6 40ral erod. WEDNESDAY DEC. 5, 1866 New Advertisements. Orphan's Court Sale—A. Hart. Dentistry--P. Newell. Notice—J. P. Donaldson. • For Sale--Ed. Wetmore. 1000 Agents wanted—Chas. S. Green dr. Go, Agents wanted- 7 ,5. S. Seranton4eß., $2OOO a 'year. Administrator's Netlee-T. J. Bradbury. •--Estate of A. Butler Groceries--D. F• Stone. . H. C. BAILEY, 'Esq:, will deliver to the subscribers to Greeley's American"Conitictin Tioga and vicinity the second .volume within three weeks REV. N.L. REYNOLDS is now located in Bioseburg, to which place all letters Interided for him should be addressed. FZBE COMPANY.—At a meeting of the Citizens fire Company held 'Thursday; even. lug of last week, S. S. Spencer was - elected Fore man, R. L. Van Rom, Asaistkit Foremau,,and Hugh Young, Secretary.- The Company log for active service: The Jersey Shore T''ldette says that late heavy rains made a twelve foot flood in the IKrl2 The same paper chronicles the stealing of a watch-key by some fellow ilia having the fear of " Time the aye:tiger" . before hls oyes. THE CONCEET.—A fair audieric,ii#- gambled to enjoy the Concert by the choir of, the M. E. Church liat Wednesday evening.'. We were unavoidably detained away, end cannot speak of the perfurinanoe from personal knowledge. , We believe, however,.that the entertainment was sat iefactory to those present. The reeeiptsvvere in the noighborhood of $4O BIG DAY 4 S SANry..Pi—b&r: Ilyme2, of Crooked Creek,;saads ue t e grim, of fire hours' sawing at big Mil.443ept. kaa - follows: 6tB feet itch boards, - 99166 feet timber, : - 16869 This averages more thari 3000 feet per' hour, and beats the - big day's -- work at Bennett h New= Lall's Mills, noticed some months ago. CORRECTION.—In stating the result of the big day's chopping Upon Steele's_lunaltpv:jiik; a few weeks ago we unintentionally fell into au error. Instead of " peeling" the IOgS, we should Lave said " fitting" thew for the saw. The word wee obscurely written a.nd• we treAtterthed it "peeled," . The day's work was big enotteh at, all events. Mr. Chas: Butler sends to correct the MEI KEENEYNTILLE.—The march of prevenient has _reached. Keeneyrille as we,-are glad to learn. - Mr.-Aso. D. one of its. most enterprising citizens, bas purcliasedn ii.horse power engine, and is manufacturing broom and fork bandies to order. Mr. Kenney .fotirilf self unable to fill orders wibout more power 4ban he could spare from his Sawmill and like a wise man at once arose to the emergency. 1 5uecess to him, and to all who bring steam, engines into the county.. - Every man who does it is a common benefactor. THE BPOKSTORE.—Mr. , Young has evinced a great deal of taste and renewed life since be passed on to the higher life under the operation of Andrew &Mutinies are. lle has decorated his store with a fine stock of mirrors and pictures, and his shelves with a boost of new books and Christmas gifts. By ali means call and see him. Our friend -STorts advertises - an in crease of business Whitneyville Ws week. Stone evinced good judgment in establishing himself at that point, and we are glad to see that he is growing up pith the place. We take pleas are in commending him to the liberal" patronage of the 'East Charlestonians: FIRE IN SErrerEti.—The, Griet Mill owned by Mr..lteroy Herrington ot 43trittpen, was destroyed by lire Last 'friday evening. The light was plainly visible from this village. The loss is tot very heavy, we understand, the building being old and somewhat dilapidated. FIRE,I--About4t o'clock .la.nt Thurs.: day morning a tire brohe out in the Chair Facto ry of Mr. Jaoob §ticitlin in this -borough, and in e very few minutes th tire building was 2,1111:1e/F fame. The Warchouit7stiending, within a &deli feet of the Shop, was soon in flame along its broadside, and seemed doomed beyond reprieve when the engine reached the ground Under' the direction of Mr. S: Efefieti, lb4S :Ppreemn of the Citizens' Fire Company now being organized, the machine wasseaMati lit'•*44,•and the warehouse was, sßeodily ant- pf, ltanarpent,dan ger. We have seldom witnessed a more rapid cob flagration. happily the wind from the . goiith, other utbe the warehouse would hare. gone in epaulet water. The euntente of the- wareheuee were re . : movad in pretty good condition. After the latter building wee out of danger , tome pergola, who should remain; at, home when a fire alarm is sounded, pretty thoroughly des (toyed the glared front by kicking 'out th'e glass and ....mahl,ing the snail. 7'kiti3 wets in consequence eta lack of presence of mind on their part, and favors of flyingaatirrore-our bf second win dews t o the pavement' below. hereafter the Fire Warden will arrest all, raicla insane Persons rid place them in safe; keeping until the fire is tat _ The engine Aid meet excellent service. It wet properly placed liiere the ,i5.441,Y` of, was iucti.austible, and as a general thing .the riureor and byetexidefie.stood to thyltrukee men folly, The ehop and machinery . was insured Or 11500. Mr. Sticklin estimates his Moved $2400. This is the season of fires and every orte'should , be on guard against ountingratimas. ' Mr, Stickliu dedres to' thank the aiti'lenafor eut aid rendered on tliat'oecaetott. \VELLSBORO ACADEMY ()bosom- E xelzrric;c.—Tho Exitliileon of the Seni , r Class trop place last night week, before a well-filled "wee. Perhaps the best measure of its ElleCera. 1, the genets' satisfaction which it gave to tit& L . -diem:b. Some of the recitations were• worthy cf uostioted commendation, showing that the perties possess fine iditrionio powers. Of we have before spoken. form, of the declamations iwere-equally good, showed a marked fa-egrets. We forbear 'Peaking of persons in accordance with„anr inters, n oble custom. The performance Mt - a whole was t uptikr. It proved anew that the teachers and ttridents were working together with a common trahition —to ezeel. Nine prizes were distributed at the close of the exercises. We are glad to he able to elute that the present turp t of teechere will return early in January tug inaugurate the winter term. Their adMinie. trltiot has been a marked success. son the res. trtettion of the Academy is a thing accompliebed. bitten of this ie due to *, itidoglitable enures of ,ate Prtgclpal, h-ev. b. p. van 4kleriorho has iu , ored with a zeal, not worthy of a better cause, let of better pay. , ISE , - • tiisrried man_ "a well known situ Zen" of Blairsville, seduced a young woman of Livermore, in that county, o Mies Ferguson:, ,The miserable girl took poison and died. Re lives and—will be respected—especially by the women. Vedette. Well, admitting the truth.of that hit upon woman, when' will she set about correcting that little fault? • -- Anuteniruitat meetisig of 'flogs Agricultural Boeiety, Nev. 27, .1866, the fot.,wing officers were:elected for".:_tbe ensuing year: President —P.M:Smith, Tioga. • Vice Presidents—Enoch Blackwell, Nelson . ; Jas. ii: Gulick; Blassburg. = •‘= - Secretary—John Dickinson, Delmar. Treasurer—John L. Robinson, Wellsboro. Executive Committea-13. W. Williams, Chair man ; Robert Campbell,- Ph . arez Houghton,' W. P. Shumway, Wm. Beebe. After pawing a resointion for a meeting of the Eiecutive Committee at the Can Of the i Chairma, • the meeting adjourned. , Wm. 4. Nipaabs, Efegratat'S. W. R. Smith's Sons, Addison, Now York, offer on' and after Monday, Dec 3d, their stock of Dress Goods, consisting of about 75 pie'ces of Merinos, Poplins, Empress Cloths, 17ieteria Cloths,•tte., ku., at a great reduction to clos"e"out before January let. Yikrcan buy 40 intlt Meri nos in beautiful •shadtis for Bs.- , -former prices lie. ; very fine Empress Cloths for So.—pride last month 10s.-; all wool Merinos for 4s. to 6s:— worth last month 6s. and-88.;-Prints for 19445 n. and 18e.; Sheetings 16c, and 180.; heavi est.22m -Our large 'stock of Clothing will' oleo be sold at a , reduction. NO twilling aboutleis. The goods have gin to be sold, so look out' (Cr bargains. • • • Dec. 5,4866-31. EUREKA. ! SOUGHT Aril,- FOil ND !?-.4..,0ca3 an testhesia triumpbant,,perfeciiy.safe,-and,pdaitive ly certain in !every case , . Teeth extracted with out pain, without:danger, and quick at thought, by P. Newell;'Dentist, Mansfield. Comb and see. Brantsiti.—Persons having -BiipkO, Pamphlets, Magazines, or Newspapers to be-bound or rebonikl Still please send or bring them 'to Young's BOOk Store, Wellsboro, before pec, 45th. .Bpeeimene of binding s with prices, may bei-Seen. -ne•v2B-3t CIUtILITI(AS .PRESENTE IQr .the7ol4, the and the baltiee—inALlLvarietian. of Vnuases....Sockic - t1t11,0280,1t 13:, Yon can getna many Goods for 75 cents now, uoillsi for sl,Alr4fie , m - oolg ii6TA 7I Q lO. • J. A. PARSONS. .`a • I am enab ed by the great Panic in New York Markets, to make,Oie following_rettaction in pri ced Best heavYklbeetingsirom'2s to 22 eta., good heavy Sheetings yard wide 18 co., beet. Plinte.2o to 1833ta:, good!Piiiiie fast eoPer.lB-10-15 15 cts., cotuoson 12 cre.,:pest•DeLaines 31 to 28 eta., Comtorrliannels 31 to 25 cts , and 38 to 31 eta. Denims, l'iokings, Stripes, Kentucky Jeans, D. ,t T. Casiiimeres, bleached" Muslins, and all other Domestic Goods from lb to 10 per cent,— snaking it en object to all buyers of Dry Goods to conlia'atiil see our stock.; Ble.,bove lota of gaius in Cloaks ,- Shawls, Dress Goods;: Cloths, eassimeres, Flannel?, ttc., and intend tti give every one the full benefit of every reduction. • I have now on hand a good stock of Furs which I am ceiling cheap. - They are about 20 per cent lase than last fall. . .T.A. PARSON/I: - Parsons is selling the Donnally - HoopSkirt 'oaf e'reeively, elakeingit to be Lila best Skirt for Abe money in the market. zwi,. A Cough , A C'oldi or 'A . 4' 'v ' -r - Sore Throat, • --- -- BRONCHIAL RECIIIDLED IMMEDIATE ATTENTIGit " ' MOULD Br. CHEMED. Is si.- 4 " 'lftek\Cl IowED .To coriTiortrE,,, - . , ... . 4 . :s i . j,t , , Irritation of the hinge, A . :: -1-14:-_ Permanent Throat .14,9- qOU TI -P - := ~ ~ -,', ~,E , . ease, -Of C0T431417113, . 1: t i .,..P.. t. 'i 1. tion is often the' ‘ . -91,. * -'• RESULT. -• • B R'o t•t' S BRONCHIAL T, 49,611. E-S Raviitg a direcc'fi t ifuoaF,e'lo the'jnarts; givA, iraniediate, reliefs FOR BELONdHITIS TIVE ,AND bF.:B 2 : 'froches- are used ,with always good. success - 'Will find Taocites useful in clearing the volce — when taken before Singing pc Speaking, and rellUring kW thioat arta an unusual exertion of the coual organs The TEOCIILS are racomincrided and prescribed by Phy- - siciann, and have bad testimonials from eminent men Mimi:Acta the connirye. Piing an artful* of trim mer it. and basing PROMn their efficacy -by 'a met of many yenrd, each year finds them in new.localities in varkdol parts of the world, and the Teocpea are mitre/ Belly pronounces better than other articles. 01STALI only linovrn 11110XCiliaL Ttiocires,”o6o, do not take any of the Wort:HUM IcceTSTtota that Intokl.e, offered. hoLn VirhRTISHZEK. Nov. 21, 'tz,1314.1. RENIEDIAL INSTITUTE SOH SPECIAL ' CASEY , Pie.-14. Bond ,Street ; New York. 4 Full information, with the highest testimionlas; kb., a Book on , r...peclel Diseases, in . a ,sealed envelope, SOIL free: Aji . Be sure end sen d for them, and you will not regret it; fur as odvertleing physicians are &florally impostors ' without refetetium no stranger should be trusted Enclose a stamp Jur postage, and dlredrio DR. I.A.w RENQE, NO. 14 BOND B TREta NLW Now: - 21,181i8.1y. ' . TRANGE, BUR TRUE:---Every `yoring Lady iittd gem .tleitintiltrthh Miffed' Ste:tie can heir emtnetbl4 Y 6 their advatitigo ty,vretnralxiall Vivo of , l3liiiiie)l4-ids tires:dug the uuder4igued inlyeelhavAng felrrs:nt,Tbittew bnethugged_will, Omar obl!gejiy 4 4ot:imtlqiugAlk(tcarel AB I.4ere b ill Oei - eoi.llresi thew nbeihent eerviint; - - - TlloB' r . eturNws :lan 31,''6 —ly 831 BroadlinS , ', Nevi York' ROBS OF , YOUTFI.—A attaiutn ,. : iirho eaffei - ed IA for years from NOVVOLIf Debilak,-Prentßture Decay a0,i4,11 the effects of yonthfulilloilberetiou, will, for the Bake 01 butpring humanity, bend, fry to All who_ avec! lt, [lli} iocipe and direeciots for Waking the 4tuple rent eoy,kry schiclitte waitcnr tl. ' Sufferers %ribbing to ifrotli by ilia advertiser's experience cat do so'hy tuhfrestiag JOHN B: OGDEND.3Chiiabei s-St ~ N. Y. Jan. , - .• rriP CONSUMPTIVES.—The #dverther, hviajr*n • - restored to health in n. few weeks by a viArr.fraftle renie4,alier having. out:feted for severai - yeaka Zvi a severe fung'afrectiou and that dread diaenau, Cifatrup. t ion —I auxiinn; to niake known to , his felloW•autrepia a the "uieacre of sure , To all 'who desire It, he will send a copy, of, the rate on! iptton used, free of charge, with the directions for preparing and rising the same, which they will find-t! sure s uri, foir.;ousumptiou, Asthma, itronchitisseciuglia andOolds,nrffl ail tbrtoh and lung effleetions Theroto objector tfiiia - aiereista- in sending the Prescription to b.mdit the afflicted Auttispronii information :whichtuf conLelvos to he ins aluabte, - and he hopes ' , every:sharer. will try his tonicity, will Costthem nothitig and may prove a beaming Parties wishing,thd presii4ptleit Pone. by re,t_urn :Otani. Will please address 'Rev. EN %VARA./ < T. 4. y, - : - • , D 1NC34301a1; SPAY' N, WIND-(IALVS,OALITIA, &c., on burns, V4DICALLY and PERNA/a:VIVI' COVED. by UK, oso of . -- Ruote llingbolie and Sporin Cure. • I This tnedicine was witabllabed 25 years 'av,' and Les never been known to tail, Give it u - sitigte trial. For sale by W. 1).1'1:I:WELL & tO., Corn lug, N.Y. D. S. Barnes & Co., Agents, New York. • 0e17,66,ean iTIDE CONFESSIONS - & EXPERIENCE OF*,AN IN VALlD.—Priblisired for the benefit and as , caution to young wen arid others, who suffer from Nervous De, Witty, Premature Dceoy of Manhood, &c., supplying at the paw time the means of self-cure. By one ‘rho has cured himself after undergoing considerable quackery. By ow toslugapostpaid addressed envelope, Anglo cop• Les, rose of charge-may lot had of the author., , N A.TI.IA.NI EL MAYFAIR, Req., prooklytt, kings Co N. Y. [Jan. 31. '65-Iy.l SCII - ATClT l 4b.it T ifk i &A r ! C g6it : AT6H! WHEATON'S OINTMENT Will cnre the itch in 48 !lours.. • Alto curet SALT ItHEUIT, ULCERS, CHILIILAIN - ,S; and ill ERUPTIONS OF THE SKIN. Price f,O cents,— For vale by all -