II UOM=~IIA'fTER& WEDNESDAY JAN. 9, lid: New Hord ware, Tinware, .4e—Walker d. Lathrop: Auditor's Notice—M. F. Elliott, Auditor. • —Mi., Todd. Notice hi Lit uree—L. Tulion Winter of 18611-7—T.. L. Baldwin / Eiirey Cattle—K. E. -crW36. Grocery Restaurant—Elba Kimball. ~ —Bullnnbd ' Uoldamitb. - Merchant Tailoring—J. - B. Wilcox. - • Administrator's Notice—J. J. Doane, flebeekt Duane, Adni'rs. , Notice -Jackßrown. Ettray—Politts • ' s I Cash for Fora An—L. A. Sears. •• Auitor's Notice—W. IL. Smith, "• Amin Engine for stile—A. If. Avery, Applications fur License Auditor's Notice—Jerome Atielltui. —M. F. Elliott, . ' • Sheriff's Salee—Leroy Tabor. . „ Tioga Co.,Court Proclamation, , - 2 , • lAgrieriltural College of Pentisylianis. - Register's Notice—D. L. Deane, Register. - Cash paid fur Wheat, au—Wright , / Miler. 130(a. and Shoo MakerF—llarirtmps h Miley. Notice to the School Tedeliers'il Delmar. Pay-Dp—R. R. Carvey. . ' • Dissolution-2., Linker. A, , Notice—JosephCoastible.- Nottee—J. F. Donaldson, Quarterly Report of First „Natiunal hank of Wellshoro. Dividend l'folles—Ftrst National Rank. ' The Trial list will appear neat week PROTRACTEDMECTINGS. — A series of intereEtinr, meetings are being.held at the Itictbodiat Church in this cttlage. , Cokider able religiotte interest is being rnanifosteil,' = GENEROUS DONATION.—.tit a Dona— tion given to Rot. C el...torro- - arintitatsyrtlfe, Thursday tigbt of last stook, tho roceipte were upward of SI.OO. • ' FIRE IN Fz-narmaToli.-ivei - 16arn that the Store of - li. Eleriitt, Seq., of 6 Fasyllpg4,; to was totelfy destroyed, with its contents, -by fire on the night nC.l2erot,mber,za4...jhbryi.far., -- $5OOO. - : The January number of The Lgdy', Friend is unusually - Attractive. There is none better in the whole list of ladies' Magazines. We can furnish the ityr:tcrtottanal &/.s.:LAirists , ,frrietld one year for .19.50. Cruanlm..a.s.—'l3y somepiaaccountable - i neglect we failed to publish a notico _ ofiho Treo Sunday Soltool Benefit at East Charles .1 . ton. Wo are glad to lean that the Church was fillod and the enterprisoanlecided soteess:- ' PERSOlCA.L.—Wenre'glad to announce that Maj. A. E. nx,cs,of,the,V. - . .X4:ustw-i on duty in South Carolina, has been promoted to a Culotte-Icy in the Reserve Corps.. Tkiq jq@ 11311 - iced promotion, and his numerous friendalleritt boat will be 041 to bear of it: S. or T.—The following named.per sots were elected offitera of :WeliabF.l:o No. 365, on the 26th ultimo: W. P., M. E. Cobb; W. A., W T. Mathersi. R. S., G. i 7.! Merrick ; A. R. S., C. C. Cook ; D. L. Deane; Chaplain, Rev. .11 P•. Calkins; Treas., Tnos. Allen ;' C., A. C. Malek:; A., C., C. W. Stanton; I. 5., Wm: Riley ;' 0. 5.,0. F:-Ellie. SNAPPLKG L,C97.D,7 - abgrglay.., j iig t, Dec. 20, was worthy of Labrador . ..tan honors. The graded thermometer registered 26 deg below zero during the night, and stood at 15 ceg., Friday morning at S o'clock. Somaruerturial themome• tors marked as low as 211 deg. Friday was a de lightfully cold day. At the Bradford County Quarter Sea alone, in December, litthrop, Abram Taylor, and Wm. Neabitt r officera of illeilerzfek Township Election - Board litre lizzigeented by a zealous Coppertiad for rehising-the role of ide. Eei Dr at the last eleetion.,--The Jury did not End a true hdl and the ilioseeutor Lad to pcy the colts. W. A. Wallace ought to,"reitOitrze` him out of the CopTrerhilitid,Statolelid:-. TrrE ACADracir.--7-Tht Witltcy ;Torn. commenced Thursday, 2d 11.1., with a fair attend ance. We renew - our appeal to yonng . , men _and Fomtu Rjw deeirc to.tecure p 14.4-ara, ocademie cdueation,_to . .. , rail'themselcr.2 of this opportnni- The erow(4,og of two weeks into one_ Tinder , it alm,t justi6O, to thin uu.inter of ttie paper. 914 ought to to uuticcd mpst he pnytpoiled. linpu to ateh up" nest , - PERSONAL% r fellow-townsmen C. W. a G. ''W -- kteass o she barn been „.. fpoudipg seipral maniti in,Minabsota, arrl"ed home Now Year Day. Whey-bring sever al specimens of fine fors, cmung thece . "llM , ekin of m a white otter. This is a' ramekin, and may be teen at thu.,Sbor. of L. A. Sews. NEW PAPER—We - Lave received a new and neat, aaapiey 4:aper.publiehei at Oil City and malted TLF liegieter.; is the publisher -and W. it. John, the It . ought to succenfdL,:. t. a 1 v tak" . lslwilid commending to the musioel pul4l ',the ; tenoning named pieces of new iheht ctl'sfd",.jent"us . hy : "0. Diatom 6 - Co ,277 Weehington 9t. Boetin4 Mew, : " Warrior's Battlo Isfarob," " d'ur", fur the plane. "The Sailor's Wife bj Ghat. Mackay. Angel Footstsils,"n-Jl . l6ed bz 'Jade Williams. " Cuckadoodle.doo," a Political, Com mercial, and Matrimtniil Fong and Choiusi---- 4.11 ex .1!llent. They may ho ordered of the p_oh. , tuber, or ot flitgh . Toink, it the ituoirsfelo.. _ Our Young FOtkassetp out ou its gall to the. Vastill:-AT I 867 . with added attractions. aoktti4ii the Word Joe" will fill the dapartnierit-of ,Tresi el, while Longfellow, Lowell, Whittier and Ai drich will fill the poetical niche. co ‘,ravinge in the highest style of g Ft, mlfh the Apq Pptett chpnrtinent,iri!Frprely iittraet parents to its Oatronage:' per year. TiolCilor & Fields, Boston, .thais. , STnA.Y LA.31)3 1 -7-R9e . sited in the Jar, fir of the editor on or about the let day- of Joon- . • taus, coiiti44o pan, gridiron, and pot: £.aid lamb is of tender 3 eFs, but has onEelud-nernewhat front the rapaci ty rtf mankind. The depositor rceinattl, to mi.sent hie bill for A - UM/6% tviitan Paf=talde time, or annetion for trespass Will .be instituted. Ac the oditor has n'ettLrod rams in the new Co ty Muse, ho is desirous of pa l rins ,/ins 4elttjsurstui early day PERSONAL.—WV have received a-ca,ll !rjan l!ir. C. trriithtlora;trTzia.• Opal tutu h.r a tnp offer theilOsis to :ki:o...tlma Toted :at the t;ipp, , 7 •f' . . Hannnil retu r r, reyh juJr.ved in Ln.,.4b t ,1 u „ tien n 6l 3 , grandeur, and immense l4al;11 Mountuin country. Ile bit 11. , ittr7 lot of tpecitnen:: nt qatrtz. pyrites, for a ntar,ntriecAt .ireeitner, t f ut it me ardor o.lpligAti. , u. to Limo. to tLi. •I,eanot.. the pyritN, are in exeess t inrtninF a4tirti ;iff r .,tilticr , trllitaLty equal to tile to. oi.ol Cold ,ceiny d.frat.cd thrnni4l.out the gnat tz, un ittc 0.5 .C4lii..frjo' r-'uNDAY NNivci:;Any.- Ihe Sunday 5e1..0l of the Yrert.)lVll.l,l Soriel;s Yield its annual resllrel In the (lijarelt ifa air burcegb NeW Tear eveolug. Tie atteutinnee. was large and the oevaaion intereating. Hon. 11. W. tt Martine, the 'Superintendent - suittlo the annual atitemlnl of tbe late :1%0114 rAgl 4 all (40 .° .school and eibreis 'with vros; pifiauc" 4.1 pr.Ftici0rga.r4:11,14,4......he0; TI.. avcr4tie iu ! , 44.44 44 4:41:. wae about RIO. Tae:Saciety presented ibe School with an addition io its library costing, over 6too. The Superioteudont was followed by If,.ev. @aklue, tuetoe, liev: nue- Allen and Smitb, Ewitt. 7 let brief Murata: I .44riV4PßWA44l 44l l B446, olAgilithri Lams presented Slesi,rs.lValter iS'hertrued and Percy lloig, taltbatyatlia fill the ladies. Mr. Skierwe'rid s gift was a beautiful cup and saucer; Mr. [hies a beautiful Photograph Alb" 2l The .Vehool and Congregation then Proceeded to the Ltilture=fo64l;iliietiinteaulfralrepeaVierig• provided fos.lhe teachers and,l4lla folk& , T)l,e, children enjoyed the &oft 93 only children can enjoy.' Tho Superintendent's statrunak.t shows the School to ho itiit condition of healthy progress '4 which teachers and parents may bo proud. I have made errangemenle to keep on hand nt 'all tunes a full eenaortufent of the Cheater Shoe Manufactory Co. flue ettetoln wojk in Ladies Laines- ailla murals, Ladies' Kul Congress Gaiters, Ladies' Kid plain Boots, Ladies' Lasting Congress Gaiters,. Muses Kid Bahniertils, "Children's Kid Shoes, which work we warraqt to be pf the best class and Intend to sell it it 4 dwelt-10114 scale of Prices than such work is usually sold. I intend to do the !MO by this work that I have always dime by my stock of Richardson's Boots and Shoos, warrant every pair, and make good any that fail to give sdtisfaction. I intend to give this work a fair trial and think the arrangement will prove advantageous to my customers. J. A. PARSONS, Corking, N. Y. You can got as many Goods for 75 cent& now, as you could for $l,OO one month ago. J. A. PAnsorts. am enabled by the great Panic in New York Markets, to make the following reduction in pet ces Best heavyleheetings from 25 to 22 cts,, good heavy Shootings yard wide 16 eta., . best Prints 20 to 14 ets.,..good Prints. foot pgyA,15,19 15ets.; ioininonl2 , cte-,• b6triel.alnh 31'15 - 26' ets:TVantomPlannels ,„31 to 25. ct5,,,and..66 cu. De'riia., 'Plaines; gtripeil, RentnckY D T. Cassimercs, bleached, Mealier, and all other Domostic Goods from IS to /0 per cent,_ making it nn object to all buyers of Dry floods to come, and tins Co. mock.--We have Into of bar gains in Cloaks, Shawls, Dre4s Goods, Cloths, Cassimercs, Flannels, &0., ~and intend td gips AsldDryt liinettaretrigkiericto: J. A. PA so I,have now on band a good stock of Furs which lam selling clietrpi . : - 1 1'11*-astialxitil .20iptt-oent lass than last fall Parsons is selling the Donnelly - Hoop Skirt ex clasively, claiming it to balk° beat Skirt for the money in tho market. MARRIAGES In Palmer, on the las ult., by Rev. C. A. Stone', Mr. JAS. W. DONALDSON of Wellsborq t. Mies t m tg i ntrB3 l :lftiot elde of the bride's father, by Rev. P. Perigrino, Mr. Tnos, J. EVANS. of Charleston, to Miss ELIZA BETH BOLLANDS, of Bloseburg. '- Ti fonovo, Pa., on tho 18th ult., by Rev. J. T.' Itcahrock, Mr. FRANKLIN 8. RtcnAnns, of, 5,0610t0r0, Pa.. to Mine MARY B. Ce4rNO:f, of Sin nemalioning, Pa: - ' - In .inekson, on the 20th ult , by Rev. M. Rock well, r. W. Wor.nr,, to Min Q.l. F t LT, all 0f,.4.q( •0 , ,• In'] loseburir, on tbo ISth ult., at the residence the bride's father, by Rev. N. L. Reynolds, H. S, Ilias i ttu t Mint TrLI.OTS - 61±,.0f Atteiseurg l . ; [The EiditoriretAltP tilikfciforl:,a.l;i4llllllfait., of neddihri Loil,t ) lire.4ll a" full pap of happineei to the bride aildiriKim Also, in Moschurg, 1.3 r the same, an the 4th ult., Mr. A. J. NAsn, to Mite L. 11. EVANS, all of Blocher-. In TrUttro . cl)crrig,, N0v1.1416116, by ftev; Frata.la Ehcarttr,,,1ir..80A1,7.41..:• BULL, is:P . 4l6i Ltrate 141.; a/WU:, both : nf Troupsberg. , r.„.2 • . In the. first Bottru t'lluiCh - lir'rillatifg, by tie pastor, Tliown, Ou r tho eVp.dbig,, of Dee. 2-5[11.180, Dr S.:IIF ksrliAN; of Iy ca.., bore, Pc.; 4e 'lits-P.-lAllerori, 41,1' 11111113u4. , A.t tba . .r'esnlenee of th.tudu tote's ;father ebrlOtens Ddyr. I,y ROY— Itettediet; Mt - A silo!: E. 11surn, of Westfield, and Alias A Nli CASBCIOI, of Fartaington, Pa. In-Wollrbole, on the 31st ult., by A. S. Brews trjip.,l M. AXA44tftrEtlit t1,1411 - 4:agdoit.' S ttimr, MI tft;iltalebury. —• if r 3 J1.•11 1 Ai. t rt. -1- Ist inst., by the eame, Afti,Jfilapitri En.i.scto, Jr., to 311.1 a OLIVE Krvx-&-r0e.....if 7to L9Lidite let met, by the smite, Mr. Dmos n...tc Alves ELLl,LanTee . S.L.Jrntss.ser, nia r- •• • Li- At the residence of - she leeideliCfatienroby Rev: C. L. Fl Ilene, Mr. LidAec, -tteen•netet -bury. to Mist , Loose C. WATKINS:Of Ruffen& • • • " DEATHS. S fin Viicksbn, lI n v stil‘ . ; )8&6, PAR sol• rigid 41 yobre Ili th 4 death of Mr. Garrison the comm unity love !hit a worthy citizen, his family a kind and alfectizniato husbalid and father. Many relatives tudiiro kis Iceis but trust their toasts his gain. -In Ja/lrattnebl irizn tlis.: o ?!;• aged ft 7 f3efft l-2 -,`` — ' - ' Fof a tuntatAlr of tit; the Baptist' etnirettlkit ,fs - trilt4or s 4 - 0 114barpl, for the good steZiets - hisidoilvas,iv3L4,l9ng-a.ca. painful 2crilleh - ho"here tiftt - ,.ebriotiee,feTtittatle and resignation: • ,Ist‘bistinar,..Dee. 12, - IB6ft, Lts'ftoe,'\Virifiz;i -I,tr agril about tif„t ears. , In Witliautitihrt,Un the llith tilt; of - Atptheilts ,F41. - juir ,daughter Rensou„ - liii).o9l2.tiz t year of her age. . • . OfiIICULTURAL COLLEGE OF 41 PENNSYLVANIA. The mixt Tenn of this Institution,under fa reorgant{stion, coluatfnoe,(ln 145_164.h day: of J1=417;1607: a. diuga d 14sumues Agent. - CollJ4lonli littimi3tl at:en:lld ta..04110:24.d0er below Perk - ilionse? Daaid2i 1846.447: s. atibi is ALEgDER, French, 'Marine 'tittd;" ehdrih -Cloaks. at [deel 9] • peLErs?• BROOK COAL—The uutlereigned, tquhu ritTengetuputA to fArii4,cs2l tyLbQ TQN-x: caiti UFA Wats di le-' it•the pa.trenago of the public. ALSO- has none:may on hand, a large stook f CARRIAGE BOLTS, do., at wholesale and 2:gz- LLACK6SITTHING,or uli kindi lone in the best martini. • ": 1 : 4- . IIAFtIC, - pep. t, isnotr. ' A XEli:IC4l , i WATPIIFS in Bunting Silver , ±l_ Caw, from $27.50 up at VOLEY'S. ..")" ittrldr 1.0. T, 110 W RE .Tort ED..—Just published, new o,llllion of Or. Culverwell's Celebrated ' ka....lay on the radical core (without med. theca or s. mina) tt'ral.nebs,tnrpl notnry.enthmt tm.llmpoton.-blentM nit!' Physt..`, .al ;neap .city. impedunents 4d Martioo, - tafii 'alio' Epilt p.-, end Fit+ indexed by selt.ln• or e . titasagonee. 4' 3 ,7 4 4 r 4 4 .44 in a o Mud Co,. I , pe, only 43 Cents. /he ctiebrett 41 coda. in (lii admirable ei,ty clmtly ,ielooloirutr.... (roil a tlorty snett , i,fal practice. th it the cc iistg,iruoey • or tired %,(1:olt tlie r ehth;,4lou n3d of ifilernol nedi^mr or, the a 11;111C0 kat of the knife-pointing out ~ 0 i.,„4. or ~t)„, :LI aliCe simple, certain, nod effrettml. every .vlTor.r. no matter what his ...ennalltk.n V , lie, OkilY Fare ntmxif eheigl.prjrately, Imeta - o,Stiould bein,thsliands miry:743llth at.u. eterryloAD ' . ...II • japa4 jduin eriv'9opp. to : any, aild,ross, I .40, of, receipt' of .t.x.:er...niw or IT,:kost.stnuips. IP-I ~., 1. 1 • CJIAS.. Ct.; KE.II.sE , & - Jon nt. p. 27 lit.itryryjig,e. lE.e• dfoai t a. , sortme_tlf 0 -f Wa te r _1: 1 .1c 1 / 4 1 .14Inte.a. Ware' iu 'P.,_O 000134 [lOtlectiq tit 1) ten );olemiu. G hIGE ViIECS, at diel9 - - Vol4l4re. , A • t saio. • •- • . ; A FARIS uftunwttlnult ed uritldifiiy's hdurAturK. Aar. ante r t i -tdotindt and , thifttri! aueu Liuthe}ia 1141, snortititu;kiei drottutni• railroad running titruu eh it, hut turt,4.Utr wn .11P ida orchard then:Lao. 4 r Alec, tteuuty-trx aural, neat elterrt •Fhitti; aLwteight acrett rcleaten • and -thit;tutllltlee , cue.' °red ‘ll-r fuer rruut I rega ti 1 11 c.. - . 1, •• -, t XT:;•l''t ft.ntiln-34 " .404 L. -.tr.— , • - ••- '. •• t r•APPIY tr); .445 0 toSU, W6/1144tr0. OW: ba rg e 'fa r a° ar - ta tU9 .I.*l o Vnti , erVat 14{111$b01 . 0. - */ ) ,,w E.TAimit&l Dcd. , ~„ -• i - OE-WtHh, IN THE BEST ~ STILE; and witia,destniattAt TiiikarriZTOß Office. Are You 5 - tifit °ugh orii Cl ,, ad L ARE YOU PREDISPOSED TO GONSUMPTION I Are fie Lira e Four Children in Jeopardy from Sod. den and Repeated Attacks of Croup? If so, Purchase a Bar of BLADES': EU MON lAL; t - LUBRICATORS!! The .P.optc's Most Sure and Effectual Remedy for ,Cougus, Colds, Croup, Catarrh, Arbilrta Brun- D' th • e u zwea, aitil al/ Pcantottmg 114ctism, AT610.10 ..',pesk&ah T the form of n Lozeuge, which, of all modes, is the most pleasant and convenient, They contain no dela. Wiens Ingredient, and are warranted to be always sate, even for the a:4.l:aq and most sensitive stomach. lu Creep they giro IMISDILTE must. For Coughs and Colds they are invaluable. For Catarrh, Asthma and grpnehltte they inisit int,/equiltiratilastaiike#, (vide Mentes accompanying each hos.) Diptheria, that aded and desolating disease, they control wonder fully and almost immediately. 'No Pullin ..lipitakitt,, Singer or Teacher,-etmed Aise without them, as they remove hoarseness and strength en and clear the voice. WI- Always use them In time, and, If the symptoms are severe Use - very freely. J. 11. BLADES & CO., Prop•rs, Elmira, N.Y. P. C. WELLS IMO!, ilidfaid , n7oiraSilitf.Stit'Agd'ats for New York City: SPY. FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGIOISTS. J'scs at ia . hicciPt chtie A Cough, A aoia, or 't•QW 4'• 00 Sore Throat, BRONet"{‘^l REWIRES I.II3(IDLiTY ATTENTION, MID anot - LD anccen. 11 AL. ~ ,f.oc t ‘y LLWED TO COIITLEME, i t^i US eP s+:l Oft I trttation of the Lungs, A dU ~Permanent Throat Dia - ,E 9 Afar ga10"0. 1 . ,- ..t l P •Ct S• thoN Elton% BROWN'S BRONCHIAL TROCHES Hwang a4.l(osi.taarittik 4 • givrPiinhi meth s i FoR BoaCACIIITIS, ASTII34I, CASAIIIIII, Tics AND T2 .-I ",A Vi t- ?!5,5PF, 8 34...:A k•siti .noches,r2trejl,./Wi ' ilh ' ..alsaisiet.'goacle.succesi. am! PUbila g sittiakeiii Will ilueincairraii' naosit iii clearllig tho)rvi'm when [liken before Singing or •Speaking,• and reboring the throat after an unusual exertion of the vocal organs. The TROO/IFS are recommended and prescribed by Shy. sleiaue, and have had. testimonials from eminent moo throughout the country. Being an articio of true ruer. It, and having PIIOTID their efficacy by a test of many years, each year finds them in new localities in various parte of the world, and the TROCUES aro universally pronounced better tittmoitier,artielte, a.. t OBTAIN only "Boowli B e Booseuut Taocars," and do not take any of the WOILTHLES3 iIIITATIONS that may be offered. SOLD rCET.TIFIIEBZ. NOV. 21, '66-13m. J. A. PARBONB REiEDIAL- EiSTITME FOE Sridrir;:tesis, No./S./Mud Street, Now Yorlt.„.; •-- •-' - - 411-Full Information, with the higNinktestintonials; also a Book on Special Diseases, in a scaled envelope. ..• reo. Air Be sun and send for them, and you will t gret it; fora* advertising physicians an generally • .... ton, without references no stranger should be trusted. Enclose a stamp for postage, and direct to DR. LAWRENCE, NO. 14 BOND STREET, NEW YORK. Nov. 21, 1866.1 y. TRANOB,-lON 41111E.—Eniritinteladiiiid gew tlernan.in atm.qui:ad Btateecan hiar , something ea their advatttaggi.tr retiatudnall (free oVoliarueyby-a." dressing thouraersigned illsso,haTlnpreartor:beint hnsubugged wiOFpleasebblige by not noticing this card All others will please address their obedient servant, TLIOS P CHAPMAN, (lan 31,418-1 y 881 Broadway, New York TARROTIB OF YOUTIL—A Gentleman who statered for years from Nervous Debility, Premature Decay and an the effects ot',3 9ttlitn4 indiscretion„_seilftoF (I{. cy coffering Irttruanlrysend' tree to ATI e lm need rt, - 100 recipe and directions for making the simple rem edk by which ho was cured. Sufferers wishing to profit pyithe advertiser's experience can do so by addressing JOHN B. (XiDD, 13 ,Dhautitara:StiA, 0 ' • • ' ' " - - TO CONSUII4SIVI3:;--111oPtideoitisei, L 1uthailieen rose°, cd to health to n few,oelnighy romedy,aftor haring suffered for several years aith a severe lung sans, tion and that dread disease, Consnmp tapp,is,anvions to make known to his tellovr-sufferers Ihetßisana of cure T . P . ;• who de si re it. he will send a copy of the pre !ecrfplibn used, free of charge, with the directions for it,i4redeing and using the same, which Choy will find a - surd cure for Consumption , Asthsuss,,BrolphitiarCoughs .a,p4Volds, and all throat graftsice4ffieritrhe 'Thu only object of the advcrtim r in sending the Prescription is bairsdlt the afflicted and spread information which he . 60pinnfyes to he invaluable, and he hopes every sufferer Nairilyi his remedy, as it will cost them nothing and marprovoaAdessing, Partioawlsiiing, thtp pteljnripl.him rear, by 'ream bi4n.o adairgsaJtee..l,l;r4 W Ati D eels qt.;4. N pan. 31 led-]y] JI~C DONS , SPAVIN, WIND 4 4LL9, c.ujoqs, Ac s on 661 . 13144101C/LiTiltt Prax/WlTLicculter4, tLc uso of , zt , Roof's /1:4,54.ent and 4pncla Para - vamnseamme was iwisnintned ...a years ago, and Liss neser been known to,faii, a single trial.- -For sale by tilN, - sarettuELVA CO, Cerning,N:Y.' I). S. Itaroes.,* Co., Agents, New York,.-oelT;lsthgni— vez.l cottFA .416.4 di iI tiPERIENC - E OF r AN rALlD.—Published for the benefit and as a caution tu4dinikr, men and others, who suffer from Nervous De. 141117,?rensatut o Decay of 31animod, gc„ supplying at the same time the means of self.coro. By ottiovlmyhas cored himself afteriqadifilisiniCaonktderabinimirekniiV.` Oy reels tag a postpaid addressed onvelopo, single cop ies, free di' 3hsrgo.toay be had of the author. „ SATlliklv lEL MAI:FALi:, Esq., liroolayn, Kings Co 4.P. ' BoRATe CIV ITCH .”3"ATI4CH.I rITIV4I,n ! scRATCIr! WEEATON'S OINTMENT Wili curo tho itch in 48 Some. 4,A1,1a ca. SALT RIIEUM, ULCERS, CIIILBLAINS, 1/O,IIRSUPTIO_NS Ll+ THE SKlN.fl.lce conts.,— .IVr b Or 4 7 1347.in4:413' iaRl3 &CC &4406 WEC:RS I POTTERnJWo Agents. 170 Washington Ht. iltinfea;it, will bo forwarded by moil, fres of postage, loopy port of tho Stoics. , Jono-0, 1800 op. make IT. o4a KOt i edl+l TEArt--nrade. itry , ..it,; ; ;litf :ew 215..7-Stencil Toetriof-lfikrEripirr , • - en - Ce niEceseary. The PresWendt, 'boilliteVe; Treartirers of 3 Ranks indorse tho circular. Sent Tree'unfli samples. Address the American Eton ell Toot iVork, Springflold, yermapt. -7 '1)!0 . :5 1 18613.-Syt • WELLSBORO ACADEMY BIE 6INTER TERM will begin T'FIURS I)A, Jan. :id, 1687. •Edniknits ghoul I begin with The term. 7 No de. Aluetion Made fpr absence the first two weeks of the term. • •• •'• • 4; .44 1: 4 11.20 res . 111Trlaru. • Primaryi Branches $4 00 Preparatory Departn.ent. 6 00 commoniEnglish BregpilteksiTli••••,,...•••4•trit:t Higher nglish . leartiial Mance' and Higher Mathematics.. 800 jAncliroi Languages with the Preceding 9 00 rltad ... 61'4 " ng83 " )4.430 00 .ne..r ,l enta, , expenses. illoaid tier week $3 00 to $4 00 - , dtbobledor self-boarding cenpe secUrpdatd- Tease n ableiiefeel t, Total 4xpenses per term for iiiyon, board, washing, ido., need not runch eicee4 450 0 'NfAloaraars =i211:7-' 2 * 3- 10* Robinsbn's New Mathematical Works, atli Clark's grammar have been iatrodused,for,per hiansat Ü be. f- 4.4 The other text-books used are considered 'the -bed • New,'lt any, changes will hcreaffer bq made. ,in , all ,cases Of cbinges' itoe4i4o24s t navt, books will "be c iii.c — binglidl'ar' niched to Students at one-half retail - 411 books used can be purchased in the village. L I'6o or 200 students oan bo accommodated in the Academy.,.... ~,, 3 " - • 4 i The numbe6roitaibeten iloaelrerewilralday :noel the ?rants of the School. ,4 # ,lpctua,tion from the regular rates of tuition, be tEtaitailtrlttereitt lidikefir And - ento;.and also,in other eases, when n the tut-, lion is deemed tte'siigli:for the ..41 . -4i4 Special arrangements made with Teaaers who cannot enter It the heginting, ornr . i3 .;11:1f , geel:to . leave befoto the cioso term!`' Prizes will be offered for superior " b°lar ' hi P C::!ca kaa The FactiAtY ww. 1111 nclotofore, do their hest for the right education of students, 1 , 7 ;1: "Thets,arill endeavor to merit a still more liberal .434.ttentre. board or rooms until„ thCI ofir... - ni4gMllo4ffi s terra, Address, Pres% Board of Trustees. vim: Circulars, Catalogues, &c., Address, D. D - • , Wallah D 1 Wj ilqi4l P al ' - orn, ea. 80 WELLSIVitV Otrint 41 Y Notice is liereby'glven that Aftottrd of Direeters of this'rintliritty oftt comber Ift:by reselntion d0v,;t1.4 to dose op tho infftetrettl , 4lo Cotepany and distribute the ball - Luce iA tbo,konds of the Trenbijrcr,pretrrlct3!nops Ott 'holder* 04 I)4W-in stock` "Tiis s "tfrtferty .11o5eferov: pill he sold and the proceeds divided ittlikerlosnieWl 6tacklukfais trilVpt aeon thelit. leee.pteln thojte.tuturer......;lly.order,v, 5 . Ist C. M.II. COBB, Clirkr4 NOTlCE.—Letters of . 011 „tr, 1 ,,y, data , z 3.0. 1 014 ~ t otru Toorz•F'f ahted t‘i vart , n . 4i thVeaid BilaN Au 7 5t 4 40• 14. clftilliV , igittnst 0(414 , of - th dietitt!ett,#utitt‘t mike Ifim:zutrt l'lteNbpTP,..Pog• , SMErtrui4l.so bisai4ie deol9 - ,FOLEY'Et. _ tE,P. . tzvi; EZE :, al:>li33 ~i't a& co.,'" i ..../..-.,:,;:•:•-.1;.:: yr AVE 'just .rsittii,alettfivri ;iow Yoic , Inl large assortme nt al INI ER • poops, =MOM Bii64 it Regis Prices, End will he sold emor dingly, viTo retleeetfully invite:attention to •our stoek of f.•,„ • . CAS crilts, • ..-NITAPAI!,,;PAtait,Ls, _ alio/a largi lino of 0.1 31E111N40k—EIIM?diMi- OURIEB,—M: PAQAtlgq*, Aer l f.DUMI 'GOODS ; and DRESS TRIMMINGS, „fag ..c td. - i. (4144,4bilisiind neiCanottoadut of —{ywisie".. Pt: :r READVItADE -CLOSING, p i. i~ a Y~~~_~ '''' l - ~‘ --: ; . -;.. ..- .at greatly reduced prices .' ~.:;,. ::,-...;,-, r .. - r - c.. ... "- LADlZ'S'l".tikSr- a nice e. as:ar -* k eni, lite/ - Aft: • - MEM BON-T04„:'411 1 41t SPRINT(, and (Air :hinds of-110OP' SKIRTS, - - I= HATS & .OA.PS; BAP I DWARE,..OBOCKERY, , Okoctlerks, - - ; , , 4- - - - 47,1 HAND MAD:4OS AND SOBS, t,,, , ,:t. , .,.., v ' -- 1,14 . .Ak...;-. 4 ...•i i , ,-..4••••0 - --t-5 , -•--, ....• .: 4,--7 , ..:, . • . 4....'.--... - ., -. , . i . _--...-..... - i 17 4 ' iiiiiiiiifiriiiiii wa rPe . , . ' ' 0 n t O il mig li ff,9 l 7i , ,% ,t 1: I— . I. ; .' j• ..- -i' ' le ' ':13., -,- '', ' _1 - f - ": k 5: -.-: -; ' SK :,-.. lc :-. -..,., --,sTo** ---- F-p)04,-s-- And sm to show Baore gyirchasiog else ere, as ; wp,¢loi4lYo it will pay Viihs4cineti and tr ouble.- - - . ~,,, , - ell • - i' SMALL : f RE,F.I ' selicui.; BALVS,,(I REXIA:24k IS OUR-MOTTO. , i = _ i =RIM /2 Dontrdiget:to - oat at4Viii. ,, t gki'lßE ti ae::::" ORE, NO. trExofir i4rAtHl 12, 1868. dry , 7 - !TRUMAN' ' t t AA RR STILL ALIV\ sp, ma4ts tit psi? ple, as Shag siSl eiffitig tittfia- 7 ;1...1: , 1 ::1 - A ,-, ‘..\ iA r; ''l' ; , N , ,'; ...' .- ..7. K HUME 114111R._ actia 4 a, poliiiiittpyatqaititotiilaslifit4k i ll "°: ll 4 6 4lo l. 44tatnt. tzw.l • • OASSIMMIVOttIEtTIit4 LZ: 5‘ cheap.Va' Prttiti mia: Der AN are deldrOle PlAtelrlkh.4:ll4, okibebast 74iiti l'aTo PAC, assorted , EEZEI CM DRESS , , ; " L. _ . 1 . ! . ' ' tfild i VA tlint . ' , o itifil. , _, ~,,,.,,,- :',,'," :::, priikand.exiitrtii 110E4 fresliaT,e itlf** - r '''''''' 1 ::'.:"-,, -'. • . . " ‘ . .4 I - BEEN Mi 1:f.h.1,- • grmpts,S, Ipmt xc • 1' QS, le - of t makes. 2 . 4 !LS ' It . ::- ~:,. .' : itk;:` • -,-- '''' . 7 actsgs 'AX4f...;,..ti1.0E5: 1* .. b . likZ ItARDWARE , (laps • ri4. , ' 7 • e , ,-,-,-,•'; Te ,, , reia 1 4i-11 - Gt avail - Thug to supply the wants of all. A o , orV „ tte phi ml we still althera ho or. odago, "onatomors mi 041 Ika well treated ? ", Voy or not. •;• • IVe AA Oem to iool j i t iNt oikc 4:1,904, 'mil if pot I iat*4 ait l4 OM °T 1 11 04.-.4 AV 4W ptTit- 110 1/19 tAltWel4?TbSre, - to In , -21.. , . , ... .it AI O. DULLARD, t . 7 ' . I . e.. Y. , .04re, 140 3091/804;,;. to =32 it, ETU - J. 7 PROP'A, ,:•„ . UrOQD RUM pertain kings.:.MATHe ' ERE:B Grocery MIELV.II4O— of the constant twarmi in and out of enstomers. ' It is unlike a bee. 0, because those who swarm out generally ea way a load of groceries; and because the trip beau, which swarm in and out, keep It ?pi:printer as well Bela 'summer. „ • • , BLATHERS'S ikiim* fsieft e laNtSttle. ca use hirrrierkenhnei theft pr • Lad their moniy for his goris., , i also Natalia thidfroirket piicaS of he bath"io aorrerpoadenea with le , I NF I Vr *ORK 'Ocritraisiow 1 ' MA THEWS en_ ALSO en_ LOUR, P K, FISH, CORN ';',..-'- ;*_BUCKW ,YLOU I / 4 411 _ -. -.-... •_;:::-- - .,1,..'-1 . _ GHEE - MIIINSJ - R, ( ../ * 1 : ; T S, ONIONS, i et cetera. „ i 1 , , . , . T VIER W/111 i I,!'"E' TEA:S LIg„.PPL-glik4 l l I t i, - 1 PRUNES, rsibk'tiii:ec - - CANNED FRUITS, DRIED FRIITS, aid all titan' article; iiit i laii - aaiiajO4sitie .alasto j li - .i., . 1 1 - 1 1 "BLOSSOM AS 805E24 * firothith • pays the beetititibeit , iia•h, or ex- E .- 44'13gs. if ' yott buybf ---- t hers - ) Your wives ohilragrAkr ory, and you via wank or' o y. e member the Am. kv, , ta%utz• `li'ausboro, Pa., Nov. 26, 1866. AT GARDN ;crre, ~..,.. >,.v~ inotnins &1111011SIOlik TEAS OF ALL BINDS;' urirr,E, GAR, MOLASSES, SYRUPS, SALT, SPICES, DRIED riturgi FIGS, CANNED FRUITS, PRIMES, ENGLISH CURRANTS, • AISINS; CITRON; CREAM TARTAR, SODA, 1 Rk, FLOUR, H AcK i xi , • L, IV • FISH, CORN 'HEAL, BUCK - WHEA 1' , 9UR,4L , isitY';'.ifAittiAirAll:E:i _s_ - - ''. 14ATLB,'AXES, TABLE AND POD -96TLERT, SHOVED AWE: - HOES, FORKS, • -, • .: A - ..4.. ~! ..1.. , ... .t.id ‘..i. , , , NI . MC oker,iiiii.9Ni; iCiiiiiii4 3 o . " ' '.-Lanterns, Wooden-Ware of all kind ri iry cordi, Rope, Bro9Os h ,p ruges T . T , , Kinds ; Play & ilirsiCla-rabdcen (....',,- kv ar i ; also a rge variety of ‘ 7 1 /UMW Bnt,o_ g 2}A p ecir.: . •=.: aft - T , T .41 . ,T; , 1 •-.'-' '' Orl i:T: isgard to the sale these goods I wqd:teasy, in strict a adence, of courws gAds were purchased cash and will 1 for cash at prices whi will make It an fd; housekeepers to rehase.-; Lmeau t anruse and fair tradin usineseJ .'" call a ni—at the J. D. Jon ,stand. REM Welbiboro;''D'ecihi _ . 'AD. F STONE; -T AX. SOY be hsti EMI EOM - Avil !a ~ ~ ~i NEM R 0 1011 49q '4 at as,. both • r,ar{pe dental .g pr .thaps, .UlO fru in' umN MffE Eii] ENE =I MATHE • 411rOduce, OUSES ( MEAL BR; - 1, .2 , , , ;.:11. ZATIIERSI 7YI A THE 1.41g3' MSS= L. A. ,G4ABP 0-Jr nuounOng to on and min, 'liable stalk at RIE BIE UM ,ACCO, IL, lAISISO, ) ICES,, ..' , t4litt =:,3-f.:,.. i:... • a.e.17'.1! !,'.- ...ir.si for.l2s i per lb. '..1 El= `per lb i I ' ' ffE ' everything in the L`J a i NE I ERY L alkn'k kik ggSQ Atogkera , . to miokhomgc E ". 142 1 1 ) , .3 Pi , . "I”.(6Ank tam. to be ttgri I! mil- , ika couldn't . sTaxg. rawful rooe . ItINTIBT,'IiirITSFIIIY4Di Pa., ? the very' itbertill.atronage will continuo Bo as to per - tlonexas to merit *local -40Eonlads Agritit 4 g 4 t of the istofee as w 7,,, possible ia9gp#, Att am Rll;ovitpOiaksAd . 9o,- I NO of I) . ii rittrthielba attune!, ~'~~eh ~,, , WELLSBOROUGH FIRE, _LOB -& ACCENTA 1 INMTRANCE AGENCY W. H. SMITH, - 'GENERAL POLICY AGENT FOR TI OCIA COUNTY, PA Cat , / Cqpitat A suet*. Soma, .$2,000,000 $3,582,817 2,000,000 3,800,439 " 1,000,000 5,000,000 Nuttlt Amminan, PbiLnd'a, 1,000,000 731,000 Putnam ------ 800,000 PiirMlll MI2 MO, Middle Penna„........357,402 92 Wyoulkig 250,000 Lyootning Mutual, ......... Columbia Mutual, Lancaater,Ps ...... . Globe Mutual, Lire, Y-. City, ...... 0 N. Y. Accidental, 500,000 Traveler? Accidental, Hartford, 500,000 Egiatable Lila Aisuranoo Society. Non-Iliztirderts; Ilaiardeas, and Extra-Has sedans Nike talon at reasonable rates. Policies hsuod, - and all losses adjusted at this Office. W. II r . SMITE, Wellabora', Pa. July 2'5,1868.r-A , . WHITNEYVILLE. _gps IL Harrington ItMetiletreturned from New York with a full , aleortmeej, of SOMME DRY GOOK GROCERIES, HATS :A14 , 1) CAPS, BOOTS OP' SHOES,' EARTHNWARE, IlitipTAßE, FLOW:, SALT, . - And averylhing_ncusily found in.a country store, which hwis *ling obsapar than nal onwcstFl in the, o 4. FERV. !` 4 , l V,P 4 ':_ l ; llo 7irit 1 0 Goa. -4Eaf H. HARRINGTON Whittoj-TRIe, B.pt. 26,1846,-3m. “RtGULATOR.“ /r." :S. WILCOX Sz' BARKER AH&NOW' OFVERING great, inducements to ihopeople oLTiQga county, as they have their stiraliterally crammed with SEAEIioIkaBLE- DRY GOODS of every description. Good-'Calico .at 15d pet, yard, and other. proporti on. CarPein Clcit,lsll,lltradiefi Duplex litiptie skirt 1 on sale. HATS AND CAPS > : r, in endless varsity to silt - evirybodj in site, price ituctqnality - .. -- • - • BOO'rq , AND_ SHOES, from a fai l !, ettritti: &Jilt it.3l o3 and prlcett--tingmerain a- tine gentleman's cams° boot to.a comso.gentlamani Ona boat. • MEI max . depiirti" %Kart U ISlla 'with choice gionerkar, and at Kitten that will cotopari favorably with competitors_ . ME ITAntwiun.. * s. CROCKERY, we are etnarittg•it nitre end lot, lire" priaea. CatifeetcAremPltAlways on hand. In ghost, we woolly _te_the_iteople aLthit eamoinnity, that .we de not intend to he under sAri ns weighoJ eddi ritor itio.:o et bra at all times everything to clothe a man on the outside, and lath and . plaster,him on the inside.. • , • Just droiiittiindbe couvliced before par-chas ing elsewhere.! 'Mob* 3. It6B. WILCOX .A BARKER .I)ECLENTE! ,-. . O 0 D_S DAY FRlcEtTitimy ;REDEOEL!- - 'PROAC - ii TO 7 25 PER GENT. IN THE LAST TEN DAYS ! .11; -7, 9111 E aubscribet having purchased largely at, the law ! kateitukot piek imAtirgi perk, Is happy to brad - Wristlet:Mil_ tak of tr6ga County that he is now prepared to oW • GREAT INDUCEMENTS ~ • in.CASII PURCHASERS. --- Amongst, hit. Stook of Dress. Goods, via In, found , - „ - as F. else Bold !bigot do a 800 MENVT' -METUNOXS; Warranted all Won! at 85. per yard. RICE "PORLINS & EMPRES4 014TIJS _0; t • At $l.OO per yard . „ LADIES' AEA cIOAKINGS, • MI _Wool,. at -20 s. pea-yard. - -- An "die4W43C•ll , u IL 1: • HOOP & BA_LMORAIi SKIRTS, FLAN ,1 1. ',..NELS, SHAWLS, BLANKETS, : - HOSIERY, GLOVES, TABLE . LINENS, HAND KERCHIEFS, LADIES' MISSES, AND CHILDREN!S STI-OES o chi - that All of which will be found remarkably ._obeep All are Invited to call and examine the Goode. ....41/ellaboro, Nov. 28., T. HARDEN. !II .Mather '& Horton, DEJLIZII9 IR tROERRIRS & PROVISIONS, ,HARDT6RE, wi.LtOW-WARE-; ArA . ,NN.ER NOTIONS. Ld CET7LLE . ,' PENN'S, Carilpaid for Produce, EL . „ 11. sTiciarx, eiteutmais:Eß. Turner, and Furniture Dealer, opposite artt'rWagon Strop, rorpz sTgxxt AVrai,pond, PA. Orders promptly tilled end ratiefaetion guuran toed. Vane, Turning done to order. Out, 31,19158.—tr. J. STICKLIN, atealt . t o - f or Di reo . - 1 - 11 thr3 th 14-1181. '" 3" :TIONAL WkiliLSAciltt)Ul33 , .. will beilield M Op 3441,44 iin,i s he 2d Tuesday AI Annwirit.l"Bo3. T r ititlf,.,ll, _I L. V...O.III:ASOY,Ssidt. 011 1 40 %a - rill:l 2 P 1 1 1 6 1 4(Gattle ear*, °Cal:44la can n a- 4 1 ° 01; 4 m ROY'S DRUG STOWS. A nappy New Year t "If you nava - Goods to tell, prepare to Uri term now." atakeveare. " If 'pin Want to =enact larbiolness- - Anynn- T"E'" • "No investment ever geld ma to well as that invented la Printer's Ink:. Dr. David Jayne. HUGH YOUNG NO. 5 lINION BLOCK, WELLBBOIIO, PA., hartog refitted bia /tore, la iota reeeltiog for the Fill Beason a large supply of - WALL PAPERS. His stock includes nearly re, hundred differeSt patterns Of Gilt, Satin. White Leather colonist and Brown Papers, Parlor, Ball, anti decoration Pap4re, Kitchen, Dining BcMm, Bed, Chamber and Sitting Room Papers, with Borders to matok. Also, CLOTH WINDOW SHADES, And fixtures, Peps' r en:tains,: side lights, and Fire Board Payers of many varieties. BLANK BOOKS For Business ; Professional and Laboring Men consisting of DAY BOOKS, JOURNALS, LEDGERS, 'CASH BOOKS, RECORDS, DOCK ' ETS, RECEIPT BOOKS, • PASS BOOKS, WORKINGMEN'S WEEKLY AND • MONTHLY TIME BOOKS, TUCKED MEMOBAN• HUMS &DIARIES, . All of the latest and most approved style. and many of the very best material. BLANK DEEDS, BONDS, MORTGAi3 ES, LEASES, PROMISSORY NOTES, DRATTS h LAW' BLANKS, generally. PAPERS BILL, LEGAL CAP, FOOLSCAP, LETTER PACKET,BA.THEOST.COMMEITIAL, - OCTAVO and . BILLET NO E, LADIES' AMERICAN AND FRENCH NOTE, MOURNING, &OLD. IMPRESSION, DRAW ING, TRACING, MIMIC TISSUE, BLOT TING AND WRAPPENG PAPERS: E NVALOPES In endless variety, of size, shape; color acid quality. - INKS. , Arneld's Genuine- Lenden Bavide Flidd andlltaak writing Ink, to !ergs or small Bttles. Blue, Red, or Carmine Ink, and Muciln ea ~'.E~s. Fifteen different varleties;ineluding; Gillott's (elt - numbers), Lehman's. the Wasfuugton Me dallion, the Spencierian and other popular Poor. BLUING PENS, ' PEN lIOLDERS, LEAD PENCILS, DRAWING -PENCILS, , - si,s , rms. 4 SLAT.E. I'm:torts, - 5.0.; so., &e. PORT FOLIOS, Picture Frames, Cords and Tereels Photographs and Photograph Albania;Pocket Books, Wallets, -and lar ge Money Books, Back-Gammon Boards, Checkilss and Chess Men, Pocket Cutlery, Pocket - and Toilet Combs, Hair and Tooth Brushes, ,Vlsiting Carlls, Card Cases . , and a fall assortment of NOTIONS, which space will not allow to be enumerated here BOOKS. SCHOOL BOOKS FOR TOWN AND COUNTRY, LAW, THEOLOGICAL, MEDICAL AND MISCELLA NEOUS. BOOKS, SCHOOL REWARDS. SUNDAY SCHOOL B OO 4S , ;TICIU'V 3 -A-ND-' RE VUDS, Published by the A werican Tract Society, Ameri can Sunday School Union, and by the respective Denominationah Boards ot Publication. tarnished at the Publishers' ow Catalogue Prieo3 FAMILY AND PO6KET BIBLES, TES TAMENTS, f , RAIER BOOBS, and IFi'MX BOORSIar Paamaiaations, Vo cal and Itatintaratal MUSIC BOONS, AND SEI4.ET MUSIC. BlowSpapers_ad4_ Periodicals, All of the leading DA TANS, Vi'glitK LIES' AND - 14tONTHL Mc% Curilltantly ea band, Parties lasi maiming upon linsinees, nountr. STerrbyr l s, „ Lawyers, Physicians, Clergymen, Sabbath. School :Cminnit tree, earl the community at large will do ncli—to. call, aa•l examine Gouda and pries,' before purchasing elsewhere. - Remember the plere, No. 5 UNION. . Wellsber l / 2 e Pe. . Oct. 23, 1,8%,, - Ayer's Pills. , 4 . A . R p E dn o i rt n i si;k i f r ise .7 %lo n a a n n d t Gfr o eoin ; der - poor system deranged and year iwslings nitoomfortable ?- Tholu Um:Vents ars often the pre. cursors of serious illness. doze 1 fie of sickness is creeping upon you, end shoots be Amsted by a timely use of the right remedy Take Ayer's Pills, and drive oat the humors ' purifythe blood, and lot the duids =oz., on no. obstructedly, In health. They stimulate the or gnus of the body into vigorous activity, purify the system from the obstructions which make di.• ease. A cold settles somewhere in the body, and deranges the natural operations of that part.- This, if not relieved, will react upon itself ea.t the surrounding organs, producing general eg gravation, suffering and derangement. While n. this condition, takeAyer's Pills, and see how di rectly they rector° the natural action of the api tem, and with it the buoyant feeling of health,- What is true and so apparent in this triviel ant common complaint, is also true in many of the deep seated and dangerous diseases. The same purgative expels them. Caused by similar La, structiona and derangements, they are surely. and many of them rapidly, cured by the came means None who know the vitene of these Pills will neg lect to employ them when suffering from the dis orders they nure,.such as headaehe, foul stom— ach, dysentery, bilious complaints, indigestion, derangement of the liver, costiveness, constipa qian, heartburn, rheumatism, dropsy, worms and suppression, when taken in large &eve. They are sugar coated, so that the most Mtn— tiro can take then, easily, and they are surely the best purgative medium° yet discovered. Ayer'' Ague Cure, For th. .peedy mart reartaia ettyl fq - Atemineht Freer,. or Chill. and Fever, Rentitteut Fever, Chili-Fever, Du,nl.. Agate, Periadtcat fleadacha , or Bilious Headache, and Bill.; Fere: ; deed for lie 'choir class of di ' llfti4e* <44 . 7;11061,j iu daiarg derangement, cataract ky tha ntatarin of .11 . 01 , /arlite countries. This remedy has rarely failed to ours the se verest cases of Chills and &ever, and it has this great advantage over other Ague medicines, that it subdues the complaint without injury. to the patieut. It contains no quinine or other de:am— nion, substance, ear tines it produce itelnism or any injurious effect whatever. Shaking broth ers of the army anipthe west, try it and you will endorse these assertions. Prer . sred by Dr. J. J, CO., Lowell, Hass., Ulll sold by - all druggists and dealers in medicine everywhere. COBBLER'S EMPORIUM R. - BENJAMIN SEELEY, shoe maker, over Jerome Smith's store R. on Main Street, would must say to the Shoeless and Bootless—that i., that portion of theta who have the do.l - ods to change. their condition—that be is now prepared to manufacture coarse gentle men's fine Boots, or fine gentlemen's coat se 8003 in 03 bungling a manner, and at 29 dear Wag no any other establishment this side of Whitney's Corners Anything in the line of Shoemaking or Cobbling will be admirably bobbed on the shorteu notice. Don't - examine my work; it won't bear inspection; bet "go it blind." Re member the place, neat door to Sbakspeare's Tailor Shop. B. SEELEY. Nov. 1.1, 1560.—tf. LAWRENCEVILLE DRUG STORE. undersigned haling purchased the Drug Store of W. G. Miller, will keep a full stook of DREGS AND MEDICINES, P.A.TENT MEDICINES, PAINTS, OILS, Dye Stuff.. Kerosene Oil and Groceries, u hicG wdl hr sold at as low prices as any other aura.. t in the roantry for rash. C. P. LEOSAii.D Lawrtneacille, XfrY. 5. I.Rd6 -ti. Claim Agenuk. ErE.75. - R.Y SUED:WOOD 3. ILLARItISON Atcy'r,-trill rollect. Bounris.3, PrNsto , ,, antt all other claims againit the Government. Under the provisions of late acts of Cenere - $l9O Extra Bounty *lli he pia ht every three years' man wh,. :creel ,wit his tell time, or ctn.> wounded in service, was air:charged b 7 renacrn of the !emanation of thw war, and to the widnw3, minor ehildren ,- Ant• ..f three years men, $5O Extra. Bounty winbe natdt>oll two years.' inert and these he.ri under hits circumataneee, and to three years' m.O who served two yeara af them otaldstment. In rid ease stllrrial extra.hownty be paid ITLI more than 51010 has heels previously paid. N o °lair. Will be entertained unlam pramaima aside, Rmr, ama flaunt-moss leaned by Ind War Department 5ept..2"4,, }Sea. The Department mill reise:ye cisima from Oct. t, tOfa , unrli.Aprit 1. ISQT. To cam of claims by parents ender late ears cf Congress for bounty, Inct Parnan 0011 Malaita Malin both join in the appliCat ion. Increase of Pension. $l5 per month to (Arty Invalid Panainner lit di•ahttd. $2 pernuinth - for each child. under Id years of aged widow Pensioner'. , . FeeA for procuring' Extra -flaunty, -..., F 5 " 'immure Pen5i0n,..........5.7i " - " Original Permian, iI i 1 " eallootion tho 4/11. of Sopt. and 4th of liar , h - rialtniints of. Pons Wan . $1 NEW FLEATR, GRoeiaty, AND PRO _ ViSION aTORR. Edwin B. Garvey, la calmly to fumislx. customers With FLOOR,: COMMON TO BEST, PORK, lIAMSn MACKEREL, WHITE FIOC - CODFISH, AND PRIME GROCERIES OF ALL KINDS. Nest door to Converse's Store. AV ellrbero, Dec. 12, 1468-1,3 t, Administrator's Notice. ETTERS of Atlnuntniratibn saving been 'granted upoa d,a estate of Martha. Juno Cooper, late of Cliath . a.ta, deed., all P 8 "°" lu delaa.l b., and all haOing claims against said du. cdal,t, a ill °all and settle with N. E. HASTINGS, Adm'r. DL4 . 3:-GT.ll . llON.—Thu copartnership hereto fore auntie:4., between Jas. D. Jones 1. L. Gardner, is this day (Dec. 6,) dissolved Ly the withdrawal of-the senior partner. dII mon eys doe the firm of Jones k Gardner aro to be paid to L. A. Gardner. Mr. Jones will remain to Walishore for a few mouths for the purpose of , ettling'eld nem:rate: pdrsons indebted to him aro hereby nartfled to call and settle at once, as he is resolved to close up old teejters without delay. JAMES D. JONES, L. A. GARDNER. Well,baro. Dee. 12. 136(1-gir A L T OTlCF...,...—Datid Junes. John S. Jones and IA David Lewis, hare this day applied to the Court of Cowman Picas of Tisgn county, frr a charter to incorporate thaw, thou- CL3110C3M6.11 and guccessors, (or religious purnoces, under the name of " The First We% Cocyrrgational Church at ./forri, Rtaz„" which - wlll be decreed and granted at-than...sat terut of tt-tal court unless objected to J. B. DONALDt4OI7, Dee. $, FREE TO EVERTDODT largo 8 pp. Cetalogna, teaching how to remove Tan, tereckles, phuplior, Blotches. Toth Patches, Sol lowness.. Ernptions and edl impurities of the skin; oir-to force Whitltrers, restore, curl and heeuti the hair renew the age, etre Drunken nerr; Nervous Do'oillty, and other useful and 'rat eable information. 'Everybody send for. it. Ad dress BERBER, SIIUTTS 4 . CO., Chemists, 235 River Street, Trey, N De& s,'6l2—ltia _Viministrator's Notice. ETTERS of Aaministration baying liana I_4 wanted upon the estate of Alrin Butlor o lot4 of Westfield, deed, all persons indebtel to 3.111 egfalu, and all haring olaima against the satua will call at coaca and rottle with BETLRE ifOLLIBTER BARER, I Westfield, Lice, 5, faT.tINENG acres Co - rsisce.lnti CRlley oppiviti, Bla m e .rich''. Catidingi And a hair! ;:.titsl mit, ',id g i °A te"ri , s: tl.orei nitro - L. 750 sii2re.. inyirrissrpl,pd tho bel4iscis Is tiorerei with grioil k a IA Yin., sod hard timber las:Riker *Rh fU mo.c, +r sy 44 •,n• yoke of taut," test -IA ,cock ay.! 1:a 16.11. - rtflUittg ut,lteit,, , 33 , Arms ( 4 rre Ie cirri! Irt..issi n . .. l lcaliiulatitit for 3 fler.t riot'; . dairy or stook (a.m. I.i:A rho isatlOrsignoil 'AT rs 1‘34 3 , l3filibg form tilgetlitir with sisx mill thereon isith arta of the best liroviliii.ger - mirihri Cowered giro rival. 3 , 14411(.1. litrge new strati rind stook of xirst . , tip, the of 1 /nov ol le:beside* a no miter, alive sikiols the inbeeri loot mitbr i to -ti I/ ut cit to pweets te.suit the jkardwor. ll!riees reorlriseks and tetz3 for - farther. natit,al.trA enquire of J. GOODSPEED. Irstovilla Xov. 7,18dd-4f. HUGH ICIUN Q. A. Farm Fur Sale