The Tioga County agitator. (Wellsboro, Tioga County, Pa.) 1865-1871, December 12, 1866, Image 1

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    Eire gaga unto" Agitaint , ‘
hi Published every Wednesday !doming, at $2,00 a
1... r, /a r.tri.4l,ly in advance, by
A.trt.T.ERTI.BIZT 4 3- 1 . 2..A..715153.
two.i 3ID o. '6 ino. 9 inu. lyr
1 Sluts.' e $2,50 5,00 7,50 10,00 12,00
:..I.j LIM 08 3,75 $,OO 12.00 19,00 18,00
1-.4.lolnnan 7,00 10.03 15,03 20,00 28,00
14 C4OO mu 12.00 20.01 30,00 28,00 45,00
1 Column 'OOO l 35,00 40,00 65,00 I 80,00
I ~pere 1 , inner'n 11,00 , -50 ets.eaeb weekthereafter.
Adietnistrators and Executors Notices LtUeeack.
9asines4 cards of fire lines $5,00 per year.
Vail Paper, Kerosene Lamps, Window Glass,
Pel fernery, Paints arid Oils, dce., & c .
Corning, N. Y., Jan. I, 1856.—1 y.
Office formerly occupied by James Lowrey, E . N
Wm. A. Ntellef..9. JORN MITCHISLL. •
WtillibOro, Jan. 1, 18136-Iy.
Insurance, Bounty and Pension Agency, Midi
street Wellsboro, Pa., Jan. 1, 1866.
(First door from dEtigoney's, on the Avenne)—
Wilt attend to business entrusted to their care
in the counties of Tioga and Potter.
Welloboro, Jan. t, 1866.
- F. W. OLARK, -
ATTORNNY AT LAW—Mansfield; Toga co., Pa
%fay 9, 1866-iy
TAILOR. Shop first door north or L. A. Sears'e
Shoe Shop. Cutting, Fitting, and Repair
ing done promptly and - '
Wellsboro, Pa., Jan. 1,1866.—1 y.
DRAPER AND TAILOR. Shop over Bowen's
store, second floor.. pir•Dutting, Fitting, and
Repairing done promptly. and iu best style.
WeHeber°, Pa.. Jan. 1, 18t16—ly
A GENT for the collection of bounty, back pay
. /.1. and pensions duo soldiers from the Govern-
Office with Nichols and Mitchell, Wells
m3o, 'B6
Lm u, Pa
and Insurance Agent, Moseburg, Pa., over
Culdwell'e Store.
Gaines, Tioga County, Pa.
H. C. VERAILYEA, PRoPnikron.. This is a
new hotel located within easy access of the
best fishing and hunting grounds In North
ern Pennsylvania. No pains will be spared
tor the accomnoaation of pleasure seekers and
tho traveling public. [Jan. 1;1886.]
Pennsylvania House.
lIIS popular hotel Las been lately renovated and re-
L furundted, and no panne will be spared to render Its
Loapttalitiaa acceptable to Latrons,
iVellaboro. May 9,1.99 e.,
BlaelNinith and Farrier.
JOS E Pli MANLY would inform- the citizen's
of Wellshoro and vicinity that he ban leased
the old Mark stand, on Water street, lately, cc
copied by Mr. Hitter, where be way be tbund
prepared to shoe horses and oxen. and do all
work pertaining to his trade. Be also is a prac
tical Farrier, and will treat horses fur diseases.
October 24. 1264-tf
Hairdressing & Shaving.
Saloon over Willcox. Barker's btore, We
b,,re, Pa. Particular attention paid to .Ladies'
ll~v-curling, Shampooing. Dyeing, etc. Waldo,
rails, and Style/n.l on hand and_wado to or
No. I I Law Building,—St. Paul St , Baltimore.
REFLIMNCES.—Levin Gale, Attormy at Law,
/Award Israel, ALL'y at Law, Rev. J. Mai.
Miley, D. D., Rev. floury Slicer, D. D., Cun
t:aid, Bro. & Co., K Grove & Co., Ludwig &
MeSherry, John .P.Mouilton, Esq.,'Robert Law
m, Esq:, S. Sutherland, Esq. [Mr. Ewlign le
authorized to transact any gusinese appertain
mg to this paper iu Baltimore.]
Jan. 1, 18611-Iy.
LAC, IS, If. 0, late of the Pa. Cavalry, Rin'
• nearly four yeara of army service, will:l4i large
,i,rience in field and hospital practice, Las opened an
cfnett for the practice of ttiedimatt and purgers, in . an
at blanches. Persona from a distance can find good
I,trdiug at the Perinsylvanpi. Hotel when desired.—
any part of the State in consultation, or to
I,rl;rru f•iftrocal operations. No 4, Union Block, up
fLfrb. Wencher°. Pa , May 2,1866 —1 y.
Lae the pleasure L, inform the citizens of Tioga
county that he has eotnpleted his
Lind is on hand to take all kinds of Sun Pieture,s,
lush .is A tu brotypes,-Ferrutypes, Yi4nettes, Cartes
de Visa°, the Surprise and Eureka Pictures; also
pdrlieular attention paid to copying and enlarg—
lcir Pictures. Instructions giv,en in the Art on
tsdeonable terms. Elmira St., Mansfield, Oct. I,
lagaialt C. N. D.A RT T,
wouLD say to the public that he is peima ;
TY neatly located in Wellsboro, (Office at his
rceattice, near the Land Office and Episcopal
Church) where he will continue to do all lOuds of
r , irk confided to hts care, guaranteeing complete
wefactiou whore the skill of.the Dentist' can
ta al in the management acmes peculiar io the
"lIILg. Ile sill furnish . -
tot on any material tireirod.
FILLING & EXTRACTING TEETH, tot,uth.d to on nhurtcet notice, and done in the
best and west approved style. '
by the the use of Aua.teitietios which are per
k, tly bersoless, and will be adraiuisterod In every
idea when desired.
Wellsbore, Jan. 1, 1865-I p.
Wll. H. H..l3l[fil, Knoxville, Tiega Vottotty,
Pa, (U, & licensed Agent, and Attorney
, eldiera and their friends throughout all the
1 41t1 Statee,) will prosecute end collect with on
r alit," tliCeesV,
ci all kinds. Alto, any other kind of claim
tguti.t the Government before any of the Lei'
P"traf nteor in Congret.e. Teri= moderate, A ll
( ”cmicnicetions vent to the above addrms will re
cut,. prompt attention. Jan. IT, IS6II.
Main Street, Wellaboro, Pit. _
Flaring leased this popular hotel property,
lately oceuPled by . Mr. Nelson Austin) I Ml3ll
La4earor to !nuke it truly the traveler's boric.—
i'w , ,1131 attention will he given to the t able,
t'. l the comfort of guests will be u Ptiule object
-I:Je. ; , ta , ,les will . be under the cure of en experi
t!,.ed hortler.
lVellsboru, JAY', 1, 1866-Iy.
l. I po,r. dealer in Decker A; Brother axal
k Bruttierr pinnoa, Mason ga Honth"
nr)t. , nr, Trent, Lins , iy & Co. metndenns, and
lit , B. Stioninger melodeons. _Room. over J. / 1 -
P.owee's store. Sept. 12,1866.
(P. C. td,:f CrCLDEII.
etor. A new Hotel conducted on the principle
of live and let live, for the aevotumodatiott-of
the publicr—l79c.-14,
J. C. strrtANG.
ATTORNEY AT LAW. Any - bUslness entrust—
ed to his care will receive prompt attention.
K noxville, 0-14, t 8611. 1.
AGENT for the Lycoming County Insurance
Company, at Tiogns,P,a• • --
- J une 5, 18116.—Ztn.'" '
F iltit'S • HOTEL
• e •
_ Good ataliling, attached, and .an
tler always in attendance,
- E. S. FARR, . .• ..;
_,- •
MINOR W ATKINS, Proprtetar. , This
is situated on Main Street, in Wellaboro, and is
surrounded with beautiful!, shade Weasita.DO has
all the necessary accomModations' for man and
beast,—aug. 22, ly '
Navin_ returned to this county with a view of
ranking it his permanoui residence., solicits a,
share of piattic pairniing4- All 'business , °ilia ,
trusted to'htecare will bnlattended toe its
promptiness and fidelity.. Office 2d door south
of E. S. Fares hotel, Tiogn, Tioga
leurcer Main Street and the Avenue.)
Will:Immo, Pe:
B. B, 11Q1.1HAY, Proprietor.
THIS is one of the most popular Houses'in
the county. This Hotel la the principal
Stage-house in Wolisboro. Stages leave daily
as follows :
For Tioga, 0.1,11 a. us. ; Fur Troy, at .8 it;
For Jersey ,Shore every, Tueitlay andjkiridtty at
2 p. in.; For Coudersport, every] lkfoaidaty an.
Thursday at 2 p. m.
STAGES Amu v g—F re in Tioga, at:1; t p'stlocdt
p. in.: From Troy, at 6 o'clock p. to.: From Jar.
say Shore, Tuesday and Friday II u. m.: From
Coudersport, Monday and TfirirsdaY-I1 a. m.
N, li—Jiinmy Cowden, the welt:known host
ler, will hti
e found air-ll- r-
Wellsboro, Jan. 1, 1888-Iy.
_ .
Vir: D. LANG,
BooKs -4.1 4- I),STATIOT 4 RWri:.
PATENT MEDICINES, Perlumer . y, Mueical
Jost, umenta arid Musical Merchandiee
tb, Fancy Gooticuf ail kinda, &o.
Physician's Prescriptions carefully compounded
Oclober 31, 1863.—f1m.
,Spring, Goodlu,
. _ .
OF . TE-7 , 7 AT " '
Nastairi-Auerbach , s"
fo,i srion,t. • •
•d, • .:" f Y-13LOSiBURG:yA.,
Whericloti - 4112 - giqtyKILUA the - beat assorted+so_
stock of#."`.. 1 !1 "
arCL9THIN4; , cr
, .
Manufactured under'their own supervision.
Also Gents' furnishing goods, &c.,
, • Tin ;• = • •
to tlioanteretaint eatabileamifit they defy;
GIitOONWIES,7-FLOUR-;PORK..Bquir,,,-1-cosobtition; tikying tirtpast spore of New York city;
I , riad , an expodaaeod cuUcr.kfr o ltre. Erkeins,[feb2if6lY,
- # / .: 1 -V1.1 ° 0C1 4 • 3 * ;181
the - appointed time he came running to I ....,e did not wise .., cliStllll Ser retreat
the inn anti desire the landlord to hurry i when. she-had left so good a prize be
the•din-lier, and to have enough ready, bind . kl£T.,. ' ' He soon fell asleep, and
for•ten Or, twelve. The - company- soon • dreamed that the again appeared,
arrived,,and the lawyers thought Dun a said that-she detested the person with
servant of the house, while those - of the whom she. was going to be married, and
tiOuse supposed him an attendant of the 'entreated him to assist her in this con
lawyers,, . .I jnet - irreF,--Dun, however, had got what
- lie bustled about, and - the bill being he wanted-, and departed next morning
calledifor,:he'volletted it,;-and having without either satisfying the curiosity
-some change to return to the company, of the Company or thanking the gentle
they waited till his return I but, growing man for his kindness.._
weary, they rang the bell, and inquired. By this time Dun hadbecome formi
nar,theirmoneyovhen they discovered, dable both to the Heir - and poor; but
'NM tti'lie ah impostor. "-" '•°'• !.one melancholy cieumstanees attended
',`,With the assistance of MS associate f•the depredations of this man, which;
he'made.clear off', with a' eonSiderable I was, that almost in every-instance, ex
booty of , cloaks, hats, silver spoons, and ; - cept those narrated,' they , 4eitt - .EStairted
everything of value upon - which he I With blood. He continued his course
'could lay-his hands. -. . , . ! for, many years,' the Vicinity of the riv-
After. this adventure Dun and his er Ouse, Yorkshire, being the scene of
associates went and put up at• another, ninny f his exploits. As he was atten.
inn, ••Therrose in the night • time, in- • ded with fifty armed men on horseback,
shltedthe landlord and landlittly, then the inhabitants of the couutry were ar
murdered them both, and pillaged the 'rayed to seize him.
house of everything valuable. .. , Nor was his last adventure Jess' re-
Dun had an animosity to laWyers,•and ', markable than...those Of his former_ life.
he determined to playa rich one a trick ; His infamy daily-increasing, the people
He vek}ited upon him, and very abruptly , t of that district were. 'detrmined no
demanded payment of a bond Whiell'ho'r longer to siting. his =depredat ions. produced, and the-gentian/tilt found his ; Though Dun war' informed of what was
name so admirably forged that he could ; intended, yet still continued his-ca
not swear,it. was
- not-Dais. his. hand-writing, 'seer.
, He a i ssyreki Ihin,:lioVievei', dually tiu'it,l;•.• The country rising at last against him,
- I er borrowed themoney, and would 'not ! he and his gang were so closely pursued
OT having Ali itCnlr 15,-19L1)4AF04)Si`fiv&pay the bond. Dun then left the law- , that they were constrained to divide,
ehuyo off at auctien, lam enabled to take yer, ailing bin/ he would give him some each taking shelter' where he possibly
it antagetifvffie.ol4fientidOw ovieirivind . .allisib•.!F:employinent. .. • , ,-_, .. ._ ,- , ~ ..- i could ; and Dan concealed himself in a
dy to supply the public with a splendid stook of A law suit was entered into,'S.M.l sex- small village..„."The general pursuit and
NE W SPRINGThIti N AWAIS, L 'LA TEST eral of Dun!si . comrailCatile. forward , search, however, lastfu,g, he was ills
and swore as - to the delitjbelii thist and covered, and thelioase lie was in stir
,t, ,an ,
he was about' h*-get"a; decision fit, his : rounded.
Pcy les, plis - ialuiclje acittbrrhltdilatit stiisAitcr; . ... ,
• favor, when - this-=lawyer' 'produced a, Two of tbestrongest posted themselves
-., ihip 4 etril 1; (6 Ti ' - f I
1 ,
... - -;!-.1 , n,l %-t; :1... t forged receipt for theAlebtjwhich some at the door ; With irresistible courage
,of his clerks likewise -swore to; upon' Dun seized his'dagger, laid them both
ri_ENRRAL AZENcY, 2filake street; 'Elmira. , Particular attention is trireme° to my clo- ; which Dud was east: : dead, bridled - MA honise, and in the midst.
\,. JI Lacal,egents supplied at factory prices„and • e i ra bki 40/4 ,.. 0 . f
o Ltulidg DRESS. GOADS, !;. Me' was in a passion at being outwit- :of the uproar forced his way.' To the
I.ow slants wanted for unoccupied thitricref , ''' i Al •
sodas; ri i,. 1 ...,,,, E ,," ii_ ti j , •• 'fi.:; . i i , i -, - - - t i - .-• passion - -
o I a n e antes, &A-4 c,. tet ,•an .swote.- e never. heard.ofllsoch I number of a hundred and fifty, armed
Also, a large stook of mail:line findings. - For , •" 1 1 ) ~!--, PA ", t ....-... ..., .., . ,
to address THOS. JOHNSON," ''' 1 ~ ,. Addtid4o, , T,whible I sin:oo'oo4' . si,,large ~ •rogues as to swear that he had vai - dhim with-clubs,. pitchforks, and whatever
'- trtmersi Agent of U. &B. Sewing Machinett, . and splendid stock of ;_ - a Sum which was - never borrowed." - rustic Weapons , they could find, they
Juno 13, 1866-11 ' -', Pi 4kikst:i Eltnini, NY. _
_______________-_' ',._%:_-: ' " -P- :- - - This is one of the few instancesin pursued hint, drove him from-his horse,
- 1 OHO - aa SHOES, HATS. ;,..i.yllich he,
.did not display that harbayity but to the astonishment of 'all he again
TTING'S PORTABLE LEMONADE is the ' , .ef disposition whichis evinced' in. all mounted, and with his sword' cut his
n only_ ftreporodionof Die kind
_made from L —: . „ ._ .- ~ i . , :„ ....., , , ins other adventures. way through the crowd.
me fruit. As an article o f econom y, parity, nod and OAPS...4c, &e., &0., 5z0.,40'.;: . &:,40,. ; ,',1, - He hemme r , however, such terror. -to i '''__ Multitudes flocking from all quarters,
Aeli s isesaess,iteannOt beserpassed, end trireme-' at prlcesu-snit the 1 , 000,000, :at•Aligood' A s,,,eVerY - 0 - lie., - *that the-1- , fierilf ;Of Roedfoitti=the pursuit Twasi again renewed. - He
trimended by physicians for invalids and family , old stand; WellebOr P- ' - '
.n. „ , -- -; • [sent a conisiderable 'force to attack hint , ' was a second ..- tithe dismounted, and
use. it. will keep fur years in any clinante, while , i- •
- • • - ',
: -0: : IC - KELLEY' '' '1 in his retreat. Finding upon a recon- • now, employing-his feet, lie ran for the
as, condensed , form reapers it especiallY.convny- . - .. , , ~•, _
._ - -_- - -ii-- f - 4 noltre, however, that his force was ' space of two miles; but when ,he hel
met. for travelers. - - Ail dytro use l e onine ore re- I, Aprii 4 188
- ''" -- 6 ' '''''''' : ' '----; ' -"- -:i • ' equal, if not superior, to the sheriff's ; ted to breathe a little, three hundred
qu'e.,tod to It ire,--it a trial. Er4ertiiiinnents .nd L.
T h F . '''
t e-- artnera. pi .Ticiale - cuinitv- .:'''levY ,- - ht''' commenced' the 'attack , and . men were ready to oppose him.
Immo , ottrnies,.and picnics should not be witbo4t ; . 0
it. For sale by all Druggist, and firstilaie i .- ~i . _:,! , , ;, , , • __-_,; , -2 , "--: . i7; , ,,; . ...t.,.: ' 7- , completely - routed them, taking
,eleven,: His conrage and strength, however,
, ,i` - I ANI now building et my.autpilras - tory, in Lawrence, prisoners, whom he hung upon trees still remained unsubdued; he burst
Grocers. Manufactured only by
.1 . ,v i lle. a . siiperlov
FAA: MILL, • -• , ~, Off his clothes, seized his sword in his
No: 8,4-9 Pearl St.. Ni Y. - [-• .: .' Citittple. of their late. .
• ' I fiviliclepossesses the follositneadventagen over another' i Ile clothes -of -.those whom' they ; teeth, and jumped into the river, in or
-40 NikoS. FRUIT- TRESERVINU sOLii-Lnilits: - hanged served them toaceomplish their ' der-to-gain the opposite bank:
i.. 71 TiON-for preserving all kinds of fruits 1. u.s'eparsies oate,zeat inter. and foul seals, and next adventure, which was a design to To this sad surprise he perceived it
:1 , di , ves and cockle, Iron wheat. _ _ _ , rob the castle of a nobleman in the covered with new opponents. Heswarn
seheto. ilia expense of air tight cans—Told 114 .
' ... itChatlatlaXleed,rakea ma yellow ,ssed; - d It
ail-- a. " 'ileio•hborhood.
_ - I e doWn the river, was pursued by several
~_;3, It cleans noriothy,need. - ~ -'' '' - T hey proceeded in the attire of the boats, until he took refuge on a' small
A ni 01.1) received on deposite, fni' which neftlfi- I :4. It,doe'snll other. separating required of dmill. sheriff's men and demanded entrance, island.. - •
- , ,
ur mites will he issited, teat fay intcre . it isivold. This min is built.of the brit and Moat' dui-hide itto-
pro .„ it th e name othe king, to tnakesearch
. li. W. CI ...ARK ct CO, Bunkers, , [. her. le goodatyKand. is sold cheap tor etudt, ,ar Iti ' f Determined to give him no time to
• •, . ior Dun.-I:ter lookiip , in every cor- recover from 1.11:;• fatigue, they attacked
No 35 south Third 0 treei, piqis. A' duce , '. _ -.. •• - '='':: -, '
PO. I)ave- ger ,sepatatlng -eat.ltom , per, they ~a,•,ked Tor the' keys of the him there. Tit us closely- pressed he
..., ..- Wheat„do otlTer melds, on.rossonaale terms- t • !
drunks b exirmine: them 'Whieh when I plunged again into the river,' with his
T A MPSO , -4 1384 iiintl of ittm - p - for Etrosene--= - , -- ' - ,-- ,' ''' 3 'II MATHER.' ''
LI no breakage of Chimney - a—at. FOLPTP. i Lawrencivvill O,Tictoberio,lBo6-tf . they received they loaded themselves -1 sword in his teeth; he was .chased by
- ~...... :.. l .
... . . .. ,
.1 ~
and well selected or gsiidg, 'which
we are selling very
Good yard wide sheeting for 20ets.
. 17_
Heavy yard wide sheeting for 25 "
Detainee, .....
Staudard priuts from ' 3 14 to 20 "
We also
stock of
At !eq..low figures.
NOTlCE.—Notice is hereby given, that Rob
ert Custard, Senior, has beep., Piael4 in
charge of truce No . 1599; and'fboSe parts ortract
Nu. 1589, in the vicipit;of Babb creek, belong
ing to the heirs of 'Luke V. Mortivp, and all per
sons are forbid trespassingthereon, under penalty
of prosecution.
895 Market at., Philadelphia.
July_4, 18(1(1:-firtw, [ED Z. 17
Jan. I:lStiii—iy
~ \ ,
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, .
UNION, 8000 E. -
[Formerly Hart's
John W. Gnornsey,
O F,
r-rv ,
zi:.!;WELLSBQRO, PA., DECEMBER 12;,11366.
A ; - ',%!:1. 1 41?•:; "
At tho,aecession of King Henry' I,
F(IR - not many years after the Conquest, En
v gland was beset, from • north to south,
OVER COATS 1 OVER COATS 1 by innumerable bands of highwaymen,
V.VA fe: bandits, rogues, ana plunderers of all
sorts. This, no doubt, arose from the
HEAVY BUSINESS SUITS, FINE BLK general devastation and disorganization
cau-ed by the Norman invasion; The
.;:r.l:.tper'iple, had almost everywhere been
—• - !;driven froth tlfefr homes - and possess
ions, to satisfy the rapacious demands
of the followers, high and low, of the
first 'William. The new king himself
set the example, and his successor, Z'
Rufus, who laid waste wholete7ri
tories that he might hunt therein at
his ease, gave fresh vent to this whole
The consequence was that those Saxon
subjects who lost all sought aid from
those disbanded Normans who could
get nothing, and lived in thousands by
a general retaliation of robbery and
murder upon their aggressors.
u3When Henry Beauclerc ascended the
! English throne he found his kingdom a
mere areArgultinderers and cutthroats,
to carry on a gainful - arid - dr - CO trtiffe ;
..but he - was - not the man to bear 'this.
Frans vigorous policy at once grappled
with the evil, and put it completely
down. ; He stopped all spoliation,
whether by Norman or by Saxon: His
administration ofjustice.was paid and
'Felentless: On one occasion his justi
ciary,' Ralph Basset, held-a court at
Huncote, in Leicestershire, .and no
less than forty-four robbers perished on
the seaflold before the judge left the
1131 e murder_ and rapine. which, pre- ,
vailed In every pro Vince at the access
ion of Henry I, became, go rare, before
his death, that the Saxon chronicler of
.the time relates that whosoever bore his
burden of gold and Silver no man durst
say to him aught but good. - - -
Among the • robbers. who were the
'terror of the nation when the king be
gan libfragn, Thomas Duti ; , the hero of
the following anecdotes, was . the most
known - and.dreaded.
He was a Saxon and Wiis born in
Bedfordshire. From his earliest youth
he bad associated with marauders and
thieves, and in the course of time, pla
clog himself at the head of a 'numerous
_gang,Ji e ravaged his native country and
the adjacent country 4 to a fearful extent-.
The king came to the rescue, and
finding that the neighlawhood from St.
Albans , to- Toweester, through which
passed a much-frequented road to the,
north, was Thomas Dun and
iiisibilowers, ordered the woods to be
cut doWn and.grubbed up ; and having,
built a royal Mansion for his own resi
dence, called it Kingsburg, and encour
aged some' of his subjeCts to settle. near
by 'granting them lands at a small
rent, a market, and various liberties
and - privileges. - -
Long after Dun and his gang were de
stroyed and forgotten, the success of the
king's plan continued. Doustable, for,
centuries, was the sojourn, ,of royalty;.
monasteries and churches which there
arose gave a sacred character er the
place; told -the great approach to Lou
Is fully stocked with the choicest and newest
styles of Gartoopter *pal sty*, yorlinutnsyn.!
and malaria, to thle_heallUtflost..lo**th
lid ablait'#* Sad 1 / 7 1f0 '
cid 3
Tiff - 7 1 a
nnaeir the Agitator Printing Citllee, - maxi door In
Roy'a Drug Storo.
Wellabor°, Sept. 28, 1866. •
wHolisitit DRUG STORE;
CORiqINEV; N".‘ Y.
AND OILS, ,r it - -
-4 ;1
- 400/ ES:i i .Ot.fEß'
t f l ?4_o lT
don p . resented an aspek . of double secu
ffly, froin the power and the piety of
- Mose who dwelt in. and about it:
But the return ' to Thotnas Dun.
Many a•re, the stories that are.,handed
Sold at-Wholeialeyrices. ‘. yers axe requeCO down of. I . l . lB,Vkilain,) and daring. • The
ealtand tit taitheia following anecdotes are samples of
ast. them :
Ott ' Among Dun's rug ar
,. were. many- a' I
,/,' :1' 14LT. TERRELL IC (3). -
pick -
tists who enable him to locks,
„.'''p r Oraing. N. - ' - ,rvrench bolts, and-nae deaf filea,to great
`effect. One day, havingliOard ---- that
some lawyers were-to dine at a 'certain
fn in Bedford,- about -an hour before
"":7"J H
AT REDiiii':ls 7l l).lil6.E" : §.
• 7'l
Great Inducementato the Public!
'abell•be unsurpassed
i; Tt ; - :; il ';‘rr) 7 f . !
, e.',, -4_:,—. :, 4 i:: -4.!
I zsrelleou;`=
with booty and departed. The noble
man complained to parliament avainst
the sheriff, when, , - upon investigation,
the trick was discovered.
Nothing prevented Dun from accom-
pliahing any object -which he had in
view, as he possessed the greatest share
of tetherity and ertielty that could fall
to-the lot of man. He would,- under
the disguise of a gentleman,, wait upon
wealthy people, and, upon being shown
into their rooms, murder them and carry
away their money. -'
There was a rich knight in the neigh
borhood of Bedford from whom Dun
wishedlo have a little money. Accor
dingly he went and knocked at the
door; the maid opening it, he inquired
if her master was at home, and famili
arly entered his room. Common com
pliments having passed, he sat down in
a_chair, and began a humorous dis
cOurse, which attracted the attention of
the knight.. Dun then approached, and
demanded a word or two in his ear;
Sir," said he, "my necessities come
pretty thick upon me at present, and I
am obliged to keep even with tnycredi
tors for fear of cracking my fame and
fortune too. Now, having, been directed
to you by some of the heads of the par
ish as a very considerable and liberal
person, I am come to petition you in a
modest manner to lend me a thousand
marks, which will answer all the de
mands upon me at present!"
"A thousand marks!" answered the
knight; "Why, man, that's a capital
sum : and where is the inducement to
lend you so much money . w who are a per
fect stranger to me, for to my eyes and
knowledge :I never 'saw you before in
all the days of my life?"
you must be mistaken, I am
the'honett grocer at Bedford,, tvho has
so often shared your favors."
"Really, friend, I do not know you,
nor shall I • part with my money but on
a good- 'bottnin ; pray 'what security
have you ? .
_ "Why, this dagger," says Dun, pull
ing. it out , of his breast, "is my, constant
security, and unless you let me have a
thousand marks h4tantly, _I shall pierce
your heart !"
This terrible - menace produced the in
tended etVects, and Dives delivered the
ifiOney, -
Having lost'his,road in the country,
Dun arrived 'at a house, - Where he in
qiiired if they cold(' accomodate a be
nighted traveler with a bed. The gen
tleman of the mansion politely told him
that all his house was occupied Ivith
friends and relations who hadjust arriv
ed to be preSerit at the celebration of his
daughter's marriage,: which was to take
place, next day, otherwise he should
have heen,very welcome.
When he was'unwilling to departthe
gentleman Informed hinr, if he was not
superstitious or had courage enough,
that tbere was one room in his house
unoccupied, but that it was haunted.
Dun was above all silly apprehensions
of -that nature, and after being well
entertained retired to his room, the
company all prayingjfor his quiet rest.
- There was a good tire lighted in the
room, and when ail lthe house was at
rest he lay auxious4 expecting some
thing to appear, when the chamberdoor
opens and in comes the hride, of whom
he had taken•particular notice at sup
per. _
-He was, at first, at a loss to know
whether it was only a resemblance, but
soon satisfied himself that it-was really
the lady, though whether she was walk
ing in her sleep or not he could not say,
but he -resolved to match her motions.
She seemed to look steadfastly - upon'
his 'countenance, and then going round
the bed,- gently turned Alp- the clothes,
and lay down by his sidewbereshe had
not rested long till she drew a _rich dia
mond ring from her fingel-, then placed
it on the pillow, and left the room with
the same silent step as she had entered
11 to d
the boats, and repeatedly struck by
their oars, and atter having received
several strokes on his head he was at
- last vanquished.
He was conductedlo a surgeon to have
his wounds dressed, then led before a
mtOstrate, who sent him to Bedford
jail under a guard. Remaining there
two weeks, until he was considerably
recovered, a scaffold was erected in the
market-place. and without a formal trial
he was led forth to his execution—a
barbarous one, for he was literally
hacked to pieces.
Thanks to what we have related of
Henry I, and to the Crusades, which
cleared the country of so many idlers and
marauders, England for near a hundred
years after Dun's death remained se
cure from domestic robbery and mur
der; and ever afterwards the bandits
that now and then in troubled times ap
peared committed their iniqutities on a
minor scale.
theßobin Hood and his outlaws of
the next century ; the robbers of Crom
well's time, and the highwaymen of a
still later period, were but puny suc
cessors of Dun, and had such a strange
spice of chivalry in, their doings, that
.posterity rather inclines to enjoy the
romance of their exploits than to con
demn, as it ought to do, the mianfohl
errors of their ways.
Beside the Tibei on a certain day.
A swarthy plebeian took his glooming way;
Wiim in low cunning—dexterous at dice,
And skilled iu every infamous device ;
A brawny Hercules whom all men feared,
And even whim lie cheated loudly cheered.
With corrugated forehead, like the hull,
Should'ring his weighty way (the..street was full)
Strode to the coliseum, and the crowd
Applauded as he entered, king and loud.
rhetOladiator in the arena died"—
So history says, but lying history lied.
For mad with blood, the mnltitatili-sus throng
Leap in the ring and on their shoulders .trong,
Forgetting that they bore a brainless load,
Uptitted him :aid thro' the roaring road
Conveyed bun to the forum—even where
rip sat, and placed him by his chair,_
A mass of knotty Muscle, guarfed hum,
Among the council sat this great Disgrace,
A growling heap where Ciecru shone before—
Alas, where such as he shall shine no more—
And trust his hn,;e fist in the scale to weigh
The fate of nations. Is it so to-day ?
The A. & P. P. R. R. Excu.tsion—Die
anguished Visitors--Te-et-i-quattk and
- his pappooses-Splendid Dinner—
Speeches—Prairie an Fire--Kieka
poos—Pensinecen the Interpreter, &c.
DEAR AGITATOR : I have just re- 1
turned from an excursion over the first
forty miles of the Atchison & Pike's
Peak R. R., Mid find the road one of the
smoothest for a new road I have ever
seen. A party from Boston, New York,
Chicago and St. Joseph, numbering
some two hundred, arrived here on Sat
urday night last, stayed over Suilday
and were joined here yesterday by some
two hundred invited guests and left at
11 o'clock A. 3f. for the west end which
is now completed and in,rrood running
Order for a distance of forty-five miles.
Accompanying. the excursionists are
Maj. Gen'l S. R. Curtis and Gen. J. H.
Simpson; of Washington, and Dr. Wm.
M. White, of New Haven, commission
ers appointed to inspect the second sec
ond section of the road which commen
ces on -.the Grasshopper, a fine stream
On the Kickapoci Reservation twenty
miles from this city. '
- The train consisted of six splendid
passenger cars, two Of which belonged
to the Hannibal and St. Joseph and one
to the Michigan Southern and North
ern Indiana R. R. Every preparation
was made by the railroad company for
a pleasant trip, and no one went out on
this occasion that did not enjoy them
selves finely. It was a warm and beau
tiful day till three o'clock when the
sky clouded and a cool breeze kept up
the remainder of the day.
Nothing worthy of note transpired
along the route until we reached Mns
cotab, a new laid-out town on the Kick
apoo Reservation. ' Scores of the excur
sionists had never seen an Indian.—
Here was a wigwam a few rods from
'the track and a regular stampede from
. the cars was the result.' All were anx
ious to - get a sight at Te-et-i-quauk and
see his squaw and pappooses. He was
ushered from his wigwam to the front
of the cars with his oldest son, a bright
eyed little chap of six or seven years
and the lady passengers also had a view
of them. • . A gentleman from Boston
brought out-in his arms one of the-little
pappooses and carried it through the
cars _much to the enjoyment of the
We• reached the- end of the second
section (40 miles) , at half past 1 o'clock,
and at two camped and dined on the
prairie. The pile of eatftbles spread out
was a caution to hungrY folks. The ta
bles groaned n:ith roast pig,-beef, lamb,
pork, boiled ham, turkey; chicken, wild
goose; prairie chicken, quail, era,-and
ample justice was done to it by the hun
gry crowd.
Speeches were made by Gen. Jas.
Craig, 'of Missouri, Maj. Gen. Curtis,
Glen. Simpson, Rev. Dr. Tyng, of New
:York, Gov. Smyth, of New Hampshire,
Col. Clapp, of Boston, Rev. Pardee But
ler (well known to the early friends of
Kansas as the man who was tarred and
feathered at Atchison eleven years ago
for expressing his Free State senti
ments) and others, winding up with a
speeeh from, Hon. S. C. Pomeroy, our
distinguished U. Senator. All the
speeches 'were received with applause.
At four o'clock we were again seated
in the cars with our faces turned toward
the east, stopping several times on the
way in and meeting with a slight acci
dent which'detained us about half an
hour. Between Monrovia and this
place night overtook us and those who
had never seen a prairie on fire at night
had. a fine view of one. It was a rich
sight, the flames running high and the
Bostonians and New Yorkers enjoyed it
wonderfully.• -
A dozen Kickapoos presented them
selves atMuscotah, wrapped up iu bright
red blankets; and were particularly de
lighted with the sight of a long passen
ger train and the large crowd. Mr.
Pensineau, the interpreter, was there
in a buggy with his huge squaw, and
drove several times the length of the
train and was much admired by all.—
Mr. Pensineau has been on the frontier
west of the Missouri river between
thirty and forty years and knows the
"Great American Desert" probably
hetterthan any other living man. He
hai traveled this country up- and down
NO. 50.
The Proprietorshave stocked the estabitshment settb
aline assortment et modern atyk,
sad are pt - spared to . 3- zectita neatly, and promptly
Deeds, Mortgages, Leases, and a full assortment o
Constables' and Justices' Blanks, constantly outland.
peoplaliving at a dietancocandepond °allaying their
work done promptly,and sent buk in rmarn
ANKlinca—Boy's block, Socond floor.
the Missouri river and Mississippi for
nearly two thousand miles and ail the
way to the Rocky Mountains and pa
cific. Re is a very intelligent man, has
a splendid farm well stocked, and is
much respected by all who reside in his
The stockholders of the railroad will
hold a meeting in this city to-morrow,
at which it is proposed to change the
name of the road to the Central
Branch Union Pacific." The work is
progressing rapidly and the contractors
intend to have the cars running out six
ty- miles before the first of January.
A grand ball was given by the Impe
rial Quadrille Club last night in honor
of the distinguished visitors, who will
go east this evening via Leavenworth
and St. Louis.
We are enjoying some beautiful wea
ther; it is as warm and pleasant as Sep
tember. F. A. R.
1 0 01D14:4Dr3103:11CD `,lDi=flAo)=4
After a paragraph of congratulations
upon the continued blessings of Provi
dence throughout the land, the Presi
dent says:
" In my message of the 4th of Decem
ber, 1885, Congress was informed of the
measures which had been instituted by
the Executive with a view to the gradu
al restoration of the States in which
the insurrection occurred to their rela
tions with the General Government.
Provisional Governors had been ap
pointed, Conventions called, Governors
elected, Legislatures assembled; and
Senators and Representatives chosen to
the Congress of the United States.—
Courts had been opened for the enforce
ment of laws long in abeyance. The
blockade had been removed, custom
houses reestablished, and the internal
revenue laws put in force, in order that/
the people might contribute to the na
tional income. Postal operations had
been renewed, and effbrts were being
made to restore them to their former
condition of efficiency. The States
themselves bad been asked to take part
in thl high function of amending the
Constitution, and of thus sanctioning
the extinction of African Slavery as
one of the legitimate results of our in
ternecine struggle.
" Having progressed thus far, the Ex
ecutive Department found that it had
accomplished nearly all that was with
in the scope of its Constitutional au
thority. One thing however, yet re
mained to be done before the work of
restoration could be completed, and
that was the admission to Congress of
loyal Senators and Representatives
from the States whose people had re
belled against the lawful authority of
the General Government. This ques
tion devolved upon the respective
Houses, which, by the Constitution, are
made the judges of the elections, re
turns, and qualifications of their own
members ; and its consideration at once
engaged the attention of Cougrese.
In the meantime, the Executive
Department—no other plan having
been proposed by' Congress—continued
its efforts to perfect, as far as was prac
ticable, the restoration of the proper re
lations between the citizens of the res
pective States, the States, and the Fed
eral Government, extending from time
to time, as the public interests seemed
to require, the judicial, revenue, and
postal systems of the country. With
the advice and consent of the, Senate,
the necessary officers were appointed,
and appropriations made by Congress
for the payment of their salaries. The
proposition to amend the Federal Con
stitution, so as to prevent the existence
of slavery within the United States or
any place subject to their jurisdiction,
was ratified by the requisite number of
States; and on the 18th day of Decem
ber, 1865, it was officially declared to
have become valid as a part of the
Constitution of the United States. All
of the States in which the insurrection
had existed promptly amended their
Constitutions, so as to make them con
form to the great change thus effected
in the organic law of th land ; declared
null and void all ordinances and laws
of secession ; repudiated , all pretended
debts and obligations created for the
revolutionary purposes of insurrection ;
and proceed, in good faith, to the enact
ment of measures for the protection and
amelioration of the condition of the
colored race. Congress, however, yet
hesitated to admit any of these States
to representation ; and it was not until
the close of the eighth month of the
session that an exception was made in
favor of Tennessee, by the admission of
her Senators and Representatives.
"I deem it a subject of profound re
gret that Congress has thus far failed to
admit loyal Senators and Representa
tives from the other States, whose--in
habitants, with those of Tennessee had
engaged in the Rebellion. Ten States—
,' more than one-fourth of the whole num
ber—remain without representation ;
the seats of 50 members in thejlouse
of Representatives and of :20 members
in the Senate are yet vacant—not by
their own consent, not by a failure of
election, but by the refusal of Congress
to accept their credentials. Their ad
mission, it is believed, would have ac
complished much toward the renewal
and strengthening of otir relations as
one people, and removed serious cause
for discontent on the part of the inhab
itants of those States. It would have
accorded with the great principle enun
ciated in the Declaration of American
Independence that no people ought to
bear the burden of taxation, and yet be
denied the right of representation. It
would have - been in consonance with
the express provisions bf the Constitu
tion that "each State shall have at
least one Representative," and " that
no State, without its consent, shall be
deprived of its equal suffrage in the
Senate." These provieions were intend
ed to secure to every State, and to the
people of every State, the right of rep
resentation is each House of Congress;
and so important was it deemed by the
trainers oi. the Constitution that the
equality of the Statea .in the Senate
should be preserved that not even by an
amendment of the Constitution can
any State, without its consent, be de
nied a voice in the branch of the Na
, tional Legislature.
1 "It is true, it has been assumed tat
the existence of the States was termilaa
ted by the rebellious acts of their inhab
itants, and that the insurrection having
been suppressed, they *::ere thencefor
ward to be considered merely as con
quered territories. The Legislative,
Executive arid Judicial Departments of
the Lloverualent, however, with great
distinctness and uniform consistency,
refused to sanction au assumption so
incompatible with the nature of our re
publican system, and with the professed
objects of the war. Throughout the