HEINZ VON STEIN Oat rode from the wild, dark forest Thaturribla Ilene Von Stein; He pained at the door of a tavern And gazed at tho swingiag sign. He sat himself down In a corner, And growled for • bottle of wine; rp came, with a bottle and corkscrew A maiden of beauty divine. 'lb= he sighed with a deep lore-longiilli dudesid,'' Oh, deincrieelle minq Eapposs you just give n fevr kisses - To the valorous Ritter Von Stein.' And she answered.= The kissing business Is entirely out of ray the; And certainly not begin h On a few so ngly as thine Oh, then the bold knight was angry And darted both lona and fine, Said asked her hole ranch was the swindle rot her eonr and natty wive. Axel fiercely ho rode to his castle, And sat himself down to dine; And thi; is the terrible legend Of the dreedfal Heinz Von stein A GREAT FARMER'S MAXIMS.—The successful life of Mr. Jacob Strewn, the prince of American farmers, is attribu table to the close observance of the fol lowing.maxims, originated by himself. When you wakeup, do not roll over, but roll out. It wilt give you time to ditch all your sloughs, break them up, harrow them, and sow them with tim othy and red clover. One bushel of clover to two bushels of timothy is enough. Make yciur fences high, tight, and strong, so that it will keep cattle and pigs out. If you have brush, make your lots secure, and keep your logs from the cattle, for if the corn is el an they will eat it better than if it is nq Be sure to get your hands to bed by seven o'clock ; they will rise early by force of circumstances. Pay a hand, if he is a poor hand, all you promise him ! if he is a good one, pay him a little over. It will encourage him to do still better. Always feed your hands as well as you doyourself., for the laboring men are the bone and sinew of the land, and ought to be well treated. I am satisfied that getting up early, industry and regular habits, are the best medicines ever prescribed for health. When rainy, bad weather comes, so that you cannot work out of doors; cut and split your wood. Make your tracks, fixing your fences or a gate that is off its hinges, or weath erboarding your barn where the wind has blown the siding off, or patching the roof of your barn or house. Study your interests closely, and do not spend no time electing Presidents, senators, and other small officers, or talking of hard times when spending your time whittling dry-goods boxes. _ Take yOUr time and make calculations —don't do• things In a hurry, but do them at the right time, and keep your mind as well as your body employed. CorI3,AGE n: EVERY DAY LlTE.—Have the courage to do without that which you do not really deed, however much your eyes may covet it. Have the courage to show your re spect for honesty in whatever guise it appears • and your contempt for dis honest duplicity by whomsoever ex hibited. Have the courage to wear your old clothes until you can pay for new ones. Have the courage to obey your Maker at the risk of being ridiculed by man. Have the courage to prefer comfort and propriety to fashion in all things. Have the courage to acknowledge your ignorance rather than to seek cred it for knowledge under false pretences. Have courage to provide entertain ment for your friends within your means—not beyond. Our little four year- . old Carrie went with her aunt to a revival meeting. The preacher was very earnest in his delivery, and .he was very much inter ested. " Mother," d she when she came - home, " I d such— a smart minister—he star i, and pounded and made such a noise: and by and by, he got so mad he came out of the pulpit and Shook his fists at the folks, and there wasn't any body dared to gonp and fight him !" THE GREAT CENTRE OF ATTRACTION IS AT LAWRENCEVILLE. ' C. S. MATHER & 1 0i Would announce to the good people of Tioga County that they have just returned from New York with their second full stock of FALL S. WINTER GOODS, embracing all the noreltiee a. well as - the nub scandals required. DRESS GOODS in at/ varieties, ST A.PLE & FANCY GOODS, HOOP SKIRTS, & BEST FRENCH WOVE COR SETS, . GLOVES Alm HO SIERY, YANKEE NO TIONS, &c., &c. U I - .LtbTT MINS, CONY, and .Siberian Squirrel The largest Stock of CLOTHS & CASSIMERES in the county READY MADE CLOTHING, and CLOTHING made to order super ' intended by first elate workmen. SHOD MADE BOOTS & SHOES in end less variety, HATS & CAPS to suit all tastes, GROCERIES, &C., &C. Our goods have been bought during the last panic in New York and will be sold at panic pricee. Prices are down, monopoly broken up. No other store can or dare compete with as in qual ity and price. For further particulars call at the store of C. S. MATHER k CO. Lawrenoerille, Deo. 19, 1866. WX MT I=l DRY GOODS! PRICES FULLY REDUCED FROM 15 TO 25 PER CENT. IN THE LAST TEN DAYS! TEE subscriber having purchased largely at the late bankrupt sales in New York, is happy to inform the inhabitants of Tioga County that he is now prepared to offer GREAT INDUCEMENTS to CASH PURCHASERS. Amongst his Stock of Dross Goods, still be found FRENCH MERINOES, Warrsated all Wool at es. per yard. - RICH POPLINS & EMPRESS CLOTHS, At $l.OO per yard. LADIES BEAVER CLOAKING'S, All Wool, at 20e. per yerif. An seam variety of HOOP & BALMORA.L SKIRTS, FLAN NELS, SHAWLS, BLANKETS, HOSIERY, GLOVES, TABLE LINENS, HAND KERCHIEFS, LADIES' MISSES, AND CHILDREN'S SHOES. All of which will be found remarkably cheap All are invited to call and examine the Goode. Wellaboro, Noy. 28, '6B. T. I3ARD/381. IRE 1866. FOR SALE. 1866. B. C. WICKUAM, Op OR NAMENTAL UEINIT NURSERY 60,000 Apple Trees. 10,000 Pear Trees. A jzcod supply of PLUM, PEACH. CHERRY, and ORNAMENTAL TREES A SHRUBBERY. The Fruit trees arc composed of the choicest varieties, good, healthy. some of them large and in bearing. Any one wishing to got a supply will do well to call and sec my stock before per chuing elsewhere. 03- Delivered at the depot free of charge. , Tioga, Feb. 28,180—Ws , LATEST FASHIONS DEMAND J. W. BRADLEY'S CELEBRATED PATENT DUPLEX ELLIPTIC (OR DOUBLE SPRING) SKIRT. THE wonderful flexibility and great comfort and pleasure to any lady Wearing the Duplex Elliptic Skirt, will be experienced particularly In all crowded assemblies, operas, cerriague, railroad can, church pews, arm chairs, for promenade and house dress, an the skirt Mn be folded when in nee to occupy a small place an easily and conveniently as a silk or muslin dress,l an in. valuable quality In crinoline, not found in any single spring skirt. A lady having enjoyed ho pleasure, comfort and great conrenletiee of wearing the duplex elliptic steel ennui; skirt fora single day-. will' never afterwards will- Inmy dtepease wltlttheir use. For children, afteseestud young ladles they are superior to all other.. They will not tend or break like the single spring, but' will preserve their perfect and graceful shone when three or tour ordinary ekirts will hare been thrown mule mi useless. The hoops arecorered with double and twisted thread, and the bottom rods a, not only dou ble springs, but twice (er Oolitic) coveted; prarentiug them from welting out when dtakriug down..stoopsy enure .d.c. TheD uplez Elliptic is a great favorite ulth all Indies, and Is univereally recommended by the 111111i011 maga elnes.ll, the standard skirt of the fashionable tumid. To enjoy tho following inestimable advantages, to minoline, VP], mmerlor quality, perfeet manUtacture, etyhell shape and finish. durability. comfort and economy inonre for d, Nti- Bradley's IJuplea Ellin tie ,or idonbla spring skirt. and be sato you get the gen• vino ai-ticle CAUTION —To guard against imposition. be partica lar to notice that skirts offered as •• duplex" have the red int stamp, viz: ".I. W. Bradley's Duplex Elliptic Steerflprings," upon the waistband—none others are genuine Also notice that every hoop will admit * pin being passed through the center, thus revealing the two (or double) springs braided together therein, which to the secret of their flexibility and strength, and a com bination not to be fonld in any other skirt. For sale in all Mores where first class skirts are sold Throughout the United States and elsewhere Mann -factored by the solo owners of tho patent, WESTS, BRADLEY 1. CARY, 0c17,3in 97 Chambers S 79 k 81 Reads err .N Y. Stoves: Stoves:: AND HARDWARE! AIR. WILLIAM ROBERTS begs to /TA- announce to the citizens of Logo County, that in addition to his excellent stock of Stores, Tin-Ware, Erittania, and. Shliet-Iron Ware, he has, at a great outlay, stocked his store on MAIN STREET, WELLSBORO, with a complete assortment of Shelf Hardware, of which wo onumerate the following artioles: NAILS, SPIKES, CROWBARS, X CUT, MILL, HAND AND BUCK SAWS, BUTTS, STRAP HINGES, CARPENTER'S TOOLS, PUMPS, AK FS, AUGERS, BITTS, BITT•STOCKS, HATCHETS, CHISELS, SHOVELS, SPADES, FORKS, BENCH-SCREWS, WOOD SCREWS, CARRIAGE BOLTS, BURRS, SKEINS, WASHERS, PIPE BOXES, AXLE • TREES, ELLIP TIC SPRINGS, HORSE SHOES, HOOP, BAR, 8: BAND IRON, GRINDSTONE HANGINGS, CORN POPPERS„ SAUSAGE CUTTERS AND STAFFERS COMBINED. Also, PISTOLS, PISTOL CARTRIDGES, _ POWDER AND CAPS. PATENT BARNDOOR RAN WINGS a new thing, and made for use. Those are but a few of the many articles eotaposing - our Wok of Hardware. We invite the public to call and:examlne for themselves. We aim te keep dui best quality of goods in our line : andi all work to order done promptly and well. WILLIAM 'IAOBfiRTS• Wellaboro, Sept. 1, 1566-tf. Planing & Turning. B. T. VAN HORN, HAVING. now got rep a h r i e s d n i e o w le l r o t r oz ra in fo orr at tLon ei 'Pare promptly and in the best style of workman ship. Having procured a WOODWORTH PLANER, 11. e is ready to dress boards or plakwlth dispatch. SCROLL-WORK & BIACKETS, Tarnished to order. Hie machines are of the new. eat and most improved patterns. Shop corner of Pearl and Wain Sts, WELLS. BORO, PA., Oct. 31, 3.866-tf. B. T: VAN HORN. NEW FLOUR, GROCERY, AND PRO - VISION STORE. . Edwin B. Carvey, Is ready to furnish cuotomore with FLOUR, COMMON TO BEST, PORK, HAMS, MACKEREL, WHITE " FISH, CODFISH, AND PRIME GROCERIES OF A LL KINDS. pa` Next door to Converse's store. Welleboro, Dee. 12, IS6B—Iy. PLATED WARE—cake baskets, cud bask eta, castors, 1113 gar bowls, etc., at FOLEY'S. FOLNY hal some more of those fine American watches, at No. 5 union Blot*. MMI GENEHAL wholesale agent forth° Celebrated r PATENT PLATE PIANOS• manufactured by DECKER BROS., CIIICKERING A SON'S PIANOS, lIAINES SRO'S PIANOS, MASON A HAMLIN'S CABINET ORGANS, and Treat, Linsley A Co's Melodeoos. Orders from dealers and Teachers especially solicited. Address • L. N. POWELL, July 20. 116 Palma Avenue, Scranton, Pa. Rand Power Loom!-Patented 1866. ALL persous loterested In the prodUction of preset sal machinery into our country, are requested to investigate the merit. of HENDEPION'S WAND POWER LOOM. This loom will do all kinds of hand weaving. It will weave Jenne, blankets, plain cloth, satinet, kersey, flannel, seamless sack, double width blanket& or any kind of cotton, wool, or flag cloth. It treads the treadles, throws the shuttle, lets off the web, and taints up the cloth. It makes tho upper eked as the batten comes forward, and beats up the filling after the mum is made. making better cloth and better selvage than can be made in any other way. It is the only hand loom that is suitable for wearing l000k• • ... - - se no loom thafinatet anbtne - sued - as the batten COOS back, will weave wool satisfactorily. It has no strive to etretch and get ant of order; hen treadles at both sides of the loom, making the shed complete at both side.. This loom is made to weave the different kinds of cloth, by simply changing the pine that make the up. per shed. Township rights for sale: Calf at TVelleborg, Vogt county, Pa-, and see a full sired loom in operation. Or dere for looms solicited LEWIS WETMORE, Wellsboro„ May 2, A. F. PACKARD. Card, Staples dk, Son, ARE PREPARED TO SOLI, AS tHLEAP as any deiderifin the colibly;a general 'as sortment of ,- - r . .._ . • __ • _ , DRY GOODS.: GROCERIES, READY-MADE CLOTHING. HATS, CAPS, BOOTS a: SHOES, FUR NISHING GOODS, EARTHERN, STONE, AND GLASS WARE, . .. , • - - - . . , in short, everything - risually kept in a eOn.nfri store, all of which will be sold as low as else where, for , READY PA'Y" ONLY! No trouble to Show , Goods., .- - -* CALL AND SATISFY YOURSELVES. , ~ • _ TAPLES A, CO., grateful o\ old patrons for Spast favors, hope for a continuance of the same. Having formed a copartnership with G. P. CARD; they feel confident that they can do better than ever teems's tbo new firm will kw, a larger assortment. . COMPETITION .DEFIED! CARD, STAPLES it SON.. : Keeneyviile, Feb. 21, 1866.+-Iy. Hartman's Safety Bridle and Lines. (Patentsdlimmberil, 1865.) AMOST valuable article for all who drive hor ses. See "Agriculturist" for March, 1856. Recommended by Wilkes, of the Spirit of tag Times; Bonner, of the New Ybrk Ledger, and many otletr celebrated horsemen. The unbeeriber owns the patent for Tioga,Bus. quehanna and Bradford counties. Indivival or township rights for sale, on favorable terms.' Harness makers who wish to make the lineefor their-customers who buy individual rights, will be dealt with liberally. By a slight alteration, the safety lines may be attached toalmost any bridle. • All persons are cautioned against making or using the bridle or lines, in the counties aforesaid, without authority from the undersigned. ROBERT C. SIMPSON. Wellsboro, Sept. 5, /856-tf WHOLDSILE DREG STORE. Y,• ; ti DRUGS AND MEDICINES, PAINTS AND OILS, THADDBUS:PA7OI3',,INICONCIEN TRATED MEDICINES, CIN- CINNATI WINES AND BRANDY, WHITE• KEROSENE LAMPS, PATENT MEDI CINES, TEOOIIM T ROCHESTER PER- '05*7,833'1 AND FLAVORING EXTRACTS, WALL PAPER, WINDOW GLASS, AND DYE COLORS, Sold at Wholesale Prima Buyers are requested to call and get quotations before going further 0! W. D. TERBELL & CO Corning, N. Y., Jan. 1,1866-1 y Ati6D •. aiLsrlAitt 00 BTORSD.--Jcuit published, a new odliM y o o n n of he Dr. Clilarge . ll ( • . aZ. h e . leb t rated med lobe) of Spermatorrhces, or seminal 9 ;eakness, Inv& notary Seminal Lanes, Impotency. Mantel and Rual. cal Incapacity. Impedimenta to Marriage, etc; also Consumption, Epilepsy, and Fits induced by self. Th. diligence or sexual extravagance. Nor Price in et sealed envelope, only d touts. The celebrated author to this admirable essay clearly demonstrates, from a thirty years' successful practice, that the alarming consequences of seLbabusis may be radically cured without tho dangerous use of internal medicine or the application of the knife—pointing out a mode of care at once simple, certain, and effectual, by means of which every sufferer, no matter whet his condition may be, may cure himself cheaply, privately, and radically. This lecture should be in the bands of every youth and ever, man in the land. Seat, under seal, in a plain envelope, to any address post-paid, en receipt of six cents, or two poet stamps. Address the publishers. CHAS. J. C. BURS & CO Jan. 2-Sm. 127 Bovre.y, New York, EO. Sox, 4510. RICH Bohemian Glass Vases, at deei9 FOLEY'S DRUGS FOR THE ILILLIGST. UTEBB'S DRUG STORE.—The und.rag.- TrasiegtrQUY 11131°81N 4M te hie ns . tuned the entire centrota the DRUG & CHEMICAL STOIttE, Second door below Holliday's Hotel, which he hos fitted ripSoflbippqrse, art 4 hOing Ismip increased hiiittiiik eowpreparedtofainisbhie old customers and all others with . I a R: PPR DRUGS, CHEMICALS, PATENT MEDICINES, DYE STUFFS, ;PURE VINES- AND . LIQUORS, FOR MEDICINAL' USE almost every s4stiolskla be fond in "an establiih. Meat of tbia. Inch aa - B. - Horscl, owoer, ,Coal Oil, Linseed 61; Glass; Paints, Putty, Sponges, A great collection of the best Perfumery Manufactured, Toilet Soaps of various kinds, and good 4Wty, Tobacco `and 'Cigars Of the moat approved Brands always on bawd ...:' 13 He siikiiiiiillihis'ittention 6f th6,publie to his splendid stook of N tions, consisting of Hair, Tooth, Paint Pleah a.ndNailßrush es, Cutlery, Pipes, Drink. ing OuPs, B Chess & Backgammon Board, Chess, Dominoes, 4ke. Also a large assornneut of Toys for Children. - B. Partieular attention will ba given to Pre. paring Physicians' Prescriptions and Fatally Recipes. Satisfaction given to all who favorldm with their patronage. R. B. iirEBD, Aug. I, 1888. Druggist. DO Not continue to limp along through the world when A i tee the lame are made to walk. Do not allow yourself to suffer contlnnally from the innumer. able aches and pains which are 40 prevalent at this season of the year, because you do not KNOW or will not believe that they can be cured. If you inquire into this matter a little, you will find that many poor malLerers from NEURALGIA Min found welcome relief by 'ming a new and powerful remedy called Balutw. Savare rege*-1."-" AND back, are cared with wOadatial *Mal and certain. ty by this powerful medicine. Many persona who have not for years been entirely free from izulaumno have derived great benefit from its use. Indeed the fialutifer Is now so extensively used, and has been so uniformly numessful, that no doubt - CAN - any ionveristiaf of its nsethlness. In fact no other medicine can BE found which in so allortanisaa-has attained sub unparalleled success. It is used for all those dia. ewes which require an external application as • amanita irritant, inch as Neuralgia, Rheumatism, Aniasy, Sore Throat, Crick in the back, Numb neu of the limbs, Chilblains, Pleurisy, and many claw severe el* troublesome dillieulties, which an often _ CURED and always %Witted by such an application.— In many families, violet base been in induced to TRY this valuable medicine, it has become a house hold necessity, They would as soon forget their Camphor or Aruba, u their bottle of SALII TiMEIt. s sold by all dealers In medicine at 50 cents per bottle.. Orders from dealers shoald be ad drained to W. D. 'Parboil A- Co., Wholesale Drug gists, Corning, N. Y., W. H. Gregg & Co., Whole sale Druggists, Elmira, N. Y., or to J. A. Roy, .Draggist, Wellsboro, Pa. For. 14, 1860. • JOHN SUER, WOULD announce to the citizens of Wellsbo• to end surrounding country, that - he bu opened a shop on the eorner of Water and Cut ton streets, for the purpose of manufacturing all kinds of CABINET FURNITURE, ..REPAIRING AND TURNING DONE to order. COFFINS of all kinds furnished on short notice. All work done promptly and ware ranted. - • Ireileboro, June 27,1866. TOB-WORK, IN TEE BUT STTIL and ILI with despateh,st TUB AGITATOR Mee. Drugs, ffiedlu ti- J. - 4 , 1 o'4 `• ' • • . - Tr - RiPriqopw*Wiiiiinir44hieetookof Pore DerAfiXo4l6 l theiniails, . ''' . II I INES AND LIQUORS; for Medicinal and Sacremental nie • also all the popular Patent Medicines, Paints, Vanlshas, OW, tee, hit kinds of brushes, Dye Colors, Dye Woods iStil Stuffs, - Soo Toilet Soaps, Perfumery, Ponr , odes; Cosmetics, de, STATIONERY, PENS, . PENCILS, PAPER - . AND ,ENTELOPES, Memorandum Books, Piss' Soots, de, Potash In bulk at 16 mitt per pound,t Kerosene Oil, 'Amp Oil, Targentite, Rename, Ate. Bradt Oatmeal and Pearl Barley at 10 cts pa? pentad. I am sole agent in Bloesbmg for Dr. N. Weaveee Ext.— Fireweed, and warrant it. to care Scrofula, Salt Rheum, Scanty, Pimples on the face, and all diseases arising from impute state of the Blood if used according to directions. Pardonlar attention given to 'nompotuttling Phyaician'a and *that. Preacription ;puma tee sathsfaotiolyisothip nnatitzand rico. Remetobei thi Store, oppotite' , he new Coal Oo's Store, Blossburg, Pa. J. ,L, BELDEN Aug. 15, 1666-tf• C . & N. RADIidOND'S NIIRSERY.-:- Middlebury, llOga Co., Pa., Situated on the Plank Road, 4 miles from Tioga. We are prepared to furnish 100,000 Fruit Trues at the following prices : Appletrees—large airs, 26 oents at the Nursery; 80 ants delivered. Common size, 20 cents at the Nursery, 26 cents delivered. Pear Trees, 60 ets. . - Errusten Aver...ea.—Burnham Harvest, Early Harvest, Chenango Strawberry, Washington Strawberry, Red Astrachan, Summer Bellflower, Summer Queen, Summer King, Sweet Bow, Sour Bow. Fitt Arst.sa.—i?ameuse Gravenstein, Rambo, Ribston Pippin, Pall Pippin,. Republican Pippin, Hawley or Douse, Maiden's Blush, Large Wine, Ladies' Sweating, Lyman's Pumpkin Sweet. Wterna APPLlll.—Baldwin Bailey Sweet, Black Gilltlower, Blue Pearmain, American Gol den Russet, Roxbury Russet,Rhode Island Green ing, Elopes Spitlenburg, Swear, Sweet GLUflower, Sam Siree4, Honey Greening, Honey. Sweet, Pound Sweet, Pound Sour, Peck'a Pleasant, Tall man Sweet, Tompkins Co. King, Wagner. Ptans.--Bitrtlett, English Jargenelle, 131eakeem Meadew, Bella Lucrative, Louisa Bona D Jersey, Sockel, Beam D'Amalis, Golden Beurre,Plareish Beauty, Clout Marceau, Lawrence. Also—Siberian Crab, Quinces, and Grape roots —several varieties. C. N. HAMMONB. Middlebury, Plugs Co., Pa., Jan. 1, 1866-Iy. Stoves & Tin Ware FOR . THE MILLION. Messrs. ROBERTS 4. KELSEY OPPOSITE BOY'S BUILDING, Ate now prepared to ferniali the public with anything in their lino of bulimia, In quantity u large r is quality; as good, and as cheap in price at any &aim GsNortbetriPennsilyanis. They pay parthmilar attention to the STOVE AND TIN WARE BUSINESS, and intend to keep a fall assortment of everything In that line. lire . TIN WARE MADE TO ORDER, promptly, and warranted to give satisfaction REPAIRING mewed 112 the beat manner and with dispatch CALL AND SEE lIS. ROBERTS & KELSEY Wellaborougb, March 9,1886. Flo ii Movianutimmiu gipm;) ail Boots, Shoes, Leather if Findings. GEO.' O. DERBY, EA= t theid, endt, . 1 he' `b the ll continuo the same et th e st and lately wmakt=himae:. Goad oast** work, toads to miler and P warranted, will be the Ant thing In order at this stRI • nut *eclat attention will aliou wen, keeping up good stock. Of LEATHER AND FINDINGS, Such an SOLE and UPPER,,LFNINGS, BIND ING, PEGS, THREAD, LASTS, AWLS, WAX, &o.; • general way, the various incln'e usually kept at a finding shop. Gash geld for son, Luxe, PIM andrims ; and par. ticalirattentlon given to the purclutSe-of veal and deis. con skins, for which the hlghleit Market price vitt be paid. RePLUUNci done promptly and well. IPSO. 0. DERBY.[ Mixing so/d the stock in trade and gookbielll of the bushoess lately conduoted by us to Mr. Derby, we cor dially recommend him to our old customers, as a good workman, and a square dealing man. CHAS. W. & GAO. W. 132A.P.5. Welleboro, May 2,1286. FOUTZ'S I=== gorse ad Calllo Poitiers. •- ' ••,-, - ThLs preparation • ... long and tasorablir .‘, i i known, wall thar onghly vigorate i! , broken-down mid r t:idireuitt.or g . stomach and lutes , , - Itt. tines. ..... ...„,...„;1 i r .., ,, _,, It is a sum pre rentivo of ail ells , ..- -'"" - 'mses Incldput to this alifmal each as LONG FEVER, GLANDS:MC YELLOW. WA- - •.- TEX REAVES, . ' .-'‘ COUO.EIS, DTh • - TEMPER PE- '- '444 VERS; wry:in:nut - TITE WM ACil' ND VITAL .APPE ENERGY,A.c. Its ...- use Improves the - . ' wind, inereases , r the appetite-give a smooth and.; -•` ,,, vov oill -: ahem. ilia--and •••,..," ....-- _ •"" . ~, . transforms the ' -_,- -.-- i. , :* , .-" • -,' - - miserable skeleton into a fine-looking and spirited To keepers of Cows this preparation Is invaluable. It increases the quantity sad Improves the quality of the milk. It has been reven an- , ' :,-.,- - null experimen by t to si.;l' -- ---•4743 ,TePorr • increase the van .l • ' City of milk and s it , , ‘ ~ cream twenty per cent. and make the A ...,,, a , mos,.batter Inn sad 11111 • ,:. . eyed. In fattening . 4 4 . 14 ' . .ttlecivesttutal --s: •- ' '' 4 =til 'e d'e lacma4 , and -- z---- - -.1... ,- --... -- makes them thrive Alma fatter. In all &nesse; of Snide, aucli 43 Coughs, Linen In the Lungs, Liver, this article 4 ; . By putting from , ' . eme-half a gaper topaper in a barrel of auin tlie— above diseases •:• will be eradirate,l - or entirely prevent,' If gtrcm In time, a certain preventive and cur, t I H 1 1 .4 Price 25 Cent, per Parts o- f".? Papers for 81. S. A. FOTJTZ 46 1311,0., =1 11110LESRLE Drai AND MEDICINE DEPOT. No. 116 Franklin St., Baltimore, Md. For Sala by ricep4i-t, :•hre.t.t 1,4 t;,,,,gh_ out the Malted -States. For gals by John A. Roy; %Mbar° VIOLIN STRINGS .at . SYMMS DRUG STORE WE HAVE NOW ON HAND A SPLENDID ASSORTMENT OP WINTER GOODS At the People4Store, Corning, N. T. adapted to the wants or all pluses; aad aa ora laid la for a good stook Jost Wars Rio irate& Imes In New York, ma arc sow otablel to as most of oar goods at aboat Nw Yom Pascze. We would call loptaial Alsatian to oitt , stook of podifor LADItS' SUITS, and the esleet limo of FRENORMUSLINS AND ORGANDIES eves. offered in this market. We also have a nice assartanant of LANDS' SACQUES, TALMkS AND BASQtfINES, tooloth and allk, to which if 4) invita the attend= of bu3rera. Oor stook of CLOTHS AND CASsrmEßvg, for men's and boy'a wear, is kept very fall, and CLOTHING MADE TO ORDER, on short notice end in the latest style Balmoral and SNIP SUM of ovory varlet, GINGH.AISIB, ALPACAS, POPLINS, DeLLINES, CSALLIES, SUN UhiBRILLAS, JEANS, COTTONAEES, MEET- INGS, f3HIBTINGS Onr Winds' for DIPZISG GOODS art UN. SURPASS= by say in DIM similes, and we wish it naderstood that We do not intend to be VWDERSOLD by On. We tender one thinks to the animas of Tiop Co., who have paired:lld us and would rupee*. fallyittitettesellito Data never done so to eau and see us. Store opposite the Dickinson Hoes* os 11(arkstStrest, three doors most of the corner, and two doors east of Enngerford's Bank. SMITH & WAITE Corning, L. T., Nov. 21,186 e. D. F. STONE, TAXER this method of announcing to the cili- Hu of But Charleston and vicinity that he has jut toodusi a imitable stook of GROCERIES, 0011=11111111 1111 TEAS, SUGARS, .COPPRE, SYRUP, MOLASSES, TOBACCO, OIL, BROOMS, RAISINS, PAILS, SPICES, PEPPER, Am, &en dm- Good GREEN Mt for.l2st. par lb. SUGARS from, is. to 17 cents per lb And everything in the GROCERY LINE At as for rates Ca and see es. Don't uk as fob trust, to be plain we don't keep it. Remember the "mt. mile that- ems to grist Manes he candibet make "both sada meet." D. P. STONE. Rut Chasttoe, Dee. 5,18!8-3m IL Ilarringtes 'UAB putt rotomod from New York with a tall JUL alwirtmost of SEASONABLE DAY MS, GROCER/ES, HATS AND CAPS, BOOTS AND SHOES, EARTZNWARE, HARDWARE, FLOUR, SALT, Audamithin timidly feu& la • soastry In tb• *aunty. atom whist% b• is las show dims saw odor stars COME AND SEE Air No charge for ishowing Goods..af H. HARRILVGTON Whitztepille, Sept. 28,1860.4ra. 166 NEWELL, DENTIST, MANSFIELD, Pa., grateful for the very liberal patronage heretofore received, will continue so u to per. form all dental operations, 1121 to merit the rapidly increasing professional demands now engaged. All operations in all departments of the profes sion emitted in the best possible manner. All new, useful inventions and improvements adopt. ed. The highest good of his patrons the ultimo. tern of his ambition. Dee. 6, '66-tf In AND TINES OF ELDER BNEAR DOWN.—Those who wish to seam a copy of this ozoollont work, oast do so by calling at this °Soo soon. Angus* 59,1664. A F9RTUNE GM be me4o by orrery man, woman, and ebild in tble oomety, if they will strictly adbere to the plan of buying their goods of the well known popaler old col:arra of W. E. Smith's Sons. ADDISON, N. Y., Mamma 4 ma MomM4 of maphs bays al ready reaped their reward brthua doing. Every kind of DRY GOODS, GROCERIES ,CLOTHING, BOOTS & SHOES, HATS, CAPS, CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS . , - &c., &0., &c., us on band in abundanes, OUP FOR TB MILLION at the old Reliable Corner, the PEOPLES' STORE, GRAVE AND IMPORTANT INFORMA TION TO CASH BUYERS WHO WISH TO SPEND THEIR MONEY WHERE TREY CAN GET THE MOST FOR IT. W. R. SMITH'S SONS' system of keeping an enormous stook of goods at all times of the year, and selling them cheap—this system so oh noxiods to big profit stores—is fairly began for the Tall season at their store, and such a year for dam; people good was never known before. Cer tainly there is no good result's for swindling pri ces new; we have had enough of them already. The great advantage and importance of trading for Cash or Ready pay hp fully illustrated by the low prices now raging at the People's Store. A YEW HOUSEHOLD WORDS FOR THE FARMER. MECHANIC,' & PEOPLE GENERALLY. Buy your goods of a concern which has a big auortment midis selling ten times as many goods and of course can sell them as many times ohes. -per than small concerns. We give all such ad. vantages to oar customers. A For mass Bo; Tams Too Tao PRI7- slam Bras To Cuomo% moos omen IRO MS MONET. • Look out for big stores and big rents; big notes and big Mai of interest and no real takers at that—all of which is very bad as against W. B. Smith's Sons' eitnation. Light expenses and no rents, new goods at break-down prices, and the good old motto of small profits. good value and quash returns, flying to the breeze. The fast is, the only true and certain road to fortune for the nemehant is always to give his customers, as we do. themost he can for his money, and depend on tares Wes for his profits. Again, our popular sad legitimate system of dealing, buying strictly for Nab. always having cash in band, render as masters of the situation when a drop comes In the market. Never before was there such a tempt ing lot of goods, at low priees, as W. Smith's Sons can and will showfrom this time forward. Oor stook of Dry Goods and Clothing can't be beat, and no onstomer who is in the right shape, war leaves the store_without buying, and none who care what they say, will make the assertion that they can buy go od s elsewhere as cheap. We keep the largest stook of BOOTS AND snow HATSAND CAPS that Is kept in the county. Cell, if nothing more than to Bee the CHEAP GOODS on the anxious counter. CARPETS AND OIL CLOTHS at rtdnons low rate". Tho cottage and palace can bo repienithodlor a long now, by calling on the Potiee. Friend. CROCKERY, WALL PAPER, and a thousand other articles can be found; and no one who sees them can help buying. We senufsatere all the CLOTRIBOwe fall. Every well dressed man hap his harness of William R. Baritieliffons. We also make to order. Oar Cane is mardsts of his art ; he stands down the ball for no aum who wields the shears for a livelihood; his fits sunk the deformed. ire keep Park, Flour and &zit, always as low or less than market rates. It is more than ever the duty of every man and woman to call here before buying, sad look through the stock oftempting goods and bargains, as no one can imagine or form any ides how great a difference there Is between the prices of goods bought for cash and prices of goods else. where bought for notes that are not paid promptly. The safest thing for all buyers who want the lowest notch in goods, is to call sod get W. R. Smith's Sons' prices, and take around in your pockets to compare. A great many stores will get the void shoulder after you visit the Old Cor ner whers they work for their customers. You cannot mistake the place, as it occupies the room of four storm, immediately on the Brie railway, and the rush is constantly going on. Call, If for nothing more than to sea how Wis spike the rms. Yours, truly. W. FL 13111:121P8 130N11. Addison. N. Y., Bent 8,1866. .1/4 ' TIEATEL. =JR RAILWAY On and atter Monday, N0v,19, 19136, taln• willies - re Corning at the following Yours: WISMAID 28 a. m , fixpress Had. Sundays excepted. rGi Bala 10, Salamanca, and Dunkirk. connecting with trains (or the West. 7:12a m Night kiln en, Sandays excepted, for Entisio, Salamanca, and Dunkirk, making direct connection with trains of the Atlantic & Great Western, Like Shore, and Grand Trunk Railways, fossil points Wen. 7:43 a. m.,Nlght Express, Deily, for Buffalo, Salamanca, Dunkirk and the West. 740m. ' Mnfl Trnin. Sninlays i. exorpted, for Rorbr tar andentrato, via Avon. lin.ts a. m. 31011 Trnln, Snniinyo exceptsd, for Buffalo sad liankirk. t. 16 p. m. Baltimore Livens, Sundays esreyted, fLr Rochester and Sv!Melo, era area. 530 D. In., Rotiaraat suds, Daily, for the West 117 p. m.. Day Impress. Sundays =opted. for Std Salamanca and the Wart, connecting at Salamanca with the Atlantic I Great Western Unsay, and at gathdo irtth the labs Mow and Grand Trash Battvtya tor points van and south. 'FOS pm Day Iftprasaftuertlays emended, toe Docheatfr 125 p m Way Preight, Sundays excepted. 12:16 a. m., Night 'Express, Dosly,connoetlng at Elmira tar Canancbdos, also for Harrisburg. Philadelphia, and Sontb, at Graycourt for lVareuck. and at Ny' Tort with afternoon trains and steamers for Boston sad New England Cities. &611 a. m., Cluelunatl Express. Mondays excepted, con. meting at Owego for Ithaca; at Binghamton for Syracuse; at Great Bend for Scranton. Philadelphia, and Trenton; at Lackawasen for Hawley.and at Gray. court for Newburg and Warwick. 1040 a. at, Day Expre3a, Sundays excepted, connectint at Elmira for Canandaigua, at Binghamton for Byra caw, at Great Bend for Scranton, at Lackagraxon f Ilateley, and at Jersey City with 73:dd:tight Expee,, Train of New Jersey Railroad for Philadelphia, Bae:,. more and Washington. 10.45 am Accommodation Train dilly. 1230 p. m. way Yreight, Sandays excepted. IWO p. m., Baltinsare Sxpresa, Sunday► ft:melded. LID p m., New York and Baltimore Mall, Sunday. ex cepted, connecting . at Elmira for liarrisburgb, Phila delphia, and. South. .05 p 432 Lightning Express, Sundays excepted, con• necting at Jersey City with morning express train of New Jersey Railroad for Baltimore and Washington, and at New York with morning tapress trains for Heston and the East. WII. R. BARB, Goal PUN, Agent. Blossßurg & Corning, & Tioga 8. R. Leave Corning. Arrire. ....... 8 15 a m lieul, 5 15pm Ancommodatron,....B 10 p mjAcconunociation,lo 16 a m L. H. SHATIRCE, Sart • Philadelphia & Uri& 8. 2. Trains will SIT. and depart at Williamsport as follows Eastward Westward Erie Mall Train 10 10 p int Erie Mall Trida..7 15 a m litsprem Train.-4 60 a m Erie Rem Trahan 46 p m Elmira Mall Train 835 a m Elmira Mall Train 866 p m Pastengwr Cars tan through on the Erie Mail and kr pram Trains without chant:Al:4a miss between Phil& da]phis and Err. NEW TOILE CONNECTION. Lam, Neu , Tart at S a m, arrive at I:ria 9.30 a- m Leave. NaelYork at 5 00 p m, arrive at Erie 7 15 p Lave Erie at 5.30 p at, arrive at New York 4.40 p m Laura Erie at 10 25 a m, larlYe at Yew York 10 10 a m A. L. TTIB, Gate/ Sopt. Northern Central IL lit ...1,-. TRAINS POR THE NORTH. Trains fur Canandaguia leave 'Ultra u follows Accomcdatlon at Salmis (Wiest Wahl co =adj. ..... ffiafl. Way ir - eight, [passenger emelt attacheg. TEAM YOB TIM SOUTH_ Trainstor WMissosport, Baltimore and Bidladsbbis Ac., lease Bestirs as follows, Mail at-- Local Freight- Through ..The Express train "'Mat leases for the Borth at n. 45 am, nun turough dine. from Williamsport to Cum:Wavle.. Tho Express which leases Elmira fur Williamsport at 530 p or, b the through train south from Canandagnia. J. 5i DIIAILET, Chm'l Supt. Atlantic and Grant Western E. W SALLILINC.& STATION WLITRAKD BOG:1D. MIIIL Accommodation EaStWe&D BOUND, Expreati. --. RE Expreas . ....._.I2J Accommodation, Bapress ......11.00 Ewers At Cory there Is • Junntlon with the Phibedalplio Rria, sad Cif Creek Rail Roads. At Meadville with the 'Franklin and Oil City and Pithole Branch. At Leavittaburgo tha Maloontny Branch make. • di rect route to Cleveland. At Ravenna connect a with Claveland and Pitteburgls Bailment. The Road passes through Akron, Ashland, Cislion, Marlon, Urbana and Dayton, intersecting various rail roads, nod terminates at Cincinnati. D. McI,..LILYN, Gen-Rept., Meadville, I'a. DEERFIELD WOOLEN FACTORY, THE ONDERSIGED having purchased vIL the well known Woolen Factory of Messrs. E. t B. S. Bowen on the Cowanesque River, two miles east of Knoxville, takes this method of informing the inhabitants of Tioga and adjoining counties that he will manufacture wool by the yard or on shares to suit customers, unto FLANNELS, CASSIBIERBB. DOE-SKINS, FULL CLOTHS, of all kinds. The machinery has bean thoroughly repairers and now machinery added thereto, alio an im. proved new wheel which wilienable him to work the entire season. He will pay particular atten tion of gollearding & Cloth Dressing, Which will be done in the neatest possible man tier, haring added one new Roll Machine, will enable him to dispatch and accommodate people froth a distance. Be would farther say that he haeicarried on the business in manufacturing wodi for farmers in Bradford and adjoining counties for the past twenty years; be therefore can warrant all work and satisfy his customers, using nothing in manufacturing bet genuine wool. JO3BPII INGHAM. Deerfield, Jan. I, IS tl6—ry. MEAT MARKET. ANDREW J. TIPPLE, baying recently purchased Air. Wm. Townsend's interest in the 31E A T MARKET, would say to the citizens of Wellaboro and vicinity that he will continue the business at the oldEoret stand—giring his entire attention In supplying the wants of all who may favor him with their patronage. Constantly on band FRESH MEATS OF ALL SODS. Shop one Door South of Derby's Shoe Shop. WeUsboro, Sept. 28, 1866 -tf. W ELL SBOROUGH FIRE, LIFE &MUNI% INSURANCE AGENCY. W. H. SMITH, GENERAL POLICY AGENT FOR TI OGA COUNTY, PA. CatA Capital. Atm.. Home, N. Y , 12,000,000 13,589,817 2,000,000 2,800,430 EMt! 1,000,000 5,000,000 FMI North American, Philad'a, 1,000,000 731,000 Putnam, .... 600,000 Farmers' Mutual, Middle Penna... ...... 357,402 02 Wyoming 250,000 Lycoming Mutual, Money, Pa. Columbia Mutual, Lancaster, Pa. Globe Mutual, Life, N. Y. City, 600,000 N.Y. Accidental 500,000 Travelers' Accidental, Hartford, 500,000 Equitable Life Assuranoo Society. Non-Hazardous, Huardous, end Extra-Haz sedous Risks taken at reasonable rates. Policies Issued, and all Losses adjusted at this °Aloe. W. H. SMITH, Wellabore, Pa. July 25,1886.—tf. Tioga Marble Works. D. CALETS3, late of the firm of Calk . iris a Conklin, is now prepared to exe cute all orders for Tomb Stones and Monuments, cf either ITALIAN OR RUTLAND MARBLE, of the latest style and approved workmanship, and with dispatoh. He keeps itonstantly on hand both kinds of Burble and will be able to Indian who may favor him with their orders, on as reasonable terms as can be obtained in the country. Stones discolored with root and dirt cleaned and made to look as good as new. BARITE"( ADAMS, of Charleston, is my Agent, and all contract , made with him will be tilled by me at shop prices- If. D. CALKING. Tiogn, Dec. 19,1866-1 y U. S. CLAIM AGENCY, For the Collection of Army and 'Alm Claims and PeastoU. TutE NEW BOrNTY LAW po•se*l July ffi, WV% re! two 31Inkt them l ears' soldier,. extra 14:43nt3t. nd In your ditchatgee. OFFICERS' EXTRA PAY. Three mouths' extra pay proper to volunteer oaken who were in service Ilarch 3,1865. • PENSIONS ISCRKASED To sB who have lost • limb and who hare been pet neatly and totally disabled. All other Government claims prosecuted. JEROME a. yais. Wellebero,Octobsr 10,1868-tt 11. RIDDLE, Goal Supq ._..1115 am —.0151,m . 710 am ...;Liam —6Wpm —s6osm —BWdm