&-- s e gi it a I t WEDNESDAY OCT. 31, -1866 W Advertisements. Turrithg—E, T. Van Horn. c z bi ne t'lVare—i. Stricklin. E s t ra y—J. E. Catlin Executor's Notiee—Porrer S. Miller. Coat t Proeltetna Lion—Sheriff Tabor. Ar.ditor'. Notice—M. P. Elliott. Drugs tit Medicines—W. D. Lang. Hiring Teachers—Obarleeten Direetort APPLEs.—We,are obliged to Mr. L. of Chorlotoo, for some fine eating ap— pleF. very mach resembling golden pippins. ANOTHER PEMPRIN.--Mr. ELLJAII Pr.t.tr, Jr., has left at this office a pumpkin relghing sixty (too potoida ! At the lowest esti mate this pumpkin will make 100 pies. It is 8 ahead of the premium pumpkin. BCSINESS CHANGE.—Mr. GEORGE P. CA.ED, has purchased the interest of Messrs. Kist seat. 'Witco.% in the tax will, near Keeney_ rifle, and will hereafter carryon the business. A correspondent at Mansfield sends us the particulars of a aed ac— cident whcla occurred near Mansfield on Saturday 20th "Mr. N.CLEON BTAIIKIYEATHEE W3B engaged in skidding logs at the Wlls4n Mills, and while daiv_ ing the grabs into a log the team suddenly start ed, drawing the log over his body, and rending the ribs from the spinal, column. Ile survived but four hours. BT. :cAwAv.—A cumulative runaway took place in this borough last Friday. A hone sttocbed to u buggy detached himself from a bitcbing poet and ,iasbed up Main street, collid inr: with two wagons and blending all in common ruio. No bones, but three wagons, badly broken. A Cus.—Constable Wilhelm, of -Knox informs us that Mr. E. Chamberlin, of Far mington, cfpght a young hear on Sunday last.— Young Bruin Was making free with Mr. C2E gar den. It was about a quarter grown, and makes a cery pleasant pet. ACCIDENT.—Mr. Florin Pope, of Chat ham, was wounded by the premature discharge of his gun met week. lie stood with the gun leaned against his right breast, when it,exploded, Fending the charge through the fleshy part of the cheat and shoulder. The young men was doing well ai leot accounts. CATAMOUNT KILLED. Messrs. D. Avery and Allen Strong; or Chatham, discovering e disturbance among the sheep in their neighbor noo.i, sometime during Friday and - Saturday, lPth and 90th instants, gave ehaseto adme 'wild animal, and followed it until Sunday morning, f.ist instant, whet. they shot it. It tarned nut to he an 4nilsal of the cat kind, and weighed 54 decd. The beast shOWed fight, and at tACICIA one of the parties, doing no damage, haw er, beyond tearing his coat: It was a catamount, probably. To " D. S."—We are not aware' that Congress voted $3OO bounty to negro soldiers and but $lOO to whites. But as the Clymer orators FE: declared before the election, we must advise - you to apply to some of that stripe of claim a- Fon ts. They ought to be able to prooure that $3OO bounty tor you. Try them. BOARS. The Jersey Shore Vedette says that bears aro quite plenty iu that region. It alto chronicles the loss of certain, Clymer heti ter= on electiUn; 8110 trusted the l'hiltidelpbia ..451r and would not believe the telegraph. ' Will men never learnlo distrust Copperhead papers? Theirlrude le iyVn_g. DIED. The Williamsport Byllethl announces the sudden death of — Mr. V. DOE /LY.Y, long the iproprietor of the U. S. Motel in that city. lie lots mill be geberally regretted. PAINFUL ACCIDENT. As a wagon ~, L tr.ioinz a man and hie wife and two children 7aF. descending the bill east pfCbeity Plaits, on t:unsay. the 20th instant, the bor,so tool: fright rmi ran a*, nt, Slinging the -parties from Sit4l-Vltg ,;“ The woman had a leg broken and an arm Melocated. and - tbc youngest - child, a babe of four months, was killed.• Tke -- man and other child zustained no serious injury. We have not been able to learn the name. of ttu I..l;Cee. They were on their Jaa r y to visit re• latiuns In Cherry Elam,. WE'LLsnouo ACADEMY.—We are re quested to rtate, that 'indents who enter the Academy the present week will be required to Lut one-third the regular tultitiOn. ti.at the Sabbath School connected with tie M. b. , Church will give its Drat monthly Con cert next Sabbath eve. The exercises. will con tizt of short nadrtsses, eesav, n l eit,.. : kions, ring itg, Ac. A cordial invitation-is extended to all. DEDICATTON.—The M. E.- church at Dist Clarkston waa dedicated to Divine 'service last Weiine=day. pursuant to notice given in alit, column. The assemblage was large and the cu.. ebonies impressire. ibis church building is one of the beet built fled ain,nped which can be found in the county. It will remain a 'monument to the energy of the people of that portion of the township, as well as to the public spirit anti skill of the builder, Mr. rttrs BattEr. Mr. Bailey did not suffer tiro en log becnuee of any temporary want of f unds - , but himself made good - the - deficit and tar ried Cr the work. On a settlement of the aecounta of the 'society cz tbs morning, of the day of the dedication, it Eki Wand that the Trustees were indebted in tke wth of about .1,206 In behalf of the entcrprite. Some idea of the enterprise and liberality of the , Coarlestoulans way he gained when we etahrr, I ,, thre the ton Trent tio;; - 4, this debt ot sl.,2eti has itquitlittod, and the church turned user to the tociety free and uninvolved Thu the choir organized and (rained by Dir. E• lirLFlANorti added greutly to the interest o the oczaeion. We learn that the Baptiste are rtit.,ving in the work of erecting-a church building at Whitney• Charlerton wiU thou' be the banner town hip in the inatttr of utruicties. CLOSE OF THE lErw.—TbeTtiblie Schuh!, under the mitooge. meol of Mr. Seymour Green and Misses Stier rock and Redington, closed its tall term on Fri day iL closing exercises consisted of decla— Miti , JD and reading, all of which teas - good, and much of which would hieve been creditable to eilolars of larger growth. The restiing, espy ciallyi Wae worthy vt much praise. Best of nil trail the enjo: [Lent of tits little 10)11 - s, who ap plauded each other most geneionsly. We have seldom or never witnessed a tiltAril interesting ex- Wo can but repeat the public verdict, that ; far public Fcbool is in most excellent hands, The teachers are superior as individuals as well as teatterF. The children must remember that tea are .1 , 1 , hi Llp fecund in this reagent 'at , they are, end apply thev,eelver astordingly. Berfioud ehil (+hey your ,hers, and ktioev that it the golden 'opportlinity. ftbserslitlei us to say that the obildrett deported themselves only as children can who have teachers: lndeedi,vre-can say that this village is fortu nate in its teitZliers, both ii the Academy and Public School. Both institutions afford opportu nities for education which ought not to be slight ed- Sewing Machine Findings all Through.—ln part of needles, cotton, oils, l ice., and in silks all the colors from white to anniline blue, at Johnson's, 2S Lake et.; Elmira, N. Y. GODEY. Goddy, for November, is first on our table..a* usual. It is_a grand num; bar, and now is the time to get up clubs for 1867. Fancy Goods.—A beautiful variety. of this kind. .ot goods, oonsidting of most everything found in a jewelry establishment, are kept on hand at Johnson's, 28 Lake st,,. Elmira,N. Y. ilarper's Magazine, for November, is if not quite as delightful as the-weather in this delicious Octobx, It opens with a fine ballad of " The Cider Mill," beautifully Musts zed. " The Work-House"—Blickwell's illustrated, " Manasquan," ditto, are fascinating papers. " Among Relations," "My Sister Mar cia," ‘, Picked up at Sea," etc., etc, With the in -valuable Monthly Record, and gossiping editor's Table and Drawer, make up a grand number. per year. Harper & Brothers, New York. Young keet.s all the magazthes. In our notes of the Fair we negieeted, to mention tho display of marble by Mr. H. D. Calkins, "4 Tioga. The monument exhibited displays very great taste , :and skill iu its design and execution. "The Illustrated Annual of Phreno - l• ogy," etc., for 1:862, is just published, by Foirlei & Wells, 380 Broadway', New York. It contains s. calendar, and more reading matter than is con tained in a half dollar novel, besides being pro fusely illustrated. Send for it, by all means.— Price, 20 cents, by mail. NORMAL SCHOOL MUSEUM. Ms-Narlgr-D, Pa., Oct. 25, ISBB. 31e. Enrron—Since the publication of the article in the Agitator Nailing for a collection of specimens of this County, we find considerable interest manifested, and are able to acknowledge the receipt of several articles. Among those who have taken the most interest, and who have contributed the largest amount, is Mr. AN. DILEw SHEEITooD of this place, who is also a member of our School. He bee collected for us some forty different kinds of woods, indigenous to this' County. Wo are l St, under obligations to Mr. sr. V. Powers, of this town ship. also a student, for soVeral Sue specimens, also to Mr. Ballard. of Tioga, for specimens. We append a list of the common names of the woods collected; Mountain Laurel, White -Birch, Hemlock, 'black Oak. Doff Wood. Bard Maple, White Ash, Black Ask, Monotaln Ash. Bate Wood. Water Beech, Soft Ma ple, Oster. Bed Cherry, White Beech:Yellow Birch,lllack Birch, Iron wood, Poplar. Willow, Juniper, Butternut, Elm. Thorn, Box Wood, Wild Plum, Spice Wood, White Pine, Apple, White Oak, Hickory. Norway Pine, Devil's Cltib, Burr Oak, Wild Grape, American Red Larch, Alder, Slippery Elm, Chestnut, Sycamore, Cucumber, Bed Oak, AfooSewood. Balm Gilead. Nanny Berry - , Shad Bpotted Maple, Pigeon Berry, i?oisou Elder, Sumach, Witch Hazel. Black Maple. _ Mr. Monroe. of Sylvania, has written us that ho will send us specimens from that region, including geologi7 cal, Sc. The Specimen sent by Mr. Hugh Young of Wel eboro. called a vegetable. is thankfully neceiced; but we arc is some doubt whether it really does belong to that kingdom. It lose the appearance of being hard, very hard substance. However, the Faculty of this In stitution intend holding a session over it, sal:wave hope to settle the question. If We are still in doubt the aid of Prof. Agsssiz will be solicited. We hope to receive another lot soon. Tours, P. A. ALLEN. Txs GoiLLoTENE—does not go off so ;Ithly since the 9th of- October. ,It .did not cork satisfactorily. When Andy. smote MIA, heed; a doinia roprenp!ang from the bleeding 'rani. .:IL4R - RIA:GES At 'flop, Octobei to, by Rev. D. R. MeDer:. Mr. dear &s C.: WARD, of-Nelson, apd .1110:1 - E. WAptea, of tt'etL6,ro, DEATHS In — Washlngton, , Oct. ta, Mr. is. , ..tn - REW' RITTER, formerly, of:Wel:tabor°, aged csB years. In Chatharia.,:Oct.. 81t,5RL7.f.5r68 -TREAT. • lle was born, - kpril• , l4, 1802, in Middlefield; Otsego county, St. F. harried in Madison co, 1821, and removed to Chatham. He was a man of very soost ;aura's; a peacable, quiet • pitim, raised a - family of seven eebildreri,ansl decursfoln? ted a good .fartn,propertyy: Disease,. dropsical essro.uss.ption. His end nsts peice. lre - leaves a lone and respected widow - aild five children and many warns friends to mourn his loss. ' '• PRANG r,, r.IIT TRUE.—Every young lady and gen tleman in the United States can hear something to their advantage by return mail (free of charge) by ad dree.ing the undersigned Those having fears of being it nut inisrpM will please oblige by not thiS'eard All others will ple,ase address their obedient servant, TllOB r PhIA-N.. Jan 31„ , c5-1y _ 831: Bt oadway, ..!: 1 - 111TtOltS OF 1701TrIl.—A Gentleman - who suffered . for years from Nervous Dehility,Vremature Decay and all the effects of youthful iudiecretiou. will. for the sake of suffering bumanity,.seltd . free to all who need it, the recipe and directions for making the timplorent edy by which he was. cored. Sufferers wishing to profit by the advertiser's experience can do so by addretsing 30. 1 / 2 i B. 01/DEN,l3Chanthers-St.,N. Y.. , „, rpIll: CONFESSIONS d: EXPERIENCE OF AN 'IN:- VALlD.—Pnblished for the benefit and as a caution to young men and others. oho htiffer from Nerconi De bility. Premature Decay of Manhood, &c., supplying; at: the same time the means of self core. By one who cured himself after undergoing considerable quackery•. By enclosing a postpaid addressed envelope. single app le,. free of charge. may ha had of the author. NATITANII 4 :I; MAYFAIR; Esq.. Bintinlyn, Iringe-Cb ,L1ati.+31.4115.1.7.1 s , _ ITCH! ITCH! ITCH! SCRATCH! SCRATCH! SCRATCH! WHEATON'S OINTMENT win cure the itch in 48 Mews. - Also enres SALT RIIP.OI, ULCERS. CIIILELAINS, and all I:IIUPTiONS OF THE SUN- Price 50_ cents.— For sale by all draggy Stn. By sending CU cents to WBEKS Sole AgentsAin Washington St. Roston. it will be forwarded by mail, free of 'postage, to any pat of the United States, atitlo 6,1566. ' ap. notice ly. erne mamucANCOOSING ,F.7OTZ if manufactured with certain Imprbvemente(secured by lettere patent, under dates of May 5, 1553. and December 5, 1805. One of these impryltements eilvers the arrangement of fittings Ortablea.ol pan in the - hearth — of a coultinfrWarts. , reCeivo the esnee as it passes down from the grate. ,All persons are cautioned against manufacturing. vending or using other stoves made in inaltarlon of the Amer/. can.asenite have been commenced for infringement of then• patents; and all persons manufacturing, smiling or using said imitations, will be liable for damages for Infringement on these letters patent. &MAIL PACKARD tc CO. 17 and, 19 Green ;greet. Albany, N. Y. The Auratesx Is for sale by WILIA&M. likellsboro.jp 1 Q CONSCAIVTITES.—IIie ndvertiser, Luring been restored to health iu a few weeks by a very 'elnaple refueciy..tfter having _suffered for several years tv - iths sevroe Jung affection and th,tt dread dia,!ase, Censunap ttota—ia auxieum to make kLIOACII to Lie fello‘reufferera 'tlit."rdeans of cure - To all who desire it, he will send a copy of the _pre seripti?nused, free of charge, with the directions for preparing and using the setae, which they will land'a sure Lin,. for Consumption, Astla ma,l3ronchitis, Coughs anti C'olds, and all throat and lung affections,' The onjy object of the advertiser in sending the Pi escription Is to benefit the afflicted and spread information which he conceives to be invaluable, and he hopes every sufferer will trylla remedy - . aS it will -cost them nothing and may pore a } tiessing Vfirtl43 wishing the preeeriptiou - 11=cs, by return mail, will/ please address Rev,-ED WARD- A 0 ; y [Jan. 81-.7'66-Iyl RI SG-BONE, EP.A.TIN,ATTSID.GALL.S". CALLUS, &c., 00 hones, patine/a:LT aml - izararE:rl.Y CL-RE.D. by the nao of Roots Ringbone anti Spavin This medicine wee established 25 year; ago, and, has necer been knnwn to fail. Give it a single trial. For saioi.y W. D. TERB ELL CO., Corning, , Barnes & Co., AKente, New York. 0017,66,6 m , rr HE 4413 tta elecliN r yn for krectora of the Toga County Bank be held at as office on Monday this November;-1888. . A. S. TURNER, Cashier. ''. October 24, 1S( Bounty and Pension Agenev.- { TT AVING received definite inEtruetteini in regard to, the extra ovuuty allowed by the ad approved r July 28, 1868, and baying on band a large rupply ill' all, neee,Aeary blanka, are prepared to prozeente all pion anti bounty clalniq which may be• plated in our' P-rsong bring at et (n6j,lllCe can eoutionnicate to , icy letter. And tt.e.r coramonicatlona veal be prouip fly a t ell , ' bo; o. October '241-Bcs. ' - • L AM PS.—A new kind•ot Jump (91..1.7,4*.eicke4-. no breakage of obialneya—at .VOLEY'S. - 1, 1- --- '..i t i kt i_ii irti .0; ucl'i W.-. .4 , ,L.t, -4 - , ... . Key .Seone'Ato'irai'"' , , lT THE INZEIN3 141.1L - Alt)R - STPRE . , ft ..~L - 1 .w0..:1-= *Fe .e,? CON , CER-7:, : .0: 1 .-: 4 :1 1, ;.: CORN:014; 3171141 4 17 . Pc#PT3'' , BEM -e , . DRY GOODS AND GROOM=f,' L ::-. ' - ....;:.. j. :.,..:. ~.. :::: ~.: 1 ,71.....,1 At greatly; reduced pugs*. ME • : ; A WORD.TO i.OI,II..FRIZSDtand thei, cummunK7 geunally. Roqpiults friend to loneaitOriitd, , saMti'A'ileuts idn 1 *lax portditureg to We: Printers, If-leie - with sliblatt./t "condensed statement,ot facts at a small cost, with the understandtnff that thettarplis be better employed in redneiUg the'price off :foods to my customers. My stool isluiliird complete to supply all the wants of my old customers and many new Una; both in the Retail and' Job kTrade-for •tbi) proaching : Fall and:Winter. Having a splendid . stotk" of -s Flannel, Full Cas§irpere4, Chad - §,hef ," ,Ings ,and ,Phixtipgs, Bought wider the late low prices. IBM PRrNTS"froia - common' to best classes. A great variety of CHOICE- DiaxsY, iG001))Sr': L.z At low . iri)ifeo . 4' - ai 741124 ti gpieudi3 ism:an:mitt or fihe goods, - $t Toss prides than eaie be binigli iii ~' the. State. 'Atiking them may be found' . . .. Alt IlrObl Merinos, et . 5s to 1:204)61 , yayd.7,- . - ,F l tripr,et3t3 Ordifis,o* andffgared,l`ferinos, Both bazines, Alpaccas, Mo _ _'IL:. 1. 7 _ - at, - '-_Tt-V2-447k aw.* ,') 0'; 1.15.1 ; Fitz. CI ../S: l 9nrieti . :44"' (I . ooa('adatiii3a . biTriVilDigtreittieevsiod Ciipek.4 A 'splendid' et oik of Fart:and Virttei. ; FINE" COialirieing a variety oretyle -and. quility; 52,110 taiSsQ;(lll7.74isiii. A 22. PE qi ~ From 50 °ants to $2,00'-der yard. A full and competettejiTttol,t-pf, .7.;t 1,71.7 3;•••• BOOTS AND SHOE :• •7. 7 .1 7 7- - ' f: 7 -3 .7.:7 ~ . 7.4 llama ..;6:4aptta to thildialbstaNintir giwilbe=ds vx3 , Weve - 4, HoiJ ery_ Ntstioqc: •. -T. , • And in. fait all classes of Goods oustudiy; kokt,in. IRS FT,Cties „ STTM, Co grint - f.:IA •. - The .A4vantages to toy 68004;RY .'!.cIISTOXF-11$ :i Are-not . to - by misunderstood, best the. steady increase iot Vtlsidessis into account. t say WithOnt*? fear, -Of eciotrii dietion,..that with the large purchase:B'i- am. ma king ffoin month to wench, forcash4 eau-=self to the country trades as low ite they caw 'buy city, ihelnding'freight, which gives me anopßor-i tunity to offer ex - -1 , - "_ lIME Superior Advantages to the Job: Trade.., f 1 And also to the - refill trifle irtifeh' Tired6iiitri and., , bui"bOntnAptdoiltg-elntsf,ftirpfnbing : largely; incceaseliadvintrignsintbn; ' =EINE MEM `RETATIPIJR - CIitA:SERS;i. t..J,2:1 i IL -IL' - r Over any otheseestablistanent l in Western N. Yt 1007 Will gislt my eostomers the benefit of any ohante-iii the mriiketa as I am posted in auction and other sales from"day. to dad. try - ttiilitraph - ---and t . Orders throngb:Aft& - ittalls fratnth - e:Xub Trade will be promptly_ attended to, tind'allgoods warranted to biros "reocimmended• or they inay be reliffirerittbifCcf. - by:freight,:allny expense:- .•. -4 .• • -:.-- , : - - 1. - f: - :.7'. .- -.,, Corning, Oot. 24, 186 e. IMIMM!! =I BULLIII9I-111PMW,8' ~, ~,___ is the place to call and examine good goods. If we`cannot convince our eustomers that we are telling at rensoashlayrices, it-ia then time, to try some of our would he (if itey - Ciinta) 1.1 MEESE ME ME We have now on hand a complete anortoient of iftiotesi t•. . IBM =I 3 Prints, Sheetings, &Apes, ,Denims, and everything haat line. • OUR DRESS GOODS' STOCK a complete from first .clais" .itetittoos atiwu to Detidies. FINI - t have, a complete t astoTtertellt_pf. The ladies all knoWttgig , bard -- WliasVe4TAriitiifififb- tofebtain the arcieles:ta,teakkitheir..*Agireellq".! end icoßßlete. • . L.!! Glove Ladies and Gents' Paiereairti, all sizes. .T ("i• _ MEE KO UR raiiii# 44R1E.0 - i ' i ;4 o' C 'll5 IDUVr(S At! A . l42ll4.tlertt;let ' 14“1:011 . 1311iiid es kn b'uTiCel'VeVr:timi 'Vest Boot` and Shoe 'taking in the country: - Our .Boots are all war— nted to be, whittife eha# iripr_e4e4,oem a the time of tmie':.-'tet tacnikinien ing a heavy boot, call and examine there. !, „E,--;.. , .... - j?.., a5a..;7, - ;':? .ei. Le I. £Ei ;..,*-, ..:::: , ,.... i,-i.;:J - -4_ di"iat .. -,-- .'-‘ .: ~-... '=',..' • , - 3 r 191 °VAIN 3 This branch of our stock we will notice briefly, carthey will recommend 'thetaselves on. exa3nin- ECM= T'170'..7i. 7 1.4,1. - 4 ari , :i - s - izi..]: -iii• 9T7+.,, .. ~ ~ ;,-...' .7; ; ~ .I _, - . C. 'IL 1 - " . 4. - 3..R.7 I 'i - - I --, We can now supply families pith Sugars, Teas, Syrirmmuliessrltirarlitfurplly - kefttiyprl line, t . Terres4ciges, i• • 4.1. k a 74 ts :IP • : • —4l hi -• 3.1 . 1 -3 ai; on ,eitifoilik i r,W •,• - 11 1 i7rillitfyjetPilfte4' - - 11111119 ME _. ~~ _ , EMI ---0 - • I, • , =EMT! IMEIMMI t.: J;,:.i L._:. _. ...L'::;:., 1 ;;.:!) • .:, i l.:i'.:',-,i: : =IS sblvj lEEE IMEEIMIERI IT' I.' .i. :L,-.__ - TRIMME4G-S, =IN We especially invite thel "Jiffies to come and examine air 3 0.11 , t .1= .t HATS AND CAPS, 044 -r. 4.114 - 411;_iitt:.t(, ,, :7 V mfT - 1"11iL%, xa scurvm sew /Tr. staoT warranted to flt all the heads in the country, be they decaplif*AlV Type!' erlamity or not, ' - ..74 aJi‘.lllK:iit J •?0,1',. : ril - la !: e :•: - . f 7 ~F FRI GILOU.Pn•ix ,O I .- Y<'~~l~.. i. ... ; ENE 7 T 4;14.. :11." ..tai. , .., V.,‘, i • EIMffMOM MEE BM - 1. • ':;4`^ :• i_j1:1.11., 1 - ...it_ T..ii.i:il t , :r. ~... lER=I ' 1.,.. - .2c i: - . c. 72'1,, - i;fia,r4vcareAttfi 3 Ontlsry,-ill variety. • .., • ._. . ! ingtl/. every. persen..eottus o oprzor"with!afeel . ~,;.,, -- -; -.1.'; --.:•--. - .. of tieing at" 'home. .-We charge' atablng far, and itte,oojY,lPP.katpp9 to show 7ou the . goods, k - .5. z titiottlieli vitt titty oi,abt:T.. -,"1. MEE r .9•:: tt t" . "::: " , ; 1 :1, ' A :..13 / 4 1 ` 141 '`, Wellaboric, 0ct.'3,1866. _ _ Win be made by every man woman, and child in this ootanty, if they will strictly adhere to the plan of haying their goods of the will 1 k t° ' 7 (. 4 ic) 1 lIIETIMIS W. R. Smith's Sons, 1 . '',, : . :;......' i... 1 3.- :,' ;'.l:= .r.-_ ;I?. ,-.: :_ij',' ; ( i, MO T 71/PDI,".. MEE ,i • Thousands 1411 i. 09 P a rA54:4-.1 3 0 , t! 1a 1t: "- ready reaped their ? remigtOyithmti:N. Every , . 1 DRY GOODS, GROCERIES ,CLOTHING, BIVIA ttafs ,- ALMIP4IIfii ! t ,„ _ • CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS, t• dr: :tt.' • - t CHEAP ForTIIE CLION, at the old Reliable PEOPLES'S TORE, ! - j GRAVE AND IMPORTANT INFORMA i TION TO CASH BOYERSIVEIO WISH TO SPEND THEIR MONEY WHERE ' THEY CAN GET THE MOST FOR IT. • s EEMII 7 ' I NV. it. SMITH'S SONS' systein of keeping att enormoue .stoek 6t goals, at all times of the y'ear, and selling them oheap rn this syetegt.an vb r noxiods to big profit stores—is fairly begun (or the Valteeason at their stare, and such -a-yern-fori doing,peopte good was never kdown,before. tarts ttiere is •tio• -iwindiitg pit ees now; we hare had enoligh of them already. The great advantage and importance of trading for`oash or Ready limy is fully illustrated - by thIL low prices now'ragitig at ttie People's Store, ~~;~ -, t . S ~ A gE_Ay .11017,,5E1101 4 .15 WO ADS EQR THE FA Eft. Mt ell AMC: 1 - I)EoPlit GENERALLY. Buy xnur.gootis - ofi emfdern -:lttlieh has a big astsbrtiiiititikti is * selling ten iinteias teattY!go r ods And of couree can sell them as many times °hes per.:l4an_amalloncerns. .‘V.p gip} ,all ad-, !,1411011t44 ..13 ME % SEW oTHER BIG THINGS FOR THE Pau ! DEN* . fit.xisEiTO CIT/9IDEE IVOILH 13F11110 D ING HIS MONEY. - , , Tor hig'stereslist e; big Ante.; Vag tiottih 'and big mites of laterest ltud. ivy; real takers at that—all of which'"ts vcrq h'ii w as against W. R. Smith's Sons' situation Light expenses and no rentsiileergooda, ati htutilt . .doWn .prices, and the good old motto of small profits. good valve and Viiek returns, flying to-the-breeze. The fact is, the only true and certain road to fortune for the merchant ie always to 'give. his enstotners; ;dal nixixtte can for bLS attey . ,- aitcr depend on la*tesitleial'orr - ilin profit*. :Again, oir popular gird 16g~ititiiate SYstetn' of. dealing, buying strictly- Ifni 656. altrtiya having easltion hind.-render'ne !masters of the situation when ii:drof bask - 9-W the market. ! Never, before was such leini t•- '4'llit'of*ob6; 3 liill6w_priees as „ , :—,„,,--artal will show from this, tinie - Our stock of My. Goodaend Clothing can't be beat, and no einsfoiski the right shape, ever leaves the...store_ without buying, and none *be care - whatthey say, nit's:peke:l the `assertion that They Caii buy goods elisewhere ascheaP. —We keep, the largest stock of :0;1 BOOTS S\ AN.: SHOESFIATS - AND CAi'S ; ' .11L.VJ Y. 17 • 4.144 F. Isapt : is the ooFity. iL nothing more P4 ll o,A,Peß.tke_ , Ggl4P Ci°4l)S ontie, 3341°P 0,14 A, di;Cati4, lighiago low rates• _The cottage and , posee can be replenished foresonF now, by calling on the +SO VI" and,,p thousand other articles can be found; and \ ito, ope c - tthe i - sees them-cak—helje buying. We mal‘feetureill Ihe VW-70110 we. sell. - Ritry well dreiserl man buys his harness of William R. Smith's .Sonit,',We, 4sumalte toprder,. - -031 r Cutter is master of his art; be stands down the hall for nut mat; who wields, the shears for a livelihood; deftirei,ed: • • • .1= g r e kee/3' - Pet*lfreiti; 4 of) id 'Saa, =I Ell 1 „ -Ti always as low or 5 less than market rates. ~.11-ielpere than ever the. duty of every man - a ndlife l trtan to Milt here bortiril bdying, add look throne' the stook of tempting goods and bargains, ilaltO :One imagine. or formi . any idea how 'great a difference there is between the prices of goods bought for cash and prices of goods else.: where bought for notes that are not paid promptly- The' snifest think for all' biryirrs wbo -want the lowest notch in goods, is to call and get W. Smith's Sons' prices,: and take around 'in ;your pockets to compare. A great many stores will get the cold shadernfter.you visit the Old Cor ner whets they "work' for their customers. : -..,Y0u cannot mistake the place, as it, occupies the room of four stores, immediately on the' Erie railway, and the-rush is constantly going on. • Call, if foinothtig 'More • ilatii• to" see how we spike the guns. Yours, truly. =EI MEE AI FORTUNE -L. A a 0114121.'61d concern fit, xl :.x - 1 - 3;.1.;-:. i - j,'" l :. !-...--5 wild ‘174:1 "rn3l ~., : .T.i.c.:() -;_:i MI kind of -tr • .1 - it &x.„ecc . tituai O 4,4,; 4 l hilitud ar ri e ; - LA a au _ =I lEEE c .1/1.1,11,141)ER, linil W t B. SMITN. 1 8 89N8 Addison. N. .I.;letit 8 18 6 6 . V 9 41 WEYYTILE. AYI H. Harrington II - 41,13 just returned from New York with a full assortment of Blacksmith and Farrier. TOSEPII lIANLY would inform the t a to " te of Wellsboro and vicinity that ho has leased the old 'Mack stand, on Water street, lately no enpied by Mr. Ritter, :?hero bo may bo fctt prepared to sboo borse3 and oxen, and do all ork pertaining to his trade. Fie also i 9 3 prac tical Farrier, and will treat, horses for discues. GROCERIES, HATS AND CAPS, I October 24. 'lBB5- tf liNniE DRY Gan '% BOOTS AND SHOES, EARTHNWAILE, HARDWARE, FLOUR, SALT, And everyt hing . usually found in a country store, 'which he la :ailing cheaper than any other store in ' - fg.QAP_ A4g;',„SE. ' 4 ,011r7 No charge for showing Goods. .igge H. HARRINGTON Whitheyville, Sept. 26, 1866.-3 m. W HAVE - , No 4 9ir - _ ON HAND? :A. SPLENDID ASSORTMENZ OF SIT AMER GOODS' At the People's Store, Corning, N. I. lIESZEI - -_ Adapted to the wanta of all elasetis;,aiad f4ll we laid in for a - good - Stock Just aefore tie late ad vance in New York, Ise are. now "enabled to sell most of our goods at about ,• • NEW YORE. PRICES- W. would call especial attention to our large stock of goods for ,~ .~l_ FRE,NDEMISLINS AND ORGANDIES ever offered iti this market: We also have - e mite assortment of LADIE4 SACQUES, T A T,NIA§ AND , - in cloth and silk, to svhich we Invite theattentiou of -bnyere; —Our eteok - oLdrit,g for meo ) iintl:boi!cettar, is kept very full, and CLOTHI:NGIitADE - TO ORDER, on_short notice and id the latest style. - **lit „and Hoop. Skirts, ALPACAS,, POPLINS, DeLAINES, CHALLIES, SUN UMBRELLAS, JEANS, COTTONADES, SHEET- Our fa/Initial.. for DITYDCG GOODS are UN SURPASSED:jy any in this section. endwe , wish it trYiderstood that • -- We'dkitot intend to be UNDERSOLD . 0 any. We tender our thanks to the citizens - of 'Vega Co., who have patronized ns and would respect fnllp those who have never done so to call iand sticiti),Sittriz'oplidsite the :-piekinson Aortae ,on Market Street, three doors west of the corner, and two doors east of linngerford's Sank. ' SMITH (k - WAITE Corning, N. Y., Jun.; 27; 1866. F4.5' 4Rff.ET. - • - • Ant wiiNDKRW - J. TIPRLB, having. -reiterttli pore axed Mfr. Sim . Townsena'a interest' In the .MRATiIiARKET would say to the citizens of Welleboro and vicin ity that he will continue the business at the old stand—giving his entire attention in supplying the wants of all who may favor him with their patronage. Constantly on hand FRESH MEATS. OF. ALL RINDS. gimp:one-Hoer South of .Statth's Law Ofridsi.' l WellatoroTSept, 16, 1866-tf. -' Hartman's Safety Bridle and Lines. ea tt, Li tat IRS El= AMOST valuable article for all who drive hor ties. Sea " Agriculturist" for March, MO. Recommended by Wilkes, of the Spirit of the Times; Bonner, of the New York Ledger, and many other celebrated horsemen. The subscriber owns the patent for Tioga,. Sus qtiehanns. and Bradford counties. Individual or township rights for sale, on favorable terms. Harness makers who wish to make the lines for theircustomers who buy individual rights, will be dealt withliberally. By a slight alteration, the Wrety lines may be attached to almost any bridle. All persons are cautioned against malting or using the bridle or lines, in the counties aforesaid, without authority from the undersigned. - ROBERT C. SIMPSON. Wellsboro; Sept. 5, I.9fir...tf K EROSINE LAMPS at BOYI3 ,DBUQ,ISTO/03. W LADIES' SUITS, ,„ and the fitiesilini; of BASQUINES, _O4 every variety. GIN G-TiAIVIS, INGS, SHI.RT,IN(3S (Patented November 7,1865.) Auditor's N o ti ce , _ HE undersigned hiring been appointed in T Auditor to distribute tho fonds in the hands of the Sheriff arising from the sale of the real estate of Hirano Itasoho, in the ease of A. P, Con* T s, Hiram Insolso, win attend to the duties of his appointment at his °Moo in Weilesoro, on Thurs day, 7. 4 .7ocember 22, at one o'clock p. M. E. October 24, 1844-4 w auditor. Hairdressing & Shaving. Saloon Gear Barker's Stara, Wells. boro, Pa. Particalar attention paid to Ladies' Hair-cutting; Shampooing, DYling, ate. Braids, Puffs, coils, and swiches on hand and made to or. der. H. W. DORSEY. J. JOHNSOB, Drugs, Medicines, &c. J. L: BELDEN ST- Go., BLOSSBURG t _PA KEEP constantly on hand a tiro stook of Para Drugs, Medicines, Cisenaicals, WINES AND LIQUORS, for Medicinal and Sacramental use; also all tho popular Patent Medicines, Paints, Varnishes, 414., aLI kixids of brushes, Dye Colors, Dye Woods 7'oilet Soaps, Perfumery, Pom ades, Cosmetics, jx., STATIONERY, PENS, PENCILS, PAPER AND ENVELOPES, Memorandum Books,. Pass Books, .ke., Potash in balk at 15 cents per pound, Kerosene 014 Lamp Oil, Turpentine, Benzine, ,ke. Fresh Oatmeal and Fear! „Barley at 10 eta per pound. We are sole agents in Blossbuzg for Dr. N. Weaver's Ext. Fireweed, and warrant it to ewe Scrofula, Salt Rheum, Scurvy, Pimples on the face, and all diseases arising from Impure state of the Blood if used according to directions. Particular attention given to compounding Physician'a and other Prescription We varan tee iatiefaction, both in quality and price. Remember,the Store, opposite the new Coal Ca's Store, Blasaburg, Pa: Aug. 15, 1886-te. J. _BELDEN h CO. Orphans' Court Sale. IPI pursuance of an order of the Orphans' Court of Tioga county, bearing date the 27th day of A.uguat, 1866., the following described real es— tate, late the property of James Campbell, deed, will be offered at public sale, on the premises, on the let day of October next, at 2 o'clock p. ta Nelt A lot of land situated in the township of Farm ington in said county ; beginning st, the south— west corner hereof, it being the southeast corner of lot No. 89 of the allotment of Bingham lands in Farmington township aforesaid; thence north, degree vast, 92.9 rods along said lot No. 89 ; thence east 119.1 rods along lot No 35; thence south, .4. degree west, 94.3 rods along lot No 36; :thence north, 39 degrees treat, 94.9 rods along lot No 192; thence west 23.2 rods to the place of be ginning; being lot N'o 38 of said allotment, and containing 65.5 uores, being part of warrants Nos 1370 and-1371. Terms cash on contraction of sale, --- ENOCH B. CAIIPBELL, Adm'r Estate of Jas. Cardpbell, deed: October 113 " I -18 6 5.-3wz Aver's Pills. ilk ARE yea sick, feeble and com plaining? Aro you out of or der—your system deranged and - - your feelings uncomfortable?— These symptoms are often the pre cursors of serious illness. Some fit of sickness is creeping upon you, and should be averted by a timely use of the right remedy. Take Ayer's Pills, anti drive out the humors— purify the blood, and let the fluids move on un obstruetedly, in health. They stimulate the or gans_ of the body into vigorous activity, purify the system from the obstructions which make di3- El:4o); Kuold settles somewhere in the body, and derange; the natural operations of that part.— This, if our relieved, will react upon itself and the surrounding organs, producing general ag gravation, suffering anti derangement. While in this condition, take Ayer's Pills, and see how di rectly they restore the natural notion of the sys tem, and with it the buoyant Iselin of health.— What is true and so apparent in this trivial and common complaint, is also tree in many of the deep seated and dangerous diseases. The same purgative expels them. Caused by similar ob structions and derangements, they are anrely,and many of them rapidly, eared by the same manna None who know the virtue of these Pills will neg lect to employ them when suffering from the dis orders they cure, such as headaehe, foal Stoll: Etch, dysentery, bilious complaints, indigestion, ' derangement of the liver, costiveness, constipa tion, heartburn, rheumatism, dropsy, worms and suppression, when taken in large doses. They are sugar coated, so that the - Meer sensi tive can take them easily, and they are surely the best purgative medicine yet discovered. Ayer's Ague Cure, For the speedy and certain Cure of Intermittent Fever, or Chills and Fever, Remittent Fetter, Chill Fever, /Jamb Ague, Periodical Headache, or Bilious Headache, and Bilious Firers ; in— deed for the whole date of diseases originating iu biliarg derangement, caused by the malaria of miasmatic countries. This remedy hos rarely failed to cure the Se verest cases of Chills and Fever, and it has this great advantage over (Wier Ague medicines, that it subdues the complaint without injury to the patient. It contains no quinine or other delete— rious substance, nor does it produce quinine or any injurious effect whatever. Shaking 'broth ers of the army and the west, try it and you will endorse these assertions. Prepared,by P.r. J. C. TITER k CO., Lurridi, blasliaind sold by all druggists and dealers in medicine everywhere. ADDITIONAL BOUNTY THE.forma authorized by the War Department aro published, and it is necessary to amend those heretofore filed accordingly. Where both parents are living, they must apply jointly, and must also prodjace the number of thei certificate upon which they were previously paid, if possi ble. The attorney who collected the pay and bounty before, can probably furnish the number of the certificate. By the rules of the Department, applications most be made within six months, or delay will result; and the discharge of the soldier is re— quired. The soldier mess state whether in dif ferent, and in what different companies be has eenved, I shall charge the acme price for collections as other claim agents charge. JOILI I. MITCHELL. Wellsboro, Oct. 17,1888-36 PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY. SHELDON °CORR,' respectfully infortwt the citizens of Oceola and vicinity that he has opened a PHQTOGRAHR GALLERY Oceola, Tioga. Co. Pa. t vihereheia prepared to ex ecute PHOTOGRAPHS, GEMS t AMBROTYPES, in. the best style and at reasonable pricer. Please call and examine specimens. Oceola. Sept. 26. 1886.—tf. Fumy for Sale. (VILE undersigned offers for sale th 4 farm in Tioga, Tioga county, Pa., known as the King or Crane farm. It is situated on the Tioga river, three miles above Tioga village, a few rods from the Mill Creek railroad station. It contains 47 acres of land, and is in a good state of culti vation, with a good house, two good barns, and abed, fine fruit, and is wall fenced. Will be sold cheap, and is very desirable. P. E. SIIITU. Tioga, October 17, 136d—dm 2 TV, GABRZTSON, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW, and Tnisuratm) Agent, Bto&iburfs, Ps., over Ctadivell'3 Store, "EO' U has some more of these tine American -watches, at No. 5 Union Block.