II etiffinal O. tit • ' • LINEEIi . Written for .3tr. &mart, atl, aged , friend DT 11F.SSIE A. IIENNr.TT Ny days are almost numbered Old age hangs o'er my brow ! Deity ones long have slumbered Yet Pm still living now. Div.ease has heel) around me And taken one by One, While I've been blest with uge to ree Them buried in the tomb. TStis ble.9sitg 171 appreciate, And strive to live for God, Knoiritig that Ile who does create. Withholds from me the rod. My wife and I are now alone My children all have fled, The little cot we Call onr horns Is blessed with hoary heads. Biddy_ Maloney's Cat. ! Mathew Maloney, .better known by the boys at the mill as "Father Mat," on returning front work one evening, 'was met at the * gate by Biddy, his bet ter half, in a high state of excitement.— "Mat," says she;"there's a ,strange cat' in the cabin. " : • "Gast tier out, thin, and . don't be ' healedlf' me about the baster • "Falk an' I've been sthrivin' . to do - that same for the mathe . r of •liu minits past, but she's just heyent my rache, behind,lhe big rid ehist in the corner.-- *. Will yez he :tither helpiu 'me to (thrive her out, Mat ?" • "To be sure I will, bad luck 'to the con.3ate.khe has for my house ;'show her to me, Biddy, till I tache hey the ris plet that's due a man in his , , own house—to be tal,•iin' pe,ssessipn4 without . as much as by yin: lave, the thafe ol rho world!" - , Now - Il'at had a special antipathy for ,eats, and never let paQs on opportunity i 1.0 kill one. This he resbived to' do in ile pr sent. ease, and instantly liwtned -t.t plat_ for the purpo..se. perceiving but :one mode or egkess fyr •the animal, he .says to Biddy— " Have 'ez iver a male Vag. in the Moose, me darlint ?" •- " - Divii a one is there, Mat. ' Yez tuk it,to the mill wid yea to brimchips wid thiti,mornin '. ' 4 "Faix an' ('did, and there it i , 3 yit, thin. Wall, hitve yez uothin; at all in the house that Will lie up like, a hag, Biddy'?" ' " Troth :in' f have.„ Wait; there's me Sunday petticoat —ye can draw the strings close at the top, an' suse, it will do heftel', nor let .the .cat. he lavin 7 NO.Z. " "Biddy, dariint, yet a jewel! to be _ thin kin' o' that same; beaker bringla' it to me. " Biddy br‘inglit the gaimierit, and when the strings were drawn close, it made a very good substitute for the meal .134 g .:, and Mat declared it way " ill4,,Milt," SO 1101ffilltr it close . nitqillst the edge of a the ehest•he took *look behind anti I saw a pair of bright: eyes glaring at I him. -•- , I ' ".An' is it there ye are, ye divil? Be 'out o' that now ; had luck to all yer kin, . ; ye won't lave me boost , at all witU per lido amain'. Yerseir's will hate a pig's Intirely. Biddy, have yea any hot WA -ter in the house?" , • ti "Zis, I've a plenty, Mat ; the tay X, et tie's Still of it." "Be alt her distill' the-matter h* a quart thin rhenita the chiQt till • I %see • how the_slie divil litc.op it." "Hold !int close, Mat, here goes _ht, lyather." Dash went the water And out jump ed the animal into Mar's I rap. "Arras 1, he the hov,-,ty potter I have -'hit - i » (Biddy, • ' :-•zt's Mat. ( h awing Blow lc. the fo is or Ihe garinent ; - rimy bad doss to yea ye thare,it44 nine hve•l'ye have, -is it?' Be :lithe:. a t iii' the • forgiveness foi• the I Navin ' ye have' heeti doing, in ml• Leto -e', my I'm thinkin' the nine I,H'esye littNe won't rare ye limy any- Av , lv. Didilv, • -size lloillt of the poker, ' • 'au; - whin I'll shonlder Ihe luiyt hen - . e'.11 - It:he the 11:tyli.til (4, out ov 'no." -Mat threw the iymnile Over his .F4lOlll anil told Lithly to piny "St. ,Pnt tiny the mor ui ng, "on sit. Biddy struck, ahout three notes of that poiadar fri.-11 air, and suddenly stop pine:, exclaimed : "Whet smells so (mare, Mat? It's taken me loin h nWtly with the power of itz Oeh, murther,, Mat ; sure an' you • h : zive t h e di v ii i n m e puticoat. " - "Ilate the old haythett, then yez'll niver have a better chauee. Bate the °nisi olrha ; lather itn like blaze's ; • e darilit !" "Lfugh ," says Bidtly, "I'm faintin; With the liwer pl'iln. Cast 'im off yek, Mat." "Howl y S., Patriele!" 4-3ays Mat, I lin - mine- down the petticoat. "Biddy; 1 he Ilarqe is a pohicat ! Lave the hoose, 'or . Yoz'll be kilt, inti rely. Murther an' turf, how •the Intythen smills! Och, Biddy Maloney, a purty - Male of fish } _yez made of it, to ipe mistaking [that Ativil for a harmless cat." "Mat. for the buy et God, if yez be 'con vait'Otif to the (join., he afther -open ing' lt, (for I'm narcly choked wid _'in. Och, Biddy Maloney, bad luck to yez, for la yin, o' Id Irtdalld, to be mtwthered • in th.h., way? Thaw ly ..I.larY purtiet me ? Mat, I'm - clone kilt ilitirely ? take me out uv . Mat drew her out of doors, and bloke fr?r the pump like a quarter - hone, close ly followed by Biddy. "Shiire, that little v HIM hated the div- irintirely ; he's ruined me hoose ,;)lcilt Biddy, an' put me out ,of consate wid myself for a month to come, Ocikt, the de:-.avin' Vae.r,a hone, hitid luck 'to 'Eat; " and plunged head into the horse trough up to his shoulders. '"Get out o'. that, Mat, I'm (3 - icarly blind,'' and Biddy went urides. water. 'Och the martherin' baste, " saysßiddy, sputtering tie water out of- her mouth, me, best petticoat is spilt intirely.— Mat Maloney, devil a trap will I iy-er help yez sit Mr a cat ;again."' "Don't trouble yourself, Mistress Ma loney„ ye've played the, divil as. it liver tear ine agini tiskin a ha' poytho' yer assistance.- It a .nath'ral tbol yer affttrbe-takin' a baste 111 7 a pole-Pat for a hoose cat." • I Nat and Biddy went cautiously , back lo the .c•abin, from which the 'offensive quadriiped had taken his departure. Thiugii were turned out of, doors, Bid dy's pettiwal buried, the iied, which '. - fortunately (.-scaped, moved to. a Dear neighbor's, the store moved outside, .acid for a week they kept bongo out of ' deors o --by which time by dint of scrub= Ling, wash i rin g the house was reit derc once more habitable, but neither Mat nor BiirdS' have forgotten' the " strange eat." Modern statistics show that *many sorts of events, formerly. suppo-ed to be fortuiton , ev accidental, are under the Control of fixed laws, and happen- ill de terminate- ratios. Murders :Innd sui cides, fot instance, are.fonnd tO .happen with astonishinfiniformityl It has reeimtly bee an adV:lnee a bush(-1 of by lieven 1 h FODS con vie courts. The. diffiquitic.i of procuring. I , Forui,inere:ipes 11S , so much, the resat 1(5 unlawful means for obtain ing subsistence. FiL,Ol3I3Elt. IN llnuST.s.4.--Ailorrespond (',lll.. of the 130ston Cultivator says HIM this, is a disease in nor-et. t peter, a talde.4pina ',ld Inv a doca., 11P 11:1S •I'OIIMI to t. 1114. wor.4t 'ea , e h 4 C\ol' had, • ; 11111 1111. , not . .1011141 it Ilf.:i:(•- , 5,711'y eVl'l' 1 , 0 give a fo II tit 41 , ,-(b. Ile, giv4.s a itt blespoon cal in rlie oJornire , , mot hi three days, if the noise not trip- trnln it, he re p-M.:4 the Tun more!' iwrie.t.lete walking, jw,ri.;•oippri ! ) hr•r•„ l u r . lit t,hr•ir lit St” Ititiii•s4 l faPiltlire th(3 b , 4 0 1 0 ride' Itlrme'l, LOOK 'AT THIS ! BULLARD & TRDIAIN ARE NOW AS'E'LLING SALL )A 7: 'INTE'R GOO.DS OPP at post, preparatory to putting in a• nice selected SPRING STOCK. OMR CLOTHING is desirable at cost prices. We are. getting up SUITS at the lowest possible prices and have given universal satisfaction. We have made this bargain with every one that we have sold to and still continue 'to do so. Ordir your L 0 T:H I N G of us, nod if it dp l bs not (suit we - liOnot texpeot a sale. _ ) EMI'RESS CL 0 7 1 .11 S, ME RIArOS, t pc., . SELLING OFF 'AT COS7',. We have our usually nice assorted stock of PRINTS, DELAINES, &c., SIItETINGS, ,SFIIRTINGS, STRIPES, ct the lowest possible market prices BOOTS AND SHOES, HARDWARE, CROCKERY AND GROCERIES, Call and sec. us AVellaboro, Feb. 27, 1887 NEW ,GrOODS J. R. Bowen & Co., . e RAVE juat returned from New York with a largo a manic= of 1N 4- GOODS, Bought at Panic Prices, end will bo sold aeoor. (Jingly. We resaectfully invite attention to our stook of CASSIMERES, BEAVE R. CLOTHS, TWEEDS, FLANNELS, EMPRESS' CLOTIIS, iPACA:S, and alai. DRESS GOODS and DRESS TRIMMINGS, Also, n larg and now assortment of READY .MADE CLOTHINqp .nt greatly iodtmed prices. LADIES' FUR S--a' nice assortment, new BON-TON, SILVER •SPRING, and other kinds of HOOP SKIRTS, , YANKEE NOTIONS, HATS & CAPS, HAREWARE, CROCKERY, GROCERIES, HAND MADE BOOTS AND SHOES, Awl many other things N./bleb we will be pleased to show to all who will call and examine our 1 Parin prireiof Lereases of per hiwer STOCK OF GOODS Before purchasing elsewhere; as we believe it will pay you for your time and tr.ouble. SMALL PROFITS, QUICK SALES,. & .• READY PAY IS OUR MOTTO. Don't forgot to call at the EMPIRE STORE, NO. 1 UNION BLOCK. WellFboro, Dee. 12; 1866. 11111 DtNIMS, &c., lIA'E'S, CAL'S, &c 0. BULLARD, A. A. TRUMAN also, a largo lino of and cheap. 4 NEW. FIR' Sr, NEW GOODS. / $lO,OOO WORTH 4 • 7 OF PURE ENGLISH DRUGS AND PATENT \MEDICINES, PAINTS, OILS, GLASS, PUTTY, DYE STUFFS, &C„ &C., always unhand, and fer gala very cheap at P. R. WILLIAW, DRUG STORE. We have on band and shall always keep a large and well selected stock of everything in our lino of goods; also FANCY GOODS, YANKEE NOTIONS ALL KINDS, HAIR OIL, TOILET AND SHAVING. SOAPS, TOOTH, HAIR, NAIL AND CLOTH BRUSHES, POCKET KNIVES ALL KINDS, PERFUMERY, COLOGNE, COCOtCRIEAM, HAIR DYE, HAIR RESTORATIVES, ' AND HAIR WASHES; ALSO ' FLAVORING EXTRACTS ALL KINDS, I • and of the bait quality. We have also a large stook of pure WINES, BRANDIES, GINS, AND RUhf, for medical use, which we 'Warrant pure. We also call attention to ou large stook of Paints and Oils, which was bought before the rise, and which will be sold cheaper than can be bought in this county. Wo do not hesitate to say that we have the largest and best stock of goods in our line ever kept in the county, end we will sell 20 per cent cheaper than can be bought at . any beam oatm.b lishment in Tioga *Co. Call and examine our stuck and prices before you buy. P. R. WILLIALS, 1P..11 WILLIAMS &Co WILLIAI43. No. 3 Union Block, Wollsbciro j March 9, 1887. IC BULLARD & GOLDSMITH, GROCERY & I!,ESTIERINT, One door above Roy's Ding Store, WELLSBORO, PA. - We take pleasure in announcing to the public that we commence the New Year .with enlarged facilities for accommodating customers with the choioest stock of GROCERIES, YANKEE NOTIONS, )WOOD & WILLOW WARE, , yet offered to this public. , • 1, Housekeepers 1119 can find the BEST SUGARS, SPICES, CHERRIES, (Stoned,) PRUNES, BOX RAISINS, CITRON, SEEDLESS RAISINS, COOKING CURRANTS, PICKLES, • SAUCES, • CANNED FRUITS. • and the finest Count Oysters, & Canned Oysters, right from tho BALTIMORE MARKETS, on sale 4t our counter TBE HUNGRY DISCONSOLATE A Will find our REEIttURANT open at all s-cia sonabie hours, whereLOysters in every style, pre pared by a skillful cook, are served up to delight the palate and gladden the heart. WE AIM TO PLEASE 1 Always glad to see our friends, because we in tend to give them their money's worth, and they call once they will be sure to call again. MASSENA BULLARD, Jan. 2, 1867. 0, 11. .GOLDSMITH. REGULATOR! . WILLCOX 86 BARKER ARE NOW OFFERlNGgreater inducements than heretofore to the people of Tioga Co., as they have placed their entire stook, consisting of BROAD CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, FLAN -Ict -NELS, AI T ERINOES, ALPACAS, - ..ilso a largo quantity of Prints of deeirdble qual ity and patterns with a large stock of Sheetinge, HATS and Caps, BOOTS AND SHOES, GROCERIES. HARDWARE & CROCKERY, At a reduction bf 20 to 25 per cent, below former prices, with a view of reducing their Voek for the spring trade. We invite all to call and examine before put chasing elsewhere, as we are confident of giving, satisfaction both in price and .quality. • Alt kinds of • 'AIN AND BUTTER . Taken in exchange for Gooda. Jan. 30. 1867. WILCOX (t BARKER. THE GREAT CENTRE OF ATTRACTION IS AT LAWRENCEVIILt. C. S. MOM & CO., Would' anisounce to the . good toloide of / 4 loga County that they have just returned froth New York with their second full steak of . FALL & WINTE. GOODS, embraoing all the .novelties as well . as :the sub stantiala required. DRESS G 3 i S in all varieties, STAPLE & FANCY g GODS, HOOP SKIRTS, & BEST F . NOR WOVE COR .SETS, 0 OYES: AND. HO- . SIERY,. YANKEE NO TIONS, &c., &c.. FURS I FURS I MINK, CONY; and Siberian Squirrel. Tho largest Stook of • CLOTHS & CASSIMERES in the county, READY , MADE CLOTHING, and CLOTHING made to order Mier intended by JIM class workmen. SHOP MADE BOOTS & SHOES in end- less variety, HATS & ,CAPS to emit all tastes, GROCERIES, &0., &O. Our goods have boon bought during the last panto in New York And will be sold at panto prices. . . Prices are -down, monopoly. broken up. No other store can or dare compete with ue in qual ity and price. For further particularticall at the etoro of 0. 8. MATHER ft CO. • Lawrenceville, Deo:l9, 1866. 1867. WRIGHT IL BAILEY. 1867, ID commenco this year with an exclusively CASH business. CASH PAID FOR WHEAT 1 CASH PAID FOR MATS I CASH PAID FOR CORN I CASH FOR EVERYTHING 11 A LARGE STOOK OF FLOUR FOR CASH I A LARGE STOCK OF FEED FOR CASH 1 A LARGE STOOK 'OE PORK TOR CAI t Call and sae us. WRIGHT ec BAILEY Weßebaro, Jan. 9, 1887-Iy. All persona indebted Ito us by note or book aoaount must call and settle or pay coats.' Jan . . S, 1887. k RIGHT At' BAILEY. Stoves: Stoves :: AND UARDWARE! MR. WILLIAM ROBERTS bege Ito A-T- 1 - announce to the citizens of Tioga t ijounty, that in addition to his excellent stook of Stoves, TinlWare, Britian's, and Sheet-Iron Ware, he haa, at a groat outlay, stocked his store on *AIN STREET, WELLSBORO, with a complete assortment of Shelf Hardwaro, of which we enumerate the following articles : NAILS, SPIKES, CROWBARS, X CUT, • MILL, HAND AND BUCK SAWS, BUTTS,wSTRAP HINGES, CARPENTER'S TOOLS, PUMPS, AXES, . AUGEIIS, BITTS, BITT•STOCKS, HATCHETS, CHISELS, SHOVELS, SPADES;, FORKS, BENCH-SCREWS, WOOD SCREWS, CARRIAGE BOLTS; t, BURRS, SKEINS, WASHERS, PIPE BOXES, AXLE TREES, ELLIP TIC SPRINGS, HORSE SHOES, 1100 P, BAR, & BAND IRON, GRINDSTONE HANGINGS, CORN POPPERS, - SAUSAGE CUTTERS AND STUFFEES COMBINED. Also, PISTOLS, PISTOL CARTRIDGES, PqWD,ER AND CAPS. PATENT BARNDOOR HANGINGS a new thing, and made for use. These are but a few of the many articles composing our stock of Hardware. • We invite the pnblio to call and examine for themselves. We aim to keep the best quality of goods In our line; and all work to order done promptly and well. WILLIAM ROBERTS. Weltaboro, 1,1865—tf, NEW FLOUR, GROCERY, AND, PRO VISION STORE.' Edwin. B. Carve', Is ready to furnish cashmere with • FLOUR, COMMON TO BEST, PORK, "HAMS, MACKEREL, WHITE FISH, CODFISH, AND - PRIME GROCERIES OF ALL 'KINDS. -Next door to Converse's store. Wellsboro, Deo. 12, 1866-Iy. FOLBY has some more of those flee American watches, at No. 6 Union Block. • D,FITOR'S ABDOMINALSUPPORT BES, for sato at Roy's Drag Store. • NEW GOODS AND NEW PRICES T..A4 WItChIIAWS) HAVING just returned from Now York wltla New and carefully selected STOOK OF GOODS, All those in want of Goode wtll find It to thelik Interest to call and - - , EXAMINE OUR STOCK and learn Prieea before buying elsewhere. J Rept constantly on hand, a choice lot of DRIED FRUIT, GROCERIES, FLOUR, PORK, &0., &C All the above Goode aro bought at the loves • Cash Prioos and will be sold ONLY sort GASH oiREADY PAY. VT.lrl4.lrArAftnAtit.t. tho old stanji of Tioga, Pa., Feb. 20, 1867-tf. LATEST FASHIONS DEMAND J: BRADLEY'S CELEBRATED PAPENT DUPLEX ELLIPTIO (OR DOUBLE SPRING) TEIE wonderful flexibility %and great comfort and pleasure to any lady wearing tile Duplex Elliptid Skirt, will be experienced particularly in all crowded asrlies; operas, carriages, railroad care, church pews, ar chairs, for promenade and house dross, as the skirt canlba folded •ivben in use to occupy a small place as easily and conveniently as s silk or muslin dress, an in valuable quality in crinoline, not found in any single spring skirt. 4 lady having enjoyed the pleasure, .comfort and great convenience of wearing the duplex elliptio steel spring skirt fora single day. will never afterwards will ingly dispense with their use. Fier children, Misses and young ladies they are superior to all others. They will not bend or break like the single spring, but will preserve their perfect and graceful shape when three or four ordinary skirts will have been thrown aside as useless. The hoops are covered with double and twisted thread, and the bottom rods are not only ,don. ble springs, but twice (or double) covered; preventing them from wearing out when dragging down. stoops, stairs ,&c. The Duplex Elliptic Is a groat favorite with all ladies, recommended by the fashion maga• eines, ae tbo atasso....l .r 4k:en fashionable world. To enjoy the following inestimanie ninrftni. w . in crinoline, viz;, superior quality, perfect manufacture, stylish thetas and finish, ilealbUtty, durability, comfort and economy, inquire for 3. Bradley's Duplex tic ,or double spring skirt, and be sure you get the gen uine article. CAUTION.—To guard against imposition, be partiou lar to notice that skirts offered as duplex.'" have the red ink stamp, via: ".1. W. Bradley's Duplex Elliptic Stool Eiprluge," upon the waistband—none others are genuine. Also notice that v ery hoop will admit a pin being passed through the ntor, thus revealing the two (or double) springs braid together therein, which ia the secret of their flexibility and strength, and acorn binatien not to be foirld in any other skirt. For sale in all stores where Brit class skirts are sol• throughout the rutted State's, and elsewhere. Blann• featured by the sole owners of the patent, WEEMS; BRADLEY itc GARY, .7ano,Bm .97 Chambers St 79 c 4 13111eade sts., N. Y. Hartman's Safety Bridle and Lines (Patented Noveakker 7,1805.) d t A . MOST valuable article for all who drive hor ses.,,. See "Agriculturist ' for March, 188 d. Recommended by Wilkes, of he Spirit of the Times i Bonner, of the Now ork Ledger, and many other celebrated horseme . it The subscriber owns the pate t for Tioga, Sus. quehanna and Bradford cottoti s. Individual or township rights for sale, on favorable terms. Harness makers who wish to make the lines for their customers who buy individual rights, will be dealt with liberally. By a slight alteration, the safety lines may be attached to almost any bridle. All persons are cautioned against making or using the bridle or lines, in the counties aforesaid, without authority from the undersigned. ROBERT C. SIMPSOIT. Welisboro, Sept. 5, 1868—tf Mather ‘ife, Horton, DEALERS IR . GRONER & PROVISIONS, CRbCKERY, HARDWARE, WOOD & WILLOW-WARE, YANICP 'NOTIONS. LAWRENCEVILLE, PENN'A. • Cash Paid.for Produce, { V o T a u r s o R N ' Nov. 21, 1866-Iy. Union Clothes Wringer. T HAVE the right to sell the Union Clothes Wringer, with elliptic springs, and adjusts it• self tcy any thickness . , , lidanufactured at Water bury, Vt. .I am prepared to furnish to • all. I have the agency forAhe towns of Middlebury, Tioga, Nelson, Elkland, Oceola, and Farmington.. •, REUBEN T. HALL. - Farmington Hill, Feb 20, 1867-tf. N _ OTICE =Notice is hereby given that Rob ert Custard, &inter,. has be e placed . in charge of tract No. 1690, arid - those parts of trod No. 1689, in the vicinity of Babb's crook,:belong ing to!the heirs of Luke W. Morris; and all--per sons are forbid trespassing thereon, under pen. alty of prosecution. ELLISTON P. MORRIS, 805 Market Street, Philadelphia. Feb. 27. 1887-6m+ TALL BROOK COAL.—The tinderaigned, having make arrangements to furnish Coal bythe TON or CAR LOAD, ooarao or tite, sone itsthe patronage of the public. ALSO—has constantly on hand, a largo stook of CARRIAGE BOLTS, So., at wholesale and retail. pir• BLACKSMITHING of all kinds done in the heakmanner.. - S. M. DEER. . De0..1, 1886-tft QOM THROAT AND QUINSY ARE CUR. od with easo and oortaltty by ono ()slur° ap plications of. SAEUTIFER on tho outside. Sold at , ROY'S, TIO GA, PA. Drugs, Diedisines i &c. J. L. BELDEN, BLOSBBURG, PA. KERE'S constantly on hand a fine stock of Pure Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals, &0., WINES AND LIQUORS, for Medioinal and Saoremental nee; also all the popular Patent Medicines, Paints, Varnishes, 0110, cto,, all kinds of brushes, Dyo Colors, Dye Woods and Stuffs, fine Toilet Soaps, Perfumery, Pow • ades, Cosmetics, STATIONERY, PENS, • PENCILS,, PAPER AND ENVELOPES, illeniorandum Books, Pass . Books, do., Potash In bulk at 15 cents pOr pound, Keroseno Oil, Latdp Oil, Turpentine, Benzine, de. ' Fresh Oatmeal and Pearl 'Batley* at 10 ots ker pound. F. 'am solo agent in Blossburg for Dr. N. Weaver's Ext. Fireweed, and' warrant it to cure :Scrofula, Bait Rheum,.Scurvy, Pimples on the face, and all - diseases cirisl t v from impure elate of the Blocxlif used accord{ to directions. Particular attention given to • oompentoling phylitoitoes and other Prescriptions. I guaran tee satisfactioti, both in quality and price. Retnetnlior the Stomp opposite the now Coal Co's Store, Blonsburgcre. Aug.l.4 1866-tf. . HAMMOND'S NURSERY.- V•• lobury, Tioga. Co., Pa., Situated on the Plank Road, 4 miles from Tioga. Wo are prepared to furnish 100,000 Fruit. Trees at the following prices : Appletrees—large size, 25 cents t the Nursery; 80 oente delivered. Common size, 2 cents at the Nursery, 25 cents delivered. •Pear Trees, 50 ots. Somme Ml.:Jas.—Burnham Harvest, Early Harvest, Charlene Strawberry, Washington Strawberry, Red Astrachan, Summer Bellfiliwer, Summer Queen, Summer King, Sweet Bow, Sour sow. FALL ApeLEs.--Eameuse, Gravenstein, Rambo, Ribston Pippin, Fall Pippin, RepublicanTippin, Hawley or Douse, Maiden's Blush, Lime Wine, Ladies' Sweating, Lyman's Pumpkin Bwcot. ' :Worm APPLlSB.—Baldwin Bailey i Sweet, Black Gilblower, Blue Pea/main, Ameri4an Gol den Russet, Roxbury Rnsset,Rhode lelan d d Green e lug, Esopns Spitzenburg, Swear, Sweet Giliflosver, Sugar S4reet, Honey Greening, • Honey Sweet, Pound Sweet, Pound Bohr, Peck's Pleasant, Tall man Sweet, Tompkins Co. King, Wagner. Puens.—Bartlett, English Targonelle, Bleaker's Meadow, Bella Lucrative, Louisa Bona D Jersey, Sookel, Beurro D' Amalie, Golden Bourre,Flemish Beauty, Gloat Nieman Lawrence. - Also—Siberian Crab, Quinces, and Grape roots —several varieties. .0. b N. HAMMOND. Middlebury, Tioga Co., Pa., Jan. 1, 1866-Iy. Stoves & . Tin Ware FOR Mt MILLION. IA P. .R OPPOSITE ROY'S BUILDING, Is now prepared to furnish the pUblio with anything in his lino of business, in quantity as largo, in quality: as good, and as cheap in prico as any dealers in Northern Pennsylvania. He pays particular attention to the I STOVE AND TIN; WARE BUSINESS, and intend to keep a full aleortment of ove,ything in that line. TIN' WARE MADE TO ORDER, promptly, and warranted to give satisfaction REPAIRING executed in the beet-ntannor and with dieptttch CALL AND 'At 'filß \D. P. ROBERTS Welltiborough, Maich 7, 1886, 1866. FOR SALE B. O. WIOKII A T RIB NURSERY OR UIT AND OR. 14AMENT4 TREES, IN TIOGA :- 60,000 Apple Trees. 10,000 Pear Trees. A gcod supply of PLUM, PEACH, CHERRY and ORNAMENTAL TREES & SHRUBBERY The Fruit tiPees are composed of the choicest varieties, good, healthy, some of thorn largo and in' bearing. Any one wishing to got• It supply will do well to call and see my stook before pur chasing elsewhere. or Delivered tit the depot free of charge. doge, Feb. 28, 1866-Iy* S F 0 c2. 2l: r p Ruse aid Cant Ponders. 12orse. In all diseases of the Lunge, Liver, itc., this artible Sets as a swcillc. i3y putting from ozie•haJf a paper to a psper in a barrel dr swill tha above diacritics will be eradicated Or entirely prevent --preventive and col • pride Coats per Pape', O' 5 Papers for 81. PBEkdSPD P 3 3311.0., dT THEIR -- WHOLESALE DTflO AND MEDICINT:DEPOT.- _ No. 116 Franklin S l ., Daltdinoro, In. - For Salo by Drnggiqs ,t,.,1 on thd United Status. For sale by Sohn A. Roy, Weltsboto, VIOLIN STRINGS at WEBB'S DRUG STORE LIFII .AND TIDIES , OP ELDER4.BIIEAD, DQW.N.--Thosa who wish to securo l a-oopy of tbi. °client work, can do so by calling at th , ifice soon. August 29,1868. 08-WORK, IN TEE BEST STYLE, and with despatch, at 'ME AGITATOR.OtIico. J. L. BELDEN 'BE.RTS, 1866 r BY aration is invaluable. Improves the quality of the milk. It has beefilproven by no, tual ex-perlreemt to increase the quart- tity of milk and cream twenty peil l cent. and make the' butter firm and - flweet, In fattening cattle, it gives them an appetite, loosens thel? bide, and makes them thrive WHOLBSALB DREG SNAIL CORNING,. N. YL DRUGS AND MEDICINES, PAINTS Attl OILS, ,) THADDEUS DAVIDS',!IN . KS, CONCEN- TRATED MEDICINES, CIN- CINNATI WINES AND BRANDY, WHIT,E- WASH LIME, 4 KEROSENE LAMPS, PATENT MEN- LINES, PETROLEUM OIL, ROCHESTER PER- FUMERI" AND FLAVORING EXTRACTS, WALL PAPER, WINDOW GLASS, AND DYE COLORS, Sold at Wholesale) Prices. Buyers aro requested to cell and got quotations before going further . * L Ear W. D. TBRBELL & CO. Corning, N. Y., Jan. '1,1887-I,y Clothing Clothing T HE subscriber baying now determined to CLOSE OUT HIS STOCK WINTER CLOTHING,, UNDER GARMENTS, c. - \4,7 Offers tho whoto for THE NEXT THIRTY DAYS, At actual COST fo cash This stock is4airge and Attractive, be found svorthy - of attention, as it eatorTis a groat VARIETY OF RICH - & ELEGANT CLOVHING! • " He oleo offers his stock of WINTER DRESS GOODS, which ootaprisea a groat varioty.Of Fronth 110 linos, Coburn ParatnoqaB; togoOer rich abou 2p SETTS of . • zgazgi:_zeiP sfulgt, on the same t4rEos. . THOMAS HARDEN Welisbuto, Fob. 20, PM; REMINGTONS.FIRE ARMS' 200,000 FORNISti • . TILE U. S. GOVERNMENT. Army Revolver, 44-100 in. Calibre Navy Revolver, ' 36-100 in. Calibre Bolt Revolver,.—.,... Navy size Calibre. Pollee Revelvee, ' Navy also Calibre Now Pocket Revolver, 31.100 in, Calibre Pooket Revolver, (Rider's pt.) 31-100 in. Calibre Repeating Pistol, (Elliott pt.) No 22 & 32 Cart'go Vest Pocket Pistol, No 22, 30, 32 A. - 41 Cartridge Gun Cane . 4 .. .....—..No 22 tb 32 Cartridge Breech Loading Rifle,(Beals') No 32 38 r‘ Revolving Rifle; . 4 36 J 644-100 in Calibre E. REMINGTON SONS. PRINOIPAL AGENTS Moore it Nichols. Now York; Wmllead ct Son, Boston; Jos C Grubb ct Co, Philadelphia; Poul. tnoy k Trimble, Baltimore; Henry Folsom dc Co, New Orleans; Johnson, Spencer & Co, Chicago; L M'Rum*ey ct Oa, St. Louis; Albert E Crane, San Franisco. . Feb 20, 1667.-sm. ' D , EMOREST'S MON THLY MAGAZINE, universally acknowledged the Model Parlor Magazine of America; devoted to Original Sto ries, Poems; Sketohes Architecture and Model ' Cottages Household. Iklatters, Gems of Thought, Personal and Literary Gossip (including special departments on Fashions), Instructions on Health, Gyranastio, Equestrian Exercises, Musk, Amuse mona, etc.: all by the best authors, and profuse ly and artistkoally illustrated with costly Engra vings (full ale), useful and reliable .Patterns, / Embroideries, Jewelry, and a constant succes sion of artistio,noicelties, with other useful and entertaining literature. No person ,bf refinement; economical .house wife 'or lady of taste can afford to do without the Model Monthly. Single copies, 30 centa; back numbers, as specimens, 10 cents; tither i'maßed free. Yearly, $3, with a valuable priimitita r i two copies, $5 50; three copies; $7 50; five copies, $l2, and splendid s premiums for clubs at $3 ech, with the first premiums to each subscriber.iAd diess, W. JENNINGS DEMOREST,I No. 473 Broadway, New York. Denlorest's' Monthly and Young America, to gether $4, with the premiums for each.. ' March 20,'07-Bm. , EVERY7the COTTAGE PltB4and h rntingnaferlaeeoany frig it, every man can do Ids own printing neatly, quickly and cheap . MAN ly. They are so simple, in con struction, that' a boy ten years old can easily manage the largest size. Printed Instructions are sent with each office, enabling the purchaser to go at work without a previous knowledge of printing. A ciron lar, captaining full description, OWNpr ices, • prices, testimonlaity&c., sent, free • to all. Our Specimen Sheets of Typo,:ents,•tc., ten cents. PRINTER. ADAMS PRESS CO March 13,1867-1 y WALSER & LATHROP. DEALERS IN HARDWARE, IRON, STEEL, NAIBS, STOVES, TIN-WARA BELTING, SAWS, CIITLEAY, WATER LIME", AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, Carriage and Ataraess Trimmings, . HARNESSES, SAD I LES; ay. • Corning, N. Y., Jan. 2, 18 P•NEVELL, DENTIST, MANSFIELD,Pa., i gntTeful for the very liberal patronage heretofore reoeived, will continue so as to per form ell - dental operations, as to merit the rapidly increasing professional demands now engaged. aril operati es in all departments of the profes sion exeou ed in tho best possible manner. All new, meta inventions and Improvements adopt ed. ,The highest good of his patrons the ultimo - - tam of hie ambition. -- Dec.'s, '6&-tf FLOUR FROM CHOICE WRITE WBFAT, buckwheat flour, corn meal end food, alWaye on hand. . Call at the Charleston Mill before buy ing yourflour end feed. I can make it an ohjeot for you to buy. A. RUSSELL. May 16 ' 1860-tf • • On and after Monday, Nor, 19, 1860, trains NvilHeart Corning at thefollowing w69IWARD• 11011 ND,,, - ,12:28 a. in., Exprosti . Mall. Sundays excepted. for Della. in, Salamanca, and Dunkirk, connecting with trains for the West. 7:12a m Night Express, Sundays excepted, for I While • Salarimuca, and Dunkirk, making direct con coke with trains of the Atlantic A Great West/ , Late Shore, and Grand Trunk Railways, for all poi s Mat. 743 a, na.,Night Blptese, Daily, for Buffalo, Sal insect, Dunkirk and ii, West. 71,0 a. in.,Mall Train, Sundays excepted, Lir Rtx.l.s. ter rilftlluffalo; rist Avon. 10e2S a: wt. 31411 Train, lintidays excepted, for Butts% and Dunkirk. 2:16 p m. Baltimore ,Exprotal, Sundays excepted, 1; 4 . RiOester and Boffesio, via Avon. 5:40 p. m., Emigrant train, Daily, for the West, 7:27 P. to.. Day Express, Sundays excepted, for Benin, Salamanca and the,West, connecting at • Sa/annanca with the Atlautie tt Great Western Railway, a h a atlinffalo with tins Lake Shore and Grand Trunk Raliplays for polntS west and smith. 7;85 plVy Express, Sundays excepted, tor Rnch ester 1.25 gi in ay Frelgilt, Sundays excepted. • skarisaan Boum 1 4.18 a. in., Night Express, Daffy, connebting at Elmira for Canandaigua, also for Harrisburg, Philadelphia, and South, at Graycourt for Warwick. and at N ew York with afternoon trains and Steamers for Boston and Now England Cities. 3:58 a. m., Mc, flint i Express, Mondays excepted, con sleeting at Oslogo tor Ithaca; at Binghamton ier Syracuse; at Great Bend for Scranton, Philadelphia, and Trenton; at Lackawaxen for ilawloy,and at Orgy. court for Newburg and Warwick. 10:40 a. 14' Day Express, Sun days excepted, connecting at Elmira for Canandaigua, at Binghamton for Syrs. cuss, at Great Baud for Smitten, at lisekawaxen kr Hawley, and at, Jersey pity with midnight Ennui.. Trainor New Jtlraey Railroad for Phliculelphia, Bahl: more and Was ington. -.S. 10.45 am Accommodation Train dans , . . t , , 12:30 p. m. way eight, Sundays excepted, - 3:20 p. m.,Baitintre Express, SundaYs excepted. 4:20 p. ar., New "ork and Baltimore Mall, Sundays az ceptod, connecting a tEI mira for Ha rrleburgh, Ph i ta. &Vida l( and South. . 7.05 p m Lightning Express, Sundays excepted, con. necting at Jersey, City with morning express train of Now Jersey Railroad for Baltimore and Washington, and at New Yoilt with morning express trains for Boston and thd East, W5l. It. BARit„'' i Oen'i ProssfAgent mg 'posh:burg Si. Corning, & Tioga R. R. Leave Corning. Arrive. 815 a AMail, 5 05 Accommodation, 330 pm 20 IL 12 f L. 11. SIIATTCCK, Sup't. ,- - t Philadelphia - & Erie R. R. , .- Trains will arr. and depart at Williamsport as folkvi ....- Eastward ' Westward Erie Mail Train 10 10 p m Erie Mail Traia...4 SO ar. E.lExpress Train.. 4 25 a m Erie Thesis Train..B 43 prz Emir Mail Train 835 am Buffalo Express 10 30 aa. L.ll. Aceom'od'n -3 20 pre ElmireMail Train ti G 5 p x Passenger Cars run through on the Erie Mail and 111 press Trains without change both ways between Phia dolphin and Erie. ';.,-, . , NEW foRK CONNECTION. • . Leave NeW York at 9 a m, arrive at Erie 10.00 a ra.. Leave New York at 5 00 p m, arrive at Erie 4 03 pd. Leave Erie at . 6.00 p m, arrive at New York 3.15 pm. Leave Erie at 10 25 a In, strive at Yew York 10 10 a n , .4 , ,' A. L. Tn.ae, Gong Sept. ideOtrOf R R Northern R. R. rna TRADE OUTER/4LT NT TO DEALERS 26 Ann St., Now York. LINES or TiltAyr'. 'ERIE CIZAILANIT . ' TRAINS FOR TILE NORTH. Trains for - Carmildagoda kayo Elmira Ls foll Accornoilation at . t Expreils (fastest train on r0adj..i........ Mail fray Freight, (passenger coach attached] TRAINS FOR. TILE SOUTH. Ti ains fur Williamsport, Baltimore and !pi Ac.i Idea Elmira as follows, Ma' at , t re — F rtes i. 43( li Freight. I'h ugh. ii9..'rtio Express train %chic!' leaves tot the Surat t 11 45 am, runa turough tilrect from Williatinv4.. Cauttudagulit. Tito Expreas which leaves Elmira Wiliiainsport, at 530 m, Is rho through train tot: from Catiantlaguin. DUMMY, Uan'l Ceti Atlantic and Great Western R. W 'SALAMANCA STATION. WE.TTWARD BOUND. • EASTICLELD BOCND. Mail 5.30 Expreve Acoommoda ion 0,35 Neil 5- Express ...4. 1210 Accommodation, ~,, .11:. Expreas ; MOD i Exprena.... 4 .:. At Cozy ere is a 'Jimaion pith the Phlindelpir.: Erie, anti Creek Rail I{Coadd. At blead+ ire with the..lf l ranklin and ea Of/ n: -Pithole Branch. At Leavittshurgo the Maltonitty,Lianch matte, \,. root route to Cleveland.. At itavennw cannettvtu. Cleveland and Vittsbutgh Kuilroad. , The Road paseea through Akron, Ashland, Gar: Marion, Urbana and Daytoh, littervecting.valutt u. roads, and terminates at Cincinnati. D. McLALLI if gen. Supt., Iftacithia, h DEERFIELD WOOLEN FACTORS rpliE tiNDERSIGED having purcltar -IL the well known Woolen Factory of Mesr E. a. B. S. Bowen °lithe Covratitaque - Rirer,o miles out of Knez.ville, takes this method informing the inhabitants of Tioga and wijoiol: counties that be will manufacture wool by o yard or on shortie to suit customers, into FLANNELS;CASSpIERES. DOE-SK FULL CLOTHS, of all kinds. The inachintiry has boon therotighlyropain and new machinery added thereto, also or :: proved now wheel whieh'will enable him to the entire season. He will pay particularati— tion of ttolliCa.rding & Cloth Dressia; Which will be donein the neatest possible ci nor, having added one new Roll Machine,* enable him to dispatch and accommodate tvi from a distance. Ho would farther sn.S , thit: has carried on 'the business in manufnelet wool for farmers in 'Bradford and sdjow counties for the past twenty years; he there . can warrant all work and satisfy hie cumur• using nothing in manufacturing,. brit geti: JOSEP' INGRAI Deerfield, Jan, 1,18013—1 y. U. S. CLAIM AGE,NCI For the Co'lotion of Army and Navy Claims and Tengtons TBE NEW BOUNTY LAW passed July 2 .IStv,,r two and tbreo years' soldier* extra by ety'r lu your discharges. OFFICERS' EX7'.HA Thrsto mon extra pay Tiroper to 'loin tet who wbro in servico March 3,1665. PENSIONS INCREASED To all who have lost a limb and alto have bro neatly and totally disabled. All other Ciovernment claims prosecuted. JEROME 11 :MD Wellsboro;gctolbur 1866-tf Planing & Turnin - B. T. VAN - .H.ORg, AAviriv i got bfB new Factory in opal' is no prepared to fill orders for Cl' Ware promptly and in the best style of yolk' ship. having procured a WOODWORTH PLANER, ho is ready to dross boards or plank SCROLL-WORK & BRACKETS, furnished to orile . r. His ina4iines are st jti est and roost ipproved patterns. Shop corner of Pearl and Wain Sts. BORO, PA., Oct,. 31, 1866—tf. is di.. --- 7 ;;;...- - r, STICKLIN, CHAIRM /e Y ". .... Turner, and Furniture f•'• .' s oiiposita DartealVagon:Shot „..,. MAIN STREET, WELLSBOI IO, i N Orders promptly filled and satisfaction toed. Fancy Turning date to order. Oct. 31, 1966.—tf. ' J. STIONLL U. RIDDLE, Gen'l Supt Ou a 114 D I: OE BEM IME ent .33u. ‘ B. T. V.OAN li9
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers