The Tioga County agitator. (Wellsboro, Tioga County, Pa.) 1865-1871, November 28, 1866, Image 3
Floral ftronfl. WEDNESDAY NOV. 28, 1866 New Advertisements. Pirolution-0. H. Wood 4k. Co. oaten—Et. Dartt. Ee l - E l—Orion B. Stone. gders brotice-n-N. E. Hastings, Adm'r. So: for the Holidays—P. R. Williams. Bce _gi r e Exchange—Wm. T. blathers. Great decline in Goods—Thos. Harden. SOCIABLE. — The Episcopal Sociable trill meet st Dr Packer's to-morrow, Tbursday,, 220 CONCERT.—DOII / t fail to attend the Cxteert at the Methodist 'church this (Wedoes ity.) evening. EXEETBMON.—The closing Exhibi.- von of the Turdor clans of the ~Academy took once OD Saturday evening. The attendance was ,ot large, but the exhibition was one of which ;Le little folks may be proud. SOLON ROBINSON'S NOVEL.—SoIon ?,thltiron, the veteran Agricultural Editor, has c crteu a novel for the NEW YORE WgEKLy Tam. i:e. The publication will commence on the bal . ,f December. NEW FIRM.—Mr..` - =Charles H. Gold-, g ab, Late of Knoxville, has formed a copartner pp with Mr. M. Ballard, of this place. Charley ore deapitatiOll as well as any Man we know of. TATS-EE.—The Williamsport Bullet nays that there in a rumor to the effect that the wicauing Gaselte has been purohared by Col. L. Tato, formerly of the Columbia county Demo, rat. Mayor Woods may as well widen the city ivits at once. Room for the Colonel. • We shall publish next week an ae oat. ut" a trip to'the Bloesbnrg eottl Albinos by gr. H. J. Ramsdell, special correspondent of the ;Hams. It will be found interesting by all who a vo an interest in the development of Tioga POUNDAGE. —For the information of i rtart of cows, horses, so., we mention that by m onition of the Council the fees of the Pound Eteper ere 25 cents per head for every creature appended. Mr. Waterman, the Keeper, is enti ;Ad to public gratitude for the efficiency with iiedi he discharges his duty. rosTon.—The Corning Journal says ;Let a wan named Whitcomb, claimiug to have teen a prisoner at Anderaonville, spoke in the Cart House there; recently, and took up a col ica,n. He is supposed to be an impostor. FIRE IDT CIIATHA*—N. E. Hastings dvreae us that the house of Marion Thompson, Chatham, was burned to- the ground on Toes oy,l3th inst. The family saved but one bed Lid the clothing they had on at the time. Air. Luispsuu is a poor man, and deserves, as we zuti he will reeeive, the material sympathy of ni neighbors. There was nd insurance. Y. M. L. A.—rhdis Association failed hold its last Friday evening session, owing to ;lo fact that the Court blouse is closed against ill to,:at meetings by order of the Commissioners. Ras may wan bard at brat, but it is about time tbdt Wellsboro found capital and enterprise mougla to build a good hall for public use. Let Ir.r men of capital seize upon this opportunity to provide a place for Socioty tneetinva -and for ex. libitious. Shall it go out that Wellsboro has no public hall P Not for long we hope. FIRE. — A few of the citizens who 'greed to unite and form a Citizens' Fire Company,,, tit at the Engine House on Saturday evening n arranged preliminaries fur organisation.— They adjourned to meet en Tuesday evening fol- Ades, but owing to prier engagements on the fart of members, it has been thought proper to titer the umetiug until tu•morrow, (Thursday) ening, when all who desire ?retention frum Ore re requested to meet at the Engine house, at dk eyaning, fur organisation and drill. The eal will take place in the building. I..e(Ais see ILO wants en efficient Fire Company. BRaDFOED ITSMS...—The Reporter says :at t daughter of John C. Bottenstine, of Over % ownthip, ems burned to death on the 7th th eta She had kindled a fire in the open air which her clothes took fire. - - ' tit Troy gazette notes the creditable fact that ?c r. of the Ladles of the Preiby tartan Church Mat niece, lately, realised S6SO in cash. The Atheal Napubtican says that the new R. ' Lridgo across the Chentting at that place will ittiiiied in a few weeks. 6TErtEOPTICON.—Mr. H. H. WOOD, iilful Photographer of this village i has rcv need a Hue Stereopticon, capable of displaying , rucopic pictures magnified to cover lE feet of -Jot. He aces the Calcium light, the most Terful in use. By means of this instrument told relief and life-like solidity of tba stereo picture are intensified and increased. ilr Wood it , about -to enter upon a series of the several villages and neighbor • of this county, and we take great pleasure •Laniending him to the patronage of the pea :=E; a worthy man, and' as one whose eshibi -.t., ;ill always profit the patron as mach as the Nnetor. Mr. Wood will keep faith with the vst)e Tuesday, Nov. 27 bmenber the. Senior Ealibition at the Academy .z.,i ;TueFday)evening, Nov. 27. About 200 can tstulortahly accommodated. kOl of Honor will be read and Prizes distri wtei l ''''- -, bda to be need in purchasing Prises for 1.4 t 7, et;A far pale at Eastman's Dentistry Houma, p• 0., and at the door. X EW YORK MASK .—Our readers !fil glad to learn that fresh pork is selling in , :** York at from 8 to 10 cents per pound, and ' ll quality of lard at 13 Gents. Butter is also lal , risg• rapidly. Beef and mutton have gone 'td la the vows ratio. Bow is it here / - - JA.: , ;IIFIELD NORMAL SCHOOL.—The EX6 Millatilal will commence on Thursday. at o'clock, A. M., and conitinue until veiling. The Model &amid examination ttoiolno‘i Thursday morning at 8 o'clock L , clioue two - days. Parents and friends are ‘ l, li) invited 14, attend. IL, toll ptogrittninc will be published next I nine —Persons having Books, PAmPhlet° , Do n e s, or Netitpapers to be bound or rebound ` l l , lehee send or bring them to Young's Book Wellthoro, before Deo. 15th, Speeimeos of %lib prices, may be seetM uov2S-3t •driterifla PRESENT% for the old, the young, . , tabie r—in all varieties at Yousta's BOOK E. nov2S-4t, • 44 can get as many Goods for 75 cents now csod for $l,OO one month ago. • J. A. PARSONS. "`"s Saturday, a Wieldy inade up of the LLutuont of the foreign periodicals, is the best of all of its kind. Large oetavo,..heauti- I Printed, and $5 per year.. I am enabled by the great Panic. in New York folarket% to make the following reduction in pri ces: Best heavy Sheetings trom -22 to 25 cts., good heavy Sheetings yard wide 13 cts., best Prints 18 to 20 eta., good Prints fast cot's 15 to 18 eta., common 12 cts., best DoLaines 28 to 31 eta., Canton Flannels 25 to 31 cts , and 31 to 38 cts. Denims, Ticking; Stripes, Kentucky Jeans, D. k T. Cassimeres, bleached Muslins, and all other Domestic Goods from 10 to lb per cent,— making it an object to all buyers of Dry Goods to come and see our stook. We bare lota of bar-, gains in Cloaks, Shawls,Dreas Goods, Clothe, Casaitneres, Flannels, ke., and intend to give every o s tler the fall benefit of every reduction. J. A. PA1350152. • have now On hand a good stook of Furs which lam selling cheap. They are about 20 per cent less than last fell. J. A. PARSON% Parsons is selling the Donnelly Hoop Skirt ex clusively, claiming it to be the best Skirt for tle money in the market. Tau Bommays.—Santa Clatis bas certainly made his headquarters at Williams's. Drug Store this year. Tust you look inarill see what lots and lots of nice things for boys and girls, from a wheelbarrow to a beautiful work-box, the old graybeard has stowed away there. Than, too, the young beaux will nut fail to purchase those Soilet setts of Bohemian glass, and those delight hal caskets of rare perfumes, from Araby the Blest. The doll with curly hair, which shuts its eyes when it goes to sleep, has ever so many era. dies and bedsteads ut Williams's. Peep in and see her. - &sm.—Every man, woman and child, troubled with decayed and aching teeth, can be relieved of their suffering without pain at A. B. East. man's by the use of the lately invented SpraY Producer, which is superior to ether, chloroform, or gas, fur many operations, as there Is no risk or appleasant effect. Ou the :id inst. I went to have some teeth ex tracted with as great dread as one could well re alize, but after having five extracted was co hap pily disappointed that I called again on the 20th and had lily entire sot of old snags taken ont,and and did nut suitor one-tenth as touch as on form er occasions, having one tooth extracted, and and would say to all,'try it for yourselves. WeHobart), nov2B Mrs. S. S. SPENCER. LEJWCING.—This is to certify that -r, Doan A. Clark, of Delmar, 'bat several decayed teeth extracted at A. 13. Eastman's by-' thu use of the Spray Producer, whithout the least of pain ; and after having been so relieved by this superior method of producing local insensibility, (the in. vention of which has certainly conferred a Noon upon suffering humanity) I would cheerfully re commend it to all. • MARRIAGES 11==N In Delmar, on the 3d inst., by J. D. lioug,hton, Ebq., Mr. GEORG': Tobias and LYnt e t ANN iy)ll.- EEN, all of Delmar. In Delmar, on the stb inst., by J. D. Houghton, EN., Mr. JAMES FARELL and Miss MARY LACY, all of Delmar. On the 21st inst., by Rev. N. L, Reynolds, at the house of the Bride's father, Mr. D. M. Roag of Mansfield, to Miss IifARTII6 J. GILLETTE Of Cherry Flatts. Jn the Presbyterian Church, Wellaboro, Sun day evening, Nov. 25, by Rev. T. F. Calkins, Maj. GEO. W. MERRICK, and Mine lONE BUTTERWORTH, all of Wellstioro. [We congratulateithe parties upon having cele brated their nuptials_ in a sensible way, Welcome, Major, to the order of St. Benedict. The sample of the wedding-feast was luscious. r s vit I A Cough , A Cold, or A 4 s‘) 4' tP . Sore Throat, BRONCH I AL cv —QUIRES IMMEDIATE ATTENT/ 411 0 C\\‘C ° "P LO R B ED " T 2E O C C I f i NTIPII I S E , °ANZ- AND c Ft Irritation of the Lungs, A Ao o.i , Permanent Throat Pis- • u " Arip: ~„ ease, or Consump -0,, • lion is often the RESULT. BROWN'S BRONCHIAL TROCHES Having a direct hilueace to the parts, give irznotli”te rein , roa BROZICELITIB, ArralLi, .FATARRH, CONIIIIMP - T/TX AND TaauAT DillEe2sES, 'Roches are Med with always good success Singers and Public Speakers Will find Tactunss useful in clearittg the Taira when taken before binglug or epraklug, and relieving the throat after an unusual exertion of the vocal organs. The Taucurs are recommended and prescribed by pby slulans, and have bad testimonials from eminent men throughout the country. Doing an article of true mer it, and having raw= their efficacy by a teat of many years, each year finds them in new !orating' in various parts of the world, and the Tamara aro universally pronounced better than other articles. Oratas only "lisornes EiIIOLICritiL l'hocurs,", and do not take any of the Wearturas IltrravioNs that mew be offered. Eran rrearsvarar. Nov. 21, 'B6-Cut. REMEIHAL INSTITUTE FOR SPECIAL OASES, N 0.14 Bond etreset, New York. eke—Null information, with the highest testimonials ; also a Book on Special lilseases, in a sealed envelope, sent free. ..(W,lte 811 Tb and send for them, and you will not regret it; for es adver tieing physicians are generally impostors, without references no stranger should - be trusted. Enclose a stamp for postage, and direct to DR. LAWRENCE, NO. 14, BOND STREET,NEW 1011 K. Nov. 21,1666.1 y. Tfi ANGIE, BUT TRUE.—Every young ludy and gen demon in the United - Eitateacan baiir eumething to their advantage by return mail (free of charge) by ad dressing the undersigned Those having fears of being humbugged will please oblige by not noticing this card All others will please address their obedient servant, TllO3 F CIIAPAIAN, Jan 31, '66-ly ' 631 Broadway, New York irtIiIIORS OF YOIIIII.—A. Gentleman who tuff:skid _LA for yearn from Nervous Debility, ptemature Decay nun all the effects of youthful indiscretion will, for the sake of auffering humanity, send free to who need it, the recipe and directions for making the simple rein. edy by which be wan clued, Sufferers wishing to profit by the advertiser's experience can do so by addressing JOHN B. OODEN,I3 Chambers-St., N. Y. Jan. 31,'Eti—ly. TCONSUIIPTIVES. , —The advertiser,' having bean TO restored to health in a few weeks by ri vary .nitaple remedy, after having nattered tar 861 , 014 , years. vxitb a severe lung attention anti that dread diesaea, Comunip tiutt—is anxious to make known to his fellow-sufferers the means of cure To all who desire it, he wilt send a copy of the pre scription used, free of charge, with the directions for preparing and using the came, which they will find a. sure ore for Consumption, A elm, bronchitis, Coughs and Colds,end all throat and lung affections The only object of the advertiser in sending the Prescription is to benefit the afflicted and spread information whirls be conceives lobe invalnable, and he hopes every sufferer wilt try lits reinedy, - tis it will cost them nothing and may prove a blessing Parties wishing the prescription rime, by return until,' will please address Rev. ED WARD A r 1.. u j r ) I (Jan. 31. lIING-BONE, SPAVIN, WIND-GALLS, CALLUS, Ac., OD 110E8E8, RADICALLY and PEIENARIENTLY CORED. by xhu use of Roof? Riaglrone and Spervik Cure This medicine was established 25 yearn ago, and has never boon known to fail, • - Give it a single trial. For sale by W. D. T.EftLi ELL & CO., Corning . , N.Y. D. 9. Ittrues A C 0.., Agents, New York. 0c17,0,6m TE CONFESSIONS & EXPERIENCE OF AN IN VALI D.—Published for the benefit and as a caution to young men and others, who euO'er fi om Net roue De bility, Premature Decay of Manhood, Sc , supplying at the acme time thaw:ails of self-cure By one who has mired iiimself allot undergoing considerable quackery. By enclosing a postpaid addressed elivdopo, single cop lee. free of charge. may he had of the author. NATHANIEL MAYFAIR, Esq., Brooklyn, Kings CO N. Y. (Jan. $l. IMIMML3= SCRATCH ! SCRATCH ! SCRATCH! WHEATON'S OINTMENT . Will cure the itch in 48 Hours. Also cures SALT RHEUM, ULCERS, CHILBLAINS, and all ERUPTIoNS OF THE SKIN. Pries•so mute.— Fu, side by all druggists By sending tAi cents to WEEKS A POTTER, Solo /gents. 170 Washington S. Roston, It will be forwarded by mail, (roe of postage, to any part of the United States. dune 6, 1866. sp. notice ly. Tun AMERICAN CooEiao STOVE IS manufactured with certain improvements, secured by letters patent, under dates et May 5, 180, and December 5, 1865. One of them, improvements Lovers the arrangement of fittings poi tshlensh pan in the hearth of a cooking stove, to receive the ashes as it passes down from the grate. All persons are cautioned against manufacturing, rending or using nther stored made, in imitation of the Amen can, us suits have been commenced fur infringement of theme patents and all persons manufacturing, selling or using said imitations, will be liable for damages for infringement on these letters patent. . _ SHEAR, PACKARD & CO. - 17 and 19 Green street, Albany, D. Y. The Alta - email is fur sale by W/LLI&HIROBERTD, Welleboro. jp 13-ems- ELLSBOROUGH 1111 E, LIFE & ACCIDENTAL ThigcRANCE AGENCY. •W. IX - . SMITH, GENERAL POLICY AGENT FOR TI OGA COUNTY, PA. Cash. Capital. Asters, Home, N. Y., $1,000,0Q0 43A59.8.17 Zuni, ' 2,900,000 .3,8.00,430, Pbeniz, 1,500,0130.; 5;000,00 North Americati,Pillad!a, 1,500,000 . 731,000 . Putnam, ........... T • • 500,000 Farmers' Mutual, 'Middle Per_ns... - .357,40,2 92 Wyoming, 250,000 Lycoming Mutual, Muncy, Pm Columbia Mutual, Limeaster, - Pa... Globe Mutual; Lifei;N:Y: City; , N.Y. Accidental - Travelers' Accidental, Hartford, .. Equitable Life Asap:mon Society . Noti-Hazardous, Hazardous, and Eztra.Haz, nedous Risks taken at reasonable rates. Policies Issued, and all Lasses adjusted at this Office. • --- -Wellsboro', Pa.- July 25,1866.—tf. ' £ WIUTNEYVILLE. ..isi H. Halialripirtpn HAS just returned from New Yori with a full assortment of SEASONIBLI DRY •.GOODS. GROCERIES, ,441 7 11 CAPS, BOOTS AND SHOBSi , BABTAMV.ABB, nAAD,4tE:,_ T,_,.skx;,r, And everything usuelillftditilAdffittljere, which he is selling cheaper than any other store in the =squat,. _ 1 COPSE AND SEE. Re- No charge for showing Goods.. Whi ' • `DO Not continue to limp along through the goad when , . „ , YOU gee-the iatoe are made to walk. Do not allow yourself to ettferz.eontinnelly front - the - insramer abhgaohes and rains which are so lirevalent at thiszeoson 'of the year, beesigsfiyon 'do not ,; KNOW • or 'will acit believe that they can be cured. If you Inquire into this matter a little, you will find that many poor sufferers from r " _ NEURALGIA byre found weleome relief — by , uldni it -Aviv and powerful remedy tailed" Salutifer. Beret* pains and latneueer, whether located In the thotildin'ep. or in the aide AND - ,Li7 4 1 . ,1 4t, back,:itra cured withyouderfalesselakente t isk, this powerful medi6jae.Mini -. ;mai:maybe have not tor yeiarei been:entirely fie* from • ';:!. EMI RHEUMATigIit 1". bid deriVed gnat benefit from - fir use. Indeed thUhlutirer is now so extensively used, and bus been so Uniformly successful, that no doubt , L 3}; i• 1'; :,_ i •!:. i .1-. ::, :, 1 ,CAN_ i'' t....-..,,- longer exist of its us cAs est. ,- fact nn other medicine can BE Sound which in so shorts lisao lusi attained such unparalleled success. is used for all those die eases which require an external application as a counter irritant, such as Neuralglailtheumatinn, Quinsy, Sore Throat, Crick in tbaloack, Numb• nese of the limbs, Chilblains, Pleurisy, and many other severe apd troublesnma diekulties, j whiOtt . are often ' • • CITREDT and always benefitted by such an application.— In many families, which have beau in induced to TRY Roil this velgable medicine i Ito became a, house huh) alition4oigietib r : Camphor or Arnitus,AsAbOir bottlitAk:v ,;6 SALUTIFER.. It is meld by alllealers in-medieine at 50 cents per bottle. Orders from dealebi4bould be ad dressed to W. D. ?erten if Co., Who/61sta Drug gists, Ct;rning, N. Y., W. H. Gregg . Co., Whole sale Druggists, Elmira, N. Y., or to J. Hoy t Druggist, Wellabero, Pa. Nov. 14, 1866. Mather.* 'tortoni-i: peatants ^ IS , GROCERIES & ritoyisioNs, CROCKERY HARDWARE .r WOOD & - ilgowt;vngt , • YANKEE NO'llONi . ' LAWRENCETILLE, ;PENIV.A. Cash Paid fokPiaihissi ?q; ll l, ll M T : T t i t Nov- 21, _lBB6-Iy. OUND—Betweett Knotiville and Westfield A POCKET BOOK. The owner is request ed4o provikproperty Aug pay Nrrilita adtertin meta- -••••- • -J. A. ROBBENB. - Brookfield, Nor. 21,1866.36 tonve__ store BMW & =I is the lance teetill end en,statiati 1199 d go9dl. IL five cannot convince cap. , evatcmce Ataf. - : sta,fut . a Selling at reasonable prices, iris then time to try some of our would be (if they could) competitors. sop= .. ..... 500,000 . -- 600,000 eltave now on band a-complete assortment of Itoosniqics, IRO as , Prints, SheTtinga, Stripes, Denims, 1 „.7-... i . , and verytkriag in that lima — .:1,: —.1 •Ij - 1, 0 , 1 t,..t...s ~*_“.1.44..c Eta EA OUR DRESS GOODS' STOCK le complete from first glare Iderinoes down to De!eines. • fi ft- -Si lITE lEEE OE ilMi;11111 EEC we haveie complete assortment of. The ladies all iitartLit.liontbeembetnelol* , *Gblwini dip argotic* to make their attiga,prptfflomptl,aid oomplete..-- - - • - • , , , We especially invite the , ladies to come and Glove' and Hosiery _ ; Stook Ladies' :and:Citents' Paper Collars, all sizes. OV1? BOOT ft SHOE STOCK 77 0 4 - is 110 A complete. Freeman* that haspatronized ne know that we keep , the' best Boot and Bboe -nalki,nt 111 the eonntry. Our Boots are all war, ranted to hi what we shill represent them at the :tip , * of sale. Let kunberinen and "cabers requir -king a heavy boot, call and exandne•them. _ , - • .• '~ SIM VILT . This tirini tiniorittietwo:liiirtintion - briefiTs as they lilt recommend on "Otimin' " : atiotr. ' -" MEM ~ ~_, ~:.. seartnnted ;if arrtkit4as,', 4 t 9 10 .caaFrY , 14.1 they decapitated by executive aiithority or not. - , I ~•a ~:Rtl:~~.l, IMIE We now sppply,tptpiliespith-Sugam f Symps; nd dooryttlitietimallftlikiein thiftlytka; „ at tbe/owast prises. • "k•ro WOILY - CPY: . . 11dttoet. , : 4 7 • ; Call and nnaniine lbe beautital-ityiefit !bit we have lody.teceive4i • • ••• Harciwa**4 Cafterr;- - 111:yaileti; 1.• gr„~,yti .: . : , _ • , Let eier 4 yl 'clime to otir store with a-foil ing of beitilottaionnt. Wii,qtraro nothing for, and are otisA4l4l 41,0„io glow yoik - the goods., ;:i.Wkattrer you tiny ire not. Wellaboro, Oet. 3,18615. E=IMEII J I -CIF', of. w '...v wP Z. - ,_ Elle 't,: -4 Yi :4 .t. e.::" ...,'' , .f L. - 41:1 ESE TRIMMINGS,. _ a LI - , t-c ~_ ~. F~ f J...i~ IMIE e3:',., -._l'y el' BIM ' ' d.. ' t . :I r'e IDE _',- - 01 - '4 . l l lux-e: , : - : - , - • ^lj .105- EMI Eli ' SEM JWS'ANIj_DAPS, s olit , ::*l, ?:ii,.ii..4 11.? i::, ,•-:),i:,_,..i';; =EI A.L.". 0 7 " v."," hem .- Li : -• • .•,* 1. ‘,._ 0. IttfLtARD, A. A. TRMkrAr.- A FORTUNE lIIMEEMEM meat by. wary mum, Trot2aa, this comnty, if they will strictly adhere to the plan olssiyingtheir goods of the well ktiOsea &pular . old canons of • IFIEE W.-11. Smith's Sons, e n—:2 .-:~_ ADDISON, N. Y., Mil ~..~1 ~; !ENOS ME BM 1141.. •••f. IRE Thousinds and thousands of psopli have al ready roxiid ihtdr ranard BEY 000158, 0 0ROOERIES ,0141 THING, BOOTS & SHOES, HATS, OAPS, 1-, tFo CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS, :•'";.!;ta.l-: . - & c .-,', - & .. c . 4 q 0 ; .4 1 1-• 14 id • 0 are at, klttlfia , alfizadatilitei ME I=lo env on TIC MILLION, =I at the old Reliable Corner, the PEOPLf4S'' STORE GRAVE ANIriMPORTANT INTORMA: TION TO CASH BUYERS WHO WISH TO SPEND THEIR MONEY WHERE THEY CAN GET THE MOST FOR IT. t : i•; W.E.SMITH'S SONS' system of keeping an enormous stock of goois at all times •of the year, and Selling them cheap—this system so oh, noatoda rto'big profit stores—is fairly.begun for the Fall eeason at their store, and such a year for doing people good was never known before. Cer tainly there is no good reason for swindling pri ces now; we have had enough of them already. The great- advantage and importance of - tradrng for °esker Heady pay is folly illustrated by the low prices now raging at the People's Store. ME A FEW HOUSEHOLD WORDS FOR THE 'WOMB. MECHANIC; & GENERALLY. Bay your goods of a concern which has a big assortment and is selling ten times as many goods and of course can sell- them as many rinteit chea per than small' concerns. We giva all' suchlad vantages #i our customers: _ .il:Frar &rasa Bxo Tams sot nts - Par- DENT BrryillTO CTNSIDES Bum, smirD. :.tpro Bls-Monr. Look out for big stores and big rents; big notes andkig rates of interest and no real takers at that.•-all of which is very bad as against IV'. R. Smith's ?ions' situation. Light espenies - and no - rents, new goods at break down prices, and the good old Motto of small profits, good value and quiek returns, flying to the breeze. The fact is, the only true and certain road to fortune for the Merchant is always to give his customers. as we - do. the most he'ean for his money; and depend - On large attics for his profits. Again, our popular end legitimate system of dealing„ buying strictly for cash. always having cash-on band. render tts masters of the situation when a drop comes in the Market. lIIM EMI Sever' before was there such a tempt. iqg tot of goods, at low prices, as W. B.; , Smith's Sons Can and will showfrom this time forward. FMB - :Our stock of Dry Goods and Clothing can't be beat, and no customer who is in the right shape, ever leaves the store without buying ; and none l _whe care whit they says will niake , the inaction that they canbuy goods elsewhere as cheap. , - -We keep the largest stock of , OM BOdTS AND SHOES, HATS AND CAPS, that is kept in the county. Call, if nothing mote than to See the CHEAP GOODS on the sat:ions I= CARPETS-AND OIL 'CLOTHS minim:ono low rates. Tho cottage and palace can be replenished for a song now, by calling on the PeopieslV,nti. . . • FM r-4 CROCKEitY, WALL PAPER, and thousand other articles cap' be found; and .no .one who sees them can help buying. We manufacture all the CLOTHING we sell. Every weill'ilreseed man buys hiaharness of William E. Smittee Soils: We also make to order: Ofir Cutter is master of his art.; be stands down the hail for no man who wielde the shears for a lfvelihood; • ; • •;,• hie - the auto the deformed: OMNI We keep Pork, Flour and Sall, ME allays as low or less than market ratea... • f . .4t is more than ever she, dqty of every men end ivoniau to call here Wire buying, — aad• look :through the stock of te pting goads and bargains, as no ono can imagine or form any idea how great a difference there is between the prices of goods bought for cash and prices of goods else where bought for notes that aro not paid promptly. 'The safest ; thing for all buyers who want the, lowest notch_in 'goods, io to call end get W:].lst;' Sthith's Sons' prices, and take around in sour pockets to compare. A great many stores will get the cold shoulder after you visit the Old Cor— ner where they work for their customers. • You cannot mistake the place, as it occupies the room of four stores, immediately on the Erie railway, and the rash is constantly going on. Cell, if for nothing more than to see how we spike the Epos. Yours, truly, w. R. SMITH'S 80Ns Addison. ' 2l; 13ept 5,146_4d, - lEEE ;~ ~ ;~._~ liEEM=l!Iil MEI •; ,it -::- 0 i' , . ~2 kind of =1 NIMIIII J. A. PARSONS' ~ , -,i - '.l A 4 2' ~,,.. tt ..J %.! ~.. ERE LIST OF BABRAINS FOR N'inlA.Trat‘toPeake F r ~:~ ! BARGAINS" .IN 11.K.UVTS. Common Prints 120, fut colors 15c, best 200. c: ME BARQAINI2z 9H INGB. Yard wig* Sheeting "ar sheet oy jug IBd, standardheavy cheating 2ita 50. FEE BARGAINS IN SKIRTINGS. Good, bleached &tuella 22 and 25a, extra quality Tara J wlde 310, best yarkwide 38, r ; .`s~:~ BARGAINS IN WOOLENS • Red.twWed flannel hooey 31;,Grey ttiiiiledAannel heavy 44eirRid twilled flannel - *litre 50c. An wool sheets grey cloth $1,007101 . 1r00d onssimere 10e, lls, Us; 0., T. thundtneretwool filling 750; Kentucky Jeans 2+513.. , . BARGAINS IN BALMORBLS We sell ilia Brauer Skirt at $2OO, sold last fall all the extra qualities at - largety reduced rates. OEM Bargains in Shawls, Cloaks, Cloths,Draas Goods; a good Pant:malts yard wide 440; alapaca d2e; French merino 9s and 10s; twillad Colz4 38c; and lots of other goods equally cheat), BARGAINS IN HOOPSKIRTS Giving our entire trades to one manufacturer we can sell Hoop Skirts wry cheap. We sell a guod Hoop Skirt 20 springs heavy tape kid pads Bs.; higher numbers equally cheap.. - ' Riai~aßDSON's Double 'Bole Kip Boots, Bair double sole Kip Boots, Tap sole Kip Boots at lowest prices in the country - , I in' enOloliiii a goof moik, sell cheap, and do my full abare.fiCtrade. : • *- Oot. 24, 1866.._i„ WE HAVE lOW ON )ELM) A OE SPLENDID ASSORTMENT OP WINTER GOODS At the People's Store, Coining, N. Y. adapted to the wants of all classes; and as we laid in for a goad stock just before the tate ad vance in New York', - *d are . itow""ebtabred'lti sell most of our goods at about NEW Yo 'PEIcEs: - E We would call especial atter:Alm! to our , large stock of.goods for - ' • - LADIES , SUITS, - and the finest line of FRENORMUSLINS AND ORGANDIES avir offestil hi tbis.;oarkes., We also ha -e a aloe assortmant of LADIES' SACQUES, TALMAS AND /.42. ; in cloth rind silk, to which we Invite the attention of buyers. Our stock of CIAVIHS AND CASSIMERES, for men's and boy's wear, is kept very fall, and CLOTHING MADE TO ORDER, on abort node's and in the latest style. Balmoral , and Hoop Skirts, °revery variety G - ING-HAMS, ALPACAS, POPLINS; *DeLAINES, OHALLIES, SUN, UMBRELLAS, • - 'JEANS, COTTONADES, SHEET !NUS, SHIRTINGS 6.'2,.tt Our facilities for BUYING 0008 are UN SURPASSED by any in this section, and we wish it understood that dI) not intend to be UNDE.RSOLD by any. We tender our thanks to the citizens of Tioga Co., who have patronized us and would respect. fully invite those who have never done so to call and see ns. Store opposite the Dickinson House on Market Street, three doors west of the corner, and two doom east of Hon gerford's Bank. • 8141.1.111 & WAITE. Nov. 21, 1866. RipOEPEI MANLY would inform she alu sen s of Wanabala and vicinity that he has leased the old Mack stand, ea Water street, lately oe. cupied by Air. Ritter, - rrerts he may be found prepared to shoe horses and oien, and do all work pertaining' to 413 trade. lie also is a prac tical karrior, and will treat horses for disesties. October 24. 1866- Haircheaa - iii_g s sT i t soon over Willcox Etrker'3 3toro, boro,'Pe- Particular ttotuica ?ald ' toLath*!' Sbauipoolu3, D731z3, e„;,Brajd,, Pam, coils, and 3.4 " llo3 onaarvi and made to or der. B. W. DURST. Y. J. JO N90:1. 1:k A RE you sick, ftehle and 3033- . IS.. Plainirq 7 8 "1c0 out of or der—your 373'= 4 a 6 :ranged and your feelings ttucced arta b ia?.. _ These symptoms are often thepre. - cursors of serious illnes s , Same i. t of afc.kness is . creeping npon'you, and , 1 , 004 be averted by a timely use of the right r ,..,,,, i ,. Take Ayer's Pills, and drive out the har ao .p purify the blood, and lot the dulds move on ~_ obstructedly, in health. They stimulate tlle, or gans of the body into vigorous aotivity,i m i, the system from the obstructions which mea t di, ease. A cold settles somewhere In the body, and deranges the natural operations of that par,..._ This, if not relieved, will roast upon itself end the surrounding organs, producing general 1,,g -gray a tio n suffering and derangement. While . thiecondiion, take Ayer's Plll3, and see how reedy they restore the natural action of the sp. tem, and with It the buoyant feeling of health.— What is true and 30 apparent in this trivial and common complaint, is alto true in many of the deep seated and dangerops diseases. The same purgative expels them. Caused by similar ob structions and derangements, they are 3urely,and many of them rapidly, cured by the same means. None who know the virtue of these Pills will neg lect to employ them when suffering from the dis orders they cure, such as headache, foul stom ach, dysentery, bilious complaints, Indigestion, derangement of the liver, costiveness, constipa tion, heartburn, rheumatism, dropsy, worms and suppression,' when taken in arse doses. They are sugar coated, so that the most sensi tive can take them easily, and they are surely the best purgative medicine yet discovered. Ayer's Ague Cure, For the speedy and certain Cure of intermittent Fever, or Chills and Fever, Remittent Fever, Chill Fever, Dumb Ague, P eriodical Headache, or Bilious Headache, and Bilious Fevers; in— deed for the whole class of diseases originating . is biliarg derangement, caused by th e malaria of • miasmatic countries. This remedy has rarely failed to cure the se verest eases of Chills arid Fever, and it has this great advantage over other Ague medi6nes, that it subdues the complaint without injury to the patient. It contains no quinine or other delete— rious substance, nor does it produce quinism or any injurious effect whatever. Shaking broth ers of tho army and the west, try it and you will endorse tbose assertions. Prepared by Dr. J. C. AVER & CO., Lowell, Mass., and sold by all druggists and dealers in medicine everywhere. putamlmavoirto JAN 0011:41 T IL RANDALL, Surgeon Dentist, would re f) • spectrally inform the citizens of Tioga, Law renceville, and vicinities that he has located per manently at Tioga (office over Fuller's Drug Store) where he may be found the first three weeks of eaoh month, and will be at Lawrenceville the last week in each month at the residence of Chas. Van garden Partidular attention given to the treatment of of all diseases of the Teeth, Gums, and Alveolar process, Cleaning,Filling & Extracting Teeth and to regulate irregular Teeth- in young persons. Also, especial attention-given to Fitting Artificial Teeth, Palates, and obdurators on any kind of plate desired. Anaesthetics( administered and Teeth Extracted without pain in every case where it may be con siderled advisable. All work will be done with promptness, and warranted, and at prices consistent with the times. Let every one call who may need or wish for a good looking sett of teeth. Tioga, Pa., Nov. 7 ) 1886.—tf. J. A. PARSONS Planing t & Turning. IffAVING got his new Factory in operation. JUIL is now prepared to fill orders for Cabinet Ware promptly and in the best style of wOrkman ahip. Baying procured a , be 4 3a ready to dress boards or plank with dispatch. SCROLL-WORK & BRACKETS, furnishe;d to order- His machines are of the new est and most improved patterns. Shop corner of Pearl and Waln Ste, WELLS BORO, PA., Oct. 31, 1866—tf. ,-. S T T u l rn e er KL au llf t , CIIntIIMAKE Deal er , r opposite Dent's Wagon Shop, MAIN STREET, WELI SBORO, PA. Orders promptly tilled and satisfaction guaran teed. Pansy Turning done to order. Oct. 31, 18613.—tf. 3. sTioKtrzr. Mail.subscribers, 1 copy, 1 year-104 numbers, $4 00 Mail subscribers, 2 copies, 1 year-104 numbers, 7 00 Mail subscribers, 5 copies, or over,for each copy, 300 Persons remitting for 10 copies $3O, will receive an ex. fra copy for six months. Persona remitting for 13 copies $l3, will recess an ex sfail subscribers, single ftpy,l year-42 numbers, ;2 00 Mail =lnscribers, clubs of Are ..... ...—.... 9 00 Ten copies, addressed to names of subscribers. 1T 60 Twenty copies, addressed to names or subscribers, 34 00 Ten copies, to one address le 00 Twenty copies, to oise $3O 00- An extra copy will be sent for each club of ten. Address, THE TRIBUNE, New York. Merntutnts, 31annfacturers, Inventors, Real Estate Owners, Schools, and all others who desire to reach customers in all parts of the country, will find it to their interest to advertise In Tut Nxiv Yoss The circulatien of Tau Tamuut, ie target than that of any other newspaper, and it is read by the moat en terprising, thrifty and Industrious classes. CIaCIIIATIUM Olt In 11119132 M. Monday, Oct, 1 Daily 45,000 copilot. Tuesday, Oct. 2 • Daily 44,780 copies, Tuesday, Oct" Semi-Weekly.--27.000 copies. Wednesday, Oct. 3 Daily 44,750 copies. Wednesday, Oct. 3. ...... .....Weekly 130,250 copies. Thursday. Act. 4 Daily 44,310 eoplee. WridaY, Oct. 5 .......... ........Daily 44.560 copies. • V relay, Oct. 5 Semi-Weekly —.21,000 copies. E.t,ualay, Oct. 6. Daily • - t-52 - ,0430 copies. The above is the precise number of copies of TUE YEW YORK TRIBUNE printed and circnlatod during the week, PTICE or EDVERTISINO IN THE TRIBUNE. DAILY TRIBUNE, 20 cents per lino. Btxt-Wrcatz TRIBUNE, 25 cents per line. Wsesty TRIBUNE, $1 per line, each insertion. No ad vertisement inserted in the WEEKLY for less than .44. Address, THE TRIBUNE, N 0.154 Nassau st., Now York. 1866. FOR SALE. 1866, BY B. C. WICKHAM, AT HIS NURSERY OF FRUIT AND OR NAMENTAL TREES, IN TIOGA :- 60,000 Apple Trees. 10,000 Pear Trees. A geed supply j of PLUM, PEACH, CHERRY, and ORNAMENTAL TREES A SHRUBBERY. The Fruit trees are composed of the choicest, varieties, good, healthy, some of them large and in bearing. Any one wishing to get a supply will do well to call and see my stook before Du chasing- elsewhere. jam- Delivered at the depot free of charge. Tioga, Feb. 28,1866-fye Blacksmith. and Farrier. Ayer' s Pills, B. T. VAN HORN, WOODWORTH PLANER, B. T. VAN 110R21 TUN NEW YOWL TRIBUNE. TERMS DAILY TIMM. $lO per annum : $5 for six Months. araLIIMMMTMIXEMMI. MEEI TO ADVERTISERS