JOBBING -DRPARTIBENT:- The pmprietohave s tacked the sstabLabmen t with large nssortmentof coodfrpityles JOB AND CARD TYPE AND FAST PRESSES, ~.1 are r rcpired to exocute beady, and primptly FoTEES, HANDBILLS, CIRCULARS, CABLE, BILL a ABS, LETTER HEADE, STATEILENTI, TOWNELLIP 01IDEB kc., AL • lkt,ll. Mortgages, Leases, and • fall assortment of t, nestles' and J n.tices' Blanks, constant/yen hand c oFrk &.,,plelivinAke pro g mrrtly at a di ,and tent back in etance can depen dreturai ontlmininhei, n ap =1 zw-Orrlcz—Hoyabl.. BUSINESS DIRECTORY W. D. TERBELL & CO., 1101,ESALE DRUGGISTS, and dealers in ',Vail Paper, Kerosene Lampe, Window Glass, Perfumery, Points and 01le, &0., Corning, N. Y., Jan. 1, 1865.-Iy. lIMEIZEMEI SIZE= . _ Dricaols & serraisaut, ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELORS AT LAW. OSce formerly occupied by James Lowrey, ER Wx. A. N1CE01..5. Joey I. MITCHZLL... Welleboro, Jen. 1, 113(10-.1y. WILLIAM U. SMITH, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW lesurance, Bounty sad Pension Agency, Mask Street WeHebert., Pa, Jan. 1, 180& s. F. Witsos WILSON & 'NILES, ATTORNEYS it COUNSELORS AT LA3V, (First door from Bigoners, on the Avenne)— Will attend to business entrained to their care in the counties of Tioga and Potter. WelMoro, Jan. 1, 1866. D. ANGELL & CO., MAIILTADTUDERS of, and Wholesale and De tail Dealer in Doors, Bash, and Blinds. At m Planing and Turning dons to order. ' S.,orville, Tina PO, Pa., Tan. 18.1889-Ip.• F. W. OLARK; ATTOE3ET AT LAW—Mansfield, Tioga Co., Pl.. May 9, 1850-ly GEORGE WAGNER, TaLLOP.. Shop first door north of L. A. Beara'a Shoe Shop. jar Cutttng, Fitting, and Roper. log done promptly and well. Wellsboro, Pa., Jan. 1, 1866.-I.y. _ JOHN B. SHINKSPEARE, DRAPER AND TAILOR. Shop one door above Smith's Law Otdoe. Cutting, Fitting, and Repairing done promptly and in but idyl.. Wallaboro, Pa.. Jan. 1, 1866-Iy JOHN L HITCHES& _ AGENT for the oolloctionof bquaty:bleedi PI/ and penelone due soldiere from the Govern ment. Office with Nichols and Mitchell, Wells. Lard, Ps. , m3O, 'MI wrd. GAZUZSTSON, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW, and Inv:trance Agent, Blosaburg, Pa., over Caldwell's Store. MAAR WALTON HOUSE, Gaines, Tioga County, Pa. it C. VERMILYEA, PROPRIETOR. This is ; lien hotel located within - easy access of the ~e4t flatting and hunting grounds in North: u Pennsylvania. No pains will be spared tt.r the o,goommodation of pleasure seekers and rue trariting public. [Jan. 1, 1866.] Pennsylvania Rouse, A. MARIAN HAZLETT PROPRIETOR. p IRS popular hotel has been lately renovated and ra j.• turolehed, and PO pains will be sparod to render Its t,plialltaes acceptable to I;adzons. Welleboro, May 9,1060. PETROLEUM ROUSE, .VESTFIELD, PA., GEORGE/CLOSE, Propri etor. A new Hotel conducted on the principle of 11re and let lire, for the accommodation of the pnblic.=-Nor. 14, 1866 —ly. J. C. STRANG. ATTORNEY AT LAW. Any businesa entrust— A to hie care will receive prompt attention. Knoxville, Pa., Nor. 14, 18611.—tt GIEIO. W. Ryon, ATTORNEY g, COIINSELOR AT LAW, Law renceville, flogs, Co., Pa. Bounty, Pension, Insurance Agent. Collections promptly attended to. Office 2d door below Ford Home Dan. 12, 1866-ly C.F. SWAN, GENT for the Lycoming County Ineurance Company, at Tioga, Pa. June b, 1868.—Sm. FARR'S HOTEL, TIOGA COUNTY, PA., stabling, attaohod, apd an attentive hos otr alwayt is attendance,' E. S. FARR, . . . . Proprietor. • Blaek:mith and Farrier. JOSEPH MANLY would inform. das glassful t)of Wellaroro and vicinity that h• ban !salad tc (Jii Maroc stand, un Water street, lately no .aped by Mr. Ritter, where ha may he found it pared to floe home and oxen. and do all nark pertaining to hit trade. He alto is a prat u:al Farrier, and will treat hems fur disc./foes October 24. 1866-tf Hairdressing & Shaving. • :alum over Willcox & Barker's Store, Wells , hJ re. Pa. Particular attention paid to Ladles' Shampooing, Dyeing, etn. Braids, Puff', coils, and seriatim on hand and made to or- W. DORSEY. ' J. JOHNSON. GOLD received on deposiie, for which cord .. Wei will be Wired, bearing int/rest iu gold. E. W. CLARK L CO, Bankers, lib 55 aonth Tbird street,Pbila: D. 3300 N, M. D., late of the '2d Pa. Cavalry, alter early !mar years of army 'varlet, with a large xperlence In field and hoapttal practice, has °pentad an - - Mce fur the pr.-bee of medilne and surgery, In all branches. Persona from a distance can find good c arcllc K at the Pennsylvania Hotel when dental:L— A.l skit any part of the State In constipation, or to ;crl,rm surgical operations. Ito 4, Union Block., op etatr, Wellsboro. Pe., Hay 2,1886 —ly. VEW PICTURE GALLERY.-- FRANK SPENCER tts the pleasure to inform the citizens or Tioga ~unty dant ha bee .completed his = NEW PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY, ,s on Land to take all kinds of Sun Pictures, 4:110 Ambrotypes, Ferrotypes, Viamettes,Cartes 1 . Visite, the Surprise and Eureka Pictures; also ,dealer attention paid to-copying and enlargt t Pictures. Instructions given in the Art on I,,, instde terms. Elmira St., Mansfield, Oct. 1, A T TENTION SOLDIERS VITNI. B. SMITH, Knoxville, Tioga Coquity, 11 , tU. S. licensed Agent, and Attorney • 'ldlers end their friends throughout all the nl , tatc?,) nill firose,ute and collect with un -,llrd : - OLDIERS' CpAildB AND 4trais• ad ktoda Ale°, any other kind 'or claim alnt , t the Government before arty- of !keitte m:ciente or in Congrers. Terms moderate, 1'141 : minanioations rent to the above addrei•seriltW, prompt attention Jan. r 7, ff 664 A ;mg nENTISTY. R ii C. N. DARTT, WOULD coy to the public that he it norma -I,' nently located to WeUnborn, (Office at Ms rctrience, near tbo Land Ocoee and Episcopal Cncrch) where he will continue to do all kind, of tit lh confided to bie care, guaranteeing comple.e tat.ifactian where the chill of the Dentin ran ,cd in the management cloaca, peculiar to the He will furnich ARTIFICIAL TEETH, cot on noy material desired. FILLING A EXTRACTING TEETH, wooded to on I , borteit notice, and done in the best and most approved style. TEETH EXTRACTED WITHOUT PAIN ~!. the the use of Antosthettes which are per fa.tly harmlexs. and :111 be administered 1n every ,a., when desired. Wtlll.boro, Jan. 1, 1865-Iy. . . 1f BSICAL INSTRUMBATS --J. B. shaA.- 1, pear, dealer In Deeker A Brother -and hunt & Brothers pianos, klaxon it Hamlin mar i bet o gang, Trsot, Linsey A Co. melodeons, and the B. Shoninger melodeens. Room over J. R. . Bowen'e store. .' ' ,Siipi..l . 2, , 1116ilit-- . T . la 1 1 -7 8 --------- A new kind of lam p fer &et; sene—' .1.4 Ilt) briskags of chimneys—at FOLS7'9. ;• VOL. XIV. John W- ..Gnornatti • ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW. "lariat returned to this county with a view of making it his piiimininVnisidinaa, solicits a share of public patronage.:-,All butanes., en trusted to his care will be attended to with promptness and fidelity. - OMee" 2d door or E. S. Farr'e hotel. Tlogis, T . logn.;Co. wept. 26.'66.—tf. WELLSBORO HOTEL (Corner _Main Street and the Atenue.) ; ; B. B. HOLIDAY, Droprie6l: frIIIS is one of the most popular 1121Ouess the county. This Hotel is. ilia prinolp: Stage - -house in Wellabor°. Stages leave daily as follows :I ,_ For Tioga,•itiOa. Tor Troy; at Ba. m.; For Jersey Shore every Tuesday- iud 1.6,1"7 - at 2 p. m.; For Conderaport . , every, Monday and Thursday at 2 p. m. , J. B. Nricss t STAGRS Astamt---From Tioge, at 121.2 Webek p. m.: From Troy, at 6 o'clock p. m.: From Jar sey-Slfore, Tuesday and Friday 11 st,, to.: From Conderaport, Monday bud Thursday 11. a. m. IN. B.—Jimmy 'Cowden, the well-known host ler; will be found on hand. ,Wellslooro, Jan. 1=1866-Iy. W. D. LANG. 13 DRUGS . MEDICINES: BOORS AND FrAizoltrant; -- PATENT MEDICINES, Peri canary, Musical. Instruments and Musical-Merchandise of all kinds, Fancy Goods of all kinds, Ac, MANSFIELD, PA. Physician's Prescriptions carefully compounded October SI, 186.cem: puoTOURAEarc.‘". E. & H. T:4NTJIHNY.,CO.; Manufacturers of. Photosra.piric,bire • . wioutaas AIDAII . !Ant::.• t; 71". 4 501 BROAD9&AYi.--11.37t.._- :.1-- ln addition to ounuritlaTlartnallatif:Phojograninc Materials we are Headquarters for She following, viz: _ . ' Stereoscopes & Stories copic 'Views Of American and Foreign Cities and Landscapes, Orctips, Statuary, etc. Stereoscopic Views of the War, From negating made In the anion eampaigne and forming • complete Photograpldc history of th e great contest. i - Stereoscopic View■ on Man. Adapted tr;r either Mo.r,fc Lauteros Or OW Sieroomeopo. Opr Catalogue will be .oc to any liddreis recelpt of Staxwp. • Photographic Albums. • W manufactata more Largely (biro any otherbouse, about 200 varieties from :0 coots to $5O aid, Our ALBUMS have the reputaLiust aft being superior to beauty and durability to elf others Card Photographs of Generals, States men, Actors. etc., etc. Our Okinawa...Ad:mace. over PIPIT THOUSAND Trent subjects, inch:amp reproduction. of the moat heated Imgravings, Paintings, Stgurma, etc. Coi.n lornes sent on receipt or stamp. -t - - Photographers and others ordering goods C. will please remit 25 per cent. of the amount with amt. order. The prices cod ousiity of per geod e cannot fall to satisfy. J0n....11ra9m. , NEW WINTER , -GOODST AT REDUCED PRICES. Great Inducements to the Public likTin having a big stock of QtD -00 - 04)S to £1 shove off at auction, lam enabled to take advantage of the piiient low Pikes, and em rea d."' to supply the public, , with a vplendid stnek_ot .„_ NEW SPRING — DRY" GOODS, , L ATEST Stylep, purobimed to acoorninodate this mar:: bet. Particular attention in directed to my de sirable stock of Ladies' _DRESS GOODS, Alpeocae, Poplins, Prints, Delaitnes,Att., Added to "Mob I atm offering - large and splendid block of - , GROCERIES, BOOTS and SHOES, HATS and _OAPS. 1 0 ,44-,4 0 ...& 0 .. 4 1 r4., AL. &0.. at prices to suit the 1,900,000,-14 - Oegood's old stand, Welleboro,- Po. . - C.B.KELLEY. April 4,1865. . - LAWRENCEVILLE - DRUG 'STORE. ITILE undettivted luiviag purchesed the Drag Store of W. G. Miller, Mill keep e. fall stock of ' DRUGS AND ItiF,DICIN.ES, PATENT MEDICINES, - PAINTS, OILS, Dye Staffs. Kerosene 011 and GrOceries, Which will be sold at as loin pricer weeny other estab lishment in the country for calls. C. P. LEONARD. Lawrencerille,Nov. 5, 11388:,-tf. To the Farmers of Tioga County. lAM now building et my manufactory, in Lawrence. Vale. a superior FANNING MILL, which possesses the following advantages over sf rather mat.: I. It separates oats, isdltter. end 'foul seeds, and chess and cockle, Prom 'wheat. 2. It cleans flax seed, takes out yellow seed, and all otherseeds, perfectly. - „ '5, It cleans timothy seed. 4. It doe. all other separating requlrtd of a mill. Thls MITI is built of the beet and most durable tim. bar, in good style, and is sold cheap lot cusp, or pro duce. - . I will tit a patent stare, for , separating oats from wheat, to other on reasonable terms. - _ id /CHER. - Lawrenceville, October iO, fees-ti Q AVE YOUR--GPSEWRACESI-4. I=l Nast & Auerbach's CHEAP CASH-STORE • . Where you can tawny:l find the beet aseorted stock of • • ORIESTIC L - FANCY DRY -GOODS; CLOTHS, NOTIONS, READY MADE CLOTHING, Maneteetered under their own paparvision.,, .4 /so Gents' lurnieh:ng d-e lu theor manhunt tuiloring ettablishment they defy competition; halting dm best tailors of New rock din, .1.1 /so experieeted cutter..3lr. U. P. Brwia.l4/4166i s - _ J . S T TI6Z ; LIr d . p rn An . MtEß er ß,- 41 opposite Dent's Wagon Shop, MAIN STREET, IVELLSBORO,: PA; . Orders promptly Mica and i•atiarricilon guaraii ford. , Fancy Turning dune to order. 4 _, Oct. 31, 11356.,41. J. STICKLIN:' F L" pit FROM CLIME MUER WHEAT; buckwheat flour, corn meal and feed, always on hand. Call at the Charleston Idati s e,.l,, pr . log Youatiour and feed. I rim make -it 414. Objett for ay a buy. A. RUSSELL. M )13,1866-tf LADIES' 8/3113 film $1.60 to $9O, at dean roLEY'S . - --f! • : 4 : ----- ---__ . fri ,- - . , , '-'• I ' I f '' 1. 11 1 11- ( V. 4: l ' - ' ' - 1:-: II ( t ll l t I D I ' ' ' . H . 1 % , ... 1. LI 1 1 I ' ' ..( . 11 II I I i k l it ll n to i + '.. .";,,..\..... ' t ~ _, , 1 , . :-)K 1, ii3l3 ',-;,1 lili"slitter _,;«; - i ',f.''ll arra 2 - ry3 tzt,TJOI7W-ELLSi B ORO, PA., FEBRUARY 27, 1867. SPECIAL NOTICE! '.2,71V,A.7.3:0'05-1;1) READY - MADE CLOTHING al,onown I , olt THE MULTITUDE. OVER COAtS'IIIa;`76.IVERtOA.TS HAW SUITS, DRESS SUITS OF ALL yc-i Laa ft a t9W.g§ • kal FURNISHING GOODS IN GREAT VA- is fully iiaiitstaralOisPiZOßMallirnvest sfyles of Garments, equal in style, yrorkmanship and 1131400a1 to : t 4gt,a1a50144140.4.50N1R BEAUTY OF FIT, QUALVILY4 fig. OD YiNF PRIDE-1,7tia.,:,77; MEI qr , sbilLbt Slanaklitid; l .• ' :• ,y• NEN xlvititiaB CEIVED: I All Voodiiirill be sold a t 1 - - • LOWEST, CASH 'PRICES: i under theAgilitorAPripthW 4 2 0 4ee'neatE: 0 1°, lloy's Store - • Wellaboro, Solit, 26, 1866. ( 4 a • a as ~1 , ,PataifetrifwN; 146. rt.t• t="4 11:.t zh t —t mars is an article for washing without rubbing, ox. cept to very dirty places, which will require a very alight rob, and unlike other preparations offered for a like purpose, WILL NOT lioT THE CLOTHES, but will leave them much worm tints ordinary methods, without the _issued near and tear. - . It removes grease snots as if by magic. and softens the dirt by sosking, so that rinsing will in ordinary cases entirely - remove it. , -•- • Mhis powder I. prepared In accordance with chemical science ' and upon a process peculiar to Itself, which is setored by Letters Patent. It has been in use for more than a year, and has proved itself an universal favorite Isherever it tine been used. • • Among the ndvantages claimed are the following, viz: 'lt saves all the expense of soap ususlly used, on cdt, ton rind Iluen .15411 ti !"... ' - 4 ^ , • -• if - sails most of flan labor of rubbing, and wear and War. ' ;Also, fur cleaning a indows it is unsurpaseed. With oue quarter the labor and expense usually required, it lapses a beautiful gloss and linter, much superior to wily other mode. No water reqmred except to moisten the powder. - . Direction. trittteach mobs.; +.ll- lind an be readily - appreataed bpi 'lngle trial. The 'Chet of wuhlog fore family of flee or six pervone will hot exceed tweet come. The manufacturer. of this powder are aware that many useless compounds have been introduced to the priblie which have rotted the cloth, or failed in rem... lair the dirt • but hnowing..the intrinaitexcel}encp pf this article; they confidently 'prudent lead beio adapt. - ed to meet a demand which has lolut existed, and which hes heretofore remained unerrpplied. Manufactured by BOWE & STEVENS, 260 Broadway, Boston. Also, manufacturers of family dye color. For male bg grocer. and dealers everywhere. 0ct17,'66-9m "f; q:101)5ER'8. YOU CAN FIND A FIRST CLASS STOCK OF GROCIRES'ITIOVISIONS, TEAS OF ALL KINDS, COFFEE, SO :GAR, MOLASSES, SYRUPS, SALT, FEW ELOS,, .LcAitilonAga.. ENGLISH CURRANTS, RAISINS, CITRON, CREAM TARTAR, SODA; Dr PORK, FLOUR, MACKEREL, WHITE FISH, CORN MEAL, BUCK WHEAT FLOUR, ALSO HARDWARE, NAILS, AXES, TABLE AND. POCKET CUTLERY, SHOVELS SPADES,. ; • 4:0115;' , 40RK6."--) -•,- Crockery, Jars, Jugs, Lamps and Chimneys, ,Lanterns. Wivden- Ware of all kinds, Bedcords, Rope, Brooins, Brushes of all Kinds ; Plug , & Fine Cut Tobacco, Segars ; a/do a large vatiety of - Fancy Smoking Tobacco. • In regard to the sags of thee* goods I have a word to say, in strict confidence, of course. These goods were purchased for cash and will be sold for cash at prices whieh will make it an object Tor ilewasakespenr; to - puntime.;--- Latean to do a sconitseaud,isir tsading btajimiu .P9tl _nu& talk t - VAlLD'Nkit r . ' Wolleboro, Deo. 12,1886—tf - • _Claim -Agency. - ONRY - - , BREftWOODR — HARRISON Attl*.l.,polietet 13 auk ~,.1 1/ s%7 I TINII I OIII and*.ll,~oWsitttitialzeit the went: 13nder the provision - 8 of late acts of Congress $lOO Extrilionnty b.stditipqevery tiusv prate IrcalcArbolleti out his full time, or was wounded In service, or was discharged by reason hf the termioutton oflbe war, and to, the ssiddwa;,,rninnr children - pig nuts ofibree years Curdy, •• •• - $5O extra Bounty will be paid to all two years' men and their hairs tinder likocireptustsopw,and to thrwwleare men who .erviiktwVynaissor-their enlistment.—' In no case will any extra bounty be paid when more than $lBO hen been preeioUsli No claim 4111 he enierialbarvolearpreee" nted under RULES AND ReouLarioNs issued by the War Department Sept.,22, 1866. The Department will - rebeiverelalma' from Oct. 1,1966, until April A. 164/.- Incaseof claims by .parents under late lets of - 'Congress for bounty, the FATIIED mad MOTUER mnet .both join in the application. - Increase of-Pension. $l5 per month to every Invalid Peneioner - 7. ibieach year'ent . age of widow Pensioners. Pees fur procuring Bxtra 80unty,...,.. ...... $8 eitita — iif:Pektiou,:..:.--$.5: - " Origioet :Ftension, $lO " - collection tbieth'etiNpf. - and 4th of March payments of Pensions . el Farm for Sale TE subscrihhiiitTerkhis foam for."salo, con— taining 100 acre, 40 acres of which ere un der gooddenrrtryeinent. Good tramelinue there on, one and a half story high; also a new frame barn 110 by s 4s,feet. A thritty.young orcbardocf appre%spittrOinil cherry trees, mostly irAnad,4oo In rat WeTI watered by noei- failing epringi.. Said farm is situated iu Delmar township, bnlbe wad leadirigfrocaStony Fork., j.51-.Pine creek... For tonna apply-fits nnheeriberjen thetiditilit.war. to A. L. Bosworth, at the 11h:1161mi - office. •Walleboro. 11 VAN N. IY,EBSTETA. Clocke r BE largest arsortment of Watches, TJewelry and Plated Wars in Tioga oonnty at [Odeon] ROMPS. Thought tlxis Hogiaa.saiii.6 17171micicorazt." stlett Old Grimes is dead—that good old man, • ect*whip*4' ; e name that old Grimes bore. . Ho wears , a coat of latest cut, i laillialis nail' imd gay; - • Ho cannot bear to view distress, Bo turns from it away. c.i. .') ~-1 - ... -, .` .-- i a T T, : I' His pante are gaiters—fittiag snag O'er patent leather shoes; His hair is by a barber curled—. _ i a'' l4. Hiquitlifi'4igaiuid - ateli. - - - 1 A chain of massive gold is borne I•-..Ili b l " /111, vest i -, .. .. - ; ', 'lt°4l. tfee. I evri 'illY i 41 t ' 1 ban were Old Grimes's best. In Fashion's court-laseawistant walks, Where he delight cloth shed; His hands are white and very soft, hetuki ": • He's slx feet toll—no pat most, straight, Hie teeth are pearly white; he issopawlai",loose, !.; Ana afiaetiines ivrYjight. . R, - AtMER: His manners are of sweetest grace, s i His voice of softest tone; His diamond pin's the very one That 90 frylip:eoo34:toioypt Hie dyed moustache adorns his face, His neck a scarf of blue; -Rd sotetottmesioeiPtOtheth for changes And sleeps in Grimes's pew. He sports the fastest eabin town, Is always quick to bet; He never knows who's President, thinktOlti yet. 110 has drank Witlttl every kind, And liqbors cold and hot; Young Grimes, in short, is just that sort Of mwtt.t.Oldlatimos was not.. I , lisrtillintfrUs. ' • SEARCH FOR JOHN SMITH. Joh•l3'gm 3 ith' . ll2 - 'arri' y father's great uncle's eldest daughter, Melindaßyrne. Consequently I was a relative to John. John's family had gaga visited us at our Vitet countryll3We'; and at each visit had most cordially pressed us to re turn the compliment. Last ,October, business called me siidifenlY to the c ity where our relatives resided,'ind without hav ing time to write and apprise them of My coming, I was intending a visit to the family of Mr. John Smith. With myiaccustemed carelessness, I had left his precise address at home, in my note book; but I thought little of it: I could easily find him, I thought to - ,myse/f, as.the cars set me down amid the smoke and bustle of B- I inquired f orm relativv_or are - ttrzi. hackman I came across. He looked at mewith an ill-suppresed grin. What was the fellow-laughing at? To be sure my clothes were not of the very latest cut, and it was not just the thing for any one out of the army to wear blue with bright buttons ; but my coat was whole, and my Aunt Betsey had : scoured the buttons with whitening and, soft ,soap until they shone like gold. I -repeated my ques tion_with dignity. ___ "Can you:direct me to - the residence or mr.-smith ?" • - - - - ; "Mr. S-m-i-t-h 7" said he slowly. "YAs L r:airc Mr.- Smith, Ti ge,married niy father's Viatiincle's' daugh ter, Melinda. dora think I know a John Smith with.a ,w ife , John Sznith•seemed to be a common nontrWith him, from the peculiar 'tone hewed in speaking of that individual. 1"A.111" remarked I, "then there is more than one of that name in this city' ?" • "Bather think there is." ."Tary welly then. Direct me to the '!The nearest is in West street. Sec ond: left band , corner—you'll see the name on tha door) , . - - :Irpassed on, congratulating myself on „thelcordial welcome. I should , receive frodaolitt and Melinda. -soon reached 'the place—a hand hOuse-with the name on a silver doorplate—l rang the bell—a servant appeared. - Mr. Smith in ?" "No, sir ; Mr. Smith is in thearniY." '''Mrs. Smith—is she ?" "l'n the army ?—no, no—she's at the beach." +"This is Mr. Johi Smith's house, is it?" - ' "It is." • "Was his wife's name Melinda• and ts'asSise a Byrne before. shO was mar ried, from Squtshville?", The .man reddened, " and responded a -• .I'_l3 not stand here to be insulted! :?Aake.ofr with yourself, or I'll call the "Hee. I thought from the first •that yistrtotaw ars•entryi . thief, but you don't play no game on me!" and he banged thesloor irrmyface; :fa thief If.? - had not bean in such a .iirry_to find the Smiths, I should hato given that raseally.fellow a sound elois fising on the spot. , Inquiry, elicited the fact that a John Smith•residectin Arch street. Thither I bent my steps. A. maid-servant an swered my ring. • "MrEmith in?" - "Before the girl could reply, a big red faced man jumped out of the shadows behind the door, and laid his heavy hand upon my shoulder. "Yes, sir," he cried, in a voice of thunder: '"Mr. Smith is in ! Yes, sir ; for once he's in. He stayed at home all day on purpose to catch you! and now, byJu-piter ! I'llhavemy revenge!" "Sir,' , said I, "there must be some mistake. Allow me to inquire if you arabir.. John Smith ?" !DIU inform you about Mr. John Birsith in a way you won't relish, if you `don't ,settle the damages forthwith: -Five thousand dollars is the - very low est,' figures—and you must leave the country - - "Good gracious!" I cried, "what do you-take me - for? You'd better be care ful, or you'll get your head caved in !" "I'll.cave your head in for you, you yoni me sg,,Villian, yCanou!" cried he, spinging at 'will:this e. "Oh John, dear John !" Exclaimed a shrill female voice, and a tall figure in - a sea of flounces bounced down the stairway. "Don't ! don't! for the love of heaven—don't murder him !" "Who the deuce do youtake me for?" cried T, my temper rising. "It looks well for you to ask that ancerea.the man, "you who have won my wife's heart, and are -here now - to plan to elope with her! I've found it all out—you needn't blush and—" YOUNG - GRIMES "I beg your pardon for interrupting you," said I, - "but I have never seen your wife before. I perceive she is not Melinda,. the eldest daughter of my father's great uncle—" "Sir do you deny you are William Jones? Do you deny that you are in love with my wife?" "I am not a Jones, I havenot the hon or, sir. My name is Parkwell, Henry Parkwell, Squashville !" and with a bow I tabk myself off. After that, I had called at the resi dences Of three Smiths—and nothing occurred worthy of note. My neXt Mr. Smith resided in Port land street. Thither I bent my steps. It was a very small house-evidently not the house of wealth and cleanliness. I made my way up to the front door, through a_ 'wilderness of old rags, broken crockery-,old tinware, etc, scattering a flock of hens, rousing a snappish little terrier from his nap on the steps. A red-faced woman answered my rap, before I could make my customary In quiry she opened upon me like a two edged butcher knife. - • "Well, of all the' impudent rascals that ever I see, you beat the lot ! I want to knoWlf you had the cheek to come back here again? You'd like to sell me another. German silver tea-pot, and another brass bosonk pin, to dear Ar minty—Wouldn't you ?" "By no means," said I. "I beg to In form you— , "Oh, you needn't beg! We don't be lieve In beggars! I s'pose you tho't I shouldn't know you—but I did ! I should know that black bag of yours in California? Clear out of my premises or I'll lay my broom handle over you ! If there isanything I hate, it's a pedler --especially a rascal like yon !" "Allow me to inquire,"said I, "if Mr. Smith's wife was Melinda Bryne, the eldest' daughter of my father's—" The broom stick was lifted ; I heard it cut the air like a minie bullet, and sprang down the steps into the street at my best 'pace. AU angry man I do not fear; butwho Can stand. before an angry woman? I had rather face a roaring lion. realled.on two more Mr. Smiths— still Unsuccessful in my search. It was getting,near dark, and I was more than anxious to reach my destination. My next Mr. Smith was located in Lenox street. It was twilight when I rang the bell at his door. A smiling fellow admitted me, fairly forcing me into the hall, before I could utter a word. "Walk right in sir, they are expect ing you! The ladies will be down in a Moment. Miss Hattie is in the back parlor. Walk right in sir." I was gently pushed toward the door of a shadowy apartment and at the en trance I was announced : "Mr: Henry !" The gas was not lighted and • e ap partment was in semi-darkn s. I heard a soft, quick footfall on t e car pet, and a pair of arms fell round my neck, and a pair of the sweetest lips on the footstool touched mine; and good gracious—for a moment the world swam ; and I felt as if I had been stewed in honey, and distilled into Lubin's best triple extract of roses! " Oh, Henry—my dearest and best! Why don't you kiss me, Henry ?" cried a voice like music, " have you ceased to care for me !" and again the kiss was repeated. Who could resist, the 'temptation 2 I CvetVel l iTm a an d ga l t dent i.P.M*- 1 2 aS paid her principal and interest. , Oh, Henry, I feared that being in the army had made you cold hearted good heavens!" She tell back against a chair pale as death. The, servant bad lit the gas, and I stood revealed.. , " I beg your pardon marm " said I, " there isevidently some znisake. - May I inquire if Mr. Smith's wife was Me linda flryne, the eldest daughter of my father 4 s great uncle?" The red flush came to the young la dy's cheek—was as handsome as a pic ture—and she replied with courtesy. " She was not. You will, I hope ex cuse me for the blunder I have com mitted? We are expecting my brother Henry, from the army, and your blue clothes deceived me." For which I shall always wear blue,' I replied gallantly. " Allow me to in troduce myself—l am Henry Parkwell of Squaslaville!" and in making my best bow, I stumbled backwards over an ottoman, and fell smash into a china closet, demollahing at least a dozen plates and as many glass tumblers. I sprang to my feet—seized my bag, and without'a word dashed out of the house. I knocked over a man, who was pass ing-at the moment, and landed myself on my head in the gutter. The man picked himself up, and was about to go in on his muscle, when the glare of the street lamp revealed to me the well known face of my John Smith. "Eureka!" cried I, " Allow meto in quire if your wife was Melinda the eld est daughter of my father's great uncle Br , yne?" She was ?" said he grasping my band, " and I am delighted to see you! But confdund it—you needn't have come at a fellow so !" Hut I must cut my story short. He took me home with him ; and I had a goed visit; I saw Melinda to ray hear;t's content. Nay more—l met and was properly introduced to Hattie Smith, and—well I am having a new suit of clothes made—and in due time they will be married—myself in them, and the young lady just alluded to. ' Little Sallie was teaching her young er brother the Lord's Prayer. They went on smoothly till they arrived at "give us our daily bread." `No, no, Sissy—we want cake ?" and he refused to proceed until the desired amendment was made. I pressed her gentle form to me, and whispered in her ear; if, when I was far, far away, she'd drop for me a tear? I paused for some cheering words, my throbbing heart to cool, and with her rosy lipsshesaid,— Ike, you're osich a fool."- "My Good Fellow," said one man to another, clapping him on the shoulder, "ynn are one of the men we read of!" "How so ?!P inquired ttie other, "where did you read of me?" . . "In theyolice report." A teacher of vocal music asked an old lady if her grandson bad any ear for music. "Wa'al," said the old woman, "I rahly don't no : won't you just take the candle and see?" A young lady writing in defence of titters, says : As .-to the present ridiculous short coats, I can only say that they present to a person at all belligerent a tempta tion scarcely to be overlooked. We often run upon receipts for making various articles which possess real merit, but seldom one better than the following for making ice cream : "Pick out the prettiest girls you can see, stir her gently into the corner, and ask her to give you a kiss ; you soon have a nice cream. A *romantic young man .says that a young woman's heart is like the moon ; it changes continnually, but it always has a man in it. Original ,Storg. [For the Agitator.) ' A SHORT STORY, WHICH IS NO ROMANCE PART IV _Few persons in the older States will ever understand the restless, uneasy feeling of nervous misapprehension ex isting on the Minnesota frontier during the spring and summer of 1882. We are in the habit of viewing the outbreak as a sudden, and altogether unexpected event. We say that the settlers had no warning ; that it was impossible for them to have escaped the fearful calam ity which swept them to the laud of shadows with nameless tortures and blood-curdling horrors : we are wrong. The settlers had many warnings, and towards the close of summer the warn ings had assumed a distinctness that in duced a few to flee for safety ; they were laughed at and denounced as cowardly by those who remained. The majority stood by their homes; refusing to stir unless actually driven off; they were right. If a settler who has exhausted his - means in emigrating to a new home were to run away at every threatening intimation of danger from Indians, he had best remain in the older States. Wherever there are large bodies of In dians hanging about sparse settlements there is danger; no man at present thinks of running away from Nebraska on account of the _lndians, and yet, Ne braska in 1867 is situated something as Minnesota was in '62. Jaco a b Kohler had found the Sibux un pleasant, not to say expensive neigh bors. The country from New 17/m to the Yellow Medicine literally swarmed with them, and the settlers throughout that region were sick of feeding the la zy, vermin infested rascals, while at the same time they stood In fear of them.— The copper-colored rogues knew right well who, of all the settlers had the best stock of provisions laid up for win ter use, and at just what points to stop for the chances of a plentiful meal. As Jacob was what is usually called a good liver among farmers they patronized his house to a fearful extent, as they never entertained the idea of payment in any shape, it came to be an intolera ble niosnnce. An Indian will resent the putting a price on bread or meat ; but coffee, ta, tobacco and sugars are trading articles, for which he expects to pay, as also are poweer, lead, and percussion caps : ta king a hint from these facts, Jacob had turned trader in a small way, and, as he was what th e Indians call a fair trade r,he had come to be rather popularin that line with the Sioux, also to make a profita ble offset to their eternal- begging and sponging. The usual mode of dealing with the Indians for their furs is .to measure the above named articles in a 'common tea cup, with the exception of the Caps and tobacco—and the prices' paid leave a pretty handsome profit to the trader ; for instance : A cup of white sugar for a prime muskrat skin, or of tea, for four skins. A cup of tea or powder for a mink skin, or two for an otter. A box of water proof caps will usually trade for a prime mink, and a pound of good tobacco for an otter.— Now, if the cup be of good size and all thatillicles of good quality, this is fair trading, and the Indians will commonly deal at prices approximating to the trodoz- -t.4919 on measuring with a small cup, who mixes white sand with his sugar and sells poor tea and tobacco is known as a cheat, and is pretty sure of a visitation in case of " Indian trouble." He may save his scalp, but will be quite likely to lose his goods. Jacob was not only popular with the Indians as a trader, but he was a capital performer on the flute, and all Indians are passionately fond of music ; they are capital timers also, and one may be occasionally found who plays the flute very creditably. So it happened that often of an evening the largest roometif Jacob's rustic home contained a circle of squatting savages, gravely beating time as the qu a u dom schoolmaster played tune after tune until, his stock of patience and music exhausted togeth er,—to say nothing of his wind—the flute was unscrewed, put away in its case, and the music-loving. redskins 'would rise and stalk away into the night to their far off camps over the prairie. In fact, the Kohlers were on capital terms, not only with the Indians, but with all their neighbors, and, with themselves. For four years the world had prospered with them in every es sential point; not a day's sickness or a doctor's bill had come between them and their happiness ; not an enemy had they ever made in their-new home, white or red, and withal, they were get ting " forehanded." Latterly, however, a restless, uneasy feeling had crept into the bosom of Jabob which he tried in vain to banish. No man in that region could help seeing that tho attitude and bearing of the Dacotabs during the spring and summer of '62 was different from what it had ever been before. As the settlers expressed it, they were dis posed to be ugly." Early in the sum mer a Sioux hunter called " Big Acorn" had met Jacob on the prairie, and in stead of a friendly greeting had enter tained him with a pantomime express ive of tomahawking and scalping, end ing with expressive gestures of warning, and a hint of danger to the scalp of his (Jacob's) squaw. Less than a mouth before the outbreak, "Waut-na-chasc a" (the man in the cloud) had come to Ja cob's house late at night, and, after an evident struggle between his duty to his tribe and his friendship for the white man, had given fair warning of coming trouble and advised him with great earnestness to leave the 'country, at least until another season. Chases was a chief, had always been friendly to the whites, and, though he took part in the raid, showed much favor to the prison ers, and was altogether " the best o' the cut throats." His warning was worth something but the only effect of it waa, an increased feeling of uneasiness and I danger. Indeed, how could the settlers leave their homes unless actually driven to it by tangible hostilities: they had cattle, corn, and growing crops to their hands where they' were—to leave all and run sway from an unknown dan ger was little less thah ruin ; so they stayed. Then came the trouble at the 'Yellow Medicine, on the non payment of the annuity, and report said that troops had gone up from Fort Ridgley with artillery ; this was true: but the troops—only one company and that not a full one—were immediately surround ed by a thousand mounted warriors, and twice that number on foot, who declared that if a gun was tired they would scalp every white man about the Agency.— Major Dalbraith was for giving them a round of grape and shell, but the (di cers, seeing they were outnumbered twenty-five to one, were opposed to it, and a compromise was finally effected by the Agent, on which the Indians sullenly retired to their camps to wait for the annuity motley. Then came a lull ; the calm which precedes the cy clone : And just when the settlers were least apprehensive, the fierce tornado of butchery, outrage and- torture -burst upon them. The hellish work commenced at the Lower Agency, and one who has writ ten on the subject says "If massacre alone had been their object, hardly one NO. 9. would have escaped; but the hors:, the plunder in the stores, and the hope of linding whiskey diverted them from their murderous work." As it was, the fearful atrocities committed inless than an hour, would fill a volume in detail; a few instances will serve as a type of the whole. They shut a mother up with her five children, fired the house and burned them all alive. They toma hawked the ferryman at the Agency, tore out his bovrels, cut off his feet, head, and hands, and thrust them into the cavity. They chased and caught a bright lad of six t y ears, stripped him of all his clothing, pierced and pricked him with their clumsy spears till death I came to his relief, all the while mocking and laughing at his agonizing cries.— Another little fellow they drove before them until he became too exhausted to run, when they hacked both his feet off at the ankle joints, and then flogged him with rods until, in his agony, he succeeded in raising on the stumps and staggering a few paces, begging pite ously the while ; this was rare sport for Dacotah "braves," so they flogged him until he died. The outrages committed on young women and girls, some of the latter not yet in - their 'teens—were too horrible for repetition. The writer above quoted says, "Only those that might ' serve their base passions were saved; the rest were shot down and butchered, or tortured to death by inches." While all this was going on at the Lower Agen cy, the settlers about Fort Ridgley and below were pursuing their avocations in fancied security. Even when the fugitives began to arrive at the fort the extent of the outbreak was not under stood, or credited, and Captain Marsh with sixty men was sent up to the Agency to quell the disturbance. They were ambushed at theferry by ten times their number, and only ten ever got I back to the fort alive; over forty, inclu ding Captain Marsh, being killed, stripped and hacked to pieces. Five hundred non-combatants in the fort, mostly women and children, with less than forty armed men and two howit zers between them and death by name less tortures ; a fort over and into which a well-drilled regiment would charge as though it were a cob house, and short of provisions too ' • it was but a ghastly chance against fifteen hundred yelling, whooping fiends, already drunken with blood and plunder. Below, on'the river bottom and out on the prairie to the south of it, the settlers going quietly about their work, unconcious of danger. Tp.the north, on the main route from the Birch Cooley to Henderson, fugi tives already fleeing for their lives, „spreading the alarm, and constantly W ing joined by others as they fled. The German Settlement, the Norwe gian Grove 4 and other neighborhoods off the main route, not being yet warn ed. The fearful struggle at the fort just commencing; and Jacob Kohler? Off on the prairie hunting for cattle, which will stray where fences are not in fash ion. He had !odd out early in the morning, had hunted about the lake, had ridden'through grove after grove, had brought a little telescope to hear on every yard of prairie in sight from time to time, But no sign of cattle repaid the search; they must have gone to the river, and so, although it was long past the dinner hour, he rode leisurely in that direction. On coming to the tont he found tracks in the soft mud, fresh and plenty; evidently he had but little farther to ride, and he headed the tired .ore for the, =Sm._ of the stream, al lowing him to drink long anci-deep fast where the water ran swiftest and cl,:ar est. It was a hot day—that fearful 19th of August—and as Jacob sate, listless and sweltering on the heated saddle, he was more than half inclined to throw the bridle over a limb and indulge in a cool bath himself; even as the thought crossed his mind he started erect in the saddle at a sound that sent the blood to his heartwith a thrill, the heavy, sul len' roar of artillery—the two first slim., from the howitzers at Fort Ridg,ley : And Jacob knew the long talked of " trouble" had come. Again and again the heavy boom of the guns came on the west wind, distinct and clear, mixed with the faint breezy roar of musketry, rising and falling with the wind : that there was a life and death struggle go ing on at the fort above was past a doubt. Then came the rapid clatter of hoofs, and a single rider dashed down to the ford from the north, side, whom Jacob recognized as Dan R uyter —" tld Dan," the hunter, trapper, mule driver and scout: a man who had two Iddian wives, had lived among the Dacotahs for years, and spoke the tongue like a nati"e: When he found it necessary to ride for his life there must be danger, and Jacob paled as he thought of a bright eyed golden haired young matron and her two rosy little Saxons, waiting, miles away on the prairie, for his return. Wild Dan was riding a to❑g legged government mule without a saddle, and he dashed into the river with the evi dent intention of taking the mule across by force of• whip and spur, without a halt; but he reckoned without his host: the brute had galloped from the Lower Agency without food of drink, and uo sooner did he get fairly in the water than he planted his fore feet firmly in the mud, buried his nose in the river and commenced practicing hydraulics on his own account in spite of the furi ous kicks, thumps, and objuagations be stowed on him by his rider. Dan Riad recognized Jacob Kohler at a glance. and the way in which he mingled warn ings to the latter with imprecationt on the mule might have provoked laughter at a less serious time. "You Jake Kohler! where's your folks? to home? well then, it's time they was somewhat else—(drink then you long-eared cuss)—why man ! don't you know the devil's to pay at the Agen cy ? (Dog on ye, you lazy jackaasi— they'Ve scalped and cleaned out every thing around thar—l've seen mor'n fifty dead 'uns to-day—wimmen with thar' breasts cut off an' beads skinned, little children baked in stove 'ovens, and—(damn this mule, he's hol ler down to hishoofs)—And every thing stole up or burnt up clean: been chased twice myself—they ain't a mile off now ; 'bout half on 'em fightin' up at the fort —the rest slashin' about loose—(blast yer balky picture, I shall lose my hart— If you kin get yer folks away alive you'd better be about it—l'll try an' help ye if this gander-gutted krang ever stops takin' in supplies—(now, dod burn yer slabsided carcase,) git!" And the mule, having drunk to his content, did get. Up the bank and out on the prai rie they rode side by side, Jacob with white lips and straining eyes looking only ahead ; the trapper, with lips com pressed and eyes alert keeping a wary watch on .cither dank and often turning to look back. "If we kin get out of sight of the banks afore any of 'eln come to the river it'll be just as well,' he i said, as they rode rapidly lip a slight 1 " rise" in the prairie, and as they dashed down the opposite slope he kept his eyes on the distant riverbanks until they sunk from sight ,• not an Indian to be seen and they both breathed more freely. On they rode, in front of them the open undulating prairie ; to the right, at the distance of a hundred rods, I scattering grov of .small poplars and hazel; at, the big woods, bor dered with brushy thickets interspersed with sloughs and marshes, the woods receding to the south-east as they rode south. And as they galloped, the quick 64e gingi eon* AOtatar Ts Pnbl!shed:every Wednesday ilornlng, at $2.00 • Year, Invariably In advance, by COBB & VAN GELDER. [e. C. 11] OZIDZA ■. v. con.] , --- ..# I I.3,VM"St.TI. 8 / ISO RATES_ TL'( Mart or limos, os 1,-la, YAZZ oat Squats.. of - o4TI - 1. - 3 . 7124.1 , 3110..!.3 ,:arTTI ',, rfaia'• (' I Square, ...I S l,OO 3% 00 3 1 . 30 \ 3 5 ,001 5 7 , 0 0 $ 12 .00 ^ 2 4 mr,...,, ~ 2,00 3,00 1 4,00 9,00 12,00 14,00 halt Col . . 10,00 13,00, 17,00 t "al3OO, 30,20 14.400 One C 01... .. 1 13.00. 36,1X0 30,001 40.001 00,00 90,00 10,-I.llness Cards inserted At the .to of CM ajdne 1.14‘r ye is; neon for less .m dun slioo. ~r ynom.. Fifteen Cents per line; Sdltorisl Loa Notle.s, Twenty - Cents pes Ilue - eye of the trapper caught a glimpse of something that quite absorbed his a -1 tention for a few moments; then he turned to Jacob saying, •' you see that clump of willows about fifty rods ahead? well, if the Indians should make a dash on us, say, from them Poplar thickets ou the right, we should have to round that clump afore it would do to turn off to the lett, otherwise we should rush into marshes an' slues where they'd catch us like wet sheep. Then, if we was runnin' for life, we want to keep straight off to the south-east till we ,strike the T:lm road—you understand?'' Aud Jacob, who understood English better than he spoke it, said, "Yeas, I dinks To too. ' Well," continued the trapper, •• you see that knoll, 'bout a mild off? That's the lust pint you'd nat'rally want to make, and the Ulm road's a mild 'n' half further on; and now, if thar's anything hilthat old plow. hoss of yourn you wa - ncto take 'tout on him ; 'cause thar's eight red devils on the fur side of that poplar thicket, and they e jest waltin' for us to conic- In--- eh con n ' distance—keep cool man, they won't charsre on us 'til we make the nearest pint to 'em, unless they see we've got the hint, and if I get stopped, don't you mind ifie - r- - -you=rt't help me anyhow nor don't ride to'ards your own house to bring that gang of yellln' devils down on your wife an' children— And now ride for yer life, for here they come t eight on 'em—and all on ponies. And away. over the prairie, straight for the knoll went the two whites, and af ter them with whoop and yell rode eight armed savages, rabid with rage at seeing their prey slipping through their fingers just v. hen it seemed a sure thing. The race was fearfully exciting as the white men kept to the south-east and the In dians rode due east, the line of converg ence allowing the latter to gain steadily' on the fugitives; but the line was passed in safety, and when the race became a straight one it was soon evident that even a fagged government mule and a clumsy farm horse could outfoot the diminutive long haired ponies which the Indians rode. k To be Continued.) (For the Agitator.) DIARY Of JOHN L. POND, Co. A, 149th Reg't P. V., while a prisoner in the hands of the Rebels. , Cbnciuded-) Our. 19th, 1804. Drew very good ra tions but no meat. The rebel officers are Hying out blankets, which were sent by the Sanitary Commission to the prisoners ; they only give live to 100 men ; they go to the most needy. :2titti. Have been at work at the tent again Lo-day; drew a pint of dour, same of meal, and also of beans, salt, and molasses ; rations are much better than a test' days ago. 21st. :,11i,rt, rations and no salt to-day, no news of exchange, many think we al•e h. stay here all winter. Report says clothing will be elven out tO-1110170w. Etehel officers hare been giving out clothing to-day, but only to the most destitute and only one or two ar ticle, to a man ; the supply is so small, or else they intend to steal the most of it; day tin , been cool r wind in the North West • 23d. .1.1,..t night was cold and thesul fering gieat 4uite am - umber died ;it is awful to think of the privations men Aare .aduring in this place if we do not get out halt' trill perish before Spring. L'ith. Weather more mild; the giv ing out of clothes has been going on all day, but does not amount to much after all—drew meal, bean. rice and molas se6 25th. Exchange reports are plenty in camp to-day no change in our situa tion—weather cold, nights very cold. - 2.Cth. Has passed as_usual, dull, drea ry prkon life is ours; if it was not for the hope of getting out soon death would be a blessing. 27th. Rained to-day—wood is becom ing very scarce in camp, we are suffer an t want of it to cook with. 2.Stli. Storm has cleared up and the days are pleasant but the nights arecold and long to shiver through. I.Ve drew meat to-day, which makes three times this month and very small rations at that. suth. Helped Henry Wheeler to the hospital, he is very siolt; Oliver Phil lips went to hospital with him.- The weather more pleasant than in the first part of the month. 31st: Did some patching to-day, we drew.a quart of meal and about a third of a pint of molasses for rations. Nov. Ist. Weather cold and disa greeable; drew about a quarter of a pound of beef and a quart of meal. 2d. Rained most of the day with wind from north east, storm very cold, and the suffering here awful. 3d. Storm still continues, have laid in the tent most of the day, we do not get wood enough to cook our scanty ra tions let alone keeping warm. God only knows what we will do when win ter comes on. 4th. Cold and chilly and still grow ing cold to-night. sth. The rebel officers arb recruitidg among the prisoners again to-day ; thi suffering is so great that a great many are taking the oath. Oth. Last night was I think the cold est of the season, it is so tedious lying here these long cold nights without blankets to cover us, or wood to make a fire, the nights are very long. 7th. The weather is warmer than for some time. The rebels give us plenty of molasses if nothing else ; we get 40 or 50 gallons per day for every 1000 men. Sth. The camp is In quite a state of excitement to-day, on account of Its being, election day for President, the prisoners areholding an election of their own ; Old Abe came oat some 2000 ahead in this prison. 9th. Warm and pleasant ; all sorts of rumors are circulating in camp of an immediate exchange. 10th. Everything quiet ;we are out of the world so far as knowing anything is concerned, a dreary and miserable life with but little hope of its being bet= ter very soon. 11th. Weather cold and chilly again, the raw wind pierces our Illy clad bod ies worse than ever did Northern blasts at home. 12th. The rebels have had one of our men hung up by the thumbs for trying to get away; his moans were awful. to hear, he was stretched so much that the wind swung Trim around. 13th. Weather cold again, and we suffer severely at night; report says that more clothing has arrived for the prisoners; drew bred to-day, about two 01.1M . 124 to the man. 14th. La9t night :rid to-day raw and cold, some prisoner- arrived from CO waibia to-day. rah. Nothintr to -.vrite. same oldpris on life ; nothing lu change its dull mo uotony. ICth. To Jas. 1;a....,:ed the 'moo as yes terday except that 1 moved my quar ters and am puttimr up a tent with Cal- Town9end of the Ist. Wis. Car. 17th 'Have heee at wort: on the tent to -day ; drew tees again. 300 of those who took the; cuth to the rebel Govern ment were sent back into prison to-day. 19t.h. More of the oath of allegiance men came back to-day. Weather raw and cold. 18th. We suffered dreadfully with the cold last night. Cloudy and looks