The Tioga County agitator. (Wellsboro, Tioga County, Pa.) 1865-1871, April 17, 1867, Image 1

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    tfintig 'A,gltator
i ednolh A ny Mornlng r7 at $2,00
an* by%
(2. C. V 00.DED..
e i rj j e cap
invnriably i4l ad
• COBB. Bi,
S. U. 0031
T c
A.lO N715311,"1" X 'INC.I , - Er.A.Przi G. ,-
: ,,77f , 01. ti n. 181 9.14 Inal a'NlOB.l 6hi osOar
„„„ W,OO $ a - 71 12( 7
.1,00 4,00 8,00 12.001
5,001 17,001 22,00 1 . 80,30
:0,V)1 30,001 40,00 i 00,00
Z. iare,
Mgt Col..
Ono Col..
als,Bubiaees Cards inserted nt the nate of tine Del
Jct . s Hue per year but non 4 for less-sum then $5,00.
• 0. epeclal notices, Fifteen Ceuta per lino; Editorial
cr Local Notices, Tvoon 'y Ceuta por line.
INV all
,Prrpor, ro
Corning, N. Y., ji
GGISTS, and dealers in
.ono Lamps; window Glass;
and Oils, &a., &e.
co tnispLo:Rs AT LAW
01"Liu formerly oco l
W:4IA. - Niewiti.
syollaboyo i Jeu.
Owl by James•Lowroy, Esq:
J, 1860-Iy. • .
• Wit..ILIA
Insurance, Bount
Street' Wasbaro,
I A, , srutiTift,
001114811r.Oit AT LAW
and Pension Agency, Main
a., Jan. 1, 1866.
a. F. lirmsoN.
ATTORN b'Y'S • &
(First,doer from
Wiit actual] to bus
the counties of
- 'l9elleboro, Jan.
& NfLtS,
Figoney's, on filo AvenuO r --
oose entrnstod to their env)
toga and Potter. . . .
1, 1866.
- D. /IN
tail Dealer in Do ,
Planing and Tur
ELL_ & CO.,
f, and Vbolesnle and nil
ra, Saab, and Blinds. Also
l ing done to ordor.
I 0., Pa.; 3 . 4 - .'
. CLARK • .
Manaflold, Tioga'co.,••PA
May 9,1866-1 y
1, door nortV of L. A: Se.l's
iCuttibg,Fiqing, andli.traijr
? and well. .
a. 1, 1866. • .
TAILOR. Shop lir
Shoe Shop,
ing doqepwraptl
We:lls6oth), Pa., J
Bo ven's Store.
Ropaillog done p
Welloboro, Pa., J
J,LOR. Shop over John R.
;RP Catting, Fitting, and
omptly and in boat style.
ar981 4 1,
GENT for the
11 and pensions
wort, Otfrco with
byre. Pa. -
. ravrcups.t.
()Hoodoo of bounty, book pay
uo,Foldiere from OM Clovorn
ichols and Mitchell,
m3o, '6O
't - AR*MTESCEN, ,
it In'auraneci Agent, Bless
;atillvell'i Store.
- Notary rutat 9 . ii
burg, Pa., over *
ibga.County, Pa.
be6t lish.ii,tg and
ern Pounsyivani
e , :r the :woo uttried l
/he traMing pul
I A,. PROPRIETOR. This is a.
1 within, easy awes of the
hunting {;rounds in Nort4-
. Ny pains will be oared
tion of pleasure seekers and
lie., [Jan. 1, 1806.]-
PerrasPivailia H ouse.
pills popttlar hotel bag been lated) renoroteq soot re,
tarnished, and no paint will be spared to render its
hospitalities exciTtable to patrols.
.I/Sty 9,q5843.
- clot. A t: vi hotel tutiAlilo:uti thtlCipie
Of livo and Icl live, for the neeommodntiott•t.f
the pnblie,";---I , Tov. 1.1, 181iG.-Iy, •
I, 3, O. STRANG.
ATTORNEII AT LAW. .Any I,nsineE,s entrust -
&to his Ore will reeeive.prompt attention.
Knoxville; , Pa.; Nov. 14, ISOt3:—tl
rencoville, Tiogo Co., P a . ' 110 itty, Pension;
~,,i, ,I.ot.c.non Agont. i2olieot os. promptly
.ittcoded to. 'Office 2.4 door . 13e1 v sera Ii once.
plc. 12, 18813-1 y . ' , . .
4:CiEN:r for tho Lycoming Connty In4urauee.
Company, at Ti9ga, Pa_
me' 5, 186e.-3to"' '
TO-0 A , T10.9 A.
good attaabod, And an attentivin-ios
lo oiwnyo in tatoridance. ' - •
E.. S. FARR, .
0 . Protlyietor.__
blacksmith and Farrier
TOSEPIIIM:VZLY would inform tho citizens
tfr of IVellshoro and vicinity that. ho hatl leased
tte old Mack stand ; on Water. :itroo, lately 'oc
cupied by Mr. Ritter, 'where La inay be found
-prepared to shoe horses and oxen. and do all
work pertaining to his trade. lie ale() is a prae
deal Farrier, and will,freat ltorses.for diseases.
, October 24. 1806-ti
ltairdresing & Shavings ,
:•:aloofi over Will.oox. & Barker's store, Wells
born, Pa. - Partionlo attention paid to Ladie - l'
ilair-€utting, Shampooing, Dyeing. etc. Braids,
Puff , coils, and swiebes on hand and mado to or
der. -
11. W. DIMISI?.Y
GOLD received 'on doposito , for which certifi
rites will ho issued, bearing istirrevi in gold.
• E.- W. CLARK 3: CO, Bunkers,
- No . 35 eolith Third i , tieet; Phikt.
tt kcov 1.) late of the 2.d Pa. Cavalry, after
- - ; L.
near, far yeartt of army serrku.. with a large
t•x;raierrce and hotvltal practice, tat. opened au
C";k:' , for the practlce of. ruedh
a. l U U o awl surgery, iuQtl
t. f
Jttlaancbus, l'vrbonrom stauco can na kosrul
1, : , iollog the Ponns)leanta. Mad When desired.—
Wi3l v 1.4 t any vat t of the cmsulluition, or to
.I , rtuin eargtont oporntions: No 4, tlolon Mock, up
WelimbOro. Pu, May 2 7 1566-1 -
tuts the plea ere to Menu the citizens of Tioga
county thqt he Intl completed his
Tid is on hand to take all kinds of Sun Pictures,
fucit t, Amlirotypes, Ferrotypes, Vignettes,Cartes
lc Visite, the Surprise told Eureka Pictures; also
particulitr attention paid to copying and enlarg—
in; Piceur - es. • Ingraotions giyon in the Art on
. re rsnahle tertns.,, Elmira St...Manstield, Oct. 1,
1866. ' • .
vupr. 13: - Sl3lll'll, Knoxville, 'nowt Coatilb.
VT Pa., (U. H. lieehsed Agent, awl Attorney
i,r ?oltliors and their- frionds thrnnghent all tlit
!11l States,) will prosecute and enlleet with un
rivalled aticoess, •
• -, f all kinds. Also, o, ny .othr kin Of itn
azaitiq tho Onyerninent before an . of the De
partmenrSorin Congress. Temp n idernre, All
C , f l llllllniCatiOn' , Sent tot ho alto ve rt ddiels will re
ace prompt attention. - jar,. 17, i'4 ,1 1. \
DENT I i•eir Ka'
t rw
I 604 '
' t -In n ' (i.' N.. T) A Tt. TT,
ANTouLD A tly to the puldie that be i:i puma
nently ioated in Wellsborp, (()fire :It,, his
roi.ienee, near the Land Offiee and Erkeepal
Church) where he will continue to do all kind. ni
w9rl; oonOtt e d t o his care, guaranteeing e•filitOel,:
eAti4faotion whore the shill of the Denti-t' ,•at;
lr.til'rin the' tuana , retnent of cases ty.6itlitir to the
"Alon g , He will tarnish
_ter. on ;,11 nrtteri:ll4l4”.irett. •
attended in on shortest ounce, and * dime to the
heat and 11)9)4 -approved ty 14
Lysth e th use of Ar k i E ;ih e ti c :, %chich .ire per
fectly eleAsolntl atlmieiMereti hi every
whe desired.
• U sh ;t). J an. I, 1865-4 v
Airl i S r.i e r AL dc, l i NsT cr . 'it u n
n m ii . - , i . 7r S w
t --- i r .ri n'
,tice s r b,,, ,, k n s ii
IfaineE, t BrotheiA pianosi, AfAson Si Ikßi i ill Call.'""
inet nrga .., Trent, Linspy .S; C.‘. rnele‘l6r,ns, rind
ihe.B S oninger rnoloileons. llooni 01;",!. .T. R.
. .
Bnwerk's tore. Sept. 121, Ififlit.
AMP Know kind of Inninlor Korn.enc—
, no . eakage of oldnanoys—at . FOLEY'S,
' Sohn W. GoornonV 4
H t 6\
aving rettirne/1 , °lbis.. faun tk.'wlth it ideir,of
makipg it his per anent residence, solicits a
- i share of pubtie pa rouage. All business en.
trusted to hi 4 care will be attended to with
' 'frainptness and tidelity, Ottic9'2d door p.oulli
J. S. Farre'slatittft.. Tioga, ogii ?Q., Va'.
sopt. 26.'66 .. 7 te, 1. 't ';:'
(ournor limn Street a Act the Aviiiter.) . ' ''.•
. ,
B. B. HOLIDAY, Proprietor.
. .
MIIIS is ono of the inost.popular Houses in
the county. This Hotel is the wineipal
Stage-house in ; Willsboro. Btagesleavo - daily
as follows :
For Tioga,.at 10 as..m.; For Troy, at 8 a.
For Jersoy Shore every Tuesday and Friday: at
2 p. in.; For Coudersport, every Monday. and
Thursday at 2 p. m.y ' - -
J. B. Nix..r.s.
STAGES Anrity-n—From•Tioga,at-121-2, o'clock
p. .I?rom'Troy,, at A o'clock p. Frcp•Acr
soy Shore, Tuesday and FOclay 11 a. in.: P'rom
Coudersport, Monda'y and Thursday Il a. m.
N. ll—Timtuy Cowden; tho 'lntl : known host•
lor, will bo found on h4nd.
Wollsboro, Jan: 1,.1868-ly.
• .
4APNT Perfumery, Musical
Instruments and Musical Motchandise of all,
kinds, Patioy Goods of, all kindli fi
. .
p'hysician's Prescriptions etirefully compounded
October 31,.1866.4rn....._,5 , •
••• ; .
H. T. AN \ THONt tt . CO.;'
Ilfaiptracturers , :o:f Phitog;lifihic, Materials,
501 BROADWAY, N. Y.-
Ciu addition to our toni.n . buidnest of Phoiographic
Sfaterials we are Ileadcipartero for the following, viz:
Stereoscopes & Stereoscopic ;Views
Of Amerlin6i and FOreigu %I.;dud Latlscapes,
qrAtps, Statuary, etc. .
Stereoscopic Views of the War,
Froni;tiegiitiveedtiula Iti.titt;Tiefiatisiainpaigitit and
forming a complet , s Photographic history of the great
Adapted for Oilier Magic Lanterns or the Stereecopo.
Our Catalogue will be bent to any address on' receipt
of Stamp.
Wu'tnanufactnre more largely titan any other Louse,
about 200 imritftlea fry% 50 conyl tf, i spo per
ALBUMS have .the reputation of- being' mtperfor in
!loamy and durability to all others •
kit clot 1..
dillereo including; lop uctuctlouil of the moat
ceicbrai dugs, l'atutit%s; Statues. 4;k.
ieipt of t•tamp. - ' ' • ' • -
• and otherA. ordot Dig goods 0. 0. D.;
icroit 25 per,ceue. of tho amount with their
i order.• Tho prices anti quality of our 'goods cannot fail
to :mill ry • Sail, 2, 113e4-9111.
_ _
; TILE uryier.ligned - hal.4g . tit - Omsea
✓ the Drug 4tdts ht 0.-31i11erLEIl1
!* keep a Mil ap,ch of
Dye tßuffe, Kerosene Pit and Arne:el - ice!, •xyirteh.
will be as low — prieeki ns.aby otber — bsit_erbt
lishteent in the 'reentry fol•e”h.
. P., li.kON A RD.
Lawroicevills, Nov. S. —tf:
To. the Farmers .01 4 Tieva eQuiity,
lAM now lipit t ling at ray inauttfaccory, tri Lawrence
%ale. it enportor .
FANNING ..11.1 IL L,
Rhich purißeiviee the ‘tiAlowing'ativan higes ever all valet'
dnilis: •
- 1. It s(*parntea oats; rat litter. and foul seeds, and
chess and curkle, It otn wheat. - " ,
2. It clettlis flaxseed; takes out yollmerifeed, and ail
other arnla, patiently: . -
It chain timothy* smid.
, 4. It'lor•o nil other separating reroired of a .
This null i 3 built of the twit and' must (irable tiru•
bar, fn good ttyla;and Iq bold cheap for Nolo or pro
duce. , • • • . -
I will lit ft phtent, - • ,ieve t for sepniitting -bats from
Wheat, to ether mills, on resaimible terms.
Iz3wrenceville,October,lo, 1866—tf
Nast & .finerbach's
• Whore you can •always find the hest asserted
stock - of . .
Manufactured under their own supervision.
Aiao Gents' fnrnisitiay goo . c..
In their merchant tailoring establishment they defy
competition ; having the best intiorn of New York city,
and•an experienced cntti.r, Mr. it. P.. Erwin. (feb2l66ly
E.' R. • KLILI§Att, .•••
Ono door abuve The Meat Market,
RESPECTPOLLY announces - to the trading
pUblie that he has a desirable' stook of .Gio l
eerier,, comprising; Tees, Coffeee, Spices, -Sugare4
Iktolneses, Syrups, and all thet , eonstitutes,n first
i‘took. Oyuters /every• s to at alt; Sea
sonable hour'. ' ' - '
WeltThoro„flin. 2, I ii7-tf. •'
vo,,T,,Da,,„„unee tho citizens of Veifsto
-1 r 0 and •turrnantling country, that he has
°pencil a sihrit on the corner of Water and Crn,f
ton fpr the porpu...,.e. of mnunfacturing nn,
to ~r.1,•r., OP ETI NS of all kinds furnitliedgon
~Em: j „„ i i 4 . o , _ All work doll° promptly .:10t1 %V at
r. 11 4 Wellshoro, June 27, Hifi% .
x';',lti '- • , .
~, . . ... .. - •
0 1 ,
_n T sTlhi..
tglii.t.N, cirkmmAßEp„
f,. ty . Tut t. and irtiro Dealer,
' J • . oppr.ite Ihirte:?!Mugon Sbni2, `,
1 / 1 1% , ,r , e promptly iiiirci unil ; I ntifif.iciion guiCrnn 7
teed Foney Turning done to order. -
(iei..:l, 1”,6,.itr, ' ' J: STICRLIN
• •
( p
v/v ELLS I:0 Iti i PE'L'IZOLEUM CO.-
~ . Notice ti biu.oby given that th e Board of
hirerors of
.thi:i Cotop.toy at d meeting held Do—
eCutb 15. II ro. , oluttoo deeitle,l, to close up the
alf•firt of the i' ,, intotny Uri.l distribute the halarwe
In the hand; of the Treasurer, pr.!) rthr Ainon g the
holders of paid-in stook. . T
~ . property of the
C.quipany' wiWbe,aolgrand "proi:oedt, divided
inJlikemanner. , , Btoe!cholders will present their
reeeiptß to the Treasur er. By ordtr,
'Deo, IP. ISM , M.ll. COBB, Clerk,
RI.OII Huhotriian (}lase VRECS, at
. .
. . , .
: ,,- :.: 44 gi . . ,,,4, . - .:t. - L•- -i=..,,,,, ? , .yi‘ , ._ , : , “;:i:... , -;,; ,, i1 , .• 1 •'. , iu , ;a , i:c , , - L. - .i. - a..; , : , 44 - xi. - Ti:..V2,:v..a-,',i',:i,,•;, , ;:;:C,,;,_-r.a , .: - i' 0 ,.,,,i 4 '„::,:;'(...•: ; .., , :J„ , ii,4f... - -,-, -,, i•:,:3 , •; ,- ;::„ , z , ..4 - " , ......r.-•• , - -,-, ; , :•-• ,-: -.."...!3,,,- --,,, , -, ,, - ;„•.,,,:,.--4-0,-_,-,..,- , ,,....i,;,, , ;,,ri.4, - ;::-,t4.=...-.. ..._;',... ~• .1! ‘.. •,
•' :-!.. ~• .- •.. , ' ...,-, , .'..."
. .
, ,z, ....\ 1 0
.1. .
~ , ..iii.,:.l
ky .-- -- --.................. : . . :01 *. . I
t. ,
4 , 1 „-, ~„... „ ..r. ~., v., VA a"i :, - -. 2 '..! '' - ' 4 . :: , .. , : i •-• `. 2 a,a+ . I I L . : ..' i es , i'. - : , •.. , ' .... •..-1',.-' 1. a i • ''. •'. • ' ..---------\, --•a—• , 4 , - ...t: ..' ''' •• .-; -'' . .
I 1 7N-- .
1 •
t f .
- .:----.. . . . .
lii . L•11/.1. (.(s_ c. _. irl
' 1 ~' .„. , - , • „ --: ''' --.' .„„
.1 ~1 ~ il ' - • • " 1 \... -..
, 71 , :t .•: .1. ,.: ,. ...
. : ...,, ; , ): .. i .% a., ~, ' -... ~ t. - _. ~ ,. .11.1 :;., 1 "_-; ,•:;.,11, hi
yl - i•-, , •
. ' I ~, • ...-
...I:2 - 7 , - r ,• -, i •'• • . .. ,
...,„:„ . 2,.....f .,.. ..........._-,A
~;- .i., •,y1 i ) :••,:r , ,_ . • - `.!• '" ' : ' . J ' .
Stereossig>pic‘.Vieti7i on "Glass.
rhotographic Album's. •
raphs of GonpralO, States.
Actors. otC.,,bto.
11ADY:' (14; 0 0,PTIIING, • .
, t
• •
, 1 ,
'; / CREiI4I. 4 .Vit.RtAR,:
' • ' SObA,
crockery, Jars, 49s.,,Lampg and
Lanterns, Wooden-Ware of all kinds,
Iledcords, Rope,. Brooms,: .Brushes of all
Kinds; Plug & Fine Cut Tobacco,
hexing; also a large_variqy of
Fancy Smoking 'Tobacco.. . •
„ .
In regard to the sale of those goods I have a
*ord to say, in strict confidence, of course. Those
goods were purchased for cash and will be sold
for cash at prices which will make it an object
for , parchasrj paean tvle,s.
Attire an .catti
,# l :k see
the—at `thir.l: ttanti: ”
1 Wellsboro, Doe. 12, 1850—tf
i •
Claim Ageileyi.,.
iZ Atty's,collect ,PENSIONS ;
and all.othei cl'aitna ' gainsit thks Geverrinient.
I.tuler the provisions .nf Into acts of ,Congretts
$101:1' , Extra , Bounty •
Trill be pube to every,threc years' mutt who served
dut his full time,. or was wounded
. ip service, or
4as diTehavOdb,i`ricitsdn of r lireliirmlnritiort dr the
war, and to the widows. minor children or pa
rents br three yours men,
„ S - 50 gtra., Bounty,, •
,t4lll be paid to all two years' Men and their heirs
under like cirimuistanoes, and to three years' men
tylmegrvld t,wq y i ears of tbeir onlisttelint.
rn wilrany intern bimilly be paid Wben
more than $lOO has been provjously raid.
claim will be entertained unless presented
Under. RP I.I2 I I,ANDS 14:0 truitioN,sl issued (by, Ala
Far Department Sept. 22p 1K60:. : • -
The Department will icoeke claims' from Oct.
1, 1800, until April' 1,1807. In easa . of ebilins by
parents under late Do,ngrei.s for bounty,
the FATTIER aud:Nl•dtitkiitniist' lath join in the
Increase of Pension.
$l6 Ticir 1101'
iall); disabled.' " ••'. • , f;
$2 per month fur eaoh chilt3 under Lyet. tr ' a of
ago of widow Pensioners. ' •
Fileest - or - prectielriT4 - rxtrtrlttiunty;
" ;5" IlitieriEe". 4
.. . . 5
" Original Pengion,.. • 610
'4 collection the 4th o'f'Sinit.'ttnd 4th of
• " ista!ti-67117,
. „
ARE NOW OFFERING gloater inducements
thanVnito ore Co. ibo poopie of Tibila its
they have pliteo l thoir 99tiro st?cli t , ronsiAing of
- Also a large
,quantity l 'of Prints of desirable (pal
itynnd patterri with a 'largo stof of 'Sheetitigs,
OATS mtlit Calc,
, ••f ,
. „ .
At a xoduotinn of 2 . (1 25 1 p i• cent, beloW &nue!'
pricOs, - with a 4ifilv rditoing' tbele stork tor
tho spring ,"
, - We'itiviih 'all to call' anil'examina beforii
abasink%eliewbero, as N've'aie'contillent oftisting
satisfactiOrt both in priCa aid qnailty, -"
Talconsin'exchons;o for Goods
.• „ .
Jan. 34.). !STE'
..... .
, NT.P E 011.,' lUM..
ii - 1 - 3ENJ4MIN` SEELEY, 'shoe- j
maker, oeerJeromoSmith's atorp
s o g i ji ; o ft on Main Street, would just Fay tb
the Shoeless tip dilionti eFS-1 h et is,
that portion of
~tbeni who base the
a J
citiclade to ebbrig° their ebudition-L'-that - 'hb' is
now' prepared, to manunietnio coarse gentle-,
men's fine Bootti, or fit e gentleraen'S ebtirao Boots
in as ,i3uogyins a Mannar, iina 'at ota,'deitr rates as
any 'oilier, establishment thiS 'aide cif Whitney' s Cornera. ;Anything in the 1it:143.0' Shoemaking'
or Cobbling Will' bol admirably, botched citi the
shortest riotitie.' Don't e:iatein'e `my work I it .
won't "Mar iiisiieation; but "go 'it, blind." Re
member the - pl , iice, 'nex„t door to -Shiticapeare's_
Tiallor Shop.' ' '
1111,ov. 14, 1866. 7 4 f,
Of ali the Oxtles froM East
, • The eoblajar part,nontenditig ; •
He's like in time to. prove.the best. ;
Who every
,day is mending;
Bow happy he who ean„commend,„
The voles of-all hie noigbhors ;
He r s ever-unmindft4l,ef,his'end;..,
• ,And to. hie,last Still labor!.
Ztii eTim s M IT El e oul d
r e4Metfill incortn'tho people of this vi
cinily, tlutt . they have tlni agency of. some of - the,
best .
"Life & Fire Insurynee- Companies
In the States, smd,are now prepared ~to insere at
reasonable rates: •". •
Mr. MITCHELL having been appointed,
will attend promptly tu'any business relating. to
his office s whieb - mny I,e entrusted to hint, • •
•• They will be found at'the office formerly omen—
pied by .Lowroy nod ;Wilson, on.,i Mnih Street,
Welleboro, ' ' March pt, 18672-Iy. •
oviNt IIVG11.YOID:0 1, 416OR STOIIE. • f :
r ,
BOTS.ANH• SHOES of till kinds made to
order and in.the best manner. r •I
REPAIRING of all kiwis Ilene propptly and
good. Give us a call. )
.Wellaboro, Jan. 2, 1867 ly, a
WARE—Cake baskets, card 'bask
ets, castors, sugar bowls, etc., at
• , rOLEIra..
" i tlho `4°14,41; rkticora.. szoz loa. the 3E3e
• c 4.7 •
“,+l , l
Abltinds 16f • ,' •
. ,
I .VILCQX 4:,Pt2.11,1tER
1. PL,
= Harmless, happy little treasures,
Full of truth, and trust anamirth,
Richest wealth and purest pleasures, '
I , In this mean and guilty earth
How T lore y = ou, pretty creatures, " ,
= ilOoks of littlo,things! .
When the lore that lights your features,
From the heart in berty springs;
Yours the.naturpl curling,tresses, •
Prattling tongues and thyriess•coy,
_Tottering steps and hind'ettrosses,
Pure with, health, and vvarni,iyit.kjoy.
Write them childless lthoie,cold r lieiiited,'
Who can scorn Thy generous loon,
And whosesOuls with fear hate smarted,
1 Lest—Thy blessing come too -soon ! ,
Whilst helanth a . ohild to love him,
; No man eon be poor indeed;
While ho treats a Friend above him,
None can eorrorr, fear nor need.
But for thee, whose health is lonely, .
And uncluered by children's mirth,
spite of riches, thou tirt 'only
Desolate and poor on earth!
All unkl‘esed by infant beauty,
All unloved by guilelT heart,
MI unoheered by sweetest. duty,
ChiMese man, how pool• thou art !
1 THE TUVE ' I THIEvtit3
.. . I
i , Vier© e,ltiS!,ed aftciusiqi' l in 118,, re-.
istießtaiible . .e1:10,011, - to;iilionpi?t, sadyfstan,
M.,ed , Vincent
..T.;efqvre.' 'Ht's;;,
ilture . an d'.7p f ti 1,44 Assu'red`liiM• a stipli-'
feriO,y:in 144: Cild . age,..;•:. few, 'people 'died'
'w,•4l.2i93.)t,leavit!ghim'cionaetlaing'iti'thiiir ;
ivilp. • He was geed' an'd, ;Simple,' • 'add
- etidianning•Withal, an,dlfs liVed hap-
Wl,Untiplibled'hy thAre,4, ha - 11* - cm
y 0. '4l(lniatifOr, attend4r4,, Who ! Was
ci.led.Cla t Utle,s. and 'W_IXo, 4:600' , tlie"sh•-,
0 1 . 4 . 3 0 1 r0- 4 .ILi4l l (qt,; , -:: : .(,: •-• ~t.
~1 lys' he .gl'ew' ; feeble, and lt s ,lied4cie a,
trOblEl to NNA,.*l4lle 40'. 'tall:liked' to )
attend .` the„ weeklY 'Market i;I:V.MOI7B',‘I
‘t,,!:l€ l. cp . iii)'lndulged freely' s in beer s Clatide
pp,rSpaded hlin,to_pu'rehase a ate d; ; fis l o`
he,',Wolit Saturday with tt sum
of rnqueY; 'Wliiell. lie Was resolVed td,'in i ;
,•ei:tt,ll - ,i..;ct Noise or a bade,' ' ,
,The,re I'welt at this epoch' three' hien '
at -Prinietteti4 who had been 1) eyop d 'the
opitS in the holy 'war; having aeobiripty
tiredc3.ljtit. Thiprry. d'Alsace'-ian 'his
fourth mill taryPilgrlmage te aeruSalem.
they had not brought _much; that was
edifying, Opm. their • piens expedition.
A.o,turiLug, :. 'idle _ acid • diskiintited; thdY •
_fenfni itannte" agreeable ',t,o We .at the
expense of others than ,I;y• the 'Sweat of
tkeirbidirS, as Many do in ; the :Present
day'.l They ,had:erist their OYeEi.for`sonic
titne..p't u k ioli Visconut LefeN'i,
: as he
teas known iri.tiOseaaloti of ready ; Mori-,
0-;:-it',thing,'at•fliat tinie. not ''cry, yora
i,uon:; fi:ncl,afp i ll OW, ;pie3y, li*,eante aware
Of his iritentiiin, M 4 tiny a - ,Mule, ,'• five Are
telil; eVeik.tbing IS ' knOwii;.in,,'Sniall
iiifige.s.' :.trp9y:Nri , ftalit:,,4l4 po:9tp - a; theta
iaelv,ea ( la' hie - way ) each at abodValituar
ter 'of 'a Milo from 'One an other an d when.
1 1 9 qu4,z1,1;23 , on, -his mule,,,which he had
niio),apo:4 l -141:_ai.5'f....tuyar. , ?.,.:. , u-lif,...fAtoe
sail to him ; , .
,'`,l - reaven' 'prc;ipt.' ye 4, )sfessire' Viu;•
cent ! :.,Have you reade a toed 'bargain
at' the• market. of,Alons ?" '
bought . "As ,YOu' see," he "replied, i!t, b
tlils.inule." .
'IV, hat tini ' ll:? nt?,';',ft-id, the warrior front
.1 3 ,alcStinO, looking around' him. . ,
'IA7 iy,', 0 e one I am - 'riding." ~
'"YOu are joking; .No»Metir Vincent;
the beast that, you are riding .is a .
key'.' - - ' ' . • '.• .
" 'donkey ?" replied - Abe sacristan
indignantly. And shrugging hisshout
ders be continued laii - way.
; The, second rogi.4, he came tipto saluted
hini after the'sande !fashion ft and asked
111th if there ilad been a godd Market
that'day at lkitins. „ ' • , ' ' ~, '
• , '''Y, s',..a:Atiteilly," replied the skins-,
'''ind l• bolight, there the mule that
yell see. , _ ,
~1,, .
• i '' It is not.pessibld," replied 'the Other,
'that you
,taelt : it for a, mule ; it iS a don 7;
)ce.•S`." -; . ' „
- Thw old milli protested againgt lite
supposition that, thlibulWas a derikey,
but still he went away in'a - dissatisfied
Mood ; and meeting the
_third 'rogtie,
who addressed hiin in the .flu e. terms,
lie, felt 6.6' andeyed, that he juinPed ,off
ite•blitelc.witligreateiiietii7ity than,W quid
li,ayabeen expected from his' age, say
, ing : ' ;'lf itis an IiSS,. take it; and make
what you; earl of it:" .';And he, returned
hoine On fbotniudh disconcerted.
1 'came; - '"
-- a• ii i
, When he in andliTel4te .NY a
- had happened, Claude laughed at hum.
"Relative," he said, "they.hadplayed
you a trick, and for the-futureeveryone
I at Hareltisi Fit Pomerceill, and at-Saint
Ghislain, will look upon you Ram fool."
'-'"Well do' not vex yourself," replied
sacristan, after having remained a few -
Min utes :!"Irtiley have .played 'mo a
trj.ek I will play them two.",
Sothe next - day the old man went off
to Quaregnon, and he bought two white
goat§ from a peasant, whiCh , so' resem
bled,one another that it was impossible
to distinguish therm The Saturday fol
lowing,' being market-day•at Mons,. he
bade Claude' have Ei., good supper - readY f
and leaVing one of - his - goats in the gar
;den, he took the' Other with
,him to
terWn.' - The three' h ex".lertisadere. were
there; 1 . -' ' , ‘ ' , i ~'J,'' '7. ,•I. I ~ ,
-': : Wkitit do yoti come • to buy, -MesSire
Vin Cent?" said they' to ;the sacristan.
1 . "Proyisions," he replied -andif you
'will celni3 aid' litirtake of Web:With me'
it Vill 'afford me much preaShre."'— !-
~ .. ,, , • 1 ,„
Thoreoppaii i f mti''acecited' joyfully.
! The Sit'iiStari,'fitoilfig selected fish' and
poultr , placed the load on the back of
the go t, and said:l(3 - If, as if, it , could
Inkier Land him ;, i ' -. ",, ', • •
away ,lierne, Jkne'tell 'then' fo !
cool, the things forthwith, after the best
fashion.' Tell - them algo to hitVe a pastry,
'arid dbnot lbiter on the Way." • ,
The Ihree bociit eorriparilons looked tt,t.
one another in astonishment, Wonder-
Ingirthe old man had lost his senses.'
The'gOat, in the meantitne,. being set
frO went Its way, and heaven knows
into whose hands it fell. After. .baving
walked for 30i - tie' tffne' 'With his three'
gifestS, arid' rtaken of some of the old
beer for w ich Mons was famous, Vin-.
' Cent Lefe re,. • deeming 'it Was. getting
Oar sum er tine; led his „friends ; away
'to Bol.msu. When , they arrived there
thecthree ex-crusaders saw the white
goat in the garden, and took it for the
'One - they — had - seen at -- Market . They
were. filled with surprise, and their' as-'
to ii Ishii - len t arigrifented when they heard
:the sacristan say to Claude:
"Have you - done '•what I sent yen'
word by the goat?"
' "Yes," replied the other. And they
sat.dewn to table s where, were the fish,.
the poultry,, and the pastry. The
rogues looked at one another, and deem-'
- ing'that it N'ir oti ld not he very easy to
steal the goat they said to the old man ;•
"Messiro Vincent, you must sell us
that whifeg'oat." •
- .VI - have up objections," sitid the sacris
ytit,'-"if you are
,prepared to give •me
forty-golden florins for it." ,
The goat seemed well a wonder .that
~, ~.. _.l . • , •
tHe three rogiieS et.,
acid took itaway i
' - Nexfmarltet-da3
, 4 . ' Have ready for supper, -for us what
we'Shall send you, aci do us you Will
lielt4d," Then' ey took their way
, - to'
POnfiereehl to the, i arket'at Mons with
the goat, loaded it i , ith provisions; Mid
told ft whet it intik t sity to their, - tylves.
Bitt - ',*lientheY Lot home, , and they' in.:
(faired What had 'icon ,done With the
prtiyisions,sent ho eon the,geat; 'their
wi'v'es could not' 'r nilerstand'what 4 . 1.1 e3/
nidant,lfikthe goa had not c9me*,baelt ;
and . ',.inde,ed, ':like its xirctleceasor, •,#1,14'
payer More heard lA. „ .
~ - , • ''.
- '_',sohae one has Playea"you ti, °trick,"
thoy'prild i "as' yoti do ',to' others 'clailY
when you get the Chitnee.": - , - ' '',
' - The three rebbcs tooknp ' their, dag-k
gere:'in a great passion; and swore' That.
they , would ire the"Saeristan's life.
BiitViueent I . efeyre wits ; i
prepared fcir
them,.. and lied ;Warned Clap& '. He
knew' that he inist, act sbiely on tile
defensive' with th ,•exerusadors,TortheY
i li
were protected by the' CoUnt - of Hain
atdt;l3aldwin V. the 'Cotirageona,• who
always sided wi h, his old , soldiers:—
When he.saw the i. Caning in so great
a passion, he said to them: '
liste to, me. If a misfor
tune has happene I to your goat, have
patience, it will b me back again; and ,
what it has donemusti ISe the fault Of
my'relative, Claude,- who has permit-,
tettit' , to ' 'partake 'of"sonie. interesting
herbs." So Ishall punish him, as you
shall witness." '-', , - '
'And so shying he drew a lone-knife
from his glidle;' and . stabbing 'Claude
with it. There 'came' fOurth a thi;rent'df
blood (from'a bladder Sec reted hi 'his
clothes) and the feitlifer [Menden:U[oll
at the setae time its if.deaci. ' •
"Ohl miserable wretch that I ' am!"
ejteleimed the saeriStati:' ' "What litiVe'
I done'r.l have killed' my relative ,• and
nOW'T milk resinibitate him, if I have
' enl strength sufficient."
, 7 ,hile'tlie three r Ones :of Pomerdnil
stO, dAliere aghast, !the 'old' man Went •
law ,S . r . and hr6ufit'' iii - a. ' flute, upon'
which he' be to• play' a lively 'air.
Clitilde 'Moved, Stittehe'cl out his . hands,
bp'encd'hiS byes'.. dria'soeiittfter l got op
on 'l46' ' feet. ' ' 'no . auger: Of ;The Three -
thiVg had by, thislime i Passed aWat'
the Began, rode 'd tti'hyhr - the ,• s:ticri4-
tan 'rather' It - i;'' We, ', 'and finished by
giving:him fait ilorina for his' Mite.
. i,
-- AfeW'days'af rWards 'ebb of the rob-
bi3il*tit into a great' Passion with' his
`;s&ife' arid killed
n lieV:v,•ith ' hit;' dagger.'
R3iit . recovering hiniself ' afterward lid
iegretted the der, and had recourse - , to '
the'flute. - Butl Was in vain • that' he'
Pl'aYed'upOn it fr Moro than 'en hour;
his Wife 'did h t 'borne to life nein.
Wen lie relate' what had happened to
- the two others, h ie:of them said : • ' "
: "', 0
suppose it t l , is because yoU don't
ktiOW the air t the, sacristan played.
Civelt, to me, tti`tcl I Will try it." - ' '
,_ 'MO,. in order tot Make the experireent,
ii:e*, forthwith stabbed' his comrade,
Waking Sure:Of' retiying him and His
Wife afterward. , But 'he played upon
the firitein Vain : - death would not give
up eithet Or his victims: ' •
i -no two, ref:mining thieves' became I
. upon this ft:rig' A' With passion.
~. ;Vincent .` I.; fevrei" they stria,' "Is
MOO; itSaiiredly . magician,' and he shall
pay, flit ' 'these "tielt€:''deefly:' There is
onlY one way 6 -destroying otter who IS
In league :with he devil, and that, is ,to,
tio'hitn in,? Sec 'Mad cast Mtn into.' the
tlYer lEritine.",:°' 1 ' ~',--:' -i . - - - - - • . ,
-tici7Ml-464-0.01 ,g'l,Y., Went.'avia•Y,' Seized .
. r.
and cast him ii tO ' iligi lli 4ll# - ' a' - ‘".; -
As they were going along en incident
happened to di arrange their' plans for
a moment: Tle count of Hainault hap
petted to be pits fug by on his way from
Flanders wirer he then reigned, in vir
tie of his mai•rlage with Margaret of ,
Alsatia. The •twocomtades beingoblig
ed, according t the custom of the -day
to salute the co nt, and to join- his es
cort as far as the next 'village they 'de
posited the Nile - and , its contents .in ,a
ditch by the * y side, , and joined' the
. 1
procession: Ba , dw being accompa
nied by his wi e aid lion,.the brilliant
young prince- ho was, one clay to -be
Emperor of Constantinoble. • •
In the meantime; a Shepherd, who had
come to the road-side with his -flock to
see the count - o by, was' taken , aback
by-hearing tit= voice- coming-from the'.
sack, which - s hi; "They , wish me ,to .
P wed her, and won't for she .is , dame.')
The sliepher hastened to untie _tie.
„Sack arid, `Sur rited at , what' be' saw,
1 asked-the seer sten how to carii4 , there.,
-was put liere,"- said the seeristan,-
`Thecause Mon Seigneur the Courtof Hai
nault wishes me- to rnarry his danghter;i
the beautiful Yolende ; but I won't• do
it; for she is 'eine." , ' • .
, The shepherd said-‘ , r • -;• :, i
musingly,"Do you
think Messirei they would, give her,. to
me? should. be willing to marry her."
"Most assur dly-they•tvouldlo , yon,".
replied the sa Aster.; "for she.;ishune.
But you inust allow yourself-to -be, tied
in this sack, and carried away without
saying a word." - „ • . °.
F ire shepherd did eS he was batle,and
Vincent Lefevre, having tied Him, went
away with hip flock of sheep., A quar
ter of an hour afterward The ex-cruSit
ders came hack, lifted up the sack, car
ried it to the-river-side, anti then; threW
it into thewater, to the great discointit:.
ure of the poet shepherdovho,howel'er,,
was providentially rescued. Thinking
-then of the,gihriOus, revenge ;.they had
had, they took their,way home te, their
village. .A. , ,they were journeying they
saw a flock - of, sheep,Olcse . by, and' ye
solved to try iand secure a Ittralifer their
supper. ..Britlim,epproaching,the - Heely .
what was, their astonistiment at finding
that they were under the care :of the
very sacristan whom they theught, they :
had-just drowned, Ittibbing their eyes,
they. asked him i how ho heti, managed
to get out, oght l ervv,c.x. , .....,,, .., ,
.",Leave in alone,", he said 'to, thorn
,"you arena, ettcr, than:asses. • .If 'you
littd, thrown . , OR tqii pacq 3 ) ;4 1 # 1.1 .C . F ,- 1 -
'shOuld have nie, ',ink-with, ten times,
as many shep.",• , -. . - . ' , ,
- The ex-cr saders, feeling more an,
more assure that they had todeWith. a
proficient in the black Art, becamequite
I f
respectfol. , -
"Messiro yincent Lefevref' they said,
'let by-gon s' be bpgones. 'lt is hi your'
w m
power to ma honest en of us. Only .1
e lt
consent to p fibs its each in a sack, and
throw us in o the Halite as fat ea you'
"I will do it,kg reWI the sacristan:"
but only on your.promise that yoti will
become good ineraberahf society."
The rogues promised, and the old sa-•
eristan i tying each in a bag,' chat `their'
into the river 'where they reckoned up
on finding their fideirs, but only, sound
their end: ''' ' " :' " ' ' " ' '
. .
• 1
The late Jud g e F—, of Connecticut,
was not remarkable for quickness , of ap
,pthhension.l A,t a pertaiti time,rt,.w.
Sherman ..sl4sarguingfteasebeforeliiin,,
and in the course of his irernarks- :Kr. S.,
made a poi it Which the Judge, did not
at,onee see. ,"Mr. Sherman, I Would
thank you to state, the
. point sot hat I,
elm understand you." i Bowing politely,
S. re lied ,in his btw
;blandest ni
ner, ".You • liCrior is not *wig()
,of • the
task you are iniiiosing- .
I - .
A DitT t EVENCE-A woman said in a
police-couit, the other day 'that before
marriage er husband pretended to _be
much fitru l. ),,with her, but she was
every day struck -by 41m.
.4 . 13.33.133. g Cbg . "V17119101.4:31013.4"
• itiki ; '' ll, :- '
rated rn9 oy
ith, theni. " •
tiaey said to :their
Elephant tife in Smith Africa.
•C.Ommeneing with the hugest speci
men of nature's 4andiwork, the ele
phant, :We' have' generally found two -
Mil:AB points overlooked or ignored by
Writers. .. One is the rapid and noiseless
movements of this animal in the thick
eat. cover; the other, his capabilities of
paSSifig over - ground for him apparently
unfeasible. The noiseleSs footfall of the
elephant has been freequently referred
to by writers on Indian subjects, and
has been rightly asserted to be the most
agreeable feature in journeying on ele
phant back. This peculiarity may be
easily•explained by an examination of
the t:tructure of the animal's foot ; . but
the'!silent, steifithy, way in which he
willt'Pass throngh the densest thicket,
literally " Slipprog away,". when his
twine senses of smell or hearing warn
WM' of danger, has been generally over-'
looked, and: appears to us somewlu
difficult of explanation. Let any one ,
Unskilled in the mysteries of " hush
attempt to move even for a
few, :paces in any 'ordinarY fox-covert
without noise and he will form seine
idea of the difficulties presented to the
passage of so huge an animal 'bs the I
elephant through the dense tangled tin
dergrotyth lora iiiouth African " 'Ash."
Yet that,inannal,,despite his enormous
bulk will " draw eff, ' when within a
few yard 4 of his pursuer; without the
slightest noise and with the greatest
rapidity, even in the thickest cover,.is
undeniable.' We may ; however, remark
that this faculty, or by whatever other
term it maybe described, is no't pecul
iar to the erephant alone, for it has been
oli4rveti to a marked extent in the
mobse or eariboo _of, North America.—
Again; his powers of passing, over diffl
ctilt ground are.often underrated even
by hunters; ' 'When '•experiments were
first 'Made in India in training ele
phants to draw the guns, it was Observed_
with ff .il.-p ril e that the animal's powerS,
Or aseeriding steep and rugged ground
Were rar'greater than bad been antici
pated. The gun, a light
with which the t'lal was first made,
was drawn up a slope so steep as to re
qtfire the animal to erawl upon, its four
-knees, without hesitation. ; On the oth
er -hand, hampered by the' un and liar
miss, the- elephant (a., small female)
shoWed unusual .dretid of soft and
swampy ground. • In Africa, marshes
do not seem topossess,the same ;terror
for these animals in their wild state ;
for 1f they offer tempting pools, how
ever Uncertain the footing• may be, the
elephants appear to.find a track across
them. In the river-courses, too, deep
ened as they are by. the torrents-of the
rainy season many yards below the sur
-1 ft - tee of the surrounding ' country, and
having' banks •nearly perpendicular,
small shady pools close , sheltered from
the sun's rays often remain in , the hot
season When the rest of the streams has
disappeared, and to these, should no
45 - ther way be open, may be found trackg
of the animals, leaving ; no doubt they
had reached the covetediwater by slip
ping down on thelti posteriors. In what
position the hinder legs! are 'placed du
ring this operation , we cannot tell, but
the `• spoor' leaves, no doubt of its hav-
Frig been 'repeatedly adopted in places .
apparently inaccessible. The elephants
generally,remain In the thickest part
Odle forest during day, making, for the
ater, to which they often go long dis
tances, -shortly ,hefore midnight, and
returning_ to over sore hours before
dawn. - We may here remark that; al
thongh'•thesennunalsi owing no doubt
to theirafeifte .sense of hearing and of
.r.prir. have never been surprised In a
recuinoeuv- position, -....---._ . ........... T .L.
proof That the hails, at any rate, una ly
rest lying on their sides. The late' . Ir.
Gordon Cumming was, We,f..believc, the
first to note this• fact, which we can
ourselves confirm.' He ''''narked hat
the sides of the enormous 'ant-heaps, so
common in this region, were apparent
ly preferred, and that the ground was
often distinctly 'marked with the int
pressimf of the under-tusk as well as of
the animal's body. The'intluence of the
particular ; tract (IC country in Which '
they are found upon these animals, and
the inuenee which they, in their turn, -
like al other living creatures, exercise
on, th it habitat, should not escape' ,ii
short . otice, On 'the borders' of the
Cape ' olony and Islntal; We find the few
elepha tsthatromailklargo in size, but
with c mparatiVely'„small tusks of in—
ferior ivory, As we approach the equa
tor, although 'food is More 'plentiful,
we • find the animals smaller in size,
having far larger tusks-, the latterAoo,
being of an ivory
,far superior .in ' hard
ness and - clogeness of grain. Indeed,
although naturalists have not recog
nized more-than one species of the Af
rican elephant, the varieties of the ivory
experted„frOm the north, west, south
east 'coast, arid the Cape, have each-
Marked differences•of quality- by -which
they are. easily„ recognizable. The ani
mals in , turn, however, likewise afilvt,
the economy of the dcrtintry.they inhalt
it.' - The damage done evenjby a single
elephant in a - very short time to a patch
of i cultivated ground is truly frightful,
and, having been onbe seen would lead
one to imagine thatwhenniese animals
; are herded together in vast troops such'
Itai,the one seen by Dr. Livingstone on
' the banks Of the Zambesi, consisting of
over eight hundred, covering an' extent"
!of 'two miles. of country, their course
would be marked by utter - desolation.
The thus caused is not., however,
preeeptible, a fact which - that observant
traveller has attributed, no doubt-right:-
ly, to the care shown by the , elephants
in the selection of'their food, a point,. as
he justly remarks, often overlooked in
oth - dating the 4,3..tantity of food required
bythe ihrger•ammals. Again, all these
animals, rhinoceri and hippopotami,
included, are as- N. Krapf observed,
the true piOneers; " thereat pathinakers
Of the tropical i forest, which; without
theiritracks, would be often utterly im
pefietrableto man." Further, these
paths to the waters are often' the only
'open channels ' f rthe surface flow of
the heavy Tainfa s, and thus materially
contribute to tl e continuance 91 the
mate supply of he district, to the very
e'Xistence of whil htbeY owe their for
mation. While the blephant does not
thus destroy vegetation, which • would
ruiii7the 'shelter which appears indis
pensable to him, on the other hand ha
direetly'assists the productioni,of \liew
'growth by his habit• of searching to
the many succulent bulbs to be fount,
below the surface of the soil in ever s i
open space.-211r. H. Chichester, , :in
Intellectual Observer for August. ,
A good-for-nothing looking vetch
was brought up, charged with drunketf
ness.' It 'was a clearcase. The testimony
showed he had been on a spree for a
week'. He was agked , what lie had to
.say himself. "Well, yer Honor,"
'dflid he, ` i me and my old woman never
did live-easy together." -
• 11 That's.u . o excuse, for getting drunk."
said the court.
' "'You're right; yet. Honor, and so it
tmed to fight like eats and
dogs , together."
"Drinking only made it worse,'' Fut
In the court.
I That's true ;she discouraged the fib
out of in° and kept me poor, until last.
Neel:, NV
" 'Well', what did she do last we.ek ?''
"She died, your Honor."
I ‘.,Xnd you luive been' drunk ever
since?" . „
. "yes, yer Honor; I never 'could bear,
pi , ci,spetitT, l ! •
.7 7 116, PUM and Unadulterated Demoe
;raw of the X Roads receive the Intel
, figence of the refusal of the Legislature
of Ohio to' strike out the word "white"
train their Conalitutionthe rejoicings
of (be aforesaid Democracy as narra
ted .Zw their Philosopher, Guide; and
Friend, Mr. .Nasky.
' (wich is in the start uv Kentucky;)
March 15, 1867.
The joyous intelligence-UV the' glori
ous ackshen uv the Leglslacher uv the
now trooly great State uv Qhio, invotin
(town the proposishen to strikethe Word
" whith" out uv her' CenstitooShen,
reached us last nite at precisely 9 P. M.
am pertickeler ez to the eggsact, date-:- .
t q importance uv the event justifies it.
I need not, skarsely remark that the sod
11eWs 'Kra a thrilLuv satisfaekshen, nay,
nv exquisit joy, through the Corners, a
thrill skasely less exquisit than that px
perieoCpC( on the reccet uv the news
uv Johnson's 4th uv March speech, An
no,Domino 1855. I shel bo better un
derstood, probably of I state that our
thrill uv joy at this trooly unexpected'
triumph uv the 'proud CaneaSbun uv
Ohio over the inferior sons of Ham, went
jest, ez far in the dreckslien uv ecstacy
ez did our pangs uv woo on the beerin
uv Vallandigham's defect in 1865 in the
dreeltshun uv utter misery. •• In shart,
we' thrill now ez 'much cz we parigtici,
Of course a meetifelvas' called to re'-,
joie° over till& unexpected- deliverance
0 v our brethren ov Ohio from the u»en
doorable- disgrace uv - nigger equality,
try wich I wuz at firs tirade - tade Chairman ;
bu s t this wuz reconSidered, ez, bein the
only one in the Cornertedjucated to the
- extent nv writin, I wuz forced to act ez
sekretary, and Deakin POgram wuz
made chairman. It don't take a hefty
intellekto be a chairman uv a' Demo
cratic Convenshtm, but talent is neces
sary at the Secretary's table.. ,
The Deekin on takin the chair re
markt that this Nviiz the proudest mo
ment uv his life, by all odds. , Ohio he
bed given over to haardnis uv hart and
reprobacy uv, mind long ago. He lied
Made up his mind sorrowfully, but cer
tainly, to the fact that Ohio wuz A.blish-'
en, and believed that :the fanatics in
charge uv that State wood foller out
their avowed principles to their legiti-:
mit endin; and ez they bed declared
the nigger a man, wood give him the,
rights uv a man. He hod ,bin happily
disappointed—they had paused In their
mad career, and now Navin taken one
step in the direeshun uv Dimoorley' r is
titer not, he-wanted to know, reason to
hope that, they will continyoo in well
dolts ontil—he dared to hope it—they
wood pull b down the nigger from the
pinnacle on to wick they hod placed hint,
and intake him agin wathe raely ought
to be, a servant onto his brethren. 'He
hoped the brethren wood speak their
minds, breefiy though, ez him and bee
kin Oiwitt had a gdme uv seven-up to
finish, and time is wingin herself away
to her eternal borne at a rate fritef 11 to
contemplate. .
Elder Cr'avitt blessed the Lord for his.
He tilt like soundin the loud ,timbrel
0 7 ev Egyt's dark sea. I When he remem
bered that his. niggers run . away from
him and enlisted hi the Fedral ;army,
and that sich uv.ern ez vuzn't killed at
Ft. Piller and Petersburg and Ft; Wag
ner and Port Hudson wi t ier their 'eussifi
blood wuz spilt thatft he same , quantity
. uv pure white blood mite be saved, set
tied in Ohio, and glint notwithstandin
all .this, they 'meet there.jist about tin
,sarnoTrezttt UM i v tlic r —.,,,-,il taw ex p N.J.
(awed bed they stayed in Kentucky, 111 , -
olei expansi id and he coot! only rel ieve
hissielf by hollerin hafieloogy ! Its nge.,•
than he lied hoped for. His cur; wuz
•stoppin over with Wessins, and of he
shoed be taken hentz to-night he wotki
eat complain: .‘
Res.oiooshens bein in order, I riz, ci , , is
the regler thing hero, anti presentid Thu
follerin, to wit : I (
!!'areas, The Demoorisy uv Ohio,
with a glorious company uv Ablishnists
follerin ny em, hey, - for • the time at
least, squelched the impious proposition
to give the nigger, wich aint fitted for
it by edjueashen, the 'ballot, theretbre
be it. .
i • - s- ,
_Resolved, By the Dimoerisy -tly ate"
Confect& X Roads; wich is - n the Sian.
uv Kentucky, that we send greetin to
our b
rethrin uv-Ohio, and extend to ern
our hearty congratulashens on 'llw, re
sult, and earnebtly ,hope that ere: long -
the few remainin"pints nv dilferenee
between us and thetas; may- be Sefton:it
&wit, andl that we May yet live and
love together.
Resolited, That after this 'manifest:l
- Ili' Ti l' eturnin reason, are satisfied
that there ain't sieh a cussid site of dif
ference, after all, between a modrit Ohio
Reptihilk in and a X Roads Democrat :
not enuff to keep em from fraternizin
on alrhost anthill. ~, ' , '.
Resolved, That ez Ohio het very .pror
perly rofoozed to give her niggers the
ballot, how kin her Representatives in
Congress insist on felein us in, Ken
tucky td do it! We ask this in thunder
tones. . .. - .
Resolved, That the thanks uv ,the
Ditnocrisy uv -this peel:shin uv K'srn
tucky be extended to the TRepublikin
me übers uv the Ohio Letislacher who
so i obly come to the rescoo uv our more
iM edit friends fry that Itly,:ez from
i i
this time put we sliel be ble to keep
our niggers here,dnezmuch ez' thiSmig
ger Who Would tun from Kentucky to
Ohio, after this- hekshen, would prove
hisself to be a mist eggregis loonatic. ,
- I lied several other resolushens, but
Bascom cut em short by movin the 'crop=
siren nv sich ez lied bin read, and the
non-readin uv the 'balance, wieh "wuz
vociferously adopted. Bascom Kion't
like . Democratic meetins—they ,nkkepy
the attenshun uv his customers and
thereby interfere Wltthishiznis. '
•After the meeting adjOurned, h trooly
iiiThetin sceen transpired at his grosery.
'I announced to em my unalterable de
termination tcPchange my habitashen.
I. feJt, I remarkt, that Ohio offered a
more profitable feeld for my labors, and
that senee the Legisiacher try that State
lied spoken,.l hed determined to lokate
the Institoot in' Ohio, it bein,. in my
'honest opinion, a betteropint therefor:
The Democeisy uv Ohio are, it is tree,-
in a minority, but how Jong . will they.
.bes•o?' They are positive in ther beleefs,
while they enemies ain't, to any alarmin
extent. The war-z-the danger wich
threatenertem—held em together, and
after a fashion give em backbone, and
for a. time they conkered:but now— I
them bands hein broken—that stimulus I
bein taken away—they are jist ez timid '
ez stec ninny rabbits. .They startid on a
principle with they are afeerd uv—
they are travelin a road they ain't got
no loVe for, and are startin lit the shad
days uv the lions on either side; they
are livin on buttermilk when roast beef
is jest cz easy to git.: I have longed and
yearned, and agonized for years for a
eiVilimi' state, rich in the means, uv .
mil,-3i s tenei, wn,o, , ,e'politisittins sttherdi-.
nate principle to county offices. Sieli a
Slate i. 3 Ohio, and rich a field and stein a
'people T shel never be able to flit ci agln,
anti 1 ao. There will I erect the in- t
• V , I
Ilaseom objected. He couldent go nOr,!
I'shoodent. He hod an interest in the
establidtment nv the iettitoot at this
pjot he waited the population uv the
Corners increest, hein certin uv gittin
the heft uv thelnlitim uv evry tn i tui 'Milo
NO• 16
The Proprletora have s locked thoostablmhtrient valet
a largo assortment of moderostylea -
and are prepared
.to eAce - ate nently, and, pparoppy
TO . Ni''NSII/, °nail a, •
pos t Mortgagos, tcas.s, nhd^n full assortment of
Coot/titles' and Jnstlces' Blantot, constantly on
oplelry In g at st. tlkttencecawlopond onbavingtbolr
worli,lono promptly : mitt :lent bad. in rattan mall •
rj,3crtcr.—Roy'tliloclt ,Sccond Floor.
shoocnettle there. He eckid not deny
that*ico, the institoot wood do just ez
%Veil in Ohio as in KentuCky, and pet=
haps b6tter, ez while.theyi, were goin on
the genie principeus, they "heel ro
tuoney, and p.f \ be coed leave ha Ntood
ent mind changin,tito,locAtion, but that
was impossible. In the _pursoot uv his
eallin holed absorbed the heft uv :tho
real estate of this seckshen, and heck
mortgages on the balance, and. that ho
!nest etTiy - to take care of It. Ile didn't
like to assert his power, but ho'begted
the Professor to remember that ho coed
en't leave. without Pettlinp - , atlds bar for
s,ix months sustenance, and that they
wu,a law In Kentucky giVen creditors °
power over abseondin debtors.. Wood
it be convenient for any one uv the Di
rectors or Professors to settle their ac
countu? Hal ha!
FI4NV the pint and wuZ forced to take
the back track. I can't go. IS it not a.
1)11min-shame that a paltry bill at the
bar of paltry grocery S1100(1- keep me
from lecatiu-in a Start where the Dim
ocrley. 'by sheer impudence. kin bully a.
Abliebin majority sixty thousand'
Into gbh' hay k onto their principles and
into acqu'e.oenco into 'their ; ,, darlinest
dogmas? Wood that sum 'Ankhu wood
strike the chain 9 of debt from my Ihns,
that I mite fly to other and fairer scecns.
Pmnot:cum V. .N•Asnar, P.
(Wick is Postmaster), and liitowise Pro
fessor uv Biblical - Politicks in the =
Sou tern Clasiklet & Military In-,
- etlt ot.
Wealth And • Poverty Of Our StEttea
• - men.
Jefferson died conwaratively
Indeed, if Congress had Ift)t , purchased
his library, giving him five tirnes
ue, he would, with iiiflleukty, , halie kept
the,wolf from the door. "4
Madison* saved his •moriey, and was
comparatively Toads to his for
tune however, or rather that of, his wid-
Congiess purchased his manuseript
papers, and paid ;330,000 far them. '
James Monroe, the sixth IYAesident of
the United States, died so poor that his
remains found a resting place . through
the charity, of his friends. They remain,
in a cemetery; hut no monuMent,marks
the spot where they repose.
John 'Quincy Aaains left some .5,50,-
000, 'alb result of industry, prudence and
inheritance. ' lie was a man of method
and .eoeibomy •
- Martin Vah Buren • died rich.--
Throughout hip poiltleal life, he studi:
ofisl v loblital out for his own interests.
Lieury Clay left a very handsome
tate. It probahly exceeded- 3100,000.-
1-3 e was a prudent nninager'and a s,eru
pulonsly lionelt man.
James R. Poll: left about .5150,000 1
$50,000 of which waS saved from his
Pre:, ideney of four ca.r4,
I)aniel AVeb:ster squandered some
in his lifetime, the product of ,
his proa;--i-slonal speculation. ' He' died
1115 propep.y to hii children and .
hi* to his friends. Tiled former
sold for leas than Th.ttet
ceed i he:
RAW Tyler left :7151000. Before/ he. ; .-
waa iciest Ile was bankriapt. In
(Alice ; 1, . hu:lonclea - means, and'
then 1;ell wife.
y 10.•
iuJ i:\ a wealth ymaan,
i and \ u.‘_,:.ey in a sti ow!. box.—
I? t.or,. 1),•- , r u:vienid in :pe culation
a id vice.
!Ilan year:, tl:6 - .ll)P.ll•filie Court
of Ma- commenced its ses:sion,
.Letiox.; Iserltsliire
hn :11711 ii goinc,nts were
hold in id] the counties east-
e,:frde- ..:`;auttwket and
~Labraclip,T all of
proi,cr, This fx, called the
" tall cilw.ut.'• • in t. 1“.• &piing the cir
cuen it 4 4 ti!e Di , , , irii.;to/ NrZIP held,
thus completiu.,:the eirtuit of the year.
At ill'.:•oearly_ . -pi,r od the late Judge
ehe of 'the court, invariably trav
eled (iFr I:4l:,ehael;. On ono o( ?Q asion,
Ow-meeting o the &urt
was jogging
4110ti. , ,,r.her liif.)wilw,. exactly the localir
tie,F.t&f:erkcddre county, and fallinc , In
with t i tf;ntu - 2. , :rw England girl on
ho.Csebaf:lt, inquir,ii of her if zlielneW
where i.e4lhould ufa off Imm the main
road I.k ! to Lenox.
" she 9 ." 1 know
evet , y imu 111 a way and can guide
von.'! , •
Juege P—, who waa tl
little :-=.entrie r and withal somewhat
renowned .or lti genifne,:s and coarse
maninmz!, " if yon are going that way I
will e'en jog on 16Iith you, jor poor coni-1
pcudy Tic (te r vane I"
Tile y did jog on, entered into conver
sation, and had a ploitsant time of it,.
which hArd the °fleet to destroy the eon
,eioustre dir,tanee. ,Aiti length the
Judge felt that it wa!) ti6re to Wave ar
rived at rho point where she said he,
toriA turn off; which, a be time of his
inquiry, ,ho had stated t be about two
lklittlatp," said 116, have we not
got hear the place where I ata -to tarn
"•La! yes," Fuld she ; "!we passed it
about a miic and a half • baCk !"
"You liosey," f•aid the,Tudgei ." why
didn't you tell we?"
" La, sir, the reason I didn't was, that
r thought, with you, that poor compa
ny was ktterthan none 1"
NEVER GIVE UP.—Many a premature
death has occurred in conseque
giving up. The siek.'person becomds
discouraged, thinks he is going to die,
and , dies. , Friends think they have
done nil they could, death Is Inevitable'
and let disease take its course.. There'
can be no doubt but that in Many such
eases hope still cherished, and the per-,-
severing ur.e of means, might have saved,
useful life,
. .
So also in the struggles of active life.
The firstsPepoh of Disraeli in the House
t .
of Commons waif -a complete failure,,
his speech it is paid being stifled in the
derisive lau titer of the -House. He
thus closed : " I shall sit down ' now'
but the um' will come when You will
hear me." 7,\., umbers have sunk into, in
significant nutlet; a less -rebuff. Disra
eli was made of Sterner stuff Though
it took hina seven year: to recover from
his disaster, be redeemed his promise
and on becoming ells:lei:10r of-tile ex
thequei, "clad in the sathe gartnatts he
had worn at the time of his reno*ried
failure, delivered to' fi closely crowned
assenThlage the most Cliiant and the
ablest budget speech thKbad been heard
there. since the days oe Williaai' Pitt."
,Every one :should. Ceel that Ixe fs im
ujertal till h;:s work
. is done. "Try
a , .lain," is at pooh for ale adult as for the
ciii4d. If coilviacial that our cause is
wrofe , , the r,701)01 it I , :i rcnieuneed the
b ertc ,. c on , e l'/ (1 , ) QV ii; but!‘vileil con-
te - nclfog for the r:;,•,ltt. ad:Hit tiu defeat as
do tl. We le:tri l r.sioro from,
a tailor° than a: to-c , c , ....., - 211111;1:11111 it tk/
tv)count. -.l.oultt ever be
our aim. all,. rat ;lo incans, rely
onAlie ullintat„ - : triumph oPright,, pr-)rse
vete in , :! - .1 , ..-e.1.4c":>0,c.v.:e?,:3, and
failure will nevorf.. , e, iii,u(l.l)cdOn your
- work. 4 Tlw irre:olu te a tul hal f. heart.
eti have no good. to Oxp,4:!t, ,ff6r that
wou4l6nly be ~..q,i,romiurn on imbecility.
• When a loaq.•,e apl.pc.ache:-: you and
appeals to you With the remait. th4t ho
has no money, tell him that you bavo
none but what you have waled. •