The Tioga County agitator. (Wellsboro, Tioga County, Pa.) 1865-1871, October 24, 1866, Image 1

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    Oribt ga Oriottittn ;Ma:
1.-.I I JI -, thed every Wednesday Morning, at $2,00 a
,“eernAdy In advance, by
32. E. COWL] IP. C. CAN Gramm
Lao. is mo. r 1 yr
ire - $2,50 5,0• J 7,50 10.00 12.00
3.75 8.0 12.00 I 15,00 18,00
7,00 10.00 15.001 20,00 I 25,00
CJlcir...n 12.00 20.00 30.00 38,00 45,00
1 C• lams ......_O,OO 35,00 45,00 65,00 80.00
I sar. 1 inser'n 51.00-50 cts.eaelt week thereafter.
AJ uns f ratan and Executors Notices $2.00 each.
Bnnuess Cards of fiver lines $5,00 per year.
WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS, and dealers' is
Walt taper, Kerosene Lamps, Window Glass,
Perfumery, Paipts and Oils, &c,
coming, N. Jan. 1, 1886.—1 y.
office formerly occupied I,y James Lowrey, Esq
Wa. A SOH] I. 1111TeklEI.L.
WelleLero, Jan. 1, ldnek—ly.
Insurance, Bounty and Pension Agency, Main
' , 4rect Wellsboro, Pa,i Tau. 1, 1866.
F;rst door from Bignney's, on the Avenue)—
Will attend to business entrusted to their care
in the counties of Tinge, and Potter.
li'sllsboro, Jan. 1, 16'66.
ATTORNEY AT LAW—Mansfield, kioga co., Pa
May U, 1866—1 y
TAILOR. Shop first door north of L. A. Seare's
sh o e Shop. Td! - Caning, Fitting, and Repair
ng done promptly and well.
Wellsboro, Pa., Jan. 1,1868.—1 y.
DRAPER AND TAILOR. Shop over Bowen's
tore, Second floor. Oi/rOntting, Fitting, and
Repairing done promptly and in best style.
W.Bsboro, Pa.. Jan. 1,1866—1 y
AGENT for the collection of bounty, back pay
and pensions due soldiers from the Govern
intut. Office with Nichols and Mite Nell, Wells
, Pa* inao, '66
_ Gaines, Tioga County, Pa.
new hotel located within easy access of the
beet fishing and hunting grounds in. North
ern Paqneylvania. No pains will be
the aecotninodation of pleasure seekers and
the travelling public. [Jan. 1, 1866.] '
Pennsylvania House.
Tait, popubir hotel has been lately renovated and re
-1 furaisile, and DU pains will be spared to tinner Its frailties acceptable to patrons.
ellsboro..Ma I,' b.
No. IL Law Building,—St.-Raul St, Baltimore.
REFERESe£B.—...Levin Gale. Attorney, nt Law,
1-:..l‘v.zr.i lerael, Att'y at Law. Her. .1. Men.
r01e,7, D. IL. Her. Henry direr, 11 8., Coo-
Lel.l. Bro. & Cu, F. Gt ,ve & Co., Ludwig ,t
Me.iherry, John F. Xl , dilten, Eeq.,Robert Law
boa, ,S. Sutherland, Erq. [Mr: lIwt:4; is
authorized to transact any husiness appertain
:nn to thii paper in Baltimore.]
hr,. 1. IS6ti-ly.
AC. , N. V., late of the 'dPa. Cavalry, after
_U. nearly [our yeare 01 army cerrice, with a large
e•,par:ente m f.eld and ho-pltal practiar, has opened an
,ece for the practice of medicine and surgery. in all
ne banches. Persona from a distance can find good
Doan - 111.0 at the Pennsyl•anta Hotel wben desired--
11%U r , it any part of the State in consultation, or to
patient). surgical operationa. Not, 4, union Block, up
stein+. li - ell.4boro. Pa, %lay 2,
tots the pleasure to inform the citizens' of Tioga
.:cty 1.1 it he has completed hie
ht.i is on hand to take all kinds of Sun Pictures,
Ambrotypes, Ferrotypes. Vi.mottes,Cartes
Visite. the Surprise and Eureka Picturee: also
carticaler attention paid to coitying and anus—_
in; Pictures. Instructions gi , tu in the Mt on
-e.s,noble terms. Elmira St., Mansfield, Oct. 1,
4 B. EASTMAN, sußclicm, AND ME
irc4. .
iunrui the citizens of WeAsher° and vi
that he has fitted up a desirable suite of
ovcr John R. llowen's store, No. 1, Un
81,,ck. where he ia prepared to execute all
in his profession. with a promptneze anti
'lyle that will enable him to offer superior induce
-:er.te to those requiring dental operations. _ All
0 , rit. warranted, and at reasionnble rates. Please
:ail and examine specimens.
Weraboro. March 21, 1888.—tf
C. N. D A It-T - T,
W i a D lA a c y ,ca t t o e?i e n P t i ltb l o h rO t ( 13 13Efi s co P ITt r w hl
r...flien-c, near the Land Office and Episcopal
where be will continue
,to do all kinds of
, k ~ .,ntided to his care,, guaranteeing complete
, ft.efapti..o there the skill of the Dentist can
ir. the management °feu/44 pc-eater to the
- • He Rill furnish
set un any material desired.
~ ..riod to on,, , bortest notice, and done in the
heel and most approved style.
t) tr.e the use of Anaesthetics which are per
.'.ti t etn.Mee, and will be administered in over)
eak wnt , u desired.
Welhoro, .lan. 1, 1t385-Iy.
VITAL S:11111-1, Knoxville, 'Tioga County,
S. Iteensed Agent, and Attorney
r~ldleratheir friends throttghent all the
l'3 - 41::tates,) will prosecute end collect wittran
rA-aihd HiceeAs,
limds Also, any other kind of claim
Ljain s t the Government before any of the De-
Pd; - t , nentt.• or in Congress. Terms moderate, All
v - atianhieatians tent to the above address will re:
eel% pi,aopt attention. Jan. 17. ISM
Main Street, Wallsbun), Pa.
lent , ed ibis popular letel property,
"ecuPiu.l by Mr. Nelson Austin) I Fhall
e4 , L,vor to make it truly the traveler . * home.—
Pers , ,utti attention will be given - to the -table,
et; , l the c ,, rutort of guests will be a prime objeCt.
The sta+,l: will be under the care of an experi.
tticerl host ,er.•o, Jan. 1, 1866-Iy.
CAL Ni tT p S. e l ar d STealer . H S bt/n D,eceer h' akifi
}lames /1. Brothers pianos, Mason & Hamlin ealr
in.d ~r genF, Trent, Linsey d;-Ca. melodeons, and
the 13. Stholiing..r melodeons. Room over .1• R.
Euwtn'e store: Sept. 12, 1866.
FIE TIOGA CORNET Is in good blowing or
der. and nlll play lbr picnics, celebrations, I,r
r,.toonalole compensation. r: 11. Adams leader.
GABILETSON, Secretary.
Log; Await 1,
AGENT for the Lyeoming County Is:Marines
Company, at Tioga, Pa.
June b, 1866.--3urr. - •
Good stabling. attached, and an attentive hos
tler alwn,ys in attendance:
- E.. S. FAR R, . :„Pro'prieter:: - •
UNION 11 . 0175 E.
(Formerly Hart'illael.]
MINOR WATKINS, Proprietor. This 'Ouse
1, 'touted ou Main Street, in Wellsboro, and• i
surrounded with beautiful shadelsees, and has
all the necessary accommodations for man and
beast.—aug. 22, ly
• Sohn W. Guern
llarin. returned to this county with a view of
malting it his permanent residence, solicits a
share of public patronage. All business en
trusted to his care will be attended to with
promptness and fidelity.: Office 2d door south
of E. S. Farr's hotel. Logs, Mega CO., Ps ,
Sept. 26.'66.—tf. • •
J. B• NiLss
(Corner Main Stred and the Avenue.)
rpHIS- is one of the most popular
the county. This Hotel is the principal
Stage-house in Wellsboro. Stages leave daily
a follows : .
For 'flogs, at I 0 a. at. ; For Troy, at S a. m.;
Fur Jersey Shore every Tuesday and Friday at
2 p. in.; For Coudersport, every Monday and
Thursday at 2 p. m.
STAGES ARRIVE—From Tioga, at 12 1-2 o'clock
p. m.: From Troy, at 6 o'eloek p. m.:' From Jer.
bey Shore, Tuesday and Friday 11 tt. m.: FrotE
Coudersport, Monday and Thursday Ii a. in.
N. B.—Jimmy Cowden, the well-known host
ler, will be found on hand. -
Wellsboro, Jan. 1, 18664.1i.' ,
New ' , Spring Goods,
.. . ;
and well selected stock of goods, which
We are selling Corp
Good yard wide sheeting fur
Heavy yard wide vii‘eting for 25 /4
Standard prints from
We also keep . ennetatify% on hand a choice
sock of
At very low figures
ALL pemus baring' irnowledge-of.factu concerning;
killed and wounded soldiers from. Tiors:,count2, ,
are reveetfully requested to furnish Col-sf. L. Clerk.
of lifsawfild, Ps., with the following . statistic 3 ,;
Names of soldlertyplace- of re.idence, date. of enlist
en; .at muster intoitie United States service- letter
m compagy, number oCreglmout„ when wounded, and
*lint en..-xzeineut: dattumf place'vf deaih,and capita:
.1. RI snlivr:"
W. D. MATTESUts; -- -
• August 1,1166 _ . X . ceit_tiaittee ou Statistics.
NOTlCE.—Notice is hereby givenTthnt.lioh
ert Custard, Senior, has been , placed in
charge of treet No. and thbre'parta of tract
No. 1589, in the vicinity of Babb'sn.reek;belong
ing to the heirs of Luke W."Nferfris . ; - and all per
sons are forbid treFpasfing thereon, undei penalty
of proteention
• Jytly 4, 113614.-6th
TM O'SSF.S.—" Seeley'e Hard:.Rubber Truss'
_cures rupture, frees the cord from all preee
: will never rust, break, limber, chafe, or be
come filthy, (the fine- steel spring being
. coated
with herd -rubber): pring made any power re
quired; used in' bathing, Wed: to form; requires
no strapping; cleanest, tightest, easiest,-and beat
Trues known. Seed for pamphlet.
L B. SHELBY, - Soto Proprietor,
1347 Chesnut st.'„ Phila'a, Pa.
apll 68
.:iG R.Q.YIR; - :8.i. , 8:A KE R7S
Elalaic and ;,.ock-Stitch Sewing Ma
ENERAL 4t;ENCY. 23 Lake .treet,
agents .upplii.d at factory prices, and
new - agents wanted tor unoccupied district..
Also, a large stock of machine findings. For
circular. address THOS. JOHNSON,
Genera-1 Agent of O. & B Sewing !Bat-lanes' .
Jun, 13, 1860-tf '-.2S Lake st, Elmira, NY.
only preparation of the kind made from
the fruit,' As an article of economy, purity, and
delicioteuess,it cannot be surpassed; and is recom
mtneniled by physicians for invalids and family
use. It will keep for years in any climate, while
its condensed form renders it especially conven
ient for travelers. All who use lemons are ~ ror
quested to giro it a trial. Entertainments at
home, parries, and picnics should not be without
it. For sale by all Druggists and first-clasp
Grocers Manufactured only by
Jun. 1.,i186r,-1 r . No. 549 pearl St,. N. Y.
DOLLAR' & SON; Meerschaum manufactu
rers, 692 Broadria,y, near 'Fourth street, N.
Y. Wholesale and retail et reduced rates. Pipes
and Holders cut to order end repaired. All goods
warranted genuine. Send stamp for circular.—
Pipes S 6 to SSO eaob. apl 1 '66
S .
TlON—for preserving alt kindi' of fruits
without the expense of air-tight cans—rind at
GOLD received on deposite, for which certifi
cates will he issued, bearing iot , rcre in gold.
E. W. CLARK do CO, Bankers,
- No 35 south Third street, Phila.
gv i
B. 13, HOLIDAY, Proprietor
210 G-A, PA.
Stay 10,L361
r ~:~
o- 2~~1~~
0 4? ,11 4 . after Monday, July 14,1868,trains willleav -
Corning ar the nllowing hours:
7:06 a m Night Express, Mondays excepted, for Roch
ester, Buffalo, Salamanca, and Dunkirk, making di
rect connection with trains of the Atlantic & Great
Western, Lakeliore,:and Grand Trunk Rid Ways, for
all points West.
7:28 a. in., Lightning Express, Daily, for Rochester Buf
falo, 'Salamanca, Dunkirk and the West.
20:2.3 a. m., Mail Train. Sundays excepted, for Buffalo
and Dunkirk.
4:05 p.M.; ; Enalgrant train, Daily, forthe West:
p:•tn:. Day Eltpreas; Sundays excepted; for lionlielo
ter, Buffalo, Salamanca and.the Wee 4 consent* oat
Saamanca with the Atlantic 4-, 0, W. Railmlay, ; and.
at linffalo with „the Likk,Shere and Grand Trunk
lia 7 lways for points west:and_ south. -
a. in., Express Maii,..°2ltridays excepted, for Buffa
lo, Salootstrica, and Dunkirk, connecting with tralos
for the West.
3:44 a. i Cincinnati Expm.sti, Miintiays lic4pted ; CO4ll
- at Elmira for Harrisburg, Philadelphia. and
South; at Owego fc ithsca; at Binghamton for Sy
racuse; at Great Bend for Scranton and Philadelphia:
at Lackawaxen for Hawley, and at Grayconrt foi
Neal.? orgaud 'Warwick .
10:34 a. m., Day:ExpreSe, Sun - flays excepted, hounectli,
at Great Bend - for Ecklintoti, South
p. m., New York and Bettimore Mail, Sundays ex
cepted, connect - tog at Elmira for Harrisburgli; Phila—
delphia, and South.
7:10 p. m., Lightning Express, Enndays excepted.
12:12 a. m, Night Express, Daily, connecting at ()ray
court for 'Warwick.
p. in: ten Fteigkt t Siandaytt exgeptted.
W5l P.C . 4.1i, 1 1 1 •fuitnalvil
01,0'1 Pass. Agent, Gen'l Snp't
Dlossbarg & Corning, & Tioga R. 11.
Leave Corning. " _ Arrile.
8 00 a m!Mall, - 515 p in
Accoutcendatiou, 530 pmiAccommodation,lols ain
L. if. SHATTUCK, 9.71,.'t.
rhiladellikda & Erio - 11. R. -
'Pt nuts will art. ttudril4art 44 if t fotlo%,
Ettat mird West
, lulTrain 9 p .Erio MAU, Trala ...7 20 aID
Ec pi r4= Tr. , i u 420 a m 17r% fr-ese Train-9 00 pm
Clullr, 'nail, 4 45 'I,. 1 Lir.:2 a Mail Train 950 pm
A. L. TYLER, Gang Supt.
Elmira & IRTAIia . .tristiortE. R
Trail, WIT] - Arr , from follow.
Moving 5.M.:3444 3 13:o - ring girth.
I,l.rses, (345 . 1 m Exr,r,= , P Y
.... p '
11 , ..
AND OILS, - t- •
14 to 20
2i 4..
. j.l , Alr.::4•' t
,• • •
&ND DYE _ cpgyns,
gold st" 1 1 -1 ,, Priee , ... Buyers aiaivollt"...);7
to calr,un4 ,
W. D.- & CO.
`Corning. IT. Sji , ll. I, s,c-ti-at,r,za,,..
1 I. .7-1
1 :1'
Nast & Auerbach's
-- . 4 CHEWP - CASIVEiTtIitIE'
- • '1 . 1 , 7 '
VI PA, - I •
• . "1 7. ; . -
W b ace, y c4n'A1way,4. 1 414,. - the , bOlStiliotort
slOck of i
a.9i4 r4 411).4 e ff tlkeV;OF.4.lstkOrtW4n;
Ale 3 Oafs f4intshtug goo - 4,.., *a. „.
3 4 Ir..
In their meicfitiii.t4l4l&like,Liatifialant they d.•ty
competition: baring the best tailors of New York city.
and an experienced cutter, Mr. 11. P. Erwin. Efeb2liA.4
NIVil- tty• Lie,
driaf IniiiiCemeats to the PTAlie!
1 1 \1" 9T jurx-ing a big sto cis c;ILA 6:410,4Q
111 ' shaveitt'at inic i tforec,l au i,titiVed i {ct title
ad vantagWV 'Ur; trileieirti im rea
dy to supply the public with a splendid stock of
ZrE77. -
SPRING'IP*-7 141 4 }. 4 .t.ef"
. .1. • .r"'ler-r, - .lt 7 I-,
Styles, porebaseil to ateido - iittliodate this mar
"" ri • I-1
Particular attention is atrectea to my de
sirabie stock of Ladies' •DRESS GOODS
Alpaccaa; Poplins;Prlats, Dal airt err, idci,'/Ec
Added to yhiph . :l.
,am•pffering a large
and splendid stock of
Opcgiig r s, iptits.4ol:totdaAts
and OAPS: &al, ite.; , lco.,- ece.,
,et prioett. to; suit the
. 1.,000,900 1 . at Qego,ild's
old stand, Welleboro, Pa. .
April 4,186 R.
and latest patent, for canning and preserving—_
no was or rosin required—at
June 27, '66.
Tri. 01
Nfitit, - 444L580R0, PA., 0CT08ER.:24,1866.
.8:38' A X Way .... P
'A;18 A x Coal Train 4:2L P 3d
D. :_, STOVER. Supt
WASH rid-151E1T',
I F:.l _rl,)_;. 3'
~ ,,,, # .4 - i ., . ., : , . t.i',- , .' ir -::- 4 i . i
- N. 1 .
lti r r; 111 #l ,i; '
1 I ' j #
Ten Pounds Rearard.
very pretty place to my fancy is
Pau!sham, with a lock and a dreamy
weir just,above it t and a willowy art,
in whose dead Water the pike love to
lie, below it, with sycamore,. beech and.
aspens overhanging-the sparkling river
from the smooth green lawns which
overhang its banks. The village is small,
free from the defilement of lading and
unlading, barges. The clean little inn,
the Swan., with,its I say garden running
down to the Water'z, edge, is'kept by one
TIAQIIIit.S.,Bei?k, ;famous . for. bis.former,
etren6 • and skilLas an oarsman ; fam
ous for that fishing , ..eraft which .every
year secures him the-best -catch of the
Thame- trout ;. famous - for -the home
brewed ale IA hich flows so softly down
the parched throat of the exhausted ro
ver, who, mindful of " Old Beek's tap,"
has resisted the allurements of the "Jol
ly Young Waterman,'.' four miles—and
such miles, against a current running
- like a mill-dam;---lower down ; famous,
up to last summer; 'for -his ,, two pretty
buxom daughters, whose faces cheered
the eye. as the beer they served did tbe
throat of the weary, blistered water
As their father held the tun and ferry,
aud.waa the proprietor of I v. 1,, l „rip
tilla of. pleasure boss- and I, punts,
L-Suatin and Betsl.• I;, , is were - considered
good matches' by, " .k7IEIFi, of the
Thanw--,' 'or miles up and down the
,vhom en tertql for these
" water badges, with purse of gold,
and 110,:- of) fieedotn ;" but they turned
up their pretty-noses at all save Joe and
liarr. Hamilton, two brother;, who
were natives of the same village, and
who. groWi gup th them, - had devel:
oiled Calmly and - naturally, from play
mates into. lovers. : „
Two fine „young t'el sft fi ann -
'10)1 •- ere, and w 1 1 known for skilful
anti I .luck:, .ving from Healy to Rosh
erville—hut we , - let , • for tho'
the‘ °cc:l-low:111y w ble sums
at different legaffitp&, onitiey went as
money rained that i
beer and skittles, the iust -in • 1,4(44 . 111g
theuiselve:- lor other ILi at (4:10.- I. tt Lich
ilicy did not win.
:2; . 0.,5,. old Beck had
idainliton , , for :sous-in-law ; tiny
. , led enough lads. and that, he
wttt L say, but the men who married
his daughters must la- a hie ~.)1“, . - 1 - 0 them
th,..y h a d heell 11.7 , •01 Et, iw kept; amid
Joe and Harry could e ach : r ho , „-
a wherry on the riser, and ility pounds
in bank. he v oulti add duplicate boats
arid fifties, ami thou the -y could each
false an apprentice, and live r• °lnform
hiv. and have a _Mica lied:.
This evas'tlic state of aiThir: , -lien I
kirot tuak,the ao.priic WON? or per—
s,ou.s. concerned ; some or ii t years
ago, and i eanie to take a great in toi est
in f . dpuhle eouiVhip, for Joe iian;il
too i- toy trainei: and,especial
Every nl4l - filing rttial..even Lag duringlll7.
-tn, - o• - c , r
o , llp-elvo•tirt:..r,ao Precetio g . me with
e neai eyc and Ji.:»stan: advice, as
DoWi pull so 4:1!) , ,:h with yi.3nrs.rt.lE-:
101: 1. , ae1..1-hp , 1,2 into it; !k-ti —pull
.t.ooka. y s reat fa0•.•:,,-to 'Toe 'ti e 7`-1-st
titre I ; bin, ,ue was A
blunt, ao.t.hfi..e
ltnnw,!'. I said on i i a.oecasion,-as
plit on my jacket ttitef .Tl , y ::Xperi
rfrentaf, performani:e Ilkdo '4 tn , and
fishing; ow ,, - c: - ., , nriliment, for:at
that tlmeidin not know I know ,
that an algid sculler:" ' '
i "it
yOu Me a
_bad u ,an't scull at
. ,
Hank was jast,a- uuts.poken as .Ioe;.
and , yet, though „the:pair ate together,
drank together, and, whenever practi
cable,. worked toaetber, no- one ever.
heard , them sriuittbling. When they
diandtettlln'Opttininytherldid not guar
' fel—tWtbsseti: - T neverH,kn - ew -- o.vo
,such brotberg. ' an;
-iTherevias sorriethin k• so romantidr4l'
'the simple character of the two men.
atitillrei riove MEalts; that to Watch= their
reading' an intere4ina
lj,o,ek.t,ittPrii-tal-Part;-ir, their course
ttlwari s in:asperity:oo, ---fi rpairiflmii'y vas
, • ,
The 11 t 4 year knew theist, they *oil
their -...idipulated ,w-herries, Joe at, Put
, ney; and Barry at the Riellillittittregat
; ta,-and-pot five pounds in .tbe.savings
hank. - - •
The'next.SOrniriel• being a long ft nit
fine' one, - .water e±enrsionsr•wer4 eon
stunt; and the' bivy - lblz new
tibats of. their'• oW:ri;lo take pleasure'parz
ties put , , ~inereased their 'billanee to
forty poun.4lS. Thu oat wihter, 'hoW
;` ever, being :severe; alai the follosVing
1; summer wetithey_had to enoro.aeh.. VDT.
on itnis:l3timoinctso .
G VC hen" I •got .to' 'my old lodgings at
; Paulsboro 'last. July, therefore,. one of
questions tasked Joe, who was
ait I n
• a rri yid , had tele renbe to 'his
tnatritnor4ol .• ' ' •
'Oh, sir,' that is al=.s'ettledildW "said
he. -,
"t Setled,!" I cried ;
s:ied ; then
" am "
" MA' toSneah tick ?" : or au.assault,..or annoying a gent
"-Surely; and So is Harry ,to ;Balmy. as never Subscribes to - a regatta, or for
But I will tell you ail about it white you kticitrking dowii a felloW as was satiny;
areJuiving'yourmoke afferithb spin to I had as soon be shut up as -to eat my
Wll - lows - 49,(1 btic>lt.. - Pk - now-yob breakfast.'
longi ng - t6:l.tet. pia ; th e ef. l " ye , but What-would the girls say ?;
Foiii,.liours,ititel alien ',was - Ifing ii -`11 , T.-hy • wilt uever know anythingon, the -- SWa.ii ,lawn; With a"blister ba ahOut it,. unless You tell thein. 'I am
eaell.baud,,a_raw place elseWliefe,, and ' Sl,r4uo: Scarlet; of "Mortlake-; and I •til
a cigar in my mouth, 3oe told ine-'1111"3 E ways -wear- my hair -cut short Here
' Wh - nt, we wanted, you know, sir,'? had..pulled down a, lot of, paling,
he began, , "Tivas'a.liundred pounds.;be- apabadpenetrated,sorne. distanceinto
teen' Well, eve were lucky last , the park - befOre T was stopped by' Mr.
Sttipmeil Air *harwith' the ladies who Ilarry'rfainiftoti;'‘Vaterrnan, who, ..pite
tool li:osebanlf villa, and who lived-on of in struggles, in the course of which
the ~Wafeft ra linefthe - gentlemen you his:face, hands and shirt front got coy kind to recommend e`to; ere,d-with blood, dragged me up to the ;
came doWn for in r
lessons in sculling—an house where a lot of grooms overpow
outrigger which Harry picked.. up for a ered me ;'- and presently Sir William 1
couple Of-guineas; and which
.brought Came out and abused me, and praised
us-about tire shillings.a day right thro' Harry : and - then we all went before the
the season, and 'an apprentice who took nearest magistrate. My little game was
some iyf the work off nor hands-, we did very simple, being merely a sham uniz
very well, 'and-Tait asple , attidy sum.— zy and sulky. I was first offered to be
Then, in the winter, some gentlemen let off altogether, -- fiextia five pound note
came here to look for a &God place for in addition, if I would say who set me
the new water -works they are talking on to commit the trespass; but this I
of 'having; and they always -took ny steadily refused to do, and so I got ten
boat and kept - me rowing them about days and Harry ten pounds.
half the ; a rare good - job that was. " I went to prison and picked oakum.
Altogether,,when this season began,' we Harry returned home, and had the
had got' our savings up , to, seventy banns up, telling old Beck and the girls
pounds, and that made us fidgety. You .that I had got a little job to finish that
see s when there was no likelihood of our would take me a, week or so,_ but never
getting married very soon, we could all' mentioning - What" ft was. And - they
take it quietly enough ; but now that don't know now," added Joe, with a
there was a reasonable prospect of mak- grin.
Mg up the sum we wanted before win
ter, we began to get uneasy and rest- MEN are called fools for not knowing
less, and to think the time would never what men were called fools for-assert
come ; and the girls got into just as great ing in the age before.
4IZ ,t,
pit' ~
• 1
a hurry Who spliced as ourselves, when
they once knew _lv hat,a. near. thing it
''Well, one day in April While - w were
in this impatient state, Mr. RoLlockes,
a great gentleman for aquatics, and a
patron of ours, came and asked us if we"
would like to make upa pair-oar match
with two Newcastle men-=forty pounds
a side. He would stand half of it, he
Said, as. ; he felt sure we ought to beat
"We thonglit the matter well over.
Harry and l'ean'go its well as any pair
together; seeing that, we have rowed in
the same.:boat ever,since- we were - able
to handle an oar at' all. Still I did not
like it ;.Harry did..
"'lf ' , win the twenty pounds - there
,will'he only ten to make up,' said 1..-:•
-`l‘J‘ Aye,' Says I, - but if. we lose it . '
Nothlng venture, uc t tlitng;
said he; ' toss.'
" So I tossed.' Heads!' cried he, and
heads it was ; alit so we made the match.
"We it;wed' tit' Mortlake, and' a ati ff
rade it' was; the ' *ere good 'plucked
ones, those Newcastle chaps. First we
forged a bit ahead, then they got the
-letulhy a couple of feet, and so on,over
the Whole course: How the people on
the'binks and on the bridge did hallo!
I - know at least i was very pearly shut
up, tor I felt a.-it' my heartwouldbu:st.
+Mt just tiff-it Harry, wh_C•_pulled stroke,
:sung out :
111 ., '
...,. OW put on'llie'laq spirt!' '
"I managed somehow to answer the
Call, and with four strokes we shot a
brudTqf the other pout ; in three more
we- were past the ; winning post._
" ' Still ten Flanlids to raise,' grunt bled
Hurry next day, as we walked along
Hampton roan'] :' for we had left:thepair
oared- outrigged in which we had rowed
the, match. at Richmond, wherc we had
hired it. . .
' Yes,'" - 1 -- said, ' what stupi,is we
were not to liteek'•OurSelVes for a trifle
more:' ' '' '' - •" .1 ,.' . - •
• It'Wasa •Itieer•thlni, liut the i-nlailer
the suWe !lad to in - ake - -tp, the iuore
w eitho , ht , of th6 , difficiiity of making
rt ,,
it; and the thore'impatient -we became.
For, rny - part, I felt as if I could have
done alrrrosL anything, 4t)r - that ten
po t. .1 ds, snap to go home V ith the means
to have the barrns-puldhthetl the very
next Sand_ , and lget . the :Whole -thing
out of one's mind. I 3wasust in ;that
state v, Len the devil, if he kieW bis
bu,iiiess ,u ,-, hi to put a 'nice little bait
in a l optcs it ay: C. ,Id, to do him 'Justice,
he doe: nor often let .such an opportu
nity slip. . .
You Indy remember, sir, that soon
after you have el ossed Ashton Liidge,
there is a patch alone the river 1 :--ir
William flo , lie's pince. by-following
which, and crossing the leery higher up,
you save pretty near two miles. While
we were going alon,; this path, growl
ing every now and then at having got
°illy as mu , -i - i as ever we had hoped for
by our expedition, - Harry's nose la Lq z n- •
to bleed ;-,so he sat down on the baulk
and 1i , ...nt his head well forward to a.void
, moiling his Aothe-, while I (Tannin-ft all
I file I,eys and pochc i knives we hail ••-
boo i us down his back, mid then stretch
, i ",,,elf on the tra-s and lit a pipe.
• • • Ave,• said 1-lai ry, 'I came past '
here last winter w ith Bill Cutwater,
\l ii:- lived in* this neighborhood once,'
~,,.. :iv tell; inc that Sir Williain Al as al- ;
way, h:o iii:l new palingS, because wily ? .
You see there used t 6 - be• a patty :-.y
-through the park to the village, till .sir
William Hastie who is always making
rears with pe,ple, oing to law and the
'like, chose bl ,hut it up, and some folks,
• Who 'say: he lias no riglicto do it, are for
ever forcinglan opening) :.•,=. .. • .
. 't,',All t', cried 1, ' sure , enough, there
, is a board *tuck up with, a notice all a-
bout it.! ' -
„. “ , TEN POUNDS REWARD.—Whereas,
-some - evil disposed persons are continu
ally injuring the fences surrounding
this:, parlo r ; this is to
,give notice that
such offenders will be
_prosecuted With
, the- utm,ost,
.rigor of, the law, and a re-
Ward,of-yen pounds will be given to any
one giving such information as shall
Wad to the conviction of any person or
pergons guiltp.of_hreaking : down' the
palings or trespassing on these grounds.'
',I. say, E - wry, I feel,Awfully evil dis-
Alose y d. T ntici en pSilounds reward. Just the
ver ided
- "-' What areryou, up to,-now?'
, " 'Why I feel somehow,' says I, ' as if
I must have a,walk in that park. sow,
if I were 'to' begin . . puffing down this
' fence„you would never go - and get your
brother - -a *eek or a -fortnight for the
, sake of a paltry ten pound note? „lie
sides, your nose L is bleeding, and the
' , people would fancy I had half-murdered
you in my struggles,_to get away, - and
you wouldn't likethep to t think that of
the:' ' - - 1- ' 1 - ' - '
i ‘ O- T" wilrnot , promise;- said Harry,
looking .up witif..a' grin.. (.• But -I say
j stop ; ' why. should nikgo to prison, and.
, nut I?'
~• , , . -
1 ' t' Because"l firStlhought of it.
4 nonsense,' -said lie,.-`toss.' . z•So - I
,"it , T,sils,' said, he. It was, heads ; so I
began - at the palingi.
" ' One moment,' cried Harry; -` it ii
rather 'diSgraeeful to go to prison.' - •
i 4 f' Y eii, :Said I, -`, for doing anything
mean.or dishonest, ' -it isi but ; far tres-
I ''
'iGLi it.
The rain Was blowing in thick white gusts; ,
Frith yellow leaves the air was darkling ;
The Mofie was moaning of death and graves
No u.uon dared shine, nu star was sparkling.
The elrn wereroaring round the house •
With a, frantic grief and a wild despair;
The WiLl gate a warning Banshee wail
.;r, thn beggared wood that was all bat bare
'I hen I opeued the casket once so dear,
And' took out the letters I'd kissed so oft.
The paper was 4itll by the r, , se leaf tinged;
Its breath warlike hers—so sweet and soft.
Slowly as one at a sacrifice,
With face averted I fed the flame.
Ruthless and cruel, the serpent tongues
Swift:dad eager and leaping email.
Hopes and joys, they were dreams and air,
sat by my funeral pile, -
And heard, the roar of the ruthless fire,
And " God twelve her!" I moaned the while
'Lhere was a blaze, and or eriusson i glare,
A axing pyramid, tall and keen,
Then there tame a'blast of smouldering smoke
1 hat rose in a circling vapory screen.
Nleleager's faggot—so went my life,
Spring and. Summer and Autumn too :
Its aaybreak.piomise, its riper thoughts,
Its tear= of sorrow, its ennenine dew.
r sat like a mourner beside the pile
All that I loved bhd passed away.
Nothing for me to hope for but flowers
T o blo o m and gladden ray burial clay.
There lay my life n'crinkling heap _
Of arling ashes that fell to naught--
A gitttert",,f 'ono or two passing sparks—
That Aviis all that my love-had brought.
[For the Agitator.]
Citizen - 4 of Tioga County:—We are
making 'a collection - of natural speci
..!ons belonging to this county, such - as
be classified under the departments
Botany, Geology, Mineralogy, &c.,
and such specimens from the animal
ingdom as may be preserved and cared
col at - a reasonable expense. In addi
tllsr. to this, we are desirous of procuring
a section of all the native trees of the
con ii Ly.
fu order to be successful in this :un
dertaking, we must have the coopera
tii of the inhabitants. of the county.—
We therefore appeal to you to aid us.
Will you not give the.,attention of your
leisure 'moments to this subject, and
seini- is such specimens as may come
hi.:-your reach,—skins of animals,
tat t- nests, birds' eggs, bills, claws,
hunts, &c., or anything that you deem
of any peculiar interest either for sci
e lice or novelty.. Any unnatural growths
in the -vegetable or mineral kingdom,
irrionsston,in-shape,or kind, etc.
The sections from the trees of the
county we should like to have six inch
es' in
- length and about two inches in di
.imeter, one end cut directly across the
grain, and the other at an angle say of
tort y ve degrees, or thereabouts.
nese specimens will be labeled, clas
sified, and put up in eases, or upon
and open for the inspection and
el:amination of- - all who feel interested.
Will not the citizens of the county Aid
i this work? This collection i 5 not
Made alone for the pupils of to
day, but tdr the generations that come
after us. We want, if possible, to make
this institution 'a great " &ore-house of
Knowledge," in all its departments,
where any : and all may come and gather
treasure, both new and old.
Is not our aim a laudable one" Will
you not therefore assist us? It will aid
in the advancement of education ; it
will add to the treasures of science; it
will make us better acquainted with Na
ture, God's great book—ever open to us,
but 'read by few ; it will make us wiser
and better, and consequently happier.
Scattered about us in all directions are
the treasures of knowledge. Shall they
lie buried or unlocked for want of seek
ers? Interrogate nature, and she gives
us.prompt and truthful answers.
We hope in process of time to pro
curea skilful taxidermist, to aid us in
.preserving specimens from the animal
kingdom belonging to this county.—
Some of the animals of the county are
fast passing away. I doubt much whe
ther the elk, that once roamed our for
ests, can now beiound in our borders.
, Again we appeal to you to aid us..-.. Let
every locality send us something pecu
liar to itself, or such as is common to
other localities. -. 1)() not fear of sending
duplicates, for with these, should we
get them, w propose making exchang
e's with oth counties.
Any communication touching this
subject will be promptly attended to.—
In conclusion, let me extend to you a
cordial invitation
s to visit our institu
tion, whenever it may slit your conve
nience. We are anxious to establish a
more intimate relationship between the
citizens of this county and the school.
,You will ever find the latch-string out.
s F. A. ALLEN, Principal.
October .16, 1S&.
I've heerd folks say that the women
Was contrary. - Well,- they is a little so ;
Wit if- you manage 'em right—haul in
here and let them out there—you can
drive 'em alongwithout a whip orSpur,
just which way yoti wish 'ern to go.
When I lived down at Elton there
was a good many first rate girls down
there, but I didn't take a likin to any of
'em -till Squire Cummins cum down
there to live. The Squire had a mighty
pretty darter. I said some of the gals
• were- first rate, but Nancy Crimmins
was first rate and a little more. There
was many dressed finer and looked'
grander, but there was something jam
up about NancY, that they didn't hold
a candle to. If a feller seed her once he
couldn't look at another for a week. I
tuk a likiu to her sight oti, and we got
as thick as thieves.
We used to go to the same meetin,
and the same pew. It took me to
find sarms and hymns for her; and we
would swell 'em out in-a manner shock
in to hardened sinners; and then we'd
mosey home together, while the gals
and fellers kept a lookin on us as tho'
they'd like to mix in. I'd always stay
to supper; and the way she could make
injun cakes, and the way I could slick
'em with merlaSses and put away, was
notbin to nebody. She was dreadful
civil to, and alWays gettiu- somethin
nice for me.
I was up to the hub in love, and was
goin for it like a locomotive. Well,
things went ou in this way for a spell,
till she had me tight enough. Then she
begun to show off, kinder independent
NO. 43.
Stith gottrg.
The Proprietors have stocked the, establishment with
a large assortment of modern styles
and are prepared to execnto neatly, and promptly
Deeds, Mortgages. Leases, and
. a full assortment o
Constables' and Justices' Blanks, constantly on hand.
People living at a distance carrdepend onhavingtheir
work done promptly, and sent back in return mail.
WO7ll43Z—ltord block, SecondiPloor.
like. When I'd go to meetin there was
no room in the pew ; then she'd come
streak it off with another chap, and
leave me suckin my finger at the door.
Instead of stickin to me- as she used to
do, she'd got to cuttin round with all
the other fellers; just asif she cared no
thin about me no more—none at all
I got considerably riled—and I thot
might as well come to the end of it at
once ; so down I went to have it out
with her. There was a hull grist of fel
lers there. They seemed mighty quiet
till I went in ; then she got talkin all
manner of nonsense. Said nothin to
me, and darned little of that. I tried
to keep niy dander down, but it want
any use—l kept moving about as if I
had a pin in my trovv-sers ; I sweat as if
I had been thrashin. My collar hung
down as if it had been hung over my
stock to dry.
I eouldnq stand it ; so I cleared out as
quickly as I could, for I seed 'twas no
use to say nothin to her. I went strait
to bed, and thought the matter over a
spell. Thinks I, that gal is just tryin
of me; 'taint no use of our playin pos
sum ; I'll take the kink out of her; if I
don't fetch her out of that high grass,
use me for sausage meat.
I heard tell of a boy once that got to
school late one morning. Master says:
" You tarilal sleepin critter, what has
kept you so late?"
" Why," says the boy, " it's so ever
lastin slippery I couldn't get along, no
how ; every step I took forward I went
two steps backward, and couldn't have
got here at all, if I hadn't turned back
to go tother way."
Now that's just my case. I have a
been putting after that gal a considera
ble time. Now, thinks I, I'll go tother
way—she's been slitin of me, and now
I'll slite her. 'What's sass for the goose
is sass for the gander.
Well, I went no more to - Nancy's.—
The next Sunday I slicked up, and I do
say, when I got my &sins ou, I took
the shine clear off any specimen of hu
man natur in our parts. About meetin
time I put off to Mr. Elthum Dodge's.
Patience Dodge was as nice a gal as
you'd see twist here and yender, any
more than that she wasn't just like
Nancy Cummins. Ephraim Massey
had used to go to see her; he was a clev
er feller, but he was dreadful jealous.—
Well, I went to meetin with Patience,
and set right afore Nancy. I didn't set
my eyes on her till after meetin. She
had a feller with her who had a blaiin
red head, and legs like a pair of coropa
ses ; she had a face as long as a thanks
giving dinner. I knowed who she was
thinkin about, and it-wasn't the chap
with the red head nuther.
Well, I got to beauin Patience about
a spell. Kept my eye on "Nancy ; seed
the eat was jumpin. -She didn't.cut
about like she did, and looked rather
solemuly. She'd a gin her two eyes to
kiss and make up. I kept it up until I
liked to have got into a muss about Pa
tience. The critter thot I was goin ar
ter her for good, and got as proud as a
tame turkey.
One day . .tphe cum down to our place
lookin as rathy as a milishy otilcer on
traiuin day.
" Look here," says he, as loud as a
small clap of thunder, "Seth Strokes,
I'll be darned—"
" Hollow!" says I, " what's broke?"
" Why," says he, " I've cum down to
have satisfaction about Patience Dodge.
Here I've been courtin her ever since
last year, and she was just as good as
mine, till you cum to goin arter her,
and now 1 can't touch her with a forty
foot pole."
" Why," says I, " what are you talk
in about ? I aint got nothin to do with
your gal ; hut sposin I had, there's noth
in for you to get wolfy about. If the
gal has taken a likin to me, taint my
fault ; if I've taken a likin to her, taint
her fault ; and if we've taken to each
other, taint your fault. But I aint so
almighty taken with her, and you may
get her for all me ; so you hadn't ought
to get savage about nothin."
• `• Well," says he, rather cooled down,
" I'm the unluckiest thing in creation.
I went tother day to a place where was
an old woman died of seme'disease, and
they, were sellin out her things. Well,
there was a thunderin big chist of draw
ers; full of all sorts of truck ; so I bo't
it, and thot 1 bad made a speck; but
when I cum to look at 'em, there wasn't
nothin in it worth a cent, except an old
silver thimble, and that was all rusted
up; so I sold it for less than I gave for
it. Well, when the chap that bought
it took it home, he heard somethin rat
tle—broke the old ehist, and found lots
of gold in it in a false bottom I hadn't
" Now. if I had tuck that chist hum,
they'd all been counterfeit, andTd been
taken up for passin on 'em. Well, I
jest told Patience about it, and she call
ed me a darned fool."
" Well," says I, " Ephe, tbat'slard ;
but never mind that—jest go on—you
can rile the rough edges off jest as you
please." •
That tickled him, it did ; and away
he went, a little better pleased.
Now, thinksl, it's time to look after
Nancy. Next day darn I went. Nan
cy was all alone. I asked her if the
Squire was in. She said he warnt.
" Cause," says I, kmakin believe I
wanted him,) " our old colt spavined
his foot, and I come to see if the Squire
wont lend me his mare to go to town."
She said she_guessed he would ; better
net down till he cum in. She looked
queer all around the edges of her mouth.
After awhile, says I :
`Are you gun' down to Betsy Mar
tin's quiltin
Said she " I don't know for sartin;
are you goin?"
Said I, " reckon I will."
Said she, " I spose you'll take Miss
Patience Dodger"
Said I, " Mout, and agiu snout not."
Said she, " I heard yott and her are
*An to get married."
" Said I, " Shouldn't wonder a bit
-Patience is a trii_alaty nice gal." And
I looked at Nancy ; T seed the tears
Says I, "Maybe she'll ask you-to be
She ris up, she did, her face as did as
a baled beet.
"Seth trokes!" says she, and she
could say nothin more, she was so mad.
"Won't you be the bridesmaid?" said
"No!" said she, and she bursted rite
out ervin.
"NI , ell, tb ‘ en," says I, "if you won't
be bridesmaid, will you be the bride?"
She looked up at me—l swan to man
I never seed any thin so awful pooty !
I took rite hold of her hand.
"Yes or no," says I, "right off,"
"Yes," zs.ays she.
" That's yer sort," says I, and give her
a buss and a hug.