HOME MATTERS. WF;DI,NIESDAY; MAY 8, 1867. - New Ailvortieemonts. llave . dn Been tour Business—G. B. Riff & Brother. Tho Plitho to buy Drugs—C. P. Leonard.. • Drugs and Modioines—B. B. Borden. Sheriff's Sales—Sheriff Tabor. Administrator's Notice—W. F. Lamb, John W. Guernsey, Administrators. Charter Notice—J. F. Donaldson; Proth'y. , do —.J. P. Donaldson, Proth'y. Mercantile Appraisetnent—B. J. Purple. Tho Bazaar—A.'oloy. Mohawk Chief—iE. A. Smead. • • .Ne i-TOrk Markel - B.—The following wholesale - pri ces kir Produce ruled on Friday, «Cdli tilt : • f ... Flour-slo,f&tifl—Wliont (Spring) s2,(io, Winter 3,40 .—Corn-11- 8 ' Oats-lioo=l3arloy-$1,14 —Clover Seed, 'lt lb 10c—Ti °thy /I hush.-13,60—Eggs-27c—Dried Ap- Ides-Ile-12tter-18®22c—Clteese-17®19c —Melts Pork -ile—liannal2@22e—Lnyd-lac—llops-306C0e. A I The corrected P. & E. R. R. TiTe Ta-: apt cars in.last column of 4th page this week. 'ogßEcTioN.-111 last week's p, per we maim Mr. Biwale say that his father moved into the county in - 1809. Ir should read 180:4. We - have received a letter from i fi. A. T. Guernsey, of . Lake City, Minn., announcing the painful newi . pf f lite death of W. W: McDou gall,'Esq., of W+str:,tsv, formerly of lino county. Wo =hall week. Lowe's Farm'and Fireside Journal, ug the nave of a very neat 3 page quarto puh li!hed by J. P. Lowe, New York, at :A. Dollar 'per year. It is beautifully, printed on thick white.. paper, find Fromilics well. It is a monthly. . • Several inte'r l esting local , articles; among them the second chapter of Mr. Steele's pi oneer history of-the county, arc crowded out by the influx of advertising. Wo regret this, but can promise,that ample amends shall be made next week.- PORCELAIN •PICTURES. —Mr. F. :NI. Spencer, of Mansfield, i 3 taking very superior pic ture= on porcelain plates. The pictures are ;cull lucent,-rand very rich. Call at his rooms on El mirieSfrect, Mansfield, iitid examine the fine speci mens ho lies on exhibition. MIL "A : MIL TARX I EXECUTION." Our readers will a roe with us that the sketch under this title on 1 a first page CS one of the most graphic of 5 e ehes. It is from the pen of a sal d‘iier of tho 4 t 1, and reminds us in many ways of tSe best size ‘ltes of Victor Hugo. ENLARGED.—TiIC Scranton Rep/ba rnn reaches us in an enlarged and improved form, making ono of the largest papers in the State. We congratulate the proprietors upon this visible witness to their prosperity. The Be- Fablief - till is one of thol best papers on our ex change list. ,14 PERSONAL.—We had the plpsure.of a'visit from our estoemod friend Hoot,:En, of the • ahem 'Tier Gazette, on Friday and Saturday of ct week. Ili; brings a good report from Wes tern Bradford, and is as genial and kindly ns•his paper is spicy and attractive. If good will eau give bun suttees ho is certain of it. REMOVALS.—A. S. BREWSTER, Esq., has removed to the Court llouse. his family occu pying the apartments oteapied by the Sheriff it' fnuter year 9. llis ,Tmtiers Office i 6 with ;' 4 llwill . wept TOOlll, fITA Aft-‘ra. smith A( Shaw have I emoved to their new Office, (me door above 1). P. Robert'. Hard_ ware Store THE SEAsoN.---It is liftelzwarti, but farntev need not despond. was 0110 of tho ino:4 fruitful yi.ars of..tht.: country, yet inuro had: ward than the pre;cut. When the cold storms, atat trC,sts, come early in the spring the danger to the, gras., hrnin, and, fruit iA nnu•h less. UndollhteditA he season will prove pro duotive be,vond expectation. To MURYMEN.—We are requested to unto that the price of butter in the, great mar kets of the country is dependent upon the quali ty of salt used, other things la4ng equal.. leen ivhn ties Syracuse salt for, j l,utter must not be thsappointed irtheir otherwied extra butter sells fur lees thai, it ought to itir triarltet. Dealers the article say that Livcrpo!ul Salt should be icd, amd no other. Its first cost is more. but: it c free trout foreign substances and unpleasant (lavers.. The, common salt is to ) impart to tune. a -fishy flavor." I BIG EGQ..-Mr. Andrew Klock has Off ti . e.tt.laegg •thy following 7 dimension: Sin:Meet center titreminferenee 6 ;inches. Largest oroLileretivo :3 , inches . will do until lieu beats it. LATER.—WeII, Archibald W lker rears it. Mr. Ella Kimba.ll left an egg at - ,this office measuring (ii inches end `inches id its 'iircumfurences. This came from iWallteeti We are also obliged to Mr. Kl4lsfor a Wunk new cheese. which, like all cheese ripm n. tir4r. rate. , GAME BETWEF!N"FIIIST T W t O IM • lir fi s'ro sr: B. B. Chun FRIDAY Mmy.3. VIP inni»gq were rlayed •on e:ieli uur 1:1 , (P.1 hour .355 hultes. Ila?kit, Catcher; Cnrvey ? Pitcher: Carpenter. : , m -Stop: Emery. D , t. Baseman; VonVatilke)i , :tr, ; . 2.1. Baseman; Bunnell . ; :;(1. B a se ma n; Webb, I ..ft V.dder: VanCielikr. Center Fielder: Dewy, liv;lit Fielder. Inningq.-1-I=-1-0-6-6.-o—ti—O—Total 27. 2d. NINI Kle , s, Catcher; (Beason. Pitcher: Bigony `!sort-Molt: Kirkpatrick. Ist, Base; Butterworth 21 Base; Elliott, Base: Sherwood, Left Fal , it.r: Rouse, Center FiCltler; Kimball, Riglft Inuin s, .1 -~4—G—'— I—~—~-4—L--Totnl.',B S , rertil of the original nines being nliqont, their were filled by other inernbcrs of the Club. RA , 4E BALL.—The Covington(Bae Bali Club are permanently orgzed with the I , llowing officers for the ensuing year. PrcA‘lent- ; -Thomas Jones. : Vice President M. G. Lee. Seeretary—C. Videan • Treasirei- . 1 11. It. Bryan. Di rectos—Thomas Willoughby. I:. E. Jones t T. 11. Putnam. • Seorers—P:'L. Clark C..Tobason. I .aptainP---4. H. IThagland, ,t'C. S. Vidrita .1 constitution and By Liars were arlivted on Bnsis. of Beadle's Manual. MatcliiGaineq S(ty Satordny at 3 o'clock V. M.• C. S. VIDEIN, WESTF/ELD PA., April, 27: 18(16. AGIT.LTOR: At the first regular meeting of WREtfield, Base Ball Club, held on Thursday fv , :ning, April 25th, the Club adopted Able Con aitution and By-Laws, of the " National Base A' , ociation:" The" following- officers were :lmed for the coming. year: President—James V. LIIACIT. • r ee l're ,, ident—A. N. Iturtis, S is , rmary—E..ll. Bowen. • • Troi , urcr—W. Nr Ifut!but. • bitemors,—N. J. KritseM lt.• B. 1101, N. W. Ili Naughton. The Club ; nort .members 25 [ regular members, it haring procured „ ,a complete set- 1)11,5eA, 'alit; hats he. hopes soon to become the " ,d‘inr'' Club of the State: (4. CIRE.s . F. - ItAKINo..--The Cheese 'Fne :criti Will probably into el.eration thti v , eeit. lt ,, se et which ao have report ure'locatedi,,:t fol- Ea :el:hark:item— Round 'fop,„---Roun4 Top. State leca , .l,—.Near 4. Wheeler'a. These a\e all in (..'harleston. V 'e do net Icarn when the new Cheese and !?alter Factory built by 3ip:4,4m Cote '414 =tray - Fork .Itoad, Delmar, will g.l into ~}tratiou. This is the largest Factory the 'Alloy and. will be the be-t applAtited. 'Rue %vat. , a report to the (stied that Mr. Moses Lt,.. of Chatham, would enbirgc Iris Factiay for Pulite accommodation the present We hope it may piliv.4 true. The Gee lighbprhood taavernent for a Factory :teals (0128,,s aUbsided. There is room for such Ina iraprovemeut....-What's ttio matia ? '4 • APPOINTMENT.—A. Hun ; Eq., of 3field; has beep: appoinfeit peputy Collector of Internal Revenue fin' Tioga County. thfs is' an apirointmeni eminently fit to bo made, and Mr. Guernsey is entitled to thanks for the selection. Mr. Hunt, though a democrat! is not a Copper head. He is a gentleman, and • thoroughly fitted for the creditable discharge of the; duties of the_ position. • _ " ,We should omit the best joke of the season did we not relate the "doings" on Monday of last week in Mansfield, in honor of the appointee.—. - Some ofhis practical joking friends seizedupon a smoke house and planted it oWn vacant lot near . ,the hotel. Upon this was a neatly printed pign;--.. "A. hunt, Dep. Collector." Crowning the ,edi fice was a dry goods box bearing' the portrait of A. Johnson, and surmounted by a demijohn. We have before us a photograph of the "joke," {liken on the spot by Mr. F. M. Spencer. It represents the edifice aforesaid, the door ajar, and an indi vtdual sitting at a table examining sundry pa pers. If aynan should ho li'nowia` by his hat, the individual should bo Hunt. On either side of the door appears a crowd of people, seemingly anxious to pay their taxes, Confederate States' notes bping . Vortrayed in the foreground. The picture is about as funny as One of Nasby's letters. ' Mr. Mint, appreciating th 4 "situation" treated . the crowd and retiredivith honors. It v. GEO. H. JENKS.—From • The Pacific Churchman, published -in San Francisco, we take the subjoined' complimentary notice of Rev. Mr. Jenks; formerly of this Pairisli;now of Petaluma, California. We find it under the head bf visitations of the Bishop : , . `• In the morning, in St. John's Church. after service by the A cetor, Mr. .Jenks, the Bi.hop preached the sernton. Afler the second sermon the Rector baptized 4 adults, having .baptized ti the previous Sunday. " In the evening, after service by the Rector, the Blidiop preached, and confirmed 14 candi dattis. One half of these are heads of families, and it is believed that every one of the candi dates has come into the church, frOm. different sects, d'u•ing the last two years. This fact, to gether with the number . of adult ' baptisms, shows the advance of the church. "We mention also, that since Mr. J'enks has commented his labors in this parish, during the post summer, the church edifice has been doub led 'in size. by the addition of side • aisles. The whole amount necessary for this purpose was raised at the time. ad as td leave no debt upon the s • The editorfurther speaks of a new communion service and bell purchased with the pro deeds of last Christmas Eve Festival, and adds : "In addition to these improvements, n tarp Cabinet Organ has been purchased which greatly enchanees the devotional effect of the beautiful services of the Church. - - - - "This parish has lieen under tho cloud, for s" many 'years that we are rejoiced to record these evidences of prosperity." FIRE!—A tiro broke out in the Uni ted -States hotel in this village at about 31 o'clock Sunday moraine., and though admirably controlled by the mgine, in a few hours reduced the building to ashes. The alarm was feeble, but the engine was early on the ground and cont. meneed playing from'Well N 0.3. The tire took in the upper part of the building, and the hoFe was prutirptly carried up the.stairs to the second story. Unfortunately . tho hose fell about twenty live het ehort of efficient working length, but the fire was kept under until nearly all the movables were carried nut of danger. The building, was old and inflammable, and it scam beehtne appar ent that it could not Om The energy of the Piro Company n thcuditceted to the pre vention of the spread of the Mimes to the eon tigumm buildings, and vitt,:mim,t completely mie ..ossini. Tar hotel literally punned down in its tl ticks," Nel.R.3 wind. which *as high up• to m41114;111, luckily aik , atud, apt a smart shower greatly aid -04 the effortssof the firemen. The engin& work ed splendidly- under the able impervisisur of the Foreman, Mr. S. S. Spencer, and his assistant.— Too much praise cannot be awarded these officers for their ceolnics,, energy, and omnipresence.— Especial praiss ns due ( the men wlfo stood by the ;stakes °. troy' to 5, o'clock, overworked, but never flinching i to the young then who stood guard on the roof and fought the fire inch by inch until it chart gu the shingles under their feet; and to the men - who jeweled the nheds hi the tear of the 1;m- sl i ng building, and' converted their :soaked toots into shields sigainst the names in the direction of the barns. We mention no name:, for obvious TV3.0118 - : lut liven bll such men, officered by the pre'sent offishrs of 'the- Fire Company, and we will, guaranty the control of any tire 'possible in Wellsboro under ordinary . eircumstanevs. We should fall short of, a very plain ditty did we neglect to mention the many instances of cool ness and prq:ne- of mind which fell under our notice. . IPe alluci to the " noble Caucasians" who calmly smoked their ei,gar4, or stood with-there bantk in their pickets at a comfortable idis tance from the tire, until the, Ll 4 timber 'fell.— r•tneh stoical heroism should excite miivemil ad miration.. The hotel-was owned by T. Cone. Esq.. Old occupied G. litter. No insurance - on the buildimk Mr. Ritter_ had an insurance of ;:, , i,r,m) tArniture, lie put , ; hi, Ins. nt 3flooo. The lire is sutpo,:ed gh i from a de ... !scaly fine. • (4o—" Gen tie Re der, „ did you ever have the iniTh4 . o blues? Pitt you get through those AiN - i.sringly wet. dripping days—Tuesday and Wednesday of last weelt4---and exTerieneo no touch of the ? IT you did you are entitled bo the privilege of conwatulating yourself.: Wed nc..tlay, especially, acts trying to one's Philoso phy. The curtain rose soon after midnight, and diclosed a grand spectacular and auricular dra ma of thunder. lightning, and pouring rain, the latter accompaniament continuing to have a great run until past noon. at which time "big water tons everywhere visible. „Jim air was intensely and. if rheumatic and neuralgic patteirfs. tailed to enjoy their utmost pains and ache, 'during the ,performanee they had atnplo came for gratitude. ” —The most incomprehensilde4hing of all is what is known as "a neighborhood quarrbl." We never could understand such thing , , nor do we eare to. Hardly a Week passes that we are not :mtvokeil to ri:ist. "through your valuable paicer." yon know. to publish something deroga tory to somebody, or in defence of smele other body who has been grievously wronged by some other hostile body. A newspaper may not be used, legitimately. to right private wrongs. If our 'patrons will search the files of this paper they will a: certain th , fort that we devote, pree ioustlittle•space to the work of repelling personal attacks aimed at us int ividually. .Our,, theory is that'every man and woman is bound to SO live and act that their lives shall be their sufficient defence against frivolous slanders. A man who cannot live dawn unjust aspersions ought to hang himself. A man calls another a fool, a liar, or a villain; but if one s is neither a fool, a liar, or a villain, he may siap his lingers at his !assailant? add move along, as'if nothing had been 'said. So we say to those who have applied for a 6 in this ikspect, have more v(311114~4- in ;‘-our .‘»vri power in repel couch di S . lOlllll tied aII st. 'Don't rush into' pi int on slight 0:',!11',1011F. Keep 1.110].. E. :! 1 ,11; NAY 80.ROOL-IIoNTHLY Afay:".session of the Methodist inu l n y tir,lionl teas Kehl on Sunday evening in piesenec of , o. largo audience. The oNereitres eon sist.t,ki of o:ireil . ,:nt muaii , recitation.F.,and 'f A.Fero tlrAt:rate. The chief addre:i nut i li Alaj. :11'errielc; a..atlons friend of llic Altiveli.:'+.l.lo school shows reinarka ibte vigor, much of which it ones to its energetie Superintendent. List 0 Lettera itienining in the Post Office ft Well:4)ora .4.Cril 1867 : J 11 tueley„l T Barnette, Eliza Byers, Butler Bailey, Miss Florence Miss Notta Bowen, fl It Bailey, Mary E Clark. Mrs Jane Jampbell, Dacia T ealkinn 2, Defilo Ctunpliull 2,•Mrs Chat lette Decker, Mrs Neat, Everett, Misn Mollie Jelin Gebel Ifereign), D Aliss Mnry A Mayes, AI /11 Japer, Mrs Atnnlia Jearles, Silas Jennings, Mies A Johnson, Mrs Azuba Kelsey, Will King, M M Limy, Albert Lake, Arelid La. morit,•Miss Mary Ohnst.).l, Pritacis Pope, Wm Reynolds, .1 C Ross, duo Raab, Eliza Stratton, .11 Stowe, M M Taylor, Al 1) Walthatn, James It Wilson, Myram.Wellman. • Persons calling for any of the above Letters are requested to soy " advertised." • M. HART, P, M. Loos Wirtzcle., . • j • Wilson doVanValke bu r g bavo j ust received sevesal cases of Ladies,'Cloths, fol. Cloaking, and fino lot of eloths'and'dassirners for Gents' wear. talestatylek boat 13604fkand reasonable prices. . _ The latest arrival of Spring :4k. Summer Goods in this ancient and honorable burgh, is at Jobe R. Bowen Ntt Co's 1i0. , 1,- Union Block:, Their stock' is large and: well-assorted, consisting of Ladies' Dress Goods, Gents' Cloths Cassimere, , Vestings, &0.,.410.,-Call early. Messrs. Willcox it Barker, being about to close up thoirbusineee, take this method of notifyipg all persons indebted to them either by note or book account, to call' and settle without delay, and thus save costs. They offer their stock of Goods at cost. Now is your timo to by goods cheap. mayS MEETING THE DIFFICULTY.—Many pprsons who arc desirous of obtaining a Piano or Melodeon, are unablo to furnish sufficient means at one time to pixy for it; to meet this diffteulty; . L. 8.. Pow ell, of Scranton; propoSes to sell Musical Instru ments oe installments, as far as possible', to suit the purchaser. Communicate - With him °Wier by lotto'. or in person. - • A Poetic BkcirarneTron.-- - -iiirny man is enti-. tied to the title ,of public blinefactor, it is the man who - con extract an old snug of a tooth so skill fully that you ,do not feel it. That Dr. Eastman can do this we think is clear ,enough from the. testimonials published below. Dr. E. is a skillful, operator in all branches of Dentistry, his ,plate work, and filling of decoyed teeth, being in the highest and best styli) of the nit.. Ile has cured -now and improved tools, intitrumonts, and machinery_ for tho execution,of .411..work_ip_ his lino. _ It, will pay customers .to his in a `1 see his machines and specimens of his work. TLial' that I have had thirteen teeth ex trotted without pain by the use of liastman'ispray Producer. My wife also had tweutyseven teeth extract ed without iodizing as much pain as from having one extracted without the preventive. We believe it pre vents the gums being sore and lido than to heal.. • A short time ngo I bad a few teeth extracted "theold way of cutting, mid tearing." intending to haven sot of artificial, but the pain- was no great' that I hesita ted. Soon after I called at A. 11. Eastman's and bad one tooth extracted. to test the Spray, which gave me such satisfaction, that I had my entire bet thken out, and have only to add too much cannot ho raid in its favor. •ItieflAnD Wont:. - - Tile Spray Producer is truly a boon to 'suffering lin. Inanity, aud after having proved this by trying it, 1 would say any person is Wolitth to have teeth oxtructed without its use. AIMAII LYON. • After having mix teeth extracted by tho use of the Spray. with hut littlo or no pain, I could' not be hired to hare one touched without it, oven if It cost twice wh at it deco. ARIS. BENJAMIN atELEY. • Ho UtE CLEANING.—Young has just received his Spring Stock of Wall and Window papers, Curtain mixtures, Cords, Tassells Fifty two varieties. Call early. • 4 March 213-tf. ' YOUNG'S BOOK STORE. MARRIAGES.. I 13ATY—MOSHER.—On the 21st ult., by N. E. Ilalings, Esq., Mr. Samuel Baty, of Mithilebury, foictierly of Jefferson township, N. 3.; and Mrs. Charlotte Mosher,'of, Middlebury, - - DUNCE— CHRISTENAT—On . April 18th, by Rev. J. 11.MeDermond, Mr. IfirWley R. Bunco of Ringliampton, N. Y., and Mrs. Emma R. Ch ristenot of Charleston, Tioga Co. SPECIO.I., NOTICES. -0- Aro You Afflicted with a Cough or a Cold? ARE YOU PRUDIBPOSED TO CONje,UMPTIoN? Are the Lira of Tour Children in Jeopardy from Cud • den and, Repealed Attacks .of Croup? if so, Purchase a Box of BLADES' EUPHONIAt EUI3RI.CATOS,SII 9'l, People's Afoet &ere and Effectual _Remedy for ('nl,lB, Cenur, (iotarth, Astlnna, Dlialicria, aad . all Pulmonary Ditleau F B. riviE I.IIBRIOATOIt inn medicinal preparatti4i In the halal of a I,o7eliga, which, of all finales, 11 1111 eleit pleleeillt and convenient, They Cell MI (1111 0 1 tei ions ihttrialient, aid are warranted" to he alway/ safe. oven tor the weakest and most ,eIISII lee Nto muehJ Iu Crimp they give riamtmt VII: For Coughs std Ueld, they iire invaluable. For_Catauh, Asthma and . they Juive no equal• in the madtet. (vide eel tile:ilk, eleeelpall3 hug each that 'dreaded and desolating thsea.e, they control uottiler fully and almost immeillately. No l'oblie Speaker, Singer or Teacher, sbouhl be, withent.them,as they remove hoarseness and strength= en and chin• the video. ra- Always five them in time, and if the symptoms are ssvere use very freely. . .1 11. BLADES il: CO, Pr4'n4' . . Elmira, N. Y. F. C. vrgus & co., 115,riml 117 Franklin-St.. Ann , " fur New York - City. BALI: 1117 ALL DILLJGCOSTS 1 ec.12,38(16-Iy. a Cough, A Cold, or A < 4) 4.447 Sore Throat, NON OH I __F.QUIREH IMMEDIATE ATTF.NTION, AND 'l) ?octt ,( l C 7 ' DUO I) I. L D O wEEED TheCO AI: .. ( 0 , 1 : Irritatio4 of the Lungs, A COUV B ~, Permanent Throat Dis ease, or Consump - -0 AN. 'l3 Cj! /ion is often the ' OLQ .:- , t"RESULT. - BROWN'S BUONCHIAL Tito piEs ' Hit ving n direct ityhtenee to the parts; yirr immcdi,ite FOR BRONCHITIS, ASTIIVA, CATOCRII, CONSIJ3I.I"; ANI. THROAT DISEASES. Troches are ust'd bilk always good sqccess Singers and Public Speakers • Will find PHONIES want in clearing the:voice when taken before Singing or Speaking, and relieving the throat lifter an unusual exertion of flue total organ , . The Titucttes are recommended and prescribed by l'hYr skiani, and have had testimonials flout eminent men throughout the country. lining an article of true mar ; it, :Ind haring OBOVEn their efficacy by a test of tnauk years, eael year finds them in new localities in vnriour parts of the world. and the TroCnrs are it nicerqally pronotinced better than other articles. ,1 OBTAIN Only "IllloWN'S Tooorms,' , and GO not tithe any of the Worautt.eis - IMITATIONS that may 1.6. offered. SOLD EVERSIMAM. Nov. 21, 'tifk-fun. I _• ' I 13 INU-TIONE, P.PAVIN, StIND-GALT.S, CA LLUS, A:ci, Al on Ijorssf.. ; RADIC.V.LT and PERNAME:crtr CITED. by the nee of. _ Roof'. Ringbone and Sprrvin Cure. This medicine was established 25 years ago, and has never, been known to fail, Give it a single trial. Far sal e by • W. D. TERBELLA: CO., Corning. N.V. I D. S. 'Barnes & Co., Agents, Now York. 0c17,6f.,Cn ITCH ITCH I ITCH ! . SCRATCH! SCRATCH! SCRATCH! " WHEATON'S OINTMENT Will cure the itch in 48 Hours. Also cures SA LT RHEUM, ULCERS, CHILBLAINS, and all ERUPTIONS OF TIIE SKIN. Price 10 cents.- For sale by all druggists. By sending 60 cents' to WEEKS & POTTER, Solo Agents.l7o, Washington St. Boston, it will be forwarded by mail, free of postage, to any part of the United States. June 6,1560. sp. notice ly, .J. FL RANDALL • SUR Cr IC AL I fIND IffPCHANICAL DENTIST.. OFFICE at his residence on Welisboro street, Tioga, where.he may be found from the Ist until The 12th, and from the 19th until 'the 25th of each month. Will he in Blost;burg at the American Hotel, from the 13th until the 18th, and in Lawrenceville at Slosson's Hotel, from the 26th until the last day of each month. All operations connected with the dental prot fession, whether surgical or mechanical, will re ceive especial attention. , Having an improved liquid and apparatus for benumbing the gains, ho is prepared to 'extract teeth without pain; and in a manner harmless to the patient, yet no stupefaction, drowsiness or nausea, follows tho operation. Ether or Chloro form will be administered if advisable when de sired. Artificial Teeth of All .kinds inserted in the most substantial and beautiful manner. Call and see specimens of mechanical dentistry. Tioga, Pa., May 1, 1567. ' , NOTlCE.—Notice Is hereby given, that John I. Mitchell, Esq. Trustee of A. J. A: E. RI Webster, insolvent debtors, has filed in the p r e-! thonotarys' office a partial account in the matter pf the estate° of said insolvents, for ,presentation to the court of Cotatoon-Plcas of said county, on the first day of May term next, for continuation,: and U11108:1 cause be shown' to the 'contrary, it will on that day he allowed May 1,1867 J. F. DONALDSON. Proth'y T . _ ISLATIVE.—I hereby offer myself for 4 the suffrages of my norking fellow-Citizens, as an Independent Candidate for the Logislature the coining October. I pledge myself to labor for the rights of the many as against the foty. May 1.1.807— , DC. • EDWIN WETMORE. 4 DMINISTRATOR'S' NOTlCE.—Letters of admitnistration having been granted toi.thel undersigned "upon the estate of - Daniel bainlx., late of Richmond, deceased, notice is h4ii3b, , . / given to - those indebted to, and those' 'Wirt g claims against said estate to cull and settle vvitl,i W. F.•LAMI3,_ - r JNO. W. GUERNSEY, 5 Adm;v„- May, 8, I. 8 67-Bwt SM4LL LIG.E(7 1 EXPENSES, QUICK RETURNS. • -• • • . , • 'THAT Is TIT . MOTTO ON • liTHIOR - A SUCCESSFUL BUSYNESS WILL THE SYSTEM OF DOING BUSINESS WITH LARGE PROFITS IS ON ITS LAST LEGS! We I' Smith's Son!** HAVE always said that sach a pernicious plan vast give away to pAndent and honest *Ming, depending upon -A. 0. SMITH LARGE SALES, LIGHT EXPENSES AND .VIALL PROPIT,S, SPRING GOODS MAMMOTH STORE, and the lon prices named for quite is drawing hosts of customers. eau bo buught at, about one•ball of last year's Among our Large Stock will be found NF PRINTS, DELAINES, ALPAC AS, POPLINS, MELANGES, BOMBAZINES, DING- .. B BALMORAL. SKIRTS; SKIRTINGS, HOOP SKIRTS, SPRING WOOL SHAWLS, CASHMERE AND PAISLEY SHAWLS, • . . CARPETS, OleL CLOTHS. CLOTHS AND "CASSIMERES, CLOTHING, BOOTS AND SHOES, HATS AND CAPS, TEAS, SUGARS, COFFEES, MOLAS SES, PORK, FLOUR, SALT, WALL AND WINDOW PAPER, 1•:! 10,000 OTHER • DINES OF GOODS.. An examination is all we ask,for that insures a sale. People desiking to buy cheap should, not allow anything to, prevent their calling;, they will got on low prices, and they will then of course, buy their W. #. SMITH'S SONS. They will find it profitable_ in the end, and of course, will sleep better, Tho above remarks are made for the attention of close buyers.,.. READ,, REFLECT, 13 Y YO rrif-G-bobs W. R. SNIITIT'S SONS, April 2 t, 1867 AND REDONE THIS YEAR! The N©w are' no* dnily arrriving at their CALICO prleos - D_ELAIIVES at about two-thirds, SHEETNO O in proportion MEI WELL POSTED SPRI - NG . GOOIjS AND 114PIS . ON, Y To the.. Pub SUMPUND r i g mAKES this moth j_ that' the Stock o • r SPRING: is 'on . hand, and o 1 The Store -is well at ionable . . • COAViS, PA GEgT'S' FUR IVIIiTE AND d. - COLLARS, .t . PENDE" and a good largo lo II it . . 1,4 TS ovoi brought to this TRUNKS; BAG s vilt Clot for ( . , Xjs • UTIIOLESALE ,VV in nil kinds o GROCBRMS WINES, LIQUO EION & DOM CANNED- WOOD & WILLO ]. 'CROCK CHILDREN'S C PERAMBIAAT A full and ciimplotf mentioned goods of th hand. ,Particular attention Dealers and Consnmet7 Vest to examine his Corning, N. Y:, Muir . A. FEW MORE PIECES 1, of those substantial S I Wings and . Shirtings, at April 1, 1807. ' C. B. JOLLY'S. LEONARD GILL chased Mr. Andr i MEAT :MARKET, wou say to the citizens of Wellsboro and vi cinity hat he will continue the business at the old B srstana—giving his ontrre attention in suppl ing the wants of all who may favor him with• oir patronage. I Constantly on hand FRESH PrfEAIIS IJF ALL KINDS. Shop one Doo i r Sou h of Shoe Shop. : Wellsboro, April 10 1807 -tf. Yon will find the latest arrival . of lkits; Goods a KELLY'S April 1 . , 1867. N pursuance of an order of the Orphans Court made on tho lkt (10 of April, 1867, I will ex pose to sale by public vendue at the Court House in the Bore bti Wellsli,oro, Pm,- on Saturday, the 25th day of May, 1867 1 : The following described Oemises situated in the township of Charlebton, bounded on the north by D:Roisey, on the exist by D. G. Edwards, and Evans, on thb south by lands of Holman Morgan and Saml. Mills, on the west by the Bir: con farm—containing 115 acres more or loss. To he sold as the property of •the minor children of Ceo. C. and Eliza Kress. E: A. KRESS, April 24, 1807. 4t. I Guardian. 0 o at a groat bargain at April 1, 1867. DUFhFE'R'S PAT.E.ATT EAR.III GATE. (Patented Sept. 11, 1866.) I claim for it let: The cheapest, durable Farm Gate in 2d. Any farmer ca saw and hammer. 3d. It does not sag blown open or shut. 4th. It is not obstr sth. It is strenzer equ'ally so when _open blown open or shut, nol affect it when open. On the above claims and especially in regard to its cheapness, durability, and convenience, we defy competition. It is aßeiv gate and has been but a. short time before thY public, but in all cases it has taken the preferene over all other gates. It costs, including posts; only $1.25 to $1.50, Tad farmers can make them at even' less than this—they do not cost more thun'an ordinary pair of bars. I Township rights or sale on terms very profita ble to the purchaser. (Farm rights for sale for $3.00 each. I have t them down to this low figure so that none ne bo without them, only he sure and examine its before purchasing of any other. Any one wishing further particulars will please address the subscriber, all orders will receive prompt attention. Address, o'. S. KIMBALL, Oeeola, Tioga Co., Pa. 00030 Oa ON Apr. 24, 'l377ff liko hot cakes at April.l, 1867. - BOOT'AND WM. B. VAN 11011, to tho buildin g Pearl streets, rear of prepared to fill all ordej Boots Sr, Shoe* on 'short notice, and ii il:Mannor BurptiAcl by nono. Ito Pairing done: promptly and ollearo,, Apr. 24,1867. I W. B. VAN 110RR.,1, II T,T , G IY, 0 N Gy, - • Agent for the E VI. TA LE. • LIFE .SOcIETY THE UNITED' STATES Insure your Life,at Homo Agbncy.. ' N'irellsboro, April ; New Spring Goods just received at I C. lit. KELLEY'S. April 1, 1867. ALENDER, Fr .nah, Marino and Church C Clocks, at oe19) FOLEY'S. L AD . 7 IB S: I -3ETS fro is of Wellsboro G COUNTRY I =I 'S . HE od of notifying the pooplo CLOTHING ors' it lower' Wan before. oked with tin most fnsh. TS A ND "VESTS; also, a lex go ilssortmeof of• sIISHINGi I GOODS, isting of .A.SSIMERE SHIRTS, NECKTIES, SUS 'RS, SOCKS, of tho most fashionable ND .CAPS, Orket. Also AND UMBRELLAS, buy 11 o of N w for oasis, at' tho Cheap ASIIE,R, under tho 4 . . Agitu -1861. April 1 and Providorq Store, G, N. CORN ma, ND RETA*_, DEALER ROTIONS, S, & CIGARS, FOR- ,STIC,, GREEN & DRIB FRUITS, R UIT St AND TABLES", VEG WARE, :GLASS & RY WARt; IM RRIAGES, CABS & RS, TOYS; &c., &c. P luisortment of the above 6 e beet quality always on paid to Fino Groceries. •'s will and it tai , their in itock boforo buying. ch 27, 1367. 1 mhutlcw.T. EMMI ' TT, haring 'recently pur ees J. Tipple's interest in the Orphtuis' Court Sale AZIII4 5001ZA C., B. KELLY'S '.ost cativ73' eo. Inake it with tho use of a the posts, mid cannot bo • ctod by ice o snow. an any otho gate, and is or shut, and cannot be does tho hardest wind C: B. KELLY'S r ECOE SHOP. ,pl'haameived hie Shoe Shop 'en the eon* of Wain and IRoy's Bloelf,here ho is Ts in the line of kn sr.so to $3O, at' VVS , FOL. NEVI SPRING GOODS IN CORNING, At THE PEOPLE'S STORE WE ARE NOW RECEIVING A FRESH STOCK OF GOODS SPRING TRADE, and aro prepared to supply the wants of the \people in. NORTHERN PENNSYLVANIA DRY GOODS. OUR LONG EXPERIENCE GOOD GOODS giAM the best satisfaction, and those accustomed _ to patronize us know that we KEEP THE BEST GOODS hnt are to ho found in this section, and those who are not our patrons aro the losers quite as much as we are. LARGE STOCK OF ChOTHS MADE UP TO . O I RDER AND WAR- • RANTED TO. FIT. OUR STOCK WILL BE KEPT FULL, Warranted to kive Satisfaction, Sold as Low . as at any other• Estitb- We! invite an examination of our Stock and "Prices, pledging oursehlea to SHOW GOODS FREELY AND TAI:r NO OFFENCE Corning, N. Y., • pr. 10, 1887 NEW ARRANGEMENT ! 1 Wilson A..t, Vaii-Valkenbiirg NO. Q, UNION 13L0 K, !lately occupied by F.D. Bunnell • They propose to carry on a live business in ant, and most D'RY M GOODS MERCHANT TAILORING AND FURNISHING OODS Old MONDtY MARCH 4, 1807, They expect to open out a new and choice stook 1 of SPTNG GOODS. The Senior partner has bad a largo experience in Merchant Tailoring. and it is the intention of the new firm to put this branch of their business beyond suecessfuj competition. Welleboro t Feb.2o, 1867—tr. Atlaptea to ti p WITII has taught us thnt We keep as usual zi to sell by i tho yard or -and all GoOda sold by us AND lishment. Mind that. when no elleil3 made. ED ITH & WAITE Have established themselves at '6% • GROCERIES, AN INVALUABLE REMEDY FORS • THE PURIFYING OF THE BLOOD. • DR. J. W. i'OLAND'S HUMOR DOCTOR, A Positive Remedy for all Kinds of Hu more, particularly rRYSIPgLAS, iNETTLE RASH," SALT RHEUM, SCROFULA, CARBUNCLES, Boms, AND PILES. It is vory gratifying to say of this, or of any other modicino, " it is the very • best remedy known." nis not always so easy to prove, it. It is, however, ...xceedingly gratifying to the Proprietor of this modioino; that, while he do dares to the pnblio that this As a most wonderful and effective specifio for Humors, as stated above; he has abundant proof at IMnd to sustain his statement. For sixteen years the Humor Meter Iles been manufactured and sob], and every .year has in creased the value of its rhputtition, and the timount of its sales. In New Ilatnpshire, where it originated, no remedy for humors is so highly prised. An eminent physician (new an army surgeon) when practicing in Now Hampshire, purchased between fifty and sixty gallons of it, during some seven or eight years, and used it in hts practice. He has since then, 'ordered it for the hospital whore ho was stationed. Other phy sycians have purchased it, and have used it in prac4.e with great success. When the proprie tor lived in New Hampshire, at Goffstown Center, for the space of thirty or forty mile's around, and in Manchester particularly, the Humor Doctor was well known and highly valued for the mi tnereur and wonderful cures which it effected- Though Manufactured in .large_ quantities the supply n'as' frequently exhausted; and. purcha sers had to wait foo more to i be made. .In that region some !very severe cases of Erysipelas were treated with, andthey 'were cured! Erysipelas sores, or carbuncles, those ugly,. painful ulcerh wore• entirely removed wherever this medicine was faithfully used. So it was with ScrofUla and Salt Itheum. The Humor Doctor cured them. For the sake of showing what is thought of it, a few testimienials are here inserted': Mho , ' Gale, Esq., ,Thmton, I lwreby cetitify dint I Nvas Forelyalllictvd with Roils for tut" years) developing thethselves upon my limb; and other patds of my body. Th 6 sufferings winch I endured frozol them ure indescribable. Suffice it to say that I faithfldly tried tioveral of the most popular . hn. nior remediesqbut without removing the -affliction. At length, by the earnest request of an intimate friend, I f 'Was !minced t etry Dr. J. W. Poland's Humor Doctor, and am very lam to attest that all my Boils were remeNed, and my health was restored by using Dr. Poland's aforesaid medicine. MILTON GALE. Boston, Jan.l4, Ifdift. . A. C. Wallace, Jiallekeeter, N. II Dr...T. W. Pol.Azin—Dear Sir: I very cheerfully rive my testimony in favor of your llhmor Doctor an an ex cellent' remedy for Hunters. MY - numeronn acquaint, mice is Manoltester know how severely I was afflicted with Boils and they ktiow how perfectly - good my health ix at present.. Your Humor Doctor Mired me. Please refer to me for particulars itimy cat•a. Manchester, N. IL, June 11, 1816. A.C, WALIACE. .3fre. Wheeler, Stoneham, Nam I very confidently and earnestly recommend Dr. J. W. Polandle Rumor Doctor as On excellent remedy for Humors, having been wonderfully benefitted by it my self. My own case was a very severe and obstinate one. For more than two years the shin timm 'the Inside 01 both my hands ' and even down on the wrists mos con stantly cracked and broken up, so that I was unable to use my hands 'in any kind of 'wet work, and W:l4 obliged to wear 'gloves in'sewing to avoid getting blood upon my work. The humor which so afflicted me was proba bly a combination of Erysipelas and Salt Rheum. 'My general health was quite poor. Soon 'after I began to ) use the Humor Doctor I could percelv signs of herd ing. I continued to take the medicine ill I stnsfirMlly cured, lily hands are bow perfectly freefrom humors, and to all appearances my whole system is clear of it. and has been for several months. I used eight bottle', before I felt safe to givo it up entirely, but they cured me. 'HPRRIET WHEEI,kit. Stoneham, Mass., July 5, 1850. Mrs. Parteri Darer, N. . Dov Er., N. IL, July 22, 1555. Dr.. POLAND: I re&ived your letti , r inquiring as to hip effects of your medicine on seasickness. Pain hap. py to say that X think it is "the medicine." for that dreadful sickness. I tried various prescriptions, hot found none that 'settled the stomach and cleared the head like the limper Doctor. I felt as thouglLL.could hardly wait to get ashore, to entreat you to introduce t into ship chandlery t•tyres, that it ntny Inn! its va3• to those who sutler upon tho mighty deep front :‘ siehness. If captains who take their:, familits aitl them, or'carry passengers, 6hould try it fur ojyer, they would never he willing to voyage , without t have used it for my family since ith introduction t.,[ the public for Mom headache and tuition about my children, and have always found it cure. I am not fond my mune appear in public awl would not consent to it on any account but to lc lieve the SUltering; but if the foregoing will be of ,uq• service to you or, the public, you can make tvm of it. Yours, hARRIET M. PORTER. Much more mightle stated in relation m this medi cane, as contained in' testimoniblq, but I. in needte,. Ask Manchester druggigtg about it, especially- li. IV Slake, at Barr's. laquire I,f Mr. }ferny Plainer. of Wilford, 'tillage wFfs wag cured Iby it at Salt Rheum. Ask almo.t Any person in COffstowil, and they will du Clare its,valtie as a remedy, as used in their own case. or by their fiiends. The Itnnto Doctor was fitrmerly sold at fifty cent' per bottle; lint the cost of every ingredient cow poser. it has gone np;pnortnon t t the prier , has betql to seventy-live cent' only, and that by corOpnlsion. - Thu humor Doctor is prepared at the New England Botanic Depot. u tor the Preprietot ..1, C. French.' Sold By Medicine Dealers everywhere. DEMAS BARNES k CO.. General AgentsoNciv York For sale in Wellsboro by P..R. Williams 'c Co. J. A. Roy, Webb & Hastings. April 3,1867-6 m. BE-AL E ' S 1 (Lute Powell'A) EMBROCATION. For, all Dißeaso• incident to llorxes, Oath?, nn the Haman Fleqh, requiring the use of ' an External Application. nivils new Compound. prepared by a practical Chem -1 r,t, having a full knowledge of all the medical va lue, of each ingredient that enters into its compidtion, is ti; - ranted to exceed anything of the kind ever yet offered to the Public ns an external application fir the di .4tZt A'S for which it is recommended. We a 0 satisfied that it will work its own road into the confidence of all ti ho usa it. and those who try it once •will never la, without it, and therefore we rely on experience a, the lieq test of its usefultiesg. It iv pronounced by Fain. ersqlril till who base tried it, to be the best _applica tion ever used. This Embrocation has been put up for over eight years, and it is only through the inere,A-ling demand and urgent request of my friends afar ilii, Public that I send it forth as'tlre grand remedial agent for the various diseases to which that noble and u•dol animal, the horse, is subject. --"' ; Many. remeth'es l o ne been offered to the Pubffp under 1 different forms, some tit these alit injurious, ii he's at hest of little tiro. and ninny wholly iniprop, rto ill, swer the purpose for which they are recommero ed. A judicious and really useful composition, tr,ke Irma those objectionq, has therefore long been (testi elf I 3 ninny gentlemen who have N alnable horse , , and are mi. M illing to trust them to the care of designing and pre tended Farrier.. Their wishes are at length fully gi al ined. by (Dr. Beale) being prevailed upon to allow this Embrocation (which has proved so efficacious to the various discuses) to be prepared and brought out to the public. ‘., This Einbrocation waq extensively used V the Go eminent during the war. Ai all Orders to 1./It. EDMOND 602. South Second Street, Philadelphia; Pa. Hale by storelceoper6,Aberally. 17:q roi-dim. .7-,L". For sale at. ROY' Drug Store. . , HARRAH'S NATION:VL GATE (Pntontecl'SeptetiLr 20th, 1864.1 ' ITS CLAIMS ARE 1. The mot+t common workman or a farmer can build it. 2. It is made of all sizes, and is perfectly adapted to all Gate purposes, whether for cattle yard, farm, door-yard or garden. 3: It requires no hinges, and carn?t, be blown open nor shut. 4, It does not swag the post, and the Gate itself cannot sag. 5. Breach) , stock cannot open it. ti. It cannot be driven against when open. 7. It is not obstructed by either rain, sleet or snow. S. Being built without mortiso or tenon, it costs but little more than a pair of good bars: 9. It is stronger than any other gate built of an equal amount of lumber, and its strength is equal upon both sides. ,) 10. It is the cheapest.; neatest, and moot con venient and durable Gate in use. During the fall of 1865, the National Gate has received the'highest award at BEVAN 'ATE and some SEVENTY COUNTY FAIRS, and in competition with other Gatos, it ha.A taken the FIRST PREMITLIfi in every instance: It challenges tho whole list of Gates to a prac tical test, throughout all seasons. The National Gate has received tho'.unquali- Bed approbation of all who have used it. These Gates, including Posts, aro built at a cost of $ to $B, according to workmanship and material used. Their manufacture • insures a profitable investment of capital, as -they' c'em mand a ready sato at from 60 to 100 per cent. profit ; and it is perfectly zafe to put them up at all times under a warrant, as they hove fill no Mite Piled to give the fi(lb.gt satisfaction. J. p. Pri.dcs, •lU. Aisopr,L, - A. ALBA.. - • ".-A.r. Township and Farm Rights for Isn't. in Tioga andßrad ford Counties. Anplicauts for part:haste of TeftitOry, Anil for Circular containing particulars. Rights for average Farms aro uniformly sold for $lO each, including printed drafts and spec, fications for building all sizes of both 'Wm' and Entrance Oate,.by the aid of which any one can construct thorn. . On receipt of $lO.l-in all eases accompanied by a particular description of the land for which the right is desired, the appropriate Conveyance. drafts, &e., will be promptly forwarded. Address, with stamp. NATIONAL GATE CO., ,March 27, J-80 . --tf, KnOxville, Pa. 100 BUSHELS PURE TIMOTHY SEED, 50 BUSHELS CLOVER , SEED. at March 13,'(17. , WRIGHT Sc. BAILEY'S. PATENT WRITE WIRE, • CLOTHES L Wo bog leave to call the attention of the pub- 1. lic to an entirely now quality of Wire known as White Wire, possessing a coating which prevents it from over corroding or turning from its uniform whiteness during any number of years, and on Which Letters Patent bag been secured. It has been found td be the only article suitable for a clothes lino, except the old-fashioned rope or cord, which always gives so much trouble and annoyanco_by breaking, rotting out, and discol oring clothes, and by being obliged to put it up and take it down every time used. With this Wire Chithes Line you have none of those annoy ances, and when it is once put up it gives you no Moro trouble until the stakes or posts rot doWn to s•hich it is attached. After using it we nro con fident you will fully corrobiwate the statements of thousands of others in its praiso. Over OOP lines alreAdy sold, and every family should and will have ono!' It - will not' change, - thoUgh ydu may keep it under water for any length of tithe; hence, you Sco,•it cannot discolor clothes. like mrepo or cord. Size of Wire, N 0.9 • Six Reasons why every family should awe one of these Patent While Wire Clothes Lines Ist. You never have to take it in no matter what the weather may be; the w ather cannot Whet it. . • • 2.'d. It will last from twenty-five to fifty years at least, and during that time you wear out fifty ordinary lines, besides sufferin.• an untold amount of trouble atuNnnoyance with theni. 3d. It is the cheapest Lino in the world, to say nothing of its gieat convenience. A good rope. line costs about 2 cents per foot, and this only -4; cents. This will last a life time, while that with good care will last about% year. This Wire, at 25 cents per foot, would be cheaper thim a rope HMO. 4th. You esnnut clothes, and the win to break it. . 'oad it heavy enough with cover blows strong enough sth. It does not in any way discolor or injure clothes that are hun lipon it. ilth. It will save i , price in saving you trouble and annoyance ever three months you own it. .The Wire is annealed before coating, which makes it very soft and tough. It can never be broken in the use for which it is intended. Price four and a half cents per foot. Usual amount for a good lino, 75 to 100 feet. Clothel aro - faptene..l to it ‘citli -, , tb4 coinnion clotlio; FROM TUR PRESii The following editorial noticoa from the Tri bune, Independent and Christian. Advocate, are wilting the many nevispaper testimonials which we have received, but 1+ 'MVO will not, allow us tit introduce mono here,: The American White Wire Clothes-line, i. n superior article in its way. It does not injure clothes, and is almost indestruetable. Every housewife should WO it. Wo are now using N. V. Tribune. The Patent White Wire Clothes-line, is all it, purports to be—a most indispewble article. It des not injure the clothes, arid . ,boverwears out. Every house; will ultimately hake it.—N. Y. Jo. dept•nticiit. . o • L , THE WHITE IVIEE CLOTHES Linn.—Among the 'special annoyances of the washing day are to be reckoned high up the list adaptation of clothes lines. The old cord or rope has done touch good service; but what ttith it.!„l, breaking, rotting out, discoloring the clothes, and the an noyance ,of putting up and taking down ,each week is not quite a perfect article. A subs auto is now offered in the " Patent White Wire ClOthes Line," for sale by the American Wire Company, 149.J1rOadway. Tho peculiarity off this wiro is in its coating, which, it is said, nbver becomes brolfcri. We have seen it used, and find that it gives entire satisfaction. AV. Y. C.'hrimtion Advo cate. u. Et• FISH, Agent,' Tiogn, Pena'a. Pell. 27, ISay—tf. Cleanse the Blood. W IT ll,eorrupt or tainted Blood, .... ~ i...,: ...x ., , you ale sick all over. It may ti )t .4...,......•• bur..t pint lb Pimple.s, or Sores., or l'''''' )in ;•0111,13 active disease, or tt may wo,rty Retie yo U listless,e de ..#"' press,e4 and good tor' nothing.. .slut you cannot have good health while your blood is impure.. ... , ..yer's Sarsaparilla purges out these impurities : it el