1. 3 . • .re=l WEDNESDAY QUT. 3, 1866. tSTAW AdliertioleMOlatt3. & Barker. Since Grape Wine—P. R. Williams. \ - ew tiouda—J. A. Poxboue. Agency—Sherwood a , Harrison.. f, e ,,tn Store—EuHord & Truman, Sent;antod—S. S. Scranton. Baos Report—J. L . itajinBoo,,6l.3b,r. REPUBLICAN NIE,ETINGS: ,„ J ,„ Oct. 4. NELSON, Stag and Wm- H. Smith. "EUBNEYVILLE, "Nichols and S. B. Elliott CHARLESTON. [Round Top] Dr. Webb, M. H. Cobb. • BROOKFIELD, [Hollow] Mer- tick and Garretoon. .ty, oet 5. LAMB'S CREEK, S. B. Elliott, - C. A. Seymour. BEOOKFIELD, [near Kurd augh'i] Garret Eon, Merrick. - KNOXVILLE, Strang and W. NILES eir A "LL BI , Mitchell and. Cobb. TValeing e. house) Nichol.. and - -DE L MAX. [Coolidge,a i,1495.1,1 Mitchell and Webb. MITCIIELL'S CREEK, John W. Guernsey, C. H, Seymour. Yonday night,. Oct. S. W ELLSBORO, S. F. Wil son, F. E. Smith. /tele meetings are all for the evening. The Post Office is removed to P. R. vuaaa's drug etore, tlro doors above the old •sod. The Troy d istrict. Ministerial and Lay 5, sneiation hold their next meeting sit• Ca n county, Oct. 16, 1566, et two P. M. A ',lt attendance is e'xpected. LECTCRE AT TlOGA.—There will be lectare on Education, by Professor F. A. Allen, El the Presbyterian Church in Tioga, on Friday eveting. October 12. TE AC4.DEXI.—The pttendamee at ;r , We:labor° Academy is now nearly 100, and irereasing. This ie the most lovely season the year, end the moan prottatde to devote to teritag as education. Mr. Van Allen and his treeller.t assistants offer superior inducements to ycays people. Let us all - stand by them, and r.che it an object for them to couticmo among at. li.lii9FlELD.—Passing through Mans: Eels.' the other day, we -noticed' the progress of pra.snent imprcrements in the shape of new cuilkiings going up on eeveral streets.. The vital ;ty of Mansfield energy is unmistakable. (Jar young friend, Frank M. Spencer, has just cL,rapleted a new and elegant photograph gallery `2,lm!rn, street, where he is prepared to " eecure tee shadow ere the substance fades," for all who ma} pay him a visit. the Norttoil School is.filling up rapidly, and promises to become more prosperous than ever-- It lo safe to say that no institution of its kind has a more efficieot THE into a high er life, on the 24th of Scpteteher, ultimo, Jon: M. PHELPS, Esq., late Deputy Collector of inter nal revenue for the county of Tinge. The departed 'll-12 acted, during his official hfe, as oue of the mostlaithfol and efficient officers in the 18th district,. He was hones/. honorable, and frank. as the open day. These qualities would recommend him to the batter class of business ‹^, men everywhere, but they failed to recommend' him to dothew Johnson. it was found that. Mr. Phelps bsrl a conscience. It wee ascertained that Mr. Phelps had principles valued at more than, his taiary. This wee soOffsZllee against the new order .tf things; for under the new regime no Republi can it deemed fit, to bold office who esteems prin ciriec abore price. So the axe fell, and our fricnt's bend rolled into the basket. and be passed cc to the higher life. • His successor 5.114 r. B. B. 'Holiday, of Well,7bo. to. Mr- nolidey has ale aye worked and toted with the Copperhead party. :So the plan of put ting a thin edit of TALeoln varnish upon:the up ptittees to place" under Andrew 'Johnson, is aban- That is better. It is not lying, at least, stile the other pier. was unmitigated lying: The people can now ace where Andrew, Johnson is.— Tbe tr.ask is off. Edgar Oowan BtandB therewith tc tn. a Copperhead of the least decree, but pot s:tout as the worst. You - Na MEN'S REPUBLICAN CLUB.- - The third weekly pahlic meeting of this vigor. vu Club, twa in the Court ,House Tcesday eve sal of last week, (Sept. •25,) was a decided jam -Coe room being filled to overflowing with ladies and :entlemen. Th.crit was. a very interesting I,:cfeaultion of a fine oil-painting equestrian por :mit of Gen. Gearyrirorn,_the . Clab se-the . Yoing MOti's Club. A neat presontatiori IPeeck, w made by Major Nichols, which was respond s' to by Major Merrick in s happy manner. The painting is six by seven feet, and fatly mounted C,L c r.r.E. 210jc.r W. A. Nicaor.4 addraised the Club in a nu. and effective eneech, which - was received wlta frequent nutbarata of applauee. Re was followed by G. M. DE Put, Esq., of li'ilhamepotti who accitrltted - himaelf with great c•rea:t, and mud) to the satistacti.rn of the ancli s addrees was welt totaidered, and E t;utat li/ The Glee Club etilivened.tlae evening with stir :4.st wage, executed with spirit, and with tuicb talent as to wiu nuiceteal applaute. The Glee Cub has won golden opinions during the corn 1-'.gn, and we trust that it may not disband Bow teat tLe campaign ie about to dose. The Club is deeded feature in the politics of the county, and too much credit cannot be awarded to its man kgers. THE VoICE OF THE WELL—The iu'ioscing are resolutions adopted by the Webb Congregational Association, bad - at Pottstille, Seltember 22, representing some thirty or Lorry Welsh Congregational Churches in this Rate " WHEREAS, This Association has always es.- Teemed it a duty and a privilege to take high ground on the immutable principles of Freedom Ltd Justice, and " WMFAEAS, During the slaveholders' rebellitM cc stood firmly by those principles, and assisted to uphold the GorertiMen sustain the Martyr Lircolu in bis efforts to subdue armed treason; cud " WBrßrks. We heartily endorse the sentiment rateied by Andrew Johnson, that treason should be tr-adc odious and traitors should be punished,' there ore,- " Rsiotreil, That in the present great contest l'rtween the people who in the field crushed re b'-'lll'oo,, and the late rebels who are led and en """;td by a Pree‘ident who has proved faithless to the principles epee which he was elected, the Welsh C2bgregatioill I Asso.ciatiock of Perasylva i; tree to ifs record, flanges itself on the side that will preserve our liberties and guarantee to all classes of citizens, freedom, justice, and equal rights. " Revotred, That we approve of the constite tinnkt ktn•ndmetit ednpted by Congress, es the c Tree: Untie for reconstruction :tielfeving !bat 1. " &trate ore the moil lenient ever ecenrdeil to 'ratters., ant that until they are seeepted by the 1 1 .erie of the Fitztles t tety in rebellion. the repre tentative t of those:Rate:, should not be admaced Cottzrett, " Reeol.d, That it. is the duty of each citizen INbo eplaks the Welch language. to support, by Lie mice nod vote the principles of freedom, that sbuuld ti dear to the Welsh heart, sad that we urge such action at the approaching election as will tell Agnellifor the right. " Reitotred, That the sacred memory of the many thousands of brave Union 'soldiers who fell in battle, and who were cruelly murdered in the prison pens of the South, demand that the leaders of an unprovoked rebellion, the-perpeirst rive of atapendons crimes, should be punished; especially that Jefferson Davis, the muter mind of, and principal actor in the dreadful tragedy, should be brought to trial, und, if convicted, ade quately punished, a• a warning and example to those who in the future would seek the life of the nation. WILLIAMS, Moderator. R. R. Wittuare, Scribe " SATURDAY NIGH T. 77 —We have re ceived a number of a beautiful quarto literary paper with the above title, published weekly in Philadelphia by Davis le Elverson, at $3 per year. It is a paper of high grade, both as regards matter and style of conduct, and we most cheer: fully commend it to all who wish a family literary paper. Our Young Folks still bears the palm as a youth's magazine. The October number is capi tal, as usuaL $2 per annum. Young keeps it. The elev'enth number of the Galaxy, the fortnightly magazine, has reached us. It sus tains its high reputation, ably,- and isworthy c f universal patronage. $8 per year• Addrets"Yke Galaxy," New York, or order it of Young. - P.EtQBABLY you have been in to look at Durum's largo .and excellent stock of *iota and !hoes ;- if not, lose no time and drop in. It is a stock . woitity- of the reputation of the old stand. WANTED immediately a smart active young man, about 18 years old, to learn the mer cantile hueiness. Must be good in mathematics. on. 2-2 t . Addison. N. g. - The folloWing desirable goods-just received 40 inch widelireueh Merinos, at 9a ; 36 in. wide Paramettas, Ss 6d; 27 in....twilled Coburge, 38 (in all colors); new detainee at the lowest 'market rates; new Sprague and Pacific prints, 20o; good Kentucky jeans, 250; farmers and mechanics' cassimeres, 5s ; double and twisted cassimeres, half wool, 68; all Nyco! cassimeres SI; fast colored prints 15e; heavy twilled flannels, red and gray, at 35 per yd ; halnioral skirts, good, $2 50; heavy eheetings, yard wide, 16c, Is 6c, and 3s ; denims. stripes, kc., same rates. These goods are about 15 per cent less than spring prices. Customers can now buy goods at tower average- prices than for a long limo. J. A.PARSONS. Just received eight choice colors in ladles' cloths, suitable for dress purposes, in fine quali ties, cheap. J. A. PARSONS. Just opened. one case all wool sheep's gray cloth, at $1 per yard; one ease of Rochester gray cloths, very good goods, at 108 and Us - per yard, according to weight. J. A. PARSONS. Cotton batting, cotton and woolen yarns, carpet warps, and in all the qualities and numbers cheap. J. A. PARSONS. • Customers are invited to call and examine our stock before purchasing. They will find a good ttl t,,rt ine nt of goods and money-bargains. Quick tales are the order of the day this fall. - I have made arrangements by which I can Fell Elmira b,...as and shoes (Richardson's make) cheaper in proportion to the prices of other goods than ever before. \ J. A. Peas°2is. MARRIAGES In Charlmton, on the 25th ultimo, by Rev. J. F. Calkins, Mr. Trcumem }", W BEELER and Miee MARY E. KIMBALL, both of ttiorlestoo: In Wieeonein on the 22d instant, 'by Rev. W. Lattin, OODRUFE, of RiChford.oollE4y, Wi*eonsin, and Miss K. ADAMS, daughter of Abram Maine; of Tioga, Pa. At Warre.h, N. Y., Sept. 19, by Rev. E. E i Williams, Mr. F. 11. An.axs, of 'flop, Pa., and Mls. ELLEN M. Cs.aPEN - ratt, only daugbter crf 0. F. Carpenter, Esq. i In Wellsboro, Nept. 29, by Rev. J. F. Calkins, C a pt. R. F. ci,Arrox, of New York, and Mir.* ANNA Ntcuot.s, daughter of Hon. Levi 1. Mich ole, of -Wellsboro. [Capt. Clayton was a gallant soldier of tho Un ion army. and waa ,recommended fur promotion by Gen. 13anks and Gen. Gea'ry for gallant con duct nt the battles of Ceder Mountain and Chan cellorville- lie received a wound, supposed to be mortal, at Cedar Mountain, and not being able to tnareh atChancellorville,- procured a horse and led his company in that fight, during which he .lioarnied nod captured a rebel officer with his own l ands. "None but the brave deserve the fair.") In Delmar, on the 29th September, -by Rev. .1. P. Calkins, Mr. Srt.strrEtt liouctrrott and Miss ALBISA GnEES, both of Delmar. a? , .f.r . rf,YES',-..-The, ad rertiser„ ha si g been restored to h()alth in a few weeks'hy a very siinpler remedy. after having Brasted for several yeare with a severe tong affection and that dread disease, Consiimp tlon—is anxious, to make known' to his fellow-sufferers _ • the means of cure Tn all who desire it. he will send a copy of the pre scription used. free of charge. with the directions for preparing and using the mine, which they will find a 3la e ,are for Consumption, Asthma. Bronchitis. Coughs and Cold., and all throat and lung affections The only ellesd of the advett..,er in sending the Prescription is to benefit the afflicted and spread Juformittida which he - conceives to he invaluable, and he hopes every sufferer will try his remedy, as it will cost them nothing and may prove a - Westing Parties wishing the preseriptlow rat.t. by return mail, will please address Rev. F.t. WARD A • ' •••• ,r•,- i;• [Jan.Sl, '66-Iy] • --. QTR.A.IifiE, BUT TlME.—Erery.yonng lady-and gen ° tleman in the United ttates can bear something to their advantage by ritnrn mail (free of charge) by ad dressing the undersigned - - Those having fears of being humbugged will please oblige bynot noticing thie ; card Alt others Will please address their obedient servant, THOS E CHAPMAN, - 441. 31, '66-35 131 Broadway ; New York,- • Claim Agency. HENRY SHERWOOD & J. HARRISON , Atty's, will collect BOUNTIES, Pnstatons , and all other claims against the Government, Under the Provisions of late acts of Congress $lOO 'extra :Bounty will be paid to every three years' man wiio served oat his full time, or was wounded: in ecrvicM "or waa discharged by reason of the termination of the rents of three years men, $5O gxtra Bounty will be paid to all two years' men and their lleirs under like circumstances, and to three years' men who served two years of their enlistment. In no ease will any extra bounty be paid when more than 3100 has been previously paid. No claim will be entertained unless presented under RULES AND REGULATIONS issued by the War Department Sept, 22, lase, The Department will receive claims from Oct. 1,1806, until April 1,1867. In ease of claims by parents under late acts of Congress for bounty. The FATHER and MOTHER MUSE bail join application. Increase of Pension. .1.5 per month to evety Invalid Pensioner to• tally disabled. $2 per month for each child under 16 years of age of widow „Pensioners. Fees for procuring Extra Bounty, c 5 " Increase ...... /5 " Original Pension,_ SlO " collection the 4th of Sept- and 4Th of March payments of - Pensions $1 QUARTERLY REPORT /IF FIRST ATION4LL BANK of WelLibor°, showing its conditton on the first Monday of °eta ber,lo6 131CIZEZEI C. 8. Eton& deposited to assure circulation, 41i00,600 00 V. 5. Bonds on. band 46,500 00 Note, - or Bills discounted 55,..'!05 49 Due from National Blnki— ........... :-4 - ..---- 2 x.562 56 Due front - otber Ranks - - 353 59 Expense account.....-- •,. . , Berea ne ettartpx—..----,.. ("Notes o f this Bank Cub on ha nd,..1 Notes of other BWAS----- (Legal Tenders-.. Ca L Itun taittilLlTl 69• 90,000 00 14,162 07 . .. 43 4.118 Bs . .................... Y. Vb:"..408 80 J. L: RinllfSo3l; Subscribed before we this 2d day of 0 ctotiesi. R. Q. IIIMP150:r, Notary Public. Capitni Stock— Circulating ......... Food_ Dn, Ilepotitors, biBcattot, luteren and Ezebtoge,.. :: boo to Baikkt,- / - Key Stone - Store MAUD& TRIAIN'S is the place to call and ezataide good goods.. 'ls,''we cannoteonvinee our customers that ise are selling at reasonable prices, it-is then time to try Some of our would be (if they coulaj:eompietitom` We have i~owt Prints, Sheeting Stripes, 3)enitas. caTti.t..F.aßSa.¢ hi?. - ‘Lit SF; .;.•11.51-O,ICI OUR Dligl:'S7S':,43o,o7-'"': is complete from drat class Merimosis. down to Detainee. we hare a complete aesoitmeniat.Thiltidiee all know how hard it has been heretofore - it:cobra's make_ the articles to %tier attire ornamental and We especially invite the -ladle", to colpo and J. A. PARSONS Glove and- Hosiery . and. Gents', Paper Collars, all sizes:, OUR BOOT J' "SHOE STOCK is now oon2plete, Every one that has patronized us know that we keep the best Boot and Shoe making in the country, Our Boots are all war— ranted to be what we shall represent them at the time of sale. Let lumbermen and others result— ing a heavy boot, call sad examine Thie branch °rani tie& we will notice twiefty., as they will raeomniend.;.theouleiSay op e4juakiri-. warranted to fit all the heads in the cootry;be they deeapltatadAypeatilreA, or not. We can stetreapPlffaiallles wlt4lsttp - 11,I4tes, Syrups, and everything' usually kept Ist that at the lowest prises. •• - Call and zamine the troaatifal styles that,we ikayalately.raelTed. Ht,irdware and Cutlery, in variety. uno 42 447 00 209 00 6.14 00 23.345 00 1,278 74 Let every farm:in eotoe to ourotoro rith-sk feel ing of belog-at-hcuiLlhalifi:i,ittdtfg for, and are only too happy 7 to-shoit yoo, go..go r odit. tilietholoa 17:07y $260;408 So Wellabor*, Oct. 3, 1866. _~ ~ ~ .t -OF Daastics,.ach , ift 4.15, -.....'„:.' 7.-E:? -'j' MEIIIIIMI T Mil •6` f MEM EME , l -ifi..t-did.Z.f examine our =EI = CLOTIIING IMEIMIEI L!.: L. 31 A1k.T.0,:41 S i 1 f .4 .1 _ , GROCERIES, - - ------ - • •.; •::i ; E MI MEE -0: MIURA 'd: ,]ii 4 J. R. Bo'inten i 64' Thankful for tiro literal patronage of a dis criminating i,c dic in the past, would respectfully announce to the pc .isle of Tilga and, adjoining counties, that they and ndle rebeiving from Nor York a large wild well selected - STOCK: OF, ..00:00,S,, adapted to the wants of this ecuactianity, they will sell as usual at the VERY LOWEST MARKET PRICES Havin §4!eg!seil eat! t sfie f. fitikt!,t, ItreiciTidoptv OUR CUSTOMERS AND OURSELVES, E ,by doing a ready pay business, we shall continue ~„ to self our goods on the principle of ME EEO SMA4 PRdW &itit;s4:o:ti* 'WAVE• -r^:rerr.: "" , :i4"at l l 4 . :49 • MERI Ea , o'r• r Dar ; TALI:(CiC".OO i i• :•f among which'vvitlike"fouiid :_s"" 11121 .:~ ;~.w ~ .~~r:? CASSIMERES, BROAD CLOTH, SAT INET, TWEEDS, FLANNELS, ../.ADLESt ci.AOTH, , LADIES' DRESS GOODS AND TRIMMINGS.,_ DUPLEX iT:iPTieViiirha l giiiti*G- la • AND OTHER KINDS OF HOOP SKIRTS. YANKIIIE .NOTIONS.; EATS.,,,kgAI i Ss BOOTS AND' SROES, ROCER IES, HARDWARE, CROCK • - ERT, &C , 11111 A long a peilin ce coraidnuca tbac WS Cull Supply JOBBERS AN p _ OTHERS, pxl4,‘ IRE PERFECTLY SATISFACTORY TO I ' We cordially invite one and all to call and see our stock before purchasing elsewhere, as we be iiece you will save money by so doing. Don't forget the place, EMPIRE STORE, NO. 1 UNION BLOCK WeHeber°, Sept. 19, 1886 Stoves: ,. S NEMEZI MEM -, - - :, i.l =IN 41V D II AR 111-4VtAttLal.. R. WILLIAM ROBERTS begs to 17 -I- aouounc 3to the citizens of Tioga County, tlot4h.uAdition .14s pucelleut stock of Stoyes, Tt ei lWi t y, titth 114;Shcei ! Ticirt 'Yfatik,'! be 'has, at a grisalciteraAilitociede 1:t09:ar 3 4 . 411 MAIN STREET; WELLSBORO. with a complete assortment of Shelf Hardware, of which we enumerate the following articles: •L NAILS, SPIKES,' CROIVLiA tS, CUT; MILL, HAND AND MUCK SAWS, . - BUTTS, STRAP HINGES, CARPENTER'S TOOLS, PUMPS, AXES, AUGERS, FIER BITT-STOCKS, HATCHETS, CHISELS, SHOir:4S, SPADES, FORKS, litfin-SORKWS, WOOD SCREWS, CARRIAGE BOLTS, •43_13415., SKEINS, IiCASHER.f), PIPE BOXES, ALE- - TREES ELLIP TIC '' ,4 z • • ••••...., •• J i • . S gV.IO9 B ,ItORSV'S:EIO ES.' II 9OP, BAR, EtANCANGS,:eOBI POPPERS, - SAUSAGE,CIITTERS AND STUFFERS COMBINED. Also, PISTOLS, _ .-'~~ • PATENVBA 00WRANGINGS, a new thing, and mace for use. These are!but a few of the many artoles eon/posing Our ,'stoik of Ilardware. We' invite the tbihia 2y4ali gad ozszinizt' cot. theicfselieti. We siirifit-laseftba bast -quality 0 - goods in our line : and all work ta_slrdstr, done Priouirly,rod well. WILLIAM ROBEBTB. ;iireHeber°, Sept. 1, iB-664i. - ,-1 _.. .~; also, a Jargoi lin a tie . EISEN THEM IBM=!111 oyes :; j s\ V" , A ?~ ~ .z. .. PI Oi, AR:ra_,l,Wtsi "AlM' I4PS. A's-FORTUNE Can be timde by every man; woman; and child in this corenty, if they will strictly adhere to the plan of buying du& goods of the well I ie known popular old concern of W. B. Smite Sons, ... 1 1 t 111 t jl ADDISON', fh , .1 LC - ••1 ;IU - 4 I • . )., •aat, - Ls . C +~a++. 1' ~il Z .~7..~3ti~ ''lztr.rg ihouaanda and thourtfAlt tflenla have al ready reaped their reward by thug doing. Every kind of If 13RY GOODS; GRWSRIES;Tt6 - TEIING, BOOTS it SHOASOIA'rkpAI S S, ..CARP*TS,QII..PAQ. &c., &c., _ &c., ara on hand in abundance, :,~ - . °: ..; CHfiIt4IOIIIIEIILLION, L'U . o4.4ll4.tiellitblsc Cazgar. t.- ME PEE ' oln , ~ ~Q~ GRAVE AND IMPORtANT INFORMA ,TION TO CASH BUYERS WHO WISH `TO-SPEND -THEIR - MONEY WHERE :THY CAN GET THE MOST FOR IT. W. R. SMITH'S SONS' system of keeping en enoruionteetock of goods at all tines of the year, and selling them cheap—this system so oh noxiods to bitprolit' Ishires-z-is fairly begun for the Pall empsangeit-Alteir iftire, and snub a year for - doing peotile good was never known. before. Cer -minty there is no got.Wriris'on for' - swindling pri ces now we have had enough of:thera already. The g y eaCadvantageetzeriMportin . ca'-L of trading for Ca:3*a beady payiafnliy ilinatrated _by the; low p boar raging at the - PeropleaStore...vi - - - A FEW HOUSEHOLD WORDS FOR THE FARMER. ME0H.4,N19 , „-A .PEOPLE GENEtiLLY: - Buy your goods of a concern which has a big assortment and I's seiliag teis times asmany goods! and of coure'adan sell them as trytny.times,ebea 4er than smati.concerns, WI" ,all,sdch ad vantages tel•alr cas4nners,.":„. • ' FENr (MEIER BIG THINGS FOR THE PHU /Der?, = TO OTHEINift iLFORE -SIFFOiy-. AZIC6 I 4 1 . 1 1 . 1 LI V. ,::I:9t Look ob iiaaxesfatud bigtisfitirt big notes and big rates of interest and no real takers at of. which ts very bad as against W. B. Smith's'Sons' sitiitien - Light eipensei - iiild L no rents r new goods • at 'break down _price% and the_ goti 2 old niofto orstrtall profits. good - valiie' - and. quiek returns, flying to the breeze. The feet is, the only tree,and certain road to fortune- for the merehant is alwayst to give hiscestouiers - . as we ; do, the most he can fur his money , and depend on largawdep.for his Our ppradar and Terdticiie aystirds - of 'deafing; baying strictly 'for cash. always having cash on hand, render U 9 masters of the situation- when a drop comes in the market. Never Wore, ug, there Aueh. ing lot of egoods,• attlompriees, as • W. R. s Sons can • wittztili slawfront- this • •z a One forward. - Our stock of Drj- gee& and Clothing can't be beat, and no customer w,ho is in the right shape, eiser, , ,ltiejte jlW i store - .:noh i out hating, and 11 . 5ne whPirilitusa 'ay ay.§ ett4, - mike _the eaiiiit"rtioii dial Doi) , cad thy gairs htiesittere alchemy: 1 07 e keep the largest stock of • a ,s,w,i) snots, nATS AND CAPS. r atore thatiihireilin-itin than to eon ilia CREAR :GOMIS gni th , ` enunter. , CARPETS ANT( 61T,AIL°THs at ruinous low rates. cottage and palace can now, by- calling on the be replenished for of g People's &iced. ^ -4 • „ • ‘-"Zii r 4qglit'ii7A.LL PAPER, Al9astanfi other articles can be found; and -;,4 one who Seeetbem can -help baying. We Manufacture all the CLOTHING we sell. Diery well dressed Min hays his harness of William ft- Braith 4 s Sens. We also make to order. Onr Cutter :hs.triasiter of his t :art ; be stands down the hall - for tin . Man who . wiiids tlie shears for a livelihood ; his fits cure the defoimed. keep Pork, Ftour and Salt, ' _f `f ! always aclovr market Tutu. ( -44 is"natcre.. then 'ever the= duty of every man audiiinsasa - tniallltirelkefore: buying; and look through the sto , u/rofterapting goods and bargains, I as no one can iinigine or form any idea how great aditierence, there is between the prices of goods isbught for cash and-prices of goods else where bought for notes that are not paid promptly ,The safest thing for all buyers who want the lowest :notch in goods, is to call and get W. B. e t reith's Sons' prices; and take around in your pocksts to compare. A great 'many stores will get-the eta aouitierlifter you visit the Old Oor nertsliera=they'iiork for their-eastomors. You cannot mistake the place, as it occupies theronm of four, efores, immediately on the Erie railway. and the rnah is constantly going on. Call, if for nothino more than to see how we spike the guns. _ icoarq., truty„, , - - 8151ITIPS - SOfS, Addison. - N. y:, Sept 5,1866. MEE .1 LSEI J _I EMI 4 i 5 ESE - II Store - AT BLOSSBITRG, PA. J. L. WILLIADIS & CO., thia,snuth4 of; announcing to*a gill- J., sans of Bhissbirg andsurrounding` country that they have opened a store at the above place for the sale of pure - MMUS& a 3 EZEZOIME2I; Liquors of all kinds. Paints, Oils, Brushes, Lamp, ,Coal Oil, Patent Medicines, Perftimery, Extracts "of till kinds, Panoy4rticles, Yankee:Notions; bs. PRESCRIPTIONS carefully put up at all times We ask an inspection of our goods, assuring the public that we cannot*, undersold in the county. Everything nsnally kept in a Drug Store will al ways be found at this establishment. Satisfaction guaranteed in alt" cafes. Remember - t* Place, Main. Street, opposite the Post Office, Blossburg, Pa. J. L. WILLIAMS & CO Bloaeburg, Aug. 15, 1866.—tf. riEPA . MNO I 7it ON!171- .: ..:, ..,:i." , , E 1: '(.:•".= SPLENDID ASSORTMENT OF STThIIMER GOODS • ~ At thelliiTie4 Storit, Ooraing, N. Y. Addpted to the wants of air classes ; and as we laid itticsagoad- A4tolt jast',64:fore.tara: late vanbee m New York, we are "ziaw enabled' tel'aelf most of our goods at about NEW YORK PRICE.,S. We would call especial attention to our large stock of goody for LAMS' SUITS, and the net line of FREN,C4 . I4I3,.SLINS_ AND ORGANDIES ever offered in this market. We. also have a nice assortment of LADIES' SACQUES, TALMAS AND BASQUINES, in cloth and silk, to which we invite the attention of buyer:. Our stock of . CLOTHS AND CASSMERES, _ • - for me 'S and boy's wear, is kept very fall, and CLOTHING MADE TO ORDER, on short notice and in the latest style Be.lmotal and Soap Skirts, of every variety GIN GRAMS, ALPACAS, POPLINS, DeLAI.NES, CHALLIES, SUN UMBRELLAS, JEANS, COTTONADES, SHEET- INGS, SHIRTINGS Otir faeilitias fee larinirci GOODS are UN.: SIIItPASSED by any:-in, this afction, and we wish it understood - We dojned Woad to ,be- _UNDERSOLD by Via We tender our thanki - tii - the citizens of Tioga Co., who have patronized us and would respect fully invite those who have never doe° so to call and owns. Store opposite the DickinsonAloose on Market Street, three doors west of thh corner, and two doors east of Eungerford's Bank. SMITH 4k. Cprriawf.-,t" June 27, 1866. _ _ EAT MARKET. basing receV e purchased Mr. Win:. Townsend's interest in— 32 ItRET,- an 1 - - iiein wdniol say tia the citizens ofWellsks'; at the ob i ity that he will continue the h . gu; in supplying stand—giving his emir 4 %-er hint with their the wants of all who ro *'hand patronage. Conatatil , S 11./1110L-' tgonth of Smith's Law Office. irellsbor " P ° " ° ., „ e llept. 26, 1866-tf. lAT 7 - Cnernsep, „ 41 - 11"N•gY' Ala> COUNSELOR A-T =LAW. returned to this county with a. view of taftiting, it.i4s - Vortn.anent residence, Solicits share or 'public patronage. All business en trusted, to his care will he attended to with • promptness and fidelity. Office 2d door -south ,S. -Faree hotel. Tioga, Tioga - Co., Pa. sept. 211. 'net -tf. AIIVITOR'S NOTICE. The undersigned having been appointed an auditor to dis tribute the funds in the hands of W. Dunham, administrator of WM. 11. Chase, deceased, will attcmd_to:the duties of his 'appointment at the &See of Nichols &• Mitchell ; Wellebero, Saturday October 13, 'MO, at, 2p. in. J. I. MITCHELL, Sept. 12,1564-43 r. Auditor. FOR SALE—A span_ of matched three year old mares; color, strawberry roan, weigh .16.90 1b5,..0r,900 each. GEO,. CR Charleston ? SepteMber 19, Is6B—tf A GEATS WANTED—For Frank 110.cre's new " Women of the Wur." Agents will find this a book of real merit and intrinsic value —subjectneW—intensely interesting and exciting. No work ever attracted and engaged the publio tuindlike this :Everybody wants It, and-thou sands will purchase it as soon as an opportunity is afforded them. Read what agents say 4,f it. One experienced agent writes: It is the ea— siest and pleasantest book to sell I evercenvassed for; people are delighted with it. the ladies espe cially." Another says . Women of she War !..5 the book of the _Another, 137 orders in four days." One reports 17 orders the first day of canvass— in g. . fittelligent, active males or tamales will and the sale of this work a pleasant and lucrative em— ployment. This bcok has no competitor—it comes fresh and new to the people, The territory is clean and clear,. Agents understand the advan— tages in this piirticithm • For full particulars icnd for. circular., .Address S. S. SCRANTON it CO.. - I 126, Asylum st , Hartford. et T" 4 • abseriber offers bin farm or sole, eon -100 aeres, d 0 acres or which :ye un der good improvement, Good fra m e house there on. one and a ball' story hizl• : ul-‘s a now /rams barn, by -FO feet. A thrifty „ o n,: 0r,, , b, 3r ,3.. ) f apple. pear, and awry trees. ulesttY qsAfted,l , lo iu all. Well watered by rev, r failing -I.rings Said farm is simateti p, on the roast fr.ra Stony Fork to Pine creek. Per LIFE AND TIMES of ELDER SitEAR- 1 terms apply to the ,üb,eriher, on the phiro. or to DOWN.—Those who wish to scour a copy A. L. Enswerth, at the fline.hato Wiqlsboro. of this iiicellenework, can do so by calling at .- _ ALVAN WELSTER, this duos soon.. Angus 21, U 416. Do?.aysr, August 22, 1220.:-ti Oct 2-4 t WELLSBOROUGH ORB, LIFE & ACCIDENTIL INSURANCE AGENCY. W. H. SMITH, GENERAL POLICY AGENT FOR OGA COUNTY, PA. Cash Capita& .3 ,,,,,,,. Home, N. Y., - :72,0 0 0,000 $3,530,817 Arno, 2,000,000 3,800'439 Phenix, 1,000,04)0 5,45,400,0 09 N0rth American, Philatl'a., LOOO.OOO 731,000 Putnam, Fanners' Mutual, Middle Penna... Wyoming, Lycoming Mutual, Mttncy, Pa. Columbia Mutual, Lancaster, Globe Mutual, Life, N. Y. City, ... N. Y. Accidental Travelers' Accidental, Hartford, Equitable life Assurance Society Non-Hazardous, 1132111'101113, and Extraalas aedous Risks taken at reasonable rates. Policies lesueid, and all Losses adjusted at this Office. W. IL SMITH, Wellsboro', Pa. Ju i ty 25, IS6s.—tf. Drugs, Nedicines, &c. J. L. BELDEN & BLOSSEURG, ESP eonstantly on hand a line stook of Piro S Ping , s, Medicines, Chemicals, &c., WINES AND LIQUORS, for Medicinal and Sacremantal use; alsd all the popular .Patent Medicines, Paints, Varnishes, Oils, &e., all kinds of brushes, Dye Colors, Dye Woods and Stuffs, fine Toilet Soaps, Perfumery, Pom- _ ades, STATIONERY, PENS; PENCILS, PAPER AND ENVELOPES, Memorandum Books, Pass Books, &c., Potash in bulk at 15 cents per pound, Kerosene 015, Lamp VU,. Turpentine, Benzine, .te. _ _ Fresh Oatmeal and Pearl Barley at 10 cts per pound. We are sole agents in Blusshurg for Dr. N. Weaver's Eat. Fireweed, and warrant it to cure Scrofula. Salt Rheum, Scurvy, Pimples on the face ; and all diseases. arising from impure state of the Blood if used according to directions. Particurar attention given to compounding Pbyeician'a and other PreseriPtions - .. We guaran tee satisfaction, both in quality and price. Remember the Store, oppo , rte the net Coal Co's Store, Blos.iburg, P. lag. 15, 1.9611—tf. J. L. BELDEN CO. th p at 1•;' Court Sale IN pursuance of an or ler of the Orphans' Coult of Logs county, hearing data the 27th day of August, 1366, tho following described real es— tate, late the property of James Campbell, dee'd, will be -offered at public sale, on tho premises, on the 3d clay of October nest. at tw, p. m., to nit: A. lot of land situated in the town-hiri of Farm ington in said county heginnin:.; at the south— west corner here.•f, it being the southeast corner of lot No. S 9 of the allotment of Bingham lands in Farmington town4li9 fvirc,aict ; thence north, degree west, 92.0 rods along said lot No. 89 ; :hence east 119.1 rods , along lot No 35; thence south, degree ws,d, 9 t. 3 rode a'ong lot No SG; :hence north, 59 degrees west, rods along lot 'No 192; thence west 23.2 rod,rto the pfaeo of be ginning; being lot No SS of ~aid allotment, and Tontaining 65,5 aores, being part of warrants Nos' 1370 and'l37l. Term, , es,sd, ou a,nfrtnattnn of sale. E•soc,nß. CAMPBELL, Achn'r Estate. d ee 'd S.!elstetriberl9,l.B66.-4vr Auditor's Notice THE undersigned baying been Appointed an Auditor to eistribote money in the hands of toe Administrators of the estate of Royal. Rose, late of Rothimi, deceased, will attend to the du ties of said appointment at his offlee. in Tioga bo rough, on Thursday, the ..1 - zith c!):: of October next, at- ten o'clock a. m. ' All persons having claims against said estate, aro required present. and prove their claims before the 4uditor at that time, or he debarred from coming in f, , r a share of :said assets or fund. F. E. Tinge, Sept. 19, 1866-4 w Aralitorl Auditor's Notice undersigned having been epp , ..inted atz AL Auditor to distribute money in the hands of the Administrator of the estate of John George Jentzsch, late of Tioga t.rinship, decca,ed, will attend to the duties of :aid appointment at, his office in Tinges borough, on .11,,nday. Hitt 13th day of October next, at ten o'clock a. to. All persen3 baying claim' egainst,,t , aid.estate are required to present and prove, the befuravene.3uditor at that time, or be debarred from coming in on such assets or fund. F. E. S:' , llTll..tuditor. Tinge, September 10,1866-4 w Administrators' Noties,. XT . , OTICE id hereby g i vex „ettit Letters of M. ministration up..n - (l , e o,3tate of Dan'l Wood field, late of Ti i .kga township, deceased, have been granted to the nndersi".en• AD per , e.ns indebted a t r o e no re f lu r e=z en p f r . e.sent the to said estate are he..-" 9 notified t' make imme diate payment. ~.,(.1. ail persnn,... having Maims s a tfus ai e ns tei s th ai l- 1 " . P. E. SMITH, E. W. C.L.4..1iK, -a, Sept. 19, 15 , 311--asv Adm'rs. E:gI36I7TOR:S NOTlCE—Letters- Testamen tary having been granted tl.l estate of Phebe linyter, late of cleeease,i, all persons indebted to said esLlte ..,re required:to make immediate payment, r.nd ima against the Suite must, be presented u, HOLLISTER VAKER, Exee'r. Weztfield, Sept. 3. 1666-81'4 THE PICTORIAL BOOK OF ANECDOTES AND INCIDENTS Ofi TTIE.T.4.u.i.LLTON fferol , -, Patriot itliZont,entic, ii“,mroloy and Tr't- val. This is a certain portion of t:io, war that will never go into the regtdur histories, and will not get emllodieil in romance or poetry, which is very real part of it, and it preserved, -Con vey to -uccectlitig generations a 1 otter idea of Use spirit of the conflict than many dry report careful narratives of event., and this pert finny he called the ge3slp, the tun, the ••1 tne war. These illustrate the character ot toe ;natters, the humor orate soldiers, the devotion of women, the bravery of men, the pluck of our bores, the romance and hart , hips of the >-r11 , (.3. From Ilia bet;inraing tit the war the autliorlas bcon en gaged in collecting all the atmcdotes coot octet with or illetarative. of it, and has grouped and classified th'fitu under appropriate Lauds, and in a very attractive form_ The volume is profusely illustrated with over SOO enzraveng.9 by the that artiste, which aro really beautiful.; worthy olegamivation a; tpeei merit of the art. Many of them are set int, the body ot,the text, atter the •popular style • - .4 Pictorial Field Book of ...h. , It-.otuti. , ,t. The Look's contents include reminiz,once , .1 damp, picket, -py, scout, bivouac, stcge :sod battlefield adventures; thrilling feats of bait - cry wit, droll ery, enlace' and ludicrous. ad: clrtur , .,. etc., etc. Amusement as well a- lustre::: ofi may ha f oun d io eve r y page, as z graphte doted, brilliant wit, and authentic history, aro skilfully inter woven in this worlt of literary art. This work sells itself. The people are tired of dry details and partizan works, and want $1,111,1- humorous. romantic and start.liuz. V;ts. have 1 agents clearing OVOT S2tlo per month. e.:end f or circular:, and are ~or terms .n.d tile above NATIONAL 11.1.RLI.SIIINI; CO. 507 Minor St., Phiholalphio, Pa. Farm for Sale ...100,000 , 0192 600,000 aOO,OOO 500,000