The Tioga County agitator. (Wellsboro, Tioga County, Pa.) 1865-1871, October 10, 1866, Image 1

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0 113 g a "11 • ft; I
Atiiraine at 1 32,,i10` a
i y Patiiene4 a r ve - Wednesday
Terisply in ry advanc, by
3,F CZra _
ra3TINTC3 1 , 1,4ta2T1G15,,
lac. 1 2 ma. 0 mo. 9 1320. Iyr
„, Sx,f,J 5,00 ",6010,00. 12,00
} t4,%:ee ...... 2,7 a 8,03 1260 15,63 18,00
: „ ,tY , ? 1 0,00 20,00 25,00
poolama ...... , 43.03 30,00 22,00 4 5.00
.......'33,0025,00 45,00 05,00 80.00
luser'a $l,OO-60 cts.eaeli week thereafter.
' A.! ,,,,irrators and Executors NOTie.3s $2,00 each.
Briizeai Cards of fine lines $5,00 par year.
iv. D. TEMBELL & CO.,
‘ , ;All Paper, Kerosene Lamps, Window Glass,
Perfumery, Paints and Oils, do., ,t o .
Corning, N. Y., Jan. 1, 1866.-Iy,
5 - C2SLB
fIiCEOLS rettircazikt,
05eo formerly occupied by games Lmerey,Eoq
Jaz. 1,1886-Iy.
luarance, Bounty and Pension Agency, Malin
vent Welishcro, Pa., inn. 1, 1860.
/ P. Wasor
(first door from Bigoney's, on the Avenue)
Will attend to buelnesa entratted to their ogre
;II the soo.ntlas of Tioga and Potter.
WeHaar°, Jan. 1, 18t6.
LTlverrY et' UP—Mansfield, Vega so., Pa.
May 9,1866—1 y
1 . A.1L011. Shop Brat door north of L. A. Sears's
Eboe shop. ,IMlrCatting, Fitting, and Repair
tg dune procapt4 and well.
Wasboro, Pa., Jan. 1, 1868.-17..
1013 LI QS. 61.11ALKSPE4RE, -
DEAFER. A.ND TAILOR. Shop over Bowea's
Store, tesond door. "="- Cutting, _Fitting, and
Repairing done promptly and i.e be style.
Wearooro, Pa.. Jan. 1,1888-1 y -
iran ivr the collection of bounty, beat pap
It and pen Cone due soldiers from the Ci,overn
;:eat Oflee with liieliole and Mitchell,
Nro, Pa. m30,'65
Gainog, Tioga County, Pa,
IL C. VZII.IIILYEcI, Pnontretoa. This is a
ruff hotel looated within easy aocesS of the
Lett fishing and hunting grounds in North
ern Pezusylvanin- No pains will be spared
tor the *so tuniodation of pleasure seekers and
ihe traveling pr.blio. [Jan. 1, 1866.]
Pennsylvania Rouse,
TR" pc , pular hotel has been lately renovated and re. turn:abed, and no pains will be spared to render Its
cxcitulltiss acoeutuble to patrons.
Wellsboro, Nay 2,185 C.
No. II Law Building,—St. Paul St , Baltimore.=
RUEREXCES.—Lerin Gale,.Attoroey at Law,
Eiward Israel, Att'y at Law, Rev. J. McK.
Riley, D. D., Rev. Henry Slicer, D. D., Coo.
Leld, Bro. Co., F. (Imre A.• Co., Ludwig
MoShorry, John F. MoJilton, Esq.. Robert Law
ton. Esq., S. Sathorland,.Esq. [Mr. EWISG is
authorised to transact any business appertain
ing to this paper in Baltimore.]
Jan. 1, 1868-Iy.
DBACON, 31. D, late of the 2d Pa. Cavalry, after
nearly four years of army service, fritha large
..rpoicaso In field and hospital practice. has opened an
else for the practice of medi.ine and 'urger?, In all
nt branches.. Parsons from a distance can Ind good
tear:nee et One Penneyhanin Hotel when desired
Will 'deft any part of the State In consultation, or It)
r stratoni operations. No 4, Union Block; up
RelLsboro. Pa., May 2,186 e —ly.
to the pleasure to inform the sit leas of Tioga
I..anty test he has tionopleted his
tad It on hand to take-all kinds of. Sun Pictures,
tath u .kmbrotypes, Ferrotypes, Viznettes, Cartes
.t the Surprise - and Eureka Pictures; also
ittticular attention paid to copying and entarg—
tag Pictures. Instructions given in the Art on
:e.vriable terms. Elmira St., Mansfield, Oct. 1,
Would Infortn'the citizens of Verlaboro and vi
eLlty, that he has fitted up a desirable suite of
t:ont over John R. Bowen's gore, No. I, Un
taq where be is prepared to execute all
tort in his profession. with a protoptneos and
cyle that will enable him to offer superior Induce-
tsar! to thuse requiring dental operations. Ail
swk warranted, and at reasonable rater. — Pleut
all end examine specimens.
frellsboro. Marcb 21, 1668.—tf
i ltiZ a l C. N. D A BiT T,
WOULD say to the public that be it perma
nently too=ted in Welleboro, (Mows at his
nt.denee, near the Land Offioe and .Episeopel
:hard) where be will continue to do all kinds of
7k confided to his care, guaranteeing complete
d'..isfaction where the skill of the Dentist can
torl in the management of cases Peelellet to the
'ang. He will furnish -
set on lacy material desired...
weeeea to on shortest notice, and. done in the
test and most approved style-
q the the eft- of Ant:esthetes which are „per-
Twtly harmless, and will be administered In every
44 4 when desired.
Willsboro, Jan- 1, 18654 Y •
AI. B. :MTH, gninville, 11411, 'Consty7
(U, S. licensed Agent, and Attorney
L' soldiers'snd their friends throngheut all the
r;ls.iStates,) will prosecute and collect with un
nTatled succes!, - -
...I el kind:. Also, any other kind of claim
Lttitet the Goreratnent before any of the De-
Patmonts or in Con gren. Terms moderate, All
zinauti let:atolls seat to the above adcbeps trill re
`4'." Prompt attention. - Jaa.-17,1868.
Main Street, Wellshoro, Pa.
wring lensed this pcpialer hotel property,
.It.iely occupied by Mr. Nelson Austin) I. ehell
Inher e' . t o teak* it tents tats traveler's house.—
Personal attention will be given to the table,
'td tl.e comfort of guests will be a prime _object.
The 'tables will be under the eareof azkimpari.
trlei hostler. -
Welishoro, Jan. 1, 1886-Iy. •
110 27 Shaving and llair.Dreaaing Saloon.
sio - .47r;hara take pleavnro in Announcing to the
41. csf Wolleto.,ro and vicinity that they have
,""t oat Mr S. F. Ehaihlia, lute barber p.m - Choir-
Weilrboro. and nkvo tau-A rap n now(alati
....or C. L. Willoaa's acre. where they
b 9 hand t 7 omit on their enatozera :
as they will &pare 114 pains to please they hope . to
"t r. °. toe , v‘tr0...0....T0 of the community.
~.eartkuihr tention p%ld t L*421:11 r-cutting, 'ham
&e. .I.l4les' brtiWe, swiehsa,
to: curls kept on hand,"r made to order,
Z ;.-Josszor.-•
ZP. C. 444 OZT.W.a.
•- C. F. SWAN, .
ACENT for the Lycoming County Insurance
Compani, at Tioga, Pa:
Juno t, 1886.-300
TIOGA, 220G.A. COU,NTY.,P4I 4 ,
. .
Good ambling, attached, and ap attentive hos
tler always in attendance.
E. 8.. PARS, . . Proprietor.
_ [Formerly Hart's lioteL)
MINOR W ATKINS, Proprietor. This house
is situated on Main Street, in Wellsboro, and la
surrounded with beautiful shade trees, and has
all the nemeary accommodations for matt and
-beast... L.-ant. ;2, ly
( comer Main Strut and de Arsnws.)
WatassOno, Pe.. . •
B. B. HOLIDAY, Proprietor. •
T 11.16 to one of the most popular Houses in
the oonnty. This Mad is the principal
Stage-house in Wellsboro. Stages leave daily
as follows :
For Tioga, at 10 a. in.; For Troy, at 8 a.
For Jersey Shore every Tuesday and Friday at
2 p. in.; For Coudersport, every' Monday and
Thursday st 2 p. in.
Swans Attrusw—From Tioga, all2l-2 o'clock
p. na.: From Troy, at 6 o'clook p. in.: From. Je
rsey Shore,. Tuesday and Friday 11 a. m, : Front
Coudersport, Monday and Thursday Il a. m. =
N, B.—Jimmy Cowden, the well-known host
ler, will be found on band. , _ . .
Wellsboro, Tan. 1,186671 y.
J. B. Bliss
New Spring Goods,
and well selected stock of goods, *Mob
we - are selling very
LOW FOR 040 H Wi t ,84VAPT,
Gcod yard wile sheeting fpr,
Heavy yard wide etieeting 25,"
Debanes, ...
Standard Rrintfta rl6 "
also keep: ecaotwatly A. 41; h 13.114 IL Rh 0.10.
_stook of
At very low ligarwe
ALL persons having knowledge of feet* oncoming
killed and wounded -eoldlenr from Timm county,
are respectfully negotiated to furnish Col. 3i. L. Clark,
of Mona&ld, with the following statietica
Names of-soldiers, plate of residence, .date of enitsts
sot and muster into the United- States service, letter
company, number of t.atuteitt; 'when wounded, and
what engagement, date and place of death, and cause
L. n. imam,
Committee on
ugus 2, /Bei
NOTlCKm—Notiee is hereby given, that Rob
ert Custard, Senior, has been placed In
, barge of tract Zio; 1890, and thole parts or tract
No. 1589, in the vicinity of Babb's ereek,heiong
log to the heirs of Luke W, Morris; and all Oer
sons are forbid trespassing-thereon; ittidel• peneitY
of proseoulion
July 4,1866.-8 m
91RUSSE8.1 , ..7"8eeley's Hard Rubber Truss'
cures.rtinfire,Aties the-cord from allpress
ore: will never ruit, break,limber, - ChafeTer be
come filthy, (the fine steel spring being coated
with hard rubber); spring mado any power re
quired; used in bathing, fitted to focm . i,mgctinza,
no strapping; cleanest, tightest, eesleit; end 1)14
Truss known. Send for pamphlet. -
I. B. 'SEELEY, Sole Proprietor,
1947 Chesnut at., Piffle's, Pa.
4/01 oe
Elastic and Lack-Stitch Sewing Ma,
% • L chtlieF 6
GENERAL AGENCY, 28 Lake street, Elmira
Local agents supplied at factory prices, and
new agents wanted for unoccupied districts.
Also, a hero stock of machine endings. For
eirettlar,•siddries!l ~Milod.ickirp.:§otttr,c,a.
• General Agent of 4. d B. Sewing Machines,
June 13, 186.11-tf 29 Lake et., Elmira,N Y.
A.A.only preparation of ihikind - yindis from
the fruit. Ai an article of economy, purity, and
deliciousness,i‘caunot be surpassed, and is :scum
amended. by physiebkris.;f4, 4kf.faja..1P4a..f.9 1 1 1 1 7,
UV). •It will keep. for yearit Vl.l , 44 l :natCh
its condensed form renders it especially coma-..
lent for traxelers. All who'use lemons are re
quested to give it a trial. Entertainments at
home, parties, and picnics should not be without
it. For sae 1440 'Drys . mists:llnd first-class
Grocers Menbfactured only by
No. 549 Pearl St., N.Y.
Jan. 1, 1.8811-17
13 0 Itt2t% '&2"-to kisu . Mati
X tars, 622 Broadway, noar Fourth street, N.
y. Wholesale and retail at reduced rates. Pipes
and Rotdetelent to Order and repaired. AU goods
warranted genntne. Esod' stamp for eirsplar•—
MUM OP IRON, for tale tig •
an.3l, ' BORDEN-1010'B., Ogar:Tt
17 . EROarST. LA MPS at ; , -- •
and CAR4,41., , L 44/1 - , &AL,
at prices Ed suit die r,000,000, Qt Oigovd's
old stand, Welkslsor.rYik. ; , , T .
, 7
ir 11_01.D reccii;od on deposits, for :which cettili- I
I,_)[ cates will be issued. Uaring:intertsttia t C. B. ktiaxy.
E. W. CLARK: . %it Bankers, •, , 11,p4t4,11Wy : ie . :4 , 2 ;,.. ) , 1 1 -
- No St suuth Third - street-Ph - 41a - -
with despatch.nt-THEAGITA.TDR.OOOt;:
FRUIT JARS-=-3 ATZ§lllgirtiil • ifirvfg -
usicAL . . B. Sbal;
Rear dealer in. Docker et Brother Rua
and latest pateut, for vaunter and preseiren-t- Itatuerst..tiFtigiVitritift2leitWeet tratitilircetb
ne wax or roalu.,revalred—at I iris; ott
o FP , l l reitt, Lineirsz :411reo t ta r itia
P: A Wralitif.As 441. Sloo:aßbetairoirge47ActogrW,...-41.
Jv4 M, IA;
,:' ,, 73jr-,±1•5t„:::%,!,:r.5F .eii :,,-44;:04.145.. ~.. ,74. ~ . , -,-- -e., Z ..E: , : , .r- , .... ^1, : d . , ; -, : , ;: , ; , -;;-.. , ;1- - .Z... , - -, -.2 , ..: . Lr'''''.:.- - ' - --: .' ,1 ". , -..` , 4. -...... 7
--. _: . .
~, . ; ,,,i . . ~, - ,,,,, 1 . 1 .,. z :,,,-- , ? r ,...... - - Ai . tI•-,,i • . , ; .; •:,t i l k) . ':!. s . . S.: ..` — ' -----7.. \\\:,;--• ' . .
.1 . .
. •
~.„.........,,„ 7
, i 11 - I - ),. 1 1 1 vit 1 ..._ i , ...:.3. .i - , •,- "VII 1: 1 1 ... 1---_ . , ::,,, . .
~ 1 tl 111
j 1 -
. i
-._ -
,- -
, .
n9qatt, PA
Y 5 "
'tlyy tome..
BfeLISTON - Pz itlf)101.15,
5' t
1 mate
10,:103. Liable I'll !
li-6040 ' 11 r
:on sail/tat wowing' hbarßt.
sr Ittei
IfrirrifaP.o BOUND. ' : • '-:• -
7:06 • itiltight Expiate, Mondays efcepted; for Rect.-
ester; Buffalo,' Salamanca, and' Danktrk, making dl'
reef connection *Uhl:rain of the Atlantic & Oran*
Westmen,..Lake Shore, and Q.rrtri,Trank Waroira t .pr •
all prints Wear. , .
7:28 a. m.,Ltertaln Mapreai,Dallytor - Rochistar
Bu -
fale. Salamanca; Dunkirk and the West. •• ••• • ;
10.28 a. in. Mall-Truiri;Stuadays ezcepted, for Buffalo
and Dualstrk. *, • • • - -
6:05 p. m., emigrant train, Daily, for the West.
645 p. in...Day-Ezrees Mundaysezcepu,d_ t _fer ItoehAs
• ter, Buffalo, Salamanca and the West, conceetrieict
,. Salamanca with the Atlantle
. at Buffalo with the Lake Share and - Grand Trani;
Railway. for points west and south.,
1215 stAn., Express Mall. Sundays oacepred, for ttaffa
lo, llalarnattoa, wad Aural: rk, coaascriafitifitti,
- for the West. -
. - • Magma= term).- -
a-44 Cincliniati Eipreas:3londays excepted, Con-
SteCtin at-Eh:airs Tot Llarrisburg;Philadelph:Ea.atul .
• tkettit strOwialm far ttluuta;=•• Elirghsintortibr ey-. -
, vaease; atlitisat-Dond for gcranton and Philadelphia:
at Laclatwaxen for Haw,loz,-, and at Graycatirt for
Isiewhargand Warwick.• •
1(10.84 a.'m., Day Exprese;i3nficiaim exce•ptediaonnectira
at Grcaelland for Scranton, Philadelphia, and South
4415 p. m., New York and Baltimore Mail. Sundays ex.-.
Oepted, connecting at Elmira for Rarrieburgh,Pldle=
delphle, and South. ,
7:10 p. m., Lightning Exp ress, Sande:ye excepted.
12:12 tams.,. Night Express, Daily, connecting at Gray
. court-for Warwick. ;
12.14 p. m. wig Freight, gandays excepted. _• •
BARE, • • 11. RIDDLE,.
Gen'l Pass. Agent.
illaissburg & Croaine, es TiOga
• TA9oa Corning.. . •••;., • : , • "
.... ..........8 OD a tril
domptia oda ti0n,..,-4 pzni#ccommodattoß4y,/p aVI
I . ff. - S. I 4TIVPIK; tuV,
- -.0 Pidladelpida &. rte 8. B._
Trains w il l art': ansi depart at )I , llllmanad aacoacTb .
leastwara 1 Weat,Ward .
- "Mae 3ilkil - Tra1u..4.46 p m Edo Matt ,T1 12 11:.-7 -20
Trala..4 20 aLa -pie Begs Tra l l , 3 l to
litimtra - Malt Train 845 a u .tigiiirelfsilltain 650 p tri
- A. L. Trzza;Velei Vapt.,7!
nimt & iv~iiiaip ; ort L' $,
Trains will Arrive and Depait from Troy as follows
Moving Borah. _.• 31notrigliOrth.
.......... P Express, - 10;23 PAL
.Mail, -3134 terMail, " ' 11:30 w
ay Freight, nirWay Freight,. ...... 4: P
.Coal Train , 9;18 A Coal P
Troyyllay 16,1865. •'• • ' D, a. BTOnII,, Stir'ts
~ il. "., i I
b . dlig2:Nti‘ , ;: .X::V,f,7,:.
- 1441ii4j•keii?
w... 1 as LIME,
'6 - 1 , r,1,1 ill I
PI I OI I ,4iNiOW OEftSFi,
141.9,./ ~,.. TRY:O*. tiip I .7.-i :.-.
.. 7 1 - 3. - i3.
Bold at Wholesale Pries.. Buyers are requesteJ
to call and get quotations before going further
East. _ .
W. D., n,1113414,4
21, - J • I , J-L
CI°I.IIIIMV Y. X'S 48P114.1,1.311,634,
SATE YO6E ' dl EE'liiii'dil
B j }i ►"y
i Li Fri,
/4 . 3 . . 1,R119:1-1
Where you Gas always Sad tha best assorts , '
stock of
' MADE cLotiiiied
ManufaCtured under their own superrition.
Also Glint? furniiihing good', (62.;4*.e... 5,,
In their merchant tailoring establishment they duty
competition ; basing the beet tailors of New York city
and an experienced cutter, Mr. li. P. Erwin. Efebillecly
Ngiliasl l ll„
crin D" I : , "").n_(
Great inducements to the Public
ATV/ 1 1 ,4 401 1 1,4..5AT.494 - of,QLD GOCAP'S to
slinyeng...l4 inietien tau
advantage el'ifie
,dy to supply the public with a splendid steel vi
tiCaakizidt)dieitife .
"Part ctilar atienrion is 'directed - to inS': 'de
sirable stock of Ladles' 'DIM SS GOODS,
AipaOcas; Poplins, Printsi Del aines,- &e.
Added to-which --I--atn-ufaring _a _ large
and spkipAAMpelF.4 A .4 1• 1 :
-,1300T5-and EiI4OES,-)ElfaaS
If you should e'er get married, John, ,
I'll tell you what
GO gat a little teneninii, •• -
- Jost big ono'ugh'for eten''
And one Spero - room for company, •
And one spare bed within it--
A n d if you'd begin cite aright, -
• Ft•ti'd better thus begin
In furniture_ be moderate, John,
And let the stuffed chairs wait;
One l-king glass csill do forbotb'
Youiself trud loving mate ;
And ttrusels too. and 'other things,
Which make a, flue Appearance,
If you con better afford it, they
Will better look a year hence.
- Some think they' tlaist have pictures, John,
Superb-and 'costly; too;
Your Wife will be a picture, Jobe—.
• Let that suilice.for you.
IdememtUtr how the wise min 'said,— '
A tent and lei* within it; •
Is better than a spletnlidihouse, - -
With biekeriugs every, minute. , -t
And one word as to cooking: - John - -
Your wife cnn do that beat; J
For love to make the helm:suit rise,
In letter tar thatt.yealtt.
No matter if each,day you don't
Tiring turkey to your table, =-
better relish by and by. -
When yon are better able,
Fur All you buYlty'ru'uneY', John
Money that very •. -
If - ,ou wouldAbare•your life run ertnieth,
, Thertle uu better k w.• , ,
A cote to pny ie un ugly
(14thinit yolfetioo - sti to till HO' "t
Wben'it bongs er't+ii , trtn lute
No -money to bit ••
And now. when you are married, 'John; -
"Don't try to ape the-hell;
It toolrrherkimanya , toilatnati year, y.
To gain theicenviad niche,
And if you gain the etuninit, Tata; • "
Look Well to pint. " ••
And themi will all you win repay
The care and toil of winning, -- ,
Thd. Man that •SiUed his Neighbors
, _ .
~ It Is,curtous to see how a man ' s ,
ritual 'state reflects itself in the people-I
4 aneartimils'around 'him; nay; in -the
rvery=garinents;--trees andstone4: : - ----..;
- • Reuben Black:was always an Infesta
tr.tion in the ;neighborhood where he re
sided.. The very sight of hiru produced,
'effects similar to the Hindiio magical
• tune called Rague, w Wel) 1-36ald to bring
on elonds', storms and earthquakes. His ;
_wire seemed lean, sharp and uncomfort- I
, able. The heads of his boys had a bris
tling aspect, as• if-each individual hair
I stood on end with. perpetual fear. The. I
I cows poked out tlaelrborns horizontally
I as soon
,as lie opened 'l,lie barnyard gate. i
The dog dropped his tall between his
legs, and eyed fain askance, to See what:
humor he wrialii:' - The eat looked lidld
and scraggy, rind has been known to
Trish straight up the chimney when he !
moved toward- her. Fanny Remble's
1 c - xPresNIVO descriptimr. of the Pennsyl
vania stage horses was exactly suited to
I -Reuben's poor old' nag. " His hide re
sembled an old hair trunk." Continual
whipping and kicking had made him
such a stoic, that no amount of blows!
could quicken his pace, and no chirrup-
I lag could change the dejected drooping
I of his head. , All his natural language
said as plain as a horse could say it, that
lie was a luo•A unhappy beast.
Even the trees on Reuben's premises
I pad's gnarled and knotted appearance.
The bark wept little sickly tears of gum.
the branches grew awry, as if they
; felt the continual discord, and made sor
ry faces at each other_ behind their own
er s back. His fields were red with sor
rel, or run over with mullein. Every
thing around' seerned sour as his - own
visage: Every day' he cursed the town
and neighborhood, because they-poi
soned his dogs f aud stoned his hens, and
-shot his cats. Continual lawsuits, in
-Volved lihn iu, so much expense that he
had neither time nor money to spend
on the improvement of his farm.
Against Joe Smith, a poor laborer in
the neighborhood; he bad brought three
suits in succesSion' Joe said he had re
turned a spade he borrowed,. and Reu
. ben • swore he had not. He sued .Joe,
and recovered damages, for which he
ordered the sheriff to seize his pig. Joe,
in his
- called him a swindler rind
a curse to the neighborhood. These re
marks were' soon repeated to Reuben.
He brought an action for slander, and
recovered twenty-five cents. Provoked
at the laugh this occasioned, he watched
for Joe to pass. by,-and set the big. dog
lifinu. him, screaming - furiously, " Call
me an.old ,swindler again. will you?"
An evil spirit is more contagious than
the 'plague. Joeiventhorne andscolded
his wife, and boxed little Joe's ears, and
kiekettthe cat;-and not one- of •them.
knew-what it was for. 4 A fortnight af
ter Reuben's big dog-was dead by poi-,
son— 'Whereupon Ile brought another
action against Joe Smith, and not being
able, to,prove him guilty of the 'charge
of. dog-murder, he took his revenge by
rsonitiga'pet lamb belonging - to Mrs.
. -
-Thus the bad game went on,-with
tual worriment and loss. Joe's temper
grew more and morevindictive, and the
love of talking over his troubles at the'
grog shop increased upon him. Poor Mrs. Smith cried, and - said It was all
owing 'to - Reuben Black; for a better
heatted - man never lived than -her -Joe,
wheh she first married him, - • - 7
-Such was the state of things when
Simeon Green purchased the farm ad
joining Reuben s. The,estate hadbeen
much neglected, and had caught till-T
-aps litid Mullein from the neighboring
fields. ' • But S:inieon was a diligent
than bleSsed by- nature with - ahealtby
organization and-a genial teinperameut,
and a wise and kind education-had aid
ed nature in the perfection of her good
ly work._ His .. proyideift'industrrsoon
changed"the aspect of things ou 'the
farm. -River muck, autumn leaves, old
shoes andold bones, were put into, re
quisition to assist in the production - of
use and beauty—The_trees, With bran
ches prune(Lar,d bark. _scraped,
from ~poss insects; Boon:loOked
clean Fields or grain
Waved 'where weeditad rioteiU= Persian
lilac bowed gracefully over the=slinple
gatewaY. Michigan roses covered half
the house-with their abundantelusters.
Even the rough rock which,formed, the
doorstep, was edged With golden moss.
The sleek ,horse, Lig in clover, tossed
his mane and ncyglied when his master
came near, 'as =Oh as 'to 'say, - The
world is all the - plemanter for
faiwpon Green. ;., having
The (44 cow, 4 - Pah4irl i rotter; Calf iMiler
elect getrg:
the great walnut tree, walked up to him
with serious face, asking for the sit= of
sugar Beet he' was wont to - give her.—
Chanticleer, strutting about with his
troop of plump hens and downy little
chiakens, took, no treuble to keep out of
his way, but flapped his glossy, wings
and crowed a welcome in his very, face.
When 'Simeon' turned his steps home
ward, the boys threw up their caps and
ran out, shouting, " Father's coming !"
and little Mary went toddling up to
-him, with a dandelion, blossom to put
in his buttonhole. His wife was awo
man of few words,' but she sometimes
said to her neighbors, with a quiet kind
of satisfaction, " Everybody loves my
husband that knows him ; they cannot
help it."
- Simeon Green's acquaintance knew
that he never was engaged in a lawsuit
In his life; but they predicted that he
would find it impossible to avoid it now.
They told him his next neighbor was
determined to quarrel with people whe
ther they would or not ; that he was
like . John Lilburne, of whom Judge
Jenkins said, " If the world was emp
tied of every person but himself, Lil
burne would still quarrel with John,
and John with Lilburne."
."Is that his character?" said Simeon.
" If he exercises it upon me, I will soon
kill him." _
'ln every neighborhood there are in
dividuals who like to foment disputes,
not from any definite intention of mal
ice or mischief,- but merely-because it
makes a:little ripple of excitement in
tile,dull stream of life, a contest between:
doge n oxgamecocks. Such "people Were
"not.slow, - Ali repeating Slin - eon Green's"
- rem - ark about 'his wrangling. i'i•eighbor. - s - -
- " - "Kill:mel-wIll he?' =exclaimed Retie
ben.- He said no more; but his tightly
compressedmo.ath had such a signifi
cant, expression, that his dog dodged
him as. he,weuld the track of a tiger.—
"That very . night Reuben turned his
horse Into the highway, in hopes he
would, commit some. depredation uon
neighbor Green's,premises. But Joe
Smith, seeing the animal at large, let
down the berg of Reuben's own corn
field, and the poor beast went in, -and
feasted as he had not done for •many a
year_. It-would have been a great satis- '
faction to Reuben if ho could have bro't
' a lawsuit against his horse; but us it
was, he _was obliged to content himself
• with - beating him. -
His next'exploit was to shoot , Xary
Green"s handsenre . chanticleer, ,because
' he stood on the sone wall an.d crovied;
in Ignorant Joy - En - 'his heart, twoinehes
beyond the frontier line that bohnded
this contiguous farms.: -Simeon-said he
Was sorry, because his wife and chil
dren liked the pretty creature; but oth
erwise it was no great matter. He - had
been Intending to build - a poultry yard,
with a good high fence, that his hens
might not annoy his neighbors and now
lie was, admonished to make haste to do
it. He would build them a Snug, warm
house, to roost In; they should have
plenty of grave - land oats, and= rocita•to-:
promenade • -back and tbrtli,.and cackle
to their_ hearts' content ;,- there .the,,r_
could enjoy themselves, and he out of
harm's war. .
But... Re f -then Black had a degree of in
eetiehy and perseverance which might
have produced great results ; for man
kind, iad those qualities ; been - devoted
to some more noble purposes than pro--
yoking quarrels. A pear tree hi his gar
, dew very improperly stretched over a
friendly arm into Simeon Green's prem
ises, 'Whether the sunny state of things
there had a cheering effect on the tree,
I know not; VIA it- happened that this
over-hanging bough - bore more abund
ant fruit, and glowed with a richer hue
than the other boughs. .
One day, little George Green, as he
went Whistling along, picked 'up a peer
that had fallen-into-his father's garden.
The instant he touched-it, the-felt some
',thing on_the buck of his neck, like the
!•sting of a weep- It was Reuben ,Biack's
' whip, followedby such .a storm of-an
! grY -words, that - the poor child rushed
' into the house in terror. But this :ex
; periment - failed - also. The- boy_ was
, soothed by, his mether i and told not to
go-near the pear tree again ; fl. ucl there
: the - matter ended.
This imperturbable good nature vexed
Reuben more than all the .tricks and
taunts he met from others. ~Evil ef
forts; he could understand, and repay
with compound interest, but lie did not
know what to make - of this perpetual
forbearance.- It - seemed- to-him there
must be somethins- contemptuous in It.
He disliked Isinieon Green more than
all the rest of the town put "together,
because he made him feel so' uncomfor
tably in the wrong," and -did not afford
him the slightest pretext for complaint.
It was annoying to,. see everything in
his neighbor's7domains looking ao hap"-
py„and presenting Such a. bright con
trast to the 'forlornness of his -own.—
When-their wa g ons pissed each other
on the road, it seemed as if Simeon"s
horse tossed his head higher and flung
out his mane as if he knew the*as'go
ing .by Reuben Black's old nag. He
often said -he-supposed Green covered
his house with roses and honeysuckles
on purpose to . -shame_his bare
But lie didia'rcare-,-not lie! "Ile wasn't
going' to be fool enough to rot his boards
with such stuff. - •
Green neverzesentectlais disparaging
iemarks, or sought _to_ provoke him in
anyway, - The roses smile,d, the horse
-neighed, and the calf capered ; buenone
of them had the least idea they were in
sulting Reuben Black. ' Even the dog
had no malice in his heart, although he
did one night chase home _his geese and
bark at them through the bars. Reu
ben told his master the next day; be
swore he Would tiring an action against
him if he didn't 'keep that dog at home ;
and Simeon answereti'very quietly that
he would-try to take better care of him.
For several days a close watch was kept,
in hopes Towzer would worry the geese
again; but they paced home undisturb
ed, arktf riot 'a solitary bow-wow furnish
ed excuse for a lawsuit.
- The . new neighbors not only declined
qnarreling, but occasionally made ad
vances toward a friendly relation. Sim
eon's wife sent Mrs. Black a large bas
ket full of cherries. Pleased with the
unexpected attention, she cordially re
plied, "Tell yoUr mother it was wry
kind ,of her, and I am obliged to her.Y'
Reuben, who sat smoking in the chim
ney corner, - listened to this message
without any manifestation of impa
tience, except whiffling the smoke thxo'
his pipe a little faster and fiercer than
usual. But when the boy was going Out
of the door, and the words were repeat
ed, he exclaimed, - "Don't make , ' a fool
of ,vourself, Peg. They want to give us
a hint to send - us a basket of our pears f
that's the upshot - el - the - business. You
may seud 'etn,a basket when they - ,are.
tips ; for rateirtito be under obligations,
especially to your emotgf-tongikdfolks:'
Poor Peggy, whose arid life had been
for a moment refreshed with a little
dew of kindness, admitted distrust into
her bosom, and the halo that radiated
around the ripe, glowing cherries, de
Not long after this advance toward
good neighborhood, some laborers em
ployed by Simeon Green, passing over
a bit of marshy ground with a heavy
team, stuck fast in a bog occasioned by
long continued rain. The poor oxen
were unable to extricate themselves,
and Simeon ventured to ask assistance
from his waspish neighbor, who was
working at a short distance. Reuben
replied gruffily, 'l've got enough to do
to attend to my own business." The
civil request that he might be allowed
to use his oxen and chains for a few mo
ments, being answered in the same sur
ly tone, Simeon silently walked off, in
search of some more obliging neighbor.
The men who were waiting with the
patient, suffering oxen, scolded about
Reuben's ill-nature, and said that they
hoped he would get stuck in the same
bog himself. Their employer rejoined,
"If he does, we will do our duty and
help him out."
" Ttirkre is such a thing
_as being too
good-Wurecl," said they. "If Reuben
Black takes the notion that people are
afraid of him, it makes him trample on
them worse:than ever."
It chanced, soon after, that Reuben's
team did stick fast in the same bog, as
the workmen bad wished. Simeon ob
served it, from a neighboring field, and
g_ave direction that the oxen and chains
should immediately be conveyed to his
their heads, iaici it Was good enough
for the old hornet. They however pro
ceeded cheerfully to do as their employ
er had requested.
" You are in a bad situation, neigh
bor," said Simeon, as be came alongside
of the foundered team. But my men
are coming with two yoke of oxen, and
I think we shall soon manage to help
you out."
" You may take- your oxen back a
gain," replied Reuben; I don't want
any of your help."
trk a very friendly tone Simeon an
swered, " I cannot consent, to do that
evening •is coming on, and you have
very little time to lose. Itis a bad job
at apy time, but It will be worse in the
" Ligri,it or dark; I don't- ask your
help,": replied Reuben, emphatically.
t " I wouldn't helpyon out of the bog the
other day when you asked me." .
‘• The trouble Z had in relieving my
poor oxen teaches me to- symathize
wltnothers in the !Same situation'," an
swered Simeon. " Don't waste twords
about it, neighbor. It is impossible for
me to go nome and leave you here to
the bog, and night coming on."
The team was soon drawn out, and
Simeon and his men went away without
! waiting for thanks.
W' ,en Reuben went homethat night,
t he Wait unusually silent and thoughtful.
; After smoking awhile in deep} contem-
Lplatlon, .he gently knocked the ashes
from his pipe, and said, with a sigh—
'" Peg, Simeon Green hos killed me !"
"What, do you mean ?" said his' ife,
droppingher knitting with n look of
You know when he first came into
this neighborhood he said he'd kill me,"
replied Reuben, "and he has done It
The other day he asked me to help him
j draw his team out of the bog, andl told
him I had enough to do to attend to nay
own business. To-day my team stuck
fast in the same bog, and he came with
! two yoke of oxen to draw it out. I felt
sort of ashamed to have him lend me a
hand, so I told him I didn't want any of
his;lielp ; blithe answered just as plea
-1 sant as if, nothing had happened, that
night was coming on, and he ws not
willing to leave me there in the mud."
"It was very good of him," replied
Peggy. "He is a pleasant-spoken man,
and always has a pretty word to say to
the boys. HIS wife seems to be a nice,
neighborly body, too."
Reuben made no answer; but after
nieditati n g awhile, he remarked,- -" Peg,
you khow that big ripe melon down at
the bottom of the garden—you may a:=
well carry it over there in the morning."
His wife said she would, without ask
ing him to explain where "over there"
But when the morning came, Reuben
walked back and forth, and . round and
round, with a sort of iiirales - s activity
often manifested by hens, and Ery-fash
ionable idlers; who feel restless, and
don't know whatto run after: At length,
the cause of his uncertain movements
was - explained, by his T saYnaLz:, in the
form of a question : -
" I guess I may as well carry the mel
on myself,- and thank him for his oxen.
In my hurry down there in the marsh,
I didn't think to say I was obliged to
He marched off toward the garden,
and his wife stood at the door, with one
hand on her hip, and the other shading
the sun from her eyes, to see if he re
ally would carry the melon into Simeon
Green's house. It was the most remar
kable incident that had happened since
her marriage.; She could hardly be
lieve her own i eyes. " He walked quick,
ai if afraid he should not be able to car
ry the unusual impulse into action if he
Stepped-to consider the question. When
he found himself in Mr. Green's house,
he felt extremely awkward and hasten
ed to`s.av :
- .
" Mrs. Green, here is a melon my Wife
sent you, and we reckon it's a ripe one."
- Without manifesting Any surprise at
such unexpected courtesy, the .friendly
matron thanked him, and invited him
to sit docan. But he stood playing with
the latch of the door, and without rais
ing his eyes said :
"May be >lr.- Green ain't in this mor
" He is at the_pump, - 411 d will be in
directly," she replied; and before her
word - s were - spoken, the - honest man
Walked in, with allies. as fresh and as
bright as a June morning. _ _liestepped
right up to Reuben, shook his hand cor
dially, and said :
I'm glad to see you, neighbor ; take
a chair." -
• " Thank you; 1 can't stop,"-replied
He'pushed his hat on one side, rubbed
his head, looked out of the window,
and then suddenly, as if by a desperate
effort, .
" The fctis, Mr. Green, I didn't be
have right about the oxen."
" Never mind, never mind," replied
Mr. Green. " Perhaps I shall get into
the bog again one of these rainy days.
If I do, I shall know whom to call up
on:" - -
"Why, you. see,'' , mid Reuben, very
much confused, and avoiding Shneon'e
mild, clear eye,. "you see the neighbors
about here are very ugly.. - If I had al
The Proprietors have stocked the establishment with
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- People living at a distance can depend 013 baying their
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ways lived by such neighbors as you
are, I shouldn't be just as I am."
4 ! Ah, well, we must try to be to oth
ers what we want them to be to us,l7
rejoined Simeon. " You know the good
book says so. I have learned by expe
rience, that if we speak kind words we
hear kind echoes. If we try to make
others happy, it fills them with a wish
to make us happy. Perhaps you and I
can bring the neighborhood round in
time. Who knows? Let us try, Mr.
Black ; let us try. But come and see
my orchard. I want to show you a tree
I have grafted with very choice apples.
If you like. I will procure you some sci
ons from the same stock."
They went into the orchard together,
and a friendly chat soon put Reuben at
his ease. When he returned home he
made no remarks about his visit, for he
could not, as yet, summon sufficient
greatness of soul to tell his wife that he
had confessed himself wrong. A gun
stood behind the door in readiness to
shoot Mr. Green's dog for having barked
at his horse. He fired the contents into
the air, and put the gun away in the
barn. From that day, henceforth, he
never sought for any pretext to quarrel
with the dog or his master. A short
time after, Joe Smith, to his utter aston
ishment, saw him pat Towzer on the
head, and heard him say, "Good fal
Simeon Green was far too magnani
mous to repeat to any one that his quar
relsome neighbor had confessed himself
to blame. He merely smiled as he said
to his wife, " I thought we should kill
Joe Smith did not believe in such doc
trines. When he heard of the adven
tures in the marsh, he said :
" Sim Green's a fool. When he first
came here, be talked very big about
killing folks if they didn't mind their
P's and Q's. But he don't appear to
have as much spirit as a -worm; for a
worni will turn when it's trod upon."
Poor Joe had grown more Intempe
rate and more quarrelsome, till at last
nobody would employ him. About a
year after the memorable incident of the
watermelon, some one stole several val
uable hides from Mr. Green. He did
not mention the circumstance to any
one but his wife; and they both had
reasons for suspecting that Joe was the
thief. The next week the following
anonymous advertisement appeared in
the newspaper of the county:
"Whoever stole a lot of hides on Fri
day night, the sth of the present month,
is hereby informed that the owner - has
a sincere wish to be his friend. If pov
erty tempted him to this false step, - the
owner will keep the whole transaction
a secret, and will gladly put him In the
way of obtaining money by means more
likely to bring him peace of mind."
This singular advertisement of course
excited a good deal of remark. There
was much debate whether or not the
thief would avail himself of the friend
ly offer. Some said he would bea green
horn if he did ; for it was manifestly a
imp to catch him. But he who had
committed the dishonest deed alone
knew where the benevolent offer came
from ; and he knew that Simeon Green
was not a man to set traps for late fellow
A few nights afterward a timid knock
was heard at Simeon's door, just as the
family was retiring to rest. When the
door was opened, Joe Smith was seen
on the steps, with a load of hides on his
shoulder. Without raising his eves, he
said, in a low, humble tone, "I have
brought these back, Mr. Green; where
shall I put them ?"
"Wait a moment, till I can light a
lantern, and I will gp to the barn with
you," he replied. Then you will come
in and tell me how it happened. We
will see what can be &we for you."
Mrs. Green knew that Joe often went
hungry, and had been accustomed to
the stimulus of rum. She therefore
hastened to make hot coffee, and bro't
from the closet some cold meat and pie.
When they returned from the barn
she said, " I thought you might feel the
better for a little warm supper, Mr.
Joe turned his back toward her, and
did not speak. He leaned his bead a
gainst the chimney, and after being si
moment he said, in a choked voice, " It
was the first time I ever stole anything,
and I have felt very bad about it. I
don't know how it is. I didn't think
once I should ever come to be what I
am. But - I took to quarreling, and then
to drinking. Since I began to go down
bill, everybody gives me a kick; You
are the first man that has offered me a
helping hand. My wife is feeble, and
my children are starving. You have
sent them many a meal, God bless you!
and yet I stole the hides from you, and
meaning to sell them the first chance I
could get. But I tell you thetruth, Mr.
Green, It is the first - time I deserved the
name of thief."
"Let it be the last, my friend," said -
Simeon, Dressing his hand kindly; "the
secret shall remain between ourselves.
You are young, and can make up for
lost time. Come, now, give me a prom
ise that you will not drink one drop of
intoxicating liquor for a year, and I will
employ you to-morrow at good wages.
Mary will go to see your family early in
the morning, and perhaps we may find
some employment for them also. The
little boy can at least pick up stones.— .
But eat a bit now and drink some hot
coffee ; it will keep you from wanting
to drink anything stronger to-night.—
You will find it hard to abstain at first,
Joseph ; but keep up a brave heart, for
the sake of your wife and children, and
it will soon become easy. When you
feel the need of coffee, tell my Mary,
and she will always give it to you."
Joe tried to eat and drink, but the
food seemed to choke him. He was
nervous and excited. After an ineffec
tual effort to compose himself, he laid
his bead on the table.and wept like a
- After a while Simeon persuaded him
to bathe his head in cold water, and he
ate and drank with a good appetite.—
When he went away, the kind-hearted
host Said :
" Try to do well, Joseph, and you shall
always find a friend in me."
The poor fellow pressed his hand and.
replied, " I understand now how you
kill bad nelzhbors."
He entered auto Mr. Green's service
the next day, and remained in it many
years, an honest and faithful man.
"Doctor, I want you to prescribe for
me." The doctor feels her pulse.
" There is nothing the matter, madam,
you only need rest."
-" Now, doctor, just look at my tongue
Just look at it! look at it! Now, say,
what does that need?"
"I think that needs rest, too."
Exit madam, in a state of great ex•