, from
the *6th until.tbe laseday.of ea month: ...,,
4 All operations eonnedted with,t'lle dental pro
fession, whether surgical or mechanical, will n•
calve especial attention. ...
Having an improved.liviiLand appnratus for
benumbing the-guime,be is. prepared .to extras
teeth without pain, and in a manner harmless ti
the Patient, yet no '8 t u per ac tio n, drosvainoss et
nausea, follows the operation . . Ether or Moro•
form will be adininistered if advisable when de
Artificial Teeth of all kinds inserted in the
most substantial and beautiful manner.
7 09
10 00
7 oo
10 00
7 00
16 00
d oo
Cap aid seo specimens of mechanical glentisnl.
Tiogn, Pa d ' May 1, 1807.
T 4 EGISLAI 4 II.VE.-I hereby oiler toyseli for
I the suffrages of my working fellow-eithent
as an Independent Caw''Oat° for the Legielarom
tho coming October. I pledge myself to labor
for the rights of the many us against the for.
May 1,1867-4 w., EDWIN WETMORE,
Seale of Weigliis.and Meaeurea.
T" und el
l Laignedarno, h n
Seat uving boon commissione d
by the e l
over, of Weights Pa
Measures fot the County of Tioga, wlll enter liP•
on the duties of his office forthwith.
,01.1 AS. L. SIEMENS ,
Wellsboro, May 15, 1862-3 w. S. of W!.(t,
itou will - find - .
thelatost arrival of Now Goods a KELLV.
April 1, 1667....
of those substantial -Shootings and Shirting' At
April 1, 1867. , .0. B. AttLY'S'
lAMPS.—A law kind of• lamp fer Tierwer
A no breakage of chimneys—at ' FOL81"6.„.
New Sprint' G - 0 00°
just received 'at XST;LiirS,
April 1, JEltl7. •
~, 5 1V9. 1 3, AS
Vire. have also a
to order.
Real. Estate Sale.