The Tioga County agitator. (Wellsboro, Tioga County, Pa.) 1865-1871, February 20, 1867, Image 2
A clergyman living not one thousand miles from Proetorsville, Vt., having attended's' watch-meeting, returned to his home about one o'clock on New Year's morning, and found a team hitched in front of his door, and acouple in his house. the object of their visit was soon made known by the young man, who informed the clergyman that he wished to be married to the young lady who was in the other room arrang ing he toilet. The rest of the story is thus _told by the Rutland Herald: The clergyman suggested that it was an unseasonable hour fora wedding, and proposed that they postpone the nuptial ceremony tin the next day. In reply to this the young man said that they were not intending to be married until the next day, but had - concluded the even ing previous to take a trip to his home in Jeffrey,'_C. H., an goine down to Wind:tendon on the nighttrain. The story - was so plausible that the clergy man Married ther,p.. They leftand went to the hotel in the village, where they spent the remainder of the night. In tne morning they went to the depot to take the train for Ludlow, neglecting to pay their bill at the hotel, or for theb team hired at the liver? stable. The landlord follow&d them and de manded his bill of the which he paid. The livery stable keep er also went and presented his bill of three dollars for the use of the team. This bill was also paid and the man returned to his stable and discovered that the whip he had furnished the young couple was missing,. He went back Immediately to the depot, and de manded pay for the lost whip, , which the happy bridegroom handed over. On return7sg to the stable be found the runners of the sleigh were broken. and fearing the train might leave before he could reach the depot, hastened thither and presented a bill for the third time to the happy but unlucky man, who paid five dollars for the damage done to the runners of the sleigh.. The CaTS Fo on arrived and took the young couple to Ludlow, and the livery stable keeper returned to his stable. On. examining his sleigh more critically he found that the beams of thesleigh were also broken. Hitching up a team, he soon started for Ludlow sad found the young bride groom, and for the fourth tithe presen ted a bill which was this aril'e cancelled with a five dollar greenbaekw' Nothing More occurred to mar the •pleasure of their honeymoon till the up mail train arrived at Ludlow, when off stepped a young man in search of the runaway couple This man had a bill to present to the young bridegroom who had proved his rival in thin love affair, the facts of which were that the two young gentlemen, then confronting each other, had both been courting the Salile ; but !over No. 1 (who had just arrived on the train in search of the fugitives), got the girl to promise to marry him, and after they had appointed the wedding day, invited lover o 2 to attend the festivities. 'The invited lover stole a march on his rival, and on the evening alluded to, procured a team and went to see the lady, and af ter a few minutes' conversation, they agreed to proceed to the minister's resi dence, as above, and become "twain of one flesh." The truant girl, however, did not fail to array herself in the marriage gar ments furnished her by lover No. I, who; when learning of the proceedings, was greatly incensed thereat, and, upon meeting his rival at Ludlow, claimed that the haughty girl had promised to marry him, and that he had bought the nice clothes that she had on her at that time—her wedding suit. The bride groom remonstrated with the rejected lover, whose indignation would be qui eted with nothing short of full payment for the nice "lothes that he had furnish ed the treacherous girl. But here the bridegroom was in a bad situation : such inroads had been made upon his financial resourccs that his last bill (the unkindest cutof all) over sized them, and he was unable to pay it, how muchsoever he might have de sired to. But his relentless opponent was uncompromising in his demands, and nothingshort ofall the bridegroom's money and watch would.sathify his wounded heart and depleted pocket book. At last the bridegroom yielded to these stern demands, and gave up his watch and last dollar, and doubtless feels rich in the possession of one who has forsaken another and agreed to cling unto him alone through life. PARDONS Gov. Geary has adopted the following judicious rules to be observed In all ap plications for pardons : must No pardon will be granted un til notice of the application therefor shall have been given by publication. once a week, for two consecntive weeks, in newspaper printed in the county in 'a hitli the conviction was had. Second. No pardon will be granted unless notice of the application shall have been given to the judge who tried the cause, to the district attorney, or to tile attorney who prosecuted, proof of which notice shall be furnished this Department. Third. All applications for pardon must have with them the following pa pers, written in a clear and distinct hand: 1. A certified copy of the whole record, including docket entries, minutes of court, copy of indictment, pleas, and all other papers on file in the court relating to the case. 2. A full statement of the reasons up on which the application is based, set ting forth the facts; the notes ofevi * cience to kW ,trial ; letters from re sponsible a ". .e community where. the o w: .... ted • a re commendation fro.. .- ‘ , ilio sat on the trial, andif any refused to recommend a pardon, , , .a given for such refusal; letter fro,i .e district attorney or couusel who tried the case; and a letter from the judge, setting forth his views upon the subject of the appli cation. Fourth. Recemmendations forpardon for unexpired terms of sentence, must have Et copy of the whole record as before required. Also, a copy of commit ment, petition from prisoner setting forth reasons, and statement from War den and Inspectors of Prison. Fifth. No personal application will be permitted. Sixth. All of the above papers, when submitted, must be accompanied by a printed copy of same, in pamphietform, twelve copies of which, at least, must be Sent to this Department. If the parties are too poor, the paper book need not be printed. Seventh. As these rules are intended to subserve the administration ofjustice, they will be strictly enforced, and re relaxed only when good reasons shall be furnished for so doing. JOHN W. GEARY. This afternoon about five o'clock, the ice broke up in the Chemung River at this point and began to move. It be came demanded at the highway bridge leading to Knoxville and soon carried off the bridge, which broke into three portions; one lodged on the bank near ly opposite the Corning Warehouse; another lodged on the bank at the upper end of the narrows, , or upon the pier of the late Tow-path bridge ; the third por tion went over the dam, and was so broken up that it passed safely under the highway bridge near the Corning Mills. It raked it some, but did no special damage. There was a large ' crowd of people attracted to the-river as the sections of the bridge floated down, and consequently great excitement and fear that it might involve the destruc tion of the bridge below the Canal dam. The Knoxville bridge was built in the spring of 1847. It was first built about the year 1833, and was carried irTln the spring of 1840. The bridge stolid until the fall of 1846. The loss of thik bridge is a serious calamity, us a new tole will be quite an expense in these tax times. We presume there will soon be- a pon toon bridge laid for travel, or a ferry established. Corning Journal, Feb. i 6. Mkt agitator. WELLBBOBO. PCNN'A WEDNESDAY, FEB. 20, 1.81,7. CIRCULATION 1,700 Hon. S. F. Wilson please accept thanks for a copy of the proposed tariff bill. We are obliged to Auditor kieneral Hartranft for copies of his n annual Re port, and of Reports of Banks and Sa vitig,s Institutions for 1.886. "• To state Treasurer Rernble for u: copy of his annual Report of Finances. To Dr. John Curwen, superintendent of the State Hospital for the rneane. Our readers will have, ere this, exam ined the annual Statement of the Coni mi.ssioners, and Audifors of the Coun ty for leGd. We regard it as a gratify ing, exhibit of the state of the finances, and an earnest of the ability of the'Codn iy to extinguish the war debt in short er time than was thought sufficient for that purpose. It appears that during the Past year 6112,097,90 of the debt. has • been extin guished, leaving a balance of $217;400,- SO tb be lifted. The original war debt of the County was $469,572,75, tiPon which there had been paid up to Jan. 16,160, $173,000,17. It app&its that Mr. Miller, the present efficient Treasurer, paid, in principal and interest, last year $12,1,651,10. So, we safely say that two years will suffice to close up the war debt of the County, taking the payments of 1866 as the standard. Probably a portion of the debt is funded in bonds maturing at a later period, which Will prolong the period of indebtedness somewhat. ,T he prospect is by no means discouraging as we see it ; and we predict that the County will be none thk worse for pay ing-this large indebtedness. • TARIFF-FREE TRADE Mr. Jones broke the handle out of his ,axe ; " By good lucZ:," said be to him self, " I have a spare handle, which I made the other nieht out of a bit of second growth hickory grown on my own premises." On the atone day, Mr. Smith broke the handle out of his axe ; " Jim," said he, "g o o down to the I j illage; and get a helve for the axe. Tell 'em to charge It." Mr. Smith had plenty of nice hick ory timber on his farm, and plenty of spare make his own axe-helves. Now, which was the more economical of the two? Other things being equal, the note of which of these men would you prefer to carry in your pocket? You say, "Mr. Jones." You would prefer Jones's note, also. Well, Jones depends on home manu factures and development of home re sources; Smith represents that school of Free Trade which imports What can be produced at home as cheaply as it can be imported; but whh this differ ence—you get the itnpoitation on tick, and you must pay cash for the home product. We have heard all the arguments for Free Trade; born and reared in the midst of Free Trade influences, in a manufacturing region whose interests had been fostered until they could fair ly compete with foreign capital, there -1 fore further protection; so our educational bias is toward free trade. But we nevertheless find our convict ions decidedly tending toward a protec tive system, one which shall foster the industrial interests, and at the same time develop the immense latent resour ces of the country. Should a farmer, possessed of a good farm, purchase his oats, hay and corn, permitting his fields to grow up weeds, Canada thistles and hard-hack, his in telligent neighbors would pronounce him a shiftless fellow and a fool. Yet the champions of Free Trade advocate a system which involves as great folly, because it dooms our mines of iron and coal to undevelopment, and forces us to buy what we ought to produce. We are aware that the champions of Free Trade declare that the burden of taxation by duties falls upon the consu mer. To this we reply, that the consu mer is bettered proportionably as ! th• number of producers is increased, and oppressed in the ratio of the decrease of production; therefore, the low tariff system increases the burden of the con sumes by paralyzing Production. The effect of patronising foreign mar kets for articles the crude materials for which abound at home, is paralleled completely in the - mse of the miser, who heaps his cash in an old chest, and gets a living by days' works. Money should be put out with use, else it is dead cap ital. The resources of a country, if not developed, are likewise:lead capital. On the other hind, when an induce ment to the development of internal re sources is offered, capital at once ad dresses itself to the work of develop ment, and every acre of timber, coal, and iron lands becomes so much added capital in reserve. It is argued by free traders ,f bat pro tection creates manufacturing monopo lies. Admit it, and what then? Isnot Europe, whose markets we patronize, full of monopolies? In patronizing them do we not support monopolies? But the fact is, that where the opera tion of the laws of trade is unimpeded by class legislation, there can be no mo nopoly of manufacture or trade„ The whole matter is one of concentration of capitaL A Sim ii4olvent to begin with will go to the wall' in competing with a • solvent firm. If the arguments of free traders mean anything, they mean that no capital shall be rendered able to suc cessfully compete with capital ; in other words, if all mechanics cannot become employers, then no mechanic shall be come an employer. That is not a Commonsense argument and ought to have been demolished long ago.. Accumulated capital is an evil, or it is not. If an evil, then kill it; but if not an evil, direct it and protect it. To expect American capitalists to compete with British capital—the former paying double the hire for labor that the latter does—is unreasonable. But to crown the wrong, withotit protection, the for eign manufacturer' is able to cell an 'in ferior article for nearly as good a price as home producers command fOr the - same Article of superior grade. In this Country cheapness is more sought after ihau - excelleuce. Hence, boom manu facturers areshiitrout of market: -.1,, Our facilities for the production of the staples of manufacture are nuequaled in the world. But while manufacturers of long establishment and unlimited cap ital, can come into market with equal advantage in other respects, the United States might as well be without unrival ed resources as with them. Under the system of Free Trade we are like a 1000 _ 'horse-power engine without wood and water. - • - - -• ; • • • • Will the President be impeaeherd ? ' manyquestion is propounded to us many times a day; and we desire to re ply that— We know 'no better about that than our catechizers. However, we have no expectation of Andrew Johnson's im peachment. That be has done, and omitted to do, many things upon which 1 his impeachment might be had, is un questionable. But the American pea ' ple are long-suffering, and-seldom pun ish where punishment can be avoided. We are not particularly desirous of the impeachment of the President. It does not now seem likely that he will have an opportunity to further imperil pnblic liberty during his term: Con gress has generously relieved him from . a contingent exercise of doubtful pow ers bY ysolvingliself into a perpetual body. But we are _Pot of those who shrink from the consequences of the enforcement of law, whether they af fectl persons of low or high degree. The American habit of forgiveness and am nesty before confession and repentance, has had the effect to quadruple the in ducements to crime within the last half century. Compounding felony has come to be a smart subterfuge of the at torney, and the restraining statute has fallen into a condition of hopeless par alysis. More than a year ago, the spn. of an eminent banker in New York perpetra ted a series of involving a loss of more than half a million of money. He was apprehended, pleaded guilty, and was sentenced to a term of penal servitude in the penitentiary. Yet, his crime did not cause "so much disturb ance in the circle iu which he moved, as the rifling of a grocer's till would cause in our isolated village: This fact should teach us something. It should teach ns that, by some vicious practice, crime is not graduated according to its magnitude, or intrinsic turpitude, but rather with regard - to the social status of the perpetrator. Taking this view of the ease, the ne cestilty for arraigning Andrew Johnson for maladministration in his office, ap pears very great. But is he not al ready arraigned before the highest trib unal in the land—Public Opinion—tried and convicted, and sentenced to lasting shame by ballot? We regard him as ' already impeached and punished. The question now is,—what is to be gained by a formal arraignment of the culprit before the representatives of the people —who have already inflicted upon him the severest penalty _hp law provided.? We submit . the question to the ;people, and pass from consideration of the sub ject for the present. Our neighbor Goodrich, of the Brad ford Reporter, is engaged in taxidermic labors; the subject in hand being Col. McClure, of Chambersburg. We sus pect that • the specimen, after having been properly prepared, will hardly prove a valuable acquisition to the mu seum of any private gentleman. The specimen is too common. HoWever, our • friend O'Meara is a skillful Bayer; and though the process of Skinning eels is not one we step out of the way to witness, we own that we have been an attentive and much edi fied observer of the denudation of the gentleman whose stables and wines were patronized, and pronounced very superior, by Jubal Early. We have watched hiS flaying with greater satis faction, because he not long ago set up in the bush:less of manufacturing a cheap sort of public morality, much'in vogue among politicians of his class, on about the smallest capital ever risked. Andrew Jackson once declared, that he who traded on borrowed capital ought to break ; we can find no utterance of thatfunetionary touching trade on no capital whatever, but judging from Mr. Goodrich's movements we conclude that he dooms such moral impecuniosi ty to undergo the rack. While Mr. McClure was bririgin,g charges against Gen. Cameron—charges without foundation, as we believe,—we ventured to say that a stone thrown to ward Chambersburg would break a deal of glass in Col. M'Clure's neighborhood. Friend Goodrich has thrown that stone. The effect on the glazed portion- of the Colonel's dwelling reminds us of the ravages of a hailstorm. The Senate of this Commonwealth, on the 6th instant, did something for the cause of impartial justice and the extinction of barbarism, In passing an act making it a penal offbnce for any railroad corporation to make distinc tions among passengers on account of race or color. The offence is punisha ble by a fine of, not more than $5OO, nor less than $lOO. This, of course, will shock the dirtier portion of the pro-slavery party; and will replenish their cartridge-boxes for a season. It is awful to contemplate. During the summer of 1860, we were on a trip from Washington to New York —the day being very sultry, and the cars crowded to the.utmost of their ca pacity. Among'the passengers were a number of Southerners, with their fam ilies, on the way to Newport and Lynn Beach. Accompanying these South rons, and having charge of sundry ba bies, were three or four colored women. While passing through Maryland and Delaware we observed no avoidance of the seats occupied by these colored peo ple by passengers. However, we soon entered the kingdom of Camden and Amboy ; sad at Camden received a fresh instalment of passengers, among whom were a man and woman, whose clothing and persons were terribly sug gestive of cholera. The car had but two uno&upled seats—half of two seats. being each occupied by a colored nurse. The conductor urged the dirty pair of Jersey folk to occupy these vacant half seals. The Jersey folk drew back in reir-hot indignation: "D—d if,me sr my old woman 'll set by a dirtynegur I" shouted the indigparit Jerseyman. In a moment, a tall, bewblskered Southerner, and a fine-looking lady, occupying a seat together, vacated their seat and quietly dropped down beside the colored nurses, the gentleman po litely pointing the protestants to the vacant seat. This, thought we, is better than a play ; It is a sermon. CONGRESS Feb. 8: The Senate discussed the proppsition to transfer the printing or the debates in Congress from the Globe to the Government,printing Office. i The bill to admit Nebraska, vetoed by the President 'was taken up and pass ed by a vote of Si to 9—or more thana two-thirds vote. The House resumed debate on the He construction bill of the Committee but arrltikl at no conclusion. Feb. 9. In the Senate a resolution hf inquiry as to whether the President had a constitutional right to appoint provisional governors, was laid over un der the rules. The vote rejecting the Bankrupt bill was reconsidered by a vote of 22 to 14: In the House the debate on Recon struction was continued. The Nebras ka bill was passed over the President's veto by a vote of 120 to 44, mad the Speak er announced that it had become a law. During the debate on Reconstruction Mr. Banks stated that there ought to be some plan of reconstruction in which every branch of the Government coull cooperate. He said that there ought to be some compromise effected betweea Congress and the President by which the laws passed should be such as to ensure their enforcement by the Exect five. Feb. 11. The Senate had under dis cussion the resolution touching the Constitutional right of the President to appoint proAsional Governors in the rebel States. It was tabled withont much opposition from the mover. In the House, Mr. Noell, of Missouri offered a resolution for the 'extension of the right of Suffrage to women. It was laid over. The Committee appointed to investigate' the New Orleans Massacre reported, together with a bill for the re organization of civil government in Louisiana. The previous question was demanded on the reception of the bill and the demand seconded. A motion to reconsider the vote seconding the yirevfous question was lost. The Demo crats filibustered awhile bnt without effect, and the mover of the previous question on the bill announced his in tention to move an adjournment before the main question should be put in or der to permit members to read the bill, which provides : 1. That by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, the President shall appoint a Governor for Louisiana, who shall hold his office one year, un less sooner removed by and with thead vice and consent of the Senate, or until superceded by a successor duly elected in accordance with the provisions of the bill. Such Governor shall not have been in any way involved in the re hellion against the Government, either by vote, speech or writing, or by an oath of allegiance to the ' Confederacy.' 2. A provisional Connell shall in like manner be appointed, to consist of nine persons, who shall be possessed of the same qualifications as the iGovernor.-- Said Council to continue in office, un less sooner removed, in the samemanner as the Governor may be removed, until a legislature shall be elected under the tact. 3. The Governor to nominate, and the Council to. confirm all °ileum now provided for by the constitution and laws of Louisiana, necessary to 'enforce the laws of the State. 4. On the first Tuesday in June 1887, the qualified electors of the State shall elect State officers and legislature. 5. That all males of the age of 21 years and upward, who shall not voluntarily have borne arms against the United States, or lent the •rebellion aid and comfort, and who can truthfully attest the same under oath shall be permitted to vote at said election, without distinc tion of race or color. The remainder of the bill is directory as to the registration of voters, the com position of a convention to frame a per manent Constitution for the State, the establishment of a military district and the assignment of a military force suf ficient to enforce the laws for the main tenance of civil liberty in said State, and the submission of all laws made by the Provisional Council to Congress for its approval. It is farther provided that none but electors - under this act shall be competent to sit as jurors. Feb. 12. In Senate a bill was intro duced, providing for the redemption of compound interest notes by temporary loan certificates bearing interest at three per centum. A resolution was ofibied looking toward limiting the Presiden tial tenure of office to one term of sla years, abolishing the office of Vice Presi dent, and electing the President by popular vote. The vote rejecting the Bankrupt bill was reconsidered, and the bill passed by a vote of 22 to 20. The House had under consideration the bill to reorganize and reestablish civil Government in Louisiana, an ab -Btract of which will be found above.— After a sharp debate the demand for the previous question was insisted on, and the bill passed by a vote of 118 to 48; after which the discussion of the Re construction bill. was resumed. Feb. 18.—The bill to reorganize civil government in the State of Louisiana was received in the Senate, and laid over one day. A memorial from the citizens of Colorado, setting forth that the majority of the people of that Terri tory desired the passage of the bill to admit it as a State of the Union, was read. The Minter? reconstruction bill passed by ,the House was reported. The House debated the Stevens Re construction bill at great length, and passed it by a vote of 109 to 55. Feb.f 14. The bill to establish a Navy Yard at League Island, near Philadel phia, passed the Senate by a vote of 24 to 18. An act authorizing the issue of temporary loan certificates for the pur pose of funding the floating debt, pass ed the Senate. The House was engaged- on the Tax bill. EisoczniGAccunrrn—On last Thur sday forenoon, Mr. ELIJAH C. Rovaxs, a cartmau, was fatally ipjured, on Mar ket Street, in front of Hood's Harness Shop. His home became frightened by a piece of paper blown by the wind. Mr. Bowies was beside the cart, and undertook to hold the horse by the bit, but as the animal endeavored to run, and the ground was slippery. Mr. R., was unable to control it, and was thus drawn several rods, until he struck a hitching-post in front of the Harness Shop. The post was broken. by the concussion, and Mr. R., fell insensible. He was taken up and carried into the office of Graves Cc Nills. His head was badly cut, but there was no fracture of the skull. He was carried to his home, in Knoxville, and every effort was made for his relief. He became con scious in a few hours, and some hopes were had of his recovery, but the injury was such that he died yesterday.—Ciyr ning Journal. A PANTECER IN Byr.r vTorrrE.—Air. Hall, of whom we spoke some weeks ago as having killed a numberofpanth ers, was in town on Wednesday and in his sled had one of these terrific ani mals—the largest of the lot. It was dead, of course, - and preserved since ICevr Year by being frozen. The citi zeni were allowed to cut the claws from the feet of the beast as pocket pieces.— Bellefonte Press. 11:14d:i:V4rVI. 1, 1g-T•i4 . 300er.44.1: 1 "P Feb. 4. A resolution instructing our Representatives in Congress to vote for the pending tariff bill as it passed the Senate was adopted by the Senate by a vote of 19 to 9. The Democrats chiefly ,voting no. A resolution looking toward the prohibition of corporal punishment in the State, was adopted. In the House a bill to prevent the sale of liquors on election day, was read in place by Mr. Webb, of Bradford COun ty. That is a good bill. Let us have it a Law. Mr. Humphrey read in place a bill re lating to unseated lands in Tioga coun ty. The bill to- declare Cedar Run, Elk township, Tiogi County, a public highway, was read a first time. Mr. Mann offered a substitute to a bill to ena ble the State bank* to close up their affairs. Feb. 6. An act making , it a penal of fense for railroad corporations in this State to make any distinction with pass engers on account of race or color, and punishing such Corporations, their agents and employees for Such offences, passed the Senate by a vote of 18 to 18. Feb. 13.—An act repealing tho third section of an act incorporating the Tic,- ga Navig,ation Company ,- time up in the Senate and passed finally. - An act relating - to-unseated lands in Tioga County was read a first time in the House. A Message was received from the Gov ernor informing the House that he bad signed a joint resolution requesting Con gress to pass such laws as will enable soldiers who have lost their discharges to receive the $lO6 bounty under the act of Congress of July 28,1866. NEW ARRANGEMENT I Wilson do Van Valkenbtirg. Have established themselves at NO. 24 UNION . BLOCrit, lately occupied by F. D. examill They propose to carry on a live hnriness in DRY GOODS, _ 4ROCERIFS.. MERCHANT TAILORING AND FIIMAMNG GOODS .a..•••• ON MONDAY MARCH 4, 1167, They eipeet to open out a new and ehoipe stook SPRING GOODS. The Senior partner has bad s large eniationee in Merchant Tailoring, and it is the intention of the new dna to put this branch of their business beyond succeaafal competition. Welisboro, Feb. 20, 1862-42 NEW GOODS AND NEW PRIORS T. A. WICJEILAIPS, 270 GA, PA. lar APING just reamed from New York with JUL New are oazetilly seluated STOOK 'OP GOODS, All those in want of Good* inn' Sod it to that Interest to call and EXAMINE 01J8 STOOK and learn Pilese before beying elsewbere. /Kept constantly on band, a chola* jot of DRIED FRUIT, GROCERIES, FLOUR, PORK; &C.; ' &C. All the *boy' Goods are bought at the lowest Cash Prime and will be sold ' ONLY POE CASH oa READY PAY Don't forget thaplace, at the old (toad of VAN NAME & WICIMAM. Tioga, Pa., PO. 20,186T-tf. o. a M1LL11L92,13, AATTORNEY AY LAW, and Agent of the Lye/owing Co. Mahal Insaranoe Co. Oflee with 3. B. Nllet, on the Menu*. Wei Moro, Feb. 13,1887.2 m. DE. BIM'S ABDOMINAL BIIPPOBT BRA, for ssle at Roy's Brig Store. QORE THROAT AND QUINSY ARIZ Clat. ed with wile and certainty by one or two •p. plioationa of BALI/TUBB on the outride. Sold at ROT'S. STAT.EI4r'i•Fr Of the Receipts and RapineMures of the, Treasury of .Tioga County for the Year 1866. r.4,l.)As i iqzt From Collectors seated tax 1804........... 4 00 µ " 1805 1470 98 u relief tax 1865 1320 04 • " seated tax 1866„ 19538 33 " unseated tax 1364-5- 6927 30 " tax relief 1864-5._ 1733 76 • " tax loads sold 1866 3591 33 • seated tax lands sold 1866.... . ..... . 197 80 " seated tax lands returned 343 78 " seated tax lands redeemed. 330 17 " seated tax lands redeemed. 151 80 " seated tax lands 501 d... 101 01 Received on judgments. - - - 29343 Received on Commies's Sales land /866.. 684 24 Reed Sheriff Tabor ffomatonn't code... 727 33 " 303 69 " J B Niles " 83 90 " WII Smith " lc. 249 90 " Thus Allen 80 00 " spikes and bricks sold •••. • 6 i 36 EXPZINDITIIRES. Commissioners' Wages Amount paid It Rockwell. Amount paid E S Seeley .. Amount paid E Hart Amount paid P Valances..... Total ..... $1365 20 Ommiesicnuirs' Cbuneel. Amount paid A 3 Olmsted 20 00 Amount paid B B 8trang.......—,...... 40 00 Amount paid W 11 Bmith.„—. 110 00 Amount paid .1 B Niles.— ... —...--..: 40 00 Amount paid 11 8 Elliott. ' . 500 -236 00 Commissioners' Clerk. Total Amount paid Thos Allen Cbunty Auditor:. Ametrat paid Josiah Emery ......................72 00 Amount paid C S' Veil 10 02 Traverse Jurors Anrazit paid Stephen Bowen "Val ..... 95 Grand Juror*. Amount paid L D Seely et al Ainowit paid T P Wingate Ornsiabc ea and Itp Sim" Amount paid W H Smith et al Justices. Amount paid A. El Brewsta at al 33 67 . Assessors. Amount paid It T Wood et al . Printing. Amount paid Cobb a Van Gelder et al 24.2 80 Eleatairta Aziattat paid L H Smith et al ...... .... ......1168 65 aommonwealih Mate- - Amount paldliolit lag* et al 3481 96 • Dark Attorney. Amount paid J B Miles 477 OD Bounty Paid on Wild Cats. Amount paid L Busman et al 16 00 Viewing Bridges & Bridge Views. Amount. paid Hart of or 339 54 Bridge Bepairs. Amount paid C H Bartlett et al 2840 14 New Bridges. Paid Jas iXing 25, new bridges, Morris... 166 00 4 44 485 00 Paid D G McCoy et al Tioga .. . .. 226 21_ Paid Jabn Howland Nelson Oceols... .448 00 Paid A 0 Starrook at al " " ... 103 00 Paid Joitn Howland " " $4O 00 Paid Jolla Howland " ... 800 00 Paid John Howland " " ... 480 00 Paid Jas King, 2d, Morris SS 00 Paid Ellbui Allis, Bloss .......... .. ...... -...... 250 00 Paid Silas Allis, 81055.... 81 00 Paid Silas Allis, Blois 200 00 Paid Silas Allis, Blou .. . .- . ..—.. 150 00 Bad Jahn Howland, Nadal& 7816 Paid Silas Allis, Bloss 168 00 Damage to Improvemento Amount paid John T Bilis at aL. 79 00 Amount paid W C Ripley 40 00 dam:a paid J . C Swan-- . 65 00 Amount paid 8 W Lova et aL 5 00 Amount paid J W Ha1L......- ...... .... ... 110 00 Animist paid 9ao Kohler at al 36 00 Amami paid John Gamma. - 25 00 Amami paid M 15111•514 ' 35 00 %:1 ' Y.-r Amount paid H Allen at al.—.. Maaionery. Arnosurt paid Andrus, /Acclaim. Co -235 00 an* of Quarter &Rion* Amount paid and IP Demibison ......:......150 27 Inueda on Bodia paid D 8 Peters et ...... 44 22 DietriliertifiliviineWnitnee, Axiom paid 3 Bert et id —.....-28 66 Repairing Jail & Sheriff', Residence. Animal patd L Tabor it at Court House and Grounds Amount paid B H Landis et al Primers. Amain paid L Tabor et aL 1886 04 • - .Eastern Penitentiary. Amount paid C r Millar. Anc'a Lunatic HorpitaL Ant paid C B Millar. -.... aS7idrira Zbes. Aml paid Simaid Tabor, mammou'gjurors.l4o 40 Mono lietlynded. Ationt paid B Whiny et L. Postage. Arsenal paid C P Miller 5 81 Incidental Expenses. Amount paid B T Vanhorn, chain he 8 00 " paid W li. Davis, coal 12 52 . " paid L 0 Buell, omits 253 ' " paid G Bergner, Harrialeg Tel'ph.. 460 " witness teas, G Seely vs Tioga Co. 35 88 " 370 " paid J J Eitiokley, tables lc 700 " P. C Simpson, seat Com'rs Wave.— IS 00 - " paid Sohn A Roy, glass .2.c. 238 " paid B P Deane, labor la— 200 " paid B T Tanhorn, cabinet work... 13 50 paid CI Miller, express charges... 80 " B Bart, purehas'g for Court Roue. 14 77 " paid M. Billiard, express charges— 238 " paid B Mutiny, interest on bond. 1 50 " paid a 3 Cook, work to 50 " C N Killer, disco's loan from Bank. 34 00 Merchandise AmCant paid CI IL Hastings at al 78 48 COUttly Ztasureff. Amount paid 0 P Canuniaaloner on $123,93910 at 1 pa 1239 39 Amount paid on $29,144 84 at S pm cant. 814 43 Amt pidd Treas'n Dads land sold county. 3138 28 RAsdemption Money. dinolat paid 0 P Mina 97 91 Revenue Stamps Amount paid C ..... 25 Damage to Persona. Amount paid George Seely at 31 Copying Records. Amouarpald A N DohaNum.— Poor House A1120211t paid A tt Tuner et.............. 698 7l Scats Tax. Amami paid 0 I M111.r............_..........1628 91 Bounty Loan Certificates. Mown paid installmont and Interof on Cortificatos of August 2d, 1862 5139 85 TOTA:L Myron Rockwell, Ocntanind own, in account with lloga wanly, DB. To county orlon- 288 84 To inhume due over paid but year 10 12 CB.. 247 66 By 476 miles Snivel 28 66 By 43 days IlliTioOl .219 00 1E B Bselsy, Commissioner, in sosonst with Voss minty, DR. To emmty cram 207 72 CR. . . By 462 milts of tears! 27 72 By 90 days sash:es. ... 370 00 291 f 2 *, 3al, Commissioner, in amount with Tins comity, To county orlon.. By 44 miles of 284 24a 41.1. 7 V Vatmess,Conunisitonen , io ma of with Ti wunqr DR. To county orders ........ U By CS mike travel By 22 days services TIOG A COUNTY, Sgt 7-: - [c.a.] We, the Commissionsra of said eounty, do hereby certify that thalarstoing is a correct stattatiesta or PS matter dwelt set forth. In testimony whereof, we hate hereunto set our hands and seal this 31st day of sanuory, A. 1.),, 1867. E. S. SEELY. E. 11ART. Commis're. P. V. VANNESS, Attest: Tuos. ALLEN, Clerk. C F Miller, Treasurer of 'flogs County, in u... count with said county from Jea. 12th, 1866, to Jan 2.26, 1887, 'DB. To am't received A 31 Spencer, as per receipt Jan. 12th, 1888,, 4295 98 To am't Co. tax unseated !add 1884t5, 8927 30 " bounty " 20755 92 "" - Slate - - 2091 91 " relief ; o . 1733 TR •" • ; sold 3591 33 To suet. tax on seated land sold 1886, 197 80 ~ • ,1 paid " 348 78 - '1 redaed • ••• 330 17 , .; a • , 0 151 80 " sold " ]OlOl " received nu. judgments, 208 43 " bounty tax assessed, 1866 86888 03 " county tax assessed, 1366 22821 39 " Stato,l4tx on. watches, -- 665 " Orashindlog bounty tax 1885 ' 4193 01 - do outstanding-county tax do 2377 11 do outstanding state tax do 1169 99 do outstanding relief tax do 1624 33 do of commis'n on sale load 1966 634 24 do ; loaned by Commissioners do 32925 92 do outstand'g county taxes 1862 300 03 do outstanding relief taxes do 21 20 do outstand'g militia taxes do 35 CO I do outsnu3d'g county taxes 1863 110 24 do outstanding relief taxes do 52 00 do ontstapd'g militia taxes do 19 09 do outstand'g bounty taxes 1804 287 29 • do outetand'g county taxes do 230 19 do outstanding relief taxes do 218 74 'outstanding state taxes 1862 31 51 do outstanding state taxes 1663 51 10 gib do outstanding state taxes 1860 127 31 do state tax assessed do 1226 03 do do - do carriages do 34 13 do do do watches do • 73 75 do com'th costs reed Sheriff Tabor 727 33 do do do • 40-, 305 89 do do ' do-' - B !Pies 83 go -do do do W H Smith 249 90 To amount received Thou Allen 30 00 do sale of spikes and brick 336 $38005 15 120 56 297 72 .„.... 249 64 71 22 700 00 155 673 66 Tort Astotivr; 105 00 By met, of 0140TIIredee ' d and cancerd 29147 88 do abatements on bounty tax 1868 17775 15 do commissions do do 971 51 do outstanding do do 11855 29 do abatement county tax do 795 38 do commissions Co. do do 808 56 do otststand'g county do do 2661 27 do abatem'ts bounty do 1865 2395 10 do commie= bounty do do 327 44 do outstand'g bounty do do 470 51 do abatem'ts county do do 356 09 do commies's county do do 265 69 do ontstand'g county do do 284 35 do abatem't state do do 129 08 do commiss'ns state do do 81 74 do outstanding state do do 207 99 do abatements relief do do 179 56 do ColllllllllB'll3 telief do do 65 31 do outstand'g relief do • do 269 32 do Co, certificate Mob. 1, '64, red'd 79400 00 do interest do do • 78 93 do insem't int'st certiEtc's Oct. 1,'64 9486 00 do bonds red'd .tt canc'd Sept, 1,'64 21930 09 do interest paid on above bond 1931 27 do bonds red'd & canc'd Aug. 1, '65 3017 00 do installment paid on same 2111 25 do installment and interest on car tificate August 2d, 1882 5139 65 do outstanding county tax 1862 300 08 do do relief- do do 21 20 do do militia do do 35 00 do do county do 1863 110 24 do do relief do do 52 00 do do militia do do 18 09 do do bounty do 1864 297 29 do do - county do do - 230 19 do do relief do do 214 74 do do state do do 122 31 do do do • do 1882 31 51 do do do do 1863 51 10 do bal State Tress's' reet Feb. 12 '66 57 06 do do do Jan. 4, '67 884 43 do Inst'm't & int'st ent'es Oct. 1, 'B4 128 00 . do do do do 103 00 do do do Sept. 1,'84 21 00 do err. State Treaers ree't Feb. 13,116 510 do harm% a 'hest °erre' Oct. 1, '64 590 00 do oommle' on $123,939 10 atl pr ct 4239 39 do do' 29,147 64 at 3 do 874 43 do do 926 59 at 1 do 927 do balance due by accountant • 148 74 -657 95 631E3 3830 42 We, tberundentoed exaltors of 'Bog& County, bevies *edited, attested and vettled the above genteel account of Chas. B. Miller, Treasurer of 'ogs County with said county, and the Com monwealth of Ponzuryleania, do certify that we find as above stated * balance in the bands of Treamner of On* Hundred end Forty... Eight Dol len and nenty-four Minn, as witness our bands this ant day of January A. D. 1867. L. snort J. G. ARGHTSENGER,} Auditory. ISRAEL STONE, 894 00 000 70 Statement of Liabilities of Tioga County for Bounty Certificates, Loans, January Stet, 1887, as folicats, namely: To amount of of Bounty Certificates of August 1862, March 14, 1884, and October let, 1884, and amount of Bonds for Money Loaned by County Commissioners to meet deficiency to pay insfailmente on above Bounty Certificates, as par Statement published January 18th, 1866, $469572 75 Amount of payments by the several Ttems'rs up to Jan. 180, 1888, $182832 39 Deduct Interest included In above, 9632 22 1081 86 BIM .....11 40 .179 20 173000 17 Salaam ins on principal Jan. 16,16, 296572 52 26 amount of Loan Bondi lamed by moat dolloiano's as above, 32025 02 IMIE3 6329498 50 Ain't of Bounty Out of Much 1, 1864, redeemed and uncalled, 79400 00 Bonds do do Sept. 1, '64, 21930 00 Bends do do Aug. 1, '55, 3017 00 Inetapmente paid on above , 2lll 25 . . do & Ini'st on oertibeis Aug, '52; 5139 65 do on bounty do Oct. 1, 'B4, 609 00 Inest paid on b'ty sestina's and bonds, 11586 20 Whole ain'tpaid by C P Miller, Trees, 3123084 JO Deduct interest paid es above. 11006 20 Total amount paid on principal, $112097 90 Leaving balance due by County on bounty liabilities, $217400 80 We, the undersignod Auditors of Tioga Conn. ty, do certify that from the entries on the Audi tor's Book, we find the above liabilities of the county existing in Bounty liabilities, and that such liabilities have been reduced as above stated by payment of Bonds in full, and Installments paid on the same by the Treasurers of Tioga County up to January 31st, 1867. Witness our hands the 31st day of Jan. A. D. 1807. D. L. AIKEN, J. G. ARGE TENGER,/ Auditors. ISRAEL STONE, 18.3 78 A. 8. EASTMAN, SURGICAL AND MECHANICAL ~.-s ,y s .2680 10 Is now improving 0 and enlarging his business, and after having recently visited many leading Den tal rooms in several Eastern cities, is now prepared_ to exocute all work pertaining to his profession, with all tho improvements of the day, so as to render it an object for all desi ring Dental operations to give him a call. Don't forgot the place, over I. R. Bowon's Store. Wetabor°, Feb. 20, 1867—tf. ELM BEALINGTONS FIRE A.R.318. • ScILD in THE TRADE GENERALLY LIBERAL DISCOIINT . TO DEALERS 200,000 . 11118XISILED THE U. S. 30711113X2Tr. ME] &my Revolver, 44.100 in. Calibre Navy Revolver, 36-100 in. Calibre Belt Revolver, Navy mite Calibre Polio* Revolver, Navy size Calibre New Pocket Revolver, —.. ..... .31 100 in. Calibre Pocket Revolver, (Rider's pt.) 31-100 in. Calibre Repeating Pistol, (Elliott pt.) No 22 a 32 Carege Volt Pocket Pistol, No 22, 30, 32 & 41 Cartridge G un Cartridge Breech Loading Rilie,(Bealte) No 32 &38 o Bervoiving Ride, 30 & 44-100 in Calibre E. REMINGTON & SONS. PRINCIPAL Acoorts Moors & Nichols. New York; Wm Bead & Son, Boston; jai C Grubb .1 Co, Philadelphia; Pool tney & Trimble, Baltimore; Henry Folsom & Co, New Orleans; Johnson, Spencer & Co, Chicago. L M Isarnewy & Co, St. Loris; Albert E Crane, Et= Prartaisoov Feb 20, 111137.-2 m. OM 11100"na...-Tite School Directors of Chola -1.11 tots sail meet at Whin:Loyallle. on Saturday, the Sad inst., at ono o'clock P. M., to let the building of a School House in that place. Site Pf Rouse, Twenty-Form by Forty fet, ilnisboxl made, Orlitluding arrangement of seats, ko.) like the Duns' Hone. By order of President, C. W. BARLOW, Secey. Charleston, lab. 13, 1867-2 w. . . . 628 . - . 86 00 nag Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, 111 C) For the rapid cure of eorailze, Colds, Infinsnaa,lloaraenese,Ceo op. Broncha v is, Incipient Consuoioo, - and far Ole relief" of Conennoptire Patients in adranced stay.. el Ike dieente. S 0 wide is the acid of Its usefulness ands,/ au. morons are its cum, that In almost every Peetfen of country are persons publicly known, who have been restored by it from stamina ~a 4 even desperate diseases of the langs. When once tried. Its superierita over every other cs. pectorani is tau apparent to escape observation, and where its virtues are known, the publi; no longer hesitate what antidote to employ for the distressing sod dangerous affections of the pul. menary organs incident to oar climate. While many inferior remedies thrust upon the comma nity have failed and been disearded, ibis hoe gained friends by every trial, conferred !Decoke on. the afflicted they eon never forget, and pro. dared cares too Ilumeruud cud too remarkable t.. be forgotten. We can assure tho patio, that its quality la carefully kept up to the beat it or Cr has been, and that it may be relied on to do for their relief all that it has ever dune. Great numbers of Clergymen, Physicians, Statesmen, and other eminent personages, Lore lent their names to certify the uoptrallcicd um fulness of our remedies, but space hero will not permit the insertion of them. The Agents below named tarnish gratis our American dibnamic in vshich they rev given; 'arab also full descriptions of the complaints out remedies cure. Those who. require-an eatery:aim medicine to to purify the blood will end dyer's Comp. Er:. Sommprrrillu the one to lase. Try It ones, and you will concede its value. Prepared by Dr. J. C. AYER fi CO., Lowell, Mass., and sold by all Druggists and dealers to medicines everywhere. febl3-Im. ORPILANS' COURT SALE.—,By virtue of an order of the Orphans' Court of Tioga county, I will expoce to sale at public voodoo, at the Court HOW, 'Wellsboro, Thursday, March 7, 1867,.tbe following described real astute, late the property of Margaret Icinernsey, deed, viz: A lot of land situate in Wellsboro, bounded easterly by Water street, southerly by C. W. Sears westerly by land formerly owned by Julius Sher wood, and northerly by W. W. Webb—containing acre more or loss with a frame dwelling house thereon. lot of land situate in Delmer township, beginning at a po=t the south-west corner of E.J.Brown; thence along the highway south 85 deg. west six perches to a post; thence north deg. west by lands of Mary Matson 27 and.flve-tenths perches to a post; thence east five and nine-tenths perishes to a poet the north west corner of E. J. Brown; thence by lands of said Brown south deg. cast twenty-seven trodt to the plate or beginning--contelnleg one acre more or less- CHAS. EBBRENTZ, Eafr. of Margaret 31. Gonrosey, doc'd. Feb. 13. 1867-4 w. $197838 49 EIT. S. Revenue Stamp 50 Cu] TIOGA. COUNTY, as. The Commonwealth of Pennsylva. ma, to the S.heriff of Lop. County, tc‘ Greeting: We command you that •• • you attach 0. W. Gibson late of your • ; county, by all and singular his goods and chattels, lands and tenements in whose hands or possession soccer the same may be, so that he be and appear before oar Court of Common Pleas to be holden at Wellaboro, in and for said county, on the day next preceding the teat day of January Term 1387, there to answer J. P. Beckwith of a pls.. of debt not exceeding five bundred dollars, and also that you summon P.R. Wright, John W. Bailey and L . . G. Fisher, that they bo and appear before our .aid court on on the said day to answer what shall be objected against them, and abide the judgment of the court therein. And have you then and there this writ. Witness the Hon. B. G. White, President Judge of said Court, at Wellaboro, the 24th day of Jao'y 1887. JOAN P. DONALDSON, Proth'y. I hereby certify the above to be a true copy of the original writ in my hands. LEROY TABOR, Sheriff. Orphans' Court Sale BY virtue of an order of the Orphans' Court of Tioga County, I will expose to sale by public vendne, on the premises, Monday, the 11th day of -March, 1887, the following real estate. for the benefit of the minor children of John Schneider, deo'd, to wit: A lot of land in Union township, bounded north by James Borst, east by John Sechriat, south by Renry Christ, and west by Michael Nestor—coritalning about fifty acres, about 35 acresfraproved, a frame barn , old frame dwelling, and 'Mall orchard thereon. Tama—One hale cash on confiroiation.of the sale, and the residue one year thereafter with In tense. GEO. LOVDENSQIILAGER, $197838 49 MEM= IN PURSUANCE of an order of the Orphan.? Court made January 31, 1867, the under signed will expose to public tale on the premise, on the 28th day of February, 1867, at 10 o'clock a. to., the following deseribed premises: Rosin ing forty feet north-mist of the north corner of Maine and Crofton streets, thence northeast along Main street twenty feet to corner of the 0. L. Gibson lot, thence north-west along said Gib son's line sixty feet, thence south-west twenty feet, thence north-east sixty 'feet to the place of beginning; sitnate in the Borough of Wellsboto. To be sold as the property of the minor children of M. Boret, deceased. S. A. GREEN, Jan. 31, 1867..-3 - Gnartan. NOTICE.—Darid Harris, Autriah Phillip and Daniel E. Thomas, hare this day aps plied to the Court of Common Pleas of Tioga County for a Charter of incorporation, their as sociates and successors for religtous purposes, ender the name of "7'he Firs: Welsh prtmeuLar Baptist Church cal/orris Rue," which will be de creed and granted, at the next term of said court, unlus objected. J. F. DONALDSON, January 75, 1807..4t Proth'y. EXECITTOR'S NOTlCE—Letters testatneo tary having been granted to the tindersigtisol on the estate of Thomas Motion, late of Delmar, deo'd, all persons indebted to said estate, and those having claims against the same will call for settlement upon ISRAEL STONE, Delmar, Feb.l3, 1387-6w.c. Memnon NOTICE.—The Delmar School Directors will meet at the Butler School Bonze, Stony Fora, on Saturday, Feb, 23d, at one o'clock P. SI. to contract for the building of a Graded School House at Stony Fork. Builder, and Contractors are rerpectrully invi ted to attend. By order of the Board. Delmar, Feb. 13, 1857-2,r, NEW FIRM.—The undersigned have formed a partnership under the title of T. L. Bald win .b Co. For the liberal patronage extended to the old firm during its continuance, the under signed acknowledge their gratitude and hope that public confidence and patronage may be extended to the New Firm of T. L. Baldwin et Co. T. L a/dawn; Tioga, Feb. 1.1, '67-31 F. H. ADAMS. P. S.—A large quantity of Ground Plaster on hand for $7.50 per Ton. DISSOLUTION —The late firm of T. L. j Baldwin ct Co. bas this day (reb. 2, 1.967,) dissolved by mutual consent. 1. L. BALDWIN. A. M. BENNETT Tloga, Feb. 13,'81-St F. B. A8A.311 HARDNESS Lic RILEY, BOOT AND SHOE MAKERS, OVER BOOR TOITNO'S BOOK 8T03.1. BOOTB AND BROSS of all kinds made to order and in the hest manner. REPAIRING of all kinds done promptly and good.• Give as a call. SOHN rIARENBS'S, WIC RILEY. Wellsboro, Jan. 2,1887-Iy. E. R. KI-MBALL GROCERY AND RESTAURANT, One door above the Meat Market, WELLSBORO, PENN , A, RESPECTFULLY announces to the trading public that be has a desirable stook of Gro ceries, eompriaing, Teas, Coffees, Spiess, Sugars, Molasses, Syrups, and all that constitutes a are class stook. Oysters in every style at all sea aonable boars. Wellebaro, Jan. 2, 1867—ti. CErzar FAR= mit SALE. ONE on the Tioga River at Somers' Lane 2 miles above Lawrenceville, 150 serer, ' all bottom land, f0r;540 per acre. One in Farmington on Thorn bottom creek, near the Lime Kiln, 65 scree, 50 improved, for S/0 per aero. Also, a Parker Shingle Machine, for short or long shingles. nearly new. Enquire of Lawreneoville, Tab. 6, 1067. J W. TUBBS. 4t • FXRCUTOR'S NOTlCE.—Latter! testanaur tary having been granted to the undersigned on the estate of Dexter Parkhurst, Sullivan, dee'd' all persons indebted to said estate, and those bar ing claims against the same will call and settle, MIRIAM PARKHURST , Pat Feb. 6,1767—0 e SIERR li AN WATCHES in natiwr, SifTe Aat FaLE Cases from $27. 3 11. up rs. 20 TONS OF HAY FOR SALE I—Price at the barn, $9 per ton. C. L. WILLCOX. Gusrdian