The Best Way. When the honeymoon .proms 3 away,: 4etting behind dull mountains, or dip `ping silently into the storn3y sea of lite, the trying hour of inerried life has . 3ome. Between the parties there are no more illusions. The feverish desire of possession has gone, and all excitement receded. Then begins, or should, the 'business of adaptation. If they find they do not love each other as they ahought they did, they should double their assiduous attention to each other, and be jealous of evertning which tends in the slightest v - vay to .separate them. Life is too precious to be thrown away In secret regrets or open differences.— And let me say to every one to whom the romance of life has tied, and who are discontented iu the slightest degree with their conditions and relations, be gin this reconciliation at once. Renew the attention of earlier days. Draw your hearts close together. .Tailt the thing all over. Acknowledge your faults to each other, and determine that henceforth you will be all in all to each other; and, my word for It, you will find n your relation the sweetest joy earth has for you. The - re is no other way for you to n do. If you are happy at home, you must be happy abroad. The man or woman who has settled down upon the conviction-that-he or she is attached for life to an uncongenial yok e fellow, and there is no way of escape, has lost life; there is no effort too costly to make which can restore to its setting upon the bosom the missing pearl. An old unloved Deacon, in his last hours, was visited by a neighbor, who said : " Well, Deacon, I hope you feel re signed in going." " Y-e-e-s," said the Deacon, think I—l am resigned." " Well," said the other, " I thought it might be consoling to you to know that all the neighbors are resigned also." SPILINti OF 1866. PILED OF NEW GOODS AT LAW /aF.TEVILLE, AT GREATLY i ) .REDLICED PRICES. C. $. Mather & Co. take pleasure in announcing to the },ublio gen erally that they have just returned !rota New York with the largest and most desirable iltook - of goods in Tinge County. We have a fall line of STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS, CLOTHS AND CABSINEEES, HATS 1 CAPS, BOOTS d SHOES, GBOCET4S, Ready Blade Clothing, and Custom TAXLOBENG rapariatanded by a first-class Cdttar In fast, we bare a complete assortment of all that is new end desirable. We are determined so take the lead in Low PRICES for the Spring of 1866 COAX AND SEE! To see to to be "oonoineed," and to look will cost you nothing. We extend thanks for•fortner liberal patronage, and only ask that the friends of low prices and small profits will call at our counters and satisfy theatselvs, that Lawrenceville is the place to bay Goo ds right. C. S. Df ATHER A CO. Lawrenceville, Apr. 25, 1866. NEW FLOUR GROCERY, AND PRO VISION STORE. Monroe & Carve'', Are ready to furnish customers with FLOUR, COMMON TO BEST. PORK, HAM A. M ACKPMEL; WHITE FISH. CODFISH, AND PRIME GROCERIES OF ALL KINDS. .Ted . Next door to Converst's store. weihhoro..Tun. 13. MS.-Iv. F:N ERAL wholesale agent tor the Celebrated kj . PA CENT PLATE ?LANUS. manufactured by I)} , LEE,Ii LSROs., CUR:If:ER/NG 4 SOA'S PIANOS. HAINEi HBO'S PIANOS, MASON tiAmtus . s CABINET ORGaNS, and Treat, Linsley A Co's Melodeons. Orders from dealers and Teachers espacidly solicited Address, L. B. POWELL, July 20. 11.6 Penns Avenue, Scranton, Pa. Good News to Soldiers arid their Heirs. ALL who bare any interest in war olaims, will And it to their advantage to rend the following sots of Congress which bare recently become law : Sec let of an tot of Zane 6, 1865, provides for all soldiers or sailors who have lost the Sight of both eyes, or both hands, so as to require con— stant attendance, the ram of $25. Sao. 2. To tbese who bare lost both feet, or are totally disabled in the same so as to require constant attendance, the tom of $2O. Sao. S. Those who have lost one hand or one foot, or art so disabled as to render them unable to perform manual labor equivalent to the loss of a hand or a foot, the sum of $l5. Ste. 4. Persons who have been deprived of their pensions under act of March 8, 1865, In eon sequence of being in the civil service of the U. States Government, are restored. SEC 6. Pensions are extended to dependent fathers and brothers, as well as to mothers and Astons. in addition . 4o the above sot, to such personae, are embraced ,by it, Congress, before its close, July 25, 1866, passed a bill granting additional bounties, and also one increasing the pension to widows and orphans, end extending the benefits Of the pension !awe to the heirs and representa— tives of certain invalid applicants, to wit: Sec. 2 of the act of July 2S, 1868. provides far pensions to widows of deceased soldiers or sail. ors having children by snob soldiers or sailors, at the rate of two doliara per month for each child of soldier or 'milord under the age of sixteen years. Bac. 8 gives an increase of pensions to those widows now receiving a pension of less than eight dollars per month, except Revolutionary widows. BO UNTIES. This act provides a bounty of one hundred dol lars to all three years' men enlisting mace Aprit 19, 1861, and fifty dollars to all two yearn' men who enlisted since said period. The above is additional to the $lOO or $5O bounty provided for in previous acts. Blanks will be forwarded to all who wish my aseistanee in the collection of these Maims, with proper instructions. All claim agAinst the United States Govern meat promptly adjueted and collected. '-• WM B. BMITIT, U.S. Bowdon and Bounty Agent. Knoxville, Ti"go. C"unty, Ault. lb. 1866 SPEAR'S 'PEWIT PREERRVISO TlON—ter wearying *ft kind', ~t ` Irani wichout the yspente or eft fish, eons—iei.l et ii.01"8 DRAW STOII4, =MM= Ittf --- 1-7 L. BALDWIN & I._ TIOGA, Respectfally Inform their customers and friends, that having entirely-soltheaskihisli WA stoat of;. 'Dux. 4 - ai,00,p, - - 4 .-, ::,-. At Auction. - They' Inite repligad Ahem - witb, •a. stew iuld;vtall tolemodiot-of DRESS d p9pS, DZAINES, enALLrEs, PRINTS, BLEACHED AND . BROWN IktUSLINS, FANCY CASSIMERES, READY - RAM „CLOTHING, MM COATS, EATS - AND:I4W LADIES' HATS TRIMMED AND PLAIN, CARPET -WARP, BOOTS & SHOES, WALL AND WINDOW'PA'PER, & TOUR Daft /hock of GROCERIES AND PROVaIiMEI . is lam and complete; and we would 'moat re. *restfully sill yoarsrthisil*.— to • - QtrALITI: AND PRICE FLOUR, SALT AND NAILS, we keep 'owl:iced at all times atta will be Sold at prices to der competition. • YOUR BUTTER, CHEESE, EIS, GRAIN, er,o„- Is as good as the CASH to as at their market value. T. L. BALDWAT £ CO TIOGA, May 16, 1866-1 y Card, Staples & Son, A RE PREPARED TO: SELL AS CHEAP jolt_ ,as any dealers in the county, a games] as aortutent of DRY- GOODS, GROCERIES, READY-MADE CLOTHING. HATS, CAPS. BOOTS A SHOES, FUB. - HIBBING GOODS, E RTHERN, STONE, AND GLASS WARE, in short. everything ustally kept in a ooentry atom, all of which will be sold sa low as else. where, fui - READY PAY ONLY! No trouble to Show Goods: CALL AND SATISFY YOIIRSIIIMIDE, 411•1111110 STAPLES & CO., grateful to oldpatrons tot past radars, hope for a condolence of the -a.m. Having tormed s copartnership with G. P. CARD, they feel confident that dory can do better than ever Wore, as the new firm will have a larger assortment. ‘, COMPETITION DEPIED! CARD, STAPLES * SON. Soenovitle, lab. 21,1866.-li. 1866.. POE 8.4a3. 1866. By B. C. W1C811.431, AT HIS NURSERY 01 - PH.Hrr AND OR NAMENTAL T,REES, IN TIC/OA - I-7 60,000 Apple Trees. 10,000 Pear Trees. god supply of PLUM, PEACH, CHERRY, and ORNAMENTAL TREES & SEIRWEBERY. The Fruit trees are composed of the ohoicest varieties, good, healthy, some of theta isfge and in bearing. Any one wishing to get a supply will do well to call and see my Stook befdre pur chasing elsewhere. jar Delis-end at ths depot free of charge. Tioga, Feb. 28, 184315-4 ye ' • • Stoves Sr. Tin Wake FOR THE MILLIQ.N.- Mom. Ii t OBBETS ZELSEI coPPOUTE 'tors 81111.10130, Are now prepared to furnish the public with anything in their line of business in „quantity as large, in quality as good, and u ebetp`in pries as any dealers in Northern Pennsylvania. They pay particular atteatket to the STOVE - AND TIN WARE BUSINESS, and intend to harp a tall asaortguint Ortlrstrbtliir in that line. TIN WARE MADE TO ORDER, promptly, and warranted to il l y') satisfaction. REPAIRING executed in the best manner and with dispatch. CALL AND SEE US. 'ROBERTS a 101Eragy. WoUsbereistb, Marsh 7,18541. iimmw7s27,l WBBB'S Data STORE:I—The ,uudersiipl ed respectfully announces that-be he as sumed the entire-control al Abe . - • y DRUG dr OfiEMICALSTORE,' ilicond door below Rollidara Sofel, which he hika iltied up for that purpose, and having largely inetteued hie stook is now prepared to furnish his old oustomeers and all others with st, r.`i~y'ii - _ PURE DRUGS, CHEMICALS, PATENT MEDICINES, DYE STUFFS, PURE WINES AND EIAMM!HEI afmoot ovary &stink to too found in an ostabliah . _ mau l tof this. Snob as [- - B. Horse and Cattle Powder, Coal Oil, Alcohol,..Linseed Oil, Glees, Paints, Putty, Spongee, A groat colleetioni 4,1 tho best , , Perfumery, -Manufactured, Toilet Soaps of various kinds, and good. quality, Tobttocx) !pi.Gib, : of dm most approved Brauda always on hand. no would call the attention of the pablie to his-splendid stock of lq bone.. COAP4tillif : pf Hair,.:l`9o#l, .4!44 : 0; Fr i a ani tif • ‘ c.. es, Pipes, Jag Cape. Chess & Backgammon Board, Chess, Dominoes, &c. Also a large sishikkant of Thyli foi Children. o• Particular attention will be gives to Pre paring Physicians' Prescriptions and Family Recipes. Satisfaction given to all who favor him with their patronage. R. B. 191:1113 4 ," Aug. I, 1860. - Druggist, , „14 :.; , If - • - ' - • MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, SOAPS, PERFUMERY, GLASS, PUTTY, OILS, PAINTS. VARNISHES, DYES, COLORING MATERIALS, • PURE VOHS & minas ART4O-Ltii. and bought in suet quantities that they can al ways he told at' JIMP• Quality is-of th. first imps:isnot In and fain& Pries missed to suit tb. =dot. Thus Ars the mottoes at. DUOS, MEDICINES, CNEMICAES, DYES, I COLORINQ lIIVIEET trli is without doubt the most complete and extensive to be few:aim 141. Pest cf , the PUP-. • • . DYERS * WOOLEN FACTORIES The stock of glass Is alevexteaalte„ eamprlatag litiodoer glass, all ekes, Smelt glass for Pietures, Mirror glass plates for old fumes, - /Mat glaseora, for-the table-- Sash is Goblets; Tumblers, Create limbers, Spoon-Holders, de., Limps, Lamp Lmakaat Glass, la fart, it h inipoin - blo to enumerate. All sorts of *dacha:hada of. Glass end-sold at Ding stores, can be found it toy's. 4 - Roy's stock of pure Wines and Liquarsfor Ms diainal.pnrposea has long bean known to thephy. siolartiof ibis minty. nese Lignoreare of the purest and best quality, zelee,ed with great can, and expressly for medical use. PerfaMery and Soaps of all kinds, SODA I CREAM TARTAR, SALERA TI7S, GINGER, NUTMEGS, SPICES. CLOT% PEPPER, WatIiNGPAPEII4 PENS. PEN OILS,:YANKEE NOTIONS AND OCY iritt*DEL. a pure and reliable artiole, peered, safe to use.. Lute much linger than ,the poorer qualities. It will be sold at lio,rs u cheap as the ebespest. earefkilly and accurately compounded from pure and reliable medicines. pie- - 43rders by mail promptly attended to. ifitnricras at • .3PUBIre TWIG tritir3. =ZEE FOR MEDICINAL USE 17: John A. Roy, DZALZR, IA FOR MEDICAL PURPOSES. LII selected with treat we, "Tweeted to be Tnz LQWEST MAICKET Pitlelt RCM'S trittreit Store Alwyn call Won you purchase eisewhere The mak of SUPPLIED WITIt DTEMOODS B! THE CASE, AT 7471KILE.BALB ZROZENE, PHYSICIANS' PRESCRIPTIONS M=EMZI 0 c orret iiit'ontik: NO: -1- & 41, kt r- j CORNING, - STEUBEN - COUNTY, N. Y , .._) i % i I 4.4 :; 4 . ..,.t; It" ...1 t: •.1 •I .I. REGULATOR STORE. , r I *ORD TO fai MI OLD FRIENDS Aithaeotantsmity 'tot being a friend to loins and windy advertisements and large ex. penditares to the Printers, I herewith submit a ootr+rwssialstesztent of Acts at 0400440 ft, with the understanding,tbat the surpluAnapi4l will be bettWr employed in redneine the price of tiOods to my Snstomers. My stash is full and complete to supply all the wants of my old customers sad many new ones, both in the Retail and Job" Trade for the ap proaching cold weather. Having EWE ALL I'P4CAMALERIi at h. per lard. itaraiit - int Naar 'suitable for winter wearlti 4s. filtayard *Me Ittoiri Sheer 11. at 21 . P 4. 4 14. 43 to 2 1' rats 76". CEIOIOX DR'S& GOODS ; frosti Sts 641 to is per yard, quality equal to those prim's six years ago. • Drasialoods at lower pri es. is well as a splendid assortment of hue goods at alia prim than can b. bought in the State.— Az#44 taints gaff bats:mai ALL WOOL lIERINOES at 6s to 12. per yard. Empress Clothe plain-and figured. Iderinoce, Bombazines. klpaccaa, Scotoh Idoaaires, and in tact-every Wag usually kept In a lint glass aoantry store. Ladies' Cloth for Makings at va rious iriess;ineluding Wash- %la Pro / Union .Beaver, &getout= aad enter Brown, sad many other too aumireaa to rogation a heavy Black Beaver at $3,00, (Qeat* Saereasaitaire squally sheep.) My Boots, Shoes, and Onus: Stock, =Mil down stair* sat awry .saate ML and complete, or at greater huisaeateate to the purchase?. Bargains may be rood at the .aio lILASOB Lip,, (Nova and ..41dgins ; BED, i t HOME BLANKETS. PROM • 1.," Ths'itaraitage to e-14 ' 1 080e.r:RY CUSTOMERS &tont:4 W iiiiitistndustood; *han the steady and unauteglog *lease, of hasinots is taken into the nectAnet, / say. ultbOnt the teat of con tradiction, that *with the /Mil unto 's lam making from Montt to ifictith'frtr cash, I can sell to the country trade u low as they ou buy in the arty, koluding freight, irhiih gives me an opratumity%to offet • • • • - 8VM1•011 ADVAATAGES to the Itetailtredo. whisk I sat d&4ag sad bona to do se s testheonial of my gratitude for their many fey* Ta 7 ltbako Ptcrohaltet. Will alto laY windotarro lb,' benefit of my Alain he • The market as I am potted in suet:tea and" other Wes from day to day by telegraph and otherwise: Corals& haul, UAL '. ' MIFMNM 4 __ .J r ~~ t. .~~7 _ ... El=il== 1• , *ls M atop la , )I MEM lIMI 8 901iT. I.NDUSrIiWri fitT 'I4tIik)SPEAP Boots, Shoes, Leather 6 , Findings. •!- GEO. O. DERRY, .-LTA.vnici bought the stocicantlgood , wlll of the ho lt einem tong conducted in this borough by " The 118 Bora," will continue the same at the stand lately ~eupled by them. Mod custom work, made to order and warranted, will be the first thing in order at this ehop; but special attention will also be given to keeping ups iontlif of lagA 'AND FINDINGS, 4 - 840 - as - SO , UPgra. ING, PEGS, THREAD, *NAILS, . . LASTS, AWLS, WAX, &o.; and, in a general way, the various fisin's ,penally kept at a finding shop. Cash paid for wee. UM, MTH O.Ud ; and yap , ticalar attenteti given to the purebake of. teal and dea con skinVfOriefhinli the. highest market price will be paid. Eilgalknia , dons Promptly and well. , , • GEO. 0. DEBBY. Wiling sold the stook in trade and good-will of the ems lately conducted by us to Mr. Derby, we cor dially recommend him to our old customers, as a good workman, and a square-dealing man. CHAS. W. it GEO. W. SEAM. Wellston?, May 2,1868. Thomas Harden, \ArOULD respectfully inform the inhabitants of Tina County, that he is now receiving great additions to his stock of Merchandise which he offers at a small advance from cost. His stook consissa.thipasinf , tti - t • SHAWLS, CLOAKS,' DRESS -GOODS, of various styles and colors, BROAD CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, LADIES' CLOTHS, TWEEDS, SAfTINETTS, KENTIIOKT - 312*NS, 6-I gnitable for men and boys wear. TABLE LINENS, NAPKINS, TOWELLING, TABLE SPREADS. CARPETINGS .42/prou. GUARS,: RIBBO N S, tbstetti, VEILS ' AND NOTIONS. Amongst the Domestic Goods will be found a great variety of Brown Muslims, at prices from Is to 211terjgrti. Bleiothed Shootings and Shirt , id", Deniintrand Tieltingt oft - various prices. - , - Also a groat variety -- zeititADY MADE CLOTHING. Please call and see for yourselves. June 12, 1866. THOS. HARDEN. kir#l &N. ILANioNtOi j iiTiii,RY.-- . Middlebury, Tloga Co., Pa., sitasad ag , the Plank /11:611..4, piles from Tioga. Pirdsrerpripared to furnish 100,000 %ids Trees at thcfbilowlng-prkes : . Appletrees—large sire, 25 cents at the Nursery; 30 cents delivered. Common size, 20 cents at the Nursery, 26 cents delivered. Pear Trees, 60 eta. fieXMita APPLES..--Berttheim Earvest, Early Saris's, -abermago. -„ Strawberry, Washington Strawberry, Bed Astrachan, Summer Bellflower, Summer Queen, Summer Bing, Sweet Bow, Sour Bow. Pau. APPLES.—Fameuse, Gravenstein, Rambo, Ribeton Pippin, Fall Pippin, Republican Pippin, Hawley or Douse, Maiden's Blush, Large Wine, Ladisse, , Hweetingi:Lyman's Pumpkin Sweet, WINTEA Awrtne.—Malditiri, Bailey 'Sweet, Black•GilHlower,4#lue Pearmaiy, Amerioan Gol den Russet, Roxbury Ruaset,Rhode Island Green ing, Esopns Spitsenburg, Swartz, Sweet Gillilower, Sugar Sweet, Honey Greening, Honey Sweet, Pound Sweet, Pound Sour, Peck's Pleasant, Tall man Sweet, Tompkins Co. King, Wagner. Pgatte.—Bartlett, English Jargonelle, Bleaker's Meadow, Bella Lucrative, Ledirva Bona D Jersey, Seekel, Beurre D' Amalie, Golden Beurre,Flemish 'Beauty, Gloat Morceau. Lawrence. Also—Siberian Crab, Quinces, and Grape roots —several varieties. 0. & N. HAMMOND. Middlebury, Tioga Co., Pa., San. 1, 1886-ly OV I ‘ , RE/V b *, 0 R s liyF sTRENOTH TO THE WEAK! YOIITH TO THE AGED!! 'hill preparation Is unequaled as a Rejnyeastor and asatorer of wasted or mart functions. The aged should be certain to make the Biokrene household god, inasmuch as it will render them youth. fal in feeling and in stmegth,and - enable them to live over again the days of their pristine joy. It not only exhilarates but ttrengthens, and is really an invaluable bleseing, especially to those who have been reduced to a candltlon of senility, self abuse. raisfortuue, or ordin ary stalmess. No matter what the cause of the impo tency of any human organ, this superb preparation will remove the effectat once and forever. - Enokrona mos ;Impotent"-, pickerel ,Debility, Ner vous incepenity, Dyspepsia - Depieselon; tots of appe tite, Low Spirits, Weakness of. thos Organs of Genera tion, Imbecility, Mental Indolence, limaciation, Bunn/. It has a ,most delightful, desirable and novel effect nn the Ritrf tug System,* and all who are in any way proe• Crated` by neriotul disabilities are earnestly advised •to seeltin trine la' this most excel tent and natal:Laidig* paration. P• 21101111 wbo,by imprudintost their natural vigo_ y _ will Una a speedy and parmesan* sure in thif The Testae, the Languid, the Dispelling, the Old should glee this valuable discover:a trial: it will be 'band totally different trona all other artistes tca ... the suns porpoise. To regissass,--This preparatiot is invaluable to nesiroas weaknesses of all kinds, as it will restore the wasted strengtikfrith wonderful Perntamaltn, It is also • grana tools , atrarill give relief to Dye, pepsia, with the Bret dose. A beet persistence in tie ass will recovate the stomach W.A.-degree of perfect health. and banish Dpipepsis Wieser. Dr igglets emoting Ow Dollar per Bottle, Or ain Bottles for $5. 5015 by . FLOCS PROM CHOICE WHITE WHEAT, buckwheat flour, corn meal and feed, always on band. Call at the Charlsmou/dlllbefor• buy ing your flour and feed. I can make it an object foryotqc• buy. - A;, RUSSELL. !flay 16, lirel6-11'' ' A LECTURE TO fOtiNG ' 'Orb Just published, is a sealed envelope. Price six cents. A lecture on the nae !v. tuts treatment and radical cure of orsVirhot-eilt k inaltreaknese, involuntary anali rt,l lit ist3 7 ==err fj• gol s Mental and physical incapacity; etstulting from self abuse, Sto.. by Robert J. Cultsrwell, 3i. D . author a the " green-book," ato. o The world renowned author, in this admirable lec tare, dearly proves from his own experience that the awful cabacquenzes of self-abuse may be effectually re moved without medicine, and without dangerous wad es/ oParetierw, boogies, ingtruneuts, rings, or cordials, pointing out a mode of cure at once certain and *testi:L. al, by 'which every enterer, no matter what hie condi tion may be. may cure himself cheaply, privately, and radically. This lecture will prove a boon to thousands and thousands. Bent under seal, to any address, in a plain sealed envelope. on the receipt of six cants, or two postage stamps, by addressing Offakr. T. 0.111,12 TV (5 . CO., jylB 12713oliery, N.Y„ p. uiBce box 4,588. AIITNOUNCERIENT I .• li f fuN have reduced the price of blear 11l per V V barrel, Peed and meal 50 centa per wet, sad shall sell, BOIL CASU ONLY,. O. J. HILL FLOUR, WRIGHT & BAILEY'S—BEST WHITE WHEAT FLOUR, SPRING WHEAT FLOUR. BUCK WHEAT FLOUR, GROUND MD. CORN MEAL, -- 'BRAN; &44 . to. CASH PAID FOR ALL RINDS OF GRAIN. •'l;' •r WRIGHI & B6ILSY. . Wellebeto;iin, 44,1868: WANTED -FIFTY BUSHELS OF dried raspberries, 60 do of blackberries— for which the highest market price in cash will be paid by J. R. BOWEN .k CO. WelMew, . evert 15,1866. • IVtLite' bilivAdiat's HAIR TONIC AND DEEMER, at Wllliftil-DIMVOTOUR tt SONS, Manufacturers. t EIE L MBOLD'S EXTRACT RUCHE, of Revolvers, 'Rifles, Muskets and .Car- trade l;, geeslly. lo these &via of ltoforetrrerfkiny and robbery, er i:ry'hover, Afore, tank nod office, ellcoeld hare onto! ftEIIiiNGTONS' REVOLVERS. Parties desiring to avail themselves of the late improvements in ,pistols, and those .of superior workmanship and form, will find ati combined in the new Rim:midis REvotvnits. Circulars eon eaining outs and description of our Arms, will be furnished upon application. Fe. REMINGTON lt SONS, Ilion, N.Y. Moottz 44 NicaoLii, Agents, No. 40, Courtland street, New York. ap 4 Bi 3 FOUtZ'S CZ;32I.STID gorse nil Catilo Poviors. - • Tea, fl.e, E COUGHS, "LT TE2IPta, Fi VERS FOUNPE LOSS ctz: APP.' TrrE AND EN &TOY , lrc -use Improves 1. wind, tnemasc at , petfte-gifo a smooth ant glossl skint•-ar transforms t = horse- In all diseases of Stylac, such as C ghs, ricers in the Lungs, . • ac., this art , - :e sots as a sp„vint 1 as , Br Lt r til;' , f ' C ' n g r - me-twlf s p „r„,.r to a paper is . Darrel of s sAi rs_ awr dissao:. hs oratile.ttod - - '- o entirely Dr.:vet:lied ri gt7s tr . c cotton, prereatire 00-i car,: to: : . 11,7 Price '25 Ceuta - rja: , = Li: a : 7 VOL, .t - 137131.; W1301.1. , a t : - 'i LET No. 110 Frab.l:: t P. . IE I ?7.1C:2;•, al rur s <<7 , cat tlia Cratoi For sale by John A. Roy, Wellsboro WINTER GOODS FOR THE MILL v V lon at No. 2, Union Block. JEROME ISMITH Has lately returned from Ne York with a splen did assortment of DRY GOODS, READY-iMADE CLOTH ING, BOOTS & SHOES, GLASS WARE, HATS & CAPS, HARDWARE, GROCERIES, DOMESTICS, WOODEN WARE, ENGLISH CLOTHS, LADIES' DRESS GOODS, SATINS, TWEEDS , AND KENTUCKY ANS, FRENCH CASSI- E MERE FULL CLOTHS. r _ Attention is cal led to his stock of Black and Figured Dress Silks, Worsted Goods, Merinoes, Black and Figured DeLaines, Long and Square Shawls, Ladies' Cloth, Opera Flannels, &0., &a., ho., Sc Puroharera will find that No. 2,17ni0n Block. Main Street, is the place to buy the best quality of Goods at the lowest priests. JEROME SMITE. Wellsboro, Jan. 1, 1868. - DEERFIELD WOOLEN FACTORY, THE UNDERSIGED having purchaeed the well known Woolen Factory of Messrs. B." 41 B. S Bowen on the Cowanesque River, two miles eon of Knoxville, takes this method of Informing the inhabitants of Tioga and adjoining counties that he will manufacture wool by the yard or on shares to snit customers, into FLANNELS, CASSIMERES. DOE-SKINS, FULL CLOTHS, of all kinds. The machinery has been thoroughlyrepaired and new machinery added thereto, also an im proved new wheel which will enable him to work the entire season. Be will pay particular atten tion of Roll Carding da Cloth Dressing, which will be done in the neatest possible man ner. haring added one new 801 l Machine, will enable him to dispatch and accommodate people froms distance. He would farther say that be has carried on the in in manufacturing wool for farmers in Bradford and adjoining counties for the past twenty years; he therefore am warrant all work and satisfy his customers, using nothing in manufacturing but genuine wool. JOSEPH INGH' AN. Deerfield, Jan. 1, 1866-Iy. hand Power Loom!-Patented 1865. A it persons interested in the production of pra,tl - cal machinezy into oar country, are rsosstal t,, investigate the merits of • HENDERSON'S HAND POWER LOOM. This loom will do all kinds of hand weaving. It will weavc jeans, blankets, plain cloth, satinet, kaiser, ifanael, seamless sack, double width blankets. or any kind of uotton. wool, or lax clotb. It treads tha treadles, throws the shuttle, lets off the web, and takes up the cloth. It makes the upper shed as the batja cornea forward, and beats up the ailing after the cruel is made, making better cloth and better selvage th can be made in any other way. It is the only hand boon/ that is suitable for weaving wool, as no loom that makes all the shed as the batten goes back. wtll weer* wool satisfactorily. It has no strings to stretch and get oat of ordei ; has treadles at b r oth aides of the loom, making the shed complete at 'bath sides. This loom Is made to wears the different kinds of clotlw by simply changing the pins that snake the op• per she d. Township rights for sale, Call at Mainstrarg, %Yoga county, Pa., and see a fall sized loom 113 operation. Or for looms solicited. LEWIS WETMORE', gisinsinug, May 2, 'OO.-17 A. P. PACKARD. JOHN SUHR, WOULD announce to the citizens of Viollabo r° and eurronndin g country. that he has opened a shop on the corner of Water and Crof ton streets, for the pupate of manufacturing all kinds of CABINET FURNITURE, REPAIRING AND TERNIEG DONE to order. COFFINS of all kinds forniebed on short notice. All work done promptly and war !tinted. ' Wel4boto, Jane 27, 18M. ROrs CHOLERA DROPS—A afire, cafe and effectual remedy for diarrhea, cholera iner bnaillysentery, colic, cholera infanturn. cramps. spaumsriping pains in the bowels, and the best antidote fer CHOLERA. ]EIi . OP %WRING at . BULLAB.D ierkl:FILLlll3. Soptember 19, - 1896. • f THE ONLY KNOWN REMEDY FdR IRRITATION OF THE NECK OF THE BLADDER, INFLAMMA.TIOX OF 111 For these diseases it is trey • s moTsrelp fez. edy, and too. much cannot be said in its polio,. A single dose has been know% to reliste the 'most urgent symptoms. _ Are you troublild trlth that distressing pa in the small of the back and thtomth, tne hips? A teaspoonful a day of llelmbeld's Boehm aW relieve you. This preparation; long and favorably known, will thor oughly reinvigorate inok,n-down and low-spirited horses, by strengthening and cleansing the stomnah and intes tines. PHYSICIANS AND i OTMkRS It Is a ma Ere centivo of all ass eases tholileaLlo I make no secret of ingredients. Jleimbeld's Eztract Backus is composed of Bache, Cubans, and Juniper Berries, selected with. great tst prepared in ammo and rceording to rules of These ingredients are known as the -most sal nable.Dinretioe afforded. Is tlsaS ',shish sots upon the kidms oration la int•alnabie impzove3 the quality of tie milk. It, has boon proven by as tual experiment, to increase the quan tity of milk and QOM twenty per n,it and make the butter firma and sweet In fattening cattle. it gins thrin an appetite. inasens their hide, and RELZBOLD'S ExThecrr won Is pleasant In taste and odor, free from all itlar lons properties, and tuansedtnte is its astioa. FOR THE SATISFACTION OP AiL, t}•em ttxtra See. Medical Properties oontained in Dispensa tory of the U. S., of which the following is a cox root copy " Bratn.—lts odor is strong, diffulive, and somewhat aromatic, its taste bitterish, and an alogous to that of mint. It is given chiefly in complaints of the Urinary Organs, such as grav el. Chronic Catarrh of the bladder, Morbid Ir ritation of the Bladder and 'Urethra, Dlseaies of the Print/ate, and Rotondo's or the Inconuhines of Urine, from a lOU of tone In the partsaon corned in its evacuation. It has also besn're -oonsmended in Dyspepsia, Chronic Rheassa- Ostia, Cutaneous Affootions, and Dropsy." See Professor Dowses' ialuabie works oath' Pm , - tioe of Physic. See Remarks made by the celebrated Dr. Phys ic, of Philadelphia. See any and all Standard Works on Median*. MANUFACTURING ORINIST I am aoquainted with H. T. Relmbold ; he out. pied the drug store opposite my residence, and was successful in conduoting the business where others had not been equally so before him. I have been favorably impressed with his detract& and enterprise. [From the PMLadd ifesafew 2.tii tin, Matra 10.] We are gratified to hear of the continued ing ress, in New York, of our townsman, Mr. H. T. lielmbold, Druggist. His store, next to the Metropolitan Hotel, is 28 feet front, 230 het deep, %lief'''e stories in height. It is certainly a grand establiahment, and speaks favorably at the merit etf his articles. Be retains his Oils and Labratory in this city, whbah are also modal estabUshments of their class. The proprietor has bean Induced to mks this statement from the fast that his remedies, although advartisad, are And, knowing that the intelligent re fr ain from rising any thing pertaining to quackery, or the Patent Medicine order—omit of which are pro pared by self styled Doctors, who are too igionrot co read a physician's simplest preteriptloo, wash less competent to prepare pharraaaeatieelproper . miens. THESE FqaTISSI ASSOBT to various means of effecting Isla, sub as sopy• ing parts of advertisements of popular maga, and finishing with certificates. The Sof apes of Modloins stastda SIMPLE, PIIRE, and MAJESTlC,—bating Fact for its Basis, lodisation for. its- Pillar. Truth aloes for its Capitol. • Health is most important, and the ailed should not use an advertised medicine, jor sal remedy, unless its contents or ingredients an /Mourn to orlon betides the manufaotursr, until they are satisfied of the qualifications of tilt purr so offering. GENUINE PREPARATIONS FLUID EXTRACT SARSAPARILLA, Prepared by H. T. HILIBOLD. Principal Depots. HELMBOLD'S DRUG AND CHEMICAL WAREHOUSE, 594 Broadway, New DA; And RELMBOLD'S MRDICAL DSP OI ' 104 Sauth Tenth Beree4- SOLD DT ALL DUVUG October 11, 18 • 13 SISOOP ER TEAR! We Irant sleet. WI where to sell our TYPHOID 34 0 lug Lachine .. Three new kinds. tapperl end 14e. feed. Warranted Ave year a. Above salary or lerf!r,4 1311 paid. The only machines told in the " States for late than 2,44), which are fatty leenssd Howe. Who , ter Grtmer ^." 6. 0 1. Ch. aft! Bucheitier. ‘l/2 other cheap aiscldnee ars • • gfrO , Pinsrententx. and the or vary are Lac.e fine. and imprisonment. Circulars free„Addrml, 4,r upon *haw e,90 ATMoNTIII—AGIMN TS wanted for As GAMEY. City &riding,. ai r Idef j orde oel 74 6 "h Addr."-°. de5.57,11044047. lIELIMISOLD'S Steil V HELM BOLD4II HUCIEIt. lIELMBOLDII IIUCHIL DIABETES. KIDNEYS, CATARRH OF TES BLADDER, STRANGORY OR PAINFUL URINATING PLE.ASE NOTICE PHARMACY AND CHEMISTRY di DroBlllllo ACTS GENTLY, • FOR FURTHER INFORMATION PROM TER LARGEST IN Tan WORLD WM. WBIGHTMAN, (Firm of Powers & Weightmaa,l Manufacturing Chemins, Ninth and Brown Strata, Philadelphia. GENUINE PREPARATIONS, A WORD OF CAVTION. fIELM.BOLIP9 FLUID EXTRACT BIICHU, AND IMPROVED ROSE WASH. Established upwards if 16 part