The Tioga County agitator. (Wellsboro, Tioga County, Pa.) 1865-1871, November 14, 1866, Image 1

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    322 i
Zioga 6=t =Agitator
every Wednesday"-Morning, at $2,00 a
:'1,',r1.0,1 Inadvance ; by
e rl7l - 7 :'AID - G ELDER.
‘,...7:.)v . .= 1.-...r.rslrsa. szt.A.T_ - F05,:,,,,,
,:,,,,, • .1 ::1 o, 6 ru.% 9 InQ, I. yr
~,.. '' '....*:•.[' 5 Z'. o J 7, f , O 10,00 12,00
; ,z- 1
~..,,,..: ...
,;. 3.75 3.00 12100 ' 10,00 18,00
........ 7....0 ' 1041 1F,.00 20.00 I 25,00
.o. 1'2,40 t 3.1.10 20.00 .00 28,00 - 4,00
.•,;.;,., , 7. ... :11 - 00 "85,00 43.00 05,00 80.00
~ z. 1...,:. 1 ~1 ee'n. 01;0-50 ctz.e'teh ',Tel: thereafter.
. , , nis'r,t ,:-A and 1-:secretors Notlces 52.00 each..
.. -...- ("1-1, f'l fire lines 05,00 per year.
W. O. TIMIS/3EIAL dr.. CO.,
;IGLE=.7,..LE DituGG isTs, and dealers in
r . ..tper, Kerosene Lamps, Window Glass,
i. s r,omsry. Pointe and-Oils, &0., tea;
nln!, N. Y., Jan. 1, lBf6.—ly.
,C , 11012014S - & INUTCUELL,
(.o!ve ooeupiud St jaucee Lowrey, EN
•JOIN Mileggla,
..7ciloboro, Jun. 1, 1866-ly.
• - „
nsuranec, Bounty and Pension Agency, Main
trect-Wasboro, Jau. I, 1886.
S. F. WlLbg
ay. ntrLEs,
I'sacdovrtrnm Rigouey'e,. on the Avenne)—
c; Co otyni to busisfe,e entruated to their care
c tine vAlnliee C;ogaontl Potter... .
Woitburo, Jau. 1, 1866. .„
rvH~EY AT PAW—Mansfield, Tiogireo.,Ta:
fir.t dour numb of L. - A. Seira's
:hop. Kilr'Cutting,Fittineand . Repain:
prowptlk And
J.,u, I, 1866.—1 y.
.1,1 , L314 E 3. SLIALISPEARE,
1,1.2 PER AND TAILOR. Shop over Biwen's
se:ond fluor. Fittin, alad
il,pairing dune prinuvtly and in 'beet etyle.
Pa„ San, 1,864—1 y
51311 E I. MITCHELL. '
,ENT tt , r the collection of bounty, back pay
.1 41,1 ne'n.ities due Euldier2 fronithe Goyern
, Office %rich Nichols and Mitchell. Wells
:n:4'o, '66
Insurancu .geut, Elossburg, iover
Tioga Count{, Pa.
h0t..1 loc.itnd within eaey access of the
I:,titng and hunting grounds In North ,
No pains will be spared
r hr ~r-, • mmodation of pleutpre Feokors and
, :0;r:tv , ?.i , 1 , 4 puUlic. (JIM. i; 1866.1
_ Fear.isylvazia
.11.5 hutel bro-n i teig renovated and ro
alt./ Ito 1,414, Win trO npared to tender Itt,
L.,pitr OC.l:ll.ttattie to patrons. _
%5 0 1,L,0r0, Nay 9, /SLID, •
N. 11 itaiLlinj,—t.PLMl Wit , Baltimore.
t3ala, AtEorovy at Law,
at Rev. J. .7 , 1e1L
, D., Honry D _D.,
(tr..s-e 4: Co., Ludwig &
c. RtMt.rt_La.w
-...5. ...Da thertand,'lCt. any -bard tie:s4 appertain.
M. Li , Lite of the r.. , 11",.t. Curtilry,.afte'r
c... ..! ~t ..,,rvlco, it itll a large
. r.a It•.; uptLIN.I uu
b , r. • f rioft u,n. find surgvry. la all
I arz,.na from a. aist.a/eV r=tu had KUAti
•tLo Paunt.34taula
,'•:: pirt ^f the :tate. In uansultatlou, or to
-- ~, ‘.:ar ittuat. No '4, Uoluu E110r.14, up
-a: ro:- , 2, 15e..5 - •
e pleazhfu t ilif.ara the Litizetis of Tiog4
11,) 1 .1.1, completed hie
SEW 1110 fU(ittAT)l GALLE.I4 7 ;
:, on !,,nt rn take•nß Son Pietatree:;
• rnbrot) pea. iterrotypem, Vi:ty'Cites, Cartes
Surpriee and Eureka I'h:tures; al , o
-.ltenrion to-eZ - .l.3ing etid entarg
. • Instimetions given in •the -Net-en
• erta,... ' Eltutra. sr., )I.lnsfielcl, Oct. 1,
- -
C. N. D A T
\\ T- , it y ca t t . cd t IT n p ‘ u v ti i i i L; t t o lr o t
( h o e
ffi i s co p e e t rm h t - i l
e :,ear the Land Office and Episcopal
) rl , are he will continue to du all kinds of
••• •,n11,1...1 to his care, guaranteeing complete
here the ekill of the Dentist can
• :ri tad nein.:geuient of cases peculiar to the
lie will 4orni,:b
,r 1 any material desired.
U. •in :.-hortest notice, and Juno in the
1,,t end roost approved style. •
a use 01 .anseathetieB which- are per
"' • and administered in every
i•in. 1, 1865-Iy.
f. s'Ati Knoxvilk4 Tioga County;
U. S. licensed Agent, and- Attorno3
f frieuds throngheut all the
-Ili prosecute hnd collect with un
' Ako, any other laud of claim
tLe :•Lintev. , ..t before any of the De
' • r.l/ ‘2,Tzgrees. Terms moderate, All
to the_abovesddre , s will re
attention. Tan. 17,1866.
Street, Wellaboro, Pa. • -
keed this popular hotel property.
Mr. Nelson Austin) L Flaw
to wake it truly the traveler's home.—
• • firm will be giveu to the table,
.1...0r ! of guests will no a prime object.
wdi be under the care of as experi.
ICI z ,, ru i.t a. 1 , 1866-Iy.
7 4. 7 , • , .r. , :caler le Decker k Brother and
' 1 " ''l,el^ pi ISlOS•Mactill ebb
, 1 7 7 ".`• rroot, i.:11“;:y Co, melodeoue, ant
r melodome. Rrtnm ovor .7. R
-el' Sept. 12 1858.
LL . ,
OCURR, rc:pectfully ii.forms, the
' 74,0 , ol Oceola and vicinity that be ha,
Pa., sv titre here prepared toes
J'APII,:.. (IEIIS st A:kil3l;OTYl'Ei::.
ren - .4"roiblis priee#. Pleatm
pryi „ (Mel
v S'r RINGS. at
[2. C. ic&S GI:LDER
AGE:iiTfor 4173i/coming. County ,Inemrange
Company, at Tiega, Pa. ".
Jane 5,11866.-3 m -
Good stabling, attaoliod,c.nd an attentive fog
tier always inattenditnee." -
E: B. PARR, . . Proprietor. -"
"Formerly Hart's Hotel]
MINOR WATKINS, Proprietor, This house
is situated ou Muhl Street, in Wellsb r ortritind is
~./..leurrouuded -with beautiful shade trees, antlhia
all the necessary accommodations for man and
- beast.—aug. 22, iy
J. B. Nmns
liavin returned tihhislcounty with a view of
inakiug it his permanent residence, solicits a
share of public patronage. ' Alf business en:
trusted to his carp ,will - ,be.attentled to with
„promptness and fidelity: Office - 2d door sent!)
. ..of E. S. Fares'britel. tioga,lioga
Corner Main !.57yeet
„ . .
-”" 8. - 11: - 110LIDAY, Proprietor.- ---
filtilS is one of the'ino§t popish?. -Muses in
the county. This lintel , is 'the •principai
Stage-house in: Wellshoro. • Stages leave daily
as follows :
For Tiega, at 10 a. in. ; For Troy, at 8 a. Au.;
For Jersey Shore every Tuesday and Friday at
2 p. in.; For Coudersport, every Monday and
Thursday at 2 p. to. "
STAGES ARRIVEIrom Tioga, at 121 - 2 o'clock
p. ilso'clock p.nn.: From Jet ,
sey'Shrwe, Tuesday and Friday H Fiont•
Coudersport, Monday and Thursday Il a. ro. - --
N. —:Jimmy Cowden, the well-known host
ler, wilThe hand, -
Wells horo, Jan. 1,, 1966-1
New Spring Goods,
WE HAVE JEST it.,uctilrEp A NEW
and well @elected stoc,l4 of good!, which
wa s areroe►lwK-wry----- -
Pv.,a yard wiansheettpg
Heavy yard wide sheeting f‘p
Del. Lines,
Standard prints
We also keep conet►ntly on - ho.ndia choice
atkkk of
>CO' !+.
At veryldox-figures
TOSOLDItaIif 4 '-'-'"' 1-
• „-
A LL perisutniluirlag-knowlette of 'fate "CbtiCerriltig
killed tuidsounded soldiers - from Tloga "etitittlYi
are respectfully requested to furnish COI. 3f. L:Clark,
of Mansfield, ke.., with the folluatug statistics':
of soldiers. place of residence, date of enlist-,
m ewl end muster into the United - States *nice. letter
company, number of" eulment, when - mvotitisied, aid'
*hat engagement, date and place of sleisth ;and cause
saute. M. L. CLARK.:
Committee ou Statistics.
Augrmt I, Mt
OTlCE.—Notice is hereli'y given, that Bob
ert Custard, Senior, has been placed 'in
, tharge of tract No. 1590, and those parts of tract;
No. 1589, in the vicinity of Babb's creek, belong
ing to the heirs...n . l' . a W.,l4urrjli Nod allyer
sons•swe forbid trespassink tliereou, under penalty
of prosecution. —'''ltanttfoctarad under them own suyirvisioii,
805-Zilurket it., Philadelphia:.
Jtily 4, 18138:-8m •
. . .
I `'ln thetr o meraltanftallorlngestalatehment they _defy .
cures ru ture, frees the cord from - all press- R USSES,—" Seeley's Hard Rubber Trule . ' & W
tape/on ; allikViilg,Lbet talloilof..tiew York - city,
, and an experienced cuttat',3lr. U. P. Etwln:Liettntaly
j p t t . t;:.
are : nilrhever rusicbitiiicliiiillar, - CTfireTiti fie --- ,-; :" -tt :;..
come filthy, (the _floe -steel spring belnzgoated x ,
with hard rubber); spring „made any power re- 1 IA
TEW- WINTER - -GOlll 13 - .2r:
quiredi . used in bathing,' fitted to form; requirds , '- ~_,.. , ~ .
~ —_, "., '
no strapplngieleanest, 'lightest, easiest, and best ; •-- v.lkt Ie.EDUCD PRICES.
True. , known... Setiti for. pamphlet
NT JT hiiving :04 eth'elt . Of -OLD COY) D.C' to • - Coil L. t 4 C,Sti . la nearly con uectep
,_wit4 1,11 c .
-11 alufve off at'anction, Ikm cuablea to" ialcv' , _ _ , ,,
Einfirec aticl a iltl -7 oritil- - at ,`.!o,ft,; - cliid,
. . _.
_ , advantage of the present low prices, "and. ift to 'lea- , they could not - allege that we." . 44 - if :Li - bile:
Elastic and Loch-Stitch Sowing Ma- dy to supply tlatTpul;lic` with'a splendid' ;st o rk i.::. - nay thing worthy. of blame,- for. surely
chines- _ -4: "- ...-: • •,...- - --: - • --: you might pay me a visit bu-the country
G ENERAL AT4ENtIY, 28 Lake street, Ehnira.l NEW SPRING-DRY GOODS, LATEST. without -committing treason; and :.I .
:-• . . , _ , .
on swath, that: Thad no suspi-
Local a g ents enpplied at factory prices, and St lee, 1 purchaSed to accommodate tbi.;mar- eimlid.'saY,
toew agents wanted fer unoccupied districts. --- - i clots that you had been guilty of any
Also, a large stook of .machine findings. Fur 1-ket. :"' ' ','. '' ,' , ' ~.. ~
crime to drive you from the country.
eirealar, address-- -- -TKOS: 3-011E60N,---- - , . „ •-.
General Agent of G. ,k, B. Sewing Machines, s,r-Rartliallar attention is 'direpted fa:tn.i,.. - dt-,.' 43 ette
• - - ' Pit second thoughts, 1,. thluli you had
Witter I cave you r youndecit child behind;
June !.8, 1866-if : 28 Lttlie st.,•Elaira,l 4- ,...X.... - -'-'
i srrable stock -of Ladies' DRESS GOODS, the is too young to be the journey, and
I Alpaceas• POplins,Printe,'Delaires*: - .,&e.'', I will promise that .my wife will take
13, iody preparation of .the kind made.,-from ! Added ' to: - which 1 .- Am 2ffering. , - - a,:liarge tJiek'reiite : tll eate,i) , 9i.lni alid'AiOw".-py'e
' te . "'' -'''' '
the fruit. As au article-of 'economy., purity, and : and splendid %toek of. : : - -- ,- - • -pare you' family n ith ail hhs .
- :_- 41 '
daIiCiOUPT3SSOt eannot bp surpassed, and is recom- i,...... : .. , , - „..
- I need scarcely say that Vladimer
(amended by physicians for invalids and family ~
GROCEBIES, BOOTS and MOBS, EA:l s t . .spoke Ea. - fish thiettly; as compared
.use. It will keep Air years in any climate, while f- Nab fuost,'"of the RushianS, and he acted
it, condensed form renders it especially COTIVeII- . • . - • - ,the part of host capitally ; whilst I per
lent for travelers. All who use lemons- are re- i and CAPS.- &0., &e., 8:43.;&c.,.&c:,-&-,-...c0.,:--suaded the girls thatwe intentledto carp
quest.] to give it a trial. Entertainments at at prices - tosuit the I,ooo,ooVnt otood•i':'ry omthetioke of ou r disguise,aud would:
tome, parries, and picnics shbuld'not be sritbout '
old sianci,4ll4l:; p - - ;f. '-- try and take the servants: in- when we
it. For sale by all Druggists and first-clues ‘
B KELLEY. z - 7. arrived at iverskoy, the country seat of
Grocers. Manufactured only by .. ... ! - • : 'Cohn Vladinter. My. daloters were
LOCUS F. METZGER, April '4,1886. -
, " . -." '- , ' fin:tti nately dressed nq Piidcis, and their
Ni'. 542. Pearl 'St.,-1? . . Y. - . ,
. ~ ~ : , . , :baby pelisses, which early in the even
noi,Laii: ,t SON. -Meerschaum manufactu- 1 -.:4
, :W., D. _LANG, - - .
in they had deemed as nuisances, were
r - rers 692 Broadway, near Fourth street, N... 1 , , , .., " well' . 4 tialitf ed 'for- a journey ; and a large
i.„ Wholesale and retail - at reduced rates. Pipes 1 -., .. . i .,i., t ,„ i N ,„. ~ , llorninci cmcealed-etlectually 'the thick
111,1 Holders cut to order nut repaired. All goods i , : ' - - •- - shawlg'Whfch scareely - suited "the em
er "I velVet diesSOf my. wife. '
v.,rranted, genuine. ,Sena stamp for circular.— ! irkß il 0 . 0 lkil je •A‘• II . 'Pr' ' . PPN - t l' ~ '. - 1--- ~
ita riEz , ,
"fine , Se, to Sql rant, - ant l 'fill :ti lost no time in exptaming ' matters
U •
* 9 1 " ii ` VI .
:Ito my, family. My daughters could not
OPE Al :':. 7 % FRUIT PRESERVING ~ OL ~ - - • ', - believe then ears Wltil e my wifel-_:eernecl
. _
.. - 3 TloN—for pre.ervinr all kinds of fruiy -
T)ATENT MEDICINES. Perfumery; Musirtif: drowtftri - in - sint ow --- that - her -darling
itliout the expense of nir•tight CilriS-ZiEnici../IV • t LE- Instruments mind Musical Merchandis.eitf all eintriek•should be left - to the mete y_ of
i kinds,'Eancy Goods of all kir& ac. ' '''''' '.llll‘;''ititt /nit I,l , l''ill,DS. . . ..
• - ' '' - '-' f . '.-
. -F'
' • 1'
• • ll.d 'l •h d
-1- 1, 1
GOLD received on depasite, for which certi ',.i „ ' ' - MANSFIELD, - PA. - ''''— - • .I\iy..thikimii.i.,c9l.akitur_ , 14. • -in-tit? e
, • -- . . . "* ' 1- • -: me with a note to his contidentialatten
care ta ycompormued
(fates will to i,,aned hearing interesi in yoFd.! • Physician's Prescriptions . , r . l .
eriu as i .rea . , ag
E, W. CLARK st CO, Banker,. t .
i . Oeteber_ 31,1883.-4 m. ..- .. ..:., 'date-Stand' locai —'t ''
d tit' he
No 36 south Third.street, Phila. '- ,o: . It me, wialeoive.reeruited- etiiieiVea
r7, .;,-, 7 ,- 1 , 1 , i c-., 1 _ , ! ~ t ,
. f .:i s t . .-., ,r,
..• • s- .- . ~... _. sit
~. s
. . .. .
._ „, !. ,--
~ ,;. - ...., . ~.„. . .....s. ,•,),,,,- _ts'eP.,•. - _ , ..,•__-• : : -, t ,,, .- - ::.t. - : ?- .. --, .-:^-4c.'-'2. Nei, r'-.Q•,..4.,..V..:: • 4 , .. ; V-.^ ~.. ; - . 2. •_,V, , .,:: • . :',&,. , ,,, , „;,4,-,;,•-z
~ , ,,..4,, ? . 2'-,,,.... -;. '''.. ''' •„ ' ';'": - ' - - ' ~
..........-.... -
~.__ .
Z. + •
:P .... ". %h.., • - ;-:: ''. , • • .. ' ~."-----,...„
+ . The Proprietors haveevoe.4l the e , , .
-• alas assort:a ad 0 ,
m Do., :n,Aß:!!!aigh.T.::
. , -
1 1 4 -
. , .
(\ .., _.
itil _ ... i s.: „., _....... ~, .
1: 110 .
.......,.... ,
... h•
A ' - Y r Ar t. 4 A...- 1 Tt - 1 - 1 0 43r -- 11 - -;
- tJ I I I ;, • ,-, 4 li•..A, It i 1 it ...\ -
' ,
N '\
11 41 1 ,Q0 , ,- -
.- •
..,, i i, 11 go , : i i i : . 1 . :,,,,,,,.. 4 ..-,. .::: .7— , .... w. 1 1....
.. f_
- _ -.....--.:-...-_ ....._, -,,!_, _lf-# i t. 4./ j p .l i ) • (---- -, .. JOB AND CAI) Ty PE
AND FAST I'll ~E s,
and are prepared to execute, z
)\,,.... . e'••• \-... ' ITEA I DS, LETTER HEADS , g 1 •
•.- , - • .... .:. . , ---" _, ,:. - Z -:
0 3 :
a d z P : ° :
- ,
. .
. - -
. . _
Constables' and Justices' Blanks, censt 3( Yrtmen
. . . .
• ------ - Deeds,
af T ort ol7 me S B HlP ,
. . People living at a distance can (lapec4 o, o , n haatc.
XIII. - _ . -. ,_
WEL LSE 01' (-) PA ' NOVEAIBER, 14 1866 -
„t, .. 4 . )
~/ ..
.. „ -
_'. ... ...
. '.
_,. NO 46 • work done promptly, and sent back lass in the
iiP`Ontalt—Roy's block, Second Floor, 1.
. Le!einDeg,El,2,l'l,:e. 2113''
John' W. Guernsey,
14 Vu" 20 ~.
_ .___.__ ..~luy ~30,_1f18G.._,
I. B. SEELEY, Sole Proprietor, ' - 3 .
1?.47 Chesnut st., Phihea, Pu. Great Inducements to .the Public!
R 8
my wealth ;Res amI OVER COATS!°Y 4R O - 4 4 ,10 .-nulating rapidly,
and I felt that there
• was no extravagance in having luxuries,
HEAVY pIISINESS SUITS, FINE ELK nor in all°wing • ill • Y e"i°Y
SUITS, DRESS SUITS OF ALL ' andd m We entei freely into societ
thes . Russian ed
alw ay , ;treteduswit -y
the greatest kindness, Our children
- - 'Were gloW ILI * , up; the eldest had been
FURNISHING GOODS IN: GREAT VA-• educated in London, and had spent her
• RIETY. holida3s at her grandfather's in Kent.
4 .1. shot time betore we bad been bur
, • x pii , :ecbby learning that she had formed
ista'areii with- the 'elloioeet -and newest 1 an attachment with a young neighbor
etylea of Garments, equal in style, workmanship :of theirs, of good character.
and Material to the beat custom work, both for: As the season was almost too far ad
'- - 3
vanced for traveling, the young people
ECON petitiOned that they nnght be married
, ;, in England and v{ at last consenteu,
OMY IN PRICE with the promise that they were to - pay
` -" I - its a visit in the following spring. I
beowl:apaceed. need not," however, dwell upon our lam
.. • , ily. The night lam about to speak Of
- was In the. depth. of winter. Eveiv
was treeedn&, an 'only 11 ,4 ,121.11 J
V,RIV-hiP,• 4„would dream ot partiesin such weather;
.xibut the height of the season St. Pe
tersbuig and the
,partY we gave that
!evening was expected to go oft brilliant
tly. Our Li e invited to come
_ade and we begged our-
, mates to disguise theinselve- effectually.
l'Otir teems were already crowded, w hen
a etranor, or at least a--tstianee tktuie,
addressed me saying-he Wits, obliged to
leave early; and he trusted would., fol
ilow I is Z-munple in ietui ping home; he
hoped he should not see me again.
1 NVlZlgiptrisli s eil by thi odd. • addrest.. l
At' first hi‘ must have irnlid,Vd
too Neely ot the pal kitne wines in the
refiesinnentsaloon, but •then I leinem -iv
her that they would hardly have be:en
opened. Just then Count Viadiumr
came up o-od , 'lit his hand upon my
.shoulde:, saying:
„I should scarcely trouble to carry a
mask in My hand, it• I were you; tor
every one has seen your face, so that
you cannot disguise yourself, even if
you• ptit if on. Pray ! why are you
lookingso mystified?"
' "I c' repeaieil. the Words - 1 - ny
fran sal at opld ;not_ forget tlapmaal ,
though I knew they were of no conse
"I disagt With you, remarked my,
friend. Those words must have,. been
I intended as rkV
arning. know'that
you hayr done, Una* kindnesses to,dur
people„and one cif ,thero wishes to put
you, upon our guard."
"Oh! nonsense!" I. answered; but
the Count peisisted. He reminded _me
that he• had known and liked me for
3•ears, and he earnestly begged me tm
act upon the warning. At any' rate;' if
he ionnd there were grounds tor his
snspieions 'that 1 would promiSe to act
. ,
upon his lidvace.
said, and turned, away.
_k a li: njLtigny , .t_gLe I met 'tn.)•
'? Mend, who whispered; t4aciie wished
join him in the library, which we
found dcserted.
iI\V• kears baye, ; been _corroborate ,
( the Count; are'susfeettr,
vwill be seized to-morrow, or at any• mo
,nacut,ifyoushowany skolsot departure.
‘..1.00 mu quit bt. Petsir s h,Urg to-night,"
_“:tion , ense'" I again repeated; "3 ou
r e; - do not • se that I will leave my
STild at Wholesale Prides. vßuyers-arorupw 440.4 wife Jlll, 1,• IP I dtett'btalie whis'Pered,lpke
'Ann nnd of quotathio krfore victim-0m '-•.41.111(lre1,
apt. • • ' 9 "Ido n o 1 . 1 4 , isb you to'leayyour Wife
D. TERBELL & CO. a • •
'arid childreti, answered in trit n
"take them with-you , or possibly you
j E Ccrafl4ag.,". 4an 1 [868 2 4 may be on the to*toflberia before
• , , a 301.1 tire swan, and it t)s small coin-
VAN YOUR'OREENBAC4S 14 . 3. • *Ail to you to know that you have done
, 0 , , ilmtlthigLwroug,c.and -theta perimps,,ax
' . tyireitkiA years'time you may be, acquit*-
. z 4 ' 10 - 4 - • - .1.1ed. Be warned in Arnics by a sincere
_ AIL - L T:..1 weltw isher."
tn-itt a- • t 4 .4 The Count's argument,haAl, some ef-
N it -g o t Ag e ,. - -A mer ba c h9 s -11'444 and [ inquired! vitt 4e 411.:be,t
" I " . E.„:...atalyre dresses with me," was the
CHEAP CASH STORE. .0‘11:3‘14 414% order 'your peo - pleito
' • full r tbc,
pac.,..,0, tamper 0 a C.-, on
'llea of a surprise tor my children,
manaoe to have both wine and the
Where yo stock of , u can *aye find the bolt asscrted i jjra
I included; then quietly tell your
wee to collect her valuables, and eon
m a d theta in on her - person—site l'ortu
uately is w eating her diamonds; then
return:- land -we'll' exchtnige - dresses,''.
7 1'liW was - soon done , . poor wife
Was one of,flin§e valuable women who
r'aould take 3, hint without stunning one
with questions.-Mean dole- j.„• person
ted Count Vhidithei a I was
able, wearing the mask tightly fastened,
LIS you luny suppose.
, The next !line,w inef,;inY frie
told me that lus - cari ,
and large, and supplied with tuts,
as they had a long drive from their
county seat. He thought our hest plan
would he to enter it a; if - we were lea
ving the party, 'get tresh horses
rverskoy e arid reach the frontiers with
speed; while he and ,his wlto would
peonate us as long ass they could:
'But if there is any risk, you will be
mole likely to sutler that a foreigner."
--"Pardon me," he answered; "the
All l}ooda will lid iiold th •
- under the Agitator Printing Office,
• e door to'
Roy'eljrniStore: .
`- ? liVoili;boro, - 5et.t:;28,,1866: - . •
D RP".
AND' 041,13' " -
Cll4.Atit WINS, AND
„ 01:
"AND4L'Avolatsit.:",TßACT§; - ?SvAIA ,
- PAPS 11):-NviisiDoNkr-GLAsso'--::.---,,,
-'Aleo Gents fup nishing 9 - ; 204,j - & a f to
I reAded in Russia many - years; and - I'
must n lee, say"that I -thoroughly
( ":1 - t . '
- .! = q,njpyed - tiy.‘,. - rn its capital Busihe;:,§
with the hot supper pi ovided for his
master, , On his return-he urged us to
.start directly. - Tlieladies Were WrapPed
still mere' warnly - in- -furs- and hoods,
while I had" au immense fur -coat- , as
signed to me, the outside being ofsheep
skin. my youngest daughter s
declared that I looked exactly like a po
lar bear raised upon his hind legs. But
toirouf dismay :We found that bur- -extra
wrap:Thad so increased_our size - .that it
was next-to imposible to wedge myself
into the carriage What was to be done?
I began to take off My coat, but Vassil-:
ievitsch objected:
would be sure to _require it. -Be
sides," he added,_."would it not cause
remarks to see a carriage crowded to
that extent with birds and ladies
no servantto attend Upon' them? Could
not my lord _personate a servant, and
stay outside the c.arriage_?" „ :
.- To this I
,agreedwillingly, Vassil
ievitsch told me that I would find pipes,
tobacco and cigars in _the, hamper,_ be
neath the seat, and a few other things
Which.l might require.
At last we were off at' a rattling pace:'
The Count's horses were- first-rate r and
they were well driven ; but the night
grew , colder and colder. Anxiety of
mind seemed to haVe deadened my ex
ternal feeling, and I only deadened the
want - of horses. - -Imagine my delight,
when we arrived at the post-stage, to
find four horses in readiness. The
(bunt had ordered 'One:of his people to
'ride on, and give notice of our com
ing upon business of importance. I
had now recourse to the cigars beneath
the seat:tied a small_lautern showed me
a inost.heterogeneous mass of articles; a
brace of pi;tols and ammunition were
amongst - the number, and thankful 4
'was te-i'ee.tlieni; as I detertniifed to sell
my life-dearly if we were pursued.
'We continued our journey during the
following day, the weather continuing
fine though cold. A great deal of snow
had fallen during the past week, and
the roads were heavy - in consequence';
towartt4iight,- the wind began 'to moan
in a threatening manner. At .the' post
:house eve, were strongly recommended
to remain all night, at the next stage
'wasthrongh a large wood which was
frequented'hy wolves, and the innkeeper
told us that several oxen had - suffered
from them, though he did not think
that they would dare to. attack a car
riage. Time was too precious for us to
spare it for rest ; so I said we must con
tinue' Mir journey 'at all risks. Dis
patches of consequence were in the car
riage. We hurried on, „tor • the wolves
were on all sides, making the most hor
rid noise. -
We made but slow progress. •At last
we came to a dead stop. I disentangled
myself as well as -I-was-able-from all my
furs,, and jum ped_ to, the group d. A tree
had fallen down across the narrow road.
Ivan then got'a, hatchet, and began to
cut the - top away. I saw that this twist
be a tedious-business, anti trembled for
the result. The wolves seemed. to be .
nearer and nearer,,,and they
might attaa our horses at any'riMment.
tooli the hatchet - from Ivan's hands-,
and begged him to look after his cattle ;'
but; I bad soon_to, relinquish that
might,-answer the questions. of . the wo
men. Ofie of them - the
wolves were near.
- itinarra:4l 434 - 3; reply;
' , that is the :•reason-i-,we..arc hu rij
abont , the tree; -we can only keep
theni_at a, distance _t:11 the passage_ is
treerr - hav,e no' fear." —
ried- one-of , the- girls
"that:ia - the way.:ttrey.frightealliang and
tigers,r: - -
'les ' but lions add tigers usually, re
side in hot countries - wheke" stiehi; are
dry," answered I; L 'will speak to
our, diice - kidanttrit." - -
holiling,:with difficulty,
the startled aptiArightened an imals,and
inquired whether a lire would he practi
:,, Tlie'tieit't.hi fie t fiat catr 'he done, , ?.
.said be "get everything.-you , can. spare
from thecarriage, and if 'Once "yen can
get:a-blame, the tree tops may kindle."
Qu: felling" the hidies, I found -- tliey
we determined 'to be - nseffil ; and so I
left itifothein, and worked hard at the
,tree,:whilst 'lvan ill structed_my•daugh-
F ters;- : the lid of a ; box -and. some straw
.Wel . e soon. ignited, and not a,bit to soon..
'The wolves had drawn so near that we
cotild hear them snarling as they hus
tled one another. But - m - y - work was
nearly:done; the 'horses were fastened
strongly to-the treesoind Ivan assisted,
-Me indifting. the wood. •
- When once the road was clear, we
- started; my
_wife_ had given Ivan - a bot
tie Orbrandy,und 'put another on my
seat,'; - and - much we needed -it, for the
cold wiei-.-intense. Before, long the dri 7
ver told - me one of his horses was lame;
he coOld - MA keep up with the others.
I.LtN..s our speed - diminished our enemies
Ireptriaearer.-rEtliiight Of the Mask.
had 'kicked itunder,the seat, and. I-re
member the old schoolboy, dodge. my
frightening one's.frie,uda...by_ putting a
light within it., -My little lantern-would
be the' veil `t ing. kI fastened it to the
„mask, and - Waited till the Wolves drew"
nearer, and then threw—it in front of
them. The half starved brutes were
startled; theylvould 'tot-make ,k out. ,
The-witakAiadforttimatelY falleMsi, that
the light shone through the eyes and
mouth, and I saw them stop; the fore
, most went up to it, but seemed afraid to
13.0 .the ,wolves. in .the rear
Were impatient, and pushed the others
on; one, fell'Upon the mask, and eviden
tly crushed the lantern, from the light
Avent out, - and main the wretches Were
-in pursuit.
"We cannot be saved," said ; Ivan, at.
lengtb,-•,`unless ‘ you can. thinit.of some;
thing elSe:" -
"H I had butn.rope," I shouted, "I
might do something.'! . _
"Then eatcll, , this, ; ' he, nnswered,_ and
threw a good-sized piece over tha top of
the carriage ; "I brought it in case the
harnesS - brotte.". - - •
I pulled off-my long boot ; which'was
lined:with sheepskin, with a band of
fur round the top, and prayed, as I- fas
tened the rope securely round the instep,
that ptir hungry foes might mistake it
for ti - trap. - 1 then threw it over, and
had the satisfaction of seeing it bump
most satisfactorly along, the wolves
keeping at a most respectful distance.
This continued for a minute or two, and
then'ofir lame horse fell. .
"We mast 'leave him," cried Ivrin,
jumping down as he spoke, and I fol
lowed his example, cutting the harness
with our knives.
"Have your pistols ready," said :the
Rut.iSian, "whilst I fastenthe traces—the
'wolves are upon us."
Aud so it wat:r.--Mr-hpor-no longer
- SerVed itd frighten :their'. 1 - I*--no‘V
quiet on the snow, and I had just time
- to turn and shoot the foremost ; as he
'Was making a spring.
"Mount!".shouted the driver, and
sprang on to the step, managing to
shobt an immense wolf who was rushing
at one of the horses.
•`We aKe free now," I said to Ivan ;
"the - wolves - will, surely remain with
the lame horse. - - - - - - -
- Yes, r are," he answered ;
"li . ut load your pistol; if we donut reach
the post-house before they overtake-us
, we shall find them more savage than
ever ; that ' poor - brute will not be a
mouthful for each of them."
But at the edge of the wood we saw
the vialls'ofthe post-house, just as the
pack rushed into- the brighter light.
They felt they were foiled, and shrank
away, 'howling dismally. As to the
ladies they were really more dead than
alive when we helped them out of the
carriage; and we alfagreed that we must
,take an hour's rest before we started.
As we reached the frontier another
doubt arose. Our passports were en
route, but I had them only for my wife,
myself, and one of my daughters ; they
had been made out when we talked of
joining my eldest daughter and her
husband in Paris, and they were likely
to be of service; but how was I to man
age about Em ma and Carry ? After some
deliberation 1., decided to consult our
driver, who had behaved so well in our.
escape from the wolves. So telling the
ladies that they might have a short rest
at a comfortable little post-house, will& '
we had reached, - I joined Ivan, oflerin4
him a share of my - brandy-bottle, and
asked him if he had not been long in
the service of Court Vladimer.
"I was a serf, horn on his land," was
his reply ; "and my father was before
"Is lie not a good-master?" I inquir
"He is, indeed, my lord ;" for so he
persisted in calling me. "Ali! if all
vassals were as fortunate as -I have been,
Russia would Lea different country - from
what it is."
I said I tho't his master trusted him,
and I would do the same. I wanted to
know what I had best do, as I,had not
passports for two of my daughters, and
dared riot apply to the officers of the
Iron tier towns.
"I fear you would not be allowed to
pliss," he said ; "but could you not get
them across the river Memel, and then
pick them up after going through the
nearest town."
"How do you mean ?" I inquired.
"When we get to Meretch," Ivan an
swered, "I could turn aside, for I know
the part quite well. The river must be
frozen hard at this time, and I or my
lord might take the young ladies over,
leave them in a cottage close to the
banks of the ,Memel, and then return to
the carriage and (trivet° Meretch,where
you can show your papers."
"This plan I deemed feasible, al
though the idea of leaving two young
ladies_ at,- the mercy of strangers was
repugnant to my feelings. But when
told my daughters about it they both de
clared that-They had no par, and that
they - would much rather cross the ide,
than be detained perhaps for weeks at
Meretch. ,
On the banks of the river another dift
icalty'arose.- There was no passport for
Ivan, and yet we were most, unwilling
td_ part from him. •
" My lord must condescend to act as
:driver, ',said Ivan,"" and I can see the
across the 'river, - and pro
tect them from danger if necessary.
Or Lean -, stayWith the carriage, and on
arriving at_ •alereteb pretend to re
turn to St. Petersburg, and seize the
first opportunity of crossing the river."
.The last - plate would have •taken -too
much trine, so I told him ,we had full
'confidence in. him, and promised him
a handsome reward if we reached Paris
in safety ; and so - we parted. ' - •• --
We had not' much troublein :Wretch.
Whenq produced , my passports- „I said
My business was of importance ; an
hour; saved was sometimes worth a for,-
tue to a merchant like me, and if
official would kindly assist me by 'pay
:Mg 'any Allies -that were required, I
should feel everlastingly indebted to
-§(e-Saying i I slipped• a hag of
-money into his willing _finge - rs. He
gave a Look - of intelligence, glanced at
my passports,- and begged me not td dis
mount— there should not be a bind
rance-if. he had power to prevent it.
_out of the town toy heart
bounded. 'We I,ere• once more free
trusted to"join the girls in an hour or so,
and lost no time on the road ; but the
path AWLS a winding one, and there were
numerous cross roads; however, I took
the river as my guide, and in course of
lime' We reached- a cottage, but could
hear nothing of our little party. Fur
ther on:_we _met an old woman, who
made tis-priderstand that she- had seen
two girls whom a Russian was taking
before the authorities, as he feared they
were - Sple'S. "-But they looked both
good and Modest, and my - heart ached
for them," she added with a sigh. After
givipg her a trifle, we hastened on, and
soon overtook my ,iweary children.—
Ivaii had seen some military resting in
the cottage when he peeped in through
the-narrow window, and feared that un
pleasant inquiries might be made, so
he concocted this story, which he was
sure would win the heart of any peas
an t.
The girls told me that the poor wom
an had been very kind ; she had brought
them black bread and cheese in her
apron, and milk - from her little dairy,
though Ivan had pretended that he
could not allow them to stop and rest.
My daughters said they would never
forget his kindness and thoughtfulness;
and, indeed, he has proved a most faith
ful servant. He is now my gamekeep
-His•master thought it• would
'be scarcely prudent for him to return to
- Aday later I could not haVe left• the
capital. for I should have been in pris
q-n—for'the - authorities had heard that I
was connected with the English press.
Nothing could be more absurd; but so
it is-inltuesia.
Irk is. the duty of each member of • the
Mt. Holyoke Female Seminary to write
an annual letter stating whether she is
married or single, how many chil
dren She has, and other particulars
concerning her status and and progress.
A young lady of the class of 1861 has
just written to the class secretary that
she is not married, but that she thinks
she can see a little cloud that ariseth out
or the sky of the future, like a man's
hand. • • •
Man is like a snowball. Leave him
lie in idleness against the sunny fence
of prosperity, and all that's good in him
with likeihatter; but kick him around
and he gathers strength with each suc
cessive revolution, until he grows int)
an avalanche. To succeed, you must.
keep moving.
It has bean said, as common-place as tally,
That " e'en a cat map glower upon a ki na ,
And so, perchance, mho chooses to is dell
Licens'd, of hackney'd themes to rhyme x s •
Therefore I sing of that which out of view l a
But just before, the fall-wind came to fling
The crisp, dead leaves about—a welcome
June's late•born peer and :aster, DIDLIN ST:44z,,
'I! IS but a narrow rift:in Autumn's clouds
Tbro' which thy softer sides just now appea r .
A, burst of sunlight thro' the gloom that slaton4
Thy charms, 0 second childhood of the year;
For thou deg, type the second birth, that crowds
The infant's cradle on the old man's bier,
And there is healing in thy balmy breath,
Which robs the garner of the Reaper, Death !
We seem in gentle dalliance with June—
With June the blue-eyed, June the Summer
With thy blue skies o'ercanopying at noon
Both field and forest in their autumn sheen :
And tho' the birds come not as then, to tune
Nature's great harp, and'sanctify the scene,
We love thee not the less ; each has its time,
June with its birds and Autumn with, its rime.
The latest Ar we mortals love the best;
Summer's last hour is lovelier than its first;
The mother clasps her last-born to her breast,
Most precious heart—flow'r that she aver must;
The miser drops his last gain in the chest
As beg of all (and yet 'tie most accursed) :,
So, in thy arms we see the year decay,
Lovine it better as it fades away. _ _
One cold evening in November, ten
years ago, a man wrapped in a large
cloak knocked at the door of Mons.
Dubin, one of the most able advocates
of Paris. He entered, and drawing
from under his cloak a large package of
documents, laid them on the table.
" Monsieur !" sad he, " I am rich;
but - a-lawsuit , which is commenced
against me; -- may ruin me utterly. At
my age a lost fortuneis not to be remade.
The loss of this suit therefore, would
condemn me to the most frightfulmisery.
I come to implore your aid. Here are
the papers which explain my claims."
The able advocate listened attentively
while his unknown visitor thus briefly
explained his business. Then, opening
the bundle of documents; -he went
through them with thesearching rapidi
ty of his professional eye.
They were at last laid upon the table.
" The action which is commenced
against you for this property," said he,
" is based upon justice and right legal
and moral. But, unfortunately, in spite
of the admirable elaboration of war code,
law and justice do not always ge togeth
er ; anti here the law is on your side.
If, therefore", you rest your case entirely
on the law, and use without reserve all
its technicalities and quibbles, and if
the legal points in your favor are all
clearly and ably stated to the court, you
will inevitably gain your cause."
" :No man living," said the stranger,
" can do what you describe so ably as
yourself. Might I venture to hope that
, you would reduce your legal opinion
to writing, and thus render me invul
nerable '
The advocate reflected a minute or
two, and then taking up again t: a docu
ments which at the first word of the re
quest, he had pushed away, he said he
would do as the stranger wished. On
the morrow, at the same hour, the legal
opinion would be ready.
The client was punctual. The paper
was presented to him—accompanied
with a demand, very abruptly made, for
a fee of three thousand francs!
He stood mute with astonishment.
" You are at liberty to keep your
money," said the lawyer, " and I am at
liberty to throw my written opinion
into• the fire."
Advancing towards the chimney ap
parently for the purpose, he was stopped
by the visitor.
" T will pay the sum," he said, " but
I must Ove you my written acceptance
for it."
" The money In gold," said the advo
cate," or you shall not have a line!"
The client saw that it was inevitable,
and; taking his leave for the moment,
returned soon with the coin. He paid
it—but, in revenge, after gaining his
cause, he told the story in every corner
of Paris. The journals got hold of it.
It was soon as universal as the name
and fame of the great lawyer himself.
Laments were made by the editors over
the grasping advantage thus taken of a
client in his extremities, and even
friends expressed their regrets to him
for his betrayal of avarice. But he sim
ply shrugged his shoulders; and as
every thing is soon forgotten in Paris,
it passed out of the public mind.
Ten years went by ; and a few days
since at a celebration of which the dig
nities of the Courts of Law formed a
part, the procession was interrupted by
a woman who suddenly sprang from
the crowd and seized the hands of Mons.
DuPin, the Procureur General.
`: Itis he! It is he !" she exclaimed
as she burst Into tears, and covered his
hands with kisses ; " this is my bene
factor, my friend, the angel by whose
timely kindness
_I was saved from rain
and spared to educate my children.
" Poor woman !" said M. Dupin, 'she
has lost her reason."
But, no! she insisted on explaining
to the bystanders that there was reason
in her tears and gratitude. She stated
it brokenly. " Ten years ago, after the
death of her husband, a claim was put
in by a relative for the property upon
which she relied to support and educate
her children. She resolved to defend
her possession of that which she knew
to be her own, and had already sold
half her furniture to pay the commence
ment of the process—when one day, a
stranger called upon her. He abrupt
ly announced Ins business. He told
her that the suit, for which she was al
ready running into expense, wonld be a
long one-Lthat the law was against her,
though justice was on her side—that
she had better abandon it and save what
she still possegsed He. then added, that,
from having' been employed on the
case, he had been able to rescue some
portion of what was wrongfully taken
front her. and that it was contained in
the ba' of gold, which he laid on the
table—abruptly taking his leave, and
giving - her astonished sense no opportu
nity tor thanks or inquiry. The three
thousand francs with which she was
thus enriched, enabled her to re-estab
lish herself with her children, and to
commence a timely support of them.
And from that day she had been try
ing in vain to discover who was her
benefactor. But his features were en
graven on her heart, and, thank God,
she 'recognized and could thank him
And so, after ten years of misapprecia
tion, Mons. Dupin's grasping avarice"
was explained to his legal, brethren.
M. H. Coal