HOME MATTERS. \VEDNESDAY MAR. 6, 1867 :Jew A.dvertisementer- ut 1,••1--!1.10. Young, Pro, rinz Thimer,ll.l free 2F trufer—Milner k Co Son.apanll.l-1)r 1. C. Ayor PERSONAL.--We hatl the pteasure of a ,hurt risk' from * our AA friend, Rev. ..Tons last weeli,,,-,He speaks highly of his now t„,IA: and is as es ever. PERSONAL.—HrOII YOUNG, Esq., Jheice of the Peace elect, hat takes out his L aainissinu, and may be found in the office o'er Buck store. DONATION. — The friend. of Rev: A. I, age are invited to attend a Donation party at tLe house of Riley Cole, Stony Fork, on Tuesday e. ecing. March 12. Ot3CEOLA.—TIie Grin of Phelps Fibr.7 gerald has tiktselved, and the new firm of Skin her & Fitagersdd, takes its place iu the business Succe.s to the new firm.- Bramss.—The Messrs. Sears nod ; Derby have purchased the ground how aeatipi , el by Mc,' c. Wright S. Thiley'r fiViiir and Feed' Store We confidently hope that the purchase ivaugurate the era of htdidin of brick and MCI tar in this village. DELMAR ScHooL.—:-A public session School was held last Wednesday evening. ire exercises consisted in declamations, recite and composition, and vrereAmeli as to Le much credit upon the teacher, Miss Luein kir. English. The school numbers upivirill of 3u . ~,wlsrr. and ie well advanced. We are obliged to Hon. W. T. Huni i,L,ec for o copy of the Legislative Manual for I-67. W Cowie for'vhritias &ICU: •1 lion. c. F. Wllec t it, M. C., for , sundry cop of the Washington pipers. NEWSPAPER CHANGE. H. Jenkins has purchased a one-half interest is the :curt/tern Tier Gazette, ,publietred at - Troy; Pa., .1,10 the paper will hereafter be published 'la, Mesers. Hooker & Jenkins., Mr. Jenkins learn. ra the trade in the Kcrtscon Office; lao is a Lrit-class printer, and will give now impetus to :Le business. The Gazette -is one of the staunch est papers published in the State. - • REVIVALI3.—Mtich religious interest is being manifeatedinAaedanty.l Li' the Elmira Advertitirr-ipitea that at a pr ,, tracted meeting held r iti Eloasburg reenntly, zrzteen oonrersions tool; place. Since that time, Cam:'. Mr. Reynolds, of Rloastitirg, and-Itarnba, Corning, hare held Union•dfeotings, and forty o‘..r-lone are reported. There have peen re 811 in Charleston and Liberty, tile°. CoNFIRMATION AND ORDINATION.— Rev. Bishop Vail. of Kansas, administered the of confirmation in St. Pant's church . :.o.t Thursday evening. On Friday morning, Ito Bishop, assisted by Revs. Messrs. Farrows, limn. Allen, and others, ordained Rev. Mr. Kooche, of Athens, to the priesthood. The tendsoeu wan large on both ocealions. The BA . p made a very favorable impression upon our people. SUNDAY SCHOOL CONCERT.—The mvutilly session of the H. E. - Sunday School 1:1, held on Sunday evening. The house _was wcil filled and the exercises exceedingly interest ing, consisting in rdeitetions, excellent manic, an 1 addrepse.: The address was was by Mr. Jazg,erz, of Philadelphia, and excoodingly good. At the close, Mr. Morgan Hart, for the school. presented Miss Ida Stoddard with a silver cake Leila, in s. nest and_apprepriste speech.' - ,zhool is io a moat flovriabin,g .coaditiaa, and tt,esa monthly sa,ion, are very profitable. C9lTcapopdeattrlitEss en the particulars of a prise-1144Lavhieh Lack plea e m that streets of klausfiald an tiso 1,0 • ult._ Tine parties were of the noble Caucasian race, and .elected a spot near the reeidence of a sober eon the ceo. About fifty noble Caucasian,' witneased the :Halal will. Our - correspondent likens the that between i the Hampstead Suit and .T Icenmetave. Thejcon lest was blood lees. The .nte.e were arrested and pa t ninfler bonds to keep ;I e pence They are represented es belonging to unterrified Democracy. Let brothelln-love •• Hour. at Home"' Artimr'r mit mvtaltly tot' .L.l , lren, talGltitt bright promite of-excellence:ar children Irok fttr it cipeitttritiy as ire tio , fbil, z a , • .1 flaniir an 1 Hwpor, T. S. Arthur, c 7,1 F7Cry man Flioula papeie= meteefi, Aeelerirem, and Hempel , * freeklg, The brutal a repertory or .aktdilie Itnaniedtre praatice. and the, bet f , tr -famil:.• Ittuatnent and inetructior. Mir el U.,coo—A new quarto religions pa ti, pu'li!hed weekly in New York, at ;12,50 per r, ha. reached UP. It^ object ia the unity of ible ChurelA—a good °Neil, certainly. it , ell men and women.aould he angola Irut..,one ef a, of po,-poqe ell the Christian world may iot.7 I. toil:,of crew= 1= to the government i.itries is not desirable- Thu world L 1.. t. , : ite of that thisig an th 6 dark sizes.— ye.s. r. the paper te beautifully printed, end hl,l- encauctEd. - (:oz , slP.—The sanguine man, who, in t , lt:ton to hie expectation of n prize in some •••• ,y which promisee to diresll3o worth for a Car, has a large wile and numerous family to has located in , CTery 116011414100 d in T...g . 1 county. 'Whether he went in on Crosby ttt,i aot shinned, or otherwise, we know Slot. Bat Lo idtaly . ...entree in the ability of Arran -3 his cifos,.4 o Ward:dictum Watches. jer:- ..lr and racer ware and sell them fur less than the re-: of •hr TV, material, is a notorious fact. T.• 1., oing gintlernan who asks mi to statir , tie tame of all natur" they do it, i c e •11... t they dmer do it. The whole glair is a • • zwindle, and any mail wise lends-hitt •l.Cd of ille class of lottery chaps, is 'Jr. .Iva .co of the mania ,foc pott,pLit purrs, we the idea of malt:mg :up_ the Ant " • ohntiorynctirev. find it not-born hint him avoid have Idled two eolunioa of-the • .:td titu• heed diveatisfaction rtmoug 'the ••• .dittul:l have eartied„otit the eotteejt• — ' • ..ut at, thtteepoct for liviiter tlail;tThul ' • lit the lc,t obituary: notice a man or ' • :m Lao Icti, tt• the kind otnAglittvfiqdrnem s Y thdttdiltt t e: It it! not `piliiicr IL.: .•cientv s ? beftire the ',oldie. tlett. mvit .m 1 woman it ntilled to die ,in privfic —An inquirer tlcsiret al, hunts if , nlilte-hje pf N dieinfettfalt. 'No— oL ly eloriiee in thongh it act 4 se„p„„4l.isinftctatit In neutr.iliitueLsonions - Copperas is s better Illeinfe,tant. pr rhipe, tr.;;. Mande of lime. The ehenpet.t disinfect/tut, ;..-u soft soap and Isatisr. Nearly oil o'isinfectnuts pmpers,l and put up in -I en. lininbege. Pulverized charcoal in • • • ••., Jn7,tilin2 - „ probably. _ ••••• r• - pont hat Lai a sensation. A fetidly beyond question has been ,itt an tuvis:ble. , T et andibie presence. •Lt Ir.ca v.st young girl, to whom nobody •••-• es tv•lbvg to impute deceptive practice, and • t•t pars tt lA. e n ee n badly frightened out of .• ,zaditior. of wind and body. The a. audible as any human voice, anities • ••• •pr.o.tly intclligiitin. On several oe'co - • • ~.t.t . ,:ous ydqple assembled and eudesvored :In_ ghost, hut, without avaU. -b. would. salon and out of season, and, from the : v• - e should judge that its specoh was not exactly proper and edifying. The ghost •=sta. hart disappeared as E.:1011 as the girl , sick. A somewhat wonderful story, but mad ,-013' Touched for. - Wives Co. Inotitote:4C-11111 h 44-1861 Editor Agitatnr We were glad to notice in your last Issue, a call for a public meeting in the -interest of Education. - That -something shohlol he done in direction indicaitCd in the call is patent to all friends el edue.ation in- the. county. We feel conEdsnt that Osceola will put a strong shoulder-A° the It linete.-ea is her -wont in all ouch moments—and send a large delega tion to the meeting of Marche 21st." Of course we cannot now tell ell that "The Tioga Co. In stitute of Instruction" will accomplish, but we know that much i 3 to be, and can be dune. All that is required is a few grains of ;duck applied with a will, and in the right direction, and the needed work is done. Osceola reaches forth the warm hand of greeting to the committee, and hopes to meet a large delegation from other parts of ,thoomunty,,ainn, the dazjippoihked. os • 'tB A 6 uA, EDITOR AGITATOR: Please state in your next issue that Commissions are waiting the call of the following Justices e'nzt, at the Recorder's office : Pbilu Tuner, Tioga Boro ; E. R. Webster, Mans field; Reuben Morse, Chatham • Joseph P. Mon d]. Bloss; Lyman Beach, Jr., ,Mansfield; Hen ry G. Martin,Covington ; John W. Guernsey, Tioga; Charlton Phillips, Westfield ; William Keagle, Liberty; J. H. Mather, Lawrenceville; P. Damon, Lawrenceville; Giles Roberts, Knox ville: J. G. Albeck, Liberty. D. L. Dews, Register. MEMBERS OF CONGRESS.—Hons. B. F. Wade, John B. Alley, B. F. Boyer. J. W. Patterson, J. H. Farquhar . , — R. B. Hayes, R. P. Backhand, Wm. Lawrence, Martin Welker, S. E. Ancona. Also, Mr. Thomas C. Durant, N. P. Willis, with Portraits, Biographies, and Charac ters. Indian Legends, etc., in March number phrenological Journal. Only 70 cents, or $2 a year. I lAddress Fowler a Wells, 389 Broadway, New York, 41 ,CARD...,, FRIEND Cosa: Allow me through your paper to tendetmost'slncere thanks to the pieOple-of tlossburg for a very handsome donation of $240, nearly all in greenbacks. ""- I never attended a donation more quiet, Or better managed. I am disappointed in the people here, not so much with their generosity ty which is proverbial, as with their good behav ior. 3 hippe in many, qtejie:trilltges Of ,the county, and in none have I found better, or more kindly disposed eociety., l Ths the churches sell hired, and"tbe community more temperate than, L should thillbit weep betoonsid ering the number of rihn-rests who visit the place daily. - The business prospects of the town for the ope ning spring are highly encouraging. There •trill be a fine opportunityhein for any one who may disire a legitimate and — prOfilara employment. N. L. R. A CARD. Mu. EDITOR • Through the mud and molsture of last Friday evening, soma of the people of Y2lO *aid! inttlf9pi ink:9lo4l°4n ad t tB6 1F.49391tan t yttsenaget vpiir to - oT lifixr regard, m tfie shape of green backs; and a permanent evidence of the same in the form of the twenty-one large volumes refer red to in the following note which accompanied the books—(New American Cyclopedia 2t Vote;) Wzmasono, Feb. 15, 1867. • Rec. J. F. Calkin4,—Dealt Eta : to 'prosent•to you some tollgate evidence of the es timation in which we hold yourlabora : and wish ing to impart to it such permanency 'of form as: may seri.% tiriopgli rimy coinitigiyoars-ofMiLthl paitoralitihars, (Which-we sincerely trusVinarbe in store for you) to remind you of our kindly re gard. we beg you to accept the aceonsyanyin4 volimes,land Fiat them .the iiinnotion:tofioar coritipued eonfideneis and • friendship. ,- (SigulY . tures - ciiiiitted.)" - _ , - A moredesiralil64,iftciouldno hate 'lked - se lected,-nor one more ieeleeme td he 'recipient:l. l Valuable as the books are, in and of themselves, their value is multiplied a hundred-fold coming, as they do, as an evidence of the kind feeling to ward us, which, (in apite,ofour many, short-com ings) exiate iwtong the people, aftecorarAwun ty-two yeanvol,labnr heZe, the iLord,re ward the generous donors...by _makingl,tta more. faithful rind encomia' io our work among them.` J. F. Comma.. - 2 [The foregoing was mislaid last week. ED.]. STATE NORMAL SCHOOL MANSFIELD, TIOGA CO., PeiVirk =Mil F. A. ALLEN,-Frinaipal, Prof or of Notorad ' and :_enter! Science' . ' BiltE - ff; A. Mr, Pnifee, , or Ca . CHARLES H. VERHILL, A. M. PAISAioo Mathematics • - • nay. L. M. PETERSELIA, Modern Languages and Drawing. 453 MRS. MAll.T3.7Bitkria: . : .Th:E.,.Principal of Model 4;4001. 1. GI 'HOYT, Profeeor of Instrumental' and Vocal Music Miss ALICE B. SEELEY, Assistant Instructor of Nfuic This Institution coturcionpal..its unxtAsysa osr ...Monday, 'March 25, - 1807. . During the present has been tilled to its utmost capacity and rooms have been obtained in town for the accommodation of pu pils. As a few students will leave at the close of this Term to teach, others may be provided with rooms by applying early.. Tho Institution has never before been so prosperous, The class,of, _students in attendance are,gdar r anct-'ntrilievnii, .vanced,thanificiFe 51,Iormer Terms. kyery large sinmherlif BiOeFitt;aftentlatiise..4ye been T9tett, rots, and are, Winrlt - mg their.. way_ that they nuty Wein stritidasd , or. exacßeitnc. 4hp, appropriatifm'ot scfaW4Tollari-pk. Term...lsnot' the State and fifty dollarariegraduatioia hasener 11E4 many to - pursue their studies. It is confidently beliereil that the reputation of, the Schaal is such that circuhmi not needed ' to set forth'its merit's. • This circular la, issued as a substitute fop eatalogeettihlch hive become exhausted.— . ENYI - Xqrr:coo Tears or FOrETTEN Wsnas. Spring Term, including Board, Room, Tuition; • hook Rent, Fuel, Oil and W,hing„ ...... sa9 00 - 1Y34. students per Term, 8, 00. 11601.: - 00 No , xtm• eSeept fat lima anlinUll'aiiitir4.:. Each strident must .Inrnisti o n pair of sheep, pillow eases, tottals, -- nitpltins :pain of - sl ippers . and one comfortable, also limp, pail lad m irror. .'student admitted •for a .lets time:than one Term unless by special arrangement. ; THE Nro •' PORTABLE Onosxs" for !ale at Po 'ell's Music Store. Scranton, am made by Ma son Httfolln; and.ih6ll , of ‘ineet' polate are of tho•tatte teaterjal this) as Unit' , oelebYtted"ealinThet - "flrgutitr'."lo in order to kttniebia good tititrument telotret price, the CRUIS ate made mallet—and of eh:kart, 'material. Go and sea them. TIAGA CO. - I:S3TIITTY._,O" INSTRUCTION.—At a meeting of the friendc of — the promulgation of Practleal gclence.,in.Weltab n o i lratt:LV,M l t: Commit - teen-as Otppointeno give notice of apub lie mooting to be held in the interest of the ob jects stated, at Welisboro, March 21,1867. Steps still by taken at this meeting to secure the incor poratiniker anbasociation to bemalledlabsTioga Co.Snstit.gtepf Instructitnf7.7 dant:sits object?, appoint its session, and to do such other 'miss as may be necessary. t The friends of Edinegtion are invited to he present., By ortleyof the_ Committee.. Feb'. 27. 1867: - .4tv.- - - , FOR Snu...—A hay mare, in good condition, sound, svoll-laukon and kind. Aleu—a b . gbt buggy, .catify, harne.q,,bga hulfalo inlle=ull 'pearly newt. auquire 40titSCAY3 ifotor iitn6j - -Advertise's are requested to Fend in their ad ierfi;ementE as tally as eittnrday of the week pretinbv to that in which tloy,tqa..tipircsl.n.a4), pear. !Coininutiki sinssidd+liedirsit4 4 not'le , ter than SatuidAy, mile, very brief. This paper go - , to treys Tuesday morning without fail. tf Obiou", - Xul -1 4 0 e., ex 0,0 ingrAeo sines zwilltbe" oirwt,f r fira coats -per, --Annaoneemeolimf • dea 7 1111,10tek ('e ,of .•--h.fARRIA;CIS, • ~ • T) - IVellsboro, Feb. 25th 1567, by Rev. A. W. 'Sta ler, Me. FLIILAM WEEKS, of 'Westfield, Pa., I an . MicaTIATTIc E. Rena, Ia eThippen, en the'24th ult., by J. A. Dar ling IP+, Mr. jatirs Dorintasg. of Coving ton, to , Ir 4 .,,Puit,sr_Mtr-lauatatedtlgiliprieb:/ A' DEATHS In New Tvrk City, en litunds,y, Feb. 23;•1867, of scarlet : tot er, GEORGE RATneoxn.Glasn's,'64ly , son a nabillya. li. Toni Ibrppio Gtistron.'agett_ 2 yeare,,,4 zuonti., - tanll(Slieste.; - !. • !31., 7 - SMrrit ENEft A L POLT&T leith--- 11.31 - tog Stock Cowponies in An - Untied States; alao Agents for the Lynnmirig Tonnti, Cob:tibia Mutunl, nod Farmer , ' 'Mutual rust': ratios Coinpardes,;': Non-ILurafdoug, liazordous. rind Earrn-Hay, stedons ItiAts taken at Tea eon Atli -rite s. Polfclaf batted, and all Losses adjusted at our Case. Wellsborie, Pa., Paiii.do 180 HELIatiOLD'S " • FLULY TRACT BUCHU s a certain cote - ' x+ -tbe -T KIDNEYS, °RAVED DIDDP...Y, TEMALV CO3l - GENERAL DEBILITY. and all diseases of the OIcOANS.. "bother existing In MALE Ott FEMALE, from trhale,er cause originating and no matArIOS7,L9V,SWANIAL4 , rn g a...., 9 ylitilikaaj. se a3s dna i t qfAdi , If po treatment is submitted to, Consumption or Io• sanity may enario. Our Flesh and Blood.nre supported from these sources, and the HEAUCH AND HAPPINESS and that af Poataaity Aepead4 reliable giiiedYira j w .34 -r- u - P re a44 l 4 a I HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCIIU, a. blished upwards of 18 years, prepared by MlLDPROLlklhttrailiei, ' 'so4lStroadwiiilhat Lod - 1 104 Potrthlol.fra.; PhlbkrOft-, - _ - Are Tom Afflicted with a Cough or a Cold ARE YOU PREDISPOSED TO CONSUMPTION! Are the Lives pf Tour Children in Jeopardy from Sod den and Repealed ; Attak! JCroupr te; - Ptathaie Pote-of • - BLADES' EUPHONIAL ..LUBRI.CATORSII The PeOple's Most Sure and Effectual .Remedy for Congo's, Colds, Croup, Catarrh, Asthma, Bran- Apia, Diptheria, and all Pulmonary Diseases. MITE LUBRICATOR is a medicinal preparation In form of a Lozenge, whlch„ . l4 eidl,modes, caostvicsaant and convenient, ''Thty` tontaid-cinfiels turbot's ingredient, and are warranted' ici safe, oven for the weakest and most sensitive stomach. In Croup they give lIMEDIATZ HELLET. For Coughs and Colds they are invaluable. For CM.eu; rip, Asthma and Brimchitta they Inid tip iiquaCittl 010 drariet,(Tide Certificates accompaqing each box.) . Diptheria, that dreaded and desolating disease, they control wonder fully and almost immediately. No Public Speaker, Slum or TescAler, should be without cheroots they remove hoarseness and strength en and clear the voice. /Fir Always use them In time, and it the symptom. are ew~re`psaxlraol3 i't(o.;q44oir Elmira, N. Y. F. C. WELLS A CO,, 115 and Ili Franklin-St Agents for New York City.- % •••• • -' • Oa - FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS: ' 2•-• Dec.l2 r ,lBF.-Iy. r _ , - - • ' '1 MELIBBOLD'S FLUID EXTRACT BUCIIU Is pleasant in taste and odor, free - front "onl9niitrivis properties, and immediate in Its actlah: - teb27-Iy. ' Cough, A Cotii,'"hr ".7A ,()W4t. ... .......... , b LP • Sore Throat, BRONCHIAL RI. A GI U ES IMMEDIATE ATTE:molt, AND SULD DE MMM.T.Dr • o t - . Av. ~ A.— - - watEn-to-con , A f. ~ ,-•-• 5 . o f , . , krii-01071 . of the ..L . Nt,p(,4 CC:A.O I S --- Pilmanini l'iti:Oat ih „ s- A 1.,•..- eglic..for.F.Cansigiii:p..).l.' 0„ ... s c.,' Lion is often the i.. t-/ LI , , 11ksta • ..•:4;;-.1..•._...... ~. ~....,,,z, li PROVZN'*„. B ILO Ntlei fee l ' fit &tilt t Raving a direetrolian Millie' parts, give immediate relief, Pot BRONCHITIS, 41111jy19 . k,.4 1 1 1 6 / 1 1rr 4 ?WE MAO' . TMItl . 64 .. .Pri)chiiare - Oed with aiway's good =can'. Singars saCraltlirlianakstiv-ZIT2 , ' , Will find Titocnrs useful in clearing the voice when taken before Binging - 1r fp:satin& affil-yelinyjarthe throat efter SW =rank? exertibh - Of tho . warc;rgwit. „Tfie TnoCRES are recommended and prescribed by Phy- Welting, nail hove but tpstisoopiale from =twat Smarr throughod t theitinntry. 'Hang err *Attlee/ true met- - and having Peeves their efficacy by a test of ninny years, each year finds thenrin new localities in various ports of the world, 0.14,the TnoCILLS are universally pronounced better tbati akar iirteclaft. 1_ OBTAIN Only "BLOWN'S BRONCHIAL Taocnrs," and do not take any of the WOHlWinrSii LYIINTIONS that may be , offered: foils EVISITIVaikr.'• • 2 t,8 n, • ILEVSIBOLD'S EXTRACT Ban' F lies lettiti; and the - pa llid cheek. Do. tit; to o s th ac e co f' m m ps e n a lel b b l y oo m m on to y t a l l e att t ing symp toms, null if no trenement is submitted to, consumption, In - feb27.ly . EMEDIAL INSTITUTE FOR. SPECIAL CASES, XL N 0.14 Bond /Emit, NeW York ... • • , t• Air Pun I.forMation,.witb . the brenst. teatinsonialai abm • Book On Special Diseases in a ealeesitYclots sabot free. sir Be AIM Ittidaend for tbeirt,litiS yorrwßl not regret It; foram, advertising physicians are gonertlly impoetors,witbont, reform:44e no stranger should, be trusted: Enclop IV stamp for,postago, and direct to DE.- LaWRENCE,ISO. Id BOND STREET, NEW TORE. Nov. 21,18t30,1y„.. , • , • SOR NON-RETENTION or LNVONTINENC Bof Urine. Irrhaa. Inflammation, or irleeratleh tf the bladder, kk r l go ne 3 thetas. -of the proetrate-a-lanttai-stana - ta the bladder, Lalenina,..grapal oe brolk dust,*.poalwand all dbeatare of the ifhteldef kiAley. and -drOvaicat. lingo, U. 11L13606 . 1PL01D Milleaf, EtWM, feb27. Ct TRANCE, NUT TRUE.—Every young Indy and gen ',-10 Hunan in the United Slates Can hear something _tltdr. B 4llll4Eo6PlV - ,T.Mine ervient-iitargeepnywH: .Thfrii•viAlt taunt of tatug baggea win pleaseyx.ot noticiugHns part All others will please addreas - their obNlienf servant, THOS F CHAPMAN, 831 Proodwey, New 'York Jan 31, '66-1 y ENFEEBLED 1 4111IFDEggrATir COVSTIT L EICH4NS', of both sezeril'aselrtitteo4ll Elf:tier "tit* tat,* ittla neltetic fah ngs, and Inable you to sleep sell. 1131RH0US OF YOUTII.-,k tjtotbAzoao,vrho suffered _Ea for years from Nervous Debility, Premature Decay and all the effects of youthful fudiscretionleill, for the sake of talfetlug humanity, wed • free 'to all - who need it, the recipe and direetions for making the simple rem edy by which be was cpretl, $06171, NrUlti3g to post edvertieer's e#erilente sari 'do so braddteseltig - • , JOHN B. 001;E::,l3 Charebers,Sy...N.r. • 31 , '66-I.Y. NO 31011 E wigiogawarDll24l:lllJNSAFE 131iliELLES for ttoplealett'''artd daritteMe diseases. Vdc,lielrabold'a Extract Barhu a9..d„Lxtprored Rose • Mat, , i. , 421 feb'27-Iy. 710 CONSUMPTIVES.—The advertiser. having been ' :restored terhealth In a few weekteby a very simple ronnt, dy, after having suffered for several years with a , .aiacro lung affection and that dread disease, Constimp 'thitf=is Anxious to melte lingwri dmeDie feilenrsigiffersra • the means Of mire , • z , - • ' Mall who desire It, he will send a copy of the pre. •Sertption used, free of charge, with the directions for preparing and using the sump, whicle they - -wElrfhotly sure rota forConsumirtlen, Attitfna;lltrimehltis.Cliighs and Colds, and all throat and lung affections The only object or the advertiser in sending the Prescription Is to-benefit the afflicted anal Spread itiformatieu which he comet:dies to be invaluidlib,libithls heoes - era - 1 sufferer will try his remedy, as it will cost them nothing and May prove a biassing Parties wishing the preseription rase, by return mall, fill Pliwtiaddre.l4°.l4 i WARD A . a p.n.:11.'68-1y) TELE GLORY OF MAN IS STRENOT,H.—Tberefore the nervous and debilltatid4soild imtnediately use IlruzaoLe's Exesucr Sumo. feb-271y. - no Ifid-B6ifkiihilir,V,lNli i Al.4 CALi4:4; .106 on *Am attritint'rs , !muttitt.r erica. by nditpa &gloat and ~/kis medicine wne eeterdirk94 2t yeai end iM ,nover been known to air Give it n_einat Wei. For .ekte-14 , Cern Y,_ ItarnrACo,'.lLetirtsVelryprk.,, gill,f1110;6m" . MANHOOD AND YOUTHFUL VIGOR are regained by Htuusocn's EXTRACT BMW. feb27-Iy. 4fATTERED_ -00X6VEN*FROVel Ell HELMOLLOB Rtnute atom, 1111 CONFESSIONS EXPERIENCE OF AN IN T TALlD.—Published for the benefit and as a caution eft men .rlDd others, who enffeefrom-Nerrons Be. , premature Decay of Ithinbood,"&c:,enMabig e efte time the means of eelf-cnre. By one - who has limeelf after -undergoing considerable qmmkery. Dy enclosing a poatpaid addressed envelope, aingle cop. lee, free of tharge.may he had of the author. NATHAN/J*4 FAIIIII,r,OOW.= gloom N. Y. 1 "e;-'4 art. 4 115 _4, • HEIMEOLD'S EXTRACT RUCLITI and Impaovsn Ross 'blase cures secret and delicate disorders In all their stages, at little expense, little or no change in diet, po Inconvenience and no esposnle, It is pleasant ill nits. any! Ao k imatealat. In .lts z fetiop,,snd-frea :hAm ,, II!I • - •cfEb27-ly • ITCH! ITCH! ITCH) SCRATCH! SCRATCH! SCRATCH! WHICKTONS 01/Ml/1111u- Will cure the itch in 48 Hours Also lures SALT REIEUM, ULCERS, CIIILBLAINS, and all ERUPTIONS, or 60544"1"-; fros r ,istie by alranbagiana.L•wsimusa Ale ttrirtalo xtrilKs & POTTER, Sole Agents, 170 Washington St. iMoston,i it will be forwarded by mall, free of postage, • 4tiiniy part of the United States. 21rne 6, 18913. sp. notke „- • ~ VIM -11MATi0Eli9tONCLN:TilATED tkilLiCT zitcgu • • ;I /3 THE ORIAT DitrarTa. s FILILLIRoLD'S CoNCRIPTRATIM EXTRACT SARSAPARILLA MBE 73 TOO asaT4l . inntriTAitrMw . c, Both Arc prepared according to roles - of _Pharmacy and Chernlktry, and are the most active thni — eamizo_ mad , . ! • feb27-Iy. HARKNESS t.C.: RILEY, .;k:Ofij A N 11 - 1110,E, - .M.AK EDS, . -c IV j3TRIg - smr: - .. --- : - .10i3;4:ti1t _PLUMS. 4;4111 ItlibisCmiure to ~ .brdeoeond:iebithe beat triannei. : , libkindellailtrprottOy , and 'good. bliso;nale call; 2 , " t - • 'JOHN - lIATCKNES, . WM. RILEY: - *elleboTo; Jan: 2;11981 -Iy. -.7.r C. .13. -WILLIAMS. TTOliqui" AT,"L31 1 /TrarAgetif, 'of - ncii ALL Lycoinierg Co. Mutual liinr . i t:t ictr to. tit, with J. MI6; . • rob, 1887-2ar. - •tn - -41m—'MefrANGD ~~'= 5 ‘ T iLLIA,NI itakapeare, ttisti wilitriiie Avon;' ins it great stitdent of human naturo;but the great poet Rev ert riAreipfaitied that eittra u terfstic human Metre' sibichleadepeNdetu ineh to the Bee= EflArtiaiinge as to a center of attraction. They 'tietm'teknoirte a " That a good.buyer makes a good nailer, and that parettising their groceries of a man who regards the interests' of his customers then he buys his sOcit, is actually pintting their loom - change out stinterest:•'When you want anything extra nad cheap, naH on • - • • - MA-1 1 -1:1,EIt s 1 t .liyho (role not — sell his customers, felt FLOUR, PORK, FISH, - CORN MEAL Bkrotiv_z4..i FLOJE, CHEESE. APPLES. pore , TOES, ONION% BE !,. - Tuarrusie- wan: _ 11?? Ml TEAS, ;CQFPEES,', SUGARS ,' PRUNES. SAUCE, CANNED FRAJITp,. and 'itif thinie .star _ 44 BLOSSOit AS A ROSE." HUI'S r. a a - .7- t- BUTS TVL FisE AN D. T, A TM, _ th,;l, / , prim *aliVPI!" for Iltiktic : 4!"114C9 Mwthekts-. Your wives will no! meal& your children • will no 'cry, and you will never be out of money. Re ..,; „ ;limber the place. MATHERS'S Wellsbaro, Pa., Jan. 30, 1867 _ItEIGrULATOR ARE NOW OFFERING greater inducements than to th e people of Tioga .4.1111) have plaeed theit4nrire stock, consisting of BROAD CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, FLAN NELS, MERINOES, ALPACAS, so a large quantity of Prints of desirable qual ity and patterns isitlia-large stock of , Sheeting', . HATS and Caps, BOOTS AND SHOES, . _ .1 • OROCERi-Ps. - jj At a rititiO4On.o . igio2s'percenftllaloW : iiiinuir pricos t slth - a viinr,of reducing their stook fir .I,he spring trade. We invite all tb call and 'amnia: o;botore Pni r , chasing elsewtnire, as me-are cortll4int of=giTink satisfaction tab to-price and gaunt,. ' 'Mr - lands or GRAIN AND BUTTER . ‘j.• i ld ix Taken inoeuge for 13'000: SaU. , atkoilisrii TAILORING tS WEI,LSPORO,-TICOA CO., PA. '• John B. ---,- - . •• vr e rxrr i" , -.' ~ - • . . . .. Egitloastare in announcing to, the eitli . .I.TOTneet: Viellsboro and the countrytrotinda. bout, that,beinta:opeued - a Merchant -Tailoring bllshjneitt, one 400 r '.. above W. ~ /it Slate . ' Othetiorherelos Is now ready to ininataa ilia to order all garments oath. go to ,mate op a gentleman's wardrobe, inch as ' . . - ATS, PANTS, VESTS; 'OVERCOATS SHIRTS,-Tinder and OVER SHIRTS, OOLLARS, NECK-TIES, &c., if 4 will ayokeep vs good stock of fashionable HATS, CAPS, - TRAVELING BAGS PANcY, yESTINGS of all Kinds, BROABCLOTHB,• CA4SI3IERES, itexWa CLOTHS, TRIM-. • - MINGS,,READY-MABE CLOTHING of 'our - • —ojiptranufacture, ranYa•general assortment of GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS. ; The Manua;taring Department will be under tbo supervision of Mr. J. B. BHAESPEARE I well and fanomhly - known to the public. A I generous patronage is solicited. _tyellaboniaart. 2, 1887. CP, , AVNISON BANE. :Collections • made on . all points and promptly semitted fur', ~..Ferc Le lgn Drafts and PasseUs er Tielegi sup pl Government Securities bought on favorable terms. "" Interest allowed on deposit. Liberal accommodations . to depositors. .4,310011 E, Cashier.. .A , lkdison, N.Y., San.l6,:lBB7—e. 1 ; a. Ft •.. tr+• MI rr EMI et cetera - .• ,'; Xf.yoifliti , of,' _" • •r'xf:,_ et "18 years established in N. Y. City." "Only infallible remedies known." . "Free from Poisons." "Not dangerous to tho Human Family." " Rats come cut of their holes to die." " Coslar'e Rat, Roach, &c., Exterminati4 -Is a paste—used for Bars, Mice,, Roach:, BMA and Red Ants, rke.,. dc. "'Costar's" Beii•Bug Rzterzainato! Is ► liquid or wash—used to destroy, and also as a preventive for Bed-Eluoir o " Costar's" Electric Powder for Insects Is for Moth., Iforsnatoes, Fleas, Bat—Bust, lands on Prange, Fouts, Animate, tee. • Air• •I! I BEWARE !!! of pll worthleu imi tations. AD' See th# "Cowes's" name is on ugh Box, Bottle, and Flask, before you buy. Address, i • "EMMY. SG , 00115111ar .. - 4E4'Broaidwayi N jaw Wit iniVelltborii,Vin, by' andult Druggists ertildtetsflers seeryirberet'' L- i ,•1 MEM MEI -"COSTAR'S" 13:2=3 Buckthorn Salve, For Cuts, Burns, Bruises, Wounds, Boils, Can. ears, Broken -Breast*, Soreßipples ' -Bleeding,' alind srad-Painfal ; Sorofalotte,Putrid itnd alteotelitioned Some; Ulcers, Glandular Swel lings, Eruptions, Cutaneous Affections, Ring worm, Rah, Corns Bunions, Chilblains, &o.; Chapped Hands, Lips, do.; Bites of Spiders, Insects, Animals, de., As. pr. Boxes EL et0.,50 ots., and El sisee par Sold by ell Druggists everywhere. - OP' And by DERRY R. COSTAR, Depot 484 Broadway, N. Y., aod-by • • - ”Itrc MEM ,0 a 5! ICIZZ23II CORN- SOLVENT, - For Corns. Bunions, Warts, ate. _SAP. Boxes, 25 eta., 50 eta., and $1 sizes. .NB-Sold by all Druggists everywbere. ,a6OP,And, by TIMMY R. COSTAR, Depot -4134 Broadway, N. Y„ and bp „ Wellaboro, Pa. e:a ~ . ~. ..... J:f 1 i r., =I c o I;II7,PARA7IOX Ok' : Ditto-sited. oianie :Blossoms, " An. Eta' utifying the Complexion Used to Soften and Beautify the Skin, remove Freckles, Pimples, Eruptions, Ladle? are•now isirtg it in prefer nos to 4.11 others. • , Bottles, $l. jar Sold by all Nropiatusverrrly_e. BAnd by FINNIC! 4t, , 'DO'ffitit; Depot roadway,ilit4 N. Y., and by - . ...>. 1111113 • i r•• • • ,tr. , Lea - vv. - to al. • i.1:17-17: - .1 r• • '1; •••••:,: •• CYO'S I' , • . PSOTO tr-ougg R.F3IE,By, • , Poi Co ' Colds LLoaiieness,' Sore 'Throat, Croup, Whooping Cough, influenza, Asthma, Consumption, Bronchial Affeedlons, and all Dis eases of the Throat and Lungs. Or Bottles, 25 eta, 50 ots., and $1 sizes. A fr .SVld IV all Draiglata avartlf — bac O` inti by TIBTRIX: BS 051'447.Ppp0t 484 Broadway, N. Y., and by Wellsboro, Pa. ,_ -t 3 i._ ~ r :1 ~... .1 , 1;1 - C 0 9'11).1i -lii CELEBRATED, B I SMOAP - PPI L L 4q.eit ,4 Universal Dim axial For Nervous and Sick Readaei;e, Costiveness, Indigettbist;-Dyspepsia,;Billionsaess, Constipa tion, Diarrhea, Colies,.Chilit, Fevers, and gene. rsl derengentent of the Digeetive Organs. • -.per iroxes, 25 de., 50 .11.,:and $I sires. Or Sad by all Draggistesvet7where. "Or And by HENRY R. COSTAR, i)epot 484 Broadway, N. 1"., and-by - - - Wallpboro, Pa. 34. 2,1867,4 m. , ." • • NEW GOODS ! J. R. Bowen & I:l[Afil J an returned from New York with a lar g e anortment of WINTER GOODS, Bought at Paulo Prices, and will be sold accor dingly. We resaectfolly invite attention to oar clock of CASSPIEjin BB .A. YE R MOTHS,- TWEEDS, FLANNELS, ;1 :1.! - MERINOS,.,EMPRESS CLOTHS, AL PACAS, and other DRESS GOODS and DRESS TRIMMINGS,' -Also• a large and new assortment of READY MADE CLOTHING, at greatly iodated pries'. =EI LADIES' FURS—a nice assoriment,,nele and cheap. tONAGN, SILVER SPRING, and otter kirids of HOOP SKIRTS, YANKEE NOTIONS, HATS & CAPS, HARDWARE, CROCKERY, GROCERIES, HAND MADE BOOTS AND SHOES, And many other things which we will be pleased to show to all who will call and examine our STOCK OF GOODS llefora imrohasing elsewhere, as we believe it will pay you for your time and trouble. SMALL PROFITS, QUICK SALES, & READY PAY IS OUR MOTTO. Don't forget to call at the EMPIRE STORE, NO. 1 UNION BLOCK Wellaboro, Dec. 12, 1866 REMINGTOIVS' FIRE ARMS. TO SOLD BY TUE TRADE GENERALLY LIBERAL DISCOUNT TO DEALERS 200,000 FURNISHED THE tr. S. GOVERNMENT. Army Revolver 44-100 in. Calibre Navy Revolver, 30-100 in. Calibre Belt Revolver, Navy size Calibre Police Revolver, Navy size Calibre New Pocket Revolver 31-100 in. Calibre Neket Revolver, (Rider's pt.) 31-100 in. Cabby. Repeating Pistol, (Elliott pt.) No 22 &32 Cart'ge Vest Pocket Pistol, No 22, 30, 32 & 41 Cartridge Gun Canit - - - ' Nii22 &32 Cartridge Breech Loading No 3 2 tt 38 " Receiving Rifle, - 38 k4l-100 in Calibre E. REMINGTON .b SONS. Moore h Nichols. New York; Wm Read& Son, Boston; Jos C Orubb h Co, Philadelphia; Poul tney I Trimble, Baltimore; Henry Folsom k Co, New Orleans; Johnson, Spencer k Co, Chicago; L M Rummy I Co, St. Louis; Albert E Crane, Ban Francisco. Feb 20,1987.-2 m. A. D. EASTMAN, SURVIVAL AND MECHANICAL r'. ao ... _ TS now improving and enlarging . .l. hie busMesarrand after having recently visited many leading Den tal rooms in several Eastern cities, is now prepared to execute all work pertaining to his prAssion, with all the improvements of the day, to as to render it an object for all dest- Mx' % Dental operations to give him a call. Don't forget the place, over J. R. Bowen's Store. Wellsboro, Feb. 20, 1867-tf. } Union Clothes Wringer. IHAVE the right to sell the Union Clothes Wringer, with elliptic springs, and adjusts it, *elf to any thickness. Manufactured at Water.- . .bury, VL Tam prepared to furnish to all. I Mee the agency for the towns of Middlebury, Tioga, Nelson, Elkland, Oceola, and Farmington. REUBEN T. HALL ;.Farmington Hill, Fab. 20, 1867—tf. OTlCE.—Notice is hereby given to all per. IA sons having Claims against the estate of A. J. A E.z. Webster, Insolvent debtors, that the trustee' will receive the proofs of creditors, in dapport of their respective claims, at the oMee of ' t i s ehols d Mitchell, in Wellsboro, Pa., on Friday, t 224 day of March, A. 1867, at 2 o'clock . M., at which time and place all persons claim ing as aforesaid, are requested to present their claims that the Trustee may file his report for distribution at nett term. L MITCHELL, Trustee. Feb. 20,:1867-4w. WrOTlCß.—Notice is hereby given that Rob ert Custard, Senior, bas been placed in charge attract N0.'159 0, and those parts of tract No. 1588; in the vicinity of Babb's creek, belong. log toltite here of Luke W. Morris; and all per. sone are forbid trespassing thereon, under pen. 44ty of prosecution. ELLISTON P. MORRIS, SO Market Street, Philadelphia Veb. 27. IS67—thrto i MirXRCUTOR'S ROTlCE.—Lettera testenwa ,E4 tary Haying beliti gribted"to the undersigned the estate of Dexter Parkhurst, Sullivan, deed, P 4 parse= indebted"to said estate, and those har k* claims against the same will call and settle, , MIRIAM. PARKHURST, Fes Feb. Feb. 6,1887-Bts Chester County Pigs ABOUT two pairs of pure Chester Co. Pigs can be purchased of the subscriber at Mans field: These Pigs are about five months old, and ware brought directly from Chester Co. some two menthe ofincat ALMON ALLEN. :lab. 27, 1887-3 w. XTOTICS.—The Delmar School Direetore will meet at the Butler School - House, Stony Pork, on Saturday, March, 9th, at ten o'clock K. M., to let the getting pf wood for next Winter Sohoole,-and let the building of a School House near John Pearson's the coming summer. By order of the Board. Delmar, Feb. 27,1367-2 w. R. PITCH'S ABDOMINAL SUPPORT -if Ps, for sale at Roy's Drug Store. . - A IHERiCAN WATCHEE, in Hunting Silver 21&:ratife from $37.50 up at FOLEY:H. i also, a large line of PRINCIPAL AGENTS I. BULLARD it GOLDSIIIIII, GRUBBY 4 ROSTABINT, One door above Roy'. Drug atom I 0 W . EI...LISBORO, PA. We take pleasure In announcing to the public that we commence the New Year with enlarged facilities for accommodatiog customers with the choicest stock of GROCERIES, YANKEE NOTIONS, i WOOD & WILLOW WARE, yet offered to ais public. Housekeepers can and the BEST SeGARS, SPICES, CHERRIES, (Stroud,) PRIINEK BOX RAISINS, ct i CITRON, SEEDLE S RAISINS, COOKING ANTS, PICKLES, S WES, CANNED ITS: and Me finest Count Oysters, k Canned Oysters, 6 right from the BALTIMORE MARKETS, on sale at our counter THE HUNGRY & DISCONSOLATE Will glad our RBSTATIBANT apes at all *n amable boars, where Oysters Itievery styly4re pared by a skillful cook, are tarred up to delight the palate and gladden the heart. WE AIM TO PLEASE I Always glad to see our friends, because we in tend to give thole.. their money's worth, and it they call once they will be sure to call again. MASELDNA. BULLARD, Jan. 2, 1867. O. H. GOLDSMITH. WINTER OF 1866-7 T. L. BALDWIN & CO., TIOGA, PENN'A, RETIIRN THANKS to their customers and friends for their Continued Liberal Patronage, And beg to inform them Mat they hare their usual SELECT STOCK OF GOODS, - Consisting of DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, HARDWARE, HATS & CAPS, BOOTS & SHOES, CROCKERY, FURS, ROBES, &C., &C. We ;ball try and keep our Stook COMPLETE IN ALL DFPARTMENTS We have else made aemngements to keep on hand ALL T=S Ground Plaster, Which we chat nil at a VERY LOW FIGURE, IMMO TON OR LESI &armors ahould not fail to seouro a supply of thin ExoslkaaPartilitar at ono& Tiogs, Jan. 2, 1867 Mather & Horton, DICAILIC9 IX GROCERIES & PROVISIONS, CROCKERY, HARDWARE, WOOD Sr, WILLOW-WARE, TAME NOTIONS LAWRENCEVILLE, PENZPA { C. B. Itaill Cash Paid for Produce, W. J. Nom a, a Nov. 21, 1866-Iy. Clothing: Clothing T HE subscrihaz having low dotartolood to CLOSE • OUT HIS STOCK WINTER CLOTHING, UNDERGARMENTS, . Offers the whole for THE NEXT THIRTY DAYS, At actual COST for oath. 1 nisi stook is Lane and Attractive, sad will be found wortby of attention, as it comprises a great VARIETY OP RICH & EZEGANT CLOTHING! He also offers his stock of WINTER •DRESS GOODS, which comprises a great variety of Stench Ma. rinos. Coburgv, Paramettas; together with about 20 SETTS of 1411194111 V 747111 1 THOMAS HARDEN on the same tarots Welllboro, Feb. 200867 1867. WRIGHT k BAIIST. 1867. WZ commence this year with an eselasivsly CASH bislang. CASIr'PAID FOR WHEAT I CASH PAID FOR OATS CASH PAID FOR COSH! CASH FOR EVERYTHING!! A LARGE OP FLOUR FOR A LARGE STOCK OF FEED FOR CASH ! A LARGE STOCK OF PORK FOR CASH 1 Call and sea us. WRIGHT k BAILEY Wellsbr,r6,3ln. 9, ISSI7-Iy. - 4 Mt - persons indebted. tts us by not or boot account must call and settle or pay costs. Jan. 3, 1.967. WRIGHT BAILEY. COBBLER'S EMPORIUM. BENJAMIN SEE LEY, shoe maker, over Jerome Smith's Moro se wdi d d on Main Street, would jest may to li tt. the Shoeless and BoOtlems-that is, that portion of them who have the intim/3 to change their condition—that he is now prepared to manufacture coarse gentle men's one Boots, or fine gentlemen's coar se Boots in as bungling a manner, and at as done rates as any other establishment this side of Whitney's Corners. Anything in the line of Shoemaking or Cobbling will he admirably botched 011 the shortest nouce. Don't ea-amine my work; it won't bear inspection; but "go it blind." Re member the place, nest door to Shakepeare's Tailor Shop. B. SEELEY. Nov. 14, 1555.-tf. ORPHANS' COURT SALE.—.By virtue of an order of the Orphans' Court of Tioga county, I will expoce.to sale at public vendee, at the Court Rouse, Wellsboro, Thursday, March 7, 1567, the following described real estate, late the property of Margaret M. Guerosey, dec'd; vise A lot of laud situate in Weßibero, bounded easterly by Water street, southerly by C. W. Sears westerly by land formerly owned by Julius Sher wood, sod northerly Ly W. W. Webb—eontalniag I acre more or less with a frame dwelling house thereon. A tco—Anotber lot of land album In Delmar townehtp, beginning at a post the south-west corner of E. X.Drown ; thence along the highway south 95 f lo g , west six perches to a post; thence north deg. west by lands of Mary Matson 27 and eve-tenths perches to a post; thence east five and nine-tenths perches to a poet the north west corner of E. J. Brown ; _thence by lands of said Briiirc.iiiiliTiTeg.esat twenty-seven rods to the place of beginning--containing one acre more or less. CHAS. EBERENTZ, Eer. of Margaret 31. Guernsey, dee'd Sell. 13. [IT. S. Revenue Stamp 50 CM.] TIOGA COUNTY, Si. The Commonwealth of Pennsylva nia, to the Sheriff of Tioga County, "(' Greeting: We command you that •1\ • you attach G. W. Gibson late of your county, by all and singular hiegoods ond chattole,lands and tenements in whose hands or possession soarer the same may he. so thinebe and appear before our Court of Common Pleas to be holden at Wolleboro, In and for said county, on the day next preceding the last dsy of January Term 1867, there to answer J. F. lleekwith of a plea of debt not exceeding five hundred dollars, and also that you summon F. K. Wright, John W. Boiloy and U. G. Maher, that they be and appear before our said court on on the said day to answer what shall be objected against them, and abide the judgment of the court therein. And have you then and there this writ. Witness the Hon. It. G. White, Preaident Judge of said Court, et Wellsboro, the 29th day of Jan'y 1867. JOHN F. DONALDSON, Proth'y. I hereby certify the above to be a true oopy of the original writ In my hands, LEROY TABOR, Sherif. Orphans' Court Sale. BT virtue of an order of the Orphans' Court of -Vogt) County, I will expose to sale by public vende d, on the premises, Monday, the 11th day of March, 1967, the following real Wats, for the benefit of the minor children of John Schneider, decd, to_ wit • A lot of land its Union township, bottudad north by James Borst, east by John Searle; south by Honry Christ, and west by Michael Nestor—containing about fifty cores, about 35 acre& improved, a frame barn, old frame dwelling. and small orchard thereon. -Tag-Mc-000 half cagh nn confirmation of the calm-404460 reei.lue one year theteafwn , with in 41E0 LOCIDENSCHLAGER. Feh.. 1 f. 1 4 t1Z-itr. Guardian. XEL:llT11111.'S NOTlCE.—Lotters testamen. F t try het ,ng been gloated to the uodenigntui on th, rte oi Thomas Horton, late of Delmar, Jet' I, allepay(.ll.3 indolged to said Ware, and th‘r, h.vi,g elnirns against the earns will sail 1.. r icitlemen I upon ISRAEL STONE, Delmar, Fel, 13, 1361-4nr.. Executor. E XECUTOR NOTlCE.—Letters teetamon- Evary h.ssiox been granted to the undersigned ibo estate of V. C. Phelps, tato of Oceola, der'd, all persons indebted to said estate, and thaw hoeing claims agaiwi the same will call for settlement upon tleorgo W. Phelps at Nelson, 'llega Co.. Pa , or ltozael Crandall at Oceola, ori Co..- Pa. GEO IttiS W. PHEIJO, w ra . RUSSEL CRANDALL, ()ego's, Pa., Jan. 30,1307-Ow.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers