The Tioga County agitator. (Wellsboro, Tioga County, Pa.) 1865-1871, November 21, 1866, Image 4
1:2=! OEM During the-reeent, session of the TeachetV Institute hi Rutland•county, Vermont, while a professor was endeav oring to illustrate the Manner of teach ing arithmetic lie - took,sip a small globe standing uptm the desk,' 'and asked; "How znans units in the glebe?,, Answer—" Que." , Takes up his lint, "How Many unite in my hat?" • Answer- 7 (by a naughty boy in the' audience)—"Shake it and see." The proffiisor was taken down. A man newly Married, heingabout.frci leave home, said to his " NOY, - Julia, you may do anything you plasse while I am. away .except ride Jowler, the house dog:" " Ride - Jowler !what do you-mean?" "Never mind, Only I warn 'Ynn not to ride-Jowler." When the husband came -home' Julia had a black eye - and an arm in a sling.— " Why, Julia, what's the -matter ?" Weas-Yna.told me not to ride',lWler, and I thought it must be something very nice or you wouldn'tbave told in • not to-do 4t, so I got on his back anglie threw one down stairs." - • To the Farmers of TiogkComty. T hh4 now building at my natuatactofy, in -Lavrrgac'e rille. a Simerior • • •••._ 7; • '„ which tyoeselseE the following advantages over all dtbri raffle: 1. It separates oats, rat litter.. sad foul .seodzi z aucl chess cad cockle. from - wheat. • . „ . „ . . .. . _ 2. Iryleans tax reed. tatee - ont yellow seed,"and ill Other oweds. rkrtently. - ' ' - 3. It, cleans tnnotby seed. • . 4. It do., all uthcr.keitarating required of A mill. This mill is built of the best and most durable tim ber. in good tt) le, and IC rold cheap for crib, or pro duce. - . , 1 u ill fit a patiat 4j - ere...for !eeparutiug oats from Wheat, to ogler mtlis. on reasottalfle terms. _ • J. II iIiLIiTILEIL Lawrence l / 4 11le, October 10, IS6O-tf NATIVE GRAPE BRANDY. "OLD CATAWBA," Vintage of 1862, on sale by _ P,, R. W.II.T.JA MS, Druggist, - -• vbo-reteni the public to' N. P.aellqrA; 3 ?;; J. H Shea.rer, - L. IC Johnson, M.D. - • Warranted pure for Me. purposes. _ . - DOLBY has Bowe more of those fine American watches:, at• No. 5 Unio# Block. • Rartanan's Safety Bridle and Lines. - (Pate;Ated Novemberj, 7865.) ME= •. al,: - 4 iii . Z.O.f Or:a tap BEd h • I A **: 4 ,, 101 AMOST valuable article for all who drive boy sea. See "Agriculturist" for March, 1886. Recommended by Wilkes, of the Spirit of the Times; Bonner, of the New York Ledger, and many other celebrated horsemen. - The subscriber owns the patent for Tioga, Sus quehanna and Bradford counties. Individual or township rights for sale, on favorable terms. amen makers who wish to make the lines for their customers who buy individual rights, will be dealt with liberally. By a slight alteration, the safety lines may be attaohed to almost any bridle. A)) persons are cautioned against making or using the bridle or lines; in the eLties aforesaid, withont authority from the undersigned, ROBERT C. SIMPSON liaboro, Sept. 5, 1866—tf , Patented 3lay 29, 1866 T uts anecti, r withunt rubbing, ex cept in very diril ptaceb, ehien will require a very slight rub, and unlike other preparations offered for a like purpose, situ nor nor TECE csotzrza, but will leave them much wurrna than ordinary methods, without the usual wear and tear. - - It ran:wens grease spots as if by magic, and softens the dirt by soaking„ eo tbat tinting NMI io ordinary eases entirely remora it. This powder is prepared in accordance with chemical science, and neon 6 process pectiliar to itself, which is secured by Letters Patent. It has been in two Ibr more than a year, and has proved itself an universal favorite wherever it bee bemused_ . - Among the advantages claimed are the following, vir. It saves all the expense of soap usually used on cot ton and linen goods. It saves most of the labor of rubbing, and wear and tear. Also, for cleaning windows it is unsurpassed. With one grouter the labor and expense usually required, it imparts a beautiful gloss and luster, much superior to any other mode. No water required except to moisten the powder. Directions with each package. And mu be readily appreciated by a single trial. The cost of washing fora farelly'of live or six persons vat not exceed ?mess cr'S`rs, The mantlfacturers of this 'powder are aware that many steelena compounds have been introduced to the Puhlie which have - rotted the cloth, or failed in remov ing the dirt; but knowing the intiinSie excellence of this article, they confidently proclaim it as being adapt ed to meet a demand which...ha* Johg existed, and which has heretofore remained masupplied. Manufactnred by ROWE & STEVENS, 260 Broadway, Boston. Also, manufactirrere of family - dye colors. For sale bd grocersand dealers everywhere; 0et17,'66-3M Stoves 'it Tikt Ware FO: OPPOSITE BOY'S BUILDING, Are now prepared to furnish Lbe public with anything in their line of business; in quantity as large, in quality, as good, and as obeap in price SW any dealers in Northern Pennsylvania. They pay particular attention to the STOVE AND TIN WARE BUSINESS, and intend to keep a fall seeortment of everything in that line. . . - TIN WARE MADE TO ORDER, PromPUY, and warranted to give satisfaction. REPAIRING executed in the but master end with dispatch. CALL ,AND t3ik us. ROURTI3 * KELIKY. SVOlsborough, Moral) 1, iselb, Ma MJ4r'.4r0 , 1113; CONCERT BLOCK, VORNING, STET: I I3EN COUNT*, N. Y. ••=,- "E I ~:_. DRY t~ooi~t :: A'lQD ' 2 ' j tRDt~RIEH, A WORD TO, MY OLD inifiCAOS - 4* Ci tb eeentto unitigenernify; Not being, a frien4 to long and windy advertisements and !mei- ex peodituravto tbe Printers, I heyetuttlt -submit a condensed statement of facts ats small cost, with the understanding that the surplus capital will be better employed in reducing the price of Goods to 'My stock is full and complete to supply all tb, wants of• my oid mistomers and many new ones, both in the ftetailfaud"Sob - Trade for the ap proaching Fall and Winter_ Haying a splendid Flamels, Full Cloth, Cassimeres, Brown and Bleached Sheet jugs and- Skir t ings, , . PRINTS from eel:whoa to best classes:' - kgraat variety of CHOICE DRESS .900J)S At lower prices, as well as a splendid assortment 'write goods, at less prises than cOsnte,bought in the State. Among them may be found All Wool Merinos; at 5s to 12s per yard. — Einpress Cloths; plain andfigured, Merinos, Bona bullies, Alpacas% Mo hair% Scotch &c., &e. ) For street Sacks and Cloaks, and a variety of Goods adapted to Traveling Dresses And Capes. A splendid stook of Fall and, Winter. Comprising s ♦ariety of ityle imd qitality, from $2,00 to 150,00 Proizi 50 cents to $2,00 per yard. A - fa and coropleteassortinent of Adapted to tlie:Falland W 144,4 trade . glovea,_Efosiery & Yankee Notions. And in fact all classes of Goode atonally keptia A FIRST CLASS 3COIS/4tirSToii: The Advantages to my GROdERir Gii&With& Are not to - be - misunderstood; when the steady and unexampled increase of business is taken into account. I say without the fear of .nontre•-• diction, that with the large purchases I am ma king from month to month,..for cub . I ._cflii„lrfil to the country triad as low as tlii' can buy in tbS city, including freight, which gives Mit an oppor. Superior Advantages to the Job g'• KELSEY And also 4 9i11". Walla i - ici4o „Which Z way 4oxisg, and aceb - mid to do, at rates fornithing largely knocoalwdadcauticirsc?Ctic . , „ Ova any ether establishment &n Western .."111P. Will give my eattomere the benefit of any change in the Zil arksta as I am potted in nation "and other sales from day to day by talepaph and °therein. par- Orders through the mails from the. Job Trade will be promptly *Minded to, and allgoods warranted tote' as reemammuled or they ma y b e returned at ones, by fmighto at to aspens, g. 901 T. Conga& Ott. 24, MO. Win A, STRIKE IMEI=II2=IMI =3 NO. 1 & , i. ~..1 _i ~ .: =t t At greatly reduced priaea my customers stock of Bought under the late low prices :11.41r- ; A PINE PAISLEY SHAWLS, C A /i,piE.T BOOTS AND 'SHOES,` lIM2I , ..i, sanity to offer Trade. • RETAIL PURCiLLSERk rra r-.»,.~.e~..i-~=-~a.e:-a s-sr ~z,~~x::«-~i+.:a.. - '~. , *a+- ..;;;;e , . ~._ J. R. Bowen & Thankful for -the' liberal_ patronage of sydle criminsting public lathe past, would respectfully announce to the' people of Tiogs arid 'adjoining counties, that they are now receiving from New York a large and well selected STOCK OF GOODS, - adapted to the wants of this community, which they will troll as usual at the VERY LOWEST MARKET PRICES Having beeozne satisfied that we can do bet. ter for OUR ,CUSTOMERS AND OURSELVES, truism a ready pay businesi — ore shall continue • to sell our goods on the principle of SMALL PROFITS, QUICK' SALES -AND READY PAY par stook V ooneiete in part of Dry ttociai i -.among which will be_found CASSIMRRES, BROAD CLOTH, SAT • INET, TWEEDS, FLANNELS, • LADIES' CLOTH, &C., also, s large lici of- - 4 ..X.A DIES' DRESSGOODS 1 AND TRIMMINGS„ DUPLEX ELIPTIO, -SILVER SPRING AND OTHER KINDS OF HOOP SKIRTS. YANKEE NOTIONS, HATS & CAPS, *MVO SllO4, GROCER ; lES, HARDWARE, CROCK• EttY, &C., &C. . A lung experience in the lumber trade ue confidence that we can supply JOBBERS, _AND O,TH4RS, _ !I with ailthing in their line at rates • RERVXOTLY ALI'IS.II.6.OTORM TO : : .'We cordially ;invite one and all to call and see our stock befora purobasing elsewbere, as we be lies* you will, save money by so doing. Don't forget the place, EMPIRE STORE, .NO. 1 UNION BLOCK. Wellsboto, Sept. 19, 1868 Moires: Stoves AND LIARDWAILEI WILLIAM ROBERTS begs to ANA- announce to the citizens of , Tioga County, that in addition to his excellent stock of Stoves, Tin-Ware, Brittania, and Sheet-Iron Ware, he has, at a great outlay, stocked hie 'store on MAIN AITREET, WELLSBORO, with a complete assortment of Shelf Hardware, of which we enumerate the following articles: NAILS; SPIRES, CROWBARS, X CUT, MILL, SAND AND BUCK SAWS, - BUTTS, STRAP HINGES, - • CARPENTER'S TOOLS, PUMPS, ,AXES, • - AUGERS, „ KITTS, BITT-STOCKS, HATCHETS, CHISELS, • SHOVELS, SPADES, FORKS, i3tNell-SCREWS, . , WOOD SCREWS, CARRIAGE BOLTS, BURRS, SKEINS, WASHERS, PIPE. BOXES, AXLE. : TREES, ELLIP TIC . , SPRINGS,; HORSE SHOES, HOOP, BAB, & BAND IRON, GRINDSTONE . • HANGINGS, CORN POPPERS, SAUSAGE CUTTERS AND STUPPERS COMBINED. .Also, PISTOLS, PISTOL CARTRIDGES, ,POWDER AND - CAPS. . PATENT BARNDOOR RANCI/NGS, a new thing, and made for use. These are but a few of the many articles composing our stock of Hardware. We iniite the public to call and examine for themselves. We aim to keep the best quality of goods in our line ; and all work to order done promptly and well. WILLIAM ROBERTS• Millsboro. Bopt. 1, 186e-tf. Ti L. BALDWIN & CO, TIOG4, PENN'A. Respectfully inform their customers end friends, that having outifuly sold put !heiryld, stock • f. — es kV"— .1 fii 1 .1 .“ V; 2,q , ' DRY GOODS dt duatiomi, • They_ base rep Laced them aria_ a stew •nd well solectediot of . ..• TEEM DRESS GOODS, DeLAJNES, CHAILIEB, -PRINTS, BLEACHED AND BROWN MUSLINS, FANCY CASSIMERES, f . : READY -MADE CLOTHING, LINEN COATS, HAa.--.I.ND\,CAPS, LADIES' HATS TRIMMED ANLI PLAIN,. CARPET WARP, BOOTS SllOll4 . at- WALL AND WINDOW PAPER, ORDURE & TIN' AIL oar itobk , GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS is large and template; and we woeldi most re apeatftilly ealliour attention tQ , QUALITY AND PRICE. - , FLOUR, SALT AND NAILS, We keep on hand at all times and will be mold at prices to defy competition. - 1 f":. YOUR BUTTER, CHEESE, EGOS, GRAIN, &0., &0., Is as good as' the CASH to us at their market value. T. L. BALDWIN 41, CO TIOGA, May 16,.180-ly Drugs, -INeilicincia, J. L. BELDEN, BLOSSBURG, PA KER P 8 constantly on band a fine stack of Pure Drugs, bfedielnee, Chuudtals? do ; WINES AND LIQUORS, for Medicinal and Sacremental nee; also all the popular Patent Medicines. Paints, Varnishes, Oils, .to., all kinds of brushes, Dye Colors, Dye Woods and Stuffs, fine Toilet Soaps, Perfumery, Pom ades, Cosmetios,, STATIONERY, PENS, PENCILS, - PAPER AND ENVELOPES, Memorandum Books, Pass Books, he., Potash` in bulk at lb note_ par pound,. Kerosene Oil, Lamp Oil, TurpikidniiKeristhet Fresh Oatmeal and Pearl Barley at 10 eta per pound. We are sole agents in Blossburg for Dr. N. Weaver's Ext. Fireweed, and warrant it to cure Scrofula, Bali Rheum, Scuriy, Pimples' on the face, and all diseases arising front impure state of the Blood if used according to directions. Paiticalar attention given to compounding Physician's and other Prescriptions. W o guaran tee satisfaction, both in quality and price. ' Remember the Store, opposite the new Coal Co's Store, Blosebarg, Pa. Aug. 15, 1868—tf; J. L. I BELDEN. Card, Staples & Son, ARE PREPARE)) TO SELL AS CHEAP as any dealers in the county, a general as tortmentlef DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, READY-MADE CLOTHING. HATS, CAPS, BOOTS A SHOES, FUR NISHING GOODS, RARTHERN, STONE, AND GLASS WARE, in short, everything usually kept in - a country store, all of which will be sold as low as dad where, for READY • PAY ONLY! - No trouble tO Show Goods,' CALL AND SATISFY -YOURSELVES. examia.• STAPLES A CO., grateful to old patrons for past favors., hope for a continuance of the same. Having formed • copartnership with P. CARD, they feel sentldonttlhat lbey can do better than ever before, as the new firm will have klarger assortment. .COMPETITION DEFIED! CARD, STAPLES A SON. Keekeyrille, Feb. 21, 1866.-Iy. GENERAL wholesale agent for the Celebrated PATENT PLATE PlANOS• o manufactnred by DECKER BROS., CHICKERLNG & SON'S PIANOS, HAINES BRO'S PIANOS, MASON & HAMLIN'S CABINET ORGANS, ind Treat, Linsley A Co's Melodeons. Orders from dealers and Teachers espeoially solicited. Address, L. B. POWELL, - July 20. 116 Penns Avenue, Scranton, Pa. 11!!11!1!MIIIII INDUSTRY MUST PROSPER. Boots, Shoes, Leather & Findings. GEO. 0. DERBY, lIATING bought the stock and good-will of the be slugs tong conducted in this borough by RAs! Wyk . will continue the same at the stand lately occupied by them. G4od custom work, made to order and wanunted, will be the first thing in order at this ala)P; but special attention will also be given to keeping vie geed-stock • LEA.THER'AND FINDINGS, - Such as SOLE and UPPER, LININGS, BIND ING, PEGS, THREAD, NAILS, '• LASTS, AWLS, WAX, &o.; end, in a general way, the redone fixin's usually kept at a finding shop. Cash paid for EMU, U.OB, PE12113 and Ma ; and par titular attention gicen - to the purchase of Teal *tad dea. Cott skins, for which the highest market. price will be paid. Itzearamo done promptly and well. GEO. 0. DEBBY. ileving sold the stock-in trade -and good-saii of the bagasse, leily - conducted by us to Mr. Derby,' we coy distill recommend him to oar old customers, as a good and a souttta4ealing man. CHAS. W. .b GEO. W. SEARS. Wellsboro;111ay 2, 7.880. - •• - • ' = - PILES OF NEW GOODS AT LAW RENCEVILLE, AT GREATLY ; Obtottali . PRIIII3-- - - - C. S. Mather Ai Co. take pleasure in announcing to the public gen erally that tkey „hayejust returned tram New-York with, tholitfgoirtnitinosi detiii4bleadolak dr-fßoair in 'Dogs County. We have a full {ins of STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS, CLOTHS AND CASSIMERES, HATS I. CAPS, ' BOOTS 3 SHOES, GROCERIES, Ready lliade Clothing, and Custom TAI.LORING sapeittittnSide4 by sprat-clais Cotter. •- In fact, we have a complete assortment of all that is new and desirable. We are determined an take the lead in Low PRICES for the Spring of COME A141513E-E! To lee to to be "convinced," and to look will cost you nothing. We exiiraihanita nit former liberal patronage, and only leak 'that thii friends Of low , priass and small profits will niGl a da:crost burl &Rd:satisfy themselves, that •LawronctMilo,la,tke place to hay Goode right. C. S. MATHER t CO • Lawranoeville, Apr. 25,1888. LOUR--FROM -CHOICE 'WHITE! WHEAT,F backaptitat flour, corn meal aad feed, always on hand. Call at he CktarleatonMill before buy ing your flour and feed. I oan make it an object for you to buy. ' ' ' "A."' RUSSELL. May 16, 18i18-tf A LECTURE TO YOUNG MEN.— ,Just published,, is a sealed envelope. - Price six cents A lecture on the na ture, treatment and radical cure of Spermatorrhma or seminal weakness, involuntary arms. awns, sexual debility and Impediments to marriage gen erally.Nervonsnees, oonerunption, epilepsy and fits. mental physical Incapacity, resulting from self abuse, Sc., by Robert J. ColverwelL M. D., author of the " green-book," 4c. _ The world renowned author, in this admirable lec tore, (dearly proves from his own experiente that the awful coninauences of seltahase may be effectually re moved without medicine, and without dangerous surgi cal operations, boogies, instruments, rings,, or cordial., pointing out a mode of cure at once certain and effectu al, by which every sufferer. no matter what his condi tion may be, may cure himself cheaply, privately, and radically. This lecture will prove a.boon to thousands and thousands. Sent Under seal, to any address, in • plain sealed envelope, on the receipt of el: cents, or two postegt stamp!, by addressing , CHAR J. C. KLINE A CO., 3yls 1;7 Bowery, N.Y„ p. office box, 4,586. DRUGS FOR - ,THE ZILLION. NVEBB'S DRUGSTORE.—The undersign ed 'respectfully lonottnoes that be has as sumed the entire control of the DRUG dc.,CfrEMICA_L,STORE, .t. . &rebid door below Ho ll iday's Hotel , which he harfitted up for that purpose, and having largely inoieased Ms stook is now prepared to furnish his old 'customers and all otbiltt,irith PURE DRUGS, OJECOMIC4I4, PATENT MEDICINES,, DYE STUFFS, PURE_ WINES AND • '-LIQUORS almost every sirttelii.tO be.lesuid is an.establish meat of this. Such as Horse and Qattle Powder, Coal, Oi l, Alen .I d. oil, Gless, Paints, Putty,' Sponges, A great -collection Perfumery Manufactured, Toilet Soaps of various kinds, and gold' stitinty, tobacco aotagare of the mosCsi,plwaesd Brands always on hand. He would call the attention of the public to hie splendid stock. of N tiong, consiatOg of Hair, 'Tooth; Paint, Flesh and Nail Brush es, Cali:fry, Pipes, Drink. nn g Cups, , . Chess & Baokgammon'lloard, Chess, Dominoes, 4Sci. - Ala a large asso4ment of TOye for -Children:' Particular attention will be eves to Pre. paring Physicians' Prescription' and Family Recipes. Satisfaction given to all wbo favor him with their patronage. R. B. Wlll3, • Aug. 1,1866. Druggist, WANTED -FIFTY BUSHELS OF dried raspberries, 50 do of biackberries— for which,the highest 'market price in crib willbs paid by J. S. BOWEN 44 CO. Welleboso, August 15,1888. SPRING OF DM. MEM • R •, FOR MEDICINAL USE .B of the best lIIMII B. ANNOUNCEMENT: WE have redaced the price of Flour $1 per barrel, Feed and meal 50 cents per cat, and shall sell, FOB. CASH ONLY, C. J. HILL FLOUR, WRIGHT & BAILEY'S BEST WHITE WHEAT FLOUR, SPRING. WHEAT FLOUR, BUCK WHEAT FLOUR, GROUND , FEED, CORN MEAL, ' • BRAN,‘ &Q., 3co. CA. bH 'PAID FOR - ALL RINDS OF GRAIN. WEIGHT Sc BAILEY. Wellaboro, Jast.,24, 1866. do N. HAMMOND'S N MISERY.— Middlebury, Tioga Situated on the Plank Road, 4 miles from Tioga We are pfepored to furnish 100,001) Bruit Trees at the 'following prieelf: Appletrees l --large size, 25 eents at the Nursery; 30• cents delivered. Common size, 20 cents at the Nursery,,2s cents delivered.. Pear Trees, 50 eta. Butittga APPLES.—Burnham Harvest, Early Harvest,' Chenango Strawberry, Washington Strawberry, Red Astrachan, Summer 13elltlower, Summer Queen, Summer - Ring; Sweat Bow., Sour :Bow. BALL APlTLES.—Faraeue, Gravenstein, Rambo, .R.ibatori Pippin, Fall Pippin, Reperblican Pippin, Hawley or Louse, Maiden's Blush, Large Wine, Ladies' Sweating, Lyman's Pumpkin Sweet. Wnnaß APPL !O.—Bald win ' Bailey Sweet, Black Gillflower, Blue Pearmuin. American Gol den Russet, Roxbury Russet,Rhode Wand Green lug, Spitzenburg, Sugar, 'Sweet. Gillficwer, Sugar Sweet, Honey Greening, Bosley Sweet, Pound Sweet, Pound Sour, Peck's Pleasant, Tall man Sweet, Tompkins Co. King, Wagner. Paws.l- , Bartlett, English Jargonelle, Bleaker's Meadow, Bella Lucrative, Louisa Bona D Jersey, Seckel, Beurre D' Amalfi!, Golden Beurre,Flemish Beauty. Gloat Morena, Lawrence. Also—Siberian Crab, Quinces, and Grape roots —several varieties. C. N. H.A.MMONI3. Middlebury, Tiogs Co., Pa., Jan. 1, 1866-Iy., Thomas Harden, WOULD respectfully inform the inhabitants of Tioga County, that he Is now receiving great additions to his stock of Merchandise which ho offers at a *mall advance from coat. His stock consists in part of— . ShAWLS, CLOAKS, DRESS GOODS, of various styles and colors, BROAD CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, LADIES CLOTHES, TWEEDS, .SATTINETTS, KENTUCKY JEANS, a' Suitable for men and boys wear TABLE LINV:S, NAPKINS, TOWELLING TABLE SPREADS. CARPET - MOS AND OIL CLOTHS, RIBBONS, EL ONES, HOSIERY, VEILS AND NOTIONS. Amongst the Domestic, Goods w ill be found a great variety of Brown Muslim!, at prices from Is to 2s per yard. Bleached Sh'eetings and Shirt togs, Denims and Tickingsat various prices. Also a great variety of READY MADE CLOTHING. Ater" Please call and see for yoniselves. June 12, IS6tl. THOS. HARDEN. 186'6. FOR SALE. 1866. BY• B. C. TV/CKIIA.3I, A T HIS NURSERY OF FRUIT AND OR- A,. NAMENTAI. TREES, IN T.fOGA :- 60,000 Apple Trees. 10,000 Pear Trees. A gcod supply of PLUM, PEACH, CHERRY, and ORNAMENTAL TREES ‘t SHRUBBERY. , The Fruit trees are composed of the choicest varieties, good, healthy, some of them large and in bearing." Any one wishing to get a supply will do welt to call and see my stock before pur chasing elsewhere. AR". Delivered at the depot free of cbargi. Tioga, Feb. 28, 1886-Iya • ir REMINGTON ct SONS, Manufacturers EA. of Revolvers, Rifles, Muskets and Car , • kla bines, for the United States ser vice. Also, pocket and belt Revolver:. Repeating Pistols, Rifle Canes, Revolv ing Rifles, Ride and Shot Gun Barrels, and Gun Materials, sold by gun dealers and the trade generally. In these days of housebreaking and robbery, ev ery house, store, bank and 'office, should bare one of REMINGTONS' REVOLVERS. ,Parties desiring ti avail themselves of the late improtasments in pistols, and those of superior workmanship and form, isill find all combined in the new BUINGITON REVOLVERS. Circulars con taining cuts and description of our Arms, will be furnished upon application. E. REMINGTON Is SONS, Ilion, N. Y, Moons 4 NicstoLs . , Agents, No. 40, Courtland street, New Tont; ap 4 66 F OUT Z'S =I gorse ad CIE Powdors. TER,HEAYE COUGHS, Di. TEMPER, Pk vyms, FOUND& LOSS OP APPI TTTE AND VITA: ENERGY, use imprOves ti wind, Mersa% the appetite-glr , a eaiooth aT glossy skin—at transforms t h miserable sbelel horse. To keepers of. Cows this p , eparetiou is invaluable: tm piet ti the quality of the milk. It has L.2(11 proven by ac tual experiment to Increase the quan tity of milk and cream twenty per cent. and make the butter firm and EWect. In fattening cattle, it gives them an uppetite,low , na their hide, and ru..,ket them thrive In all disease of Swine, such As Coughs, Ulcers In the Lungs, Liver, :: ",- ...."`"'":- ~.,s - ',-, /Le., this artiele ''' • , •-• ' ,. 1.:6,. , :v.0t, ••• ants as a si.eitl, _ ' .. - t 4 ."71: . ..1.,, 5 1r. 440 By putting from . , 0 , ,,,......"1 . t.,,,1'.; , ...,%f . ..5•,--e..... - --',.•.":•.' one-half ali li k e .i .. :..'A • ,r 4 '.„ -; - .., to a pap..r in a barrel or gain th, _ ....- -:-- -_,..:4 ' f ---=._ above diseas, s ----- .S!MiT.. e‘ ; -- win boaradie itol . " -7 F"' s---' ..- :----:'—'• •.--- :,--- or entirely p, vented. 11 gi, , al in timo. a errtam preventive and C." 2 f. t'w Ho: 4:1,, , • , Prica 25 Cat; pc •1' , zz-. -, t, i',:pcis for $l. PIF-PALED T 7 S. A. 1 1 '0 TIT 7. Sz - . rtAD- EZECEMI wnottnttu nun AND ATMTINE DEPOT, No, 116 Franklin 5 4 -., For Sale by aniggi , ti üb.l I t out - the United Stutea. For solo by John A. Roy, Wellaboro. u EAT MARKET. , mg- ANDREW J. TIPPLE, having iseenily yard:lased Mr. Wns. Townsend's interest in the MEAT MARKET, would say to the citizens of We Usher° and viain. ity that be will continue the business at the nld sinud—Riving his entire attention in supplying the wants of ail who maj (aver him with their patronage. Constantly on band FRESH MEATS OF ALL KINDS. poor South of Smith's Law Offing Wellabor°, Sept. 26, 1868 -tf. od Nears to Soldiers and tin* ALL who base any interest in war claims, will find it to their advaqtage to read the following stets of Congress which balm sleepily become law Rao. Ist of an cot of June 60865, provides for all soldiers or sailors who bevel lost the sight of both eyes, or both hands, so as to require, eons. scant attendance, the sum of $2.5. Sec. 2. To those who have lost both feet, or are totally disabled in the same 80 as to require constant attendance, the sum of $2O. SEC. 3. Those who have lost one hand or one foot, or are so disabled as to render them unable to perform manual labor equivalent to the loss of hand or a foot, the sum 01 80. Sec. 4. Persons who-have been deprived of their pensions ander oat of March 3, ISO, in con . sequence of being in the civil service or the U. States Government, are restored. See.s. Pensions are extended to dependent fathers and brothers, as well as to mothers and sisters. In addition to the above act, to such p e r aftiaa are embraced by it,,Cougress, before its close, July 25., 1866, passed a bill granting adchtt,nai bounties, and also one increasing th e pe nsion to , widows and orphans, anti eXtentling the benefits of the pension laws to the heirs anti repreeente_ lives of certain invalid applicants, to is,t Sac. 2 of the act of July 26, 1866, provides f or pensions to widows of deceased soldiers or sen or* having children by such soldiers or 'allure, at the rate of two dollars per month for each child of soldier or sailor under the age of sixteen years: 81c. 8 given an increase of pensions to those widows new receiving a pension of less than eight dollars per month, exeept Revolutionary widows. This act provides a bounty of one handfed GI. tars to all three years' men enlisting since April 19, 1861, and fifty dollars to all tiro years' nen who enlisted since said period. *The above is additional to the $lOO ur $3O bounty provided for in_previous acts. Blanks will be femur - Jed to all who wish my assistance in the collection of these claim, with proper instructions. All claims against the United States Govern went promptly adjusted and collected. WM. B. SMITH, U. S. Pension and Bounty Agent Knoxville, Tioga County, Aug. IS, Lae. DE.ERFIELD WOOLEN FACTORY. TIIE UNDERSIGED having purchased the well known Woolen Factory of Messrs. E. 4 B. S. Bowen on the Cowanesque River, two miles east Of Knoxville, takes this method of informing the inhabitants of Tioga and adjoining counties that he will manufacture wool by the yard or on shares tosuit customers, into FLANNELS, CASSIMERES. DOLE-SKINS, FULL CLOTHS, of all kinds. Themaohinery has been thoroughly repaired and new machinery added thereto, also an Im proved new wheel whicli will enable him to work the entire season. He will pay particularattan lion of Roll Carding et Cloth Dressing, which will be done in the neatest possible man ner, haring added one new Roll arbiaa , will enable him to dispatch and accommodate people from a distance. lie would farther say that he bee carried on the businese in manufacturing wool for farmers in Bradford and adjoining counties for the past twenty years; he thirteen can warrant all work and satisfy his customers, using nothing in manufacturing but genuine wool. JOSEPH INGHAM. Deerfield, Jan. 1, 1866-Iy. Hand Power Loom !-Patented 1865. AIX persons interested in the production of peat. cal machinery into our country, are. requested to investigate the merits of HENDERSON'S HAND POWER LOOM. - This loom will do all kinds of hand weaving. It will weave, leans, blankets, plain cloth, satinet, kersey, flannel, seamless sack, double width blanks s. or any kind of cotton, wool, or pax cloth. It treads the treadles, throws the alauttle, lots off the web, and takes up the cloth. It makes the upper shed as the batten comes forward, and haste up the filling after the creme is made, making better cloth and better selvage than 'can be made In any other way. It is the only hand loom that is suitable for weaving Woe,— se no loom that makes all the shed as the batten goes back, will weave wool satisfactorily. it has no stilly to stretch and,get out of order, has treadles at hot sides of the loom, making the shod complete at both sides. This loom Is 'made to weave the different k!.tds of cloth, by simply changing the pins that make the tip per shed. Township ri*hte for sale. Call at Wellsburg, nog' county, Pa., and see a fall sized loom In operation. Or ders for Morns solicited. LEWIS WETMORE, Tireusboro„ Slay 2, '66.-ly A. F. PACKARD. JOHN SITHR, WOULD announce to the citizens of Wend*. ro and surrounding country, that he has opened a shop on the corner of 'Water and Cr,!. ton streets, for the purpose of r O soo to o tartne aii kinds of _ CAE O - ET FIJRNITTIRE, REPAIRING AND TURNING DONE to order. COFFINS of all kinds furnished as short notice. All work done promptly and war ranted. Wellsboro, June 27, 1866, Tag bill to equalise bounties bas became law. The following is au analyeis of its provisions: 1. $lOO to three years' men wbo served their Tuia preparation, long and favorably known, all] thor oughly. telavigoratrir hvolatu-klaccu anti luw-spirited horses, by strengthening and cleansing tho kamacli and intes tines. 2. $lOO to three years' men discharged by reason of wounds received in service. 3. $lOO , to the widow, minor children, or I°- rents, in the order named, of any such soldier who died of woands or disease contraoted in or vice. ' 4. • $5O to 11.101 soldier not included M tbefore going classes, who enlisted for two years oratory, and discharged after serving two years. 5. $5O to every soldier enlisted for two rob and discharged by reason of wounds received io the line of duty. EL $5O to the widow, dm., as above, or evel soldier enlisted for less than two years, wit. dlei in service, or of wounds or disease contracted at the army. No additional bounty is allowed to three pm' men who have received, or have heretofore bees entitled to receive, more than $lOO national boar, ty, and none to two years' men, who hale 11- ceived, or are entitled to more than $5 O T he law only - applies to honorably discharged aolditte of the late war, obd to none who have sold et transferred their discharges or rights to bonnlY• The undersigned will attend promptly to the collection of all such claims, at reasonable rata Where parties reside at a distance, the busiato may be done by Iptter. Address JNO. I. MITCHELL , Claim Agent. Wellsboro, Pa., August 15. 1880. IL 1$ a tura pre rentiva of pit iits eases Incident to FOR SAGE,--A span of matched three 7 . ar old mares; color, strawberry roan. WC 1800 lba, or 900 each. GEO. CRAMER. Charleston, September 19, 1880-tf T IFE AND TRIES OF ELDER SHEAR" .14 DOWN.—Thows who wish to scours a c , PY of this excellent work, can do so by calling Al this office soon. August `29,1366. SISOOPER YBAR I We want agents evtal where to sail our 111YROVID 3% 1) 2". log Machines. Three new kinds. Bpper sor allay feed. Warranted five yeata. Above salary or largo`.. Missions paid. The only machines sold in the Ce.goi States for less than .$4O, which are fully bussed Howe, Wheeler ct *Warm, Grover ,t (b., and Bachelder. All other cheap re.Achine are fringements, and the idler or user are haVe to art , :i fine, and imprisonment. Circulars free. Addres, o r 4 upOcL . Sh&W & Chia, Biddeft . 90 - ;1 7 , ely °l re ' io t tVer s E , Ut GABBY, City Building, Biddeford, Moil'''. 70111."AdiSror T JOB -WORK, IN THE BEST STILE , alla with deerktabott THE AGITATOR Om Heirs. BOUNTIES Important to Soldiers,