~~ E~ ~~~~~~0 11 WEDNESDAY OCT: 24, 1866 New Advertisements; - Auditor's Notice—J. I. Mitchell. Iluirdre,,,ing—Dorsey & Johnson. Election Notice—G. A. Colket.. • piste•l Ware, Lamps, Jew( try. Foley. orphans' Court Sale—O. C. r&n. t.litor's Notices—J. It. Niles Black,mith and Farrier—J. Milnley. Csnrt Sale—E,tate of I. M. Rnmsey. Pouutpand Pension Agency—Smith and Shaw Election Notice—A. S. Tprner, Cashier. No Surrender—Hugh Young. A Strike—H. Golf. • CJA rd—Wm.Garreteon. Guardian's Sale—A. Vandusen. Administrator's Salt-- J. I. Mitchell. 3. A. Parsons. Corning. Auction Sale—David Gorrie. NOTICE TO JURORS.—We are request• ed to notify the Jurors drawn for the specie' term of Courin November, that they need not c ppenr, as the Court wilt not be held, owing to the inability of Judge Streeter to attend. PE - RSONA.L. We are glad- to learn that L. H. Snarrocu, Esq., the efficient Superin tendent of the Tioga R. - R., had taken up his res idence in Hlossburg, and is now a citizen of Tin ge county. It gives -us another good citizen and Ice business man. BusiNEss. Messrs. Peet & Smith have leased the Lee 'Woolen Factory'in . this acid are prepared to carry un the business vigorously. They are thorough workmen and . deserve a very liberal patronage. BIG DAY'S WORK !—Mr. G. W: -D. Eastman, of Delmar, now in his 58th year, dog with a hook, last Saturday,42o bushels of pots toes ! Besides this he shot oh squirrels and one weasel ! Young men, when you beat this us )onr photographs. ' We are obliged to Mr. E. fora peek of the po tatoeth a splendid simple. FIRE !—The fine dwelling of Hon. E. DYER, Covington, was destroyed by fire, with nearly all its contents, konday.inoruing at 4 o'. clock. The loss over, insurance reachers4ooo:, PLOVGITING.—We republish an arti cle on ploughing on the fourth page of this pa per, by request of the Agricultural Society's com mittee on ploughing.- it will, bear reading seve ral times, for his sensible. . THE OLD i'SWISS BELL RINGERS.— TM, troupe are to appear at Mansfield, Thurs day,. October - 25; Biossburg, Friday evening, ; and Tioga, at the Methodist church, Sat urday evening, October 27. The troupe cannot appeal at Wel!shore, owing to their large amount of luggage, which cannot be moved conveniently uril..se by railroad routes. SON'S OF TEMPFsRANC.E.—MetszirS. J. M. Hamilton, Benjamin Reynolds, and Arthur Harm, of Coudersport, reprekenting the (hand Division, instituted a Division of Sons of Tem per-dace in this village last ,Saturday evening, under the name and style of " Wellsborough Di rsion S. el P, No. 30." Twenty charter mem bers were present, and the following •officers were eemed and metalled: W. P. Hugh Young; A: It . P., L. A. Eneworth ; R. S., D. D. Van Allen A. R. S., G. C. Hinman: F. S., Seymour _Green ; TTEIL, Thomas Allen ; Chaplaiii,'Rev. J. F. Cal kws C,M. H. Cobb; A. C., Alonzo ,Mack,; I. S. E. Eastman; 0. S. Win. Downer, I.trXt meeting of the Division will be on Frol.ty evening, Oct. 24, at the Club 110.etu IAtT the 13.,"It:Aute, at which time emutnitteee will re. port. ;peed the gel work ! BUTTER AND CHEESE FACTORY. — We bare received the following report of a pre: linandry 131 eAtng: to consider the subject of a but ter and choeso factory, to be cAublisifeal in or near this borough : The farmers in the vicinity of Wellsboro titer hot Saturday at the Court Hoese, to tube into 01:Aeration the building of a butter and cheese factory. • Ira Johnson. Esq., aas called to the chair, and W. A. Nichols, Esq., elected Seetetary. A letter was read from a gentleman residing in the- State of New York, who is operating a factory. of lair !crud with great meccas. This *o.entleutn estiwee the cost of building such afactory at, i:'5,0141, and that a factory that will' uee the ni.ll , trout 500 cows will clear a1...v0 all expenses 4 , 5,000 each season, an average profit of ;Da, on each cow. It is proposed to build a but— lr and cheese factory near this place, to use the Wilk of 500 or 700 cows. Messrs. Clark Barlow, John Dickinson, Samuel Dickinson, Itenjainin Austin,, Ira Johnson. E. P. Deane, W. P. Shuai. w.. F and F. D. Donnell, were appointed fo eon tieir neighborhood - , to learn how cows could be obtained for the factory, gthatlemen will report progress at the suit liieeting, which will be bold at the Court ~ 11 nest Saturday, the instant, at two •' It is expected as this affsir 19 M 3 nearly rela ted to the lutereets of the farmers of this vicinity 4!. i tLc public generally, that there IN i:1 be ti - re• 1-ef table attendance." [lt IL Lc necessary to add a cord of encourage mect for the prosecution-of this laudable cater rirbe, we would tiles to add that word. The en ierpries cannot fail of AIOCCFP, if entered upon with vigor. Such a factory, if established in ev ery township in this county, would -enhance the sgcregate value of real estate not less than $l,- tovieuti. By ail [neaps, then, let there be a fall tueeting next Saturday. ED.] Yormi JIEN'S REPUBLICAN CLUB.- an udjourned-meeting of this Club, : held at tle Union Longue romps, hat Friday evening, it wto egret,' to adjourn the Clula to meet at the call of the President, and that the members would um with citizens, without dietinction of party, at the Court lionf.e, this (Wednesday) evening, lich.ber 24. to organize a society for literary pity -1.0e,. We commend the enterprise as worthy of f,zeral fa;:or. Lot there be a good attendance. ELMIP.A.—A few dai - s since we (the j c ,, lor) paid a brief visit to this city. The plant were thronged with customers—the triet`; al streets were being literally tern to pieces greparstori to sinking sewers end paving. Build ttere in progress of erection in till parts of I,he citg . besiden many others undergoing improve rntec Autong'the many places of note,- We vis :lel tie Ere and Ear institute of Dr. ttrp Be Graff. eppoette the Rathbone`Efecote. The Doctor wetly won the reputatioa which lie bears, us 6 etog nue a the must eitiiiful surgeons in this cenetry He never travel: for practice, us hit great covens:: gives hint plenty of itutitrese at toque. Ac ter Übe instance of his skill, we vouch for the t4,lJussing statement, hating seen the ta lcs,: en eN hibitir.ti at the institute : OVARIOTO3IY.—On Wednesday morn last. Dr. Up De Graff, attended. by a corps of tUrginrllb and physicians, proceeded to Dresden, 'Mere they were joined by others. This com pany. rt prc,Fenting the ablest medical talent this ratio; of country can boast, then repaited to the residence of the patient, a snort distance fro to Dresden, where Dr. Up be Graff, of this "sty. ably assisted by Dr.. Rice, Atagenseller. Metcalf. and others, removed the largest ovarian tumor of which record has been made; having attained the enormous n-eight of screwy round , .. 110 immense internal growth was of the promo. I•notrn to surgeons as nruiti/ocribrr, hods by moans of a vernal° fire inches 1 The plan adopted iu its rsmoval, was tl,st pursued by our most slicer s , rut ovariotorsirts, txtept that the pediele severed by itream. of Olt accro,ur, rendering a ligature unpeeessllrY. — The operation and all the minutim attending it. lauded by the physician: , present ne having [Rea tliu most heroic of its kind, and they unan untanly accord to Dr. Up De Graff a pre mei nesee of Atli attained by few in the profession, a fearlessness unsurpassed, a self-possession truly wonderful. The condition of the patient at pres ent is better thun the most sanguine of those present anticipated, and the prospects of ultimate recovery gocd.—Elmira Advertiser. THE JIIBIEEE.—The jubilee meeting of the Young Men's Republican Club, Jest week Tuesday evening, was a fit closing up of thec - am4 paign. The Court House was net large enough to acCommodate the crowd. The ladies (ded bletis them!) were out in.force, and the - occasion wan one of unparalleled interest and enjoyment. The meeting openedlwith a jubilee song, sung by Dr. Webb, ,and Was followed - by short speeches from the corps of Republican campaigners. This was the most sensible celebration . - of sF great political victory ever held in WellsbOro.— No 'disorder, no drunkenness; no burning ofiic;ti der to disturb the peaeo of the defeated foe. We feel prouder than ever of the Republican party, which expresses ,its ,gratitude for success, in a great moral conflict, as men rejoice in deliverance frcirn threatened danger. Thanks to the :Young Men's Club for its .il;4- lent service in the 'campaign, and in this. its crowning effort. . THE NORMAL .PgßOol...,—W6,4ixect attention to, a communication on .the: first page from Professor P. A. Allen, of the Nor-- mat School. The objectamepponed in, the com munication are impurtaiit, dtit3 e• - c - trust our peo ple will respond Aenoroasly.:-. Theialif:aio; good reason why there shenld get i.eLea cattnet'of natural curiosities - in sTioka , cen ty, and we hare no place Bo appropriate as the Normal School building. - .Speeinietts of the shell rock- of -Ibis region, as well as sections -of native wcads, should not be forgotten. :Tiii4lortkof the county. as well as the Entomology, should beTpio cured. Let us all:Ll:4st in this work. Protecting the toes of children's shoes from wear by metal tips, bus proved a most important and useful invention. But until lately a great mistakh has been made in applying them chiefly to the oarser grades of,shoes. For the higher the cos of the shoe, the more there is saved by protect pg the toe from wear, which can only be done by a metal tip., Gel teel metal tipped shims are now being made :and- aro worn .by the. best families in the Manufacturers coup not have conferred a 'greater, public, favor th4l, Sy; supplying this great want.—Bost6n. Journal. . _ DENTLSTRY.—You can always lied_ 4 superior article and a large variety of everything pertain ing to the-•teeth, at the dental rooms of A. B. Eastman. And after taking the first premium at the Fair, we are confident that all • who entrust their work to his hands will get a prize. • •- a • Na:w Goons.=-The subscriber has just returned from New York with the largest and best selected -tuck of dry goods over brought to this town ut any one time, which will be sold armucti,reduced prices. I ran bfler-special bargains in flannels, full cloths anti cassimeres.. My stock of fancy and 6tai,ln goodziand family groceries cannot be equalled. Also large inducements to the-job trade. See advertisement. N. (TOFF, Cerning,'N. Y. MARRIAGES In Richmond, Sept. 26, by Rev. W. Beach, Mi. CHARLES WATROUS, of Gaines, and Miss Imam,: LA linovvii, of Richmond. In Mansfield, Oct, 10, by Rev. N. L. Reynolds, Mr. GEORGE N. Noon, of Sullivan, and Miss HEL EN A. DAVIS, cf Mansfield. Tn Maiubburg, Oct 14, by the same, Mr. GE.p, IV ItArmotin, of Norwalk,Ct , and Mies SAnan A. Down, of Mainsbutt. At the same time and place, by the same, Mr. LAFAYETTE F. Down, of Mainshurg, and Miss CLARA M. JAQUIsFI, of Richmond. . „ In Mansfield, Sept. :CO, by the same, Mr.-ELint. INGALLs, of Covington, and Miss AtrftELlA of Charleston. Man,fitdd, October 2, by the same, Mr. Jsto„ LoWNSIWP.y, of Richmond, and Miss SALINDA. AIt:DOE, of Covington.' In Man, field, October 5, by the same, Mr. A—b and Miss X—y, both of Mansfield. . T) rso=noN m. spans, IVMD.OALL.',.. CA.LLIISI, &C -11 on bore,,. RADICALLY ilud PERNAMENTLY CtRED. by the. cite Cl 11 , :e f reltingbanc (Fitt! Sjyrriv Core This medicine was estaliliqheil 25 years ago, and has never been known to fail. Cove it a single trial. For sale iiv W. D. ltgliELL & CU.. Corning, N.Y. D. B. Barnes & Co., Agents, New York. 0c1.7.66,6m TH E'a nue. election for Directors - tit' tbe Tido County Bank will be held at itk office on Zslubilay thu 19th of November. 1866. A. S. TURNER; Cashier. October 24,1868. DO put want a splendid Morton Pen ? do to FOLEY'S -• , Auditor's Notice. 11l HE undersigned _baring been appointed an .Autluta to distribute the hinds in the hands the :bend' arising 4 . 0114.01e' spl e of, the ieal I.,ie Hiram Inocho, in the case of A. Er. Cone vs. Hiram Insehn, will attend to the dillies of his appointment nt his oifice in Washer°, on Thurs. day, November 22, at one o'clock P. M. tte , ober 24, 1266-4 - - Auditor. T A NiPS.—A new kind d lamp tor Kerosene—, JLA. brealtego of.;"ohitnneys—et FOLEY'S,_ Blacksmith and- Farrier, --- OSEPII iTould futur-41 - tbe citiiene JOSEPII 14: , ‘ &T.,Y Would iufbral the cl, of We and.iieinity ebet: he has lensed. the old Mnek stand, ou Water street, may 4- cupied by .I\lr. Batter, where he may be toned prepared to shoe horses and oxen, and do till wworkpea ta.tuing to hisbade. ,Ile also is,a , [teal }'arrier, and will treat horses for diseaaes. October 24. 1b66-ti - . . PLATED WARE—Caiko b a kets, card bask— et:‘, Castors ; r.ugar bowls, etc., at FOLEY'S. NOTICE.—An eleetied for . are, Treasurer and Secretary' the "flog hdiiroati Compithy, will be held at the office' crl' the eliinpu lutleAdyik: 4: 4 -uh f rog 4A , ja the ett 3 ul Philadelphia, on Monday, the sth day Jl . November, 1886, botweed' the hours •of 12 be arid 2 P. M. ' COLKET; umber 24, 1866-3 w FObEY has some more, of theoe tine American watches, at itiu. .0 Union Block. . • ; -Hairdressing & .fiarving. Saloon over Willcox .1.: Barker's - Stoni . , Weile; torn, PA. 'Particular Attontiqa paid to.,Lac}ies i hair-eulting,Stiatpoolaz eta,: tlraid§, Palle. cone, an 1 a vichos ou band and nixidp to or der. 11. W. DORSET. JOHNSON.; Bounty and Pension) Agency. id[Avisti received deffnirePlustruCtiore,in regard to the extra t,uutfidloweri try, the act approved July = Irrgoonet having ort baud n large drippy of - all Lrt.ebe-11 y Ward,: e.t.a prepared to pi ...acute all pen sion awl tpwritty ..laulta winch way be placed in. our 13 ern: . l't eEt nig at - xi diatodico 1 art courriaUheeadf, with no by letter, and their. corannuiicatious ho ,proulptly ed . SMITH & Wtlhbuto.t.R.Auber 24, 1606. . . wra, GARRETSON, ATTORNEY AND CoUNSELOR AT 'LAW, and "Insurtuice Agent, Blossbarg, Pa., over• Caldwelee. Stufe. ' . i,Lisous indebted to sUb'ecriber for rte . ordius. thetrs, i.e., also ott raecuturs; Labli2ll6.• 4eOP3 aud GUSICIIHZIE lialiug unsettled accounts *lib the ett.l.*cril-er. are booby :wafted to Make - pay:tient of tlw same I.efore tl,e - ftrst aay 'Of DeCeinber next. . - ARClLF., l l3.,.liecorder; dc. ' October 2'4, SCC. - • 7AUCTION SALE - .1 rri HE s u bicribOtr4lllTstnat public auction, at I hu rcsidtmcoinhair ihruisbip, on Thurs- No% etobor I, 1566, at ten A. M., the follo%v-: 1 St prr,perty,'to . wit t - one 'pan or mares, young and • valuable/ lire start, A 5 sheep, one two year old steer,' fifer calves, "n 6 colt. 25 'inns of hay, a lot of °kat,: 1,0,•Ln tr.). corn and potatoes, 100 bushels 'of, choice rinterapples, outiriu tuber Ivagtirt y 'one light u aeon, and - crttierfarinin. ' tools; li ve c hips of hoc., a lot of- household goods, con-, uf chairs, - tables, - tin: ware, and a lot of small artieles-too numerous 40 mention. Terms made linowo`on the ,day of sate.: F. D. Bunnell Auctioneer. DAVID "GORR:IE. Dolma'', October 24, Isti6-26 _ A STRIKE - E - 7 ', - D T I r '- 11;t - Gtri; A TOll - STORE -s3. N ,- *7 •.•-• &Lu z ••••, - • • •-:,, • : r ,ON -- c 1 ) CORNINOq-.AZElFigkii POIWTY;i.-e01..-: Y e . 7; , -•-•- , 4ZI .1 1.1.13 . • • ; -,.e , • DRY 110C/D8 g=4:l.c.gi*olfthst4.7l4lll. - zi„iifT t . AWORD TO MY OLD FlRlRtiDaand the community generally. NO being,a friend to long - anti Windy advertisensdatireitinetriti- ix penditureq to the,,Printers, I herewith submit a condensed stateinedeof facts - aft small - cost, with the - ttpderktapdhig-lh4t thpourply# capital Rill be better employed in rpcluclog pFicu of,Gooihi to : 'My . o*i - o'er& ' : -; • • , ' ' ; • ; j r t My etockiiilifil4nd coiiipte to•inpflY-1111-the wants of my oltr93O6toiiiirs and nitiiHiy'-iiet ones, Seth in the,!HeteiliteCJekiTy.ayef fgrathe np. preaching Fall and 7 1 1 7ipter.. , Haying a splendid eloA-of klannels, : Bio*n and ,131eacheifphdei-;" • ings and Shirtings, ,• Bough+ under +he latelowtrioes. 7 --- -- - d tm _ _ • -A' greet ' • ' , 1•1 -- C'ZIOICE-DRESS:LG-00:138-' .Dar7.l. - 7 1 / 5 - 0 t • q..;::,zt.. 14 4 : ‘,J At, . I ,9YA PTiee l 6:ne ;ROI aktk@PW 2l 44.AgfilliA 3 o4 of fine, JP ,0 40.i14-.)e!leTrieeigakenni ) ,;4 ll ,1 2 Aj1 1 - the AtAtit. ~o . l4pAng jpamx t ay , 7.: yard`- ykr.dA's anOfigii . • i , basineel- Aipacalis;*;• . ." ' • • hairs, e..ctiefiltiid; LADIES' -- CLOTH, For Street Slie - eisacks arid . Cloatte t and of Goods adapiedi to Tta6eliag Dresiiii :Sind Capes. A splendid stock of Fail and Winter. E :L I)44 -' l f 4 . , Lf# , `7 o . ) Comprising a variety of style andlitutliii, , from: , $2;00 .te-.140,-0.0 - a ItPE FJ:o51' 0 5!) . geog a,tp $2,90 .ipeA fullpt L'edifipl6ll JALYthtint 6t-"u 4 tiodrg 'Adapted to the - Y 4 anti toritzsde... n Gloves, Hosiery ez Yankee Notions " t^" .• 2+ ... 61 - 1" . Amin faci 7”. Rua eP6'...01 rf. fl 7. I A FIRST CLASS .cotfNitttittlei ':l3 - :1 TlfT7i ;3110.1ri ' Advaxiiages to InSv t17.15:a7 " 7, Seeretnrk: s - GROCERY-e•US-TOMERS • 2 • . Art •nf4.,1.061ibt; , , ,thj B IP I . 4 .O494,AvhPP - 411(1 ' ,U'nennoiplett:inetenfflabot into amowet•- , ,t 81W-without rhedear , of , !nontrili .diction,kink' filiiii•nnOntfr to . imipifi; fcrr6ifili an.'setkiat i the 9 01 P , !.T.Y4tedP ee /4:Pe tkey,-011,6ny in rile city, inctudiog freight, which gives me an-,oppor, tapity--td.ofrtfr 4y . Trakle; ,• • ' *: And alsu to bit) ratait- tiado am .dui g, and ain'botinditi) ttd at "rates ~ninisl » n largly _ morass A t Cat •tßinlttga.4.tp,t. RETAIL PURCHASERS,,h, =EWE 291 bera Over any tr t iri c f ", b i ;.,h, Tn t T Ts tr . rzr,N. Y. i an. 7 7. fi Will give my customers the benefit °rimy clump-la the:77o3li tur A nwpiistvitti lisstion;' no a- 0 t anion -riatnAlity,i,o—dny-34,4titegraph '2lol,7•Orderi tintlgh tpris: Witty, ft orktiw 'yob Trade will le promptly,a4eided tO, and - ill - goods warranted to be as teenteMended or they may be retp.ruodivt. once, bT ., freight, at my expense. • 7 ' 1 11.130n. ' a 3 'el.: EIZO ,--, .1 ' 1% f.l-... %: , f,' - '.., 4 ..I.' MI 7.4 . 2 ~ s ' - .t f Effial J 37: : , ELIMEI 1 0 .1.1: MIS ISM=MM7II Key Stone Store la.*" 44,1; !?' BULLIRD4 11111410 _IIiJI Is the place to call and examine good goods. If we cannot conclude our-customers that we are selling at roasouaele prices, it is then time tp, some of ptixrocifi be (if.they could),cotapetitors., . . 1.., I . , We have now on hand a complete assortment of Dotnesties, such as t i'~i 1 ~'? _t :~' Prints, Sheetingt'Stilriiles, Denims; IMI and everything in that line. ; OUR- DRES 4 .9 ,(MEtS' STOCX . EMIE =MIN i$ complete from Brat Opt- fderinoes down to Delain I • I ' elt4teit alsortmant abeladieton know bow hard it has been heretofore to obtain the articles to make their- tiro ornamental and coat e. Ne7eipeutittily t incite #14 , 3 ladiell I , to come: and examine mit- - • J!„' I Glove and Hositir? Stock, Ladies' and Gents' Paper ollars, all sizes. i 1 __..., OUR BOOT 4 , SHOE STOCK , :.;$ t L tT.B.:F~: j .s otnplete. Every one that has patrohized usv that wedteer, the best 13Q04 and Shoe- Faakin,itratA l - Boolal4war ,rante.l t the Rime orta Thatv.tutnbiir6art - aiad othere'requir ndezaminethere. exttminp 1 . • 4,- 131=1 , r , :; , ,iiii :-li. k..44V-C ; 1.1 PLOTRIN.:?!TJ'ITA This branch notice briefly, as they Rill recommend themselves on exeinin- La n 7atili :,;:i . i : ;;j4, , ,i Sir-.i7t-,_::,,i , ,v....w..g...., 4 v: I , BM warrarite4 to fa" coon j try,,be thes"-didoiattte 'l2 tWastildritiy ofitiot. =I BEESEM aittißXe.44.4.4. Cii 9101: ii46ib t:/ IP We can now supply families with Sugars. Teas, :1114 1 -4404.31`.e. I 'thi,4loVigigl-ViitiTi in OFY, 2, (1 FRIZIEMA 291129 ?,:si 1 ii , ..fr , L i :::;i 1 2../7 •.:. - . 1, L'... , ..,'W a 'l7 tl 11 ': 1 71 41.4 ;.I'i :i :LI 1, 1- .. g doli 7r CR 06 ( 4 1 13 1 g R Y. .: att Call nruktmimiiiiothlebeafettlallitytesAlrat we —bike ht6lyVaelsivtailll , ;:::i 01.4.1)7.01.1115 - :J.re.0,111 ..t. 01:41 IU. ssbrz.., L'l.4 viz -; 7.4,1 di; .1.1t1,11;11.f. .5.1z..1; 1 - 1 btr;::.-11:15 .7.r.,111C11"..4 Hardware and Cutlery, in variety. ICfir ;livntrirso.wrFtvpstir7t ing w g fir and pAT you e toads, satfaiiier;oo iinpo#not. %.• . & c 7 LI4E. • - • • - DUitAIRI); Wellaboro Oct. 3 1866. ',..-:. - t'T .;,.z.ji,lai_i << F.i i 1 IM 3%:' S~~i i~; 4 -' t MEM= :i ilOW.i'll.r. , ‘. - .i - , . - 4:-'-' 7- '-:, ,-:• I IMMO ENE ~i.3Tr iw.i 1:4 - ' PSI" 4 "' " _'i 3!IO d -'a .1- '.. BEE J 11 '"1 %.3 .:5... MIZE 1. „I MEM ;:. 7 11'14 .1 A , • Can be made by every man, woman, and chili in this comity, if they will strictly adhere to the Liefiliklii*blifftrifreirz , gbodr46o4ol4Well7 4-7 t• tO rnm * P*l444ltl4#.lB°f f . • ,;... 4 .4,..a.h4„t 4i i 4,7, 4 : „;„,- 3 . 1 i..4: XIMITAV-SiuMlllo44 :‘ - ?, ,- : , :k c04 , .i-4 - 'i it Ci MI j4l A~DTS ii ; .%77,J, 1 -E1) Ell 41;11 H414 - 117 — .1*.ilD e3KS:L.Iy/ tiVA tall:"1 31 'Lady reaped their reward by thus doing. Every -i c !iL DRY GO9DS T -GROORRILES, OJJOPHING, BOO'fiS &fiIiDES4,IFATSitOAPS, CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS, IJi A Clkc7;" ik.ci 4 '48155. - 4..k II A - are on hand in abundance, .~ PRERSOA UV autort BE at theakßelitible `PEQI?LES' ;STORE, GRAVE:AND !IMPORT ANT INFORM-A. 4." TION TO CASH BUYERSWHO• WISH TO SPEND THEIR MONEY WHERE 3 THEY CAN GET THE MOST FOR IT. W. IL SMITH'S S.ONS',exateut- 7 _pf sa lt coping di - 4001 1 / 1 W ttll'tiinel -of the ear, and soiling them cheap—this system so ob noxiods to big profit stores—is fairly begun for the Fall eeaeon atibeir stortf;4rilt r klich a year for going people good was never known before. Car !ainly there is no good reason for swindling pri- Pefikgai I'I4MVP The great advantage rind importance of traAlpg 'for Cash or Ready pay is fully illustrated by the Jou.pricea now-tagingilt theTeople's Store. tai. FEW HOUSEHOLD:WORDS TORTIELE mEpyAmc,-..:fr REDE.T., 4.dtemirt, t tr i topF_P 43 , - 2x youi• g(;04.1 of a `cdne,etit'lvhic tas a lag ftisortitieni and selling'tbn tinmeas manyioo:da' And of course can sell them as many tiuiefs per than small concerns. We give all such ad fra. ) . t, fl s ,a 4 ri ur ifYsl9 l F 2 ",m i . it .r_t: !..A. FEW DEng; RIB ;THINGS .31:11rd PRE ' DENT &Nit( BEFORE'' BTEND INQ zus ktoNEi. . "' .Lo.out for b ig i stores and big big notes end-b y rates of ntereer ; mia "no Inhere, at 'thae=all Oniiiiich is veribad us againsk i n'l R.. iSmith's Sons' situation Light expenses and no ; rents, dew goods at break down prices, and the igoodlohji m)44,t50f small ;ptigits. gggit , value 'tind iquielt Mums, frying to the breeze. 'The fifer is, :the only true and certain road to fortune for the Mlerehia bi ltilways to s aatomors. as wit !ad's]] ' e agaur 4 41depeta large sales fur his eg t .rAgILIEI, our popular ?and legitimate syst eIREer buying strictly ifor cash, always having cash on hand, render us tmastwuwf i #telsiitttioy whiun .e.drqkcomee in the marhet. ever -:before was, there_sueh a _tempt 1; f:g9octs, - - eitto pr:ieq', - as t. n'"ittrid time forwdtct. "." 1 ,111'p . 1 0iT1, 4 ,c" I Our stuck u Dry Goals and Can't e lbeat, , aAd.po, eniketaiirw4o is in the right shape, ever resivis the "Viii.Wcitif busing, and ngne ,who care what they - A:W.will: !dike -theVi*s. ert4n ithac diley - eirti - burgouda ehunhuie-asetreap - . ----- We iketlk giejArgest stock of BOOTS AND SHOES, I. HATS AND CAPS ( Y AV LW* utb county;; iodm itaitinzimore than - to eeentle• CHEAT' 41600/s.en die anzitue counter. @6r i .t Oto,o_af) .PATIrAttviGtPIAQm -.11*4.4.4 1 ,0Ah rv i. be , tei,tttniihAToe.p.inii.now ; b 3 ,- milt - prey the fev , s's FrceiT'• „. - .= 0 • a; ; ;": - - CROOKERY T O WELL PAPAIR7 J and a thousand other articles can ticsfound; insd no and who sees thew , isaWihelp hu!iiug. *We manefacture-all-the-OL-0-T-Hillllilve selk Every w,elLdnissiflAmaia,bgyis haw ess . 11161sdimakegooreAt'ClfuMuttir is master of his att3 he stands o,wn the hall for no man whd k. jars ;1451 livelihood; his fits cure the deformed. We keg) Pork,,Floyr and Salt, e,. .1. L. a (I --P t • always as .low T or,less than market ,ratee. - It is iddre'thati 'ever' fro tr tit every man and woman to call here before buying, and look r$W tlinetlieleefraniqtliods - andbargains, , nl4 Ice-onel lean •Irmitlfia, •eir - "rorin' an j; idealiOW -gittatell diffeittilE , e::there'lebetweelr tlie , prices' of goods bought firr , eash land! prleee of; good! elan' , wherabought for notes that are not paid promptly. The safeat,thing, for, all -huyera who Ivant-the lowest notch in goods, is to Fall and'get - lr: R. §mi.th;s ; .Sons' prices, -/tiro take around_fa , yeur , ffek4a - Oositiinpare,s A great many 'steres-Will get the cold shoulder after you visit the Old Cur— lier'rebov they,work-fer;their ,etts tom Bray - - 7ou cannot mistake the place, as itq'oectrPies the room of four stores, immediately on the Erie railway,,ppd fl)ss rush is constantly g,ping,,on. C411. 1 1,40r notbin*Jmo're Aim• to sew bow we spike the guns. Yours, truly. • W. R. SMITH'S BONg., Addison. N. Yi.,,...gv16),,,./fifi6s... IBM kind of NEM if :If-LI -:..iviii 1, Fill tlill 0 : t MI 1!IIIIIIIM111 SW - WHITNTEYVILLE. jggr H. Harrington HASaaskreprnaci.fronofaw York with a fall t•-eat,".of smisONABLE Oily GOOll, GROCERIES, HATS ANI) CAPS, 4 t ‘ 2 BOOTS AND SHOES, EARTHNWARE, EMI HARDWARE, FLOM, SALT, , And everything usually found in §county store, which he is selling cheaper than any other store in the cOunty. ;-• - • , ~C OME AND gE. „; • • .‘ -figr , •No eharge for obowingGoodo. H. HARRINGTON ,Whltneyol4,Sept..2B 3 1868.-3 m.. „ \VE NOiAl" ON HAND A SPLENDID ASSORTMENT OF SUMMER GOODS At the People's Store, Corning, N. Y. ; . • Adapted ti:ithe lealite; of elasetts - ; laid as we laid in fur a pp& acee, k...jaat before the late ad tance in New Yiilc; We are now enabled to sell most of our good's at aLont , NEW YORK PRICES ,'_ : I : " We would call tit:Hada} attention to our large stock of goods for LADIES' SUITS, and the finest line Of FRENCH MUSLINS AND ORGANDIES ever offered in this market. We; also have a nice aseoktrouni or, ' , = • LADIES' SACQUES; TALMAS AND BASQUINES, in cloth and silk, to which we invite the attention of buyers, 'Oar stock of ' CLOTHS AND GSSIMERES, . • -1 . w 1 or men's and boy's ear, is kept very full, and CLOTHING MADE TO ORDER, on it - citrn - oficoiind the InteBr ,jtyle Hoop' Nkirts, of emery variety. • .GINGAA.MS, ALPACAS,.POPLINS, DeLAINES, aIfALL . IES, SUN UMBRELLAS, JEANS etYTTONADES SHEET- INGS, SHIRTINGS. Our facilities for -EUYING GOODS are UN SURPASSED by any in this section, and we .wish it understood that - r_ We do not intend to be UNDERSOLD by any We tender our tdinnks to the citizens of Tioga Co„ who tinve'pationited us and' would `respect fully invite those who have never done so to call and see us. Store opposite the Dickinson House on'Market Stieet,' three doors west bribe earner, :and. two, doors east orMungerford's Bank._ fiab - SMITH &•WAITE. Jinitt'27, 1886. - MARKET., MEAT AilTAckwe 3:'TIPPVE; having sreicently purchased Mr. Wm. Townsend's interest in the - 11:E.A.T .LA,RK_ET woul+o4 , folfle eitifetni-ofrtireffebercr and- vicin ity that he will continue the busi i ness at the 61d stand—giving his entire attention in supplying the wants of all who may favor bin], with their ptttronage. - - - c`onsi l antlyrn hand - - FRESH 141 - H.ATS OF ALL HINDS. Shop one boor South-of SmitWa , Law Office. Wel lebofe";S4l.: 26;1566-tr. Hartman's Safely-Bridle and Lines. (Patented goinin'bei 7, 18a5.) Tir 1 - 110,t 1101'd vryttutit -pre Vtilt4 eid6rdsbrhorge. thl - It. ltig,itriiiiirg locking of - a._,lukizA, litt,:rly - %-.. ; i ,:i - -.< l / 2 - •' 2;""= - ' : - "'-; - 1 -' - •' -•- e' 1 ..ti - - 4, • '4 - ..• f L ,"- .1 - , i :,, 3 $ 4 if -; ,'" ' - f-- %sl -.- I t t,, ,,. - DLICI - 4..C..d1a. - ci ~4 :. ~...: 14i 1 '6111.1_,;;;;• ; t I : ' e t.,•l4o' --- ;:.•,,,:- , .4.,k,„ • AMOST valuable article for all who drive hor _ sea. See " Agrkultnrise for March, 1866. Recommended by Wilkes, of the Spirit of the Times; Bonner, of the New York Ledger, and many othereelebrated horsemen. The vibscribei owns the patent for .Tioga, Sus quehanna thict . ttradforct 'counties. Individual or township 1:1041 , for 4A - 10, on favorable terms. Harness malclr# yidlo i rrish tO,nilake the lines for their customers - who buy individual rights, will be dealt with liberally., - 2 r By a slight alteration, the safety lines may be attached to almost any bridle. All persons are cautioned against making or ueitig the bridle or liyies, in the main ties ninraseid, nodfirsigedd. ROBERT C. SIM P:so. Wellsboro, Sept. 5, IAS-if ; 7 120":RROSINIA .LAMPS at. "IL __.. r BOY'S D 8,1711 EITOBB. , NVELLSBOROUGH FIRE, LIFE & iffIRENTAL INSURANCE AGENCY. W. H. SMITH, GENERAL POLICY AGENT FOR TI OGA. COUNTY, PA, - - Cash Capital, Anet t. Home, N. Y., $2,400,000 $9,589.9 1? Rims, 2,000,000 3,500,439 I Phenix, -1.-- /MOM° 5,000,000 North American, Philad'a, 1,000,000 731,00 Putnam, 600,000 Farmers' Mutual, Middle Ponna 357,40 2 92 Wyouting, ^50,000 Lycoming Mutual, Muncy, Pa...... Columbia Mutual, Lancaster, Pa... Globe Mutual, Life, N. Y. City, ... N.Y. Accidental, .. Travelers" Accidental, Hartford, .. Equitable , Life Assnranoe Society. ' Non-Hazardous, Hazardous, and Eztra-Haz aedous Risks taken at reasonable rates. Policies Issued, and all Losses adjusted at this Office. W. 11. SMITH, Wellsboro', Pa. July 25, 1886.—tf. Drugs, ffiediefues, Bcc. J.L. BELDEN & BLOSSBURC4, PA EEP constantly on hand a fine stock of Pura ..101_, Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals, .tc., WINES AND LIQUORS, for , Medicinal and Sacremantal use; also all the popular Patent Medicines, Paints, Varnishes, Oils, ac. ' all kinds of brushes, Dye Golors, Dye Woods end Stuffs, fine Toilet Soaps, Perfumery, Pom ade" Cosmetics, Sc., STATIONERY, PENS, PENCILS, PAPER AND ENVELOPES, Memorandum Books, PRS3 Books, Jtc., ;Potash in bulk at 15 cents per pound, Kerosene Oil, Lamp Oil, Turpentine, Benzine, to. . Fresh Oatmeal and Pearl Barley at 10 cts per pound. We are sole agents in Blossburg for Dr. N. Weaver's Ext. Fireweed, and warrant it to cure Scrofula, Salt Rheum, Scurvy, Pimples on the face, and all diseases arising from impure state of the Blood if used according to directions. Particular attention given to compounding Physician's and other Prescriptions. We guaran tee satisfaction, both in quality and price. Remember the Store, opposite the new Coal Co's Store, Blossburg, Pa. Aug. 15, IS6G—tf. J. L. BELDEN & CO. Orphans' Court Sale pursuance of an order of the Orphans' Court at Tioga county, bearing date the 27th day of August, 1866, the following described real (*- tate. late the property of Tames Campbell, deed, will be offered at public tale, on the premises, on the . 31st day of October nest, at 2 o'clock p, m,, to - wit : A lot of land situated in the township of Farm ington in said county; beginning at the south— west corner hereof, it being the southeast corner of lot No. 89 of the allotment of Bingham lands in Farmington township aforesaid ; thencenorth, degree west, 92.9 rods along said lot No. 89; thence east 119.1 rods along lot No 95; thence south, degree west, 94.3 rods along lot No 86; thence north, 59 degrees west, 94.9 rods along lot No 192 ; thence west 23.2 rods to the place of be ginning.; being lot No 88 of said allotment, and containing 65.5 acres, being part of warrants Nos 137 9 and 1371. Terms cash on confirmation of sale. E . NOCH B. CAMPBELL, Ado'''. EatatO of Jas. Campbell, deed October 10,1886.-3 re Ayet's Pills Itoti ARE pl a i n i u n g al ' c Are feeble a o n u d t o n f o o m r - - der—your system deranged and your feelings' uncomfortable?— These symptoms are often the pre cursors of serious illness. Some fit of sickness is creeping open you, and should be averted by a timely use of the right remedy. Take Ayer's Pills, and drive out the humors— purify the blood, and let the fluids move on un obstructedly, in health. They stimulate the or gans of the body into vigorous activity, purify the system from the obstructions which make dis ease. A cold settles somewhere in the body, and deranges (he natural operations of that part.— This, if not relieved, will react upon itself' and the surrounding organs, producing general ag gravation, suffering and derangement. While In this condition, take Ayer's Pills, and see how di teetly they restore the natural action of the sys tem. and with it the buoyant feeling of health.— What is true and so apparent in this trivial and common complaint, is also true in many of the deep sealed and dangercusl diseases. The same purgative expels them. Caused by similar ob structions and derangements, they are surely.and ninny of theta rapidly, cured by the same means. None who know the virtue of these Pills will neg lact.to employ them vvhen - suffering from the dis orders they cure, such as headache, foul stom ach, dysentery, bilious complaints, indigestion. derangement of the liver, costiveness, constipa tion, heartburn, rheumatism ' _dropsy, worms and suppression, when taken in large doses. They are sugar coated, so that the most sensi tive can take them easily, and they are suioly the best purgative medicine yet discovered. - Ayer's Ague Cure, - For the speedy and certain Cure of intermittent Fever, or Chills and Fever, Remittent Fever, Chill Fever, Dumb dyne, Periodical Headache, or Bilious Headache, and Bilious Fever* ; in— deed for the whole class' of dieecceee originating in'biliarg derangement, canted by the malaria of mihamatic countries. - This remedy has-rarely failed to cure the se verest cases of Chills and Fever, and it has this great advantage ot;or other Ague medicines, that it subdues the complaint without injury to the pltient. It contains no quinine or other delete-- Hops substance, nor does it produce quinism or any injurious effect whatever. Shaking broth ers of the army and the west, try 'it, and you will endorse these assertions. prepared by Lr..J. C. AYER. .1: CO., Lowell, Mass., and _sold by all druggists and dealers in medicine everywhere. ADDITIONAL BOUNTY TITE forms authorized by the War Department are published, and it is necessary to amend those heretofore filed accordingly. Where both parents are living, they must apply jointly, and must also produce the- number tlf the certificate tipbn which they were previously paid, if possi ble. The attorney who collected the pay and bounty before, can prolribly furnish the number of the certificate. By, the rules of the Department, applications Must.,be made within sea re.m.tbs. or delay will resuft and the discharge of the soldier is re quired. The.soldier must state whether in dif ferent, and in what different companies he- has served,- ..te. I . shall charge the same price for collections as other claim agents charge. JOIIN. I. MITCHELL Wc!hboro, Oct. 17, 1866-3 t PHOTOGRAPH 'GALLERY. SFIELDON OCORR, respectfully informs the citizens of-Oceola shit - vicinity that he has opened a PHOT9,GRAIIH'GALLERY Oceola, Tioga Co. Pa., where heis prepared to ex ecute - PHOTOGRAPHS, GEMS'...t. ANIRROTYPES, in the beet style and at reasonable prices. Please call and examine specimens. • Oceola. Sept. 2G, 1566.-tf. Farm for Sale HE undersigned offers for sale the farm in Tioga, Vega county, Pa., known as the King or Crano farm. It is situated on the Tioga river, three miles above Tioga village, a few rode from the Mill Creek railroastation. It contains 47 acres of laud, and is in a good state of add vation, with a good house, two good barns, and abed. fine fruit, and is well fenced. Will be sold cheap. and is very desirable. F. H. SMITH. Tioga, October 17, 1886-3 m JOB -WORK, IN THE BEST STILE. and with despatch, at THE AGITATOR Mb,. 800,000 500,000 500,000