ROME MATTERS. Ivl DNESDAY.MAR. 13, 1867 Now lidvertisementE Notice--Wm. Fr„plealt—Jeco l M. etuni.a.aili Wc..t -ILe Mr..tter—br. Court Sale—.32.,>: Ageue;t—.N.hul. :_oraLtkang New—itrxrT 314, 'l.¢„ the oud Cloler Seed—Wright S BatieT• New Firiu and ::et Goillc 1. F. Williams S CC Ert aY Man Me Own Printer—Adame Preig Cp ImYRQVEZIENV. —Messrs. Webb & lbrunge, Druggiste, have torn out the old front scare toad replaced it with one in the height of farbion. it is a Brit-rate thing end looio like hasinere. Cife.nons.—Maj. S`Tchols has exchan ged bisproperty on Pearl-et. for de property oo capita by Mrs. Born, an TIM Avatar,. lire. B. tas removed to the refidenco ynased by _Major. The Riverside Magazine, for young people silaSoUllus its euelloase. Its Jthimlos,to cover, slosor j ia worth the -price of eoeb umber. Its reading muter cannot bo czcollea $2.10. gtmi k jioD k htoD r liGw Yorke FoI,FS has just received a firiat 1)t of Jewell,. from New York and Philadelphia. Alio soother at of those beat of all thooksepors, thr. American Watcher.. Ere is also the only agent far the Morton Gold Pea is this county. ' mAlQprEi.s).—The N . ormal Literary society will give to ontertaitunent consisting of orations, essays, charades and dialogues, on Fri day eyeninz, :Zara 22d. Pride of adrejaa4di f.icts. By order of Committal* of dirrangenson is. Dr. EUGENE SILITIF, of Minefield, ,re cently pc-fortned an operation for cataract upon the ryes cf Sin Abram Green with entire success. lir. Green had been unable to distinguish' ...noun tetanus for a long time, end now can wee to read cith emu To EuvlT-Gnovmas.—Attentiorla directed. to the advertisement of Mr. Harry who offers greet irclooments to persona triskiiog 'elect cuttuags of - all kinds. Mr. Mu is a thor orghly reliable naaa. Mr. R. C. Skapsot of this place eau vouch for the excellence of his stook. BE.ooNts.—Mr. A. M. Prutsman, of Tioga, u taannfectating a good article of brooms at his place, a gale below Tioga ri laga. We are no reason c bythe people of Tioga county should not patror4ze bone prbdocara iii dd." respect, and eon:U.lly corterld Mr. Protean= to - public pat ronage. STIZP...toPTTCOX EZBISITION.—Mr. E. Wood will give an exhibition with the Btere. opticonAt the Presbyterian Church, this (We dnes. dsy) arils:hag, commencing at 7 o'clock. The stshititin is for the beneEt of the Sabbath SobooL Tickets 25 cents. Par sale at the Bookstore and et the door. We take pleasure in commending the entertain ment to It generous public, patronage. , We this week publish another corn matication touching the meeting to organize the Logo Co. Institute of Instruction, to be held in this place on the 21st inst. The object of this Institute Is the promulgation of practical science, and should command: the interest of ereryman who belieres in scientific progress. We bespeak a good attendance, and him no doubt that the hospitalities of the friends of progress will be extended to visitors se suggested by our comes; pendent. LECTIII3E.-3.lnj:W. A. Maple deliv ered a beirtarir opon the poetry of,lrtali Song, at the goadetor, tart I'qaattsy eretting,"llfarch The chapel was uncomfortably tiled, and would hare been had it been much - larger. The lecture was inimitable of Its Hnd, end we collets to bnrt Mg been not only ediliett„,bitt educated ; toughing the poeay of Irish Song. ' The lactase displayed crest familiarity with the enbject, as well as a true poetical conception of the Lac points in' the pie ces recited. The "discriraination between rho mac end tic pseudo Irish Songs was just. The lectorer commanded the interested attention of hfs stidientie, and was freuuently applauded. Bib. al. - The 34itile,_epeelii ottiler. was. the cone:hien:Won Cftliatillitis4nerrpci- . rate the Wellebaroat'id"L'evi..e.l'im#l4e [Railroad Company. A motio n fo . tnak ' e it the epee's' order for March 6, was debated by .Mesi•rs.tee and Humphrey opposing the vipstpontfient;t: The:. bpy provides: : - .....r.i . J.:. ii•,..72. • : gi - 7.,:1- -,-. ; 1.: That John F Donaldson, W:"A'.•' 'Nichols, S. I. Power, C. J. Humphrey, anti John Parkliust, be Commissioners to open books and receive aufseriptionry .. ... and organize a Company l 'undb - f; name and - style Of ' the Weilfil - iiirp And , Lawrenceville Ralinautd Company: : -- 1 1 . 2. The -Capital Stoeiiiritiald.CoMP,l4lYri Ito consl4 . (441,00,01 A wills power to increase the stock to any arniannt‘:stif i - - tielent. to complete the 1 - B. The e - inxipany to-havethe' right •to contest and - equip'u - Nifret•. or' 01114 . 4 . , road fronf'f.eivreneeirille, or from any point of the Tioga road, to Wellsboro, , with right to connect with any railroad I now or hereafter to be built at either end, or !Witty interniedla4 poini, 7 tir !if' build lateral:roads to the - eoal - , fields of ,j,,he County.with same rightof :Connec tion with otlierroads skis enjoyed- by '•he main line. .. .... , -• : ' 4. The company to be authorized to _ . raise money by borrowing, or by issue - DEAR AGITAToR : Partly at your request, - vat , r of bonds or certificates of loan „ the let-, A ;re particadathy on the Invitation of couple or ter to be disposed of Us the.: Company so,l looking, ladies, I presented myself at the thinks proper; -the bonds not to be of it a ~a- of Judge Nyillisms' residence last Tausday less denomination - than $l6O, and ail itining dressed tu the character of a private gentlemen or varied tioeoieriihootio, tote of t loans to be secured-by bondormortgagni leirore, end levee forturie,-which character, an i or both upon the road and its franchises. NW:: representative, you meat admit was a com plete .urgers. I was received by n Sister of I b. Any corporation to be allowed to Charity whose dress for the character was perfect. subscribe to the Capital Stock ;Tay- In one other reopiet did etio truly represent that °gents to be rue as (he Company may oiclui stAtcrhooo, that ie. she Wall unwearying in no._ efforts; fur- the comfort of others She in. ordain. The bonds of corporations giv tr duced me to a bevy of demure looking crest- en In payment of subseriptious to Capi tun, who were dressed like Quaker ladies, wad tel Stock not to be sold b the Company she talked enough to make Op for the silence of y „ data Quaker meetings, But such a mixture in amounts less than $lOO, and not lobe 0 "thee" and "pm" cud "thou" idt Quaker ;object to taxation until the clear prof , izre beard before. Roomier, they omitted both 4, 8 1 0, said railroads shall amount to six =7 civil and military title and called me by no) , 1 ' L • Christen name of Soloman, whica set me et ray t per cent, upon tke,cget thereof.-.• -,....., *_ tic is once. Looking eionnd the throng I was 1 6. The road to •sartocished and deltghted to find myself in 0 ', . salient society. There was, it is true, a I years frona the I r .ma easy style, quite anomalous, in the char. 1 this act. be completed in ten dateof the passage of ,'''''' torment, Sirs. Partington was relating i We:are obliged to Senator Cowles! or. , , rresstie di:Bei:ldea to the Emperor ?Sept- 1 i, 111 ...Lilo her son Ike intereded Hannah 1 a copy of this bill. 'We see nothing ob tioide in an account of a stomach-ache which hjectionable in it, but rather the contra '•--, !. l from eating a half gallon of cold apide t ry• The Commissioners named ought contra t,.l Ina Led left " unkiveled" in the but • • .. 1 , 'f motile lady informed mo with tears in ' hO be satisfactory to tilt. - None!flf thuh i•o r , yes that "Ike Las eow living in-the rhubarbs I are identified with either of the railroad ircilsiddo where he 1' , 7, , now rtudying to he a ~. ar, and he'll to he a grad w too, it he lives. r I companies now organized. The inter way."- Gowg 4 ests of the County demand that the rail iito rinedoth loom I met a pretty Gy pry girl ,tboxoadi, franchises of the : County he : ;lick;. I? ray fortune-or ed , fortune-and as it ,nunsr ~};within t h e ; -1.-- , disposal of men who will at heel sad I will bin repeat it Aro ;sole oirsnau peasant girls it, •;eras.," no,. ~ f lip, u , ! lint Sell us out for, -pri•rte j beriept. 'Let and ii diced me to look on the hrt,,,,ort i t silo ..t lire ' thP hill'IMBS .. - Ftly,f Ire. -,...; • • - ' • , • ' ...., he:1111d 119 co brit..,l Chit( and 40 lib!, ' - . - - ALI act relating to bounties to-volun-- .. 0 0,, , ere ell,''llgtd in 1:1,1:1 , -to.g, oh , r ; •,,,, st i v , t of Biddy 3falonj. ard a vuople ,:r . MIA test'-, from Farmington tocinSblp"passed . f ' RATODIESS & BI4Er; 3 • 4., equ IV* Own sad ther e privent. A Cath. b o th 11 0 , 6e5. I • I r.L.t.. ineinDrboly nut and a ever, legged DA Ai( EltSi Idk lieu-Tied era: eiy tr. Gm dispute, winch wan,. - Am act relating.todlienTigibilityof LEI , . BOOT , AM) SHOE ~,,, to a el , :e by "Grondina." who rani that ' officers of the Tioga Railroad Company, OYER noon YOUNG'S BOOK STORE. 't '''S uunted tier to hear they runetspook ',odes etc. , sassed b oth Houses.- - • i • -' ~,e , „ ~, , ' 0:: 0 1 - mime" did the character exec: tittrl; ,`' . - ' .... Boos ~. .„AND . STIOES of, all Toads, mule to ''‘,' ~•,. pt ILIA rho wore o butodsume ;re-! nt „ ' • i Lich, ri , thvy were ilt t made by :I deitti , t, ; Ole gen 1 ; d wore too mil, red. . - , l ii 1 - . ti or not ro; in--I Add, t i on hail-Idlet toe i A. bill relatisg to the' publication of - order-arid i n ibi,•b„ i erni lawstif tlfeComnioftWeiltli; Mannar. - REPAIRING of all kinds done rota and; so& - - ..., ; IL , ''.>ol ' (liven , a call t and legal .ailiertsentents; was _reao-, in i , • •. - ' - . - J01:11-; JIARKNESS ,i, , ,it n.. , ,th of the therm terisoe drrsri a (d . P•aen - 1911 . gat.n. ',,,- i l.; app-mt 0 tor i rides, gooier girl... Nig- [Theinhtillileet Cel l :s e- the - gen6 . ini " .ap % p - ro . -1 ..:Wellslioro,.froa. 2,1861 ly. . i h'''' r:i r i'• >Ow". Or Yll'her'i peasants, , priaden - bill, whi'eli will render - - the ex....i i,. . - , --- -6: 43 - -. w - it.i.1,414 5, - ; 7:17. 7 i . , •., !Sri, nor or for v.otiomen who /elder '' ' • • '' I int- Array nn.i N,,v). 1 mu, ~y . - ..mi . 'pellet of puelisning, the Iseshlue nextlo •-.--t!!,, a1.,0t she slisgoole s i ehlir.ettry reide- i nothing- 'The general. laws Of each EP 4- t A - T i7 .oiNai - Ki LAW, and- Agent of -the 1 yearling Co. Alutual insuraneo Co. Cifte r e ` 1 ,,, I , 011,..10;:, threetc.l ill .in with A }Eton are few, En . ] • _ - • ~• . Mak J. R. Jill ea, th o Arenas. - . " ;;smit, surrsonded hr a .1114 . 10 .Isr . 11} 0. ' , t 0 . .. ~.,...u.1,..., I'd, op, 4,...,,1 mt,l a A . 4,: r . LI. e. ‘ ,.. qd angled istili .sbiniug etAre, '•,.,', J,t,..ed io - red, whop', and hi Te-P- I '' ‘ . r - r' lid danorica," soother lady (whose hue- ; Wellshore, Yeln .IZ, 1,567-2 m. , . . , _l Larch - 1.. The • Goreror illfofitled I - . _ .. . : .. as •' se 1 tberseiiiiii? that he' had apinvved the I - , „_ . • bilt:to declare-Cedur run, in Elk town- ' ',lfan ' s ' tfield Flottrinw' Mini' - ,-• S . ' &..- &ilytiWPT, Proprietor.. -d'av too believe in your politics) was mad I fthlA Tibgvi COUltly, ft prVie itighWay ' . i ',Ai Aced %:ret9 wade of the AGITATOR and ' - - -- . . ' '-''' - .- ' LAM:E . :STOCK OF GRAIN just reielved , eLt, 0 .• AcutioWLEDGMENT. The Pastor of the IL E. evurch wishes by the courtesy of . the Einar of the Agitator to rete.rx6his very grateful e....knefflcagneents for the generous sum of V 137 dal/tID7 received from the citizens of 'liege. and yield ty, on Friday eveb log lett. The spirit otrir. ;otterinng the assemblage on the Oetelthrt, the very gcteroue end tasteful entertainment served.~ enhetteed the pleesure of the tntepeiew of p arz or end people and led the recipient of such: fever' coder derp obligation. Ir. Fattewx. EW e acknowledge the receipt of tibox of ex. exllcht cake with the sbove .a well el a more, eeettettial teettooosial-tstlw-iasp.of -a-traeo. Letle• Thanks. En.] - - - - -- Report of Committee on Field Crops for Tioga Con=tp-- agricultural-Society, 1866. . - - Bet son 'Paha, Chrancey Eroz,-23 7.11 bus. ELst acre Corn, T. 13. Mitchell,—ldli hus.-elsm - best do. byr.ry Crleason--1.01 do. - &et am Oats, T. B. Ilitehell.--52. V.-9 bushels. 21 best do. Hiram Brooks—CA bushels. Ent 3 acre Potatoes, Chauncey 8a11...-300 bus. 2d bcst do. - E. T. Bentley-175 bor. Tamers of - Tlota - County, let as have more sompetition in this department another reason. — JOHN -bierfustm:Te The Fancy Dross Party •oe nil the ° press;' and ,till enather lady, dewed, represented the „ Moon;' ^N , as exeeilent flipper, the puts enjeyo g vh,l anal a late tour, when the tom Oilier-fed well pleased with this ncoel eo oo re. anions. Next timeyou get an Invitation c° Iraq send me again. Sown VIT. = : , - i': i fli‘: , l4 - .)1 .g/ Tioga Co. lesti#te of Ittitsuction. l!Amirqai) ? alnrch 5,1987, At a [introit; I was much gratified to see in your issue of the l'athult.. a call jos, to j u e etieg "r f.irnring the promulgation of practical Fzience. This, it ancrasio me is a m0.V.0 in rho right direction, Iftt3 t ditettlittittsl ttretillgs of this and ..tier toots" the Firte here.hern innhned h. t. Nosy eta 11,4101 a te. , cher of cottrty ct. , -nra. and 4.41/0 io in log within myself Hie of as rein' y ears os " board ing around" nod the rctlex influences r.:tulting from the test/A/mg of hundreds of "ideas how to - shoo , '" I Urn Modest enough to say that I slip think there are a few-fhins I do not know, have not:isinn.ittitrof :aherro: fore, Mr. Editor, was indeed gratified Isbell I tow the call for a meeting to organize a society to be called the "Tina County Institute of In— etruction." I like the name. It embraces with. iu its broad folds every class and condition of men and weenen, consequently every phase of human society: - And now Bit. Editor; how are we to get the people interested in this -matter: Prehtical 13ci note ! That's beharsubjecre 'rho does not know something of these matters? I apprehend that thoso who issued this call had in mind the idea of collecting and discussing • the observe tions, experiences, and experiment; of the pen ;de generally. Every thinking, refloating man ha, Some unexplained, or singular pheoomena that at sometime has awakened his interest, and perhaps for want of a little light the subject is still to obscurity. Let as oome together then,—not in small nom• - hero, but in scores, oiritil teem is not 1 . 00121 to ODD• tale us. Every teacKer in the county should be present, because for him there will be opened a fountain of things new and strange. This "In stitute of Instruction". wiltlead oft of the routine of school teaching and from the consid erations of the subjects embraced under tbo three !!.A.ktiel. +44 t `;‘ metin." Every_prefetrignawnin ebohild be gwrisprite+ for whatever ofrelente and knowledge be has, Should be ventilated, If needed. Farmers. and In fact, ecery thinking man and woman. should he present. Let me suggest, Mr. Editor, that the hoar of meeting be II o'clock A. M. of Thursday, end that it continne.throgh thet,reinainfler Of the day, and Reßenitig,abdif Ltlkt fetereseik'siiMeieni,vois: Llano the Ressler, through Friday. But, by the pay, Friday to an neducky dayoisysiald.- Alkmaar bow that is? Supposesome one prepares a pit• per va that subject,itg-that. 4,1 , q1 not an unlucky day, and why it use, and it now to considered. _ Con the good people of Wencher° be induced to hang out their latcb.strings" at that time that entertaintutnt inityle-had far the wens of the county? Hotel keepers. I think will reduce their usual prices. At least I think friend lloli dny,win. And why pot ? It will be- banging tat Iloliduje tbsitlitri aril a Vocrtime will be the result. • X. Y. F ' Oedi¢ttio* j~! T 1 ~ The Baptist Society ne TroyAave -lately been remodeling' their house of 'worship*. _lately lot is a very eligible one, but for a long time it has beau their disadvantage to have a meeting honce need ing repairs. By eartteat.and eelf.denying effort they have succeeded in securing an edifice at once beautiful and commodious. dg' completed, the building oonsista of a main frame, fifty fact by forty, with a cent= tower twelve feet square at the base—terminating in a spire. This addition forms a five entrance to a veettbitle oPantog late the audience room by two doors. -- Withlntfbe" room is dividedby three aisles, while an elevation between the doors and in front of the gallery affords room for the choir. The exterior color is light atone, the interior is finiched with Ereiceek, , paper; The cost ;has been about $2,50u.,,, The was re-dedicated. en 'Wednesday-kern ' log, Feb. 276. Prof. LimueL Moss, of lJniv•er sity at 'Lewisburg, preaching the sermon, and Rev's Masora. Keyes, of Elmira, Lincoln, of Wit liamepori, and Watrong, of Covington, participa • tin& In the evening, service was ,agqin held; Rev. D.' st. 31pDertnoud, Tioge, preached.—.. I Large congregations ireenLn attendance en both -1 occasions. It was announced that a debtor : SßO° remained on the improvements, ietne - $1.50 rem contributed during thodziy and opening toward its 'liquidation. Tha friends, isitb . their paitor, Eldei T. 5, I She:a-down, so well lth'etra. is this county, t seem much encouraged;' WA_NTED—The nalllc to no older for Blanks, said order having been posted at 9ceola Will people ordering blanks, or ask s - ing'for;nhangc of"theaddr4lX- 61 71- huri Pt?!0: remember tlinewe Wanie , * CUM by his handwriting? PENNSYLVANIA LEGISLATILEM _ . . The amended bill to i4lange the bed of f rmt i tu ed v . itLeata,„ ,e. ~t,., yule - ty, the Cowartwie - rtracr passed the Sen- I olasys on ha nd . e AIto..IFVDDt - "Nieiiit is tow its afei.' This bill provide's' I fiir tlie •ink* , -I l ielieerhere. , ' 1 -Ninsfield, March - 6, 1867 2 -4 C,, of the river bed by five personally dis- ! Wanted. interested persons, who may, if they see i A YOUNG LADY to do general House-Work. fit, contract for the work at a cost not I A. Apply at Young's Book Store. inotati-tf. IMO not to _ ex ce ed S2OOO the said Commiss loners to asiesi- - damriiicitia.: the _ _ il.it4llB T E To " XtHANGE cost, equitably, upon the individuals and corporations interested, subject to the„,4o - 10Vtil,. ornittkir How To CLEANSE: simple thing, 1 have accidently learned, and, if not generally known, ought to be, - ,relgtingito-stagnaut,.ndorous water , in ciitetuf. person.4'ltn . Ow 'how annoying this Sometimes becomes.— ,After frequent cleaning and other es 'perinients,all_to no„perinanent utility, , I 'Ow advised to - nut, ,tutyl tycilAtinds caustic soda iiitbe-water, and e it fled In a few hours. _Since thin. When I tried what is called concentrated lye I had quite a good result. One or both of these articles can be obtained at any diuggist's.—Exchange. largo quantity of Clover nod Timothy Seed T. L. BALDWIN & Co.N. iWAnrrzo.--5500, for not less than two years. for "Mob n liberal rate of interest will bo paid, and uninouoibered real estate Eecurity will be siren. derdresa, X. Y. 2., Wellaboro P. 0. • PIKE lidta, Parma Co., ' 1 ' - Dr. ROBERT BoY—Dear Sir: Ontiie ago I was token with a severe pain in my shoub dor and backNikitUttphtir - t_ i _ Altenma- POr tile Pas o monThirhavolien con fined to my room the most of the time, and could nut lift three pounds left hand. Seeing Your advertisement,/ cams to tile conclusion that I would try moo of your Saintlier and tee if I osoulitket — ioateix . slier. haos'neediinti Dnabattle , and find that I am well again, and I recommend every uan, woman and child, to try ft. Tsars truly, Sorer L. _ Banat; Mostp,-L. B, Powell, 116 •-Penn nue, Bdia'nfotr:bas iotiiplelea"ariangemeuts with large publishing hoaxes, both in Eastern and Western cities, to bave'dU-the• iateit please for warded to him ae Neon as published. Ile has now on band a - large variety of. mew , musio both voeci• and Instrumental. _ _ TlOCitt CO. T.SSTT/TIEoy LIBIROCTIDII.—..At a meeting of..the. _friends of tha,promalgedion of Practicalggoaaa,lll Wellshoro, Feb. 23, - -insta Committee was appointed fo give notice of apub lie meeting to be held in the interest -of the ob !eats stated, at Wellsboro, Math 21,1867. Steps will be taken at this meeting to secure the incor poration of neasiocintion.to_lai calledilthe-Tioga Co. Institute of Instruction;" also to Ulna its objects, appoint its sessions, and to do each other iii.ness as may fie -necessary: • The friends of - Vacation are invited to be present. .. • rßy orders& the Committea. Fob. 27. ISt? " ' "'" "—'- ' BE Fos liatr.A bay blare, in gobd condition, sound, well-bioken'and kind: Also-..a Tight 'Lluggy,_on tiVT ,; . r eteti, and buffalo robe—all tre=r/y nee, 'T Ag itator office. tf. Advertiser& are requested, to wad in their ad vertisements- as early as Saturday of the week previous to that in 'thigh they are, desired to ap pear. Ciutaannitattons should be, ter than Saturday, unless very brief. This paper per to prese,Tuesday,ns , orningwithenttf: • Obituary notices, exceeding lye lines will be ebargedlite cents per line.. Announcements of Marriages and deatbt Insetted charge. MARRIAGES ' l '•ln Deerfield on the 3d inst., by Bev. Wm. D. Ifutherford,Dir. SZTH TIIMLIVIN, of Lawrenceville, td Mita - 2LitieLlA./Cialtraf Weeded, Pa. d!XICES - • :LlZlottAitiit.taii-oith a ' Cough or Coidi. - AWE TOO TitEDWPOSETY TOCOtISOTTPTIOItr Are the Lia r Tour Chair; liciardy from ..k4- dot- kigAtecf .41tacki vf 2 1 'AA l'arclate)a. Box "of BLADES', ELTPEIONIAL:• _ 3_7-15 B - R AT 0 R 11 The People's iteii,i . fitiei'ii;li'tffsetutit,i'ereekii for Cougnsy Cash; Oinvii, CTltar 3 ri.,"Aithmti, eon claw, Diplheria, and all Pulmonary Diseases. LUBRICATOR IL a znedlolual preparation 1n 'ctostoUd orn-rdneog., a LIM h, or all raoShesdAtinit =Oat ,Oles.,sant MlO sthsseuien ti They" contidsi no to teKiena 41,0edient[and are warranted to'he alAraya .p„;tcci e'en for the weaken nod moat sanaltirsilitblisacii: Trveronp they giro IMSEDILTE nrusr. For Coughs and ~ C kads they are livcalnahle, For Catarrh, Asthma and Bronchitis they have no equal in the markat.(vide Certlficateboice Onipan,ying-asscli-Poz.), Diptherialthat ; dreaded anikslicioAting . _ vtopdar• fully and•utobs• — • JTio Public Speaker, Binger or Teacher, should be without them,. they IN.), o b 0.1.11CP CB5 add strength en and clear the voice. • • I :01. Always use nom la taws, dttsVirsbo symptoms are assess Ilse Very treciy. ItLADRS Y. C. WELLS O. CO 113 I.fl,l4 : t.frankituAt i , 4,gea New : _ 4 - e• FOR SALE BY AGL DRCGO/STS. D V ‘ l4/ '` A ?Oioiigii, or A ' #?trlcl l l. l .rE st ' QRO NC H lA L ILElrlas9 4NLEDIAjz ATILISION, AND , 0 3 * anottll .dEecILD. AL. Low= 70 CONTI:MT, OF: t krAnigiWt4t LIU Permanent Throat Pis ease, or Consunw ' 0 G.,. hag Is Vein - - OLD' RIISULT. B R-0141 , 14 -2 S•J - ;BRONCHIAL TROCHES Hatitig k flue.,a, 41,44.6, - gioe immediate Mitt; Fon nooecoff is, ASTMIA, CAT.t.glen, Corot:4M xiaC LOP Tri,Aoe..7_l?Asz.trite., Troches are used with always 'good success. alail Public Speaker. *JD said I",aocTivr naaferili, deMing - tbet, vnico atm liken Lefte glnglas or Spcallttrug; and relleelng the, threat after' an,untrual exertion of the vocal organ:. d'bs Tawas ate recommended and's - ascribed by Pby.- Nano, and bare bad tostlmonkla from eminent men Thniughout the couatry , String an ankle of true mer- Wand Intaing - Paingtv tbalr MTlcaey by a ten of many years, each 'oat Ends them in new lOtalltlerin various parts ot,the world, and the-Taocata are ardentally pronciannel bettextheu other nctlelen. ,gsram only ”Haotree Damccuut. nomiss," and do not Woe any of the Wotoraumi Laranoga that may be offered. SoLL,Xrarmalumn. , - Noe-21036-om. T ELM Drd I. INSTITUTE FOR SPECIAL OASES, Ilb No. 14 Bond Street, New York, - didg•Fall infer/nation, with the , highest teatlmenlals; Oleo a Book on Special Diseases, In a sealed envelope, sent floe: ''111a” Re sure and send far them, abd you will hot regret It; 10"84 ,1 %Wti311:1g physicians ere generally Impostors, -*Mimic references no s a trapger shonld• he LA Enclose Nola stam tar posits and dbect to DR. LAWS-BEDE, BOND STREET. NEW TORN. N0v.11,1286.1y. ' • _ ISG4BOSB, SPACI.V, NVIND.CALLS, CALLUS, Sc., n onborassotaolcuaa. and rgayeArtArcr CCIIED. by the neu of Inez Rirtgbone and Sposia Care.' -' TWO mediefo&was etablinbed 2. yearn ago, and bits never been known to Giro it o•alogle trial. For seta by Y.l). TkIiSULL S CO. - , - Caraiog,N,3% D.S. Wang! Co.,tAVLIt9, :COW York. _ocl7;tCsaokl B ITCH'. ;.• SCRATCH! SCRATCH!, SCRATCH! WfIF E ATON'S OINTEIENT *in curo tho itch is 48 - !Also duxes SALT Rocor.l:ll4FUF,' offunArgs, aturan EREIPTIOSH OP THE. 88:I/i. . Price ISO cents.— For sale Ise - all druggists. 'media g GO cane to 1F E 11149 X-I'OTTEit, Sole Agent'. 170 Washington 81. flothod,3l will be torattrded by. mall. free of p opts go , 16.10Y,pdte the Fruited state, - • - 0860. , :5p. notice-Iy,` - • ~ .7 ~ 7 f Shakspeare, tbo “Swan of Aron," was a great stnanbt _of bureau auburn. but tbo great poet mot. Cr rally oxplaioral that ebaraeteriatio of bums]) Nature which beta: peiviibil rash to ibe..Bee• Hire Exchange as to a edaer of attraction. They seem to know to a Theta good-buyer stakes a good seller; and that purchasing their groceries of a roan who regards thelfiterethrof his custipers when Issobisyslis steer, Is actually putting their loose .olutegeout at ioterest. When you- want assythiag estrwand eheep,:call on - . ~A~~~R:s: --- Who ko - os not; sell him customers,* dodo! soil FLOUR, PORK, FISH, CORN MEAL BUCKWHEAT FLOUR, ButrEß, - MEESE, APPLES, POTA TEAS,- 6orpsis, _SWABS, PRUNES RAISINS, S.&VCES, ,01/"NED and ill titonn.ifilaii7wlasfi — ciain yorir - 160 roomsio 4.14 q Br.VTER,:, F CHEES - E AND /4,8 D, • •for which hi - pays thilbeit pdeu oulyolfax - • Your wives will nit mold. pint chndien will no cry and yon will never be out of money. Re membeithsplace. mATH,E4IO.!S_. WeUiboro, Pa., Jan. 3 0 , 1867. , IrcEtitIMATOR'S , ARE NOW OF.BWitit . gf_rtertindtteemehta . than heretofore • to* the f.eolife of Volta to the/ 131Wo:Pligegd011itientire 'wok, oonituluto • BROAD CLOTHS, cAsstoßtknAß. MBRINOBS, ALPACAS, Alio a large quantity of Prints of deofrabliqoal ity and 1 , to • ~Gnu-forrerstock;ot-titootimpri 1 _ 'RATS and Caps, • 7r, RO K it flag ~Ber At .11040C1tOn of 20 to 26 per cent, balcarfarraer prtookrilth s glee► or reducing ; their, stock for, the Critrlog Waint-ite all to cell and canning Uteri:par chasiog elsewhere; as we are cOnildent of siring satisfaction both in price and. ciaality. • • Tan la axibaage 16:r @WA. -t Jan. 89.1861..4 ESTABLISHMENT, John_ B. Wilcox- RES pleasure itp announcing to .the •zees of Millsboro and the country rounda bout, that he bee opened a Merchant Tailoring Establitroment one door above W. EL Smith's law Office, where he is now ready to manufac ture to order all garment which go to make up a gentleman's wardrobe, such as COATS, PANTS, VESTS, OVERCOATS, SHIRTS, Under and OVER SHIRTS, '-' COLLARS, NECK-TIES,. &a., &o. Ho will also keep a good stock of fashionable BATS, CAPS, TRAVELING - BAGS J'ANOE. TESTINGS of all - Kinds,: BROADOLOTBI3, - OASSIMERES, ' - BE /AIM CLOTHS, TRIM- MINOR READY:44IM .CLOTHING of our mom manufacture, GENTS' PUDIVISHING GOODS. The Manta - adoring Department will be wider - We saperviaden of ldr. J. 'B. SEAKSPE:AILO well and favorably known to the public. A ganierous patronage is solicited. '..rellsboro Jan. 2 1887. Collsetpmq - :mridg„ rpeap y remitted foi. ' - 7 . - Fereigri DFatit. 'and 'Passel:Ter e Government' Beenrities borapt on_latorei r. , , ; apt:ereltallowcat dappsia. ' „lAtieral anintntiodations to depositors: • 4 ' T. MOORE, Caabler. Addison, N. Y., Jan. 16, 1.867-tt. CLENDER, French, Marine and Charm Cloaks, at peol9) FOLEY'S. :', , ,ai,3, - .,1,f_ - ,.;-. ;..- =I BM ME IMO MMIMM . ~: `__ TOES, 'ONIONS, d cetera TOIITE2R 19132 FRUITS, DRIED nwiTS, "BLOSSOM AS A - ROSE." 11-ATHERS It yon 1m of 3f BOOTS:- . Ailif SHOES, `GROCERTES 635 E 1 - r----- (*RAIN r AND . ' itETTiR wavox h J 1 atKart. MERCHANT TMLOBING WELLSBORO, MOIL CO., PA. and a genetal - alsortment of ADDISON - MANS. ~,%~ =s:ikm"i >tia''Y~ " "~C.!~Qi~ ~:~K: ~itrG.'~v:+d.CdSilas~"~~46~F~ -- :s;" . ='~c' c ;F •bit. 0 .18 years establipheil in N. Y. 01 4 , " - "Only Infallible remedies knoirn." "rree from Poisons." "Not - dangerous' to the Human Nosily."' "Rate oolno cut of their holes to die." " Costar's" Rat Roach, ctc Exterminat '8 Is a patste—ale - a foi Bats, Mica, 'Roadies, Black and Red Ante, &c., &a. " Costar's" Bed-Bug Ezferminstior Is-a liquid or wash—used to deitruy, and . also as a preventive for ited-Ruge, cke. "Costar's" Electric Powder for bisects To for Nothe,..lfeequitoes, Fleas, Bed-Rup, /needs on Plante, Ilatelt, AOnale, 49. ; BEWARE! of sir vcorihieuri LW butane. ' ,bee that " nsune 'O4 Bee.,lottle, aid Mi.*, before yea buy.. _ samorm. deaths; ; . -- 484 Broadway, N. Y.. or old in Wellstioro, and all Druggists and Retailers everywhere. ..7. 1 1 1 LE , 1 - "COSTAR'S" === Hi kthorn S for. Cuts, Barns, Bruises, Wounds, Boil,, Can. airs, Broken Smuts, Sore Nipples, Bleeding, -Blind and Painful Piles; Elorofulous, Putrid and aconditioued Sores; Ulcers, Glandular Swel- Rage, Eruptions, Cutaneous Affections., Bing i worm, Lab, Conrs, Bunions, Chilblains, ac.; Clapped Rands, Lips, &a ; Bites ,of Spidery, Insects, Animal,, &a., 2e - • - oar Boxes 25 cts., 50 atm, and Ili eises, par Sold by all Druggist, - ave4srbeirs..." ' .oi:gEr And by HENRY R. COSTAR, Hoot 484 Broadway, B. 8., and by Wellaboro, Pa. • " ~ ~:.;isui!J), - 5 57 , , CI 1..'" :Jr1!: " 0 0 S T A IV 5" =I • Fr• 1 1 1 1 W A Ti.s ili P/1 1 .M ' 1 - For Corns. unions, Warts, k e. As- Boxim, 25 ens., 60 eta., and $1 sizes: jegit- Sold_ all Dtuggigto ~.„.404.• And by HENRY R. COSTAR, Depot - 48413soadway, N. Y„ and by Wansbozo, Pa. 3_Ti~ ii'?. ~ : 1, 4 1'a10- i i g ?-.tagi MEI ~ ' ,P3 ,"."I'/.l'-).10'11;: +?':A sis ii IT:: "COSTAR'S" ==l 1 7 *nor-SweetOrangt",.Blonoing For Ssatrtifye~ ~,L*o~pgitsion Used to Soften and Beasttfythe Edda, remove Preekles, Pimples, Eruptions, .to. Ladles are now wing it In preference to all ° t it • A writottlos,;sl. AP. Sold by all.Drogsists awerYwkane. lar• And by BU 8...0011 T .63k, Depot 484 Broadway, N. and by Wollsboro, Pa. - F...!? : i" :' :' Fiber "C 0 STA R'S" .P.X 01 ! 0 , 1 14L COUGH REMEDY, For Coughs,: Colds; 72lottriUness, & "tiiwit, - Croup, Whooping Cougb, Infinanta, Asthma, Consumption, Bronchial Affseotions, and all Dis eases of the Throat and Lungit. gam- Bottles, 25 eta., 60 Jr.- Sold by all Druggists everywhere. _PO - And by HENRY IL COSTAR; Depot 484 Broadway, N. Y., and , by Wellsboro, Pa. „ t_HT TZ C 4ZY- S a 17. i B I S R.011',:i":11-J#A,S4 A Universal Dinner Pi ll, ilei;aitryous ima4ielt Ifiestlitgennar Indigestion, Dyepeplia, Billioaaaaea, Constipa tion, Diarrhea, Collet, Chills . , Forms, and gene talTaerangamentr ebo'Dligaitire Organic"' Ar. Boxes, 25 Ms., 50 Ms., and $I rises. jitilf• Sold by all Druggisti eritYwhere. ) Or And by lIRNRY R. COSTAR, 'Depot 484 Broadway, N. Y., and by Wellaboro, Pa. Jan. 2,1867-3 m. TirAv-R just returned from New York with n AA..'large agsortment of WINTER GOODS, Bought it Paplo Prim, and will ba sold mar dlaglr—We maw*lly itnitm ittentisirto - ota stock of . • trASSIMERES, BE d V.ER OLOTES, -' fIDBIII3, , FLANNELS, . MERINOS, _EMPRESS CLOTHS, AL• PAWLS, and over DRESS GOODS and DRESS TRIMMINGS, - ~>>- 8 MEE lEEE EMS PUBS--a nice assortment, two and clicap. iX)N-TON, SILVER SPRING, and other YANKEE NOTIONS, RATS A. CAPS, HARDWARE, CROCKERY, GROCERIES, . HAND MADE BOOTS AND SHOES, 111/119 =MI ZEE 11T 1T "i PIT IT Xt1"4.1.114 JiLl Il ME = ,HAVE the tight td sell the Union Clothes Wringer, with elliptic springs, end adjusts it self to any thickhesi. Manufactured at Water bury, Vt. lam prepared to furnish to all. I hare the agency for the towns of Middlebury, Tioga, Nebtoili slklaad, °moist, and Farmington. REUBEN T. HALL ,-Asztiatngtotillilt, Feb. 20, .1867-tf. iir; =Mal i:rts er%-1 s: : , "Lk' 'l7'll NEW GOODS! J. R. Bowen & Co., also; it lege .far, a large and mow assortommt of EADY MADE CLOTHING, at greatly reduced rites. kinds of HOOP SKIRTS, And mazy other things which we will be pleased to show to all who will ea➢ and examine our STUCK - OF GOODS Before pirehnving elsewhere. u we believe It will pay you for your time and trouble. OEM SMALL PROFITS, QUICK SALES, & READY PAY IS OUR MOTTO. Don't forget to call at the EMPIRE STORE, NO. I UNION BLOCK Wensboro, Dee. 12, 1868 BEIitNGTONS' - FIRE Aft 1116;: SOF SOLD; TEL TRADE GZ:ILRALLY LIBERAL DISCOUNT TO DEALERS 200,000 FlnaismeD vas 11. B.6ovaammtv. Army Revolver 44-100 in. Calibre Navy Revolve, ...... in. Calibre Bolt Revolver, Navy rise Calibre Police Revolver, ......... Navy size Calibre New Pocket Revolver, 81 1001 u, Calibre Pocket Revolver, (Rider's pt.) 31.100 in. Calibre Repeating Pistol, (Elliott pt.) No 22 & 32 Cart'ge Vest Pocket Fidel, Na 22, 30, 32 A 41 Cartridge Gan Cane No 221 32 Cartridge . _ Breech Leading Elfle,(Beals') No 32 &38 " Revolving Rifle, 38 it 44400 In Calibre E. .BE3IIE. ETON h SONS. PRIPCIPAL Aacrrs Moored Nichols. New York; Wm Bead & Son, Boston; Jos C Gmbh Is Co, Phtladelphta; Pool• tries <4 Trimble, Baltimore; Henry Folsom A Co, New Orleans; Johnson, Spencer Co, Chicago; M Ramsey , Co, St. Loris; Albert E Crane, San Rranelsco. Feb 20, 111157.-2 m. - - A. U. EASTMAN, SURGICAL AND MECHANICAL . TS now improving and enlarging his business, and after baring recently visited many leading Den - tal rooms in several Eastern cities. is now prepared. to execute all work pertaining to his profession, with all the improvements of the day, so as to render it an object for all &mit ring Dental operations to give him a call. Don't forget the place, over J. B. Bowes's Store. Wellshoro, Feb. 20, 1807—tf. Union Clothes Wringer. NOTlCE.—Notice is hereby given to all per il eons having claims against the estate of A. J. k B. B. Webster, insolvent debtors, that tbo feaster) will receive the proofs of creditors, in support of their respective claims, at the-office of Nichols et Mitchell, in Wellsboro, Pa., on Friday, the 22d_ day of March, A. D., 1367, at 2 o'clock •P. M., at which time and place all persons claim big as aforesaid, are requested to present their claims that the Trustee may file his report for distribution at next term. r JNO, L MITCHELL, Trustee. -- Feb, 20, 1867-4 w. ATOTICR.—Notice in hereby given that Roh n art Dastard, Beeler, bas been placed in charge of tract No. 1590, and those parts of tract No. 15Sif, in the vicinity of Babb'a creek, belong ing tolthe heirs of Luke W. Morris; and all per sons are, forbid trespaesing thereon, tinder pen alty of prosecution. ELLISTON P. MORRIS, ---805 - Market Strver, - Plallatetptatt . : - '4Yeb. 21.1887-6ine _ EXECUTOR'S NOTlCE.—Letters testamea . taxi haring been granted to the undersigned en the estateof Dexter Parkhurst, Sullivan, doted, all persons indebtedloaaid estate, and those her tug claims against the same will call and settle, MIRIAM. PARKHURST, Fier Pub. 6, 1887-6te - - • Chester County Pigs BOUT two pairs of pure Chester Co. Pigs can be purchased of the subscriber at Mans field. These Ptgs are about five months olkond ,warn brought directly from Chester - Co. some two mentbs-eince. ALI.IOII ALLEN. ' ,Feb. 27, 1867-3 w. NOTICE.—The Delmar School Directors will meet at the Butler School souse, Stony Fork, on Saturday, 21areb, 9tb, at ten o'clock A• M., to lot the getting'," wood for next Winter Schools. and. let the building of a School House cosarJohn Pearson's the coming summer. Ity order of the Board. • -Delmar, Feb. 27, 1567-2sr.• TIR. FUME'S ABDOMINAL SUPPORT- If BR% for sate at Roy'a Drug Store. AMERICAY WATCUES in Bunting Silver Cana from $27.50 op at FoLErs. N. BULLARD A. (Nomura, 'GROCERY & RESTAURANT, Ono door %boy& Soy's Drug Store, WELLSBORO, We take pleasure In announcing to the public that we ootonsnoe the New Year with enlarged facilities for accommodating customers with the choicest stock of GROCER% YANEEE NOTIONS, WOOL) & WILLOW WeLSE, _ yd offend to this public. Housekeepers .an Sod the REST SUGARS, SPICES, CHERRIES, (Sinned,} PRUNES, BOX RAISINS, CITRON, SEEDLESS RAISINS, - COOKING CURRANTS, PICKLES, SAUCES, CANNED FRUITS. and the finest Want oyster, & Canned Oysters, - right from Mt BALTIMORE 201421LET9, on sae et oar coaster THE SUNOS Y te DISCONSOLATE Q. Will find our RESTALIIRANT upon at all sea sonable hours, whir* Oystara in every styla, pre pared by a skillfal cook, are served - up to delight the palate and gladden the heart. NE AIM TO PLEASE 1 Always glad to see oar friends, because we In tend to give them their money's worth, and it they sell ones they will be sure to nail again. -MASSENA BULLARD, Jan. 2,1867. C. it, EIOLDSMITIL WECTER; OF 1866-7 T. L. BALDWIN & CO., TIOGA, PENN'A. REVIAN 'MANES to their customers and friends for their Oontinned Liberal Patronage, And bey to imforri them that they hare their anciti SELECT-STOCI OF GOODS, Consisting of 1 . DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, RARDW.ARF, BATS & CAPS, BOOT§ It SHOES, CROCKERY, FURS, ROBES, &C., &C. the ahall ti and keep oar Stook COMPLETE• IN ALL DEPARTMENTS. -- We have also uktide areangentanta to keep on hand AT ALL TIMES Greti Plaster, Which we shall call at a - VERY' LOW FIGURE, EliE:3 Partnere should not fail to swore a supply of this Excellent Fenilitet at once. Tina, Jan. 2, 1867 Aver's Sarsaparilla ---..... S a concentrated extract a: - ,• — r ,.. ' I. the eboico root, so eons ..7'• ,g- t.,,,4 with other substances et r z e se•-•: . , or .oirt greater alterative pow • . .. ...:.......„....,. -to s t r ,. : , e ,0 , j a r tres:cl o, ari etreepusa !In - 4 , tem Sarsaparilla _l' eaVenlli s t. i ' ... .....• L .. r roptltecl to cure. SI:Mb a 17.',1t-iy 1. rarely wanted. by these eh., sorer from SI,JUIUIII I .' o23 o:ants, and that hue which will necorophih their cote Lutist prove, es ibis h 0..; proved, of immense service to this large class of our .tidieted tellorr.cilizene low completely this compound will do is, has been proven by experiment on malty of the worst cases to be found in the lellowlng complaints:— Scrofula. Seroftnous Swellings and Sorts, Skin Diseases, Females. Blotches, Eruptions, An thony's Fire, Rose or Erysipelas, Tatter or Salt Rheum, Scald Reads Ringworm, AO. Syphilis or Venereal Disease is %nailed from the system by the prolonged MID of this 3er/tip rills, and the patient it left in comparative health. Female Divases are caused by Scroftde in the blood, and are often soon cored by this Entreat of Sarsaparilla. Do not reject thin invaluable medicine, beamu you hare heels imposod upon by somotkdog pre tending to be Sarsaparilla, while it was not. When you have used Ayer's--theu, and not Oil then, will put know the virtue -of SenuPertlia. For minute particulars of the dinsesei It onus, wit refer you to dyer's Amarken Almanac, which the agent below named will farni3lr gratis too an who ma for it. Ayer's Cathartic Pills, far tbo =ll5 of 004170. asst, Jaundice, Dyspepsia, Irtii7.ll3doll, DrOa' tory, Fouls Stomach, Ileadacho, Piles, Rheuma tism, Heartburn arising from Disordered Stomach, Pairror Morbid Inaction of the Rowels, Plata leneY, Loss Or Anriltit(),LiVer Complaint, Drop• sy, Worms, Gout, - Neuralgia, sod as a Dinner Pill, are unequalled. _ They ore sugar coated, so that the most mad ale tan take them with plsasnre, and they are the beat Aperient in the world for all the purpo ses of a family physic. Prepared by Dr. J. C. AYER Is CO., Doweli,, Mass., and sold by all Druggists and dealers In ratelleines everywhere. Sold in Wellsboro by J. A. soy. meh64m. Mather & Horton, Mather GROCERIES & PROVISIONS, CROCXERY, HARDWARE, WOOD & WILLOW WARE, YANKEE NOTIONS LATFRENCEVILLE, PENNI 4 Cub Paid for Produce, { e * W. J. Nelms Noy. 21. 1286.41- 1867. WRIGHT tc BUM, 1867. WY oommenes this you with all atelsudnely CAM basiness. ft CASH PAID FOR INITerAT I CASH PAID FOR OATS I CASH PAID FOR COBH I CASH FOR EVERYTIUNGII A. LARGE STOCK 4w FLOUR FOR CASH', I A LARGE STOCK OF FEED FOR CASH A LIEGE STOCK OF PORK FOR CASFI WRI4IIT A BAILEY Call and see us Well3boro, Jan. 9;1367- I y All peritati indebted to to by auto, or book account moat colt sod - sattla or pay colts. - WRICaiT d BAILEY. COBBLER'S EMT GRIM BENJAMIN 3BELEY, - maker, orer Jerome Staith'e atoni o, Main Street, would ;list nay to the Shoeless end Booties-that L e , that portion of atom who hyrotho eluded, to change their condition—that ha ID no,/ prepared to manufacture envie gentle. men's duo Boots, or foe gentlemen's evert" Boots in as s bungling a manner ' and at as dear rater es any other eetafilishmentthis Lido of Whimsy's Corners. Anythin; in the tine of Shoemaking or Cobbliit, win bo adtolrably botched on the shortest notice. Don't examine toy work; it won't bear inspertion; but "go it blind." Re member the plaee, next door to Shakspeere's Tailor Shop, 13. SEELEY.- NOV. 14.15186.-tf. ORPIIAIsiS• COURT iALR.-33y virtue of J an order or tbo Orpbans' Court of Tiogs sourity, I wißespoce to sale at publie youth's., as the Court Rouse, Rrellsboro, Thursday, 31exols 1067. Lb* rollring, described real estate, Ws the pr o perty of Margaret M. Guernsey, deo'3, A lot of lend situate In Wolleboro, bounded easterly by Ilrater street, southorly by C. W. Seas woAerty by lend formerly owned by Julius Sher. wood, and northerly UT W. W. Webb—contalnlng one more or less wait a frame dwelling booth thereon. Atso—Another lot of land ■ttcate in Delmar township, beginning at a post the south-wen corner of E.J. brown thence along the highway south 95 dog. west slz perches to a post; theses north 3 deg- West by lands of Story Matson 2T and ttee•tentbs perches to a post; thence east are and nine-ten the perches to a post the north west corner of E. J. Brown ; thence by lends of said Brown tooth deg. ease twenty-saran rods to the prise° of begfoolog--costarring ono any moss or leas. CILIS. EBIMENTZ, Ea'r. of Margaret M. Oierosv, diked. Feb. Lb 39137-410. ' CU. S. Havana° Stamp 5D Cts.l TIOGA COUNTY, ss. The Commonwealth of Penns.) , lea. N iL i • nia, to the ii bora of Tloga County, •1, •, UtVetin.: We OGam3rid you that r •, you attach 0. W. Glbson late of your . county, by all and singular his goods and chattels, lands and tenements in wboso hands or possession ,cover the same may be, so that he be and appear boforo our Court if Common Plias to be holden at tnellaboro, in end for said county, on the day teat preceding the but day of January Term 1547, there to answer J. F. Beckwith of a plea of debt not exceeding five hundred dollars, and also that you eillnalati F. N. Wright, John W. Bailey and r. G. Fisher, that they be and appear before oar said court en on the said day to answer what shall be objected against them, and abide the judgment of the court therein. - And have you th, a And there this writ. Wituess the lion. R. G. White, President judge of said Court, at Wellabore, the 24th day of Jan'' , 1887. JOAN F. DONALDSON; Proth'y. I hereby certify the above to be a true Dopy of the original writ in my' hands. LEROY TABOR, Sheriff. Orphans' Court Sale. 11Dhi Tian/ of an order of the Orphane Court .UP of T . toge County, I will expose to sale by public vendue, on the premises, Mayday, the 11th day of March, 18dt, the following real estate, for the benefit of the minor children of John Schneider, deed, to wit- . lot of land in Union township, bounded north by James Bont. east by Jobn Seebrist, south by Finery Ch Fist, and west by Michael Nestor—containing about Arty acres, about 31 acres improved, a frame barn, old frame derailing, at!!1 small orobard thereon. Terms—Of e-haif rash nn uonfirmatzon of the sale, and the residue Goo year thereafter wait in taws. GEO. 1.1.)C DENSCHLO GER., Feb. Id, tw. G earlian, XECIITOR'S NOTlCE.—Letters testamen .l2.4 tarybseln; hoer, tr , f,l h, tbs. ha.lertigited uu the e.tate of 'Flows, 11 , ,rtQu, lots eflamr, deed, all persons Intebtee. M ssiti enatel, sind those basing sis,tms sgattist the• same al/1 emir. 10r settlement Upon SiT6t2: • Delmar, Feb. IS, 1 4z-4.6,k ---Sseou tor. SMITH & SYLAN, - GB` - sup potaly A.GVNTS for the lead ittg Scot Con)paitios in Cho rotted Stares; also Agents for tho I,7o,nitog Cuuoty 3intual„, CoMt:obis Mutual, a n , t Ptilicere . Nutria] Lain ranee Companies. 'Son-Hazardons, Tfriaardow, and Earn-Has sedans Risks taken &treasonable rates. Policies Issued, and ail Loma adjusted at our °Mee. Virellsboro', Pa., Feb.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers