The Tioga County agitator. (Wellsboro, Tioga County, Pa.) 1865-1871, October 10, 1866, Image 2
THE SOUTH. An Ex-Rebel Officer's Opinion The following letter from a distin guished officer of the rebel army, was read by the . Hoe. J. M. Botts, at the Union meeting at Patterson, N. J.: - " I agree 'with you that something ought to be done to restore the States to their ante odium condition, and I will ingly confess I have not been able the oretically to fix upon any plan that was 'even satisfactory to myself. "It is evident that any attempt to re construct the States lately in rebellion by men who are just as hostile to the federal Union now as they were at any stage of the past fearful struggle, and who will have the same means of drag ging the helpless people into any means of resistance that future contingencies may suggest, is eminently unjust to the suffering masses and dangerous to the safety of the Government. " It is impossible to describe the deep seated and implacable hatred with which the so-called leaders in the South regard the Union and everything ap pertaining to it. It is a hatred result ing frbm disappointed hopes and the frustation of ambitious schemes, and is much the same feeling the thief enter tains who has broken into some rich magazine of wealth, where he has load ed himself with the stolen treasure, and is about making his escape,. when a po liceman steps up and takes the fello3v into custody. Ike looks upon the officer and all his agencies used' in his detec tion as his mortal enemies, and no time or circumstances can obliterate the un dying animosity of the detected thief. " Nothing reconciles these political charlatans of the South to a residence under the protecting folds of the banner of the Union, but the fast growing hope that they will one day get into power, and be able to wreak a terrible ven geance upon all those who in any man ner,assisted in their downfall. I have heard this feeling expressed by the flickering camp fires. I have heard it in the editorial sanctum and around the social circle; and I know from personal observation of men and things, that it would be dangerous, nay, it would be suicidal in Congress to restore these men to place and power. I will oppose it while I have any means of successful resistance, and when all hope is gone and the outrageous deed is consumma- I will sell my property and leave the coun "You will doubtless_think this strange language to come from one who held high rank in the rebel army. I will not stop now to detail the means by which I was induced to take service against my better judgment and all the convic tions which some years of close appli cation to the study of politics had forced upon my mind. The influence of rela tions and friends is not always to be re sisted, but I have never ceased to repent the unfortunate deed. "I am an unconditional Union man, and I take great pleasure In inforthing you that there are many of the same pattern in my own and adjoining coun ties, who are generally indisposed to needlessly avow their sentiments, and thus draw down upon themselves the concentrated wrath of those who have it in their power to do them immense injury; but let the time come when these men will be called Upon, to take sides for or against the Union, and you will find thousands of those who fol lowed the rebel flag to-victory on many a well-fought field, will range them selves under the Stars and Stripes, and the Union and the Constitution will be their shibboleth. " Tne rebel leaders are sadly mistaken if they suppose they can bully the rank and file into another onslaught upon the Government. They were satisfied with the Government before the war ; they are satisfied with it now, and all they ask is to be permitted. to labor foz their support in peace. "The masses are all right, and the on ly thing the Government need to do tc insure its safety and perpetuity, is tc forbid the leading politicians and offi cers of the South, both civil and mill tars, from ever holding any office what ever, either State or Federal." Jefferson Davis The Hon. G. M. Hillyer, editor of the Natchez Courier, visited Jeff. Davis cal Sept. 7, and has published an account of the interview. We quote what he says of the prisoner's - physical condi tion " It would be difficult for an old friend .of Mr. Davis to recognize him, were liE not presented to him as the great Stets prisoner! Emaciated to the extreme : almost a walking skeleton; little left but a great and stately form; a gray beard covering that peculiar style o; features and of mouth, which in other days has given life and thought to a na tion; an eye undimmed, and fall pf the fire of intellect; he yet might pass up on our streets unknown to, his former friends. His physical condition is such that in walking he is obliged to use a cane and the arm of a friend or attend ant. The writer does not know what a skeletori weighs. Add teu pounds to any medical man's report on the sub ject, and Mr. Davis's weight can be as certained. His lower limbs are as a man's wrists, and the prisoner's steps totter as he walks! But yet he is reli ant on his own integrity and on the God whose favor and mercy, with beau tiful simplicity, he asks at more hours than the imprisoned Daniel did ! " Mr. Davis, confined as he is, will not live long. Emaciated in the ex treme, without appetite and without hope, he is gradually going down to the long home where a million of manly and womanly tears would follow him. The first chill, the first attack of any sharp disease, will carry him away to the great Judge who ruleth over all.— Tempered may be the wind that blows over Fortress Monroe! May her breath ings be sweet and her wings soft! " Mr. Davis is yet denied the use of pen, ink or paper. He violates the pa role that allows him a walk inside the fortress if he even gives his autograph. During the day he has little, except as prisoner, to complain of. During the night he has grated doors, guards and an officer, to watch every time he tarns over in bed, or changes the position of his pillow I "In conversation, Mr. Davis's great intellect is as brilliant as ever. Unable to write, and until recently to talk to others, it seems that the rich stores of his gifted mind are only now allowed full ez_pression. He is hopeless for him self. He sees not, nor can any friend see for him, why he is kept in the anom alous condition of a State prisoner. He is the first, and for God's sake may he 'be the last, the country ever knew ! Army Headquarters know him not; he cannot be reached by any order Gen. Grant can give. The civil tribunals know him not; he cannot be reached by any process of habeas corpus ! And yet law and civil authorities are said to pervade the land ! What a mockery! "In all probability Mr. Davis will never see our people again. lie is an individual victim, whose l ife by con fi n e meat will be sacrificed to solve a great political embarrassment. Like the man who drew the elephant in a lottery, the Government knows not what to do with him—should not Death, less remorseless than power, consign him to a tomb which will be hallowed for ages as that of a martyr sacrificed for a people ! the agitator. WELLSB OEK).. PZNN'6. WEDNESDAY, OCT. 10, 1866 ciFt , QT.7x.4:.•r_soN• 1,6 80_ With lILLICE toward none. with ctrearre for az.t, with firmness in the MORT, let tie strive to finish the work we are in, to bind np the nation's woundq, to care fol him who shall have borne the battle, and for his Willow and orphans, and to do all which may achieve and cherish ajnet and lasting peace among ourselves and with all nations.—A. LINCOLN-31Auca 4,1865. The Philadelphia Press is to be print ed on a ten cylinder Hoe press after January Ist. Its edition is so large that its four cylinder press cannot furnish customers in time. The new press will print 20,000 copies per hour. We rejoice at this evidence of pros perity. The PTeBl is the ablest journal in Pennsylvania, and the most enter prising also. In Festus, Mephistopheles or the Devil is made to preach evangelical religion to a crowd of mourners. This is vivid ly brought to mind by the Copperhead papers just about now and forson3etitne past. They are fearfully disturbed at the blasphemous utterances-of Faison Brownlow, and express a great .deal. of horror because Brownlow said the other day that he was going to preach in Ply mouth church and bring Ward Beecher to "a knowledge of political truth as it was in the Lord Jesus Christ." We are no great admirer of Parson Brow - nlow's style, but we are not shock ed greatly thereat. One of the Copper head editors who is horrified at the ex pression we know for the profanest wretch who ever drew 'breath. Hence these tears. A.P71111 TELE BATTLE The preliminary conflict is ended.— Whatevar were the issues upon which the campaign was made, they are deci ded for the time being ; and though we write even before the local result is fully known, before the smoke is lifted from the field, we feel confident that the peo ple have fully and freely expressed their will as regards certain things, among which we name— Ist, That treason is the highest crime known, and that traitors deserve con dign punishment. 2d, That works meet for repentance go before pardon and amnesty ; and that equal and exact Justice is always true mercy. 3d, That the people will never con sent to the re-entrance of the rebel States into practical relations with the Union, until such States shall accept in good faith the terns offered- them by Congress. 4th, That the President of the United States will not be permitted to usurp the powers and prerogatives of any other co-ordinate branch of the Governmett. bth, That prominent traitors cannot aspire to place and power undei the gen eral Government. etb, That there can be no adjustment, nor reconstruction, which shall not make one vote in the North equal to one vote in the South. In' other words— Representatives in Congress shall be based upon the voting population. 7th, That no future Congress shall have power to assume the rebel debt, nor make compensation for slaves rated by the war power. Bth, That the intelligent masses will never again trust the so-called Democ racy with the control of public affairs; and that that impoverished and debau ched party can never hope to deceive the people by assuming new napaes. 9th, That not only treason, , but sym pathy with treason is a crime not to be forgiven by the American. people: We -say that_ the conflict just closed in Pennsylvania has decided these things_; yet the result is entirely unknown tons at this writing. We risk this opinion upon our unswerving faith in theinteg rity of the people. To believe the. eon trary would be to stand idling upon the verge of despair. Because these nine propositions have been pronounced upon. They were put in issue, and decided yesterday. We have either decided that treason is - high crime or no crime; that loyal men shall control the Government, or that rebels shall control it ; that Congress shall make the laws, or that the President shall make them ; that treason_ shall work disfranchisement of its workers, or that it stall not stain them ; that each voter in Pennsylvania shall be politi cally equal with each voter in South Carolina, or that two voters in South Carolina shall equal three voters in Pennsylvania ; 'that some future Con gress may assume the rebel debt and compensate owners of rebel slaves, or repudiate both forever ; andflnally, that the acts of the 37th, 38th, and 39th Con gresses are legal, or that they are null and void, and the evidences of the pub lic indebtedness worthless. Practically, one of these decisions up on each of the propositions •named has been made. We conclude that Penn sylvania has again endorsed the policy of the Republican party. ()Ur` faith in that result proceeds from au innate sense of the righteousness of the cause for which we love to labor. We long ago gave up chasing Copper head lies as of all things most unprofit able. But here is a lie which came to our notice too late for refutation last week. We find it in a pamphlet enti tled The" Coming Nan! • Our African Fellow Citizen ! *Shull he vote? Is he fit? Is he capable?" On page seven we read the following absurd He : "Tnr. emit. Ric HID bill, passed - by Congress over the veto of the President, imposes ' a fine not exceeding $l,OOO, and imprisonment not ex— ceeding one year,' upon any white man who Abell deprive any negro of the right of marrying his daughter, or any vrenefi" the privilege, of taking his son. ' , famous as this may seem, yet it is a fact, and we dare any supporter at Sumner, Ste vens or Geary, to deny it." Perhaps the best refutation of this fla grant lie lies in the Civil Rights bill it self, which reads as followsl . " Skar. 1. : - Be it enacted, &c.; That all persons born in the United States and not subject to any foreign power, excluding Indians not taxed, are hereby be citizens of the U. States; and such citizens, of every race and col or, withoutregard to any previous con dition of, slavery or involuntary servi tude, except as a punishment for crime, whereof the party shall, have been duly convicted, shall have the same right in every State and Territory in the United States to make and enforce contracts; to sue, be parties, and give evidence; to inherit, purchase, lease, sell, _ hold s _ and convey real and personal property; to full and equal benefit of all laws and proceedings for the security of person and property as is enjoyed by white eft zens ; and -shall be subject to:like pun ishment, pains and penalties, - and to none other; any law, statute; ordinance, regulation, or custom; to, the contrary notwithstanding." The lie is palpable. So - Ice tleClare that the men who lent'aid to the circu lation of such a pamphlet Were and are liars, " pure and simple."" To that we stand ready at all times to defend. Here is a bit of solemn truth for so ber men to ponder. It is the testimony of Rev. - Wm: Hosmtia,; editor of the'Ner then; Independent; published at- Au:. burn, N. Y.'. Hear Mr. Hosmer " The worst enemies of Mr. Johnson need not desire anything snore than that he should keep on traveling and talking, for•every more -he- tnakes only reveals the desperate character of the man. His drunkenness of the time of his inaup,tuatioiir had been'eovered up anVezeused arentitely,:ex. ceptional; but the present :eleetioneering trip is, making his bibulous' habits painfully evident He was so drunk while in this city two weeks ago, that he could net sit op in the carriage, and the Mayor had to hold Min up. This Tact tens asserted in the presence of the Mayor to - a public meeting last Monday evening, and was not con tradicted by him. What hope the country can have of such a man, and with what grace he can claim for his 'pot house' scheming a wisdom su perior to that of Congress, may be very obvious to Copperheads, but is not to us.. Nor can we see why a drunkard in the Presidential chair is more to be respected than any other drunkard." The Soldiers and Sailors' Convention Called to meet at Cleveland on the 17th instant, to endorse Andrew Johnson, proved a failure. In the beginning this was a Convention of commissioned offi cers, almost without exception. These officers were, many of them, just pro moted to fat places in the regular army, and many others wanted promotion.— Many good soldiers joined in the call, but few of them went after . all. The speeches of Mr. Johnson on his late tour and the elections in Vermont an& Maine squelchedithe Convention effec- L twiny. Johnson s side is not the big side, and bread- nd-butter men like to train with the c wd. The secret is out. The Maine Water loo seemed utterly incomprehensible.— We have learned how it-came about.— Montgomery Blair, son of F. P: Blair, Sr., and brother of P. P. Blair, Jr., (ten years younger than Mon tgomery)stump ed the gallant State of Maine; one Pils bury likewise stumped the gallant State of Maine—the same bibulous Pilsbury who stumped Tioga county two years ago. With Blair and Pilsbury to stump the State of Maine for Coppeijohnson ism, no wonder that State gave 30,000 majority for the Republican ticket. If " brother Frank" had stumped Maine, we should have had 50,000 majority. The Sunbury Gazette, in charging Gen. Cameron with having furnished Alexander Cummings-5300,000 to invest in straw hats, &c., befouls its own bed fellows. The investment of govern ment funds in straw hats, red-herring,_ ete.,-alluded to, was made by Thurlow Weed, the Chief of the Bread-and-But ter brigade. Lord Thurlow was the " bould speculator" in that case. We are left to suppose - that the editor of the Sunbury paper cannot read matters of official record. In that case be is just the boy to edit a Copperhead paper. Righteous retribution has _overtaken Senator Doolittle. On his - return_ to Wisconsin be attempted to address the people. The people would not listen to him. It is reported that he was pelted with - rotten eggs—the old argument of the - pro:slavesy party against anti-sla very speakers. This was wrong Re fuse tolisten, refuse to permit, a dema gogue tc; speak, if so it seam best to do; but no more using of the 'weapons of the pro-slavery age. When Andrew Johnson set out on his electioneering tour to the West, he af firmed that he left the President behind him, and presented hlinself only as An drew Johnson, the citizen. The Cop perhead papers are making a fuss about the abuse which was heaped upon the President of the United States at Cleve land and elsewhere. The disrespect was intended for Andrew Johnson, not for the President. But any man who descends to blackguard with a crowd, has no right to complain if he gets the worst of it. The bootblack who respon ded to his question—" What pledge have I violated ?"—"The temperance pledge," made a literal reply to Andrew's ques tion. Its truth made it offensive. To FARDIEMS.—Mx. D. G. EDWARDS, of Charleston, asks us to inquire of the farmers of Tioga county in regard to the best manner of building stone fence. fie desires to know the moat durable width of .foundation:and diminution upward. What few stone we have in this county are su perior for fencing. They are chiefly flat, though not large. In . New England, where stone are plenty, their shape is irregular, and they aregen orally boulders. There, they build two _ kinds of wall : Oie,called single wall, is made by putting large boulders at the bottom, and tapering up with lesser ones. This sort of fence is very cheap and durable, especially on heavy laud, where the frost beaveseverything out of place every winter.— The other ktild. is doable, being - from two and half tolour feet on the bottom, and-drawing into about . one andu half feet at the top for the first, and two and a half for the last named. On level ground the : sides are diminished alike , . and bind= ers are placed across tiro fcet froni the bottom.- This sort of well will last a lifetime, but costa from $1 60 to S 2 per, rod. The single wall is cheaper, say fifty cents per rod, and:a. good man will put-up from six to eight rods per day. We hope some of our Tioga fairoes will re spond to Mr. Edwards. Let us have the oxperi eace of some pradtical farmer, or, what' Is better, tka views of many &hikers based on -experience-. Indies Attention. J. Eng & Co., or Trookenham,LEogi a nCt, mrtlie thellitiallitality of hitialietahineecries; and dry" tolefaitiatar - - 2. Johnson's, 28 Lake at. , Elmira, N.l". THE CATTLE SHOW AND FAIR.—The attendance upon the first annual Fair of the Tio ga County Agricultural Society for the second and third days was large . —reminding one of the Fairs of the old society before the war. Though the display of stoat and farm produce was not large, we think the Fair was a decid4scaceis. It was of value as promising much fur the future, rather than fur its display; and in conversing with far mers and .menhanies_ present, welearned enough_ to.warrant the prediction that thiknext Fair will afford sights woittigoing many miles to see. Our Dotes _ were brief, and touched the di-piny of stock - and pro - dace, arwell as mechanical struments, personally only where -there was no competition. Believing it to bo destructive of harmony, to single. ent- - :contrilintors. i Sot' 'special commendation, we shall - speak Of what passed under observation in a general manner, except in cases where there was no competition. The display of vegetables was good; potatoes, especially. There were fine blincliei of celery, cauliflower and peppers, monstrous putupkius and squashes, golden cheats, from the bb .rleston factories, and box honey without attar: was butte‘which could successfully compete with 'Orange county, and potatoes large enough to feed i! Oa The stock display wes:aut large. Mr: Thomas Kelly exhibited a span- of.yearllng males, the finest we ever saw. The number of Devonshire cattle was greater ttian: we expected, and among them, without competitors, we noticed a flue-yoke Of red oxen entered' by Mt. F. A. Bunnell.. Mr- IL Potter, of ; Charleston; , iititere4toe-so''fine Merino ewes, a p - ealoelChen;.,Zna which there were no, compotitopa; Also Chester county flogs, a superior breed,. iyo noticed two Cotswold sheep, entered by Mr. Charles Eberentz, of Delmar, with fine, long wool, handsome build, and with the intelligent faces which distinguish the Cheviots. Mr. Eberentz also had on exhibi tion a sow and pigs of the Suffolk - breed. We saw several Durham., among them a hull and twin heifers, very fine. 'Mr. ft. 8.-Potter, of Middlebury, bad the only Durham bull on the ground, as we were informed. We saw a few,- and only a few, Ono horses.— The competition in this branch was lively, and we leave the comments for the committees. The track not being in good ilondMou for matched driving, that part of the exhibition was confined chiefly to plesisure.driving. The display of fruit was fair for the season.— ldr. liemmond,of Middlebury, had forty va defies of winter fruit on exhibition: Mr- N. Whitney, of Charleston, had fifty-seven vnrieties of apples, live of willob were seedlings, and ten varieties of other fruits. There were two or three other-iota; Annlier, _butte, Atom they belonged we could not ascertain. Thq only plow we row were entered by Mr. C. Hall,-of.,Cherleston. The display. in the mechanical department was good. Messrs. Barris, of Lawretteeville, nud.J• C. Wheeler, of WeWhore, and Mr. Strong, of Malmberg, had some fine wagons on - exhibition. The buggies were superb. - • Mr.l • . R. Mather, of Lawrenceville, exhibited a superior fanning mill, which possesses an im portant advantage over lany that we have seen previously. It separates wheat from . oats per fectly, and has riddles for cleaning flat seed so as to take out yellow seed clean. There was no competition. Mr. D. W..Cartileld, of Nauvoo, exhibited an Ingenious washing machine, 'which. really ap pears practical. There were several straw cut ters, a patent churn, and two or three horse forks of new patterns, also on exhibition. We noticed several saniple hartieseet, light and heavy, a combination ploW for sulisuiling, and some side-hill and common plows, -together with cultivators. But the display of farm implements was not large enough. Our people must mend this next year. But most interesting of all was the " Baby Show." The Society offered a -premium of Itp for the " best" baby belween the ages - Of sit curl twelv . e months;With diplonitt for second " best" The competition was lively 7 fourteen " darling estbabies" being entered. - they, rcfre;tlar linembies, in fact. - A. nicer,' Chubbier,. better kept, andbetter liumored lot of children-in-arms never came together. The committee, originally of inveterate bachelors, failed to come to time, with one exception, our old friend, Tames AL LEN, who toed the' mark its a manly way. Sub stitutes were found for the missing committee men, and the business proceeded, much to. the delight of the crowd. The committeefoand none but best" - bables lir the lot. - -Bran our bachelor friend regarded - them tie " good -ert,glo to eat;" and all Were healthy; - tind - each Mother declared . that her baby was " eprinkyr thwigh - neither of the parents.had lost any spunk; and every - baby was found-fa sleep well o'nights---which is good for papeit ; and none of them were afraid, of *Un cle Tom; and moat of them made free with tbo noses and Whiskers of the committeo"----tintil the last, or No. 14, passed by; and lef; the judges with a heavy responsibility' upon thOir This was no less than the duty of deciding which was the " beirtest" baby of fourteen " beat" ba bies. But it was done, we suppose, with misgiv ings, doubtless, but done cottscientiourly never theless. Thu Fine Art and Floral Ball is a very plea sant room, overlooking Wellsbore, and giving a charming view of the place. The ladies had tastefully decoritied it with evergreens, and there sva# quite a _display of fancy work, contrasting brightly here and there among the-green branches. Fine crscheting; chairs, cross-stitched with iteplt yr, on canvass; brackets, ornamented with beau tiful bead-work; pretty tatting' collars; fine em broidery on linen; awreatii , ifif flowers made of seeds, in a cone frame ; exquisite machine sew ing;,contributed to show - much proficieney in the various kinds of work exhibited. The use faltno, as Weill the'ornamental, was represent ed in excellent home-made linen, stocking • yarn, woolen socks, and bed spreads, very neatly quilt ed. A. handsome rag carpet attracted much at tention. The bright tints of the autumn land scape outside were faithfully reproduced in some very - handsome oil paintings; and a few pencil lings of- dowers, and birds, and natural scenery,. were highly creditable. - - - The ladies might have made a much handsconer display of canned fruit, jellies, preserves, and pickles, and -so cultivate nueellence in .this de partment. The comparison of these things, tends very much to their improvement. Mrs. Softeld and Miss Pauline Smith displayed very rich ca see of millinery. In one of •the -former there were some lovely specimens of hair jewelry. - --L There - was also a case of jewelry, and One of ar ticles of- dentistry. Wenotieed two very hand. some vases, in Potiehimanie,lamp and - a shade ornamented with some little paintings quite -un ique. A pianO of Steinway's, together with music by the band, did mach to - enliven the occasion. The weather, wa sell - that could be desired; and the con stant crowd ,of visitors evinced a most cordial ap preCiation of tie attractions -of Pieria Hill, at its first - inangttration. • - - _ YOYING - _4l/ITN'S C1A13:.--rhi:- froitn g Men's Republican Club bad a grand meeting in the Court House Tuesday. eirs4ing of last ' sieek. Rev;_D. R. Me gcoi n, of Tiogr„ "delivered an address, which gale great satisfaction to thnen dience. It . sraa logical, systematic, And_ sound, abounding in effective points. _ They'd* by the Club has been very great and effective. - The - connty has -never bad tie effective a *irking- partylvithitioar memory. —' - surer - hares. -- • • •••, • • - • • • - - Pea 44 'cares, table ware* hollow :aared,:Vanip warei, 7 4asiorweeteB, - jeisteimie:Djeialq4 4V.g.; Johmoon'r, 28 Lake et.. Elmira, N. Y. Inte4idjUsvenne Tax Notice. ' ANNUAL 00.LLECTIONS FOB 1886. - lAM now ready to receive at the We Hotel, In Wellsboro, the United States 'Fazes or. annual list - for incomes, Senses. carriages; .to , for Tioga county ; and for the accommoda:. ti , .o of talpayers, I will meet them as folloi ) sal . to receive the same : In Tioga, Parr's hotel, Monday, Oct. 22, from TO A. M. to 4 P. M. Mansfield, Holiday's hotel, .Tessday, Oct. 23. from SATM. to M. CovTh - gtarr, -- office of E. Dyer, Wednesday, Oct: 24; Crato-It A. M. to 10 A.. M. Jo Blosaburg, Shield's hotel, Wednesday, Oct. frotn42--M—to-4-P. I.i Fall Brook, At the betel, Thursday, Oat. 25, from 10A. Di, to 4 P. M. In Wellsboro, Wellabor°. Hotel, Saturday, 27, from 10 A. M. to 4 P. M.' As tberg ; will be po personal notice given, all who neglect to pay on or befori the 29th daY ; ,of October, instant, 10 per cent, on fax, 20 cents roi nodce, auo.fopr cents per mile- travel, ciretilar„ will beaddedosecording to section 28. ,-Payment. positivelYto to - made in greenbacks or national notes. - All that send their - money to me by znastApolose-a three cent postage stamp-to insure them /I:receipt, and ran their ownyisk. - • •BOLIDAY, Dep'y Col. for Tioga Co., 18th District, Pa. Weinberg, October = • • - ' •-•• • Ayer a. '4. •.. RE-you siek;feeble g and, coos. ;11 &doing? Are you oiuor or pC•j.," 'ddrie.yirar- -Ostend • dorm:4lo and your feelings uncomfortable ? These svmptoras are often the pre cursors of _serious illness. -Some . fit of stokne-ss-is--creeping upon you, and should. -he avaitedliyrtrlitaely use ;of the right - remody:• Take Ayer's Pills, rind drive - out the humors- - purify the - blood, and let the fluids move on no ,dratructedly, in health. They stimulate the or gans of the-body into vigorous activity, purify. the system from the obstructions which make dis- Kure. - A cold settles somewhere in the body, and deranges the natural operations of that part.— This, if ,not relieved, will react upon itself and the surrounding organs, producing general ag gravation, suffering and derangement. _While in this condition; fake Ayer's Pills, and see how di rectly alai reitore the natural action of the sys tem, and withitthe buoyant feeling of health.— What trite andsbsapparent - in this trivial and common compla int, is also true in many of the deep seated and dangerous diseases. The same purgatlei eepels them. Caused by similar ob structions end derangements, they are surely. and many of-them rapidly, cured by tho same means. None who know - the virtnir of- these Pillswillneg lact to employ them *hen suffering from the'rlis orders they sure; sacti:as 'headache;, foul stom ach, dysentery; bilious complaints, Indigestion, derangement- of the liver, costivciaeis, donatipa— tioa, leartban), rheumatism, dropsy, worms and suppressien,,When taken in large doses: They are asgar coated, so that the most senei— tive can take t hem and they — ate 'sorely the best purgative medicine yet discovered: Ayer's Ague Cure, For thb speedy and certain, Cure ,of Intermittent Few, or Chills and Fever; Remittent Fever, Chill Fever, Dumb dgue, Periodical IleadacAs or Bilious Xeadache and Bilious Fear ; in— deedrfate-the whole class of diseases. ori;ginating. in biliarg derangement, caused by the malaria of miasmatic imusitries. • This remedy has rarely failed to cure the se verest eases of Chills and lever, and it has this great advantage over other Ague medicines, that it subdues the complaint—without- injury to the patient. Itoontains no quinine or other delete— none substance, nor does it produce quinism or any injurious effect whatever. Shaking broth ers of the army and the Weal, .try it and Ton will endorse these assertions. Prepared by Dr. J. C. AYER & CO., Lowell, Mass., and gold by Null druggists and dealers in medieitte:everylitiere; _ • . September 1866. -NEW FALL GOODS ! • • AM NOW 1 1 166 P. ABED4o etio , our usual I large anortment of _ DRESS GOODS, SHAWLS, LADIES CLOTHS, tALitoliti, CASSIMERES, SHEEP't GUY CLCTHS, KENTUCKY _JEANS ? fIANNELS, Flier • • - . i 444 A ftiliqf C 4 1NG, 1 4 1 4 1 WIXTINOS, SHIRT' GS 'DDS N QMASJ O , B 47 O 42:92f± NELLY HOOP SKIRTS, TRTMlififtB; •-• vi L. a f MIRZTS TAP SOLB,pALt BOOTS, " DOUBLB" " "- ? e, • •- - . Boys* " Youths . ; - V - -Q _ .. .da.. ...J '.. Wt?"" 4,li•ftiter.l4ineaeldf Baimor _ Zr#4.l34moreig, Cluldiiii 7 o &ja "aii, rkin-&: Alit,kitilskOt wait is or lifoheason't (of miiiiiytqAccipOinits*SOlfzuw* 5 - . =II qty stook of Goods will be found as inviting to all mistimers ti'dt iiMity, both as re-' garde Price and Styles. Ido not intend to mike it necessary for 4tny ,of .my customers to trade elsewhere Olean - Corning, Oct. 1;1866.: Ja A. PAlifigliB. NATIVE GRAPE' BRANDY. sal. "OLD' CATAWBA; 4 ier atr tiy - Vintage , it - . WALLAHS, .pruggis' t, who refers the itttefte to N. Packer M. D.; J. H. Shesmfr,-151. - D. it'MlA'k)slis4laina4vitwse . s.. in d.bto.i.cer, revietr,l, Zlsbiatioasite4 ,,: lat .26" fl: GA.B3 R. BON, Smatari dagart 1,1889.-2 m. CommissionirOtile: Of :Bested and Unseated Duda the COtibbissioners of Tioga' county, Penneylva n* in ateordance with the acts of the General Assem bly in nob maim' mode and provided, de hereby offer for sale, at pnbllo Termini) or outcry, the following tracts of ntiaeated and seated Undo, on ..Monday, the sth day of November, A. D. IEI6B, at one orcioek,2. M.. at the Com natesiontre' office in Welletoru, to wit : - •*-. • UNSEATED LANDS-186D. Nxr.drte. aae-r~esstna - 5045 540 James Wilson Coringtnn. 200 A Stow 100 It a White 300 A- Moor 4427 42 D B Dickinson 4123 66 James Wilson 4346 218 James Wilson 4;;46169 " FATBD Rion. Wild Im'd Whom Astie;sed.l 10 lilefidon Li hllerl t'n lots Pais heirs Cavillgton 15D• .losepliMitehell 70 Geo Jennings 50_ Stephen—Pierer. 100 pewit' 1 On nnlngtou Covington Borough:, ho'sa a lot CE a J E Johnson 2.1.0 ts Spangler it eV ho'sealotJerem.'"Wardirell hl'h shop & lot 11 G White - Oar/eaten: 60 ' A "P . Cone 75 Isaac Colton 22 6 Spetertrattenden 40 10 Duncan gainphall .73 25 - AleiCritinfilngs 230 20 Samuel Rexford 61 Horace Stratton :'6B Edward Junin Chatham. 58 Wm Mlles 60 , Jo Thompson, 62 3 A. A AndreNrs 10 S W Conntinga 114 12 4 Woodbury - 55 31 Conway 36 14 Isaac Simmons Clymnr. 45 .sJobn Sawyer 100 Mary Blue - 40 20 Samuel 51 Bush 60 20 Reuben Davis Delmar. 100 Icbabod Brown 8 4 Philander Niles 300 Lyman Spencir 60 Wm Drew 72 8 Reuben S Grover 740 10 Wm Moyer 40 --Jana% &salsas. Eikland. - - 100 - Win Baxter, 'B6 BY Joel Colvin 42 8 L Smith 100 35 Culver 6: Sloeson ho'se • lot John Butcher lici'se a lot A T Lyon ho'se a lot Win Guernsey lio'se a lot Enos Sloeson ho'ae a lotJ B Thompson Farmington. 249 David Clark , 100 W E Mirk - 100 Isaac Finch Gaines - 3 ha 1 8 W Merrick 164 A P Ogden Jackson. • 94 6 Sanal Kendrick. 44 2 /diis Clark -73 28 8 attain ho'sea lot D Kinsman -READY - MADE UOTHING OVER COATS! OVER COATS ! HEAVY BUSINESS SUITS, FINE BUR SUITS, DRESS SUITS OF ALL OBADES. ;.. FURNISHING GOODS IN GREAT VA RIETY. MEI - - Is fully stocked with the choicest and newest styles of Garments, equal in style, workmanship and material tq the best ouotom work, both far BEAJJTY OF FIT, QUALITY & ECON -OMY- IN PRICE NEW - :STYLES , CONTINCALLY RE 'OEIVED. ..... under ; the Agitator Ptinting Office, :nest doer bi - Royra Drug store. - • ii i ellekoro, Snit ; ; HAS jailt returned - from-New York with a full anOrttifent of • Sa HY-0011V BOOTS AND SHOES, EA.RTHNWARE, •Aturewin7thing'usually found his country atom which heris lolling asap's. than any abet - Outer ititfAidounty. - ' ' • _ - COME -A:ND SEE. - •" - H. RARBINLITON — Whither:llle, Sept. 26, 1866.-3 m. • PH6WORAPI,I -GALLERY. - . Q MiLDON: iotspecEfullriofqnits the Ilititinq WOreollg er9sl.vicinitp that itt's THOTOGRAHR GALLERY - 7 : 0 0.014-TIOWLCO .-Paap- whim be la milirgd to mato . PHOTOGRAPHS, GEMS A AMBROTYPES, in the beat style and et reasonable prism Please call and examine specimens. Oceola, Sept. 26, 1866.-tf. MIXECTITOE'S NOT/ClL—Letters l'eatimen tary having been-granted upon the estate of Freelitte Warren, late of Chatham deceased, this iitb notify all persons indebted to make immedi ate,wmant,4usd ali'Fivtn2 - claims" against the said estate will lirellimtthem for settletpent to - BLIBU BOWEN-,-Bsinier. Chatham, Bept. 28, 1888-Bwo Bios& 4347 397 4348100 --- " 44 ' - 4349- 4306 311 4347 35 - " ' 1..221_ ?..5 Peter Boynton • -Richt/ Komar, - - MU 2 James Wilson 4480 - 60 ..-" . . Ship pen. . - i' r ..- 234 000 IYPIIO./e.-.__ ANDS. ho'sd a le.Jaa Sunk t Lawrence. 80 20., noon Caiapbell Z.. 'I Lawrence Borough. Shoes I°4 Calvin. Cowley lot — 7ciiseplrßyers Ifiddleburg: 48 7 aturisal Qua 10 7 - Cbarls, Bsrtoaroar 88 901 Fowler 8,5 .13 . Keo.yon S 8 Marielltra Odle 45 3 Henry thinuas Es 10 Artemuall'ualigy 84 8 A J Smith —Zullivan. ~ kN2 ZiatoisF.. Tiuga, 25t) 'lsaac 'Ben ion bl .28 Nysa - Patrick ho'se r id Of— Page lorea&lotAlanarn Conklin Union. Jas Beacish - -60 - • John Jenkins 76... Isaac Woodward 47 M. Crandall...lWe ' Ward. 97 Israel Hodle ,105 John Foster 120 10 Daniel Hager 10ti Jeremiah Whelk. 188, :John Reed 108 Jas Roaengiant 'lOO C Bennett -95 Nathaniel Bailey 194 Alonzo Bahia -140 • Frank. Burger 105. Merritt Chnspall 100 Walter Caldwell 43 Andrew Dailey - I fop.._ Zoiiipm - vostn - --- 1315 , Nicholas Depiil 96 , Daniel Foram - fa - ..k"Gllison' - •-- - - 103 S R His 208 J Higgens 131 Buff 100 .1 R. Leives 96 Frank Maynard 141 ' Elf Mead SIT Robert Richard., 98 8 Nicholaa Connally - 77 Jae 4rgeut ~. 100 - .3014 WP Taylor - 108 Chas Harvey 100 _ Timothy Dewgan 1105 - Liroy Ward 64 David IValkei 89 Wm A Walker 87 David Ward 107. John Wheeler 110 „, David Vellone .. - 10=3 Tsoaus Alum, Clerk !apt. 28,1886. SPECIAL NOTICE! FOR THE MULTITUDE '.alialhit.tansurlisagerl AW.eauda . will be sold at the 4*O'f . CASH PRICES se- -- yiartmvilait.. ag H. narringt.on GROCERIES, _HATS - .AND CAPS, 'HARDWARE, FLOUR, 'SALT,: Mr No °bargain- M=22!211= "REGULATOR; . WILCOX Si, BARKER ARE NOW. OFFERING great indecers ws to the people oi Tioga county, as diet' 4 7e their store literally crammed with si , iIASONABLE DRY GOODS of every description. Good Calico at 18 , 3 p er yard, a:4 other. gouda in proportion. Carped and 011-Goths, Bradley Duplez Eliptic aki n on sale. HATS AND CAPS, ill:endless variety In snit everybody in size, prise and quality. BL O TS 4TD SHOES, from a bakes size to a fen tooter—all stj/es s t d prices=ranging from a 6ne gentlemstres Croaft boot to a coarse soutloosan's Boa boat, This department .ts fittest with choice grotenei, and at prices that will compare. favorably with .arrtpatitars—__._ Richxnimd. Jos Pelham Rut4aikci., HrD~TE 6z COCKERY, W. siiiOlterin r g at "itve and let live" prior.— liarnere ttimining a lways on hargl. _ _ In shall, We would say to the people of this community, tbit -we do not intend to his under sold, as we shall endeavor to keep on Laud ut all times everything to clothe a man on the outside, and lath' and plaster him on the inside. Just drop in and be convinced before purchas ing elsewhere. Octobei:f 186 d HENRY - aftlitftWOOD - A .- J. - HARRISON, Atty's, will seollect • ROUNTISS, P23510:11, and all other claims against the Government. ` Under the provisions of late ante of Congren will ha_paid_m_ayertib - ree years: man who temd out his fuli-time, or was wounded in service, or welt discharged by reason of the termination of the war, and to the widows, minor children ur rents of three years men, $5O Extra Bounty, will be Timbh two-yeerig-meie and their heirs under like circumstances, end to three years' nes who starved twe years of their enlistment. - . In DO case will any extra bounty be paid whoa more than $lOO bus been previouely paid. - N. claim will Le entertained online presented undon.b.Lne. .4.4 P JtEGCLATION3 issued by it,/ War Department Sept, 22, 1666. The Department will receive claims from Oct 1, 1866, until April 1, 1867. In ease of chums by parents under late acts of Congreee for bounty, the Fairann and Xiorunn must both join is the M. ROCKWELL S. S. SEELEY, R. 'BART, sls'per nionth,to every Invalid Pensioner to tailLstisabled. _ $2 per month for eialiebild - undir Id years ci age of widow Pensioners. Cammisatowas Pees fur procuring Extra. Bounty„ ..... -" Increaee Pension — $ . 5 " - Original Peneion,.... ...... $lO " collection the 4th of Sept. and 4th of Mardi payments of P 011.110113,... ...... IN pursuance of an order of the Orphans' Court of Tioge. county, bearing date August 27, 1866, the following described real estate, late the property of Nelson Austin, deceased, will be of— fered at public tale, at the Court Ileum in Wells born, on Saturday the 20th day of October next, at two o'clock P. M., to wit: All that lot of land situated in Charleston town. ship, Tioga county, Pa., beginning at a post, the northwest corner of /and, formerly owned by Ly. - man Wetmore; thence by the same south ItT rods; thence west 66 rods; thence north, 4 deg. west,"4ls rlidtG Thence north 97.5 rods; thews along the highway south, 771 degrees east, 22 rods; thence north 42.8 rode; thence east 78 rod, to the place of beginning; containing 87.1 acres:, excepting and reserving therefrom a certum lot of uric-half acre of land sold by said .Nalson Austinto Ann Eliza Smith, and now in the pot. session of - - NATRAN AUSTIN, HIRAM. MOORS, Charleston, Sept. 28. 1586—it Aden. ExEcrroles SALE OF VALUABLE TIMBER, COAL, and IRON ORE LANDS, situate In Morris towaslllr, Tioga county, and • Brown township, Lynomiti county, Pa., on Pine Craok and Trout Run, Will bt , aold at public saloon THUR2DAY, 00-TOBER the RIGIITEENTII. Ittitl, at tto Court tiouse, in Williamsport, Lyeonsing aonnty, Pa., at' 10 a. m., the following lands, on aloe' there is a One lot of Pine, Oak, and Hendrik Timber, Iron Ore and Bituminous Coal. No. I.—An Undivided Half of Ir.n Ore 32 , 1 Coal Tract I. -*Aso, containing 1,600 more or lea, in-tbe 11100 burg Coal Bflein. N. = ASHER LYCOMING COUNTY. No. 2.—That wellknowu and Valuable TAVERN "STAND known is Lloyd's Tavern, eitutted Pine Creek-and on the stage Route from Jersey Shore to Wellsboro' with large Barn and othe buildings, good water, and. 140 scrag of excellent land. No. 3.—llndivided half of Vermont Tract, :ic• 4.343, containing 132 acres, more or less. No. 4.—Undtvidest ball of Hampstead Traci. No-41.4(41.--4.CcialLand.) _containing 449 acre,, more or less. No. 6.—Undivided ballot' Maplo Bottom Traet, No. 4.35 T, eastern part, 40 acres, morn or lest. No. 6.—Unclivided half of Southern part, 721 acres, more or less. No. 7.—Undivided half of Soutkr.western part 35 acres, more or feu.. Conditions of sale made. known at time and pleee-by • WM. R. GRIES. Executor of Wm. A. Richards, decd Sept. 28, 'BB-3t. - . • Important to Solders. - THE bill to' equalise bounties hae becorsa law -The- following .is sm. analysis silw provisibris $lO.O to' three years' men who served tha time. 2. $lOO to three years' Sp e n discharged reason of - wounds received in eerriee. 3. : $l4O to the_ widow, minor children, or P . ratite, in tho order named, - or any such soldisr who died of Wounds or disease contracted in +u vice. - included in tha fora gning climates, who enlisted for two years or m ort `Sind discharged after serving two year=. 6." 150 to every soldier enlisted for two years, and discharged by reason of wounds received , 3 the line of duty. 6: - IMO to the widow, /cc.; as above, of e' 47 soldier enlisted for less than two years, who &el in service,-or of wounds or disease contracts,' 13 the army. No additional bounty is allowed to three yearh' men who have received, or have heretofore beta entitled - to receive, more than $lOO national boo ty, and...none to two years'- than, who 1 / 1 7 e.,,1t . celytd, or ere-entitled- to-more, then £4 O . . I ' . law only applies to honorably discharged soldlat of the late war, and to none who have Joll transferred their discharges or rights to b.u , ' The undersigned. will attend promptly to t:t collection of all loch claims, at reasonable Where parties reside at a distance, the busisai may be done by letter. Address JNO. I. MITCHELL , Claim Agent. liVeTlaboro,Ta., August-15,18db. O THE. LADlES.—Ladieiwishing onsaclat' T tai hair work done, can find patterns of s: 1 the , latest designs at Mrs Sofield's millinery 1' 044 Opposite theipost Mace, All orders for hair jaw' elry neatly and promptly filled. Pins, eVTILIP, bracelets, finger rings, guard chains, all latadu short notice. Persons at a distance wain; 'r" ders by mall may be assured that they Will 5° carefully totals led to. The highest prices paid for hair. Mrs. Sefield is now receiving a fall sapPif millinery, together with Madame Demorept's Pi; chine rippers, a moetconvenient little end° f " ripping machine sewing she illsitatttele celebrk ted Miler articlea—corsets. Pads, skirt si evir' ' do. Bonnets and hats repaired in an the not sty/its. Sept. 12,186642 GFROGEREE S NirtteoX A BARTER ,Clainit Agency. $lOO extra Bounty Increase of Pension. Orphans' Court Sale TIOG COUNTY.