The Tioga County agitator. (Wellsboro, Tioga County, Pa.) 1865-1871, March 27, 1867, Image 4
ZIEMD - WO.N. AND TEED CAT The faun:id the o* se they ,travolod one day, With moral &women out shorter the way; "'Tie great," says the fox., "to make justice our gaSite r "Hisw go diks is mercy," Grimalkin replied. 11:111* thus they proceeded, s wolf from the wood, Impatient of hunger end thirsting for blood, Rushed forth es he sew the dull shepherd asleep, And seised for his supper ea ixmocent sheep. "Se vain, wretched victim, for merry you bleat, When mutton's et head," 11176 the Snif f "I en!' eztalalktis sstetlahodp—the fox stood &abut, Te'sae the fell beast st his bloody repast, "Inset a wretch," says the =A, "'tis the rant of brutes; Dees beleed upon tech when there's herbage and moat Oda the fox. N while the Wu gin . ns soothe so What • tyrant is this to spill issmooent blood f" Wen, °award they taereted s and they moralised Tilftluay c o mae whereosoze poaltsy picked Ilia Sy a mill. Sly Itsyni.ra surveyed them with gluttonous eyes, And the spite of- morals a chicken his prise. A moose, too, that chanced from its covert to - .may, The greedy Grimalkin reeved as tlr prey. A'spider that. sat in ha weon theas - 11. Pereet...ed the pear vial= sad' pitied their fall. She cried, "Of snehmadenhowgoiltieu amli Do rso to resole oz. s oar taken IST. =3 tat halts or oar neighbors with heal= we blame, MA tax not oarselrei, though we prude* the mow Waste - vtd - Want - --- Mrs: - Haskell,' in the Household Encyclopedia," enumerates a long list of small household leaks, which we =amend. to the careful attention of every housekeeper. • ''The vinegar on pickles loses its strength or leaks out, and the pickles become soft. Apples decay for want of looking -4 - brliepons for want of salt. and 'the beef because the brine wants scalding. Hams become tainted or filled with vermin for want ofright protection. Drled- -beef becomes so hard that it cannot be &at. _Cheese moulds, and it is eaten by rigniand vermin, Lard is not well tried in the fall, and beemes_tainted, but spoils for want of being wenn:Lade at first: Bones are burned that would make soap: Ashes are thrown out carelessly en dangering the pr atise* and being wasted. Servants leave a light burning in the kitchen. ,when they are all out of an evening. . Table cloths and napkins are used as dish wipers. - Table, linen is thrown carelessly doWn and eaten by mice, or put away w.sneu in. Mats are forgotten to be put under hot dishes. Tea pots are melted by the stove. Water is left in pitchers, and allowed to freeze in winter. - Slaps for cows and pigs are never saved. China is used to feed este and doge on. Pie-crust is left and laid by to sour instead of making a few tarts for tea. Cold batter is thrown out because but little is left. Cold puddings, are considered good for nothing, when oftimes they can be steamed for the neat day, or, as in the ease of rice, made over in other forms. Vegetables are thrown away—that would warm for breakfast nicely. Dish cloths are thrown where mice can destroy them. Soap is left in water to dissolve, or more used than necessary. If bath bricks, whiting, rotten atone, etc., are used much is wasted, The scrub brush is left in water pail scorched by the firs, tubs sod barmier left in the sun to dry and fall apart, chamber pails allo:Ved to rust, tins dried and iron ware rusted, nice knives used for cooking in the kitchen, silver spoons used to scrape kettles, or forks to toast bread. Rinsings of sweet meats or skim mings of syrup, which make good vine gar. are thrown out Clothes are whipped to pieces in the wind, fine fabrics rubbed on the board, ' and laces torn in starching. Brooms are never hung up and gad ones are spoiled. Carpets are swept with stubs hardly fit to sweep the kitchen, and good new brooms used for scrubbing. Towels are used in place of holders, and good sheets to iron, taking a fresh one every week, thus scorching nearly every one in the house. - Fluid, if used, is left uncorked, en dangering the house and wasting the alcohor. Caps are left from lamps, rendering the fluid worthless by evaporation. How To Me= GOOD DirrAtErk—No matter what breed you have, something is necessary to reach the highest success fn raising good milkers. It's a great thing to have good blood, whether It be Ayrshire, Jersey or Short Horn grades, but apart from this important advan tage. the course of treatment in raising a milker is somewhat different from that in raising a beef animal, or an ani mal for labor. The calf should be well fed and pet ted while young. Well fed, to induoe a ed - Fslo - edattB'^ttlglittfer to time in early ; petted to .make her gentle and fond of the presence of her keepers. Fondling: helps to create a quiet disposition, so important in a dai ry cow, and their education must begin when young. For a milker we would have the heifer come in at two years old, and she has been well kept, so as to have attained a good size. she .is old enough to become a cow. She will give more milk for coming in early. It forms the habit of giving ,milk., and ' habit, you know, is a sort of second na ture. An older bull is better. We use too many young bulls. A three or four year old - bull is far better as a stock get ter than a yearling, and many prefer a five or six year old to any other. After th e ff, haa enrna i n let. her_ feed be regular. .Clover is preferred to all others for the stall fed. A little oatmeal in duces a large flow. Indian meal is rath er fattening. In bad weather, give her a clean airy stall—Massachusetts Plow 171=1. A story is told of a soldier who, about one hundred and fifty years ago, was frozen in Siberia. The last expression he made was,— It is ex—." He then froze stiff as marble. In the summer of IMO some French physicians found him, after having /aid frozen for one hundred and fifq .r. ,y_ears. They gradually thawed Tim, add - then, animation being -re stored, he concluded his sentence with " 'me:tingly cold." " Well, Tom," said a blacksmith to his apprentice, " you have been with me now three months, and have seen all the different points in our trade. Iwiati to give .you your choice of work for a awhile." " Thank tee, sir." _ "Well, now, what part of the busi ness do you like best!" "Shuttin' up shop and going to din ner, sir." DOUBTFUL ABOUT ITS EFFICACT.--A. woman being enjoined to try the effect of kindness on her husband, and being told that it would heap coals of fire on his head, replied that she had tried water." and it didn't do a bit of good. She was rather doubtful about the efficacy of "coals." THE -,-GREAT ) cENTRE::or- ATTRACTiCAN IS AT LA.WRMCCEITILLE G. S. MATHEI & Would anieurme to the good people of Tioga County that they bate lust returped from New York with their second full stook of FALL & WINTER GOODS, embracing all the noreltiea as well as the cab. mantials required. DRESS GOODS in all varieties, STAPLE & FANCY GOODS, HOOP SKIRTS, & BEST FRENCH WOVE COR SETS, GLOVES AND HO- YAJC,g.EE 110.: - FURS ! FURS ! I MINI CONY, and Siberian Spines tht, linen Stock of CLOTHS '&-CASSIMERES in the county, READY MADE CLOTHING, and CLOTHING made to order super- intendedby first class to? kmen. SHOP MADE BOOTS & SHOES in end— key variety. EATS ,& DAPS to suiVan tatter, • GROCERIES, &C., &C. Our goods haie been bought daring the last panto in New York and will be sold at panic prices. _ Prices asp- down, monopoly broksqs_up. No other stoptariniiieS4-Cotep - iti alfth iur in qual ity and price. For farther particulars call at the store of C. S. MATIIBR tr. CO. Laurenoerille, Dec.l9, 1868. LATEST FASHIONS_ DEMAND J. W. BRADLEY'S CELEBRATED PATENT DUPLEX ELLIPTIC (OR DOUBLE SPRING) SKIRT. ITE Weadiettil fleXlbility and greet' ceinfort' and M pliesassith *styled, sreerhil the Duplex 8111ptlo Skirt, will be experienced -particniarly in all crowddd usembliea, opera., carriages, railroad cars, church-pews, um chairs, far_nrosnenade end Wonns dxeee, ar the era's, can be folded when In Tv* to occupy a, small place a. mutts and consantantly Wrs silk or mtudiredress. en la , eallaikt . le quality/a cultiallne,,nat; totind:in ant jingle spring Qum A lady Laving enjoyed the pleasure, comfort and grunt convenience of wearing the duplex elliptic steel spring skirt fora single day. will never afterwards dope.° with their use. For children, Misses and yonng Indies they are superior to all others. They will not bend or break like the single spring, hr.t will preserve their perfect and gracefal shape when three or tour ordinary skirts will have been thrown asides: Useless. The 'Poole ore covered with donbletstid twisted thread, end the both& rods are not only dun. ble springs, bat twice (or double) covered; preventing them from rearing out Vben dragging down stoops, stairs .kc. The Duplex Elllptio is a great favor:to with all ladies, and isumversally recommended by the fashion Maga. sloe., as the standard skirt of the fashionable world. To enjoy the following inestimable advantages in crinoline, viz: superior quality, perfect manufacture, stylish shape and finish. tit-midday, durability. comfort and economy, inquire for J. tV. Bradley's Duplex 16111p tic,or double spring skirt and be sure you get the gen uine article. ---. _ C AMTION...-iTe guard eigairret- inspoeition, be particu lar to notice that skirts offered as • , iiiiples" have the red huh stamp, viz: ~ . 7 W. Bradley's Duplex Ealptla Steel Springs," upon the waistbandrrione others ore genuine. Also notice that crery hoop will admit a pin PPM egeVenn i th i pil Th win Weldon not to be found in any other skirt. - For sale in all stores where first class skirts are sold throughout the United States and elsewhere. Manu factured by She sole owners of the patent, WESTS," BRADLEY &CARY, Jan9,bui 97 Chambers &79& 51 Reade its., N. Y. Stoves t StoteS : AND HARDIVAREI MR. WILLIAM. ROBERTS begs .to announce to the alums of Tioga County, that In addition to Ids excollont stock of Stoves, Tin-Were, Brittanla, and Sheet-Iron Ware, he has, at a great outlay, etocked his storo on MAIN STREET, WELLSBORO, with a cdniplete aisoitient of Shetf tfardware of which we enumerate the following artiulea : SPIEES„CROWBARS, X CUT MILL, HAND AND 'BUCK SAWS, ' BUTTS, STRAP HINGES, CARPENTER'S TOOLS, PUMPS, AXES, r _AUGERS, _ BITDSTOCKS, HATCHETS, CHISELS, SHOVELS, ,SPADES, FORKS, BENCH-SCREWS,, WOOD SCREWS, CARRIAGE BOLTS BIGFRIS, W-46/lEltti, 74 , IPEtam.8. AXLE TREES, ELLIP - TIC • ; SPRINGS, 3ilOß.SEplagiFfS, WACk?, BAR, 13A1415.ditnuismE HASBENEM3IORN POPPERS, ,' , J. J SAUSAGE CUTTERS AND STUFEE.B.S COMBINED. Also, PISTOLS, PISTOL CARTRIDGES, POWDER AND -- - . -OAPS;,: EaNiIiNGS a new thing, and made for rue. These are bait a few of the many articles eomposing our stook of Hardware. We invite the public to call and examine for themselves. We aim to keep the beet quality of good, in our line ; and all work to order done promptly and well.- WILLIAII ROBERTS' Welliboro, Salt. 1, 1866—tf. NEW FLOUR; GROCERY, AND PRO VISION STORE. Edwin B. Carvey, It ready to furnish al:Women with FLOUR, COMMON TO BEST, PORE, HAMS, MACKEREL, WHITE FISH, CODFISH, AND PRIME GROCERIES. OF ALL KINDS. -IMs 'Next door to Converselootore. elloboro, Deo. 12, 1866-Iy. FOLEY has some more of watches, at No. 5 Uniop Block. IME 471ENERAI, wboletale agent for the Celebrated PATENT PLATE PIANOS• manufactured by DECKER BROS., CIIICIIERING &RON'S PIANOS, ILAINES SILO'S PIANOS, MASON HAMLIN'S CABINET oßciepze, and Treat, Ltrusley do Co's Melodeons. Ordersfrom dealere and Teacbers especially aolicited. Address, L. B. POWELL, July 20. 116 Penna. Avenue, Scranton, Pa. NEW GOODS AND NEW PRICES T. A. WICKHAM'S TIO GA, PA. WM HAVING Just returned from New York with New and carefully aelected STOCK OF GOODS, Alllhos• tq of , ,GeKtior y thid-itA tholl; ; 1, 1 1 4' EXAMINE OUR STOCK and learn Prioes before buying elsewhere KeipeOna - binily *- on DRIED - ERBIT, 'GROCERIES, FLOUR PORK, &C., &C All tij above Goa lowest Cash Prices and will be sold ONLY FOB. CASH on READY PAY Don'tretitiaiilite4;. ilitc:Aild stand o VAN NAME & WIcEE 'lingo, Pa., Feb. 20, 1867-tf. Card, Staales.f Are: SOng. ARE PREPARED TO SELL AS CHEAP as any dealera in the county, a general as sortment of _ DRY GOODS, READY-MADE CLOTHING, HATS, CAPS, BOOTS A SHOES, FUR. NIGHING GOODE, • EARTHERN,USTONE; AND 4LAB9 WARE in short, everything usually kept in a country store, all of »blob will be sold as low- as else. where, for • READY PAY ONLY! No trouble to Show Goods. CALL AND SATISFY YOURSELVES. STAPLES 44 00„ - grateful to old patrons for past favors, hope for a continuance of the same. Raving formed a copartnership with G. P. CARD, they feel confident that they out do 'TOM/ a larger assortment. COMPETITION DEFIED ! CARD, STAPLES & SON Keeneyviile, Feb. 21, 1866,1 y. Hartman's Safety Bridle and LiiieS. ' ' (Patented November:7,lB66.) AMOK" valuable article for all who drive bor• am. See "Agriculturist" for March, 1866. .hecomtoMaard by' Wilkes, of tho Spirit of the Times ISonner, of the New York Ledger, and many other celebrated horsemen. The subscriber owns the patent for Tioga, Sus quebanun tad Bradford. counties. Individual or township rights for sale, on fivorable terms. Harness makers who wish to make the lines for theireastothers who buy individual rights, will be dealt with liberally. By a alight alteration, the safety linesmay be attached to almost any bridle. ,-- . All persona are eantioried against making or acing the'brldle - or lines, in the counties aferesaid, without authority from the undersigned. • —Rommiim-43...szaiitstAh. We115b0r0d10pf.37,.1156:.-tf.., WAUSAU & &4711120 P, ~ARP3VARE,_ IRON, STEEL, NAILS, STOVES,- TIIV. TVA-14, BELTING,III4,4IILIRT, WATER LIME, ' • AQBI Tat riAL Mi.;ScErS, Carriage!' and -Harness Trimmings, :4.A.2,ISrESSES, SADDLES, -Lc Coraing,,lL T., E R. KIMBALL, . , GROOERY AND RESTAURANT, One : door above the Meat Mtiiket, -WELLSBORO, PENN ,- A, RESPEOTFULLY announces -to the trading Pablic that he has a desirable stock of Oro aeries, comprising', Teas, Coffees, Spices, Sugars, Molasses, Syrups, and all that constitutes a Skat e:Lass stook. Oysters in every style at all sea. , seeable hours. Wellsboro, Jan. 2, 1867-0. - EOHN 51T3311, trrarniinonue fo the citizens of Wellsbo- VT ro and atirricindlag country,. that he has opened a shop on the eoraer of Water and Crof ton streets, for the purpose of manufacturing all kinds of ,CABIN - ET FITBSITITBE,-;- ' REPAIRING AND TURNING DONE to older. copFars of all kinda furnished on ebort notice. All work done promptly and war ranted. W ellsboro f Jun e 1886. WELLSEORO PETROLEUM CO.— Notice is hereby given that the Board of Directors of this Company at a meeting held De cember 15, by resolution decided to close ,up the affairs of the Company and distribute the batmen in the bands of the Treasurer, prorate among the holders of , stock. Tbs property of the Company will be sold and the proceeds divided in like manner. Stockholders will present their receipts to the TV/145M. By miler, 'Did; 19,1866.' M. R. COBB, Clikli; . . A. PARSONS , ' - ONSMEM Is now iStltitg his entire stook of , DRESS GOODS, SHAWLS CLOAKS, BALMORALS, SKIRTINGS, )3EA - . VERB,- COATINGS, eAsSi ?ORES, FLANNELS, &C.; et largely reduced prim, in order to prepare for Spring Trade. , My stook has been Tut of bar gains all the tesson; ,and the: present* lednation taskt! 'front induiegt,nte to . any one w wants goods in out line, to fall and see tis. bo The Do matte stock is as large now as during )he fall, and averages lower prices than at any time this eason • Best Prints only is & ed per yard fast col's 15 eta per Yard.' "ate' only Is per yard l'lJ4itrown Sheettngs only Is pei yd. He Skirtings yd wide, is &8d pr yd. tacky Jeans 25 cents per yard. t Bleached MUlablEi yd wide, 25 eta per yd 'otids eqinilly%ll6p: Isdeisiv; call especial attention to my Mock of custom work } ftun2 ha Obestir .Eihoe • Manufacturing CO, ca ~'=_-~ Ladies' rid potish Boots, • ' • Lailiee%id Ladies' Kid ConOWS gaiteri,, ‘ • Ladies' Kid plain Boots, Ladies' Lasting Congress Gaiters, Misses Kid Balmoral:, ,„ Children's Kid Shoes, which work we warrant to be of the beet class and intend to sell it at a much lower scale of prices than such work is usually sold. " I intend to do the same by this work that have always, done by my stook of Riehardson's Boots and Shoes, warrant every lair, and make good any that:fail to give satisfaction. I intend to give OPPOSITE ROT'S BUILDING, tbMwork a fair trial and think the arrangement' will prove advantageous to my customers. = WHOLBEILE DRIV 11101111. CORNING, N. Y. n13.17G8 AND MEDICINES, PATNA) JI-0' AND OMB, THADDEUS DAVIS' EMS, CONCEN MATED MEDICINES, CIN- • CINNITI WINES AND BRANDY, WHITE WASH inn; KEROSENE LAWS, PATENT ME) LINES, PETROLEUM OIL, ROCHESTER PER- Ftrmgai • '% AND FLAVORING: EXTRACTS, WAtL PAPER, WINDOW GLASS; t 1: - AND DYE COLORS, Sold at Wholesale Prices. Boyers are requested to call and get quotations before going farther 1712 W. D. TERBELL & CO. Corning, N. Y., Jan. 1,1866—1 y Clothing; Clothing • ' : T HE eabaarihetbntrtg now determined to ' Y e6od;6tit ms '§,TooK WINTER•-: I CLOtHING UNDE.RGAIWRIYTF,Ic.; Offers the whole for THE NEST THIRTY DAYS, 1 At actual COST for cab This stock is Largo and Midstlye, sod will be found worthy .of adoption, as it comprises a great VARIETY OF BICH & ELEGANT CLOTHING, He Imi veers bts stook of WINTER DRESS GOODk_ which comprises a great variety of Trench Me rinos, Coburge, Paramettas; together with about 20 SETTS of ILMINEV Maio on the same tame. .2'BOEIAB WoUsbato, Reb, 24-use7t J. L. PELP EN, LOsStuitG; 191 KREPS constantly onband a tlno stock of Pore Drags, godieinne, Chemicals, 'ie., for Medicinal and Sacremental use; also all tho pipttlar Patent Medicines, Paints, Varnishes, Oils, /be., all kinds of hrushes, Dye Colors, D,yo WOods and Stuffs, 4no Toilet Soaps, Perfumery, Pom ades, Cosmetics, 1 e., r Memorandum Books, Pass Books ' de., _Potash in bulk at 15 cents per ponnd, Rosan n e Oil, Lamp Oil, Turpentine, 13ensine,-.50. Fresh Oatmeal and Pearl Barley at 1.0 cts par pound. I am nolo agent in 131essburg for Dr: N. Weaver's Bit. Fireweed, cud warrant it to male Scrofula, Balt Rheum, Scurvy, Pimplea on the face,, and all diseases arising from impure itate of the Blood if used according to directions, Particular attention given to ceinpeuuding Physician's and other Prescriptions. I guaran tee satisfaetion. both in quality and price. Remember the Store, oppobite the new Coal Co's Store, Blossburg, Aug. 15, 1866—tf. J. L. BELDEN. C • do N. 111,111410N3YS NURSERY.— Middlebury, TiOga Co.; Pa., Bltnatedbri•tbe Plank Roal, 4 miles from Slog& We are prepared to furnish 100,000 Fruit Trees M the following prices: Appletices—large size, 25 cents at the Nursery; SO cents delivered.- Common size,-20 cents nt the Nursery, 25 cants delivered. ,Year Trees, 50 ets. Suumni APPLES.—Burnham Harvest, Early Harreiti Chenastgo Strawberry, Washington Strawberry, Bed Astrachan, Seminar llellflower, Simmer (paean, Summer King, Sweetpew,,Sour Rau, Arrtus.—Famouse, Gravenstein, Rambo, RibstonPfppin,..Fall Pippin, Republienn Hawley or Douse, Mattletes BMA, Large Wine, Ladies' Swotting, Lyroart's Pumpkin Sweet. WIPTER APPLZ9.—Baldwin, Bailey Sweet, Black GiMower, Blue Pearmain, American Gol den Russet, Roxbury Russet,Rbode Island Green ing,Esopus Spitzenburg,-Swaar, Sweet G allover, Sugar Sweet, Honey Greening, Honey Sweet, Pound Sweat, Pound Sonr, Peck's Pleasant, Tall num Sweet, Tompkins, Co. Ring, Wagner. ZBARS.—Bartlett, English Jargonelle, Bleaker's Meadow, Bella Lucrative, Louisa Bona D Jersey, Seekel, Baurro D' Amalis, Golden Deurre,Flemish Beauty, Gloat Moreenu, Lawrence. Also—Siberian Crab, Quinces, and Grape roots —Severat iarictics. C. k N. HAMMOND: Middlebury, Tinge. Co„ Pa., Jan. 1, 1868-Iy,. Stiiteg & Tin Ware Is now prepared to furnish the public with nything in his line of business, in quantity as rge, , in quality; as good, and as cheap in price s anploalers in Northern Ponnsylvania. J. A. PARSONS STOVE-ANA TIN WARE BUSINESS, and intend to keep a full assortment of omirything in that lino. TIN WARE MADE TO ORDER, REPAIRING executed In the beat manner and iv4h dhlutch 1866. - FOR SALE. 1866. BY B. C. - WICKITAM, A T ,lIIS NURSERY OP FRUIT AND OR NA.IIENT,A.L L.TREES, IN TIOGA :- 60,000 Apple, Trees. 10,000 Pear Trees. Alociis,l4ly'of PLUM, igAbli, CHERRY, and ORNAMENTAL TREES k SHRUBBERY. The Fruit trees are composed of the choicest varieties, good, healthy, soma of them large and in beating. Any one -wishing to get a supply will do. — eit to call and see my stock before pur r °basing elsewhere. Tom' Delivered at the depot free of charge. 'Bogs, Fdb. 28, IS6II-Iyi, Rona aal Cato ?Mors. This preparation, long and favorably known, will 'that , °nod-, rciavlzotato lgokeil:down and low-spirited bones, by • strengthening and cleansing tbo stomach and lutes- It ti a ELM pre : cativo of ail din. cagcs incident to 5 c ,„ _ ?EVER, GLANDERS, iFELL - o:6' TER, HEAVES, U COGHS, DIS• TEMPER, FE VERS, FOUNDER LOSS QF APPE-- — t TITE AND VITAL • ENERGY, &c. Ito use improves the ' mot 4 wind, increases the appetite.-gives -•- a antooth and_ • - ,•ki . glossy' 4 , y 4 . -•• transforms t h riaterable skeleton bald% i - frai ,, li7rolcing . and - spirited 'horse.— - MN TO keepers of Cows this Preparation is invaluable. IC increases the quantity end improves the quality of the ant It hal been protron Ity no ' ' Oral experiment to increase the quart ./' tity of milk and V‹.• , cent. and per ' 44- butterand Cattle, it e n giv ' est n 'rg Pi3: 3 :4 .. l tTzt plti t e d , e loov in nl them ihnre much Enter. So all dismiss of Swine, such as Coughs, Ulcers la the, tuags Liver, • ac., is apish, T , A r.• acts n th a irptelde. _ Sy patting from one•halt a p • tper :Ly:.......h.,: to a paper is -2J-4-- barmier swiu the above diseases will be eradicated or entirely prevented. If given in time, ri certain preventive sod curs for C 3,, crxr. Prioa 25 Cents per Parer, o • 6 Forezil for $l.. IMMIEI - rr - S. A. 3 - k"'ol77rZ Bc-33R0., MMUS:ILE DUO AND MEDICINE DEPOT, No. 116 Franklin St, Baltimore, Md. Torso)," by Tfr.rr,ieti nod 5t0,',,;,.*: 04t the if ated. st_tes. For enliNy John A. Rok, Wellsboro. VIOLIN STRINGS at WEBB'S DRUG STORE LIFE AND TIMES OF ELDER SHEAR DOWN.—Those who - wish to secure a Copy of this excellent work, can !Jo so by calling at this office soon. August 20,1888. TOB-WORK, IN THE BEST STYLE. and 0 with dowpatabyat THE AGITATOR Office. .nratti l Medittileo; * Ae. WINES AND LIQUORS, STATIONERY, PENS, PENCILS, PAPER AND ENVELOPES, _FOR TUE ,MILLION D. P. ROBERT, He pays particular attention to the CALL AND SEE ME D. F. ROBERTS Wellaborough, March 7, 1866. FOUTVS CELEDILATED WW . ILANE NOW ON HAND A SELENDID ASSORTMENT OE WINTER GOODS At the People's Store, Cornlng t N, Y. I adapted tothe wants of all classes; and as we laid in for a good stock just' before the Tate ad /AI/ICC in Now York, wears now enabled to sell most of our goods at about NEW YORE PRICES We would call especial attention. t 6. ear lergik stock of goods for LADIES' SUITS, and the finest line of FRENCH MeSLTNS AND ORGANDIES eve.offerml in this market. tYijoisisn have a mice assortment of LADIES' .§.A . CQUES, PALMA& AND .13E{SQUINES, in cloth and silk, to 107iah ire in rife Maartenlion of buyers, - Oar dock - of • F r i 5 for men's lioar, in kept Tory full, and CLOTHING MADE TO ORDER, on short notico Ifdost style Balmoral and Hoop Skirts, GINGHAMS, ALPACAS, POPLINS, DeLAINES, CHALLIES, - SUN UMBRELLAS, JE,W4S;• -OOTTO,NIADES,ET INGS, SKIRTINGS Oui• facilities for BUYING GOODS are UN SURPASSED by any in this section, and we wish it understood that • We do not intend to be UNDERSOLD by - We tender our. thanks to the citizens of Tioga Co., who have patronized as. and would respect fully invite those who have never. done so to call and sob us. Store - Opposite the Dickinson House on Market Street, three doors-west-of the corner, and two doors east of Thangerford's Bank. Corning, N. Y., l'ior:-21;1856 D. F. STONE, Eil lAKES this method, of announcing to the v.,. e 1.. ; ,• •va-sksai—utalatt-v_ihnt las t r jusecetved suitable stock of !3ZEMME GROCERIES, TEAS, SUGARS, COFFEE, SYRUP, MOLASSES; TOBACCO, OIL, BROOMS, RAISINS, PAILS, SPICES, Gold GREEN TEA for . 12s. per lb. SUGARS 'front is. to 17 cents per Zb And everything in the GROCERY LINE Cali and see us. Don't ask us for trust, to be plain we don't keep it. Remember the- " ani mile" that came to grief because he couldn't make "both ends meet." D. F. STONE. East Charleston, Doe. 5,1866-3 m irANITOOD: HOW LOST, HOW RE ' 0:1 STORED.--•Just- published, a now citation of Dr. CraverwelPs'Colebrated Essay on the radical cure (without med icine) of SperMatorrhoeis, or seminal Weakness, moral. notary Seminal Losses, Impotency, Mental and Physi cal Incapacity. Impediments to Marriage, etc.; also Consumption, Epilepsy, and Pits included by slf-In dulgence or sexual extravagance. 4i Price to a sealed envelope, only G matte. ThesV m rated author In this admirable essay clearly demons ates, fro a thirty years' successful practice, that the arming consequences of self. ahem may be rn lically obrod without the dangerous tom of Internal medicine or'tho application of the knife .pointingout a mode of cure at once simple, certain, and effectual, by means of which every sufferer, nu matter what his condition may be, May cure larnself cheaply, privately, and radically. i This lecture should be to the Lance of every yduth msd_eyery map in the lend, Scot, under seal, in a plain envelope, toa n yaddress poet-pald, on receipt of six cents, or two post stamps. Address the publisher., CHAS, J. C. KLINE di CO.; 127 Bowery, ew 'Fork, P. O. 80x,4586. PRESERVE YOUR TVXTH. T 11. RANDALL, Surgeon Dentist, would re spectfully inform the citizens of Tioga, Law renceville, and vicinities that he has located per manently at Tioga (office over Teller's Drug Store) where ho may be found the first three weeks of cacti mouth, and will be at Lawrenceville the last week in each month at the residence of Chas. Van gorder. Particular attention given to the treatment of of all diseases of tho Teeth, Gums, arid Alveolar process, V.ExtractingTeeth and to regulate irregular Teeth in young persons. Also, ospedial attention given to Fitting Amadei Teeth, Palates, and obdurators on any kind of plate desiredl Antestheties administered and Teeth Fatraoted Without pain in every cone where it may be con sidered advisable. All work will be done with promptness, and warranted, and at prices censistent wt th the times. Let-erery one call who may need or wish for a good looking sett of teeth. Tioga, Pa., Nov. 7, 1886.—tf. PNEWELL, DENTIST, MANSFIELD, Pa., . grateful for the very liberal patronage heretoforo received, will continue on as to per fovea all dental operations, as to merit the rapidly increasing professional demands now engaged. Ali operations in all departments of the profes sion executed in the best passible manner. All now, useful inventions and improvements adopt ed. The highest good of hia patrons the ultima tum of his ambition. Dec. 5,'66-If R ica BohemitkalaasSaaaa, at - deal 9 'FOLEY'S of evory variety. any. SMITH &, WAITE CONSTSTING Or PEPPER, &c., a,c., ice At di - 1;w rates A FORTUNE Can bo made by every man, woman, and child in this celerity, if they will strictly adhere to the plan of buying their goods of the well known popular old concern 14 W. R. Smith9s,Sons, ADDISON, N. Y., Thousands and thousands - of people have al- Tespixliped. *tit Forsiipt by Cbu doing, Every kind of DRY GOODS, pItOcERIEg ,CLOTHING, BDOTS gc SHOES, HATS, CAPS, C - ARPMS, OILCLOTHS, &c., &c., &c., ate on band in abundance, UR FOE TUE MILLION, at the old Reliable Corner, the PEOPLES' STORE, GRAPE AND IMPORTANT INFORMA TION TO GASH BUYERS WHO WISH TO 'SPEND THEIR MONEY, WHERE THEY CAN GET THE MOST FOR IT. W. R. SMITH'S SONS' system of keeping an enormous stock of goods at all times of the year, and selling them cheap—this system *so ob nosiods to big profit stores—is fairly begun for the Fall eeason at their store, and such a year for doing people good was never known before., Cer tainly there is no good reason for swindling pri ces now we have-had enough of them already. The great advantage and importance of trading for Caeh or Ready pay is folly. Illustrated by the low prices now raging at the People's Store. A FEW HOUSEHOLD WORDS FOR THE FARMER. MECHANIC, & PEOPLE GENERALLY. Bay your goods of a .coucera which has a big assortment midis selling ten times as many goods VittllCrt — tircur mar nalasry - rtiaatz =HS= per than small concerns. We give all such ad vantages to our customers. A FEW OTHER BIG THING! TOR THE PIM. DENT BUYER TO CTNSIDEE EZTORE ING MS Mons. Look out for higatares and big rents; bignotes and big rates of interest and no real takers at that—all of which is very bad as against W. 8.. Smith's Sons' mituaucrn. Light expenses and no rents, new goods at break dotiu prices, and the good old rnottorof small profits. good value and quick returns. tying to the breaze. Tho fact is, the only true and certain road to fortuno for the merchant is always to give his customers. as we do. the most ho can for his money, and depend as largo sales fur his profits. Again, our popular and legitimate system of dealing, buying strictly for cash, always having cash on hand, render us misters of the situation when a drop comes in the market. Never before was there such a tempt ing lot of goods, at low priees,ns TV. R. Smith's Sons can and will showfrom this time forward. Our stock of Dry Goods and Clothing can't be beat, and no customer who Is in the right shape, ever leaves the store witholit buying, and none who care what they say, will make the assertion that they can buy goods elsewhere as cheap: We keep the largest stock of BOOTS AND SHOES, HATS AND CAPS, that is kept in the county. Call, if nothing more than to son the CHEAP GOODS ort the anxious counter. CARPETS AND OIL CLOTHS at ruinous low rates. The cottage and palace call be replenistied for a song now, by calling on the People'. Friend. CROCKERY, WALL PAPER, and a thousand other articles can be found;and no one who sees them can help buying. IWe manufacture all the CLOTHING we sell. Every well dressed man buys his harness of William R. Smith's Sons. We also make to order. Our Cotter is master of his art; he stands down the hall fir no man who wields the shears for a livelihood; his tits cure the deformed. Tre keep Pork, Rour and Salt, always as low or leas than market rates. It is more than ever the duty of every man and Woman to call here before buying, and look through the stook of tempting goods and bargains, as no one can imagine or form any idea bow great a difference there ie between the prices of goods bought for cash and prices of goods else. where bought for notes that are not paidpromptly. The safest thing for all buyers who want the lowest notch in goods, is to call and get W. R. Smith's Sons' prices, and take around in your pockets to compare. A great many stores will get the cold shoulder after you visit the Old Cor— ner where they work fbr their customers. You cannot mistake the place, as it occupies the room of four stores, immediately on the Brie railway, and the rush Is constantly going on. Call. if for nothing more than to see how we spike the guns. Yogre,traiy. W. R. SMITH'S SONS Addison. N. Y., Sept 6,1806. • ' LINES OF TRAVEL ERIE RAILWAY Oa and attar Monday, Nov, id, 13ed, trains will i".,. Corning at tiserollowing boors, wxsrwain WOAD. 12M a. m, ilspreas Mall. Sundays exLept.l. for Bunt 10, Salamanca, and Dunkirk, connecting with trstr,s for the Went. Ella at Night Express, Sundays excepted, for Dinah, Salamanca, and Dunkirk, making direct connectita with-Mimi of the Atlantic A Groat Western, Lake Shore, and Grand Trunk Railways, forallpOinta wen 7:43 a. na.,Eight Express,Dally, for Buffalo. Salk:imam, Dunkirk and the Wear. Tihn ' kW( Trait. Sundays excaptral, for Rothe. tar andllialfalo, via Avon. lEEE a. m. Mail Train, Sundays excepted, ibr and Dunkirk. p. m. Baltimore Uproar, Ganda,* skraPiai, Rochester and Buffalo, via Avon. 5.40 p. m., Ennnrant train, Daily, for the Watt. leff p. m.. Day Express, Sundays erupted, for Ennio, Salamanca and the War, oonnectitig at Ealamea c ,, with the Atlantic A Great Watson Stairway, ea t at Pulfalo with the Lake Sbore and Grand Trunk:, Balla - aye far points treat and south. 7;55 p m Day Express, Sundays sxmptad,los RoMmattr 1.25 p m Way Yrideat, Sundays exaaphod 2.18117/OLD 307211 12:10 a. ut" N lett EXprosa, Da ily, conntetla; at Elmira for Cattandatica, also for liarrithurg, EhEadalphia, and South, at Graycoart for Warwick. and at :,...• York with ;afternoon trains and steamers for Boma idol Now England Cam. 3:68 a. ra„ Cinch:malt Express. Mondays orcrytod, cur %meting at Owsgo for Itba=t; at atnr;butriton for oyracase; at Great Bona for Scranton, rhfludo ‘. mut Treu to o; at Lazitatraxeu for IlaxloyAnci court fur Nurrborr, and WorwLolc. 10:40a. m.,¢/7 Pap rllais SUlldayikaCepted, cOnnectlei ac lamtra for Castansioslgno, ar Illoghanatoa f,.sr Syr, Caw, at great Band for Scranton, at Lackawoxou sor iit.l 4, llittd ttt Sersey City with alsinight Fiycoaa T m s . tt o a r . Na d v . ...1717 0 ntlraltd for Philadelptsta, JAILS -10,0 a no docommodatlon Train daily. rt s go p. m . nay Freight, Sundays excepted. p . Baltimore raprelll, F.l22ldtkyll ennontad. N. York and Baltizoor• !Meaty. an canted, oonnottins at Elmira for Ilarrisituran,2kßa:. dalphla, and south. 7.06 p m Lightning Express, Snndsys excepted, con senting at Jftney City with mar -alas express train of New Jersey Railroad for Beata:lora and 'Washington, and et New York with morning express twins for Boston and the Earl. WM. IL BARB, Oan'l P. Azera. _ Blossburg & Oosuia g, & Tioga a. /2 Leave Corning. Arrlvit. 3141 3 13 o ..... ACcommodation . 330 p lAcoommodatLon,lu 20 • Y. H. SHArrt-C.l,2n.'t Philadelphia & Erie U. ri 'baby. will au. and depart at Williamsport as iod3, Eastward 'Westward Erie Mail Train 1010 p m 1 Erie Mail Trela...7 13 a E. Express Train.. 4 10 a m Erta Ex'ss Train. 9 03 ? Elinfra maII TralnStb am Elmira mat Troia 33 pa Piasenger Can ran through on the Eris Eall wad press Trains without change both ways bevies. I Fah dalphls and Elia. NEW YORE CONNECTION. Leave New York at 9 a m, arrive at Sri. , 9.99 a_ m Lawn tionTork at .5 00 p m, arriva at Erie 113 p Leve Erie at 540 p CO, arrive at New York 4.40 p a. Levi Site at 1013 a m, arrive at Yaw York 10 10 a m A. L. TTU3, Cierel 9r,pt Northern Central a a TRAITS FOR. THE NOBTIL Trains farCaaandagula lama lilmlra u followa: Acconoodatioa at. , TOOsa Bxpress [bated train oo road] 114.5ezi Had 41.5px Way Freight, Dam:agar coach attache011........ i 10 TILLTTS TOE THE sorra. Trains far Williamsport, Baltimore and Philadellna Alc., lease Elmira as Elioni; - Mail at - . Expreat... ........... ............ ...... 380 p L.ocul Prel — ght 5 30 e Through...._ M.The Espresa train arhuh lmma for the NMI& e: 11 .15 on, runs turough direct from Willostaspmt CananclumoM. Tho Express which leave* Elmira fo Williamsport at 530 pm,lo t 1 through train iwutt. from Canerviagme. 3.. i totAiLlea, Gee] Sum Atlantic and Great Western R W B.II.ASIANCA tTATION. WErriCaftD BASSI/L.ID Booss, Ystf - ... 530 Esprmo .514 Accommodation aAs 31.1 Express 133 Accommodation, 111. txpreas ./ I Ekpreite ..... At Cory theie la a Junction with the PlillaSelphis s Erie, and Cll Creek Rail Roads. At Ileadvilte With the Franklin cad Oil City Pothole Branch. AT..ll.envitcsbnrgo the 31ahordny Brandt males a .r. rani route to Cleveland. At 11/191113ta 00/11.0t., Cleveland and Pittelnirah Railroad. The Road passes through Akron, Ashland, lla/inn, .I.larlou, Urbana and Dayton, lutersectina - tarmac roads, and terminates at Cincnnutl. D. dIcLARRis , Gen. Sept., 3leedville, Ye. DEERFIELD WOOLEN FACTORY, MILE UNDERSIGED baying purchased -C the well known Woolen Factory of 3ietors. E. t B. S. Bowen °lithe Covvaneoque Favor, tx miles oast of Knozvillo, cokes this method of informiugthe Inhabitants of Tioguand adjoining cioanues that no Will manufacture wool by tot yard or on sharostoonit customers, Into FLAB - BELB, CASSIMERBS, DOB-SKIN e FULL CLOTHS, us all kLad2 The machinery hab been thoroughly repaired end new machinery added thereto, also an proved new wheel which will enable him to work the entire season. Hewill pay particular atten tion of itollCarding& Cloth Drioising, which will be donein the neatest possible man ner, having added one new Roll Maohine, aril enable him to dispatch and accommodate peorle from a distance. He world farther say that I, has carried on the business in manufacturmg wool for farmers in Bradford and adjoining counties for the poet twenty years; he therefore can warrant all work and liatlary his custooicra, using nothing in manufacturing but genum, wool. JOSEPH INGHAM Deerfield, Jan. 1,188611 y. MEAT MARKET. ANDREW 3. TIPPLE, basing reetetiy purohas'fd jr. Wm. Townsend's xuterest MEAT 312.11.1KET, would say to the citizens of Welistn° and vicinity that he will continue the business at the old Borst stand—giving hie entire attention in LUT,plytng the wants of all who may fever him with their patronage. Constantly on hand FRESH MEATS OP ALL RINDS. Shop one Door South of Derby's Shoe Shop. Wellsboro, Sept. 26, 1866 -tf. Tioga Marble Works, nr D. CALKINS,-late of tho Arm of Calk. JUL. leo & Conklin, le now prepared to ext. cute all °violator Tomb Stones and Monoment4, of either ITALIAN OR RUTLAND MARBLE of the latest style and approved workmansim, and with dispatch. He keeps constantly on hand both kinds of Marble and will bo able to suit all who may favor him with their orders, on as reasonable terms ss can be obtained irrtho country. Stones discolored with rust and dirt gleaned and made to look as good as new. HARVEY ADAMS, of Charrestom, is my Agent, and all contracts made with hint will be filled by me at shop prices. li. D. CALKINS. Tioga, Dec. lit, 18436-I}.. 13.- , 5. CLAIM AGENCY, porpeCaOttion of AMY and Ntisy Claims and ?osmium HS HER BOUNTY LAW passed July 28,18044,0 m T two and three yours' sollian extra bounty. Send in your dlechargea. OFFICERS" EXTRA PAT. Three months' extra, pay proper to yob/lusty officers who seam la service March 3, 1565. PENSIONS INCREASED To ell who have lest a limb mud who have been perma nently and totally disabled. AU other Government dal= proeeouted. JBROWE B. NILES. Wellsburc,Gcrober 13, 1888-tf Planing & Turning. B. T. VAN HORN, AIAVING got bin new Factory In operation. is now prepared toorders for Cabinet Ware promptly and in the insst style ofworkman ship. flaying procured a f WOODWORTH PLANER, he is ready to oress boards or plank with dispatch. SCROLL-WORK _Zis BRACKETS, tarnished to order. flisnatehittes are of the sew- - eat and most improved patterns. Shop corner of Pearl and Wain S is, WELLS BORU, Oct- 31, 13611-tf. B. T. VAN H0P..)1. I Bounty and Pension Agency. ITAVING recelced definite instructiona In regard io jj the extra bounty allowed by the act appro . . d July 28, 1566, and having on hand a large aoppiy of a / necensry blanks, ere are prepared to prosecute sinp er gola and bounty claims which may be plated our bawds, Persona living at a distance Gas COMlaladado with as by letter, and their canszanniodjona will be promptly sarlmed. SMITH R !UAW. Wellsbora. October 24,1886. IL BIDDLE, _, Goal sop't