JOBBING ,DEPARTMENT, The Proprietors hove stocked theestabLehuteht wLU • lerge anortinent of modern e Lyle. JOB AND CARD TYPE AND PAST PRESSES. kulnre prepared to eXeCtite and pruinptly PI,STERS,II4.NDBILLS,CIRCVLA.RS, CARDS BILL HIADE,LETZER LCZADS,,STATESIEN TS, TowNsurP ORDERS, Ac., Ac. p.a., Bfartgusl, Leases, and a full assortment of Conti:abide and Jastioes' Blauks, constantly on Land. ', peoplething at a dieted:memo depend on baring t - fork done yrunuptly,aud cent back tu return wall VOL.' XIV. /343mcs—Roy'stilock,Becond Floor W. O. TERRELL & CO., WiIOLESALE DRUGGISTS, and dealers hi Wall Paper, Ranson° Lamps, Window Glass, Perfume:7, Paints and Oils, &a., &a. Corning, N. Y., Jan. 1,1866,1 y. NICHOLS & MITCHELL, - ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELORS ATLANY Moe formerly cecupied by . James Lowrey, ER Wx A. Mallats. JOHN I. AincifELL. WeHeber*, Jan. 1, 1866-Iy. wiLLIAIIi IL SMITH, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW i masec e, Bounty and Pension Agency, Main Street Washer°, Pa., Jan. 1, 1866. S. F. IVILsos WILSON & NILES, ATTORNEYS k COUNSELORS AT LAW, (Firit door from Blgoneez, on the Avenne)— Wdl attend to basinourtantrns.ted to their CUM in the othinties of 'nog& and Potter. Wellsboro, Jan. I, 1886. - D. ANGELL & CO., MANUFACTURERS of, and Wholesale and Re tail Dealer in "Doors, Sash, and Blinds. Also Planing and Turning done to order. Knoxville, Tloga Co., Pa., Jan. 16. 1867—1 V!, F. W. CLARK, ATTOROZT ar Law—Mansfield, Tiognco., Pa May 9,1866—1 y GEORGE WAGNER, TAILOR. Shop firat door north of L. A. Sears's Shoe Shop. Oil - Cutting, Pitting, and Repair mg done promptly and well. Wellsboro, Pa., Jan. 1, 1866.-11. JOHN B. SIIARSPEARE, DRAPER AND TAILOR. Shop one door above Smith's Law Ofßee. ' Cutting, Fitting, and Repairing done promptly and in best style. Wellsboro, , Pa.. Jan. 1,18611-1 y Jolire I. MITCHELL GENT for the eollectionhf 'bounty, back pay and poneloto dna soldiers from the Govern ment. Office with Nichols and Mitchell, Wells bum, Pa. m60,'66 WrG'GARRETSON, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW, Notary Puling and Insurance Agent, Bloss burg, Pa., over Caldwell's Store. MAAR WALTON 'HOUSE, Gainot, Tioga County, Fa. H. C. VEIWILYRA, PROP/11E20R. ~ Phis is a new hotel located within easy access of the Lest fishing and hunting grounds in Noah n Pennsylvania. No pains will be wed vr the accommodation of pleasure seekera and the trar'illug public. [Jan..1,18136.] Penapylvanla House. ' Atigaitra.abli ELLZLETT FROPRIETIM, T i trro= " ,se l' tn i o b p ' aln i rst ' tl l l B :te l ipa '' reg ' i v t ' o " r d erf ' dVrlt e. besot:Mittes occeptable to wrote, Wt.l6boro, Noy 9, 1688, PETROLEUM HOUSE, WESTFIELD, PA., GEORGE CLOSE, Propri rter. A new Hotel conducted on the principle offive end let line, for the aczornmodution of the public.—Nor. 14, I€llB.-ly. --C J. O. STRANG. ATTORNEY AT LAW. An} Iniviness entrust— ad to biz care will receive prompt attention. Knoxville, Pa. Nov. 74, GEO. W. RYON. ATTORNEY A - COUNSELOR. AT LAW, Law renceville, Logo Co., Pa. Bounty, Pension, end _Agent. _pollmmumr, irromptty attended to. Ofllee 2d door below-Ford House. Due. 12, 1.6116-17 C. F. SWAN, GENT for the Lycoming Coon Inantance Company, et Tioga, Pa. June 5, .1688.-6 mo FARR'S HOTEL, TIOGA, TVO A 0 U TY, PA., . . . Good er.thang, atraehoci, and, an attrAttire hot. tier aiirayE in attendance. • " , E. E. PARS, . . . Proprietor: Elanksmitb. and Fattier.. TOSEPII 31. 3 t_NLY wotild inform the" ciliiene or IVLllaboro and 'vicinity tbuf be hod.leasod ttm M.tolt stand, oat Water atreet, lately,Oo ,arol by Mr. Ratter, where he may Ito found preparLd to ..:1:oe bet.e . ' and oxen. and do all ate, pertaining to his trod°, He alto is A.petto ma] Icrriff, arra will treat /tortes for dioen , a l UctoLer 24. liatsG-cf _ , Hairdresting & Shaving. Saloon over Wllloos d Barker's btorn, Welte boro, Pa. Particular attention paid - to Ladies' Harr-cutting, Shampooing, Dyeing, etc. Braids, Pude, coils, and Welles on hand mad made to or der IL W. DORSET - . J. J.QHNSOIC. GOLD received on deposite, for %Mali eertif, cotes will be issued, heariug illeercat B. W. - CLARE b, CO, Bankers, • .• No Z 5 suoth 'third street, Phila. U. BACON', 31.13 , late of the 21 Pa Cavalry. after .IJ. nearly fear years at army wry:ca. with a large .tperienee in field and hospital practice, hue 01.461 an ...Ice for the practical of medicine nod am gcrY, to all ~.. branches. Parsons (rum a distance can Anti good at the Pennsylvania Howl aims -thallit2d.- 1411 4,1„,,,y4,41,(4.4115, r form sorglcal operation.. t, Pabst: Pluck, up v. Weilabore. Pa., May 2, lbeli E,'ol PICTURE GALLERY.- FRANK' SPENCER . . has the pleasure to ;nform the,ritizens of Tinga county that he hoe completed hie NEW PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY,' -al is CU !rand to tale all kicils,4 Ran Picturea, !orb v Ambr Ayres, Ferrotypes, Vicooettet,tdrtes de Visite, the Surprise ehd Eureka Pluttates • aloe rarocular attention paid to copying and eniarg lug Pictures. Instructions given in the Arron rc•sonable-terms. Elmira Et., Maacfield e • SoLDTTEitS4.:- cum B. SMITH, Knoxville, Ti.oga County, TT Pe, tU. S. libeneed Agent, and Attorney t Tqoldiera and their friend! and all the • , vet proseoute and collect with i ttacless, OLDIERS' CLAIMS AND DITCI7 4dl lontis Alen, any other Lind of claim the Governmint beforn 4nl of tke-Di iirttr,r,ts or in Congreee. Terme ru`caiorale, 4,11 LlTunteationt sent ;he abureaddre: , s ware, ZelVt Prompt attention Jan. 17, 1866. DEN'rII 6 .TRV. C - 1.3' R UULDray to the i.uhtie that he in rerula r.entle located in Welleboro • his tear 66 . Ltad Office and Hpieropal where be will continue in 4.. aii ainde.l w.rr confided talus Care, guaranteeing Leiripleie , tlifartien where- the skfil of the Dentiet ran :a the inanzizetnent "(elm, p-eater to the Ile will tarnish - ARTIFICIAL TEETI+,--= _bet "Ti any material de.lrad PILLING 1 - EXTRACTING TEETH, " 4.1 " to all Fbottobt main, and done ~p the Leif and ulcer approved style. TEETH EXTRACTED WITHOUT PAIN Lt the the use t t Amtesthoties vrlaieb ere :ter het J hatml,, , , and will be administered in every WO' r, I.n. 1, 1865-Iy. . 7 \ ri:SICAL INSTRUMENTS.—d, 11. intact, par, dcalci in Decker ,t 'Brother and ilt.ithers pianos, steson Itarolin cab %tans, Trent, Linsey Zs Co. melodenne, and tt,l3. Onon.ager melodeon!. Room over .1. R. t teen . s s tore. 'Sept. 12, 1844. riCsfrd of lam for ierdrern nobreakagosf chimneys—a.t_POLgrs. dehm W. Gget;isevi., i ‘T: ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW. Eavini, returned to this county with a view of making it his permanent residence, solicits a share of public patronage. AU business.up., trusted to his "care will 'beationded to - Wlthl promptness and fidelity. Office 2d aoi,i - ioutt . of E. S. Farr's hotel. Tioga, Tioga Co., Fa. wept. 20.'68.-tf. TORY. 0L.9 L 511TIVILC.LL HOTEL. (Parrii 46t(is ' illreet ai . 116 AW WZLI.SBORO, PA. B. D. HOLIDAY, Proprietor. THIS is one of the most popular Houses in the county. This—Usitel is 'the principal Stage-hot:so in Wellsboro. Stages leave daily as ' follows : For Tioga, at.lo a. ni.,; For Troy,, at S a. Ea.; For Jersey. Shore ise ' ry -Tuesday aidarLaay at S p. m.; For Coudersport, every Monday and Thursday at 2 p. m. STAGES Ann' vs—Fro m T toga, at 12 1-2 o'clock p. m.: From Troy, et 8 o'clock 14 ra..:VEonaJer.. say Sfiere,,Tuesdaiapi - u. ui:: Flom Coudersport, Monday andpassmltain p.B.— ß d ctn #b e.„Fall-known_ ler, will be -found i ; Wellsboro, Jan. 1,1888-1 y J. B. Nu.zer. LANO. • DEALCR IN 011):01,. M EDIC_I NE S ROOKS AND STATIONERY, - PATENT MEDICINES, Perfumery, Musical tietruments and Musical Merchandise of all kinds, Fancy Goode of ad kinds, &e. MANSFIELD, PA. tlilsiciatqPresoriploij!creftzasstuttpt October , . _ PHOTOGRAPHIC E. kNiAilokTKA.l99- , Manufacturers of Photographic Materials, 501 BROM)iittY, N. Y ln addition to our main burins/A of Photographic Material. we are Ileadquartern for the following, viz: Steroateopes4k,Stettfosespic, Vidsdi Of American and Foreign Cities and Landscapes, Groups, Statuary, etc. storeascppic • PriaLuegatfiei urade haUgitriouecimpatasa*d forming a ""inpleto Photographic hfctory of tho grea t COD test. Stereoscopic Viows on Glass, gALVTAVIT t wr" :f4747 cf stamp- Photograulkie Albums. Wa u. o,r,ufact aro more larEely than any other bonne, about 200 varlet!. from 00 Ltuta to sou each. Onr ALBUMS hut, .the reputmaoh L. I.png,..ireerlor la beauty arar durability to all others - - Card Photographs of Generals, States- men, Actors. etc., etc. ost-, , tveoeus ;embrace' gyer Flyit THOIF4AND: differ - mit feptoductioth of the tOsir celebrated tagraviugs, Paintiogs, Statues, etc Cate loguescons op receipt of !stamp Photivapherslatul,:otittra Q. P., will please remit 25 per cent. of the amount with their order. The prices and quality cif our goods cannot fail to satisfy. ~ • ,- Jew. 2.1567-9 m. ~;„ NEW WINTER GOODS! AT REDUCED PRICES,,, Great kridibet" nests to the Pubilo tt i h l tt s tfit Li fi a gy ei Sao o advantage of the present low prices, and not rea dy to supply the public ,with a splendid stork of NEW SPRING DRY GOODS, LATEST Styles, purchased to accommodate this mar ket. Particular attention ir directed to my do. LlClCail.irn i rDlAkS i 9g9P3 AiititaaVe,Wtiftis!Nuts', DefAinW,44 l .; tEC: 'Added La which I am offering a large and hplendid eteck of GROCERIES, BOOTS and SHOES, HATS - and CAYS."& t e.", &., at prices to suit the 1,000,000, at Osgood's old stand, Wellsboro, Pa. tic April 4,1808. _ ,- .....4: E: .01 1 : LAWRENCEVILLi , RUG ; STORE. THE - undereigned ;haring pu'rchased --,.•-.-, the Drug Store , c,LAV.,3. Miller, will ' ,...j. • A , t "P l i ' Bll', .__/a• DRUGS IND MEDICINES, PATENT MEDICINES, PAINTS, OILS, Dye Stuffs. Kerosene Oil and Groceries, which will be cold St as low prices as any other estab. 'C. P. 'LEONARD. Lawrenceville, Nov. 5, 1566.—tr. To the Farmers Of-.iTioga County.; zea. aynpeoi g t no - yznarnofactory, LawrocH ..4i'1107€144 3111- which panne/son the following advantages over all other mills: 1. It separate. oats, rat litter. end foul seeds, and chess and cockle from cheat. 8. It cleans ditz seed, takes out yellow seed, ehd all: other seeds. perfectly. . 8, It cleans timothy seed. '4. It dors all otter sefieVlFl This Mill la is - 14144 t thimble o. duce in good sfyle,lliS s eo - Vheiip or cash, or prol duce. I will Et a patent -love. for separating oats from! wheat, to other mills, on reasonable terms Lawrenceville, October 10, 1808-tf S*Th I TRE I .-L, E W-#4 4 1.9.11 1 H. AND CALL liFTEri Ay • . • .. • - • N4l#l ' 1 /87 4 itiEN S CHEAP CASH STORE. BLOSSEIHKI. PA Where you'esu niwispetvtnd the best Toiled stock of DOMESTIC' & FANCY DRY GOODS, • R/IClTilfiKATifiliSOVkqr.) MADE I bLOTIIINt3, Manufactured under their own supervision , istre.ihriette .91(4 it•pnyoNde,-4*.ieket, to theli mar...haat tailoring establishment they defy compel Mot ; haring the beet tailors of New York cityl ,ad cxperienred cutter, Mr HP. Erwin. ifetr2leely • 1 ..g-cf.1. 3 .., • . -jr• 'AricELrN, CiI'AIRLIAKER, . Turner, and Furniture Dealeri - opposite Danes Wagon Shop, MAIN, STA P E4T r WELLSPQRO„PA, Qrclors v2E:aptly filigif and saiisfactiop gttiran il'ge3:- - Fanify-rtirnln g -don'ts c brder: "" Oer. Yr, is '' EPIT.CMN: FOUR FROM CIIOfeE WRITE WREATi buckwheat flour, corn meal and food . , always on band. Call at the Charlmon Mill - before buy ing your ffottr and - feud. Icon make it an-object for you to tray: 5;, .? 4. as /et 888 'rtf„ - _ 8:31j. - 1f 'Par? "FOLEIV. ; -------_, 11 ---, --- ~,,---- --- + - - - -„- - s , - N, i t " 1 ^ . I , 1111 I ".1 . ...\ lit - .0/ .-----7 \ [k 110 I 1 U 1 1 ° + 11:: ' 1 CILI- di. 14 1, ) • . .......,:.---- ~_,. WIIOLZSALL AND RETAIL, C. B. KELLEY MEEME! "'Ma ..a.sitesptioaa. c r iCslacrnzg.22.t Sys tb.e 33 43 gizrascairs 6- c f C7i7.lsici.c:om." SPECIAL II . OTICE! LE:'_i ii - e::_ i,:_ r: ' -. 7':.1 , ~.- ::.!--, READY - MADE CLOTHING „FOR THE MNITMTEE OVER - COA.TS'i .Q.Mr.eo.24§. upAvy Busumps SUFFS,'_ FINE' BL% sups, DAESS',SIIITS OF ALL E _ • GRADES. ~URNISHiNQVOODS IN GREAT VA; RIETY Is fully.steeked. with •th'et—ehoicost and newest styles of Garments, equal in Style, Uoilimanaltip atarpratedrll - tTtlfelYetranatom worcbottrfor * IN PRICE*7.-.---_, _„ , Wolk bo,iitisarptisised. VON'IIifiTALLY :„ - ' .bisoldat the lAJWESZ (isit PRICES -.7 -4 undoi the 4titator Printing Offico, net.toioot to Itosi's Drug tore. • - ,Nollaboro, Sopt.r26, 1886- - i ' . , , . „•,'„ i , C k . „-7 5 4 - i i; 1 67-• Ilf-::, - ' t . ' ?r -, '7' ••1' Vt y lif TY , '4,;• ~. ~ g ~, ,b.,ro ;,, ,, --1;..t0 ,, , • , , - -.4 , ••••••,,,,•: il , Patented ilia:yl • .2D,'1866. - i It tas Issmt :article for wesihiog Withotit rubbing, ors i , t'ulit i/1 TerSi•itirty platis, which will requires scary sit t rub, Arid unlike other preparations oferad.for a. hkeluarprose; FILL So? T.OT - TOO mursita,liiii tv.4l,lcacti them much wurrni than ordinary methodc, - without the ittusiOseur illid tent. ! ',: In —. • ''' IT. ", . . _ . • It rmarea tryearle,?p ot a as by magic.; and rortcov tniti - dtrs by *caking. so tbat ardlnar,y tenet entirely remove It • _ . This powder is prepared In accordance whir Niel:ilea] sclenteptranptirta process pecultar to tteilfilstrlcli. to 5 .. FW90.h.9 4440 katetat has betql in Use for 13107¢ tr!a4 , ....Yeatennd bas,proved Itself as nuivereal tarorata vherevegit Vee bCPll.liscti „ Among the advantages tlatnredrare :the t411,,a tug, saves all the 'eipense, OF:Ef.VUSIfilii.l, used on eiq,, toirand trima gtioda; eaves - inns; or the Jabot:el ruiddug,- anti - near mad Als_o,Yogclesntngu-Oen a it -is tin sorposecd. one 'quarter the labor cud expenaa nbualle tequirini, - 1t Imparts a beautifakhils and luster 'much euperior to . ..7:tithen inotte„ Llto 7ateiiequttete.Vicsptdt.' xdoisten - ' 419.4e110Us k . frith iackne. End bfreadily appreciated i. a 13114;N: trial , Thu Weahtitzfor a family - of not pr Slx_pbrrons 1111 r.klYetcadd , rttall - teinte. '..• tuanufactinirs,l4 this Votrder aro ma'atp that taanymieletta compounds-have been, Introduced to the patina Witch hate rotted the cloth. or. Ailed to rem°, tug lbedtrt ; but knowing The intrinole eiCelletice oI this article, they cOnfideatlyprnclalco it as being adopt ed to met a &Immutable has lobg 'existed, and arbirb bee heretofore rediodnekt unsupplied. -Manufactured by ,„ ! , /I.OWC•et- 6YgVkti'd. ~"nice,/trutultray,ltocton, - Also, utann4acturora of Oye - c olora. ror auto Nekroyere tleilkre - everysifier" 0E1;684m • 7 ,rr e- - -114 • I; T 7 CAN FIRIY A I , 7ICST CZ e SS STOCK OF GROCERIES & PROVISIONS, TigerOUVKINISACCOOMI*I3 GAR, MOLASSES, SYRUPS, SALT, SPICES, DRIED FRUIT, FIGS, CO./1113 XELHTEL:PRHNLS, ENGLISH CURRANTS, RAISINS, CITRON, • ,i" r irre 4 P lm trTg I Y .a _A. 1 i,1.7' SC' 2,a4 ..„ t, F.- PORK, FLOUR, MACKEREL, WRITE a A4 l qe4 l- lAq wytri 42' ,F14)171t - ,1 ALSO HARDWARE. • 2., NAILS, AXES, TABLE AND POCKET 4 s4I„TLIty KE I46I W EL M, 11 PApES„ fary ..`1; Cro ffi ckery, Jars, Jugs, Lamps and Chimneys,, ff r € 62- 137* 1 f7 3 1 51 161; Bedford:, Rope, Brooms, Brushes of all, Kinds ; • Plug & Fine Cut Tobacco, &gars ; also a large variety of I Fancy Entrntiftr Tobacco. In regard to the sale of these goods I have d word to say, in strict confidence, of eourre. These zoodswereppyct i med joy cash ecoola • - Fpeabritrfaeirstny**)t:p . ltkelr 319Fct for.henietee*rs iapifitua; y ala'tf do's squire and faiitradl_g beelEgia. — Call and see 1 ree—at the J. D. Jones' stand. L. A. GARDNER Wellabor°, Doc. 12, 1866—tf ... T :An* ittl g , H'4114 2ii E o E., le J. IiA RRISON Atty's, will collect .1301EINTIES, PENSIONSi and all other claims against the Government. tha....prnrisMs, late acts 05 1 9 ; 9 , J:2Eit5, rsi VI WM:l44* 4P 11 4Y51 will heiafairVtififs'UtlireEieviho served out hisjlll)-t 3 X 3 r) strx woutaltdjiir - zervice, or was diicliergecrny reason or the of the war, and to the widow_, minor children or pa: rents of three years men, 22:71.T./.4.)Vt:I4..PALrk fiIOYAtY ::. Tl,ll will friiiikisi teadrain - pitirs'reenTitrid their heirs under likeuireamstancea - and tytkrei years' men who sewed tivci.jeses,of tlieir i enlistment. In no case will any - eltra - liotrnty be paid when rormore than $lOO has been previously paid. No claim will be entertained unless presented under RULES' AND REGULATIONS issued by the Ai Depaittment:Seg. 2.2;:111ep..; .., c , 1:1.. ; r,z ' The Department ,atltreneise claims from Oct. 1, 1806, until April 1,1804. In case of claims by parents under late acts of Congress for bounty, the - FATHER and MOTHER must both join in the 1 application: 6 . _ t br iati -- si ti. o f; ie n . s lf t ,r I '. `7I • $l5 par month to every Invalid Pensioner to tally disabled. 1,-- $2 per month' ftirqsich a - gild - wader 16 yea.n of age of widow Pensioners. Fees fur procuring Extra 8aunty,—.....—:..55 Increase Pension,— ...... , 1,41 . 4 E tOligioal 7 Petteloth..F...t.slo leelletilionlbe4tlt tffept.Sitni4th of March payment Pensions . $1 Au..; tutoox COAL.-,The undersigned,. 11 akii . .itEtidigainsiikisitil.iitinish Coal hythe TON or CAR LOAD, coarse or fine, aolie itsthe patronage of the public. „,ALSO—hay eanstantly,on. hand, a large .too; 'at,..cgptrAGT.; BOLTS, 'JO., srli:olastile and BLACKSISITIIING of all kinds done in the best wanner. S. M. GEER. pop, Dec. T, 1966-tf. ORE THROAT. AND QDIN t SY ANE - ed - tot ty, hy on e “or two ap 'plieations .6ALIIT.IFER op the opteide. Bold TIIE largest iveortiueniOf Waiebes, Cloekei , Jewelry and Plated Ware in Tioga county at •,._ -- BOLETI. WELLSBORO, PA., :MARCH 27, 1867. Seittt Vnetrly. HY J.W.7 _We laid ns down to sleep: - But as for ma—waking, I marked the plunge of the =Lilted deep " Oa ipseandy reaches 'breaking; ,pi.ihearajoyanea doth sometimes keep... rota slumber, like heart-aching.. And I was glad that night,- rea:on ready To gire my own heart for its deep delight, - That flowed. like some tidal eddy,-. ..Or shone like astmr that war - rising-bright tith'eoraforting radiance steady.-: Bit On ittadden—hark ! - Idasioistnack intruder - • - These rh 'eshee 24 blies, and I wept in the dark, EtOsweet *tie the unseen wonder; ' i39'lrittlyit touched, as it struck at a mark, , The 3114:able; that joy }:optande.r. - rese*Ltlie tocion:ontatone I saw the sea heaving, .. -And a littlexessel tailing alone, L, ' - - - -The steal criip•wavelet cleaving: - I'Tvris'sehe advehe'Sanedlo ber port-iinknown— ' Was ihatGcti oi r svettnesi leaving. - We know they 'mini° made - • heaven, ere 'man's creation ; _ ; snt when God threw it down to_ is that stayed, ti Mopped with lamehtation, "And ever since tioth its sweetness shade With eigite for its first stAllon, - _ N. ASHES -.lts joy_ suggests regret— - Ita molt for more Jo yearning; And it bring:at-he Cord that its valets hathmet,- - i'L"No' reit:that 'cadence' learning,' lint a donstiouS Part-in' the - sighs-tbat fret Its nature Eir returning, . ' - The-Moon Weatdown=the eky - - And earth and - sea hiding`; - I Laid pie down, with the yearningsigh - Of that itiain in my _heart abiding; - talept, and the *irk that had sailed snhigh In my dream.Wl3 ever gliding._ Igi sat tii4,iti,i3.lls,j- . -Many-years ago I happeniato be one of the referees in the case that excited unusual-interest in our courta t froth-the. singular nature_of_tlie.cleum, arid the strange story which it...disclosed. -The plaintiff -who was captain of a ship which traded principally with the,Wl Ihdies, had .twarried quite early,- with every prospect of happiness. ; His wife was said to have been extremely beauti ful, less loveable; in character. After living-with her in-the most un interrupted parmony for five years, du ring_ which time two daughters were added to the family,-he suddenly re solved to resuin his occupation, , which lie livid tellnquiafied on his marriage, and when his yOUngestehild Was 'but three-weeks - old,-he sailed for they West Indies.- ' His wife,-;who. was devotedly attached to him, sorrowed deeply in his absence, and found her only comfort in tli - e - so - cfctrof - lferehlldren, andthe hope of bit retern. --Bet Month-after -mouth passed aWay, and lit.'ectbic nut, nor did aut. letters, those_ insufficient but ever welcome substitutes, arrive to cheer her bitter solitute. Months lengthened in to years, Yet no tidings were received from-the absenthusband, and after ho ping against hope; the unhappy wife was compelled to believe that he had found a grave beneath the weltering ocean. Her sorrow was deep and heartfelt, but the evils of poverty were now added to her, affiidtions, and the 'Widow found lierself.obliged to resort tosomeempley7 meritin. order to support her- children. Her needle was the only resource, and for ten years she labored early and late for the miserable pittance which is ever so, grudgingly bestowed on an humble Oarnstress. - ; ., --- A' merchant; in New York, in mede :±ata,but prosperous circumstances, ac hidentally became acquainted.with her, and, pleased, with her gentle manners, neleas that - hccr:beatrty, be improved their=uctintance into friendship. • oriths-heoffered hishand . , and wastiecePterl... Asthe wife pf a sue eeasful merchant she soon found herself IrE the enjoyinent of 'such comforts and luxuries such as she - had never pos ' Flestled. , .Her children became his chil `49f; anfireceived' - from him every ad yalitagd" which .wealth and affection conic:l2;9ore: - Riffle= years passed away ; the daugh ters married, and by, their step-father were furnished with every comfort re quisite kftlaiir netv - rivdeation'as house, keepers. But theyinid hardly quitted. his roof wherrillembther was taken ill. alter:lied after a - fewdays, andfromthat rthriiiinitil this period ofwhieh I speak, the widow - had reSided- with t h e ybnriger. daughter. -.--- , . • • No* comes the strange part -of the stprx, . After an absence of thirty years, tiring which time no tidings had -ar rived from him, the first husband re -turned:as suddenly as he had departed. - He - bad;Thanged his ship, ad - opting :., t . : • : , :. e r and-spent the_ whola.of tivipOng - . l2 . .eriod;ren the ocean,) with VI - BY - transient visits - on 'Shofar - while taking infor discharging cargoes, having been careful come nearer home than New •Orleascs.- Why be had acted itithis, unpardonable manner towards Ilfe - familz,,- iio One could tell; and he ob stinately refused all explanation. - ~ - ~Thera, was ,strange ,rumors Of Slave trading and.piracy.aileat r but they:Were. .aily Whispered conjecture :rather thEin truth. Whatever might haie been his 'Motives for' this conduct, he was. cer tainly anything but indifferent. to his family concerns whenhe returned. He raVed like a - madman' when informed of his wifefs second "marriage and subse quent death, vowing vengeance on' his successor, and' errifying his daughters with the most awful' threats incasethey, E . refused to acknowledge hie claim., He had returned wealthy, and one, of the reptiles of the law.--who are always to, be found crawling:about the hallsofjus -ties—advised him to bring . lasuit against - the Second husband, assuring-him that ' 'he Could-recover heavy damages. The • absurdity of instituting a claim for a wife whom death - had relieved from the jiirfsdictfon of all earthly laws, was so manifest, that at length it was agreed to by all parties to leave the matter to be adjudgen by five referees. • • - It was upon a bright and beautiful af ternOon in the spring when we met • to - hear - the -singular case. The sunlight 'streamed through the dusty windows of ' the - court room, and shed a halo artund ' the Yong, gray.lotkaand,broad forehead afthe defendant—While the plaintiff's barSh , Jeatures were thrown into still boldetrelief by the rEsErne beam which seemed to soften the placidcountenance of his adversary: - . - - -'rheilaintiffs. lawyer made - a - most eloquent appeal for his client, and had we not been informed about the matter, our - hearts would have been melted by his touching desatiption of the return of the desolate husband and' the great agony with which he beheld hia house hold gods removed to con.searateastran . ger , e - hearth. .The - celebrated' Aaron Burr was the_cionsel for the dem:Audi M.IISIC A-TRITE STORY and we anticipated Agin him a splendid display of oratory. Contrary to our expectations, howev er, Burr made no attempt to confute his opponent's eloquent oratory. He mere ly opened a book of statutes, and poin ting,-with his thin fingers, to one of the pages, desired the referees to read it, while he retired a moment, forthe prin cipal witness. We had . scarcely finished reading the section which fully decided the matter in our minds, when Burr re-entered with a tall and elegant female underhis arm.' - She was attired in a simple white dress with a wreath of ivy leaves en circling her large straw bonnet, and a lace veil completely concealing her countenance. Burr whispered a few -words, apparently encouraging her to advance, and then gracefully raised her veil, discovering to us a face of proud, surpassing beauty. I recollect as well as if it happened yesterday, how simul taneous the murmuiofadmirationburst from the Ups of all present. Turning to the- plaintiff, Mr. Burr asked iu a cold, quiet tone: D _ "o you know this lady 2" - • "Will you swearto that?" - "I will, to the best of my knowledge and belief she is my daughter." _ '"Can you swear to the identity?" '.`tcau." :"Wliat iS her a,,, ,, e?" ' "She is thirty Years old on the 80th day of-April." - - '!When did you last.see her ?" • "At her own house,, about a fortnight since." "When did you see her previous to that meeting?" ' The plaintiff hesitated—a long pause ensued—the question wasrepeated, and the answer at length was— When she was just a child. "When she wasjustthreeweeks old," ridded Burr. "Gentlemen," continued he, turning to us, "I have brought this lady. here as an important witness, and such I think she is. The plaintiff'S counsel has'Pleaded eloquently - in be halrof the bereaved huSband, who es caped the perils of the sea and returned only to find home desolate. But who will picturetoyou thelonely wife, bend ing over The daily toil, 'devoting her best years to the drudgery of sordidpov erty, supported only by the hope of her husband's. return?. Who will picture the slow process of heart sickening, the wasting anguish of hope deferred, and finally the overwhelming agony which came upon her when her last hope was extinguished, and she was-compelled to helleve,herself a widosd ? Who can de pict all this without awakening in your hearts - the warmest sympathy for the deserted wife, and the utterest scorn for the mean, vile wretch, who could thus trample on the heart of her whom he swore to loveand cherish ? We need net inquire into his motive for acting so base - a part. - Whether it was love of gain, or licentiousness, or selfish indiff erence, it matters not ; he is too vile a thing to be judged by such laws as gov ern men. Let us ugh the witness—she who stands before us' with the frank, fearless brow of a true-hearted woman —let us ask which of the two - has been to her a father? Turning to the lady, in a tone whose sweetness was a strange contrast with the scornful accent - which characterized his words, he besought her to relate brief ly the recollections of her early life. A kroud flush ,passed over her beautiful nice as she replied : • "My first recollections are of a small, 111-furnished apartment, 'which my sis ter and-myself shared with my mother. She used to carry out every Sunday the work which had occupied her during the week, and bring back employment for the following. Saving her weari some visits to her employers, and her regular attendance at churelishe never left the house. She often spoke of my father, and of his anticipated return, but at length she ceased to mention him, though I observed she used to weep - more frequently_ than ever. I then thought she wept because we were poor, Tor it sometimes happened that our support was only a bit of dry bread; and she was accustomed to . see by the light of chips which she kindled to warm her famishing children, because she could not purchase a candle with out depriving us of our morning meal. Such was our poverty when my moth er contracted her second marriage, and 'the change to us was like a• sudden en -trance to Paradise. We found - a home and father." She pulsed. , .'rWould yell excite my own child against me?" cried the 'plaintiff; as he impatiently waved his hand for her to be silent. - Thq p eyedof the witness flashed she speke: "You are not my father," exclaimed she—you who so basely left your wife to - toil for your children to beggary! Never. Behold there my father," poin ting to the calm. defendant, "there is the man who watched r over my infancy, who" was the shdrer bf my - childish sports, and the guardian of myinexper ieneed youth. There is the' man who claims - my affeetiim- and shares my , home I there. is my father_ For yonder selfish wretch I know him i29t. - The best years of his life have been spent in lairleskifreedOm from social ties : him seek elsewhere for the companions his decrepitude, not dare insulVhe ash •es ofiny aged mother by now claiming the duties of kindred from her deserted children." - She drew her veil haStily around h o er as she spoke, and moved as- if- wishing to withdraw.' - - : more said Burr, "I have-no, more to say. The words of the lain are extressed'in 'the - hook before - you; the words of -truth Yon have heard -from woman's pure lips ; it is for you to de nide In - :wilding to the requisition of no and the decrees,of justice." I need pot-t . ay - that our decision Nsss in favor of the defendant, and theplain ' tiff went forth foll Owed by the contempt of every honorable man who was pres ent at the trial. • The late Sudge---, formerly Chief Justice of the Sapreine Court of Wis consiro was a man_ of deep thought, and often so engrossed in, his "cases as to be wholly unconscious of conversation iu his presence. Colonel S-"—is one of your - courteous Virginia gentlemen, quick, sensitive, and a good talker wi th al. The Colonerhas a farm near Madison, on which he had just discovered a valu able peat-bed ; and being much elated by the prospect' of "sudden fortune," was apt to talk about it. Meeting the Judge in company with several gentle- Men of the bar and legislators, - then convened at the capitol, the - favorite subject of the Colonel's opened. He, anxious to enlighten the Judge, directed his conversation particularly to that iu -dividu al, whoVas sitting, head in hands, thinking; , cap on, apparently an atten tive listener, while the merits of econ omy,linexaustible supply, great menu factining" - etc., etc., were expatiated upon in all - the earnestness for which the Colonel is remarkable. After concluding his statements - with statical and divers explanations, he asked the Judge what he thought of it. "Ofwhat?" says theJudge,looking up. "Of peat," replied S. "What Pete? again asked the Judge. ' "Why, Irish peat," says S. somewhat perplexed at the apparent stupidity. "I don't know Wm, Sir," replied ,the Judge, not having heard a word of the subject.. : • . , , Scene in Palestine. I was traveling over Anti-Lebanon. It was a bright summer day and near noon. Weary and way-worn, I rode down from a bare mountain ridge into the wild and beautiful valleyof Hebron, and dismounted beside a little fountain, under the "shadow of a great rock." A group of some fifteen or twenty shep herds were there, too, resting during the heat of the day, and theirflocks, amount ing to several thousand sheep and goats, filled nearly the whole of the valley.— At first I was greatly annoyed by the too near approach of both men and ani mals ; but when the time came to lead the flocks away to pasture again, I watched their motions with intense in terest. The shepherds arose, went into the middle of the dense mass of animals, and then separating, walked away slow ly in different directions. As they went, each kept uttering apecnliar cry or call. The sheep heard, and they, too, began to separate one from the other. I ob served the whole mass was agitated as if the sheep and goats had been driven thither by some unseen power. Grad ually they form a series of dense, mo ving columns, following in the footsteps of the shepherds, and drawn after them by their voices. I also observed that while each shepherd wound his way through the united flocks, some of the animals fled at his approach, frightened at his voice, and others hastened toward him, "for they knew his voice." In a short time they were led off, and not fountain was completely deserted; not a sheep or goat ventured to lag behind. Then the calls of the shepherds were heard echoing from rock and cliff, now dying away in the distance ; while the flocks were seen, obedient to - the calls, following in long, distinct streams the guides whom they alone knew and trust. As I sat there gazing with min gled wonder and pleasure on that strange and instructive scene, I noticed another beautiful scripture illustration. One shepherd led his flock, by a zigzag path, up the almost perpendicular bank of the glen. Behind it two young lambs trotted along at the feetof their mother. fl rst they frisked and jumped lightly from stone to stone, but soon they be gan to fall-behind. -The poor little things cried piteously when the path became steeper and the rocks higher, and the flocks more and more distant: The mother cried, too, running back and forth—now lingering behind, now hastening on before, as if to wile them upward. It was in vain. The ascent was too much for their limbs. They stopped trembling on the shelving cliff, and cried; the mother stopped and cried by their side. I thought they certainly would be lost ; and I saw the great ea gles that soared in circles round the cliffs far overhead, sweeping lower and lower as if about to pounce upon their prey. But no! The plaintive cries of distress had already reached the ears of the good shepherd. Mounting a rock, he looked down and saw the helpless little ones. A minute and he was stand ing by them; then, taking them up in his arms, he put them one on each side, in his bosom, in the ample folds - of his coat, which was bound round the waste with a girdle. - The lambs made no attempt to ruu Away from him. They seemed to know what he was going to do when he lifted them in his arms; and the little crea tures lay there with their beads out as contentedly as an infant in its mother's bosom, while the shepherd scaled the dizzy bights again, and took his place at the head of the flock. It may be ea sily imagined with what deep Interest I have ever since read the beautiful words of Isaiah—" He shall feed His flocks like a shepherd. He shall gather the lambs with His arm and carry them In His bosom." Bill Simpson's Legal Experience Many years ago the Legislature of Tennessee passed an act to organize the county of McNairy. At that time the county embraced in thelimits of Snake, was occupied by a sturdy set of back woodsmen, totally unacquainted with courts, jails, etc.' The country assem bled at the appointed site for the pur pose of cutting logs, making boards, etc. The only theme of daily conversation, when the men were assembled, was the court. None of them had seen a court in session, as yet developed. Each one would give what his idea of acourt was. None, however, were entirely satis factory until Bill Simpson was called on to give his ideas. ' He said he knew all about a court—that he had a lawsuit in North Carolina. One of his neighbors' hogs kept coming when he fed his hogs until it got fat. One morning he got so all-fired mad that ha shot the hog._ He thought it would not do to throw it away, so he cleaned and salted it. Short ly atter, his neighbor and a man came to his house, examined thesmoke-house, and took him to town and put him in a little office. About three months after that, this man came and took -him td a large room. A large man! .sat upon a high bench—a man was sitting_ at a ,desk—about a dozen fine dressed men 'set in a place around. The man put me in'h pen-just behind them. Ha then called in, twelye, Men ; they took seats in a box in front of the line _dressed" ' The man that was wri ting gave the twelve -men a book and said something about Bill Simpson and the State. Then one of the 'fine men .read something about Bill Simpson and the hog, and' be-and another of the line :dressed men had the biggest quarrel you ever heard. I thought they would fight every minute, but they didn't. It was Bill Simpson and the hog, and the hog and Bill Simpson, and, sometimes Mr.. Simpson, but, devilish seldom. After they had quit quatrelling,"the big - man talked awhile to the twelve men, 'and they went out and staid a shorttime and carne back and: said something .to .the man at the desk. The Man on the bench said something* to the man that put me in the office, and he took me out and tied me to a .persimmon tree and commenced fighting me with a cowhide; I and it made me - so all-fired mad that'l shook all thepersimmons off tile tree. Not many years ago, in answer to the'l call of a country parish in Virginia, there appeared ayoung clergyman whose sole earthly possessions consisted of two black trunks and a horse, whoseill-kept condition-gained for him the sobriquet of Buzzard. The person,- however, be ing a .man of fine address and bril liantparts, soon made for himselffriends, -and, it may be, excited the envy ofsome, by securing the affections of a lovely young widow, whose great wealth v. as more than an offset for his poverty. The time for the wedding came. The ceremony had proceeded to the point where the groom, in_presence of the company, most solemnly declares to the bride,— "With all my worldly goods I the - e endow," When his gravity, and that of the guests, was completely upset by a wag just behind him exclaiming,— "There goes Buzzard and the two black trunks!". If we would have the kindness - of others we must endure their follies. He who cannot persuade himself to with- - draw from society must be content to Vara tribute of his time to a multitude of tyrant'. NO. 13. A Thrilling Adventure In the great and bloody war it would have been hard to tind a more brave and daring soldier than the young and fear less Harry Kilos: When the President first called for troops to defend the Union he enlisted in a Michigan regiment, and the year 1882 found him serving his country in the capacity of a spy. Many were the bold and daring acts which he perform ed, until his name became a terror to those rebels in that part of the field in which he served. But one bright day, when he was making a raid into the country far south of the Unimi lines. he accidentally found himself in the hands of a small band of ruthless guer rillas. . The guerrillas had camped by a small stream in a little, old, but strongly built hut; and our spy was confined in a small, dark, tight closet, and allowed the freedom of his limbs. Harry Kilos, reflecting upon his situation, he knew that a reward had been offered for him self by a guerrilla colon'el, and that was the only reason that he had not been instantly butchered. He knew, too, that a worse fate was in store for him than simple shooting through the head, and he resolved to make every effort for escape that lay in his power. Examination proved to him that the walls of his cell were strong and tight, so that no egress could be made through them. Then he examined the floor; it was of solid plank, fastened to the sleep ers by spikes and wooden pins. "Ha!" suddenly exclaimed Harry, in a low -tone, as he came unon one short plank which was loose. In a mo ment he had raised it, and with a silent congratulation, he proceeded to make his exit down through the floor., The floor of the house was about a foot from the ground, and as the young adventurer replaced the plank, ho felt the spirits rise within _him. The house was full of guerrillas, andhe could hear them carousing over his head. A few were keeping guard outside, but he felt sure he could slip by these as soon as it could become dark. Dark ness was not far otc, and the only dan ger he apprehended was that the guer rillas would look into his vacant Satisfaction, however, settled upon his mind as he saw the shadows of night gathering and thickening, and as the carousing over head began to lose its loud and boisterous tone, he crept slow ly out from under the house, and pushed through the thick bushes until he reached the edge of the river, over which he would be obliged to swim. At that moment a loud cry, uttered by the guerrilas, reached his ear, and he knew that his absence had been discov ered. He heard the tramp of many- feet, and yells, curses and oaths reached Ins ears. They were on Ida track, and delay wag death. Acting upon this thought he plunged silently into the river, and swam for the opposite shore with firm and rapid strokes. The guerrillas heard his movement" and he saw to his horror, that four armed villains had started in pursuit. in a small boat, while the report of a revolver broke upon the air, and the splash of a ball spattered the water into his face. Knowing that he could not reach the opposite shore ahead of the pursuers, he slackened his pace, and In a moment the boat was not ten feet off. "Surrender, you d-d Yank !'' yelled the fellow who stood In the bow of the little boat. Our spy dove deep and came up Deal ly under the stern of the craft, and ex erting all his strength, directed with such skill as was only his, he capsized the boat, and then, with a loud laugh, be struck out for the shore. He was a strong swimmer, but oue of the largest of the guerrillas gained on him in spite of all he could do. 11 ., 2 dreaded the embrace with the muscular ruffian, but it was ineviMble—the huge fellow was already upon him, and it was fight or die. The two men grappled and the watQ , foamed around them. Harry had never met his match in physical strength, and the burly auvr rilla was as a child in his bands. He soon held him firm in a position which rendered him helpless, and seiz ing the ruffian's throat, he choked him till he was insensible, ,'and then let him sink to the bottom. It was necessary to do this act in or der to save his own life; and now that he had got rid of his worst antagonist he reached the northern shore; and waving his hand, he uttered a yell of triumph, and disappeared in the dark• ness, leaving his enemy to-curse and swear with chagrin and malice. nea7 Shoes for the Ladies. . Winter is coming, and we desire to say a word to our lady readers about clothing the feet When - the celebrated physician Aber nethy died; report said, that besides a :Will of some interest to his heirs, in a pecuniary point of view, there was fourid among his effects a sealed envel op, said to contain the great success in healing art, and also a .rule of living, the following of which would, ensure longevity. A large price was paid for the sealed envelope. It was found to contain only the following words "To ensure good heath and a ripe old age, keep the head coal, the system - open, and the- feet - - Dry feet are warm feet, generally, if t the system is healthy. To keep the system healthy, the circulation • must be good. The circulation is not good without exercise—and exercise can only be really valuable when gotten up by walking. Riding in a carriage is no ex ereise-nt all it is merely Inhaling the I air. This is very well as far as it goes, I but the lungs are not in full play with out the individual is walking. Horse back exercise is very good, but it is not ; the kind of health creating play of the ' muscles nature demands - . It is action, :Action of the entire body —and walking' only will procure it. 'Now, the ladies of Europe, particularly those of Eng- ; land, understand this thing. They walk miles per day, and if any of our pale beauties desire to know how the English ladies keep up their fine color, clear complexion, and superb busts, we tell them that it is out-door exercise; walking in the open air; filling the lungs with pure oxygen, by rapid movement on a sharp October day, when the sun shines brightly and the clear blue sky is rich blood o the Engl above. the is the se cret of the i,h women and their almesv universal tine looks and matronly beauty at tius, when at the age our American sxmlieu are pale, snllow and wrinkled. To enjoy a walk, thick soles are need ed. Stout, well fittings, calf skin, high gaiters, neatly laced will .always " rt MT a pretty foot, and improve.a /10r1;t1 . -* one. To guard that sensitive porti,m i,z j the human frame, (for the sole of th, • foot is keenly sensitive to the cham , e - , from heat to cold; or dryness to damp ness, ) the boot sole should be thick and as well made as human ingenuity can do it. Then, even in most :weather, or in a rain storm, the foot can be protect ed ,• that insured all is well with the -body. Ladies, walk more; take long wail:, ; .." This l a great country 1 , ? is now gen get tired no matter how tired; tired ; erairy admitted to have spoken within muscles, f n any - woman - from eighteen abounds. ditt Epp tont! *blot ca Published every IVednesday Morning, at gt,oo a Year, invatiahly in advance, by COBB & VAN GELDER. x. 2.. csnaq (r. c. vas 0211:41. ADVf}R2'ISI~TL} 21.1 Lour or :32:rios, ca Las. xiza p-xx Swain No. of -g 77 1 equarEt..-.1 3401 1 1 2. 1 ,c19112..;0 75,00: ,T,Cjej 727 - 05 2 squ ar,„ 2.091 3,1191 - 4,901 3,091 ,00 1 11,09 Half Ca1......,19.90, 13,00' 17,1;4', ^3,091 Ma K ) Apo One 23,0 01 2coxl ao.oct 405,0 i 50,0al woo 13.1Itnainoes Cards Inserted at the sate of- 0114 VOL* lar a Dna per ;ter: but nonefor for ma thin itiXt. t3.Bpeclal notless, Moon Cants per Lost Foitterild or Local N0t1:43, Twenty Cants per Line. to forty-eight, only proves that they need to be used ; flabby muselnprove that action i, wanted • and such mus cles also prove that the system lacks tone. They are like a violin with the keys - loose; the strings ars , without vi bration and the instrument la dead.— Buy the best of calf half boots, Ladies - exercise with them till you are well enough and brave enough to go out, well clad, in all weather. Wear no rub bers if you can avoid it. They are bad for the feet. If you need to paddle in the slush and soft snow of Springy put ou rubbers, for the feet =us: be, kept warm and dry, but; use them as little as possible. Wear when out of doom, solid soled shoes; take all the open air exercise you can by walk ng, and you will bo in your old age as tine looking as you are now ; and moreover the next generation will be as proud of you esti:, young fry of old England era of their stately mothers. We have seen in Hyde Park, London, on a fair day, hundreds of grandmothers, fresh and really hand some ; and scores of mothers with mar riageable daughters which, had we been in tho marrying line ourselves, we should hardly have known which to have popped the questionte, so dazzling was the real youth and beauty of both. Our American ladies can possess these charms and carry them into the age of three score, if they will walk more in the open air, and inhale daily, the health giving properties which can be obtained in wearing out a couple of pairs of tip-top ten dollar gaiters per year. We hold that one ten dollar pair of walking shoes will save twenty doc tor's visits, at five dollars each. Take your choice, ladies. Put Not Thy Trnst in Princes Mr. T. Z. Williams is a farmer resi ding a few miles from Harlem Station. He is a quiet, good-hearted fellow, proud of his long black beard and of being 6 feet 2;1- inches. He loves his wife, his farm, and a quiet game Of cards. He came to this city on the early train Wednesday morning to see how hominid best sell some grain he had on hand, in tending to return the same night. On his way up from the depot he en tered a saloon on Randolph street to .'et a glass of ale. Seated at a table there were three men,playing cut-throat euchre. Politely they asked him to join them and play a rubber for the beer. They looked like gentlemen, he was, fond of game, and he assented. During the second game his partner said, " I'd like to bet a couple of dollars at bluff." Mr. Williams looked at hls hand and four queens and a king, so he bet and " called." His part n..,r—a Mr. Smith—showed his hand and had only threes and twos, so Mr. Williams won. Naturally, he felt elated. He had won $2 of a city fellow. The next time Mr. Smith dealt, giv ing Mr. Williams four kings and a queen. With a little tremor in his; voice, Mr. Williams said, " I bet $26 on blutf." That was all the money he had. Mr. Smith . saw" the $25 and went 525 better. For a few minutes Williams was perplexed ; lie pondered, and at last said, •' Will you consider nay overcoat equal to 525?" Mr. Smith said •• yes," and Williams then "saw" the pile with his overcoat, and went his coat and pants, better. Mr. Smith saw the;e and went :20 better. Mr. test, shirt, hat, shoes and stock ings being valued at that sum, he went them, and having nothing more to bet, "called" Sir. Smith. Merrily did Mr. Williams show four `Right merrily did Mr. Smith show his four aces. It took Mr. Wil liams five minutes to appreciate the full force of those four aces. That he did at last appreciate them was shown by his pallid cheeks and lamb-like looks. zimiling right pleasantly, the winner said to him -413 joyful- tones, "Would yeti lii:e to step into the back room and undress? lam in a hurry to go, or give me now and call it square." Mr. Williams tried to smile and reply, but he couldn't. The thou3ht of returning to hi., home dre_ie. , ./lin a shirt collar and being all ho had left— wa., too much for him. Being very tail, they wouldn't cover lab nalr.edneits.— He explained thia little di.t.M..ulty to the new owner of his clothes, who then suggested that he might have a friend here who would lend him the money or a suit of clothes. No, he knew none here. Could not he trust him? He would go home and stud the money by the very next.mail. Mr. Smith told hlta thememory of Man was treacherous. That before he reach ed home he would forget all about it.— Butdietould write at once to his wile to send him a check for the money, and, until that w as received, he could live with him. By helping around the house he could pay for his board. - Sot knowing what else to d; Mr. Williams accepted and went home with his friend, From there he wrote to his wife and asked for one hundred dollars. In the afternoon a reply came from his wile. She inclosed him a check for $lOO and also reproached him for his wicked ways, telling him he had evi dently been with wicked women. lie redeemed his clothes from Mr. B. and left there. lie did not even thank bins for his hospitality. Vexed with himself and wife ho determined to get drunk. That he did so is evident from the fact of, his being found that night by a policeman trying to undress a wooden man which stood as a sign in front of a cigar store. Ho was mutter ing to himself that he - would make a ~uitof clothes out of the affair, anyway. ,That if a. man got as dead drunk as this one was, that stripping him naked would do him good. Ee was also curs ing the way in which the man wore his cruthe.s, they were so hard to-get Mt Of course he was arrested: In the morning he told his story at the Police Court; and showed the letter hum his wife. He stated his shame and sorrow at being there, and prom 6ecl it should - not happen again.—Chi cage Ecpalican, • 'PRE GEYSERS ofN'EVADA.—About twenty miles from Carson City, Nevada, are some remarkable mineral springs' called Steamboat Springs, from the noise they make, which sounds like several steamers discharging steam. There springs cover an area of about three acres. The water Is boiling hot, and the escapinct steam can be seen for several miles before sunrise, and the at mosphere in the vicinity is filled with the smell of sulphur. There are crevi ces In the rocks where the water can be -ieen boiling at a depth of thirty feet. alro a sprin,.. which is called is shaped much hi:,. a I 1 The utter recedes to the dcp:h or .. twcivt.. feet, and remains calm for sive m:nuter,. and then com meace3 to boil. and until it shoot's Into the air about ten feet,. and ire five min ut....1 it begins to recede A Lady !..!eehaz a man 16 -the gutter, said she wa.4 airaid he e: as dead. Pat, who hqd beet) nPar euongh to smell hia breath exclaimed— "Fai th, and I wish I had half his We an. The Irmo in jail who looked octet the window of his.cell and exelabitted: