rtaser. HOW Idat. LOCICE'TtritasIED To PETROLEUM Everybody has read the Nasby let ters, but very few people know anything of their origin or their author. Those who have the book---lately printed— containing according to the title page, "Divers Views, Opinions, and Prophe cies of yoors, trooly, Petroleum V Nas by," have undoubtedly made them selves familiar with the portrait of the " Lsit Pastor," as drawn by Jones, and printed therein. This is undoubtedly a true likeness of Petroleum V., if net of the gentleman who personates him in the Nasby letters; and it is quite prob able that many people would recognize the former as a real caricature of the latter. The picture was undoubtedly intended to have some points of resem blance to the real author of Nasby, and with this . Ms many admiring readers should be satisfied. The first of the Nasby letters appeared in April, 1883, but is printed third in the book. Its title is " Negro Emigra tion." This letter deprecates the alarm ing " inkrees" of negro population at Wiugert's Corners, calls uon the disin terested patriots of that place to " hold a mass meetin to take this subject into considerashun," and proposed "the a dopshun of a series of preamble and res olushuns." The second clause of the proposed preamble has in it the germ of the entire series of the Nasby letters, and printed as follows : " Whereas, In the event of this erni grashun, our fellow townsman, Abslum Kit and others, whose families depend upon their labor for support, would be throwd out of employment." " Abslum Kitt' is not a myth, but at the time this letter was first published, lived at Findlay, Ohio, his real name being Flenner_ Flenner was a drunk en, lazy, good-for-nothing sort of a fel low, seldom doing any work, and mak ing himself little less than a charge on the town. In fact, his father was alrea dy in the poorhouse, and if Flenner, Jr., had been there too, he would have cost the town less trouble and money.— About this time a petition, emanating from high Democratic authority, was circulated in Ohio, asking the Legisla ture to pass a law preahibiting negro im migration, and to provide for the remo val of negroes then residing in that State. The principal reason offered by these "disinterested patriots" for the passage of such a law, was, that the great influx of negroes from the South, that would follow the expected emanci pation, would so reduce the wages of labor in Ohio, that white laborers could not live there. A copy- of this petition was sent tos very respectable Democrat of Findlay, who, being ashamed to cir culate it himself, employed Flenner to do the job. Mr. D. IL Locke, publisher at that time of the Findlay Jeffersonian, was at once struck by its absurdity, es-, pecially when presented by a man like Flenner. He therefore borrowed the petition, intending to print it in the next issue of his paper and make some serious comments regarding it. If his design had been carried out, the Nasby letters would never have been written nor published ; but so extremely ridicu lous did the whole affair appear, that Mr. Locke, who, is a practical printer, finally gave up the idea of writing any thing serious about it, and commenced putting in type with his own hand the letter referred to above. This he did without having written a word of it, and without any defined plan, except to make his solecism humorous, and his humor pointed and pungent. After the letter was in type, Mr. Locke hesitated about publishing it, and probably would not have done so if he could have pre pared Other matter to fill itsplacebefore the tine for the issue of his paper. So the letter was published hi the Jefferso nian, and in a short time thereafter ap joared in many leading Republican urnals throughout the country, giv ing the writings of Nasby the stamp of success from the very first. Thus en couraged, Mr. Locke continued to write over this signature; and the subsequent career of Petroleum V. is known to,ev ery one. Flenner, the indirect author of the Nasby letter, afterwards enlisted in the United States service, and died in the army.—Detroit Post. Soup or Nothing —1 At a very excellent hotel, not a hun dred miles from our parts, they were one day short of a waiter, when a newly smiled Hibernian was hastily made to -supply the place of a more expert hand. " Now, Bartley," said mine qlost, "mind you serve every man with soup the first thing—serve the soup first." " Bedad, I'll do that same," said the alert Barney. Soup came on, and Barney, after help ing all but one guest, came up to the last one. " Soup, sir ?" said Barney. •' No soup for me," said the man. " But you must have it-4t is the rules of the house." " D—n the rules of the house !" ex claimed the guest. " When I don't want soup I wont eat it." " Well," said Barney, with all due solemnity, " all I can say is this, it's the regulations of the house, and d—n the dhrop else will ye get till ye's have fin ished the soup!" The traveler gave! in, and the soup was gobbled. A TRUTH :KM ANSWElL—Bunktim, in the old North State, is undoubtedly the healthiest spot on earth, and it was on that account that some " lower coun try gentlemen" were surprised to see a Bunkumite at work upon an on4inous looking "hole in the ground." Of course they inquired what he was about. " Digging a grave, sir." " Digging a grave! Why, I thought people didn't die often here—do they?" "Oh no, sir, they never die but once." - They never asked that question " but once.' GENERAL wholesale agent for the Celebrated PATENT PLATE PIANOS, manufactured by DECKER EROS„ CHICKENING k SON'S PIANOS, HArNES BRO'S PIANOS, MASON et HAMLIN'S CABINET ORGANS, and Treat, Linsley . Co's Melodeons. Orders from dealers and Teachers especially &elicited. Address, L. B. POWELL, - July 20. 116 Pennl Avenue, Scranton, Pa. EXECUTOR'S NOTlCE.—Letters Testatnen tary basing been granted upon the estate of ?roelore Warren, late or Chatham deceased, tbis is to notify all persons Indskted to make immedi ate payment, and all barley oleiras against tbe said sertate will ;wont Oen for settlAcrosnt to ELM BOWXY, Ex * *. 24, 1140.400 Cbstbant, ICEMAIOII LAMP/16 *II tui)"x Itisll4 WI4IOII, T. L BALDWIN & CO., TIOGA, PENN'A B.capeetfully inform their customers and friends, that having entirely sold ont their old stook of DRY GOODS At Auction. They have replaced them with a new and well selected lot of DRESS GOODS, DeLAINES, ORALLIES,) PRINTS, BLRAPHED AND 'BROWN MERLINS, FANCY CASSIMERES, READY - MADE CLOTHING, LINEN COATS, HATS AND CAPS, LADIES' HATS TRIMMED AND PLAIN, pARPET WARP, BOO 6 l'S a swigs, WALL AND WINDOW PAPER, ILIRDWIffiI & TIIMBE. Our stock of 'GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS is large and complete; and "we would most re spectfully call your rteatiou to QVALITi'AND PRICE. FLOUR, SALT AND NAILS, we keep on hand at all times and will be sold -at prices to defy competition. YOUR BUTTER, CHEESE, EGGS, 1 GRAIN, &c., .k. 0., Is as good as the CASH I' to us at their marked value. T. L. BALDWIN do CO TIOGA, May 16,1886-1 p Card, Staples & Son, ARE PREPARED TO SELL AS CHEAP as any dealers in the county, a general as sortment of DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, READY-MADE CLOTHING, HATS, CAPS, BOOTS A SHOES, FUR NISHING GOODS, E RTHERN, STONE, AND GLASS WARE, in short, everything usually kept in a country store, all of which will be sold as low as else where, for READY PAY ONLY! • No trouble to Show Goods. CALL AND SATISFY YOURSELVES. STAPLES A CO., gratefal to old patrons for 13 past favors, hope for a continuance of the same. Raving formed a copartnership with G. P. CARD, they feel confident that they can do better than ever before, se the new firm will have a larger assortment. COMPETITION DEFIED ! CARD, STAPLES A SON. Keeneyville, Feb. 21, 1866.-ly. 1866. FOR SALE. 1866. BY B. C. W/CKLIAM, T HIS NURSERY OF FRUIT AND OE. NA.MENTAL TREES, IN TIOGA 60,000 Apple Trees. 10,000 Pear Trees. A good supply of PLUM, PEACH, CHERRY, and ORNAMENTAL TREES & SHRUBBERY. The Fruit trees are composed of the choicest varieties, good, healthy, some of them large and in bearing. Any one wishing to get a supply will do well to call and see my stock before pur chasing elsewhere. Or- Delivered at tiae depot free of charge. Tioga, Feb. 28, 18138-Iy* Stoves & Tin Ware FOR THE MILLION Messrs. ROBERTS i t KELSEY OPPOSITE ROY'S MILLI:IIEG, - Are now prepared to furnish,- the public with anything in their line of business. in quantity a s large, in quality; as good, and as cheap in price as any dealers in Northern Pennsylvania. They pay particatlar attention to the STOVE AND TIN WARE BUSINESS, and intend to keep a fall assortment ofeverything in that line. TIN WARE MADE TO ORDER, promptly, and warranted to give Batisfatotion. REPAIRING executed in the best manner and with dispatch. CALL AND SEE US. ROBERTS k REUEL Wi•Morougb,llfAirolt r,1564. DRUGS FOR MR /BILLION. WeBB'S DRUG STORB.—The undersign d respectfully announces that he has to mcat(' the entire control 01 the DRUG & CHEMICAL STORE, Second door below Holliday'a Hotel, which he has fitted up for that purpose, and having largely increased his stock is now - prepared to furnish his old (=towers and all others with R. PURE DRUGS, CHEMICALS, PATENT. MEDICINES, DYE STUFFS, PURE WINES AND LIQUORS, FOR MEDICINAL USE almost every article to be found in an establish ment of this. Bush as B. Horse and Cattle Powder, Coal Oil, Alcohol, J 'reseed Oil, Glass, Paints, Putty, Sponges, A great collection of the best Perfumery Manufactured, . Toilet Soaps of various kinds, and good quality, Tobacco and Cigars of the moat approved Braude always on hand. lie would oall the attention of the public to his splendid stook of N. lions, consisting of Hair, Tooth, Paint, Flesh and Nail Brush es, Cutlery, Pipes, Drink. lug Cups, Chess & Backgammon Board, Chess, Dominoes, &c. Also a large assortment of Toys for Children. B. IST Particular attention will be given to Pre paring Physicians' Prescriptions and Family Becipes. Satisfaction given to all who favor him with their patronage. A. B. WEBB, Aug. 1, 1866. Druggist. John A. Roy, DEALER DA MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, SOAPS, • PERPITMERY, GLASS, PUTTY, OILS, PAINTS, VARNISHES, DYES, COLORING MATERIALS, HRH WINE & LIQUORS FOR MEDICAL PURPOSES MI *dactyl with great care, warranted to bo FIRST•CLA . SS ARTICLE'S, and bought in such quintitles tbat they eau al ways be sold at THE LOWEST -MARKET PRICES. pa- Quality is of the first importance in med icine. pit- Prices reduced to suit the market. These are the mottoes at ROY'S DRUG STORE. Always call before you purchase elsewhere The stook of DRUGS, MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, DYES, & COLORING MATERIALS is without doubt the molt complete and extensive to be found in this part of the State. DYERS & WOOLEN FACTORIES SUPPLIED WITH DYE-WOODS BY THE CASE, AT WHOLESALE PRICES. The stook of glass is also extensive, comprising Window glass, all sizes, French glass for Pictures, Mirror glass plates for old frames, Flint glassware for the table— Such as Goblets, Tumblers, Cream Pitchers, Spoon-Holders, &c., Lamps, Lamp Chimneys, Lantern Glass, in fact, it is impossiblo to enumerate. AM sorts of articles made of Glass and sold at Drug stores, can be found at Roy's. Roy's stock of pure Wives and Liquors for Me dicinal purposes has long been known to the phy sicians of this county.. These Liquors are of the purest and best quality, selected Asia, great, care, and expressly for aiedicel use. - perfumery and Soaps of all kinds. SODA & CREAM TARTAR, SALERA TITS, GINGER. NUTMEGS, SPICES, CLOVES, PEPPER, WRITING-PAPER, INK, PENS. PEN CILS, YANKEE Ws:IT - NS AND FANtv GOODS. CRYSTAL KEROSENE, s Tura and reliable article, verroctly sate to mi*. L., to much longer than the poorer qualities, It will be sold at Boy's as cheap as the cheapest. PHYSICIANS' PRESCRWTIOWS oarefally and -accurately compounded frOm puri and reliable medicines. JEW- Orders by mail promptly attended to. VIOLIN STRINGS at WEBB'S DRUG STORE CONCERT- BLOCK 1 O. NO 1 & 2,, CORNING, STEUBEN COUNTY, N. Y. REGULATOR STORE. A WORD TO MY OLD FRIENDS and xx. th e community generally. Not being a friend to long and windy advertisements and large ex pemditureo to the Printers, I herewith subglit a condensed statement of facts at a small cost, with the understanding that the surplus capital will be better employed in reducing the price of Goode to my customers. My stook is full and complete to supply al/ the wants of my old customers and many new ones, both to the Retail and Job Trade for the ap proaching cold weather. Having ALL WOOL CASSIMERE at Ss, per yard. Igaraganiett Jeans suitable for winter wear at 4s. Good yard wide Brown Sheet tags at 2s. Prints 18 to 26 cents per yard. CHOICE DRESS GOODS from 28 8d to 4s per yard, quality equal to those prices six yearsago. Dress Goods at lower pri ces as well as a splendid assortment of fine goods at less prices than can be bought in the State.— Among them may be found 1... ALL WOOL .M.EBINOES at 5s to 12a per yard. Bmpress Cloths Oslo and figured. Merinocs, Bombazines. Alpac:au, Scotch Plaids, Mosaires, and in that every thing usually kept in a first class country store. Ladies' Cloth. for Makings at va rious prices, including Wash ington Mills. Water Proof Union Beaver, Esquimaux and Castor Brown, and many °Cm too znunerons to mention; a heavy Black Beaver st *3,00, (Gents fine Cassirnere equally cheap.) My Boots, Skoes, and Carpet Stock, down stairs was never more full and complete, or at greater inducements to the purchaser. Bargains may be found at the REGULATOR In Eats, 02ps, Gloves and Miens ; also, in BED, f t HORSE BLANKETS. The advantage to my , GROCERY CUSTOMERS are not to be nabrunderetood, when the - atoady and unexampled increase of tattiness is taken into the account. I say without the fear of con tradiction, that with the large pro - Chases I am making from month to month f , )r tvoh, I can rail to the country trade ae low us they can buy in che city, including freight, which ;01%3 mo an opportunity to offer SUPERIOR .U:)VA 1V TAG FIB to the Retail trade, which I am doing and bound to do u a testimonial of al' gratitude for their many favors and very liberal patronage. Will give my customers the benefit or sty change in the market u I•am posted hi ¬ion sad other sales from day to day by Udograph and otherwise. • Combs, Zia. 1, 1888. ',/ALNDUSTRY- -MUST PROSPER. Boots, Shoes, Leather 4. Findings, GEO. 0. DERBY, lAsinewsVlNG long bought conducted the stockin thi g s borou and ood-will ot the bu gh by - The Scans Boys," will continue the same at the stand lately occupied by them. Good custom work, made to order and warranted, will be the first thing in order at this shop; but special attention will also be given to keeping up a good stock of LEATHER AND FINDINGS, Such as SOLE and UPPER, LININGS, BIND ING, PEGS, THREAD, NAILS, LASTS, AWLS, WAX, &o.; in %general way, the various S=in's nasally kept at a finding shop. Oath paid for Emirs, swim, Furs and rues ; and par ticular attention given to the purchase of Teal and der con skins, for which the highest market price will be paid. Itst&uunto done promptly and well, GEO. 0. DERBY. Having sold the stock in trade and goodwill of the business lately l conducted by us to Mr. Derby, we cor dially recommend him to our old customers, as a good workman, and'a square.dealing man. OHAS. W. & GEO. W. SEARS. Wellsboro, May 2,1866. Thomas Harden, WOULD respectfully inform the inhabitants TY of Tioga County, that he is now receiving great additions to his stock of Merchandise which he offers at a midi advance from cost. His stock consists in part of SHAWLS, CLOAKS, DRESS GOODS, of various styles and colors, BROAD CLOTHS, CASHMERES, LADIES' CLOTHS, TWEEDS, SATTINETTS. KENTUCKY- JEANS, suitable for men and boys wear. TABLE LINENS, NAPKINS, TOWELLING, TABLE SPREADS. CARPETINGS AND OIL CLOTHE, RIBBONS, BLONES, HOSIERY, VEILS AND NOTIONS. Amongst the Domestic Goods will be found a great variety of Brown Muslin., at prices from Is to 21 per yard. Bleached itheetinge and Shirt ing, Denims and Ticking* at various prices. Also a great variety of READY MADE CLOTHING. par Please call and see for yourselves. June 12,1986. . THOS. HARDEN. C & N. HAMMOND'S NURSERY.- _ Middlebury, Tior.a Co., Pa., Situated on the Plank Road, 4 miles from Tioga We are prepared to furnish 100,000 Bruit Trees at the following prices Appletreea--large size, 25 cents at the Nursery; 30 Gouts delivered. Common size, 20 cents at the Nursery, 25 cents delivered. Pear Trees, 60 ets. SintliXtt. APPLElL—Burnham Harvest, Early Harvest, Chenango Strawberry, Washington Strawberry, Red Astrachan, Bummer Bellflower, Sommer Queen, Summer King, Sweet Bow, Sour Bow. TALL APPLE/L-4=KM, Gravenstein, Rambo, Radon Pippin, Fail Pippin, Republican Pippin, Hawley or Douse, Maiden's Blush, Large Wine, Wise' Sweating, Lyman'! Pumpkin Sweet. Wntrun APPLlCS.—Baldwin, Bailey Sweet, Black Gillflower, Blue Pearmain, American Gol den Russet, Roxbury Russet,Rhode Island Green- Esopna Spitsenburg, Swear, Sweet Gillftower, Sugar Sweet, Honey Greening, Honey Sweet, Pound Sweet, Pound Sour, Peck's Pleasant, Tall man Sweet, Tompkins Co. Ring, Wagner. Pwatts.—Bartlett, English Jargonelle, Bleaker's Meadow, Bella Lucrative, Louisa Bona D Jersey, Beate', Benrre Amalie, Golden Benrre,Flemish Beauty, Gloat Moreean, Lawrence. Also—Siberian Crab, Quinces, and Grape roots —several varieties. C. & N. HAMMOND. Middlebury, 'Bogs Co., Pa., Jan. l, 1866-ly SPRING OF 1866, PILES OF NEW GOODS AT LAW RENCEVILLE, AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. C. S. Mather & Co. take pleasure in announcing to the public gen erally that they have just returned from New York with the largest and most desirable stock of Goods in Tioga County. We have a full line of 4 STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS, CLOTHS AND CASSIMERES, RATS A CAPS, BOOTS A SHOES, GROCERIES, Ready Made Clothing, and Custom superintended by is first-elms Cutter In teak we have • templets assortment of all that is new and desirable. We are determined so take the lead in Loath Patois for the Spring of 1866. COME AND emE To see is to be "convinced," and to look will cost you nothing. We extend thanks for former liberal patronage, and only ask that the friends of low prices and small prate will call at our counters and satisfy themselves, that Lawrenceville is the place to buy Goods right. O. S. MATHER 1 CO Lawrenceville, Apr. 25, 1868. FFLOURFILZYR4 CHOIQR WEITA WHEAT, buckwheat flour, corn meal bad feed, always on band. Call at, the Charleato) Mlll before buy ing your flour and feed. I can make it en e.dect for you to buy. A. ItiJSSELL. May 16,1886-11 A LECTURE TO YOUNG Dais Just published, in a sealed envelope. Price aix cents. A lecture on the na tare, treatment and radical care of Spermatorrhces or seminal weakness, involuntary ends- Eons, saxualdebility and impediments to marriage gen erally. Nervousness, consumption, epilepsy and fits. mental and physical incapacity, resulting from aelf abuse, &c., by Robert J. Oulverwell, M. D., author of the P " green-book. fie. Tbe world renowned author, in this admirable lee tuns, clearly proves from biz own experience that the awful consequences of self-abuse may be etrectaally re moved without medicine and without dangerous surgi cal operations, bungles , instruments, rings, or cordials, pointing out a mode of cure at once certain and effectu al, by which every sufferer. no matter what his condi tion may be, may cure himself cheaply, privately, and radically. This lecture will prove a boon to thousands and thousands. Pent under seal, to any address, In a plain sealed envelope, on the receipt of six cents, or two postage stamps. by addressing CH2lB.J.C."'.._;?tt jylB 127.80wery,N.Y.,1 , .. • ANNOTTNCEMENT i WE have reduced the price of Flour $1 per barrel. I ?Al sod meal 60 cents per owt, and shall sell, FOI: CASH ONLY, C. J. HILL FLOUR, WRIGHT BAILEY'S BEST WIIITE WHEAT FLOUR,. SPRING WHEAT FLOUR. BUCK WHEAT FLOUR, C ROUND FEED, COIN .•TEAL, BRAN, &c., &c. CASH PAID FOR ALL KINDS OF GRAIN. WRIOTr7 ..t. BAILiY Wel'Moro, Jan. 24, 1866. WANTED-F7TI BUSHELS or TP.Spberries, 50 do of blackberries— for which the highest market price in cash will be paid by J. R. BOWEN & CO Welleboro, Aurae 15, 1866. a GOFF XX - RS. OHEVALIEIT'S HAM TONIC AND 1111,PRESSER, W. WEBB'S DIM% STORE TAILORING 'V REMINGTON k. SONS, Manufacturers. .r.i. of Revolvers, Rifles, Muskets and Csr- -7- bines, for the United States ser '• vice. Also, pocket and belt Revolvers . Repeating Pistols, Rifle Canes, Revo ing Rifles., Rifle and Snot Gun Barrels, and Gnu Materials, sold by gun dealers and the trade generally. In these doge of housebreaking and robbery, ev ery house, store; bank and office, sheuid have one of REMINGTONS' REVOLVERS Parties desiring to avail themselves of the late imprucemento in pistols, mad those of superior workmanship and form, will find all combined.in the new REIM/if/TON RRVOLVERS. Circulars con taining cuts and description of our Arms, will be furnished upon application. E. REMINGTON & SONS, Ilion. N. Y, ' MOORE dG NICER/LA, Agents, No. 40, Courtland !treet, New York. ar4 86 FOUTZ'S ciliii gorse aid Pmhrs. This preparation, • 4 y lon , and favorably i N known, thor ougbly reinvigorate 1 n-do and 13orlyGicc salt -spirited horses, by strengthening and cleansing the stomach and intes tines. i . 4 1 1111111i ~"":- • It is a sure pre this animal, sin" YELLOW W TER, REAVEI O06)1$, Dx TEMPER, F TEES, 'FOUNFiI WSB OFA,PI TIT E AND VIT. ElsiEltGY, &c. use improves wind, Imsrei the appetite--gi a smooth a glossy sian—z transforms t miserable Adel horse. In all diseases or stelae, such as Coughs, Ulcers in the Lungs, Liver. dm., this article ' 4 • acts as a specific. By putting from one-half a op( r to a paper in barrel of swill th.: above dtseascs ba eradicate.l =—•- - „ or entirely p-'rente3 1f,,,n time. a certain preventive and c Ira fo • 11;. • Price 25 Cents pc: P: PRZTA; -- ) S. A.. VOTTT:".. Air;:. WHOtE.WE T 3 r 3 , -, 3 ';) 3 1;77i3417 No. 116 Fran Vila f - ray Sale Ity I , out the For sale by John A. Roy, Wcllsboro. WINTER GOODS FOR THE MILL , ion at e No. 2, Union Block, JEROME SMITH Has lately returned from New York with a splen did assortment of DRY GOODS. READY-MADE CLOTH ING, BOOTS & SHOES, GLASS WARE, HATS & CAPS, HARDWARE, GROCERIES, DOMESTICS, WOODEN WARE, ENGLISH CLOTHS, LADIES' DRESS GOODS, SATINS, TWEEDS AND KENTUCKY JEANS FRENCH CASSI MERES, FULL CLOTHS. Attention is called to his stook of Black and Figured Dress Silks, Worsted Goods, Merinoea, Black and Figured DeLainea, Long and Square Shawls, Ladies' Cloth, Opera Flannels, &c,. Purchasers will find that No. 2, onion Block. Main Street, is the place to buy the beat quality of Goods at the lowest prices. JEROME SMITH. Wellsboro, San. 1, 1866. DEERFIELD WOOLEN FACTORY. TTHEIINDERSIGED having k archased the well known Woolen Factory of Messrs. B. k B. S. Bowen on the Cowanesqne River, two miles east of Knoxville, takes this method of informing the inhabitants of Tioga and adjoining counties that he will manufacture wool by the yard or on shares to snit customers, into FLANNELS, CASHMERES. DOE-SKINS, _ _ FULL CLOTHS, of all kinds The machinery has been thoroughly repaired and new machinery added thereto, also an im proved new wheel which will enable him to work the entire season. He will pay particular atten tion of Roll Carding & Cloth Dressing, which will be done in the neatest possible man ner, having added one new Roll Machine, will enable him to dispatch and accommodate people from a distance. He would farther say that he has carried on the business in manufacturing wool for farmers in Bradford and adjoining counties for the past twenty years; he therefore can warrant all work and satisfy his customers, using nothing in manufacturing but genuine wool. JOSEPH INGHAM. Deerfield, Jan, 1,1866-1 y Hand Power Loom :-Patented 1865. ALL persons interested in the production of practi cal machinery into our country, are requested( to investigate the merits of HENDERSON'S HAND POWER LOOM. This loom will do all kinds of hand weaving. It win weave jeans, blankets, plain cloth, 'satinet, keney, flannel, seamless sack, double width blankets. or any kind of cotton, wool, or gas cloth. It treacle the treadles, throws the shuttle, lets off tho web, and takes up the cloth. It makes the upper shed as the batten corr.se forward, and beats up the filling after the crone is made, making better cloth and better selvage than can be made to any other way. It is the only hand loom that is suitable for weaving wool, as no loom that makes all the shed as the batten goes aleck, will weave wool satisfactorily. It has no strings to stretch and get out of order ; has treadles at both sides of the loom, making the shod complete at both aides. Thl loom to made to weave the different kinda of ricth, hy amply changing the pine that make the up per '&IIE4. Township rights for tale. Call at /Slainsbarg, Tioga county,.Pa., ee a full sized loom in operation. Or ders for loom LEWIS WETMORE, Ziaineburc.. 2, '66.—ly A. F. PACKARD. JOHN SUHR, WOULD ~c ounce to the citizens of Wellsbo- To • - ,, rounding country, that be bas opened a t la the corner of Water and Craf t,.n kroote, f , r the purpose of manufacturing all ' Inds of CABINET FURNITURE, REPAIRING AND TURNING DONE 1. 3 orkr. CO7RINS of all kinds furnished on short notice. All work done promptly and war ranted, - Wellsboro, June 27, 1866. -c CY'S Clo I DDRA DROPS—A, sure, safe and effectual remedy for diarrhea, cholera mor bus, dysen'try, colic, cholera infantum, cr imps, spools, g7,py.g pains in The bowels, and the beet antidote fur CHOLERA. . HOP S. WRING at BULLARD & TRUMAN'S September 19, 1896. NEW FLOUR, GROCERY, AND . PRO VISION MR E. Monroe & Carvey, Are ready to furnish customers with FLOUR, COMMON TO BEST, PORK, HAMS, MACKEREL, WHITE FISH, CODFISH, AND PRIME GROCERIES OF ALL KINDS. jar Nest oor to Converse's store. Wellsboro, June 13, 11366-Iy. Good News to Soldiers and their Heirs. ALL wbo have any interest in war etanne, will find it to their advantage to read th e tonuwing acts of Congress which hare recently become law : SEC. lat of an act of June 6, 1866, ptosides fur all soldiers or sailors who hare lost the ioght ut both eyes, or both bands, so us to require con stant attendance, the sum of $25. Ste. 2. To those who bay. last born feet, or are totally disabled in the same so as to regaas eonstant attendance, the SUM of $2O. Sec. 3. 'Those who have lost one hand or oils foot, or are so disabled as to render them ansbl* to perform manual labor equivalent to the loss 01 a hand or a foot, the sam of SO. Sec. 4. Persons who have been deprived of their peneione under act of March 3,1995, is cos sequence of being in the civil service of the t • States Government, are 'restored. SEC. S. Pensions are extended to dependent fathers and brothers, as well as to mutherm and sisters. In addition to the aboveact, to such personsas are embraced by it, Congress, before its dose, July 25, 1866) passed a bill granting additional bounties, and also one increasing the pension to widows and orphans, and extending the benefits of the pension laws to the heirs and representa tives or certain invalid applicants, to wn: Sec. 2 of the act of July 25, 1866, provides for pensions to widows of deceased soldiers or sail ors having children by such soldiers or saikrt, at the rate of two dollars per month for esil l child of soldier or sailor under the age of sixteen years. San. 3 gives an increase of pensions to those widows now receiving a pension of less than eight dollars par month, except Revolutionary widows. •ation is invaluable, repro, e 3 the quality of the milk. It has beat proven by ac tual e•genment to Increase the quan tity of milk aud cream twenty per cent. and make the butter firm and sweet. In fattening cattle, it gives them en appetite, loosens Utah. hide, and snakes them thrive This net provides a bounty of one hundred dol lars to all three years' men enlisting since Apni (9, MI, and fifty dollars to ail two yeari' oleo who enlisted since said period. The above is additional to the $lOO or $.30 bounty provided forin previous acts. Blanks will be forwarded to all who wish ray assistance in the collection of these claims, vita proper instructions. All claims against the United State& Govern merit promptly adjusted and collected. WM. B. SMITH, U. S. Pension and Bounty Agent. Knoxvil)e, Tinga County, Aug. 15. 1888. STATE NORMAL SCHOOL, Mansfield, Tioga Co., Pa. School *Year for 1866-7. THE next term of this, institution opens as Wednesday, September 5, 1866, and contin ues until Friday, December T. The second term opens lilonday, December anti• continues until Friday, March 22, 1867.- This term includes a vacation of one week dorm; the Christmas holidays. The third term opens Monday. March 26. and continues until Thursday, June 27. 1887. Each term continues flintiest. tceel:s. Expentei for fall and spring- term, including board. two rent, tuition, book rent, Suet and washing, $5B nn Fer winter term, , 80,0 For day students per term LOS Book rent per term, 1 so Total expenses for school year, No extra charges. No students received for a less time than one term. The Jfitgical Department is under the direaties of able and experienced Professors. For farther particulars send for catalogue.. Ad. dress F. A. ALLEN, Principal. August 15, 1985. 3m - WELLSBOIIO ACADEMY. TAB fall term of the 44th year of this institu. tion will commence on the 6th of . September, under the following Faculty, to wit: Rev. D. D. Van Allen, A. 8., Principal, Profs!. sor of. German, Natural Science, and Belles Let. tres. Miss S. A. Van Allen, Preceptress, teacher of Higher Engjish and Mathematics. Miss Fannie J. Holland, Vice Preceptreit teacher of French, Latin and Mathematics. Miss Alice A. Landis, (Alumna.) assistact in Cemmon English and Mathematics. Mrs. Juliette Sherwood and Miss Hattie A. Truman, teachers in the music department. Mrs. Brydcn teacher of Painting nod Draw*. Captain T. H. Shaw teacher of Vocal Music Turrtow.—Prom $4 to $lO, with no incidental'. For further particulars see catalogue. The former well known and eminent success.; this school, under the conduct of Mr. Van Allen and his able associates, precludes the necessity any extended notice here. The Trustees take this opportunity, }men*, to say that the management of the school nastso their entire approbation, and they can contdettll recommend the Wel'shorn Academy to all Ind desire a thorough education. 5. EMERY, Preslaent. B. W. WILLIAMS. Secretary. Wellsboro, August 15, ISMS. BRING TEIEIf ALONG !-I will payfour nett ce pound for rags; three cents per pound for all newspapers, pamphlets. documents, and hook!, without their covers; and one cent and a hs , : per pound for mixed scrap paper ;—CASEI—eWT bookstore, No. 5, Ilmon block, Wellsbo , . Sept. 5, 1866. HUGH I'OCNO.. THE bill to equalize bounties has becoit law. The following is an analyala provisions: 1, $lOO to three. years' men who served time. 2. $lOO to three years' men dDobarged reason of wounds received in service. 3. $lOO to the widow, minor children. or rents, in the order named, of any such who died of wounds or disease contracted :a ,e - vice. 4. $5O to each soldier not included in the fere going classes, who enlisted for two years or m' and discharged after serving two year+. 5. $5O to every soldier enlisted for twa yesti and discharged by reason of wounds received i; the line of duty. 6. $5O to the widow, cte., as above, of ever? soldier enlisted for less than two years, who .1.31 in service, or of wounds or disease contraeted the army. No additional bounty is allowed to thves sv lo men who have received, or have heretofore be. entitled to receive, more than 3106 national t.,m ty, and none to two years' men, who hate ti" ceived, or are entitled to more than $5O. law only applies to honorably discharged soli en . of the late war, and to none who have mid , - transferred their discharges or rights to buu The undersigned will attend promptly to collection of all such claims, at ressonab.e rst7 Where parties reside at a distance, the busloo may be done by letter. Address JNO. I. MITCHELL , Claim Agent. Wellsboro, Pa., August 15, 1666. FOR SALE.—A span of matched three old mares; color, strawberry roan. INlet Ths, or 900 each. GEO. CRAI(EII. Charleston, September id. ISda-tf TIFF AND TIMES OF ELDER SHE.I3" DOWN.--Those who wish to seouro oe'r of this excellent work, can do - go by .33111 , 4 this office soon. August $1.500 f,ent4,--, PER our " l37p a a n o t n.f. ' r-' 0 :'`,' lu g 3lacbines. Throe new kinds. Upper and iir.- 4 feed. Warranted DYE , yearn. Above salary (4' isrg'" l . relations paid. The only uutchines , sold In the r 5; ,:: States for Its than $4O, which are fully ricer. 1 toe, Wheeler & Wilson, Grerrr ce .ta(er, Sii,:;"%. % Co. and litacheider. AIL other cheap Inechtne , J:''. fri aunts, and the teller or user are /table Z r, ..r.' ,. Au , and imprisonment. Circulars free. Addreee, ,r - upon Shaer I. Clark, Biddef o rdht - ine. : ' , , 4 89 0 tire A ly °N ti e T i o n c l iVeVe 1 ' i r i Just wouatn.tedAdtels - 0 1 GAREY, CR) , Buililtog, Biddeford, Maine. dea.27.16,5•41 twly__..------ --. , J O B -WORE, IN THE BEST STYLE , la with despatob, at THE AGITATOR Os. BO UNTIES. Important to Soldiers. $l7B OD