01,4 t &lia gottnig Aptattir IP ' rabliShed every Wednesday Morning, at $2,00 a Inrariably in advance, by COBB & VAN GELDER. , a. coati.] - IP. C. van Grimm. A.z,v'.Z - 12"1"ISISTGI. Irt..A.2Z.S. Lino. S mo. too. t 9 rno.l Iyr 1 Sqnare $2,50 5.00 7,50 10.00 12,00 squ.les 3,75 8,00 12.00 15,00 18.00 1.4 , jo i nt ria.. ... 7,00 i 10,00 1 15,00 20,00 I 25,00 I_2 Column 12,00 20.00 30,00 38,00 45,00 i Column "0.00 35;00 45,00 65,00 60,00 1 iqualo 1 i user'n $1,00.-50 ete.eaeh weektbereafter. kandni , trators and Executors Notices $2,00 each. 'Business Cards of Ate lines $5,00 per year. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. W. D. TERRELL ilk CO., WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS, and dealers in Wall Paper, Kerosene Lamps, Window Glass, perfumery, Paints and Oils, to., tie. Cerntng, N. T., Jan. 1, 1866.-Iy. =MEM NICHOLS ,& MITCHELL, ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELORS AT LAW (Zee formerly occupied by Jame's Lowrey, Esq Wm. A. NicuoLß. Jogs( I. Itfircucmi., Wencher°, Jan. 1, 1866-Iy. WILLIAM- H. SMITH, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW Insurance, Bounty and Pension Agency, Main Street Welleborn, Pa., Jan. 1, 1866. S. F. WiLsoN WILSON ific NILES, ATTORNEYS & COUNSELORS AT LAW, (First door from Bigoney's, on the Avenue)-- Wlll attend to busitiess entrusted to their care in the counties of Tioga and ,Potter. Weitsboro, Jau. 1, 1566. F. W. CLARK, .ATToRNEY AT Latc—Mansfield, Tioga co., Pa May 9,1886-1 y GEORGE WAGNER, I &MOP.. Shop first door north of-L. A. Sears's Shoo shop...4".Cutting, Fitting, and Repair ing doris promptly and well. Wellsboro, Jan. It 1866.—]y. JOHN B. SHAKBPEARE, • DRAPER AND TAILOR. Shop over Bowen's store, second floor., 'Cutting, Fitting, and Repairing done promptly and in best style. Welleboro, Pa.. Jan. 1,18811-1 y JOHN I. MITCHELL 4 GENT for the collection of bounty, hack pay 11 . and pensione due eoldicre from tho Govern u,ut. Office with Nichols and Mitchell ? Wells- Lure, Pa. m3O, 'GE dZAAK WALTON HOUSE, Gaines, Tioga County, Pa. H. C. VERMILYEA, PROPRIETOR. This is a new betel locnted within easy access of the best fishing and hunting' grounds in North ern Peoulylvonia,. No pains will be spared for the accommodation of pleasure seekers and the traveling public. [Jan. 1, 1866.3 Pennsylvania House. AMARTAR HAZLETT PROPRIETOR rr'HIS popular hotel has been lately onorated and re• j. turnished. and no pains will be spared to render Its luspitahties acceptable to patrons. - Wellabo6, 'lay Ci, VAX, J. HERVEY EWING, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW, No. Ii Law Building,—St. Paul St , Baltimore. HEFERENCES.—Levin Gale, Attorney at Law, Edward tercel, Att'y at Law, Rev. J. Alcß. Bilev. D. D., Rev. Fleury Slicer, D D.. Con lield, Bro. 4: Co., F. Grove Cu., Ludwig & MeSherry, John F. McJilton, Esq., Robert Law son, Esq., S. Sutherland, Esq. [Mr. EWING is authorized to tranisacto any business appertain ing to this paper in Baltimore.) Jan. I. 1868-I.y. DBACON. D.. late of the 2,1 Pa. Cavalry, after „ nearly four years of army service. t ith a large expenence in field and hospital practice. has opened an lAice for the practice of medicine and surgery, in all it• branches. Persona from a distance can Sod good boarding at the Pennsylvania Hotel when desired— win visit any part of the State in consultatibm, or to perform .urgzcal operations. No 4, Union Block, up .tole. Wellsboro. Pa., Slay 2.1660 —lv. N EW PICTURE FRANK SPENCER ha! the pleasure tu infoni the citizens of Tioga enmity tiro be has completed his NEW PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY, and is on hand to take aii kinds of Sun Pictures, each es Ambrotypes, Ferrotypes, Vignettes, Cartes de Visite, the Surprise and Eureka Pictures; also particular attention paid to copying and enlarg— ing Pictdres. Instructions given in the Art on reasonable terms. Elmira bt., Mansfield, Oct. 1, A 13. EASTMAN, SURGICAL AND ME CHANICALL Would inform the citizens of Weilsboro and vi_ tinny, that he has fitted up a desirable suite of room• over John R. Bowen's store, No. 1, Un ion. Block, where he is prepared to execute all wok in his profession: with a protnptue4s and tl,-Ie that will enable hint to offer superior induce ments to those requirin_g, dental operations. All work warranted, ared_at reasonable rates. Please tail and examine specimens. Wellpboro, March 21, 1366.—tt 4.400-e- DENTISTRY. C. N. DA R WrinijeaLtply7oycat‘tietdhien irplubellilcabtobraot ;)E ce at i S sPerm ht rtsidenee, near this Land Office and Episcopal Church) where he will continue to do-all kinds of work confided to his care, guaranteeing complete eatistaetion Ns here the skill of the -Dentist can siail in the management of eases peculiar to the exiling. Ho will furnish ARTIFICIAL TEETH; set on any material desired: FILLING & EXTRACTING TEETH, sitended to on shortest notice, and done in the best and most approved style. TEETEI EXTRACTED WITHOUT PAIN Ly the the use of Amestlietics which are per fectly harmless, and iviti be administered in every 0.00 when desired., Welishoro„iin. ATTENTION SOLDIERS. U. H. SMITH. Knoxville, Tioga County, , S. licensed Agent, and Attorney fur eoldiers and their friends throngheut all the 1?yal States,) will prosecute end collect with no m-ailed PUCCeSP, :::OLDIERS' CLAIMS AND DUES of all k:ndit. Aho, any other kind of claim qain , t the Gorerntnent before any of the De rtaler) tt or in CongrePs. Tense moderate, 4,11 o , rninunientiom, imnt to the above addrefe will re teive prompt attention. Jan. 17, liil6. (MUM° %TATE* HOTEL. Main Street, Welleboro, Pa. D. G. RITTER, PROPRIETOR. Hating lea•ed this popular hotel property, (Intely occupied by Mr. Nelson Austin) I shall euieiror to make it truly the traveler's home.— Personal attention will be given to the table, and the comfort of guests will he a prime object. The stables will be under the care of an experi enced hustler. We.Usher°, Jan. I, 1666-ly. AirIISIC AL INSTRUMENTS.—J. &bilks pear, dealer in Decker k Brotber 614 k Brothers pianos, Mason k Ilamlin cab— inet organs, Trent, Linsey k Co. melodeons, and th e B. Shoninger melodeons. Boom over J. R. store. Sept. 12, 1866. 'UHF, TIOGA CORNET BAND Sri in good blowing or det . and arm play for picnic'', celebrations, &c.., for a reasonable compensation. H. H. Ad Dader, D. GREETBON ams , Secretary. Tioga, An 1,1866.-2 m. , t VOL. XIII. C. F. SWAN, AGENT for the Lyooming County Inonrance Company, at Tina, Pa. June 5,1866.-3 ms FARR'S HOTEL, TIO4 J A, TIOGA COUNTY, PA., I Good Stabling. attaobod, and an attentive twi tter always in attendance., E. E. PARR, Proprietor. =I MINOR WATKINS, Proprietor. This - house is situated on Main Street, in WelMboro, and is surrounded' with beautiful shade trees, and has all the necessary accommodations for man and beast.—ang. 22, ly J. B. N/LES ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR. AT ,LAW. Ile yin_ returned to this county with a view of making it his permanent residence, solicits a share of public patronage. All business en trusted to his care wilt be attended to with promptness and fidelity. Office 2d door south of E. S. Fares hotel. Tioga, Tioga Co., Pa. Sept. 26. '66.—tf. WELLSBORO HOTEL (Corner Main Street and the Avenue.) TRIG .is one of the most popular Houses in the county. This Hotel is the principal Stage-house in Welleboro. Stages leave daily as foilOws : - For Tioga, at 10 a. tn. ; For Troy, at 8 a. tn.; For Jersey Shore;evory Tuesday and Friday at 2 p. in.; For Coudersport, every Monday and Thursday at 2 p. in. STAGES Au-Ewa—From Tioga, atl.2 1-2 o'clock p. m.: From Troy, at 6 o'clock p. in.: From Jer sey Shore, Tuesday and Friday 11 a. in.: From Coudersport, Monday and Thursday .11 a. in. N. 11.—Jimmy Cowden, the well-known host ler, will be found on hand. Wellaboro, Jan. 1, 1866-Iy. THE THIRD LOT Ne - iirr Spring Goods, JUST RECEIVED AT VAN NAME & WICKENS, WE HAVE JUST RECEIVED A NEW and well selected stock of goods, which e are selling '.cry LOW FOR OASH OR READY PAY. Good yard wide sheeting for Heavy yard wide sheeting for Delaine., Standard prints from OTHER GOODS IN PROPORTION i We also keep constantly on hand a choice a toek of GROCERIES, FLOUR, PORK, &c., At very low figures ALL persons hating knowledge of facts concerning killed and wounded soldiers from 'flogs county, are respectfully requested to fern Mb Col. M. L. Clark, of Alansileld, Pa.. with the following statistics : Names of soldiers. place 01 residence, date of ent and muster into the United States service, letter M company, number of iegimeut, when wounded, and what engagement, date and place of death, and canoe came. 51. L. CLAIM. August 1.1.866 NOTlCE.—Notice is hereby given,,thaktrob ertt Custard, Senior, has been piaci* in charge of tract No, 1590, and those parte 9rienct No. 1589, in the vicinity of Babb's cieek, belong ing to the heirs of Luke W. Morris; and till per sons are forbid trespassing thereon, under penalty of prosecution July 4,1866.-6 m TRIISSES.—" Seeley's Hard Rubber Truss' cures rupture, frees the cord from all press ure: will never rust, break, limber, chafe, or be come filthy, (the fine steel spring being coated with hard rubber); spring made any power re quired; used in bathing, fitted to form : requires no strapping; cleanest, lightest, easiest, and best Truss known. Send for pamphlet. I. B. SEELEY, Sole Proprietor, 1347 Chesnut it,, Phila'a, Pa. apll 66 ' I I.fiROYER:-&BAKIR'S Elastic and Lock-Stitch Sewing Ma- chines GENERAL AGENCY, 28 Lake street, Elmira. Local agents supplied at factory prices, and new agents wanted for unoccupied districts. Also, a large stock of machine findings. For circular, address THOS. JOHNSON, General Agent of G. ct, B. Sewing Machines, June 13, 1866—tf 23 Lake st., Elmira, N Y. VINO'S PORTABLE LEMONADE Li the I only preparation of the kind made from the fruit. As an article of economy, purity, and delicintisness,it cannot be surpassed, and is recom °amended - by physicians for invalids and family use. It will keep for years in any climate,-while its condensed form venders it especially conven ient for travelers. All who use lemons are re quested to give it a trial. Entertainments at home. parties. and picnics should not be without it. For sale by nil Druggists and first-class Gr - ocers. Manufactured only by LOUIS F. METZGER.. Jran. 1, 11366-Iy. No. 54.9 Pear) St.. N.Y. DOLLAR' & SON. Meerschaum manufactu rers, 692 Broadway. near Fourth street. N. Y. Wholesale and retail at reduced rates: Pipes and Holders cut to order and repaired. AB goods mtrranted genuine. Send stamp for circular.— Pines st; to 4 , 60 each. 411 '66 SP g A R'S FRUIT • - :PRESERVING SOLD_ TlON—for preserving all kinds of fruits without the expense of air-tight cans—sold at ROY'S DRUG STORE. OLD received on deporiro, for which certifi cates will he issued, bearing interest in gold. • E. W. CLARK Jr. CO, Bankers, No 85, south Third street, blis. 7 ifiga, .i' . (T,t-Irtnitpt :)kgitattr+ ANION 11017311. tFurinerly Earea Hotel.] John W. Guernsey, WBLLSDOBO, PA. B. B. HOLIDAY, Proprietor OF TIOGA, PA May 30, 1866 TO SOLDIERS. L. D. SEELY, .7. lI.SIIAW. W. D. MATTESON, TIICS J. DAVIES. Committee ou Statistics ELLISTON P. MORRIS, 8115 Market et., Philadelphia LINES OF TRAVEL.- ERIE RAILWAY On and after Monday, July 19,1866, train will leave Corning at the following boors: WESTWARD BOUND. • 7:05 a m Night Express, Drondays excepted, for Ench anter, Buffalo, Salamanca, and Dunkirk, making di, rect connection with trains of the Atlantic & Great . . . . Western, Lake Shore, and Grand Trunk Railways, fm all points West. i:26 a. m., Lightning Express, Daily, for Rochester Buf. fate, Salamanca; Dunkirk and the West. - 10:23 a. m.. Mail Train, Sundays excepted, for Buffalo and Dunkirk. i 5:05 p. m., Emigrant train, Daily, for the West. 6:45 p. m.. Day Eiprees, Sundays excepted, for Roche, ter, Buffalo, Salamanca and the West. connecting at Salamanca with the Atlantic &G. W. Railway, Ann at Buffalo with the Lake Shcre and Grand Trunk Railways for points west and south. 12:23 a. In, Express Mail, Sundays excepted, for Buffa lo, Salamanca, and Dunkirk, connecting with 'trains for the West.- 3:44 a. m., Cincinnati Express. Mondays excepted, con necting at Elmira fbr , Ilarrieburg, Philadelphia, and South ; at Owego for Ithaca; at Binghamton for Sy-, mouse; at Great Bend for Scranton and Philadelphia: at Lackawasen for Hawley, and at Graycourt for Newhnrg aria Warwick. 10:14 a. In., Day Express, Sundays excepted, counectthe at Great hand for Scranton, Philadelphia, and South 4:15 p. m., New York and Baltimore Mail, Sundays ex cepted, connecting at Elmira for Harriaburgh,Phila delptda, and South. 7:10 p. in., Lightning Express, Sundays excepted. 12:12 a. in., Night Express, Daily, connecting at Gray court for Warwick. 12:25 p. in. way Freight, Sundays excepted, WM. R. BARR, RIDDLE, Getel Pass. Agent. Gen'! Sup't. losobusg & Corning, & Tioga R. R. Leave Corning., Arrive. Mall 800amlMail, 515 p m Accommodation, 530 p ml Accommodation,lo 15 ain L. H. SHATTUCK ? Suet-. Philadelphia & Erie R. R Trains will arr. and depart at Williamsport as follows Eastward Westward ' Erie Mail Train...o 55 p m Erie Mall Tra1i....7 20 ain E. Express Train.. 4 20 ain Erie Bless Train.. 9 -00 pis Elmira Mail Train 845 a m Elmira Mail Train 880 p tu A. L. Trua., Gen'l Sept. Elmira & Williamsport IL IL Trains will Arrive and Depart from Troy as follows Moving South., Moving North. Express, 6:45 P sr i Express, 10:23 P at Mail, 5:58 ear I Mail, 9:30 P ia ay Freight, 838 AXI Way Freight, 4: P m Coal Train, 9;18 A st Coal Train, 4:25 P ni Troy, May 16, 1865. , D. S. STOVER, Sup't. WHOLESALE DRUG STORE, CORNING, N. Y. DRUGS AND MEDICINES, PAINTS AND OILS, THADDEUS DAVIDS' INKS, COMM- TRATED MEDICINES, CIN- CINNATI WINES AND BRANDY, WRITE- 20cts ' WASH LIME, EEC IMO KEROSENE LAMPS, PATENT MEDI 14 to 20 ' CINES, PETROLEUM OIL, ROCHESTER PER- AND FLAVORING EXTRACTS, WALL PAPER, WINDOW GLASS, AND DYE COLORS; Sold at Wholesale Prices. Buyers are requested to call and get quotations before going further East. Corning. N. Y.,4an:1,1860-ly "I AVE YOUR GREENBAOKS 1 I AND CALL OFTEN AT Nast & Auerbach's CHEAP CASH STORE Where you can always find the beat assorted stock of DOMESTIC & FANCY DRY ,