The Tioga County agitator. (Wellsboro, Tioga County, Pa.) 1865-1871, March 20, 1867, Image 1

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Tho Proprietors have stocked thesstabl.sbaseut Is 41.
s large mono:mat of moderns Wes •
aed ere prepared to anoauto nmaly, and promptly I
Pecds, Mortgagea, Lends,a d lui
CoLi:4t In' and Jagtisvi'Bltxtk,,daPfat.i assortmentdtion hand,
po-oplelivlng nt a distance condopend oollavlnFtliefr
work done pronoptly,and *eat tack fa rctunt-arall
bloc I:, d Floor
Well Paper, Eerosene Lamps; Window Glass,
Perfumery, Paints and Oils, 4.0.04. n.
Corning, N. Y., Jan. 1, 180.—Iy.
Ofs.ce formerly occupied by Janice Lowroy; Esq
Wn. A. NicsoLs. Swim I. MITCHELL.
Wellcboro, Jan. I, 1866-Iy.
Insurance, Scanty and Pension Agency, Main
Street Wellsboro, Pa., Jan. 1, 1868.
S. F. Wir.soN
(First door from Eigoney's, on the Arenne)—
Will attend to business entrnstod to their care
in the counties of Tioga and Potter.
Wellsboro, Jan. 1. 1868.
D. ANGELI.. & .00.,
MANUFACTURERS of, and Wholesale and Re
tail Dealer in Donna, Sath, and Blinds. Also
Planing and 'laming done to order.
Knozrille, 'logo Co., Pa., Jan. lE. 1887-1 y...
F. W. CL'ARE, •
Arroaxer AT Law—Mantfield, Tioga co., Pa
• May 9,1856-1 y
TAILOR. Shop fire door north of L. A. Sears's -
Sboo Shop...Cotting,ritting,and Repair.
Ing done promptly and well.
Welltdmro, Ph., Tan. 1, 18fi8.-Iy.
DRAPER AND TAILOR. Shop one door aboTe
Smith's Law Office.'4 • Cutting, Fitting, and
Repairing done promptly and in best style.
Wellsboro, Pa.. Jan. I, 1817G-1y
A . GENT for the collection of bounty, back pay
±I. and pennions due anddicre from the °event
meta. Office - rrith Nichoto and Mitchell, Wells, Pa. m3O, '66
Nothry Public and leaurnuna Agent, Blous
burg, Pa., over Caldwell'E Store.
Gainos, Tioga County, Pa.-
ti C. VERMILYEA, Priosnieron. This is a
hea• hotel located wlthin easy access of the
test fishing a i hunting ground:, in North
,t❑ eerataylcana. No pains will be spared
1. , ,r the 1k,10.4126.m01e.ti0n of pleasure seekers and
the trawling public. [Jan. l y 1866.]
Pennsylvania Rouse. '
4-6:lll_Avi• 1ad.22,E1T PBOPRIETOB.
popular betel bar been lately renovated and ro•
faraithed, ant DO pains wlll bo erred to rAnder Ito
I,capltallrice acceptable to patrobc,
tielloboro, .51Ay 9,1868. -
etor. A Leer llotcl oonduuted on the principle
of lire nod let live, for the accommodation of
the pnblie.—Nov. 19, 1868 —ly.
ATTORNEY AT LAW. Any letaz4ness entrust—
ed to Lie care trill receive prompt /Mi.:2HO',
Knoxville, Pa., N0v.14,1860.-14 '
recaerille, Ticza Co., Pa:: Bounty, Pension,
and lortiranco Agent. Collootione promptly
ettondod to. Offico 2d door below Ford House.
Dac. 12, 18t15-1y
t GENT for the Lyconcing County Insurance
Company, at Tioga, Pa.
June 5, 1966.-Bmo
T/004, TIOGA COVit'N'TY, PA..,
Gc,c3 stabling, attached, and an attentive hos
tler always in attendance, -" ,
E. S. FARR., . . t . Proprietor.
Blacksmith and Farrier.. • .
TOSEPII MANLY would inform the citizens
lf) of Welisboro and vlcinity that he bias leased
Ito old Mack stand, on Water - street, lately oc.
copied by Mr. }titter, where he may be found
prepared to shoe horses and oxen, and do all
vorl, pertaimug to his trade. Ile also inis-prao
ncal Farrier, and will treat horses for diseases.
Getober2.4. 1866-tf
Hairdressing & Shaving.
Saloon over Willcox' i - Earker's Store, Waite
-1,..r0, Pa. Particular- attention paid to Ladies'
❑atr.catttng, Shampoomg, Dyeing, etc. Braids,
Putts, coils - , and atriettee on hand and made to or
GOLD received on deposite, fur which eertifl
sates will be issued, bearing into-tat fa void
E. W. CLARK t CO, Bankers,
No 31 Beath Third street, nits.
U. BACON, 11. It, late of the 2d Pa. Cavalry, after
. nearly four years of army service, with a large
- Ter. ,, Ce in field and hospital practice, hoe opened an
.c.sf,r the practiou of well .tug and surgery,en all
branches. .rrka from a c tneo
hst. eau bad good
l ,, arning at the PeuuS3lvanix lintel %het desired—
111 c.t,l any part of the Sidle Iu conbuttatlon, or to
surgical Aperationg No 4, Onion Block, up
Wyllshogi. , May 2,1814 —ly. •
ha! the pleasure to inform the citizens of Tin*
county that be bar oompleted bis
I ”I au hand to take *II kinds of Sun Pictures;
inbrutypee, Ferrotypes, Vicnettee,Vertee
, V oats , the Surpr.Pe and Eureka Pictures; elan
I..rucalur attention paid to copying and enlarg—
t! Picture!. Instruotiona given in the Art on
teems. Elmira St., hipre6eld, Oct. I,
B. 8,111 Cif, Knoxville, Two. County,
II l's , (U. S. licensed Agent, and Attorney
dhera sod their friends throngbeet all the
IA ill prosecute and collect with on.
all kmdr. any other hind of claim
atom the Government hefore any or the Irti
rtatentetA Congr4,.e. Tom., moderate,
•amanieritiour rent to tie eirore.tddrere will' re-
Ire prompt attention. Jan. 17,1866.
7 77:7-. N
s w a sa l C. N. DARTT,
WOULD say to the DOA, that io• It• perma
nently locatect se Weilobern. sOM. t i Ids
`-lemee. near the Land Mee and I , ,tel.eop e d
C Lorch 1 there he dill cenlinee to de alt kind-
.opfidoi lo his Care. guJranteeing e.noplem
r, sum there the sk:11 of the Dentnet can
/15 the nom tgetnent of enees peotth.r w th. , In theft Inerilo,ll.l,lr, in; ,Varlisinakent ders'
otll furnish "...Petition; boirjriit Chelw , t t.g l 44rf
.I.ItTIFICIAL TEETH. 4.1 .eraperlea,d.rlatier.3lr. 11,P.;.t.tmtftraltaiY
Ott on any materiel desired.
, •et.ded to en shortest notice, and dope in llots
best and most approeol style.
th o tho tufo vi ineestbeties which ore pet
,. tiv Lirmlese, and trill be adiuiuisteretl inevery
, Leti •Ivmired.
LA.:l,w o , Jan, 1. 1885-1,1
-at per, dealer in Decker. & Brother itntl
& Brothers pianos, Mason & Hamlin &,
xltt e t cr gun!, Trent, Linsey d Co. melodeons, and
fl Shonin , er melon en Ed.. - Tiodur did , r
ur.,,,r.•$ store'
.Sept- 12,•
AMPS—A. nets kind tit lamp fir fiernsene—
s no breakage of chimneys—lit POLErs.
vpp: xry.
John W. GutirnsoV.
Ravin. returned to thin county with 4' view - of
making it his permanent rosidenco, solicits a
share of public Fatronn^o. All business en.
trusted to his care oriel)* attended to with
promptness and fidolity. OMeo 2d door south
of E. S.. Farr's hotel, Tioga, Tioga t 9o., r -
edpt. - ;
(earner Main Sind and the Avenue.)
B. B. HOLIDAY, Proprietor.
THIS is ono of :be most popular Houses in
the county.' T 14 - Antal: isY.tlia principal
Stage-bonne in %disbar°. Stages leave daily
as follows :
For Tina, at 10 a. m.; For Troy, at 8 a. al.;
For lersoy Shore every Tuesday and Fritiay,at,
2 . p. tn.; For 'Condenspart; every Monday-and
Thursday at 2 p. ra.
21'2" l'ak
'STAGES Annivz-,From __oga,atl - oa clock,
p. m.: From Troy, at 6 o'clock ,p t
sey Shore, Tuesday and Friday7l a. in. : - Froli
COndernport, Monday and Thursday Il a. m.
N. B.—Jimmy Cowden, the well-known host
ler, will be found on band, _
Wellaboro, Tait. 1,1888-1 -
J. B. Nmrs
, - DiALER " 'S'3‘
PATENT MEDICINES, Pertumery, Musical
Instruments and Musical Marclusiltit gireli
kinds,' Fancy Guaira-of atiltinds,4o: l -
Physician's Prescriptions carefully compounded
October 31, 1866.-6 m.
E. & 11. T. ANTILONY & CO.,
Manufacturers of Photographic Materials,
501 'I3ROADWAY,'""N.'
In addition to our main businida of Photographic
Material, we aro Headquarters for the following, via:
StegeOliCOlial*Stfqq(lB C/OPPrVAVVI-:
Of Attiii.l . c7an and' Foreign &H.! Calid rantljapie,
Orono, Statuary,
Stereoscopic Views of tho War,
From negatives made In the serious and
forming a pomplete-fbetographia gintbe r ': •
Stereoscopic thews on Glass,
_Adaptad fur tither 100 Lanterns or the Stereo-cope.
Our Catalogue will be F-ent to any tuldre, ou receipt
of Stamp.
47.1.hotogritain Aibunts.
We Meal afactere more largely than any other house,
about 2610 cluletirs from 60 cents to $5O each. Our
ALBUMS haw, the reputation of being .ipeyfor in
Warr And to All ettie, •. - i
Card Phetcigraphs of Generals, Staten
. menh, actors. Crte., .
r • , , - 1- .
Our Cataloged tMlirates . error Plit'Tl2oTPld:iD
different suljects, including reproductions of the moat
Celebrated Engravings, Paluttugs,2ltatues,.etc. Cate.
loamw sent on melt. of 41 11 4.. P. • -
Photographers and others ordt ring good. C. O. D.,
gill please remit 25 per cent. of the amount with their
order. The prices and gnat it) of our goods cannot fall
to satisfy.
AT iiiDird#A
Great " 1 414ePPP/A O . P-401W
NOT having a big stook of OLD GOODS to
shore off at anction,-I am enabled to take
advantage of the prequlLlaz prices, and am rea
dy to supply the public. wall a eplendid etock of
Styles, purchased to aooommo4ate title ma 7
ket., • fr, I 1: Li Vary
Pattieclat attention is directed to my de
sirable stook of Ladies' DRESS GOODS,
Alpaccas, Poplins, Prints; - Delaines, &a., &c.
Added to which I am olTering a large
and epicrididAta#.o.z.
and CAPS. &0., &a., &c.. &a.;&a., &., &0..
at prices to suit the 1,000,000, at Osgood's
olataVetiegiboKOL 7 4 - j
April 4,1866
a v=•-:
THE undersigned having purchased
the Drug Store of W. q. Sillier, will
ir. keep a full stock d
Dye Stuffs, Kerosene Oil nod! Groceries, which
will be sold ut as low pricis tia any other e ab.
lisbuient in the country for cash;
Lawrenceville, Nov. 5, ISMS —if:
To 'thrfattpeN ot)TiogW4M , . i
I V ll l ie rm a w .t n ix tr i t o n r g at my manufactory, In Isarenc
which possesses the following advantages over another
1. It separates oats. rat litter. and fool seeds, and
chine and cockle, from pheat.. • .
2. It cleane flax seed: to iellide-teed, nod all
other seeds, perfectly.
3, It chaos timothy seed
4. It does all other sspamting requited of a mill
This mill is built of the heed and niont durable tlin.
lair, In good etyle, and is !Obi cheap for cash, or pro.
I will fa a patent curve, for separates out, from
wheat,to other ntilts n o• rtiasonahleteno 1i
H ternEits.-
Lawrencorille, October 10, 1066-If
e.Np CA L tfr e-44 T --
Nast & An.erbach's
Where you c.O ulways And tb, fleet aesetted
Ftoek of
• , - - - -- •
.. os ...~
Manutanir,ed under iiielinwn superrieinu
r;ewea (a
oppeviiollarter W>ignt,
Orders promptly tilletrand eat:W..ol'on guarau
teed. Furey Turning done. to order.
Oct. 31, IMO _
tonAt - coin meal re . e4 n)wcyc,
entl at the ChirleCton-..lnlPict , rcrtuY-',,
in 4.• and Cora, t can make it n'maviect
fer tee le bey - •
• eb,iy,i6.ls64—tf :" •
LADIES: - ssts friAxiiirsO t0430,"11' , "
• dean FOLEY'S.
./L. 2., ' :t., - ,..7.::: , L . F. Lai: It 1::, ~ .T ... ' .-, :'-.,-, '' • , ~ - - - T - . .. . '
. . .
r :
. , ~
. ,
t .
~_,,,. , . ..-.', : .. 1 i:. ~--' ill Y 116;,, . .
~" %
• •4 , ..
ii. . N
It •
',.... - - . --- 1.. 3 1
~. .ril j :4 -
v 3,1 ..1 ,
i f
ii I -' [lllt l it ( •
\,,- ' kl +
7. gIICH &IN
'ho , Ica" 4c)-Z
G - 06 S IN GaiAT'
• -
Is fully stocks /4' with , the choicest and newest
styles of Garteents,equal in style, - workniewthip
end material to the best custom work, both for -
*hall be u4surpalsei/
''AU Ooodbpili:L;;014t, We,
=4-'-i-ow-r.# CASH PRICES
Akiiator - ;rriitl,ng Otßee; uei.t:doorjto
Ite - i' v e,ttruir Store.
wettibore, Sept.,Zit 1866,- :„'
- --- =
•-, . . .
,_,..... 1
= y
'' 6 ''' ; 4 /
47 . 4
V' ' 1
.:, !:atOa i PPI:
1 ' '9 t \ iii tr: ' )(..;
. ..
AT , . ,•, ..:', A .4-1 •T
1 Patent€l2 , 2l4 29, 18001.-'l!".' • :•`-
tili3 it ua Juthailor nladne.'es:
ceps la, very dirty Piece), ishiell will require), YUJI_
)1104 rub, aui unlike other puparetione• offered fOr
like purpose, Iviu,..orp,or Tar. arterife. , 4 but - hrtll leave
therm muck vaunt th at, ordinary, ,zuethodsoilthout the
aortal Wear and tear: '•' ' • • •
lErtno‘ ea mane spats at it by . magic; and Ponces
the dirt by, acaktng. eo tbat .rlnalng will du ordinary
Caeca eutirely remote It., -
This powder is prepai rot In ikccorda Leo with chemical
tclenee,aind upon a process pecnllar to 'lteelt, nal 'eh Li
inured by Lettere Patent. It hne-been In ilea fur more
then e year, and his peered Inetr an ualremal furor/le
Wherever It Las been used. , •
- ,
aniangillc advantaceacialtud are tLe folloulng, viz:
It aavec all the expense of soap usually used on. cat
ion and linen goods -
• /t_saxes mots of the labor of rubbing, and wear and
Also, inr cleaning ninduiri tir_uuldarpalned, .Vifth
lltitguatter the labor and expataa tonally AtNaired, it
Imparts a beautiful glusg and luster,, mach buperior to
?Ater ti
41°Ir ' a cc°P; to. molaten
Dim: tuna adtkaach package..
And can ire:mill; appreciated by asirrOa trali.: The
coct'or ;entails. tarn 1 . 4131i1 , Pr tic. or riz persona 7.111
not ezcied TRlLlErtnin.
The manoracturers:of this powder are assure that
many useless compomsda hove been Introduced to the
pablie which Lave ratted the cloth, or failed in rumor.
tug the dirt; but knowing tho Intrinsla excellence, of
this article, they confidently proclaim In no belogodopt
edlo meet - n demand svblclt has lobg existed. witleli
baaltl.ratnforesTmaksmokunsupplisst, XimanfactureO
.„; "t‘gt aVEVEIVS,:.2.
2.410 - Broudiny, Beaton.
Also, manufacturers of family dye colors. For sale
LI voters and denim et erywhere. 0ct17,.%6-Zro
rOfl- : 04AL.,...1r11W.- A ,4107 9,4,44$
I "a'eftiK
• - 1 - 1: , ;''' ITAWSINS,- , bITROVI -;':, :- • : `
• er.'o3 „TT ,
ICA Oat sPr.g - trzz;-. T
Crockery, Jars, Jugs, Lamps and Chimneys,
Lanterns, Wooden-Sari of all kinds,
13edcords, Rope, Brooms, Brushes of all
lands ; Plug 4. .Fine Cu t. Tobacco, „
' In regard to the sale of these goods I have a
word to say, in etrict.e.onfidence, ufcourse. These
geoAs-werepuroliaied•foi 'Job gild will -be sold
for ejlidtlaXptioe).which iE'an, Object
Ur housekeepers 4turchase., I menu to do a
square and fair trading Business. Cell end roe
me—at the J. D. Jones' stand.
Weihboru, Dee. 12, 1566—1 f
Claim -Ageney:' - -
:. A : - • .
ElqtvGdD a J. 114RRISON
II Attes, - still collect )3ocrrirs, - PENSIONS,
and all other claim!! against the Government.
' Under the provisions of late acts of Congress
,P:7l :sloo,.,gxtra.iliounty, f
hill heilia to eviriihrisiCarer served
out his full tium,.:or was wounded Id service, or
wet discharged by reason of ou:termination of the
war, and to the widows, minor children or pe
rcale of three years men,
$5O Extra Bounty
*ill be paid to all two year,' men and their heirs
aridilir Hite circumstances, nnifto three years' men
who served two years kir itheir enlistment.
In no cola will any extra bounty be paid when
More than $lOO has been previously paid.
' No claim will be entertained unless presented
ander,ltut.,Es 41.#1:1 REOOLVIONO itEOpd by-the
Wai INtsrimstli goiA.!2:4 .1 86flk
fbe Department will receive elaiths from Oct.
1, 18116, until Apritj, LW. ,1n case of claims by
parents under late tretti.df Clmeress for bounty,
the PATOER pod 'MOTHER must both join in the
Increase of Pension.
Invalid Pensioner. to,
tally4l,a pa:cab-co-ell-17
$2 p d e i r a niont .
l. child tinder 16 yenrs of
enc c
sce of widow Pen eioners.
Pees for procuring Extra .Bounty,
" " Incroarc
Lt. : r.-: ;. 1 11 ' ' W m ° ton.ttrrni..,nr.t . ..n.s lo
— cto.vC.fon tEC 4f:frit Sept. al:L(l'4th of
March Payment. , of Penrions . Si
K . ; quotiug!trzalts ,, funtie4 Cora
bythe TON or CAR LOAD, coarse or fine, colic
t<the patronage of the public-
ALSO—has constantly on hand, a largo stuck
of Q F IILRLuIF 13QL1 , 3.,xlimicsala and
retail. „ BLAOIi'SMITII.I.IO kinds
&Mkt In_the best twintter,..,... - OBER,
eat with cafe and tedninty'b. o.SoCir`,
O.:alio. of SALUTfPER on - tbevia - 14P.
at. 3 ". :: '1 41,0Y.T:"
TUE litrirart a•soriinent of Watnben,Clncis,
Jewelry and Plata - 11'1%ra •trisltiokiiiitwiify
at Ltndec66,l FOLEY'S.
WELLSBORO t PA., MARCH 20, 1867.
Original Vnttrg.
[For the Agitator.]
I want a wife, domestic, good and pure,
Who, with a smile, cesameei me at the door.
I want a wife who, has a temper sweet,
But who can virit show when itle meet;
NY'llo.ean her tongue control; her cue fanlts see,
And kindly spiel: of those she aces in me.
I Wania Trite, a woman God has made,
But do not want a wife in way of trade,
Ft?rrt!Oney nteer . enn,bny, a heart of love,
Or give to home a taste of heaven above; _
It neer can give that peace, and tweet contont
Thigh heaven to loving hearti s ahnie he's lent.
I want a wife' who has a hest to give,
That she within my own may Eye ;
A. wife to live for, one-to live for me,
That in this life 4114 one we may agree;
One, who, when fortune frowns shall truly prove,
That frowning strengthens woman'nlove.
• •
Somerville, is a good looking young
man, and is well aware of it. Ile is not
a man ofproperty, in the accepted mean
ing of that term,' but he lathe proprietor
of a pair of long and glossy' side whis
kers, which helassolemnly assured me
he would not take ten thousand dollars
for ;. I believe he has never been tempt
ed with an offer: I really do not know
,whrit - Somerrille's - business is; I - don't
think lie has any, except that of culti
,vator of his ,property---x. e., of course,
comber of his side whiskers. I know
he is a beau; he is not Only a positive
beau, however (I regret to add,) but a
comparative beau—that is, a - beauer.
But , you generally spell it.
:believe, don't yop'l . .
He comes into my room—stop, tho'!—
I should not speak in the present tense,
for of late he comes into my room no
dime. ' ,
lie was in the habit of sauntering into
my room whim I was sure to be at my
busiest, combing his grassy' side-whis
kers lovingly, and getting out his .gim
let. Then he would bOre me by the half
hour. His talk was of his conquests
among the' fair sex. ' He bad smitten
Miss Croesus at the party lastnight ;' he_
/lad:stuck an arrow into the heart of
Miss Ma Creme at the Opera ; he. was
having a "staving'.' flirtation with Miss
Arammta Blumengeld, :Fifth' ave
"Tell you what. Schreiber," said he,
onOdaly-abouthinonth 'age, as he sat
dowmand.put - his boots upon my stove,
"I'm in a quandary.".
- "Are you?".sahl I; "how did yoUget
there ?"
"Oh, I'm in good earnest about it, I
tell you. It's no slight matter. I am
going to get married, Schreiber."
•And who is the. happy fair one?"
"Ah, that's the rub, as Booth says,
YIN.) know. 'That's where the quandary
is, you see. There's two of 'ern."
`Don't commit bigamy, whatever you
said T. •
"Stuff; - Of course not: But r don't
know which of those two girls to Marry,
They are both dead, In love with me.
afill—l'dl tell you all about it."
I prepared for martyrdom.
-"There's Ellen Sweet you see; she's
the first one. ',You've seen her havn't
you A lovely creature, and the must
heavenly temper.' I love her as bad as
can be; you know ; regularly swept, I
am; mid she' loves me like anything,
I wotildtharry,her to-morrow if it wasn't
foFone filing; she's poor. She's living
With her .uncle on Fourteenth Street=
ydit, _know; old Sweet?—but .he won't
give -her anything, of course; he's five
daughtere of his own to provide for ; and
Ellen is an orphan, and has gotenothing
of her own.' If she bad anything at
allsay. ten thousand—l'd let Miss
Goldegg go without a sigh. But there
kis': Miss Goldegg is an heiress, they
say, to not less' than a 'hundred thou
sand.' I've looked into it pretty care
fully, and I'm satisfied their is no doubt
abbutit: in Piet it's more than a hun
died thousand if anything. I wouldn't
be surprised to find after I get her, that
the' double that. But then, you
seOhe's got the devii3Of a temper, and
thit Makesit bad.. She's good looking
enotigh-'—at least she gets herself up in
fitstrate'shape—got style, and all that,
to perfection; but you see I never did
Much fan eya tall and thin Woman. I'm
talicenbligh• and thin enough myself.
Brit she's dead in love with me, Schrei
ber—in fact people talk about us; and I
do wish I could love het, bilt I can't.
Whenever I try to think tenderlyabout
her:up , riSes the vision of Ellen- Sweet's
Innocent and lovely fee?, • niadby
Gedtgel it's enot;th to drive a Man
er - aw!- What in tne fiend is a fellaiv to
do in such a quandary as this? "
!Why, if it was me, _Somerville, I
should certainly marry the girl I loved,
If I, married at all.- But could you sup
port her if you had her?
, "There it is again ! I couldn't support
her in the—eh—style of life I'm accus
tomed to at all. We should] have to
take rooms at a second-i.atO boarding
house, and I should have to go to work
in some blessed place or other, and be
steady and all that, you know—which I
couldn't stand."
Well, then, marry the rich one,"
Bilfd I earnestly t "I'll agree to be satis
fled,' if you will." .
" But I - don't love her! I shall be un
hapPy—lknow I shall—such a' temper
as,ohels goti If I could only marry her
money, and Ellen Sweet's soul and
body;" continued Somerville, risingand
walking about the room in great dis
And then he ran over the whole sub
ject again, after the manner ofhis kind.
Finally, 1 . gave him my advice sober
ly :
"Sin ceyo u ask it, Somerville, you shall
have it. Go and marryMiseSweet, and
settle"down to a contentedlife. Change
yoUr habits, and become a useful mem
ber of society instead of an ornamental
one. The manwhetrulyloVes a woman
will, contented with any lot thatleaves
him peace, a good • home, and her. • I
really think, my boy, thatsuch awoman
as Miss-Sweet might be the making of
•bhWell, I'll think about it," said 'he,
as he sauntered out, combing his whis
kers thoughtfully.
-.Nest day I was honored with anoth
er-visit. " Somerville was elegantly ar
rayed, es-if to go out.
'l've made up my mind, Schreiber,"
Said he, pressing on his kids.
"Yes; 'l've decided in favor of Miss
goldegg. 'l'm going up therenow—this
vary • afternoon. She loves me, you
know and that's a good deal, the' Idon't
love her. Put her money In the balance
anti it's a satler. Au revoir."
At an , early hour on the following day
Somerville saunterd into my room, in
his velvet. - dressing-gown, and with
disheveled hair. _
"I'm sorry id it, after allFichitiber,"
-tt.Then_you proposedl"
"Yes; and, now that-in all over, I
wisli-J had taken your- advice. iihe
wouldn't have me, Schreiber)' • • -
"You astonish, me!" I cried,
gentle sarcasm. • - •z - ' "
“I feelas if I wrongedpoor Ellen,” he
continued. dismally. "I never ought
to have allowed myself to,be untrue to
- "She need never know it, Somerville.
It's better as it is, old fellow! Foryour
sake I'm sincerely glad of it. Now, be
a man:* marry the girl you really love,
and be happy. I shall have hopes of
you yet."
"I'll do it," said he; I'll offer myself
to-morrow. By George, I'lldoit to-day!
Good-by Schreiber ; I'm going to dress
He went out whistling.
- Late in the afternoon ray door slowly
swung on its hinges, butno one entered.
Looking . sharply, I perceived a - pair of
eyes gazing through. the crack at me.
• "Is that you,..Somerville2" saidl.
"I am here, •Lagardere 1" he respon
ded in athestrical tone.
"Come in," said I"
-or shut the door."
The door was slowlyclosed, it opened
again, and Somerville put his head in.
"She wouldn't have me either," said
I haven't seen thefel!owsinee.—Zur
per's TVeekty.
Tho Decoy which makes Young Men
Go with us to thepublic houses, where
a number of young men are assembled.
All is life and gaiety. A few among
them may be young and timid. They
approach the counter, and wine, rum,
and brandy, are calle - d for. One or two
may stand back, and say, no, gentle
men, we do notdrink ; please excuse us.
Immediately the rest turn and begin
to taunt their friends who refuse to
drink, saying they are afraid of getting
"tight,",uf the the "oldman," and some
whisper audibly, "well they are mean
fellows; they are afraid they will have
to spend a cent, :" Here you see two very
sensitive nerves are touched—Courage
and Cleverness. Their bosoms swell
with pride; rather than bear these
flings of their companions, they step up
to the counter and Join in the revelry.
The ice is now broken, the first great
act - of ;the drama performed. Others
follow in natural-order, until the indi
vidiial who refuses to drink atflrst, reels
along the public without shame. •
Such Is the manner in which thous
ands of our promising young men are
led away by a false ambition ; and
thousands more will follow in their path
unless they learn the meaning of cour
We have in our mind a number of no
ble-hearted, good-meaning men who do
not posess strength enough to face op
position. Rather than be called mean
they will follow up these habits of drink
ing until their appetites become uncon
We advise you young men, when you
are in company, and solicited to drink
intoxicating liquors, to say frankly and
decidedly that you do not indulge in
such things, and you command their
respect; and they will be forced to ad
mit that your courage is sufficient to
bear all their taunts and not yield the
right. Those who stem the tide alway
meet opposition ; but never despair
—press onward. Our only hope of res
cuing the race from this brutal, slavish_
passion, rests with the young. - Will
you, young friends, have courage, true,
high, and God-like courage, to face this
growing evil. and banish it from our
land,' •
Original 51cir.
[For the Agitator.] -
For five days—five weary fearful data,
the fight went on at Fort Ridgely ; not
a day on which the Indians might not
have taken the fort by a - well directed
charge made 'with -the- collective force
which drill and discipline impart to civi
lized troops, but Indians charge much
as a - gang of wolves rush on their prey,
and they were demoralized by the big
guns, of which they had a wholesome
dread. These guns—two hdwitzers of
six and twenty-five pounds respectively
—were managed by Sergeant Jones,
who was a skillful artillerist, and were
without, doubt the salvation of the fort.
The disgust-of the braves, as a bursting
shell or a charge of- canister met them
on a charge was beyand expression, and
their disgust reached the culminating
paint sent in a six lb. package of coarse
nails whistling and screeching into-their
very faces, "Dam rascal, Jones—shoot
inn belly full er said an Indian
prisoner at Mankato, who had been in
the fight. Who can imagine the' anx
ious, prayerful watehings and weary
longings for reinforcements which did
mot come, the despair with which the
exhausted garrison saw their ammuni
tion reduced to a few rounds, while the
provisions were all gone and five hun
dred helpless noncombatants, mainly
women and children were in a starving
Fortunately the Indians were not
aware to what straits the fort was re
duced, and on Friday the 22d, they made
their last and fiercest charge, which,
but for the untiring diligence the gar
rison bad used in fortifying every point
must have succeeded ; it failed howev
er, and the Indians turned their atten
tion towards New Ulm, leaving a suffi
cient force at the fort to preclude all
communications and reinforcements.
It will always remain a wonder that
the ill-fated village of New Ulm could
be so thoroughly taken by surprise, af
ter such fearful and repeated warnings.
For five days the villagers had heard
the guns at the fort, and they knew that
the next attack must in the nature of
things be on the village ; yet, beyond
slightly strengthening the brick build
ings, putting such arms as they had in
order and laying in a small store of am
munition, little preparation was made
for defence. ' The attack was made at
daylight on Saturday the 23d, by the
main bodY.of Dacotahs who crept si
lently through the rank wet grass just
at dawn, and dashed into the town with
hideous yells while many of the inhab
itants were yet in bed. A ffiv succeed
ed in reaching the shelter of the brick
houses, but the majority were taken by
surprise and pitilessly butchered or tor
tured to death by inches. The horrors
of that morning have never been writ
ten in detail—never will be. The ago
nizing screams of terror stricken
women, the pitiful pleadings and pray
ers of little children, clasping the knees
of their murderers as the tomahawk
crashed through bone and brain, the
hoarse shouts of a father as, seeing es-•
cape impossible, he made a tiger like
fight for his wife and children, the yells
of the savages as they chased and
slaughtered the fugitives, together with
,the crash of fire arms made a pandemo
nium of New Ulm, such as no peaceful
village in the land had witnessed since
the days of Miles Standish. The toma
hawk was succeeded by fire, and long
before night the, town, with the excep
tion of the brick houses, was an utter
ruin. The atrocities which had been
committed in detail among the scattered
settlers were here concentrated and re
enacted In a manner to shock the most.
stoical. So long as a victim could be
found the *ork of torturing by inches
Went on, and only ceased late in the day
withthe life of the last sufferer;' but the
savages did not escape 'with impunity:
From every window keen eyes and true
rifles sent death among them with little
loss to the besieged, and before night
many a Dacotah brave had expiated his
fiendish deeds with his life. The house
in which John Schultz had taken ref
uge with his family was made an espe
cial point of attack, but it happened to
be the one best fortified and defended,
also; the heavy rifles of the two half
breeds sent forth their sharp whip like
reports from loop holes and barricaded
windows as occasion offered, generally
with fatal effect, for the Freynors pri
ded themselves on theirshooting ; Hen
ry Freynor in narrating the fight said,
"Jim and I didn't shoot quite as often
'as the Dutchmen with their double bar
reled popguns, but when we did onhitch,
an Indian ginirally took a back seat."
The unexpected resistance of those In
the brick buildings maddened the save
ges to frenzy, and theykept up the at
tack with the fiercest determination, bu t
the sun sank low in the west and the
buildings still held outa good show of
resistance : And all through the fight
Jacob Kohler, with every sense preter
naturally acute although too weaki to
rise,—lay listening intently to the fear
ful sounds that reached his ears frOm
Without, tracing the progress of events
with an accuracy that needed no inter:
preter ; whatever anxiety be might feel
for his wife and children he was out
wardly tranquil, and too much of a phi
losopher to worry about that which he
had no power to palliate or prevent.—
Only as the firing flagged late in the af
ternoon he said to his wife In German,
"It is six days—six days of horror—
surely, help mast be at baud;" and he
was right; help was nearer than the
hard pressed defenders dared hope. The
brick ,houses could hardly have held
oft for another day, and the villagers
were on the point of despair, when
Judge Flandrau at the head of a body
of mounted men arrived from St. Pe
ters: halting near the town just long
enough to form they charged the In
dians furiously, and for awhile the bat
tle raged with spirit; but the savages
were routed with loss, and they took to
the long grass, thickets, and timber in
scattering squads, soon hiding froth
their pursuers as only Indians can. As
the shades of night settled down on the
stricken village the survivors emerged
from the brick houses and, assisted by
some of the troops, proceeded to bury
the dead in the streets where they fell:
for no party could yet venture beyond
support from the troops, and moreover,
the red skinned ghouls would have dis
interred the corpses to farther mangle
and dishonor them, had they been bu
rled outside the town : So the burial
party, working by torchlight, went from
house to house, dragging half burned
bodies from the smouldering ruins, fl
ing many corpses hacked and mangled
beyond recognition r and in almost every
case evidences of hellish torture and
cruelty. In the morning all the survi
ving inhabitants left the ruined town
for St. Peters, leaving Judge Flandrau
and his men in possession of the place.
The wounded were placed in wagons
made comfortable as possble with beds,
mattresses and soft prairie grass, what
little could be collected from the general
destruction was got together, and the
sad procession wended its way townies
the :Mississippi, whence many of the
settlers only returned to dispose of their
claims preparatory to leaving the State
forever. Jacob Kohler and his family
found refuge in the house of a friend
near St. Peters, where, backed by youth,
good habits and an excellent constitu
tion his recovery was rapid; in fact, his
wounds, though severe were hardly dan
gerous: he never went back to the home
where such heart-sickening tragedies
had been enacted, but, in October, when
fully restored to health took his fanilly
down the Mississippi to a more genial
clime, and far from the harrowing asso-
Ciatioll.4 connected with his prairie
home. The traveler who may visit the
town of Herrman in Missouri will find
a very creditable German School near
that place ; the Principal of that school
was once a farmer in Minnesota, and he
can tell you more of Jacob Kohler's af
fairs than any man living.
The arrival of Judge Flandrau and
his force was the beginning of the end :
soon after Colonel Sibley appeared on
the scene with three thousand troops,
and the starving people in the fort were
at last relieved, but the Indians were
by no means yet subdued. Captain
Grant was attacked at Birch Cooley, a
large number of his command killed,
and the rest only saved by the oppor:
tune arrival of Col. Sibley with the en
tire force at his command.
Captain Strout at Forest City was at
tacked by an overwhelming force which
he repulsed with severity, but in the
end was forced to fall back on Hutch in- I
son, where the Indians were again re- ;
pulsed, although they succeeded in burn
ing the best part of that town. The
inhabitants about Cedar City took ref- I
uge on an island which lies iu a lake
about a mile in width ; they were
armed, and provisioned for a siege, and ,
the Indians, not liking to risk an attack
by water left them in peace. Along a
line of frontier five hundred miles in
ectent—from Fort Abercrombie to the
Blue Earth, battles, skirmishes, mur
ders, and remarkable escapes were of
hourly occurrence. Awoman with her
three children narrowly escaped and
hid away from thelndians; the young
was an infant, which she was obliged
to carry, while her two little girls strug
gled along through thickets and briars
as best they could; the infant died, and
was buried by the mother in a plum
thicket. The rest lived as they could
on wild plums and berries, and it is a
fact that they managed to sustain life
for seven weeks before they were found
and rescued. A bright little lad not ten
years of age escaped with his brother of
five; alternately carrying and leading
the little one, often hiding in the grass,
and all the while warily keeping a look
, out for Indians he succeeded - in making
his way without assistance to Fort
Ridgely, a distance of eighty miles*l—
bad for a boy in his tenth year: To
narrate all the remarkable escapes and
adventures connected with the masscre
would fill volumes, and this article has
already ertended far beyond the original
design of the writer; suffice it to say
that with the dispersion and defeat of
the Indians at Birch Cooley the tide I
was turned, and from that time they
were steadily pressed back, back, be
yond Big Stone lake,
towards the Mis
souri, across it, and finally, far to the
north of their ancient huntinggrounds,
where many of them found refuge on
British territory: even here they were
not suffered to rest, the British authori
ties ordering them " officially" to leave
the country ; but they were dishearten
ed, impoverished, and badly whipped,
and they sullenly refused to go. If they
were to be exterminated, they said, they
would meet their fate where they were;
and they remained. Probably they un
derstood that the order would not be en
forced, although a fair show of interna
tional comity compelled the Bgth-li au
thorities to issue it. So far as the Minne
sota frontier is concerned the Dacotalis
have disappeared forever; the govern
ment has given them stern warning. to
keep beyond the Red river of the North,
and they know that it has power to en
force its behests, but more than all, there
is a stern, unalterable resolve among the
settlers, more patent than any legal en
actment—that the Dacotah who shows
his face on that frontier shall be shot
down like a dog; and so well is this un
•Aclllaxt. J. Ebert.
NO. 12.
derstood with the Indians, that no
Chippewa even can be induced to rut
in au appearance between auk Centre
and Mankato.
The Dacotalas, who once could mu,ter
30,000 warriors, have passed away from
their hunting grounds forever, and the
emigrant who affects the fertile wheat
lauds of that State may rest a2sured,
that not even the midland counties of
Pennsylvania are inure safe froth In•
dian raids than the western frontier
of Minnesota at the present time.
DENVER., COL, Jan. 31, 18,37
So intent were the early settlers on
securing the mountain treasures, that
two years passed by .before any effert
was made to find those of the plains,
and, when the disappointed gold seek
ers turned their atteutien to farming,
their joyous surprise at the large yield
of all kinds of cereals was in striltine
contrast to their despondency in failing
to reap a golden harvest in another
manner from the one they were now
following. An examination of the soil
forming these upland plains shows that
it is a sandy loam containing severity
per cent of sand, consisting of angular
;;rainy of quartz, much yellow mica,
fragments of a dark colored rock, oceiee
ional grains of fcldepar, and a notalil.
quantity of magnetic iron. The vegeta
ble matter amounts to about four per
cent; and the soil thus appears to have
all the eleroents required for great fer
tility. Statements made respecting the
yield of grain and vegetables in general
may seem incredible to farmers in the ,
east, who, under the most favorable
circumstances, seldom receive as a re
ward for their labors that which here I
would be no more than an average ,
Three hundred bushels of potatees,
fifty bushels of wheat, and one hundred
bushels of oats, and corn, are often pro- I
duced per acre, and this will be but an
average yield from large fields of grain
and roots. Vegetables are extensively
cultivated among the mountains. and
they are raised with success almost to
the foot of the Snowy Range.
What would the people of the easter n
states think if they were to see esculent
roots growing on the summit of White
Mountain, and attaining a size seldom
surpassed e
..No land is suitable for eultivatioe
where the supply of water needed to ir
rigate it cannot be procured, and hence
a large amount of land must forever lie
idle unless from the artesian wells now I
being sunk, the needed supply can be
obtained. But while the soil is capable
of producing bread for a population
however large, it has one serious draw
back in the minds of many, as all eni.ats
to raise fruit of any kind have thus +'ar
proved failures.. The reason assigned is
that the extremely dry atmosphere fails
to supply the required moisture for tiie
germ of fruit, and the effects on it
as though a continual blight prevai:ed.
At Salt Lake, which is much to the
north of here, apricots and peaches are
raised in great abundance, and it is
hoped that a result of increase of mois
ture rising from the fast increasing area
of cultivated land on which the water
from melting snow that now flows
ward, or sinks into beds of sand, will be
retained, and this natural difficulty
will be overcome. The winters are
mild and pleasant, though owing to
the elevation, which here is 3,300
are not as warm- as is the same latitude
further east. Snow seldom falls to a
greater depth than four or five ineiles,
and cold weather is gone soon; arid
most of the seeding is done in Februa ry
and March. Cattle, which are rased
in large numbers, require no care oth
er than that of herders who keep them
from straying too far from the 'locality
where they are being wintered.
As there is but little moisture in the
atmosphere there are no frosts, and the
buffalo and -bunch grass cures as well
where it glows as if it were cut and
stacked. The center tufts of bunch
grass 'remain green throughout the
year, or untils* k new growth takes its
place. . .
A brief description of the wild ani
mals most frequently met in the far
west may be of interest. ,The habit, of
the buffalo are so well known that fit
tie need be said of it. The region of
country over *filch it teams is nbw
principally confined to that lying be
tween the Arkansas and Plattemveis,
and this is fast being made less by the
encroaching, white man. Without
stringent laws are made and enforced
for its protection not many years will
elapse before it becomes extinct.
The Antelope is found on all parts of
these vast plains and prairies, is grega
rious and-often assemble in herds of
several hundred at the approach of win
ter. It is about the size of the forest
deer but differing from it in color and
habits. The color is a dark red, verg
ing on grey, except on the breast and
haunches which are a dull white. The
horns of the male are about a foot in
length, raise upright from the head, ex- -
eept at the points, which turn in and
back; the breadth of the horn is four
times its thickness at the base, but as
sumes a circular form near its point,
like_those of the Cashmere goat. Un
like the deer when pursued they flee in
a lope or gallop, and are, without doubt
the swiftest animal on our soil. As
with the mustang on the plains and
wild sheep in - the mountains, they have
a recognized leader in each herd, and by
their unity of action in halting, wheel-
ing, or changing direction on either
flank, they make the movements al
most with the precision of well trained
cavalry. When feeding or resting, one
or more from each flock is stationed in
the most favored position to view the
surrounding country, and at the loud
snort given by the sentinel at the ap
proach of danger, they will run over
the plain almost with the speed of the
wind. A strange trait of their nature
is that which they sometimes exhibit
iu their movements to discover the
meaning of any unusual object they
may discern. Last summer, while en
gaged on the government surveys far
out on the prairie, the. red and black
signal flags of our marker at times
would bring a large Hock from a long
distance to learn the cause of that un
usual siallt in their domains ; and it iY
this overpowering curiosity that often
leads them to their destruction from
the hard of the hunter who may 1 , 0
waiting the succa.. , s of n. Into stramiiiaa
to decoy them within range of his ha A
i or rifle.' They ar, - , extensively hunted
by both ImLans and white-, the I-, to
cc to satisfy their hunger, the latter , et
I profit, and it is not uncommon to .1 ,,
wagons heavily loaded with
their me,it
brought to Denver market ? at time-, in
such quantities that it sells for only one
cent per pound.
While we admire the antelope for its
innocent habits and graceful form, our
feelings•for its natural energy—the-a - oh:I
is quite the reverse. Of the latter ani- I
mai two kinds are most frequently
met. The first, the grey wolf, attains 11
size equal to that of the largest dog, t,ie '
last, the coyote, reaches lees than one
half size, but is mean enough in dispa- !
sitlon to makeup for any d,eficiancr It
easy iack nature. The coyotes not
ge Cop goat lgilator
P"U" I . 4 Wvlnesday Itarning, nt =CC .
Year, invorbbly in ativauca, ty
a a. u 015.3
".ryv - m - aTzsz.war
TZ.I LE Sirnwr, os. izza,l:l97.
i 35,f.`0( 37,0 , 31j32,4 , 3
2 Squam.. 2.00 1401 .I,COI 10,3t , 3 moo
Half 10,60, 15,C.Y, 22,C.t' zroo
CrT 10,4.7:: fat)/
e.Ervaitoss Catia insortod at :St sato of o DO4-
~ lox a Liao per ;as ; bat nova rot lora tam, lan ^a'a.ra , „
not!cto, 71;tota Coats
,7et tfaij Dittorral
or Local Notcto, Two?, Coata'pst ;too..
only make nigher hidooti3 with their
dismal howlingg - 3M their disnositlon to
steal is so strong, that totting is too
heavy for them to move, or escape their
peculiar attraction of gravity.
One pl,l , asant night, while ma the
prairies, we lay down without pitching
the tents, and in the morniag one of
the tent poles were missing. It WSJ
found after a diligent search more than
a quarter of a mile from camp whither
they had dragged it. Another time the
heavy gum coat belonging to one of our
party was taken from ot' the blankets
under which he was sle.euing, and two
days afterward was found partly buried
in a sand bed nearly half a. mile from '
camp. The thieves having found it to
be a tough case had cut numerous holes
in it, probablyfor ventilation, and then
left it where they hoped it in time would
be in a better condi:lon iodine on. Be
fore starting for theprairies we procured
a Mexican dog w hich we believed would
be useful in guarding our provisions at
night, but great was our surpriae,whan
we found the ungrateful wretch took
sides with has distant relations, and
verily believe headed them in their fre
quent attacl . 3 on our commissary de
The grey wolf is seldom found away
from the region where buffaloes roam,
and there it follows In large gangs the
moving herds ever ready to pull down
and kill any buffalo that may, through
age or other causes, be unable to keep
up with the herd. The fur of the wolf
sells for a large price in eastern cities,
ant both kinds are extensively hunted,
and they, like the buffalo and Indian,
must eventually disappear before the
advance of the white man.
The mountain sheep, or American
Ibex, is a singular animal whose form
and habits are very little known to
dwellers of the east. - Its weigb.t Isabela
the same as that of the dome.stio sheep,
but it is more compactly built, its feet
ace sharper and its horns are equal to
one-third the weight of the body. Like
the chamois it inhabits the 1130611 Mae
ee-sible part is of the mountains near the
hue where vegetation ceases, and, when
pursued, will leap an - almost Incredi
ble distance from rock to rock, and like
its counterpart of the Alps is very diffi
cult to approach.
Two kinds of bears make their homes
in the mountains—the cinnamon and
the grizzly bear. The former, whose
color gives it its name, is about as large
as the black bear of the States, and like
it is quite timid in its nature; but not
so with the grizzly, for, eapecielly . when
wounded, It is a dangerous enemy to at
tach, the bleaching bones o? many a
hunter attest to , ) well who has met in
deadly struggle with the kin -; of the
}row the line tn: the ..krisanatis river
southward the, country is inhabited
chiefly Mexicans, and, though much
Ti SLe - - oil is well adapted to cultivation,
lunch less grain is produced In proper
t: ~ u to the population than among any
vtiier class of whites, as they are but
one _gads above the Indians as regards
indu,tricus habits and Interest in
On the little land cultiva
ted they use rude plows and drags made
en ti , rAy of wood. and these are drawn
which, fcr a yoke, have broad
pie e. of wend strapped on the head at
the base of Ire horns.
Their food consists of toZo and /ache—
d knict of porridge Made of milk and
irrOM/d corn—and if their
want; are satisfied they wart no more.
They have lar g o nerds of cattle, but
they make no ; they have an
al,hndanc.9 of water-power, but they
erect no mills; they can exchange hor
ses and cattle for improVed farming Im
pknients, }rut they still retain the rude
kind used by their nation at the time it
:vas conquered by the Spaniards, and
tiey ‘iceni "whatever forT., the followers
or tezuma ;practiced should be prac
ticed iT their ues.cendants.
fen Americans are settled among
thew. and tlicr:c often :acquire great
NI c a l is h\- raking cattle and sh eisp which
at the g,ovcrument posts, and In
;;rate, of the south-west. Slavery
1. supposed to be abohshed throughout
cur land but a peculiar form of that In
stitution is still kept up here under the
nanle of peonage. This system is Bane
tiol.ed 13y the laws of Mexico, and, as it
exi ,, ten.l in tee possessions ceded to the
United States by the Mexican govern
ment, the unscrupulous =cher° has no
hesitater' in adapting it to his own
wil 11
The Merticati may become indebtedto
the rantliman for some of the nemsi
tiee of life for himself and family, agree
h.bor for him till the debt is can
celed. The man of power prevails over
the one of ignorance, and at the olose
or each year the peon is as deep In debt
as ever, and ever is so tr.l death comes
and releases him from the toil to Which,
owing to the cupidity of his fellow men,
he for long years had been a victim.—
The completion of the Mexican is near
ly as dark as that of the Indian, the
hair is also black and straight, but the
high check bones of the latter are not
so prominent in the face of the former,
and iu stature he is equal to the Ameri
The dwellings are made of adobes or
sun-dried brick, the.roof on which the
men sleep during the warm season is
nearly flat, and like the 'floor on which
the other inmates rest, is Made of earth,
the beds which also answer fez' chairs
and tables are made of dried hides or
plaited mats of reeds, and the room is
warmed by a fire In the niche of the
wall N+ here the wood is placed on end
when used fur fuel. Much has been
written about the heautAs of dart eyed
senoritas, but my chagrin when rust
,aw them was probably equal to that
which ati r.e,•iions have when they be
hold In the form of some greasy squaw
the graceful Hiawatha of song and
I have thus enumerated the principal
objects of interest in our territory
wherein they differ front those of the
Eastern States, and of its advantages
and disadvantages in which to secure a
home or fortune each of your readers
can judge for himself. But as one who
bus bad actual ercperience, I may say to
all young men who contemplate seek
ing their fortunca here, be sure you are
nut leaving a fortune however small, in
of going to one. Don't be flat
tered into the fal3e idea that you can
acquire sudden wealth at mining or
speculation. The mines cannot be
worked unless there is brat a large out
lay of capital, and you are sharp
er than nine-tenths of those who do
coma without capital and without a
r- it n, lou, nc them trill fail to
Wii:ll. you :; - o:a do Come
la • whfcll to return.
if yvu ; at all events
.11, to Succeed
—EU Lard - ships of
MOM: Call
t:) .t:i V , Lo corn; •:iththisoar
Ind up the ler-
our ,!e“,:r0t,, , , gov e r n .
,o %II it, i•cople 1 Lonte ca
Li.: lout, I ',.:rtilL...ilutnslit.,:•of z:11 nations.
C.A.D. D.
A &An Fora ry augge . ata that a lady,
an puttin , 4 (nt he; corsets, i 3 like a man
o:i, t drown
hevselt, slie iv f...etting tight.
-No DOcr.r.-;--A man advertises for
t.:ompetent persona .to undertake the
sale o: new. aud'adda "that ft
will be profitable to the undertaker."
L a. 0zr..a33