Stied attrg. TIZZY BAY They asy.—all wai f =ippon. the, do, Sat eau they prove the stoty. true? Bospialon may arise from taught Doe loam envy, want of thought; , wart Toot& among the "they" Wbo whisper what they dire not say? They soy—trit why the tale rehouse, And help to =the the matter worse So good oat possibly &acme Froamtollind what may be =atm; And iss it not 11. boblor plasi To spate or sn the best you =42 say—Wall, if it iltonlae w, Vl:7=a you tall the talc of cros? Will k tha Uttar wog realms, Or make ma pang olsorrow lug? Will u tha erring one mum, Zenaeforth to "go and tin no more?" Their sni--(1h! pause, and look within, eta bow thine heart inolines to sin ; Watih,lest in dark temptation's hoar, t; too, shouldstaink hones,th its power; Vey the woep o'er their fall, Itta Ipask of good, or act et all *Ex. vag:TA,44 Mn. I Virarren, in her sensible little book on housekeeping, which has at tracted attention on both sides of the water, enumerates in the foremost rank of the necessary expenses of a family, a oertain annual sum for a policy of life insurance. If the necessity of lay ing' aside for this distinct purpose a fair proportion of evert' man's income could be impressed on the head of every fam ily,-the destitution, abject penury, and oreaking hearts which are now so com mon would be, to a great extent, avoid ed. We earnestly wish that we could lend to our readers a part of our convic tion that it is one of the great duties of a luisbancland -_father to see that those dependent on him during life shall not sullersfter his death. We do not write in behalf of any compauy. We do not advocate any special plan-of insurance; but we seek to impress on all who read our wbrdil that they owe it to their fam ilies to at once provide for that unavoi dable exigency, an unexpected decease. The Bible declares that he who neglects to provide for his family is worse than the infidel. We all know in what light a men stands who allows his family to be in want While lie lives. We hold it to be a duty on the part of everyman to set aside part of the receipts of the year to pay for his policy of in surance. -The poor man can save but little, and as daring his life his family are not accustomed to live in eleganoe, so only need the state of his finances, at his death, afford the ordinary styles of living - for his - fan:Lily - when he is - gone. A email policy will be as much to them as a larger one to a family accustomed to all the conveniences of life. Let the rich man also provide according to his means. While the - Taborer cannot af ford to secure more than a few thous ands, the rich man can secure more; for although he may, at the present time, justly anticipate a rich legacy for his heirs, a sudden turn of the wheel of for e! tune may ve him a beggar and his children p nniless. There Is no more secure iuv stment than a policy of insu rance. We know it is stated that many of the companies are bogus, and will defraud those who invest in thew.— Such may be, and doubtless is, true of some, but the very large majority of these institutions are thoroughly relia ble. Their reputation depends on their promptly meeting claim, whose justice even is doubtful, rather than let public confidence be impaired by-an. exposure. The picture engraved on the policies of some of the ssaociatic - is, of the agent of an association paying to the widow and children the funds which raise them from penury to ease, is not a fancy sketch. It is a reality which occurs every day, and hundreds of thousands of families rise up and bless the fore sight which induced the father to see that they be not left destitute by his death. The grief at the loss of the bead of a family is enough to be endured, without the additional agony of being in doubt as from whence' their daily bread will be secured. Let, then, each of our readers who hare'not already at tended to this essential duty, avoid de laying ita single day. one know bow soon they may be removed, or what dis aster may overtake them. Let each then prepare for a catastrophe, and see that when death or failurearrives, those they love more than them Selves are not left both destitute and desolate. Phita detphia Register. A. COOL PABXEB.—We've seen and beard of cool proceedings ere this, but the conduct of a Vermont agriculturist was' positively "iced." He once sold a load of hay to his neighbor, who, con trary to his expectations, after seeing it weighed, stayed to see it unloaded. But a few forkfulls were off when a bouncMg rock rolled from off the load; then another, and then a third came bang-opon-the &lot: - - --- " What's this?" queried the buyer in a loud voice. " Most all timothy this year," replied the deaf man. " But see here," continued the oth er pointing to the boulders which lay arrayed in judgment against the die honest hayman ; " what does all this mean ?" " Shan't out nigh so much hay this year as I did last," replied the dealer in yt. Just as he had finished the lest sen tence, down thundered a rousing chunk Jot . granite, making a deep indention in the barn floor with one of its sharp an gles. "I say, neighbor s." screamed the purchaser of granite, " / want to know what these are!" pointing to the broad boulders and the big lump of granite. Old N. took up a mighty forkful of the timothy, gave it a toss into the hay loft then leaning upon - his fork, eject ing his huge quid of tobacco, and re placing it with a fresh one, he took a view ofthe fragments of stone wall that lay before him, and, with one of the blandest smiles, he replied " Them'. rocks." "Did the guard present arms to you, Mrs. Partingtonrr asked the commis sary, as they met at the opening of the marquee. "Yea mean the century?" said she, smiling. You see a soldier's relic should know a soldier's termina tions. I have heard so much of the tainted field that I believe I could de plore an attachment into line myself, and manure them as well as an officer s You asked me if the guard presented arms to me. He didn't, but a sweet little man with epilepsy on his shoulder and a smile on his face did, and ask me if I wouldn't go into a tent and smile. I told him that we could both smile as well outside, when be politely touched his chateau' and left me. Thecommis sary presented a bard wood stool, upon which she reposed herself. "This is one of the seats of war. I suppose," -eail she. "Oh, what a hard lot a sol- Slier is subjective to! and I don't won- Eler a mite at the hardening influences nf a soldier's life! What is that for," .keti she as the noise of a cannon salu hid her ear. '•I hope they 'ain't firing got my account," There was a sofici rock! to her tone as she spoke, as she whel informed that it was only the Gov rock.r who had arrived upon the field. conk_ me," said she, "how cruel ills to :e the old gentleman come down gl ere, when he is so feeble that he has wi take hiS staff with him wherever he :)es." She was 60 affected at the idea m e at she had to take a few drops of fri.aite wine to restore her equilibriunl, yead to counteract the dust of the tain- I) .1 field.—Boston Post. as 13 "A poor man who had been 111, Sac. :l i ng been asked by a gentleman whetb ne had taken any remedy, replied, "- "No, I ain't taken any remedy, but / cave taken lots of physic." th THE GREAT CENTRE OF ATTRACTION IS AT LAIVRENCEVuaLE. G. S. -MATRER S Cll Would announce to the good people of Tioga County that they have just returned from New York with their second full stock of FALL it WINTER GOODS, • • euthraoing all the noulties its well u the sub. sum:aisle required. DRESS GOODS in all varieties, STAPLE & FANCY GOODs, HOOP SKIRTS, & BEST FRENCH WOVE COR SETS,GLOVES 4$D H.q. SY. YANKEE NO TIONS. &c., &c. FURS FURS 1,1 AaNie, CONY and Siberian Siruirret, • The largest Stack of CLOTHS & CASSIIIERES in the county, READY MADE CLOTHING, and CLOTHING sada io'arder euper intincied by first class Icor bun- SHOP MADE BOOTS & SHOES in end— less variety, HATS & CAPS to suit all tastes, GROCERIES, &C -t& Our gob& have Vein hov6ht during the last panic in New Yank-sad At Para pricer. Prices are down, monopoly broken op. No other kora can or dare compete with us In qua]• ay and price. For further particulars call at the store of C. S. MATHER St CO. La.:renew, i 4e, i pey 95,1.£1&:41 LATEST FASHIONS DEMAND J. W. BRADLEY'S CELEBRATED PATENT DUPLEX ELLIPTIC (OR DOUBLE SPRING) K '1 R T TE Vondertnl flexibility and great comfort and pleasure to any lady wearing the Duplex S 'kart. will be experienced particularly in all crowded asuroblies, operas, carriages, railtwadcare,claurch pew. arm chalrs, - fortnurweoade and-boom rfrese, Ac skid can be folded Svnerfinssso to occupy- a amen place es easily and Contanientlym • or muslin ilrem - asi In. ralnable quality in crinoline, - not (owed lb any single lance skart. O lady haring enjoyed 3be'pleasure, demi.' and gnat convenience of wearing the duplex elliptic steel spring skirt fora single day. will never aftarWards Ingly dispense with welt not. for children, Misses and young ladies tbey are soPerfOr to all others. They will not bend or break. like the single spring, but will preserve their perfect and graceful shspe when three or four oldinary eklrts will hare been thrown aside as toeless. The hoopa arecorered with doub/eand twisted thread, a nd the bottom rods are not only don. tile springs, but twic(or double) coetred; presenting them from wearing out when dragging down stoops, Mara ThaD uples Elliptic Is *mai favorite with aB ladle., wad Is universally recommended by the fashion maga clues, as the standard shirt or the fashionable world. - - - - • - - • To enjoy the following lueatlmable adrantagez in csinnlin<, Vic: cuperlur quality. perfect mantifuttme, atyllsh thane and hutch. tlrLbtLlte durability, Comfort .11 economy, inquire for J. W. Bra.dieyre Duplex 8111 p. tic or double , prlng duet, and be enre yon get the gen. tulle article . OAUTION.—To guard against Imposition, be pas - Lino nu to notice that akirta offered am "depict" have the red Ink stamp, 1,17.: “J. NV. Ilrailley's Duplex Elliptic iteti fr.prltins." upon the waistband—none others aro genuine. Also notice that every hoop will admit a pin ..,eing passed through. the center, Ulna revealing the too (err double) springs braided together therein, which is the secret of their flexibility and strength, and acorn. oblation not to be found In any other skirt For sale in all stores where first class skirts ore sold throughout the United States and elsewhere. MAIM* textured by the sole Ownexe of tbo pataltt, WEETS, BRADLEY SCARY, Jouli,Sm 97 Chambers .& 7D &81 Reade sta., N. Y. Stoves: - Stoves :: AND HARDNVAIVEI MR. WILLIAM ROBERTS begs to announce to the citizens of Tinge County, that to addition to his excellent etook of Stoves, Tin-Ware, Brittania, and Sheet-Iron Ware, he has, at a great outlay, stocked ble store on 9141 N STREET, WELLSBORO, with a complete assortment of aelf Hardware, of which we enumerate the following articles: NAILS, SPIKES, CROWBARS, X CUT, MILL, HAND AND BUCK SAWS, BUTTS, STRAP. HINGES, CARPENTER'S TOOLS, • • PUMPS' - AXES, - AUGERS, • . BITTS, ‘ ' •• BITT-STOCKS, RATCHETS, CHISELS, SHOVELS, SPADES, FORKS, BENCH-SCREWS, WOOD SCREWS, CARRIAGE BOLTS, BURRS, SKEINS, WASHERS, PIPE BOXES, AXLE TREES, ELLIP TIC ~. • SPRINGS, HORSE SHOES, HOOP, BAR, & BAND IRON, - GRINDSTONE HANGINGS, CORN _ ; - • POPPERS, _ • SAUSAGE CUTTERS AND STUTTERS COMBINED. Also, PISTOLS, -1 PISTOL CARTRIDGES, - • POWDER AND • CAPS, PATENTIBARNDOOR HANGINGS a new thing, and Made forr use. tlassi aiisiwit a few of the many artioles composing our stock of Hardware. We invite the public to call and examine for themselves. We aim to koep.the beat quality of good. in our line; and all work to order done promptly and well. WILLIAM BOBEETS• WelLsboro, Sept. 1, 18811-tf. NEW FLOUR. GROCERY,AND',PRO VISION STORE. Edwin B. Carvey, To ready to tonash easterners with FLOUR, COMMON TO BEST, PINK RAMS, MACKEREL, WRITE FISR. CODFISR. AND PRIME GROCERIES pr, ALL KINDS. Next door to Converse's store. We!labor°, Dee. 12, 1886-Iy. XOI.IIY has some more or timeline dineritous watches, at No. I. Union Bleak. et_ENERAL wholesale agent for the Celebrated PATENT PLATE PIANOS• manufactured by DECREE 8809,, MOILER ING 4 SON'S PIANOS, BAINES BRO'S PIANOS, "(AWN lIAMLIVS CABINET ORGANS, and Treat, Linsley A Co's Melodeons. Orders from dealers and Teachers especially solicited. Address, L. B. POWELL, July 20. 116 Ponna Avenue, Scranton, Pa. NEW GOODS AND NEW PRIdES T. A. WklillAjPg, T10G.4) PA FI • - Y MrANING lust zit - timed frog Now York-with Now atti hiIrODIY Welotalf STOCK OF GOODS,. All those in want of Goods wtll And it to Galli interest to tall and EMI!! 01:111:133OCK- end learn Prim before baying elsewhere. .. Sept constantly on hand, a choice lot of PRIED : FRUIT. CiROCIKRIES, FLOUR, PORK, &C., &O All the above'Cloods are bought at the lowest Cub Prices and will be sold ONLY roi 64E4 oa READY PAY Don't forget the place, at the old eland of VAN NAME A WICKHAM. Tioin;Pa,,:reb..lo:lB97—lt . , Card, Staiiles & Sod, A RE PREPARED TO SELL AS CHEAP L stay dealers 10 the county,:i general .as. aortrlat of DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, ' RE,ADY.II,ADE OLOTHING, HATS, CAPS, BOOTS A SHOES, FUR. NISHING GOODS, EARTHERN, STONE, AND GLASS WARE, in short, everything usually 'kept in.& country store, all of whisk will be - sold as tow as else. where, for READY PAY ONLY! No trouble to Show Goods. • QALL AND SATISFY YOURSELVES. .STAPLES 14 CO., grateful to old patrons for peat favors, hope for a continuance of the same. Having formed's copartnershin with G. P. CARD, they feel - sonAdent that they mia batter than ever before, as the new firm wUI have a larger assortment. COMPETITION DEFIED! - -CARD, STAPLES A SON. Rea . neYvllle, Feb. 21, 1866.—1y.' Elar4aan's Safetyßridle and UUCIS, (Patented )ionmberi7, 1865.) MU A MOST valuable article for all who drive bor. JAI. sets. Bee "Agriculturist" for hiereh,lB66. Recommended' by Wilkes, of tho Spirit of the rime*, 801.113/3t, of the New York Ledger, and soapy other celebrated horsemen- - - 'The subscriber owns the paten t for Tioga, Has. emehanna and Bradford counties. Individual or township right' for sale, on favorable terms. Heroes! makers who wish to make the lines for their customers who buy Individual rights, will be dealt with liberally. By a slight alteration, the safety lines may hi attached to almest any bridle. All parsons - aro cautioned against makiiii or using the brldleor lines, in the counties aforesaid, without arkthority front the undersigned. - • ROBERT C. SIMPSON. Welleboro, Sept. 5,18854 f WALEBR & zavranor; • _ r ' D,rd./Zllll 15 lIARDW.dEE, IRON, STEEL, NAILS, STOVES, / TIN- WARE, - BELTING, ,SIWS, CUTLERY , -WATER LIME, • AGRiCULTIMAL IMPLEMENTS, Carriage wad flumes' Trimmings, TIARNEBBES, SADDLES, Ac. Corning, N. Y., Tat. 2,1867-Iy. E. B. - KIMBALL, GROCERY - AND RESTAURANT, One dooi. above the Meat Market, WELLSBQRO, PENN'A,- ESPECTPIILLY announces to the trading pnblic that he has a desirable stook °Vera eerie' comprising, Teas, Coffees, Spices, Sugars, Molasses, Syrupy, and all that constitute* a first elan stook. Oysters la every style at all eea. sonable hours. Wellsboro, lan. 2, 1867-tf. JOHN SUHR, wouLD announce to the citizens of %Wee ro and surrounding country, that ha hius opened a shop on the corner of Water and Crof ton streets, for the purpose of manufacturing all kinds of CABINET FURNITURE, REPAIRING AND TURNING DONE to order. COFFINS of all kinds furnished on short notice. All work done promptly and war ranted. Wellsboro, June 27, 1866. WELLSBORO PETROLEUM CO.—. Notice is hereby given that the Board a Directors of this Company at a meeting held De cember if., by rasolotion decided to close up the affairs of the Company and distribute the balance In the hands of the Treasurer, prorate among the holders of paid-ht Stock. The property of the Company will be sold and the proceeds divided in like manner. 'tiltookholden will present their reeelpts to the Tresstaer. By order. Deo, 19,1_866. _ _M. B. COBlL_Clerk. J. A. PARSONS' • UAW Ildiintati*rikatOOk DRESS °GODS, SHAWLS,. CLOAKS, BALISIORALS, SKIRTINGS, )3EA- VBS.% COATINGS; OASSI KERNS; rLANNEI.§; &C., at imply redtined prim, in order to prepare for Spring Trade. My ;took hie Amen fall of bar- gains all the season, and the present Manion make strong Ludncemente to any oneArho yenta tpxdi in our !lair; t&eall end 'Jesus, ' The Do meetto stook frig User now ,autissrlog the fall, and ayeeMpeaSfrivir papa Quasi any time this Best Prints only is & 6d per yard. Good Prints, fast coPs 15 eta per yard Common Prints, only is per yard. Fine Brown Shootings only is per yd. Heavy Shlrtinp yd wide, is & ed pr yd He.ntacky Jeans 25 cents per yard. Bleached Muslim yd wide, 25 cis per yd slams and all other good" equally 'amp. I desire 'to call especial attention to my stook of custom work fgrnyh•Cheetti Shot 444,,tr4:,1/4.'y Ladies' Zia polish Boots, ! - Ladies' .74 . 4 ;Baistorall, • Eittrcongrers Gaiters, - : Lactic, Sid.plain.l3opy. Misses Kid Balmorida, Children's Kid Shoes, which work we warrant to be of the beet class and intend to sell it at a much lower scale pf prim than such work is usually sold. I intend to do the same by this work that II have always done by my stock of Blohardson's Boots and Bhou, warrant every pair, and make good any that:fall to give satisfaction. I intend to give thlsiwork a fair trial and think the arrangement will prays advantageous to my customers. /an. s 3, 1864 WROLRSILE DREG STORE. DRUGS AND MEDICINES, PAINTS AND OILS, !THADDEUS DAVIDS' INKS, CONCEIT THATED MEDICINES, KEROSENE LAMPS, PATENT MEDI. AND FLAVORING EXTRACTS, WALL PAPER, - WINDOW GLASS, Sold at Wholesale Prices. Pagers ate requested total' and get quotations before going farther MI Corning, N. Y., Jan.:IOW/W.9 Clothing : Clothing T HE anbeerlher baring now determined to CLOSE OUT HIS STOCK WINTER CLOTHING, UNDERGARMENTS, if.e; fit., THE NEXT THIRTY DAYS, This stock is Lame and Attractive, and wUI hclonnd worthy of attention, as it comprises a B=eat VARIETY OP RICH 41- ELEGANT WINTER DRESS GOODS, whleh eostiprieel a goat •artaty of Prench Me rinos, 00barge, Partialities; together with abort 20 BETTS of on do swag terms, THOMAB HARDER Wellabor*, '.b.90,186?. v :.~'~~.~Y'e' -- rs+' i~-'~'rt.:++_ _ _ r'_sfviL4~.~s'S.: -,' 1 ~ MIMI INMS!!1 .1. A. PARSONS CORNING, N. Y. , OINNATI WINES AND BRANDY, rif dlvrd- WASH LIMB, _ _ T ClltiB,liiii.CLElTM FINERY AND DYE COLORS; W. D. - TERBELL & CO Offers the whole for At ' , dad COST for . *alb ar,orazfel He also Wraith stook of Lammas rms. Drugs, Medicines, to. J. L. O,E DE N , BLOSSBURG, PA. KEEPS constantly on hand a fine stock of Para Drags, Modloines, Chemicals, ch., WINES AND LIQUORS, • for Medicinal and Sacrimental nse; also all the popular Patent Medicines, Valets, Varnishes, Oat, do., all kinds of brushes, Dye Colore, Dye Woods and Stuffs, tine Toilet Soaps, Perfumery, Pom• • adea, Cosmetics, do., STATIONERY, PENS, PENCILS, PAPER AND ENVELOPES, . - Memorandum Books, Pass Books, M., Potash In bulk at 15 coats per pound, Kerosene Oil, Lamp Oil, Turpentine, Beaune, ho. Fresh Oatmeal and Pearl 'Barley at 10 eta per pound. I am solo agent. in Blossburg for Dr. N. Weaver's Ext. Fireweed, and warrant it to care Bcrofols, Salt Rheum, Scurvy, Pimples on the face, and all diseases arising from impure state of the Blood if used according to directions. Putleder. attention girl to compound/es Phyla/tees and other Prescriptions. I gistusuas tee setistietioniboth in quality and prise. Remember the Store, opposite the now Coal Co's Store, Blossburg, Pa. Aug. 2.6, .1868-If. J. L. BRLDE.V. & N. FLU:PS(SIO'S NURSERY.- 1111102dIebory, Tioza Co., Pa., Eittuatd on the'Plank 8ri014 . 4 miles from Tlogs. We are prepared to furnish 100,000 Fruit Trees fit tklifPUS7o 2 .l IrriM ' Appletrees--large sizo,2s cents at the Nursery; se cents delivered. Common also, 20 cents at the Nursery,ls tents delivered: Pear trees, 50 eta; Summit Antes.—Burnham Harvest, Early Harvest, Chonango ' Strawberry, - WaShlogton Strawberry, Red Astraohan, Bummer Bellflower, Bummer Queen, Simper Ring, Sweet Bow, Sour Bow. - FALL APPLEs.--Famense, Gravenstein, Rambo, Ethan Pippin, Fall Pippin, Republican Pippin, Hawley or Douse, Maiden's Slitsb, Large Wine, Ladies' Sweeting, Lyman's Pumpkin Sweet. Wntrsn APPL2l3.—Baldwin, Bailey Sweet, Black Gillflower, Bina .Pearmain, American Gol den Russet, Roxburyßasset,'Rhode Island Green ins, Bsopue Spitzenbrarg, Swear, Sweet Gilblower, Sugar Sweet, Honey Greening, Honey Sweet, Pound Sweet, Pound Sour, Peek's Pleasant, Tall man Siset; Tompkins Co. Zing, Wagner., pmsits,—Bartlett, English Jargenolle, Bleaker'a Meadow, Bella Lucrative, Louisa Bona D Jersey, Sokol, Berme D'Amalis, Golden Beurre,Plemish Jleauty, Gloat Morceau, Lawrence. Also—Siberian,CrAb, Ilnirmes,atur Grape roots —several varieties. 0. h N. HAMMOND. Middlebury, Tioga Co., Pa., Jan. 1, 188S-Iy. Stoves & Tin Ware FOR TEE MILLION D. P. ROBERTS, OPPOSITE ROY'S BUILDING, Is now prepared tr furnish the public with anything in his line of business, in quantity as Luge r in quality; as good, and as sheep in pries as any dealersin)Foriliern Pennsylvania. „. He pays paitteelar attention to the STOVE AND TIN WARE BUSINESS, add intend to keep • NI teeettmomt of everything in that line. TIN WARE MADE TO ORDER, prceipup ups sir* ismienthrg: REPAIRING mated in **bort manna and with dispatott _loA.TokliNikgirsE /43 4 - . D. P. ROBERTS WiSlab4r_ort4h, Ranh 7, ume. 1866. v_ola, BALE. 1866. B. O. WWICILAI, AILLS NITREIBEY or FRUIT AND 08. NAMIENTAL =IOW 60,000 Apple Trees. 10,000, Pea, Trees. A NTAL TRIOS A SICRUBBRRY. Tks it:de:trees ale composeds i the oholwtst varieties; good , healthy, some of ern lam and in bearing. Any one wishing to at a supply will do well to call and sae my stook before puss chasing elsewhere. Dellyered at the depot free of charge.' Feb. 28, 1888-lye F U,T S ME= Horso alii CalllB Poits. This pisparatioi. long and tivmnbli known ' will thor oughly telnvignse.te nronea-down and low-spirited horses by strangthentsai and cleansing she stomach and into. tines. S . if: H t COuGHS, TBiLP ZR viss,rouim LOSS a AP TIT% AND /MGT: mm-Www wind, tc the sppetit o 11111 - 0 t gIOIIS7 sia transfaffill miletable Lone. gallon is invaluable. °proves the quality of the milk. It has been proven by ec. Mal empetiment to Mame the‘quau. tit,v. of milk -ad Cream - twentyO D ... caJt. and made the butter firm and sweet. In tamping cattle, it gives thens an appetite, loosens their hide, and makes them thrive as Conga, 'Mx= ia the Lanai, tau PAM,. acts as is specific. ; -lei; ; • I c tr i a tt ta= ge to a paixwill the r In -1, bard dr s _ oboe e diseases • or Mire,' prevented.. It Given in time, o. Certala =re and tore tar flea tine eldlcra. 25 Cents por Pa - per, or f, Papers for 81. worn= vz S.' A. your= sa 131U0., AT THIICEt WHOLESILE DEN AND MEDICINE orror. No. 116 Franklin. St., Baltimore, Md. Pm SAM by Druggists atk.l 3:ante:pars through. out the United States• For sale by John A. Roy, Millsboro VIOLIN -'STRINGS at WEBB'S DBU STORE L. 127 AND TIMES OB BiDER SERAIL • DOWN.--Those who whit' to secure a aoPY of this excellent work, can do so by calling at this °Zoe soon. August 29,1806. TOB-WORE, IN THE REST STYLE, and U with despatch, at THE AGITATOR Office. WE HAVE NOW ON HAND A EM=IZiMMI BROM= ASSORTMENT Or WINTER GOODS At the People's Store, Calming, N. I. ...dap to d totha wants of all eisasas; and as we laid in for a good stook just before ats lase ad vents fn New York, we are now enabled to sell most of our goods at about Nsw Yon PntcEs. We ;mid AO aspealel attention to aniline atom of goods for . • LADike PRENORMVSLINS AND-ORGANDIES ever offered in this market. We also bars a gee assortment of - - •' LADIES' SACQUES, SALINAS AND, BASQUINES, in cloth and silly to which we invite the attention of buyers. Oar gook of CLOTHS AND CASHMERES, for WO! and boys, wear; fa impt vary fall, and OtOTHING MADE TO ORDER, on short notice and in the Watt idyls: Balmoral and Hoop Skirts, ALPACAS, POPLINS, DeLALNIIS, CHALLIES, SUN trXBBRLLA.S, JEANS, COTTONADES, SHEET- Our faeilities for 81T112f9 GOODS ark 1314. dirIiPASSED by any_ is this section, and we wish it understood that _ Tra do not intend tn. be UNDERSOLD by - any. We tender onethanke to the citizens of Tiogs Co., who have patronized as and would respect fallyinvite those wholuive isever done so to tall and MS us. three opposite the Dickinson Souse on Market Street, throe doors west of the corner. and two doors east of llongerford's Bank. SMITH de WAITE. Corning, N. Y., Nov. 21,1888. D. F. STONE, this method of azooanateg to the old- TAIK.,II EI of bit Mulatto's and eiettilty that ha has Just sauteed a suitable steak of GROCERIES. TEAS,'SUGABS, COFFEE, SYRUP, MOLASSES; TOBACCO, OIL, BROOMS, - Good -GREEK TEA for,l2s. per lb. SUGARS fro!" la. to 17 cab' per re. GROCERY LINE Call and se* al. Don't ask us for trust, to be plain we don't keep it. Remember the "ant mile" that camp to grief because he couldn't make "both ends meet." D. B. STONE. East Charleston, Dec. 5, IBnll-3m au- ARISOOD: ROW LOST, ROW RE STODED.—Jast published, • new Non of Dr. Ordserwelle Celebrated . Essay on the radical cure (without med. icing) of Spermatorrlaa, or sentinel Weakness, Insol• notary &Mina] Losses,lmpotency, ISGrital and Physi cal InceParity,-Itopeeinente to-Marriage, etc.; also Consumption, Epilepsy, and 'Pits Induced by eelfln• dulgence or sexual extravagance. SIED. Price is a scaled antelope. only 6 cents. Tho celebrated author in this admirable essay clearly demanstrateo, tram a thirty Years' antreasltd Inattic that thee's:ado& consequences of eoltabuse may be Indically cured without the dangerous ma of internal Medicine or the application of the knife—painting out a mode of care at once simple, certain, and effectual, by means of Wilk]] ovary sufferer, no matter What his condition may bo, may cure himself cheaply,prirately, and radically. This lectnro should be In the hands of wary youth and eters man in the land. Bent,.tsder seal, in e plain • n 7 addrr It is a sore pre. ventiVe or ail die. - cams - 11441nt - to dent, =dor seal, in apl enoolopo, to.nny address post-paid, drosa on rooelp pnblioktro t of fix cents, or two port stamp,. Ad Ito , - CHAS, 2. C. KLINK & CO., Jan. 2-3ni. 127 Bowort,Row York, P, o.lkrs, 4410. IM ... a .. AMU . L I LELA . a" 0 i ' •• 1" H. Burgeon Dentist, would re tfs speetfully inform the citiserts of Tioga, Law renceville, and vicinities that he has lowed per manently at Tioga (oasts over Taller's Drag Store) where he may be found the hist three weeks of each month, and will be at Lawrenceville the last week in eacli month at the residence of Chas. Van gordor. Particular attention given to the treatment of all diseases of the Teeth, Qama, and Alveolar process, - _ Oleaning,Filling EL Extsaoting Teeth and to regulate irregular Tooth in young persons. Also, especial o.t Caution given to Pitting Artificial Teeth, Palates, and ohdarators on any kind of plata desired. Anaesthetics administered and Teeth &attracted without pain in every sacs where it may be con• 'Hared advisable. All work will be done with promptness, and warranted, and tit prices consistent with the times. Let every one tall who may need or wish for a good looking sett of teeth. 'Slop, Pa, Nov. 7, 1846.—tf. lawri,t„ DENTIST, MANSETRLD, Pa., _ r - , grateful for tho ,or liberal patronage heretofore received, will continuo Co as to per form all dental operations, as to merit the rapidly increasing professional demands bow. ongagiod. All operations to all-departments of the prates eion osoented in the bast possible manner. All new, useful la:motions and improvements adopt ed. The highest good of his patrons the ultima tum of his ambition. Deo. 5, lot -tf RUM Bahamian Gismo Vases, as dada ROLM'S. and tiAllnest Itna of of every variety GINGHAMS INGB,, SHIFLTINGS ooSIGIOTIro or PAILS, SPICES, ritt,4c, &0., ka And sveryiNteg, in the At al low rats. A FORTUNE IM=MI Can No Midi by wiry man; Woman, and Alla In this ream% If they will /Wetly adhere to tb • -plan of haying their goods of the well known popular obi cameos of W. K. Smitks Sons. / ADDISON, N. Y„, . Thousands sad thousands of people bass al. isadyrssysd their rawsrd by thus doter. .71'sa1 = DRY GOODS, GROCERIES ,CLOTHING, - BOOTS a WOES,. HATS, CAPS, CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS, &c., &c., &c., Ars on hand In abundant., CUR FOR THE MILLION, at the lad Rambler Came, the PEOPLES' STORE, GRAVE AND IMPORTANT INFORMA TION TO CASH BUYERS WHO WISH TO SPEND THEIR MONEY WHERE THEY CAN GET THE MOST FOR IT. W. B. SMITH'S SONS' system of keeping as atiorMatts stock of goods at all times of the year, and selling them cheap—this system so ob neziods to big profit stores—fe fairly begun for the Ball season at their store, and such a year for doing people good vu never known before. Cer tainly there is no good reason for swindling pri ces now; we have had enough of them already. The great advantage and importance of trading for Cash or Beady pay is fully illustrated by the low prices now raging at the People's Store. A FEW HODREHOLD WORDS FOR THE FARMER. MEOHANIO, & PEOPLE GENERALLY. Bay your goods of a mum Wash hos a big assortment and Is ninny asa times u many goo ds and at team son sell them sa many times chea per than mall sowers& We give all snob int ention to oar sustomsru A Bzw onus Ike Tataas :RI las Yva n= -Bum TO Crains intiroas aTILTD. IVO RIB Waxy. Look out for big stores and big rents; big notes and blg rotas of interest sad no real taken at that—ail of which ts vary bad as against W. B. Bens' situation. Light expenses and no rents, new goods at broak-down prices, and th e good old motto of small prate. good v ain, and codek Mutat tying to the breeze. The fart is, the only tree and certain road to fortune for the. wherthaat is always to ;ire his autumns. as we do. the most be can fv.. - -itus money, and depend on large sales for his prelim Again, our popular and legitimate system of dialing, baying strictly fat tub. always baring cash on baud. rondos as marten" of the situation when a drop comes in the market. Never bifore was there such a tempt• insr tot of goods at low prices, as w ,R. Smith's Sons can and will show from this time forward. Oar stook of Dry Goods and Clothing can't be beat, and uo customer who is in the right shape, era leaves the store without buying, and none who care what they say, will make the assertion that they can buy goods elsewhere as cheap. We keep the largest stook of- - - - - BOOTS AND SHOES, HATS AND CAPS, that is kept in the county. Call, if nothing more than to sou the MAP GOODS on the anxious counter. CARPETS AND OIL MATHS at ruinous low rat's. The cottage and palace can be replenished toe a song now, by calling on the Peoples Friend. CROCKERY, 'WALL PAPER, and a thousand other articles can be found; and no one who saes them can help buying. We manufactnre all the CLOTHING Ire sell. Every well dressed man buys bin harness of William B. Smith's Sons.-We also make to order. Our Cutter is master of his art; he stands down tbo ball for no man who wields the shears for a livelihood; his fits cure the deformed. We hop Pork, Pour and Salt, always as low or loss than market rates. It is more thin ever the duty of every man and woman to call here 'before buying, and look through the stook oftempting goods and bargains, as no one Gan Imagine or form any idea how great a difference there is between the price& of goods bought for ossb and picas of goods doe where bought for notes that are not paid promptly. The safest thing for all buyer, who want the lowest notch in goods, is to call and get W. R. Smith's Sons' prices, and take around in your pooffets to compare. A great many stores will get the cold altos/der after you visit the Old Cor ner when they work for their =women!. • Yon cannot mistake the place, as it occupies the room of four gores, immediately on the Brie railway, and the rub is constantly going on. Call, if for nothing more than to tee how we spike the guns. Yours, trniy. W. R. BNCTRI NORM. Addlsm N. Y., Sept IS, 186 a. i LINES OF TRAVEL NfR,UI EtAMWAY Oa and after 3foudAy, :tar, 39,13,30, train* will 'err • Gbh'tug et thoCollawing boars: 1.2 Exprees Nall, Saidaye accepted, for BuZa. 10, Salamanca, end Dunlcirk, connecting with IXlMini for the West. 7:12 a m Night Express, Sundays excepted. for Beale, Salamanca, and Dunkirk, =Wag Akre& connactka with trains of the atlatio i areni 11 tatar2, Las Shomand 0 rand Trunk Nallwa7s, ter 41 points West. 7:43 a. ns.,NightExprots, Daily, ter Eattalo, Semen., Dunkirk tad the West. 740 a, m., Mal) Train. Sundays excepted, tor Enth”. ter and Buffalo, Tie Alen. loan s. at; Mail Train, Sundays excepted, for lhatialo and Skinklrr. 214 p. to. Baltimore Express, Sundays cue - pad, for Ikkhester and Batealo, via Aron. Sao p. nx, Badorant train, Daily, for the West. 73:p. m.. 'Ray Express, Sancta's excepted, for Buffalo, Salamanca and tbo West, connecting at Salamanca with the Atlantic A Oast Western Railway, and at Buffalo with the Lake Shore and Band Trncs. Railways for points west and south. p a Day Zxprms, Sundays excepted, for Bother.:,, 1,24 p m Way, Stuxisys axcaptsd. LiI7ItIIID HOCSTI 1210 a. at., Night Tura', Daily, eon nectla g at =lairs for Canandaigua, also for Ilarrieburg, ?hike...l2lga, and South , at Grip:Goat for 'Warwick. and at New 'York with afternoon trans and stiamon for Bolton and New Ragland Cities. Slid a.m., Cincinnati Express, llondayo ezcsytad, cos. /mating at Owego for Ithaca; at Binghamton for Brannan; at Great Bend for Scranton, SI/Badolphis, and Tranton; at Lackawaran for Thraloy,and at Gray court for Newburg and Warwick. _ MD Ls., Day Dips/. Sunday, asceytad, cow/toting at Sandra for Canandaigua, at Binghamton for Syra. • as" at Great Band for Scranton, at Lackawanna fur Gawky, and at Jamey City vats rUdnight =paws Trattiof Haw Jemmy Itailroad tor Philadelphia, Baiti mass and Washington. 10. d am Accommodation DISICI 7250 P. wt. way Freight, Sundays ancentad. Sal y. nt., Baltimore Dames, Stlndaya *svisrtsil. ackgp.m., Naar York end Baltimore Nall. Suadwys owed, connecting at Elmira for Etarrialsargh,,P6llo,- sisiphia, and South. 7.06 p m Lightning Express, Sundinyvaxceptad, coa t acting at Jersey City with morning exproastmin of New Jersey Railroad for Baltimore and Washington, and at New York with morning *gyms trkina for Basta and the Zest. Md. fi. BABB, goal Pau. Spat Dloasbarg & Corning, & Vega 8. B. Leave Coring. ArMe. M a a, LS • m 3e•••=0dati09,...-.3 p ml.domommodatiumao L. H. BIL&TTLTE, Bayt. Philadelphia' & Erie R. B. Traria will arr. and dapart at Wllllamspart na flalowt- Ms Nail Train 10 10 p m Erie Trai3.-1 16 ana Ilwpresa Traln-4 60 mEris 35.5'ts Train-8 p Elmlr* Ma 'Tr 5115 am 1 Minims 11all Train 5 55 p m 11 = % LW - aTgbbolttsw°2'l=rgit =and Erie. r NNW YOBS Cs3N3.EVITON. LOOMS New Tart at 0 a at, arrive at .2t:rie 0 -20 a. W.. Lame Newaori at i 00 p m, arrive at Erie 7 15 p Leave lea at 0-3 0 p 20, arrive at Yaw Toils t 4.0 pm. Lam Etta at 10 26 a m, arrive sr Yaw York 10 10 a to ant. Northern Central U. FL TRAINS YOB TIM NORTH. T rill " for Cluv94o4Plisleale"rizairm as Seihmre : Sums Nampa tral;;;;TO L itd - j M 1145 a te .. . .......... ..... 15 p Ws) Freight, [paseenger coach attache]. 7 10 a m TRAINS VOR /TIE 8017T11. Trains for WllllacarPors, Baltimore and ShilsdalOUs key lea,e Elmira as follows, hill at-. 4460 m 6Wpm Local irraiglt 6 SO a m Through 6 00 d *3.,The Entaw train abh.h leaves tor Um North at COruns through direct tram Wlilluarport Canandagula. Tho Express which IrArea Elmira for Williamsport at 6 SO p to, is the through train south from Cauroadasula. J. N DtrAltßY, Gsn'l 2nor. Atlantic and Great Western 8• W SALASIANCA. STATION. WiTTITAZD BOOM.. EASTwean Bens - n, Hall 5.30 Stryrus 6.1 a Express ....... I Accommodation, kayress 1/.00 I Express 010 At Cory there la a Junction with the Shi/Mielyhts &Wand Cll Creek Rail itoads. At Ilaulville with the Yrenklin mad Oil C.1t.7 and Pitbolo At Leemittsburgo the 31shonlny Brunel! makes a at test route to Cleveland. At Ravenna connects with Cleveland and l'lttabutgla Itaarouf. The 11.10 passes through Akron, Ashland, ( 131 . 10 .. blames, Urbaas and Dayton, intersecting tartaua tali rondo, and terminates at Cincinnati. D.11cLA.,11Y.14, Gen. Sept-, Yaadvll3e. Pm. DEERFIELD WOOLEN FACTORY, THE UNDERSIGED having purchased the well known Woolen Factory of Yuma. 8.. B. B. Bowen oaths Cowszesque .tier, two miles out of Knoxville, tales this method of worming sh.ithmbtuu.s. of 'Maga andatiJoininc counties chat he will manufacture wool by the yud or on shares to salt customers, into FLANNELS, casanuraßs. D OE-SK 1N 6, . . FULL CLOTHS, of all kinds The machinery has been thoroughly repaired and new machinery added thereto, also an im l proved new wheel which will enable him in work the entire season. He will pay particular &gen than et Roll Carding 44 Cloth Drawling, which will be done in'the neatest possible man ner, baring added one now Roll Machine, will enable him to dispatch and acoommodats people from a dlatause. /10 would farther say that ha has carried on the business in manufsotoring wool for (armors in Bradford and adjoining 001211t1011 for the past twenty years; he thereaors era warrant all work and satisfy his customers, Wing nothing in manufacturing but genuine wool. JOSEPH INGHAM. Dierfield, Jan. 1, 18 880.1. T• MEAT MARKET. ANDREW 3. TIPPLE, having :sweaty purchased Mr. Wm. Townsend's interest In the MAT YA • "irr,T, would say to the citizens of Welisbern and vioinity that be will eontinue the business en the old Borst stand—giring his entire attention in supplying the waub of all who may favor him with their patronage. Constantly on band 'FRESH MEATS OE ALL RINDS. shop. one Door South of Derby's Shoe Shop. Wellaboro, Sept. 26, iso•tf. Tioga. Marble Works. HD. CALKINS, late of the firm. of Calk • ins h Conklin, ie now prepared to B'9- cute all orders for Tprat. Stones and Monuments, of either ITALIAN- OR RUTLAND MARBLE, of the latest style andgipproved workmanship, and with dispatch. He keeps constantly on band both kihds of Marble and will bo able to snit all who may favor him with their orders, on as reasonable terms as can be obtained in the country. Stones discolored with rust and dirt cleaned and made to look ha good as new. HARVEY ADAM 0,, of Charles ton, is my Agent, and all contracts made with him will be filled by me at shop prices. H. D. CALKINS. Vega, Dec. 19, iBfid=ly U. S. CLAIM AGENCY, I=l • Army and Nary Maim and flasloas. MBE NEW l neettlir LAW, pulsed Jelly dS, Ude, lib s. ltwo aad throe von' soldier. extra bounty Sand SD year disclisrps• OFFICERS' EXTRA PAY. Three months' azlra poy proper so wonannws alms .rho were In nerrioe Niszch 3,13,36. . PENSIONS lANTRBASED To all who have lost a Grab and who have beau puma zanily and totally disabled. AU other Government datum prosecuted. JEROME B. NILES. Well/born, Clasher 10, 18041-ti Planing & Turning. B. T. VAN HORN, HAVIA G got his now notary in operation. is now prepared to All orders for Chadoes Ware promptly and in the hest style of workman ship. Haring prooorsd a WOODWORTH PLANER, be Isresay to dross boards or plank with Oman& SCROLL-WORE. di BRACKETS, furnished to order. Ws maehlnes are of the new est and most Improved patterns. Shop corner of Purl and Wain Sts. WRLIA 130RO, PA... Oct 31, 1188—tf. B. T. VAN HORN, -Botuaty and Pension Agency. gOI7ATINGI received WWII* Inortenctione to retard to dm anti a bohnty allowed by the act aPPrv" 26, 1868. and baying on band a large w.pPl7 of a • neomoaryblanks, were prepared to prosecute all yes . elan and twenty claims which any be placed In ore hands. Persons It.i at a distance can eortuannlcsill with Ipl3tly by letter, wad tbair coannantcatloos will to pinal attrfrotecl. OWN di SHAW. Wolallboro.Octobor 21,114{6. • U. IttDDLS, Q•a't Sup't.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers