like a storm ; we drew a small ration of beef to-da_y. l)th. :Has rained all day very hard ; the storm Is cold and we got no rations to day. 21stAlitas rainedall day, and is still raininethe rebels gave us no rations again to-day, the suffering from storm' and hunger is very great. 22d: -Weather has cleared off very cold. We got rations to-day, rice, meal, and salt is all. 23d. The night was very cold ice froze quite thick; drew one and a half pints of meal and a little salt. 24th. Weather more. mild ; have been fixing up our tent, drew one and a half pinta of rice for to-days rations. 25th. The rebels have been counting all the prisoners -in the camp to-day. Drew meal and salt. 28th. Day pleasant, washed my clothes—Drew one and a half pints of meal for rations. 27th. Great excitement in camp— the rebels have commenced paroling the sick, A lot of prisoners came here from Savannah—drew a pint of flour, and o e of meal, no salt. 28th. 1000 sick and wounded left t is morning for Savannah to be exchanged. No change in rations ; starvation seems all that is left us unless exchanged. Another 1000 left this morning for the point of exchange ; rations short, as usual some prisoners came from Mi lan Georgia to-day. 30hh. Weather pleasant ; have stopped exchanging they say until further or den.; dmw cine quart of flour and salt. Dee. 1- t. All quiet, no news of any kind ; -drew one quarto( meal, half pint o :.riliis-.7es, and ealt. 2. rumor In Camp that the point of eseuFaige it: to be at Wilrdington, and %Tit it wilt go on again In a few -days. Drew one quart of flour and salt to-day. :id. 2.400 prisoners who went for an exchange came back to-day; they say our forces have cut the railroad, so they cannot send the prisoners through.. 4th. Nothine new to write. Drew rice and salt. fith. - The paroled men were called out again to-day and sent off for ex change; excitement quite high again: Drew one quart of meal and no salt. 6th. The Rebel Gen. Winder Was in the prison to-day; he said that we , should have better rations—we drew meal and molasses. 7th. They have taken out a good many men to-day to be exchanged ; my tent-mate among them. Drew rice and sweet potatoes, no salt. SUL More men went out to-day. My old Sumpter tent-mate is with me again, Weather cold, drew meal, sweet pota toes and salt. 9th. The exchange still goes on; they took ont 1000 men to-day. 10 Report says the exchange is stop pedifbr the present, but will soon go on. Weather cold. Drew meal and beans. Irth My tent-mate went out to work ibis morning. No news in amp. Had a heavy thunder storm last night. 12th. The men who work outside say the paroled men have not near all left, • and are suffering badly lying out. I . 13th. Last night was very cold ; ice thick enough-to hold a man. Report says that a number of men waiting to be sent off died of cold. 14th. Nothing of exchange to-day. Rations very short—a cup of meal and a little salt. 15th. 1000 men went out to be ex changed to-day. Rations as yesterday. 16th. Went out with the work squad and carried wood. The work was very hard for me. Drew a quart of flour aud beef for my extra ration. 17th. Did not go out to work to-day. Dull in camp. Drew a few beaus with our meal to-day. - - 18th. Was out to work—a lot of pris oners came from Charleston to-day; they say the exchange is ended for the nresent. - 19th. Was out to work to-day; four men have to carry 100 loads of wood out of the swamp every day. 20th. Did not go out to-day ; a lot of galvanized Yankees came in from Charleston; they say they were sent hack for trying to rim away. 21st. Wasouttowork to-day. Weath er very cold. The Charleston papers' state that Gen. Winder was captured near Grahamville in this State. A PILFERING PREACUER. The following account of a swindling , operation recently perpetrated on Fran cis E. Faxon. Esq., of this city, a much respected resident, who was formerly in tue shoe business, and who has held the position of alderman, exhibits a breach of confidence on the part of one who has in one hotir falsified the pre vious honorable record of a lifetime. Some years ago Mr. Simon C. _Hoot, a rabbi, who has officiated in the Jewish Synagogue, called upon Mr. Faxon and wished to make a loan of one thousand dollars 'or the purchase of a set of dia monds, offering to ehttreahe profits with Mr. Faxon. The loan was made and the transaction legitimately carried out. Another investment on similar condi tions Was proposed, and before acc?pt ing it Mr. Faxon instituted very careful inquiries into the antecedents of Mr. Noot. He found that he was a native o: Amsterdam, and not only a skillful cutter of, diamonds, but one of the best judges of the article in this country. For seven years he was a well-known ani I lily-:expected rabbi Philadel phia, where he enjoyed ndt only the confidence of his people, but of the citizens generally. It was also ascer tained that in all his dealings be was prrimpt and trustworthy. In addition to tbeee business qualifications, which seemed sufficient to establish his credit, Mr. Noot was noted for his great talent as one of the moat accomplished lin gefste in the country, his attainments as a Hebrew and Sanscrit scholar being known to the professors of Harvard Co llege. who were on terms of intimacy with him. These facts, coupled with a most pleaaing addre, induced Mr. Fax on to listen to his proposals, and since then the transactions between them have been on an extended scale. Soot was In the habit of not only loaning money obtained from Mr. Faxon, tak ing diamonds as security, but of pur chasing at times, at great bargains, cost ly gems. He ever proved faithful in keeping his word, with an exactness which disarmed all suspicion, and thus gradually he secured the confidence of not only the gentleman he has wronged, but ofidl who had dealings with him. He was careful in meeting every ap pointment, and regular in his corres pondence. In order to facilitate the butiness, which was chiefly carried on in New York, a safe was secured in the Safety Deposit Bank in that City, of which Mr. Noot, being in that city a portion of the time, and having frequent occasion to change the collaterals or de posit other valuables, kept a key. Mr. Faxon was frequently in New York, and saw that everything was right. A few weeks since Mr. Noot came to Bos ton for the purpose of making a loan pf some twenty-eight thousand donnas, bringing wieb. him set diamonds to the value of some thirty thousand dollars. Mr. Faxon, not having the amount on hand, asssisted him to procure the amount, and the diamonds were taken as collateral, when Mr. Noot returned. This was toward the latter part of De cember. Mr. Faxon's suspicions were awakened shortly after this transaction by the fact that he did not receive with the same regularity as formerly letters from his correspondent announcing the result of transactions. He waited a day or two and then telegraphed to a son of Mr. Soot's, who is in business in New York. The telegraph reached his resi dence during his absence, and his wife opened it, and in a pencil wrote that Mr. Noot had left for Europe on the 26th of December. Mr. Faxon at once started for New York, and took the ad vice of the detectives, who informed bim that it would be useless to telegraph to England and secure his arrest, for It b was in lace a breach of trust case, and that it would be impassibleto hold 'Coot under the charge. Another difficulty had presented itself. Mr. Hoot had changed the safe at the Safety DepOSit bank, -and had taken the key with hini, and it was impossible therefore to ewer- taro the contents of the safe, though Mr. Faxon does not entertain a doubt that alLthe valuables are -gouty-1%411db were of sufficient amont he cause a loss to Mr. Faxon of over ouehundred thou sand dollars. Noot leaves a wire and children in this city, who are ignorant of his whereabouts, and the unfortU nate gentleman who - has -thus been robbed is of the opinion that as the Cuba sailed on the 28th of December from New York, he took passage'in that ship. It is a most, singular ease, and Mr. Faxon will have the sympathy of his friends at this misfortune, which seems to have resulted from over-eorill deuce in a man who appeared Iron, evi dence entitle(' to it, but 't ho most grossly abused the ttuest tepohed ni hitn.—Bosfon Journal, Jon. 14. =I fly gitator. WEL.LBBORO, P.E.N N!A WEDNESDAY, FEB. 21, 15.C.7 CIF.O 'UT...A..1'20N 1,7 00 John H. Suratt has arrived in Wash ington and is in safe keeping. Ills ar rest proves a great affliction to our Cop perhead cotemporaries,.and the agoniz ing question—" Shall there be another ,acriflce?"—is going the rounds. We suppose thatSuratt will be tried, and if convicted, will be sent after that august band of Copperhead martyrs, Mrs. Su ratt, Herold, Atzotodt, and Payne; in which case there will be another saint in the Democratic calendar. The gubernatorial campaign i u New Hampshire is vigorously progressing. Gen. Walter Harriman, the Republican candidate, and J. G. Sinclair, the can didate of the democracy, are stumping the State together. At. a late meeting in Lancaster; Gen. Harriman charged the Democratic party with disloyalty. To this charge Sinclair replied by point ing to the case of Col. Cross, d brave of ficer, who lost his life in defending the Government. Col. Cros-s WAS a demo crat. Mr. Sinclair falls into a grave error. Neither he, nor any living man, can meet the general charge of disloyalty which history prefers against the Dem ocratic party, by producing in court iso lated inStances of devotion exhibited by 'Members of that-party. • NO; 'that party is bound to bear the shame which it invited by . its open espousal of the vile cause of the common enemy. The party must endure the blackness of its record ; and there is not water enough in the universe to take out the stain. DE - BERTERS. The question, ' Shall deserters vote?' is just now being considered by Courts, editors, and legislators, by the first two, more particularly, in the central and southern portions of the State. It is a matter of notoriety that-by act of Con gress persons, deserters from the milita ry service of the United States, who failed to report within a stated time in 1865, are declared to have forfeited their rights and privileges as citizens of tile United States. And the same forfeit ure attaches to the persons who left the districts where they were enrolled, or absconded, to avoid any draft in pursu ance of the several calls_ of the Presi dent for troops. In pursuance of this Act of Congress our Legislature, at its session for 1866, enacted a law making it apenal offence_ for anyelectum maid to knowingly're: ceive the vote of any person borne on_ the army rolls as a deserter, or as an ab sconder from his' enrolment district to avoid draft into the national forces. Sekeral cases have found their way into the courts under the operation of this law ; but the plaintiffs have usually been persons considered by election offi cers as being under the ban of the law. Two of these cases have been decided in favor of the election boards refusing to receive the votes of the plaintiffs; and these rulings were by judges who act with the party which demands that the man who ran away shall have equal privileges with,the man who volunteer ed in defence of his country. The allegation of the friends and ad mirers of deserters and skedaddlers is, that the Act of Congress is unconstitu tional, becausa it intliets a penalty be fore conviction; and that the State law in pursuance of the Act is also uncon stitutional. There is a further. allega tion that the Act of Congress is in con flict with the organic la' v of this State. As regards the first named allegation we have to say, that no intelligent, hon est lawyer will undertake to support it, in or out of court. Desertion is a crime under military i law, and Military courts only, have jurisdiction in arraigning, trying, convicting, and sentencing in such cases; and, If we mistake not, the decrees of Courts Martial are, judicially, absolute. The President may pardon, but no appeal to a civil tribunal can be taken. In view of this fact, the record of any duly constituted Military Com mission, charged with the examination and conduct of like eases, would be ta ken to be competent evidence in any superior military tribunal. The mis take lies in pr'esuming that an election board is a court charged with judgnient as to the law i disfranchising deserters; whereas such a board has jurisdiction only in the matter of fact, presented by record, or by other conclusive evidence. The law commands certain things to be done, and prohibits the doing of certain other things ; and it must be obeyed. It would seem to follow, then, that a civil court is not competent to declare what shall be considered sufficient evi dence to prove a man a deserter before a military commission. Absence from duty for a specified time without leave, if voluntary, constitutes desertion, and the name of such absentee is borne up on the rolls as a deserter. But, it is objeCted, the defendant in such case has no trial ; and every ac cused is entitled to his day in court. To this we reply, that the Act of Congress summoned every absentee to appear in court on or before u day specified, or judgment would be entered against him, and the penalty inflicted. " Ts not the case clearly stated ? Is there' any escape from the conclusion save by pet- Sifogging? This plea of " no hearing" is as well put in by the debtor who, being sum moned-to appear and Answer, and neg lecting or refusing to obey, finds judg meat by default entered against him ; and then through his attorney excepts to the IMile9/.IItYS4I-.413-aq The Judge would teply to that." You were cited to appear and answer;_ you neglected to nbey ; your day in '&urt is past." We now turn. to the_ alleged cOntllct between:the:A:et of Congress and the Constitution of this,State.“u section 2 of Article 6 of the,Constitution of the United States it is declared, that said Constitution, and the laws made in pur suance thereof, shall be the supreme law of the land, the judges in any state to be bound thereby, anything in the con stitution or laws of any State to the contrary notwithstanding. So, it , will beseen, that, the statutes at large are abOve State laWs, being part of the supreme law of 'the land. -If, as one partisan judge, and a host of fifth rate lawyers declare, the Act of .Con gress disfranchising deierters conflicts with the organic law,_of Pennsylvania, the local law must be conformed to the supreme law. The States am but con stituents, leas than the aggregate, and individually unable to - override the whole. The few bow to the many in a Republic. Two actions have been brought in the Courts of this county against elec tion boards, for refusing the votes -of persons whose names are borne upon the army rolls as deserters. These ac tions were commenced in the heat of passion, and will probably end in the discomfiture of the complainants if, as we suppose, the votes were reject& af ter due examination. In one case a ea pies was issued, and the members of the board were all freeholders. This was proper enough for the backwoods, but was not calculated to endure the light of legal knowledge, and was sub sequently amended, we believe. The commencement of actions of this kind is doubtless intended to deter election ollicers from obeying the law. It will fail of That effect, and will, sooner or later, overwhelm the authors with shame. no' man' has reputation enough to advertise-his sympathy, and make common cause, with deserters, with impunity. It sometimes happens that our oppo nent makes a better point aginat him self than we can ; and in such casei we always take plea Sure in giving him the benefit of "ation. The Transcript, a Johnson paper published in Philadel phia, discourses of the short-comings of the President as followeth : " It is about time that President Joh nson began to open his eyes, and, for the sake of decency and the Country, cut himself loose from the surroundings that have alienated from him so many of his true ' friends, and driven him, at the head of the nation, to the very verge of political ruin. There is no longer any else in disguise facts that every day's experience makes more and more apparent. -For more than a year ANDREW JOHNSON has been drifting with every hour into the arms of politi cal vagabonds audsharpers, whose pres ence is contagion and whose touch is death. These, throughhisdepartments, have filled our public offices with the lazzaroni of politics, whose daily de bauches have disgusted decent people, and whoseguilty lives hive put them beyond the pale of respectable recogni tion. For months past, scoundrels who have robbed saving funds, in which the humble have had their all of worldly wealth, and who have fattened on the sorrows bind miseries of the poor, have been dealing out the country's offices, as gamblers, do their cards,. according to the greenbacks that their victims ven tured thereon ; ending, at last, with be ing rewardea xnetruterves - wrat xagrr • altions in which they could plunder with equal boldness, the treasury of the land." The truth of the foregoing is as re markable as its directness. Under An-' drew Johnson the small prtronage bas been controlled and dispensed, mainly, by the most abandoned of the copper head leaders; 'men who had, long ago, been cast out of the confidence of their party as unworthy of being trusted.— ThOresult, as stated above, is deplorable. Not only have the common thieves of party been installed in positions of in fluence, put the offices, have, in many instances been givento notoriously in competent persons. - " to Pennsylvania the election of 11. S. Sena. tor is followed by a legislatiVe committee to in vestigate grave accusations of corruption In the selection of the first representative' officer of the government.", Thus the Chawbersburg Repository. Why will not Col. McClure state the other, and More significant fact, that the Committee invited all persons, having knowledge of corrupt practices touching the Senatorial election, to ap pear and testify ? Why will he not state the other fact, that after a month of investigation not a single man could be found -who hat any knowledge of corrupt practices by any of the candi dates? Why not state that that Com inittee has made its report, and pub lished the testimony, and in the report declareti that there is no evidence of the use of improper means on the part of any of the contestants? ' It is not the first time the thief has cried " stop thief." Col. McClure charged, over and over again, during the campaign, that Gen. Camercin had corrupted certain mem bers of the Legislature, or that in sub stance. Why did he not appear before the Committee and demand to be ex amined? There was a proper opportuni ty to make good the charges if they were not resorted to as the tricks of a tricky politician. Let us hear from the unwritten evidence or let us hear no more about bribery and corruption. A cable telegram last week informed the country that there was a serious up rising of Fenians in County Cork, Ire land. This seems to haye come thro' some inadvertence of the British Gov ernment; as, by later despatches, the news is badly discomfuddied and mud dled ; so that we find it difficult to de cide whether the Irish have invaded county Cork, or the British army, on a pleasure excursion to the Lakes of Kil larney. (The awkwardness of the last sentence may be charged to the account of the conflicting despatches.) One thing is tolerably clear; there is trouble in Ireland, and the British troops are passing over the Channel toward the seat of disturbance. However, we fear that the Fenians have struck ti; soon, and without definite plan. The British Government is not subject to the little weaknesses which this nation displayed in its dealings with Southern rebels. It will trample out at revolt against its authority with an iron heel. CONGRESS construction bill, passed by the House. Many Senators took part in the discuss ion, nearly all of whom, among them Senator Dixon advocated universal or impartial suffrage. An amendment was offered declaring "that the 14th amendment to the Constitution shall be considered adopted when ratified by three-fourths of the States represented in Congress. It was rejected by a vote of 7to 25. The debate continued until 4 A. M. of the 16th. The house discussed the bounty bill which gives each soldier a bounty pro portioned to the length of time he was in the service. The bill provides for the payment of $8,33 per month, deducting from the aggregate all local or other bounty money received. The Bill pass ed by a vote of 95 to 68. The }louse re ferred to concur in the Senate amend ments to the bankrupt bill. 'Feb. 16. The Senate insisted on its amendments to the Bankrupt bill and asked for a committee of Conference.— The discussion of the Reconstruction bill was resumed and after several inef fectual attempts to delay the final vote, the bill passed in an amended form by a vote of 29 to 10. The House had up the question of impeachment. A resolution, embody ing rumors of a corrupt bargain entered into by several members of the Hahn to oppose the impeachment measure report ed by the Judiciary Committee, was offered and adopted. The bill declaring who shall Act as President incase of a vacancy, was called up and passed. We publish an abstract of this measure two weeks ago. Feb. M.—The Senate agreed to the re port of the Committee of Conference on the Tenure of office bill, by a vote of to 10. The House took up the Military Re construction bill and debate it at great length. The tariff bill, with Senate amendments,-.was reported. No vote ordered. Feb. 19.—The agreement of the Com rnittee of Conference on the Senate amendments to the Tenure - Cif office bill, was reported to the Senate. The -Mili tary Reconstruction , 3lll was takn up and discussed at length ; the Senate In sisting upon its amendments. The House took up the above named bill, the question being upon the Senate amendments. Upon the question the House refused to concur in the amend ments by the Senate by a vote of 73 to 97, and appoint a Committee of Con ference. In the evening the Senate sent in a Message that it insisted on its amend- - meats to the bill, without appointing a Committee of Conference. The bill will next-come up in the House as unfinish ed business. . • Feb. 20. Theaction of the House on the Reconstruction bill was reported in the Senate, and a motion to concur in the ,House amendments •was made, and after a warm debate the motion prevailed by a vote of 35 to 7. Reverdy Johnson voting for the bill as amended. The House amendment provides that, until the people of the rebel States shall be by law admitted to representation in Congress, their - respective Governments shall be deemed provisional only, in all respects subject to the paramount au thority of the United States to abolish, alter or modify the same at any time. The amendment disfranchises all per sons who voluntarily aided or abetted the rebellion. The House concurred in the Senate amendment to the bill above alluded to, with an amendment, an abstract of which we present above. Feb. 21. The Senate took up the bill to transfer the Indian Bureau to the War department, and adjourned with out a vote thereon. The House devoted its labors to finan cial questions, and a bill authorizing the redemption of $100,000,000 of com pound interest notes by the issue of le gal tender notes therefor, passed by a vote of 95 to 69, This reduces the inter est-bearing debt of the country $lOO,OOO 000, and will not, in our opinion inflate the volume of the currency at all. PENNSYLVANIA LEGTSLATUEE Feb. 13. An act relating to unseated lands in Tioga County passed the House. The act declaring Cedar Run,„in Elk townshin a 'Dublin lihrhwas...waa—r• ported co'tne - h-enate. Feb. 14. The State Treasurer sent to the House the appointment of state tax es on personal estate among the several counties of the Commonwealth. The whole amount to be levied is $300,000, and of this sum Tioga County is ad judged to pay $1148,05. Mr. Mann presented a petition from the court and bar of Tioga County, ask. ing for a law restricting lien on foreign attachments to five years. Also, from the same, a petition for an act to prevent fraudulent insolvency. A bill relating to evidence, substan tially the same as that introduced last year, was reported from the Committee on the Judiciary and placed at the head of the calendar. A bill to compel holders of Mortgages to assign them when pro ceedings have been instituted, passed the House. Feb. 15. A supplement to an net rela ting to bounties to volunteers from Farmington, Tioga County, was report ed to the House. Mn Mann- read in place an act to amend the road laws of Tioga and Pot ter counties. The grand jury of Washington City has presented an indictment against John H. Suratt. Thd indictment is accompanied by a presentment charg ing John Wilkes Booth with the murder of Abraham Lincoln, and John H. Sur ratt, David E Harrold, Lewis Payne and George T. Atzerott for being pres ent, aiding and abetting, on or about the 14th of April, 1865. The indictment is for murder,-and its first count charges that John H. Sur ratt, on or about the 14th day of April, 1865 did murder Abraham Lincoln,— The second count charges that Bohn Et. Surratt and John Wilkes Booth did murder Abraham Lincoln. The third count charges with the murder of Abra ham Lincoln, John H. Surratt, Lewis Payne, John Wilkes Booth, David E. Harrold, George A. Atzerott and Mrs. M. E. Surratt. The fourth count char ges that John Wilkes Booth, John Sur ratt, David E. Harold, George A. Atz erott, Lewis Payne and Mary E Surratt, did conspire and confederatd together to kill and murder Abraham Lincoln, Abel Sherwood, son ofDanielt. Sher wood, of Mansfield, was fatally injured at Williamsport, recently. He was in the employment of the railroad com pany. In endeavoring to get upon a flat car, he slipped and his legs were run over. He died from the injuries a few days after, tho' they were not ap parently severe.—Elmira Gazette. The Pension Fund of the United States, which was less than a million of dollars in 1862, is now over thirteen millions, and there are now 125,000 mutilated young men in the nation de riving support from this fund. The entire expenses of government from 1824 to 1828, was. leas than our present annual appropriation for Pensions. In 1880, when the war broke out, we had only a few hundred old revolutionary soldiers, and five or six thousand of the war of 1812 and 1847, on the govern ment penSion list. A call has been issued for the assem bling of a State convention at Harris burg, on Tuesday, the 28th inst., to de vise measures to check the great and growing evil of intemperance. The call is signed by Governor Geary, Sec retary F. Jordan, Speaker Hall, of the Senate, and fifty-one other Senators and Representatives, besides over one hun dred others, including some of the most distinguished citizens of the State. An earnest and eloquent appeal is made to the friends of temperance throughout the State to be presented on the occasion. iThe Tennessee Legislature desires Senator Patterson the President's son in-law, to resign. Visitors to the Sen ate recognize him as the man With the Nbarm-looking nose. NOTICE.—The Delmar School Directors will meet at the /fuller School Renseast9.4.7 -Fork to let the getting of wood for nest Winter Schools, and let the balding of a School Hen. near John Reszaon's the coming immmer. By order of the Board. Delmar, Feb. 27,1887-2 w. ALLY! -RALLY !—A meeting of Lodge No. 1 will les hold at the Young_ Men's Re publican Club Room. over Young's Bookstore, Thursday evening, 28th last., at 8 o'elocit. Sol diers, come up to the work like num, iind lot ELI make our Lodge the banner Lodge of the county. Let every stonier bring at least one soldier with him and we will swell our Lodge to a full com pany, thus insuring the appointment of three staff officers in Wellsboro: By order of PRANK IVIIEELAND, P. K. of T. C. Feb. 27. 1887. - GUY C. HINMAN, Uout. or Lady: LOOK AT THIS L BVLL4RB & TRIM ARE NOV' BELLINCI ILL - WINTER GOODS O— PP at cost, prip . aratory to . patting ti; a nips selected SPRING sfrticK. =I OUR CLOTHING is desirable at cost Pileas, W e , are getting up SUITS at the lowest possible prices and have given universal satisfaction. - -We ha - Veined* this bargain with every one that we have sold to and still continue to do so. Order your CLOT-RING of os, and if It dui notitutt, we.ASSAM gaped a Sale. EMPRESS CL 0 THS,' ME RINOS, ic., 1 , 1 SELLING OFF AT 0082'. We have our usually nice assorted stook of PRINTS, DELAINES, &c., SHEETING S, _SHIRTINGS, STRIPES, DENIMS, &c., at the lowest poseibla market prices. BOOTS AND SHOES, HABDWABE, CROCKERY AND GROCER'S% HATS, CAPS, &c Call and sea na 0. BULLARD, A. A. TRUNAN Wellabor°, Feb. 2T, Mt PATENT WHITE WIRE, 808 CLOTHES , LINES. We beg leave to call the attention of the pub. lio to an entirely new quality of Wire known an White Wire, possessing a coating which preventa it from ever corroding or turning from its uniform whiteness during any -number of years, and on which Letters Patent has been secured. It has been found to be the only article suitable fora clothes line, exeept the old-fashioned reps or cord, which always gives so much trouble and annoyance by breaking, rotting out, and discol oring clothes, and by being obliged to put it up and take it down every time used. With thin - Wire Clothes Line you have none of these annoy - sums, and when it is DIM pot up it, gives you go more trouble until the stakes or poet. nit down to which it is attached. After using it vs its coat ftdent you will fully corroborate the statement§ of thousands of others in its praise. Over 1100 ' - 000 lines already sold, and every family should and will have one. It will not cheap, though yen may keep it under water for any length of time; hence, you see, it cannot discolor clothed, like a rope or cord. She of Wire, No. §. Six Reasons why every family ahotad have one of these Patent White Wire Clothes Lines: ref- You never /161/0 to tate it in no matter what the weather may be; the weather cannot affect it. 2d. It will last from twenty-five to fifty years at least, and during that time you will wear out fifty ordinary lines, betides offering an untold amount of trouble and annoyance with them. 3d. •It is the cheapest Line in the world, to say nothing of its great convenience. A good rope line casts about 2 cants per foot, and this only 41i cents. This will last a life time, while that with good care will last abort a year. This Wire, at 25 cents par foot, would be that & rope line. 4th. Yon cannot load it Assisi; .onongli with clothes, and the wind nevothlstrs strong enough to break it. sth.- It does not in any way discolor or injure clothes that are hung upon it. 6th. It will save its price in twin you trouble and annoyance every three months you own it. The Wire is annealed before coating, which makes it very soft and tough. It can moor be broken in the use for whtch it is intended. Price four and a half cents per foot. Usual amount for a good line, 75 to 100 feet. Clotbei are fastened to it with the common clothe pin. FROM THE PRESS The',following editorial notice' from the Tri bune, Independent and Christian Advocate, are among the many newspaper testimonials _which we have received, but space will not allow u to introduce more here : The American White Wire Clothes-line, is a superior article in its way. It does not injure clothes and is almost indestructable. Every housewife should use it. Wears now using it.— N: Y. Tribene. The Patent White Wire Clothes-line, is all it purports to be—a most indispensable article. It does not injure the clothes, and never wears out. Every house will ultimately have is—N. Y. In dependent. Tea Wane. Woo Cranes LtHE.--Among the special annoyances of the washing day are to be reckoned high up the list tho 11l adaptation of clothes lines. The old cord or rope has done much good service; but what with its breaking, rotting out, discoloring the clothes, and the an noyance of putting up and taking down each week is not quite a perfect article. A substitute is now offered in the " Patent White Wire Clothes Lino," for sale by the American Wire Company, 149 Broadway. The peculiarity of this wire is in its coating, which, it is said, never becomes broken. We have seen It used, and find that it gives entire satisfaction.—N. Y. Christie* /deo cats. rg. a- raw, Allot, 'MP, Pinata. Feb. 27, 1867-tf. FARMERS' EXCHANGE. 0. G. VAN VAT.KINBURU lc BRO. vir AV&Qpurehased 1b Bore oaca- AA. pilld by William Toward, aro rudy to supply customers with PORK, HAMS, SHOULDFRS, WHITE FISH. MACKEREL, CODFISH, SMOKED HALIBUT, FLOUR, CORN HEAL, BUCKWHEAT HEAVY GROCERIES, - WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, ambit reatcaable prices FATtpaRS 45c 1 arßE_lttl, =I Will and It to thole advantage to call and look at oar Stock before trorclualng elsewhere. Reaumbii_the taus, TOWNSEND'S OLD STAND, - MAIN SiMVIT, WELLS:IIORO, PENN'A, 10.1 t, _ Crnozi—wfisiiiii; so/ Ws, Emma, has iiR my bad and board without just gnat or =ion. I hooky caution all parsons against gor trailing her on my account for I shall pay no debts of her contracting altar this data.- . EDWARD DRDYICE. Jackson, Bab. Sr, 1867-3* Chester County . Pigs. BOUT two pairs of pore Chester Co. Pip mat be purchased of the subsoriba at Mans djll. Timetk Pigs are about Are mouths old, end were brought directly from Chester Co. some two mouths lance. ALMON ALLEN. Pelt. 241867-3 w. NEW ARRANGEMENT MI lI I IMI Wilson tt Van Vakenbiug Hat: established themselves at NO. 2, UNION BLOCK, lately oeesrpted by F. D. Dui el 4 They propose to entry on a live business in 1 DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, MERCHANT 'TAILORING AND FURNISHING GOODS ON MONDAY itARCA They expect to open out a sew and *bolos stook SPRING GOODS. The Senior partner has had a large experience in Merchant Tailoring, and it is the intention of the new litm to pot this branch of their business beyond successfal competition. WeLliboro,Veb.2o, 11167—r. Clothing! Clothing I r ataildielberiandastior detuutadd, CLOSE OUT WS STOOL WINTER CLOTHING, UNDERGABNENTS, tc., tc., Offers the whole for THE NEXT THIRTY DAYS, At actual COST for oath This stook is Lam sad Attrastim sad will be found worthy of itatation, as it csnapdses a great VARIETY OF RICH & ELEGANT CLO.TIUNO 1 Ho also offers hi. suck of WINTER DRESS GOODS, which comprises a groat 'Variety of Roach Ns vino., Cohorts, Paratnettes; together with about 20 MITTS of Ithiagalir rage on the wee tam. 711011A8 HABDIN. . WeWhom, Bah 29,1897. STATEMENT /0/ the—lteioefigs anti- Expenditure* the Treasury of Tioga County for the nor 1866. s. From Collector* sealid Ms 1861 "" 1885 1470 98 relief tax /320 04 laata3 - tag #BBB.. ..... ....19538 33 " unailatod las 1884-5- 6927 30 - 0. tux relief 1.144,5 1733 78 tea lands sold7BBo 3591 33 " seated tax lands sold 1888._ . ..... 197 80 " seated tax lands returned 1888...... 348 78 " seated tax lands redeemed 930 12 " seated tax lands redeemed 151 80 " seated taz lands sold 101 01 Itemelred on judgments 206 43 Reeetred on - Commiers Sales land 1880.. au 24 Reed Sheriff Tabor Commonn't coats... 727 33 Al ... ;01 89 " Jll Niles - " ... 83 90 " W *Smith " 4e. 44990 " • • - --- 90 00 " &pikes and bricks sold .... 336 $38006 15 sanwirruazs. Cbrunisalcmere Wage*. Amount paid M 'Rockwell . - 15247 56 Ateuenst peld B S Seeley - 297 l 2 Amount paid B Hatt 248'84 Amount paid P Vannes 71 29 Totai.-.. saaß 20 , Commissioners' Counsel. Amount paid A J Olmsted Amount paid B B Stang... Amount paid W H Amount paid J B Amount pad if F Bllfott.- Total Commisaionera' Clerk Astoust pakl nos Aim County Auditors daeunt paid Josiah Eraery...,.....-.......-.72 00 Amount paid C r Veil -...... -....---.10 62 Thzverse jurors Mama raid Stephan Bouquet 95 Grand Jurors Amatini pa1611.:13 - 14 - eliat al ...... ............673 55 Amcutnt.paid T P Wingate Corurfabiee and 'Tip Slaves Amount paid W II Smith of al Aortic= Amount paid A S Brewster et al ............_33 67 Aseesiors Amonat paid B T Wood et al Printing Amount paid Cobb A Van %Ida et al 242 80 Elections Amount psis L H Efinith et i 1 •1183 85 anntnontvealth Costa. " ' ,E* - AttarTiey. =' Amount paid J B Niles 477 00 Bounty Paid on Wild ads. ' Amovoit *5, L Fan= et of 15 05 Viewing Bridges & Bridge Views. Amount Wit Y But .359 54 Bridge Repairs. Amount veld 0 H Bartlett et al 3940 14 _New Bridges. Paid Jtut King 2d, , new bridges, Morris—, 186 00 j " 485 00 Paid D G 'McCoy et al Tioga 225 27 Paid .7ehn Howland Nelson h Oceola.., 340 00 _Paid A G Sturroek et al " 103 00 Paid John Howland " " 340 00 Paid John Howland " ... 800 08 Paid John Howland ... 980 00 Paid Ju Kin`, 2d, 33 00 Paid Silas Allis, Bless 250 00 Paid Silas Allis, Bless.— 31 00 Paid Silas Allis, Biota .............. ......._... 260 00 Paid Silas Allis, Bbss. . 150 00 Paid John Howland, Deerfield. 78 16 Paid Silas Allis, Blosa 183 00 Damage to Improvements Amount paid John T Bliu at al- 79 00 Amount paid W C Ripley 40 00 Amount paid J C Swan , 66 00 Amount paid 11 W Love et aL 6 00 Amount paid J W Hall 110 00 Amount paid Geo Kohler et al . . 35 00 Amount paid Jobn Gibson....,. .. 25 00 Amount paid M 2 Fields ' 36 00 Road Flews. Amount paid H Allan et al 600 75 stationary Amount paid Andrus, MoCbain 4 Co Clerk of Quarter .Sessions Amount paid John B Donaldson Inquests on Bodies Amount paid D B Peters et al.-- Distributing Assessments, &c. Amount paid E Hart et al 98 66 Repairing Jail de Sherra Residency Amount paid L Tabor et aL 1081 85 Quirt Souse and Grounds. Amount paid S $ Landis at al Prisoners. Amount paid L al. 1886 04 Eastern Penitentiary. Amount paid C P Miller Penn'a Lunatic Hospital. Amount psis c P Miller 179 20 Sheriff's .Rea. Am't paid-Shalt Tabor, summan'g prora.l4o 40 Money lieunded. Amount paid 8 Withey et al. - -' Postage Amount. paid C F Miller , latpew ,.Amostni Paid B T - warkhorn chairs c 300 •' paid W M Davis, co at... 12 52 " paid L 0 Beach, costa... .... . . 253 " paid (3 Bergner, Harfab's Terph.. 400 " witness fees, G Seely vs Tioga Co. 35 18 " ... 370 " paid J 3 Motley, tables do 700 " k C BOrpeon, seal .Cam's office—. 18 00 " paid John A Boy, glass do 2 38 " paid B P Deane n labor do 2 00 " paid B T Vanhorn, cabinet work... 13 50 rif , E p hiill a ar,No r re e s o s o o rt harg Hott es s:. 14 807 " paid M Millard, express charges.... 238 paidli Hastings, interest on bond. 150 w • .pald.s 8 Cook, work de 50 C V Miller, diaoo't loan from Bank. 34 00 Merchandise Amount paid la II Matthias et al- 78 18 County -Treasurer. Amount paid C F Miller, ConuniaSioner on $123,939 10 at - 1 par emit. 1239 39 Amount paid on 229,147 84 at 3 per cent. 874 48 dm't paid Trears Deeds land told county. 588 28 Redemption Money Axacrcuit paid C P Millar- 97 91 Revenue Stamps. Amount pia C P Miller.. iV,ip,,to PenCM Amount paid Georg* Spdia aL.--....-302 31 Copying Records. Amount Donalthou. 24 75 Poor House. Amount paid 4 ft Tamps as a! 539 71 Mate - Tax. Amount paid 0 s[illa ......... 91 ~,Bounty Loan Certificates. .! - Cliint paid inatallmant and' interest on Oartiflastas of August 2d, 1862 9139. e 5 Tcrrai Varzirprrtaues Myron Xtookwell, Commissioner, in account with Tiogs county, DR. To county erger5........ 230 84 To balance ate over paid ism year 10 72 CIL 247 56 By 476 wiles travel...... 28 56 Dr 21 dAys sartiess .21900 V. 8 Seeley, Commissioner, in acconat with Tioga county, DEL To scanty orders- 297 72 CIL By 462 mike of travel 88 00 days services.... 297 72 Hart, Commissioner, in account with Tiogn county, To county orders 248 k . . 8y.44 males of towel By 82 days iorsioes... 249 64 P V Vaanoss,Commissiooar, sooomot with Ti op sottnty, DS To *may batiste. ........... .................._....71 28 By BS MINI tesvel By 22 4sys serdeoe TIOUA COUNTY, .45 c - -tkailleik...lryadElhididiireifiso - rif said ectillty, do heieby certify that the foregoing 13 • cun t , statamegt uft Ow: *IOW tharata set forth. fy teatistooy whereof, we have hereunt o .t oar hand/ eat Mal this Mt day of Jaautrv, A b 1967. E S. SEELY. ) E. HART. ArANVESS, Attest: Taos. Au.x.r, Clerk. C 8 ,Mitlier. Treasurer of Tina County, count with said county from Jun. 12th, 13,,E t, Jen 2.2d 1 1887, DR. To auerreoeiven Nl'd Spencer, as per receipt Jan. 12th, 180, 42L5 4, To ain't Co. tax unseated land 1884-5, 027 4 a bounty 20735 92 " ,State :: 2o9l 3/ 1733 in d sold '3591 To al : t r t el as ief on aesdasdland bold 18e8, 197 o p a i d .. ^ - - .- -... • e -•,' .? •,.... 2•-•rodsed ".•4 7;i 330 1 44 AI 4 151 :u" •• sohl " lul ui " received on Judgments, 20 413 " bounty tax assessed. 1566 846311 4; " county tax 1244.50 , 1, 13411 2.221 , •• State tax on watches, 0,, ; " ontstanding bounty tax . 1401: 1193 31 do outstanding county tax tht 2177 1; do outstanding state tax du 1163 59 do outstanding relief tax do 1921 93 do of eommis'n on sale land 1866 ' 6St .14 do loaned by Commissioners do 329 , 25 do outatand'g eounty taxes 1862 .110 Js do outstanding relief taxes do 21 20 do oettstand'g militia taxes do ;510 do oststand's county taxes 1863 ii u 24 do ontstandinglretief taxes do 52 Ou vbs—estatand'gintillia taxes do 1365. do outstay:Ll bounty taxes 1964 287 2,, do ontatand'g county taxes do 23019 do outstanding relief taxes do 214 74 do outstanding state taxes 1862 31 51 do outstanding state taxes 1863 5110 - do - ontstanding state taxes 1866 yrr 31 do state tax assessed do 1226 01 do do • do carriages do 34 13 do do do watches do 73 75 do eom'tb costa reed Sheriff Tabor 727 51 do do do do 305 51 do do do 3 B Niles 83 40 do do do W H Smith 249 59 To amount received Thos Allen 30 Os • ibr — ante oftstimnr sn ek ---- - ---- 370 .... 20 00 60 00 110 00 40 00 Oa ..235 00 -700 00 Effi TOTAL ANOUXT, • • dIL 165 00 By am% of ardent rodee'd and cancei'd 29147 89 do abateoseute on bounty tax 1368 17775 b do - commissions do ' do en 61 do outstanding do de 11825 2 9 do abatement county Vol do 795 ri do counsassione Co: do do 809 sd do ontstand'g county do do 2 , 141 27 do-- abatenets bounty do 1965 2595 14 do commiens bounty do - do 327 44 do ontstand'g beauty do do 476 51 ao , abatemle. county , .do do 356 63 do coutiniVna county do do 265 69 do outetand'g county do do 254 35 do 2118Am:ill, elate do do 1291! do eouttniaterabito - do - 9171 do outstanding state do do 207 3, do abatements relief do do 179 57 do commiss'as relief do do 65 31 do outstand'g relief do do 289 3: do Co. el:oddest. Mob. 1, '64, red'd 79400 61 do interest do - do 5393 do Inseetiat'steertiden Oct. 1, '64 9486 og do ' bends ford tt canard Sept, 1,'64 2193110 do inmost paid on above bond 193111 do bonds ead'd eano'd Aug. 1, '65 3017 08 do instalment paid on same 2111 21 do - installment and interest on car .......667 96 111373 afloat* Angnst 2d, 1862 5139?, do outstanding county tax 1842 300 01 do do relief do do 3131 • do do militia do do 35 os • do do county do 1863 111 24 , do do relief do do 53 90 do do militia do do IS Ov do do bounty do 1884 287 29 do do county do do 230 11 do do relief do do 214 74 do do state do du I= 31 do du do do 13E2 11 51 do do do do 1883 5110 do bat 81a.te Main rec't.Feb- 12 'B6 - 57 94 do do ,do Jan.- 4, '67 86440 do inst'net & int'et carrell Oct. 1,114 126 00 do do do - do 109 00 do do do Sept. 1,'64 21 09 do err. State Voters real Feb. 13,10 510 do inst'm't et inest eerfee Oct. 1, '64 590 ti do oommie'n on $123,939 10 at Ipr of 1239 39 do do 29,147 134 st 3 do 874 43 do do ~ 926 59 at I do 921 do balance duel3'y accountant 148'74 3330 42 We, the undersigned Auditors of Tioga County, having audited, adjusted and settled the above general account of Chas. T. Miller, Treasurer of Tioga County with said county, and the Corn• monwealth of Ponnsylvania, do certify that a, And aa-above Mated, &balance in the_ hands of Treasurer of One HOndred and Forty-Eight Dol. lam and seventy-four cents, as witness our hand, this Slat day of January, A. D 71867. D. L. AIREN, ' J. G. ARGETSINGER,} Auditors ISRAEL STONE, 394 00 _235 00 MI MEI Statement of Liabilities of Tioga County for Bounty Cestificates,'Loans, January 315t,1967, as follows, namely: To amount of of Bounty Certificates of August 1862, March let, 1864, sad October Ist, 1864, and amount of Bonds for Money Loaned by County Commissioners to meet deficiency to pay installments on above Bounty Catittestm u per Statement published January 16th. 1988, $469572 Amount of payments' by the genre! Treeless up to Jan. 16th, 1966, $152632 39 Deduct interest included in above, 9632 I! _155 27 .....11 i 0 173000 1 Balance due on principal Jin. T6,'66, 296572 5 To amount of Loan Bonds' leaned by Camera to Meet dellelenes as above, 32925?! -1238 31. Amt of Bounty Berates of March I, 1884, redeemed and cancelled, 79400 01 Bonds do do Sept. I, '64, 21930 01 Bends do do Aug. 1,'85, 3017 0 1 Installments paid on Above,_. _ _lll'4 40 4t IQ ea Oa certific'te Aug. '62, 5139 0., do on bounty - do Oct. I, '64-, - 500 PO Meet paid on b'ty canto's and bonds, 11589'0 ........5 SI Whole set paid by C .1? Millar. Treas. 512368410 Deduct intermit paid u above. 11586:0 Total amount paid on principal, $112097 91 Leaving babinee-dse by Cmmty on bounty liabilities, $217400 II We, the undersigned Auditors of Tioga COMA ty, do certify that from the entries on the Aoh tor's Book, we- find the above liabilities of the Bounty - liabilities, and ac such nklailities have been reduced as above stated by payment of Bends in fall, and installment. , paid on the tame by the Treasurers of Tide County. up to January 31st, 1887. Witness our hands the 31st day of Jan. A. D 1887. -li, L. AIKEN, J. G. ARGET3INGER, Auditor. ISRAEL. STONE, - 163 76 A. B. EASTMAN, SURGICAL AND MECHANICAL D sZ':a 2figo 10 1410 Shin.obiruiiimtparos;i:Lanafiteorniha.l:4; recently vialted many leading Den. tal rooms in several Suter: citill, is now prepared to execute all work pertaining to his profession, with ell the improvements o:' the day, so as to render it on object for all deer. ring Dental operations to give him a cell. Don'. forget the place, over S. R. 80W011 . 3 Store. 76 25 Wellsboro, 'Feb. 20, ISO -t[ REMI.i.NGTONS" FIRE ABRAIS SOLD BY THE TRADE GENERALLY LIBERAL DISCOUNT TO DEALERS 200,000 YCHNINIEED THE U. GOVERNMENT. Army Revolver, 44-100 in. CsNM. Navy Revolver 30-100 in. Callbre Belt Revolver,..— Nary silo (kinks Pollee Revolver, ....... Navy eise Calabr , New Pocket Revolver 31 100 in. Calibre Pocket Revolver. (Rider's pt.) 31-100 it,. Calibre Repeating Pistol, (Elliott pt.) No 22 de 32 Carige Vest Pocket Pistol, No 22, 30. 32 & 41 Cartridge Gun Cane No 22 do 32 Cartridge 35374 10 iireitob Loading Rlfie,(Ben.ll) No 32 d3S ' Revolving Rifle, 36 100 in Calibre E. REMINGTON & BONS . 27 72 270 00 PRINCIPAL AUNTS. Moore & Nichols. New York Wm Reid cr Son Boston; Jos C Grubb & Co, Pbtladelpbm Pool they & Trimble, Baltimore; Henry Folsom S C Now Orleans; Johnson, Spencer & Co, rbicaz.• L Sl Rumsey & Co, St. Louis; Albert R Cram, Son Francisco. , Fob 20, 1367 284 ..248 00 NOTICE.—The School Direi r t73 of Charlto ton will meet at Whitt:toyedle. on Saturday, the 23d inet.,"at one o'clock P. 3f.. to let the building of a. Sobool Boole in that place. Site of House, twen ty inside, (including arrangement of sects, do.> like Four by Forty lento nainbod the Borne House. By order a? Preeielent, C. W. BditLf/Wo Ike/. claariontut,Teb. L1,111117.2w. 193 GM E $197638 45 5197638 49 $329493 50