The Tioga County agitator. (Wellsboro, Tioga County, Pa.) 1865-1871, October 31, 1866, Image 1

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    icht Eva' ga 6ronttg lgitator
i Pa• every Wedneplay Morning, at V 2,00 a
^u-riablv }II -advance, by
[p. C. V 65 GELLER.
_,. D'V..F.,IRTISIINTC2i. ...Z=...'X'.F...5..
two. 1 3 mo. 1 S no. 8 tut, Iyr
c,—re ......... 5.2.30 1 5.00 1 7,50 10,00 12,00
2- 4 . ' u ",,,, , 3,75 I S.OO I 12.00 15,00 - - 18,00
~.._..illrou ... 7.C3 lo.oj 15,00 '20,00 25,00
1:00 '20.00 4 , 1.'0u 05,00 45,00
1 olurno .....20.00 35,00 13,00 65,00 80,00
1 .„„ t o .., 11m,ar'u 51.00-50 ct a. eacliweek thereafter.
I„:o.i,,i , tlatot a and Execatera Notices 52,00 each.
i.,%.smcbiCardz of fire hoes $5,00 per year.
'W. ED. TERBELL & CO., ,
I ,I O ,,LiALE .I)IIUGGIiTti, and dealers in
tt :II Putter: lierneeno Letups, Window Glass,
F t nnanerv, Pittllts and Oi &c.,
C 9 rlsing,l:. Y., Jan. 1, 1866.-Iy,
UtL , Le t Jrinerly uccupied by_jaakets Lowrey, Eeq
\Yell4l,oru, Jun. 1,1866-Iy.
iLzurauce, Bouutraucl Pension Ageney, Matt
Stredt sNrellsburo, Pa., Jau. 1, 1866. -
S. F. Wits,,x
'First dour from Biguney'd, on the Avanue).4-
VIII attend to business entrusted to their care
the countier of "Cloga and Potter.
Wellsburo, Jan. 1, ISG6.
A rTuRNEY er LAW—MaßlSfield, Tiogs co., PR
May 9,1866-1 y
Shop first door north of L. A. Sears's"
::hue Shop. "RP - Cutting, Fitting, and Repair
ing Lioue prowptly and well.
11",11shoro, Pa., Jan. 1. 1868.-Iy. .-2)
DRAPER AND TAILOR. Shop over Bowen's
F eaond oo r. Oa. Cutting, Fitting ; and
Repairing done promptly and in best style.
Wull,burv, Pn.. Jan. I, 1866—1 y
GENT lur the oolleetion of bounty, back pay
and panslons due soldiers from the Govern
01fLce with .Nichols and Mitchell, Wells-
Pa. m3O, 'BG •
Onitios, Tioga County, Pa.
Leff hotel located within easy access of the
tczt fishing and hunting grounds in North
tre Penn-ylvania. No pains will be spared
1 , ,r the acfiummodation of pleasure seekers and
toe trdretng public. [Jan. 1, 1866.]
Pennsylvania Rouse. ,
TRlzi popular hotel has been lately renovated and re
f forulnbet, end no pains will be spared to render Its
I.4,rti.litiet‘ acceptable to patrons,
May 9, 1866.
No. I 1 Law Building,—St. Paul SI, Baltimore.
ELFERENCES.—Levin Gale, Attoroey -at taw,
U..twata Larne', A tt'y at Law, Rev. J. Mel.
R.lec, D. D.. Rev. henry Slicer, D hf.,Qono
field. Bro. & Co., F. Or,ve & Co., Ludwig A:
Mall:terry, John F. MeJiltnn, Robert Law
e gin, , Strtnerhin-1, 1 Esq. [Mr. Evasto,
authorized to transmit any business appertain:
lug to this paper in Baltimore j
J.n. I, ISri-ly.
D late of the 2d Pa—Cavalry, after
„ Leath . four years of artily service, - with a large
in field auj Itoepital practtie. liaa opened au
tha i-tactuia of racdtrine and aurger9, in-all
war—hot. Persons from a distance can find good
tx - ,,Lng at the Pennsylvania Hntel when desired.—
r.i.t any. part of the iltatu in - consultation, or to
, nrgti-al operations Na 4, Union Block, 'up
li'cllaboro. Pa., May 2, 18613-Iy.
the )plca:ure to inf...ztu the citizens of Tioga
aaty ilott hu has t:.11.,p;.(a his
take all kiuds ol Sun pirures,
Au brotyp,..i. Ferrotypes, Viznettes Catlett
-;•.\'l.;te, the Surpri.o and Eureka Pictures;
ialicalar attention paid to copying and enharg—
L; P,etures. Instructions given in the Art on
s,uabla terms- Elmira Et., Mansfield,' Oct. 1,
ouht 11111/TM *the titiZObt
o€- Wclte}wro.and-ri
cs,•ty, in tt he has tried Up :11 - desirable suite of
over John It. Bowen's store, No. 1, Un
r. Bio,k, where ho is prepared to execute all
;oil,: in bis profession. with a promptnefei , and
nyie that will enable him to offer superior Induce
iztots to thus.: requiring dental operations. All
xork warranted, and at reasonable rates. Please
tell sad examine specirneup..
Welkhoro. March 21, 1806.--tf
WOULD say to the nubile that be is'perma
-11 nently lucated in Welleboro, (Office at his
t ,,, ience, near the Laud Office and Epibcopal
CLLT,:h; nhere he will COLItjTitIO to do all hinds of
w.rk cQnFttiel to Lis care, sciaianteelag complete
' , t•Ja6..i, %t here the skill of the DCllttit can
H io the management of cases peculiar to the
lie a ill furnish
set en any material desired.
leLl to cn ebt,ttcst- notice, and done in the
t.,et and uctifit approved atyle.
the up 6 of Nnicsthetics which arc per
ftvly wad will be administered in ever.
17 t.Lt,re, JAIL 1, Is6s—ly
smrrit, Knoxville, 'Pop County,
Pn . (U. c;. licensed Agent, and Attorney
(-r ~I .l(trs and their friends througheut all tht
(Jst .si , :tcs., rill prcaecute and collect with 1:11/-
r.v - , N , 'd auc. ezr,
4 : 1 r.,L , .1c Alzo; any' other Pitd of 4iiiru
the G,,vaumeut Lefore uny of the Its
I ICI r CungreEs. Terme. moderate ; All
meat foal) above eddre,p will re
"l7,, Prompt ..ttentivll. Jan. 17. 1566.
UNI k*E S'eATES wir EL.
Slain Street, Well2b,Ji-o, Pa.
D. G. RITTER, PRoPturTox..
leated thi?. pepnlur -botel property
` l `-lY occupied by Mr. NelEon Att.tio) I Phut
:nake it truly the travelei'l home.
Ptrz,nll attention will be given to the table
acl the comfort of guests will be a prime 'object
IL, eAles will be undo...the eare'of an expert
Wellsboro, Jan. 1 , 18¢6-Iy. - •
'\ US. ICA', INSTRUMENTS.—J. B. 9baks
-171 pear. dealer in Decker & Brother and
Brothers pinnos, Meson &
organ ! , Trent, Liurey melodeons: end ,
ttie B . si
- vni,;
nger melodeons.BoninO'er J• is
Eo;ten'z Et,re nept. 12, laps,
TY rI4_,GA cortNET BAND iA in good blowing or
will play for picnics, tsa
it..4A.L•to comp:lsatian. £.ll. Mama loader ,
H. P. GARILETSON 7 Betreiaty.
ltagast 1868.-2 m. ' '
C. T. SWAN, •
AGENT for the Lycoming County_, 111513111120
Company, at Tioga, Pa.
June 5,1566.-3 m..
• .;
Good ttabling. attached, and an attentive lioi
tkr always in attendanee. • -•
E. S. 1";611, .-.
. Pruprietnr...,
- ' UNION 1301175 E.
IFortuorly HOT'S }Lott . ]
MIN OR WATKINS, Proprietor. This .honso
is situutecron !Main Street; in Welleboro, and is
Furrounded with beitutifni shade troie, and 'has,
all the necessary aocommoclations, for gll4p4aTilltt
-4.east.—atig. ly
'Lavin. returned to this ounty with a view oi
makiug it hie permanent residence . , -'solicits a
shire of public: * patronage.' All business en
. trusted to Ws . care will be attended to' with,;eit
promptness and fidelity. Oftice,2d: dooi, south
ul E. S. Fares hotel. Tioga, Tioga
aep- 26.
(Corner Main Sine and the Arenue.)-
THIS is one of the most popular Houses in
the county. This Hotel is 'the principal
Stage-house in Wellsboro. Stages leave ,daily
as follows :
For Tioga, at 10 a. tu.; For Troy, at 8-a.' m.;
For Jersey Shore every Tuesday and: Friday at
2 p. m.; For Coudersport, every Monday' and
Thursday at 2 p. m.
STAGES A Rama—From TiogaMl2 1-2 o'clock
p. m.: From Troy, at 8 o'clock p. td:: From Jeri,
say Shore, Tuesday and-Friday-11.a. m..: , P.rom
Coudersport, Monday and Thursday Il a. ie.':
N. B.—Jimmy Cowden, the well-known- host:
ler ' will he found on hand. -
NVellsboro, Jan. 1, 1868-Iy.
New Spring `Go-ods',
and well seliele# etuek , .ef geode, which
we are Belling very
„ .
Good yard wide sbeeting for - ........................
Heavy yArdtictaativalg!or "
Delaines, 25 "
Standard prints from...
We also kgep—constantly_ee„bgod_a choice
stock of
At very low Spirit; Noy 3_o, 1868
A LL persons haring knowledge of facts concerning i
killed and wounded soldiers from 'f ioga county, ;
are respectfully requested to furnish Col. H. L. Clark,
of Msnsfield, Pa., with the following statistics:
Names of, soldiers, place of residence, date of enlist•
eat and muster lino. the Mated - Slates aextjte, letter
m company. number of 1 egimeut, when wounded, and
what engagement, date annfplace of flotill a and nantia.
sante. D.
CLARIL.. • -
• - L. D. • • ;
J. H. SHAW,'
August I, 1E66. Committee on Statistics.
ATOTlCE.—brotiee is ~ b ereby_ given a that Rob
ert Custard, Senior, has been placed in
charge of tract No. 1590; and: thasi parts.tif tract
No. 1539, in the vicinitrOf Babb's creek,-belong
ing to the heirs of Luke W. Morris; and all per
sons ate forbid trespassing thereon, under penalty
of prosecution
July 4, 1866:-:4m
mrtuosEp.—" Seele,y's
1,, cures rupture,Treen_lho cord. 'lrmo proes
ore : icill pont rust;breiik, , llieber, charec* or be ,
e v e l e filthy; (the , fine' steel liprirki Veatisi
with hard rubber); apring- mademny power re
quired; 'used in bathing, fitted to firm; requires
no strapping; eleanes,t, lightest, easiest. and best
Truss known. Send for pamphlet.
I. B. SEELEY, Sole Proprietor,"
i 47 Chesnut st., Pa.
apll 6fi
-Mastic and Lock-Stitch Sewing Ma
eI_EZ , TERAL AGENCY, 28 Lake street, Elmira.
Local agentsCupplied at factory prices, and
t•esti agents wanted fox' tuaaccupied dil.4riet - sts" -
Also, a large stool: 'of machine findings. -For
circular, addtess
Generol ,Agent-or 4: ds V . . Seiviuk Mtiotrines,
June 13, 1866-tf 25 Lake st., Elmira. N Y.
JR._ ouly preparation of the hind made from
the fruit.; At4tc,a,rliele,..j.4 ecopp9a3nSurity, and : •
deliciousness, i t canna - bo srili
utisickt in cris recom- - 1 4 TriV•SPRiNGIDRY=TTPODS1 IhATESI
mmended by physicians for invalids and family , Q ;,•_:„ ... . , , _
__ En , e • i , e, . , .
use It will ireep-for -years i'n any'clitnatec.while ~ . ...I=- 3, purenneee wool:tom ea t , Sans lour.
its condensed - form "renders it especiallp conVen- , ket. ~..1 .:
lent Air trairelvria. ' Ali _Who usl; ternerts:sin .te.. , -•: '=.'. c.:;"_.: - .,...::; .1-7";: rr
-:::::i.::-.1.,, , firri
quested to give it -Li - Vidal!" 'Etitertarements at Particular attention is directed to nliotie l
home, tarries, and picnics should not be without
.. r.ixT, l ., l e:, ,
"it. For .sole 'by all Druggists and tit st-class ... "".7.„'_ ' "' r:;:° ,,. 6 :,._ Ll2:irj ,,__ e : g , B _ KF ' S ,,,,_ 233 . grate . ;
Grocers Manufactured only by , Alps'odaiß4oplins,...t 9 rtuttcDelmnea,.&e., &c:
LOUIS F. METZGER, ' Added to which I am offering a large
Jan. 1, 1666-Ly. ..,N o. 54-9, Pearl St., N.Y. t,Al34.l39lo4id, ; atsmk r of.: 2 4 : r,t , s ; a ;:, T L., ~.,..,
. , - -,.. 2,.;.41 ,ZA ;ac
DOLLAR A SON, 'Meerschaum maeufactut.,
GROCERIES,: 130 . 0T'S'aii — if-'' ' SHOES, HATS
X rare. 692 Brandtvey, near ;Fourth strset,.N. - 1
Y. Wholesale and retailat rekluCed rate:s. , - PiOes
and Holders cut to order and repaired. -All a...36de
warranted genuine. Send stamp for mrenlar.—
Pine, SC t. 5 54 0 each. .01 '66
TlQN—for preserving all kinds of fruits
without - the expense of air-tight Onus-I.°W' at
ROT'S -vitro- $1 RE.
fl_ol,Dyeanved depoAto. for which tettAti
ur oaten will hiirish - Fa - .l7iiifil - infrrear in gold.
R. W.-01;41AM it; CO, Zattls'ers,7 -
No 8S south Third divot, Midi.
1 / 4. . 02 az •
John Guernsey,
B. B. -HOLIDAY, _Proprietor
0 F
TIO d.A.;'- ':.: . ei:- '- ;I,'-vA
805 Market at., Philadelphia
On and after Monday, July 19,1366, train' a will leave
Corning at the following hours:
7:05 a m Night Expesiti - 3ferndaye excepted, for 43,0 c
h;; ester, Buffalo, Baku' ntxma;,i sad Ininkirkonidtin di
rect connection isithqielffs of the Allintio4"4reat
Western, Lake Shore, and Grand Trunk Railways, for
all points West,
7:28 a. m., Lightning Exprese, Daily, for Rockfester Buf
falo, Ealatuatica f Dunkirk and rhtl 3atit. - 4
10:•23 a. m.. Mail Train, Sundays excepted, for Buffalo
and Dunkirk.
5:05 it. m., Emigrant train, Daily, for the West
6:45 p.m.. Day Express; Sundays excepted, 441414
ter, Buffalo, Salamanca and fhe West, ComaeCthiji
Salamanca with the Atlantic di G. Ir<eallscily,' }lt ' d
at buffalo with the Lake Share and Grand Trunk
Railways for points west and south.
12:2; a. m., Express Mail, Sundays excepted, for Bait
lo, Salamanca and Duukirk connecttng,with4nstins
,for the West. sir,!'
m., Cincinnati Express, Mondays excepted, con
. nee-ling : o Elmira for Harrisburg,, PRlladelPhia,,ariq
South : ; . , o . owego' for Ithaca; :tit - Bingliatntoti_foi
racuse • neGreat Rend for'Scrantdii and Philadelphia: ,
• at DaciaWnxen I for Flawlejf.,- and: ar - 424aycourt4
Newburg and liFaririck. ;
~,Bay -rxPrells, Sundays excepted l connectl4:'
at Great Band for Scrantou,Philadejpbia, aitdßob.fh.
,4:15 p. m., New York aridtaltinioreilail, Sundays ex
cepted, connecting at Elmira for Harrisburgh, Phila
delphia, and South.
7:10 p. tn., Lightning Express, Sundays excepted.
12:1.2 a. m.,.litght Express, Daily, connecting. at
' court foriWanwie.k;
1.2 M p. in. way Freight, Sundays excepted.
_ Gen'l Pass. Agent. Gen'l Sup't.
Blosstnymilk:Oiorsiiii4,. 1 4710,0A,#
Leave Corning. Arrive.
Mail, 8 00 a m !Mail, 5 15 p n
Accommodation, 530 p mlAccommodation,lo 15 a n
L. H. SHATTUCK, Snp't.
Trains vilisa c n op le 4 p ert at E
Wl io taM pt p ork
aef a -
Eastward ' Westward
Erie Mail Train... 9 65 p m Erie Mail Trait... 7 20 a n
E. Express Train.A 20 ain Erie Ex'ss Train.. 9 60 p n
ri oat= Mail Train BAS ain ElmiraMailTrain 650 p n
',.. , i.. , . 1, .. ~., , .."A: IA , TrLeit, Getil.BoPll.
Elmira & Willi
Trains will Arrive and Depart from Troy as follows
ExPi 2 ' M° t ingf§PlilL 6l:fi izi - E4 - it i ,t vu?g . 19 -zIU - e. i
maii,....:1,..."...,.,...;....L.fri.,;iitin,..;;.,-..: ... ~:4 i -In° ~T ".k
ay Freight, p.: . .»....8:138 4,3¢ Warfroight, ..... ml: P m
Coal Train " • ' '_9;lB A itt boat Wain, - • -4:25 P U
7 Troy, May 16, 1865.•-z1,.. , _ .1. D::2 - ..B.TOVER, Snp't.
- r
L .;.;1141
nRuGs - 16 -
- fa. - 1.
;-: •a3rc..:„l.
14 to 20'
Sold at Wholesale PriFe9 r . 3. l l.!yrra are requested
to call and get qu'ot - atfits before going further
Corning. N. Y., Jan. 1, IS6O-ly
SAVE YOUR earainCßS 1 1
x•.'A; D ,"2( ,kOINA.2AIN
Nast & Auerbach's
id aral n.,
..'effeY.a.APCR.AEO4,FreWsSIZ q
3581133 G. PA.,
Where you can always find the best assol ted
stock of
DOMESTIC ":1 la get — DRY GOODS,
a 3
' . .lt ca n p A c tj aci ‘; j2 ::
.7 ',PPirf44... 41 )-4.1g `.)
'f;z..fa =4,9
:Iliag.- - 3 3.'
Manage titriii zmder4 their i)tnittiporvitickm:: 7
n 1.1:,!
A?eo Gen(e furwriaiteg.goarkakc., &c.
In their merchant tailoring establishment they defy
competition.; having the best tailors of New York city.
cud an experienced Rikt k ei, , Nr.„.lf...,.Z. Erwin. [feb2ittly
2 4 m r ,Debtp: Pitr
Public !
71%,T0T having a big stock of OLD GOODS to
siede, off
advantage of the Ercit-tin t imv prices, and an: Tea
dy to supply the public with a splendid stock of
and,:atiPSZribiti, otliAtia,Abacter444..
at prices to suit tka1,N94190, at Osgoodl3
old stand Wellabirtio'ra." —
April4,lBB6: '
711 % 11 q. 1 1 - trVats-Ie:812;t4 -
• -'rlsj
to!: . ,cannl%,
no yak 0!-r'5:3111TejlTediT-Ne irtiatteag'S. .
1 !Juno . 2 . 7..)
1y ; i.,,1 4 5.P,01{0,* PA -,OCTOBER 31;"1860.
arasport R. It
',.:1:;11.11:.". -.._i",-.;`,;
Maria Hai.lau waS'alone in the world
—her'inother just buried.
She was - a beautiful brown haired girl,
with soft, shy eyes of violet-gray, and
iusy lips compre4lised to.: a r firniness
beyond labr,Years. For afferallsheWas
scarcely seventeen, and so Deacon Gray
was - tellin , t - her, as he sat by the' fire
spreadinghisthuge hands over the tar
dy blaze, and asked :
" But what are you goin' to - do to am your bread - and butter, child- 5 '
"Pdon't know—l haven't thought—
mamma had an iuncle,ln New York,.
who—" - •
Yes,.yes, I've beern tell about him—
he was mad 'cause your mother didn't
marry just to,suit him, waSn't lie?"
Marian was silent. " Deacon - Gray
"ltraite - d a fens minutes, hopingshe would
hini into her secret meditations,;
but she did not, and the Deacon went:
away bottle, to tell his wife - that "that
Harldhe was the Very .queerest crea
ture lie laa . ever coiiie ( aeross." -•-• • • -•
In the meanwhile Marian was pack
ing her fey; scantly - things into a little
carpet bag, )iy-the weird flickering light
of the dving.,Wootittra., _ .
" I will go to New York," sfie - s - aid to
h e ig sntal pealkly„..teet
firmly together. "My motifer'4 inThre
shall hear my cause pleaded through my
oivn lips. Oh, I wish,•my heart would
not throb so wil lly l -:I am •no longer
meek Minnie Harlan ; I am an orphan
all itliMelu, t . b.o4d', w lin must fight
life!s,l)attre with 4 owiislngle ban ds!''..
Lower BioadWtiy at 7 li'_clock P.
What a babel of crashing Wheels, liuN
rying hum4lnkri conglomerate
- noise it was Minnie Harlan sat in the
corner ; of an, express office, under the
flare of gas lights, surrounded by boxes,
and wondering whether the people ever
;went crazed in this perpetual din and
tumult. Her .dress was very plain—
gray poplin, with a shabby old fashion
ed little straw , bonnet tied with black
ribbOns, 'and - a
bide veil,' while her arti
cle of baggage, the carpet lLtag, lay in
her lap. Sheilad se.t there' two hours,
and was very, very tired..
"Poor little thirig,"'WOught the dark
halred!young-clerk nearest her,.who in-,
habited ,, a sroft OP wire cage under a•eir-'
did .of..gta lights, And then he Wok ap
his pen and plunge' hifti alterfeet'At:-
'antic ocean of accildrit§:
"Mr. Evans?"' - •,. _
The, dark haired clerk emerged from
his ciag4 'with his pen behind his ear;Th
obedipnee to the beel.afi Wer-of,h".
: "..Lhaye iiiitiee4 ; thnt y6yrig '*oinalr
sitting there for write:, tihiocamehoy came
she ,? 7
" - Expressed on., sir, from Millington,
lowa—arrivetithb dfte,rmon.!
As though Minnie 'Harlan wereitv bpx-,
or:a , pal)e - r parcel. _
LW/ha. for V' 2
;'" . l3brisiipieti - to: Walter' liarrnigton,
" . ..4ml 4 why.hasp' ewe been - called for',"
" I s...t , nt Ilartliigtnit's address to
otify Itrin c ,soriie tune ago; I expect Au
answer every tnouient."'
_ _
. I t.Verk.;:btd, 7 , l • - iSEtiCtile •gray,:
_he_ade - d
gentlecuan,:taking_up Avis newspaper.
sir,t yes, rather;'?
,Soinellircetitarters-bf an hour after
wards,-Frank E,*ans came to :the pale
grfrri'side,-ivitli an indescribable pity in
- • -
hirce sent to Mr:
klintife lOoked . -}yith a feverish red
Upon her clieek,aud her,hauds
tightlycon:the,-hatidle,of the, fadeiVear
pet bag:. • •
And we regret to inform you that he
salied -fro - to -Europe •at - twelve o'clock
fraNZ." - . - - - • • -
. . _.
' 'Ai Igtidden - liliir ' , (...nine 'Over --Minnie's
e'it4L-Ishe'tieinbled - ' like-.a - leaf, "In:all
lief' eitleuhit,ions, Ale" made no niliiv,,=anee
. - :..• .- --..
, loi„.an q.xige,ney lil - 41. tilts. ,• ,
;„„,,•„... Can we dp_nnytlling further fOrl
you,? , " finestintid- ,t,tig, young:Oak' pti -- ;
I itely. •
2111:Not hing,-noAtie caa do, an - 3,11 - ki»g I
IdFra Evalislatiti been turning away-,
but sow (rth i rig in.the piteoniitonexifter
voice'app6aled - loiery manly instinct
within him. '
",Shall 1 - 4€41 ( il yini-iit"any other of
v 7B l/1 46.rg i ti s ,v1:i :11
- yo - 13 4 'rylfpagszie'n't
ticistune Zitilet:faynily'hsabte" ,
operied,lier lea`ther.p .. 4 - rie
and,showecthltn- two cent"pieces,
with a sm ile,that ;was, almost a tear.,-..
the-money-I--have in -the
-worickesir ;• •
" C ' SoC•yfiti ng,"Lso beau tful; and so desolate!
ViuStik;Evaiks -had Veen a -;NeW - Yorker
01 his lire; bat' he bad' never 'met with
an extietl,, - hart lien ease to bit
the 'or laielieti in . dire perplexity,
" Riit.what are.l.l.Qu:ksilng
I clon:. „Isn't there a
aorktiouse,oi:sopte - „;telifitife.e,, I- con-hl
gig'Q-U!;fj. 41 1 ; '4
qd)Al4! , . ll q! l ,Ofbething
'idct3..!' •i• - • z •--
-vh‘tliartily.4 l -! ,;,Fraiiii.....V 4 ya.p.s.eorithilard . -
,iyikelfflismili-tigat poor- n nie's sinapli-
aire putting out the lights, and
fephrtug to close the offiee,' l said an n
;Rif fingTtlilfer feet:" . "" I:must - go
' -
" Miss Hailair,' saii.l -- Frink, quietly,'
" mY home is a.ivery.poor one—l am on
ly a five hundred dollar clerk—but I am
801 tay l motherNyill4eceilT :4 ( 9 1 yAa tier
k&iiriksg tS4 g duy o' tic it Yoriegh
I trust ;
1 " TruA`yOti'?"' Minnie Ifidked at him
t'fltro'4h , vibleVeYei=e4bieuredqn:teat,'s4—
'" - Ohcsit, - .l'Sbould - be so thankfuO,
" How late. yaw :Frank ! Here,
rive me,,your,oyereoat—it poy;der
duAL=" - • -
tsiliik-interrupted'hi.s" "(mistlipg,
'elleKty-check naoo.leF,, is she stoOci..on
t tip-toe to ulk,e ofr liis.,2ufer nrrappi> s.
i„, tf mother, there is a youug..lady .
tqicrWil.Stairg.". ' • .
A young•lady,‘Frank ?"
•‘ 4 YeS,'ffiother-; expressed on from lo
wa to old Harrington, the ' rich fnerch
.ant. Ble sailed - DV rope this iffi-orh
ing:, and 'she is,entirely alone, Mother,
• she id,olfs like 'pony Blanche, and r kn'ew 4
:1 , 61/ Iv ("1,414n t refuse her a corner here
until she cOnld 110, sOnfejlfing.todo.""
—Mrs,--Evans -went, to the (our add call
r=ed cherrilyout :. „ "
Come - up :stairs,, dear-Oct're;;l
w4l - 66rii:e as flowers is May Frank, ,
hmi- weeks ga s sed and
still Iliunie.Aatlaniemamed.aninfnate-,
Of :516..Evans'
„: seepsjpst as thoughshe had to-
ken our dead Blanche's place," said the
cozy-little widow ; and she is so useful
about the house. Idon't know how I
managed without her."
" Now Minnie you are not - in earliest
about leaving us to-morrow ?"
"I must, dear Mrs. Evans.. Only
think—l, have been here two months
to-morrow ; and the situation as gov
e.luess is very advantageous." - -
" Very well, I- shall tell Frank how
very obstinate you are.'!
" Dearest: Mrs. Evans, please, don't !
Please keep my secret."
" What secret is it that IS to best; re
ligiously kept?" asked Mr. Frank 'Ev
ans Coolly. walking-into the midst of.
the 'discussion, with his, dark hair tossed
about by the wind, and his hazel brown
eyes sparkling archly.
'Secret!" repeated - kis. - Evans, en,
erotically wiping her dim- spectacle
glasses.. "Why,-Minnie is determined
to leave us to-morrow." :
" Minnie !"
"I must, Frank ; I have no righifur
theeto trespass on your kindness." • -
"so right, eh Minnie, do you know
that the house has;
sinceyeu came Into ? Do you suP- , -
pose wewan ttolose our littlesunbeani?
Sadly, but her hand
felt very cold and passive in Frank's•
warm grasp.
" You'll stay, Minnie?"
" No."-rshe shook her bead determin
_ ._ .
" Then you must -be 'made to stay,"
said Frank. " Ive,; -missed .something
of great value lately and-I hereby arrest
you 'en. suspic ion of the,tbeft!!' •
turned red' and white.' (*'rank;
; you never (;Ein 'suspect me!" - -•
" - But I do snspeet you!=- In- fact; I
am-quite sure-that the arlicleis iu..your
possession." - 7
"-The article! „!! „ _ • _ , _
" My heart; Mlss Minnie! -- -jow"lOcik
here; I love you Minnie Harlan, and
will be-a good and true husband to you.
Stay and be my little wife!"
So Minnie Harlan, instead of going
out as a governesS, according to the pro
gramme, married:the dark-haired clerk
in Ellison'S Express Office.
They werevery quietly married, early
in the morning, and Frank took Minnie
home to his tnother,and then, be went
calmly about his business in the wire
cage, tinder thle - Oreiefor gas:lights.
' - Evans
" Yes, sir."
Frank„ with his pen. behind his ear
-as of yore,rquietly obeyed_theibehest of
the gray-headed official. - -;
" Do yolt remember the young, woman
Who was expressed on from Millington,
town, two months since?"
Yes", - sir—l. remember her." -
A tall,:eilver-haired gentlemen -here
' interp - osed With cemer . quickness :
_ .;Wheyeis she? 2 - . I am her uncle, Wal;
;ter?'llarri.ligton. I have just returned
frOM Paris, when when the news of her arri
vareached me! I Want her ; she is the
only living relative left we!"
"'Ali I . but, sir," said . Frank," you
can't-have her." r.
r" Can't have her? What do you mean?
Mi.= anything happened?". • ,
i " Yes, sir, something has happened ;
~. .Nliss Harlan was married to me this
i'filOrning..r - .
Waiter' Harrington started. ,
.A_! Take nte - to her,"said he hoarsely.
!! F can't be parted from my only
relativee fora mere whim."
I wonder if he calls the - marriage
service and wedding ring mere
thought honest Frank.; But he obeyed
in silence.
said the old - man, lu 'fal
tering accents, " you wilt.coine -to me
and be the-slaughter of my old age? I
ani rich"; Minnie, and you are all that I
Niinnie - atole .lie!' hand - through
her.llushand'e -arm, -
,"-Dearest uncle, be was kind - to me
ikas - most deserateAnd alone.- I
cannot-leave inyhasband; nnele_Walter
:":Theit:you must: both- of you come
and be-my children said the oldman,
," And you must cone now,
fot the' great house is - as - lonelk -as -a
totals!" - . - : . - „ -
Frank "Evans is 11Q loriger,an,qxplTSS
club: ; , and pretty Minnie moves in vel
,vet and diamonds ; but they are quite
as - were in the" old days,
alnixtbatiS - itgenough.- Unele•Wal=
t6r:}lairington groWs older and feebler
;every; flay, and his: two phildren.are the
,sunshine of his declining life. ,
P ottint Matter... 7
I observed sometime ago in the Tele
graph, and-inquiry for the "best mode
o( ,pottipg butter, and where to keep i
From my experience, butter is best put
down in the 10th or 11th month, the
faSfof 'l,kodd - grass - butter. ' It is much;
tiioie difficult to- make good butter in
dog days ; and if. it is not good when
put up,lthat .will not improve it. As
soon as the butter is churned,_ work out
.onle of the buttermilk„ and add good
fine salt, (to suit the taste,) 'one - table-',
spoonful.of white sugar, one small tea
spoonful.of saltpeter, (both pulverized,(
to every 'ten pounds of butter:;* work
these through the butter, and set in a
cool place several hours then work it
again ,suiliciently to-get the salt, etc.,
well through it, and the butter-milk
out,.or, it will be streaked ; if it is work
ed.too tnnell it will be tough and lose
ita — fiavVr, Ellave a clean:stone • pot,
cover the bottom with salt, arid add the
butteriinmediately, a small portion at
a - time, -not= leaving any space at -the
-sides or any part, and press firmly.,, If
-ohe claming does,,not dllthe pot, cover
-the:butter with a thick layer of salt,
then put a clean, dry cloth on, and tie
another. several thicknesses over the top
of t lielot to e x chide the air," an& set in
a cool cellar_or__cave Continue this
process-untill-the pot:iinearly full, then
put salt half an inch - thick on it; - and
the cloths as above ; previous to tying
'the - clOth - on - when the pot is full,- paste
a'paper over - the top of the pot ; keep in,
a cool place:- If it freezes, the_pot may
burst and 'admit air, and thatwill make
the butter rancid.
..As you use the butter, scrape or wash
ofl,'the salt, before, bringing to table.—
(Air. .Gcrina,ntown, Tele:yrcilat.
. A. - widow said one day to 'her daugh-;
ter, " When you my age you will
be dreaming - of a - husband." ' Yes,"
replied the young lady,. "jor the second
Larne'!" ' • -
.7.-9.4 exchange, presided over, we pre
sume, by a crusty old bachelor, says;.
"Never look at the girls—they etiu't
bear it they regard it ai3 an insult,
They 'Neat ; their reatners, furbehms and
friths merely. ; tp please ,their mammas,
that's sit Pr--
.S , titzt 10 ottrg.
The Guard at Fortrasa Mauro..
BP Lucy H. sooPutz
In the silence of the midnight, when the lamp
was burning low, I
On my brain there dawned a vision of tho cell at
Fort Monroe;
And around its mussy, portals, doubly lock'd and
triply barred,
Swept a train of pallid phantoms, in: The diuk:
,_ness keeping guard! -
And tied I%fnua in horror, " 0 thou dim and
dreadful train,
By what strange unrest art summoned unto Earth
and Life again ?"
then a solemn voice gave answer, "From our
graves, 'neath sod and tide,
We have come to watch his slumbers, through
whose wickedness we died.
"From the far•off fields we reddened with our
blood in fearful rain,
Prom the hiding waves of ocean, now we rise in
Might again; •
From the graves, a welcome refuge from the
- loathsome prison pen, •
dome the dread avenging specters that were
starved and tortured men.
" We died starved ;—hia - fare is dainty—soft-and
snowy is his bed;
Countless nameless graves bear witness we were
low and roughly laid-
But the sleep to, which death lulled us by no trea
son dream was marr'd,
And the angels came from Heaven, and around
our rest kepi guard. _
" Can you marvel that he sleeps not while - we
stand outside - the door? -
That he starts in_quisering anguish at our root
" falls on the door?
Though his priscM'ivails be massive, though his
door be closely bared,
fie beholds us, andte hears us, and he knows
- we!re keeping guard.
" Traitor hearts fatty yet befriend him, traitor
• bands may :et him free.*
He may fly from bate and scoffing, but from us he
cannot flee:
When at last to God in Heaven flies his soul, all
Round about the Throne Eternal he will find us
keeping guard !"
(For The Agitator.) -
Now iteame to paps, that after many
days had gone by, the people marvelled,
and were sorely afflicted in their minds
because - of Jeff; whose trial - from some
pretext,.had been long delayed.
And-they said one to another; " Be
hold Jeff stillliveth, and dwelleth with
his family, and many of his kindred,
- in a strong fortreSs near the chief city
While Wirz, the vile slave, who did
but fulfil the behests- of Jeti; has been
long slain." .
And they wagged their heads, and
looked strangely one at another. Then
spake one — who was bolder than his
fellows, and his-words were after this
wise. "Ye men of Columbia! As my
liveth,-there is a traitor in the
camps; one who dwelleth in high pla
ces.; and inasmuch as our Divine Alas
.tei bade us beware of wolveS in sheep's
clothing," let tit, ever search out this
Juilas, that he betray us not ;" and he
further continued, Men of Columbia,
Doth not Jefflie upon soft conehe,,, and
his slippered -feet tread upon co:-ItIly car
pets, while his meat and wants are the
best the land affords; and are not guards
set roundabout him, that the brave sol
diers, whose brethren Jeff imprisoned,
and put to the sword, take not his life ;
- And do not his friends from rebellion,
visit him as they list, and comfort him
with words of cheer, and with joyful
news, like unto the massacre at New
Orleans; and doth not Andrew, the
chief magistrate, hid that all theie
things be-done..
And lo ! when he had made an end
of speaking, the people groaned in spir
it, and did hang their heads. And they
said. one to another; " Verily these
things are true.. And Andrew conniv
eth with Jeff; and with his compeers."
Nevertheless, they wilt not what to do.
After these things, Andrew said in
his heart,," Lo I am hated of these '
loyal men, because of mY. love for evil
doers,_ and they will never again make I
me their chief magistrate. But behold
the time draweth nigh, when the prov
inces of the land of Columbia shall
vote, choose for themselves chief rulers,
called governors; And if these chief
rulers be not friends - to "my policy," I
am utterly undone, both I and my
friends the Jeffiites. ,
11‘1, - o.ii - therefore, I Will even gitd on mine
armor, and I will go forth unto the - peo
ple of many of - the provinces; and will
talk with them face to - face ; Peradven
ture they will hearken unto my words,
and my heart misgiveth me if this peo
ple triumph.
And he straightway made ready, and
toOkihis departure ; And of his further
sayings and. doings, the scribe -at pres
ent writeth not..
The Scribe. •
BF ](EFTA 3!..4,0111/V.E.
-••• October, beautiful, 'and
ing, is now in our midst; and her many
hued robes, cover the noble forest-trees
of Oiirlofty Mau utains, - with' s liveried
that no court of kings, nor
gorgeous trappings of gilded pages can
ever equal. •
But we sigh when we remernbcr that
the soft blue - of her skies, must saon be
flecked with clouds,
and that all this
brilliantjerimson and gold-tinted scene
ry, will vanish with ephemeral rapidity,
that. ere the ruby gleams of the rich ma
,pie boughs, haye beeonie familiar to
our bye4,"they are ehaufred - to a russet
brown, and fall to the ground ; that
while we, are admiring the g ay shimmer
of the orange-dyed forest leaves ; we
_find them eddying about our feet, dris'en
thither by the wild - winds of sportive
_autumn. -
Yet nature's dying breath is fragrant,
her grave-robes, sweet, but- mournful,
for they speak of irrevocable change.
Many receive autumn as a season of
unwelcome sadness and gloom; - but
i such is not the case with me. Itawakes
An my heart, alt - the pleasant memories
4:tl' youth ; all the bright hopes of more
advanced years; all the tranquil expec
tations of old age.
' - ram always better for a ramble over
the autumn hills, mentally, as well as
physically. the good in my heart is
,Mirred into life by its healthful breezes;
and I look forward with something
like r,
the spirations or pure childhood.'
- Yet even in this ealm hour, memory
is busy with the past ; and through her
llnow recall the death of our,botabfave
I and generous, on whose lonely,-grave
N 0.44.--
—Philadelphia Bulletin
The Prepriatikra hare stocked the establishment with
a large aportateat of modern aql„
and are prepared to execute neatly, and promptly
Deeds, Mortgages, Leases, and a full assortment o
Constables' and Justices' Dianne, constantly on hand.
People living at a distance can depend annoying their
work done promptly, and sent back in return taxa.
Ara-OnlcZ—Soy'a block, IleconaDlcar.
the winter snows have four times fall. :
He was of our country's martyrs,
one who responded to her earliest call.
But the chill miasmic swamps of the
Chickahominy brought to his frams
disease. and death.
Five years ago this very month, I
stood beside his death-bed in a military
The scene was night ! Almost inter
minable seemed the hours, as the loud
clock tolled their moments one by one,
and breathlessly, agonizingly, I watched
the terrible life-struggle. s oing on before,
me. Youth, with its bright hopes all
undimmed, and its warm heart throb
bine, eagerly, so eagerly, for life, love,
and happiness, striving fiercely with
the conqueror, Death.
Oh ! it was a dreadful conflict, but, ere
long the latter triumphed.
Suddenly rising the dying man said,
"hark ! the bugle calls ; I must go on
picket-guard, to night.
Then, changing in his mood, he called
me to his side reason once again resumed
her throne ; said he 'dear, M. I am going
home ! But my friend goes with me and
I have no fears ! God, is the soldier's
friend. I trust in him".
Just as the gray dawn tinged tha
east, the flickering lamp expired. The
cold and fluttering heart stilled forever,
and that noble heart had ceased all
earthly aspirations.
We buried hinrist a lonely graveyard,
amid the blue hills of our own Pennsyl
vania; and a more loyal heart rests not
upon her bosom ; Yet, when the autumn
winds wail forth a requiem, sad tears
will fall, though well we know, he is
but one of tens of thousands, who must
be thus mourned ; whose lives were laid
upon their country's altar But wonder
not that October is to me a sacred
The London Thine and The New York
The reputation of the English press is well founded.
Intellect and culture, of no ordinary standard, have
been for more than half a century elements of 2 / 1 3 11/1 3 h
Journalism, which in no country are surf/sated, while
its energy in procuring news is not equaled in Europe.
Of all the English paper. The Times fs unquestionably
the leader, and, therefore, the representative of Europ
ean Journalism, How remarkably that Journalism dlit
fere from the American would be an interesting com-
parison, involving n nice balance ot v advantages, but at
present we merely desire to show, for the entertainment
of the public, how far the value of even The London
Times as n newspaper has been excelled by Tun TOtLIIINI.
A newspaper is not a review nor a.bcok—it to a compen
dium of news and there is no question but that in this
distinctive characteristic the American press is nazi
Let no take op The Times of September 19, the latest
number received in this city. Its pages are the same
size as those of Tire TRZirNEI its colnnine the * same
length and width; the type about the same size. Ex
elusive of advertisements. The Times - containa 41 col
iimns of reading' matter, of considerable variety, and
much of it well-written. It furnishes less than a col
umn of nlilitary and naval intelligence; five columns
of Reports of 3farkeis, Rai'nay aril Mining shares., Am.
Tea review of Borchgrave's history of Belgian Colon
Ira in the century it devotes three columns, and to
the transactions of the Ethnological Society, three
more; an essay on Food Fisheries in France. theatrical
criticism, a letter Justisying the Jamaica atrocities, a
complaint of muck auctions, occupy one column each.
Three and a half columns aro devoted to editorials, of
which there are tint three, upon Napoleon's Circular,
the Act fur limiting liability in Partnerships. and the
Established Church in Ireland. It publishes foreign let
ters front three capitals—Para, Berlin and Vienna—
making in all four columns..„,Tbe same number are us
ed for it 4 legal and police reporta, An iniluicyinteetec
tioa ihnbery exhausts throe more columns. Of
telegram, it prints lees than a single column. This Is
considerable reading fur eight cent,' In specie.
Trig TP.IBUNE of nearly the same date published 42
columns of reading matter. It gave the public for four
cents three and a half colunino.of correspondence from
Mexico, and letters from Louden, Faris, Milan, Mabee'',
NiJni-Novgorod, Berlin, Pragne, and Panama, which in
all amounted to 11 columns; special;' Washington cor
respondence, official documents from, the State Depart
ment, occupied two columns mid a half; commercial
seas, colutimey coiirta andAsolice, two; political
intelligence, two;, litatature, one ; local news, throe
columns,- Its editorials filled six columns, including
six articles, beeide_a number of paragraphs, Its tele
graph di:patches required three columns, and this wee
an unusually limited space.
Thns we find The Times has letters from but three for.
sign capitals, while Tag Tatattna has lbtters from nine.
.1:mel has alien and is half columns of editorial,
and but three articles; Tag MIX:DM eht Call=1:141, and
treats 211.mblects. Then, in that - which is the life of a
new Telegraphic dispatches—The Tina later
below the TILIVC3IT. In this age the use ut the Tele.
graph is the great feature of a daily paper, and makes
the radical,dinbrence between_ it and all other pericati
.tals. In no other way can the world's news be prompt,-
' ly gathered in Land redistributed. Yet we find .Tl 6
-Coral; telegrams contalaed,la one column, and print:v.l
in eta largest type; - .hits most of the dispatches In the
three columns which Ta TAII3I7Ns gives, are in
close letter, and In The T mes's type would be expanded
to six columns. Here 12 one rallcal thfrarenn,s between
the two papers.
Another feature which marks a great bewspaper,lls
its enterprise is obtaining news exclisal rely. The Time:
has but one special dispatch, and Burt of ht three finer
from, Baffin. Tat Tannin a publishes nearly three hun
dred lines of epeeist telegrams. With Renter's Tale
grams, which answer to tbo dispatches of oar Aasocia.
ted Press. The Time: tills the remainder of Its column,
and they are dated from Berlin, Florence, Paris, Trieste,
New York. Constantinople, Liverpool, Queenstown,
Southampton, Bombay, Gibraltar, Biel And Teeth. It
uses the Atlantic Cable far but one brief dispatch, and
that merely referring to commercial matters. Tea
Tenor:sr has nearly as much telegraphic mattsr by the
Cable alone as The Times from all sources, and gave its
readers dispatches from Berlin, Paris, London, Liver
pool, Florence, Madrid, Trieste and Hamburg, chiefly
dated the day before, beside others from Washington,
New Location, St. Louts, Hartford, Cincinnati, Colum
bus, Chilicothe, Louisville, Chicago, Pittsburg, Balti
more, Richmond, Philadelphia, Boston, "aar - -73tanclaco,
Toronto, Porten-Basque and Leavenworth, Ttbm all
parts of this country, and all portions of the world,
news is published in Tut TRIDUNS, while She TIMES dons
not oven summarize the events in Glasgow, Edinburgh,
Dublin, and other cities of the British Isles.
Tho readers of Tat Torrent win readily conclude
from them facts, hastily collated as they are. that in
point of nowt, at least, they are well served. Of other
tnents tt is not our place to speak, hut tee shall not tall
to give the reader the world's news at bis breakfast;
and in Tar TILIEZNE, if not in The Times, he may, while
chipping his egg or buttering his toast,
" Survey mankind from China to Peru."
. Irishman who died in 1690 had
this curious epitztpia—
"Under this stone lies Brown, who
slowly by virtue of strong beer survived
a hundred winters. He was always
intoxicated, and SQ formidable in this
condition as even to make Death afraid
of him. Finding him one day fasting
against his will (deprived of beer, of
course), Death getting bold, attacked
him and thus triumphed overan unpar
alleled drunkard."
"Oh, mamma, Mamma," said a tow
headed little urchha, in a tune of min
gled fright and penitence, " Oh, mam
ma, I've been thwearing, !" " You been
swearing, my child! Why, what did
you say *:" " Oh, mamma, beginning
to sob,) I thed Old Dan Tucker!"