at &riga tont AO* Is pallbtbed ovary Wednesday keening, at s2,oo'a invariably Su advance, by COBB & VAN GELDER, z. 1 ..e...1D Cr Elea' 15X.1 , 41 , p. P...(4z - ms. Lao. 3 mo. 1,8 rno,i a mo. lyr I Equate $ 2 . 00 14 00 7.50 10,00 12,00 . cverod 3.75 8,00 12.00 15,00 18,00 1..40 01 nr" - • — • 7,00 1 / 5 , 00 I 11,00 ' 20,00 25,00 1 .4 Column 12,00, ,20,00 T, • 30.00 38,00 - 45,00 'Calcium ... ...... 20,00 35,D0' 45,00 05,00 00,00 1 &luxe 1 inser'n Z 1,00,40 weektbereafter; Administrators rind .t.'astatore Notionste24l6 . eatab.; Business Cards of Ere tines 4,;5,00 per soar. - , BUSINESS DIRECTORY, W. D. TERBELE.. & CO., WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS, and dealers in irral Paper, Kerosene Lamps, Window Glass, perfumery, Paints and Oils, 4:c., 4.0. Corning, N. E., Jan. I, 18(16.-1y. .. NICH2I..S" IstICEEOLS DIETCETELL, ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELORS AT LAW Offico formerly occupied by James Lowroy, Esq 1 - fg. A. ilicaor+ - JOHN . I..lirreiter.t... Wellabor°, Jan. 1, 186G-ly. WILLIAM IL` 'SMITH ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR Arr• LAW Ingaranee, Bounty and Pension Agenoy, math ;crest WeDebora, Pa., Jau. I, 1866; , i, F. Wx.1,..a,a1 WILSON & NILES, ATTORNEYI3 & COUNSELORS LAW„ First door from Bigoney's, on the Avenue) 7- nil attend to business 'entrusted to their oare in the counties of 3ip o gth and Potter. Wellabor°, Jun. 1, 1566. , F. W. CLARK, ATTORNEY AT Li.w—Mansfield, •Tioga V 6 3, 9,'866-1y GEORGE WAGNER; - TAILOR. Shop first door north of L. A. Sears's 'shoe Shop. '3Wir - Ctrtting, Fitting, and Repair ing done promptly and well. Welltboro, Pa., Jan...1,- JOHN Et. OHA.SESPEitIFLE; . . DRAPER AND TAILOR. Shop over Bowfin's Score, second floor. .Xlr*Outting e Fitting, and Repairing done promptly'and in best style. Wellsboro, Pa.. Jan. 1,1866-1 y 30111%1 I. lIIITGET.ELL. A_O-ENT Jur the collection of bounty, back pay and pensions due soldiere from the Govern ment. Office.with Nichols and Mitchell, :Wells bu'io, Pa. m3O, '66 - IZAAIa WALTON Gainos, Tioga Counivr,.Pa. E. C. VERMILYEA, PROPRIETOR.. This is. a new hotel _located' within easy access of the bast fishing. and hunting grounds in North ern Pennsylvania. No pains will be Epikipd for the accommodation of pleasure seekers and the travelirig public. Pan. 1, 1866.] Pennsylvania }tense,. .4.311,11.T.AH HA.ZLETT PROPRI ET(' _ TEas pop u lar hotel lam been lately renovated and re fur:it/text, end so pains will be spared to render its Lespttalities acceptable to patrons. Wellsbero, Slay 9,15 CG, 3. HE RVE Y EWING-, • ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT 'LAW, No.ll Law Btrildlng,--,it. Paul St „Baltimore. REFERINCEB.—LevIn Gale, Attoroey Law, Edward Lrael, Att'y at Law, Rev. J. AircH. }Way, D. D., Rev. Henry Slicer, D. D.; Con geld, Bro. k Co., F. Grove Jr Co., Ludwig & MeSherry, John F. McJilton, Eaq., Robert Law son, Esq., S. Sutherland, Esq. [Mr. EwLsoi is authorized to transact any business appertain ing to this paper in Baltimore.) Jan. 1, 1566-Iy. DBACON, M. D., late of tho 2d Pa. Cavalry, after noany foal. yearn of array service, with a large sxpeilence in field and hospital practice, has opened an toe for tho practice of medicine and surgery, In all brancLeg. Persona from a distance oast Bud, good boarding at the Pennsylvania Hotel when deislred.— Will visit any part of the State in consultation, or to perform eurpinal operations. _co 4, Qui= Block; up stairs Welisboro. Pa., May 2,1886-Iy. N EW PEIOTOGRAPII 04.LLERY.-- _ PRAMS SPENCER has the pleasure to inform the citizens of Tloga county that they have the best opportunity-ever offered them, to'procure Ambrotypes, Ferrotypes, Gems, Cartes de Visite, Vi4nottes, and all kinds of fancy and popnier card, and colored pictures, at his Gallery do Elmira Street. Mansfield, Nov. 15, '4ss—tf. F. 14, SPENCER. B. EASTMA N , SURGICAL AND bIE A• CRANICAL - - - ,s-o• Would inform the citizens of WeWhore and vi cinity, that he has fitted tip a desirable -suite of "rooms over Johu E. Bowen's store, No. 1, Un ion Block, whore he is prepared to execute all work in his profession. with a promptuetteand style that will enable him to offer emperior.induce moms to those requiring dental operations. All work warranted, and at reasonable rates. Please call and examine specimens. Wellsboro• March 21, 1886„--tf 1:444 D NIISTRV. 41 11 4" rifrer. l i C. N. DARTT, mums TXTODLD say to the public , that he is periou. Y nently located in Wellsboro, (Office at hitt residence, near the Land Office and .Episcopal Church) where he will continue to do all kinds of work, wailed to his care, grviranteeing complete satisfaction where the skill of the Dentist can trait in the management of caEos peculiarqo the calling. He will famish ARTIFICIAL TEETH, set on any nta4rial desired. ' FILLING &EXTRACTING TEETH, 'attended to on shortest notice, and done An the best and most approved style. TEETH EXTRACTED WITHOUT PAIN by the the use of Anaesthetics which are per fectly harmless, and 19111 be administerbd,l4 every case when desired. Welleboro, Jan. 1, 1865-Iy. • ATTENTION SOLDIERS. , 1 11 51. B. SMITH, Kn.ixvitte, Tiogalpounty, y Pa., i,13. S. licensed Agent, and Attorney forzoldiers and their friends thronghent all the 1, 141 States,) Will prosecute and collect with un rivalled success, SOLDIERS' CLAIMS AND DUES of all kinds. Afso any other kind of; claim against the Government before any of , the• De- Pertments or in Congress. Terms moderate, All cc , tumunications sent to.the above address will re ce.43 prompt attention. Jan. 17, 1866. UNITED STATES Main St'reet, Wollsboro, Pa. D. G. RITTER, PROPRIETOR. Having leased tbis popular botel, : proFierty (lately occupied by Mr. Nelson Austin} I shut endeavor to make it truly the traveler'e - Rowe. Personal attention will be given, xn tby fable _ l4l A — the comfort of guests will be'a,prime object The stables -will be under the care of - sus 'expert eased hostler. Welleboro, Jan. 1, 18 65 -1 - „ Now Shavinrand Ilair-Drosising Saloon. T" eutwribers take pleasure In announcing to the people of IVellehoro laity Mei dbeyohare iron ht out Mr. S. F. Shalblin, 'Fite lartu4r-tuad hair. drebeor at Welleboro, and hare fitted up a noatLifidd Dkasant room over C. L. Willcox's store, webers they .01 always be on band to wait on their cuataniera ; act as they will spare no pains to please, they hope to merit the patronage of the - common itv. Particular attention paid to ladies' Bair-cuttin g. abate- P° o, og. drying. Ba. Ladles' braids, puffy; swiches, cone and curls kept on hand, or made to order , 11. Dozer.; .T. 4 ,JjarNioN. April 25, Ulant7 P Eil= tq LI 1 1 I 3 -1 1 11 C. F. SWAN, AGENT for the Lyeoming County Insurance Company,'at - Tioga,Ta: • - , June 5, 1866.-3m* FARR'S' HOTEL T X 41- 7 c! 9 . 4 Y °, s1 1 T ' II A : Good stablineilitidit'oit'sta Su attentive hos-, tier always in attendance. E. E. FARE, . . . . Proprietor. JOZN." L 16112CEELL tfoNlY 4 1 ,#it's ttr . ) MINOR Wel."T S, 'rr l opt to house is situated on Main Street, in Wellsboro, and is surrounded with beautiful shade trees, and has all the necessary ocommodations for man and beast.—aug. 22, ly WELLSBORO-- HOTEL (Corner 4fain Street and the Avenue.) J. B. limas ntl§ ie 'one of tho most popular Flo4es in lho'eou.niy; • Thie 3 Bethlv4e , the,;prinotonl Stfige-fouge ' Bulges Imre , sLaily: ae ' • For Tioga, at.lo a. m. ; For-Troy, m.; For Jersey Shore every Tuesday and Friday at 2 p. m.; For Coudersport, every Monday and Thursday at 2 p. m. STAGES ARRIVE—From Tioga, at 12 1-2 o'clock p. m.: From Troy, at 8 o'clock p. m.: From Jer sey 51L44., Frf 04y ;,1,1„,a,T From Coudersport, Monday ana Thlrsday fre. N, B.—Jimmy Cowden, the well-known boat er, will be - fonnd on hand. We'labor°, Jan. 1, 1568-ly. THE THIRD LOX of ic - od New Sprtng Goods, _ttaT., p,p,_ AT VAN NAME & WIMAM'S, WE HAVE JUST RECEIVED A NEW and well seleoted stook of goods, which we are selling very LOW FOR CASH OR READY PAY. Good -I' y ' acti 2- - 11 4l `-J )24).t7 Heavy yard wide sheeting for 25 "1 Delain64, Standard prints from OTHER GOODS IN PROPORTION We also keep constantly on hand a choice stock of 3 HT( , ; . T.) GROCERIES, FLOUR, PORN, &c., At ery low figures TO SOLDIERS. A LL persons having knowledge of facts concerning' killed and wounded soldiers from Tioga county*, are respectfully requested to furnish Col. M. L. Clark, of Mansfield, Pa., with-thefollowing etstietice : Natnes of , soldiers, place of residence, date of enlist• ant and muster into the United States service, letter company, number of tegiment, when wounded, and what engagement, date and piece of death, and cense, aefite. , M. L. CLARK. - ' L.TOAEBLIfr• J. H, STIAW, '• W. D. MA.TTESON, Li THCS. J. DAVIES, August I, 1866. Committee ou Statistics., . .is hereby given, that Rob' Ili °it ltdstirai at, ltedubtran Placed ;iEr charge of tract No. 1590, and those parts of tract! No. 1589, in the vicinity of Babb's creek, belong‘ , ., ing nr theteirs of Luke W. Morris; and all per4u, eons are forbid . treepaleing thereon, under penaltyr , of pioedutittri.' .'" 4o1:: ELLISTON ; 805 Market at., Philadelphia: July 4, 1866.-em TKUSSRS.—"..RaeIey.'.3 Hard Rubber Tries' .. cures rupture, frees the cord from ail pretia. ore: will never rust, break, limber, chafe, or be come filthy, (tho fine steel spring being coate& with hard rubber); spring made any power ;re-. linked; steed in %Bathing, fltted tolortq; - Tequires . no strapping ; cleanest; lightest, - end best Truss known. Send for pamphlet. • •I. B. SEELEY, Solo Proprietor, - apll 66 1347 Chesnut st., Phila'a, Pa. 'GROYER&BAKER'S Elao is and. Lp_ck 7 Stitch Sowing Ma ).l - - citilistil2A, GENERAL AGENCY, 28 Lake street, ElMira, Local agents supplied at factoriprices, amti uew agents wanted for unoccupied districts. ,_,Altsp,,ailargeAtack. ma t e Aipe o. Far, ciroulaziatidrkt„ ' T 108: T SVII,' General Agent PtftsviWhines, Juno 13, 1888—tf 2S Lake at., Elmira, N-Y: KING'S PORTABLE LEMONADE is, the only preparation of the kind made from the fruit. As an article of economy, purity, and deliciousness,it cannot hesurpassed, and is recom wmended by physicians fur invalids and family: use. It will keep for years in any climate, While its condensed form renders it especially conven ient for travelers. All who use lemons are ,f4O:- quested to y s ire,, Entertainments , At home, partieshlitiiioitiedshbuld not be without it. For sale by all Druggists and first-claitt Grocers. .Manufactured only by LOUIS F. METZGER, Jan. 1, 1868-Iy. No. 544 Pearl St., N.Y. P 9 L g- #R2l € , Motreet att au man niacin rerti7B92 firoadwi4;iietertli'"ettlet; N. Y. Wholesale nod retail at reduced rates. Pipers and folders cot to order and repaired. All goods warranted genuine. Send stamp for Pipes $8 to SSO each. api i 'BB 11,TICTIOLS ,- PBR - D-VIAN BARK & PROT II OXIDE OF IRON, (or sale by [jan.3l, 'RR] BORDEN BROS, Tiogrr. --- ' K EROSINR LAMPS at ROY'S DRUG STORE. Tort-weitma• N.POLIFIVEST STYLE. and Itj with deppatoh,at THE AGITATOR Offiar.:7,-, (10 LD received on deposite, for which cored:- 1, Ji es tee will he issued, bearing interest in:golet e J4.:IV, pcLAgg. i ,t, LYO N j3ttpbers, No 35 eotttb• Third a, eat, Phila.:7; FRUIT JS-3 SIZES, BEST and lai est patent, for . canning and preserring-.- rm) rez , er i rrinrielcured— . a t P. R. WILLIAMS'S. = iliga7/16. ,--,.' ~,,V4,14.-,40,..-" ". " --, ' ..«.,;:'...,:',::- s'V' , ;:-. 4e,1 - ., , ZioC , - , := i.4 4 f.1-4 , 414 , - ..:, ~ -7 ,Y,-.., , T, r - -..''' ' 4 ..'`;:±.-;.' . - r '''''''''' ' '' '-' . r ': • ''' . ' ' ' . ' ' 4... • , 4 6 ,i.k ... ; ~,- - ;11" • '=.......`2 - 1 - - , 1:• - -, 1 , :, ~ 2 ,.„ - r-r7 -- -N s , ,;............._ / '- '- I i 1 1 . .-1., N,l\ At _ 1 _ _ ... • _ ~."-.„ . : .. 2 ':,-,,:.•!:-..$ •,,,Li• ! i -•-•• •,-,„ ~, -.,:.._ 6" i ts 11 • ('" -• . " I : :1 c .:1,..:.., ir.z•cti..4 ; • __. . . . \„.±.:• . 1 7 , k.. I- --,' i - '-' : -,',_ __,..__ ~ 1. 11,,1 (...,.._ --- _ , , --\ •ft .'. ( L k) /1 4 4 i tl i t 11 I L * ..1 , "1.1 UNION MUSE. WELL9BORO, PA. B. B. HOLIDAY, Proprietor rTi'f'-,t TIOGA, PA. May 30, 1866 ,~- - , • , 31 - 17/ - , - - ji OP o PA_ - SEPTEMBER 12 1 18'q,. Th• , , • i4iE .OEL/L Burnt , ILULWAY. On !t, 1)11.' "etf.1);1%., • • ,ap4 19„3.866, woristut4itc 'he foubwing houri: 'L • • • ' wYstwAtin 4 ; I ni • 7:90 a, nsght tifireds; Mondays exceptod“or Roch-! eater, Burato,m3ahatnanca, and Dunkirk,zoaking di, roctrzw?ewtion w)-th trains of the Atlantic: 4, Great V9 1 4e51 1 ..,P,‘Ye (it - andruin& itailjwAys, for ailimunts west. ' • •'- % • • , I:2B`tt.'iti4 Light ni Jig Exit real, Daily, tor Roche ster Bo f- Wu; Daltratc3cOLDu4irk,and thm West. %, 10:23 a. tn. , maw Train, Sundays excepted, for "Dila] o and Runkirk. 6:05;Ttragrolthsiiiit Daily; for the West._ • o:4:sl4titt:. Day Express, Sundays excepted, for RoChf•:- ter, )44No,,Skietuaticit,und th - e W:e.„st, - connectliag -et .p,alamanca with 'the Atlantiz,L^G`,W.citailtvayil • and at linitalb With the TAU "Sbcse Airul• Grand: TrnAli Railways for volute wtlta44:lscmth.. - . S 2 : a. 4/.1 RV? ealf ay Cerito „Pd. ,Tiaff . 11.4.3alarmappa,a'n - d VtitiActry,nbitnectinekeith rhtne fdr thelyist. 1.11 cr 1 '5 • . 44 , 4410 nr., gelticinnett Nxpresor.l4oloisys exempted, coil : nentlAg at /A T 4 1 . 9 ... for Harrisburg , PhilaAelphia,"and gont,b; - it,ls - wcgo Ithaca'rat Binghamton ferliy tahusel- At Oreattonti:fileSdrtintediand.Philaditipitia; attAtitawaxen..: ler% ffewley, and at: il"ayctmirt for 71tTryb pig anti War,wicit; , - ' 1f1:3-4A „us Day Expreo4,S_nn days exceptetF, counectint ' at ilinlt [Bated fdr Serantoil - :/'-hiladelphia, and South 4:16 p: in.,; New .:Tork ruschßalthnore.3l4l.,Suudayi ex cePtetkptAtriechtng,mt E - mica ilarrisbnigh, Philo-% delphht and " ' ' - ' 7:1:0 p; Exptess; Sundays -excepted.: 12:12 a Night Exprese, Daily, connecting at,ltirmiy- TAmt for. Warwick. „ 12:26 p. in. way rimignt,'SiindaTs excepted.' " • W24„„1t., ' ' - !II,'ItI•DDLE," , • - flen'f-PAss.4gent. • •"- ••• -NetVl Snp't. Coriing; &Vion . Ccinting. ' Ative.: . • B'oo a I ' • • 5 ) 15 'p .580 m mi•Akcis:s3usSsiifoti,lo.l.s - k if. SHATlAKlKilintets f Mail,. tale ii~ I.t ' 1 " ''' Philadelphia - 8i Erie IV iii. :, • 1 -' , 4itiiii's !filar. and Sagan' as Williamogprt,aa,foajav,, -1;1 i 4) .tisi4ard. , .. - .;!,...! ; ::. , Ii - Ate.atvard.i,i , ‘. 1 Meier Maui nixtri - ,..•9 65-p. 4 1 L'r../.°31111 . TralA rl"- .44/ 4 . 1 ' &• Etpriloo Tru-4 20 m . ra ,tale p...x.?0) Train . ..o 00 gra lin r.l - 51ail railiS4s a m 'ElerriroVAilyruniB 50 p m -_:!.),.... •-:,!.; ~ I ~ Al L.') Ttt.r.a; 00M1 ,Sgpt. ' l ' lll '' Eiltiiiii & IfirilliarnspOrt -311; IR; -c; Trains 741 Arrivp 19/ Depart ! - from TroyAA rOllO *8 Movinis,South' ' " ". - IFlOcirtg- Nortb. ' / Tipri?es, , , — , .; i2.1.... - . G.-45: - eat E5i1ti,3A,....,1...,,10;23 ,?x 03 ai 1 ;1• 1 1.-i—!-:::SE.L'..i...5:5.ia Stall,. . ' , ...... .. 9:30 r,24 10. teldlS, ; • 1 , I BS il4 Wlly' , i i ti . 31 1 $;, lit," " 4! 4 1 0 m .9081, gt,., , . V", 11.8 VII COG Tialti ... tA; , .:4:4-14. - >i 1 ' ' Tiii ' OilitY. l .4o:os—i:: , -'. , ' , I:14 S.ISTin ER, erp't. ::' , OfttgE - , - ',ooo6!_::.sioßt';,., t!, .1.., z., : f. 71) I'ARTMS `4I:ND• -MEDICINES,- PAINTS -1.-0 AND OILS, pa; ni THADDEUS DAVIDS' " .LetasSA ."' '1 X4400 .si: TRATED 61111 7 „ 1 i) 111 IA to 20 ,4 • ' J •rt ; itEROSONE :LAMPS, PATENT OIL; v;. ~ r, 1. 0 1... • . t :.311 ° ANSTIAVORINGYSKTRA_OZSJ NALL ,PAPER ; ' ',Bold - at Wholaaale,Ptia4a. Buyers aid kotiu!sted . - tall and got, quotations,' before galpg fitithet. :‘, - " • • &00. . 1,,1811Hy- REethilii6lo,l ri AND, Djr z 'l' N z; Nast lit'Atlo,looWes . .• :Ai!! ,1 ''C'EMAP , AJASH STORE... . 1.4 , j'" P.LOSSBURGP. PA., i • • • - I. • *llfEe yea. ci)a always, g!t;I:r bout ' algorted tor.kok DOMESTIC 4i, FAXCIT ' NOTldiSortEAtit: I Maggriinto t spil undlw4l4.9ir own spyovision. lat4t; tft far nf g „ooacW