The Tioga County agitator. (Wellsboro, Tioga County, Pa.) 1865-1871, September 26, 1866, Image 1

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    ' - .c :.*:~'.''"',+..:•..- -- _ : siaeß'r;as_r~M.~e7'~.:.`~SC:- k"'_"'-+,:n`.
t Zion a (toanto Agitator
I,•ll,lNlied every Wediaoßtay Morning , at $2,00 a
y r .a. •
Ito - ariably In adatthed,
, , rnif )
ih .I7V.IEIEVI • I'aiIsTC3 71„.'.P//1F.43... .
lino.i 3 U. 0 rno. r taw 1 Iyr
i ~, , ,,,,ro ...... $2,00 5,00 7 . 4,0 10 _ 00 12,00
%,,....1 Olt .....
- .. 3,i5 8,00 _ 12.00 15,00 - 18.00
• ,
~,,,,,, ...... i ,00 10,03 1 15,00 1 20,00 I 25,00
17 , ,. p t „,,,, ....12.00 20.00 30,00 30.00 45,00
1 c ,,,,,,i,u ...... 20 , 00 25 .00 45,00 05,00 80,00
1 ,01 Ire 1 iu,cen $1,00.-50 ete.eaeh weekthereafter.
.",,,,,„,,tratore and Executers Notices $2,00 each.
kwoue s„ ( . 4,1,1s ot fire hues $5,00 per year,
W. D. 'TERRELL at CO.,
IrHOLESALE DRUGGISTS, and dealers in
‘Vall Paper, - Kerosene Lamps, Window . Glass,
Perfumery, Paints and Oils, &a., &a.
Corning, N. Y.; Jan. I, 1866.-Iy.
Of fin formerly occupied by Jameis Lowrey, Esq.
vs. A. NicaoLs. .- Joust 1. MITCHELL..._
WOllOlO7O, Tau. 1, 1686-Iy.
Inoranet, Bounty and Pern , ion Ageney,alisin
Street !UMhero, Pa., Jan. 1, 18136.
i. F. Wrr.sox. J. B.
First door from Bigoney's, on the AYenue)
Will attend to business entrusted to their care
in the counties of Tioga sad Potter.
Wellsboro, Jan. 1, 1866.
ATioRNEr AT LAW—Mal:Ladd, Tioga co.,
May 9, 1868—Iy -
;Mott.. Shop first door north' of L. A. Sears's
Sboe Shop. 270 P-Catting, Pitting, and Repair
ing dune promptly and well.
Wellsboro, Pa., Jan. 1, 1866.-Iy.
DRAPER AND TAILOR. Shop over Rowen's
Store, second floor. jar.Oatting, Fitting, and
Repairing done promptly and in best style.
Wcttsboro, Pa.. Jan. I, 1866-1 y
GENT for the culleotion of bounty, back pay
and pensions due soldiers from the Govern
unt. Orme with Nichols and Mitchell, Wells
tern, Pa. mSO, '66
- -
Gaines, 'Tina Genuty, Pa.
new hotel located within easy access of the
Lest fishing and hunting grounds in North
ern Pennsylvania. No,„ pains will be spared
tor the accommodation of pleasure seekers and
tte traveling public. [Jan. 1, 19861
Pennsylvania Rouse.
Tr 111.5. popular hotel bee been lately renovated and re.
furtaikilvd, and no pains will be epared to render Ste
uceektable to patrons.
Wellsboro, May 9,19(36.
l Law Buildiug,-3t. Paul zit. , Baltic otc.
REFERENCES. — Levitt Gale, Attorocy at Law,
E \war,' Israel, AWs at Lew, Rev, J
Rdev, D. D., Rev. Henry Slicer, D .D., Cut,-
field, }Do. A Co., F. Grove A - Co., Ludwig
MoSherry, John F. MoJilton, Eeq.,ltobert Law
sun, Esq., S. Sutherland, Es.q. [Mr. Emotion is
outhunted to transact any husitieee appertain
ing to this paper to 13altiulore.]
Jan. 1, 1866-Iy.
TA BACON, M.D., late of the 24 P. Cavalry, after
L. nearly four years of army service, with a large
ttperieuce in field and hospital practi. e, has opened au
attire for the practice of medi. inc and am gery, , in all
ce branches. Persons from a distance Gan 'find good
toarding at the Pennsylvania Hotel when desired
Will visit any part of the State in - consultation, or to
perform snraical operations. No 4; Union Block. up
et. l 17E. Welisboro, Pa, May 2, ISO 6 —lv.
Lam the pleasure to inform the citizens of Tioga
eAnity that they have the best opportunity ever.
:fired them, to procure Ambrotypes, Ferrotypes,
Gans, Cartes de Visite, Vignettes, onri all kinds
,f.incy and popular card. and colored pictures,
..;t his Gallery 012 Elmira Stteet.
Mansfield, Nov. 15, '6s—tf. F. M. SPENCER.
'" • L -
would inform the citizens ut Walt,boro and vi
tality, that he has fitted up a desirable suite of
rooms over John B. Bowen's store, No. Un
lon Block, where ho is prepared to execute nil
work in his profession. with a proinptne.s and
style that will enable him to offer superior induce
ments to those requiting dental operations. All
work warranted, aryl at reasonable rates. Please
call and examine specimens.'
Well*bora. March 21, 1888.—tf
itiff di C. N. DARTT,
nrouLD say to the public that he is perma
r neatly located in Welleboro, (Office at hnr
reeidonce, near the Land Office and Episcopal
Church) where be will continue to do all kinds a
eurk confided to his care, guaranteeing eomplett
tatisfaction where the skill of the Dentist cop
in the management of capes peculiar to the
caliteg. Ho will furnish
set on any material desired.
attended to on shortest notice, and done in the
best and most approved style.
Ile the use of Ansestheties which are per
krtly harmless, and %Saba administered iu every
(ase when desired,.
Isboro, Jan. 1., 1863-Iy.
ATTENTioS. so 1 - ANIEn.s.
\ Arm. B. SlldlTH,.Knoxville, 'liege County,
f , (U. S. licensed Agent, anal Attorney
for eolthers and their friends throngheut all the
kyal States,) will prosecute' and colteot with up
malle4 success,
ct all kiniic Alen, any .othei kind of civien
'ghint.t the tioveruwent before any of the De
fArttnents or in Congress. Terme moderete, All
~Er abullicatioilii tent to the above addrees will re
cv,re prompt attention. Jan. 17, 1866.
Main street, Wellabor°, Pa.
!laving leased this popular hotel, property,
lately occupied by Mr. Nelson Aubtil) l ; h:ill
endeavor to make it truly the travelci 's houie.—
Pcrsonal attention will be given to the table,
and the comfort of guests will be a ptime object.
The stables will be under the care of an experi
eoPe4 hostler.
Welltboro, Jan. 1, 1868-Iy.
Hew Shaving and flair-Draasing Saloon
subscribers take pleasure in announcing to trig
of Well,buzo and vicinity that they have
nzlit oat F. fthafhlin, hte barber and hair.
''rem‘ar at IVelLaboro, and have fitted up a neat end
lunt room olet C. L store. where th-y
" 11 she:, Ito on hand to wait on their customers:l .
and as they will spare uu pains to p elit e the y hope to
UO.O the ratroliliVe of the community.
Neticular attention pold to ladies' hair-cutting, aliam-
P co iag'slyelng..W. Ladies' braille, pnifaisigitheavcoits
and curls on band, or nuide, ardor, •
W Dovisrr. J. Jolistos.
April 25, 1.685.-1 y
T . P. C. VAN 0 Lila".
JO: - F.- SWAN,.- -
AGENT for the Lyeoinini` County Inrenee
Company, at Tioga, Pa.
Juno 186-tt.-3m• .
• TARR'S - HOTEL ---- ' -
T 0,( +41 .•T P. 1 4/ 41 1,9 ° 04•3 4. NT 4.i 9
Good stabling, atiatAih t d; a 4 11' .- titientive hos
tler always in attendance.
E. B. FARE,- IProprietor.
'" • rFtgrtnirly -
MINOtt WATKINS,' I liropr#etbr. This house
is situated on Main Street, in Wellsburg), and is
surrounded, with beautiful shade tree s, and has
all themeeeeility'acionigliodatiniailOr man and
beast.—aug. 22, ly
wErd - ,'Stiot,4s'4tYti
(c:,,, r .Ma l .:pStreet and tln Avenue.)
HOLIDAY; Proprietor. -
THIS is one of the most popular Bonsai in
the county. This Botel is the principal
Stage-house in, Welishoro. Stases leave daily
as follows.: . ' c _ ; I
For Tioga, at 10 a. ru. ; For Troy, at 8 a. m.;
For Jersey Shore every Tuesday and Friday at
2 p. in.; For Coudersport, every Monday and
Thursday PFD p.
STAGEII 1-9ilock
p. From Troy, at 6 o'clock p. in.: From Jer
sey Shore, Tuesday and Friday 11 a. : From
Coudersport, Monday and Thursday II a. m.
N. B.—Jimmy Cowden, the well-known host
ler, will be found on band. .
Wellsboro. Jan. 1, 1866-Iy.
Tfigxmap t lop i r r
. • •
New Spring Goods,
W E aL IA L E II , 1 .`,671! 1 tif . " g 00 1) g oods, 1 14 -I'llV l3 E ieit
We are veiling very
Gond yard wide stieetiug for
ffelry ynrd *ide iheetiiig for 25 "
Standard pritm frain
We 111. ; . keep constantly on hand a choice
Brock of
At very low fignrew. 1 - May 30, ISfifi
A LL portona baying knoniedge of farts concerning
lcilled-nn4 *wounded! soldiers from Tioga county,
are rogneettlillx—r*ocatcd to furnish Col: Al. L. Clark,
of awo.finif 1. 43.. pith thc following stattsticd
Dames of soldiers, 1.11:kel!, or residence, date of eoljst.
ent. and muster into the: United Staten service. letter
in company. number of tegimeot, when wounded, and
what engagement.. date Awl, place ol thwth, and A.4l.llftt
toe. - Al. L. CLARK. , -
L. 3). SEELY.
J. 11. SHAW;
August I. 1866. Committee ou.Statistiess
OTlCE—Notice is hereby given, that Rob
ert Costaed, Senior, has been placed in
, Iturge of tract No. 1590, and those parts of tract
No. 1589, in' the viciniWor'l3abb'S'ereele, belong
inKuEh6Lllsit f lu.hYty. M YY. 4 trfalAt i k r a
sons ate forbid trespassing thereon, under penalty
of prm.eeution.
805 Market et., Philadelphia.
July 4,1866.-6 m . .
(IP RUSSES.—" Seeley's Ratd Rubber 'rims?'
cures rupturejrees the cord from all press
ure: will never rust, break., limber, chafe, or be
come filthy, (the fine steel spring, being (Mated:
Fah .hard rubber); springmade any power., re
quited ; used in bathing, fitted to form ; requires
no strapping; cleanest,. lightest. easiest, and bast
Truss known... Seed for pamphlet.
I. B. SEELEY, Sole Proprietor,. •
1347 Chesnut at., Phila'a;
apll 66
Elastic and Lock-Stitch Sewing ELs-
GENERAL AOENCY, 2S Lake street, Elmira.
Local agents supplied at factory prices, and
,new agents wanted for unoccupied districts.
Aliw, 71 large stuck of machine findings. Fur
circular, addreaa Tlllll9. JOHNSON,
Genet al Ageut of ti. k B Sewing Machines.,
June 13, litell—tf 23 Lake at., Minim, N Y.
only preparodim,of the kind made fniut
the fruit. As an article of economy, pdrity; and
deliciousness, it cannot be surpassed, and is redotn
mmencled by physicians fur invalids and family
use. It will keep for years in any climate, while
its condensed forru renders it especially'conven
lent for travelers. All who-use lemons - are re.
guested to give it a trial.
.F e 'lltertaintuctiti ht
home, parties, and picnics shntild not, be
it. For sale by all Druggists and . first-class
Grocers. Manufactured only by
510 Pdarl St., N. r.
Jan. I, 1l —ly
TOLL - SON, Meerschaum inanufnettli
iers, 69213rundway. neer 'Futrtir street, N.
I. W linlesa le and ranii nt redneed rates: Pipes
and Fialders'ent to order it nd repaired. All goods
warranted genuine. send stamp for circular:—
Pipes $6 IA s' l o each. ' nal '66
-11 OXIDE OF !ROY, for sale by
Dan.3l, Wl.] BORDEN HBO'S ;
ROY'S 1111.1t4 STORE
TosAvortK, IN THE BEST STYLE. - and
OP with , ie•patah, at THE AGITATOR Office.
. .
CIOLD r eceived on dqposife, tor which oortin
-11- cues will Le lento& bearing interel,iy gpld.
E. W. CLARK CO, Bankers,
No 35 siqpiti Third strret.
FRVIT . JARS - 7 3
ono !Most patent, for.terming and pktorviii
no 4az'ot, rosin itiquiredtkt
Jan• 27, '66
11 Utah
~..."•ti, . ..- •- _ .:.. :.,,i.::, , - , ..
.....-.., . . .
, ..-...„...
. . .., .
' - ' - l II N II N IN ' A iII
,• _. ~.. . ..,.. - nun ~.
) 1 .
~ •
.-- 1 • . - ~..- , -.4_ .:,.,
- .7....- .--.•::-...... -. .. . _ . .
710 GA, PA
P. it;:WlLET'Mitaq3
* 4- .
1406: Ort:,.TRATEL:
Oa and after.-Mandax, jl9 , uli 7.8613 - trains will leacc.
%Corning at tile ruiloWing'houre:
r •01 a .3 ,I PPTARD
7:05 a m Wight ''Exprase, Afandays excepted,Sorz Ruch,
estat,,Bitifit.lo,46lttmanca, ; unit Dunkira,making di
rent connection :With trains of the ; Atdauldo,kereat
Western Lpike Shore, and Grand Trani; Railways, for
all points West.
7:28 g, liti,liight,ei:ngßxprceS,SililY, for Rochester Bul.
fale.traintuancit;llunkirk and the West.
10:23 a. a:k r :kali, Train. Staldas,s „eitcepttd, for Buffalo
and Dunkirk. '
5:05 p. m., Emiiralit train, tinily, for the Went.-
645 p. IXI.. pay Express, Sundays excepted:Tor RClCliil.
" ter, litifflith',Balamanca and the West, connecting ;at .
Salamanca with this Atlantic & 0, W. Railway,
at Buffalo with' the Lake- Shcre and 'Grata TrunL
Rallwarrfortmints west and south. • . - '
12:23 n. m., - Etpreef 3fail, gundays excepted, for
In, Salamanca, atittDurtkilk, connecting with
" traina
for the:Weeti: • • - **-
• .
_.,.......4. , ...... itestwAttpßetwk....
341 a. m., Cirictniukti 'l4xprese. 14.tortday9 excepted, cou
.l:meting ittElatiii, for Ilarrieburg, PhiladelpidEk: and
Sontitl'at OweiciTM' !theft; at pingbatutqa,for 83.
remise ; at Giest Bend for scrinton and Phtlettplphia:
at Lanka - waxen for Hawley, and. at Grayconti foi
Nt win:mg:tad Warwick.
IhXy-Extirees, Sundays excepted, connectink
at fiteat Bond for Scranton, Philadelphia, and South.,
4:15 p. tu., New York and Baltimore Mail, Sundays ex
cepted,•cOnnecting at Elmira for Harrisburgh,
delphia,auti South. .
7:10 p. tn.... Lightning Xxpres, Sundays excepted.
12:12.a- tn., Matti Express, Pally,,,connecting at :ray-,
court for Warwick. •
12:25 p.m.. way Freight, Sundays excepted.
WM. B. BARS, • , lI,3UDDLE,
Gang Peas. Agent. gietel,Sup't.
Blossburg & Corning, ; & Tiogst 0., R.
Leave Corning. Arrive.
Mail 800 a miflall, " 5:15 p re`
Accommodation, 580 p talAccommodition4o 15 an,
Philadelphia & Erie R. E. • ,
.... , ~ ..
Trains will arr. and depart at Williamsport at foirow.,
, Eastirard ' 7 Westward .
Erie Mail Tralli.-9,55 pin Erie Mail Traia.-7 20 are
E. Express Trairk:A 20 a m Erie Ex'saTrain..o 00 ple
Elmira Mail • Train 845 a m Elmira Mail Train 6top ni
A. L. Trt.xx,fteraSopt.
ramira & Willi*msport H. /3.
Traiuswill Arrive and Depart fr6mTroy ria Follows
Moving Soullt. Sloving,liortb.
Expreili,...... . 6.45 P itiExpreas, ~ 11.1•23 P'u
Mail, " 6.58 4.* !Mall"' " ' - '9:30 Pr
av Freight,'_B:3B .1 tg[lWay Freight ,' 4: Par
Coal Train ' 9;18 alt Coal Vidin,-.. ..! ..... 4:25 PLI
Troy, May 16, 1865. D. 8: STOVER, Sup't.
AND 011 ! S; •
14 to 20"
lOCOOT# I ,P'FiI3- j
"' •
ri •
''•' " •ii
Sold at Wbolesale•Filees. Buyers are request/Is
to call and get guotationt before goititg,fiiitter'
E ast . • ; ;
C Bing, N.-L, Jnn 1 ; r1866t75 h . *,
'i - VE YOtrICGIO4 . 4pO,4 ;, . :':,,;
AND CALL clit—rgiti , AT
. • . il' I. " 4
Nast & ,Atietbliieh 9 s"
Where you can' alwuys find the best imisantql
stuck of
Manufactured under their own supervision:
Also ger!s' furnivAing gOodi, R's:, &.è
In their merchant tailoring establishment they di ly
competition -- ; having the belt tailOtaOf New York city,
and an experienced cutter, Mr: 11. - P: Erwin. Ltab2l6l
Great Inducements to they Public
NOT having et big stock of OLD DODDS to
shove-of aVattetion,..l am enabled to-take
advantage of the , preeetit prices, and ate I ea
dy to sapply the pabliewith a splendid: stock ul
Styles, Ilufehatted to ecerituttiedete this tour
ket. ' .
. - ~ .
Particular attention is direoted,to my do
sirable stook of Ladies' -DRESS- . ooofks,
Alpacoas, Poplins, Prints, Delaicos,ito, ' Z1..0.
. ' Added to ~01411: I. `titii to a ' 'la4
and. splendid - stock of . : ..
Tpina,STlOF§, 11.0
and OAPS. / &ste„ &a.; Sc.,lce.,
at prioes , to eult i tha.l,ooo,ooQ, at °ego' 'Vs
old stand, Welletioro, P.
, r , : C. B. KELLEY.
Aviv*, 1861'0 - ' "" - ' '
XEL. & Bi•OtPlir and
Baines & ,. .Ikroikeri jsiipob liattoo :4` . agiiiir
orvium, Crew; LinortAiCiilmiWeikos t BIP/
the li..Ahotringormilmleorte. Room over J.. 111::
Bowein's store. Sept. 12, 1866.'
' ' IV kttSß 0 It 6 ; ''l'A . 4; BEPTEMAR 26,1806.
-• i - -, 'of life; liberty atutProperty. -
2. That represen Lem, ,Tali irt:appor- 1
---.,---,....-.04- - --..........,-.....- _ i tioned• among -the States -aecording- to
ADDRESS OF. TEE...UNION 'STATE ~ number, but that classes , di= frau e itise,d .
without crime, shall not be
- counted iii.
'' Clia k el " Tr l r '• ' ' I" I. •" ' --. fisng the basis of federal representa
e - -;-;‘; ~..•—' •,:- ; --:tion. ,„ . . ,
ONII:ITTEE ...19.1i5, ..,5 ...11E ' STNVT ,-T:, ! ,
That'alf wha are guilty - -of treason
~,,: ~ .. ~ „and perjury shall be ineligible to.oftice,
"THE SIT C.kTIViN - :' - : ' .` • unless.i.he disability he _Term:wed by,„a
Pettba , *Ctriens:—The' superteial' oh-I'lwo-thirds vote. of Congress.
server ntightsuppcise; after' the fearfut I • 4. That the validity, of the national
strinzgles, sacrifices:and sufferings of-the:: obligations incurred in I
the war shall not•I
lagtdive.years,that:Wc.eol4ld sately, re- i be questioned; and 'all:-rebel debts and'.
lax our etiorts and watchfulness,
.and, • claims for slaves shail l be-void.- - ..
row ding to our _LudWthial affairs, per- -- ' ' The States. of-Tfpne.s. , see, Connecticut
ruitithe„tnacklifct:ii.. okgtiYerPri. l l-;, 1 9, • and Nev Hampshire, by the action of ,
run itself;....ku,intelligent and patriotic .. their several Legislatures, have alreads
suvey oi .the situation, itioiv'ev, -- itlillThlatitled•these amendments by very 'Edge
nof warrant 'any - such eciiirliffldii - gilitli-inajcirities. , Our filendstn•Congress and
will impress-twmore then everwitbthe [onto/ Congress are the con-
truth and,!wisdom of :the adage, .tt:Bter- yietion .that..thes.e, terms are pre-emi
nal vigilance is the price of liberty -, nently 'magnanimou9, Wise - and just;'
Six years _ago the people lawfully elect- that they are the legitimate fruits of the
ed Abraham Lincoln i President Of•the war, and - esSentitil to our peace- and 'se
-United States. The minority, enemies curity for the future. -
of our Government and country, re- By the storms of civil war some of
fused to submit: to their defeat at .the , the landmarks
. made by our fathers
polls, and, for . thefirst, time in our his- :.were taken away, And some of the an
tory, appealed from the ballot-box in l'cient foundations 'laid -by them were
the n‘‘' o 1 d. - They defiantly threw off ail I moved. Let us wisely readjust them,
the obligat - ions''rof 'entistitutions until so thatourtemple.of liberty may stand
lakv ,, , rustieddinully Myr eivil war, -and I upon,thebroader and firmer foundations
fought with malignity _and desperationl of. universal libertV and impartial jus-
•for ur long bloody years in the wicked 'tiee.
attempt to oi-el-throw and utterly de-
strey the Governinent handed doirn by'
our fathers* This. they did , under the
pretext that a State had a ennstitutional
right to secede huh' the Union. The
same thing had, been attemPtedhy - S.
Carcilitia in 1533; bid, under the vigor
ous administration of President Jack
son, the etlort signally., failed, and..the
doenine on which it was based was re
pudiated. Butin,lBs6, when the ll,ent
oeratie party at, t.' i nein nut i - iiiiminated
James Liiihti na n ftir Pfeicletit,'they• re
vi veil the' old State Rights-dogrint of se--
cession, by readopting the Virginia and
Kentucky ,resolu tions,of 1798 and 17911,
as a part of. theirplatibrin. And at the
Charleston CoiVentrtni, in I,SIIO, altho'
the puny split 'lido' twilimirt-., the one
norni nating - Dooglass, null- o tho 'other
Breekin ridge for .1.-'resitleiit,,.both fete
' Mons readopted th ese same iesolutions.
These resolutions do hot hold the rela
tions of the States to the United States.
as constituting a ipietiliinlnent in, the or
dinafy"and - proper sense bt' the- tern:,
Litt deolared them to he- merely: a, coin-
pact, anti that "as in 41.other•eases of,
coin pact among, parties having, no coin
nion , judge, each silly has au equid
ri:z,lit to jiall...e :Or - itself, a;-; - well of in
fractions; as tif the mode 'and- measurt.v
or redress:" . t. .
11':: - a:I ci I ~~
Under this tree Democratic charter
for iebelliqh, the election of Abraham
Lincoln was claimed by the rebel States
as an " infraction" of the " compact"
and they chose secession and civil. war
as the " mode, l7 .and :the 'destructlun of
the Union =and -at the. Um/eminent. as
".114enicip,Fiv, of ?:cdrc.s.s." deuce, when.
the war broke upon nil to all its fury,
We found the Democratic• party paral
yed. •it was( suddenly In one t face:to
lace with the practitzal application of its,
own I)qiitMti creed, by its FA%ii political
CleitiL, liwicc, too, the :ad demorali-•
i , .ation; and Nvant'of loyalty and patriot- ,
ism, shown by that party during the
Whole. war. ..Those of them who pre
`e th,ir eountry ; _to their last;; :1114
platiorie, abandoned Loth plat!torm aiid
patty, - and under the ll'az•ol , theircoun
tr'y 'oraTrfittly. rallied. to. put the
rehellion,,v, th e leaders awl e, amp: ,
in, partnilitt otherwise. They had.
so repeatedly pi oclaiined . the riiiht of st
ce-,,ion that they l e lieved it, and were
everyw het e Miami
,ItitifyiniT, or exdus
ing the rebellion, denouncing every
mea nn; - used to buppro6s it, predicting, the
war a. ai tire,.attd eqdeavatin&,tk,i,mi j ake:
good their, in . edit:thins, and 11 Idly deny
'Where - vat , Avern
went to coerce a State." The-Deuto
'eratte party thus acquired-a -reputation:
for connivance at treason and disloyalty
to the country,, whicli justly consigned
it to continuous and' overwhelming de
leat;.;', until atthe•clds'e of the warir had -
Cot it Gtwernor nor-a d
::mile'ltiyal• 5 Star,e,:except - little
! ware, and the Legislature of 'cell tuclty-,
4nti singe the Philadelphia CULIVetI 0011 i
it sefip,, . ,ye, fallen upp n. the ex:Fedi- -
e , :t of Other ` . rioteiV criminate , affil solv'ed - toDralfy. fort h under a tfew
Not vital April, 1805, were the ,tebels
'finally overcome ;-hntl then only by the
power at our armies, which they_ (;grill
no loit..=,er„withatand. There .wa§
voldnitify surrender ; but' their '
"Were Aidelieu from - their bloody liutid.4.
The great conspiracy against: ,freedom.
had failed,-.and the. armies a ud. people
of, eleven, revolted ptates at the.
mercy of the eonquel'ors,
willingness to accept any terMlz, the vie.'
tors might impbt- - C. 'Congress had then
recently adjourned, aptl u it-der-the:law
would not:assemble:until the following
December, unless convened by Wel-% ezi
itient in, extra session. The 'oc'easiOir
seemed . to 6e 9n6, - of sufficient Moveity
and - importance to require a meeting of
Congress; but the Presitteutjudged dif
ferently.. He claimed ,that these States
had been deprived of "all civil govern
ment" ;'and the L-36predie Court of the
United States declared the whole -pea--
ple thereof to be 'alien enemies."
' The President !proceeded by procla
mations, by appuintmentof provisional
governoya, awl other means, to. create
government:4 for thesereliellion§States,
:hid; 4toit 'We anneal' meeting' of. Con
v,"7,fesS made report of what -Had been'
done, and recommended -the admistsion,
of Representatives. .
„Congress claimed to have jurisdiction
Over the whole subj'ect, "and proceeded"
tO - mil i - e lietheror not governments'
had been : established, and whether, un
der all the _circumstances, it would he
propel to restote those iebellionspeople
"and States to their_tormer relations and
rights . in. the Union, without first o
siug upon theta 'aS - security
for - the future. -The great question is
not whether the Statesthernselves shall
be restored; but whether they shall have
representation in, Cong ess OM U , - ,u or
without tt.rms. Our political adversa
rieDeniocrals, andlheir sym
patliizerh; North and South—say with
out terms Or - oonctrition6, .and forthwith.
Congress, by the almost unanimous vote
of all the members whit sustained the
ilia', tins proposed 'Sinidry amendments
to the Constitution of theTnited states,
to be submitted tattle State Legislature
we are about to elect, to approve or, dis
approve these fundamental chang - es in
the terms axed : by Congress, On which
l a t e ty,te ad their
people can restithe their practical
ttous'to'the'national Union: These
terms May be briefly stated as follows :
1. !flint ., :II pvmons:-.4sorn sir natural
ized in the IJ-ntted States ; Bball be, chi-_
zeus thnrem ;,,aud , that-. ll olo.itigßlA.B4alL
have equal protection in the enjoyment
' Ire March, 1866,- the Union party as- •
sembled in _convention to nominate a '
candidate for ,Governor. It reaffirmed
its patriotic principles as proclaimed and.
fought - for tithing the war, and declared
it to be the right and duty - of Congress
to prescribe the. terms of recon.struction.
On this platform Major Gen. John W.
Geary was nominated for Governor by
a unanimous vote, and subsequently his
nomination -was enthusiastically en
'clorsed by a large and intelligent CQII
- of thesoldiers and sailors of the
State. He is . uo obscure personage, bid
one "of the'representatlye men of these
eventful times. As a civilian he has
tilled with ability and distinction many
iMportant public positions, requiring
intelligence, discretion and the highest
order of integrity and adthinistrative
ability: He has been a fanner, a teach
er, a civil engineer, alawyer, and a man
ufacturer. lie has served the people as
postmaster autl mayor of a city, and
as Governor,of a Territory. As a vol
unteer Soldier he is the pride of his coin
' rades,`and in honor to his State. He
went out from home to the iliftexican
war -as a Captain, and came back with
honors as-the Colonel of his regiment.
He entered the service in . the late re
bellion as a 'Colonel, and fought it all
the way through, having been promoted
to the exalted. rank of Major General.
" for fitness to command. and prompt
' ness to execute." This valiant and
faitliftil soldier was present and partici-7
gated in siXty battles, and was four
timeswetinded in action, but never once
defeated. He matte the entire circuit of
the rebel Confederacy, -and fought its
authors and defender's from every State
that atlitioWiedired their usurped au-'
thority. He has given to his country
nis first-barn son, killed in battle; he
has_ periled Ins Me, and pled lies blood
for the flag and cause of our country ;
andhe bears upon his person the honor
able scan frominany a well-fought field.
Such' is the candidate. pre , ented for the
sutfraces of the loyal and patriotic vo, Vennsylvania.
,a competitor the Democratic party
has' presented the Hon: :Wester Clymer.
He tocrisfa represenfative man but it
is of 'his -party, rather than hiseountry.
His platform and his campaign thus tar
may be sum marily,compr,ehended in the
phrase: " with the rebel and down
with tlfe, tegeo:"'" He 'iS' - a lawyer by
prOfeision, ihd it is believed - he never
held any of except thatof State Sen 7
ator.'. public recent there tore is a
short one, 'and consists entirely in his
votes andspeeches during his Senatorial
career. But that term covers the entire
period when the copntry -was torn by a
distracting and bloody_ civil war ; and
wheuilie State Was lavishly contribut
ing her blood and treasure for her own
defence, and for that of the 'National
Government. In-this tremendous strug
gle, where did Hiester Clymer r.statid?
Altd what did Ire 11,9. ? il_Qba§pade : his
reeord, and lettt answer.
In 1861 noted againSt the bill for
arming the State, .and after the-news of
the attack on Fort Sumter had fired the
hearts of, our people, mid thousands
were rallying,to, the_ defence of our in
sulted flag, Mr.*Clyiner caused to be en
tered upon the journal of the Senate his
solom n'protest against the bill for arm
ing the ',State.
1m..1862, when reverses hail overtaken
ottr,artines„-and our credit was strained
tci fire utmostto le - ep then in — the field;
Mr. Clymer voted against the joint res
oltploli-providing-for the .eiillectionw of
the taxes levied by the United States.
In 1863 Mr. Clymer ,voted against the
bill to enable our soldiers and sailors to
vote, when absent in the service.
In 1864 he dodged the vote on the pro
posed constitutional amendment allow
ing soldiers in the field the right to vote,
and after said amendment had
he voted against:the bill to carry it into
He voted against "the bill to define
and punish offencOs of a..treasonable
character; and against the-bill to legal
ize the payment of bounties to volun
In February, 1864, in a speech in' the
Senate,' referring- to the recent defeat of
Vallandigham in- Ohio, and of Wood
ward in Pennsylvania, Mr., Clymer
said: " I say now and believe. that it
was the greatest calamity has yet
belallerr this country that those two men
were not clectedll' • -
„Such is, an , outline of the inglorious
record of Hicster.Clymer, and by it,,as
hg declared'on a recent - occasion, ire is
deterinined to stand.' His - Whole public
career 'and' all his official acts • and pub
lic -declarations of opinion have been
uniformly Consistent. His record may
he searched in vain for a vote or senti
ment evincing true loyalty to the flag or
cause of the country, or which was not
at the time in - harmony with the-pre
vailing political sentiment at Richmond
and- Charleston. Upon these records
and candidates we most confidently ap
peal to the patriotic voters of the Key
stone State for a most emphatic verdict
id favor of the right. -
Sundry dispatches captured from the
enemy. disclose his mode, of organizq
ton and plan of campaign. The Chair
man of their. State f2eptralCo'nimittee,
as a sort a head center, appoints a yell
able :..tilsirdinate in - every electitin dis
trict in' the Stdte, and thee, - froin the
debris of -thelate "RnightsOf the Gel-'
den Circle,l , and such other - materials.
as _can e .40, „are •reglNci, to organise,
Democratic " mystic circles;" or clubs,
N 0.39.
'which are to register the voters, collect
luoney 14 1 the party, distribute docu
ments, and do various other things to
:insure the full party vote. These are
, eini-inilitary secret organizations,, and
the members are admitted by initiation,
at which the candidate " places his
right hand on his left breast," and en
ters into most solemn Vows to " vote
against all men who are willing to give
the negro either political or social equal
'ity in this State, or in any other State,
District or Territory of this country."
Their watchwords are "Silence," "
bedience;" "
It is a pity the great light of these
magnanimous patriots should be longer
concealed under a bushel, and that they
can rind nothing more important to do,
in this great crisis of our country's fates'
But forewarned should be forearmed.—
Guard well against these insidious ap
peals to the prejudices of our people,
and attempts to -lead them by such
means. Be, not deceived by, the stale
clamor about negro eqUality and negro
suffrage. These favorite hobbies were
supposed to have been ridden to death
at our last election, when, as now, they
were declared by these same men to be
the-great issnc of the contest. They
are now raised up and brought upon the
track again, mounted by the sanie rid
ers, and destined to the' same ignoble
end. The Constitution of Pennsylva
nia permits only white men to vote.—
By its terms it can be amended only
owe in every rive years; and having
been amended in 18(14, allowing soldiers
the right to vote, it cannot, in conform
ity with its own provisions, be amend
ed again until 1569. It is hoped, there
fore, that our Democratic friends will
restrain themselves, and not press ne
gro suffrage upon us before authorized
by the Constitution of the State.
Complete your township anu county
organizations without delay ; revive at
once everywhere the Leagues and As
sociations which proved of such vast
service during the war; let every friend
feel that he has something to do, and do
it with all his might., Exclude side is
sues, and suppress all local quarrels and
personal aspirations, and labor only for
the public good. See to it that all need
ful assessments are made in due time.—
Be not discouraged by the boasting and
clamor of our adversaries ; they have
been ingloriously defeated in every con
test for years, aml cannot prevail against
us. Nothing hut our base betrayal by
the President and the hope of office
could have galvanized them into
cient itatity to make another light a
gainst the victorious hosts of freedom
The physical conflict, for the time at
least, is ended, but the moral emilliet
betw,een loyalty and disloyalty eontin
ues=and the grave question is, whether
the one or the other shall rule the State
and the nation. We urge harmony, en
ergy, systematic, associated and indi
vidual labor, and a renewal of the fires
of patriotism. The loyal and patriotic
people of the State have nobly sustained
us and the cause of the country, under
the heavy pressure and discouragements
of drafts, bereavement, taxation and
carnage, and when nothing but an abi
ding midi in the justice of God could
enable us to see the end. Surely there
can be no faltering now, when the goal
is almost reached, and when one more
united rally for our prineiplee and our
flag- Ai ill enable us to secure the ripe
fruits cif the late dreadful conflict, and
to garner them sate/y - for ourselves and
our children.
We stand over the ruins of a gigantic
rebellion, the most formidable enemy
republican institutions ever enconnter
ed. We stand by- the graves of three
hundred thousand of our noblest men,
who counted- their lives well spent when
offered freely "for libertY and Union.—
In the presepee of their speechless but
eloquent dtist; in the presence of the
doubting and sneering enemies of free
government at home and abroad; in
the presence of the oppressed millions,
who beneath crushing, despotinis watch
ed our flag with tclars, hopes and play
ers ; before the rabidly coming millions
of the future; befbre a God of tiec,
and in the name of all that makesfaith
fulness to Him an honor amour , men,—
we stand pledged to, secure and main
tain foreyer the principles lei• which our
brotherS died
. - -
'Dy,order of the Committee.
F. JORDAN, Cif tt
(Fur the Agt tato'. j
To the Soldiers:
It is presuMed that the majority of
you have thought More or less of the
matter to m'hich your attention is hricil
called in this communication. There
are some however who in the midst of
the cares, perplexities. and excitment
of bysinessbr labor,. are too apt to un
derrate the importahee - which attach es
to subjects of this character, and conse
quently neglectgiviug them proper con
sideration. It is to the latter class that
this article is chiefly directed. The
writer is neither a scheming politician
nor an ambitious Brigadier General, as
piring for office, lint one who is proud
of the name, and satisfied with the lau
rels of a private soldier.
Having, in common with you all,
marched, carried a musket and knap
sock, suffered and fought during four
long years of alternate hope and des
pondency—sea,ons of rejoicing over vic
tories won, and moments of deep gloom
and'sad requiem over disasters and fal
len comrades—and finally mingled his
voice with yours, and that of every loy
al American, in swelling,"the last grand.
triumphal shout of victory, announc
ing the glad tidings that treason and
traitors were overthrown, the war end
ed, the Union saved! lie is prepared to
regard you and talk toyou as comrades,
In a republic like ours, wherein every
man is an individual sovereign, where
the ballot of the beggar goes as far as
that of the wealthy, proud aristroerat,
aL whose table he asks for crumbs, in
swelling the grand 'aggre•:rate of opin
ion which finally decides flute of the
nation, there is a time when it becomes
theduty of every citizen, however hum
ble, to lay aside the implements of his
avocation, and reflect as to how he can
bz.t discharge the responsibilities thus
vested in hint. II ibis .be true of the
citizen in general, are there nor greater
obligations resting on him who, in jeop
ardizing his life in defence of the e-
public in time or , national peril, Invited
the confidence of his countrymen in his
loyalty and patriotism! There can be
but knit: <ll.l6Wei.
The Loy* in - lilue" ha \r an Impor
tant duty to perform Ju , t citi
zeris, as Pen n. - 4ylvan ns.
Those familiar shout, of camp and hat
t lefipld- r -the gum, the bugle,.the . tlrum,
the battle-shout, the appizing groans
of wounded and! dying — are 'all silent
The have stocked the establishment with
a largo assortment of modern yty le
and are prepared to eXentO 11.0.11 y, and promptly
Deeds, Mortgages, Lentos, end a full assortment o
Constables' and Justices' Blank, court roily on hand.
People living at a distance can depend on having their
work done promptly, and sent back in return mail.
4-Orzicr—Boy's block. Si.v.7oed
now ; the good old banner around which
we rallied so many times, riddled and
torn by shot and shell, and emblazoned
with the names of a score of battles, is
resting quietly around its staff, laid a
way as a memento pf tha&terrible past;
the war is pronounced Ailed, and peace
declared ;—but our enemies are neither
dead nor vanquished. Be not deceived.
Throughout the nation, and especially
in our own State, they are rallying their
forces in a desperate attempt to accom
plish by intrigue, political cunning and
the ballot, that which their more bold
and manly allies of the South failed to
secure by the arbitrament of battle.—
Their standard hearer in Pennsylvania
is Hiester Clymer. We know nothing
of Mr. Clymer as a private citizen. We
presume he is a gentleman. Jeff Davis
and Gen. Lee are gentlemen. We only
know that Mr. C. was drafted during
the war, and furnished a substitute,
William J. Marshall, who served and
proved a good soldier as a member of
company G, 45th Pennsylvania regi
ment. It is the Copperhead candidate's
history as a politician, and especially_ as
a legislator in the balk of our State cap
ital, that every loyal man', and particu
larly he who has worn the " bine,"
should despise. Hiester Clymer voted
to disfranchise you. He voted against
increasing your pay as soldiers. He
cast his ballot against every measure
calculated to strengthen the army, ame
liorate the condition of the soldiers, or
in any way assist the nation in crush
ing the rebellion. He voted against
tendering a vote of thanks to General
Grant for leading our armies to victory.
la fact, his career as a member of the
Pennsylvania Legislature; and an influ
ential politician during the war, was
one continuous, systematic effort to
weaken the Government, encourage its
enemies, and dampen the ardor of its
defenders. He, and such as he, rejoiced
at every disaster of our arms, and sank
into melancholy on hearing of the de
feat of our enemies. A Peace Democrat
from the beginning, a Copperhead in
all his actions; and if "going back" on
our Government in time of danger, and
giving aid and comfort to its enemies,"
means treason, - Hiester Clymer is cer
tainly a very mean traitor. What is
worse, with this shameful record snit.-
log hint in the face, he and his political
friends have the impudence to ask the
soldiers to vote for him. These fellows
are trying hard to get into the good gra
ces of those now, whom they denounced
as "Lincoln hirelings" a few months
ago. They evidently have as much
" brass" as copper about them. Don't
let them deceive you. "They are your
enemies_ Hiester Clymer is your ene
my. He hates you to-day, as bad as
does :Teti: Davis, who murdered and
starved, or caused to be murdered and
starved, hundreds and thousands of
your comrades, in Andersonville and
Salisbury. We expect that deserters,
skulkers, and skedaddlers generally,
will vote that ticket, if they vote at all.
Smooth-tongued politicians and the
Copperhead press are telling these fel
lows that the act unjustly ‘':a disfrah
-chising them will he repealed, and at
the amp time are patting and cooing
these sneaking heroes of the rear into
their ranks. Let them go; we don't
want them. They deserted us in time
of danger before, and we have no right
to expect they will stand by us now.—
But for him Who voluntarily left his
home, his wife, his father and mother,
his children, and all that he loved and
eherisited on earth, to suffer, fight, and
if necessary die, that the nation might
live; to turn around now and cast his
ballot in favor of those who' sympa
thized, heart and soul, with the enemy
he was then fighting, who scoffed at his
patriotism, cheered and made glad over
Iris defeats and sufferings—stabbed him
in the hack in co-operation with their
more respectable allies of the South,—
why every sensible mind will involun
tarily promantue the soldier whey will
do that, either a harmless fool or a trai
tor to his country, to his comrades, and
I to himself.
From this revolting- view of ingrati
tude and disloyalty, let us turn to the
chosen candidate of the Union Repub
lican Convention, and see if in him we
cannot find z,uniething more worthy our
patronage and influence. .forfx AV.
GEATty is et soldier—a distinguished,
loyal, and gallant soldier. His first lau
rel, were w on during the Mexican war,
at Cerro Gordo and the oily of Mexico,
where distinguished himself and
was promoted. His history, as one of
the heroes of the war against rebellion,
is too familiar and fresh in your minds
to need much comment or details. En
tering the army at the beginning of the
contest, he fought gallantly and won
imperishable renown as a vigilant, act
ive and effieient officer, both in the Po
tomac 'army and subsequently in the
stirring exploits of Sherman's legions.
Uen- Geary participated in many of the
prominent battles of the war, and was
several times wounded. He greatly dis
tinguished liiinQelf at Gettysburg, and
fought with Hooker under the clouds at
Lookout Mountain, where his son was
slain, fighting by his side.
Previous to the breaking out of the
rebellion, Gen. (:cart' had obtained a
name of considerable distinction as a
public man. In 1848, being then a res
ident of San Francisco, California, he
was chosen the first Mayor of that city.
In July, 1854, during the reign of terror
i n " bleeding Kansas,'' he was appoint
ed Governor of that Territory, which
position he filled with beneficial result s
to the country and honor to himself, un
til March, thereby fitting himself
for the responsible position to which he
now aspires, and which he has since so
richly merited.
A veteran soldier, a tried statesman,
a nd an uneornprfunising friend! of uni
versal liberty, the name of John \V.
Geary is a shining light in that galaxy
of eminent, patriotic heroes, whose rec
ord will fill find illumine the pages of
history for ages to come. Such is he
who carries the Union Republican stan
dard of the Keystone State. He well
deceives your votts. He is ono of your
own number. .11e fought and struggled
with you in the same righteous cause,
and under the same beloved banner.
Those acquainted with the General as
a private citizen, say he is a frank, open
hearted man, a cordial friend; and an
irreproachable gentleman.
I have attempted to give but the out
lines of the ttvo pictures. Don't take
my word for it ; hut read and learn for
yourselves, :Sfudy closely the histories
and sentiments of the two candidates,
weigh carefully the principles and Is
sues at L- , take, and then cast your ballot
as your caasc:cace tells you. The right
of suffrzwe i:, a sacred, high and noble
privilege-. Comparatively few. possess
it. *Then election day conies, don't
plead indifference and stay at home, but
come out, every one of you, - and let us