MMal,ll.. MEE E Next in familiarity .to the ferns are the mosses—these delicate little velvety or lavelike plants that spread themselves over the - bark of old trees; on moist rocks, upon hedge banks, on old cottage roofs, especially if composed of th piah ; -they grow , in fact, n almost every habitat that supports life.. The flowers of these, though extremely. .minute, can be made out, much more readily than those of ferns. • While the plant still seems no snore than a tuft of minute leaves, deep down amid the recesses of the foliage there are developed tiny organs anala gous to:stamens and pistil; the latter, on being fertilized, is elevated upon _ a stalk. as fine as hair, and then we get those „pretty little capsules, fat and green; or ruby and half pendulous, that show so conspicuiously to the observant eye in early spring. They are more like choice flowers than like seedpods, and are so organized as to exhibit some of the phenomena that pertain to the very highest race of plants. The rim 'of the capsule is set round, for instance, with delicate and moveable rays, resem bling the white border of a daisy, and exhibiting the same kind of sensitive ness to changes of the atmosphere—that is to say, closing when it is moist and clouded, opening out fiat when the sun shines and the heaven's breath smells -wooingly. The seeds are impalpable, minute, and float in the air like the winged ones of thistles, but, of course, invisible. When carried or blown against any moist and shady surface, they cling to it and commence active life and in a little while make it seem as if a coat of bright green • paint had - been overspread there. Mosses, inde pen dentlY of the beauty of their little capsules, are plants that abound in curi ous interests. There is good reason to believe that the plant referred to under the name of the "hyssop that springeth out of the wall" was one of their -num ber. Since hyssop, properly so called, is neither an inhabitant of walls nor so -remarkable for diminutiveness, as to form pearly so suitable a contrast to the cedar of Libanon, it is pretty certain, at alrevents; that the allusion is made to something else and the positive ergo= meats are all in favor of its having been mosses that Solomon spoke of. Mosses, like' ivy and - wallr-flowers, consecrate themselves to the ruin. The time worn castle, the' roofless abbey, are favorite abodes with them. They love also to grow in rural graveyards, and may -of ten be seen filling up the deep cut let ters of the epitaph. They are too small for the posy or bouquet ; not impressive -enough for the flower garden ; they seem marked out by nature for elegant and sacred purposes that shall be all their own and these they never fail to fulfill. Nature'never forgets either her festivi ties or her tender sympathies. When spring and summer come the chaplets are always ready, beautiful as gladness, and dipped in odors ; when there is any thing sad or solemn she is ready again, and with a smile that gives a poetical side even to death.—L. H. Grinder. A witty young rascal passing through the town of —, in Alabama, not long since, wanted some whisky, and know ing it could only be obtained by a phy siciazt,,wrote himself an order, signing it with his own name, to which a learn ed M. D. was attached. He presented it at the drug store of a gentleman who, though unrecognized by him, proved to be an old acquintauce. "Hello, Frank," said be, "when dio you get to be a doctor?" "I'm not a dootor." " Why, what's that M. D. to your name for then?" Frank saw he was . caught ; but deter mined to make the•best of it, put on a very innooent look, and meekly an swered ; " Oh, that's for Mighty Dry !" Of course bigot the whisky. OLBY bee some more of those fine American 12 watches, at No. 5 Union Block. Hartman's Safety Bridle and Lines. (Patented November 7,1865.) AMOST valuable article for all who drive hor see. See "Agriculturist" for March, 1866. Recommended by Wilkes, of the Spirit of ths. Timer; Bonner, of the New York Ledger, and many other eelebrated horsemen. The subscriber owns the patent for Tioga, Sus quehanna and Bradford counties. Individual or township rights for sale, on favorable terms. Harness makers who wish to make the lines for their customers who buy individual rights, will be dealt with liberally. Br a slight alteration, the safety lines may -be attached to almost any bridle. All persons are cautioned against making or using the bridle or lines, in the counties aforesaid, without authority from the undersigned. ROBERT C. SIMPSON. Wellshoro, Sept. 5, 1886—tf Stoves & Tin Ware FOR THE MTLT,ION OPPOSITE BOY'S BUILDING, Are now prepared to furnish the public with anything in their line of business, in quantity as large, in quality as good, and is cheap in price as any dealers in Northern Pennsylvania. - They pay particular attention, to the STOVE AND TIN WARE BUSINESS, and intend to keep a fall assortment of everything in that line. t, TIN WARE 'MADE TO ORDER, protaptly; and,warnatod to give satisfaction. REPAIRING executed in the beet tawnier end with dispateh CALL AND SEE US. ' ROBERTS & KELSEY Welliborough, March 7,156 - . s 103311 REGUNTOR STORE, -- CONCERT BLOCK, ..;77.1:1 r's: CORNING, STRUBEN COUNTY, N. Y. -_ . -1 r, ! .1412 ... -,-. 1 ,;.' ;-_.;:,.... ...I .I. =III t DRY GOODS AND GROCERIES, At gr 1 .1 3 0 19 I . ll 4Pediattittg , ,! El EX. A WORD TO MY OLD FRIENDS and the community generally. Not being a friend to long and .witttly,advertisement*Aind large ox. penditureq to the Printers, I herewith submit a condensed, statemeu t of facts at a omen neat, with the understanding ttuat the aurpins capital will le better empioied in reducing. the price of my customers My stock is fall and complete to supply all the wants of my old easterners and many new ones, both in. the -Retail and Job Trade! f . itr the ap proaching Fall: and Winton-. Having a splendid stock a Flannels, Full Cloth; Cassimeres, Brown and Bleached Sheet ings and Shirtings, Bought under the jatejowpricef!,:. PRINTS from common to best classes. A grea variety of CHOICE. DRESS GOODS At lower prices, as well as a splendid assortment of fine goods; at lase prices than can be bought in the State. Among them may be found All Wool : Merinos, -at 5s to 12s Ter 'yard. Empress Cloths, plain and figured, Merinos, Bom - hairs, Seote.h, Plaid, &e., &c. LADIES' CLOTH, ' For Street Sacks and Cloaks, and a variety of Goodosidaptad, to Trurolipg-Dreass and Capes. ' .?'.0 1 ,0 114404111 Winter- FINE PAISLEY' SHAWLS, Comprising a . variety of style and from $2,00 to 00,00 each, - CARPETS, From 50 cents to $2,00 per yard. A full and complete amortment of BOOTS AND SHOES, Adapted to the Fall and Winter trade Gloves, Hosiery & Yankee 'Notions And in fact all classes of Goods 'usually kept in A FIRST CLASS COUNTRY STORE The Advintagiii:to my - . GROCERY CUS MAUS'. Are not to be misunderstood, when the steady and unexampled increase of business is taken into account I say without the fear - of contra diction, that with the large purchases I am ma.: king from month to month, for cask/ can aellto the country blade as low - avtheynittr thy in the city, including freight, which gives me an oppor tunity to offer - Superior Advantages to the Job Trade. And also to the idea trade whiei lam doing, and am bound to do, at rates furnishing largely increased advantages to the , . RETAIL PURCHASERS, Over any other sstablidnesnt in Western N. Y , give my enstomarithe beitalit tirkix change in the markets as I am' xtsted in stnetion and other sales from day to day by telegraph and otherwise. JON- Orders through -the realli•froin thwi Job Trade will be, prOmptly attended to, and al) goods warranted to be as recommended or they maybe returned atones, by freigibt, at mykxpense. Corning,, Oot. 24f_ /866► •.,1 • 4,f ff- Thankful for the liberal patronage of a dis t:tried:Wing public in the past, would respectfully announce to the people of Tioga and adjoining counties, that they are now'recciirinifrom New York a largo and well selected STOCK OF GOODS, adapted to the wants of this community, which they will sell as usual at the VERY LOWEST MARKET PRICES. Having become satisfied that we can do bet• Kt • OUR CUSTOMERS AND OURSELVES, by doing a ready pay business, we shall continue to sell our goods on the principle of • SMALL PROPITS,-QUICK SALES AND READY PAY. Our stock consists in part of Dry Goods, among which will be found CASSIiirEEES:BEDAD s CLOTII,' SAT ' ' MET: TWEEDS; FLANNELS; ' LADIES' • CLOTH, &C., A : „ , 1 LADIES' DR:E S - GOODS i) PL - ti • Emma,. SILVELISPRING AND, OTHER KINDS OF ItOOP YANKEE NOTIONS, HATS_ Sr. OA/ 1 S BOOTS AND SHOES,GROCER IES, HARDWARE, 'CROCK ERY, &C., &C. , t r ;, “Cf . `?“•,:• A long experience in the lumber trade gives us confidence that we can supply JOBBERS AND.OTHERS, with anything in their line at rates PRVE . OTLY SATI SFACTORY TO , -WoUordially invite one And' is 411 and see our stock beforiapnrebasing elsewhere, as we be lieve you will save money by so doing. Don't forget the place, EMPIRE STORE, NO.I tr NION BLOCK. :::T/411141;;;;roi Sept. 19,• 1866. - Stoves: Stoves 2: MR. WILLIAM ROBERTS begs to announce to the citizens of Tioga County, that in addition to his excellent stock of Stoves, Tin-Ware, Brittania, and Sheetdlron Ware, he hal . ,at a great outlay, stocked hie store on MAIN STREET, WELLSBORO, with a complete assortment of Shelf Hardware, of which we enumerate the following articles : NAILS, SPIKES, CROWBARS, X CUT, MILL, HAND AND BUCK SAWS, BUTTS, STRAP HINGES, , • • ' • CARPENTER'S TOOLS, PUMPS, AXE' % • AUGERS, • BITTS, , - HITT-STOCKS; HATCHETS; CHISKii, SHOVELS, SPADES, FORKS, , , ,REIFOH-SOREWitik WOODISG'REWI3,. , OARRIAGE BOLTS, BURRS, SKEINS, WASHERS, PIPE BOXES, AXLE- SPRINGS, HORSE SHOES, HOOP, BAR, &•BAND IRON, GRINDSTONE.:: . HANGINGS; CORN •- ' POPPERS, SAUSAGE MIMES 'AND STUTTERS COMBINED. Also, PISTOLS, PISTOL CARTRIDGES, POWDER AND OAPS. ur=r=l;l7:'TnTrr , e a new tbtng, and - made for use. These are but a fa* of ' the many articles composing our stock of Hardware. We invite the publio to call and examine for themselves. We aim to keep the beat quality of goods in our line ; and all work .to order done promptly and well, -WILLIAM ROBERTS* . IL GOFF. Weßebore, Sept. 1,1866-4 t ter for also, a large line of F,F,I g =I TREES, ELLIP. ;, TIC ' TrViALDWIN - st I.;' - g:':ii , ,,' ',.,.-.1:; TIOGA, PENN'A Respectfully inform their, customers ana friends, that baying entirely sold out their old stuck of DRY GOODS t ~,7 1r i i s Pti' .13 r,;.1 At Auction. They. have replaced them with a new and well selected lot of J 77: 'DRESS - -GOODS, IMEMI •DeLAINP, CLIAkLIES, PRINTS, BLEACHED AND BROWN MUSLINS, rAasiptcsimikatEs, READY - PUDE CLOTHING, , . _ LINEN COATS, HATS AND CAPS, LADIES' HATS TRIMMED AVD ' PLAIN, CARPET WARP, BOOTS & SHOES, WALL AND WINDOW PAPER, EARDWUR & TINWARE. • Oar /took of GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS ie large and , eomplete; and we would most re . epectitilly call your attention to • QUALITY AND PRICE. FLOUR, SALT AND NAILS, we keep on hand at all times and will be sold at pie.t to defy eolipetltion. TOUR BUTTER, CHEESE EGGS , GRAIN, &(;.,. Is as good as the CA&JI to as at their market value. , T. L,_BALDWIN & CO TIOGA, May 16, 1866-Iy. Drugs, Medicines, &c. d. BELDEN, BLOBSBURG, PA KEEPS constantly on band a fine stock of Pure Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals, &c , ":. • WINES ANP LIQUORS, for Medicinal end Sacramental use; also all the popular Patent Medicines. Paints, Varnishes, Oils, &o. ' . aU kinds of brushes; Dye Colon", Dye Woods and Stuffs, Sue Toilet Soaps, Perfumery, Pom ades, Cosmetics, &C"., • STATIONERY, PENS, PENCILS, PAPER AND ENVELOPES, Memorandum Books,—Pass Books, as., Potash in bulk at 15 cents per pound, Kerosene Oil, Lamp Oil, Turpentine, Benzine, Occ. Fresh Oatmeal and Pearl Barley at 10 cis per pound. I am sole agent in Blossburg for Dr. N. Weaver's Bat- Fireweed, and_ warrant it to cure Scrofula, Salt Rheum, Seurvi;,,imples on the face, and all diseases arising from impure state of the Blood if used according to directions. Particular attention given to compounding Physician's 'and other Prescriptions. - I guaran tee satisfaction, both in quality and priewo - Remember the Store, apposite the new Coal Co'e Store, Blessburg, Pa. Aug. 15, 1866-tf. J. L. BELDEN. Card, Staples & Son, ARE PREPARED TO SELL _, S ASCHEAP as any dealers In the cotintY,Mencral as of DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, - READY.MADE CLOTHING, HATS,' • CAPS, BOOTS A SHOES, FUR NISHING GOODS, EARTHERN, STONE, AND GLASS WARE, in short, everything usually kept in a country store, all of which will 'be sold as low as else where, for •; READY PAY ONLY !' No trouble to Show • ~ • . _ - " CALL AND SATDINT YOURSELVES. STAPLES A CO., grateful to old patrons 11w past favors, hope for_ a continuance of the same. Having formed a Copartnership with G. P. CARD, they feel confident that they can do better than everbefore, as the new firm will have a larger assortment. COMPETITION DEFIED! CARD, STAPLES A SON. Keeneyviile, Feb. 21, 1866.—1 y. rIENERAL wholesale agent for the Celebrated 'PATENT PLATE PlANOS,manufactnred by DECKER BROS., CHICKERiNG & SON'S PIANOS, HAINES BRA'S PIANOS, MASON & lIAMLIN'S CABINET ORGANS, and Treat, Linsley & Co's Melodeons. Orders from dealers and Teachers especially aolicited. Address, L. B. POWELL, July 20. 118 Ponna Avenue, &Tante% Pa. -.I I II4BPRIL, Boots; S'hi;is; Lea:Merl- Pilldings. 's' : ' 4 • — 7 — • GEM O. DERBY-, TIAVING < bought the stock and good-will of the len siness-lenneted_in this borough. by The St-UIS Bore," will continuo the same at tho stand lately occupied by them. Domicastom. work, made to order and warranted, will be the itrat thing inorder at this shop; but apacial attention Woo bo given to keeping up a goodlitotk *- - • ' - • LEATHER :AIM FINDINGS, Such as SOLE sud.IIPPER, LININGS, BIND ING, PEGS, THREAD, NAILS, ,LAtaTB, AWLS, WAX, &c.; aud,4ll gavial Way, uaa.earseas mates _usually kept at a finding shop. Duda paid for sintent, aims, man find nose ; and par tionisiattentioa given to the iporclialo - of veal and dea con skins, for which the highest market price will be pea: lilneammirdon• promptly and well. - usu. 0.-DERBY. Hiving iottithe l itock in trade and good-will of the btulnesalately Cbtancted 'by us to Mr. Derby, we cor dially recommend him to our old =tamers, as a good workman, and a aguare•dealing man. • CILLS..W. A GEO. W. SEARS. "cf0.40 , 9TP.A. 1 .47 2 A/Sea. „ SPIIiNG , OF 1886 a lin PILES OF NEW GOODS AT LAW RENCEVIILLE, AT GREATLY REM:WED' PRICES. t`'-- q " CO S. Mather & Co. take pleasure ;F. announcing to the public gen erally Niirt they: havejust .returned from New York with the largest and most desirable stook of Goods in Tioga County. We have a full lino of STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS, CLOTHS . I'ol P:ftSSItifERES HATS 44 CAPS, BOOTS A SHOES, GROCERIES, Ready made Olothing, and Oustom 7 - TAILORING superintended by a first-class (hitter lea foot, we have a oomplete assortment of all tie* 3tiglitollo44tthablia. Ws, ow detaresials4 so take thi/ead la Low Patcas for the Spring of COME AND BEE! 1 [ To 'eels to be "eOnirfnoed," and to lank will cost you nothing. We extend thanks for former liberal patronage, and'only ask that the friends of low prices And small profits at our counters and satisfy themselves ' that Lawrencevllid is the place to buy Goode right. 11111 MINI C. 8. MATHER tt CO Lawrenceville, Apr. 2.6, 1866. FLOUR FROM CHOICE WHITE WHEAT, buckwheat tour, corn meal and feed, always on hand. Call at the Charleston Mill before buy ing yourßour and feed. I can make Ulm object for you to buy. A. RUSSELL. May 18,18613—tf LECTURE TO YOUNG MEN._ 4x,-_ Just published, la' a sealed envelope. price BIZ cents. A lecture on the na ture, treatment and radical cure of Sparmatorrhces or seminalareakners, involuntary emis sion., sexual debility and Impediments to marriage gen erally. Navvonsuesa consumption, epilepsy and fits. mental and physical Intapacrty, resulting from self abase, .te, by Robert J. Culiurwell, IL D., author of the " green-book," tc. The world resowned author, in this admirable lec tare, &early proves from his own experience that the awful consequences of self-abuse may be effectually re moved without medicine, and without dangerous surgi cal operettas!, bouyies, instruments, rings, or cordials, pointing.ont a mode of cure at once certain and effectu al, by which every sufferer, no matter what his condi tion maybe, may - cure himself cheaply, priva Sly, and sidles/Iy. This lecture will prove a boon to thousands and thousands. Sent under seal, to any address, in a plain sealed envelope, on the receipt of l aix cents, or two postage stamps, by addressing CHAS. J. C. ICLIt7I3 A. CO., jylB 127 Bowery, N.Y., p. ofise box 4,586. DRUGS FOR TEE MILLION. WEBB'S DRUG STORE :—The undersign ed respectfully announces that be has as sumed the entire control of the DRUG dr CHEMICAL STORE, Second door below Holliday's Hotel, which he has fitted up for that purpose, and having largely increased his stock I: now prepared to furnish his old customers and all others with PURE DRUGS, CHEMICALS, PATENT MEDICINES, DYE STUFFS, ivat - rituas'Abar LIQUORS; absent every Mid* to be found in an establish ment of this. Such as Horse and, Cattle Powder, Coal Oil, Alcohol, Linseed Oil, Glass, Alit* Putty Sponges, AgrOat'ePilection of the best Palatally.. Manufactured, Toilet Soaps of various kinds, and of tho Man approviof Brandiatirsys on hand Be would call the attention of the public to his splendid stock et . • . , N tions,',Wsiiiiiitin g , f Hair,. Tooth; Paint, Fkah and ail Brush ' es, - Ctitieri,r ' ' Dunk.. ' mg On • ' Chess & Backgammon Board, Chess, P0mi.440,44.915d s as of-Teri for - - qbkildZen. - - - --- f B."i Particular attengon will be given to Pre paring Physicians' Preacriptione and Family Recipes. Satiafaction given to all who favor him with their patioriage. R. B. WEBB, Aug. I,lBeo. Druggiat. ANTED—FIFTY BUSHELS OF dried raspberries, 50 do oeblackberries— for which the highest market price iu cash will be paid by •J. R. BOWRN CO. Wellsboro, August 1b,1866. 1880 It. FOR MEDICINAL USE. .t. W good quaft Tobacco and **ars _.. ~.ANNOUNCVIENIW "IX E have reduced the priee.uf Flour $l per r. _barrel, Peed and meal 50 cents per dist, and shall tell, FOR CARO. ONO, C.J. HILL FLOUR, WRIGHT & BAILEY'S BEST W HITE WHEAT FLOUR, SPRING WHEAT FLOUR, BUCK WHEAT FLOUR, GROUND FEED; CORN - MEAL, BRAN, ar,e., Ae.• r, CASH PAID FOR ALL KINDS OF GRAIN. WRIGHT k BAILEY Wellabor°, Jan. 24, 1866. C ,t N. HAMMOND'S NURSERY.- Middlebury, Tioga Co., Pa., Situated on the Plank Road,' mites from Tiogal We are prepared to furnish 100,000 Fruit Treei at the following pricea : Appletrees—large size, 25 cents at the Nursery; 30 cents delivered. Common size, 20 cents at the Nursery, 25 cents delivered. Pear Trees, 60 cis. Sununu APPLgS.—Burnham. Harvest, Early Harvest, Cbenango Strawberry, Washington Strawberry, Red Astrachan, Summer Bellflower, Summer Queen, Summer King, Sweet Bow, Sour Bow. PALL APPLEs.—Famense, Gravenstein, Rambo, Ribeton Pippin, Fall Pippin, Republican Pippin, Hawley or Douse, Maiden's Blush, Largo Wine, Ladies' Sheeting, Lymen'a Pumpkin Sweet. WINTER APPLEs.—Baldwin, Bailey Sweet, Black, °Mower, Blue Pearmain, American Gol den Russet, Roxbury Rnsaet,Rhode Island Green ing, Beppu/ Spitzenburg, Swear, Sweet Gilltiower, Sugar Sweet, Honey Greening, Honey Sweet, Pound Sweet,•Pound Soar, Peck's Pleasant, Call man Sweet, Tompkins Co. King, Waguer. PEARS.—Bartlett, English Jargonelle, Bleaker's Meadow, Bella Lucrative, Louisa Bona D Jersey, Seckel, Beane D' Amelia, Golden Bearre,Flemisb Beauty, Gloat lklorceau, Lawrence. Also—Siberian Crab, Quinces, and Grape roots —several varieties. C. st N. HAMMOND. Middlebury, Tioga Co., Pa., Jan. 1, 1866-ly NATIVE GRAPE BRANDY. "OLD CATAWBA," Vintage of 1882, on sale by •P. R. WILLIAMS, Druggist, who refers the public to N. Packer M. D.; J. H. Shearer, M. D.; L. M. Johnson, M. D. Warranted pure for Medicinal purposes. Oct. 3, 1880. u• - ..:- • --.:v•-`,-;. ..... e 1.3.) llrf: , * V..: ' " 41 ... # , .. ,_,..„,,,,4,,:7„.„ ._. ~., 0 . ..e_ ...1 _,A - 44 . 1: 1111 4 ,4 -R 17.,i Patented May 29, 1566 rrELIE La an article for washing without rubbing, ex -1. cept in very dirty places, which will require a very slight rub, and unlike other preparations offered for a hke purpose, WILL :voT sox THE CLOTHES, but will leave them much WHITER than ordinary methods, Nvithoutthe rumal wear and tear. It removes grease spots as if by magic, and sauna the dirt by soaking, so that rinsing will in ordinary cases entirely remove it. This powder is prepared in accordance with chemical science, and upon a process peculiar to itself, which, is secured by Letters Patent. It has been in use for more than a year, and has proved itself an universal favorite wherever it has been used. . . Among the advantages claimed are the following, Au It eaves all the expense of soap usually used on Cot ton and linen goods. It saves most of the labor of rubbing, and wear and tear. Also, for cleaning wintluwa it is unsurpassed With one quarter the labor and expense usually required, it imparts a beautiful gloss and luster, much superior to any other mode. Nu water required except to moisten the powder. Directions with each package. And can be readily appreciated by a dingle trial. The coat of washing for a family of live or hi: persona will not exceed THUM came. The manufacturers of this powder are aware that many useless compounds have been Introduced to the public which have rotted the cloth, or failed in remov ing the dirt; but knowing the intrinsic, excellence of this article, they confidently proclaim it as being adapt ed to meet a demand which has lobg existed, and which has heretofore remained unatipplied. Manufactured by HOWE di STEVENS, • 260 Broadway, Boston. Also, manufacturers of family dye colors. For sale bS grocers and dealers everywhere. octlT,'l3B-3re REMINGTON it SONS, Manufacturers Xi s of Revolvers, Rifles, Muskets and Car r binesifor the United States ear vice. Also, pocket and belt Revolvers Repeating Pistols, Rifle Canes, Revolv ing Rifles, Rifle and Shot Gun Barrels, and Gun Materials, sold by gun dealers and the trade generally. Ta these days of housebreaking and robbery, ev ery house, store, bank and office, eltou/d have one of REMINOTONS' REVOLVERS. Parties desiring to avail themselves of the late improvements in pistols, and those of superior workmanship and form, will find all combined in the ecw RIXITIGIT - ON RsvoLvnits. Circulars con taining cuts and description of our Arms, will be furnished upon application. E. REMINGTON a SONS, Ilion, N. Y, Moons I Nrcitota, Agents, No. 40, Conrtland street, New riirk. lip 4 68 FOUTZ'S HMO alliCi a tio Powder's: YELLOW W. TEE, HEAVE COUGHS, DI TZXPER. YRRE, FOUND, LOSS Or API TITE AND YIT. ENERGY, &c. use improves I win d, ineream the appeute—gir a smooth glossy skin--i transforms t miserable siteli home. In all diseases of Swine, such as Coughs, Ulcers in the Lnngs, Liver this article. • acts 113 specific. By putting from one-half a piper • to 3 paper in t barrel anvil) above diseasi will be eradicated • • _ • or entirely priiventad. If given In time, a certain preventive :tad c fx• C: olern. Price 25 Celts P Pr-EP All f'S. 11. Fou'rz MIOLESAIE rirrri ANT) - ?.11 - 111rINE No. 116 Franlrlin Pnl 3- irrnre, Nd For Sale hp Dritgri , t9 and S.:. keep. , out the Malted States. For sale by John A. Boy, Wellsboro •;:m:JUM - 4,IIIIARKET:- AN.U.REW J. TIPPLE, basin g reettti purchased Mr. Wm. Townsenti's interest- i n 2 4 MEAT ..3IARRET, would say to the citizens of W.e/lebuyo and vicinit tbut he well continue theß,„B - 1 Luanne y is at the old t autl—giying his entire attention in ?t1,,,, the wants of all who may faver hint v01t, 1,1 ri,:j patronage. Constantly on hand FRESH MEATS OF ALL Ellna Shop one Door South of D Welisboro, Sept. 26, 1866 tf. erby's Shoe abop. Good News to Soldiers and thei r Heirs, ALL who have any interest in was will find it to their advantage to read following aots of Convess which bare re tt , 4l become law : Sec. let of an ant of June 6, 1865, provideiQ all soldier; or sailors who have lost the sight if both eyes, or both hands, so as to require me stunt attendance, the sum of. $23. Sen. 2. To those who bare Jost both feet, tr are totally disabled en the Mlle so as t o regai ns constant attendance, the suns of $2.0. SEC. 3. Those wilu have lust oat hand or one foot, ur are so disabled as to render then unable to perform manual labor equivalent to the loss of a hand or a foot, the suns of $l5. Sec. 4.. Persona who have been deprived of their pensions under act of March 3,1865, in eon. sequence of being in the civil service of the 11. States Government, are Teetered. Sec. 5. Pensions are extended to dependimt fathers and brothers, as well as to mothers ani sisters. In addition to the above act, to eush•personeas are embraced by it, Congress, before its close, July 25 PK passed a bill granting additional bounded, and also one increasing the pension to widows ti.nd orphans, and extending the benefits of the pension laws to the heirs and representa tives of certain invalid applicants, to wit : Sze. 2 of the act of July 25, 1866, provides fur pensions to widows of deceased soldiers or sail ors having children by such soldiers or sathirs, at the rata of two dollars per month for each child of soldier or sailor under the age of sixteen years. San. 3 gives an increase of pensions to then widows now receiving a pension of less than eight dollara per month, except Revolutionary walovi. This act provides &bounty of one hundred doh lane to all three years' men enlisting since tvii 19, 1861, and fifty dollars to all two years' mea who enlisted since said period. The above is additional to the 8100 or Su bounty provided fordn previous sets. Blanks will be forwarded to all who with ay assistance in the collection of thew claims, sib proper instructions. All claims against the United States Govern ment promptly adjusted and collected. WM. B. SMITH, U. S. Pension and Bounty Agent. Knoxville, Tioga County, Aug. 15, 1855. DEERFIELD WOOLEN FACTORY, 'THE UNDERSIGED havin g purchased the well known Woolen Factory of 3fesin. B. S. Bowen on the Cowaneeque River, two miles east of Knoxville, takes this method of informing the inhabitants of Tinge and adjoining counties that he will manufacture wool by the yard or on shares to suit customers, into FLANNELS, CASSIMERES. DOE-8111N3, FULL CLOTHS, of all kinds. The machinery has been thoroughly repaired and new machinery added Thereto, also an im proved new wheel which willenable him to work the entire season. He will pay particular atten tion of Roll Carding & Cloth Dressing, which will he done in the neatest possible man. ner, having added one new Roll Machine, will enable him to dispatch and accommodate people from a distance. Ho would farther say that he has carried on the business in manufacturing wool for farmers in Bradford and adjoining counties for the past twenty years; he therefore con warrant all work and satisfy his customers, using nothing in manufacturing but genuine wool. JOSEPH INGHAM. Deerfield, Jan. 1, 1868-Iy. Hand Power Loom !-Patented 1865, , - gLL person, interested in the production of pain. cal mischinery into our country, are requested to investigate the merite of MM=TMEME It will weave jeans, blankets, plain sloth, sada*. kersey, flannel, seamless sack, double width bleakdo, or any kind of cotton, wool, or flax cloth. It tree b the treadles, throws the shuttle, lets off the web, sad :aka up the cloth. It makes the upper shed as the batten comes forward, and beats up the filling after the croe is made, making better cloth and better selvage this can be made in any other way. - It is the only hand loom that is suitable for weaoinywool, as no loom that makes all the abed as the batten gat back, will weave wool satisfactorily. It has no strtags to stretch and get out of order; ha treadles at both sides of the loom, making the .hal complete at both sides. This loom is made to weave the different kinds of cloth, by simply changing the pine that make the op per shed. Township rights for sale. Call at Wellsbort,T4 l county, Pa., and see a full sized loom In operation Or dare for looms solicited. LEVY'S WET3IOII.F. Wbllsboro„ May 2, '66.-ly A. F. PACItAIIP JOHN SUHR, WOULD announce t4lie citizens of Wallah). ro and surrounding country, that ha hot opened a shop on the corner of Water and Crat ton streets, for the purpose of manufacturing 1 11 kinds of CABINET FURNITURE, REPAIRING AND TURNING DONE to order. COFFINS of all kinds furnished as short notice. All work done promi)tly and war ranted. Wellaboro,, June 27, Hati. THE bill to equalize bounties hasu bums A law. The following is an analysis of its prevision's: I. $lOO to threo years' men who served 'Mir time. This preparation, long and favorably known, will thor oughly reinvigorate broken-down and low-spirited horses, by strengthening and cleansing the stomach and Lutes tines P. $lOO to three years' men discharged by reason of wounds received in service. 3. $lOO to the widow,..nsinor children, or ps. rents, in the order named. of any such 3oldUr who'died of wounds or disease contracted in ser vice. 4. $5O to each soldier not included in timbre going classes, who enlisted for two years caner& and discharged after serving two years. 5. $5O to every soldier enlisted for two yew , and discharged by reason of wounds received is the line of duty. 6. , $5O to the widow, *c., as above, of oval soldier enlisted for less than two years, who died in service, or of wounds or disease contracted the army. No additional bounty is snowed to three yew men who have received, or have heretofore bees entitled to receive, more than $lOO national bean. 1, 9, And none to two years' men, who have re ceived, or are entitled :46 - more than $5O. The law only applies to honorably discharged epithets of ire late war, and to_ none who have sol'l oT transferred their discharges or rights to haulm. The undersigned will attend promptly to the collection of all ouch claims, at reasonable rata. Where varties reside at is distance, the bushiest may be deice by letter. Address JNO. I. MITCHELL , Claim Agent. Wellsboro, Pa., August 15, 1906. It Is a aura pre vc.ative of all dla eases incident to & ai r aortrri the ke va , l 4 u u i n ta b ibi l tu e l: been proven by ac tual experiment to increase the quan tity of milk and cream twenty per cent, and make the butter firm and sweet. In fattening cattle, it gives them en appetite, loosen. their hide, and them thrive FOR BALE.—A span of matched tbree old mares; color, strawberry roan, w ei g h 1000 lbs, or 900 each. GEO, CRAI 3II . Charleston, September 19, 1865—tf LIFE AND TIME'S OF EL.DER. SHEAR DOWN.—Those who wish to secure a elf of this excellent work, can do so by 'lining II this office soon. August sitalooPHß "AR We want agents ere/. where to sell our mirmorm Vl° 3 " iug 3lachines. Three new kinds. Upper and ondd feed. Warranted flee years. Above salary or lar;s . , ”'; missions paid. The only machines sold in the (,nut, States for less than $-40, which are fully lover wi Howe, Wheeler if Wilson. Grover if ./da2,r. Sdivr Oh, and Ilachelder. All other cheap niachino fringements, and the :eller or user are /fable to or7 , ', fine, and imprisonment. Circulars free. Address, or upon Shaw It Clark, Biddeford, Maine. e Irtpcls for SL $90 .4 MONTR!—AGENTS wanted for to O.: . eirety tiny articles, jut out. Address O. GABBY, Qty Building, Biddeford, 31aine. dna97,'B6-iewly J - 08-WORK, IN THE BEST STYLE, and with despatch, at THE AGITATOR O BOUNTIES. I HENDERSON'S HAND POWER LOOM Important to Soldiers,