lE= ric ,--,; -- 1 —„,.: ~,....„..,,„,4._ It :;.,,,, it , a , c --,---,- . -,, - ' - ti - ,lo' i ''''' 0,4 s 121 ‘VEDNESDAY DEC. 19, 18(; lEEE A.ctiortisomontii. - -• ' Chrks, Jewelry. tc—A. Foley. tietitm 8:11k , .; , -Jit,.. E. Cattle. yeturie Strtr.e Renal-4 Truman. Knlrw•tr.ac.V . .. Sah--3.3,e, I Mitchell, Athit'r c 7„ ie..— t,hll I. Antehdl, .Atiuer. ..! A Mather n'iooro I fteadertiy-1):I). Marhlci D Cantina. .• 1,..,11111..f1—Jac..6 P A TlltiN;.—To afford tiii4;" for 11 a extra olved it, the. eulargc•teent 9t the tioper,az to give dm printers it Obritittutis ,ali i,:ue ii paper next week, Type I;Autiti 1,,i perm:tting,, the AGITAT.IC will r January 2, lbriti, much enlarged, as here- I= 13arrisou -C. Bailey, hunwn to /Host of the people of Ti 041.; will tho townships as autieneral. Agent 'ut Adt:toor He is aulhorisesl to collect dues, ica ,el),:riptions, and receive ordets for l Job hi,g akol 44ivel ipta will be rdud ao pa) otents : Mr. Batley is now on his OF T.—Welisb.Pro is iu rizliwgLditlfai. Itegular, tweeting* every, iuc_ my t,euitig ut C.;CIPQkt A...NATIO:v.—The friends •of Rev., 4C- 1 till:, RAIUt,IC. II to nieer s at Bib hoti . , t Churic,io+l,lllurAsy evening, Dee. 27,1866: 'J(.itsv\iif•—Seinatar EES has .-poucifug 66 few nays , in town as the guest of Win. A. Nichols. He left en Monday.. • 11 FAILILEM. AND GARDENERS.—Mr. Wallet's ie now making up a ohub for the tulturiet, the beet paper of its kind.: in the d. Call at the Poet Office and leave your e aid st. - _ ()). ATioN.—Th ere will be a Donation for tne benefit of Rev. G. P. Watrttus,..Vfts t the Buptiet aurtl, of Covington, Pa., at et T. B. Putnam, in Coviugton Burn, 't,ll,etchq evening, Dec. V, IStin. All fire ;aily invited to attend. oar next iseue w ehall publieh an intereat nttLr Irum Messrs. Truman and Donovan, at got keeping aelielora' Ilall in, the Rocky ovum:. They have diinovered ' that all is ! , .h1 I hat glittto ,o. u e Taal I.Lttr frotu :L Minuet -0w trapper 1.., an address to the e.oldiere of Tioaa ournty ISLLARD & TRUMAN expect to re- this u•erlc a vrry Lugo stock of DeLaines ‘tititel pnuit-. It was ordered viith indention 1.1 making the host display of is' Dress Goods ever brought into Wellstioro and examine. 1:7 - • MP-sr,. B. T. hive a vplendid oel: 'are, u irre I, :aid fAher fashionable the to buy furs and Winterpets OM NFroN (.;ousTY.—Brother Bowman au,oplii.ticate Editors.—. last paper he rebukes buys and 3uunr men loafing .•u the :area corner:, a , at It ‘‘a., not tie.. t 1, ❑t V • ri,l in Vi ~ 4 1f 4'. Eu w if 1,3.*i.,ut 4 4.1. ,lit ale n, .lauger ul gettjag rut, ~ % t-r, •r, :it n the 111 , 1, Ha., It he getlicel I. :lure. at the tioni dl) tI: hi 4 ale 11 ~ : , :114 " .011veniuni —Ave find voice, Be ru boa r.ound the E T ioe of ,:I , IC of F...;,11•2.3t. flow :cot in, by Mr. A. 4 Speneur, =I prupne!or 01 er'Ll Altlis, oti the Titiga t. \Vu limy*: le , t 4.1 blioltieheot I in ntll t lint, but teldultt Dare W. Leen treated 'eh au em,Lacy Lit It is nitite nn v, cirri, ituplted , eLedienee to King Tenet gentle persnabivonessol strap and di—the, in unimenkAhlt ddiriothon-s IVe rceu,it.t rid I 1 to our friends .1111. le nul 13 I,t,a I i i; A 1,1 .0 t, 1 TEAis. e'fi,`ti• Gazette that the tiluil• seirice betwreh irbons is reduced to ',three tintet atu It ucii to be regretted. Church. Tr..y renovated. Pre,byteriail Sortet! has int ited Rev'. Hain I . to carne in ly Dy. Gi•rzetre epeuhr tei uts..t high praiei_, N ER Nays that wile u eutntnen braket-inan per - tuarnh, lard hiiftit t. teaJtet., iufetr ti.at I , uor i.r.ikee , taen eoula he hired a; pan pcor teachers. That to aqttnaci.ltit...: —The 13ellefonte ENI ER COU:il •• cape that. a Irutnan f.,ond near 'la In that county last Saturday.. The akidu, ;,•• .mpl.oned to have been buried there four or ,eare. There 11' 82! ar: by ot on one _leg. TGe !.n.y.oed tut priute the teeth of 4otne wild t. ILu 2.1410 pupor snyaliiiit is tls' set;kl,l bich Las bero fuund in tbo Woolen Factory ie to be c! , tal3balied 1n1„ , .)..e,al chic. Alt, / Ybeti e hE ,•,iciltged L,ahheehce the thtue at rki. t.ll:L.,ru MAGAZINE.—TiIe Jartii -1%.0. tK reptete with the various attractions at.LI betytit titt Indies. It gives 80 -•. t t,c !the pictaeSion steel, a aduble fashion s.. dna rittertEe - 14 - ntiPttrrtr:tt - zienntify. I , re.: 1 , doe. MIS MaigaZille is affiu . .latt at 41111611/. ' Chat. J. Peterson, ,eeived the New Year number el and lint vononnee it au 1.1•Inla•r. Ils..plale:= are not 'all preen -. theietou e ;uperb. Young iv . ,1 4 it. i Jonntrri brie - " the best iktnertca: Its mop! comprehends • us mental science, philosophy, lo,r.iture. There are for abler editor= :Ir. R. 14eli who conducts it. iir2.oo .n. 611111. Bu wiet A: Wulf., :ISO -liroad way, FIRE COMPANY.—The drill Fire C , 113 ',any at the 'Engine lialFC. Min , IA . i both interesting and in:ln-lace°. 01.1,,t, to todkodevet y CalLdU d That to —every eitiven Lt to know 10,0 to handle ev ery part or t h e gi t the lull benefit of this irrdructi..n nll (01 , u , b Wald come inrwaid with alacrity 1 hour We %not that n he sed the Company. Mid %he have much pro• ty at ri-b if a tire otieure is their neighbor. ,d, cannot find. titue to attend the , ri-dtilLli -z -old a - tire break out they would find limo to Liol [6:o. we presume, and, ignoranrof 'the du, • oca good fireman. they would find them "' , u the way' 'tide...lid Cary ta and iii--eriii.. ' 'if t Ourze tin, it a volu tury arsueialiuti for c ~ , “ .:..,.e iii.betit. Every man who Fithgertb , l ''.," a- a member pledged his 'word and i, Tit Ce;nriiiiin. on the 23.1 i.t . bot, - si 14, -I.3Yr.vA '`"'r 1,, , tand ii. the ranks. There are no 0:41: 4.4iir, Biimiv, daughter of Mr. Brastus Ingalls, bi. Jro :laying away cave the Teuton re- )ag - €4: l 31 yeas.— ' - • ._.' t.. , :: , ed, '‘,liii-ii attaches to _men who runalie One 'ln Richmond, Nov. 12th, 04LLY b., wife of "an' and du another. _ , . . :„ • ,Hanel Gila, aged 63 years. 2f.7r collo -- tor • - • • at Ti9ga sne - s a the font; n: g r. "On Sabbath, 9th Tinan, t resi den t of phathaw, being absent at dinner time, Fearch was made, when he was Imind hi the over sheet of tho.barn, banging by the neck.. A chain, suspended from n, brace hatl..heen unetlin the-se ' colni.lishrnent of his purpose. _ LIM absence from the house bed not been over frein twenty..mittntea to half, an hour. : " The deceased was about 66 years of, age,axid had lived in the . lOeality seine 18 years. * Fir some time lie appeared to have been landiting un der .I..pre,sion of spirits from various eau:es. The . tatieral iery te!Pt took place eti - NVedd(isday at the Cloim tiehual 11.on.se,that were cor da tte r e d by Itev's S. Butler and L. h, Afel . ) . . tirieenti,in the presence or u large congregation who :;yiepa. !hired with the family iii the'r4l event:' A SPECTA:CLE.---A few da)*ltgo one Peter !iota was hanged at Willfan,sport for the murder of ISIS wife. Though not an ardent ad mirer method at puniahing•erituinala, we do n ot porpi,,e here to point out a better 'way, but rather tmetatirtc upon the hadrtnete tlisphty, gat by the people who absenthled tube() the hang ing We load that the atteilanceyras great; that devised mothers, with innocent ba bies in arms, walked the streets adjiicent: et; the in - consolable:because' ale exclusive law only pot !pitted two dozen witnesses to yegaid tbo li: 0113- of Peter; that . ladies of intitien vowed. fo go in, law ur no law, we learn from good author-. _fay.; and-that men and women-climbed trees, and siovered the hop r setops like a cloud, .we 'are - told . env equally good authority.. - We comprehend this, and the reason Ter it, of . course. r -When:mem get up a liogufight we know , why they, do - it. Nine-tenths of mankind are •anslaved by Morbid iiPpetiiea and paieiOns, and unived brim - abut impulses. No man or woman. not so enslaved and moved delights in harrow ing spectacles. We have heard of men Ao'tre quented slaughter -houses and appeared to - find great pleasure therein. • We knew a boy:who de lighted in seeing rings - pat in pigs' enouts,and" delighted in killing kittens. We have seen in• dividmils who. like -_,Sary Garet), were - . never - so Much at home us when there :was i - t.' , amovPae the house." "In short, atone peonle only ezist'in thtswid tiif calamity, and fatten in anticipation •.. of s x pected horrors. This it dived with charity, but epori the practice' of'de tniled reports of executions we are inclined to be severe. We have never knowingly ininrst'eret to this morbid appetite, and hope never to do so. Go to WlHiatus's No. 3 Union Block, for pres eats for your wile, your lover or your children. Guernsey A: Corbin, of ,Corning, N. Y., 114ve the largest and richest rieheet stoektif Christmas Goode over brought into this tivirkot, the Druggist I ledczves credit for timely and liberal remembrance of the Ilk" in the toy department of his well ordered store. De has one of the most carefully selected stock of toys ever brought to onr o tr" mut says he has put such a price upon theta es - sfiall make every parent _guilty- of ''-grosilmismin agetuent" who neglects to the " folks at home" with substantial- means of amusement.— We apprehend however that few will,he found thus guilty, as none will, we believe pass Wil Hams' chow of toys without giving more than a look. Uoliday llifts--such us Gift Books, China and Bohemian Glassware; Colognes, Perfumery, Lava Card Baskets, Ilandkurelnid and Glove Boxes, Traveling Ca•ms, .Writing Desks, Work Boxes, We. You can get any of these at the Corning Book Store of 4k CORBIN. T 11:ivU jua‘lo arrangernenteti;lieep, ha n d at all limos a lull tow.soritoent. of the Chester Shoe M;snufactory Co. fine eure-torn work in Ladies' Kid , polish- Boots, Ladies' • Kid lialmnreits, Ladir,:s , Kid Cc ngre.ys Gailenv, Ladies' Kid Ladies' Lastili.g Congress Gaiters, Kidd Balm orals, Childorn's Kid Shocs, which work we warrant to ho of thp h,ost clas.s and rotetol to bell it pore!' lower .8011 . 10 th.tt. Hach nark r•ohl. Lintohd the tzarrie by this mark [hot 'I have always (lotto I.y itty Stock . Ot Slawdolarrnill every par, and tithe AolOt REIT) 1111 . ,,t t.atl, to gave I. Intend to giro alit.; 'wart; a fair trial anti think the arrangiorient wilt brave •drtvantageens to toy tostornors. ' PARsoNs, Owning, N. Y Poclca. CatleFy, Pocket Honks, Itnteketd, a nit...a g;olit Pens and Pened Cuse.;,:—A lieu t•tck for Holidays at Ouernsey Corbiw'c•j_eur 'sing, N. Y. W. It'...Sinith l / 2 -Sons,-Ad'disun, Ntri 'York, 'will otior or, and' idle? 'Monday, - Die.,4 11310.0.ek el Dre:s Goods, con:4:411ov 'Ol ab 0 4475 "piiierea, of Merinos, l'oplit.!, Empress Cloths, Victorfit,; Cloths, .Y.c„, nta {;rent reduction to,eloie tirgt hettoe Jauntily 'lst. You can buy 40 inch Alert , * u.. 0 In beautiful shades for 3s.—tonnes priceir„, I : very line Etupress Cloths Cur Ss.—price. last month los.; all wool iNlovincts for 4s—to not tit itt.tt tit at,tl l'rints for ts,, 15c. and ISc., Sheefings 12/e. ltfu. end 13e.; heavi— est 22c. Our large stock of Clothing will -also l i c,, s old at t reductiou. Nu huuabug _about this._ The glottis have gut tit be sold, sit look 'out for bargain! ! • ~; : 44p. s,4?ttip:3t. CHHTBT &d 3 PItESENTS fur the the xe . lns, in - ,bject btlyers c doe anti see our stock. We htiiit 54r; itil , Ptnaks, Shawls, Dtev Gooch, eltly, Flannels, kc., and ititinid to give every one - die lull benefit of every reduction. - J. A. PAtlsolie..* I have noiv gnAtkoliagootl stock of Furs which' 1..a1u cheap. "flicy ve 41 - mut 20 per Gaut than last fall. : : 3, A. PA11.5.0N8:, Parsons is selling thskAnif pally Hoop S)iirt . ex,- chisivelY , claiiningik,i;:tate best Shirt for the money in, giii•market: • MARRIAGE On the 4th in t„ by Rev. 0. B. Wearer,-at the re-Ad.:net; of the bride', father, Mr. P. ;M. en HALL, of 0, Bola, to - Miss. C. 0. TOt.rs, Of Deer field. -Li he Editor acknowledges the rteeipt of a box or; pl. mini samples of the wedding feast ) In ‘Vell,lore, on the 9th lost., tgA.5,1r49.: ter. Mr. Cu A.R LE S geild FR.l4,„tlf) 'WILL 4,1-11:71i1 I NI: •SC Fl Z 0'1•1111.a. 43n the , 50 inlet., by Rev. CA. F. novety , txt the residon.•e of the bride's father, Mr. thtstee 0. Dont:t., of Mainshurg,to Miss,JOLIETTE SLIT-11, of rulhvnu tie the I:ith elt., by the tome at thie - Vorroime in M.ttoshorg. Mr. A hoNzo M6r.01.44N, - Pht:lthey. Slettben eouuty : N; -Y., to itit4 is. , A nett; SQUIUFS, or Tioga;_ 'Dec. 9th, by. - -ter. I), it. hieDer filen Tioga, and Ali -S I .et I: t A .1 o,4liokuion d To bee. lst;:by,thev S. A. Leonard, M r ..toev MisfoNYE, of Westfield, to Miss KURA. :731'1:IPA % I t, of Iteetot, Potter Co. Pa. DEATHS 7;AGligt",'.',olrW- aLur.r.:7l JR.) !s_ HOLIDAY'GOODS r Th . " l'lilS ARi 1 P," `` May now be seas,-at the DRUG STORE T:_ P. R. VI:4OMS, Consisting of all descriptions of .;; ; FANCY GOOD}, 4• 4 2,9* BITCH 44. i• VASES, • • BREAD BASKETS, CHINA DOLLS, •TOLLET CASES, 713coti n ti,; - 61 ffe. *>-; And a thousand,neinlneAntinAnti for Ihe . . •• LITTLiNgtt" Also, n new and extensive stock of ..-.IRIEGS , -;.4191E1) fin BUST PURCHASEDz.,I4sT, 4i:of YORK F 0 C AND WHICH WILL j;b:• SOLD AT REDUCED RATES. • NEM PURE itiNgs:,,:!;MUOIK FOR MEDICINAL-4tTitfloSES, AND Dr fra , . ,Atili NARIETIES, t•I • - Better than 4ny ever before,offered' IN THIS MA - lIK ET. Also, a new to of Paints, Paint Brushesf.oll4v&or Nov. 28; 1566 EXCHANGE 11111. T. MIME, PROP' ri.001) names pertain to good things. Grocery like 11411t-liil'KAtO, Can o e of _the constant syf arp t iug . An 1 04; ef t. customers. It is unlike ajie4-..bi,veAwenatEntlioste who saline' out generally,,carry ttypfty,.- u Inattnt_ groceries; and boeinisli the custom bees, whieli swarm in and out, keep. it up in winter 41eil :IS in summer. NIATHERS'S tlrettery im au EXCHANG W, I,e e4!.use lapner# : 6l,AeLitpigt„thAip preduee,,apd them money-lux hia.guude. - , -4 MATHER-S also furnibbes the market prices ictf - fitrtfiTriiiiiiiie, he being in etirresposiAtinee Auk& NEIV r. • If; 4: "T ir - E ' FLOUR, PORK, FISH . , 'CORN MEAL, E UCKWattrikitatt I'oo* CHEESE,, S TOES, ONIONS, ""4 fie ' • • eNetifrar f zona a ai Tecitu: "-^ TOGETHER WITH 7ss TEAS, COFFEEKSVGARS, 't4xrpt. ,j 1:4 417.L4 PRUNES, 'RAISINS, S A LIALES'iLo: CANNED FRUITS, ADD FRUITS, 'it'd all those articles which cause your stare romps t 9 *;*.' tr 4. , -47µ'r 8L0550A(1,,,..tig744--, I'l A14A.454 11 1440; e 4 . 1 • .3442:onffig! , c4tarsltjr.,-.( J3tITTER, CHEESE Z.JS:)LARD, • for_ which he, ..-.l)9:Aret tkci 3 hf3 2 o „Prl4 , 4los4llkeldr 4tXvr change, ,;: z y ; If you buy of Math tit* s of,J, - • r, • -ylite ir 4;4 , Your with& j will'guirecow. Yplar einagram uaggFutL ery, aney'Ou I,ua R rlM ; t", member the place. ' NIA T llikifgrgT - Welliboro, P4141N00:413,A£016. ,- =`::;;; ; -;:;.F i % P' • )(li fali-ar/17-Cciiiit‘t - TN pursuance of:art orderof , thoOrPhitn:B tkliTs of Tioga county, bearing date :thei27th - irlay 4! November, 1860, the property of Jullaiiihri Land /moa 1). Ilartininer-ehihiren-of dred,lwill•he's othila'at pallet side oft fho prettii• - ;ies on Tuesday, the Ist . day 'orlianderr - nr&t. nt., '2 o'clock 1 ' `•- - A lot uf - hin dly law in Su Hive n township. Tioga county, 'Pe., beginning- la -the - south-east corner hereof; thenceotth degiees east 45 3.111 rods by.land :Or T. SAlose to a - otalte'end thence IlSr - land of "said - Rose - north B'9 degrees west 23_bi•10.'nids to a...stake • and stones in the - road ; thenee , hlong said , road south_ 80 - degrees edit 4 - 8 rods t6' 'n stake add -stones; thence by; of Yr.' L.':stitlec inrthSf degrees east 19 r,19. 1 rods to`thir,- plaice 1.-of begiVning—_-co:ukatiuntr - tix-. • tidies and II of, an wire moss - •ur .tesiii it .Iwink part ofilot of , the ginefam lands in ,5, 361:, liven '" • 1) of.saie,• '' - ADA& ll9lLT,A4utirdiziaiK Deo. 5, .11.8011431Pt4:'.. 1 .:J.; .5 ,1 e QUM -17,t 1::- MEIME i. ' .i_.- " . . =I I ALSO bEftq,- Mina ISM ALSO BUTS -r.O, = - 4 - • ISLICEIDENT W. H. SMITH, GENERAL Tf.ThlpY AGENT" FCißt' i/C CburrrY, „teak; arpitt(l.,, .4f5 , Or= $ . 1 / ::li°6lB' '''' * 0 ,000,000 3,801.1,139 ";Ph`onix • 1,000,000 5,990,000 North A luencap., ;734049 Putnam,9oo, 4o Fartuere Mutual, Middro ferin a 3‘57, , i'e1l 92 Wyonaina• 9 50,000 Lycorning Mutual, Muney, Pa X.plumbia Mutual, Lancantur, Pu M utual„lar,e, city „ . N.Y. riccidentiit, 560,0060 Traveler.' Accidental, Hartford, 500,000 Equitable Life Ameuranue Society. , Nun- !lastly/alga l Hourfloup, jpd Extrlt ; llain a ecl, , us - tAkon u t ablit'int es. Policies 16buod,,,,itiad all losuiseu adjusted atAlis Ofilge., ' - W:11: SMITH; Wi3ifsboro',l"a: July 25, 1566. -.7ttf.:ti_; ler WHITNEYVILLE. H. Harrington "Dr AS jupt returaed Irom.New York with a fall assortment M=MIB SEASONABLE URY GOODS. ME :IGROCERIES, HATS AND CAPS; :~?Q'PS A. ND SHOES, EARTHNWARE, rattliAVßt a :nblut, And urerythrigftieeally•fodiad in - A eontryretare; :which he is selling cheaper tiian any other store in,,the county. • COME AND SEE ch,trge for;stiowing9oods...;EO 11. lIARRINGTON Whituryville, Sept. 26, 1866.-3 m. 44REGuLATomr.r; - WI LCOX . rT , BAIiKEII it"E ' IONV OFFEICINC great iedueeniettte to the people Tiogat 011111), ;I they hove :!heir slime Ittf,rl4ly ( ernn4uted ntth SEASONABLE ,151117''GOODS , 0‘ ove,,y (1 ued cow. 31 1.5.1,1•ej et :II Lrr g ~,, Carlitre ',ha 161 Wntism Duldrx7, ehlrt .4 1 1 s t-R,l,'‘edlei-T. H A rt'S it, ettaiela variuty ft mit . 436 e rybody Pram &Ala ny'e aka telt ton footer--nll "glee and fruid a fine: ganklefana'e ebaeee la,bt bi a" course gen Metharl'a liner hoot: CI-ROCERIES Thin dup.; with ittolce gractenefi, aita at fa Mar trill utaulaiti; ix ) with 11AVAlf1.1. ive aie.'ttiffetittg at -”tive-and- ritt , ririced Ceti ringtilritu"ming - alwaylt'un hriud. • • • /b isYtn the people this oeniitilitrilt, - tliat we, ;le net intend to ba tinder let 4re;shnll elides vor Sr' treeP ' lrri Ci.llal2l !Dal) t.tt the t,tticitte, WI itiat"-nritt pitittter hint 6n the itohde. . .tust:ilr.tft etatviiteetl • vicvsylicre. d i ctoter 2. ISfiti, cAvati R'ILCUX Sc~l3 U IIER ... (~~~ ~ ~`i''..LLL.l.~ti>rL 1111414 - 46-4113 Sirf. j) I 4ri PRICE 4 ,L,t4.1 1 Y, , 11,4DUCED 164 i t ,AS , DAN S ! c•:nr. sti Jae • 1-Th) •!!..; , !;•;tir. • mI 1 Patiiiati be`iillAviir g • , •ift t he ,ate hanlilupt axles in New York, is happyk Or o,t, r; he tptk,ts Title Cttut . tty that ltu'‘.(iffilieveetlted't offiT - '•' GREAT INDUCEMENTS A, r ;c,.All t r .,.-0 A,q RS. - • !-gititioi,n g st his Stock of Dress Goods, will be 1611 : 4 : (1 ' vsti t tfte oldiiitell .1 %4 13 56 ( 8.6 Warranted all Ytool at fis. per ynrd. RICH POPE', LNIPRESS 'CLOTHS, - At '.51.00 per yard. . LA -AK, fife 7 .: • An Ap9i , & BALMORAL SKI RP Sr-FL f, D,; EiL4 - St l 4 WbS, git - V, l (ILO s-; KERCHIEFS, Leklltig.S! .MISSES, A N b--- G-H DREN?S S - H-0 - E -- 5 . 611 of which will be fouAd remarkably cheap. e inv,te .; (ll4d•eall,:ind exitukite -the gooas: ILARDEN Matter & Horton, EIMIEEM G-ROPRRIRS & PROVISIONS,. CII9C . KER l; 49RD WARE,_ wr)ol4- St_IVILLOW-WARE; 'ANKLE, NOJIONS _ L' A' g.1 1 4.1.L ' 1"P. ' A •P aid for Produce, i F .,.: 8 4 41 . 4 ., . Nov. 21, 186641Y1;1,-.4i OH - -3. ' 4 . 449X5:. 514:10.5. Now the Busittess'eampatgu if, opened with the same mitto=tbe ono at tho.lonull Ll' this op-loam. . HUGH YOUNG, ' NO. k miX9s BLOCK, WEIALEIBOILO; PA., hneing refitted his store, is,nowreceiving for the tFall Season a large supply Of s•_ -"OVALL 'VAPETtS. Hie stock includes nearly a hundred different pattenie of Gilt, -Satin. White, Leather colored and Brown,Paperi, Parlor, Rail, and decoration •'Paisers . Binint Room, Bed, Chamber and Sitting Room Papers, with Borders to match. Also, CLOTH. WINDOW SI-LVDES, ...... • And fixtures, Paper Curtains; side . lights; and g`ficr• Boaid Papers of many varieties., BLAINK 4- BOOKS EMI For . .iistriess,- i .Trofpuronat ena Laboring Men; DAY BOOKS,;:sipLiANALS, LED9R4M • CAM' BOORS, RECORDS, DOCK EI:.:::-B,FRE-JPT BOOKS, • `PASS'- BOOKS. WORI*GMEN'S WEEIILY iI(*THLY TIME BOOKS, TUCKED MEMCE.AN• & DIARIES, All of tho latest and most approved style, and many of the enry,beet,maietial BLANK DEEDS, BONDS - ,' MORTGAGES; LEASES. PROMISSORY NOTES, DRAFTS A LAW BLANKS, geneF.,l4. I,S • P A.RE RS lU t Lf., 1, EtiA. L AP, FOOLSCAP,- LETTER, EI'ACK ET, BATH Pi IST, COM ;11 Eitel AL; 1)1.: r \IQ ;4414 aud. HT, 8711'r E,• L }Mt t i klutnetuAti' l'Nr) REN c NoTE., IDATILNINei, - YtOLD: - PMPit'ESSIOR; DRAW IN CINU, MIMIC TISSUE, BLOT TINIJ AND IVRAPPING PAPERS. _ In endleaa vari,ty, of ori4e. stispe, - _74,51.r and .111.111iy f _ 44 . .n01d'0i/nuipo Loudon Fluid,,-.Davida' Fluid .azia jularge Ited;' - di - tat-wide Ink, and Mucilage: Fifteeri different Gll'totes: . ..(..111-numbers), LaititirtA. the Wtiitinglork, Me the Spenietiirti ttnOtheip'optitar Tees. 4• • t RITIAN4i PEN'S. PEN HOLDERS, LEAD PENCILS. DRAWING PENCILS, SLATES, • "S' PORT FOLIOS. liCtuigArtiitheoreotqlsAndlthiselti...tPhetogrsiihs and Rhotogratli4Niidii, t'eekAt Bo6kil '0.070U; and Arse Money Aitt 'tbeOkers and Cheit39Vit; Po'clietdutlety;Potket Wild' Toilet Combs. riair_antr:f,TOoth'Brushes, -rirtattiVir, Cards, Card Cases, viti a full assortment of NOTIONS, which space mill - not allow to be • enumerated here. Fiar 1 1 7 51,7 ' 4 " BOOKS. poi-loot; E BOOKS FOR - -TOWN- SANTO COUNTRY, LAW, THEOLOGICAL; MEDICAL AND MISCELLA NEOUS ,BOOKS, SCHOOI 4 REWARDS.' -2: NU SOROOL BOOKS, TICKETS AND RE WARDS, • VuhliSliKi.. - h,Tikke,Ammttc#l3.t l ra : ikoetuYe:AUlro - ifff can Surk Rchtipfildi;ni; - and'sy thi4eAgeetlif, Denominational Boards of Publication, furnished at the :Publiahers'pwo OBtßlegite Ptices t ;;" FAMILYIAND' P_ogttET BIBLES, TES. TiSIENI 4 B, - PII.:ALI(Eit BOOKS, and IIILNIN BOOKS for all : Denunlinationa, nod Instrumental ' MUSIC' MOORS; AND Newspapattand Pert dicals. All of the leading DAMES, WEEKLIES'Arftb - - - Celietantly on. heed: - • Pirties Jill Anitakilik npaii busineva,-- can nits! Merchants. .Latryera„ Physicialm, etiOriaMorl) Sii4ath'SelooT:eointrilltces o and the Croinnt,tinitY tilaarrge will,llo war te'6lll" examine Gli'nctEf lied prices - torero threhlt.'inE elsewhere Itemetubt;toi:pliKekrilfi 5 UNION IILOOK, -. : Oat; 23-, • Mil ~h=- , -~_ ISM BIM .~ - =IMO consisting of EMI "P,N E S INKS_ PENS. SHEET MUSIC 'X :7 c-: .17 71": i. ;~s~ ~~ ~~~~~~ • Can be made by every man, woman, and child in this comnty, if they will strictly adhere to the 3. SS plan of baying their goods of the well known popular old concern of Smith's Sons, 11111111M1 • • ADDISON, N. Y., _ I=l . .i, Thoasands bf People hale al- ready reaped theirreward by thus doing. Every, kind of -•r DRY GOODS, GROCR I RIES ,CLOTHLNe, BOOTS & SHOES! HATS, CAPS, • • CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS,. COBBLER'S EMPORIUM. •,_ _____ BENJAMIN SEELEY, shoe . maker, over Jerome Smith's store map c ad on Main Street, would just say to the Shoeless and Bootless-that is, that portion of them who have the (include to change their condition—that he is now prepared to manufacture coarse gentle : mc , ti'..s fine Boot=, or fine gentlemen's coarse Boots I in as hungling a manner, and at as dear rates as i any,other establishment this side of Whitney's ICorner;. Anything in the line of Shoemaking or Cobbling will be admirably botched on the 1 shortest notice. Don't examine my work ;it won't bear inspection; but "go it blind." Re i member the place ; nest door to Shakapeare's ; Tailor Shop. 13. SEELEY at the old Reliable Corner, the Nov. 14, 1886.7-tf. ' 3c., are on, hand in abundance, CHAP FOR TB MILLIIA, PEOPLES' STORE, GRAVE ANY IMPORTANT INFORMA TION TO CA II BUYERS WHO WISH TO SPEND , THEIR MONEY WHERE THEY CAN GET THE MOST FOR IT. W. R. SMITH'S SONS' system of keeping an enormous stuck of goods at all times of the year, and selling them eheap—this system su oh iudfctu big profit stores—id fairly begun fur the Fall teasel' at their More, and such a year for do l ing people good wan never known before. Cer i,ifnly there is n o o , d reason fur sxvindliug pri gleS now ; we have had enongli ,if them atre'ad). igie great advantage and iiiipoilanee of trading fFir Cash or Ready pay is Jolly illnArated by the low proms now ragit,g at the Teeple: , Sture. A FEW HOUSEHOLD WORDS FORME FARMER. MECHANIC, PEOPLE GENERALLY. Buy your goniti of a concern which has a big a~:..rlmept and i, :Jellin g ten tithes as many gil and of course can sell them as wally limes che pet than small Loncerns. %V give all ,uch Valifuges to our cusbillies..2. • A FEW uTIIEII. BIG I'm:4/Gs Volt THE PRU DENT BUYER To CTNSIDER BEFORE SFEND -ING book out fur big stores and Lig rents; big notes and tugretos of interest and nu real takers at that—all of which La very bad as against W it. smith's Suns' situation Light expenses and no re'llts, new goods at bleak down pi ices, and the good old 'motto ot - sinall.prolits. good value and quick returns, tlyingto the GreeaeZ , Tbo Met is, the only true and certain read to Mrtnne fur the merchant is always to give his eu•tnmera. it, we do. the most he can for his money, and depend on large shies for' his prnitte. Again, our 'popular and legitimate system of dealing; buying btrictly for (ash, always having cash on hand. render us masters of the situation when a drop comes in the market. _,„ Never' before Iva.; there saeh a tempi iv lot clf goods. al lo wltyriees, as. TV. R. .S'ui,* - th . '3 Soe7.! can and will show from this time forward. FREE Our stock of Dry Goods and Clothing can't be .beul 3 End no customer who is in the right shape, buyi,ugoott : eons who care what they say, will make the assertion that they ran buy goods elseithere as cheap. We keep the largest stock of BOOTS AND SHOES, HATS AND CAPS, qggiiis kept in the county. Call, if nothing more — than to see the CHEAP GOODS on the anxious counter. - CARPETS AND OIL -CLOTHS at ruinous - ion. itt(ea The cottage and palace can be repleniihed fora song flirts - , by calling ort . .the People'e Friend. i• CROCKERY, WALL• PAPER, and a thousand other-articles can be found; and no_sme who sees them can help buying. Wo inelifactore all the CLOTHING we sell. Every W 6 W - dre:".o 4sgrnees of William R. Smithfs Sons. We also make_to order. Our Cutter is master of his art ; ho stands down the hall' for no man who wields the hears for a livelihood; his fits cure the deformed. We keep Pork, i i /otzr •:2-nd Salt, alwayk as low or less than market rates, • It is more than ever "the 'duty of ,everie'min and woman to call here before buying, and look through the stock of tempting goods and bargains, as no one can imagine or form any idea how „great a • differenee there is•betweon•tip prides of goods bought bar cash and prices of "goods else where bought fur notes that are not paid promptly. 'Vie_ safest thing for all buyers who want the TOwest nefett geAMISa :is to cau•antLgot R. Smith's; Bens , prices, and.- take.. around. in your iglekets4o-paro...; A great ninny stores will -get the cold ehouldir after you, visit the Old Cor— ner,whera they work for their customers. -•:..You cannot mistake tlSe place, as it occupies -the-room of four stores, immediately on the Erie railway, and the-rush inconstantly goingon. • - ,z0011,..if for nothing more than to-see-Low ww spite the guns. 'Yours, testy. • • • ' W. R. SMITH'S SONS 4ddieon.tNry4, Sept 5,1866. • „ / Ayers Pills. A RE pia i y u o i u ri g sick, r feeble u arid , o r o na -_ dur—yOUr system deranged and your feelings unoomfortablet— These symptoms are often the pro. cursors of serious illness. Some fit of sickness is creeping upon you, and should 111 c) Le averted by a timely Use of the right remedy. Take Ayer's Pills, and drive out the humors— purify the blood, and let the fluids move un on obstructedly, in health. They stimulate the or gans of the body into vigorous activity, purify the system trues the obstruction s winch make dis ease. A old settles somewhere in the body, and derange he natural operation's of that part.— This, if not relieved, will react upon itself and the surrounding organs, producing general ag gravation, suffering and derangement While in this condition, take Ayer's Pills, and see how di iectly they restore the natural action of the sys tem, and with it the buoyant feeling of health,— What is true and so apparent in this trivial and common complaint, is also true in many of the deep seated and dangerous diseases. The same purgative expels them. Caused by similar ob structions and derangements, they are surely. and many of them rapidly, cured by the same means None who know the vi'tue of these Pills will neg• beet to employ them when suffering from the die-- orders they cure, sech as headaehe, foul stem-, ach, dysentery, lsilieus ,complaints, indigestion, derangement of the liver, costiveness, constipa tion, heartburn, rheumatism, dropsy,_ worms and suppresSion, when taken in large doses. They are sugar coated, so that the most sensi tive can take them easily, and they are surely thebeet purgative medicine yet discovered. =MI - Ayer's Ague Cure, For the speedy and certain Cure of Intermittent Fever, or ChM* and Fever, Remittent Fever, Chill Fever, Dumb Ague, Perioclica/ Headache, or Bilious Headache, and Bilious Fevers; in— deed for the whole class of diseases originating iu biliarg derangement, caused by the mataria•of miasmatic countries. This remedy has rarely failed to cure the se verest cases of Chills and Fever, and it has this great advantage over other Ague medicines, that it subdues the complaint without injury to the patient. It contains no quinine or other delete— rious substance, nor does it produce quiniem or any injurious effect whatever. Shaking broth ers of the army and the west, try it and you will endorse these assertions. Prepared by Dr. J. C. AYER lc CO.,Lowell, Mass., and sold by all druggists and ealers in medicine everywhere. LAWRENCEVILLE DRUG STORE / THE undersigned having purchased the Drug Store of W. G. Miller, will keep a full stock of it DRUGS AND MEDICINES, PATENT MEDICINES, PAINTS, OILS, Dye Stuffs. Kerosene Oil and Groceries, Thich will be sold at as low prices as any other estab lishment in the country for cash. C. P. LEONARD. Lawrenceville•, Nov. 5, 181.16.—tf. Claim Agency. lIENItY. SHERWOOD & J. HARRISON Atry', will rolled BorsriEs, PENSION% her Clttuls agailk.:t the Oocornweat. I bdet the provibleos of lure nets of Congress $lOO Extra Bounty will he p,ibt to every three years' man who eerved not hi; toll time, or was wounded in service. or wrr di.. - charg . ed by reason of the termination of the and 1., the widows, minor children or pa rent, of three sears men, $5O Extra Bounty will Lv 1 ,,,0t to nu two years' men' and their heirs under I ke eireinmaances,:and to three years' men %rho served two years of their enlistment. Inn r..rr will any extra bounty ho paid when more th.oi has been previously paid. No claim will he entertained unless presented under kr I.Es AND REGULATIOIVS issued by the War ih.partment Sept. 22, 1666. The Department will receive claims from Oct. 1, 1 , 016, until April I, 1567. In case of claims by parents under late acis of CoD.gress for bounty. the FATHER and MOTHER tnuta both join to the application. ' $l5 per month to every Invalid Pensioner to- Ily S 2 per inonitt for each child under 16 years of age or widow Pensioners. Fee. For procuring Extra •• " Increase Pension,... - . ...... 65 •• . Original Pension $lO •• ;eulleotion the 4th of Sept. and 4th of March payin9ts of Pensions.:.. 51 N EW FLOUZ, Io G N RO S C T E OR R E Y Editin B. CarveY, FLOUR, COMMON TO BEST, 1 5 0131 r.„ HAMS: MACKEREL;ivarrTE . FISH, CODFISH, AND PRIME GROCERIES OF ALL KINDS. L.,:st- Nell door to Converse's store. Wellsboro, Dec. 12,1866-17- ..LI , -.31 ,::$' TTERS of Administration having been granted upon the estate of Martha Jane Cooper. late of Chatham, jeed., all persons in debted to; and all haying claims against said de cedent, will call and settle with 29.n0v06-6w J,ISSOLUTION.—The copartnership hereto fore existing between Jas. D. Jones tt, L. A. Gardner, is this day (Dec. 8,) dissolved by the withdrawal of the senior partner. AD mon eys due the firm of Jones L tiardner are to be piiid to L. A. Gardner. Mr. Jones will remain in Wellsboro for a few months for the purpose of settling old accounts. All persons indebted to him are hereby notified to call and settle at once, as he is resolved to close up old matters without JAMES D. JONES, L. A. GARDNER Welliboro, Dec. 12. 1866-3 w NOTICE.—David Jones, John E. Jones and j_l( David Lewis, have this day applied to the Cut of Common Pleas of Tioga county, for a chiller to incorporate them, their associates and stte , :eesors, fur religious purposes, under the name of ", TN First IVelsh Coityreyationca Chords at Morris Ran," which will be decreed and granted' at the next term of said court unless objected to. J. F. DONALDSON, Proth'y. Dec. 5, '136-3t MIRES TO EVERYBODY !—A largo t pp, Catalogue, teaching how to remove Tan, Freckles, Pimples, Blotches, Moth Patches, Sal lowness. Eruptions and all impurities of the skin, How to force Whiskers, restore, end and beautify the hair; renew the age, cure Drunken ness, Nervous Debility, and other useful and val unin° if,foratation. Everybody send for it. Ad dress Dm; ER, SHUTTS St CO-, ebernists, 235 River Street, Troy, N., Y. Dee. s,'f&+-lm I ETTERS of Administration havkpg been granted upon the estate of ~, , drin 'Butler, Into of Vesttield. deed, all persons indebted to said estate, and all haring claims ago,inst the same,- will call at once and settle with ANDOTHA BUTLER, ) , • HOLLISTER BARER, " Westfield, Dee. 3, 1868-6sel TNLECTION.—TIie annual election for Dime _rj tors'et the FIRST NATIONAL BASK of WRLLSBOROI . OII will be held at the Blinking House on' the 24 Tuesday of January, 1867. Dec. 7,1966„3w. J. L. ROBINSON, Oasts. Increase of Pension Is ready to furnish customers with Administrator's Notice N. E. HASTINGS, Adm'r Administrator's Notice. AND-PRO-