• SOICEBODY ELSE Sore the wife to hey husband, "I am Pievnd wad izrPrised To sex you so - tipsy-LI mean so dist:lilted, _'ray what do yon think your r-eighbors will think; In co o Inn of your age gate etzPid with drink?" '' think.," toys the toper, "'twej some body elec." " you're found out at last," madam cries in a pet; " :oar con Irst night walking home with Mies - Bet— 'llth Ilia Betty Bouncer—deny it if you can, 1 u deceitful and treacherous, wicked old man r Snye be, "my tweet lore, it was somebody else." " When you came home loot night it was port tocive Ltd you left methie morning sound asleep as a rock.• , .7,iy dear," crier the husband, "I'm petriEed quite; .17 Luttners detained me from home' all the tight." "Good gracious!" says she; "teas !Leone I,lly rlst 1" Sa*ts , e There is 'bet phew men who hey .nt:racter muff to leed a hie lir idle• oe lui is spelt the same in Choet - :: is in English. v /10 retire from the world on its sins and peskiness, must itiat they have got to keep y ~ v;z11 a person who wants just waLehhig as anybody else. : Aplays with every pup he l'iut old dogs have butiew assoei- When a man loses his health, then rust begins to take good care of it. is good judgment—this is! M 0,4 people decline.to learn only by :eir own experience. And I guess :ley are more than half right, for I do .ot ,pose a man can get a perfect idee naolases candy by lettin anotherfel '..q. taste it for him. teucces?.-. in life is very apt to make us et. the time when we wasn't much. ;.-E. just so with the frog on the jump; I'2 can't remember when he was a tad :t•le—but other folks can. individual, to be a fine gentleman, .s either got to be born so, or be rou , z,ht up so from infancy, he can't _tr it sudden any more than he can , :.m how to talk Injin correctly by on a tomahawk. I have often set down square on the a. by having my feetgit out of place, I never could see anything in it to tespecially if there was some ..ter on the top of the iee,) but I notis ner folks can. 1r is dreadful easy work to repent of hzr folks' sins—but not very profita- Ladya Advice to C. 1 ,72 'I .11C«--A lady who signs herself 31artyr to Late Hours," offers the erl.s . .ible suggestions to young EEO Li , ak 'gentlemen between the ages of. , :.:Thfcen and forty-flee," listen to a v wor,:of gratuitous remark. When ir..ake a social call of an evening on - oung. Lady, go away at n reasonable Say you come at eight o'clock, hoar and half is certainly as long most filseinating of you in con r.:-..tion can, or rather ought to desire his charms. Two hours, indeed, ..:. Le pleasantly spent with music, or other games, to lend variety; at. bind sirs, by mo means stay longer. c shorter calls and come oftener. Iz:l'l—that is a sensible, true-hearted enjoy it better, and really .:]:e your acquaintance more. Just -.cc'..ve the agony of a girl who, well : - ,ving the feelings of father and .o:ip.r upon the subject, hears the strike ten, and yet must sit onthe of her chair, is mortal terror' lest a should put his oft repeated threat execution—that of inviting the ,Itleman to breakfast. And we girls .aoc , rstaud it all by experience, and ocw what it is to dread the prognostic -, f.,pler,ure. In such cases a sigh of .I:ct generally accompanies the cict,s - door behind (the gallant, and one -- 11't get over the feeling of trouble till in the arms of Morpheus. Even (.11 the dreams are sometimes troub- with spore phantom of an angry fa cr and distressed (for both parties) at her, and all because A young man .11 make a longer call than he ought Now, young gentlemen friends, 11 WI you what your girls will do. .r. - or one hour and a half we will be irresistibly charming and fascina -17. Then beware; monosyllable re will be all you need expect; i if, when the limits shall have ed. the startling query shall be coming down stairs: -"lsn't it - AL to eicz.,,e up ?" you must consider it z.ghteous punishment, and, taking a: hat. depart, a sadder and it is to hoped a wiser man. Do not get an ,-. but the neXt time you come be al to keep Within just bounds. We to rise earl - these pleasant morn - and improvethe"shining hours;" r It Lea iorced to be up at such sea lah.e hours at night, exhausted speak, and as a natural conse ace, with the utmost speed in dress= we can barely get down to break : in time to escape a reprimand from. a. who don't believe in beaux,—tis h he never was young—and a Id. reproving glance from mamma, 10 understands a little better poor aghter's feelings, but must still ,dis ,,,rove outwardly, to keep up appear . And now, young men, think act these things, and don't for pity's - e throw down your paper with a nar:"—but remember the safe side PROBLE3L—A teach a Western county in Canada, 11 , a making his first visit to his " con uents," came Into conversation with ancient " Varmount " lady, who I taken up her residence in the back- Of course the school and form =hers came in for, criticism; and c,ld lady, in speaking of his predeces , a,ked, "Wa'al, master, what do think he lariat the schollards?" 3uld't say, ma'am, Pray what did each?" " Wa'al, he told 'em that Were airth was round, and went -and: and all that sort o' thing.— master, what do you think about stuff? Unwilling to come under category of the ignorant, the teach ; :vasively remarked, " It really did it strange, but still there are many -ned men who teach these things!" says she, "if the airth is lad. what holds it up?" " 0, these • nod men say it goes round the sun, that the sun holds it up by virtue ,iie law of attraction." The old lady .cred her " spects " and, by way of responded, " Wa'alif this high s man- ECZ the sun holds up the .i. I should like tu know what holds - airth up when the sun goes down!" rrrcrAi JorEs.—Governor Sanders Chief Justice Kellogg, of Nebraska, in Galesburg, Illinois, on Sunday and in the morning attended . Mr. Beecher's church. The Free - 7 says that, as the sermon was upon ectious, and of a Radical tone, the - being a Conservative, was not pleased, while the Governor was - rilted. The Judge afterward t urned oke, however, by sayidgthat while , t-ris somewhat uneasy, Governor - lers left the church in a perfect :—fc.r Mr. Beecher prayed fervently be Governors of all the States, but - riot so much as notice the Governors crritories. 'hoover sincerely- desires to do all zoorl he can, willprobably do much than he imagines, or mill ever lint is said from the feeling of the -lent should excite but the feeliugof -moment. even thousand two hundred and -•*- acres of land were disposed of in ocath of November, eight thousand Aida were taken for settlement tm t,ip provisions of the Homestead 1866.- FOR BALE. 4860 • BY 13. C. WICICIUM, A T HIS NURSERY OF FRUIT AND OR lj TREES, IN TIOGA 60,000 Apple Trees. 10,000 Pear Trees. A geed supply of-PLUM, PEACH, CHERRY, and ORNAMENTAL TREES A' SHRUBBERY. The Fruit trees are composed of the choicest varieties, good, healthy, some of them large and in bearing. Any one wishing to get a supply will do welt to call and see my stock. before pur chasing elsewhere. Delivered nt the depot free of charge. Tioga, Feb. 28,1.886-4 V, LATEST FASHIONS DEMAND J. W. BRADLEY'S CELEBRATED PATENT DUPLEX ELLIPTIC {OR DOUBLE SPRING) T, wonderful flexibility and erreat comfort and pleasure to any lady wearing the Duplex Elliptic Skirt. will he experienced particularly fu all crowded assemblies, operas, carriages, railroad cars, church powe, arm chairs, for promenade and hotaiiii deem, as the skirt can be folded when In age t 6 occupy a stall 'place as easily and conveniently assor muslin dress, au in• valuable quality In crinoline. not found in any single spring skirt. lady having enjoyed the pleasnre, Comfort and great convenience of wearing the duplex elliptic steel spring skirt fern single day. will never afterwards 'will ingly dispense with their nee. - For children, Misses and yeung ladies they are superior to nil others, , . .• They will not i.end or br ,, ,,at in, the single spring, but wfil preserve their perfect and graceful shone whop three or four ordinary skirts wilt have boon thrown aside as witless. The hoops are covered with double and twisted thread, and the bottom rods are not only duo• hie spritv, but twice (or double) co-ered• preventing them from wearing oat when dragging down stoops, stairs ,Cc. • ' The]) unto= tiliptic is a great faronte with all ladles, and isrinircrsally recommended by the fashion maga nines, as the standard shirt of the fashionable world. To enjoy the following inestimable advantages in crinoline, Via superior quality, perfect manufacture, stylish shape and finish. 11E/ability, durability, comfort and economy, inquire for J. Bradley's Duplex Ellin. tic ,or dentin spr.ng skirt, and be sure you get the gen. nine article. CAUTION.—To guard against imposition, be pardon. tar to notice that skirts offered as"duplex" hare the red ink stamp, VIZ: "J. W. Bradley's Duplex Elliptic •Steel Springs," upon the waistband—nor.e others are genuine. Also notice that every hoop will admit a pin being passed through the center, time rerea/Ing the tore (or double) springs braided together therein, which to the secret of their flexibility and strength. and a com bination not to be found in any other skirt. For sale on all stores where first class skirts are sold throughout the Crated States and elsewhere Mann- Lectured by the sole owners of the patent. Iren ' s DBADLEY d CABY, 0017. em 97 Chambers 4 - 79 to SS Relde sta., N. Y. Stovei : Stoves : AND HARDWARE: MR. WILLIAM ROBERTS begs to ' announce to the citizens of Tioga County, that In addition to his excellent stock of Stores, Tin-Ware, Brittanin, and Sheet-Iron Ware, be has, at a great outlay, stocked his store on MAIN STREET,' WELLS:IIORO, with a complete assortment of 'Shelf Hardware, of which we enumerate the following articles: NAILS, SPIKES, CROWBARS, X CUT, MILL, HAND AND BUCK SAWS, BUTTS, STRAP, RINOES, , CARPENTER'SIOOLS, " - -- PUMPS, AXES, 1,, AUGERS, BITTS, BITT-STOCKS, HATCHETS, CHISELS, SHOVELS, SPADES; ,FORKS, BENCH,SCREWS, • WOOD SCREWS, CARRIAGE BOLTS, BURRS, SKEINS, WASHERS, PIPE BOXES, AXLE• TREES, ELLIP - TIC SPRINGS, HORSE SHOES, HOOP, BAR, & BAND IRON, GRINDSTONE ' HANGINGS, CORN POPPERS, SAUSAGE CUTTERS AND STUFFERS COMBINED. .Also, PISTOLS, . PISTOL CARTRIDGES, POWDER AND . CAPS. ' rQ ; GM a new thing, and made far nee. These are but a few of the many articles composing our stock of Hardware. =I We invite the pubripto 411 and examine_ for themselves. We "aim to keep the best natant* Of goods in our line ; and all work to order 'done promptly and well. WILLIAM BOBHRTS• W . ellsboro, Sept. 1, 1886—tf. Planing & Tittning. - _____ B. T. VAN HORN, H AVINO got hie ie now prepared t. 6.1" picgrdYerenfoTL'mabt Ware promptly and in the beet'atyle of workman ship. Having procured a WOODWORTH PLANER, be is ready to dress boards or plank with dispatals. SCROLL-WORK # BRACKETR, forniehed to order. His machines are of the new est and most improved patterns. Shop corner of Pearl and Wain Sts, WELLS. BORO, PA., Oct. ZI, 18664 f. B. T. VAN HORN. PLATED WARE—Cake baskets, card bask— ets, castors, sugar bowls, etc., at SOLEYI3. - von SALE—One pair or mares 8 year old _U aotuad. Inquire of B. VAN DIISEN, Chatham. SISOOP.EIt TEAR! W e want agents every where to fell our nreaocun S2O en r. log liathines. Three new kinds. Upper and nude , ' feed. Warranted fire yeare. Above salary or largo cow. missions paid. The only 1218ChinCI meld in the United Swan for leas titan $4O, which are fully liansrd Ly Hoyt, Wheeler 6 Wawa, Grocer , ..54nper Co., end Archeld.cr. 40 other cheap machines are ft* fringements. and the attic" or user are liable to erred; fine, and antprirmstrattf. Orr - niers free. Addrese, or teoo upon Maw & Clark, iliddeford, ittaino. *O9O L a l l y% ~jan Out. Address O. i EId.RXT, City Building, Biddeford, doe-27,2e5-Irerly. TOB-WOES, IN THE BEST STYLE, soil t./ with despetoli,at THE AGITATOR Office. I V.-•;Prg?' • 0. - R,LO ; terrk POIVE M. SCRANTON, - - , #ll n_ENERA_L wholesale agent for the Celehraiod IX PATENT PLATE PIANOS• manufactured by DECKER BROS., CIIICEERING, SON'S PIANOS,RAINES BBO'S PIANOS, - MASON HAMLIN'SA CABINET ORGANS, and Treat,- Linsley A Co's Melodeons. , Orders from dealers - and _Teachers' especially Address; ~ L: B. POWELIy July 20. 116 Penns Avenue), Scranton, Pa. To FRUIT GROWERS?—=.P. - 11. 811131, - - DON'S PATENT COMPOSITION t Dcstroying : Borert- 414 oafr-'lnucts !hat After, Fruit and Ornaracnta/ Trcen After twelve - yeartret periliai - c - ac — reiperitnciat. ing, the subscriber ta . #;es_pliesurelti introducing to the public thia valuable composition, which has been thoroughly tested, and is recommended by popular nurserymen. This highly concentrated, astilizing, propel:4s of its ingredients being tomi>oetui Sulphate& and Alkalies) makes it an inestimable and almost indispensable acquisition Lathe Farm. er and Frail Grower. It effectually exterminates the Borer, it relieves the tree. of all. rough bark' and moss, leaving a smooth, healthy, vesn sur face, and in every way promoting a vigorous and healthy growth to the tree. We, the undersigned, have examined fruit trees_ that have been treated with. P. BrEheldois's'Cims-' position, and-take, pleasure in leatylaa , that, tbsi effect is most apparent and wonderful, and believe it to be a very valuable discovery, and would recommend it to all cultivators of fruit and fruit trees. We would further state, that wo are per sonally acquainted with P. B. Sheldon lintlitntrw` him to be a man of unquestionable integrity. A Chapin, Prattsburg, 533 nova, Penn Yen, Atbigense Waldo , " Chauncey Blllett, Pulteney, it H Pbslaett, • J T Upson. Huron, Wm B Pratt, • Hiram Sheldon Huron Goorge ArdalL D D Grogory;ir' ;atsiritig, J L McCarrick, " J a Houhtin, Jobneon,;c!kp!!!, yon Wm B Boyd, " ir Tr Lew* indisnapolle (all of Etato of F Y) Individual, Town, County and State Rights for sale.- Send for Circular. - Address P. B. SHELDON, Prattsburg, N. Y. 6. B. flown, Penn Tan, N. Y., Agent for Penn sylvania. Dec. 5 , '65-4w DEERFIELD WOOLEN FACTORY. THE UNDERSIGED having purchased the well known Woolen Factory of Messrs. E. lc B. S. Bowen on thoCowauelquo River, two miles east of Knoxville; takes this method of informing tho inhabitants of Tioga and adjoining counties that he will manufacture wool by the yard or on shares tosnit customers, into FLANNELS, -CASSUIERES. DOE-SKINS, FULL CLOTHS, of all kinds ,Tho machinery Imo boon thoroughly repaired and new machinery added thereto, alto an im proved new wheel which will enable hiin to work_ tho entire aons.cini HO Will PitykrtiCialar atten- Pito I I Card ' Clot Dressing, which will bo dono in the neatest youiblo man ner, haring added one, new Hall Machine, will, enable him to.cilinatchinnd accommodate'people from a distance. He would farther say that be has carried on the business in manufacturing wool for farmers in Bradford and adjoining countiea for the past twenty- years; he therefore con warrant all work and satisfy _his customers, using nothing in manufacturing bat- genuine wool. JOSEPH INGHAM. Deerfield, Jan. 1,186641. Hand Power Loom !-Patented 1866. ALL persona interested In the production of practl cal machinery into our country, aro requested to intratigato the merits-of- ' • • - - 11ENDERSON'8 /LAND POWER LOON. This loom will do all kinds of hand Weaving. It trill . treaVc jeans, blankets, plain cloth, satinet, iteroey, flannel, seamless sack, double Width bisakets. or any kind of cotton, wool, or flax. cloth. /t treads the treadles, throws the shuttle, lets off the web, and takes op tho cloth. It maims the ',Martha,/ as the batten comes forward, and teats up the ailing alter the - Mom is made, making better cloth and better relinga than can be made in any other way. for wearing wool, - as no loom that makes all the shed as the batten goes back, will weave wool satisfactorily. It has no strings to stretchand get out of older ; has treadles at botk sides of the loom, 'making the shed complete at both sides. This loom is made_ to , weave -the different kissis of cloth, by simply Changing the phas that risks the -per shed. Township rights for sale. Call at Wcllsborg, Tioga county, Pa, and see a full stood loom in operation. Or ders for looms solicited. LEWIS WETMORE, ' Wellsboro„ Mop 2, '66.-15 A. F. PACKARD. Card,: Staples & Son, - A BE PREPARED TO SELL AS CHEAP as any dealers in the county, a general as. aortment of DRY GOODS.- GROCERIES; READY.MADE CLOTHING, HATS, CAPS, BOOTS k SHOES; FUR. - NISHING GOODS, EARTHERN, STONE, AND GLASS WARE, in short, everything usually kept in a sontry I store ' all of which will he sold as lob 'as else. wbers, for • READY PAY ONLY! • No trouble to Show Goods. CALL AND SATISFY YOURSELVES. • STAPLBB A CO., grateful to old Wrong for past favors, hope for a continuance of the same. Having formed a copartnership with G. P. CARD, they feel confident that they can better than ever before, as the new firm will .have a larger assortment. COMPETITION DEFIED . CARD, STAPLES SON. . , Keeneyvifie; Feb. , 81;1888.-1y. Hartman's Safety Bridle and Lines AMOST valuable article for nil who drive her. sea. See " Agriculturist" for March, 1866. Iteoommended by Wilkes, of the ..s . pirlt of the Times; Bonner, of the Now York Ledger,- and many other celebrated horsemen. . The subscriber owns the patent for Tiogs, Bus. quehanna and Bradford counties. Individual or township rights for sale, ou favorable term. Harness makers who wish to make the lines for theircostomers who bey individual rights, will be dealt with liberally. By a slight alteration, , the safety nisei may be attaebed to almost any bridle. All persons are cautioned- -against-making trr =bag the bridle or lines, in the counties aforesaid, without authority from the undersigned. ROBERT O. §1.5q00/1. Wellsboro, Sept. 5, 1868-tf - - "E'ILOUR FROM CHOICE WHILE IiPREekT, r buckwheat flour, corn meal and food, aiwayl on hand. Call at tho Charleaton Millbeforobni. ing your flour and foci. I oan Inako It an obsoet for yon to buy. - A. RUSSELL. May 16, 1868—tf IDORSALE , .-A span of inatabed ate* year j 2 old mares; color, strawberry roan; - weigb. 1809 lb!, or 900 eaeb. GEO. CRAMER. Charleston, September 19,1866-tf jj-T LEE AND TIMES OF ELDER. iliis443 ,- DOWEL-I-Those who wish to neosavo a copy of this excellont work, Win do so - ty sailing Wt this ogee soon. Awrist 28,1886. ft W E ctl U reop '" oc i ttrTy 8 onmod the - entire control t' L DRUGS lot * U UON. tuadarlga atleel that he has as the ....,., _ _ . CAL DRIiG4 - CH Second door below 11 biti ALGA op for that p • hicztatt4 bb'stookiin odd cuidoniiirif 'do& iit y's Hotel, which he se, said having largely proalst to teritiiii -with ' Mil ppßei•oupps, PURE WMA:PATENT DY•E' INES AND : " (EONS, 1 . 7.1 T L. IPINA.I4; FOR. 414 MIZE almost every ardc 1 , 4 meat ‘P'!••t"MP, qn ruln, this. Bush as J B. MEIMIE We Powder, Oil, I :- Patty,,Spr,ige , itt f the best it. itorae . d 1! Almho 1 Paint I Manufactured, Toilet . quality, Tobatoo arid - Cigars C, t Perfume Soap go proved Brands always on Baud of the molt '.O :,) :::'.. g _ C' all the attention of the public to took of',l g t A Bo would his spisndid N tions, .nitistineleHnir, Tootii Pain .ii eah ii4ory, - 1 3 ifilis, Drink. - V MEI Chess & Backgammon &N I, Cll 6 B, Donnici4e4 -1 assortment of Toys for - - Children. _ E, qtysiciatur Presaciptl;4l/ and PamiV Recipes. Sathteetion given to aU who favor Mm with Shalt pairoasse.. e s r z WElg.tfi Aug. !'srollY, /IUII . .t k m-A J ~~' • got continue to 11;4444, trosigit the world t wlien t • • YOU see the Lune'ge made:to walk D 6 slat allow yourself to teller continually from the innumer able aches a# paixsewhich an so, weaalent at this /Moon if the Yetirs itot , • - I -KNOW . - or will not } dove that they can be cured. If you inquire to this matter a little, Ton will end that manY,pbr walbrers from • , . tEURA,Ia 2 ;‘,, . have found wicome relief by a new and powerful rem#y called Saintlier. sec and lameness whether located in 8 oh— or in the side,. ' AND hack, are covederitti wo nderful seas ty by MiU powetel medicine. Many , have not for yeas been entirely free .. RHEUMATISM hale derived grist besaidirsoas Da. • IM the Saint:ger Ls law so sztensividy • • been so unifornsqsneeessfol, that no d CAN attrionger exist 4 its usefulness. Is .ether medicine use ! BE- Igtiliffidaob 111 SO 4 ort a die bac attained gm naparalialmi summit is nail fcriailkn. .441138 which requirein errand spinal - dm counter irritant. =au Nearsigiu, Rbermie Quinsy, Bare Throat, Crick in Mit bra, No.. piss nf de limbs, Clilblaint, Pleurisy, and ma other severe end troiblesome didiertitier x are often CUiED and always benelitted tb such an amp in mi ut. d d dry whit have bean in , Tk thfs valostAssinsdloisse; u hos bpopma saw!". Be hold ne c essity Tho wtaJf coop to o p bar Camphor or Aviles, as *Jr boulew SALUTIFER. It is said by Ads:dal is macho at MAW. jos bottle. Orders from :Wm phou'l4 Ia - dressa to W. D. Tertian t Ce., ilitidosala • gists, Coining. N. Y.;W:11. Gregg a -Co., ' D • ti t Stmirs; N.Y., !a:, Nor. 14, ,• Drugs, Medicines, Pic; iir • 4,i-ct BLOSSBIJRG, PA. - .0i REPS canotantlyan band a floe stock of Para -Droti,-Bledietnes, ebtonleals, , - WINES AND LIQUORS, for Medicinal and Sacramental use; also all tbit popular Patent lifedicloen Paints, Varniabtrs, de., all kinds opirusben, Dye ClAOrai Dyn tyqpi,a . pu4Statfe,; 64 Toilet ..Soaps, Perroner . y, ',am -4 ades;Commetics, • ' ' " 'STATIONERY, PENS, PENCILS, PAPER AND ENVELOPES, liamaraudata Zgoks,.Pass Looks, AL, Potash fa but*, at 1.5 COWS par Found, -Kerosene Oil, Lamp OA, Turpentine, Benzine, ae. Fresh Oatmeal and Pearl Barley at ID cis per pound. I am solo agent in Ittemiturg for Dr. Y. Weaver's Eat. Fireweed, and IT nnant It to eureßeroruls, Balt Rheum, Scurry, Pimplusr:en the faie, - and all diseases hrising front impure state of the Blood if Used according to directions. Particular attention girt& to compounding Physician's and other Prescriptions. I guaran tee satisfaction, both in quality and price Benitetnber the Store, opposite the new Coal Cog Store, Bloeeburg, Pe. Aug. 15, 1888—tf. J L. BELDEN. C tr, N:JIA3III9,ND'S• Middlebury, Tiega Co., Pa., Situated on the Plank Road, 4 miles from Tioga. . We use prepared to furnish 100,000 ,irrsiit Tries at the following prices: App!stress—large size, 2.5 cents at the Nursery; atkeants delivered. Common size,2o cents at the Nursery, id cords delivered. Pear Trees, de as, Rousrea - ,"Afezeir:ri;Tharuhatu,garrest, Rae, - Chewing° Strawberry, Washiegton Strawberry, Rod Astrachan, Summer Bellflower, Sumpter Quote, Summer King, Sweat Bow, Sour Bow. FALL Afttes.—tittitetise, Gravenstein, Rambo, giblicm pippin, Fall Pippin, Republican Pippin, Hawley or Douse, Maiden's Blusb, Largo Wine, Ladlei' Sweating, Lymen'a Pumpkin Sweet. Wines Armrs.—Baldwin, Bailey. Sweat, Bleckfililiflower, Mae, Pecermain, American Gol den }inset, Roxbury Rtuiset,Rhode Island Green ing, &opus Spitzonburg, Swanr, Sweet Gilldower, Sugar! Sweet, Honey Greening, Honey Sweet, PoundSwect, Pound Sour, Pock's Pleasant, fall man Pleat, Tompkins Co. King, Wagner. "Peens.—Bartlett, English Jargonetlo, Bleaker', Meadow, Bellianarative, LODI= Bonn D Jersey, IMAM, licurre 4ruitUs,Goiden Reurre,Plernisb Beouty,,Olout liorcoau, Lawrence. Also-Siberian Crab, Quinces, and Grape roots '=• - serers) varieties. C. N. HAMMOND. ?Middlebury, Tioga Co., Pa., Jan. 1, 1886-Iy. s,toves . .'liti - Thi Ware I OPPOSITE ROY'S BUItDING, Are non preisited: , to farniih \le intidio with anything, in their }lnset businesf.na quantity is large r Inquality as good, and as heap in pri c e as any dealers in Northam Pounsyinu. They PI pertionlarettention .to the\ STOVE AND TIN WARE BUS/US$, -, - • .. , ‘ 1 ; fia •- lin st tly 30.4&!Ei1l assortment of ay , . 1 V 'PI . WARE MADE TO ORTIER; -- iniiniti and trarrtisfited totirg taillaotioi- 1 3 . REPAIRING / ezeout t in the best manner and itth dispatch. IND . SEE ICS ROBERTS .t KELSEY , orongh, Atatoh 7, we. • STRY Bois, Shoes, Leather t EO.O. DERBY, • G Oceania the stock andigood•will of. Oh bu • • tong .candts2ted In this borough by ..,The win continue the same at the etandlately emu by them. Good custom work, =WO to order and. ted, will be the first thing In order at this eliop 4 ' at special attention will also be given to keeping up a "d stock of LE HER AND FINDINGS, Such Be and UPPER, LININGS; BIND ! G, PEGS, THREAD, NAILS, LASTS, AWLS, WAX, &c.; and, sgoncrsl any, the rations flzdn's usually kept at a g shop. Ciseldgeld for mom, gamy stirs and ItltS; and par ticular at ntlon given to the porches° of veal and dee. con sklas or which the highest market prim will be pafd. done promptly and moll. G.tO. 0. DERBY. Iftp a Bold the stock in trodo and good-1011ot the , Wain sly condacted by s to &tr. Derby, we cot% diallyr =Dead him to our old customers, as a good workmat, end a sqrmze.daaling man. I CRIB. W. fr GEO. W. BEARS. Weis • ro, May 2,1888. •aiaa dam F U T Z 4-8- lloiso Powilors. 1 i • iEIcifEATC, COLORS, 1)14 It T EMPER . EP - VER.% PRE4TIO ' LOSSAP API TITS AhOVIT. EMERGE; 4t.e. use Improve -1 t.. 1 ulna, tacreeses the appeUte--et eet a smooth and gimpslarP,Mt,' transatrpiS !, I. mis=ble dale To keeporo of Co 7a t'As ',potation it inrolnotto. It InFrViso; thp tr....tcaty oml totpalVhfille qtslily of tl.c trill:. It Lao :n pno,n by co -9.?..." • --..-- pal Arperiplent to ' :.' .. '.. '.l'' ' .i° " 7:- . s . • -.7' rt7 ",7 i to h lk g = ii , i - . • . • -.,,,,-,...• •••-• -C:r.rni to tray per • ..". '4.l.'' , • • • stir.[ x.r.d. Smoke the , . •4;dit . le .• • ..... . 1.....-111:1 , 'arld tail i. 'IF.' • • •.. i. , . , 4 .zp.t. i.satenla g : • / • • Cattl;:.it giseill.ato 1. 6 4, ' - '5 ...-- :Ik--41,; ...•: isr. apvetite.loov-n, . ' . 11 , h hide.at.d ' .. • ' .-;"•-•- ."... _ u.... . ti :to [Lilco ach tastzr. -•-- - S LA - L.; tAi:ll a 3 C'aigLA,l:l:aa fn ~- -A L,Lusa A, Li - thts sir:cl;l pattiaAr T a p . In V: - 4 3 r. • t•ir-t.iln •I , -",-t -" LT niar“ 4ND ti,i f.:4“-- • - - ,:#lAbriPtiff+ltP IMIIEU J. A t „PARSONS' TriadLe yea etxhnliall idols iae, fast cOltori tsa, beet 20a Yard odds Shelling No. Pisa aid* bola"! 18d, - }Can Uhl L. ibeitizig 25c. rAt . . • ' • BARGAINS IN SUIRTINGS. Good blase - hodilaaltn *Toad 250, astrd, • ';, yard wide, ate, Awes pund U. Red twilled dintrelttit44 tliey diesel heavy 445 Red twilled gannet sure Sao. All wool sbeeps_srTy Cloth $1,00: ail woe} canisters 10s, Ile, 12s: O. 8 fi Cushion. wool Mlles ido; Kentacky :env.. 25c. We sell the Unmet Skirt at $2,0, aultiast at $3,71; we also hare .all the extra qualithis at /arsel3:ahead rates, Bargains in dhawis, Cloaks, clocio,ltreit.oo9* a good Paniznatsa yud wide 44e; niapaera 62c; French morfoo, RS sad lOs; twilisd Coburg &Bt; and lots of other goodueqoally 'cheap,' Giving (Hai snare tradi to one znatiursotanu ' • we can tell Hoop Skirts W cheap. We teril a good Hoop Skirt 20 ;privatise" tape kid pads Sr.; bigber numbers equelly °beep., LS.E Y Double Sole . Kip Beall, Half doubler seta gip Boots, Tip tole Xip Boots at lowest prices in the latead to tamp a gottatea, acu shlstio, and do my felt share of trade. Oct. 24,1866. W E '44E NOW OAT HAND A 1111 WINTER'GOODS At the People's Store, Clointag, N. P. Adapted to the wants of all classes; and as we fidd Sot a good stock fait bcfors this lots ad. vane, In NM Ifotic, we are no. enabled to sell most of our goods at about We would oall especial ►itaatloa to our large stock of ;wads for FRENCEMDSLINS AND ORGANDIRS aver otieredisa44 'We alto Lana ales anortmSni,ol , • ADIEw SA*IDEN;VALMAN AND ^/..:s prtrazation, nag Lad favorably . Will ninsigiants roken-down nab ow-spLited born .eFb. rtrengtheaing al cleansing tan tomach nab Sates. Ines in cloth and allk, to Oh& we invite theattennou of buyer,. Oar stock of IC n aura pro 71.ttlill of all ins .JF.ADL CLOT/IS AND CABiiildFavill, for pates and bora wear, Is koptisti ' CLOTHING miaa to ORDER, on abort notice and in tie latest Mlle. Balnuirittand /loop Skirts, of strory rathiy. CHALLIES, SUN, UMBRELLAik. JEANS, COTTONADES, SUEET- Our faellitiss tot BUlirdNQ qopns an UN. BUBP 113SED by any Is this leaden, ind wj wish it understood that We dO not intend to be UNDERSOLD by Wo tender our thanks to the citizens of Tina Co.; who havo patronised us and would respoot• tot tklos, who pave never done so to call an i o* tore opposite tho pekinson hfarkef Stfaq, three 401741 PM of the aorta% n 1 two doolis eat CoT Onag'erfcri'e 'ANL' " ZEE J Weilso7° Rf r F i f '9- r 4 4 1,14. 1 * fr: lir2 B~i~=~`~s~ c LIST +OF, BAR MAINS FOR BARGAINS IN PRINTS. Bk l / 4 3,11Nri *WIRTINGB MINE BARGAINS IN N 00,LENS. BAROADIS IN BALMORIII.B BARGAINS IN 6OOPSK/428- RICHARDSON'S countt.p tamiozio SeVAIRLD,AINIORIIINIST Or .'~Taw_~v u Yns~c.. l's~c4 LADIW BUITsy and the Ault nog of BASQUINES, aiIIGE/4.818, ALPACAS, POPLINS, D.LAINBB, INGS, ' RUNGS._ A FORTUNE Can be made by every man, woman, and child ID this co mot, if thwy will strictly adbirra to this plait of bay'ng itivit goods or the well known popular.old concern of W. R. Smith's Sons, • 7~+ ri~ 1111 ONE IMIMENI Moult' sod tbouied. of pooplo bits . al teopi4 *sit b 7 thou Msg. 11‘,217 kind of DRY GOODS, GROCERIES ,CLOTRING, • I • BOOTS & SHOES, RATS, CAPS. CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS. dtc., k.c.„ are on band in abandan'ar, E: at the old Reliable Comer, the PEOPLES' STORE, GRAVE AND IMPORTANT INFORMA . TION TO CASH BUYERS WHO WISH_ TO SPEND THEIR MONEY WHERE - THEY CAN GET THE MOS r FOIL IT. w. R. ithIITEPS SONS' system of keeping an 11001 . 120122 stock of gaols ut all times of the year, and selling them cheap—this system so ob noalods to big profit stores—is fairly began far the Fan season at their store, and such a year fur doing people good was never known before. Cer tainly thane Is no good reason for, swindling pri eta now; we bare had euough of them already. The great advantage and importance of trading for Cash or Ready pay is fully Illustrated by the low prices now raging at the Purple', Sore. A FEW HOUSEHOLD WORDS FOR THE FARMER. MECHANIC, & PEOPLE GENERALLY. Buy ram geode of a soarers which hes a big wort:cent and is selling ten times as Lonny ituoch and of course can mill them as many timer chea per than small concerns. We giro ail such ad rut:ages to our customers. A FEW OTNER Bto THINGIiI FOIL TUT Pau DENT BUTES TO CTNSIDYN BEFORE tifEND 'NO EIS Moss?. Look out for biastores and biareats; big notas and big nut of Interest and oo nal takers at that—all of which is very bad as against W. IL Sailth's Bane situation Lieu e.speases and no rents, new goods at break down prices, and the good old motto of small profits. good tabu and quiek returns. flying to the breasts The fact is, the only to. and certain road to fortune for the merchant is always to give his customers. as we do. the most be can for his money, and depend Ott large galas ion his profits. Again, oar popular and /with:tato system of dealing, buying strictly for cash. always having cash on band. render us masters of the situation when a drip comes in the market. Never before-Was there such ci tempt ing lot of goods, at low prises, as. W. R. Smith's Sons can - and will show from this ' . time_ forward. -- - Our stook of Dry Goods and Clothing can't be beat, and no ougamer, who is is the right shape, seer leaves the store without buying, and none who care whatthey say, will make the assertion that. they =ahoy goods elsewhere as cheap. We keep the largest stock of BOOTS AND SHOES, HATS AND CAPS that Is kept to the toasty. Cs% it nothing most thin to see the CHEAP - GOODS on the noxious 0011111111.. CARPETS AND OILL-CtOTHS , at ruinous low rates. Tho -cottage aad palace can be replenished fora sons now, by calling co the Peoples Friss& CROCKERY, WALL PAPER, and a thousand other articles can be found; and no one who seee them coo help baying. We manufacture all the CLOTHING we sell. Every wall dressed roan bays his Lammas of William R. Smith'e Bona. We also make to order. Oar Cutter is master of his art; he stands down the boll for. no man who wields the shears fora llrelhood i Ma Elm cure the deemed. We keep An*, Baur and Salt, always as low or loss than market rates. It is atom than ever the daty of every Mon and woman to call here botore baying, and look throagh the stack of tempting goods and bargains, as no one can imagine or form any idea how groat a difference there Ls between the prices of goads bought tar cash and prices of goods else. 'Whore bong hi for notes that us not paid promptly. The Ede.t thing for all' buyers who went the lowest notch in goods, te to call and get W. R. Smith's Sons' prices, and take around in your pockets to .:ompare A great many stores will get the cad ciankter after you visit the Old Cor— ner where they work for their customots. Ton cannot mistake the place, as it occupies thp room of four stores, immediately on the Erie ra infl; " M i s i oVgj b t .1 1:1 1 1 1 8 11 4 1 jtft g ieltl i o n w . we Ironsi;teni.y.l W. R.-8111TirS BONN , A diPaca. N. T., Hill! .0,14455:' LINES OF TUAVEL. ERIN lIATLICILT OEI 341 d SAW . T, NOV, 9, ISM tr.iue Wlii !wee Corning at tbe following , hoar.: 132 a rtl •ailtat Xst.reas, Naals,a. u.pteJ, :341 , 1111.11114 and Dunkirk, ranking oilfat . eo.llltrerloli with train.. al . llos *naafi.: A (.1t vat Wrateru, Lake here. aad (Lam! Trott, k Rai trues. ter all .n.fratlh 743 a n ,Night Kxpress. Daily, for tudtata, t , alatua ta. haat. tri ■ud the Wert. Tata a. at , 11311 Tratu Fusatiot tuerplett, :far Etuata. tee ap4 AYOU ra rtalit. eAlii•bop cyteinfrti, Ms Brari iti Awl Dank It k. 666 p. kuitzr•ut tor Ike Wog. p rorprot , i, L'unanyy enc.pr4J, fur litcukniter .64 kluitnin, p m Exp. w. tuu4a3,. c..septcck 1 . 44 . fl,h hes. mr, SWUM. A1a.1.144.41,01 Jala.l C., ..COUK t Bal.iin•o,4 nark l lid AtLuta. k 11. NI. liAlluay, 4.11 at tlufd.. Muth it:. Lake :140i. and Grand Trunk , Railway. Mr pal uf. nut f:l6 p w 1.. r E. pi r•ilii..L.oo.4•lW. pIM. tOT L. brag:. !RAI. al- 9siways ezreptot GM . Bav"'+• •. S.l.a..wca AMA b.akirk mins. • fa the Wes 1 11 1" Way fr. isht, MIME Ulla. in . Cinciniuti ex' 11..nd•3 • outptt,l, con. . netting at t/t,to for Ith Av.: of titalatkart , a fur lisractift ; at ttr. wr Bend 1,1 -, clatitori. an3Trunti•n Ar 4r. kattal••n far ilawlet and at tinty ' "cam fur Y. ni *LA 11.".., %IA 4,5 am Anvicgisoalltion Train +bal.. Iti:JeJ a. ni r Ilsj ExpretA excer te I. counectiog rer Cua.ortiJaaa. IllogimaKort AAr gym ens, Ore-la 8e1..1 Gar rZlitoll at LAL kawasuo fcr Flaw Inv. eitut•it City with uAlot,ght Trala of Nett! .43 . .3 alr %A t,: warn a t wasbiagtou. la • New 'rock au 1 Ulltitcoee clays em anated. conuecting ma:ln:ire ri.r , la latvitts. nal 2:2t p. . 1 . 7.%; r; ei F..)ankl.ty% tzwpt , t. 7.0 S p m thithll,l”,; Izprw. $111,a63 4 4.7.,hr TO, COO- '•ftttng .1 Jtvel Cltv Mx tmsnig.4:ZuptniSizata ern Jer. latifr..«,), :And Wzshi=gicv, surf of !cos icurl.l.4 - t - zpr ,, tnital Hveron ;eta the E t. - L2:10 a. m.. Night la rem, DuT.p caw acting at I:LTA's for can ter 14rt stArtra. rtrrl South at (btu, nit far Marko k gad at :tic,' ' Turk suit aft,ruuurr t 31, Eke, frr Oast, and New England Eli . _ L p. may Fr-I 4 Um:tars excnittl. ' 1711 A. 11-11:P, EIALLE. Gael Pus Agent. Gtn'l Sop'r Blossburg & Corning, & Tioga E. Et A nee. Leave Con:fug. 3tail,.- 15 a -- in,'NLJI 15 p Axamarodatip,.....B 10 rmfAceourosoda — tbn,lo 15 a sa L. H. SHATTUCK, Sap':. n7lwrrTM' .!Pnn Trutns will arr. and depart at WillEamsprzt x follows raalward-_ __Westward Mae' Mail Trdin...o 55 p mtErta Nati Trall-.7 20 a Ea E. Express Tratti-a 20 am }lris Va'asTrata-2 CO pm 'ChM= Mail Train 8 445 M Minh - Allan Trains SO pm Peturecuter Cele; run through wttheer eh.oge /Tat erupt ke.tereen Phiterlelphia end Erte A 5.11; IFMIK CtINNLIMION. Leave New 1%4: az D &M. atrisa at Ed& 9-30 • m. Leave Erie a• 4 4.5 p m,•rrive &t Neve YLrk . 4.1 R p m t L P. Ninths:a Cautral a EL TRAINS VOll TUE Mlan. Tflama fur Casun .1a rata loava Elmira as folt.ar,t A.coamdation R: pre. [tamest train ou nALI) ..114.5 am ..4153im Will, Fs et, ht, /Fa...lnger cuarEtitrgriatti .......... i 3.4 a m • T varNs. roe RUE SOUTH. Trains for Wtttsomspvt, flaitimo.rc and PhilaJelpbla le4re PI bales as f .11.4.11 at. , i 45 a az Rave. .. 530 to in laayl Freight ...... ... 3 34 a in Through 5 Wei m IrS,,Tha ttam ohi h hare. st 114&.u.,tins 1 oirAtgli t tom to Canan.laLa Ttl,, E,pna. c.Lt. h leave. Elmira fir Wlllismnp it +Art 30 is dm ft.rciugh RAID lath from C5a..11.1,1,1‘11, .1. S DuattitY u'cul Atlantic and Great Western 17.- V 7 S iL.&MANeA z-TATION WZTIR A aZ Dorm). Fat?, tan EtouND Mall . 030 lisprels 5 10 Arentatnn.lntiou ........6.3.5 31.0 ...-. ......... . -..5 52 Psprr.. . . 1519 .f cr,,mr..,,lgiion .....11 4:, Fkcpre., ._......11.00 I 11.11pnr. At Cars there I. a Jimetl..“ with the Phila.& Ipl.la k Erie and C/1 Cr., k 3511 11.444. At Lrx-.trlile with lb. M rat,klit, •ml Ott City aad Pith. le lirstuch. Leaeltrabor)o. the 31111tontay I rtht h makn a di• net ronta to Cleveland. At 1.nde1“.., eon tuat• atth Cleveland and /Ittsbutgit Railroad The N o a t i.asaca thr.dtsh Akron, A,hland. Gullet, Marion, Urbana and Da ntdo 11.1..4,711w van, a , rad read.. Cad ha at eineenown. D McLA II tN, (AN, Cayl , l'a LT*it TEAT MARKET. ANDREW J TIPPLE, having rec i tly pwrehased Mr Wm. Tolumeaud'sititertast i - -- MARKET. - - would 'ay to tin, citizens of Wallsboro and vicinity that be vrtlt euntinue tha basinestat the old Borst stand—veiny nil emira attention in supplying the wants all who may favvr him with their patronage ethstantly on bend FEESII MEATS OF ALL KINDS. Shop n Door South of Derby's Shoe shop. Wellsboro, Sept. 28, 1868-if. 11000 itixN - rs wANTI —The alai Sunday !Stook, Jot puhliehed, euutAitilog atourato ilei•criptiona and explana ticfns at the tuauncr and customs of the Eastern nations of antiquity p their Waage and- curious rites. tradittoes, ceremonies. Implements at war fare; their modes of le 'robin ; explauationa of many patiorts of the 111.1 anti New Testaments, and pee-ages recurring in the .I . criptiltas; In teracting and graphic dandle of the principal places me time lint the Bible and ancient history ; ,by Ri.ht .care. IlluArated by heariv 4hh engraving= alf /or . 4 3,,cei.t: Pee,' "H i e t o, trey „fat , tath o f For terno., when are t try litcral, address CHARLES S. GIREEN a CO • Pahli,h,.r.i No 417, Chestnut Strtet, Philadelphia, PA Dee 5,'86-1m NATIVE GRAPE BRANTIP: "OLD CATAWBA," Vial/lc of 1882, on sale by P. R. WILLIAMS, Drvggis.t, who refers the pablie to N. Packer M. D.; J. H. Shearer, M. D.; L.M. - Johnson, M. D Warranted pure for Medicinal puiposee. --Oot-S, 1866. Mglig.lll.NU I 031 Vanuraciurtr g of Rocolvor.3, Muskot4 4n 1 Cr.o- . .1:1.e, G r iLe United St.ttec scr able. A6O, p. cl.t.r and l cit-p• Repoaitas Pictolc,.Balc Cunel—Revolg- ing Pal., Ride and Stint t;utt Intl Gun Materials, 'old by gun detalcr., an , l tbu tra.l4 .to trolly • /h these dlty• of hotteebretainu ~ioti nart.try. tr ery Attlee, •tare, bohk