le Viibllslieies i NC'44:TA/Tll - eitl 14 - 310in111 . ' feii, tiTarleiblrfritedvtotreei by ••••• , El tOES &:iTANIZSLDptf:,aI/;?, X. g• C °151 9 t ;;•; ' i ' --.A.r)NrimEtrrsp . , Trx wow ..F4, 1 r. Oqueitti InalS Mole /44 iri it square, $l,OO $2,00 $2,50 $3,00 $7,00 sl2,oii Svaroi, .2,00 , 3,00 4,00 ' 8,00 12,01) 78,00 'lOO At h tso Itod, Azoo, '30;80 60,00 One C01 .=211 . i 0 . 2%00 80.0. ea.,linvingt# Art hyteMt..lu , A,4lq of t .M,Dpk, j a r a li ne Tierra ; pr in. lets stEn'tba.fillp: or Local Notleri.Twlinty Cents per line.. - BUSINESS DIRECTORY,. 1191.1tIVELL-Ar. COJeki ‘VTIOLEGA : tp' and-'4onlAis in Wall Pape , Amnia' :Widow Glass, Corfu mory i ril n tea4d: folk 44.; 06e. Corning, N., Y., Jan.:l, L 1846.-Iy. W. A. MMUS' . JOlllll. MITC111:11, • 1 14/C t 'Be' rarreasmi ,- ; ATToßNtitAAA.iitt;ociuNsttoits AIqAW. Nice - rmorl 7 y,glag e Isy ames o4l l oy ,Esq. Wm. A. Ntomuzi: ;Wellaboro, Tan. Jr181.111:-;1.; si l iVige4l4. 111; ,S] ET i - A TTOR -- • Pi . " X. , , -LAW Insurancit, - BontitY'ana Pension Agency; Main Stroot Wellabnroi.Pa., Jan. 1 1886. . S. Fi iMlitsplfi. • WILSON 46; .11111.1E I Sii..:-• . . , ATTORPOVS ‘ ! 4g , '' bOlittEktLilltS: AT' LAW; (First diShrlffini'iligoney'e; on the Avenue)— Will attettliiillinftweos entrusted to their enre ithacouothittlf.'llolfrirthd iVotterit :A, Wellabore c 4nyt a l l , 186 D. ANGELL & CO., MANUFACTURERS of, and Wholesale and lie- P41a191 1 ,4.-.P.954f, 84012,,,#0 41tr p19riug: to c 'Rqrgifng,Appo- tck . Knoxville, Tioga Co., Pa., Jan. 16. 1867-17.* , yr, -4464 " Troinasr kr Ira. Bfi I(l,.;Tiq a 00.) Pa. .1 May 9,1866-1 y • GEORGE' WAGNER, TA /WWI 81416t)tillilpeigkriblori , . A. Sedfeee shoe Otipp ek tuFfir•piqfyvir, psopuit ~VellabOro, Fit . )4/, JOHN B. , W4,IIOPEARE,. DRAPER AND TAILOR. Sho over John R. Bowen's Store. -ffrit* , OnttAngi ,Fitting, and Repairing done promptly and in best etylo. Tasbocg, fa-v4-41n. /4-J.4q 6 1•1 1 .-1); 404' fife 41 • t • A-GENT for the collection of bounty, back pay A andlgeneloneduelioldierelrbut the Govern ment. Office with Nichols and Mitchell, Well. boro,. PA,. T op , , !AA . _1.47 1 , 4'. _ ' -7. " ' ••. WIYL GARRETSON, ATTORNEY AND ODtINSEILOI4 PT NI..A\V i . Notary, RiabTic and Insurancp ARan t , 13losq burg, Pa.; cArti'Otildiriill'eS I Z ,111 , ,A,f,57r,Q,111. *OUSE, , daiii ; H. C. 11.14.414114YEA t -,RBosTITRAI.,.Tbis is a nowlic4ol ,located aCem+).(4 . be best, fishing and . lianling grounds; in Ner'sl4 ern Pennsylvunia. No pains will be spared for the apiciviiiciripip ; pktopkar_rft&qultsmisind the traiTliirgiublie. -"'"2•L'Vgiti4l-1144111414` Pentsyhiania Huge A . 11411,14.31, [I.A.ZIaSCET I PROP RIETOTt: ~ a 3 pins Poptilialiiiilel .- -litisio'nlzitely renovated and re. I tarnished, and rid cm vi , ltbe spared to render its boapitalities ateeptabl tqVatroae, ~, ; Welbiboro, May 9, 869, ' • ' ' ` ' rrs , - • PA.f.,•l VARGE" - cto'sE t ; Pitspri- A new Hotel conducted on,the-prino.iplq) of live and lot live, for the. acemnitnodation the .üblic.—lgur. 14. 1F,66 y. • • J. C. Stilt ANG: •Li 1" - ; ATTORNEY-AT LAW. Any haninesa entrust— ed earn ivill rendre prompt attention. Knoxville, Pa., .Nov J 4, 18t16.—tf • ),•• • pro. Avon. ATToRICEY k co . uNK4LOIf. AT :LA,W, Law. and lcisuvlnc.,p,Apnt.-,. :i tNilleco - one 0 attended , -,,i)ffieel Dao. 12,. ," • • . . ... , _. . , , .. , : •. . C. F..:SW.AN,, . • -... AGENT for the I.4eo•ming •Caunt•yr Insurance COtope,n'q• - , at Tipgai Pa. ~ ' ; •• , i . t. • ~.. Juno 51 1560. 7 3w,`..' :'' • •: . ~ , . _ FARWS TIOQA, TiOcl• 4. COIJ . NTY .:PA, Good stablini t . altag,hc . o, atfetriiViS•hovi tier always in ntt¢natinbe •' " E. B. FAltte, Hairdressizig 4;JSU tving. . Saloon over Filltir.t Dnrkiies , born, Pa. Particitirir ittinntion—ritirl; 'Ladies' Ilair-cuttlifg,'Sbanskiooing,:tlyningi ait!?.` Pugs, coifs; t6d'stkolies on' harkrand tohdeln 0i.3 der. 59. DORS'Vr. ' ' '4. ; •J0T1N8(513.- ' , . . ci fIOLD roc I'veci on ileptisito; Car , ‘ which , cettill- U - cola ivi 1430 ithnie.4l;-beirrinAlitereet iri gold. 'Et W. CLARK ic CO, Bankers, • - No 35 atiniii TEtiitilltreoti•Phildt:.i D BACON,.M.. D., Paine% the 21lPa..Cavalry, after . noarly four years o Army service, has a largo esperieneo id tieldtsuil , hospital praptiCat, has °Paned an , et co for Um practice of Inodtrine. and , anrgemi jin 411 as branches; Persons .frany - a distance. can , Sail, pod., boarding at.Alio Ponlasi/vanil rfqr l whoa ,a,SBl.!"•—r. Will skit ay ssai:Cof the State, fti donsultation,..qt to , srform, surgleil oPeratlonst 'No '4, , Tlnion%Bioch, - up .calm. Wrilsboro. Pa., :Slay 2171.8.60.- , -Iy.. .; .. , NE‘V, PICTLItt (44.1,14F,1RY. ~: • FRANK .BP4IONCtIt :. has the pleasure to 1001'in : the citizeni ill Tiogn• county that lid has completed his - - , , - • ;,!• 1- Nt.Nr:FHOTOGILAPII prAI..LERY', ' .7.1 Ur 11tti 13 till • hand to take all kin 4 ot §n it ; Piot Ba i l each 1 - sfillitlirotiypes,Ferrotypes, I , 7 l. , nettos,,en" eh de Visite, A • Surprise And „lioreka ,Vlctures; 01 i An particular atte :Liam paid to oopyinir and enlarg, log Pictures. - , stall:sllonmgiven in the Art on reasonable terms ' • Elriaira -St Mansnold ' Oct ATTENTI,ORI v#olp:rft, i kkE,RS. WM. H. hAilTll, l tinikvilie r T-iliSgle-Vou oft, Y I Pa., (U, S. liaenseciAtent,an,4l ;MOTO' for soldiers. tind, their frieotle throffilleat till, tie) loyal Stales t ) will proseouto and epiloo r tili - 140tti ; •• .. ~.,, rivalled sareess, ,; • : - • fr' r%),1.1 . : r i . Soi,DLERs t : cl AIM 8 AND DIM& , ~i scull Itlnde Alliti t j •iiity caller kind of claim i against the Govern eat before atiSr of flee •D 0..• patttoentS or in Con 1'64.1 Termo s niodbrato, i All toingiunications'ii tto'the above address Will ro eekii prompt attention: Jan. 17;1866. • • • • R..T)!T, • WOULD say to ; the pnblio thrit, he is, perm's- TY neatly locateclin Wellabore, (Office at.his residence, near the. Land, Offseo. s ml .Episcopal Church) whore ho will entitinuo te,do. all kinds of, Writ confided to his esie.).,guarertteeing complete satisfactio n where tho shill of the Pentint.,pan trail in the management.olease'l peemliAr to the railing. lie trill fu,ni lr •. ARTIFICIAL . TEEM „.; .:safon any ni;',Lterial desired . „ FILLING attended to 'on ' 9lll7;rie'it l iiotice, iin4 &mei ht. the . beetigid . triost :ippro'yea:sty , le; • EXila,O i rtiViVitilb6VOAT - N bJ the the use of Ansitliefies 'ls•lifeli . " ore' 'pet 441 ).Y harmless, ahci will rip adrani..iterecl - inevoik. tve when , losfred. • , Wolsbero s .I.an. E. SUITIT, M. ' 'l).' i • . . ~ ~.. , ,q M El-NI, ^ 2 ' . ,:9 , 0 PER 4 ,4 enepa,t,iii, r, i• t;:. tumor, Stilt bismu\s,' . i0,5:7 eye)' Removal of Tutni.rsk 114 re Lip, Varicose Veins, Club Feet, &e- . Pallieular attention paid to disenses.l , l* the Eye. 11 b 4 0 cuernl.Sinrgery. •-. . , . ~ I ~ 4• CimstiltritiOri at offtho No. '• ' I• -- - : nerlitnees given to ,oporationt, recently per f turinoi. • l' . : , , P.M. Mee hours from 12 M, to 3 . 0 1 [ 2ccikt his residoneo;Manslier,Tio . ga County P A , . .. . • t - 11 arc 17,1867-17. 4 r : 1 : . -, . -• CLEY has some more of th so Sue American t'':lt r AtOto,s'ria No-4 tipipn ? 9elc. -._ 4 . ",...:, ,....„.:., :_....._ NION SETTS and Now Varietiop , ol Seed Potatoes for sale at Roy's Dryg#to_ro lt , . ' 1 ) 5.1 , 18 r 4 .: p,o.pFActoy OW4II - . . . , , . . . - - ._• - --•- ' t , . . . . , . .... , ~.,-.1...i...;t514 6.41 i., ,A , Yil ,'.r.iftt1i..11it..14,,, t .?, '' ILLE,t. 2 , ,- 8...;':,,i.ci _ tallB • .. - 4-....-Asz '4: rk ,l i . 4' - - itr".ri '. I . • -1" ' • -'' ' ' '''. ' -'-• • RR -I ' l loa (#10'; ~-i i.7- , , Pl' f - i4if - .. bit,,,••ri/t .3 'C 1` :, . . - , _,.., ..,.....2 . , ) 1 itys:l4 , o 11:e314 . , ---, (`.l - i , I', , i',i t )..,':., J 'f.f . P- , 1 Li' , ~ „...• ,J .., lt.._ _,,, , ,i.. `), ' --.-- - 6 + 4 ' 0 : ofil. - i . iv'Iti ! g>40 0 ,,,, 0 :1 i,i l VII '. •A 11 Vlll3.llT't fillitilltql,--- - :: • s. • T • f '- i . '"- rf' '-' ,i „ i -, .(-....--0?...AL - -3.,, ~.,...), „ ..,,,. , . ~.......„...._ . 1 ~,.. _ A i .„ ,,,n.,,i , ,, , :k ',. ,--- 1,..,„1_ ,- i , _-_- , -.4.t i".”..;:t1.1 ..'oli ' ~,-,•: : ' ' '' ' '-'' . 7 - ..." ~,.. '. • - -• , . . • ' No - .. • ".. i -I-i ---, ' ,l'``,Wi 1. - ' •;;; '; J(.1" 7 1'..ii ji,.4 . ' `./ ''',--.' . .41' ' 'I, k•,:iii .1 • S. .".Y Al 4 .2311.1 - lp .Icl,l I, - , lftt . t r. i/ • . t4ti -J•-• gir:r nt , •,- , .- , i zi -_ 0: ~ 7 - JP ~ 4,- - --.., ,-r , ,„:_::,. t7ra: yzov, 7 11,.•, .., J 1 , , -1 i - II 1 %..„ . Wt . ) • N' 1 t -...„,..N , --"' I 1 ,t ) '',. f Agra 1 - la. 1 \ 0. , < , 1, , , ..a_• - if, ..„..- ~ . ... (`) ) 14 1 I •,.- -,...-, --,.... - , ._ ; I. . , -",- - I i CO b •,;) 1 , 1 ) ~, -.) • r, ~,,,. a , , tc! it .11 3 i)• ( . '-- l i i. - , '— ,iv- DI ~ . tt-• 1 ,i . :l .via i 1 ! - I , 1 , ~.....„.. ..„ " 1 Al l i ly ;11: '' , 1:1 ' . . 1 ., "..;.,; I '' ' 'll . ll 7.ll , , ' l • ' - . - I• - .... , r ' :,.' 1 .); 41 " . - Z ig g) f . , it ,:.:,,,,. . , --;".....;-.-n _,,..., ..4 0 %.: '''' ' '' k' I I 1 1 ttit ti. 1 l , 4") 1 k/ ( : Z ' Y.1..- . \l a -- ', , 1 1. 1. 1 .. .., .f , t ; I 4 ' )I' l ' I trill t_. , , i i . W, 1 - - -- 1 i l - '`''' 7,- " / ' . , il , J, (t . , (... ,1. . ,' - d ,t ," V. tolit 14t.it tl.i . .: ti rl't. 1 i 1 4-1 , ' ~,. ... , i if"."--Th,, •...2,...* r 1,1 ; 4 , , AO. .1 5r....-.,- *hi -•.; , Jr ' r'.. a-•'"/ ' - ' ' ' ------ ; ....-................ .•, , ,.tratit . "- m „is!. , i ..'-• • •-c.r0..._ it. (IA •1tt1.,, .., th zi , ,t,l i, ill '1 1 ) to ...: '‘, '''' -, •',' . . t 1,. ..,, ~.......; ~, t. ti-Jil / it) . .t.H . ...-„titi - -, ....,/.. - L : - I::: c y . , .:', - . , ~ ' . i!gri, tn0 . 7,11 - t.liiir.tit „flitlit , W , .".il :J 1 rut; .1 , , : :. , T. - ii , .taft I, J4ilti?..tri_. 1 , 01: 1, 1 1.13,a,p , ,....,;.::: 1 : 1 ! )1' - ', -', • . ~,, . , r , , . .1 .., „1 o n ,, ‘ „,,,,L „..."-, 3 •„;;;;,.,I r.:i) ;^ - ) ._. i , 1 - 14) ';'t; . 1- t -t." .iitiirtt.l.lol . i". t, i:ittti i .Acti /It vil _ ' 't;.' - - ~_ ~. .. _. . ~ .......... .... g t • ttllll - al : I - ' ',' ----•- f '. P , ..-11,A (.',1 , J.. 1.,' ,''.'• t•tti,tti7i -'3 ..-% (as ,ii..ti it, filo.p.-$ c•-- • -,- _ ._- • . ' 't,•t A t < i 4.t..)JvAlli 1.44t.=,-, 11.11 i EMU EMI MEM = T = =ME Min= Ili iti 74t6.11 ,! 1 ~, i 3 .5 3 f kart i c t it r 7 ••••-; .A TO lavia makin Eharo hruste promp of a••`; • .11 Bop. j0b5i117,.713/11.0idng , - iftMiltOltir tikiir 'NEY AND CO • _ g returns d to qilB - with - ti - lvitti 'a view of rg sOloits a of gab c - liatrbtlago: - Alrbbsitfe -a -d to his Sara btr l attondetl to with tness fidOlitg.''olliet> 2d door south Forr'e otol:t aicgai %logs Cloi, LI - Li4l3oßlo , ll.4tirit'El.- ,r n orJ,(a,{pSircetf . S, the Avenue:) , liil 11 11rnitsnono, ' ' :111; ,Piopriotor; Ofthn'Aribat poPuldi"lfentses'ln Jrilll, c:ointr.\ L , Staie-lionge t ln WellStioro.,`""F s ~ taol y ad •""' • 14.1.; For Tidga,.pt Ipp a. " ForJailiby 'Shtiro korai). Tneidai atid 2 ,p." For •Condersport, - oyery Mouday - atir Thorkibt r y IJR ; STAGE'S ainii-vz itt ' att. ok p.From Troy at 6 o'clock p. in.: From Jer sey SlAoro, Tuesdtify and Friday 11 a. From gendorsport, Monday and piursday Il a. in. N.B.—Jimmy Cowdon, the well-known host ler, will bo found on hand. yirollabore, Jan. 1,1866,1 y, ; _:.,, ~. r? Ws . D. FAN G„ _ _ .. • ,i ~. . ~ .. ._ .D.LEtt 1 ~. ~: s „.• I DRUGS, MEDICINES. !- BOOKS' AND STATIONERY, ATENT ,Blypiemp,,Toyftgry,_)444.94l kititEr ikteo li nnt t e tt o liqq , 31# II , ' MANSFIELD, PA. ' - , phyakim's Prcription g''arefully compounded ;October 31, 1868.-6 m. I- i 1-:I PROTOG#AP-lilg lrr i T: La 1 ' ~i c:P.'.r, ! ! .:''.. 1 1 : 1 1 ,(1. 4 ~11:'-iii. - .. I E. & H. , il 4 l . 4ettiOgidie C 6., ffanufaclurer,9 6f Photographic Maierials, ! -) In additio,A,to cur nrairpppvipeariof ftiotographic llatorialewo Die Ifeathiuntferli for tli6fdlloValuir.yiz: Stereoscopes & Stereoscopic Views American and' Foreign _gitioa and Landscapes, Croups, Statuary, ote• - L's i Storeoacopic Viows of iho War, ,From negatives . made in the...various e•ampaltn and for mt Piladtgr4lllo 41) ha bit of :OA fltitit contest. 9 N p lo i • 10" Sieress . 99pfrpiVi,cFit itini#l49, Ailapted for either Ataglc';l4Aterm or the Stereoscope. Our Catalogue will be sent to 'tiny' address on receipt o Stamp. • I ;We manufacture more largely than nay otiserhouse, about 20,1Varietles from ,b 1). con rs .to 450. oath: ALBUMS have the reputation of b;1 .... ? 0 r superior in beality Gkil,v* Stalp4 • : • wi t -, • ,:+ q - n; ,gion Actors. etc etc. 'Our Catalogueeull?races over. AND dllterent subjectu t tuc,kudiug reprodtictiona'ortA,rnost celebrated ngrnvlirg*,, Vaintinge, litatuee c ek. ttatP. Watt tent' oh l'Oefpt of etaivp.: ,- Photograithere atal,',ollibr.9l4,(lo fug goods'Of.o..V . , plots 6 1•91ple 25 pet tf,...pt. bi _the 'utnou t order.: TPol . lilluesttiptijilallty 'of our goods cannot fail ta satisfy; ' ' , Jan. 2,18674 m: a 0 ri of Iloga . - AM n w building ci , at my Inaut4jet`ory, in Lawrence., I villa. euporier ; : •FA IVNINO - 11/IL L, -:- • - • mitich poesessee the folloWlndlidvantagee over al/ other milk: -su-vtrates OVtF , rot litter...and foul seeds, awl chaff sand corkle,,frop,i, -- '2. It clefius Ilat . titiOtt , takes out yell4-ss seed; till:IA.111i o th e r beNts, ty'ortectly• A j . It deans tiinathY 4. It doelall ,otlies teepatatingrregnired of a milt..: • :Thht mill,ls built °Pt - Ile:beat And abost du rablo•trim bor. in good lityln, and is sold,- nileap for rash, or 'pro. ilpre. 1. ~:, ill I will lit a patent . store,. r eeffiarating Oftiß intim , wheat. to other mills, on'iaiikoillilile' terms. . f I ± ;3;.,• ti' , ,, I C.' 7 ja. II NI ATLIEIt, ',. ', ilawrencevillmilOtaber 10, , 1886-tf.l - •t.I, 1: :.. i- • i SAVE -YOUR ,C4REE ' N - B4IOK s 1: AND CALL . ,-O,E:AF.N AT last& Akullethaich94 CHEAP C-kSHI.STORE ' fiLOSSBURG.-PA., 1,.„ • ; : 1 Whore you can alrvayaofind tho be assorted siock of I J. '1..• ;. ;. 7 . 11. , 1,;:1.7...51 z 7. - • .-r„ o.) 7 =-F. - ;;;;•,,I;f ! ' ' ... • ':ai: '''', „ bOthE i r•id :: k: tAXPY4 ilii l l l' d s 4)6/5 . 4§; 1• : - : , tt:.,,•. , .:,,:i 1.. (. ) *.!b:, Lbtm.s47 'OLOTHEI,, , 14911I01s1S;REA.p . I.Trismi ~ • . . :31%,.,..... ~• is , 1 , , z0g Ll> 4- - •;-; , --) 4. ..447.41 . " . hiii)tr4OTLIENG,: : . t , •' -i, '' .4. - 1 - ,.: Ai'. ~, .' • Manufactured undeilh, ir Olin isupet4jeitln:- 1 - I : , ' 1 t l tzi 1 ~. -• , i.. 1 - / /..i.:: , •:,-1 , 1 I Also Ge ; nts' A ir -. n - is • h • tn y op ' iq ls k 4 c., . r t ., d - " : - 1 ; : , d 1 er, , • In theirpiere)ppkt . ailvingostaNtsbmApit,ol.4,443o compotltlpp; 410ingAlgillie4tAil.°"1"f , Rmkan exPor.leßceAric.4o:et..*•*.U. thitirMllk.;Lf9. ~/q6.IY E. R. GROCER:IV.! AND RESTAITIi4NI%. I Oqo door abciy'o' l litWilC r itt Market, • • • W tz§BOIRO, PENNY Aj, RESPECTFULLY. announces to 'the ,tradrog tltat' he'data ti desirable stock Of Oro epricp, eotaprk4ind,,irens,'C,offeee, Syruni t arid. all that eopallttOlett &IV Clam stock . - Oystet: eve'ry 'ityte - at . all eea- ,-- 4 • infirbto hours. Walleboro, Jan 18f17-tt;;•••L- 1 :.i rk 1, • SUHR, OULD announco to4.hee ; .iiizezteot•Widleint4, ro and surrounilin country. that he has bpened a sflop,otiollo corner of . „7iscototmil t ,Prjqz ton stroete,for ehe - piriPos;:of giontAgt.nytoir lude of QAINET IFURNITURE, , lit PA IR ENG ko Order. COFFINS of Ott 'kinds furnished on ilbort A ctico...All,u , ,ork dono promptly i4uek }anted. • Wollsboro,duneZtaSellil NEW - "MILLINERY 1' . , oye I, ; 1 . l, Fashionable ti Beautiful! , 1 - —:f, , • , • 'f a, ,RS. MITOIIELT, 111111 say to :her , frientla I aid the pitblic`LrePerally, flint 9.holinti 7 just ' turned frliin gew York, with 9, Largc,o66' Pr, I NEW MILLINERY GOODS 1 4.10.49,0117 FGA) EVERS,' "LACES, &C. ' , Frad„l3, lIATE:q , r , 'IMPORTATIONS 'can be f, , an+l at her ROLIIIIN 011 BlO,CULkreet.,l4o %skirt, w+lubt gorly,cBll, R..IIIXTCFPELT... 11 ..--PArticukiiittleti4on . m . idr,t4.ll.lp4oWng and Custom Wottc: . ji!ig 11, Pa , April , lo.4B6 l 7—tir. '— "' .AIU - .1 1 ‘! - '1%1ILSIC.—T1,10 Tiogn Corno,t.llntal..,, _IL i...ii,ilrt iingao,l4.lp.vtlng'tiploiltinit-preOnreil , -to furniAlt.,g, , )o4'Atinio on all ZnenFioiii4:4arq._,l lonnbloto mpos on. otai .-;:.. - i - ) --:-. All AntnontentiOns should , - b e oattronnod to ito Ledior anitSearemry tit Ttogn, Plii. , • ;.{ '''''' F. - 11. AD Alt g; -. .l.;oniiii: T. A. WICKIIAM, Soo ' '. ; ~,.•,. . 1,, la .-- 4 '.i i''Ahrjl3, l l.B6V-1 . 3e41 , • .].--• ,1 ;.,,.•,: - ' . i .., ~,,, ,• • rin 'A ,tikINIS z=otti tpg 18 to 'oft - wiii;c4 ; Ps , g61 1 01 1 04 1 ei1% (PrJbia oy( s Yom , have • it Compound-33*am, of if oartiotindle . just tfie:tthitig for childrefia,lforit_ dire k o f bilf r !lbo - tdd afttij; /301.4,*:.440,'Pv1g &lora' -''': MB IME RE poi! .1 :i. ii n trtn,; NVI gel , , thaw - y-14 J . J.41.r0l bieß 'ru.l ,boa - vfopli arafti: ,zforA3 • t 4 ., • ry I ;?!:)2.11A-TrriviwptAß ;4- UV — CAW Wilq) 'A' PIRST'"drASS . kemattL4-I.?friit•t -.q0t,5.3 Mita • :I , f , ...: • ~.....,:,,,.•,•..,, -,:.,-,-,„'......,:',.,,,,-;„ c, tt,..„, ..,1 - , ‘, 1.1 91. f . . TE 2/ AS : ,O , 'A LL' EIND:' C l O t V E$EK.i' SO ' t Att,MOLASSE4 .$ - ttas, 4.b-5, ~S PICES;, D RIEDIRUIt, FIGS, -fli., - . L CAN PI NED FtDiT t ,5 r. , , V.kt01t5, , . ,, 1i ,1- :. = • - ......i" .. E 1 4 41 4 ,,,R , :-: .It AiStNE,O.O4I 1:1(.0,04i,,.*0 .I'l., i 1 - , • ' !-- • , OttEAikt.TARTAR; t,..i;!,, , i . ..61•:. -); .4:= T,,,, ;t L .n a: 1' .....::t..st o Di A ,p...-, ~, 'JI, fr.v.L'il i , l - ' .1 - 6 O ...sfit •P‘,1.1 . 1 Sib.: , nr. ..? I , itr, .1% - .11,i 1.431; 6 1.) , 1 ~ .•6•'l.r. 3)0(1),:e 1.) VI:Nu :q c.f.:t tz,z .61;r ,- . : - ,1.1 -ol ~: .T.,1 , 3aqi?..4 11 7 .aiffAZTAFAtL4 /;;iorrttoil .Li aint.i anon i F.1 .- Flirri.n.tt!o—u , rot).7il----- Til lat;:a hi "f i, Ego '. q iir litti/rAtt " e'l° / .;. 1 ' a n C.ZIJ.I. ~--•r'_ -. I.: 'R - i. ,Iyirf.li7l :11 -- ,..;;''... L . , , x:_f,ty,.:i '; POOR ~,...,;; i'AILS ACXEEW TABL.WAND:IE.T•,. . - OUTLE / RX-,! - SEIOVELSi'L'SPAtiEEkt ,-- - , . ,-, >, ..:f...: ~„,„,„4 , ,,,, ~b , „•-t ri a . c f.,: ~ . 1 .ti lo - ,t . ..M...y , fft,ii.,F.V."'Ft , '"" ^.:,( , :a'. ~a...., ,- : , .411-.1:: ~ ,:v.: A'.s. 1'716; arl3/ - 11... 3 . ...+; + 0 : . 1 . : .1: is.r.:i tic•:,l'l ~.p: 1.;1 . r I ic , 1 , i...tir- - f.:`.1 7 ,:1h. roCkenivorataaNagEttamps. ono vAAPIPU4S .1 .I.Fa)iftlin , s;- Wtiotien_4Warr . #.f A lkintk;G-.1;‘,.. - ,-, .6 c ...3,1r% *4.tt.:av“.v tvz_ XII WV' >Via") , 12 - Ur.l , AT,I .Nll .1.3 1ti(t ,. :•,1 .7.1,30. i hql: ~ ,,,,4 1r.:1 .-q, it iC°Pill i t ißaiie,ldßraoin!fo dr r etiket 1 of:II:all, 'ir i iiire;P:Plttri* Piii?tilf /bbiz&O;':::(:•• i•li. , ,i'. oI• IN VAqi aAP cz-frti,P6OllF.V, Eancrimoktn9 obagoi o.t.r ..ali '-1.4)i- n I i.i.: -... , ti- in re:nar:...c.il iti .oli, J,:...1. I,i. N 1 :( ~.: • ~; ")=7l , lV;_cl.l , if.,l .4 , 4) t h .`1 film In regard ip 4R.._aalct of;y . oklopePtke,.:l tillva a word to,anyolp strigitmpkcjame A ptpcourao.q:hesti, 'k , titivyirftivorslooeflAt p;iOA-:a 1 )0404 1 1 1 : Vi r.r;olob..4tlPVialltaTtith;Vil Pli q Ai. A /4 1 °- 91 f .r,illowqrfOrf DM rt%uMfa..4 1 ;1401..39W4 , 0 ,,, , . a' ulna aui , (3 l tkitdialti4RilißrA, ,, ,,,. KtaM:laP4olkartt .. ei.ro.t.rti 44 ecAlsl64l2 B tAB L .. i l l ia t_ta - ,-,-, r) A: GARDNVi I r, L Wilillabpro, Dea,v).2,,1.( 8 6 1 1 - -ita in .tc., 1.—f;:,1;:i. j FAR3fEItS!i'IRXVII4ISg - g.'"ili'i ;5•.,41:.1 rt.) vezl 13 IP 1 r )) 1 .r I+ , -ti 9 ,, 114 G . VAN vuxtbmnia,mo.s fir i . 4 A.lki ,' C ..f I A 1 0 f ...t; utni t) ,10 a ttlau I 1 7,1 or r? , 'Ail(•l,,, -.—,•-, -•,,,, t,l , ~.. AV/NO , •pniishased,lthe Store hitely OM. r died' by wink = TdiNtisend, clog trorly tsi r) -•i , 1 sprOly enithmore With ,pm ••Ao , l 1 8 4111 i I 1 4 ~11 I t ) u') , ~ , , t ilvro,v,f llf Pl'ils4l B -;°' / ' • 1 / ORK, HAMS, nou liA, iv -0 1 ~ , , 'PISif, MAVICEREL, OODFISTiv E ;.:1 'I ''' '4lqoittil , n4LißiliP t ' ' „„, 1, " , i , ! E ~ °•.:,r ' • fi ” t i , r, , ft 1, ,) 1 , IN i ~ LOUR; ) tio wt l / 4 1 A NEP,II BUOKWIIKAT f ~orL b og i%tr.s, Ams Alt, , i It t ct. ,/ I , ,'l ;rt . —) u**/ f• . ,t. r .1 1r 1 1 t / r l 1 .I. ' ITEAVY tGROCERIES, , ii, ~ , •,I , , i. 1 ,„,„, , , , , ~ r - T. i)f, ‘ 1 , 1 1 i ICI r J 7 ' WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, i :, , , , , and,nt_roationehle prkeee. , I• "' 'tl t- : 't '' tt,tt.. , t '/' '• t; t,f ' • • : . .. r+, I .1 4 t ' . II ~'...- . ..2 .1, . -- . ......_.. ..ti!A:V - 1.,321•.VW" & - O r r.EVER Si' ( T 1! -,- ' :, .. i.:,:!‘.. - ... 1 , .. - t)lhe xri I. ..,40 ~. r r , „ 1.. `t '.,.' 0 i ..• •- .11 , 7,(11.i. J. ' ) .' :11' .. ..." * .. , 51 6 - ViTill•find•it:to. their adventagoAQ Qllii ontf i leti At ; dur Stock beforo purchasing e15er , 119re, , ,,•11 31... 1 i.^ ...,k1!".,77 ; ]ft ro:. 1,1.1/.04 .1. j.• r.; tr. ".l .I! ' r . " C ;.r .; - ' . UT3,, i' *i I 3.11 . (,.,1„ !..1-, t i.. - 1 .1 1 .. 4 n 01i M in P‘. 4 .Fr In P'P litee 't:.i . . '1 :lii ' ( . •1,' , ". '. ~- , , : 4. 17., / 1",....3 ( , -, . ~ J ' .T.. /./ 11 'IF... ' .: .. /rovirNSNl3' 'OLD ‘STA'OD I la La i: , . .., ~. , .. , a,. ;,.1 - , .1 , —.--1);•, - .17-, i,„ c .Ii , ,VT 7 ,1- . ,*: , ; .1 ifi, , , :i 'l .i .. if iii,N;i'S tit E E 7 1 , , • i EiIIAWOR . 0i! • PENN iA, ) .1•I-,1 Of r1, ,, t ,-. : ,i," I 4 t , ,,; . ....;1....t , -_., 1.. i. I • ;. 1 tillei 4111.847-ifli - :, i 1,1. 1.,n;..c ....,1 ~ l• , - , .•,' , • COBBL - -I "'r - Elt • a • L' - - ' ~,i. 1 f:wr EIIiPDRTIICA' Z.. ;ilt Uri: 14 ~ , .21(;,_i...4: : , /.3 (.7-.,‘.'.7.1.1 Intr. fif,,r, qu o L::;; 11 a .:r A 3 r/` ll .l4 l 4§Ls*Ait s i k ,• , v rW, i., , -9 v)r, 11 3% e.. 11 ,k. °rOP°,B,l l ,lt' VILNIn „„., s on _Magi txii,op e er9l , lt`o; J4i.14 Ittg.,tp. 77 “ n--,,,itg , C4P9 niMinAN°4 l . l 9', 4 .' l 4 l ?!. l l,:. I , . . i . - Phiktilf4lpctiefotWATlloriorhltrA u.i;ide' 'to often go, ,t4AtE. .sand s ~ .piji= f l.,!:,a, fe, lti 110 WEIPPPENTIlibtt?.1•m11`.9qi ,! ) .,, c ,filt r 9?--fe!fiP - Ofirt:ffiP•Ab4cttsolpramn get ',lmpumolifVfltv,iflPf, in.44 , l)pftiliptp pri , T74 l z , 011.i 7g 9, sq ft Of lily phimir. 4 slptikliall, q 4, l, tiny - b,.._ l ll!hiril-• OFBRitir 41 1 11!)“ . R, tba ,- Ativl4.l-1 00 19, i 4 tu gqv l ii, 9g p f , ,ke,lo/Birahl i T u Nats pc . boßAtt: „Ilaftet , A9ti.ete-ii.:4 ) 9, 1 ? ti,P0 0 44, w.scorloY ii erxiox , i i. plgp, tmar,umeptiput pp ~,;g9,4,;t ~ q ; .04 ; ' , ortm,thuyithi, 4 l9,,PoXtll-49..dr4:40,' 0 ~,tl.0 : !1 . Allckfigb4 - Pr j ,-- =,rz. I r 8 :P, ; . .f t•a", , re•l ' l3t7'.., '-',."•• , Ir . 4 - Ini ,zip-xi 344, IPAY4 111 ' , A./11';) •i'9ll:i: 'l4 '^Nl4.: !-.V ., . i ,il‘.of alLtitu.ifadelifteurAmit 10 We4l l l',o L'7,E ...T. ,A'' illd ' eobbler:rat gotilytildittgi;, o ol ;; ,;'. oi n .. i ,•,.• •• See likelin ,timectqlp}ovierStrct , Vsestoizott t tt/! - , ; -,-;•; IWlia.everysitiiiistmeritlibg 1 . 1:::-5cd: c_ , ) , 1 How happycher "rho Ant auttetill, kr , o Irp. • , 4 , 11 , .41a iTheliolkakbf:ellhiebttiOborNr. l •Itil <.t: 1,,:k. , . I He's ever unmindful of his end,,,... .I„ ° i :: i l l „ii,..,-.A - nd to.hill Mat atilblabots. .),',l ;1---1);),1', _.....L ' ••t L. K t ' - -i - .--1- 1 4:-..1-i-.4 414 - .!--rf-r,ll- r. i ”Al • '' Ty tripbrvverkiy, tfiel - hf., tm , ,Itl, -,•• •,-,. ,r•vtriorli, ~. :;r1 i'll.t bo ?a ~,,' :ILf . f'":Ct t patitat64 - 18(iS i litt, 'l.l'l tO , q , /.. , : , ' ftljtl,j;ygo6lP t '. tltreCiti ib t) litti ' dciaas B iP6T b l / 2 •Act,1411 fpactiipp,i,'ldto _OU'r edniiir i SF; iqii , ri9B,Afotp os i _ fl o i4o.,i ?? 9, l P ; ,' b il • ±... s P.) '1 ": i 11EADAVISO2IPS irA,MA .PONE,It , diaitkoi'. j• Thkllip'eci r 7lll,o6" Ulf hp:idis, of I:raid'WOUVl)ik:` i 1 4 p;lil'41,alekluktia,`-b i tutiko4l , l,iftt - rwthit,:lioli , nr R . 1 , . v l o; . qp iti7 oo o.).4ok )., di p! , bp i ,l , thittr: li . lovoe . ~. i: Wind ‘ll#‘loffon,--ittiol•icn-ctini-, 16th:" t 4 • 4iiiv.iveteoliotikowificiblitoy,•:, eta 9p" t '6'iret; taed thkietiiiiilieOrcitti: It iniiktfa. lib uptigfiblid'aillib'4Vittivfirtbinertohyaitillthd gattilitilhol aiking - atheatbetkiroaslitimudegatay! iiik , liititirfi46(kylizid - te - tUii tetinkf, ( tbtattliihtillia: m elt , m iy , o th er *iNrir.l rol , -..:7c.:i 'I r i TOGA 1 'I,IOO Z vntii i pi diaef tad etrraateAlsSuplyl Vltlsi i irtitfitrfl3tteK= 46 , Pikbotra posrtlt q p l4l 11 c>tii llWlfilETMOßll r• Aillibitg flikiett7o;lBTitLitl .(I(.l.2t;Trot 1)1421 17; ..•olf lot "ar/r• ..ti':.t?. , - ..1 - 1 fli• i(j ft, 10.4.);t:t 0f , 11,1 , ! , 41,04.,i a 1C zi fid,...1,1 1 ltgri v l to In • 4,P,W1110 tiXT Mt ILO e llEP .:tr) o " itg ': WidlitlLP:flai l erißUL l' iiiimila l 1 "- ‘ ,llS§piicititli;iritial3l - tbd . t ptiOido r iir j' ibll3 l Pl. l Inii34,NA . ,s,iibtlia'volli iiimetlif gErinieor libb' , -t ..., - . i - ••• h 7 .0 -0:•.,:. q•: , it3:l,,t CI I.f: it !la.. ~-. ', d ~..rl' , 1t. , ..hq.E.1 - : J1'17 1 ,1141 - ,_l , l ?1,. .ifeqr.' , Fire . Insuranont Companies, i ~ it 'i FP, 11:t - i fci:'," i a iHhe •PtAtooriIROATS Pttw! ilreParM to, uteT:tat T9Petona*P.r4iflit-,pi: , oft: ,' , l ,I,lr•ir nil' no r. li•orTioti i 3 ill r.. AI ITCIIIELL haviutiXteOU AppOploil ~i - , I 'ViVtille 1: p673..,, 1 rc 0.. 7 i 1 •,, „ .. . .. ..T.... . . I "Alun, ;;•1 ;will dttend prodiPtly io:thif basin4'iti TrelnElujeldt hi's ofll be,' frhfolF mti 'y- ink Auttiie till tbr him',' , 't='l; 1 - Tiiiii.'tinit Ni firktittrittlife onkel f6fiiio - tly'llion4; pied by ro4l , o9"iitict'lrililliti;ngivfliditit Btr4eti: ilVellstarro? PA'. of i ~ . .•.'• qiitatl/13,186V-1) , « 1 i '7 ~:,, • , " , - . i ...1!• ' <•t ~ pa' r. I ,4c-t.1,x(4.114c.N.E58!4,. Atrl•titx,"•7l.l.;,or, ii - ~, h t 41+ k k'' • ft ft A tail') is" ' 1 ,0114 ef,' A' rj 0; U ' U U l'' v RPJ U , g , Ofid ~f, jI II, R A tn 6 , - t f..1'":17 If ' , "'-'l` "'ICI.. f , " .'l,ll • .f. , ... ti 1. ',, 1 y...11,:"..1 ' , •••"ovEICI HUGH , iwitrictr.T 3 : - 8001C. , ,AT0RT1.,.1 ~ 11,. ::::, ...1 !. • :!‘ii,f, '. . 1 i • a! - i - , iil3 6TA:As4l " ).,§lfit ' S ' of ;ail kinfls maAo'tict ! • ordemund n th,9'heli.mtinpor n ,, , : _ ', IticePATILING el all,iii , n,cls done, promptty And` good; f 1 cliy i ,i)i; it cis 1. , ', ' "'" '" ' . 1 /- - "_. • . ~ ''' ' " 40'ilikiiii i , ? - itr Nbssi' • J , „ "4 , 1, ' W4l. ttr RI. ' • '' , i' 1 , 1 kv . p . l,l,tlb,'?" r!' t 'J,,iin'; ‘ ,,, 4 4,Sti, , , iy: - ••,-"- • i ' -"!k- , ,, , 0; SMITE •• SHAW =, • _ - . • .PRERAY: ISOtrik, iVr; ingVvii4istites • 1110)9g0,Itts—fot . PpliTtN t 3 , 15; ! t .'a z ; rand ' 4 p.unt . , e, -NinfArilnitq l ,44ard,ous, - 103 k r icti4-11a*. 'i4:ll4Ul4,tkittittaiiiiiiiilll . o 410. 'Zilldfilg Psaa© 4414:44" itliitYtiil4e i 4 z :!‘ inft0P 1 ?.44,',40 . #3 1 0;01 7 :=4.:, ` " 1. :. i. •"":"." INVII I Ana/I) . W* Tal t:4 l4 k 8 j t 1 • WhIM do 01 1 4 ra t Ulthtitd:oo2 4 )l And daily glkftt,tolatlsl9o a Remind the thrifterkVil)Pdmallil gge l2l 4 MC l * l4 ,o l *4o . hOP te ; 4 tgal ' 1 I ;i l sol4.4l Ce ri ii 44, ll 9§V, } 14• ; . 1901:; . ; . Wholl T goittalito4ohscluirin OsidS,,With ago Upon hid surnui, " And in the knottdd'appid-tree Are scythe andire'4ell . ipg; 4 When light the swallows twitter s " T•' { ",Aid F (geei'A'el:;. is spread- • I Then hearts are lighter and freer Than bild'id popujoin ia+m;. ) In the old-fashioned homestead, li` as'; Vith:gablee Arlo afid broOrn. - • •• - • onhr alrar:A• • * s r ; When the flowers of summer perish, tArrepick amicbitter • And little Bilailvith weary - wings , Have gone across the main; 131 WEeft4drIfi!tlie; Efuo siaOliidtpwrads 3 ° 'A i nT&Td, -T 'iirten4 the naked .r ,.. •.1,,, And white the snow-drifts lie— I • In loget y let eore anfi I , 4leryi rx: , l • Thci , forger the doud and germ, In the old-fashioned homestead, With hearth-steni'lliigii, and ) warm I "t 7 :1",-"rif4-• • • ; • . ' I '" Ifti l lS '. ‘ fit 1 i Pfjor ; i 1 OatiOtr - Torg) MAT ,ti o - .i4:7. 7 .! . 77J •, , i ,/-1;, , ti.• ; .; , , s, "I tell you, ,I neverwas so fri o ghtened in my life,7f, Bald:. caPtala-..Ttiffi:. Kestle, :filling 1:111,81/ brier-woed and ramming 'home the tobacco with ,a: bit: o,fcatiCh; -8/ • ,excepting _once,!. he .added,..refiect 4gy.; ~ ~ . ~,.. . , ~. „ . ; "1-16WAvat;' , that,ti3ti f 4tihi' ?'ilSaiff I, fie ttecting indications of a yarn, "let's have ;it if it is worth telling." • The captain -fit a cedar splint at the fire and proceed rdd to ignite hiS pipe, the flame of the ry stick bringing,out,his strong, quiet 'features and grayisfalair and beard in relief against the black woods behind him. • I , . The captain had the cc/blest way of 'talking about- his persot al frights, A. ,*ay, which we all underst od perfectly; for mpstorits bad toq ate - 094:-.him f 4ep 'action -to - believe hlip:tes 0011611 g- doll ots of his own CONV-14 r(1 ie . I actually; -believe that-to this day, many a casual hearer of his yarns thinks that Captain Tom was the coward he painted himself, for often would a stranger ask, after 'bearing him narrate dhleof his exploits , 'how such a shameless sneak could re- Armin in service with honor. , =1 . gam NEMO ' "Well, fellows,'" begun he "I feel Sort' of confident to-night—al strange feeling forpe, I mitttlip.wity, a lie nd ,Lthink some greatifiede f luck iagt tiwait ing me }ish - S 'cofis 'quelice. '-110Wever, I think I will tell you the story, although I never told it to a living soul before,. and the very thought of telling it now sends a chill up the small of my back, 043 Noll mnstill lle iistlapigtishcfl4f ! , nil OilAtti POtO e trir s tw e ni 1) must ow that i.'e u • h 11- f0i.1850 I was, in my profession of °ri mer, rebuilding a long bridge on the 'upset WO 'great Western Railroad. y station was ten or fifteen miles from ny towtr, lultl4 hadli t gan4\4:thirty or rty ortbe Vildest7 Irishmen 'you ever tlaw caught, beside the sober mechanics Who did. the joiner work on the bridge. A pretty lonely life I led, for there was Isit th ,;11,0641rhoRt,itiyill .4, t ailiMileiVtlikl' ine, t (nig i per ape tnat, was to 'home xtent my fault. I was always rather istant and reserved with the men, tore from a fear of seeming to intrude, r from the opposite horror of seeming to court poppiatitA 't im:lVOfitmry other reason. My station was at the end of a long and perfectly straight stretch of road.. I suppose there must have been fifteen miles ortrack without a curve of any sort, save that which belongs to the surfmuf f10*rwt1ik. 1 .149044:3„4111° heared i thc - rfvevah:eitspgiacisai it a few feet ? so as to carry the roadway jof the bridge clear of floods. Rather rore than half way up this grade was eut-off or side track, crossing the riv ter Qll a tenoorary trestlework nd _in:. teti'deditki r Mud fil °lily WitiVtliet iiialiv-' abridge was urithroitiditgiapairs. This put-off Was sent at a very acute angle, o that the' speed of passing trains was emely checked, while crossing the riv hf'd 04 etthldlitandiinAtaii.littleigrake nd see the approaching trains at least p dozen ,miles off, when the air was plear, as they came 'tearing across the ir: c:.i A , JOlNltradirii i . °ir 46 i 0 A' ' •• 1 9P.ji„ t -owl s! . ,;ii. timpse o ti a world and' its life. •er i aps the conductor, if he was a clever ' ellow, would throw us off a package of : vipers...• That .Was'all we knew of out ide lif° , 4l6ollol3*ollai l gAVOArains' Our to stop at our little station. quarters consisted.. 'of a cluster of aboard shanties, with one.of more luxu rious build for rrkei,:villidcatedi; for vpii- JvenieliCe of getting Water, 6. - ifinzifter. of 'A mile abovethe bridge, where the banks Jof the river were accessible. • .1 4 11 4 r s, e ' R f q 9 u , Ych'Ire i TPIITA9 4 : I) I your companies that Whiskey 'naturally tends to their vicinity:, and Eit Saturday 1 Lthglit't. a supPlyWa6 do band in tour limey cnin- Imunity, on whieh,Ake mages „were prettycertainlyexpendecl. Satur !day nighiav*distiligultibe*lotill tear ssc&F, which invariably!icrmni 44. "figiik big ; "piR ticW.eortibataitz ,Wer 'l3 "ally teb`dHbik dti nuleh tto one another when the fighting' time VII.VII. 4, (nil dagYMQ t ever done. There was one among these Ifellow.stWith ',whom ; Ifsonii,theq.fitst',l lhad foreseen trouble. A.tbicloiseivaars ;ly initwintrlfete l'ifc(3,oo by . iiartie, landit,-",llarcidwnerlt bybirtb. He had 'al* . tiyS Tay,w,as,alWlOS tOrP tinuallY - 41 firkin lifs: l Vvor, t withal As mighty-.4Eirtlier, Red" ' talkie drunk a mighty neawto lead tla,e gFewd. :Our antipathy- to one-anotber -seemed ,'to, /be led to a climax brfoitune,t i antra had: good =reaseila to believe'. that, twi6 1 alieAdy had i.1 1 6t0 - ' gated an- - attack l on - Ine . in-m ythouse; . paid - attaelrebavio g been etiSiy 'rebelled:by: jimitirs'e l ges of mt. reNial : v . ef - as, WaraltiAtifi l enitbsirs t of , 4 ,gadgmba,svaspahovelingailltanwar , a drain whieirliad beentlilledr:by art it:4 cent 7:ll'noteltAhatoPetegleivaii 1 / 1 , tetikbit itltO,Tiy 'VAZIP9 I2 .I4. roS;PKI L.:W.4 0 14W 'L.7" IVELL%U)IIO4ta-PA.. -404110 tilnf y r I Mtitti ne , s „so THE HOMESTEAD. THEE OLD t•-)e - ri"jl- <1 right,•When tad seles - grow - War - emu , --- And flash with gold the hours Lt 4 .? 141 .; tr . [l , Vo,,C,P l ikggatiP • i l t l3 P,TT ati qkl•kY ; ) 1 aY,hentchildrnbywithssnslippered fedi , Go forth with hearts of glee •:• y,•l To the strrtls4,t- 4 3 1 t 1 °T,c )l ;, f P 4 ;i 43 7 - 0 1 - . • corntnnifte; I , ,What a beautifolimbodiment Of ease dovoid-of pride), • `•," ihekood faiddotiottletrielitaxl;'''" I Willi doors still open wido I • TlO;But* d • les ttme coin , That to the year belongs, '4 COI 4111 111 411. — iiiligkriratUaliest'iold;', , Of ample threalitzx flpors- 7 ' -- kiiti i plialuig*th l tlii3"lllli ; tiiill'diiit' l 1 Of the tiiogu'Afa!i•Sgeot;f, C "'.. _ • a ,! - 1:t. • • the 33epallinam.ilztir cbir IRMlLaigetcrii2.ol:Jc , ;11i 11 r; Lion', „ b• j;?,,fe, - . ' / 4. :Aar D , lNat I/ p.ll . I - ' n . iinllllVlUdirg %I VA . (94 . 3 1 4 - MA 'fb 'nd throwing -it as short ; a distance as , Issible: He saw that I noticed him, , nW.Mtittiireatii: tn t iark Whilli Ebniiia* , , inns to lefilieni - tiWtiiaehii ' ,- di4l ;In i few minittiPr4eslNV - :that nig wINle anti had word of the shirking 'of Pete , .nilsiiYitibtidtv,itlebitheillq. %.'XIMIIetAII nIY mitzl4 2 9lhW itoUt,f nit) - t- , 14113, - 1. - for he sake of dieelpliniN, j.,*d with me z it three-and-a-lialnhot Stick which I , always carried for measuring purposes, a good, flout, hardcahe of hickory, of which, thanks tan, long residence with Mn old 41 , - gligijskbackwo,spasipan I knew (tUo tlien*,,,ltCoVpltp eAss4. 1 -i "Pete," said I, "If you don't do your toll share og ,iwork Irom ‘ , this, Pine, on, your name goes .61' the roll 'tomorrow ' night, and you leave' hy thehext train." Pete eteloped wOrle.iitiM litoltdd 'Wine a iMombnt from. nder his shaggy brows rgA i ttriga l li s s l e ivra t tra il / 4 6 l P' ( g s ; his dudeen from o f •, tit and stuck it in his hat and tfign. e lied, slowly Out of ti's i ditidte."'Pete*Allifilllithilf and br9Vlo. l 4o.lwer.9`; fifiv*,_r l'AFi A :4lPi h ni l l t i Vii: Eind he w_ftl i k.e4l. c° ,91 .1 lir" " - i r e T - roar,king, Ird dirty,' Pal op.! . 4 1i: ark' ;the head of ye'dbure'as 'hi lb-ame's Pete 1 2.109:Pfh , an' ye Ina3T.lnle _)no, 1 : 1 41no- off' th144511 - and he ahningd ,•" to,i 5V i 'l r ti '' , 411- instaht be had hiS bit of black thorn - id Eland, and knockingtahlehat, pipe fin .all,.4etightencd his belt and • came to and m 9,. tiglylledkinga ripdeiM en as ;VlM:ould wish to meet. I heard a Ac b_ 6tiotic:; . ‘.l - 4W,'• tiero!g V ixieddipt v t :ib '704.!0;,61#9;001*/;?ritYlIti::'"( .th' tans stop wgriC.alf,;irnto, - ,,414 - Or gress of events Witifthe enthusiastic' in restkitlttitilitu - WW4e4,\YleKWeptne iiN Are - that a light is approaching, My auilmirityWas"at aitmna iffnl. backed opts *ll cline y if Trin ad ei ti [good light 'I might:. i rethin my authority, even if whipped:. soll glanped„rennd,to ..see,.that there ivete no tolling- ttotier 4,114 'like to it' , li."l s gtelacel ..17;PY d %d -ie th P i n nk al t l W a ld m on 6;ll i4s 7 7 C O lffi tt Y :6 l ;:. l o: 9- 'll -fI P -g ul h ; , tongtiewwill vo_, ?,'jlvecotood yirr i anny 16114 - eliohily,*'l6.4 the 'Only re-'- ; 1 41cS{cIiefii 444-..-A4kAilnPl4.9'll.-t ;?'pie li -etruelk, 1,1:140, PAKI'4O , arinsWo.r.§. ii i at it. If any of you have ~happened,lt o see q.narter-stafrplay on board a man of War, lotifil:11 IViiieiiiittbatite f giki:46:-)- 4oine hundred men will take the sticks aka 'time;and pair-Offbatwer long , iinea. on the main deck. Very ofteniapy tivol 7n who had, a, •quar4e,l,„ ; settle it by tting oppositeldribitioffibr'and pitch n On., ,f have seen,some pretty ,sharrk 'fl fits 'di in'efiiiiiiegl": . Pete - itiCe,., evidat I ty an old hand at tie sticks, lett& hail' ' übtleal*OlipAefk- p , ,forxe.qr.Am.§ jig itany;tt county,fai ianith.e. sold i Afmn.PP.Y .3 So I 'stood I pit thtiiilefensivepomakhing: blows like flail-strokes, aimed at- ,bend- i i leglind,pide.witkastoniening rapidity„ fete' vas 6irideriftly siirptlskid 'at 'iiiitiliiA. e au fait with the'litickii; aidilili'fith' had all VebtildZdo to keep him from ; 'reikihitiiiSillehdi , As it was, he gave [ i ' van ugly crack of ;f i le , ttiolcft: l 4 l pulqpFy 4nsiihitirte sli htl elseWhdieLon'ee or wiLeel i cr i t , knol2oll4 o -1, . b b iiit 'strike. I t 1 - 1)411 oiliti ,i "Atl ' ; hi mid h MYs"con tinned attitude of defense, he attempted to break my guard and head at the same time by a downward _blow nearly cor tespouding to the seventh cut of the broadsw,ord exercise. • It is no joke to. parry a -blow :of that kind struck by.; :41104 amxist k aaXota_hia. for o•llieht,de,:- fieetion of Ake-, blow , ,will.; dieante , your knucklesiandilf -, ..yoularolnot supl.,to the dodge; youtown- stickziwill , (be.•idiliVen down on to your own head,. which will probably end, the .fight, ~I 'received r : t, on my stickihnld 01 4er: ill.3.liPft4 in4.o ping sharply just clear over my le 1 - s_4oulder ? . i n. faet, slightly.. tonching, it. li e irietlAdiclicei4 hihllll4,/b f ilt lind l nift his heart too much in 11;; "his - shilialali harmlessly past my shoulder while with lquick turn of the Wrist and forearm, 1 aid thei whole weight of my blow fairly on- the pier,o,i: Ats O l ad, al Pete flee 'ere a le r i los 1 *91., ',the grolnid, j'if li ean l'n'to ntary - 11 irfaSo rose from the balance of the workmen, who•forgotpiii their.entlinisidsmifor ,•the science, that their own champion was defeated., ,•- , A i ~... •, ,•.:,?, ,:y.- kV/ ' ~ , V: 0\: . • c_• 1 "Pete worked like a TrOjan after that, • and I even grew Imre popular with the hands, except wheiftliey were in liquor. `lt. tclEi 4 great tiling Among such fellows. 0 kndor,.l,lfal- itilinfeie +4O itluilki ti 'bos' is no in ericir to thetegt of theta. !TWO weeks passed after my battle-royal With Pete, aitillEtithrtittyl - bight came. The men were paid off, 'and the usual ' dowel eii*,ptitm, Jicrcithtre)crqattple? began. ra 'exaFffeil my revolver, all'sl`k brels were properly eapped,,and the po r ts of ,the'ollX'bulldtitilioWhduahlq 4 o) - 01Vthe cylinder, standing where I edilfd geittele the lastlightfionalthol-Ayrpti. rik dsci l uad ! Of the hands ilrolled - by as I gtedd at ithes.-:ttindow wail ceturnaiL 1 their 7 . !awl pvening,!, and heard the word 'revolver' passed' mining theld'hfit thy *Vent,' on, 'showing that they, npted my employ-, !merit. I laid my pistol on the centre ,table and' leanc4(AkAe j t - iwindo,w-sill, watching:the rading Irillie - iVest, stnok 'lug • my pipe, atel L seareely!neticing the 'entrance of a woman who did my house ;keeping for niel3SheWe'ilk'hiltnd out 'as usual, lredding up, the room for the ;night,?tind 'finally bade. me ifi good !ringlet. and ' &Di* • lieu' detArture;; ,- 3., 3*sta - dip made all fask'attl'iteatedititydelflifoie a Auiet evening with my pipe and books. By-and-by I began to hew the mivtli at ;fete's shanty, away - at ill other ed of, the street, waxing fast and furious. I !heitrd the noise until near ten, o'clock, 4W' hph.T totttpiviridi,*l4llitito:?9 , ,TeEipp , i ' , lime next sonn l cf r i` heara' 4140;44 40 jbling blow on my door and a .confuse rnurrnur of Nrdites-prdsigle:-.-- illp seize my revolver and lumfrrifirkeil tfousers was Itheiwork elan instant„su,dmi,.the r i elii,,-, etition of the blow,.Leatied,- oot,;S.ka,n i a, clear outside! I'm going to life through ,the door.' The second blow had nearly !dashed In the froil-pine,boards,,,and as !I spoke ' the' thitcPsbattered the door, land I could see by the dim starlight a dozen heads and sticks pressing through :the doorway::: 'Alining aCthe leader, I !pulled triggeA and heard the click of the hammer onthe capless cone. Quick ;as though - ..l)lthld tvrciAtimol i li),Mels, ;hurled the useless revolver at thenear ; est head, and seizing a chair smashed it on the head of the not. Then came a sharP'eradk oFfivti:oV6rlitif'o*ii:head, I and the stars faded away, the dim room 'vanished into great darkness. and I W,44 4eXiseYsl t ml, - 149K-19 3 rg -ViefilapiPect unconscious - I ban-not t el Wt.:3V chnld :not have been long, for when I first felt the damp, cool air blowing over my face' , I: could" beat , th.e.[retreating;atepe ; - and drunken laughter of a Varty: ofmen; 'who I concluded were my late assail ants. Gradually my senses became clearer. I.gottifirptel - tpvas bound' tight, hand and foot'. . - Presentlyl opep ed my eyes. I lay on my right' side, my head resting on a cold substance. -rflklii 'I 4i6tligtislidtithe xiisti Ofic*aVett itiar'bfr, agabas Ilibldeks'atliel'lirilrlge„: , As my eyes-becarne . steaaier, lit*thtit the cold substatidtcon*hichimy dhdek rested was - arailroad' track. I - could-see a - -few yards 'Of qtii liiiii ' Its -Jeciiipiiiiri rail, - on' Whii)Oblordet' *sled. , - . i I-leyOu arid urolind' •34.4 belle' ark Vitarle,.dinit;tl t s ar Q . 4,0'1141417 Iyi i t* - Nt - 101.11 sioili_ ( Lary, 11g4t s ia.a . :e t o e r t, A ROAR t : i i . mxtvp I stripipyorei t lfti o l,tiO w dpnned'fitetil tlearetutned,wherpsnahlenly the, fright ful question flashed; upautouyAni - pd, ILlsPle,'',ll.--fieg410r9"*641d2,4010111241'111/14n. .1. ...,,, of-YeCapolti-tfe r &A* ... , ~,12 . T,,- . ... 7, (,41,, ..: . . fe:,.i;-. ii9.di 9:-Ii Jr.fi.i.o.. ;.:: I ,p q ii. , , , i int); 1 ;1 - 4/ I ( . . it ~.- „_,-,i i ,. , ti . i ., 3:.1 .i ... . 5 . - ;-,... i n i , .. , 12 . ....3 . • '..: „ , •;1.: 1 :', .•.; A I 1;1 ‘'.:: , _a ~..Yl. i n Itr a. ):U lIIMMIE 4(titral siiihtviillidca; i iii3fed , - . 44 -- -.iiii tali: , Wawnot, Veryinear -the head of ~the hridge, hut far,enongh up,th9,,gradp , tfl Aiwa out over' the prairie. ! .4 I t 4 ideritlY ' PeteinittPititined 'a vem-' geantettieribleladded.; , Yet how did It 4 nay", hut .tbe-trAim.bagiloassCil ?:?..i..‘v:lP )fe/2,iritx neck till the eorris,orated l , and Matte out to see' the u all - rig tr signsa M Winillifgati the bridge. • I shortted ad& Y elled for,help,i but the,more, earnest, I ewn e..the tili nkore, every one 'within hear hig would Mink my , shouts roily, The mandlin Cries' cif sotad dnien 'lrish mamt: The. algriarman ;at the , bridge Ooniti,upt, lefty() his station forlany,ordi-, tsar .cause, and certainly the cries Of it: dint ken' Man tin a'Satnrday'niglit were. neiti;Oxtraordinam - 'All ' , -thisk - pissed. thiongh,ray, mind-, as, ; ,filiouted,,,tinkil IPY,P.,trerighil wasgone.. Then I lay and silently thotight: -My A6rvant niaSt ry removed't the caps frniii my - pistoh '• il shoubi She? , What cause Or, sliCh ' tireaspn 9 111 1 2,1 even given her') 'Why loia . I locateg my, cabin sei'fiii'frbin` ' thel truck?• , 'Think as 'i.l ' 'Would `thee'' •stern , ' 44 - rter of my t sttuatioti ~ remallieci,,l and) 2 . o_lo O . nly hopethat one o'clock, f' and the tramtoo, had passed. . ' , 44 .81 it now. low • down, 'on the very' edge-Jot , tha , i black horizon fmy eyes r daught a., faint : red gleam. 'Too often had F Nyatclied the trains to doubt for ii' #in ioeht. I knew 'the very spot at' wiiich:that dreaded light would appear: tbett . lwenty , minutes i at the very lown6, Providpcl, no accidenthappe tie (1,, ikras.tne lifetithe reindining for me. 1 `stcairied everyitiberto break my bindS oitivist inyiheck clear of:the track ~h u t she rope was too strong, and a couple of takes driven, one on• each, side lif 'my eck, forbkito any , motion _except a light lattild''''cife` In thilltitetisity of : ray straining I shut my eyes. As I )qpened them reirw* beibte"me, nearer, b 0,11., ~, 11, steadier : , ;#l,634.l,iinAng redeetion 4r /• 11 aq/ r Pili g Txtl , i f •t : 4 11 0 1 ?? P 4 IPA#7, ed t , " iiipi ,stili4d, tie,t9 u'o : purtlitile, t. T. Pthe ' T lay - anti Write . 94 tlie‘tAglit' t , l o 't - I? qq, flfte f4l 3 ne tr 'iii{ Plerfilirq 1 / 4 1 ( 1 it see* ,to' In ' ill 'my - 4*M 4 ini 9 Efil Vrqi i i l 6mised tit y "iiyeg - acid- tried to, i 7 V, , lAA' that _fearful :light ..libtle . r ,tl l i filteleY•eyelfds 'and' baaislied "eVery • j, 0 • ler' ho, gilt. s And 'now • a' 'faint', yet' t e e ro y .distil' - rtinible' behan • co' tiff t 6iii c ; '1,446 emea. Cs thciuglfruyinmast cl'ill',felt 't' at 'sound: . ', "Vet r s j..emetti bet, fintl i elhg ' the' moat _trivial• thiOge...:i ;4:irl,lift‘that sang' hgar by,' Iv 'toad: twit or Ribpd. On thd,rail, a prowlingcat ! t hat! ea b siiddenly iiptua and and ran fright. Oil '4,W4Y---f,er.ev i en, in, that fearfUi r in4- . c i rn* A'sense dethe iiidia.riniS A vas alive,' l'' ~' ecalseibils- l ifF, " ai fcellit Of - 4ifflilt'l me t aiallie l etteature' gen riied i oft. 4 I'3 0 t,.' - 410,1 - . IWlipe, the , faint rumble he l d groWnf 'loptlry, - . 1 a141 eon, littielpd:thatl ,elili ti e4 e .ve 4 1?.11g4 vibiAtt9'4' . of thoytilt u s t yhten • iii„ir' head i i eatedi 411 d; of'' t 'e iSTA)MII,, - whieh'i'' lay: --I -think 'that, Ellip.ily ills 013 tirrda, i r Mtliit hairiiibeeditte' ifiL 4aife', Yofr owy i aithpber: ii - earTng ,lii, ) , ycliv.Ott itt A iibont di ribka; ' had ''feelliikv, in'Sr,Al44i'o,§ if Wql , 4 'those - Of anotlipc , 16AnM4Tarti t nh,' Vientiselves 14ci he ••fitee.• Alet,#readfal - particillais of tny 'aii. , p Oki:. ' gAtitit'h • wlifil ed." thfo'u'oll illy grain tiring' tlicie fkir i nioinents. Once I faildied r co'aldliCar fdotitbpsCet-tine fAiiva,ed' ni, f.i.ont' the bildgel,"ancl hopefl .wiNIY 'thl t i.V . they woUld . reach me in 41Yid,,, i- 8401 rti iziwr• f, COuld sde , the red re- , idectio'd on the bong, straight track, and the thunder of the train was drownifig alrother sound's:' Oilee Mere I strained c.-r'y ilainsMis tilt thil very flesh' seemed to t6,ar, o'ife linlit .ery r gave for helpfrorn GOtVat i liPlii:'" lien •k. opened niy eyeg.-- 1 closed:in niSr c aglikly.-!andlooked silently_ at. My '''degtruetion. Tor one dOiiilful iffstaritlha:W i the' i3ilVOr iiii i ristir of',4the reflegtot,. itiWf felt ttie'ettitli - tremble'unL deV,thb ,roank'titiinc', airld Alien 'as -the' tri to ty . 'engine ruiih ed . . 11 p2n'i' *le 4 'nature • gii,Ve iit.tifid ainid a'brivar ofikkiiiid:aiid 4 aald&gfatti l iii: lithiV'tuid ifre; r Oviatir l ieslo . 11 - le' - v, 'bels - Ottilelhee4pirs's hall Ei,4 B bsOvit 'fii 4 l ib 9t-iat , yAd'a t ti i . 1 h A ti • mil-41166'61'8A ittib !il l iygiir 6**, 4 i iive el th l o likidte;' ittiff,tile t i r ' .iii 'Acidstd,'ine'' oi,l 1 the'leFoift:,,l) - :,) ,b -- ‘i , f r ..,,, , , , ! tg.i.toin -rtinti ,ic ‘ii.s&t. , • Hitidly iiivi conieiimiii) ilk ktir' r Y'"l4t4ere 'inadtilfdl i trl'gr'c'', 76 t tkilleeb' fee,' at't thil.,.ilio ni' he p 1 . , yea hieg4 : 44ltress,' they sharpi ei l lVS..c.f' Wo . h.rtliHe ti it es ; 'W . it i,ll{ geb if IJ ea o liaeliebii'tv'tlititig, far lhe' end- of tkit'Skt*'lanW r i ont,'Opr'rie 'ritige, , _lli 11110 e tiworti c ev. , ,vote., , kuoilii_i tO wa,)! ' their reSpectiv'e. dth4ritailds: With a'4ll a a thiiiqgfi l eakii t og& tide* 'infantry 'e'fp*ituOing the' 'rifle . .isitia , il p s nicl , ' kilo g . 4i,'{yeid steoel With lanyardeiolpifeditatit,' Irkaly l ip '#l6,iii.thia Word. " 1 4 n I '=" l ' '''' 11 1 ' 17Ifteeii Mirßitei'lliter e , - 'l'. was' fearing ' ,(l6 'ri t hi l lit'oliy ilr - iatl, ily, ii`eyse's• '216[0 'pftliting • le lb thizi'itdceixiiiliditliaevell iti:. r0t 1 3 . " Of' it' s' ftthil • dvOr tilb ' imitnitain 4 ulp:het ibe.: ll 33efore ,Is left, l - I hifd - Joelteti a ingtatit oiFthe •de i tid i ' i fae 6. ` c qf, ,Cl - t'aildifi, 'Who' fell iit 'his toagt like.a. a i:d , b , 5 4, 1 4 0 . 11. 4- . had'harelY'fitrie to nititini, find: ran' 10 it 'thi - thbArar:CUid'Sbliniiiee tiwOm , ed . !i'V'6r,the l Yatapet' - ana l ' haptured iOr 'little ' Obth. iid.' 4 ''ffe had ;.teen, 4 OvettJ pqnyered by the advance 'kWh . clivisift if>f ' Bt434llOWtileFi' thinly,' iii.lll''r thdtiglii, Ai) , 'sCI flkidlty folic+ lable;• by' dint' oP bal 4 d , riilinte,to keridji th t rgi dt.4 a'ila guard Of i dlVikon'half miii ti tir befOreStoriewalPsi idrOalry 'aicive '11" +jar !piekets' , en :the iEilieriatidetill.:-L The Oaltay."" a a '•a'• a' • , 1 ,t,f ..., , I :,t , ~i , .1 , 1,,1 lit :ti' ;the Stakfa ja.t.iiVcifirkentleo • lias, ~ _ . 1 1 .T11 144%IghteiVi iTnIY , DPOIAtttO9.YS 0 3 , 0, ,CRY1 jaehoal, aaci Kit s pagg , ;44lp4-ctri,e ). 4ol; l o,lem„ i(Ai r itkqt 4 ir o theLlYTJt #tu4Ylhg.),o4s 14441mci NPIJ)Yii aP crr tPT rtraYr i lki Me9p OltvgoWlP Yiltv 4l , [Pe - ; Allith ilttar4o4, INT-IMlAMA:elfigt .r 0 4P4': ' oPei VAIWPAr igyttingßapp,l4w-p,*heq o 10# 11 944 4 4.41 1 11thfITtilOPF Vitri; iN O .§.llM9f led, i'VONATI. A.4v !I ifq.A.lNTl l , 3 ,Prltql g t 1;1W, Pnot)serv€o,TO blfaked '4F I I, ihnquent,iyapjrtg,h,er seat„' nat.:l4'oK ret,argcmi,ja s .n . o prpcaccipd ii is gises2 I tiak5„003.0,..,w0,1:9,. Rpsworect With a ( IPVee- YIoVO OO. Y 4 ,A odPitcci, wAl°P . f . : 1 1 0 nri j ' 11) a ,Atloycidp(l,Aet'citly., tho teacher t geSsful:t9:Giv,PecCiAritpfrence tin» Dertnr.KtriGn . - MVAL% - i - Whqo riveat,si or baucesfepthpOsed partly) ft.f ter;; are itaken, , and , cold-, drink,; dkrectly i after,' the, Ihn.tter, and . fat rare. rendered concrete; andseporated from tbarrest i thn ali meat • This._congestcd oily. matn ter, being then speCifically lighter than. the , remuitang contents.of thn•stgglaoh, swims onithe toper) te fooclofteitclausl ing heavyi. ;.0 newsy° tpamfel se about the cardia at blleuet i ;and soine times. tfeelingi ldii gaud anxiety; at :6 t t ,ti ties; 'vfileml l / 4 ke.f.114 o!/, , re+ gaiti&A ts . heat, awl ittitty mettfte, , Ket jectotklhyi little •An IC, littic,:t frPult wen stoine.Obs, in oily., xegargitati9.o,, 3v,IXV:II la'veny,disagxeeahle. ;in little„ compound spirittt )0,1, ht!rtsher i n, wifih• gloss, of iwaToi water, I not, Hug . 4e, Will convert, th e fat int? ~f)oap , :and ' inslnt rrcry,',l 41fe icatEsqaye. ~ f •; , 1 1: 1, . 1., •1 ,1 :1,1 'enthusiastic • oldi ;fellow and ; his itife recently visited 'Niagara "Ads: qvorehippedtthe &Dwell day i ,from thespi azealryriqutil of itheir..rooni,- and ' retire() -talking over, its woriders; i• ha early:ll6ms, , eit . morningy the old gent letnehowas:ofillteoi,tikay and.•as soon Ite'Stessvfle fall& agalithe' sang nut 3 N-ife 4 Wifol 1 , 11 be duelled .if the; i OR:Whit 'attltplitio.oVeftbah , dam!, V, MI ..- T .-- 1 . -,,,,,,, ~,.., Ndir's-B it,,;..., , 1 .1;')•: - ;,...;,•: - ..H. ; #; • ,h. , • i ii .-, A ,, , .•• • H .:. :-'` ;• : K, 'anima urc aBe•-•-• ow -it was DOne . .ltir. • Naary' the Oki:ginai`oi , 'of 1 the Speculation.i ; ii; • ;1 - --.1-, .1 - i :e, ;I I i l •WnsurricrroNi -April L 4, • 14307, 17:TVs, one I Seward did • itr.-bitni and -,me I-7- ~' he 'Ainerikiii Eagle' iez cei nowte; gereergivith - re'deubled'energy:;' '-,:Ef the I I 'Xitshnel bird'Wuz a 'itntel, k shoed cm! mark to it,' " Teen . your, iharp atioo•;",' but it ain't, and, therefore, siehkrekest • weed be rediculous; This rhitlis'OdY her. , reference to the-Rooilien !purehis: ../ i I , - • i The idea orlgintitid in •thesernasol i ve intellek'., :When I wuz, here afore, the _Blain, all il' elm,' wuz a' efowditi' the sainted Johnson for a- tnightinf Cowani ''si , antid -a mishun, and so 'di& Doolittlei: red that , day. Ketty o much all, uv,. the , legates to the Cleveland ',ari'd' Philar , elPhyi ConVenshens r.hed' trin theitl , 1 :Wantin some kind uv a place; wet they I Artip't, yertikeler. ,On o ; gentleman, *hose nose (Wieli trebly blossomed ez I the'lobster) betokened longservis in the' party, urged, that he hetif hitt tv•aelegate -to both Cgnycgshens. "hank (;tod,Vl i sod JOhnson. . " Wood that both theth [ ,conv'enehens' 'heti' bin 'made up tiv'the same men: , I-wood then litiV• big bored for places only half, oz muck e 4 I :ain.',',' . 1 , I'-wgz a helpin him out, in my weak ,way. When the 'Crowd - Wand ti places 'becomes too great'•for 'human' ,elldoo -Icranee, I wood say; - in - tr modrit tone, itl let's go out and,.git suthin," and to wunst fully half wood exclairn, "Thank yoo, I don't. keer et% I do." ; ; It ivnz a great relief to Johnson,-but wni, pizen n Me.', With the' 'most' tiv lan, the' an -1 4 4,ulSh, ati±lety , and•lolissitood, in the I gittin uvoffises and freoidrin • wuz I about an ekal thing:. • The oillse they *antid wuz merely the means' 't 'that. peitikeler end, and solong ez 'th y , vid. 'l. gittin the latter•with'ont ,the:tro . u, hinv Ow former, they, wuz content :;;- ;. goPd, l lonstooshen anti, and h'' Copper-lin ed Ihritick carrWd'in6'thre Ake. trylii'''Or. , l % J . oolinntilOm° tuitoda f a Boston ap.- licant, whe, i in oonsekenco of, per, , hibitery law„hed bin for sometime on SliOrt'fashens; and wtik. keen Set. - 'Nit-' ,polcon lied then met lilsWellinton, and and I suec u nid..- The man's. . talent, wuz 1 B'ekret. 4 6 , "Seward' ''w d z'' i n Peon ble : about the Blair faMily :pertikerly.' 1.1-e ,be,d.did his level bt-for em. .:He bed anpluted ern to CSllectorships and fui.- yin mishuns,,but the creed' Senit, which' .lidd'ine'respeek for us, took delite in Sas- Aphin ,em onto us IT perpetooally reject tigicm. 'Jest after A. long siege by Mont- Momery and the old i aii, • l sejestid,the . ,purehis uv the 'Theo llen'Territrary; to • Wl6ll' not only they c od be 'sent, but ii thousand tivlcitherl4 NY igh,we lied on our liands n and the Sekretary wuz so pleased 011ie idea, flu:Wile:Wept' like' a child. ,With'a vigar• wonderful'in'one so old, be set about gittin testimonials ez to the :valyoo uv the territory,- to inilooenee , the Soh it in 'ratifyin the truaty he wuz :agii.th to Make.' '' And lib 'wrote to a na ,,i,al•oillser about it, who answered more promptly. than. I over ,knowd ,a naval oilikr to do, ez follows ; ' i "It 4 s troolyeSplendid country. The ' triide in the skins tiv white•;bears kin' he, of, properly developed, Inade enor mous.„ There is seals there, and wal , .ruses, So' tame that they come up uv their'own akkcird-to be..ketehed. ' ' ' . ' Jf P.1.5. , •---In case the purchis shoot' fie inado, a, naval; stashen will be -neeessa : - ty. May I'hope that my long services • on the Flarldy Coast wood' prove' surd silent , recomme,ndashen for the eoni 'nand a. the depot? . May I ? ~ . ~i ' .; ,"1' hey. the honor,to be," #,e. I_A distinguished I'refeSser wrote ; ' "'he climate 'is about tba style uv that ' theY . ' hey in , Washington: ' The ' Gulf Streetii•sweePs up•the_ coast; =sin -decided twist in thejsethermiti „line, a ' svioh.,flezr. the effeek,ef nmakin it ruttier . Sultry'than otherwiSe,' Anywheres 'for skez hundred miles •haek uv the coast I Strawberries grow. in' ,the open, : air. I. l'opo,glinogd strongly the, purehis. , . . c ,', ;''. •.-lii case the purehis is made, ' . exPl l ong e`xpedislien Will beneeessary. ! May T hope that 'my- seientilfik•',attain inehtst am, sullishently•!well; itnOlVll, to reepungend ine i ns..a i proper person to ' head' the,expedishen'T May I,? ' •' ' 1 - 'a r hev'tholloncirici be," et settry. . . .. .. .; '''lll6' ribilittent''wuittitl kt+okubry , ,iny elineth:ll - Ie wuz full: ! uv,. the,,,Old Ifogy 44.1/0 - ltat , ,qwuz rather chilly th n ore. than -p h i fikerwl4e. "Ire eilli't faith 'n 'th'e. iPO l ' . t,l letrilht line; and 'wtii Skeptikle 'About ;the Gulf !Stream"? 'lt .wuz . his" .experi pAcp MIA thei further ) north, yoo, got the pokier it wug... Fur itiatanee, be remarkt. Itlia t t*lit'lb eit people'WUZ Nk'itrrh toirti*l - ititil I ni Virginny and ltla*land last fall, Iley;begaine.Yery cold e 4 he got .Nnrili., IN.V l ll.crav,lotlie isothor,inal line, and the p nit - 'Streailf then? . 1 '' - •• " ' 'I '• ~ ; liiiiiidall,'`wlin ' will . .heY his Joke re- Markt that, the, isotl4r4al line, twists 411 a-IR.. notipt ,V i n,tt the po ,ple, madilt,,ez hot for eni ez Ile wanted s It` ez far North e' :ClOveland;,it) i,vhieli Sekretry WtilleS l Opliecli! that .it • only onfirmed. :hint in thoppinion that for.pl, till voAsels ofwar, ii. rot), w i u preferable to pine plank tiny' itlirth. ' - - --t , I . .1 • , • , i • Sewtird 'removed ! thk-Pr•Aidentls.oti, jections toiwunst.. .111.6„read his letter, ,lwich,liot i forpi thebeauties and .advan- . tiige . s try' "the eountry` twict over; I-Idre iwuz Whales,' and walrusses, and . sbal,4,' and white bears, iand 'Tine apples, and l i .Iwheat, 1 , 4414 , 4 1,1,, 10.138, al* . fl sof ice tjhe. year round, in a 'clithatO' t n Id 'and etitiatl6 - 6'z i thh meridian uv , tishingtori? 'Vito: isotherinal -Iine!INVIAZ . 1)30 / 1:0 aecom-- IptAt.ther t4 i tt t in _a i l? y. other. part, u y t the world. ' It cork-screwed - .tlifOugb die' fol'il tor§ tio'6 to 'era* , iliiii spelfch es' fOtt exportation' to . the . State 4 an d 1 ice to ' ,th,e,) Sa ad w ich:-.l§lAP,dsialldf!. y side.; He, 1 i tirawd ,a p l iet.ur of the white bear ii.rusli ni oyar' the ilheund 'disportirt higself in ffi iil ds 4 kiV ; 1 kieTe It peas.'' ,Imngine,• he•re, Imarktdc the alelioapy um Polar -4c'll!r 1 11, 4ciii ifut4n,ed ,on i ptr i awl)errios--7thhilt.. ivy' ; the icontib.4hen the sea litinS intist'ide' In Wieh iteniieifi 'Oil' Nkitt'terflairs , to feed on tur !nips W inli.grow, above the 60th parall•6l— Atv..- 7 , .. ' , , ~,, *, ... . i" rf, won't dO,'''' Bed - th e'Pregident:' ' - " 41 'V lii ii ie uir ;,., - VetOrtid the Sekretary, 'with' a qttieknis Inv intellogremarkable, 11 ,‘,(hinot ,q,f, gettio rid ,0 The Blairs ; foi:7, ever !" - ' ME • "lVill the Ablishin Senit 'nitifYthe .o.6atylPt inso Johnson eagerly. ; . • ~ - ff..l ,eentrerstf wi MI r P 1 111:13r • PP, the .au ii-• Jiet,•ausl tb,(lsi, sect et we Coed promise that' the 131a1 re ' \roi.tld ' aedept posislierig tht,v i ttiey wbod (lb ip•eheerilyi/ I . For i shill a, purpose, aed•One.llY eM, to ine, $7,, - ( 1 00 ,9P0 jAp.m.eFeagate blle." . , .• ... . ~ ;••, • ~1 . .7I:11 4 A.,", sod Johnson., " I agrge • yhtfi 'the , l.;'enaters - for oneV." - *ltiithdt ' tlian'lieot - lail •I'd; pay it ent-uv , Alrs. eobbly rsliate iin ,our -3 illt f;pgli:elu§l!e.wi, I.i'llee_ tetpa. frilm,t4e,l3l9.ir tan Iy,!_ Good evipgsl lin One man - be' se blest `! 19 , t , t I brb 561 . 1 'lb 'store , 'tor ') - ne ?I• i S, 8,000 ; 000 l . 1,1414114 .;; li ul: 1 ., ,;:,•; A.•• , :. . , -.,.1& -Apinyun behig ;144 I give U. • , Ey. riPity,,e;t4 the l',.ei 'eller is froth a coninier- Miiit Yit'an-iiint';`l'n 'a pOlitikle' pint. n\• , 1 vteW;il , l4iFtlelvantagis will•he still heftier. 3lheif,flllo:-.4),qp ; territory -Will ..flnally be ttle..eliT 't en wine uy the lihmierisy. There "ls „aliefulY :i 'poi - nil:lo46n- there aclaptitt *bi ti's, who It Fil';, be•• Manipulatid without trouble, mut . the ,elimpteis fa •Npl'ale,lc to strieltly„l.),ltnoeratie poptiht slieii. . The trouble . *ltli us' here' is thilt• tlie'iiiiiiiiiiit erg iklteic fieoel44ar y , toll he• -114:litufaktur.uv:a...11itn.betat , killa.-r/AIW airtlrfli :he • -1 1ei 4 ..)liit tiTPF 4 ,I OI I43,rI i 14Y . i Yclin p.itid filn'T,s, mlaii :fi:qp thif I u perifeiptial inifforley: 'OtirM Ah'gtfilg, , foe '.'eliiiitite toutOpsi out iweakiiisßi . ...lilardifferqutfis ~ : f of i -,• -' •••,7;••.1_ or • - )1r. ;--c•3;Ifilp)1:i:,i; -1 - JOBBINCRAIRPMITIFENT. . --1-- , 1 yitgrrev.e.,l.4tqrshay9NtoctlrpittlepAtigbiA t opt with a l a r g9( t i l a4rt ßA t fP .97 MiVt t A c ei i ')) ..; i i 43, .-111'.. • ) =•.= . .; • ..:-,.4oii;*-Air.i.'ICARIYI,TYPV.,• c.: , 1 ''-.AND"tqAV,T TfontifiEs;'' ''' '' '' ~ : s i , -y, .1 •'llz. - , - ••)110'Iri -".' • mid , aFei pOpilyt4 • a c2cnii) t a attily,, n (i ,RF,oxiip,ty, , PI I ATERS ; HAN HBILLS,CLIt.OULATISiVAHAS,BrO. - r. i 11 S ADS , LETTER HEADS; STiRTHHEN TS',"; • -- - • TOWNSHIP ORHHlllldge4"iiii'-'''i '••:• • ' - • ,Doeihi t -Hqr:tgagea,`Leasi3s, Anil' a . .. tall' age iiitniiixit iil ." Coagtabli.s' and Ja:itilethebianicolchnstatalf ohltancL' ' :.,..:....—:.i .1:1 ..1 , •:'..f ')ii k PO illtkci iVifl 0, tA a djataDo can dapavi oryAilitt i l)pl.r.,,, at r i hATo at proppil i , ,lail,gant b ack 1 a t - p i itimitol ii ,,,, l ~ ) 44-. ,Oilies—rnoettelatk;stiaolissioat.f t),, , , 3,..,: i ~.., .., 1,“ , s 1::•••\ ' l t it lb ~,;;;. MEE - . el it itf,,`Reosha- T i her..tho ; ,-, ~ .pp _ .may drinkhfsAtihrkper4fiy—nt 0 ritqln . 'Atiriosphere,..mitkin,it abSioatliciessary for,him. ~ Ther As the, -troo DiMoltratip. Paradise: . k ,g.ow. often • hoir ,I. 'sighed 'for - Sich a country. •. .Thewegain, t, , ei'at'l3 posishens' uNT profit " The deleg teA.t?, l s , congt'iss.,will, of I 4 , / , fiifzeye:ci, it 4,g t- - ly, dray. about $15;000 per,fieisiOn„ pi lhage, which is $30,00 'per ,year;;s6o,l)(l6 - Per, term. -,•lic coed aff,ordlotertc,:with out the , paltry, $5,t109,-:w10h, :Wood • he . • elieep legislatin, indeed. f- --.,. -, c '-- . , ' , • ! And se At wuz agreed "1.46 , n-,;andi the 4.eaty.,wgz made by - telegraph at, an e*- ense uv- 7 1 forgit eggsl:way' hut I think it ,Noz summers An. the . ,ffeighhOrbood iiv $,20,000._. - ,Before it ;wig ; iinelly ,C.Cii- Clooded„some other littra;,incidetitills, were incloeded by the Zar; which runs, the price; ult. to $.1,(,),2p0,000, but I).othiti.cor us; : Seward Went at lilsWorit with ; great energy,: , The Putchi4,,wilz ded Pp Inte:sf,T. tetritiirAesi T (fer the, - dumber, nv, ,clclCgates,:tp, pig coni,cu slanns w (is large„, an d",they' all heck t. 4 ye - . Oroviddd for), with 7ivuz.ntina6cLiespieet-, ' aP r e: g j a o n h d n a s ir Zol e A w v a eli d e l s'. c F °w or 4n th ; ' if 01e ' i lake ext : reruc tigrth, the furthest bfr,, I I rank Blair -Win; .appinted Governor ;. ihr the ,next, Montgomery; . and . 00 Aext, the old man, andlhe, other three .. Wuz lield in• r&erye for the pure k.ut i . unfortunit patriots which' might ,be hereafter rejeeted:'for__ tt e ' Austrian - iishun. A list vinz 'pro - co:wed. ii.r. ,the delegates to our various conNefishens! And them ez, bed been martyred ,hytbe '.s"eilit, tber names wuz put into a wheel qz„ at • Gift ,Enterpiles, and the' Judge -fillips, Mambalships," ClerkshiPs,,et Set- ...ery„wuz drawl by lot,. The 'jet) ivitZ " Fiejested by Postmaster General Ran-: dull, ez bein ; the easiest, way of doin _ it. lie - statid : thatthe appintmentS fora, his . department hed•alluz bin- made in this Manner,: ez it,saved time in eggsaminiu petithms„certillketlf of : fitness, and sieti. 4n:this way, ithout,ticar ez I.,kirt esti m,. ,t ,iwn , per Cent ,uv :thoSe chilmiti to okitshei) s at,ool,lVand,ll hands hey, bin provide or. , : ".,' • , - 1 The ide i 4, capable uv nnliruited' ex tens . 'he Administration - feelin the.relief it hez gin ern', are already ne- - gotiatin for the pritis,h•Provinces, This territory kin, by makin tiv em a, little Itnuller, he ith , ,ided up into, : say forty, which, by, makin a few more, Otllsesler 4ach, and befit liberat‘Vith expi riA ex .pedishuns and sick, Willhe siitil lent to give places po all who really have claims upon us and who are - pushin us. . The President breaths easier, al d the Sek rotary is . - placid it a §tunnier.thorn in. , .Ho hez cut the Gordian' knot; J3O - bez, relecycil liisself 'iv , the ,boa, con-, Atricktor with Ir. - -nz crush:in, him in' 'ifs folds.. 1-Tappiness pervades ; the - White - House. 1 - P. „. - Ill.:TROIA:UM V. NASBy, .1.u.• Wi,:it.i.l ro:tinaster),:and likewise Professor iiv , Biblikle Piditiekg - a) the So uthern C,l,i'lssikle t ic Aliliterg in,tiMuf. '.,,''• ' . A. few years LIZO, we .were just about leaviiag New York for. Boston, by ,one of the Fall Myer boats, and were - seat ed with.a few friends upon rthe prom enade dockof the steamer, lookingdown the,pier, watching the last arrivals And preparations for departure, when • jUst-. , as the last bell \yes yinging, A carriage dashed down to the wharf, `the - driter :leaped from his tv*.nrid,;A nicer'-dress fed, ,gentlewanl, looking man,. rather under the'. medium;, size; leaped out, Lg,raspinca,leather valise in one' hand, while the other, incased in a yellow kid glove, extended a; half dollar to the'dri vr. Coacjw, however; indignantly re fused the coin,,and. • demanded a dollar for his ,services.._ , • _ I A,, - ,dnikar the , pass en r !` Why you ha'y p - driven the from the toot of 'c'.;orliancit street ; 'Os net, ‘A five minutes drive.'' Caught a Tartar " Can't help that sir," _replied the dri ver, seeing , that. .ii• - ne„was precioils.— , ' We always charge. a dollar when a, , gettletnan takes his valise inside." " Take the half, dollar or nothing," Said the: 'passenger, his eyes sparkling wit 11 anger; as. he obs,ery,pdprepniations wiere being nuide. , ,to take, in ,the steamer's gang planks-. ,:, , •..'. • ,--• ,The driver made a spring forward, and rndely..seized , libld of ono Of 'the liandles or : the, valise, 1 1 ,aying as he did pa:i f. .. -- , • " No, Seer,'(loto,,-yer,",-iloni.t,'t4ice ; ..11: t ai, ere 1..)1161 - rtige-away till,yer,pay.a dollar!' Tii e r SPI lOW 1 ii. id ii e 4 palm ; „that, .was stretched mit W.ith,Alio.littlf 4fllitr el4sea Over it, ami...in, a segond,ihe Closed flap ;was.tielivered,in =:frthc:llAchTdri'Ver's fp.'e ,witlx.n i feKee Ain't dropppti." him like 1, shot,. ,' l Tlio. alea_ instant he was Ml hi feet; with clenelledfilis and eyes of dir intent-ra strong,..roughlooking ci,iStora or, .mucli heavier, than hisailuckv-.littlp ,an tagonist„w lto..had Sets . ( . 16 v;r 1 sti 11P-k.4e !Covered vatise, ; jerked, n'ffi r ate ,Slio'rt 'cloak he. wore, nnd E ,Who, w,ith his shin ling beaver _.liat-,,;tad,,.:kid. : H„lOvss„a4 ' he tstxlick;,an - -04,,t { ittule,,-L:atb,ep,- 4,01te,d : a laugh athisTaeimg eeeli :Au•,eftierOiSt :with • an; idea. of - anything,. except an, Ailtilation at the 'first onset. The knigh of-the 317, hip tiprang - forrird, and iiime ;a blow.which would'h , 'e ',. nettled hi faro,", bad it taken effect. .A sligli Inovetnent, ,of the j head to•, one side, a quick. liorizontal,e*tension ,of the pass •enger's . arm, and dOWn . went coachy !again, amid the 4hou,t r oc. the spectators - ion ,aimpromenadelleck„ and ,the de flighted exclamation of one • `,' that Was I,t , devilishistraight:countey hit!":, ' i - But ja,rv,,YiWagn't SatiOled-L.-nPagain, m iore ei - kutiOn4-119 still-leoked' upon.his 1 ittle Lantageni.sp .witli:iequtenapt,. and i wmoletexrhingd,tn i xepay; with ' interest Lilo dismAgo ihe,snhial,ne,d; 4uother ruse witin the inter ti op of gett ing,l n O smash= :i ng ,hlow, was, encountered In. quite a idifferent style., The leftifeot was slipped aside„a slig,ht dedi4e to, t4e left, and the hackman:o ; ill St; 'Well t ; far past its destina-. (ion ,il.9,,;the army of his ppopponent came' Witl m:. .(lown . directly; -ap , ,IOSs4 "the lower !pa rti of, his neels,; whirl:4li hin - Lhulfway round, and.bringing l's Mack- 0 9 ,4 e up, to , the, left : Ahigh,,of, the . little man.— ; There ,was.. a, momenta'. -Stytiggl6.--the i ,- next time tip, - went the river's.hOls iti t the air Fond down he ea of for the third ' time, bane upon the pier, thrown: by_ a movement known among the 'fancy as‘ff`!--v,ross buttoeli." • Ali this; passed in less time than it takes to.tollit,, and during its perform ance the. steamer's ,ropes were ciist i ofr; and' the .driver 'fell, the_ gang planks wore drawn in preparatory to starting. 'VI* passenger noticed- • tho- - ; ,so ; seizing his , cloak and valise, he threw them up on the boat, anti, wit t h a run and a jump, alighted on hoard' ; amid the outstretch ed ;irins•oll the deck-hands, to whomho handed the half-aollar;,:which: he had' k e pt clenched in his hands:",doring, the enemi ti ter ; we ~ , steathed away, 'his late adversary, AVM) 'his, face, sadly -bat , tered , was teen. kanding - , npon the pier, shaking his irp.ppterkt rage at the . . fast receding steambpat. .. ••, !. :,• . "Were you not, a*aid of So , large a, man ?" asked a gentle lhan, as thy little game cock. made his appearance tm the promenatte (leek aniongltherpßsf eu t gel . s. "()II; n'o,•iie," .s:dd 'he, qttietlr 'cock; ! irthiq-itew hapa . lttlo thotl.ojatintily, and 1 tightening his , gloves;' that luta been . solne‘v hat ' i ikitrratigetl;-=`.` tint at sill I've been to sellixilplentlenten !" hOtril:l2., _yerv;'! -- ..lil'etierint' / said : tipPli4;4p+ ?it '6E, • H MO .1
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers