LOG ROLUNG. An Englishman vlibOwes traveling. on the lassimippt river, told some rather rough atories about the London thieves. A cirip.ionati ri p latiz,ned Chase, heard these u'Euratives with a silent but ex pressive lau.r.np h I nu 4. then remarked that be thought the Western thieves beat the London operatcirs. all - hollow. !‘'Wl3y so inquired:the Englifsbtatn, with surprise. "Pray, have you lived much in. the 'West ?" "Not a great deal._ I undertook to set„ en ba : siness at Deslnoinei- liaplds a ;while 4.igo but the peO_ple stole nearly ever.ythins.!.l hard, and .finally a Welsh miner ran off with rayNrife." "Good God ?" said the Englishman, .and rca zever founci. her ?" - - - "-Never toll:117'4 day. • But that was=not the wordt of it." `'Wont? Wtf7„, , , list could be worse than E,tealirig, a triarA, wife ?" • • "Stealingli2. , child, I should aY," Eaid the implacable Chase. "Ch/lcirc'a wonaan, who had -not any of her own, t.-I)dzleted my vouzzgest daughter, and eloped and jined - the In gElls "Great Heavens ! did you not see her d.o It `2”._ • - "See her ? Yes, sad_ she hadn't ten rode the start of see? and she plunged iota the lake and swam like a duck—and there wasn't a canoe to follow with." Me Englishman laid back in Ms chair, and called for another mug of'aff and 'a fir, while Chase srupkod his cigar and credulous friend at the same time most remora-Ir. "1.-1.61 , an , t go any further west—l think," at length observed the excited Johu. " I should not advise any one go," said Chase quietly. "My poor brother once lived outthere, but lie hs.dto leave, although his business was the best in the country." "What business we.s he in ?" "Lumbering—had a saw mill." "And they stole his lumber ?" "Yes, and his saw-logs, too. 4 °S.aw-logs "Yes. Whole dozens of fine black walnut logs were carried oft in a single night. True upon nay honor, sir. lie tried, every way to prevent it, hired men to watch the logs, but it was all no use. They *whipped 'em away as easy as - if there had been no one there. They'd steal 'em out of the river, out of the coves, and even out of the mill ways." "Good gracious :" "Just to give you. an idea how they can steal out there," continnued Chase sending a sly wink at the listening company, "just to give you an idea—did you ever work in a saw mill ?" "Never." "Well, my brother QUO day bought an all-fired black walnut log—four feet three at the but, and not a knot in it, He was determined to keep that log, so he hired two Scotchmen to watch it all night. Well, they took a small demi ljohn of whiskey with them snaked the og up the side of the'hill, and then sat down on the log to play keerds just to keep them awake, you see: 'Turas a monstrous big lop—bark four inches thick. Well, as I was saying, they played keerds and drank whiskey all night—and as it began to grow light they went asleep astraddle of the log. About a minute after daylight my brother went out to see how they got on, and the log was gone 1" "And they sitting on it 2" "Setting on the bark I The thieves bad drove iron wedge into the butt end which pointed down hill, and hitched a yoke of oxen on and pulled it right out, leaving the shell and Scotchers setting astradale of it fast asleep." The Englishman here arose, dropped his cigar stump into the spittoon, and looked at his watch, said he thought he would go on deck, and see bow far we'd be down the river by morning. ••• ;-:::.,.::-:•-----....,--.,-- i 0 , .-iii- "ii-RA---41-,.:,1-i1tz,:2,:.t.P,f..--i-,., -,.„--;--.. - --- 1-2 ....,...,,1 C x 'WELL t•-)lfrnrl I sCRi 7 -''' ON, 1t -; !Ke, , '-‘. i P.t. •-•,,,,'' C; , .-..', , . )4,& ''''-^''' 7 N - -: k' +:. It ' •.''.; . , ':. ~ ' '''', ',. -:: -I , ~.* - : . :,:._-2,..,_-.L. ._ .. .,-,v.f,,, , ..::*_,,*,,,,.? :::zet ~, ref7,04,.i....,-•- -4:.,,,,-,P ,:i: etENER AL wholesale agent for the Celebrated PATENT PLATE PIANOS, manufactured by DECKER •BROS., CHICEERING & SON'S PIANOS, BAINES BRO'S PIANOS, MASON HAMLIN'S CABINET ORGAN'S, and Treat, Linsley A; Co's Melodeons. Orders from dealers and Teachers especially aelicited. Address, L. B. POWELL, July 20. 116 Penns Avenue, Scranton, Pa. SPECIAL NOTICE! READY -RADE CLOTHING ZOE THE MULTITUDE. OVER COATSI OVER COATS! HEAVY BUSINESS SUITS; 'TM EL'S SUITS, DRESS , SUITS OF ALL GRA.DES. FURNISHING GOODS IN GREAT VA• Is fully stocked with the choicest" sad rawest Itylec of Garments, equal in style, workmanship and material to the best onstom work, both for BEAUTY OP PIT. QUALITY & ECON OMY IN PRICE 114114 %warp liaise NEW_ STYLES CONTINVALLY . RE- CEIVED. MI Goods WIU be 'old at the LOWFAT CASH PRICES under the Agitator Printing Oitioe,_nextdoor to Bore Drag Store. Weilsboro, 5ept.243,1866. 1110 THE LADIES.--Ladies wishing ornalfaen 1. tel hair nark done, can find patterns df all the latest designs at Mrs. Solield's millinery rooms opposite the post office. All orders for hair jew elry neatly and promptly filled. Pins, earrings, bracelets, finger rings, guard chains, all made on sort notice. Persons at a distance sending or ders by mail may be assured that they will be carefully attended to. The highest prices paid for hair.- - - Mrs. Eofield is now receiving a fall supply of raillinery, together with Madame Demorest's ma chine rippers, a most convenient little article for ripping machins sewing; also Madame's celebra ted tonot artfeles=- . .corecte, pads, shirt Aerators, Au. - Bonnets and bate repaired in all the new styles. *opt. 22,1886-2 w J. It. Bowen & C 0.9 Thankful for the Merril "13a - froliage of a , criminating public in the past, would reipectfolly announce to the people of Tioga and adjoining counties, that they aret now l receising from New York a large and ciell detected - STOCK OF GOODS, adapted to the wants of this community, Which they will sell as usual at the •.„ ; r. • VERY LOWEST MARKET PRICES Having become satisfied that we can do bet , ter for OUR CUSTOMERS AND OURSELVES, by doing a ready paybialtesi, tie Shall Si . oi4itite ; to sell our goods ori the principle of 't4ADDS AND Oar stook oorusista in part of Dry Goods, among whioh will be found CASSIMERES, BROAD CLOTH; SAT INET, TWEEDS,' FLANNELS, LADIES' CLOTH, &C., LADIES! D.R. ESS GOODS - Dll.O,Lg x ELIPTIC: SILVER SPRING A.ND OTHER KINDS OF HOOP SKIRTS. YANKEE NOTIONS, HATS ac -CAPS, BOOTS AND SHOES, OROCER rEs, HARDWAII.,,PIIO - CH: ' ERY, A long experience in thelumber trade gives us confidence that we can supply JOBBERS AND OTHERS, with anything in their line at rates PERFECTLY SATISFACTORY TO We cordially invite one end all to call and see otir snick before - purehluaineelseillere, is we be lieve you will save looney by so doing.. Don't forget the place, • ' EMPIRE STORE, NO. 1 UNION BLOCK Wellaboro, Bept. 19, 1866 Stoves: Stoves : : A ICD ELAIMIDW ARE: MR. WILLIAM . ROBERTS ' begs to announce to the citizens of toga County, that in addition to Ms excellent stock of Stoves, Tin-Ware, Brittania, and Sheet-Iron Ware, he has, at a great outlay, stoked his store on AWN STREET, WELLSBORO, with a complete assortment of Shelf Hardware, of which we eaumerate,the following artlelee: NAILS, SPIRES, CROWBARS, X CUT, MILL; HAND AND BUCK. SAWS, BUTTS, STRAP HINGES, CARPENTER'S-TOOLS, • PUMPS, AXES, AUGERS, BITTS, BITT-STOCKS, HATCHETS,' CHISELS, SHOVELS; SPADES, FORKS, BENCH-SCREWS, WOOD SCREWS, - CA.RRIAGE BOLTS, BURRS, SKEINS, WASHERS, PIPE BOXES, AXLE TREES, ELLIP - , TIC SPRINGS; HORSE SHOES, HOOP, BAR, & BAND IRON, GRINDSTONE HANGINGS, CORN POPPERS, SAUSAGE CUTTERS AND STUierigßS COMBINED. Also, PISTOLS, PISTOL CARTRIDGES, • POWDER AND , , CAPS. ASHER, PATENT BARNDOOR HANGINGS a new thing, and made for use. Theseare but a few Of the many articles composing our atock of Hardware. • We invite the public to call and examine for themselves. We aim to keep the best quality of goods in our line ; and all work to order do t ua promptly and well. WILLIAM ROBSRTB• WelL•boro, govt. 18664 f. READY PAY IMMO also, large -line' of THEM ME T. L Go., TlOO 'PENN'A' BtsPeetfull7 iflfPfut their eystomers andlrkade, that baring entirely sold out their old stook of DRY GOLDS ht Auction. 'l'bey have rapist them with a iAt't4g.d DRESS GOODS, DeLAINES, BLEACHED AND BROWN MUSLINS, FANCY CASSIMERES, READ? - DUDE CLOTHING, LINEN COATS, HATS AND CAPS, LADIES' HATS TRIMMED AND PtiIik'CitIIPET , ViLARP; • L-:- BOOTS MOBS. WALL AND WINDOW PAPER, RARDWIRR & TINWARE " Oar "stock of GROCERIES_ AND PROVISIONS is large and complete; and we would most re 'poet:fully call your attention to -= . QUALITY AND. PRICE. • i'•!i !,• : ; '-•r•- • j' ‘,'-.=.1: '‘. t•-11.. r..:1 . 4 ''' .t. t ..j. 2 -''. —....""r"'. ' - •.s ..:,` , l' : HT: s it ' FLOOR, SALT AND NAILS, we keep on hand at all times and will be sold, at prices to defy ,00ropetlelon. YOUR BUTTER, CHEESE, EGGS, ' . - AFlR.AlltAmt.ft &144 r ';' Is as good as the Cp3ll to us at their market ♦alne, T. L. BALDWIN A - CO TIOGIt, May 16, - • - Card, Stitples & SOU, A RE PREPARED TO SELL AS CHEAP _di as any dealers in the county, a general as sortment of ' DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, READY-MADE CLOUTING,' BATS, CAPS, BOOTS A SHOES, FUR NIBBLING. GOODS, EARTHERN, incorz, AND GLASS WARE, in" short, everything Usually kept in a country store, all of which - will be sold as low as-else where, for • 'READY PAY ONLY !- No trouble to Show Goods. CALL AND SATISFY YOURSELVES. QTAPIEB A. C 0.,. grateful to. old patrons for 0 past firvors,,hope for a continuance of the same. Raving formed a copartnership with . G. P. CARD, they feel confident that they can do better,than ever before, as the new firm will have alarger assortment. • , COMPETITION DEFIED ! CARD, STAPLES , SON. Resuiyville, Feb. 21, " 1866. sax. 1 866, - BY B. .P. NlCKlial, A -T HIS NURSERY OF FRUIT AND Olt if& NAMENTAL . TREES, IN TIOGA 60,000 Apple Trees. 10 000 Pear Trees. A good supply of PLUM, PEAthi, CIIPARY, and ORNAMENTAL TREES & SHRUBBERY. The Fruit trees are composed of the choioest varieties, good, healthy, some of their large and in bearing. Any ono wishing to get a supply will do well to call and see my stook before pur chasing 'elsewhere. " 0.7` Delivered at the depot free of charge. Tioga, Feb. 28, 1886-Iy3 Stoves & Tin Ware FOR Tag MILLION. .Messrs. BabRBTS :IULSEY OPPOSITE ROY'S-BUILDING; "Aro now 'prepared' to larniih the public with anything in their Moor Until:4s, in quantity 113 large, in quality • as good, and as cheap in pride as any dolor!! iq Northern Pcnnsylvaala• They pay particular attentiop to the STOVE AND' TIN •WAT{,B; BUSINESS, and intend to keep a fall assortment of evezyth:mg inthat line. • TIN WARE MADE TO ORDER, promptly, and warranted to give satisfaction. REP.AIRIN4:I e.teentedin" the beet manner and With dispatch CALL AND' SEE US. ROBERTS do KELSEY. Wellibccoagli, Matol; 14860-. DRUGS .VOR TEE MIAXION. IUTED B'S DRUG STORE.—The undersign -VV. id respectfully announces that he hes as sumed the entire cuutiel of the =MI= DRUG & CHEMICAL STORE, Heaoed door below ldollidey's- Hotel, which be has fit:fed uar4ase, and bevteg largely inareeledbis'itook4aiioxerewrred tobrstialtltie otd Outwears and all Others with PURCPVOa : IPPEMI O 4 O , , S , 'PATENT MEDICINES, 'DYE StUPFS, PURE WINES AND LIQUORS, -- Fiiiemmenkt.4 usE almost every article to 69 found in an estabileh merit of this. Bach las , 4111111 • Horse and Cattle Powder, Coal Oil, Alcohol, iinseed Oil, Glass, Ninth, Putty, Sponges, • A great collection of the best , Perfumery Manufactured, Toilet *Soaps of varionit lands, and good quality, Tobacco Cigars = ' of the most approved Brands always on hand. He would call the attention of the public to his eplendid stock of N HAT „' Tooth.; t • -P-Siut,Tlesh. and Neil. Brush, es, Cutlery, Pipes; Drink. izig Cups, B. Chess & Backgammon Board, Chess, Dominoes, &e. 4lso a large aeenitment of,T.Py# fT., Gbildreu.B. Orr - Particular attention will be given to Pre paring Physicia❑s' gresEptions and Family Recipes. Satisfaction given to all who favor him with their patronage. R. B. WEBB, Aug. 1,1566; Druggist. John Roy, MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, SOAPS, PERFUMERY, GLASS, PUTTY, OILS, PAINTS„VARNISHES, DYES, COLORING MATERIALS, MR RIMS & LIQUORS FOR MEDICAL PURPOSES All selected with great care, warranted to be FIRST-CLASS ,ARTIOLES, and bought in such quantities that they oan al ways be sold at TELE LOWEST MARKET PRICES: or quality is of the first importance in med fettle. par Prices rednoed-to snit the market. These are the mottoes at j • ROT'S DRUG WORE: Always call before you purchase elsewhere DRUGS, MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, DYES, & COLORING MATERIALS is without doubt the most complete and extensive to be found in this port of the State. DYERS & WOOLEN FACTORIES SUPPLIEDYITH DYE-WOODS BY THE CASK, AT WHOLESALE PRICES. The stook of glass is also extensive, comprising Window glass, all sifie-s7 French glass for Pictures, Mirror glass plates for old frames, Flint glassware for the table— Such as Goblets, Tumblers, Cream Pitchers, - Spoon-Holders, ac., Lamps, Lamp ' Chtmileyi s - Lantern - Glass, . • in feet, it is iinpossiblo to enumerate. All sorts of articles made of Glass and sold at Drug stores, can be found at Ray's. Roy's stock of pure Wines and LiqUors for Me dioinal purposes has long beau known, to the phy• 'detail' of this county, These Liquortare of the purest and best quality; selected with peat care, sad expressly for medical use. Perfumery and Soaps of all kinds, SODA & CREAM TARTAR,- SALERA TIIS, GINGER, NUTMEGS, SPICES, CLOVES, PEPPER, WRITING-PAPER, INK, PENS, PEN CILS, YANKEE NOTIONS AND FANCY GOODS. CRYSTAL -R.ETVOSENV, a pare and reliable article, perfectly sate to use. Lasts much Wager than the poorer qualities. It sill bonold at Boy's as eheap as the cheapest. PHYSICIANS' PRESCRIPTIONS oarefully and accurately compounded from pure and reliable medicines. pir Orders by mail promptly attended to. ir.IOIN . STEINGS at f 1. WE81313 DRUG BTOB:11. R. W- 1;1= -‘ -1. 1 I= Titetioeic of BUST PROSPEA. . - Boots, iiioei,leat4r GEO. O. DERBY, ILTA.VING bought the stock sad good-trill of the bu siness long conducted in this borough by " The Sr kits Boss," will continue the same at the mend lately eccupted by them._(flood custom work s made to order and warranted, :wil to the etret thing -in order at this shop; but special attention , via also be gisen to keening np 111 good stock of LEATHER AND FINDINGS, Such as • ;SOLE and UPPER, LININGS, BIND ING, PEGS,THREAD, NAILS, LASTS, AWLS, WAX, ac.; awl, in a general way, the various tain'o 'tonally kept at IS tindingehop. Gush rata fernnop, S=l.9, PaTS and roux; and par. titular attention given:to the pwchase of Teal and dea con skins, for which the hisbest market price wilt b e paid. Rzealluna done promptly and well. GEO. DERBY. Ifiviag sad the stoop.-in trade and good-srill of the basil:ten lately conducted by us to Mr. Derby, sve cor dially recommend him to our old cnstomen, as a good workman, and a spime-daaling man. . CHAS. W. fi GEO. W. SEARS. Wellsboro, May 2,1666. - Thomas Harden,- WOULD respectfully inform the inhabitants of Tioga County, that he is now receiving great additions to his stock of Merchandise which he offers at a small advance from cost. Dia stock consists in part of , BRAWLS, CLOAKS, DRESS GOODS, of various styles and milers, BROAD CLOTHS, CASHMERES, LADIES' CLOTHS, TWEEDS, SATTINETTS. KENTUCKY JEANS, r , "'stiltailfsfor meal:ma boys wear. TAUS LOESS, NAPKINS, TOWELLING, TABLE SPREADS. C.StIiPETINCIS OD . OIL CLOTHS, RIBBONS, "RLONES, - HOSIERY, VEILS AND NOTIONS. Amongst the Domestic Goods will be found a great variety of Brown Blastula, at prices from ls to 2s per yard. Bleached Sheathags and Shirt lege, Denims and- Tiokinge at various prices. Also ..ts great- variety ,of READY MADE CLOTHING. : Oa' Please call and sea for yourselves. Jane-12,.18436. : THOS.,IIARDEN. C At N. HAMMOND'S NURSERY.- _ - Middlebury, Tiog,a Co., Po., Sitttated on the - Planli Itoad, 4 Miles from TtOga. W 0 aro prepared fainishl.oo,ooo Priiit Trees at the following prices Appletreea—large size, 25 cents at the Nursery; 80 cents delivered. Common size, 20 cents at the Nuraery, 25 cents delivered. Pear Trees, 50 ets. SIMMER APPLES.—Burnham Harvest, - Early Harvest, Chenango Strawberry, Washington Strawberry. Red Astrachan, Summer Bellflower, Sommer Queens, Summer King, Sweet Bow, Sour Bow. PALL At.sxm—Pameuso, Gravenstein, Rambo, Ribston Pippin, Fall Pippin, Republican Pippin, Hawley or Donee, Maiden's Blush, Large Wine, LadieeSweatting, Lyman's. Pumpkin Stvekt. WINTER APPLES.—BaIdWin, Bailey Sweet, Black 01118ower, Blue Pearmain, American Gol den Russet, Roxbury Russet,R . oode Island Green. Lug, Rsopus Spitzenburg, Swear, Sweet Gillflower, Sugar Sweet, Honey Greening, Honey Sweet, Poundßweet, Pound Sour, Peck's Pleasant, Tall man, Sweet, TOmpkini Co. Ring, Wagner. ' Paws. --Bartlett, English Jargorelle, Bleaker's MeadoW, Bela Lucrative, Louisa Bona D - Jersey, Seekel, Benne D' Amalis, Golden Beurre,Plcmish Beauty, Gloat Morcean, Lawrence. Also—Siberian Crab, Quinces, and Grape roots —several varieties. C. c 4 N. HAMMOND. Middlebury, Tioga Co., Pa,, Jan. i, 1886-1 y SPRING OF 1886. PILES OF: NEW GOODS AT LAW RENCEVILLE, AT GR.BATLY REDUCED PRICES. C. S. Mather & Co. take pleasure In announcing to the public gen erally that tbiy have just returned trout New York with the largest and most desirable - mock of Goods in Tioga County. We have a follline of STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS, CLOTHS AND CASHMERES, RATS dc CAPS, BOOTS do SHOES, GROCERIES, Ready made, Clothing, and Custom TAILORING superintended by a first-elass Cutter La fact, we 'Have a eotiiplike assortment of all that is new and desirable. We are determined ,so take the lead in Low Pawn for the Spring of ISB6. COME AND 141E1 To see is to be "convinced," and to look will (lost you nothing. _ . _ . • _ We extend thinks foi`iiiiimeiliberatpationage, and only ask that the friends of low prices and small probe will call at our counters and satisfy themselves; that •Lawreneavilie is .the place to bay Goods right. C. S. MATER A- CO Lawrenceville, Apr. 25,1886. • FLOVII. FROM ; CHOICE WRITE WHEAT, buckwheat floor, corn meal and feed, always on hand. Call at the Cbarlestonkilllbefore bay lug your floor and feed. .1 can make It an object for you to buy. - A. RUSSELL. llay 18,1866-tf k LEPTURE TO_ YOUNG MEN.— Just -published, ia sealed envelope. -Price six cents. A lecture on the pa -" tuns, treatment and radical cure of Spermatorrhosa or seminal weakness, involuntary emis- Mons, sexual debility and impediments to marriage gen erally. Normisnese, consumption, epilepsy and mental and physical incapacity, resulting from self ishness, &t., by Robert J. Culverwell, IX, authoi of the " greembook," Ac. Ifi The world renowned - author, in this admirable lac tun, elatudy - proves from his own experience that the awful consequences of self-abuse may be effectually re moved without medicine, and without dangerous surgi cal operations, bougies, instniuseuts, rings, or cordials, pointing out &mode cf cure at once certain and effectu al, by which A very sufferer. no matter what his condi don may he; may cure himself cheaply, privately, cud radically.. This lecture will prove a boon to thousands and thousands. Bent Duda seal, to any address, in a plain sealed envelope, on the receipt of six cents, or two postage stamps, by addressing CHAS. J. C. KLINE do CO., jyll3 - 127 Bowery, N.Y., p. office box 4,588. ANNOUNCEMENT wE have reduced the price of Flour $1 per barrel, Feed and meal 50 cents per wen, and shall sell, FOR CASH ONLY, HILL FLOUR, WRIGHT & BAILEY'S BEST WHITE WHEAT FLOUR, SPRING -WHEAT FLOUR, BUCK WHEAT FLOUR, GROUND FEED, CORN MEAL, . BRAN, &c., &c. CASH PAID FOR ALL KINDS OF GRAIN. . . . WRIGHT tt BAILER _ Weabbore, Jan. 24, 1868. 'WANTED -FIFTH' BUSHELS OF dried raspberries, 50 do of blackberries— for which the highest market price in cash will be paid hy 3. R. BOWEN & CO. Welletero, Aughet 16, 1860., • Air BE. CIIEVALIEN'S HAIR TONIC AND MLERESSER,'st WEBB'S DRI - STORE ILEIIINOTOIT_&. SONS, Manntactiunrs; nt -Revolvers., EiSee, Muskets and Car- • and [rota Maierialb, :WM by gun deeie trade generally. In there (lase of haußebreaki'ag mai robbery, er• fr.!' hutmc, elan., bond• and office, ;70111(1 hare one of REMINGTONS' REVOLVERS Parties desiring to avail themselves of tne late improvements in pistols, and chaste of superior wrkmanelyip and formi, - witbrind all combined in The 11610 R) 1L REVoLylikS Circulars Con ltinittg eat* and Ctoseriptiou of our Arm's, will be furnished upon application. E. REMINGTON l SONS, Ilion, N. Y, Moonn fi Niunots, Agents, Nu. .10, Ouurtland street, Net' York. - - oP 4 06 FOUTZ'S CSLBDSSTSD Imo alltilllo PD'HOIT. 0rk.'4 7 ... , 7; 1 K , is nrc.p.rasson, e4e4;41.4 tong and favorably "- ti r.n.vri. w lit their. (,:r.l r • reinvigorate broken-down and I I I.''"inci ter' licriet, by strengthening and cleansing the stomach and fates - unes . ''''*' It is 3 aura pre '—'- ventive Of all dis- V 1 , 13 incident to fa - , kAVE, COUGHS, m TEPER, FE. VOSNDER LOSS QS ATP , ' TITS A SD Thr2 SNERGY, 'ease imprints tl rind, increase the appetite—Ore a smooth so glossy altia—at transforms t h miserable skelet borne. ' In all alstrase3 of such as Ccugh"., ticzrs in the Lur.zs, " &c., this arti,;;.: ,tr' acts as a gp=zific. By putties f. on: ene-half a to a paper in• barrel of swill _ .4 -7 4 abovecl is ea s<3 sill bs eradicat.,,t ^ _ _ or entirely p— , - , nt,rl Tf girm fn tfroP. a vrtain prevently.: and c t' Pgiee 25 Ceat3 TV.r • , rt - ". L.ll. el. ilizt72tr.:l -, S. A. IFCYCITZ 13110, AT Tr mar. VITOLLA A I E 111":::1 C: 07, No. 116 e`.. For Sale_ I'v D. t ....1 : • ' • out the Tioiced. cow For sale hyi John A. Roy, Weßsboro 'WINTER GOODS FOR THE MILL v v ion at No. 2, Union Block. JEROME SMITH Has lately returned froth How York •with a splen did assortment of DRY GOODS, READY-MADE CLOTH ING, BOOTS & SHOES, GLASS . WARE, HATS CAPS, HARDWARE, GROCERIES, DOMESTICS, WOODEN WARE, ENGLISH CLOTHS, LADIES' DRESS GOODS, ' SATINS, TWEEDS AND KENTUCKY JEANS, FRENCH CASSI- aIERES, FULL CLOTUS Attention is called to his stook of Black and Figured Dress Silks, Worsted Goods, Marinoes, Black and Figured • - - DeLainet, Long and • Square Shawl's, Ladies' Cloth, Opera Flannels, &c., Lc. Parohasers will find that No. 2, Unionl3lock. gala Street, is the place to buy the best quality of goods at the lowest prices. JEROME SMITII. Wencher°, Jan. 1, 1866. DEERFEELD WOOLEN FACTORY. THE UNDERSIGED having purchased the well known Woolen Factory of Messrs. U.. 4 B. S. Bowen on the Cowanesque River, two miles east of Knoxville, takes this method of informing the inhabitants of Tinge and adjoining counties that he will manufacture wool by the yard or on sharea to suit customers, into FLANNELS, CASSDIERES, DOE-SKINS, FULL CLOTHS, of all kinds. The machinery has been thoroughly repaired and new machinery added thereto, also an im proved new wheel which will enable him to work the entire 1111111032. He will pay particular atten tion of Soll Carditel,v, & Cloth Dressing, which will be done in the neatest possible man. ner, having added one new Roll Machine, will enable him to dispatch and accommodate people from a distance. Ho would farther say that he has carried on tho business in manufacturing wool for farmers in Bradford and adjoining counties for the past twenty years; he therefore can warrant all work and satisfy his customers, using nothing in manufacturing but genuine wool, JOSEPH INGHAM, Deerfield, Jan. 1, 1886--1-y. Hand Power Loom ',Patented 1865. A LL persons interested in the production of eel machinery into our country, are requested investigate the merits of HENDERSON'S HAND POWER ,LOOll. This loom will do all kinds of hand weaving, It will weacc Jeans, blankets, plaiiicloth, aatinet, kersey, flannel, seamless sack, double idth blankets. or any kind of cotton, wool, or flax cloth. It treads the treadles, throws the shuttle, lets off the web, and takes up the cloth. It makes the upper shed as the batten comes forward, and baste up the tilling after the cross Is made, making better cloth and better salvage than can be Made In any other way. It is the only hand Zoom that is suitable for weaving wool: WI no loom that makes all the shed as the tatters goes back, will weave wool eatiefactorily , It has no strings to stretch and get out of order ; has treadles at. both Wes of the loom, making the shed complete at both sides. This loom Is made to wastre the did's:ant kinds of cloth, by simply changing the pine that make the up per tiled. Toitnship rights for salp. Call at lilainsburg,Tioga county, Pa, and see a fall" sized loom in operation. or ders for looms solicited. LEWIS WETMORE, Mainsburg, 'May 2,'06.-17 A. P. PACKARD. JOHN su.qß, WOULD announce to the citizens of WeDibo ly re and surrounding country, that he has opened a chop on the corner of Water and Craft ton streets, for the purpose of manufacturing all kinds of CABINET FURiNITITRE, REPAIRING AND TURNING DONE to order. COFFINS of all kinds furnished on short notice. All work done promptly and war ranted. Wellsboro, June 27, 188 G. R"'S CHOLERA DROPS—A sure, safe and effectual remedy for diarrhea, cholera mor bus, dysentery, colic, cholera in fantnat, cramps, sparos, griping pains in the bowels, and the best antidote for CHOLERA. Fr:/P SACKING at BULLARD h TRICMA/Ve. f3eptssabar 16 7 18d6. NEW FLOUR, GROCERY, AND PRO VISION STORE, Monroe - & Carvey, FLOUR,., COMMON TO BEST, PORE LIAMS, MACKEREL, WHITE FISU, CODFISH, AND PRIME, GROCERIES OF ALL KINDS, Xis — Nest rt , Jor to Currverst's store Wellsboru, Juun 13, 1566-Iv. Good News to Soldiers and their ALL who have any latereat' in war elaja u, will find it to their 44.ivoutaga to read the ',Mowing acts of Congrean which have reecnb, become law : • SEC , tat of an set of June a, 1885, provides for all soldiers or sailors srho have lest the sight at both eyes, or both hands, so as to requite ova stant attendance, the turn of SEC. 2.'To tho,a whe have lust both feet, or oro t o t a lly disabled th the game 34 as to rm o i r4 um:Latent atteadsuce, SEMI of S2V. c. 3. Thoso who have lon .n le hand or an d foot, or are Su disabled as t render tbeze unable to pertorta manual labor equivalent to the loud et a hand or a foot, the ouw of $ll. Sec. 4. Perseus Who have . been deprived of th e ir pertaieas wader Oct of .11areb 1365, ja ean eeyuctice of being in the civil sarvice of the States tieveremont, are restored. Sic. 5. Pensions are exterided to dependant fathers u.eid breelters, as well es to Uluttteri net sisters. Tu addition to the above act, to such personsai are embraced by it, Congress, before its (.104, July 25 , 1866, passed a bill granting additional bounties, and also one increasing the peoaier, t ,, widows arid orphans, and extending the benefits of the pension laws to the heirs and represents,- tives of certedu invalid applicants, to twit SEC. 2 of the act of July 25, 1866, provides fo r pensions to widows of deceased soldiers or ~a1; ors having children by such soldiers or sailuri, at the rate of two dollars per month for each child of soldier or sailor under the age of sixteen years. SEC. 3 given an increase of pensions to those widows now receiving a pension of less than eight dollars per month, except Revolutionary widows, ~,raticn a invaluabi:.. mpro-ce3 the quailty or the turn:. It ha; bc:n For,rib; av tval elt:v.ineeet to increase the quan tity of milk and cream twenty per cent and mak:: the butter ban and Enna. tatt , ming c:,.ttle,lt gives tium appetite, loosen. their hide., and th‘ra thrive This aot provides a bounty of one hundred dol. Lars to all three years' men enlisting sines April 19, 1861, and fatty dollars to all two years' la m who enlisted since said period. The above is additional to the $lOO or it:io bounty provided for in previous acts. Blanks will be forwarded to all who wish my assistance in the calla:Aiwa of these olaims, with proper instructions. All claims against the Hulked States Govern went promptly adjusted and collected. W3l. B. SMITH. U. S. Pension and Beauty Agent. Knoxville, Tiogu County, Aug. 15, 1868. STATE NORMAL SCHOOL, IEM next termof this Institution opens on Wednesday, September 6; 18dd, and contin• nee until Friday, December 7, 'The eecond term opens Monday, December ID, and continues until Friday, March 22, 1861. This term Includes a vacation at one week during the Christmas holidays. The third term opens Monday, March 25, and continues until Thursday, June 27. 18437 Each term continues /outlet. week/. Expenses for fall and spring term, including board, tOO.lll rent, tuition, book rent, fuel and washing, $5O 00 For winter term, ..,.. For day students per term, 8 : 00 Book rent par term, 1 00 Total expenses for school year, No extra charges. No students received for s less time than one term. The Atoical Department is under the direon'on of able awl experienced Protestors, For further particulars send for catalogue, Ad dreva F. A. ALLEN, Principal. August 15, 145843.-3 m W ELLSBORO ACADEIG. Mai' fall term of the 44th yeelltof thle it don will commence on the Atitof September, 1868, under the following Faculty, to wit Rev. D. D. Van Allen, A. 13., Principal, Profes sor of German, Natural Scienea, and Belles l,:t• tree. Miss S.A.. Van Allen. Preceptress, teacher a Higher English and Mathematics. Mies Fannie J. - Holland - , Vice Preceptrsii. teacher of French, Latin and 3iathernatios. - Miss Alice A. Landis, (Alumna,) assistant in Cemmon English and Mathematics. Mrs. Stiliette Sherwood and Mins Battle Truman, kiaolutra in the music department. Mrs. Bryden teacher of Painting and Diaaing. Captain T. B. Shaw teacher of Vocal alcsie Turrtos.—Frotn $4 to $lO, with no incidentals. For further particulars lea catalogue, The former wall known and eminent success st this school, under the conduct of .jr. Vaa Allen and his able associates, precludes the necessky,i any extended notice bare. . . The Trustees take this opportnnity, !lowa% to ?lay that the inanagement of the echoed -4s mot their entire approbation,anti they can e omidectiy recommend the Wellsburg *Academy to all who desire a thorough elicitation. J. EMERY, President. EL W. Vi'musus, SamnaTy. Wellsbora, August 15,1856. BRING THEM ALONG !-I will pay four cssts pound for rags; three cents per pound For old newspapers, pamphlets, documents, and book,. without their covers; and one cent and a hit per pound for mixed scrap paper;—CASH—at bookstore, No. 5, Union block, Wellsboro. Ps. Sept. 5,1988. YOUNG. ITEM hill to equalise bounties has become ! law, The following le an au%lysia Mit! provisions: 1. $lOO to three years' men who served their time. 2. MO to three years' men discharged 1 7 reason of wounds received in service. 3. $lOO to the widow, minor children, nr rents, in the order named, of any such s uldiii who died of W01113(18 or disease contracted in iv' vice. &. $5O to each euidier not tnoluded in theini , going classes, who enlisted for two years or and discharged after serving two years. 5. $5O to every soldier enlisted for two pout, and discharged by reason of wounds received Lit the tine of duty, B. $5O to the widow, Ite,, as above, of awl' soldier enlisted for less than two years, who (hal in service, or of wounds or disease contracted 1 , 1 the army. No additional bounty id allowed to titres year; men who have received, or have heretofore beat entitled to receive, more than $lOO national boa ty, and none to two years' men; who have 0 - calved, or are entitled to more than :lop Its law enly applies to honorably discharged .3obIle.:1 ksf rho late war, and to none wh o has sole transferred their discharges or rights to Istur , tl The undersigned will attend t,romptly to collection of all such claims, at reasonable rat , ' Where parties reticle at a distance, the busrited ma) ho done by letter. Address ,TNO. I. tiIITCIIELL , Claim gent. Wellsboro, Pa., Angie 0:15, 1385. VOA S ALE—A Iptan (..1 watt:had thrat yd" VOA (aa mare,: .. enlor, itraoborry rota, welo 1800 the, or 900 each. ORO. efts lag Charleston, September 10, 13h36—tf LIFE AND ELDER SHE- 411- DOWN.—Th•ise who wish to secure & opy of this excettent work, can do so hy culitsic this office noun. August 29, 1:469:_ slsooP.t.areYtEolßeell onNTI-9:71n0t agents 114 Machines. Three new ki.da. Cpper sthrf feed, Warranted five years. Above salary tr late c', Ea l . tnisaloni paid. The only machines sold in ti,e C M States for lees than ,SlO, which aTO Italy Howe, Wheeler of Wilson, Grover d Bah , ' r • ~and Bacheldtr. All other cheap InttcLitiel .tre fringe=nts, and the roller or user are Ito.Vo fine, and impri.s.onmont. Circular. file. Addre3l.,;:'‘ upon Shaw & altk, Bititleford, $9O A. )10.)iT11 i—AGENTS WZlnttd tirtly 7111 t, orbrles, juit out. 40,1r,,* 0 fiAlthlY, Chi Building, Biddeft,rd, Maras dec.27;6s—lowly. tOl3 -WORK, IN THE BEST STV LB. xld with despatch, at THE AGITATOR Dace. Arn ready to iptnidia eu3tbliiers with Eel 2. OLT2iTIE,9. llanatteld, Tioga Co., Pa. -School Year for 1886-7 Important to' Soldiers. $l - 8 00